Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology March – June 2024

2024-09-17 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Isabel Driscoll, Elodie F. Briefer, Marta B. Manser,
Pages 113-126,

Birds respond more strongly to locally common versus locally rare songs: a 
playback experiment with Savannah sparrows
Jaclyn A. Aubin, Sarah L. Dobney, Sarah A.M. Foreman, Stéphanie M. Doucet, D. 
Ryan Norris, Heather Williams, Daniel J. Mennill,
Pages 127-135,

Ethology, Volume 
 (3) (March 2024)

Dynamic visual noise has limited influence on the habitat selection and 
behavioural activity of crustaceans and cephalopods
Christian Drerup<>, 
Martin J. How<>, James 

Ethology, Volume 
 (4) (April 2024)

No bioacoustics articles in this issue

Ethology, Volume 
 (5) (May 2024)

No bioacoustics articles in this issue

Ethology, Volume 
 (6) (June 2024)
Single-species and multi-species playbacks elicit asymmetrical responses within 
mixed-species chickadee, titmouse, and nuthatch 
Heather J. B. 
Brooks<>,  Todd 
M. Freeberg<>

Changes to the acoustic properties of Gromphadorhina portentosa defensive 
sounds when exposed to the molting hormone, 
David J. Parker<>,  
Hrithik Basak<>,  
Lindsey Swierk<>


Elke Burkhardt
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar und Meeresforschung
Klußmannstraße 3d
D – 27570 Bremerhaven, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0) 471.4831 – 1861
Fax: +49 (0) 471.4831 – 1797<><>

Bioacoustic articles in Animal behavior and Ethology January-March 2024

2024-03-27 Thread Elke Burkhardt
 (2) (February 2024)

A vocalization in male Japanese bush warblers in response to both predators and 
conspecific females
Pages e13422
Shoji Hamao

Ethology, Volume 
 (2) (March 2024)

no bioacoustic articles in this issue


Elke Burkhardt
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar und Meeresforschung
Klußmannstraße 3d
D - 27570 Bremerhaven, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0) 471.4831 - 1861
Fax: +49 (0) 471.4831 - 1797<><>

Bioacoustic Articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology March to May 2018

2018-05-08 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Dear all,

below you find the bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology from 
March to May 2018.
Best, Elke

Animal Behaviour, Volume 137, e1-e2, 1-236 (March 2018)

Eavesdropping in an African large mammal community: antipredator responses vary 
according to signaller reliability
Pages 1-9
Meredith S. Palmer, Abby Gross

A lifetime of changing calls: North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis, 
refine call production as they age
Pages 21-34
Holly Root-Gutteridge, Dana A. Cusano, Yu Shiu, Douglas P. Nowacek, ... Susan 
E. Parks

Birdsong characteristics are related to fragment size in a neotropical forest
Pages 45-52
Patrick J. Hart, Esther Sebastián-González, Ann Tanimoto, Alia Thompson, ... 
Michael Atencio-Picado

Song is not a reliable signal of general cognitive ability in a songbird
Original research article
Pages 205-213
Adrienne L. DuBois, Stephen Nowicki, Susan Peters, Karla D. Rivera-Cáceres, 
William A. Searcy

Birdsong performance studies: correcting a commentary on Cardoso and Atwell 
Original research article
Pages e1-e2
Gonçalo C. Cardoso, Jonathan W. Atwell

Animal Behaviour, Volume 138, Pages e1-e14, 1-192 (April 2018)

The low-frequency acoustic structure of mobbing calls differs across habitat 
types in three passerine families
Pages 39-49
Alexis C. Billings

Is flight-calling behaviour influenced by age, sex and/or body condition?
Pages 123-129
Amy K. Tegeler, Kyle G. Horton and Sara R. Morris

The ‘hot male’ hypothesis: do female crickets prefer males with increased body 
temperature in mate choice scenarios?
Pages 75-84
Bettina Erregger, R. Matthias Hennig and Heiner Römer

Animal Behaviour, Volume 139, Pages e1-e8, 1-180 (May 2018)

Song type matching and vocal performance in territorial signalling by male 
swamp sparrows
Original research article
Pages 117-125
Irene A. Liu, Jill A. Soha, Stephen Nowicki Original research article

Ethology Volume 123, Issue 11 Pages i - i, 779 – 884 ( 
Behavioural responses of male ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus, L.) to playbacks 
of drumming displays<>
Nicholas P. 
 and Andrew N. 
Pages: 161-169

Honest error, precaution or alertness advertisement? Reactions to vertebrate 
pseudopredators in red‐nosed cuxiús (Chiropotes albinasus), a high‐canopy 
neotropical primate
Adrian A. 
 Tadeu de 
 Rafaela, Fatima Soares da 
 Samara de Albuquerque 
 Lucy M. 
 and Sarah A. 
Pages: 177-187

Ethology Volume 124, Issue 4, Pages i-iii, 209-278 
Who is in the neighborhood? Conspecific and heterospecific responses to 
perceived density for breeding habitat selection
Janice K. Kelly, Scott J. Chiavacci, Thomas J. Benson and Michael P. Ward
Pages: 269-278

Ethology Volume 124, Issue 5, Pages i-iii, 279-364 
Call recognition and female choice in a treefrog with a multicomponent call
Mark V. Oliva, Kristine Kaiser, Jeanne M. Robertson , David A. Gray
Pages: 331-337

New Address/Neue Adresse

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Building G
Klußmannstraße 3d
D- 27570 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Acoustic Articles in Animal behaviour and Ethology November -December 2017

2017-12-30 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Dear all

below find the  acoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethologyfor November 
and December.

Wishing you all a happy new year!

Best Elke

Animal Behaviour, Volume 133, Pages 1-236 (November 2017)

Introductory whistle is sufficient for early song recognition by golden-crowned 
Pages 83–88
Emily J. Hudson, Daizaburo Shizuka

Mate choice intensifies motor signalling in 
Pages 169–187
Allan Debelle, Alexandre Courtiol, Michael G. Ritchie, Rhonda R. Snook

Silent porpoise: potential sleeping behaviour identified in wild harbour 
Pages 211–222
Andrew J. Wright, Tomonari Akamatsu, Kim N. Mouritsen, Signe Sveegaard, ... 
Jonas Teilmann

Birdsong ‘performance’ studies: a sad 
Pages 209–210
Donald Kroodsma

Animal Behaviour, Volume 134, Pages 1- 312 (December 2017)

Male hyraxes increase countersinging as strangers become ‘nasty 
Pages 9–14
Yael Goll, Vlad Demartsev, Lee Koren, Eli Geffen

Multimodal weighting differences by bats and their prey: probing natural 
selection pressures on sexually selected 
 Pages 99–102
D.G.E. Gomes, W. Halfwerk, R.C. Taylor, M.J. Ryan, R.A. Page

Eavesdropping avoidance and sound propagation: the acoustic structure of soft 
Pages 113–121
Luis E. Vargas-Castro, Luis Sandoval, William A. Searcy
Special Issue: Communicative Complexity

Structural variability and communicative complexity in acoustic 
Open access - Original research article
Pages 229–237
Julia Fischer, Philip Wadewitz, Kurt Hammerschmidt

Interactions between complex multisensory signal components result in 
unexpected mate choice 
Pages 239–247
Nicole Stange, Rachel A. Page, Michael J. Ryan, Ryan C. Taylor

Acoustic communication within ant societies and its mimicry by mutualistic and 
socially parasitic 
Pages 249–256
K. Schönrogge, F. Barbero, L.P. Casacci, J. Settele, J.A. Thomas

Call concatenation in wild 
Pages 257–269
Katie Collier, Simon W. Townsend, Marta B. Manser

Gestural development of chimpanzees in the wild: the impact of interactional 
Pages 271–282
Marlen Fröhlich, Gudrun Müller, Claudia Zeiträg, Roman M. Wittig, Simone Pika

Complex signals and comparative mate assessment in wolf spiders: results from 
multimodal playback 
Pages 283–299
George W. Uetz, Brent Stoffer, Madeline M. Lallo, David L. Clark

Function of vocalization length and warble repertoire size in orange-fronted 

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology (September and October 2017)

2017-10-18 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Dear all,

Below you find the September and October articles.
Best wishes

Animal Behaviour, Volume 131, Pages 1-136 (September 2017)

Mobbing calls: a signal transcending species 
Pages 3-11
Mylène Dutour, Jean-Paul Léna, Thierry

Accounting for syntax in analyses of countersinging reveals hidden vocal 
dynamics in a songbird with a large repertoire 
Pages 23-32
Richard W. Hedley, Kaleda K. Denton, Robert E. Weiss

A computational model of mapping in echolocating 
Pages 73-88
Dieter Vanderelst, Herbert Peremans

Animal Behaviour, Volume 132, Pages 1-312 (October 2017)

Effect of no-night light environment on behaviour, learning performance and 
personality in zebra 
Pages 29-47
Neelu Anand Jha, Vinod Kumar

As dusk falls: collective decisions about the return to sleeping sites in 
Pages 91-99
Gabriella E.C. Gall, Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin, Tim Clutton-Brock, Marta B. 

Equivalent effects of bandwidth and trill rate: support for a performance 
constraint as a competitive 
Pages 209-215
Jennifer N. Phillips, Elizabeth P. Derryberry

Vervet monkeys greet adult males during high-risk 
Pages 229-245
Stéphanie Mercier, Christof Neumann, Erica van de Waal, Emmeline Chollet, Jade 
Meric de Bellefon, Klaus Zuberbühler

Predator counteradaptations: stealth echolocation overcomes insect 
sonar-jamming and evasive-manoeuvring 
Pages 291-301
Aaron J. Corcoran, William E. Conner

Ethology Volume 123, Issue 9 Pages i-i, 581-688 (September 2017)

High levels of gene flow among song dialect populations of the Puget Sound 
white-crowned sparrow.
Angelika Poesel, Anthony C. Fries, Lisa Miller, H. Lisle Gibbs, Jill A. Soha 
and Douglas A. Nelson
Pages  581-592
DOI: 10./eth.12632

Eavesdropping in solitary large carnivores: Black bears advance and vocalize 
toward cougar 
Pages 593-599
Justin P. Suraci, Michael Clinchy, Devin J. Roberts and Liana Y. Zanette
DOI: 10./eth.12631

Contact calling behaviour in the male ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta).
Pages 614-626
Laura M. Bolt and Erica Tennenhouse
DOI: 10./eth.12637

Ethology Volume 123, Issue 19 Pages i-i, 689-777 (October 2017)

Restricted responsiveness to noise interference in two anurans from the 
southern temperate forest.
Pages 748-760
Mario Penna, Javiera Cisternas and Jessica Toloza

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic Articles in Animal Behaviour August 2017

2017-08-08 Thread Elke Burkhardt
  Animal Behaviour, Volume 130, Pages 1- 262 (August 2017)

Biotremology: Do physical constraints limit the propagation of vibrational 
Review Article
Pages 165-174
Beth Mortimer

Divergent mechanisms of acoustic mate recognition between closely related field 
cricket species (Teleogryllus 
Original Research Article
Pages 17-25
Nathan W. Bailey, Peter A. Moran, R. Matthias Hennig

Feeling anxious? The mechanisms of vocal deception in tufted capuchin 
Original Research Article
Pages 37-46
Donna Kean, Barbara Tiddi, Martin Fahy, Michael Heistermann, Gabriele Schino, 
Brandon C. Wheeler

Tennis grunts communicate acoustic cues to sex and contest 
Original Research Article
Pages 47-55
Jordan Raine, Katarzyna Pisanski, David Reby

Hens vary their vocal repertoire and structure when anticipating different 
types of 
Original Research Article
Pages 79-96
Nicky McGrath, Rebecca Dunlop, Cathy Dwyer, Oliver Burman, Clive J.C. Phillips

It's complicated: the association between songbird extrapair paternity and 
Original Research Article
Pages 187-197
Samuel D. Hill, Christophe Amiot, Michael G. Anderson, Weihong Ji

Conflict or consensus? Synchronous change in mother–young vocal communication 
across weaning in the 
Original Research Article
Pages 233-240
Oxána Bánszegi, Péter Szenczi, Andrea Urrutia, Robyn Hudson

Best wishes

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Corrigendum for Bioacoustic Articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology May to July 2017

2017-08-04 Thread Elke Burkhardt

Von: Elke Burkhardt
Gesendet: Freitag, 4. August 2017 11:09
An: '' 
Betreff: Bioacoustic Articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology May to July 2017

Dear all,

sorry for the confusion with volume labeling of Ethology issues June/July and 
Correct labeling is given below.

Note: August articles for Animal Behavior will follow as soon as Volume is 
Best Elke

Ethology Volume 123, Issue 6 Pages i–i, 405-494 (June-July 2017)

No need to shout: Effect of signal loudness on sibling communication in barn 
owls Tyto alba <>
Pages 419-424
Amélie N. Dreiss, Pauline Ducouret, Charlène A. Ruppli, Virginie Rossier, 
Lucile Hernandez, Xavier Falourd, Patrick Marmaroli, Dorian Cazau, Hervé Lissek 
and Alexandre Roulin
Version of Record online: 14 JUN 2017 | DOI: 10./eth.12612

Sexual differentiation and seasonal variation in response to conspecific and 
heterospecific acoustic signals (pages 
Pages 460-466
J. Roberto Sosa-López, Daniel J. Mennill and Katherine Renton
Version of Record online: 14 JUN 2017 | DOI: 10./eth.12616

Ethology Volume 123, Issue 8 Pages i–i, 495-579 (August 2017)
The effects of cultural drift on geographic variation in echolocation calls of 
the Chinese rufous horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus sinicus) 
Pages 532-541
Lifen Xie, Keping Sun, Tinglei Jiang, Sen Liu, Guanjun Lu, Longru Jin and Jiang 
Version of Record online: 20 JUN 2017 | DOI: 10./eth.12627

Alarm call-based discrimination between common cuckoo and Eurasian sparrowhawk 
in a Chinese population of great tits 
Pages 542-550
Jiangping Yu, Xiaoying Xing, Yunlei Jiang, Wei Liang, Haitao Wang and Anders 
Pape Møller
Version of Record online: 9 JUN 2017 | DOI: 10./eth.12624

Subharmonics increase the auditory impact of female koala rejection calls 
Pages 551-579
Benjamin D. Charlton, Darcy J. Watchorn and Desley A. Whisson
Version of Record online: 20 JUN 2017 | DOI: 10./eth.12628

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic Articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology May to July 2017

2017-08-04 Thread Elke Burkhardt
J. Roberto Sosa-López, Daniel J. Mennill and Katherine Renton
Version of Record online: 14 JUN 2017 | DOI: 10./eth.12616

Ethology Volume 123, Issue 7 Pages i–i, 495-579 (July 2017)
The effects of cultural drift on geographic variation in echolocation calls of 
the Chinese rufous horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus sinicus) 
Pages 532-541
Lifen Xie, Keping Sun, Tinglei Jiang, Sen Liu, Guanjun Lu, Longru Jin and Jiang 
Version of Record online: 20 JUN 2017 | DOI: 10./eth.12627

Alarm call-based discrimination between common cuckoo and Eurasian sparrowhawk 
in a Chinese population of great tits 
Pages 542-550
Jiangping Yu, Xiaoying Xing, Yunlei Jiang, Wei Liang, Haitao Wang and Anders 
Pape Møller
Version of Record online: 9 JUN 2017 | DOI: 10./eth.12624

Subharmonics increase the auditory impact of female koala rejection calls 
Pages 551-579
Benjamin D. Charlton, Darcy J. Watchorn and Desley A. Whisson
Version of Record online: 20 JUN 2017 | DOI: 10./eth.12628

Best wishes Elke

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic Articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology December 2016

2016-12-20 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Dear all,

this is the last posting for 2016.
I wish you all a very festive season and a Happy and Healthy New Year!


Animal Behaviour, Volume 122 e1-e10, Pages 1-228 (December 2016)

Incubating females signal their needs during intrapair vocal communication at 
the nest: a feeding experiment in great 
Original Research Article
Pages 77-86
Ingrid C.A. Boucaud, Mélissa L.N. Aguirre Smith, Pénélope A. Valère, Clémentine 

Call combinations, vocal exchanges and interparty movement in wild 
Original Research Article
Pages 109-116
Isaac Schamberg, Dorothy L. Cheney, Zanna Clay, Gottfried Hohmann, Robert M. 

A gain control mechanism governs the weighting of acoustic signal intensity and 
attractiveness during female 
Original Research Article
Pages 197-205
Eileen Gabel, Pinar Vural, Lars Mariot, R. Matthias Hennig

Ethology Volume 122, Issue 12 Pages i-i, 923-1008 (December 2016)

No bioacoustics articles in this issue

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic Articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology (October-November 2016)

2016-11-15 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Dear all,
Here are the  bioacoustics articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology (October 
and November 2016).
All the best,
Animal Behaviour, Volume 120, Pages 1-272 (October 2016)

Social calls provide novel insights into the evolution of vocal 
Original Research Article
Pages 163-172
Kendra B. Sewall, Anna M. Young, Timothy F. Wright

Concealed floral rewards and the role of experience in floral sonication by 
Original Research Article
Pages 83-91
Avery L. Russell, Anne S. Leonard, Heather D. Gillette, Daniel R. Papaj

Dissection of signalling modalities and courtship timing reveals a novel signal 
in Drosophila saltans 
Original Research Article
Pages 93-101
Kaila Colyott, Cynthia Odu, Jennifer M. Gleason

Substrate-borne vibrations of male psyllids vary with body size and age but 
females are 
Original Research Article
Pages 173-182
U.K. Lubanga, R.A. Peters, M.J. Steinbauer

Studying cetacean behaviour: new technological approaches and conservation 
Original Research Article
Pages 235-244
Douglas P. Nowacek, Fredrik Christiansen, Lars Bejder, Jeremy A. Goldbogen, Ari 
S. Friedlaender

Animal Behaviour, Volume 120, Pages 1-190 (November 2016)
No bioacoustics articles in this issue

Ethology Volume 122, Issue 9 Pages i-i, 779-849 (October 2016)

No bioacoustics articles in this issue

Ethology Volume 122, Issue 9 Pages i-i, 851-921 (November 2016)

No bioacoustics articles in this issue

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic Articles in Animal Behaviour and Enthology September 2016

2016-09-02 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Dear all
here are the September articles:
Animal Behaviour, Volume 119,e1-e14, Pages 1- 222(September 2016)

Female splendid and variegated fairy-wrens display different strategies during 
Original Research Article
Pages 99-110
Diane Colombelli-Négrel

Mobbing behaviour varies according to predator dangerousness and 
Original Research Article
Pages 119-124
Mylène Dutour, Jean-Paul Lena, Thierry Lengagne

Asymmetric response to song dialects among bird populations: the effect of 
sympatric related 
Original Research Article
Pages 143-150
Shoji Hamao

Lighting up sound preferences: cross-modal influences on the precedence effect 
in treefrogs<>
Original Research Article
Pages 151-159
Michael S. Reichert, Laurel B. Symes, Gerlinde Höbel

Antagonism of syringeal androgen receptors reduces the quality of 
female-preferred male song in 
   Original Research Article
Pages 201-212
Beau A. Alward, Farrah N. Madison, William T. Gravley, Gregory F. Ball

Book review

Noise matters: The evolution of communication, R. Haven Wiley. Harvard 
University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 
Page 17
Georg M. Klump

Ethology Volume 122, Issue 9 Pages i-i, 703-778 (September 2016)
Disentangling Relations among Repertoire Size, Song Rate, Signal Redundancy and 
Ambient Noise Level in European Songbird. 
Pages 734-744
Krzysztof Deoniziak and Tomasz S. Osiejuk
Version of Record online: 1 JUL 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.12520

Does Interspecific Eavesdropping Promote Aerial Aggregations in European 
Pipistrelle Bats During Autumn? 
Pages 745-757
Silke L. Voigt-Heucke, Stefanie Zimmer and Silke Kipper
Version of Record online: 1 JUL 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.12519

Asymmetric Response to Heterotypic Distress Calls in the Lizard Liolaemus 
chiliensis. Pages 
Antonieta Labra, Claudio Reyes-Olivares and Michael Weymann
Version of Record online: 22 JUL 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.12522

Best wishes

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic Articles Animal Behaviour and Ethology

2016-08-11 Thread Elke Burkhardt
ehavioural plasticity in the onset of dawn song under intermittent 
experimental night 
Original Research Article
Pages 155-165
Arnaud Da Silva, Mihai Valcu, Bart Kempenaers

Changes in bottlenose dolphin whistle parameters related to vessel presence, 
surface behaviour and group 
Original Research Article
Pages 167-177
J. Heiler, S.H. Elwen, H.J. Kriesell, T. Gridley

Animal Behaviour, Volume 118, Pages 1-190 (August 2016)

Large vocal repertoires do not constrain the dear enemy effect: a playback 
experiment and comparative study of 
Original Research Article
Pages 55-64
Christopher Moser-Purdy, Daniel J. Mennill

Nocturnal songs in a diurnal passerine: attracting mates or repelling 
Original Research Article
Pages 105-114
Antonio Celis-Murillo, Thomas J. Benson, J. Roberto Sosa-López, Michael P. Ward

Tropical wrens rely more on acoustic signals than visual signals for inter- and 
Original Research Article
Pages 153-163
Kristina G. Hick, Stéphanie M. Doucet, Daniel J. Mennill

Ethology Volume 122, Issue 4 Pages i–i, 267-353 (April 2016)
Experimental Tests of the Function and Flexibility of Song Consistency in a 
Wild Bird. Pages 
Conor C. Taff and Corey R. Freeman-Gallant
Version of Record online: 3 FEB 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.12471

Structural Classification of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Vocalizations. 
Pages 329–342
Maxime Garcia, Bruno Gingras, Daniel L. Bowling, Christian T. Herbst, Markus 
Boeckle, Yann Locatelli and W. Tecumseh Fitch
Version of Record online: 16 FEB 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.12472

Non-Salient Geographic Variation in Birdsong in a Species That Learns by 
Pages 343–353<>
Jill A. Soha, Angelika Poesel, Douglas A. Nelson and Bernard Lohr
Version of Record online: 15 FEB 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.12474

Ethology Volume 122, Issue 5 Pages i–i, 355-441 (May 2016)
Do Male Mountain Chickadees Discriminate between Local and Non-Local Elevation 
Pages 376–388
Carrie L. Branch and Vladimir V. Pravosudov

Might also be of interest:
Indirect Effects of an Existing Wind Energy Facility on Lekking Behavior of 
Greater Prairie-Chickens. 
Pages 419–429
Jennifer A. Smith, Cara E. Whalen, Mary Bomberger Brown and Larkin A. Powell

Female Attraction to Higher Pitched Male Enticement Calls in Barn 
Pages  430–441
Masaru Hasegawa and Emi Arai
Version of Record online: 16 MAR 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.12492

Ethology Volume 122, Issue 6 Pages i–i, 443-521 (June 2016)
Ultrasonic Reaction of Bank Vole Males to the Presence of Females Varying in 
Hormonal Activity.<>
Pages 468–480
Joanna Kapusta and Małgorzata Kruczek
Version of Record online: 21 APR 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.12495

Ethology Volume 122, Issue 7 Pages i–i, 523-619 (July 2016)
Vocal Cues to Identity: Pied Babblers Produce Individually Distinct But Not 
Stable Loud Calls. <>
Pages 609–619
David J. Humphries, Fiona M. Finch, Matthew B. V. Bell and Amanda R. Ridley
Version of Record online: 3 JUN 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.12508

Ethology Volume 122, Issue 8 Pages i–i, 621-701 (August 2016)

Dingo Howls: The Content and Efficacy of a Long-Range Vocal 
Pages 649–659
Eloïse C. Déaux, Jennifer A. Clarke and Isabelle Charrier
Version of Record online: 27 MAY 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.12510

Song and Male Quality in Prairie Warblers. 
Pages 660-670
Bruce E. Byers, Michael E. Akresh and David I. King
Version of Record online: 15 JUN 2016 | DOI: 10./eth.

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology January – March 2016

2016-03-20 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Séverine Ligout, Fabrice Dentressangle, Nicolas Mathevon and Clémentine Vignal
Article first published online: 28 DEC 2015 | DOI: 10./eth.12450

The Buzz of Drinking on the Wing in Echolocating Bats (pages 
Danilo Russo, Leonardo Ancillotto, Luca Cistrone and Carmi Korine
Article first published online: 28 DEC 2015 | DOI: 10./eth.12460

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

WG: Bioacoustic Articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology (October -December 2015)

2015-12-09 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Jessie Patrice Bunkley and Jesse Rex Barber
Article first published online: 9 OCT 2015 | DOI: 10./eth.12428

Ethology Volume 121, Issue 10 Pages i-i, 933-1029 (October 2015)
Vocal Learning in Songbirds and Humans: A Retrospective in Honor of Peter 
Marler <>
Pages 933-945
Jill A. Soha and Susan Peters
Article first published online: 17 AUG 2015 | DOI: 10./eth.12415

Broad Selectivity for Courtship Song in the Cricket Gryllus bimaculatus 
Pages 966-976
Lev S. Shestakov and Varvara Yu. Vedenina
Article first published online: 16 JUL 2015 DOI: 10./eth.12409

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology July –September 2015

2015-09-15 Thread Elke Burkhardt

Changes in Performance of Shared and Unshared Songs Within and Between Years in 
the White-crowned Sparrow 
Pages 850–860
Angelika Poesel and Douglas A. Nelson
Article first published online: 10 JUN 2015 | DOI: 10./eth.12399

Best whishes

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology April – May –June 2015

2015-05-28 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Original Research Article
Pages 131-136
Jiří Reif, Martin Jiran, Radka Reifová, Jana Vokurková, Paveł T. Dolata, Adam 
Petrusek, Tereza Petrusková

Biological salience influences performance and acoustic mechanisms for the 
discrimination of male and female 
Original Research Article
Pages 213-228
Allison H. Hahn, John Hoang, Neil McMillan, Kimberley Campbell, Jenna Congdon, 
Christopher B. Sturdy

Ethology Volume 121, Issue 4 Pages i–i, 315-418 (April 2015)

It Takes All Kinds in Acoustic Communication: A New Perspective on the Song 
Pages 315–326<>
Bartosz Helfer and Tomasz S. Osiejuk
Article first published online: 21 JAN 2015 | DOI: 10./eth.12356

Is Female Visual Signaling to Male Song Socially Regulated in Brown-headed 
Pages 327–334
Rebekka Dohme, Andrew P. King, Gwendŵr R. Meredith and Meredith

Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) increase the whistle part of their song in 
response to simulated territorial 
Pages 403-409
Amy E. Leedale, Sarah A. Collins and Selvino R. de Kort
Article first published online: 9 JAN 2015 | DOI: 10./eth.12349

Ethology Volume 121, Issue 5 Pages i–i, 419-519 (May 2015)
Variation in Avian Vocalizations during the Non-Breeding Season in Response to 
Traffic Noise
Pages 472-479
Amy I. Oden, Mary Bomberger Brown, Mark E. Burbach, James R. Brandle and John 
E. Quinn
Article first published online: 29 JAN 2015 | DOI: 10./eth.12360

Ethology Volume 121, Issue 6 Pages i–i, 520-624 (June 2015)

No bioacoustics articles in this issue.

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – February and March 2015

2015-02-24 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology  for February and March 

Animal Behaviour, Volume 100, Pages 1-216, e1-e14 (February 2015)

Female calling? Song responses to conspecific call playbacks in nightingales, 
Original Research Article
Pages 60-66
Silke Kipper, Sarah Kiefer, Conny Bartsch, Michael Weiss

Good vibrations by the beach boys: magnitude of substrate vibrations is a 
reliable indicator of male grey seal 
Original Research Article
Pages 74-82
Amanda M. Bishop, Paul Denton, Paddy Pomeroy, Sean Twiss

What determines lek size? Cognitive constraints and per capita attraction of 
females limit male aggregation in an acoustic 
Original Research Article
Pages 106-115
Sylvain Alem, Charlène Clanet, Virginie Party, Anne Dixsaut, Michael D. 

Do pups recognize maternal calls in pomona leaf-nosed bats, Hipposideros 
Original Research Article
Pages 200-207
Longru Jin, Siliu Yang, Rebecca T. Kimball, Lifen Xie, Xinke Yue, Bo Luo, 
Keping Sun, Jiang Feng

Animal Behaviour, Volume 101, Pages 1-220 (March 2015)

Wild chimpanzees modify food call structure with respect to tree size for a 
particular fruit 
Original Research Article
Pages 1-9
Ammie K. Kalan, Roger Mundry, Christophe Boesch

Listening carefully: increased perceptual acuity for species discrimination in 
multispecies signalling 
Original Research Article
Pages 141-154
Anna Bastian, David S. Jacobs

Roaming Romeos: male crickets evolving in silence show increased locomotor 
Original Research Article
Pages 213-219
Susan L. Balenger, Marlene Zuk

Ethology Volume 121, Issue 2 Pages i–i, 103–205 (February 2015)
Small Mammals Ignore Common Rules: A Comparison of Vocal Repertoires and the 
Acoustics between Pup and Adult Piebald Shrews Diplomesodon pulchellum
Pages 103–115)
Ilya A. Volodin, Alexandra S. Zaytseva, Olga G. Ilchenko and Elena V. Volodina
Article first published online: 25 SEP 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12321

Ethology Volume 121, Issue 3 Pages i–i, 207–314 (March 2015)

No bioacoustics articles in this issue!

Best wishes


Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

New paper on passive acoustic monitoring

2015-01-20 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Dear all,

On behalf of my Colleagues I would like to inform you of the recently published 

Van Opzeeland, I.; Samaran, F.; Stafford, K.M.; Findlay, K.; Gedamke, J.; 
Harris, D.; Miller, B.S. (2013) Towards collective circum-Antarctic passive 
acoustic monitoring: The Southern Ocean Hydrophone Network (SOHN). 
Polarforschung, 83, 2, 47-61, 
Best regards

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – December2014/January 2015

2015-01-19 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – December2014/January 

Animal Behaviour, Volume 98, Pages 1-196, e1-e2 (December 2014)
Social and genetic factors mediating male participation in collective group 
defence in black howler 
Original Research Article
Pages 7-17
Sarie Van Belle, Paul A. Garber, Alejandro Estrada, Anthony Di Fiore

Silvereyes decrease acoustic frequency but increase efficacy of alarm calls in 
urban noise<>
Original Research Article
Pages 27-33
Dominique A. Potvin, Raoul A. Mulder, Kirsten M. Parris

When bats are boxing: aggressive behaviour and communication in male Seba's 
short-tailed fruit 
Original Research Article
Pages 149-156
Ahana Aurora Fernandez, Nicolas Fasel, Mirjam Knörnschild, Heinz Richner

Sentinel dwarf mongooses, Helogale parvula, exhibit flexible decision making in 
relation to predation 
Original Research Article
Pages 185-192
Julie M. Kern, Andrew N. Radfo

Animal Behaviour, Volume 99, Pages 1-1 (January 2015)

With whom to dine? Ravens' responses to food-associated calls depend on 
individual characteristics of the 
Original Research Article
Pages 33-42
Georgine Szipl, Markus Boeckle, Claudia A.F. Wascher, Michela Spreafico, Thomas 

Endangered pink pigeons treat calls of the ubiquitous Madagascan turtle dove as 
Original Research Article
Pages 83-88
Andrew Wolfenden, Carl G. Jones, Vikash Tatayah, Nicolas Züel, Selvino R. de 

Emotions in goats: mapping physiological, behavioural and vocal 
Original Research Article
Pages 131-143
Elodie F. Briefer, Federico Tettamanti, Alan G. McElligott

Corrigendum to “Preferred songs predict preferred males: consistency and 
repeatability of zebra finch females across three test contexts” [Animal 
Behaviour, 74 (2007), 
Page 145
M.-J. Holveck, K. Riebel

Ethology Volume 120, Issue 12 Pages i–i, 1147–1255 (December 2014)

No bioacoustics articles in this issue.

Ethology Volume 121, Issue 1 Pages i–i, 1–102 (January 2015)
Vocal Responsiveness to Interfering Sounds By a Frog From The Southern 
Temperate Forest, Batrachyla leptopus
Pages 26–37
Mario Penna and Jessica Toloza
Article first published online: 16 SEP 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12314

With best wishes for 2015

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
D- 27568 Bremerhaven

Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – November 2014

2014-11-13 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Dear all

Here are the November articles

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – November 2014

Animal Behaviour, Volume 97, Pages 1-322 (November 2014)

Male mate preferences in mutual mate choice: finches modulate their songs 
across and within male–female 
Original Research Article
Pages 1-12
Abbie Heinig, Santosh Pant, Jeffery L. Dunning, Aaron Bass, Zachary Coburn, 
Jonathan F. Prather

Both parents respond equally to infant cues in the cooperatively breeding 
common marmoset, Callithrix 
Original Research Article
Pages 95-103
Susana M. Sánchez, Toni E. Ziegler, Charles T. Snowdon

Activity of tree bats at anthropogenic tall structures: implications for 
mortality of bats at wind 
Original Research Article
Pages 145-152
Joel W. Jameson, Craig K.R. Willis

Adult male Australian sea lion barking calls reveal clear geographical 
Original Research Article
Pages 229-239
Heidi Ahonen, Adam J. Stow, Robert G. Harcourt, Isabelle Charrier

Physiological and behavioural responses to weaning conflict in free-ranging 
Original Research Article
Pages 241-247
Tara M. Mandalaywala, James P. Higham, Michael Heistermann, Karen J. Parker, 
Dario Maestripieri

The anuran vocal sac: a tool for multimodal 
Original Research Article
Pages 281-288
Iris Starnberger, Doris Preininger, Walter Hödl

Ethology Volume 120, Issue 11 Pages i–i, 1053–1145 (November 2014)

No bioacoustics articles in this issue.

Best whishes

Elke Burkhardt

Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung

Ocean Acoustics Lab

Am Alten Hafen 26

D- 27568 Bremerhaven


Fon:  +49-471-4831-1861

Fax:  +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology –August 2014 to October 2014

2014-10-14 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology –August 2014 to October 

Ethology Volume 120, Issue 10, 
pages 1003–1012, October 2014

Development in the Usage and Comprehension of Greeting Calls in a Free-Ranging 
Group of Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata) (pages 
Noriko Katsu, Kazunori Yamada and Masayuki Nakamichi
Article first published online: 30 JUN 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12275

Ethology Volume 120, Issue 9, Pages i–i, 845–949, September 2014

Differences in Frequency of Shared Song Types Enables Neighbour-Stranger 
Discrimination in a Songbird Species with Small Song Repertoire (pages 
Tomasz S. Osiejuk
Article first published online: 28 MAY 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12260

Ethology Volume 120, Issue 8 Pages i–i, 739–843, August 2014

no bioacoustics articles in this issue

Animal Behaviour Volume 96, Pages 1-194, e1-e4 (October 2014)

Phenotypic plasticity in hormonal and behavioural responses to changes in 
resource conditions in a migratory 
Original Research Article
Pages 19-29
Sara A. Kaiser, T. Scott Sillett, Michael S. Webster

Close-range vocal signals elicit a stress response in male green treefrogs: 
resolution of an androgen-based 
Original Research Article
Pages 39-48
Christopher J. Leary

The role of signature whistle matching in bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops 
Original Research Article
Pages 79-86
Stephanie L. King, Heidi E. Harley, Vincent M. Janik

Animal Behaviour Volume 95, Pages 1-184 (September 2014)
Effects of anthropogenic noise on male signalling behaviour and female 
phonotaxis in Oecanthus tree 
Original Research Article
Pages 15-22
Robin A. Costello, Laurel B. Symes

Vocal indicators of body size in men and women: a 
Original Research Article
Pages 89-99
Katarzyna Pisanski, Paul J. Fraccaro, Cara C. Tigue, Jillian J.M. O'Connor, 
Susanne Röder, Paul W. Andrews, Bernhard Fink, Lisa M. DeBruine, Benedict C. 
Jones, David R. Feinberg

Timing isn't everything: responses of tropical wrens to coordinated duets, 
uncoordinated duets and alternating 
Original Research Article
Pages 101-109
Kristin A. Kovach, Michelle L. Hall, Sandra L. Vehrencamp, Daniel J. Mennill

Heterospecific alarm call eavesdropping in nonvocal, white-bellied 
copper-striped skinks, Emoia 
Original Research Article
Pages 129-135
Holly Fuong, Kathryn N. Keeley, Yasemin Bulut, Daniel T. Blumstein

Animal Behaviour Volume 94, Pages 1-174 (August 2014)
Sexy voices – no choices: male song in noise fails to attract 
Original Research Article
Pages 55-59
Rouven Schmidt, Aoibheann Morrison, Hansjoerg P. Kunc

Road traffic noise modifies behaviour of a keystone 
Original Research Article
Pages 135-141
Graeme Shannon, Lisa M. Angeloni, George Wittemyer, Kurt M. Fristrup, Kevin R. 

Acoustic cues to identity and predator context in meerkat 
Original Research Article
Pages 143-149
Simon W. Townsend, Benjamin D. Charlton, Marta B. Manser

Song sparrows do not learn more songs from aggressive 
Original Research Article
Pages 151-159
Çağlar Akçay, S. Elizabeth Campbell, Veronica A. Reed, Michael D. Beecher

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology April - June 2014

2014-06-11 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology April - 2014 

Animal Behaviour, Volume 90, Pages 1-344, e1-e10 (April 2014)

Phenotypic plasticity in nest departure calls: weighing costs and benefits
Original Research Article
Pages 31-39
Melissa L. Grunst, Andrea S. Grunst, John T. Rotenberry

Vibratory noise in anthropogenic habitats and its effect on prey detection in a 
web-building spider
Original Research Article
Pages 47-56
Chung-Huey Wu, Damian O. Elias

Personality-dependent response to field playback in great tits: slow explorers 
can be strong responders
Original Research Article
Pages 65-71
Chris G.C. Jacobs, Thijs van Overveld, Vincent Careau, Erik Matthysen, Frank 
Adriaensen, Hans Slabbekoorn

Mate recognition in duetting species: the role of male and female vibrational 
Original Research Article
Pages 181-193
Maja Derlink, Petra Pavlovčič, Alan J.A. Stewart, Meta Virant-Doberlet

When neighbours are not ‘dear enemies’: a study in the winter wren, Troglodytes 
Original Research Article
Pages 229-235
H. Courvoisier, S. Camacho-Schlenker, T. Aubin

Animal Behaviour, Volume 91, Pages 1-178 (May 2014)

Male and female crickets modulate their courtship behaviour depending on female 
experience with mate availability
Original Research Article
Pages 9-15
Robin M. Tinghitella

Cross-modal discrimination of human gender by domestic dogs
Original Research Article
Pages 127-135
V.F. Ratcliffe, K. McComb, D. Reby

Nestling use of alternative acoustic antipredator responses is related to 
immune condition and social context
Original Research Article
Pages 161-169
Debora Goedert, Raphael I. Dias, Regina H. Macedo

Animal Behaviour, Volume 92, Pages 1-346 (June 2014)

Early song discrimination by nestling sparrows in the wild
Original Research Article
Pages 19-24
Daizaburo Shizuka

Song sharing with neighbours and relatives in a cooperatively breeding songbird
Original Research Article
Pages 55-62
Çağlar Akçay, Katherine L. Hambury, J. Andrew Arnold, Alison M. Nevins, Janis 
L. Dickinson

Does song complexity correlate with problem-solving performance in flocks of 
zebra finches?
Original Research Article
Pages 63-71
Christopher N. Templeton, Kevin N. Laland, Neeltje J. Boogert

Can animals detect differences in vocalizations adjusted for anthropogenic 
Original Research Article
Pages 111-116
David Luther, Jessica Magnotti

A cry for help: female distress calling during copulation is context dependent
Original Research Article
Pages 151-157
Hanne Løvlie, Josefina Zidar, Christina Berneheim

EthologyVolume 120, Issue 4Pages i–i, 305–409 (April 2014)

Complex Vocal Responses to Conspecific Calls in Whistling Frogs 
Eleutherodactylus johnstonei: Playback Experiments in the Field (pages 313–323)
Zaida Tárano and Eloisa Fuenmayor
Article first published online: 23 JAN 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12207

Dawn Singing Intensity of the Male Brownish-Flanked Bush Warbler: Effects of 
Territorial Insertions and Number of Neighbors (pages 324–330)
Canwei Xia, Chentao Wei, Huw Lloyd, Jiayu Liu, Qiao Wu and Yanyun Zhang
Article first published online: 12 JAN 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12205

Non-Redundant Social Information Use in Avian Flocks with Multisensory Stimuli 
(pages 375–387)
Jacquelyn Randolet, Jeffrey R. Lucas and Esteban Fernández-Juricic
Article first published online: 5 FEB 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12212

Ethology, Volume 120, Issue 5,Pages i–i, 411–518 (May 2014)

Prey Responses to Predator's Sounds: A Review and Empirical Study (pages 
Alexandra M. Hettena, Nicole Munoz and Daniel T. Blumstein
Article first published online: 26 FEB 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12219

Ethology, Volume 120, Issue 6,Pages i–i, 411–518 (June 2014)

Variation in Trill Characteristics in Tree Pipit Songs: Different Trills for 
Different Use? (pages 586–597)
Tereza Petrusková, Anna Kinštová, Iveta Pišvejcová, Juan Mula Laguna, Adrián 
Cortezón, Tomáš Brinke and Adam Petrusek
Article first published online: 18 MAR 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12231

Best whishes

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - February 2014

2014-03-27 Thread Elke Burkhardt

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – February and March

Animal Behaviour, Volume 88, Pages 1-252 (February 2014)

How do novel signals originate? The evolution of fairy-wren songs from
predator to display contexts
Original Research Article
Pages 57-65
Emma I. Greig, Michael S. Webster

Thinking with their trunks: elephants use smell but not sound to locate food
and exclude nonrewarding alternatives
Original Research Article
Pages 91-98
Joshua M. Plotnik, Rachael C. Shaw, Daniel L. Brubaker, Lydia N. Tiller,
Nicola S. Clayton

Female zebra finches learn to prefer more than one song and from more than
one tutor Original Research Article
Marie-Jeanne Holveck, Katharina Riebel

Love is in the air: sociality and pair bondedness influence sifaka
reproductive signalling Original Research Article
Pages 147-156
Lydia K. Greene, Christine M. Drea

Vocal individuality in cohesion calls of giant otters, Pteronura
Original Research Article
Pages 243-252
Christina A.S. Mumm, Maria C. Urrutia, Mirjam Knörnschild

Animal Behaviour, Volume 89, Pages 1-222 (March2014)

The physiological cost of courtship: field cricket song results in anaerobic
Original Research Article
Pages 39-43
Sophie L. Mowles

Do male poison frogs respond to modified calls of a Müllerian mimic?
Original Research Article
Pages 45-51
Michael Mayer, Lisa M. Schulte, Evan Twomey, Stefan Lötters
Acoustic noise reduces foraging success in two sympatric fish species via
different mechanisms
Original Research Article
Pages 191-198
Irene K. Voellmy, Julia Purser, Douglas Flynn, Philippa Kennedy, Stephen D.
Simpson, Andrew N. Radford

Joint-nesting smooth-billed anis, Crotophaga ani, use a functionally
referential alarm call system
Original Research Article
Pages 215-221
L.A. Grieves, D.M. Logue, J.S. Quinn

Ethology, Volume 120, Issue 2, Pages i–i, 111–205 (February 2014)

Western Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) Eavesdrop on Alarm
Calls of Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) (pages 180–188)
Rebecca D. Bryan and Michael B. Wunder
Article first published online: 11 DEC 2013 | DOI: 10./eth.12194

Nonlinearities in Meerkat Alarm Calls Prevent Receivers from Habituating
(pages 189–196)
Denise Karp, Marta B. Manser, Elizabeth M. Wiley and Simon W. Townsend
Article first published online: 15 DEC 2013 | DOI: 10./eth.12195

Ethology, Volume 120, Issue 3, Pages i–i, 207-303 (March 2014)

Sexual Differences in Parental Investment in Response to Parent-Absent Calls
(pages 258–265)
Blanca Jimeno, Jaime Muriel, Lorenzo Pérez-Rodríguez and Diego Gil
Article first published online: 22 DEC 2013 | DOI: 10./eth.12201

Vocal Mimicry of Alarm-Associated Sounds by a Drongo Elicits Flee and
Mobbing Responses from Other Species that Participate in Mixed-Species Bird
Flocks (pages 266–274)
Eben Goodale, Chaminda P. Ratnayake and Sarath W. Kotagama
Article first published online: 15 JAN 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12202

Individual Distinctiveness in the Fine Structural Features and Repertoire
Characteristics of the Songs of White-eared Ground-sparrows (pages 275–286)
Luis Sandoval, Carolina Méndez and Daniel J. Mennill
Article first published online: 12 JAN 2014 | DOI: 10./eth.12206

Best wishes

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology (Oct. 2013 to Jan 2014)

2014-01-27 Thread Elke Burkhardt
icle first published online: 23 AUG 2013 | DOI: 10./eth.12141

Does Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) Response to Heterospecific Alarm
Calls Depend on Familiarity or Acoustic Similarity? (pages 983-992)
Cynthia M. Getschow, Pearl Rivers, Samantha Sterman, David C. Lumpkin and
Keith A. Tarvin
Article first published online: 25 AUG 2013 | DOI: 10./eth.12145

Absentee Mothering - Not So Absent? Responses of European Rabbit
(Oryctolagus cuniculus) Mothers to Pup Distress Calls (pages 1024-1033)
Heiko G. Rödel, Christina Landmann, Anett Starkloff, Hansjörg P. Kunc and
Robyn Hudson
Article first published online: 2 SEP 2013 | DOI: 10./eth.12149

Ethology Volume 119, Issue 12, Pages i-i, 1035-1148 (December 2013)

Sexual Signals as Advertisers of Resistance to Mistakes 
pages 1035-1043
Gonçalo C. Cardoso

Variation in Note Composition of Chick-a-dee Calls is Associated with
Signaler Flight in Carolina Chickadees, Poecile carolinensis
Pages 1086-1095
Todd M. Freeberg and Ellen J. Mahurin

Ethology Volume 120, Issue 1, Pages (January 2014)

Angry Birds Need Not Apply: A Perspective on the Flexible form and
Multifunctionality of Avian Vocal Duets
Pages 1-10
Christine R. Dahlin and Lauryn Benedict

The Role of Agonistic Sounds in Male Nest Defence in the Painted Goby
Pages 53-63
Ricardo Pereira, Stefania Rismondo, Manuel Caiano, Silvia S. Pedroso, Paulo
J. Fonseca and Maria Clara P. Amorim

with best regards,

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - July/August/September 2013

2013-09-25 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology -
July/August/September 2013 

Animal Behaviour, Volume 86, Issue 3, Pages 489-662 (September 2013)

Semantic communication in vervet monkeys and other animals
Original Research Article
Pages 491-496
Marta B. Manser

Restoration of call attractiveness by novel acoustic appendages in grey
Original Research Article
Pages 537-543
Jennifer J. Henderson, H. Carl Gerhardt

Animal Behaviour, Volume 86, Issue 2, Pages 209-488 (August 2013)

Protective mother hens: cognitive influences on the avian maternal response
Original Research Article
Pages 223-229
J.L. Edgar, E.S. Paul, C.J. Nicol

Multitasking males and multiplicative females: dynamic signalling and
receiver preferences in Cope's grey treefrog
Original Research Article
Pages 231-243

Jessica L. Ward, Elliot K. Love, Alejandro Vélez, Nathan P. Buerkle, Lisa R.
O'Bryan, Mark A. Bee
Questions, ideas and tools: lessons from bat echolocation
Original Research Article
Pages 869-879
M. Brock Fenton

A test of a hierarchical signalling model in song sparrows
Original Research Article
Pages 309-315
William A. Searcy, Adrienne L. DuBois, Karla Rivera-Cáceres, Stephen Nowicki

Corncrake males learn new signal meanings during aggressive interactions
Original Research Article
Pages 451-457
Paweł Ręk

Divergent selection on bill morphology contributes to nonrandom mating
between swamp sparrow subspecies
Original Research Article
Pages 467-473
Barbara Ballentine, Brent Horton, E. Tracy Brown, Russell Greenberg

A method for automated individual, species and call type recognition in
free-ranging animals
Pages 475-482
Alexander Mielke, Klaus Zuberbühler

Animal Behaviour, Volume 86, Issue 1, Pages 1-208, e1-e4 (July 2013)

Early-life stress affects song complexity, song learning and volume of the
brain nucleus RA in adult male song sparrows
Original Research Article
Pages 25-35
Kim L. Schmidt, S. Drew Moore, Elizabeth A. MacDougall-Shackleton, Scott A.

Host manipulation via begging call structure in the brood-parasitic shiny
Original Research Article
Pages 101-109
Ros Gloag, Alex Kacelnik

Noise negatively affects foraging and antipredator behaviour in shore crabs
Original Research Article
Pages 111-118
Matthew A. Wale, Stephen D. Simpson, Andrew N. Radford

Acoustic similarity to parental calls promotes response to unfamiliar calls
in zebra finch fledglings
Original Research Article
Pages 159-167
Hendrik Reers, Wolfgang Forstmeier, Alain Jacot

Character displacement in dawn chorusing behaviour of sympatric mountain and
black-capped chickadees
Original Research Article
Pages 177-187
Angélique Grava, Ken A. Otter, Thibault Grava, Stefanie E. LaZerte, Angelika
Poesel, Andrew C. Rush

Pant hoot chorusing and social bonds in male chimpanzees
Original Research Article
Pages 189-196
Pawel Fedurek, Zarin P. Machanda, Anne M. Schel, Katie E. Slocombe

Ethology Volume 119, Issue 9, Pages i-i, 703-801 (September 2013)

No acoustic related articles in this volume

Ethology Volume 119, Issue 8, Pages i-i, 615-701 (August 2013)

Is the Soft Song of the Brownish-Flanked Bush Warbler an Aggressive Signal?
(pages 653-661)
Canwei Xia, Jiayu Liu, Per Alström, Qiao Wu and Yanyun Zhang
Article first published online: 12 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10./eth.12104

Call Variation in Tufted Titmice (Baeolophus bicolor) in a Distress Context:
Potential Sex Differences (pages 680-691)
Todd M. Freeberg and Carrie L. Branch
Article first published online: 16 JUN 2013 | DOI: 10./eth.12109

Ethology Volume 119, Issue 7, Pages i-i, 541-613 (July 2013)

No acoustic related articles in this volume

Best whishes

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - May/June 2013

2013-06-26 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – May/June 2013 

Animal Behaviour, Volume 85, Issue 6, Pages 1135 -1534 (June 2013)

Context-dependent impacts of anthropogenic noise on individual and social
behaviour in a cooperatively breeding fish
Original Research Article
Pages 1343-1349
Rick Bruintjes, Andrew N. Radford

Begging response of gull chicks to the red spot on the parental bill
Original Research Article
Pages 1359-1366
Alberto Velando, Sin-Yeon Kim, Jose Carlos Noguera

Male song as a predictor of the nuptial gift in bushcrickets: on the
confounding influence of male choice
Original Research Article
Pages 1427-1434
Alicia Jarrige, Michael D. Greenfield, Marlène Goubault
Animal Behaviour, Volume 85, Issue 3, Pages 515-690, e1-e4 (March 2013)

Social context evokes rapid changes in bat song syntax
Original Research Article
Pages 1485-1491
Kirsten M. Bohn, Grace C. Smarsh, Michael Smotherman

Using frequency ratios to study vocal communication
Pages 1529-1532
Gonçalo C. Cardoso

Animal Behaviour, Volume 85, Issue 5, Pages 867-1134 (May 2013)

Questions, ideas and tools: lessons from bat echolocation
Original Research Article
Pages 869-879
M. Brock Fenton

Different vocal signals, but not prior experience, influence heterospecific
from conspecific discrimination
Original Research Article
Pages 907-915
Luis Sandoval, Carolina Méndez, Daniel J. Mennill

Nest acoustics and begging call structure in nestling tree swallows
Original Research Article
Pages 917-923
Elizabeth N. Fairhurst, Andrew G. Horn, Marty L. Leonard

Noise annoys: effects of noise on breeding great tits depend on personality
but not on noise characteristics
Original Research Article
Pages 949-956
Marc Naguib, Kees van Oers, Annika Braakhuis, Maaike Griffioen, Piet de
Goede, Joseph R. Waas

Call of duty? Variation in use of the watchman's song by sentinel dwarf
mongooses, Helogale parvula
Original Research Article
Pages 967-975
Julie M. Kern, Andrew N. Radford

The energy cost of singing in wild rock hyrax males: evidence for an index
Original Research Article
Pages 995-1001
Amiyaal Ilany, Adi Barocas, Michael Kam, Tchia Ilany, Eli Geffen

Songs of the city: noise-dependent spectral plasticity in the acoustic
phenotype of urban birds
Original Research Article
Pages 1089-1099
Hans Slabbekoorn

Correlates and Consequences of the Pair Bond in Steller's Jays 
Pages 178–187
Pia O. Gabriel and Jeffrey M. Black

Ethology Volume 119, Issue 6, Pages i-i, 449-539 (June 2013)

On the Meaning of Alarm Calls: A Review of Functional Reference in Avian
Alarm Calling 
Pages 449–461
Sharon A. Gill and Andrea M.-K. Bierema

The Responses of Duetting Antbirds to Stereo Duet Playback Provide Support
for the Joint Territory Defence Hypothesis 
Pages 462–471
Julianne Koloff and Daniel J. Mennill

Robust Fall Social Displays Predict Spring Reproductive Behavior in
Brown-Headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater ater) 
Pages 511–521
Gregory M. Kohn, Andrew P. King, Uwe Pott and Meredith J. West

Ethology Volume 119, Issue 5, Pages i-i, 353-447 (May 2013)

No acoustic related articles in this volume

Best whishes

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - December 2012/January 2013

2013-01-15 Thread Elke Burkhardt

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – December
2012/January 2013 

Animal Behaviour, Volume 84, Issue 6, Pages 1281-1602 (December 2012)

Taking the sensory approach: how individual differences in sensory
perception can influence mate choice
Review Article
Pages 1283-1294
Kelly L. Ronald, Esteban Fernández-Juricic, Jeffrey R. Lucas

Acoustic cues to size and quality in the vocalizations of male North
American bison, Bison bison
Original Research Article
Pages 1381-1391
M.T. Wyman, M.S. Mooring, B. McCowan, M.C.T. Penedo, D. Reby, L.A. Hart

Learning to listen? Nestling response to heterospecific alarm calls
Original Research Article
Pages 1401-1410
Tonya M. Haff, Robert D. Magrath

Maternal vibration induces synchronous hatching in a subsocial burrower bug
Original Research Article
Pages 1443-1448
Hiromi Mukai, Mantaro Hironaka, Sumio Tojo, Shintaro Nomakuchi

Eavesdropping parasitoids do not cause the evolution of less conspicuous
signalling behaviour in a field cricket
Original Research Article
Pages 1457-1462
Oliver M. Beckers, William E. Wagner Jr.

Canyon wrens alter their songs in response to territorial challenges
Original Research Article
Pages 1463-1467
Lauryn Benedict, Anne Rose, Nathanial Warning

Female koalas prefer bellows in which lower formants indicate larger males
Original Research Article
Pages 1565-1571
Benjamin D. Charlton, William A.H. Ellis, Jacqui Brumm, Karen Nilsson, W.
Tecumseh Fitch

Animal Behaviour, Volume 85, Issue 1, Pages 1-296 (January 2013)

Graded or discrete? A quantitative analysis of Campbell's monkey alarm calls
Original Research Article
Pages 109-118
Sumir Keenan, Alban Lemasson, Klaus Zuberbühler

Male blue monkey alarm calls encode predator type and distance
Original Research Article
Pages 119-125
Derek Murphy, Stephen E.G. Lea, Klaus Zuberbühler

Faking it: deliberately altered voice pitch and vocal attractiveness
Original Research Article
Pages 127-136
Paul J. Fraccaro, Jillian J.M. O'Connor, Daniel E. Re, Benedict C. Jones,
Lisa M. DeBruine, David R. Feinberg

Three decades of cultural evolution in Savannah sparrow songs
Original Research Article
Pages 213-223
Heather Williams, Iris I. Levin, D. Ryan Norris, Amy E.M. Newman, Nathaniel
T. Wheelwright

Ethology Volume 118, Issue 12, Pages i–i, 1133–1250 (December 2012)

Limited Inter-Annual Song Variation in the Serin (Serinus serinus)
Pages 1157–1164
Ana T. Mamede and Paulo G. Mota

Ethology Volume 119, Issue 1, Pages i–i, 1–93 (January 2013)

Functionally Referential Communication in Mammals: The Past, Present and the
Pages 1–11
Simon W. Townsend and Marta B. Manser

Condition-Dependent Choosiness For Highly Attractive Songs In Female
Pages 58–65
Alexandre Lerch, Lauriane Rat-Fischer and Laurent Nagle

Best wishes for 2013,
Kind regards

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - August and September 2012

2012-09-06 Thread Elke Burkhardt

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – August and September

Animal Behaviour, Volume 84, Issue 3, Pages 497-738, e1-e4 (September 2012)

Breeding density, not life history, predicts interpopulation differences in
territorial aggression in a passerine bird. Original Research Article
Pages 515-521
Jongmin Yoon, T. Scott Sillett, Scott A. Morrison, Cameron K. Ghalambor

Calling in an acoustically competitive environment: duetting male
long-tailed manakins avoid overlapping neighbours but not playback-simulated
rivals. Original Research Article
Pages 563-573
Dugan F. Maynard, Kara-Anne A. Ward, Stéphanie M. Doucet, Daniel J. Mennill

Animal Behaviour, Volume 84, Issue 2, Pages 293-496 (August 2012)

Is birdsong music? Evaluating harmonic intervals in songs of a Neotropical
songbird Original Research Article
Pages 309-313
Marcelo Araya-Salas

Evidence for semantic communication in titi monkey alarm calls
Original Research Article
Pages 405-411
Cristiane Cäsar, Richard W. Byrne, William Hoppitt, Robert J. Young, Klaus

Males use time whereas females prefer harmony: individual call recognition
in the dimorphic blue-footed booby
Original Research Article
Pages 413-420
Fabrice Dentressangle, Thierry Aubin, Nicolas Mathevon

Ethology, Volume 118, Issue 9, Pages i–i, 799-916 (September 2012)

The Return of the Intruder: Immediate and Later Effects of Different
Approach Distances in a Territorial Songbird (pages 876–884)
Conny Bartsch, Michael Weiss and Silke Kipper

Chorusing Behaviour in the Lusitanian Toadfish: Should I Match My
Neighbours' Calling Rate? (pages 885–895)
Joana M. Jordão, Paulo J. Fonseca and Maria Clara P. Amorim

Acoustic Features Indicate Arousal in Infant Giant Panda Vocalisations
(pages 896–905)
Angela S. Stoeger, Anton Baotic, Desheng Li and Benjamin D. Charlton

Ethology, Volume 118, Issue 8, Pages i–i, 703–798 (August 2012)

Differential Response to Interspecific and Intraspecific Signals Amongst
Chickadees (pages 711–720)
Angélique Grava, Thibault Grava and Ken A. Otter

Chronological vs. Physiological Age as Determinants of Mating Decisions:
Studies on Female Choice Over Lifespan in An Acoustic Moth (pages 740–751)
Séverine Ligout, Damien Munier, Lucie Marquereau and Michael D. Greenfield

Best regards

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - May, June and July 2012

2012-07-02 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – May, June and July

Animal Behaviour, Volume 84, Issue 1, Pages 1-292 (July 2012)

Referential mobbing calls elicit different predator-searching behaviours in
Japanese great tits
Original Research Article
Pages 53-57
Toshitaka N. Suzuki

Effect of rearing environment and food availability on seismic signalling in
male wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae)
Original Research Article
Pages 85-92
Jeremy S. Gibson, George W. Uetz

Birdsong, sexual selection, and the flawed taxonomy of canaries, goldfinches
and allies
Original Research Article
Pages 111-119
Gonçalo C. Cardoso, Yang Hu, Paulo Gama Mota

Females of a tree cricket prefer larger males but not the lower frequency
male calls that indicate large body size
Original Research Article
Pages 137-149
Rittik Deb, Monisha Bhattacharya, Rohini Balakrishnan

Acoustic cues used for species recognition can differ between sexes and
sibling species: evidence in shearwaters
Original Research Article
Pages 239-250
Charlotte Curé, Nicolas Mathevon, Roger Mundry, Thierry Aubin

Animal Behaviour, Volume 83, Issue 6, Pages 1301-1528, e1-e4 (June 2012)

Fooling the experts: accurate vocal mimicry in the song of the superb
lyrebird, Menura novaehollandiae
Original Research Article
Pages 1401-1410
Anastasia H. Dalziell, Robert D. Magrath

The receiver-dependent cost of soft song: a signal of aggressive intent in
Original Research Article
Pages 1443-1448
Rindy C. Anderson, William A. Searcy, Melissa Hughes, Stephen Nowicki

Animal Behaviour, Volume 83, Issue 5, Pages 1141-1300 (May 2012)

Reproductive status influences multisensory integration responses in female
round gobies, Neogobius melanostomus
Original Research Article
Pages 1179-1185
A.V. Kasurak, B.S. Zielinski, D.M. Higgs

Tuning and fading voices in songbirds: age-dependent changes in two acoustic
traits across the life span
Original Research Article
Pages 1279-1283
Hector Fabio Rivera-Gutierrez, Rianne Pinxten, Marcel Eens

Ethology, Volume 118, Issue 7, Pages i–i, 607–702 (July 2012)

No acoustic papers in this issue

Ethology, Volume 118, Issue 6, Pages i–i, 511–605 (June 2012)

Geographic Variation in Note Composition and Use of chick-a-dee Calls of
Carolina Chickadees (Poecile carolinensis)
Pages 555–565
Todd M. Freeberg 

No Correlation Between Three Selected Trade-Offs in Birdsong Performance and
Male Quality for a Species With Song Repertoires
Pages 584–593
Gonçalo C. Cardoso, Jonathan W. Atwell, Yang Hu, Ellen D. Ketterson and
Trevor D. Price

Ethology, Volume 118, Issue 5, Pages i–i, i–i, 511–605 (May 2012)

no acustic articles in this issue

best regards

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - January and February

2012-02-15 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - January and February

Animal Behaviour, Volume 83, Issue 1, Pages 1-310 (January2012),

Different sensory modalities are required for successful courtship in two
species of the Drosophila willistoni group
Original Research Article
Pages 217-227
Jennifer M. Gleason, Amanda A. Pierce, Anne L. Vezeau, Stephanie F. Goodman

Copulatory song in three species of the Drosophila montium subgroup extends
copulation and shows unusual genetic control 
Original Research Article
Pages 233-238
Yi-Feng Li, Shuo-Yang Wen, Michael G. Ritchie

Strong individual signatures and weaker group signatures in contact calls of
Spix's disc-winged bat, Thyroptera tricolor
Original Research Article
Pages 269-276
Erin H. Gillam, Gloriana Chaverri

Ecological and social factors affect the occurrence and outcomes of
intergroup encounters in chimpanzees
Original Research Article
Pages 277-291
Michael L. Wilson, Sonya M. Kahlenberg, Michael Wells, Richard W. Wrangham

Animal Behaviour, Volume 83, Issue 2, Pages 311- 570 (Februray 2012)

Food-associated vocalizations in mammals and birds: what do these calls
really mean?
Review Article
Pages 323-330
Zanna Clay, Carolynn L. Smith, Daniel T. Blumstein

Receiver psychology turns 20: is it time for a broader approach?
Original Research Article
Pages 331-343
Cory T. Miller, Mark A. Bee

Competitive masking of vibrational signals during mate searching in a
Original Research Article
Pages 361-368
Frédéric Legendre, Peter R. Marting, Reginald B. Cocroft

Kleptoparasitism by attacks versus false alarm calls in fork-tailed drongos
Original Research Article
Pages 403-410
Tom P. Flower, Matthew Gribble

Male and female Steere's liocichlas respond differently to solo and stereo
duet playback
Original Research Article
Pages 487-493
Yi-Shan Weng, Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Cheng-Te Yao, Chung-Fu Hsieh

Fowl communicate the size, speed and proximity of avian stimuli through
graded structure in referential alarm calls
Original Research Article
Pages 535-544
David R. Wilson, Christopher S. Evans

Signalling while fighting: further comments on soft song
Original Research Article
Pages e1-e3
Çağlar Akçay, Michael D. Beecher

Ethology Volume 118, Issue 1, Pages 1-105 (January 2012)

Long-Distance Calling by the Willow Tit, Poecile montanus, Facilitates
Formation of Mixed-Species Foraging Flocks 
Pages 10-16
Toshitaka N. Suzuki

Responses to Variation in Song Length by Male White-Crowned Sparrows 
Pages 24-32
Douglas A. Nelson and Angelika Poesel

Duet Function in the Yellow-Naped Amazon, Amazona auropalliata: Evidence
>From Playbacks of Duets and Solos 
Pages 95-105
Christine R. Dahlin and Timothy F. Wright

Ethology Volume 118, Issue 2, Pages 107-213 (February 2012)

African Wild Dogs as a Fugitive Species: Playback Experiments Investigate
How Wild Dogs Respond to their Major Competitors
Pages 147-156
Hugh Webster, John W. McNutt and Karen McComb

Song Amplitude of Rival Males Modulates the Territorial Behaviour of Great
Tits During the Fertile Period of Their Mates
Pages 197-202)
Mathias Ritschard, Kees van Oers, Marc Naguib and Henrik Brumm

Best wishes

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - December 2011

2011-12-20 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology – December 2011 

Animal Behaviour, Volume 82, Issue 6, Pages 1219-1468 ( December 2011) 

Similar acoustic structure and behavioural context of vocalizations produced
by male and female California mice in the wild
Pages 1263-1273
Jessica R. Briggs, Matina C. Kalcounis-Rueppell

Dip listening and the cocktail party problem in grey treefrogs: signal
recognition in temporally fluctuating noise
Pages 1319-1327
Alejandro Vélez, Mark A. Bee

Ethology Volume 117, Issue 12, Pages 1057–1178 (December 2011)

An Interactive Playback Experiment Shows Song Bout Size Discrimination in
the Suboscine Vermilion Flycatcher
Pages 1120-1127
Karla Rivera-Cáceres, Constantino Macías Garcia, Esmeralda Quirós-Guerrero
and Alejandro A. Ríos-Chelén

Vocal Strategies in Confronting Interfering Sounds by a Frog from the
Southern Temperate Forest, Batrachyla antartandica
Pages 1147-1157
Mario Penna and Andrea Meier

The Structure of Bonobo Copulation Calls During Reproductive and
Non-Reproductive Sex
Pages 1158–1169
Zanna Clay and Klaus Zuberbühler

Wishing all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Kind regards,

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - October/November 2011

2011-11-18 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - October/November

Animal Behaviour, Volume 82, Issue 4, Pages 611-924 (October 2011)

Heterospecifics do not respond to subtle differences in chaffinch mobbing
calls: message is encoded in number of elements
Pages 725-730
Christoph Randler, Marc I. Förschler

Numerical assessment and individual call discrimination by wild spotted
hyaenas, Crocuta crocuta
Pages 743-752
Sarah Benson-Amram, Virginia K. Heinen, Sean L. Dryer, Kay E. Holekamp

Animal Behaviour, Volume 82, Issue 5, Pages 925-1218 (November 2011)

Long-term maintenance and eventual extinction of preference for a mate's
call in the female budgerigar
Pages 971-979
Hiroko Eda-Fujiwara, Aya Kanesada, Yasuharu Okamoto, Ryohei Satoh, Aiko
Watanabe, Takenori Miyamoto

Exploitation of environmental noise by an araneophagic assassin bug
Pages 1037-1042
Anne E. Wignall, Robert R. Jackson, R. Stimson Wilcox, Phillip W. Taylor

Modality-specific experience with female feedback increases the efficacy of
courtship signalling in male wolf spiders
Pages 1051-1057
Laura Sullivan-Beckers, Eileen A. Hebets

Social learning of a novel foraging task by big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus
Pages 1075-1083
Genevieve Spanjer Wright, Gerald S. Wilkinson, Cynthia F. Moss

Silent singers are not safe: selective response of a parasitoid to
substrate-borne vibratory signals of stink bugs
Pages 1175-1183
Raúl A. Laumann, Andrej Čokl, Ana P.S. Lopes, Jonatas B.C. Fereira, Maria
C.B. Moraes, Miguel Borges

Birdsong, migration and sexual selection: a skeptical view
Pages e1-e3
Bruce E. Byers

Divergent sexual selection on birdsong: a reply to Byers
Pages e4-e7
Sarah A. Collins, Selvino R. de Kort, Javier Pérez-Tris, José Luis Tellería

Ethology Volume 117, Issue 10, Pages 839-937 (October 2011)

Ontogenetic and Sex Differences Influence Alarm Call Responses in Mammals: a
Pages 839-851887-895
Amanda J. Lea and Daniel T. Blumstein

Behavioral Syndromes Break Down in Urban Song Sparrow Populations
Pages 887-895
Jennifer Scales, Jeremy Hyman and Melissa Hughes

Ethology Volume 117, Issue 11, Pages 939-1055 (November 2011)

Signalling and Sexual Conflict: Female Spiders Use Stridulation to Inform
Males of Sexual Receptivity
Pages 1040-1049
María Sofía Dutto, Lucia Calbacho-Rosa and Alfredo V. Peretti

Jamaican Field Cricket Mate Attraction Signals Provide Age Cues
Pages 1050-1055
Susan M. Bertram and Vanessa Rook

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149

Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - August/September 2011

2011-09-28 Thread Elke Burkhardt
Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology - August/September

Animal Behaviour, Volume 82, Issue 2, Pages 175-422 (August 2011)

Androgen-dependent male vocal performance influences female preference in
Neotropical singing mice
Pages 177-183
Bret Pasch, Andreas S. George, Polly Campbell, Steven M. Phelps

Effects of aquatic habitat continuity on signal composition in crocodilians
Pages 191-201
Vladimir Dinets

Automated auditory recognition training and testing
Pages 285-293
Austen Gess, David M. Schneider, Akshat Vyas, Sarah M.N. Woolley

Predation risk increases permissiveness for heterospecific advertisement
calls in túngara frogs, Physalaemus pustulosus
Pages 347-352
Luis A. Bonachea, Michael J. Ryan

Sing softly and carry a big stick: signals of aggressive intent in the song
Pages 377-382
Çağlar Akçay, Mari E. Tom, Dylan Holmes, S. Elizabeth Campbell, Michael D.

Animal Behaviour, Volume 82, Issue 3, Pages 423-610 (September 2011)

Singing in the sky: song variation in an endemic bird on the sky islands of
southern India
Pages 513-520
V.V. Robin, Madhusudan Katti, Chetana Purushotham, Aditi Sancheti, Anindya

Tactical multimodal signalling in birds: facultative variation in signal
modality reveals sensitivity to social costs
Pages 521-527
Carolynn L. Smith, Alan Taylor, Christopher S. Evans

Can you hear the dinner bell? Response of cyprinid fishes to environmental
acoustic cues
Pages 529-534
Daniel E. Holt, Carol E. Johnston 

Aggressive responses to playback of solos and duets in a Neotropical antbird
Pages 587-593
Julianne Koloff, Daniel Mennill

Ethology Volume 117, Issue 8, Pages 655-748 (August 2011) 

No bioacoustic articles in this issue

Ethology Volume 117, Issue 9, Pages 749-837 (September 2011)

A Tradeoff Between Performance and Accuracy in Bird Song Learning
pages 802-811
David C. Lahti, Dana L. Moseley, Jeffrey Podos

Elke Burkhardt
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Ocean Acoustics Lab
Am Alten Hafen 26
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49-471-4831-1861
Fax:   +49-471-4831-1149