Re: Styles/genres/types of audio games

2020-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Styles/genres/types of audio games

amerikranian wrote:@TextAdventurer, I recommend browsing game list on itself to get an idea of the available genres. You can click here to go there directly. You can then make up your mind about what you wish to create / ask about. Just please, please, please do not make another FPS with poorly thought through mechanics, generic weapon names, and a half-baked storyline (Yes Revenge of the Undead, I am looking at you for all three of those).Hahahaha wow, you really don't like that game, do you?  I've never played it, but it sounds like audiogames have a lot of the same problems as videogames.  Yes, regardless of gameplay mechanics, quality is important.  I've seen games like the one you just described, and I get it.  Anyway, thanks for the link; I will definitely do as you suggest.  After all, I learned the differences between an FPS and an RPG by playing them; same goes here I think.  You basically just gave me an excuse to play some more audio games.  "For research" of course. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Styles/genres/types of audio games

2020-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Styles/genres/types of audio games

That's cool.  I wasn't necessarily thinking, "I want to make money building audiogames" though; more along the lines of, "I wonder what makes an audiogame awesome, what kinds of games people are playing these days, stuff like that".  I have a full-time job, so for me audiogames are a fun break, not a serious career path (lol).  But now that you mention it, it's pretty cool to know that people do make money off audiogames.  Thanks for the info.So it sounds like shooters are big - no shock there.  And it sounds like "side scrollers" are a big thing too (whatever those are).  It sounds like what I really need to do is try a bunch of the games you guys suggested to get a better idea of what else is out there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Best audio (code) library for C?

2020-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best audio (code) library for C?

Thanks for the info on PortAudio; I didn't know it was no longer being maintained (and some people still recommend it lol).  Anyway, I just found an old project where I was messing with SFML, and looking at their API docs it seems they have a good sound API.  What do you guys think of SFML?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How do you build Your web sites/projects?

2020-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How do you build Your web sites/projects?

I use Visual Studio Code (on both Linux and Windows) as my IDE.For client-side code, I like TypeScript, and strongly prefer libraries over frameworks.  The difference between a library and framework is a post for another day, but the short version is a library just does one thing.  For UI, React is a good example.  For audio, Howler is another.  They just do UI and just do audio, rather than trying to be a "one-stop-shop" for everything.For server-side code, I would prefer Python but mostly use PHP.  We have a few apps at work built using the CodeIgniter framework, but I don't use that for personal projects.  One issue with server-side code is what its database API looks like, which is why I usually end up using PHP.One other ridiculously important tool I use is Git.  It's basically a history of your work on a project, with endless undo/redo.  It has this great "branching" feature, so you can work on something without it affecting anything else.  If you goof things up, delete that branch and be done with it; if it works, merge it back into the main branch and you're good.  Git is a big deal.HTH 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Software Engineer Interviewing

2020-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Software Engineer Interviewing

Well mine is a bit different from most; I work at an agency that serves people who are blind.  But it's still a cool story and you might still benefit from it (or at least have a good laugh).  I was actually applying for a different job, landed that job, and one of the hanchos saw I had all kinds of code stuff on my resume.  So he gave me a little test project, to work on whenever I had time.  It was stupidly simple HTML, it was done in an hour or two, and they liked what they saw. and the rest is history.Flash forward four years, and we added another developer.  By now, they had seen what one programmer can do, and they came prepared.  They gave applicants this hilarious problem-solving puzzle, trying to figure out how many Disney employees played Mickey Mouse over the course of a year.  The person who made it though nailed this test.  She explained all kinds of ways to figure this out, from how long it took to do a single show to how long people can safely wear those hot costumes to when the peak tourism times were.  Her answer was hysterical, and awesome.  She was not blind/low-vision, but the thing is she went through the same "let's see if this person can really code" kind of tests.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Best audio (code) library for C?

2020-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best audio (code) library for C?

I totally understand your perspective.  It's easy to make a buggy mess with C.  I use C/C++ at work as well, and I'm all too familiar with things like dereferencing null pointers, double-frees, buffer overflows, and other stupid mistakes that cause segfaults/crashes.  I've done a lot of Win32 stuff, a lot of half-done games with SDL (half-done because I lost interest, not because I got stuck or frustrated lol).  I even enjoy coding games for 8-bit systems using the CC65 compiler.  I am very familiar with modern C++, but I'm not a fan.  But I won't get on that soap box.  Bottom line, I appreciate the suggestion of picking another language, but I'm cool with C.Having said that though, I will definitely check out your project.  I think I probably will end up going with SDL for my game (cuz you're right, it is rock-solid stable), but I'd be interested to see if I can get it going on Linux.  Like I wonder if it'll run under Wine (a tool that converts Win32 calls to native Linux API calls).  If not, there are tons of libraries I could use to build a Linux port.  So it might be fun to mess with, and thanks for telling me about it. Also, has anyone used Portaudio in here?  I stumbled on it the other day and it looks like it might work.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Styles/genres/types of audio games

2020-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Styles/genres/types of audio games

Really?  I didn't know MUDs were still a thing!  I've read about them, but never actually played one.  I would love to see how those work, what the good ones do well etc.  That's a subject that I'd like to get to know more both as a programmer and as a retro gamer.  I'll have to ask what are some of the good ones in another thread (outside the developers' room).But to get back to the original topic, what exactly do you mean by "side scrollers"?  Would you call BK3 a side scroller?  I would have called it a platformer, but come to think of it ZomPocalypse had a "side scrolling" game mechanic without the platform-jumping part... is that what you mean?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Best audio (code) library for C?

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Best audio (code) library for C?

Hey again,Another question real quick, for any other C developers out there: what library do you prefer for doing 3D audio?  There's OpenAL, which looks really good, but doesn't seem to have any way to load audio (maybe they expect you to use libogg or something?).  Of course there's DirectX on Windows and a bazillion disparate audio APIs on Linux, but they're not cross-platform.  Then for C++ there's "IrrKlang", which is really darn good but has some tricky licensing issues.  SDL has a decent audio API, but I think it only does panning, and I could go on.  No offense intended to any of the developers of those libraries, of course.  Bottom line, I'm looking for something that is open-source and portable (at least to Windows and Linux); and I'm starting to think there is no such thing.  So what do you guys use?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Styles/genres/types of audio games

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Styles/genres/types of audio games

Hey guys,This is really more a design question than a code question, but it's something I've been wondering about for awhile now.  Okay, so my background (as a gamer) is retro games.  I love playing Nintendo, Commodore, Sega and stuff like that.  I also enjoy a good text adventure (obviously), though those were popular like a decade before my time.  Anyway, on all those platforms, there are some pretty clear-cut game design patterns.  Donkey Kong, Mario, Sonic, Giana Sisters, Mega-Man, etc. are platformers.  Galaga, 1943, Space Invaders etc. are shooters.  Final Fantasy, Defender of the Crown etc. are RPGs.  There is some overlap (like Mega-Man and Metroid have an awful lot of shooting for platformers) but you get the general idea.Now I was wondering, what are the common types / styles of audio games?  I've played a few: ZomPocalypse, Air Strike something (a shooter like Galaga or 1943), and of course A Blind Legend on the iPhone.  I tried BK3 but could barely get past the tutorial (that's the kind of game where I just gotta have a controller lol).  Then there are text-based games - not just text adventures like I like to build, but web-based things like Sryth; I'm not sure they technically count as audio games since there's no sound, but they're still accessible to players who are blind so I'm including them anyway.  And last but not least you got games that are "accessible by accident", games with enough audio that people can figure out how to play them without vision.  This list is all over the place, so as a programmer I just can't help but wonder, what are some of the more popular / more common audio game genres out there?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ubuntu, how to setup an IPV6 tunnel?

2020-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ubuntu, how to setup an IPV6 tunnel?

Oh cool, at least you found a solution.  What are you building, if you don't mind my asking?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making a case for Autoit

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a case for Autoit

Hey guys,I didn't watch the video, and I've never used Autoit, but I figured I'd throw my two cents on this subject anyway. First off, I'm glad someone pointed out that it can do more than automation.  I spent a couple years doing a lot of automation using AutoHotKey (which was a fork of Autoit or something like that), and soon I was able to use it for pretty much anything.  It can display GUI windows, interact with COM objects, call native DLLs, and one guy even found a way to get it to talk to .NET Framework objects.  I'm sure some of those features of AutoHotKey made their way upstream to Autoit.  But neither language has really made it outside of its niche.  In fact, even in that job where I was doing a lot of automation, we eventually replaced AHK with straight Win32 calls because the hanchos wanted a "more standard programming language".  And I kind of get that - I know a lot of other programmers, but I haven't met one who know AutoHotKey.  But that doesn't necessarily change the fact that AHK is awesome.  I'm sure the same goes for Autoit.  You never know what a language is capable of until you check it out.But having said that, I'm also a big fan of using the right tool for the right project.  Like okay, I'll admit it, I totally love C (a language that gets a lot of criticism).  I personally feel OOP is overrated, and the simple act of decoupling data from actions has helped me fix tons of bugs even in languages that are very object-oriented (mostly _javascript_, PHP and Python).  I like that C can be super-low-level (with compilers for 8-bit systems and microcontrollers like the Arduino, both of which are things I enjoy messing with) and can also be high-level (with libraries like SDL, CURL, SQLite and so on making it practical, and way easier, to create good-quality software).  But as much as I love it, I would never use C to build the server-side logic behind a web app.  I would go with Python or PHP for that.  On the other hand, I would never try to build an audio game in PHP.  PHP can be used to write shell scripts, so technically it could be done, but that doesn't make it the best choice.This weekend, I saw the movie "the Karate Kid" for the first time, and I think that movie has a perfect example: why the heck would you try to kill a fly with chopsticks?  It can be done, and if you manage to do it you look pretty darn cool, but a fly swatter is objectively a more effective tool.  So I have no doubt you could build a game with Autoit - maybe a really good game - but I think I'll stick to C. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making a case for Autoit

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making a case for Autoit

Hey guys,I didn't watch the video, and I've never used Autoit, but I figured I'd throw my two cents on this subject anyway. First off, I'm glad someone pointed out that it can do more than automation.  I spent a couple years doing a lot of automation using AutoHotKey (which was a fork of Autoit or something like that), and soon I was able to use it for pretty much anything.  It can display GUI windows, interact with COM objects, call native DLLs, and one guy even found a way to get it to talk to .NET Framework objects.  I'm sure some of those features of AutoHotKey made their way upstream to Autoit.  But neither language has really made it outside of its niche.  In fact, even in that job where I was doing a lot of automation, we eventually replaced AHK with straight Win32 calls because the hanchos wanted a "more standard programming language".  And I kind of get that - I know a lot of other programmers, but I haven't met one who know AutoHotKey.  But that doesn't necessarily change the fact that AHK is awesome.  I'm sure the same goes for Autoit.  You never know what a language is capable of until you check it out.But having said that, I'm also a big fan of using the right tool for the right project.  Like okay, I'll admit it, I totally love C (a language that gets a lot of criticism).  I personally feel OOP is overrated, and the simple act of decoupling data from actions has helped me fix tons of bugs even in languages that are very object-oriented (mostly _javascript_, PHP and Python).  I like that C can be super-low-level (with compilers for 8-bit systems and microcontrollers like the Arduino) and can also be high-level (with libraries like SDL, CURL, SQLite and so on making it way easier to good-quality practical software).  But as much as I love it, I would never use C to build the server-side logic behind a web app.  I would go with Python or PHP for that.  On the other hand, I would never try to build an audio game in PHP.  PHP can be used to write shell scripts, so technically it could be done, but that doesn't make it the best choice.This weekend, I saw the movie "the Karate Kid" for the first time, and I think that movie has a perfect example: why the heck would you try to kill a fly with chopsticks?  It can be done, and if you manage to do it you look pretty darn cool, but a fly swatter is objectively a more effective tool.  So I have no doubt you could build a game with Autoit - maybe a really good game - but I think I'll stick to C. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ubuntu, how to setup an IPV6 tunnel?

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ubuntu, how to setup an IPV6 tunnel?

Hey @thetechguy,I haven't heard of this specific software, but this is a problem I've found with all kinds of things on Linux.  Now I'm not bashing Linux, and I'm actually a huge fan (writing this on Ubuntu myself) but holy guacamole do Linux software devs ever love their config files!  When I want to do something in Ubuntu, Raspbian or whatever distro I happen to be on, it seems like the config files I'm looking for rarely exist.  In those scenarios, here's what I usually do:1. Create the file myself, pasting in whatever code they want, then reboot.2. If that doesn't work, I like to review the docs again.  This could be my vision talking, but it seems every time I re-read API docs, I always stumble on something I didn't notice before.  Maybe it'll lead to some new clue, or some backup plan you can try, or something like that.3. If that doesn't work, I might also try uninstalling and reinstalling the software.  Ubuntu is a bit weird, because it has 4-5 different package managers.  At the command-line it has both apt and snap, and on desktops it has its own sort of app-store-like-thing (I think they just call it "Ubuntu Software" or something) and of course Synaptic (not to mention AppImage and probably some others I forget).  Maybe the developers of this software switched from apt to snap and you don't have the latest version.  Or maybe one of those other tools will include the missing file in its installation process. 4. Next obvious answer, Google it (well I prefer to Duck it, but to each his/her own).5. If I still can't get it working, haven't found any useful info on the interwebz, and can't get an answer on a forum or other resource, then I start thinking about alternatives.  One thing I love about Ubuntu, and Linux in general, is that it's built on mostly open source code.  This allows programmers to build whatever the heck they want, which means usually, there's more than one way to do what you want.  Like for audio, there are libraries like OpenAL, Sox, PortAudio, PulseAudio, Jack, and a ton of others, not to mention straight ALSA (driver API) calls.  And on the closed-source side of things you have IrrKlang, I think there was one called FMod or something like that, and the list goes on.  Now I don't know enough about server config to know what the options are, but I bet there are tons.Hope that helps. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ubuntu, how to setup an IPV6 tunnel?

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ubuntu, how to setup an IPV6 tunnel?

Hey @thetechguy,I haven't heard of this specific software, but this is a problem I've found with all kinds of things on Linux.  Now I'm not bashing Linux, and I'm actually a huge fan (writing this on Ubuntu myself) but holy guacamole do Linux software devs ever love their config files!  When I want to do something in Ubuntu, Raspbian or whatever distro I happen to be on, it seems like the config files I'm looking for rarely exist.  In those scenarios, here's what I usually do:1. Create the file myself, pasting in whatever code they want, then reboot.2. If that doesn't work, I like to review the docs again.  This could be my vision talking, but it seems every time I re-read API docs, I always stumble on something I didn't notice before.  Maybe it'll lead to some new clue, or some backup plan you can try, or something like that.3. If that doesn't work, I might also try uninstalling and reinstalling the software.  Ubuntu is a bit weird, because it has 4-5 different package managers.  At the command-line it has both apt and snap, and in graphical desktops it has its own sort of app-store-like-thing (I think they just call it "Ubuntu Software" or something) and of course Synaptic.  Maybe you don't have the latest version, or maybe one of those other tools will include the missing file in its installation process (not to mention AppImage and probably some others I forget).  4. Next obvious answer, Google it (well I prefer to Duck it, but to each his/her own).5. If I still can't get it working, haven't found any useful info on the interwebz, and can't get an answer on a forum or other resource, then I start thinking about alternatives.  One thing I love about Ubuntu, and Linux in general, is that it's built on mostly open source code.  This allows programmers to build whatever the heck they want, which means usually, there's more than one way to do what you want.  Like for audio, there are libraries like OpenAL, Sox, PortAudio, PulseAudio, Jack, and a ton of others, not to mention straight ALSA (driver API) calls.  And on the closed-source side of things you have IrrKlang, I think there was one called FMod or something like that, and the list goes on.  Now I don't know enough about server config to know what the options are, but I bet there are tons.Hope that helps. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: am i choosing write way of producing stuf?

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: am i choosing write way of producing stuf?

Hi @bhanuponguruThis is the kind of question I think you could ask 5 programmers and get 5 different answers.  My two cents are, as long as you're doing unit testing, you're starting on the right foot.  I'm sure there are all kinds of libraries out there for unit testing, but there is no official requirement that you pick one.  I think most programmers would agree that unit testing is a best practice, but the details (like your folder structure) are pretty much up to you.  The only exception I would make is if you're using a framework that expects things to be in specific locations (I can't think of one for Python, but I know a few PHP frameworks that are designed that way; Django maybe?).  That scenario aside, I say do what works for you.  You're building a game; it should be fun.  Even if the intent is to sell it, it shouldn't be like work (unless you're under a tight deadline, in which case I would say talk to your supervisor lol).PS: Python rocks!  Good choice IMO 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: am i choosing write way of producing stuf?

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : TextAdventurer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: am i choosing write way of producing stuf?

Hi @bhanuponguruThis is the kind of question I think you could ask 5 programmers and get 5 different answers.  My two cents are, as long as you're doing unit testing, you're starting on the right foot.  I'm sure there are all kinds of libraries out there for unit testing, but there is no official requirement that you pick one.  I think most programmers would agree that unit testing is a best practice, but the details (like your folder structure) are pretty much up to you.  The only exception I would make is if you're using a framework that expects things to be in specific locations (I can't think of one for Python, but I know a few PHP frameworks that are designed that way).  That catch aside, I say do what works for you.  You're building a game; it should be fun.  Even if the intent is to sell it, it shouldn't be like work (unless you're under a tight deadline, in which case I would say talk to your supervisor lol).


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