Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Yup, and you're all still forgetting the game database code. That's not part of punBB, and technically the admins are under no obligation to give it out.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@Ethin it's not just a matter of setting up a new forum, but also migrating this one over.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@55, thanks for clearing that up.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

The first post of this thread made me laugh a bit, its the typical melodramatic one that just complains but suggests nothing... actually, it does not do anything else, it just takes up space, sincerely. however, I honestly like where all of this is going. For one, I would be happy organizing stuff and maintaining databases if help is needed at some point.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

The first post of this thread made me laugh a bit, its the typical melodramatic one that just complains but suggests or actually does not do anything else, it just takes up space, sincerely. however, I honestly like where all of this is going. For one, I would be happy organizing stuff and maintaining databases if help is needed at some point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dino via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@camlorn Appreciated! I am aware. Having been involved in upgrades with (not PunBB) PHP CMS software before, I can definitely say that it's rarely ever nearly as simple as the people making the software would like to present it to be. It isn't something to start carelessly, for sure.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@56There is lots of in theory involved in what you're saying.  In practice such scripts may or may not work, and changing them to work usually requires significant knowledge.But I'm not saying it's impossible.  It's possible. All I'm saying is it's potentially really really hard.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dino via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@camlorn:Because of the PunBB copyright message ending in 2010, I'd hazard a guess that the forum is running version 1.2.23 (the only stable version released in 2010). The latest version is 1.4.4, released in 2015. I don't know whether PunBB strictly follows semantic versioning, but in theory the only big upgrade issues should be between versions starting with 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 so not all the intermediate versions would need upgrading. Based on this idea, I did a bit of online digging and found out that the latest version of PunBB comes with a migration script to change 1.2 databases to 1.4 databases (it is described in the README on GitHub). So it might not be all that complicated, and if the database has custom weirdness in it it should be possible to modify the script or write another script to make sure it gets copied over.That said, the point is more or less moot if nobody has backend access to the server.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@47You're misunderstanding the GPL.  You can have a closed source server all you want because you aren't distributing the software to the end user, you're distributing the output of the software to the end user.  If you want to force someone to make the server-side software available to even the users of the site, you have to go AGPL, but no one uses the AGPL because at that point absolutely any commercialization opportunities are just gone.  It's like how you can compile a program with GCC without that program being GPL (and yes I know they have an exception, but the exception only matters because GCC links GCC-written code into your code, not because the output is inherently GPL).  The definition of software the GPL uses (as well as every other license) is much more narrowly defined than you think it should be, and the GPL copyleft provisions only apply if the GPL'd artifacts are distributed.  And you're going to say "what about the JS?", perhaps, which is kind of a gray area, but by most if not all discussions I've seen (even from the FSF's FAQ) the JS portion counts as a separate program (because it communicates over the network) and you already have the source of it (because JS just works that way).But as far as I know all of is open source and the real problem is that no one actually has access to the backend anymore and we're just kind of floating on this abyss of nothing has gone wrong enough to take it down permanently yet luck or something.  I don't think it's a lack of desire for most people, I think it's a lack of practicality, either a lack of access or because you can't update from whatever archaic version we're running to the modern version without like doing 20 other updates in exactly the right order or something like that (which can in fact be the case, especially on PHP).


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Another thing we might want to keep in mind. What about the code for the game database? I don't believe that it is open source.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Ethin, small correction. Pan BB is actually a much more modern fork of punBB and, I think, is still being updated, the admins just don't update it.I feel like some day, when my own situation calms down a little and I don't constantly want to throw something for 1 reason or another, I'd be happy to step up myself and help with moderation. That time is certainly not now, however, for I think, quite obvious reasons. With that said, I'd be happy to help with news / database entries if there's a need for such a thing currently, I need to do more gaming anyway, this would be a perfect excuse. The miriani entry is extremely bare bones right now and is in some serious need of more detail, star conquest still! doesn't have a DB entry and I feel that is more than overdue at this point, etc.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Ethin, small correction. Pan BB is actually a much more modern fork of punBB and, I think, is still being updated, the admins just don't update it.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I'd help out, but life is actually beginning to speed up a little bit for me, what with me practicing keyboard for my friends nevt gig and all. I'm also hoping that I can start attending his gigs a lot more, and if that happens I definitely won't have as much free time anymore. Additionally, I have a thin line of patience with people, so I tend to snap quite easily. I would not fit into the position at all. If there's any other way I could help when I do have a moment of free time though, just let me know.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Hi.Usually I'd be quick to jump on a thing and help out but this time, I think I'd make a bad mod.I like links that aren't allowed to be discussed on the forum a bit to much, having said that, if there's another way I can help, let me know.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I'de be willing to give a hand if needed as well if your... understaffed, as it were. In all seriousness, if we want to make this forum better, we have to step up, not just have the, oh, let others do it, actitude, that will get us nowhere. As said before if needed, glad to give a hand. Dunno if its just me, but i'm getting a little tired of the, oh, this mod did this, etc, time to bitch and whine topics; but yet... no solutions are proposed to fix this. God knows, a team of what? 4 or 5? Maybee 6? I mean, no offence but its impossible to say, catch every single problem when your deling with thousands of users. We need to step it up, and  for one am willing to volunteer if needed as a mod. Seriously folks, if we want things to get better, do something about it. If we're just sitting on our butts, nothings gunna happen.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I'de be willing to give a hand if needed as well if your... understaffed, as it were. In all seriousness, if we want to make this forum better, we have to step up, not just have the, oh, let others do it, actitude, that will get us nowhere. As said before if needed, glad to give a hand.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Agree with Defender. I don't agree with a lot of Jayde's choices as a moderator and do think that if he makes a mistake it should be brought to his attention. However I do not agree with people throwing it in his face for 15 years, oh you forgot to put the moderation tag in the right place in blah topic 5874 years ago, especially when he is basically soloing the, mind you, vollinteer, job of a moderator at the moment.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I only hav 1 thing to say. Dan C should step down or be removed. Because it looks like he has the title for no purpose,.That's my opinion,


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

The code is fully open-source -- for both PunBB and PanBB. Both are licensed under GPL-2.0. If I understand the GPL correctly (I believe I do), then anyone must be allowed to have access to the source code, free of charge. (Source: clauses 2 and 3 of GPL-2.0, … .0.en.html.) Therefore, assuming my interpretation of those clauses is correct, then the admins are actively violating the GPL. I've always wondered why this forum hasn't moved to a newer, more modern forum software like Discourse (which is very, very good). If the mods would like me to set up a demo of it, I'd be happy to do so -- just PM me and I'll get it going for you. You can host it yourself on Digital Ocean, too, but I don't mind setting up a demo for experimentation so that you guys don't need to fork over money to actually play around with it. (And yes, before someone reminds me, I am very aware that Liam or Carter could do this as well. But it doesn't hurt to offer anyway. ) I understand the hassle it would be to move all the users over to the new forum software if we did go that route, but it would bring a large number of features to the AG forum community that this forum just doesn't have, and most of these features are actually expected on modern forums these days anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if an outsider who's never seen this forum in their entire lives, but who's worked on forums like the Go Forum or the CMake Discourse, were to come here and got the immediate impression that we were stagnant because we refused to change. Of course, that's not the actual problem, but considering how (ancient) PunBB/PanBB are, that impression certainly isn't unreasonable.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

The code is fully open-source -- for both PunBB and PanBB. Both are licensed under GPL-2.0. If I understand the GPL correctly (I believe I do), then anyone must be allowed to have access to the source code, free of charge. (Source: clauses 2 and 3 of GPL-2.0, … .0.en.html.) Therefore, assuming my interpretation of those clauses is correct, then the admins are actively violating the GPL. I've always wondered why this forum hasn't moved to a newer, more modern forum software like Discourse (which is very, very good). If the mods would like me to set up a demo of it, I'd be happy to do so -- just PM me and I'll get it going for you. You can host it yourself on Digital Ocean, too, but I don't mind setting up a demo for experimentation so that you guys don't need to fork over money to actually play around with it. (And yes, before someone reminds me, I am very aware that Liam or Carter could do this as well. But it doesn't hurt to offer anyway. )


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

The code is fully open-source -- for both PunBB and PanBB. Both are licensed under GPL-2.0. If I understand the GPL correctly (I believe I do), then anyone must be allowed to have access to the source code, free of charge. (Source: clauses 2 and 3 of GPL-2.0, … .0.en.html.) Therefore, assuming my interpretation of those clauses is correct, then the admins are actively violating the GPL. I've always wondered why this forum hasn't moved to a newer, more modern forum software like Discourse (which is very, very good). If the mods would like me to set up a demo of it, I'd be happy to do so -- just PM me and I'll get it going for you. You can host it yourself on Digital Ocean, too, but I don't mind setting up a demo for experimentation so that you guys don't need to fork over money to actually play around with it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

The code is fully open-source -- for both PunBB and PanBB. Both are licensed under GPL-2.0. If I understand the GPL correctly (I believe I do), then anyone must be allowed to have access to the source code, free of charge. (Source: clauses 2 and 3 of GPL-2.0, … .0.en.html.)


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I appreciate inactive moderators voluntarily stepping down.Admittedly, I find little things to complain to myself about from time to time on the site, but I understand the trade-offs my suggestions and complaints might ultimately bring. I was a bit dismayed at some of the conversations taking place on that CrazyParty sounds topic. Suffice it to say that after reading through those posts, I now have a better outlook on where things stand.I won't praise or shame anything about the moderation status. However, I am in agreement that there should ideally be more leadership, collaboration, and mutual reinforcement. My observation is that collaboration is limited and actions are primarily left to one, maybe two, individuals.This is a very tricky area because I don't know if existing moderators should allow just anyone to moderate. I feel qualification criteria might be something to consider.Believe it or not, the AG forum means a lot to me, and I'm sure to many others as well. It would be a shame if our little community fell apart.Another part of my concern lies in how this website might fail to adapt to newer technologies. We have some great history here on these pages. I can't imagine what would happen if all of a sudden the forum software gave out due to irreparable damage, or the infrastructure just falls apart. Wonder if we can get rights to the domain, source code, databases, etc. Perhaps a financial agreement?So many thoughts, so little time to write them down. Anyway, my best contribution at the moment is to offer this food for thought. I unfortunately lack the time, like many others I'm sure, to provide assistance I very much wish I could offer.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I appreciate inactive moderators stepping down.Admittedly, I find little things to complain to myself about from time to time on the site, but I understand the trade-offs my suggestions and complaints might ultimately bring. I was a bit dismayed at some of the conversations taking place on that CrazyParty sounds topic. Suffice it to say that after reading through those posts, I now have a better outlook on where things stand.I won't praise or shame anything about the moderation status. However, I am in agreement that there should ideally be more leadership, collaboration, and mutual reinforcement. My observation is that collaboration is limited and actions are primarily left to one, maybe two, individuals.This is a very tricky area because I don't know if existing moderators should allow just anyone to moderate. I feel qualification criteria might be something to consider.Believe it or not, the AG forum means a lot to me, and I'm sure to many others as well. It would be a shame if our little community fell apart.Another part of my concern lies in how this website might fail to adapt to newer technologies. We have some great history here on these pages. I can't imagine what would happen if all of a sudden the forum software gave out due to irreparable damage, or the infrastructure just falls apart. Wonder if we can get rights to the domain, source code, databases, etc. Perhaps a financial agreement?So many thoughts, so little time to write them down. Anyway, my best contribution at the moment is to offer this food for thought. I unfortunately lack the time, like many others I'm sure, to provide assistance I very much wish I could offer.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I'm willing to bet they didnt even respond. I do find it somewhat telling how the web masters only came out of the woodwork when almost an entire topic was bashing them.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@36 did they ever say why they couldn't give you guys the code?


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I do not currently have a job. I only graduated college in the last month and a half - it wasn't official till even more recently - and given the state of things, I don't feel particularly safe going job-hunting with a vengeance right now. That said, I also work for a browser-based RPG and that takes up a fair bit of my time. I'm also writing a novel, since that's one good thing to do during downtime. I'm also battling intermittent mental health issues, because frankly, being on my own except for the occasional visit from my dad and his wife, is taking its toll on me socially. I'm getting by, but it's not easy. I would never pretend I'm someone delivering an essential service, because I'm not. But yes, I am a volunteer, doing a fair amount of work here alongside everything else going on, and yes, that means I'm human and will miss things sometimes. This is meant as explanation, not excuse. I signed on for this job, and if I don't feel I can do it properly, I should relinquish it. As it happens, I think I do all right more often than not, but I'm open to honest criticism. When Exodus called me out for a double standard on personal attacks, I immediately went and dealt with it because he was absolutely right and I straight-up missed it. For that matter, Defender reported a post in a different thread for putting the moderation heading in the wrong place. I went back and looked; he's right. It's fine that I said what I said, but not in a professional capacity, so I rejiggered the message a bit. There's my personal take at the start, then I put the mod hat on and got down to hard facts and business.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I do not currently have a job. I only graduated college in the last month and a half - it wasn't official till even more recently - and given the state of things, I don't feel particularly safe going job-hunting with a vengeance right now. That said, I also work for a browser-based RPG and that takes up a fair bit of my time. I'm also writing a novel, since that's one good thing to do during downtime. I'm also battling intermittent mental health issues, because frankly, being on my own except for the occasional visit from my dad and his wife, is taking its toll on me socially. I'm getting by, but it's not easy. I would never pretend I'm someone delivering an essential service, because I'm not. But yes, I am a volunteer, doing a fair amount of work here alongside everything else going on, and yes, that means I'm human and will miss things sometimes. This is meant as explanation, not excuse. I signed on for this job, and if I don't feel I can do it properly, I should relinquish it. As it happens, I think I do all right more often than not, but I'm open to honest criticism. When Exodus called me out for a double standard on personal attacks, I immediately went and dealt with it because he was absolutely right and I straight-up missed it.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@29, I've already explained why I don't want to be a mod. I just do not, at this time, have the time or patience to deal with the drama that happens on here literally every day. I've got enough drama in my life already -- I do not need more of it. I would love to help, and have even offered advice to Jayde in the past through PMs on how the mod team, as a hole, could do better, but that was ages ago and I haven't in a while. So, really, this comes down to time, patience and effort, and I don't think I have enough, at this time, to dedicate to this forum. Maybe someday I will be a mod, but that day is probably not any time soon.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@29, I've already explained why I don't want to be a mod. I just do not, at this time, have the time or patience to deal with the drama that happens on here literally every day. I've got enough drama in my life already -- I do not need more of it.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@Jayde on the subject of youtube, while it should be no secret given a few posts back I made on the subject concerning using foobar instead of the main site, I can use youtube with NVDA just fine and have never understood the complaints myself.  NVDA shift K will play and pause, NVDA shift down will lower the volume provided you're within the player, and you can disable/remove what NVDA shift up arrow does if you're so incline to raise the volume on youtube videos.  NVDA shift left and right will rewind and fastforward, respectively.And if you're not into the whole SRKey plus shift plus whatever, just put the stupid thing to sleep once and use the letters as intended.  K plays and puses, left and right arrow will rewind and fastforward respectively.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@jayde, I sent you a PM


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Hmm, an overworked volunteer, doing the job of two or three people almost solo, during a seriously turbulent time in the world and possibly dealing with working from home as a blind person?But because it's Jade, we can ignore all that even if we wouldn't for someone else.I don't like Jade as a mod most of the time either, but unless you are willing to step up and do it consistently and properly in his stead, then you may want to give the guy a break for not understanding the intricacies of license agreements that people are still arguing over in other much bigger forums as we speak.Overlooking personal attacks is a much bigger deal, but who knows if those got reported for sure, and without a team to consult with to insure consistency, any moderation will obviously be variable when only one person is handling all of it.TL:DRIf your going to criticize than at least be realistic and honest about it.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@38 same


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Gonna digress for just a sec.You know, for all the people talking about how difficult it is to use YouTube, I've never had much problem with it. I can change the volume, jump through a video backward and forward either using arrows or page-up and page-down, home and end, can click on any video I want, and can even comment and reply. It's sometimes a big laggy starting a comment, but perfectly doable. Now, as for uploading, that part I've got no idea about, but just accessing content doesn't seem an issue to me. Then again, I use Jaws, and perhaps it's one of the areas where Jaws has an edge here. Also currently using IE most of the time when on YouTube, but I know from experience that Chrome also works.This obviously doesn't mean I'm trying to shut down anyone else's experiences. I literally don't understand what the issues are.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@34 Wait? Seriously? That's what that was this whole time? Wow!!! lol.. Never would've guessed.I notice YouTube acts weird with windows that aren't maximized also, thought it was just their stupid modern layout and a glitch with NVDA.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

33: if only it was that easy.Let me just say that we've asked on a few is what it is unfortunately.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Yeah, that new-message thing would have been a lovely improvement, and not all that difficult from what I understand, but as Liam said, it's a source-code issue. There are many things we can do, but if you're talking about updates to how the forum acts and how things are presented, we can only go so far.As for the way the site will change sometimes? This may be your browser of choice showing up minimized or maximized. I know that's sort of spooked me a couple of times as well, but once I knew what to look for, I stopped having the issue.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@31 Rite, someone stated that in another thread. I wonder how difficult it would be to just buy out the code? I'm not saying it should have to be that way but if it were reasonable and enough people demanded it/pitched in to help? Even if they still own the serverspace and you just upload the updated version there?Kinda sucky that all they're doing is just paying for the thing to stay online at this point. But I don't know these people so who knows what the deal is?


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

why don't they just give you addmins the code since the server owners don't seem to be on much.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

30:in order for the admin team to make changes, we needed access to the actual source code of the forum. We never were given that.When I was on staff, i wanted to make a lot of updates to the front end to improve things, but this just wasn't possible.I had a huge laundry list of changes and additions to make.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

On the topic of improving things, It would be cool to see how many PMs you have just by looking at the link to your inbox, with the number in parentheses. I've also noticed some weird bugs where if you click "new" inside a room or post, you get an error. You have to be on the homepage before you click new.Not the biggest thing in the world but it's something I've noticed.I've also noticed sometimes the layout is different? Does anyone know why?


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

What about Ethan for a mod? He has really stepped up his behavior and his reputation seems to be a lot better.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I apologize for not being around at all.Life and a lot of other things have gotten in the way, and I chose to step back from the admin team.I certainly wish the forum nothing but the best going forward.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site Jayde yeah I can imagine that, taking into account that drama mostly revolves around the same people everytime, I think if I would have been in your position, I would have given them a good smack around the ears with the ban hammer already.And yes, the lack of speaking and writing English doesn't really help the situation, when I get a job I hope I can get into an international team and get my English back into shape.I thought about this abit, and even though I might not fit the role 100 percent, i now say that if you need someone temporary to hop onto the team, I'm standing by if you people need any helping hands.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@1 I remember in a recent thread you called 90% of the people on this site drama hogs. Hope you counted yourself . You didn’t specifically say you weren’t one...


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I see what Munawar is saying, and I see the other side of it as well.It's very easy to criticize, but there are often no suggestions made to make things better. And not too many people before now have seemed willing to volunteer their time and attention.Simba, I respect your perspective. Believe me, there are times when I have to hold back sometimes as well, but sometimes it's harder than others. I also see what you're saying about your English and the way you phrase things.Munawar and Exodus, I'll discuss you both with the staff team and we'll see what happens. Can't say much more at this point because it isn't a decision I can just make on my own. I have no real problem with either of you, and could work with either or both of you without any issues at all. Also, the help would not be amiss either. I've been doing this about 85% solo for the past, oh, seven weeks or so, give or take. I'm doing my best, but god knows I'm not perfect, as we saw only a few posts back where I missed something and needed it pointed out.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

21:You'd be surprised at the amount of times I've thought about doing exactly that, then I think to myself...People will be all like that exodus was always taking shots at the moderator team, now he wants to join them! All he wants is power I tell you!So it never gets said.In all seriousness though, I'm game to help out any time.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

No offense @21, but that's a bit flawed line of thinking.Don't like the cops? Become one!Corporation screwing you over for money? It's easy, just work there!Another one that particularly annoys me with certain individuals is when you complain about politics, when they have no constructive arguments, they tell you "if you don't like it, just leave." Yeah, how dare you want the place you didn't choose to be born in to be better.Not trying to be a dick at all and I understand your sentiment and it's partially true.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Hi.well, there are a few reasons why I couldn't be a good moderator.for once, I'm almost finished with my training and job and apartement search is going on.Secondly, while I do speak fluent English, my written English and the way I'm expressing myself isn't up to the standard where I want it to be and currently I don't think that with that sometimes possibly ununderstandable stuff that I write down this would work out pritty well.And lastly, I'm biased against some of the forum members, and I'm not sure I could always keep a level head when pondering decisions and possible warnings and bans. Yes, I have the rules that I have to follow, but I might overdo it and give a user that I don't like a warning even though a caution would have been enough.If I could, I would raise my hand and say "Hey, I´I'M on standby, I can jump in where and when ever you need me." But due to the reasons above, I can't fill a mod position, at least not for now.greetings Moritz.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I love topics like this! For two reasons:1. We complain about the mods and how more mods should be staffed to monitor things.2. But no one wants to be a mod. If they did, we would have seen at least one post here that says hey, if you need help, I'll step in for you. But we'd all just rather bitch about it and offer no help. "I'll pray for you, but do better!"If you're short on mods, I've got some time to help if you need it.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

I love topics like this! For two reasons:1. We complain about the mods and how more mods should be staffed to monitor things.2. But no one wants to be a mod. If they did, we would have seen at least one post here that says hey, if you need help, I'll step in for you. But we'd all just rather bitch about it and offer no help. "I'll pray for you, but do better!"


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

You know what? You're right. Let me update that.It is shorter, and it's under duress, but it's similar.I was focused on "toxic-ass bullshit", which in and of itself is sharp and heading into bad territory but isn't quite there yet. "Holy fuck you are dumb" is quite another matter, and I missed that. All I can say in my defense is that NevEd's post was bigger and gaudier. This one slipped past me.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

What would mac virtual machines matter as long as they own a mac to download the installers? Or they have downloaded the installers before?Personally I think people get a bit too loose sphinctered when it comes to this whole gray area of copyright.What you really don't want to do is start selling jailbroken apple products or hackintoshes, that's the no no, IMO. But what do I know? I'm not a mod, I'm a guy with an opinion and really that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things to put it lightly.Shutting topics down where people are saying they've sent each other PMs, yeah, that's understandable, theirs other places on the internet where you can go to discuss those kinds of things.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

hi-At Jayde umm, mind telling me wwhy I should howl at you if you would have closed the topic earlier on? We both knew that it would only stur up more trouble and that it's basically worthless to keep around, i thought you would know my stance on the matter.there are ocasions where I might go pounce on you for something you did that I don't like or which is a legal grayarria where you say it's illegal, but that's on a completely different level than the did one get hacked or not threat. I think we're both adults, you possibly beeing older as me and we can talk on the same level here, although I can't shake the feeling that given how you word your posts, you still sometimes want to look all high and superior in comparison to the others. I know that this isn't really true, but given how you started out, that stuff still clings to you sometimes.So yeah, just my 2 cents here.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

This was  branded a personal attack:@54This fucking guy.When I said straight, I was not referring to a sexual orientation, you stupid fucking jackass. Maybe if you weren't so focused on being a goddamn hero, you wouldn't show your ass like this.Straight is slang for being alright. Straight, as in not crooked.Jesus fuck, go take a hike, man.Your line of thinking is so profoundly stupid that it took seconds for it to dawn on me, so congratulations?No one on here, least of all me has any problems whatsoever with gay people. If someone saying the word straight automatically makes you think that, you've got some serious issues. I'd pay attention to the guys actually spraying direct vitrial about gay people because you don't know a damn thing about me and I am not going to let some SJW nutjob put words in my mouth."blatant" homofobia.**BLATANT**Fuck off, dude.Also, I literally just said that I wasn't interested in buying the game. You said I was ignorant. But due to the fact that I don't feel the need to apologise for shit that I didn't do, your reason for calling me ignorant was lost on me, so I explained myself. Can't get mad at me for that.It's way over the top, even though the post that prompted it was a passive aggressive post, fair enough I agree. Much usage of the word fuck, insults, someone calling someone else stupid and of course, the telling someone to go away using bad words ender.This was not branded as a personal attack:Holy fuck you are dumb. Get the fuck out of here with your toxic ass bullshit dude.This... err... does the same thing, just in less words. Calling someone else stupid, the invitation to fuck off and an insult in the form of them telling the other person that their words are cow excrement. They do the same thing, they should be judged by the same rule. Both of these guys should have the same punishment, yet one is let off with the hook with a soft fingertap on the wrist.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

ah ok.Thanks for explaining for the 10th time, I'll remember this time 


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Basically, when it comes to piracy, this has been said a few times. Try not to make it super obvious what you're doing. We need to establish plausible deniability. We can't read your private messages, so we don't actually know what you're doing there. We are basically asking that if you're going to do anything potentially shady, just please don't explain the process too publicly, and you should be fine. Most folks in the thread about Eloquence actually did a pretty good job on this.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Hi.@ post 1, I posted those PMs but it wasn't like I was going around saying hey you/! here's eloquence!I htink all I did was say, name of person, I sent you a PM.I will admit that yes, I did give them links to eliquence but as far as I know; that's ok? as long as I don't actually discuss it on the forum.If I broke the rules, i'll take a warning and won't do it again unless the person really wants eloquence which honestly i can understand as I've used it all my life and cannot imagine living without this symth but if i do that, I'm sure the mods will give me another warning and if I do it again, like anyone else, I'd get a ban. At least I think that's how it works, if I'm wrong; please correct me.Oh and as for playing favorites, I've never met jade in my life and he did once give me a warning, I think, about software I posted a link to, so no; he's not playing favorites, like he said; he's just busy.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@Jayde personally, I disagree with your second example. While I can see why it's viewed as not a personal attack, the phrasing involved passive-aggressively attacks the person in question. It's not a direct personal attack, but a personal attack on their character nonetheless.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Something -was done about it. Frankly, I gave folks the benefit of the doubt, they blew it, so I locked the thread. I have a feeling that if I'd locked it faster, I'd have had other people (you, perhaps, Simba?) howling at me for being too quick to judge. I dealt with the thread when it was clear to me that second chances weren't working.I've gotten some reports, too, about certain people being alts of banned individuals, but I can't act on them because frankly there is not enough proof provided.Also, I am not in a position to promote temporary mods, and the unavailability is not a time-zone issue. Have you seen my four o'clock in the morning posts? I am on at really weird hours sometimes. The issue is more that I have other commitments in general, so I'm not just sitting here on the forum refreshing it at all hours of the day. This forum is bigger than any one person can possibly deal with, and like it or not, I've been doing the lion's share lately.So maybe in future, instead of just assuming I'm being a hypocrite, ask why one thread is being pounced on while another isn't. Maybe even report the thread.Also, I have yet to see concrete proof that I, or any other administrator, ignores personal attacks as long as the attacker aligns with our personal beliefs. I'm really finicky about personal attacks, actually. Here, I'll give you an example, because it might help.Example 1:"You're a worthless piece of human garbage that can't code their way out of a paper bag. Seriously, go die in a fire or something."Verdict: very obvious personal attackExample 2:"I am so sick and tired of your bullshit, guy. Every time poster x makes a topic about this, you come in here and you run your mouth and you won't. fucking. shut. up. Do you have any idea how god-damned tiresome that is, dude? I don't know about others, but I don't even know why you're still here or what you get out of this place. I wish you'd find the fucking door and make yourself scarce, because I was done with you months ago."Verdict: not a personal attack; it's extremely heavy, and if it continued and was targeting a user long enough, it might count as harassment, but nowhere in there is the speaker straight-up attacking the user. There are no insults, just a whole lot of anger.A lot of the things you see me let slide are outbursts like this, and the things I call out as personal attacks, by contrast, are usually much more direct. But if you can point to any specific examples where you feel like I let someone slide where someone else got warned for virtually the same thing, my ears are open. I try very hard not to engage in hypocritical behaviour, but if I've made a mistake, I'll own it. One thing I can tell you, however, is that it's not wilful. I have historically been the member of my friend group who plays devil's advocate and who doesn't take sides in an argument that isn't mine. I can very easily call out my own people if I feel they cross a line, or side with their opponents if I feel it's warranted. That said, I assure you that any appearance of hypocrisy on this particular angle is unintentional. But have on. Show me examples if you wish. If you can't do this, or won't, however, I kindly ask you to let it go. Making assertions that you aren't willing to back up with evidence is just a slimy way to throw more mud when it isn't warranted, and I don't much care for it.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tunmi13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

We report things to you but you either seem to ignore them, or you just let them fly. I'm not saying that you are doing it on purpose, but when people do things and get away with it, while others do things and don't get away with it, it begins to seem like there are some favorites in the community.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Jayde, but this is where the problem lays. We report something, the topic in question keeps on derailing and nothing is done about it.And if you notice the threat, we get an answer among the lines of, it will die down eventually. yeah, we just saw how this turned out.If all of the staff team are caught up in some real life issues, that's understandable, but then go and promote other temporary mods that can jump in if something crops up.Possibly mods that live in a different time zone then the USA because then you have a bigger chance of a mod beeing around at parts of the day where you guys are sleeping or do what ever.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

So, real quick: did any of you actually report this thread?Anyone? Bueler?Nah, didn't think so.So you're on my back for being a hypocrite, apparently, when you didn't even feel it necessary to report the thread.Let me clarify something here. I've done this before, but this forum can gallop along pretty quickly, and it's possible you missed it.Aaron is fairly caught up in RL lately. Liam is not part of the staff team right now. Carter is in and out. DanC is likewise in and out. I am pretty much the main person around here lately.No, this does not excuse blatantly bad behaviour on my part. I'm never going to pull the "overworked, underpaid and pissed about it" card. What it does mean, however, is that unless things are reported, I'm not going to be able to catch everything. I cannot possibly read every thread and comb every post for wrongdoing. This is why I'm trusting you folks to report things if they seem fishy, so at least there's an arrow pointing me in a direction I ought to look. I'm not blaming you for not doing this, but for heaven's sake don't ascribe hypocrisy where there isn't any. If two situations are extremely similar, and I've come down heavily on one, there's an excellent chance that I will come down heavily on the other one if I find out about it.Hopefully that explains some things.I daresay, however, that I don't feel especially bad about someone's feelings when they express disgust at one example they don't agree with, especially when they didn't paint the whole picture.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Apparently, you can straight up ignore personal attacks as well, as long as the person doing the attacking has the same beliefs as you.Moderation on here is a complete shitshow, and this is supposed to be the new and improved (TM) version.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@5 you are missing the point completely. In many occasions in that post, people talk about that illegal version of eloquence. Someone even posted exactly how to search for it and even a github link. Nothing was said...


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tunmi13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Have to agree with Oriel.Hmm, let's see here.Ding ding ding, its Jayde.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

@1: Mods can't view PMs, hence why this is happening. You can though report PMs. JuanReina got a warning for sending cracks (IIRC) by PM last year since the PM got reported by whoever he sent it to.You can't just slap warnings on people without proof or cautions or whatever else.I could come into that eloquence topic and say to somebody 'Hey sent ya a PM' and it be entirely innocent and nothing to do with passing around cracks or links or whate have ya, so in that case should I get lumped in wihth the infringers?


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

also Jail breaking is legal to do and according to"It is also important to note that iOS jailbreaking is exempt and legal under DMCA. Any installed jailbreak software can be uninstalled by re-jailbreaking with the restore rootfs option to take Apple's service for an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that was previously jailbroken."so take that those who say that is not legal at all.


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

and that Mod would be Jayde


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

and that Mod would be Jaid


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Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mikes0916 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

i defenetly agree with you.


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Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Hello,Just wanted to give my 2 cents worth, or maybe 1.5. Or whatever.i've seen some stuff recently that I don't like:1. Certain mods have got it in for certain people and certain topics. I saw a topic being closed and shunned for discussing Mac virtual machines, which is fine. However...2. A similar topic was made about Eloquence, and many people were sending each other private messages back and forth with (x, I have sent you a pm), right after x person posts about not having access to an illegal eloquence for the python 3 NVDA and other posts of this kind.3. No action whatsoever by any mod was taken, not even a single word from the same mod who closed the other post.I'm sure these are not the only posts where this has happened, I simply cannot think of any clearer example right now. I am thoroughly disgusted by this crap. I'm not saying everything this mod says is wrong, but he needs to check his facts and actions. I, for one, will be posting as little as possible and only to announce new games and will not be checking any topic which does not have to do with my games.Greetings.


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Disgusted by the moderators on this site

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Hello,Just wanted to give my 2 cents worth, or maybe 1.5. Or whatever.i've seen some stuff recently that I don't like:1. Certain mods have got it in for certain people and certain topics. I saw a topic being closed and shunned for discussing Mac virtual machines, which is fine. However...2. A similar topic was made about Eloquence, and any people were sending each otheor private messages back and forth with (x, I have sent you a pm), right after x person posts about not having access to an illegal eloquence for the python 3 NVDA.3. No action whatsoever by any mod was taken, not even a single word from the same mod who closed the other post.I'm sure these are not the only posts where this has happened, I simply cannot think of any clearer example right now. I am thoroughly disgusted by this crap. I'm not saying everything this mod says is wrong, but he needs to check his facts and actions. I, for one, will be posting as little as possible and only to announce new games and will not be checking any topic which does not have to do with my games.Greetings.


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