Re: [basex-talk] xslt:transform function not working with XML Catalog

2020-07-08 Thread Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex

Hi Vincent,

I feel your pain. Maybe this comment helps: 
(omit the quotes in the pragma).

I documented it here, too:
“The catalog location in the pragma can be given relative to the current 
working directory (the directory that is returned by file:current-dir()) 
or as an absolute operating system path. The catalog location in the 
pragma is not an XQuery expression; no concatenation or other operations 
may occur in the pragma, and the location string must not be surrounded 
by quotes.”


On 09.07.2020 06:32, Lizzi, Vincent wrote:

Hi Liam,

Thanks for the reply and suggestions. Based on your suggestion I tried 
pragmas and strace, and had another go at, but 
they’ve not had any effect. (I’m using Windows 10 but was able to run 
strace in Ubuntu via WSL). This query:

try {

   (# db:catfile 'schemas/catalog.xml' #)

   (# db:intparse false #)

   (# db:dtd true #)

   (# db:chop false #)

   { xslt:transform('file.xml’, 'stylesheet.xsl')//inlinegraphic }

} catch * { $err:description }

Produces the same error again due to the DTD not being available at the 
system literal URI.

I did try setting verbosity 99 in a file on 
the classpath, but this did not produce any additional messages. I also 
tried setting the same properties directly when launching BaseX this did 
not work either. Specifically, I set the following system properties 
when launching BaseX, and then used proc:property() in a query to 
confirm that these system properties were in fact set.

'xml.catalog.verbosity': '99'

'xml.catalog.ignoreMissing': 'no'

'xml.catalog.catalog-class-name': 'org.apache.xml.resolver.Resolver'

'xml.catalog.files': 'schemas/catalog.xml'

xml-resolver-1.2.jar and Saxon are definitely on the classpath.




*Vincent M. Lizzi*

Head of Information Standards | Taylor & Francis Group 

Information Classification: General

*From:* Liam R. E. Quin 
*Sent:* Wednesday, July 8, 2020 10:28 PM
*To:* Lizzi, Vincent ; BaseX 

*Subject:* Re: [basex-talk] xslt:transform function not working with XML 

On Wed, 2020-07-08 at 22:46 +, Lizzi, Vincent wrote:
 > I've encountered a problem using xslt:transform in to transform some
 > old XML that contains a DTD DOCTYPE system literal pointing to a non-
 > working URI and also uses ENTITYREF attributes to refer to image
 > files. I have the XML Catalog configured correctly using CATFILE.

If this is on Linux, using strace can help check which catalog file is
being used; you can also turn on debugging in a file containing the line
verbosity = 999
(thee file needs to be in your Java classpath).

There's also a BaseX pragma, (# db:catfile path/to/catalog.xml #) {

You need to turn off the BaseX internal parser.

Make sure that the resolver library and of course saxon are in your
class path.

You may need to add,
declare option db:catfile "path/relative/to/cwd/catalog.xml";
to your query.


Liam Quin, 

Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/XSLT/
XSL/XQuery/Web/Text Processing/A11Y training, work & consulting.
Barefoot Web-slave, antique illustrations:

Gerrit Imsieke
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director
le-tex publishing services GmbH
Weissenfelser Str. 84, 04229 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 355356 110, Fax +49 341 355356 510,

Registergericht / Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Leipzig
Registernummer / Registration Number: HRB 24930

Geschäftsführer / Managing Directors:
Gerrit Imsieke, Svea Jelonek, Thomas Schmidt

Re: [basex-talk] xslt:transform function not working with XML Catalog

2020-07-08 Thread Lizzi, Vincent
Hi Liam,

Thanks for the reply and suggestions. Based on your suggestion I tried pragmas 
and strace, and had another go at, but they've not 
had any effect. (I'm using Windows 10 but was able to run strace in Ubuntu via 
WSL). This query:

try {
  (# db:catfile 'schemas/catalog.xml' #)
  (# db:intparse false #)
  (# db:dtd true #)
  (# db:chop false #)
  { xslt:transform('file.xml', 'stylesheet.xsl')//inlinegraphic }
} catch * { $err:description }

Produces the same error again due to the DTD not being available at the system 
literal URI.

I did try setting verbosity 99 in a file on the 
classpath, but this did not produce any additional messages. I also tried 
setting the same properties directly when launching BaseX this did not work 
either. Specifically, I set the following system properties when launching 
BaseX, and then used proc:property() in a query to confirm that these system 
properties were in fact set.

'xml.catalog.verbosity': '99'
'xml.catalog.ignoreMissing': 'no'
'xml.catalog.catalog-class-name': 'org.apache.xml.resolver.Resolver'
'xml.catalog.files': 'schemas/catalog.xml'

xml-resolver-1.2.jar and Saxon are definitely on the classpath.


Vincent M. Lizzi
Head of Information Standards | Taylor & Francis Group

Information Classification: General
From: Liam R. E. Quin 
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 10:28 PM
To: Lizzi, Vincent ; BaseX 

Subject: Re: [basex-talk] xslt:transform function not working with XML Catalog

On Wed, 2020-07-08 at 22:46 +, Lizzi, Vincent wrote:
> I've encountered a problem using xslt:transform in to transform some
> old XML that contains a DTD DOCTYPE system literal pointing to a non-
> working URI and also uses ENTITYREF attributes to refer to image
> files. I have the XML Catalog configured correctly using CATFILE.

If this is on Linux, using strace can help check which catalog file is
being used; you can also turn on debugging in a file containing the line
verbosity = 999
(thee file needs to be in your Java classpath).

There's also a BaseX pragma, (# db:catfile path/to/catalog.xml #) {

You need to turn off the BaseX internal parser.

Make sure that the resolver library and of course saxon are in your
class path.

You may need to add,
declare option db:catfile "path/relative/to/cwd/catalog.xml";
to your query.


Liam Quin,
Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/XSLT/
XSL/XQuery/Web/Text Processing/A11Y training, work & consulting.
Barefoot Web-slave, antique illustrations:

Re: [basex-talk] xslt:transform function not working with XML Catalog

2020-07-08 Thread Liam R. E. Quin
On Wed, 2020-07-08 at 22:46 +, Lizzi, Vincent wrote:
> I've encountered a problem using xslt:transform in to transform some
> old XML that contains a DTD DOCTYPE system literal pointing to a non-
> working URI and also uses ENTITYREF attributes to refer to image
> files. I have the XML Catalog configured correctly using CATFILE. 

If this is on Linux, using strace can help check which catalog file is
being used; you can also turn on debugging in a file containing the line
  verbosity = 999
(thee file needs to be in your Java classpath).

There's also a BaseX pragma, (# db:catfile path/to/catalog.xml #) {

You need to turn off the BaseX internal parser.

Make sure that the resolver library and of course saxon are in your
class path.

You may need to add,
declare option db:catfile "path/relative/to/cwd/catalog.xml";
to your query.


Liam Quin,
Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/XSLT/
XSL/XQuery/Web/Text Processing/A11Y training, work & consulting.
Barefoot Web-slave, antique illustrations:

[basex-talk] xslt:transform function not working with XML Catalog

2020-07-08 Thread Lizzi, Vincent
I've encountered a problem using xslt:transform in to transform some old XML 
that contains a DTD DOCTYPE system literal pointing to a non-working URI and 
also uses ENTITYREF attributes to refer to image files. I have the XML Catalog 
configured correctly using CATFILE. The XSLT is using unparsed-entity-uri() to 
convert the ENTITYREF into a file name for an href attribute. I've tested the 
XSLT and the XML Catalog in oXygen and in XSpec, so I know they work. I've 
tried a few alternatives to get this to work in BaseX and have not arrived at a 
working solution.

The BaseX setup uses BaseX 9.3.3, XML Resolver 1.2, and Saxon HE 9.9.1-7.

Passing the XML directly to xslt:transform does not use the XML Catalog for 
parsing the XM. I've tried making the first parameter of xslt:transform a path 
to a XML file, an xs:anyURI pointing to the XML file, or string containing the 
XML. Each time the XML fails to parse due to the non-working URI in the system 
literal. When I change the system literal to a URI that works the 
transformation works and the unparsed-entity-uri() function produces the 
expected file name for the href attribute.

I also tried parsing the XML using doc() or fetch:xml() first and then using 
the parsed XML as the first parameter of xslt:transform(). The doc() or 
fetch:xml does use the XML Catalog to parse the XML. However, 
unparsed-entity-uri() function produces an empty string because the DTD 
information is no longer available.

Hoping to be able to spot the problem I looked through the BaseX code. 
XsltTransform is using CatalogWrapper to set a URIResolver, but is not setting 
an EntityResolver. SAXWrapper is using CatalogWrapper to set an EntityResolver 
before parsing XML. It looks like this should work, but it's not.

The next alternative is to pre-process the XML using a regular expression to 
replace the non-working URI in the DOCTYPE system literal with a working URI 
prior to xslt:transform(). This works, but it seems like this is just working 
around a problem.

Has anyone else encountered this problem and found a better solution?


Vincent M. Lizzi
Head of Information Standards | Taylor & Francis Group
530 Walnut St., Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: 215-606-4221

Taylor & Francis is a trading name of Informa UK Limited,
registered in England under no. 1072954

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Information Classification: General

Re: [basex-talk] Position of attributes using copy/modify

2020-07-08 Thread Christian Grün
Hi Giuseppe,

the attribute order cannot be enforced indeed. We can’t even guarantee
that the attributes of a parsed document are returned in the same
order when it’s serialized. This is due to the spec: attributes are
treated as node properties with no particular order.

A question in reverse: Why do you need attributes to be returned in a
particular order?


On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 7:57 PM Giuseppe G. A. Celano
> Hi,
> I know that the order of attributes in XML is not relevant, but I am 
> wondering whether there is a way to add an attribute as the last one using 
> copy/modify expression. The “as last” option seems not to work for attributes.
> Cheers,
> Giuseppe