Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

I'm not for a 24/7 available driver, in fact I am even against some countries where they resolve the situation of blind people by providing them several taxi rides a month for free, as that faintly supports laziness and has a great potential to inhibit independence and mobility skills. But I'd be so excited about driverless cars, both for a faster, more secure and more ecological public transport as well as from the POV of a blind person, but unfortunately I know I won't probably live long enough to be legally allowed, or even rich enough in fact, to get one. :-)I'm surprised many countries seem to have no mechanical money recognition devices like this whose obvious power is their simplicity and thus reliability. They don't rely on your smartphone running, having enough battery power, its screen reader talking, the OS not crashing, etc, etc, etc... Ours is such a tiny little piece of plastic that I carry it inside my wallet along with the actual mon
 ey, just like my credit card or ID card, so it's no more unwanted additional hassle to carry around.That's why I'm relatively surprised to see the money recognition problem for most countries and currencies being resolved through smartphone apps. To a Czech blind person, this feels like trying to build skyscrapers all over the place without having enough experience with solid, stable and easier to build small family houses, if this metaphor makes sense.In fact, if I remember correctly, I heard the notes in the Czech Republic were specifically designed to have different sizes since the very beginning because they did consider the blind in advance, so they designed this recognition device along with the parameters of our modern currency so that it would just all work together.Lukas


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

Yes my accessible video games act is sadly a dream that will never happen. How hard would it have it been for Harry Potter to tell me where to go instead of repeating I think we need to go to the barn 50 million times in a row? haha If the gov really cared though every single one of us would have a personal driver to take us where ever we wanted when ever we wanted. I can't wait untill I get my driverless car!Braille money would be good although it would get worn off so why not have different sized bills? I never had a problem yet with knowing what my money is because I fold it and check it before I go out but there are times where you get change back and are unsure what is what. Braille on everything would be cool if it was non removable another idea would be for a store app. This app could have different stores in it like a database and you could virtually use the app to see what items a store carried. Either by swiping along the isles or by category. Now this
  would not be 100% as stores are set up differently and not all stores under the same company carry the same thing but it would help give you an idea. I don't even know how this could work with clothing but with things like food, and other products I could see something like this working.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

Interesting, that's the first time I've ever heard of a money identifier that worked that way. I've only ever seen talking ones, and of course smartphone apps, as I said.That's a good point, Dark. If the labels were non-removable, then I could actually see some use for such a system, especially if you ever get stuck in the unfortunate situation where a store employee who's supposed to be helping you is either clueless about what you're asking for, or doesn't speak English well enough to understand what you need help with. While I've never encountered the latter situation, I've known people who have, and it sounds absolutely hellish.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

Yeah, I agree Braille on banknotes could actually help a lot. It would eliminate the need for all the various mechanical recognition devices.That's good to know about the US money. I haven't seen any yet and it sounds pretty bad. :-)Fortunately, here in the Czech Republic the coins all have different edges and notes are different sizes. Not enough to tell the two closest ones apart just by touch but by using the mechanical sort of recognizer that's hard to describe, it works fine. Basically, there is a rim at the device that splits it into a bottom and a top half. You put the note below the bottom half and it goes about half way inside. You just have to be careful to keep the note straight. Then, you bend the protruding part over the top half of the device, and you have tactile markers for the various sizes. Depending on how far the protruding, now bent part reaches, you can be very certain which value it is, but it just takes a while to recognize say 
 5 notes like this, so it's best to recognize what you have on you at the moment in advance and arrange the notes in your wallet accordingly.Lukas


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

@sid, the point of the murder thing was that there are too many situations where someone can basically behave like an arse to a disabled person because they can with no consequence, the murder thing would equalized power a bit, or at least that is the idea. it's not a serious suggestion, since yes, it's open to abuses and people paying disabled people to use their murders, but it is a reflection of the fact that there does need to be a little more recourse when someone for example tells a disabled person they don't get the job due to the position already being gone or their application being two minutes late or some such nonsense when actually it's just because the person is a scuzbag. After all, if the government doesn't exist to protect individual citizens from exploitation and insure equity, what is the point of a government in the first place?As to money, well I do have to say the united states has probably the worst money in the wo
 rld in terms of recognition, or at least the worst I've ever seen. All the same colour and same size with no difference. In the uk the notes are different sizes, and if you can see them, colours, plus the lowest denomination of note is five pounds meaning that you can have coins that are vaguely worth something and don't have to always be scrabbling with notes just to buy a coffee, (five pounds is roughly eight dollars).I agree though, braille on money would help a lot. For recognition of products, while I certainly agree turtlepower that some scumbag would likely change lables, at the same time I don't think this would be as likely if the labels were inset into the packaging rather like the labels that already exist on medicine boxes and bottles of things like bleache, indeed it rather amuses me that the only things with! braille labels are things that are dangerous to the health, --- -so if your blind, you can't find any food, but your quite
  up on stuff that will injur or kill you?  there are so many ironic things I could say about this but I'll just leave it there . Another possibility might be having a universal system like the penfriend with speakng lables you could activate with a smart phone or other device.While it would take longer to find items in a shop, i mainly see braille lables as necessary when you have stuff at home, or when the person in the shop has no dam idea what your asking for. I'll confess it really gets on my whick when I either go shopping and get a complete moron who has no idea what I'm actually looking for, or still worse, when I discover that the shop has had! something I would've liked for a considerable time and I just didn't know. Eg, for years I bought diet coke at one pound thirty a bottle without realizing the same shop sold
  diet iron brew at ninety nine pence for a bigger bottle, and since I also actually like iron brew rather more than coke anyway this one was a right pest.Oh, and an accessible games act would be olovely, albeit I doubt it'd ever happen.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

Don't you have tactile, mechanical money reading devices in the western world? )True, they're still a bit slow at times, but at least if you check your money say under the table or lean over your hands or something, it's much more difficult for anyone to get to know your exact amount of cash on hand. :-)Lukas


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

Agreed, although at least with the advent of smartphones, you can plug in some earbuds to identify your money in peace and privacy. But that's still very slow and awkward to deal with when you're trying to make a transaction. Not to mention that international currencies are often not identified by said apps, which leaves a ton of people in the dark.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

That's true, but braille on paper money would be good. No more money reading apps or devices blairing out how much money you have to anyone with an ear to hear, lol.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

Putting Braille labels on everything in a store would be painfully inefficient. In a perfect world, it sounds like a great thing, but honestly, you'd have kids peeling the labels off and either eating them or throwing them all over the place all the time. The kids that are old enough to know better, but have an inner demon breeding in them, would take the labels and swap them, so that you might, say, get a can of cream of chicken soup rather than the can of green beans you wanted. And, since most kids lack any sense of respect nowadays and act like little assholes, that would happen a lot more often than one might think. Plus, the labels could very easily just fall off due to everyday handling, or get lost in transit.There's also the fact that it would be much slower to read stuff in Braille than it would be for a sighted person to scan a whole aisle of products with their eyes. I don't care how good your Braille reading skills are, nor what the NFB claims ca
 n be done with just the help of a slate and stylus, that would be unequivocably slower. Plain and simple.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

The accessible video games act. All games must be playable by everyone. If I can't play them no buddy can. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! These sightlings had it too good and for too long.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

Hi.Sounds like an idea with witch marvel or the DC U could come up with, could be a new TV series xD.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

why. what exactly would be accomplished by this. just because someone is disabled they should get 5 murders sanctioned right?  heck, a perfectly fine friend of that disabled person can't urge him to ring the hotline and bam? "hey bud, couldya ring up that line and get Jo killed for me, bruh? i'll hand you over 10 bucks, ok? yeah.". interesting thought though. there could be a lot of groups demanding their fair share as far as that "thought" is concerned, for whatever reasons. well i also had a fantasy about a sort of secret organization fully sanctioned by a govt but for the purpose of  monitoring inconvinience caused to disabled and take action to stop it right in its tracks. for example, if Charlie is bothered by a few persons at his workplace who think he's worth nothing and they've got every right to cause as much trouble
  to him as possible, he might as well ring them up and next moment there could be a couple of mean looking men sneaking up and watching over, and when the time comes they could as well catch each one of them at a corner and warn them "in their own language". probably interesting to keep them off the hook for a while, lol. however a system like that might help getting proper revenge too, one calls that assistance hotline where he tells about his arch enemies and how exactly he'd prefer them to be dealt with and again the creepy looking guys could come up and teach his enemies a lesson accordingly and also offer him protection from a counter attack, lol. . as much as this may sound unfair to some as calling up goons and petty criminals to take care of things, just like a classic novel or a movie or whatnot else. but since when is the idea of murders more morally appropriate than this one? 


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

why. what exactly would be accomplished by this. just because someone is disabled they should get 5 murders sanctioned right?  heck, a perfectly fine friend of that disabled person can't urge him to ring the hotline and bam? "hey bud, couldya ring up that line and get Jo killed for me, bruh? i'll hand you over 10 bucks, ok? yeah.". interesting thought though. there could be a lot of groups demanding their fair share as far as that "thought" is concerned, for whatever reasons. well i also had a fantasy about a sort of secret organization, may or may not be directly under the govt but its objective could be to monitor injustice caused to the disabled and take appropriate action to stop that right in its tracks. for example, if Charlie is bothered by a few persons at his workplace who think he's worth nothing and they've got every ri
 ght to cause as much trouble to him as possible, he might as well ring them up and next moment there could be a couple of mean looking men sneaking up and watching over, and when the time comes they could as well catch each one of them at a corner and warn them "in their own language". probably interesting to keep them off the hook for a while, lol. however a system like that might help getting proper revenge too, one calls that assistance hotline where he tells about his arch enemies and how exactly he'd prefer them to be dealt with and again the creepy looking guys could come up and teach his enemies a lesson accordingly and also offer him protection from a counter attack, lol. . as much as this may sound unfair to some as calling up goons and petty criminals to take care of things, just like a classic novel or a movie or whatnot else. but since when is the idea of murders more appropriate than this one? 


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

Hi.Yeah sure, I picked up the wink in that comment, it just reminded me of that movie a bit.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

@simba, nope I've not seen the purge but have heard about it. I did say though the second  comment about the government sanctioned murders is not a  particularly serious one, albeit sometimes I do think it'd be a good idea.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People dark, your second wish reminds me a bit of the movie the purge, I don't know if you have watched this one.I agree with darks post, one of the major problems still is that companys don't know enough about blind people to really get an opinion, everything is done on impulsive thinking and assumptions, at leased I have that feeling.


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Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

the Major thing I'd like to see is a governmental arbitration body similar to Acas, which for those not in the uk is the arbitration and conciliation service. Essentially they handle industrial desputes between employer and employee, and have enough legal power to A, get the employer and employee talking and B, force any necessary changes agreed on in the arbitration, meaning that both parties have some degree of power and it's not all one person's way. At the moment one of the major social problems in terms of disability is that any disabled person is instantly judged by those with no information about disability to be incompitant. You go for an interview, the employer hasn't seen any blind people before but automatically assumes blind people can't do the job so gives you some excuse.Anti discrimination laws just mean the employer can't say "well I'm not giving you this job because your blind" even if that is actual
 ly the reason.the problem is that essentially you have people with no knolidge of disabled people believing they can make judgements about disabled people. therefore, we need an independent body with expertees in disability and idsability relations to essentially arbitrate matters, so that when a blind person applied for a job, they could say "hold on here is the arbitration committee, who will discuss things like screen reading software and how a blind person gets around without a car etc" and in turn will discuss with the blind person things like if the employer is worried about their filing system not being something a blind person could do. it's essentially an attempt to get people communicating rather than just the "oh weerd blind person must avoid" which is the most common social attitude and what provides the majority of problems. so, some sort of recourse to arbitration with power to inact changes, plus a good bit more educa
 tion of the generalized public thathay, the blind person over in the corner is not making eye contact with you not because they're unfriendly, but because they can't so you bloody well ought to go and treat them like a human being rather than just ignoring them. this is my serious suggestion and the one Im writing into my research. My slightly more impish suggestion which i sometimes feel is superior, is that the government ought to allot every disabled person five freely sanctioned governmentally approved murders! That is, you ring a hotline and say "I'd like so and so to be killled" and bam! they are. Just five in your hole life. the problem however is that Jo public wouldn't know at any given time how many murders any disabled person had used up or whether or not they'd be willing to do so, so Jo Public would have to be a bit more reasonable.that would sort out the power disparity between disabled and
  none disabled people methinks . Admitedly this is just an idle fantasy and probably wouldn't work in reality, still I do find it an amusing thought.


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If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

2016-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


If The Gov Cared About Disabled People

Now This is not to start a flame war. But what would you want the gov to do for the disabled people of the world? What would you want to see happen?


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