Re: security in size?

2019-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Interestingly enough,  the friend I mentioned whose sister's philosophy is basically go to a club, find a guy, wake up the morning after and then! see if she likes him, also noted that she is the one who has had three or four successful relationships and is now married, following the Make friends first" principle, (, while her sister has had a couple of very tempestuous relationships and is now in her late thirties, alone (and not happy about it, my friend does not like her sister), .


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@Defender, it depends upon the person and the situation, and while I have met nice, stable people who go in for the casual hookups thing there are  unfortunately a lot of sexual predators and pure trophy hunters out there too (like the friend of a friend I mentioned), and unfortunately clubbing culture pretty much gives them free reign. I admit I am probably slightly more hostile to the hookups thing, since  I have seen occasions its gone very wrong indeed, precisely because one partner hasn't exactly been bothered about the other person's desires or needs.Also, on a purely practical level, your just not going to be as naturally compatible with  someone until you've spent time getting to know them, and until they've spent time getting to know  you which doesn't happen instantly. I suspect in terms of professional escorts and the like, there is a pretty big difference between those who actually try to get to know a little of what the client actually wants, and the wham bam thank  you mam sort.Indeed, I'll say at one point I did heavily consider  getting a professional to assist with my genophobia, but in the end didn't go for the idea since I was too worried about ending up with someone unpleasant, or  just passive, which wouldn't have helped at all.Thankfully now the idea is pretty much moot, and I'll say at this stage the idea of having sex with anyone who isn't! my lady would be just plane wrong, but that's just part of being married in the real sense as opposed to just having some words before a priest.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Yeah I agree it can certainly be dangerous, but I don't think they are really looking for compatibility anyway so that doesn't enter into the equation for them...It may happen by accident though.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@Defender, it depends upon the person and the situation, and while I have met nice, stable people who go in for the casual hookups thing have met people who go in for the casual hookups thing, there are  unfortunately a lot of sexual predators and pure trophy hunters out there too (like the friend of a friend I mentioned), and unfortunately clubbing culture pretty much gives them free reign. I admit I am probably slightly more hostile to the hookups thing, since  I have seen occasions its gone very wrong indeed, precisely because one partner hasn't exactly been bothered about the other person's desires or needs.Also, on a purely practical level, your just not going to be as naturally compatible with  someone until you've spent time getting to know them, and until they've spent time getting to know  you which doesn't happen instantly. I suspect in terms of professional escorts and the like, there is a pretty big difference between those who actually try to get to know a little of what the client actually wants, and the wham bam thank  you mam sort.Indeed, I'll say at one point I did heavily consider  getting a professional to assist with my genophobia, but in the end didn't go for the idea since I was too worried about ending up with someone unpleasant, or  just passive, which wouldn't have helped at all.Thankfully now the idea is pretty much moot, and I'll say at this stage the idea of having sex with anyone who isn't! my lady would be just plane wrong, but that's just part of being married in the real sense as opposed to just having some words before a priest.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

I think some people just have an itch to scratch and masterbation doesn't do enough for them, essentially; but are still likely capable of settling down with someone they care about more deeply without much issue.I'm still coming to terms with that type of thinking my self, along with the hole hardcore BDSM culture thing and casual cuddlers, because I've just never felt that way personally so it's hard to empathise, but I'm slowly getting there.Most people I know who do these things are pretty nice and seemingly stable though so, in the end who am I to judge.Falls along the same lines as my thoughts on gay people and those with some pretty weird fetishes for me, I may not understand it or like it, but in the end as long as they aren't loudly and constantly advertising it, it's on me to move past it when interacting with them on a day to day basis.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@Ironcross, I completely agree with you. I am okay with casual sex if both of us have no partners, I've done it a few times and it can be a fun experience if you encounter the right person. The most important thing is to set things clear before sex so both of the partners know what they are getting into. This is to prevent further complications such as one of the partners falling in love. I would strongly advise against swinging though, no protection is 100% safe so there's always the risc of getting a STD. Even condoms, the most used protection method nowadays, can't protect you against all diseases. There are some diseases that are transmitted through touching the skin around the vagina so the chances of getting one increase dramatically if you happen to sleep with such a person.There's deffinitely a risk involved when you do swinging and anyone should be aware of what they are getting into before actually doing it.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Oh I'm fine with casual sex, I see nothing wrong with it. I mean there are more and less safe ways to go about it, and since I'd rather not get an STI, I'd probably opt for the more safe ways, other than that though, no problem. I would not have sex the same way as I would make love to a partner though. Those are quite different to me. I would also not knowingly engage in sexual activities with someone who is cheating on a partner or spouse, or in turn, cheat on my partner if I was in a relationship.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@bashue, the fact that up until 2015 I was profoundly genophobic and hated the sound of the word sex, and now can have a discussion like this probably tells you everything  you need to know about how much tings have changed in my life thanks to the wonderful lady I'm married to, who is (definitely  absolutely my best friend.@ironcross, Well it is certainly true that things are probably more extreme that way in the states than over here. That being said, your probably more likely to find things a bit too far the  way in the UK, especially with a lot of the clubbing culture which basically is all themed around going  and having fairly casual sex with people. The sister of a friend of mine actually says she doesn't get to know someone until the morning after, while I know someone else (I wouldn't describe her as a friend exactly since she's not a particularly nice person), who literally has a score counter, she's up to over 40 different guys and she's in her late twenties, actually when I last met her she said "Well i'm slowing down there have only been four this year,"Again, I wouldn't' say "its a sin" or anything dramatic like that, just that there  seems to be something missing. Interestingly enough, Alex comfort, who is extremely none judgemental over a lot of sexual practices, even ones which plainly he himself was less keen on, does gently warn against the problems  being a "swinger", and note that experience with the same partner counts for quite a lot.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Oh there is a taboo about sex and sexuality, oh my god maybe not in the UK but in America. Americans are so repressed. At least, some of them. They do it to themselves, father to son, to his sons, and mother to daughter, to her daughters etc. The only thing that breaks the chain is one offspring who has a free thought every once in a while.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Greetings Dark.I wouldn't say that your views are extreme, they are perfect for you and your beloved. I relate to what you're saying about the reason for the both of you getting married is because you're recognising the truth rather than trying something new. As for knowing intimately the one you're with, that's why it is better if you can also be best friends as well as lovers. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have the freedom to confide in one another without fear of punitive judgement or retribution. My beloved Lisa Hudson and I tell one another everything; even such things that are painful to air. As for sexual harm, my beloved has confided in me what happened to her and yes she has become stronger as a result. No I'm not saying that what we have is perfect but it's as close to perfection as can be. No we don't agree on everything and when that happens, we agree to disagree and we embrace our differences and our likenesses.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

While I don't agree with the taboo and the hole "no sex out of marriage" business, I will say I can understand why people take it seriously. Even if you forget about reproduction (which is a fairly big if), making love is one of the most profoundly intimate things you can do with someone, and one of the most profound ways you can know another person. Sexual harm can cause some pretty serious psychological damage that can mess up your hole life.  The relationship I have with my lady is not like any other relationship I've ever had in my life or am likely to have again, even with some of my extremely close friends. This is not of course just! because we make love,  sort of a lot, but it is true that  I wouldn't have had the same sort of relationship with anyone else. Of course there is a hell of a lot more to it, and manifestly there are plenty of relationships out there where people have sex together but the relationship itself is a pretty crummy one, but it is true that it adds something pretty profound that wouldn't be there otherwise. Its also true on a basic level that the more you know someone, generally the better things get between you, since after all lovemaking is  duette and the more in tune you both are the better. Indeed this is where I like Alex comfort's description, since instead of using "dominant" and "submissive", or "top" and "bottom", he talks of "instrument", and "player"this is why, while I would never  castigate someone for being a swinger and casually sleeping around, I would say they're missing out on something. This isn't to say we should go back to the days where anyone showing interest of all was an offer of life long marriage, just that if you don't take the time to know the person your with, your probably not going to have as good a time over all, either in the bedroom or outside it.Then again I admit my standards here might be pretty extreme, my lady and I are pretty seriously interdependent, perhaps almost too much so, indeed for us getting married was more about recognizing the truth than trying something new. Also, manifestly since my lady can't have children and we're not interested in adopting, our situation as a couple might well be slightly unique anyway.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

I think even the less endowed guys can do well if they know how to use what they have and are confident about it, it's when the confidence isn't there that destroys things. There's always doing kegels every day to strengthen your PC muscles and edging during masturbation to help you last longer and possibly have multiple orgasms as a penis owner.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Well, I've talked with some girls about size and all of them said it doesn't really matter. As my actual girl friend said to me, it matters only if he doesn't perform well or if it's very small or very big since then she wont enjoy sex. An average size is deffinitely ok for any woman.The most important things during sex are how you treat your partner, how you perform, how you interpret the ques she gives during sex and how you pleasure her. Women are different so they like different things, one might like lying on top or with her back to you. During sex, learning to give her an orgasm is what really matters, I believe that more experienced women enjoy a bigger penis because it puts more pressure on the vagina and on the sensible spots and some of them like it that way. Sex is just like any other skill, you have to practice it in order to get better at it, you must experiment and ask questions since this is how you become a more experienced partner, which is the thing that really matters when you have sex.Sex is a really wonderfull thing if you do it right and there are so many things to try and so many ways to enjoy yourselves.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Yeah its like a membrane with several holes in it.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Honestly when you look at it from the point of view of an asexual (though I am not one) it really is disgusting.From a medical point of view it's nearly as nasty as shitting out last night's chilly, accept with a bunch of pheromones and dopamine and audio cues and such to make you forget what exactly your doing. LOLAnyway, I agree that sex education sucks, and it's a serious shame how many kids are born into unprepared families and suffer for it, but at least we have the internet now. It's of course a double edged sword because of all the porn, but those who really want to learn can at least now find pretty good info without judgement.As for post 19, that's an admirable game plan for sure, and allot of it still applies, but apparently the only reason women bleed most of the time when losing their virginity is because the other person also doesn't know what their doing, nervous so less lubrication, going too fast, not enough foreplay ETC. I mean that doesn't necessarily mean your an asshole if it happens, after all you are basically breaking new ground as it were and it's extremely tight, plus some people are just more delicate than others, but the hyman doesn't actually break anyway. It's often depicted as a sort of plug or barrier, but it's actually more like a tight band that gets stretched/torn and can even repair it's self sometimes.I suggest anyone reading this  researches it them selves as well rather than just taking my word for it, because I want to make sure I'm remembering this right. I only learned it for my self a couple years ago too.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Honestly when you look at it from the point of view of an asexual (though I am not one) it really is disgusting.From a medical point of view it's nearly as nasty as shitting out last night's chilly, accept with a bunch of pheromones and dopamine and audio cues and such to make you forget what exactly your doing. LOLAnyway, I agree that sex education sucks, and it's a serious shame how many kids are born into unprepared families and suffer for it, but at least we have the internet now. It's of course a double edged sword because of all the porn, but those who really want to learn can at least now find pretty good info without judgement.As for post 19, that's an admirable game plan for sure, and allot of it still applies, but apparently the only reason women bleed most of the time when losing their virginity is because the other person also doesn't know what their doing, nervous so less lubrication, going too fast, not enough foreplay ETC. I mean that doesn't necessarily mean your an asshole if it happens, after all you are basically breaking new ground as it were and it's extremely tight, plus some people are just more delicate than others, but the hyman doesn't actually break anyway. It's often depicted as a sort of plug or barrier, but it's actually more like a tight ring that gets stretched and can even repair it's self sometimes.I suggest anyone reading this  researches it them selves as well rather than just taking my word for it, because I want to make sure I'm remembering this right. I only learned it for my self a couple years ago too.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Honestly when you look at it from the point of view of an asexual (though I am not one) it really is disgusting.Honestly, from a medical point of view it's just as nasty as shitting out last night's chilly, accept with a bunch of pheromones and dopamine and such to make you forget what exactly your doing. LOLAnyway, I agree that sex education sucks, and it's a serious shame how many kids are born into unprepared families and suffer for it, but at least we have the internet now. It's of course a double edged sword because of all the porn, but those who really want to learn can at least now find pretty good info without judgement.As for post 19, that's an admirable game plan for sure, and allot of it still applies, but apparently the only reason women bleed most of the time when losing their virginity is because the other person also doesn't know what their doing, nervous so less lubrication, going too fast, not enough foreplay ETC. I mean that doesn't necessarily mean your an asshole if it happens, after all you are basically breaking new ground as it were and it's extremely tight, plus some people are just more delicate than others, but the hyman doesn't actually break anyway. It's often depicted as a sort of plug or barrier, but it's actually more like a tight ring that gets stretched and can even repair it's self sometimes.I suggest anyone reading this  researches it them selves as well rather than just taking my word for it, because I want to make sure I'm remembering this right. I only learned it for my self a couple years ago too.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

eeww! sex! That's like, gross! Despite the fact that the human race litterally would die out in about 100 years if everybody simultaneously stopped having sex?Really, why is it so wrong to have sex? It's a nesesity, Maybe not for everyone, but for a good majority of us, if we want the human race to survive, we gotta do it!


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

I don't believe in sex!  Not one bit!  No sirree!  What's that you say?  Three kids?  Fourth on the way?  NO idea how they got here...Hmm, on second thought, maybe I should just end this post by saying that I think I'm doing what post 2 said, that being using what I have properly?  I just... I don't know anymore...


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Yeah there is a taboo there I feel doesn't need to be there, because people will have sex, and even the people who shudder about talking about it are most likely having sex, so why not get the information out there so people can do it safely.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

I agree that sex education in this country is very poor. It's even worse if you're blind. The only things I was given were tactile 2D diagrams. I'm sorry, but a 2D diagram isn't going to cut it when you're trying to explain a 3D concept to a blind person like me. Why they couldn't have used 3D printed models is beyond me. Maybe they didn't want those tax payer dollars being used for something so vulgar even though it would have been a very important and educational opportunity.I don't know why people act like immature children or refuse to talk at all when discussing sex. Sex is a part of life, just like eating, drinking, sleeping, etc.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

I'll agree that sex education in this country is very poor. It's even worse if you're blind. The only things I was given were tactile 2D diagrams. I'm sorry, but a 2D diagram isn't going to cut it when you're trying to explain a 3D concept to a blind person like me. Why they couldn't have used 3D printed models is beyond me. Maybe they didn't want those tax payer dollars being used for something so vulgar even though it would have been a very important and educational opportunity.I don't know why people act like immature children or refuse to talk at all when discussing sex. Sex is a part of life, just like eating, drinking, sleeping, etc.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

In Nevada, prostitution is legal, so there are brothels you can go to, but it's not just about straight up dirty sex with someone you found on the street. There are places out there that are there to help you build an experience. They will talk with you and find out what kinds of things you're into. I watched a video where they had everything from bungalows, to hotel rooms, a pool and stuff, all the way to a BDSM dungeon. They have apartments that have furnishings and everything to simulate the girlfriend experience. So you decide what you want and they put it into action, and you'll have at least one sex worker there to fulfill your fantasy.Also I think we don't get enough sex education in this country, and pretty much globally, and what we do get is so much garbage. I was never taught anything about sex at all from anyone really.Then in the teens or early 20's, you usually lose your virginity, which I kind of feel in some ways is an archaic concept. And we say take someone's virginity like it's something we rip away from them. Well the thing is, your first time can break you, it can make you never want sex again in your life. SO for me, I'd want to be sure and do it right if I knew the person I was with was a virgin. I would make sure she was ready, I would tell her multiple times it's OK to stop at any time, but I would also be on the lookout for things that would tell me she's not into it and find out why, like tensing up or instinctively pulling away, stuff like that, because then I would stop. I would tell her there's likely to be pain and also there could be blood and quite a lot if the hymen breaks. I'd tell her that there's no pressure to reach and orgasm. And I would be gentle and start off slow and take it kind of slow that first time. Also the first time I think you should probably keep it rather straight up, no craziness. You could easily mess the person up from this and their first time should be special. You should be extra sensitive to any sign she's uncomfortable and keep making sure she's OK and if you suspect not, then stop. With some people, the pain the first time is bearable, others it's just too much. some girls might bleed very little and some a lot. Also, some girls may already have their hymen broken from intense physical activity like athletics, sports, horse riding, etc.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@8Dude I don't know what misandrist hellscape your living in, but aside from isolated cases, in my world third wave feminists don't have nearly as much impact outside of the internet as the youtube commenters would like you to believe. Mostly because their are always more mature people to moderate them, and they tend to make fools of them selves when pushed even a little bit.Sure they get some victory's here and there, but for the most part, the shit that's being attributed to them existed long before.I don't like them either mind you, though I think most are just misguided and have their hearts in the right place with the very vocal and likely mentally unstable minority being the loudest.Gotta be careful with the anti SJW hate train though because it's super easy to fall into, and in the end you'll end up allot like the third wavers and BLM and antifa and other such nonsense, just screaming slightly different words.It feels s good to fight for something you know is right, and to prove loud, terrible people wrong, but in the end it's all just poison and you'll end up a bitter, judgemental jerk if you aren't super careful.I can't say for sure that's what's happening to you, but I got into the anti third wave stuff too deep and saw allot of others start to fall into it as well. I learned that talking it out and having an open mind is generally way more productive than screaming back at someone screaming, and that getting to the root of why people feel so strongly about certain things can help you understand the real problem. For those that refuse to talk it through, they aren't worth your time anyway and you soon come to realize that most people think they are crazy too.It only took a few months of listening to some very persuasive anti SJW youtubers to start making me into something I hate, and I'm still undoing it. Now I know that some people can handle it just fine and not get drawn in like that, but I unfortunately had to discover I wasn't one of them.IMO one of the worst things going on right now is all this groupism, so getting drawn into it without making your own conclusions on the subject after carefully listening to all sides is dangerous, and regurgitating the halftruths  and hyperboles that the media spout off to get an audience invested is even more so, as it can fanaticize others.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@AlirezaNosrati sorry, I didn't realise you were quoting and thought you were just being, well a bit of a dick, pun definitely intended . I will say its nice to see an actually sane discussion on this sort of thing  for once.@@bashue, I agree and am glad you've found someone, I know how first hand how profound that is.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@AlirezaNosrati sorry, I didn't realise you were quoting and thought you were just being, well a bit of a dick, pun definitely intended . I will say its nice to see an actually sane discussion on this sort of thing  for once.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Apparently the first time anyone tried to do a study of average penis size, they allowed the participants to measure themselves . The only thing they learned was that men were liars.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Apparently the first time anyone tried to do a study of average penis size, they allowed the participants to measure themselves . The only thing they learned was that 90% of men were liars.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Apparently the first time anyone tried to do a study of average penis size, they allowed the participants to measure themselves . The only thing they lerned was that when it comes to penis size, 90% of men were liars.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Greetings all.This is indeed a very interesting topic and yes I've discussed sizes with a few women and men. There were only a few women who I could indeed discuss this with seriously without it devolving into something either juvenile or it turning into a moral issue. Funnily enough, the majority of men who I've spoken to not only talked openly and frankly about it with me but it didn't devolve into anything foolish like locker room talk. Yes there were a few exceptions but in general, I was spared having to go through that. I was and still am quite disheartened by the way some men and women hold one another to impossible standards both image and performance wise. You can see instances of that in porn; men and women are objectified and the message people are bombarded with is not only do bigger penises and breasts count for more but if you cannot perform for hours on end then you are worthless. Anyway, going back on topic, I'm also very disheartened with the way my Mother and her friends handle such topics as this. When we used to eat with James Paterson, sometimes he loved talking about that and the good old days when he was young. Granted, he ought to have taken into consideration the fact that not everyone was comfortable with the topic in question but my point of contention was with the fact that they were only uncomfortable if the topic was brought up by men. Among themselves AKA other women, their conversations became not only open but they often devolved into crudeness.Having said that, they all think old School and they try to ensure that I don't even touch that conversation with my beloved Lisa Hudson and little do they know that not only had we already have such conversations but we've both learned a grate deal from one another. The same could be said for my exes and yes my family would be disgusted with me if they knew. I do agree that penis or vaginal size do not matter, it's all to do with sensitivity and how comfortable you are with talking to one another about it and taking the other's feelings, wants/desires/needs/preferences into account. I must say however that making love to the one you truly love; nothing can compare to it because you not only love them but you're truly in love with them. For the first time ever in this lifetime, I'm with someone who I not only love with all that I am and infinitely more, but she feels exactly the same way about me, loving me measure for measure and then some.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@dark it was a song 


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@AlirezaNosrati no I am not interested, did you even read the rest of this topic? @YourUso , I never said anything about prostitutes so I have no idea where you got that. I just meant it helps to discuss these sorts of things honestly, preferably with your partner. If you have one. if you don't, then at least it'd be nice to be able to ask serious questions without  having people behave like twelve year olds.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Nothing beats getting firsthand experience, though. It's interesting to note the views of others as well. and @Dark and Defender,    huge thumbs ups to your posts. You guys summed it all up so well. I'm curious to hear the views of some of our female forum members as well.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Nothing beats getting firsthand experience, though. It's interesting to note the views of others as well. and @Dark and Defender,  a huge thumbs up to your posts. You guys summed it all up so well. I'm curious to hear the views of some of our female forum members as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Nothing beats getting firsthand experience, though. It's interesting to note the views of others as well. and @Dark, a huge thumbs up to your post. You summed it all up so well.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : YourUso via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Well don't worry matie, if your GF is blind, and you have a micro wee, she can't see it anyways so ahahahahaha.And if she has a slit for a vv, then don't worry either, it can go with your micro wee.But the best thing to do is just talk about it with your big one two, and see if she minds, and wants to even  make babies with you. @Dark I'm not quite sure getting a friend to fuck with or a prosto is what you meant, but that's how I interpretted that lmfao. You'll be fine, and @Alireza keep dreaming mate, especially at the rate you keep saying you wanna rape peoples mums at.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

well if anyone is interested my dick is big, it's very very big, we could do a trade or something i have trouble it's easily noticed because of it's size, it's very very big, it big it touch the sky.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

ono, do I want to learn about these things you mention defender?


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@Defender, there is so much written on this subject and so  much flat cultural baggage that its damnably difficult to find any kind of straight answer even to simple questions. From third wave feminists who consider any sex to be rape just on principle, to those other third wave feminists who are  so overbearing about the joys of female sexuality they flat out deny men have much part in the action at all, to post freudians who would see sexual metaphores in anything up to and including rice pudding and income tax,  right wing religious  who still think  the only purpose of sex is for reproduction, and the only time it should be done  is after a wedding, and nobody should do anything as silly as enjoy themselves. Then there are  evolutionists who explain that it is! all about reproduction and are in their own way as bad as the religious fundamentalists, and then a fair serving of those who simply project their own dissatisfaction onto the entire world. And this is of course only talking about straight people, god knows what sort of volcano you might find if you start looking into views on gay people's sexual practices.In general as I said, the best way to learn is just discuss things honestly with your  partner, indeed since fundamentally lovemaking is a participation sport not talking to your team mate is pretty stupid, (I imagine this would also be equally true for gay couples as well).If you don't have a partner, you could try  a friend with at least a little experience, or try and find some of the very small amount of sane material out there, difficult though that might be.This indeed is one area where in western culture women have a distinct advantage, since its something women friends can and do discuss quite honestly, but its comparatively difficult to find men who will actually discuss the subject like adults, partly I suspect because in none religious circles aforesaid feminists have pretty much usurped the area of discussion as a female only province, and its still assume by a lot of people that men basically all work the same way and have absolutely no sensativity or nuance, something which is, (for anyone with an actually decent relationship with their partner), patently false.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@Defender, there is so much written on this subject and so  much flat cultural baggage that its damnably difficult to find any kind of straight answer even to simple questions. From third wave feminists who consider any sex to be rape just on principle, to those other third wave feminists who are  so overbearing about the joys of female sexuality they flat out deny men have much part in the action at all, to post freudians who would see sexual metaphores in anything up to and including rice pudding and income tax,  right wing religious  who still think  the only purpose of sex is for reproduction, and the only time it should be done  is after a wedding, and nobody should do anything as silly as enjoy themselves. Then there are  evolutionists who explain that it is! all about reproduction and are in their own way as bad as the religious fundamentalists, and then a fair serving of those who simply project their own dissatisfaction onto the entire world.In general as I said, the best way to learn is just discuss things honestly with your  partner, indeed since fundamentally lovemaking is a participation sport not talking to your team mate is pretty stupid .If you don't have a partner, you could try  a friend with at least a little experience, or try and find some of the very small amount of sane material out there, difficult though that might be.This indeed is one area where culturally women have a distinct advantage, since its something women friends can and do discuss quite honestly, but its comparatively difficult to find men who will actually discuss the subject like adults, partly I suspect because in none religious circles aforesaid feminists have pretty much usurped the area of discussion as a female only province, and its still assume by a lot of people that men basically all work the same way and have absolutely no sensativity or nuance, something which is, (for anyone with an actually decent relationship with their partner), patently false.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@Defender, there is so much written on this subject and so  much flat cultural baggage that its damnably difficult to find a straight answer. From third wave feminists who consider any sex to be rape just on principle, to those other third wave feminists who are  so overbearing about the joys of female sexuality they flat out deny men have much part in the action at all, to post freudians who would see sexual metaphores in anything up to and including rice pudding and income tax,  right wing religious  who still think  the only purpose of sex is for reproduction, and the only time it should be done  is after a wedding, and nobody should do anything as silly as enjoy themselves. In general as I said, the best way to learn is just discuss things honestly with your  partner, indeed since fundamentally lovemaking is a participation sport not talking to your team mate is pretty stupid .If you don't have a partner, you could try  a friend with at least a little experience, or try and find some of the actually sane material out there, difficult though that might be.This indeed is one area where culturally women have a distinct advantage, since its something women friends can and do discuss quite honestly, but its comparatively difficult to find men who will actually discuss the subject like adults, partly I suspect because in none religious circles aforesaid feminists have pretty much usurped the area of discussion as a female only province, and its still assume by a lot of people that men basically all work the same way and have absolutely no  or nuance, something which is, (for anyone with an actually decent relationship with their partner), patently false.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@Defender, there is so much written on this subject and so  much flat cultural baggage that its damnably difficult to find a straight answer. From third wave feminists who consider any sex to be rape, to those other third wave feminists who are  so overbearing about the joys of female sexuality they flat out deny men have much part in the action at all, to post freudians who would see sexual metaphores in anything up to and including rice pudding and income tax,  right wing religious  who still think  the only purpose of sex is for reproduction, and the only time it should be done  is after a wedding, and nobody should do anything as silly as enjoy themselves. In general as I said, the best way to learn is just discuss things honestly with your  partner, indeed since fundamentally lovemaking is a participation sport not talking to your team mate is pretty stupid .If you don't have a partner, you could try  a friend with at least a little experience, or try and find some of the actually sane material out there, difficult though that might be.This indeed is one area where culturally women have a distinct advantage, since its something women friends can and do discuss quite honestly, but its comparatively difficult to find men who will actually discuss the subject like adults, partly I suspect because in none religious circles aforesaid feminists have pretty much usurped the area of discussion as a female only province, and its still assume by a lot of people that men basically all work the same way and have absolutely no  or nuance, something which is, (for anyone with an actually decent relationship with their partner), patently false.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Yeah well if you found that interesting, wait until you hear about the permanently loose vagina myth and the huge misconceptions and religious/cultural lies around the hyman.Even the GSpot and cliterus aren't what they seem on the surface... And then you get into prostate stimulation and it's basically a death spiral down a rabbit hole.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Yeah well if you found that interesting, wait until you hear about the permanently loose vagina myth and the huge misconceptions and religious/cultural lies around the hyman.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

Yeah well if you found that interesting, wait until you hear about the loose vagina myth and the broken himon myth.Okay so the loose vagina thing isn't a total myth, and I suppose it probably could happen to very busy prostitutes or something, but it's still not what people make it out to be.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

As far as I know, unless you have a micro or macro penis, or the woman has a condition of some kind where the vaginal opening is smaller than normal, everything is peachy.Look up average north american male penis sizes because I forget the exact numbers, but chances are good you fall into that.Having a really large penis is often just as much of a curse as having a really small one too by the way, since it feels uncomfortable for most women, particularly if the tip of the penis bumps the cervix during intercourse.It's okay though because only a small portion of women can actually achieve orgasm from penetration by it's self, so your probably going to have to be doing other stuff at the same time regardless, and it's going to be the secondary thing for her anyway.Even then, their are allot of ways to pleasure someone, and penis size doesn't have much to do with how successful you'll be at conceiving a child either, that's more genetics, hormone balance ETC. So in the long run it doesn't have much effect on any fassit of sex, weather biologically or recreationally.As for females, it's a bit more confusing, but vaginal depth and width has more to do with height, pelvic muscle strength, and the average size of babies heads in that race, so far as the research I've seen shows.The jury is still out and it's pretty divided, but more women still consider girth important over length, as well.Why yes! I was indeed insecure about the size of my penis at one point, thanks for noticing forumites... LOLYou'll no doubt be happy to hear that I now know I have nothing to worry about though...  But thanks for your definitely not mocking concern anyway!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

As far as I know, unless you have a micro or macro penis, or the woman has a condition of some kind where the vaginal opening is smaller than normal, everything is peachy.Look up average north american mail penis sizes because I forget the exact numbers, but chances are good you fall into that.Having a really large penis is often just as much of a curse as having a really small one too by the way, since it feels uncomfortable for most women, particularly if the tip of the penis bumps the cervix during intercourse.It's okay though because only a small portion of women can actually achieve orgasm from penetration by it's self, so your probably going to have to be doing other stuff at the same time regardless, and it's going to be the secondary thing for her anyway.Even then, their are allot of ways to pleasure someone, and penis size doesn't have much to do with how successful you'll be at conceiving a child either, that's more genetics, hormone balance ETC. So in the long run it doesn't have much effect on any fassit of sex, weather biologically or recreationally.As for females, it's a bit more confusing, but vaginal depth and width has more to do with height, pelvic muscle strength, and the average size of babies heads in that race, so far as the research I've seen shows.The jury is still out and it's pretty divided, but more women still consider girth important over length, as well.Why yes! I was indeed insecure about the size of my penis at one point, thanks for noticing forumites... LOLYou'll no doubt be happy to hear that I now know I have nothing to worry about though...  But thanks for your definitely not mocking concern anyway!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

vary interesting. This is what I thought, but I was curious to know what you guys thought.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

As far as I know, unless you have a micro or macro penis, or the woman has a condition of some kind where the vaginal opening is smaller than normal, everything is peachy.Look up average north american mail penis sizes because I forget the exact numbers, but chances are good you fall into that.Having a really large penis is often just as much of a curse as having a really small one too by the way, since it feels uncomfortable for most women, particularly if the tip of the penis bumps the cervix during intercourse.It's okay though because only a small portion of women can actually achieve orgasm from penetration by it's self, so your probably going to have to be doing other stuff at the same time regardless, and it's going to be the secondary thing for her anyway.Even then, their are allot of ways to pleasure someone, and penis size doesn't have much to do with how successful you'll be at conceiving a child either, that's more genetics, hormone balance ETC. So in the long run it doesn't have much effect on any fassit of sex, weather biologically or recreationally.As for females, it's a bit more confusing, but vaginal depth and width has more to do with height, pelvic muscle strength, and the average size of babies heads in that race, so far as the research I've seen shows.The jury is still out and it's pretty divided, but more women still consider girth important over length, as well.Why yes, I was indeed insecure about the size of my penis at one point, thanks for noticing forumites... LOLYou'll no doubt be happy to hear that I now know I have nothing to worry about though...  But thanks for your concern.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

As far as I know, unless you have a micro or macro penis, or the woman has a condition of some kind where the vaginal opening is smaller than normal, everything is peachy.Look up average north american mail penis sizes because I forget the exact numbers, but chances are good you fall into that.Having a really large penis is often just as much of a curse as having a really small one too by the way, since it feels uncomfortable for most women, particularly if the tip of the penis bumps the cervix during intercourse.It's okay though because only a small portion of women can actually achieve orgasm from penetration by it's self, so your probably going to have to be doing other stuff at the same time regardless, and it's going to be the secondary thing for her anyway.Even then, their are allot of ways to pleasure someone, and penis size doesn't have much to do with how successful you'll be at conceiving a child either, that's more genetics, hormone balance ETC. So in the long run it doesn't have much effect on any fassit of sex, weather biologically or recreationally.As for females, it's a bit more confusing, but vaginal depth and width has more to do with height, pelvic muscle strength, and the average size of babies heads in that race, so far as the research I've seen shows.The jury is still out and it's pretty divided, but more women still consider girth important over length, as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@Redfox, you might consider reediting your first post, since while I gather your simply being curious, unless  you clarify a little it might come across as slightly creepy or as though your deliberately attempting to make ladies feel uncomfortable, since not everyone is okay with simple bold faced discussions of sex. I speak here from personal experience having suffered very extreme genophobia at one time, and unfortunately there are still people out there (of both genders), who will be deliberately crass just to provoke discomfort from others, look at those renowned dirty phone calls.To actually answer your question though, my lady and I did discuss this honestly when we were reading through Alex comfort's the joy of sex together  as a way of attempting to deal with said genophobia. Indeed  Comfort is a book I'd highly recommend if  want something which treats the subject honestly, albeit we didn't agree with Comfort in everything.As to your question, Ironcross is absolutely correct. There is absolutely %100 no correlation between size and pleasure or performance on either side. Comfort does have an interesting, and thank god none freudian explanation for this based on the fact that in prehistoric times its likely younger boys would've measured their own lack of maturity by their lack of size as compared to adult men, as it does occur in some other primate species. But in terms of the truth, the answer is a resounding no. Everyone, male and female has a slightly different genital shape anyway, and how those shapes inter relate will create differences in how a couple works together, since there will always be more or less comfortable angles, positions or individual practices, but determining these is more a matter of sensitivity and good communication  than anything as simple as "bigger is better", indeed for pretty much anything to do with lovemaking its always about sensitivity and good communication.Interestingly enough, the very same logic applies to a woman's breasts as well, despite cultural obsessions, bigger has nothing to do with pleasure of either the man or the woman.Hope this answers your question.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

@Redfox, you might consider reediting your first post, since while I gather your simply being curious, unless  you clarify a little it might come across as slightly creepy or as though your deliberately attempting to make ladies feel uncomfortable, since not everyone is okay with simple bold faced discussions of sex. I speak here from personal experience having suffered very extreme genophobia at one time, and unfortunately there are still people out there (of both genders), who will be deliberately crass just to provoke discomfort from others, look at those renowned dirty phone calls.To actually answer your question though, my lady and I did discuss this honestly when we were reading through Alex comfort's the joy of sex together  as a way of attempting to deal with said genophobia. Indeed  Comfort is a book I'd highly recommend if  want something which treats the subject honestly, albeit we didn't agree with Comfort in everything.As to your question, Ironcross is correct. There is absolutely %100 no correlation between size and pleasure or performance on either side. Comfort does have an interesting, and thank god none freudian explanation for this based on the fact that in prehistoric times its likely younger boys would've measured their own lack of maturity by their lack of size as compared to adult men, as it does occur in some other primate species. But in terms of the truth, the answer is a resounding no. Everyone, male and female has a slightly different genital shape anyway, and how those shapes inter relate will create differences in how a couple works together, since there will always be more or less comfortable angles, positions or individual practices, but determining these is more a matter of sensitivity and good communication  than anything as simple as "bigger is better", indeed for pretty much anything to do with lovemaking its always about sensitivity and good communication.Interestingly enough, the very same logic applies to a woman's breasts as well, despite cultural obsessions, bigger has nothing to do with pleasure of either the man or the woman.Hope this answers your question.


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

that's what I thought. But I meant strictly how it's shaped, IDK where I'm going with this just...


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Re: security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: security in size?

it ain't whatcha have, but how ya use it.


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security in size?

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


security in size?

Lol, ok, I'm posting this cause I'm genuinely curious.There's vary few active females in this comunity, sadface, and for the ones who are active, and not virgins, does length or girth or something else matter most to you?As said, this topic is out of curiousity, and in an atempt to know if the dick measuring contests that men have matter or not?Actually, now that I think of it, there's like 3 females that post in this comunity that I know about haha, yet another post that'll probably be passed by, I got a lot of those.


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