Re: Collecting Data From Those Under 16 Appears To Violate Netherlands Law

2021-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Collecting Data From Those Under 16 Appears To Violate Netherlands Law

Two. Distinct. Ways. Cloud, harddrive, webarchive, someone make a crawler and use a giant laser to print the iso into a slab of granit... I'm not really even talking about the site owners, at this point.


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Re: Collecting Data From Those Under 16 Appears To Violate Netherlands Law

2021-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Collecting Data From Those Under 16 Appears To Violate Netherlands Law

Back up everything in at least two distinct ways. Always. That's rule No. 1 of data. ... *cries incoherently about cassette tape*Has someone at least backed up the database? AIUI, there is an automated backup of the forum offsite somewhere, so I'm more concerned about the database atm.


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Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

The Wayback machine has missed too much? Man, it's too bad there's not a form you can use to submit pages to be archived. That'd be nice.When we collapse and lose vast swathes of data, it will be not because of outside forces, or some yonder dude who did something apathetic / incompetent / malicious. It will be because we failed to do anything about it.Fine, whatever. Bring on the GPT3000-powered personalized VR games, or whatever. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: enough is enough, and it's time for a change.

We should make a new site specifically in case this site goes down. It doesn't even have to do anything but be a redirect to here, and change when here is down.


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Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

@defender: fair enough. I stopped bothering looking for sounds not long after the early Sonnus giveaways (some sounds from those did find their way into ECTAS, even with all the placeholders from Swamp and my awful recordings).@ironcross: This is where I'm tempted to bring it back to money, because apparently I can't shut up about that . Idea being that yeah, trolling the archives and doing all the editing is somewhat arduous, and when I've tried that in the past, it was basically a death sentence for the project in question. So my compromise solution is to hire a sound guy, in the unlikely event I ever get both a viable project and the funding to do so. On a completely unrelated note, I'm writing this while pacing outside my house, and the repair crew left some materials lying around and I might have stumbled at one point. Would sure be nice if I could pay for that with a bonus from having to work with half staff for the past 7 months (I mean, if we're having to do the work expected of two people, shouldn't we get paid accordingly?).Eh. Money is not the root of #agproblems. It's a generalized resource deficit. ... Crap, is there a less pretentious way to say "generalized resource deficit"? -_- Anyway, that cash / conscientiousness / charisma model has it that one can, in theory, overcome the lack of one or more by maxxing out the other(s). But if there is a straightforward way to increase conscientiousness, that is available to [strike]me[/strike] us, and does not have an untenably high startup cost, it remains elusive.


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Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

This seems an opportune moment to mention how one of the big bits of negative feedback my games always got was sound quality. I initially set out to use only original sounds, but only had access to very poor microphones and recording environments. Then I bought a few small sounds, and people didn't like those, either. So I've mostly just been using a couple big soundpacks that went around several years ago, under the idea that if I actually make anything good enough, I can replace the sounds with something expensive afterward, and not a moment earlier, because why would I bother wasting the money / effort when doing so on a smaller scale has only backfired?Good sounds are hard to come by for small teams with a shoestring budget. We either get (1) crappy sound and cheap/free games, (2) good sound and expensive games, or (3) decent but unethically sourced sounds and "free games".We're too small and too poor, as a community, to support consistently high quality. Legal, cheap, and quality: either pick two, or someone win the lottery and invest it entirely in audio games.VGStorm picks legal and quality, and everyone complains. I pick legal and cheap, and anyone who notices complains. Most people pick cheap and quality, and at first people didn't complain but now that's become the norm, too. Well, if I happen to wind up with $100,000,000US in the bank in the immediate future, I'll consider holding contests with cash prizes to fund projects so they might afford all three.* OK, my fangames like Mario and JLA don't use original sounds, because they're explicitly derivative works in which sounds based on the source material are expected. Curiously, those are the ones people request links for most often. 


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Re: any new spam bot stories on here?

2020-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any new spam bot stories on here?

There was this one Spambot story best portrayed by just pasting the whole thing. However, that tends to summon more spambots. Maybe I'll put it in Pastebin and link to it?In summary: spambots were commenting on a blog, advertising a fertility witchdoctor. Things escalated from there in dramatic fashion more suited to a suspense flick.


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Re: private messages(1)

2020-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: private messages(1)

If it was 2003, I'd suggest Proboards or Invisionfreak or one of their numerous clones. Proboards is a nightmare these days, though, even before you get to the accessibility problems. So we'd be better off moving to Reddit and installing some extensions or whatever to clean up our subreddit for accessibility. Or even just forking a reddit clone, since it's open source and all.Mostly, I like Proboards version 3 or 4, minus any CAPCHAs that snuck in. Something like that, but updated (rather than the eldrich abomination that we got with Proboards5), maybe with something like threading to avoid quote-trains, would be nice.Actually, how would a threaded forum for screen readers work? Yeah, hotkeys for jumping around at the same conversation level, or using clever nesting tricks would be fine for PC users. But on iOS I have no idea what level a comment is on Reddit or WordPress, and have to guess based on context clues and the reply time. And all the controls that one has to deal with get messy, too. And we can't do quick speech profile adjustments that can be triggered by HTML (anyone remember SAPI SML?), which would be an interesting feature to have but has never been practical... ugh.Meditate on this, I must.


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Re: This forum doesn't support emojis

2020-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This forum doesn't support emojis exists. That's with the times, right?


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Re: This forum doesn't support emojis

2020-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This forum doesn't support emojis

On the other hand, allowing emojis would allow us to recognize and ignore the people whose posts are 90% "heart heart rainbow face with heart shaped eyes face blowing a kiss heart heart face with heart shaped eyes face with heart shaped eyes woman with * skin tone shrugging". And I could add a jacolantern beside a ghost to my signature.(But no seriously; do people have a way to type emojis that isn't more trouble than it's usually worth? I'm not going to go to all that trouble for anything for which an emoticon is already available. Even with the slows that is BSI, it takes like a second or less to type , but it'd take a minimum of 5-10s to switch keyboards, flick to the smile emoji, enter it, then switch back. Yes Have touch-typing enabled but there are so many emojis it is not practical the way it is for letters and punctuation.)


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Re: This forum doesn't support emojis

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This forum doesn't support emojis

Yeah  expressing tone on forums was impossible prior to emojis  and I'm totally writing words for  rather than two ascii characters.TBH I still use emoticons even where emojis are supported, if applicable, because it's much, much less hassle than stopping to switch keyboards and search through the list. Sure, I can't make a smiling pile of poo or abbreviate food items even though it'd've been quicker to type "pizza" than look for the pizza emoji, but on the off chance I do need to fill my post with rainbows, spiders, or handsigns and shrugs ...' well, if I want it that badly, then fine, I'll go hunt down the emoji.


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Re: This forum doesn't support emojis

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This forum doesn't support emojis

Good point; really, isn't it easier to just type the description, anyway? That's all we're getting, after all. 


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Re: This forum doesn't support emojis

2020-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This forum doesn't support emojis

... I saw this topic yesterday, and thought it said "this forum doesn't support images". Thanks, Samantha.It's kinda weird, since the Japanese in my signature works fine. They're both Unicode, right? Is there something weird with the encoding that makes emojis fail, but not Japanese or Braille?


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Re: We don't need kids in this forum. Never!

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We don't need kids in this forum. Never!

I disagree with the OP, with utmost vehemence.


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Re: a question about links

2019-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a question about links

Do you mean like this?[url="" this[/url]


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Re: strange thing in general game discussion the mods should take a look a

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: strange thing in general game discussion the mods should take a look a

Could the user's profile somehow be causing it? I'm not sure how that's possible, but it somehow sounds like a "user found a glitch" scenario. Since their are three of them, it could have been unintentional? I'd imagine a deliberate attack would either be one, or however many dozens they could spam before getting bored, and they'd change their profile for the glitch afterward. Three sounds like they made the thread, got an error, then tried again.


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Re: I feel this was unnecessary.

2019-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel this was unnecessary.

While we're arguing that being disadvantaged entitles us to free luxuries that the privileged have to pay for, can someone make all the games I have notes on for me? Sighted people in America can make epic Kickstarter videos, access huge communities via inaccessible memes, and use dev tools like Unity and Unreal and 3d modeling and so on to make games way easier, and they have easier access to money and employment and travel. So, will someone tell me how to get games made for free without any work more complicated than setting up a proxy?


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Re: the recent situation is too far

2019-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the recent situation is too far

Great; now I want Chuck E. Cheese pizza. It's not even that good. What witchcraft is this?


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Re: Announcing new additional admin

2019-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing new additional admin

I get the impression that, being one of the candidates for "most like an outspoken SJW", people are more distrustful of Jayde than is warranted. I mean, there was that period where it was basically just Jayde, Aaron, and Arqmeister as active mods, yet Jayde didn't do anything like the "SJws gone mad" stories that litter Reddit and Youtube (last I checked, it's not a bannable offense to say that Trump isn't the second coming of Hitler, or to... post the stuff that Herseth sometimes posts).Iow, people pattern match conspicuously Woke to #killallwhitemen, pattern match Jayde to loudly Woke, feel the burn of the boiling crap that is pointlessly stirred here on a weekly basis, and are out of Ultrapower clones to blame it on, so who else is there to blame?(This is ironic because it perfectly mirrors the counterproductive fringe of the current Left ... and most political movements, for that matter. "Things suck. I don't like that guy and he has superficial similarities to , and has higher status than me. Let's burn him in ephagy on the town's Facebook square!" Left, right, religion x y z or null, the pattern repeats.)So, yeah, no, Jayde's fine and the comparison's to Hitler / Stalin / Franko / Napoleon / Genghis Khan / Atilla the Hun / Pharaoh / Nimrod / Satan are totes out of line and uncalled for. There are times when Jayde's tone can get ... troubling in a way I can't quite put my finger on, and I can see how it could set people on edge, but what has he actually done that is so bad as to warrant speeding past the Godwin threshold?But I just armchair psychologized everyone, like I know crap about people. So what's the point of posting this?Only that everyone is overreacting in a way that's anti-helpful. When they announce a trust-and-safety committee, or wield the ban-hammer like a whip, or convert the restricted section into  a detention camp (however that's possible on a forum), then we know errors were made. Until then, the ad despotum is doing more harm than Jayde's adminship.(No I would not make a good mod my technical powers are regressing somehow and I can't even mailing list, never mind Whatsapp or whatever the kids are using these days. You know, I still haven't figured out how to get post-2009 _javascript_ to do anything? Also I am unavailable for 8h most days. Also-also do you really trust my judgment in light of the above?)


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Re: Can the mobile page be improved a little?

2019-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can the mobile page be improved a little?

I also have this problem. iOS + Safari.


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Re: Gathering Community Consensus is Now Not OK

2019-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gathering Community Consensus is Now Not OK

Yeah, I'm agreeing with Jayde and Carter, 100%, here. If I hadn't seen this thread first, my reaction to the original would have been "are you drunk?" Like, I might expect that from some newb or habitual envelope-pusher (pushing it with a lit match, that is), but Ironcross knows better.The thing about all this Mason drama, from my perspective as someone who doesn't spend time on his online games or in relevant off-site discussions, is that someone gets frustrated with Mason elsewhere, then comes here to complain about it in the most flammable way possible, it bursts into flames, mods lock the thread, rinse, repeat. TBH, this has become so common that I'm wondering if we should rename the site "Mason and sometimes Sam suck and we hate them" dot net, guest-starring the Swamp thread.And comparing the title and tone of the first post in this thread, with that of the locked thread, is a good way to see an irritating tactic. Someone does something blatantly unreasonable by the standards of the community, gets an appropriate and proportionate response, then writes a well-phrased and passive-aggressive complaint that would lead anyone who missed the inciting incident to believe they really were a reasonable, well-behaved individual being unfairly oppressed by The Man™. Like, if there were some demonstrable failure to understand why this is ridiculous, that'd be one thing—and probably still temp ban-worthy, since that's not a misunderstanding that bodes well for future behavior—but Ironcross is neither stupid, nor from the other side of a cultural gap vast enough to make this look OK.So I ask for real this time: Ironcross, were you drunk or something?And say you not, "But Mason...", for if Mason breaks the rules, he, too, will be moderated. Until then, if he fails to honor purchases, maybe put a warning in the database, else, throw new InvalidContextException();.


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Re: Seeking Input on New Additions to the Staff Team

2019-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seeking Input on New Additions to the Staff Team

I was really confused at first because Eloquence says Dan C but voiceover says Dank. I was all like, "who the fluff is Dank? And so Dank that they became a mod?"


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Re: Stop bots....yet again

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stop botsyet again

It's doing the quote thing again. "The quote thing", Donchano.[edit]Huh, that didn't set it off. Interestingdd[/edit]


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Re: Stop bots....yet again

2019-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stop botsyet again

Just got one, Safari for iOS. I didn't even notice at first, and just went back to the active topics page, and only realized what happened when the thread I just posted in was nowhere near the top.


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Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

2019-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

My first exposure to a no necroposting rule was two weeks, with exceedingly rare exceptions for very short, still recent topics for which there has been something new enough to be worth resurrecting it for.That's probably too much. Things are slow around here. So a year probably makes more sense.It would be harder, but two levels might be better: one that gives the poster a page with a warning, asking if they're sure their post is worth the resurrection but not a new thread, and the other just auto-locking the thread. I've never seen such a thing, though, so IDK how much of a pain it'd be.Or, if we're feeling really enthusiastic about editing the site, have some mechanism by which posters gain whitemage mana, which is expended in proportion to how old the thread they're replying to is. Not enough mana = no necropost. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

2019-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

My first exposure to a no necroposting rule was two weeks, with exceedingly rare exceptions for very short, still recent topics for which there has been something new enough to be worth resurrecting it for.That's probably too much. Things are slow around here. So a year probably makes more sense.It would be harder, but two levels might be better: one that gives the poster a page with a warning, asking if they're sure their post is worth the resurrection but not a new thread, and the other just auto-locking the thread. I've never seen such a thing, though, so IDK how much of a pain it'd be.


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Re: Seeking Input on New Additions to the Staff Team

2018-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seeking Input on New Additions to the Staff Team

While I think I might meet 8/10 of the requirements, I fail utterly at 1 and 2. If you want me anyway, I'd be up for it, however, I would think those are some relevant weaknesses.


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Re: Broken Link: Super Mario Bros - Audio Edition

2018-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Broken Link: Super Mario Bros - Audio Edition

Does this one work? …


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Re: Why the ads?

2018-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why the ads?

Most ads seem to be either one container saying "click", or a stream of "addblclck" that never ends. One of these is tolerable. The other encourages me to turn off _javascript_.Most of the time, the ads on this site aren't a problem. Occasionally, it will get bad enough in iOS that "a problem occurred with this page so it was reloaded" happens a lot, too much lag, voiceover crashing when I try to do anything, making it impossible to reply, and sometimes to read. In those cases, _javascript_ goes off. That mostly happens here, and occasionally an ad-heavy news site, but that's probably more a result of how few sites I frequent on iOS than anything.


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Re: did something happened to and this forum?

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: did something happened to and this forum?

I predict the answer will be something involving the browser vs Cloudflare.


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Re: Wonder if we could have the (A-T) thing lifted

2018-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wonder if we could have the (A-T) thing lifted

The thing about obfuscation like this is that the bot developers need to know what they're looking for. If everyone uses a distinct method of obfuscation, the odds of a bot developer targeting that category of obfuscations is lower. Just 2 days ago, I read an article about how embarrassingly easy it is to get around automated checks for malicious scripts, using code obfuscation techniques I came up with before I'd fully grasped the concept of classes. If stuff I thought of 13 years ago can still beat Google, trivially thwarting email harvesters is a matter of not drawing their attention, for the time being.But yeah, just writing myname at gmail isn't going to last long. Maybe we should use the bracket thing on the names of email sites. 


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Re: Stronger Spam Bot Stop systems

2017-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stronger Spam Bot Stop systems

No links in your first post. Oh, hey, and maybe newbies have to go through moderation anyway? It wouldn't be practical on a very large forum, and I'm not sure how much work the mods are having to deal with already, but it seems like newbie posts getting put in moderation until they are approved might help? Especially if there are links. Or an overabundance of spelling/grammar weirdness, but that'd be harder. Ah, but I don't think many first posts have much reason to go outside the first 255 Unicode characters, and we have had spambots that don't even pretend to speak English, so maybe anyone not explicitly approved gets put in moderation if they post links, outside the character set the mods can read, or within 10 seconds of registering?Actually, is there a cooldown period between posts already? If a human needs to post more than once within 10 seconds, other than maybe editing their own post, I'd expect that to be very unusual indeed.


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Re: Lets talk about the requesting of stuff on this forum

2017-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lets talk about the requesting of stuff on this forum

Juris diction with regards to websites is weird and unweildy. I would think that, being hosted in the Netherlands, the site would be under Dutch law, but ianal.


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Re: can i disable audio games ads?

2017-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can i disable audio games ads?

It'd be nice if there was a way to disable _javascript_, but only for specific websites. That'd probably solve the crashing problem.


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Re: can i disable audio games ads?

2017-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can i disable audio games ads?

What browser are you using? Ad blocker + is usually the best bet.


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Re: signatures disappeared?

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: signatures disappeared?

That's... not what "adult site" means.Can these particular signatures be edited by mods, or the posts deleted, or in the worst case, the offending signatures filtered?


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Re: ambiguous status of games from games for the

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ambiguous status of games from games for the

I might still have Accessible Starfight on a CD somewhere. I haven't been able to find said CD for about as long as the site's been down, because irony. :-/


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Re: private message email notifications?

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: private message email notifications?

Yep. Email, alt-tags, alerts, popups, a line somewhere that tells you how many unread messages you have... any of these would do. Although, I wonder if the occasional disabling of the PM system indicates that making these sorts of changes would be less straightforward than we'd think.


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Re: Autobot sometimes accidentally removes some of the post

2017-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Autobot sometimes accidentally removes some of the post

The time it happened to me, the cutoff was at a section in quotes. The last time I saw one of these posts, it was easy to imagine the part where it was cut off starting a quote. Haven't reproduced it yet, though. Will give it a "try" now? It might only happen through the punstop.


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Infinite Punstop questions

2017-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Infinite Punstop questions

Just what the title says. I tried to reply to a thread, then got the punstop prompt. Then another. And another. After about 6 of these, I tried going back to the topic and resubmitting, and got caught in the loop again.If it matters, one was the question about the name of the site. The other I answered with Earth. Then after 4 of those in a row, I changed it to earth, all lowercase.


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Re: Requesting Moderators to Consider New Policy

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Requesting Moderators to Consider New Policy

Yes, this! Or if we must let people work out their drama here because there's nowhere better, can we at least make a Drama Room and quarantine it all there? And set up some very clear guidelines and move criteria when someone inevitably complains that their thread about how the admins in whatever game unfairly banned them got moved from New Releases to Drama?


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Re: I really wish there could be a couple of mod changes

2016-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I really wish there could be a couple of mod changes

Way too much of this sounds familiar. the parts that don't are fairly encouraging, though.I'm not sure if it'd be appropriate for me to summarize the various examples I'm thinking of (there was an agreement not to bring up one of them to certain people but I'm not sure if it extends here and that was 11 years ago and I don't know how she'd feel about it now and I feel like asking would violate the agreement).Is the forum breaking up into cliques? I think it might be. That is a rather volatle situation that no one has ever really managed to solve. (Otherwise, we wouldn't have High School and Politics giving people so much grief.)(I know I'm normally quite bad at keeping on topic and saying anything comprehensible, but I'm being vague here for a reason.)


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Changing Email Address

2016-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Changing Email Address

I have been using the same email address for everything important since 2002. Unfortunately, it's with Juno Online Services, who recently added an inaccessible CAPCHA to their webmail login and has not answered any of my support requests and, judging by other people's comments, aren't any better to customers of their paid services.I have no idea how I'm supposed to switch my Paypal / Bank account / numerous other accounts to use an email address that isn't being held hostage by people who reward over a decade of use this way, but if it's possible to change the email address associated with my account, that'd be one nightmare escaped.(If it isn't possible without a new account or access to my juno mail, ... umm. What do?)(Web Visum hasn't been working. Is Web Visum actually working and I'm just doing it wrong?)


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Re: games

2016-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: games

You can get Mario from here: trouble with the original link is that it is on Dropbox, so whenever it (or the developer's other games) gets a lot of downloads, the links get suspended for a while.


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Re: games

2016-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: games

You can get Mario from here:


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Re: How do you quote more than one person when replying in a topic?

2016-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How do you quote more than one person when replying in a topic?

I know some forums support this by having a topic review on the reply page, with trimmed-down versions of the posts and a quote button for each one.I usually just copy/paste and use the tags in the quick reply box, then use preview to make sure it turned out right.


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Re: Why doesn't my back button work?

2016-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why doesn't my back button work?

Same problem, Firefox.


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Re: Prolonged periods of downtime?

2016-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prolonged periods of downtime?

I've noticed the forum go down before, but I don't remember it going down for more than five minutes since the new year.Maybe Cloud Flare is having issue with seemingly random users for unknown reasons? It did seem to be snagging a bit a few weeks ago.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Back Button Issue

2016-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Back Button Issue

For me, it doesn't seem to do it with all pages. I was able to back out of this one, for example, but can't back out of the Bokurano Daibouken secondary topic.Windows 8.1 64bit, Firefox.I haven't bothered to update my addons recently, but Socheat mentioned IE, so I doubt it's that?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Back Button Issue

2016-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Back Button Issue

In Firefox, same issue. Actually, I haven't been able to back out of some pages at all and have been resorting to using the history menu.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: When will the profile editor be fixed?

2015-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When will the profile editor be fixed?

(If you can't find the search link, try this link.)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Forum backup, and a plea to the mods

2015-08-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forum backup, and a plea to the mods

I'm tempted to try and use the Google cache trick to retrieve discussions, with Bladestorm's posts removed per what I assume were his intentions. That would, however, amount to retrieving the URL for every page of some of those topics. If anyone can come up with anything less tedious, that would be great.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Forum backup, and a plea to the mods

2015-08-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forum backup, and a plea to the mods

(I went ahead and saved both the guides that lovobo linked, but I suggest someone else do so as well, for redundancy's sake.)The problem I have isn't with Bladestorm deleting his posts.I mean, sure, I really can't stand when content disappears forever, but he wouldn't be the first person wanting to erase their history for one reason or another.The problem I have is all the discussions that went with it.The Bokurano Daibouken 3 topic was started by Bladestorm, but loads of other people posted in it. Pages upon pages of discussion were lost--I mean, for all intents and purposes, he deleted several of *my* posts, which is something people tend to expect only mods to have the power to do.This might not be his fault, necessarily; after all, what's the forum software going to do if someone wants to delete only the first post of a thread?But it's a little detail that people don't generally get confronted with
 , since, generally, regular users don't delete active, long-running threads, completely at random for all anyone else can tell.So, I guess we learned something about just how much power regular users can have, all without breaking any official rules.It's just the sort of power that would be pretty bad for a community were it used this way often.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

New Posts not updating properly

2015-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


New Posts not updating properly

Lately, whenever I click on the "New Posts" link for a given thread, it will take me to posts I've already read.It only shows up if there genuinely are new posts, but if, say, those are on page 2, and I already read the end of page 1 and the start of page 2 yesterday, it will still take me to the bottom of page 1.It's not always page 1; it might get stuck leading me to page 15 of a 16 page thread (or if it's especially active, it might get stuck on page 15 while the thread has moved on to 18).I must assume this is cookie-related or something, but I have no idea what might have changed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

New Posts not updating properly

2015-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


New Posts not updating properly

Lately, whenever I click on the "New Posts" link for a given thread, it will take me to posts I've already read.It only shows up if there genuinely are new posts, but if, say, those are on page 2, and I already read the end of page 1 and the start of page 2 yesterday, it will still take me to the bottom of page 1.It's not always page 1; it might get stuck leading me to page 15 of a 16 page thread (or if it's especially active, it might get stuck on page 15 while the thread has moved on to 18).I must assume this is cookie-related or something, but I have no idea what might have changed.


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