Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@Camlorn, I seriously have to assume you were trying to be funny, as you and I both know that you don't care about the existence of gay unicorns anymore than I do as they have no bearing on your life whatsoever.  Nothing changes if it is proved or disproved that gay unicorns exist; it really is a "so what" moment.  ON the other hand, the god question is real to everyone whether they choose to contemplate it or not, because if he is real, no amount of denying him is going to make him unreal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@43, by your logic, if there is absolute truth then I have to accept that truth may not exist, making the all truth is relative concept a thing all over again.  No, if absolute truth exists, it is because there is an absolute truth giver, else truth is merely a belief you can wipe away with another.@Jayde, 44, it is up to you if you're the one claiming he doesn't exist and that you're personally convinced of it, in as much as you believe it's up to me because of my personal conviction.  Making the claim is what puts you in that position because you're making a statement you claim is true.  To say that God does not exist is to say that you know without the shadow of a doubt that what you are saying is true.  ON the other hand, you also state that you don't know so we should keep trying to find out, which tells me you're still conflicted to some degree, as you cannot hold to both as true.As far as Christianity goes?  Yes, you are absolutely right, and apparently it began as the result of the audacious claims of some guy who was born out in the middle of nowhere to a young woman who had apparently never had sex with anyone but was apparently visited by at least one angel and told that she had found favor in God's sight.  Why her?  I don't know.  He also apparently performed 7 signs that affirmed his divinity.1.  He reportedly turned water into whine, bypassing the way chemistry usually works.2.  He supposedly healed a man who is not in his physical presence, bypassing both the ways medicine and space/distance usually work.3.  He apparently healed a man who has been crippled for 38 years, bypassing the way time usually works.4.  He is said to have fed at least 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, bypassing the way matter usually works.5.  He was mysteriously seen walking on water, bypassing the way the human body and the forces of nature usually work.6.  He was um, sighted?  By blind people?  Healing blind people, bypassing the way chronic disabilities usually work.7.  And finally, he somehow, by some means, at some point, at some home, with a bunch of someone's watching him, raised a dead man after he'd been buried and all that jazz for quite some time, bypassing the way life itself usually works.Now, this is a bunch of apparently and reportedly and supposedly and hypothetical yada yada that came to us from a bunch of other guys who were around some 2000 or so years ago who all believed this stuff to be real, and that's a lot of big stuff to believe in.  But he apparently, yeah, apparently, went further!1.  He claimed to be the bread of life.  Interesting that he should then feed 5000 or so people with just a few loaves of it...2.  He claimed to be the light of the world... I guess giving blind people sight wasn't such a miracle after all?3.  He claimed to be the door/gate by which all good sheep enter.  I'm not sure how that ties into the 7 signs so I won't even bother to try there...4.  He further reaffirmed that sheep business by stating he was the Good Shepherd... I guess he really wanted people to follow him.5.  He said he was the resurrection, and the life.  Lazarus apparently felt the same way, after his sisters had left him for dead.6.  He stated he was the way, the truth, and the life.  Nobody who wants to go anywhere of any great importance and know anything of great importance and see anything of great importance can do it by any other means, if that statement is to be believed.7.  And finally, he said he was the true vine.  Apparently that's how water became whine, or some such.In reality, what makes any of these statements of any worth is the utterance "I am,"  coupled with the symbolism he used to illustrate without any hesitation that he was the foretold messiah of scripture, written about hundreds of years before his time.  IN and of them selves, those I am statements are useless.  Coupled with the old testament and if he is to be believed as having had any ounce of truth in him, Jesus was in essence saying that all of this had been planned from the beginning of time and that he was equall to all of it.Is it true?  Most biblical scholars are at the very least in support of some Jesus who apparently lived in Nazareth, born in Bethlehem.  The archeological evidence of his existence, however, is practically none.  What does that mean?  That Jesus, like 99 percent of the world in his time, made little impact on it from an archeological standpoint.  It means he was a peasant.  It means that if he lived he lived a hard life.  Eyewitness accounts of him are biased in every respect, as they should be given what those people reported.  Outside of the new Testament, historians such as Flavius Josephus coroberate his existence in his writing the Jewish Antiquities  Coupled with Annals of Imperial Rome, we get the idea that there was a Jesus who was excecuted by Roman law and that his followers were blamed for many things by the great emperor Ner

Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

If there is no such thing as truth, then I humbly submit there is no point.  ON the other hand, if truth exists at all and it exists outside of ourselves rather than as just a man-made construct by which we do our best in our flawed state to govern the world we're in, then I believe there's all the reason to keep on trying to find it, and doing anything less than that makes us intelectually dishonest people.  It is no different than the ongoing search for life in space.  Is it an exercise in futility?  We can speculate, but do not at this point in time truly know.  I don't hold with Christians who claim that just because there's no mention of aliens/beings from other planets in the bible that they simply do not exist, as the bible doesn't mention a whole lot of things and places and people.  Would it shake my faith if something was found on another planet?  Naturally, no.  For that to happen, the responsibility lies with atheists to prove that God does not exist, but to do that, atheists will have to become universally knowledgeable, which I do not see happening any time in the distant future, anymore than I see Christians being able to have the power to prove without the shadow of a doubt that God is real.  Give the Christian that power and then all the love flows right out of the equation, because people would be forced to believe in God by virtue of the fact that you know without the shadow of a doubt that he exists and a Christian forced that knowledge down your throat.  That, is where faith, truly comes in, and I contend that the atheist who truly, solidly, consistently believes in atheism has a greater leap of faith to make than he who believes in God.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@camlorn, but that's just it.  Why is it good?  Why is it bad?  By who's standard and who or what gives that person or subset of people the right to determine good and bad and let it be what it is and why it is?  By that same logic you can keep changing the definition of good and bad with the times and say that what you see as good today doesn't have to stay that way because you say it is, and if someone comes along to question that logic, well, that's bad because you believe it is!  Honestly?  If atheism could provide me with a huge amount of evidence as to why it is all round better and easier on life and why practically it makes more sense than an external influence that governs the laws of time, space and everything else in this big bad world we live in, I'd at the very least consider it, but at present, the idea that things are what they are and why should we not just let them be is, to me, as strange in the ear as you say my god is to you.@Jayde, it all comes back to what you believe about God.  If you're going to go by the creation story found in Genesis, then we suffer from illness and sickness because man disobeyed the higher power in question and instead wanted to take the chance and become the higher power himself.  ON the other hand, if your idea of God is that he is one with the universe or that everything is God including man, I can only imagine what one might believe under such mindsets... I suppose anything goes.  And if you believe in no god, then you have to come up with a better alternative for much of the world population because God is such a grounded belief in humanity that at its core it really is a basic belief or one that at the very least can be justified by its simplicity, which states that it is easier to believe that a world was manufactured into existence by a higher power, than it is to believe that the world came from nothing and, by accident and chance, became something.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

For what it's worth?  Unless something has seriously broken in you, I don't think killing is as easy as one thinks it might be, otherwise there wouldn't be such a thing as soldiers and the like with PTSD and such.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

I find that interesting; it is not wrong or immoral to end the life of a suffering woman.  It is wrong to spend the rest of your life in jail for doing it.  But then, it is also not selfish to not want to spend the rest of your life in jail while you watch the suffering woman.  Somewhere, somehow, that says to me that the suffering woman is not worth spending the rest of one's life in jail, thus you elevate one life over another.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

I could be wrong, but I think what @29 was suggesting was even deeper than that, as disturbing as it may seem.  Op says, and I quote, "I would happily end her suffering if it were possible to do so within the law."  IN essence, the law is more important than ending someone's suffering.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@camlorn, I'll bite.  You outlined all of the great goodness we can accomplish if we were to just set God, spirituality and religion aside as nonsensical whims of the human brain.  My question, I believe, is an intelectually honest one; why?  What for?  If what you say is true and the only thing that is true is that things are as they are, neither good nor bad, neither right or wrong because they are all subject to interpretation and perception, then what's this life for?  It begins and it ends and neither point is any greater than the other.  That you left a legacy serves no purpose other than to further other lives that are all equall to yours with a beginning and an end that have no significant value or worth.  Nothing is true; nothing is a lie.  Everything is simply what it is, neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong, greater or lesser, because it is all governed by this being called man that can dictate the whims of it all by simply saying, "I think, therefore, I am."As for the implications of that?  If I decide that tomorrow I want to pick up trash because it'll help better the world I live in?  I've made a choice.  It is neither good or bad; it's simply something I've decided to do.  If I tire of that pursuit and start dumping my trash out on the street because I burn out, I've made yet another choice in my life.  By definition, no one has a right to tell me it is either good or bad; it is simply a decision I've made.  That it impacts humanity and the world it lives in negatively... Negatively?  Why does that even matter?  What is negativity?  Is it simpy a mixture of chemicals in our brains that hardwire us to say more or less collectively, "Hey, stop it!  You're killing our world!"  So?  It's all going to come to an end anyway!  Screw you!  Why should I care!  Who is right?  Who is wrong?  What right have you to tell me that I have no right to destroy the world you live in?  Who gave you the right to believe you're better than I am, and who gave him  or her that right to give to you anyway?No, I can't buy that, and I buy it even less when two things happen every single one of us has done to some degree or another.  We admire and respect altruism for no good reason, and we all, each and every single one of us, want to hold a higher power responsible for pain and suffering.  When the chips are down, you don't blame the cosmos for having somehow manufactured itself into existence and carrying you along with it on its insane journey from oblivion into oblivion.  I can't say I've ever heard a single person say"Damned this cosmos!  Universe be blowed!"  I do here, "Good God, why me?  Jesus Christ, why?  Oh lord, have mercy!"So, what exactly is a higher power?  Well, if I take those two words literally, I submit that it is an entity that is greater than I am in some sense or another.  It either knows more than me, can do something I cannot do or go somewhere I cannot go and or has seen things I have not seen.  Perhaps it is all of these things and more.  It's not a computer I created; it's not a piece of technological hardware I put together.  It's not something fashioned by my brain.  For a higher power to be a higher power it has to be outside of my sphere of influence, and at the point that it has to answer to me, it is no longer a higher power; it is an equall power.And this is where we are going to differ, because nobody I know, myself included, really, truly, honestly, sincerely, by default wishes to be governed by a higher power.  WE just want to blame it if it exists for everything that is going wrong.  That having been said, some of us will choose, if we are convicted, that said higher power is worth obeying, respecting, worshipping and giving our lives to, because living outside of the will of said higher power, if in fact it is who it claims to be, whatever it claims to be, whatever it is we're convicted of, is the difference between many things, between having value and worth or having none, between true justice and none, between a standard for good and bad or a standard that can change with the mood and the sands of time, between a static and consistent reality of things that are or an opposing force that says nothing is ever what you think it is and you can't even trust yourself to figure it out because someone else has other ideas that differ from yours and they might just think you're stupid crazy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@camlorn, I'll bite.  You outlined all of the great goodness we can accomplish if we were to just set God, spirituality and religion aside as nonsensical whims of the human brain.  My question, I believe, is an intelectually honest one; why?  What for?  If what you say is true and the only thing that is true is that things are as they are, neither good nor bad, neither right or wrong because they are all subject to interpretation and perception, then what's this life for?  It begins and it ends and neither point is any greater than the other.  That you left a legacy serves no purpose other than to further other lives that are all equall to yours with a beginning and an end that have no significant value or worth.  Nothing is true; nothing is a lie.  Everything is simply what it is, neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong, greater or lesser, because it is all governed by this being called man that can dictate the whims of it all by simply saying, "I think, therefore, I am."As for the implications of that?  If I decide that tomorrow I want to pick up trash because it'll help better the world I live in?  I've made a choice.  It is neither good or bad; it's simply something I've decided to do.  If I tire of that pursuit and start dumping my trash out on the street because I burn out, I've made yet another choice in my life.  By definition, no one has a right to tell me it is either good or bad; it is simply a decision I've made.  That it impacts humanity and the world it lives in negatively... Negatively?  Why does that even matter?  What is negativity?  Is it simpy a mixture of chemicals in our brains that hardwire us to say more or less collectively, "Hey, stop it!  You're killing our world!"  So?  It's all going to come to an end anyway!  Screw you!  Why should I care!  Who is right?  Who is wrong?  What right have you to tell me that I have no right to destroy the world you live in?  Who gave you the right to believe you're better than I am, and who gave him  or her that right to give to you anyway?No, I can't buy that, and I buy it even less when two things happen every single one of us has done to some degree or another.  We admire and respect altruism for no good reason, and we all, each and every single one of us, want to hold a higher power responsible for pain and suffering.  When the chips are down, you don't blame the cosmos for having somehow manufactured itself into existence and carrying you along with it on its insane journey from oblivion into oblivion.  I can't say I've ever heard a single person say"Damned this cosmos!  Universe be blowed!"  I do here, "Good God, why me?  Jesus Christ, why?  Oh lord, have mercy!"So, what exactly is a higher power?  Well, if I take those two words literally, I submit that it is an entity that is greater than I am in some sense or another.  It either knows more than me, can do something I cannot do or go somewhere I cannot go and or has seen things I have not seen.  Perhaps it is all of these things and more.  It's not a computer I created; it's not a piece of technological hardware I put together.  It's not something fashioned by my brain.  For a higher power to be a higher power it has to be outside of my sphere of influence, and at the point that it has to answer to me, it is no longer a higher power; it is an equall power.And this is where we are going to differ, because nobody I know, myself included, really, truly, honestly, sincerely, by default wishes to be governed by a higher power.  WE just want to blame it if it exists for everything that is going wrong.  That having been said, some of us will choose, if we are convicted, that said higher power is worth obeying, respecting, worshipping and giving our lives to, because living outside of the will of said higher power, if in fact it is who it claims to be, whatever it claims to be, whatever it is we're convicted of, is the difference between many things, between having value and worth or having none, between true justice and none, between a stanrd for good and bad or a standard that can change with the mood and the sands of time, between a static and consistent reality of things that are or an opposing force that says nothing is ever what you think it is and you can't even trust yourself to figure it out because someone else has other ideas that differ from yours and they might just think you're stupid crazy!


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@OP I'd like to talk to you.  Much like what you've done here, our conversation may get controversial, but my promise to you is to address you with as much respect and humility as I, in my imperfect and flawed humanity can muster.  I realize your struggle is real and that your questions are valid.  They really are!  Your situation is similar to something I went through not too long ago, though it was my grandfather suffering rather than my grandmother.  There were moments when he was as clear as a bell and he could tell you who he was, where he was and how he was truly doing, and moments when he didnt' even recognize his own name.  In my mind, he was needlessly kept alive for far too long and for no reason I can truly understand, and it was exceptionally hard for me because I saw him as the solid rock throgh most of my childhood and in to my teen years.  He was physically fit, a hard worker, an outgoing soul with a load of stories to tell and a generous heart that gave freely and abundantly.  Everyone else must eat before he ever did, especially his grandchildren.Anyway, if and when you feel up to it, please PM me or contact me by email so we can work out the details.  I also promise that I won't take any offense to you not following up, but I would appreciate the privillege of speaking to you on a personal level, given I've already discussed this matter publically, and while I could continue this here, I also believe that 1 on 1's can sometimes produce greater opportunities and understanding on both sides because you don't have a load of loose cannons being fired off and causing unnecessary ruccus.  This is a very sensitive subject, but given my personal experience I would like the chance to try and help with it if I can.  I know it's asking a lot for you to trust me because you and I dont' know each other very well, but I would take it as a personal favor if you could find it in yourself to do so.  Thanks for reading, and whatever happens, I sincerely hope you have a great day.


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Re: What Hand Do You Read Braille With?

2021-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Hand Do You Read Braille With?

To elaborate, I use both hands and feel I have a fairly good reading pace which is almost if not entirely equall to my speaking rate.  I think I could narrate a book.  I use both hands spaced about three inches apart on the page, until I reach the middle, at which point the left drops down to the next line while the right finishes the one I'm reading.  When reading, all of my fingers, save for my thum and pinky are in use.  While I suppose I could try and read with one or two fingers from either hand, and I think I may subconsciously do that when reading a public sign or something of that nature, I can't see myself doing it full time.Also?  I feel the experience is different when reading on a page/sheet of paper, versus a braille display.  I don't exactly know why, but I do feel much, much slower/more clunky or something on a display.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What Hand Do You Read Braille With?

2021-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Hand Do You Read Braille With?



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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

What camlorn said in post 3.  I stepped in one for a summer session and never went back.  TSBVI may arguably be the best of the lot... I don't know, and I don't care.  It's not for anyone who really wants to become self-sufficient and integrate into mainstream society.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do you like?

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you like?

The doom pizza?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do you like?

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you like?

Think @JJ may have hit on something here... I never stopped to consider that American pizza, particularly if the only things you're used to are fastfood pizzas, are probably saltier than they are elsewhere.  You probably could get a good pineapple pizza if its toppings were altered, its sauce made to match and its crust not all buttery/salty/garlic sprinkled.  Someone else mentioned that for us its like salt on Cola, which is not a good enough analogy given that a can of coke contains about 50MG of salt you just don't taste.  I think a better way to compare it would be to suggest that it's like putting hotsauce on icecream or bathing a pickled cucumber in milk.  Obviously that doesn't apply to everyone since there are obviosly people here in the states who eat fastfood pizzas with pineapple; in some cases those are supremes.  Just, e!But I just can't stomach it anymore than the previously mentioned icecream and hotsauce idea.  Then again, I have some very interesting fancies of my own I'm sure some people would probably dislike, such as flamin' hot chetos with lemon, Dr Pepper Floats, Mexican-prepared corn on the cob which is doused with various ingredients most people would not consider having on corn, and I go for many seafood delicacies most people would otherwise avoid, Kalamari and sushi being on that list.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do you like?

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you like?

Then my world would end and I would cry and die and say bye and never eat again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do you like?

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you like?

Shame on Pineapple pizza!  If it's a choice between pineapple pizza and hotdogs?  Hotdogs all the way!  ALWAYS!  NO QUESTIONS ASKED!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Spin, Spin: a Poem

The whole time I was reading I felt like my life was on display.  I don't really know how to put it save for saying that it feels like you're always aware of this necessity to, as long as you're alive at least, keep some semblance of equanimity, no matter how bad, or even how good things get.  Both good and bad, if you allow them can make you giddy with unsettling and disturbing dizziness to the point where the former can lead to the latter if left unchecked, and the latter can keep you from experiencing the former if given too much attention.Of knives and tongues?  Words can be weapons... I know that far too well.  Interestingly enough, sometimes the very things you say you'll never say to other people are the things you end up saying when you're angry or upset or you feel like you're losing your grip on things.  Even when the words are well intended, the audience and the timing are wrong.  Sometimes, you're the audience and you're not ready to receive the richness of reality or the lash of lies and in your lack of knowledge of which is being offered or presented you can't help but reject them both.Anyway, perhaps I'm overphilosophizing this thing.  It's been about 15 years since I've delved deep into the world of poetry and lyrical content.  I used to be into this like, a lot, but I feel well out of touch right now and like writing much more would debase this wonderful work.


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Re: A Public Apology

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Public Apology

Jayde, as someone who has done the whole mod thing myself, I'd like to congratulate you on taking care of yourself first and foremost, as you can do nothing else before doing that.  It's been said before but I do believe that it bares repeating, that you cannot help others fix their backyards without first looking at your own.Next, what you did is entirely within reason and character and goes along the lines of what Dark and others have done.  In his case I can think of at least one time where he was absent for quite some time and people began to ask about him... I seem to recall it being shortly after I was placed on the mod team along with at least one other person, though I could be wrong on that count.  In truth, we neither resented him for it nor did we try to hunt him down, believing his break was much needed given all the work he'd done for the forum and the database.  In many respects, I feel like this is more or less the same.  Whether you've meant to or not you've sort of been the front guy on this for awhile now.  I'm not sure if the others are naturally defering to you because you exhibit exceptional leadership skills or if they feel your age and your apparent amount of experience as demonstrated by the way you write go hand in hand and they look up to you for it.  Whatever the case, in many respects you've sort of been given the wheel and that's always a tough place to be.  That you took a much needed leave of absence is not something I can fault you for and, as best I can tell, there's noone else here who does.  Keep on keepin on and hopefully things will go better in the not too distant future.  Here's consistently wishing you all the best, and while I feel there probably isn't much I can personally do for you, you do know where to find me if the need should arise and you can think of any one favor.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: getting a new braille display, but which one do you recommend?

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: getting a new braille display, but which one do you recommend?

I want the LBraille myself.


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Re: Name Your Computer

2021-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Name Your Computer

Enigma.  It holds many mysteries.  If anyone were to come across it, unlock it with its pin, brows Nocturnal C, Vesperian E and crepuscule F, they'd find every wonderful and terrible dream I've forged and trapped within its confines.  Sometimes one must embrace chaos to find true beauty.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's have a little fun.

2021-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's have a little fun.

Well, if I'm going with my initials, I'd be wielding a bloody Widowmaker.


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Re: Let's have a little fun.

2021-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's have a little fun.

Um, I can, apparently, be killed, with pillows!


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Re: Getting my data taken down from this site?

2021-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting my data taken down from this site?

@Brad, I sense that you are running from yourself more than from the community, as it's your topics and posts you want to get rid of.  Whatever this is, the only thing I can tell you for sure and for certain that deleting your history isn't the answer.


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Re: what should we do if the forum, Whent down with out any warning?

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what should we do if the forum, Whent down with out any warning?

prepare for the when, not the if.  It's going to happen eventually.


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Re: Non-religion specific prayers

2021-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non-religion specific prayers

@khomus, post 14, where as you want to reduce me to being the hateful one because I supposedly just want to start a fight.  You asked for a set of examples.  You dismantled them.  Congratulations; argument over.  You win.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blind humans and living situations?

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind humans and living situations?

am mad!  Mine's not in that list!  I'm married! This is discrimination of the highest order!  :d


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Non-religion specific prayers

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non-religion specific prayers

@khomus fair enough.Example: Pantheism has formed more religions than any other world system of religiosity and continues to add gods faster than I can learn about them.  Whatever you think about eastern world mysticism, whether you're the one with the universe type or you actually subscribe to one of scores of gods, not all of them believe the same exact thing fundamentally.  Meanwhile, in the western world, the question isn't one about which god to follow, but if god even exists.  The atheist believes he does not.  The theist believes he does.  The common basis of the general theist revolves on 4 simple words, 4 words the atheists opposes.  those words are, "In the beginning, God."If the atheists opposes those four words and the theist believes in them, the question then becomes, how do you consolidate both as true?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Non-religion specific prayers

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non-religion specific prayers

@Haily, where as I hate disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing.  If I could turn back the hands of time, I'd probably leave the idea of truth alone and ignorantly go on as I did for the first 26 years of my life and just... I dunno.  I'm hardwired to pursue it doggedly, however, because to me, living without it is as good as saying everything in this world is meaningless, and that's a statement I view as an absolute negation.  What I will not do is tell others what to believe.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The night I lost my wedding ring and rediscovered love

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The night I lost my wedding ring and rediscovered love

First, I just want to say that I appreciate the support I have received on this topic.  Second, I'd like to please ask you guys who do get it not to bash on those who don't; this isn't a topic for that purpose.And finally, @amerikranian, I do not want to invalidate your question by a longshot... I believe it's legitimately and sincerley asked.  It's also one I can't answer for a myriad of reasons, but the biggest is something called experiencial relevance.  If the text I have written above has not conveyed its signifiance to you, nothing else I say at this point will.  That's ok.  Not all of our lives are the same.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Non-religion specific prayers

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non-religion specific prayers

It all comes back to what you believe is true, and for many, that changes with every passing bit of information that is pushed to them.  That concept makes some people feel guilty because they're never convinced of anything.  On the other hand, that kind of guilttrip pushes people to solidly stick to something, right or wrong, sometimes ritualistically, driving them to burnout, boredom, madness, etc etc.for my part, I follow my convictions as best I can and with as much logic as I have.  Truth, by definition, assumes something else on the other end is false.  Any statement you make that is supposed to be a truth statement excludes something else which opposes it.  If that is true, then not all things can altogether be true, particularly if they contradict each other at fundamental levels; they would cancel each other out.  So, either something is true and something opposing it is false, or nothing is true at all and all things are simply manmade opinions rather than realities.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Non-religion specific prayers

2021-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Non-religion specific prayers

the problem with the greek gods is that they are gods that were once used to explain away phenomena people could hardly understand because no knowledge was available on how such things worked.  Lightning?  Zeus must be mad.  fire?  Hephaestus is on the move.  Prodigy children with tons of insight and sky-high IQ?  Athena must love them ever so much.I'm not going to get too far into my beliefs because I've done that elsewhere, but I humbly wish to submit the following: if you're going to even hypothetically accept that God exists, you cannot put him in a man-made box.  That is to say, attempting to fully comprehenda limitless being through a finite scope is like assuming a 2d being with no knowledge of our 3d world should be able to draw it in its entirety from his 2d perspective.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Chicken Nugget is Back!

2021-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Chicken Nugget is Back!

My thoughts in four words: too little; too late.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A concern over Facebook's new privacy policy for What'sApp Users.

2021-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A concern over Facebook's new privacy policy for What'sApp Users.

@Defender, where as I see the added defenses as futile.  by all means, use your VPN, your private browsing feature, your footprint eraser, your turbo-charged highly priced info super duper data nuker with built in password manager and yada yada... I see the problem running far deeper than most minds are willing to admit.  the problem isn't one of who has your data, but how that data spreads.  As long as systems connect to this wonderful thing we've created, and most systems do nowadays, that information is there, somewhere, much like sound traveling through the world, even if the vibrations are something you cannot hear.In short, if it makes you feel safer, I see no issue with it, and in truth I can't honestly disprove its efficacy.  I just don't believe in it myself.  Information will sell because ingformation will sell, because humans are at the other side of sales and purchases.  In certain areas they call it blackmail, while at higher levels it's called corporate espionage.  Your information is only your information because of the fact that it's tied to you and gives you some semblance of indentification on this planet.  Beyond that, it's not really yours when just about everyone else in the world wants to know because knowledge is power and all of it can be obtained through bribery or some other method.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A concern over Facebook's new privacy policy for What'sApp Users.

2021-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A concern over Facebook's new privacy policy for What'sApp Users.

If I was going to care what data big companies collected on me, I would have just as much as killed myself years ago.  It's too late now.  From the moment I first used AOL 9.0 optimized I began shelling out data companies may or may not have had the right to have.  I'm part of a collective known as the internet of things.  It's not going away; it's only getting bigger.  Right now you can laugh at the idea and call me stupid, but I won't be surprised when the day rears its ugly head and  your data not being a part of the collective will get you made fun of at best, locked up at the very worst.The most interesting story I've read in the past three weeks involved a chip being part of the covid vaccines in an attempt to keep track of who has been vaccinated and who hasn't.  Of course, that puts a huge bullseye on a ton of people who still don't trust the government in having its best interests at heart, people who believe organizations  like the CDC and the FDA are more interested in turning them into lab rats than into solving a pandemic, and that, opens up the possibility that they will be scorned for their fears, however misguided or otherwise they may be.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

The night I lost my wedding ring and rediscovered love

2021-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


The night I lost my wedding ring and rediscovered love

It's always been a possibility; people lose things like this all the time.  The difference here is that mine... Mine has just always been slightly too big for my thin finger, thus the possibility was more like probability, not a matter of if, but when.  I thought the moment had come one day while I was looking for something in my mother's closet and it had gotten caught in a bag of blankets and comforters and other extras she kept lying around in the event that she might need them.After roughly a whole days' worth of searching, I had a brainwave and found it.  I thought back to the only place where I felt it could have vanished and the reason behind it; the bag was full of stuff and my hand inside, rummaging around with little to no room would hav easily managed to slip the thing off my finger without my noticing it or giving it a second thought.  I breathed a sigh of relief that day in the summer of 2018 and foolishly hoped I'd never have to deal with that incident again.  I never had the money to size it or I would have had it done then and there; no questions asked.Today, the inevitable happened, and after breaking my head on it, I've realized that there's just too many, many possibilities as to where it might be and the reason why it fell off my finger to begin with.  The toilet in the master bathroom has been having issues for awhile now when it comes to refilling itself, requiring that I lift the lid off the tank and push a little button to start the filling process; it could have fallen in there.  Ranger, who was supposed to be our guidedog and who is now retired owing to health issues beyond our control, came to visit us today and I took him for a walk, using my left hand to hold the leash.  It could have fallen off then.  I was playing with my children throughout the day... I picked one of them up, tickled another, gave the cat to another... I helped them get their food and drinks today.  It could have fallen off then.I had no particular reason to be more mindful today than at any other day because it has gone on like this for quite some time and no harm has befallen my ring; usually I feel it when it's even close to coming off and I stop whatever I'm doing at the time, slide it back and readjust my thinking on whatever activity or chore it is I'm trying to get done and move along.  The only indication came from a friend of ours who came in and commented that she knew it would sound weird for her to say so, but that she had always thought I had nice looking hands and just felt the need to say it.  I know she didn't take it; firstly, because she would have no use for it, second, because I would have felt her touch my hands, third, because she wasn't ever close enough to touch them, and finally, because she's the one who brought the dog to begin with, as when we retired him she suggested she could take him to her home and give him a stress free, wonderful life and a big back yard to play in.  I'd trust her with my life, and I already trust her with my children; she's an occupational and physical therapist to our youngest as it is.  Part of me wants to call her though and ask if she saw the ring on my finger when she made the comment; perhaps that way I can at least have some idea as to when I lost it.But this post?  this post really isn't about any of those things.  All of those things are just the preface, part of the big picture.  It's just as possible that I could find the ring before I fall asleep tonight.  It's just as possible that I'm making mountains out of molehills and the ring is lying right under my overly sizable nose.  It's just as possible that as I'm walking down the hall to check on something else completely unrelated years down the road, I'll find the ring.  What was an absolute surprise, however, was that my wife had the solution, as if it she had been planning it all along.  It was unexpected; it was beautiful.  It was the most wonderful thing that happened to me since meeting her, since getting married, since having children, since playing tons of games and going through all sorts of crazy crud together and coming out of it on the other side.  Tonight, I rediscovered love, and all it took, was her emphatically and decisively making the simple statement, "Lets buy some new rings and get married again!"


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my berthday!

2021-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my berthday!

Written like the wisest granny we have on the forum...  Thumbs up!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my berthday!

2021-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my berthday!

Hang it all, JJ, you pineapple pizza eating sauce smeared saucy braggot... I said I wanted a birthday!  Not Karma!  I want a Birthday!  It's supposed to be happy?  Don't you see that?  Look at this whole topic!  It's full of happy things!  Happy birthday things!  And here you are, talking about Karma!  How dare you besmirch the happiness that is a birthday!  Never mind that I don't even know what a birthday is yet...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my berthday!

2021-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my berthday!

@Meatbag, I don't believe you.  This is a conspiracy.  I think you can buy a birthday or something... I just need to figure out where...  I should try Amazon; I've been told it sells everything!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my berthday!

2021-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my berthday!

What are these birthday things and how can I get one?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

2021-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

Using his super duper Karmatic karma kitten, Nocturnus deals Connor a thumbs up, delivering precisely, in all exactitude, the total of, 1 karma point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

It's the pineapple pizzas, champ.  They've finally had enough of you, and they're coming to take you away!  Ha ha!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

Gosh!  These accusations!  They just get more and more hurtful as the posts scroll by!  Next, you'll be asking me if I can farm karma for you!  Well, to head off any ideas in this particular direction, I just want to go on record saying that I don't grow the stuff outside my apartment complex; the owners got flipping mad about it the last time I tried that load of shenanigans... I was told that if I continued I'd null and void my lease and further threatened with a suit to boot.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

Gosh!  These accusations!  They just get more and more hurtful as the posts scroll by!  Next, you'll be asking me if I can farm karma for you!  Well, to head of any ideas in this particular direction, I just want to go on record saying that I don't grow the stuff outside my apartment complex; the owners got flipping mad about it the last time I tried that load of shenanigans... I was told that if I continued I'd null and void my lease and further threatened with a suit to boot.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

@connor142, POST 17, SHUT UP!  Don't give anyone out here any ideas... I've already got enough bad ones as it is!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

Long and possibly amusing, or disastrous post incoming, depending on who reads it and who you ask, but first... I must defend myself against unfounded accusations!@GrannyCheeseWheel, psychological manipulation?  Me?  Are you accusing, me?  What is this!  Answer your own question!  Why indeed!  Why would someone like me ever...  I mean, in all honesty and sincerity, you could just hate the posts and then not click the thumbs up button.  You could hate them on the basis that you believe some sort of mental trickery is taking place!  You could hate them on the grounds that they're poorly worded!  You could choose to not read them when the name Nocturnus rears its ugly letters!  You could... Why are you still reading this kerfuffle!  Seriously!  You've gotten no more insight from reading this particular post than you did from post 4 and...In all seriousness I sometimes take the satire thing far over the top and I don't even know where I'm running with it.  Psychological manipulation?  If it means it makes you laugh, then yeah... I'm guilty and take the bait and bite.  I like making people laugh.  I just don't do stand up comedy because I know I'm not that level of funny.  I know there are people who will go ha ha at just about anything, and that is doubled when you tell them this is a comedy show, but I'm not trying to be some sort of Charlatan out to get easy cash for close to no effort.  Hmmm, Still, just for possible laughs, what would a comedy performance by yours truly be like?  Lets see here...The announcer steps up to the microphone and assumes a meak posture, as if even he is unsure of what he's doing up there in front of a crowd of people.  He has been given the script beforehand but he wonders if any of this is worth doing, which just adds to the level of meakeness and shyness he is exhibiting on stage.  From the audience's perspective it's hard to know if this is an act or if he truly feels awkward and uncomfortable at the role he's been asigned."Ladies and gentlemen...  I'm here to tel you all that you've just spent a load of money to uh, well, to pay attention to a truly crazy guy!  For the next hour!  Do you realize just how crazy that is?  We promise you'll be sorry for this later, but your tickets are nonrefundable and were so as soon as you sat down and made yourselves at home!  We ask that after the show you kindly tell us what you were thinking before you entered this wonderful venue which has seen much better performances, and what you're thinking now the show is over!Incidentally, our guest tonight would also like me to add the following."  The announcer dramatically pauses and emphatically clears his throat.  "Nocturnus, king of the popcollective creation would like to welcome you to his world of idiocies by letting you know he is not responsible for any positivity you may suffer from them.  He is not to be held accountable for any laughter, giddiness, cheerfullness, smiles, or other forms of contentment you might experience.  Additionally, he would also like you to know that the emergency doors to this establishment are working properly in the event that you should need to make a hasty retreat and act as if you were never here.  On the other hand, should you experience feelings of negativity, resentment, doubt, anger, etc etc, he suggests that you take all of the trash hurling and bottle throwing and keep it to a minimum as he will not be taking any physical personal insults seriously and you will be doing yourself a disservice in the wasting of your time, effort and material possessions.  All such items should go in their proper recepticles and stay off the venue grounds which the staff here work so hard to maintain.  do them a favor by not making more work for them and allowing them to be paid for doing less!"The announcer takes another dramatic five second pause before continuing.  "And now, the moment you've all not been waiting for but which you knew was coming since those ridiculous billboards hit your city, straight from nowheresville nowhere at the center of nothing and and infinite number of possibilities they call Texas, standingn at roughly 5 feet, 9 inches, weighing in at 175 pounds without the quad stacker from burgerking, with an average gaming winning streak of less than 0 against all of his greatest online opponents, the one and only nightmare you've ever had and never wanted to meet, Nocturuns... I mean, Nocturnus!"Nocturnus, a slender, blue-eyed man with an arguably long nose and a slightly dimpled chin strolls casually to the stage as if he's simply walking through a moonlit street with no care in the world.  Just before reaching the stage he veers slightly away from it and bumps into an unnamed individual standing close by.  Both fall to the floor and begin flailing and shouting.  In the flurry of limbs that follows which almost seems like a purposefully choreographed wrestling match, you distinctly think you can hear Noctu

Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

Long and possibly amusing, or disastrous post incoming, depending on who reads it and who you ask, but first... I must defend myself against unfounded accusations!@GrannyCheeseWheel, psychological manipulation?  Me?  Are you accusing, me?  What is this!  Answer your own question!  Why indeed!  Why would someone like me ever...  I mean, in all honesty and sincerity, you could just hate the posts and then not click the thumbs up button.  You could hate them on the basis that you believe some sort of mental trickery is taking place!  You could hate them on the grounds that they're poorly worded!  You could choose to not read them when the name Nocturnus rears its ugly letters!  You could... Why are you still reading this kerfuffle!  Seriously!  You've gotten no more insight from reading this particular post than you did from post 4 and...In all seriousness I sometimes take the satire thing far over the top and I don't even know where I'm running with it.  Psychological manipulation?  If it means it makes you laugh, then yeah... I'm guilty and take the bait and bite.  I like making people laugh.  I just don't do stand up comedy because I know I'm not that level of funny.  I know there are people who will go ha ha at just about anything, and that is doubled when you tell them this is a comedy show, but I'm not trying to be some sort of Charlatan out to get easy cash for close to no effort.  Hmmm, Still, just for possible laughs, what would a comedy performance by yours truly be like?  Lets see here...The announcer steps up to the microphone and assumes a meak posture, as if even he is unsure of what he's doing up there in front of a crowd of people.  He has been given the script beforehand but he wonders if any of this is worth doing, which just adds to the level of meakeness and shyness he is exhibiting on stage.  From the audience's perspective it's hard to know if this is an act or if he truly feels awkward and uncomfortable at the role he's been asigned."Ladies and gentlemen...  I'm here to tel you all that you've just spent a load of money to uh, well, to pay attention to a truly crazy guy!  For the next hour!  Do you realize just how crazy that is?  We promise you'll be sorry for this later, but your tickets are nonrefundable and were so as soon as you sat down and made yourselves at home!  We ask that after the show you kindly tell us what you were thinking before you entered this wonderful venue which has seen much better performances, and what you're thinking now the show is over!Incidentally, our guest tonight would also like me to add the following."  The announcer dramatically pauses and emphatically clears his throat.  "Nocturnus, king of the popcollective creation would like to welcome you to his world of idiocies by letting you know he is not responsible for any positivity you may suffer from them.  He is not to be held accountable for any laughter, giddiness, cheerfullness, smiles, or other forms of contentment you might experience.  Additionally, he would also like you to know that the emergency doors to this establishment are working properly in the event that you should need to make a hasty retreat and act as if you were never here.  On the other hand, should you experience feelings of negativity, resentment, doubt, anger, etc etc, he suggests that you take all of the trash hurling and bottle throwing and keep it to a minimum as he will not be taking any physical personal insults seriously and you will be doing yourself a disservice in the wasting of your time, effort and material possessions.  All such items should go in their proper recepticles and stay off the venue grounds which the staff here work so hard to maintain.  do them a favor by not making more work for them and allowing them to be paid for doing less!"The announcer takes another dramatic five second pause before continuing.  "And now, the moment you've all not been waiting for but which you knew was coming since those ridiculous billboards hit your city, straight from nowheresville nowhere at the center of nothing and and infinite number of possibilities they call Texas, standingn at roughly 5 feet, 9 inches, weighing in at 175 pounds without the quad stacker from burgerking, with an average gaming winning streak of less than 0 against all of his greatest online opponents, the one and only nightmare you've ever had and never wanted to meet, Nocturuns... I mean, Nocturnus!"Nocturnus, a slender, blue-eyed man with an arguably long nose and a slightly dimpled chin strolls casually to the stage as if he's simply walking through a moonlit street with no care in the world.  Just before reaching the stage he veers slightly away from it and bumps into an unnamed individual standing close by.  Both fall to the floor and begin flailing and shouting.  In the flurry of limbs that follows which almost seems like a purposefully choreographed wrestling match, you distinctly think you can hear Noctu

Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

2021-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have been here for 1 year now.

I've been here long enough to say that I've been here long enough to say that I've been here long enough to say that you won't care much about this post and you'll move on to post your own post about how this post was a pointless post that did nothing to better the topic we're all posting in right now and so shut up already, right?  right?  Right!  Don't thumbs up this post if you're smart...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Bat! Another alternative to Thunderbird

2021-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Bat! Another alternative to Thunderbird

Haven't had issues with lag in TB since I disabled all the unneded junk.  I just loaded an email account with well over 4000 messages to see if maybe, just maybe I could make it crash when I deleted them?  No dice.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: WHat matters for you in the software application?

2021-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: WHat matters for you in the software application?

With Dark here.  My PC is loaded with apps most people wouldn't use because age.  I'm here to tell you they've aged well.  Winamp, by default, for all its faults, still sounds better than foobar even if foobar is the superior software in terms of functionality.  Thunderbird because once you set it up and cut out all the spurious crud you don't need it works as a simple send and receive email client.  Switch to convert audio files because it's easy and does what I need it to do effectively.  Windows security because... I'm sure you get the point with that one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Bat! Another alternative to Thunderbird

2021-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Bat! Another alternative to Thunderbird

I'll never pay for something that suggests I should pay for it when something else will do the same thing just as well for free.  that, is utter madness of the highest caliber.  Still, if the shoe fits you...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Happy New Year

2021-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Happy New Year

@12.  Try the new nacho fries if you can get them... I could eat them forever!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: mad at freesound

2021-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: mad at freesound

Says the guy making sounds for others to enjoy, not the one running the site, maintaining the site, screening the content or streamlining it for everyone else to enjoy.  Seriously, champ, give people a break!  Do you have any idea what yesterday was?  Are you aware that today is practically looked at as a holiday by many people around the world?  Can you, in your skin, imagine what it's been like for many who have had their routines and traditions disrupted by this covid thing?  How many people are struggling, mentally, emotionally, socially, just to stay afloat in their respective, hollowed out shells today because they're distanced from loved ones?  Take it easy, buddy.  You may not for the most part be feeling the effects of this thing, but many others are and it's huge!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Happy New Year

2020-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Happy New Year

I resolve not to make any resolution this year, just like I have on other years!  That resolution has worked out for me, every, single, year!  And you can't make me make a resolution!  Wait, does making a resolution not to make resolutions count as a reso... Oh, forget it!  Just, have a happy new year already!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: views about 2020

2020-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: views about 2020

Sadly, I'm going to have to agree with post 2.  Most of us will have to rethink how life is lived for awhile, whatever that actually means.  There'll be tons of self-sacrifice along the way, and I think most of the burden is going to fall upon many of us for a myriad of reasons ranging from our disabilities to our social status and financial issues.  Some of us may not notice a thing while others... I dunno... I'll just say I'm not looking forward to this one, but I'm going to make the best of it all the same.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what happend to the PM links?

2020-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what happend to the PM links?

Happened to me enough times that I had to find a fix.  I used to think it had to do with cookies and such, but nope.  It kept right on going.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what happend to the PM links?

2020-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what happend to the PM links?

Browser nonsense.  Make sure your browser window is maximized and no toolbars are in the way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Recent Apple watch owners: heads up!

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Recent Apple watch owners: heads up!

Which is a rather interesting thing, as I tried both of those methods as described in 7 and 8 and, neither worked for me.  IN the end, as I said above, I had to turn VO off and have a sighted person click on the OK button.  Regardless, the point of this topic is simply that there is, in fact, an ok button.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can't get rid of apple watch changelog (series 5)

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can't get rid of apple watch changelog (series 5)

@Liam, which way did you scroll?  I went left, right, up and down, and the stupid button remained elusive!  Either way, I'm glad to see someone remembered the topic I posted yesterday about it...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Recent Apple watch owners: heads up!

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Recent Apple watch owners: heads up!

I'm afraid I wasn't up to writing such things, unfortunately, though that would have made for an interesting read and I probably would have given it a thumbs up.Since you mentioned it, however, I may as well tell you that I heard through the many ever growing radical realistic fake news propaganda misinformation spreading machines that the vaccine does contain a microchip which will be embedded in your skin and that its purpose is precisely what you stated above, to make an app specifically designed to keep track of vaccinated and nonvaccinated citizens.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Recent Apple watch owners: heads up!

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Recent Apple watch owners: heads up!

I'm afraid I wasn't up to writing such things, unfortunately, though that would have made for an interesting read and I probably would have given it a thumbs up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Recent Apple watch owners: heads up!

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Recent Apple watch owners: heads up!

This applies to anyone who meets the following criteria:1.  You have a new apple watch, specifically, a Series 6 apple watch.2.  You've recently tried updating it.3. Your update completed successfully and you have received the update completed screen but cannot get out of it, no matter what you do.Do I have news for you!  There is an OK button!  VO's just not reading it!  It's there, and it's the first time I've ever had real accessibility problems with an Apple product.  Do not needlessly reset and re-pair; before having a sighted person look at it first.  Turn VO off to make sure screen curtain is not in the way.  This is annoying, and I certainly hope I never have to deal with it again in future, and I know others who have managed to successfully update their watches with no issue, so it may just be me for now, and that's fine.  I just figured I'd put this up here in the event that anyone else has spent the past three days trying to figure this out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Recent Apple watch owners: heads up!

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Recent Apple watch owners: heads up!

This applies to anyone who meets the following criteria:1.  You have a new apple watch, specifically, a Series 6 apple watch.2.  You've recently tried updating it.3. Your update completed successfully and you have received the update completed screen but cannot get out of it, no matter what you do.Do I have news for you!  There is an OK button!  VO's just not reading it!  It's there, and it's the first time I've ever had real accessibility problems with an Apple product.  Do not needlessly reset and re-pair; before having a sighted person look at it first.  Turn VO off to make sure screen curtain is not in the way.  This is annoying, and I certainly hope I never have to deal with it again in future, and I know others who have managed to successfully uypdate their watches with no issue, so it may just be me for now, and that's fine.  I just figured I'd put this up here in the event that anyone else has spent the past three days trying to figure this out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: in this topic, weAre SeeingTrollsFeeding themselves!

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: in this topic, weAre SeeingTrollsFeeding themselves!

I said I don't believe in pineapple pizza, and I meant it!  As @JayJay has just kindly pointed out in post 29, there is no such thing as pineapple pizza!  This, coming from a guy who eats pineapple pizza!  As far as what kind of world we'd live in without such slimy nonsense?  A saner one than we live in today!lol Seriously, I have tried pineapple on pizza... I just can't stomach it!  The idea of having all these great toppings that go together, cheesy, garlicky, meaty, saltry, perhaps with just a little kick depending on what all you get, then sweet, sweet mother of pineapple?  BLEH!  Like a kick in the crotch after taking a refreshingly wonderful bath!  Like finding out you get to go to the coolest amusement park ever, but to get there you're gonna have to drive in a luxury car with no AC!  Like, like... I dunno!  Like having the most beautiful orchestral piece ever known to man destroyed by a car alarm!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: in this topic, weAre SeeingTrollsFeeding themselves!

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: in this topic, weAre SeeingTrollsFeeding themselves!

I'm not convinced one way or the other... I say he's a troll posing as a troll claiming to be a fonografic walrus.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: in this topic, weAre SeeingTrollsFeeding themselves!

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: in this topic, weAre SeeingTrollsFeeding themselves!

So is he a walrus, or a bull?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: in this topic, weAre SeeingTrollsFeeding themselves!

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: in this topic, weAre SeeingTrollsFeeding themselves!

I don't believe in Pineapple pizza, and anyone who does is delusional!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: let's criticice and bully fonografico

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: let's criticice and bully fonografico

Canibalism!  Even the trolls don't like the pineapple pizzas after all!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: let's criticice and bully fonografico

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: let's criticice and bully fonografico

Trolls trolling themselves!  Ah, what a wonderful, terrible, sane, crazy, up and down sort of world we live in.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: let's criticice and bully fonografico

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: let's criticice and bully fonografico

Bwuh?I've seen some really interesting moderation decisions handed down through the years, but never one so like as fine as this one...  I mean, I suppose you could make a case against attacking one's self not being all that productive and perhaps even having more negative impact on one's self than positive, and that the user in question is sort of opening himself up to personal attacks, and even the idea that he is trying to get other people banned by having them flame at him so that he can then justify getting the mods involved about them flaming at him, but to me, this just seems like a crude and somewhat childish attempt at satire.  We all start somewhere, and if this person is just trying to poke fun at himself, well...  I'm of a mind it could be way worse?Then again, the moderation decision could be just as satirical, given the way it's written?  I don't generally go around reading how mods go around writing moderation warnings nowadays... I just remember that when Dark and I did it we definitely capped the whole word with an exclamation at the end...  I suppose time will let us know one way or the other.Edited: the warning seems to be oficial given it's up in the public disciplinary actions topic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: let's criticice and bully fonografico

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: let's criticice and bully fonografico

Bwuh?I've seen some really interesting moderation decisions handed down through the years, but never one so like as fine as this one...  I mean, I suppose you could make a case against attacking one's self not being all that productive and perhaps even having more negative impact on one's self than positive, and that the user in question is sort of opening himself up to personal attacks, and even the idea that he is trying to get other people banned by having them flame at him so that he can then justify getting the mods involved about them flaming at him, but to me, this just seems like a crude and somewhat childish attempt at satire.  We all start somewhere, and if this person is just trying to poke fun at himself, well...  I'm of a mind it could be way worse?Then again, the moderation decision could be just as satirical, given the way it's written?  I don't generally go around reading how mods go around writing moderation warnings nowadays... I just remember that when Dark and I did it we definitely capped the whole word with an exclamation at the end...  I suppose time will let us know one way or the other.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: let's criticice and bully fonografico

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: let's criticice and bully fonografico

Bwuh?I've seen some really interesting moderation decisions handed down through the years, but never one so like as fine as this one...  I mean, I suppose you could make a case against attacking one's self not being all that productive and perhaps even having more negative impact on one's self than positive, and that the user in question is sort of opening himself up to personal attacks, and even the idea that he is trying to get other people banned by having them flame at him so that he can then justify getting the mods involved about them flaming at him, but to me, this just seems like a crude and somewhat childish attempt at satire.  We all start somewhere, and if this person is just trying to poke fun at himself, well...  I'm of a mind it could be way worse?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drama in the blind comunity, why does it happen?

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drama in the blind comunity, why does it happen?

@camlorn, 26, sadly, my parents left me to my own devices pretty much from the moment I got up and started walking.  That I was able to do anything akin to social goodness is, well... I see myself as fortunate in this regard.  I thank my elementary school teachers for all their patience.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drama in the blind comunity, why does it happen?

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drama in the blind comunity, why does it happen?

@camlorn, 23, another good read.  I myself went to mainstream school from beginning to end and because I was fortunate enough to score sighted friends I escaped some of the harder quirks to get rid of.  Today though, that almost leaves me acting judgmental toward many in blind communities though I don't mean to... I can't help but feel somewhat disappointed/awkwardly uncomfortable when people start immitating SAPI voices or loudly toying with assistive technology in majorly sighted settings, as if this is their identity/what makes them who they are and what they are and there's nothing else in the way of depth to such people.  The NFB conventions are yet another thing I have never gone to for that very reason... I guess that's the other side of the coin.?But no, even here I fell short... I couldn't always look the part.  My favorite music was metal, but the metalheads generally stayed away from me... I couldn't convincingly look the part... I guess.  It kind of left me in limbo with the smart kids who all dressed in fashionable clothing, all of them wondering why on earth I listened to such antisocial garbage rather than going for the ultra cool pop stuff of the hour.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for donations for a purchase of a Victor reader trek

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for donations for a purchase of a Victor reader trek

I've never seen the trek but am looking forward to my stream, which I should be getting thanks to DBS soonish.  I don't want all that GPS functionality.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for donations for a purchase of a Victor reader trek

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for donations for a purchase of a Victor reader trek

Um, I thought I edited that...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for donations for a purchase of a Victor reader trek

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for donations for a purchase of a Victor reader trek

The trek isn't the only way to read books portablly.  Do you live in the states?  Have you an iOS or Android device?  Do you have an account with your local branch of the national library service?  They'll send you a player for free which will play all the mainstream audio formats as well as bard DAISY titles.  Of course, if you have a bard account you already have access to that material with either an iOS or Android device through the bard app itself.Note: this is just a suggestion while you await something better.  I do hope you get some donations as reading is more than just entertainment; it is food and drink for the mind, body and soul and helps one improve their productivity, creativity and learn new abilities.  Unlike a gaming console, which is the other topic people are a bit tiffed about, this one doesn't seem too bad, and I'd donate if I had money.  As it stands, I just used the last of it to buy my wife a much needed upgrade for her wrist, meaning an apple watch.  Her doctor recommended it as she almost had a heart attack recently and she wanted a way to help monitor its activity.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for donations for a purchase of a Victor reader trek

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for donations for a purchase of a Victor reader trek

The trek isn't the only way to read books portablly.  Do you live in the states?  Have you an iOS or Android device?  Do you have an account with your local branch of the national library service?  They'll send you a player for free which will play all the mainstream audio formats as well as bard DAISY titles.  Of course, if you have a bard account you already have access to that material with either an iOS or Android device through the bard app itself.Note: this is just a suggestion while you await something better.  I do hope you get some donations as reading is more than just entertainment; it is food and drink for the mind, body and soul and helps one improve their productivity, creativity and learn new abilities.  Unlike a gaming console, which is the other topic people are a bit tiffed about, this one doesn't seem too bad, and I'd donate if I had money.  As it stands, I just used the last of it to by my wife a much needed upgrade for her wrist, meaning an aple watch.  Her doctor recommended it as she almost had a heart attack recently.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Calliope version 3.3

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calliope version 3.3

I'd actually just like a built-in equalizer if that's even possible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drama in the blind comunity, why does it happen?

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drama in the blind comunity, why does it happen?

@jayde, you have no idea how much I needed to read post 16.  It gave me further, much needed insight into what I need to do in my own personal life.  Hge thumbs up-!  The sad thing is that as blind people we do rely so heavily on tone that it's so easy to mistake someone of being mad when they sound tired, or when they're hurting, or when they're just plain not feeling good for some other reason.  It happens to me more than I care to admit it, to the point where one of the questions I ask my wife at least once a day is, "You mad at me?"And I just learned that I really have to stop.  I hate what I've put the poor girl through because I care so deeply and love her so desperately and hate it that she's so sick and tired and weak all the time.  At the same time, I hate screwing up as it pertains to her, so I feel like some dense stupid child continuosly asking, "You still love me, right?"  She obviously can't be mad at me all the time or else she'd have been done with me long ago... I never stopped to consider just how much I might be abusing the question, and the consequences such abuse may have later on.  I want her to know her feelings matter to me, but not at the extent of her feeling like I'm accusing her of being a complete angry grouch just because she can't always work up a smile for me.At the same time, it just depresses me more to have to reafirm how much we're missing out on and how much further our relationships might go if we could initiate and hold eye contact with those we care about most, as well as read their facial expressions and other physical cues.  Hopefully I can turn this feeling around and into motivation to do better as time progresses... I want to for the sake of everyone around me even if I myself don't see what all the fuss is about, because that's just the problem... I don't "see" (yes I just put that word in quotes) what all the fuss is about.  I'm not constantly looking at myself in a mirror and am not aware of all the little crazy things I may be  doing without meaning to.I always wondered why my parents and other sighted people have felt/feel unwelcome in my home; they say I look fidgety because I'm constantly drumming my fingers or tapping my toes to an internal rhythm known only to me, myself and the beatboxing musical voices in my head.  Apparently, I sometimes grit my teeth too, without even realizing I'm doing it, which makes me look like I'm mad.  I've never been accused of outright looking like I'm blind; in fact I've been complimented for the opposite for the most part, but I'm starting to wonder just how blind I look and how much people have kindly overlooked in an atempt to not hurt my feelings.  It seems I'm going to have to take a chance and ask for more honesty where this is concerned.  How a guy can go through life for 32 years without having given this super serious thought is as far as I'm concerned a socially unacceptible and egregious oversight I hope to fix in the not too distant future, but I see now that it's going to have to start with some questions on my part and a willing ear for the answers I get in everyone else, sorry for the really weird personal self rambly message.  I do hope, however, that this serves as a reminder to anyone that even those of us who do our best to be presentable and have acquired some semblance of popularity and even social likeableness for the most part amongst peers don't always get it right.  Let us recommit ourselves to it for those we hold dear, if not for ourselves.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drama in the blind comunity, why does it happen?

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drama in the blind comunity, why does it happen?

isn't this sort of a drama topic?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Calliope version 3.3

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calliope version 3.3

Now I am going to mess with this more extensively, as foo-tube has finally quit working properly and things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A born blindman's rant on gaming in front of sighted people

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A born blindman's rant on gaming in front of sighted people

So, two things, from someone who's blind and practically deaf.1.  You will never hear me say I hate social interaction... I don't!  Quite the opposite is true.  That being said?2.  Sighted people particularly of my and future generations, and some who are older who try to act like they're part of my and future generations, are hard to interact with when you're me.  ON the one hand, in places and situations where it's now socially acceptible to carry around and use a smartphone all the time which is more or less everywhere, I'm the outcast, because I either have to turn my phone up loud enough for me to hear it, which is loud enough for anyone within 10 feet of me to hear it to some degree, or wear head/earphones.  The second is the common courtesy, but then, guess what?  I shut everyone out, which is socially unacceptable.  The alternative is to sit around and twiddle your thumbs and look socially awkward while everyone goes about poking at their screen, sharing posts on social media and smiling like idiots at things on the other end of the line they may or may not choose to share with you.  Lose lose.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Overuse of the word "friend" in English

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Overuse of the word "friend" in English

@8, I'm aware of that.  that's just the point though; they're a person who cares, too.  People want clones of themselves, or they woudln't be working so hard at making AI that fits them in every single which way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Overuse of the word "friend" in English

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Overuse of the word "friend" in English

I think a lot of words are ruined, and friend just happens to be one of them.  Have you considered the word love?  for all it is supposed to represent, it is thrown around so frivolously and flippantly; there is no respect in its usage.  I love you, but I love cars, love movies, love pizza, love to skate, love to shop, love to fish, love to cook, love to sleep, love the feeling I get after not having gone to the bathroom for a long time but needing that relief early in the morning... I love knowing I'm right... I love trolling people!  I love all the things you hate and hate all the things you love, and that's ok because words are just words anyway!the problem is not words in and of themselves; the problem is that people have become desensitized to them.  Much like post 2 hints at the idea that there are different levels of friendship, there are different kinds of "love."  Love itself is the victim though, because we abuse it to suggest that we're happy with something going right for us on a personal level, so that when we give an honest and genuine I love you to someone, it holds so little meaning because love encompasses everything else that makes us happy in the short term.  That is a problem when you consider the implications behind it.  If you only love when you're happy, what is love deligated to when you're sad?  And if you don't love when you're sad, what is a person on the other end of you being sad supposed to feel when you are if they care too?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: FooYouTube Playback Issues?

2020-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: FooYouTube Playback Issues?

All I know is that if I go to youtube myself and actually play something on the site, then go and restart foobar, it usually works.  NO idea if it'll work for you or not, and it's honestly not dependable since google's got its issues, but there ya have it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I now have a Twitter account!

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I now have a Twitter account!

Granny back to being a wet blanket over everything?  She'll be hollering at you soon to get off her lawn!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I now have a Twitter account!

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I now have a Twitter account!

Been around Twitter since 2010 and found it pretty dry, FB since 2015 or there abouts and found it pretty bla, and so now I just... I don't know.  I hang out here?


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Re: I need help

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help

@haily_merry, If I'm to follow my own advice in 58, the correct answer would be that, it matters not who you are, but who you want to be. :d


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need help

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help

For what it's worth, I'm glad this situation was dealt with quite nicely.  Jayde, thank you for doing what you do and doing it diligently.  To Cookie and Julia, I'm sorry some of our more outspoken members have gotten in the way of you two having good interactions with those of us who mean well here on this forum.  Cookie has indeed caused a fair amount of discomfort on this forum in the past, but that's hardly a reason to assume the worst on a regular basis.  If we do that we may as well just turn our backs on anyone who's ever commited any kind of offense against anyone else on this forum no matter how slight, and then what kind of forum if any would we have?  Some of our greatest contributors started off as massive troublemakers.  Some of our greatest troublemakers were originally awesome contributors.  Some are a bit of both; you never judge a book by its cover.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: advice needed. No snide comments please

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: advice needed. No snide comments please

With dark here and post 57.  It really is never a good idea to air out dirty laundry, as it were, especially if both parties in a relationship are not consenting.  Even in the case of consent it really is best to seek professional help or, at the very least, help from someone you know you can trust to stay unbiased in the midst of the struggle.  It is my belief that true relationships are constant conflicts, but that does not mean said conflict has to dissolve into ugly fighting.  there is a huge difference between arguing and, to put it as Dark did, amicably sharing opinions.  I don't remember where precisely it is I heard this one, but the idea has stayed with me ever since I did.  the art of diplomacy in a loving relationship involves always trying to give more than you truly intend and taking less than you truly require.  When arguing, do your best to always try to err on the side of truth, but if you must be truthful, be loving about it.  Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a question regarding hearing aids and headphones

2020-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a question regarding hearing aids and headphones

Hearing aid user myself.  No, I don't use them when I'm doing anything with headphones/earbuds, which is why I'm so picky about headphones/earbuds to begin with, but my hearing loss is not related to any particular illness/disease/syndrome but owing to a lot of things that just happened to align properly to get me here, ranging from my love of music and sound, audio production and equipment and loud concerts and performances as well as multiple ear infections and tons of antibiotics.  Oh, and a cousin of mine stuck an unpopped popcorn kernel in my right ear while I was sleeping which had to surgically come out.My issue with hearing aids and the reason I don't make use of them as much as I probably should is the lack of proper representation of the world around me... I hate hearing things through an aid.  That being said, I do have my preferences.  Behind the ear aids as far as I'm concerned provide the best audio you're going to get.  Yes, they are a bit more visible than the in-ear shells most people are opting for nowadays, but if audio matters to you, I think you'll prefer a behind-the-ear model.  They're more visible because the whole thing is bigger, which allows for a better mic, and if the mold is fitted properly in your ear you'll usually get a fairly good sound you can then have the audiologist tweak a bit more to fit your in the states, you'll more than likely either go resound or Starkey; both have useful features and are constantly improving.  Resound pairs more nicely with Apple products than Starkey models do, actually giving you the ability to use Siri from the aid.  Starkey seems a bit more intent on analyzing your environment and tweaking the aid for you via AI and your personal performance and give you access to things like language translation, fall sensors, realtime notifications of calls, text and emails on your smartphone.  Both offer bluetooth streaming.  Both offer rechargable batteries.  Both have smartphone apps, though I cannot vouch for accessibility on either brand as I personally use neither, though I freely admit my ears are itching gfor a Resound makeover.


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Re: the most annoying song you can link to

2020-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the most annoying song you can link to

Am I like, the only person who despises this thing?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Can I seriously be serious?

2020-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can I seriously be serious?

This is going to be a long one... I want to thank you all.  Thank you all equally.  If I'm not addressing you specifically in this post as I will a few individuals, it has nothing to do with your post being of lesser importance/significance.  Some of you, however, offered more than well wishes and encouragement; you offered advice and wrote about your own personal experiences and I want to show that your effort is appreciated.@Aaron, post 5, you're right.  I've gained, too.  Wisdom and insight are just two things I've gained.  The pain has schooled me in patience and perseverance.  My biggest gain, however, has been a loving family.  Anyone who has followed me for awhile now knows that my parents, siblings and I have never had the best of relationships... I was the blacksheep, as it were.  My thoughts, goals and dreams were different, and I had a drive to do my best to get them done.  I'm still working on a lot of things, but for now it is enough to say that my life has come a long way from where it was when I first signed up here.@smoothgunner, post 6, prayer is something I try never to stop doing, but I appreciate the reminder; it never hurts to repeat it.@Cheesy circular iron wooden spoon, post 7, thanks, man.  You and I have not always seen eye to eye on things, and I admit sometimes I just can't, for the life of me, figure you out, but I do believe you mean well deep down.  You could just as easily have trollfaced me given post 1 sounded so wimpy; you didn't.@tunmi13, post 8, seriously?  lol I appreciate the gesture.  someone through my satire back at me and did it nicely enough.  Glad to know you won't mis TG this year... I wish I had a brother that cared that much about me.@Dark, post 9, you and I may not agree on some things, but where our wives are concerned, you and I have been more or less neck and neck.  the "for better or worse" stuff is where most couples just don't seem to get it.  Things go bad in life and all of a sudden somebody's at the very least thinking about walking out when the other person needs them the most... I know your wife's been going through some ugly moments herself what with all that cancer business and, I can't even imagine how that has made you feel personally.  I know how I feel though, and it's not cancer.  but it doesn't matter what it is.  I've told my wife on at least one occasion that even if she were to forget my name and claim in mental illness or something of that nature that she didn't know who I was or never wanted to see me again, I'd still go on loving her and she'd still be the most important person in this life.  I'm sure you'd say the same about your wonderful woman; they truly do complete us.  Best of wishes to the pair of you and keep on keepin on.@Zarvox, post 10, without trying to you wrote a post that was a lot more powerful than you may have realized.  Let this reply serve as a reminder to you that sometimes overthinking a matter is less productive than simply trying your hand at it.  I didn't find your post negative at all... I found it encouraging.  For the record, no.  It's not that I needed to hear that I'm inspiring and caring or anything else that people deem good about me.  Too much of that can leave a guy feeling puffed up sitting high on a mountain in a bubble full of self-justified pride.  I do appreciate your comment though; it makes me want to work all that much harder to be more of the same, and more than that, too.  Considering that you're 20, not trying to be shallow and that you care enough to say what you feel and why?  And you seriously think you can't match me on some unnamed level because time? I may be 12 years older than you, but I can honestly say that when I was your age I was worse off than you are now as far as thoughts go.@haily_merry, 13, and that's part of what made me feel so selfish in having posted this thing to begin with.  I've never had anything like that happen to me, ever!  I've never had extensive surgery or had to take it easy and go through tons of hours and days and weeks of prescribed, doctor demanded bed rest.  In comparison my emotional pain seems like it shouldn't even matter to me, when I think about what my wife is going through and others have gone through.  I feel like all I did was complain, but I did want to get that stuff off my chest and I knew this forum was probably the best place to do it, and I hoped I could motivate someone to talk to others they might otherwise not have talked to for awhile for whatever reason, to not forget the importance of people around you.@Jayde, 14, as I hinted when replying to haily, post 13, part of it is that bit of me that still trys to keep things in perspective and assess the whole situation.  when I think about what my wife is going through my emotional pain just feels like it pales in comparison.  You know what?  I truly admire her.  She could go on FB or Twitter or some other social media site... I've seen people do thi

Re: the most annoying song you can link to

2020-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the most annoying song you can link to

I think I just broke...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the most annoying song you can link to

2020-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the most annoying song you can link to

All sorts of bad things happen when Nocturnal beings are devastated and their right hands are chopped off!  Ok, that was kind of a drastic way to bring back a topic, but my wife is back in the hospital for intense surgery and... I mean, that's kind of like having your right hand chopped off?  Maybe?  I'm... I'm not in my right mind right now, and I probably won't be in my right mind for awhile, but you never knew me to take that lying down, did you?  So what does a guy do?Something annoying, of course  and I'm doing it with a vengeance! Click this link and you'll forever find the vaccine to terminal geekitis!  and I bet you don't sit through ten seconds of this!Ah, and now that I've vented in an annoying way, I hope you have yerselves a great day!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the most annoying song you can link to

2020-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the most annoying song you can link to

All sorts of bad things happen when Nocturnal beings are devastated and their right hands are chopped off!  Ok, that was kind of a drastic way to bring back a topic, but my wife is back in the hospital for intense surgery and... I mean, that's kind of like having your right hand chopped off?  Maybe?  I'm... I'm not in my right mind right now, and I probably won't be in my right mind for awhile, but you never knew me to take that lying down, did you?  So what does a guy do?Something annoying, of course  and I'm doing it with a vengeance! Click this link and you'll forever find the vaccine to terminal geekitis!  and I bit you don't sit through ten seconds of this!Ah, and now that I've vented in an annoying way, I hope you have yerselves a great day!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: starting into sound design, any tips?

2020-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting into sound design, any tips?

@8, glad to know I'm not alone.  I think that, sadly, as I'm losing my hearing, I may serve as more instrumental in helping future sound designers than being known for my own work.  I don't trust my ears anymore, but I still do the occasional thing here and there.  What I may do in the not too distant future is put up some material on how I've done things in the past in hopes that others may learn from them in future.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: starting into sound design, any tips?

2020-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting into sound design, any tips?

Tip: when downloading sounds of any kind, always ask yourself how you can use them to make something new.  A sound may already sound good as it is, but it really is amazing how much some reverb, delay or even an exciter can bring to a sound.  Mix it with something else and then you have something completely different you may not have originally imagined.  Forget the end result and work with what you have in the here and now.  It doesn't always take huge sound libs though.  Stop thinking, "I want to make the most amazing cinematic booms bangs and roars."  Instead, start asking yourself, "If I take this white noise, expand the stereo image, reverb, delay!  Ow, that's loud!  Turn it down?  Ok, that's a bit better.  Now, what happens if I remove this or that frequency!  Hey, cool!  What if I have a sweep from here to there?  And maybe I add a phlanger to work along side that sweep?  Hmm, now, what if I reverse it?  Slow it down?  Speed it up?  Change the pitch?  Reverse it?  Maybe I should put the reversed take on the right channel and leave the left unmodified?  Hmm, something's missing in the middle hear..."


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: starting into sound design, any tips?

2020-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting into sound design, any tips?

Tip: when downloading sounds of any kind, always ask yourself how you can use them to make something new.  A sound may already sound good as it is, but it really is amazing how much some reverb, delay or even an exciter can bring to a sound.  Mix it with something else and then you have something completely different you may not have originally imagined.  Forget the end result and work with what you have in the here and now.  It doesn't always take huge sound libs though.  Stop thinking, "I want to make the most amazing cinematic booms bangs and roars."  Instead, start asking yourself, "If I take this white noise, expand the stereo image, reverb, delay!  Ow, that's loud!  Turn it down?  Ok, that's a bit better.  Now, what happens if I remove this or that frequency!  Hey, cool!  What if I have a sweep from here to there?  And maybe I add a phlanger to work along side that sweep?  Hmm, now, what if I reverse it?  Slow it down?  Speed it up?  Change the pitch?  Maybe I should put the reversed take on the right channel and leave the left unmodified?  Hmm, something's missing in the middle hear..."


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