[Bitcoin-development] Working on social contracts (was: Paper Currency)

2014-05-19 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Justus Ranvier wrote:

> You and Gavin could do a lot better by working on a Bitcoin social
> contract - a promise of what features will *never* be added (or taken
> away) from Bitcoin, because despite what you say it's not acceptable
> to propose anything at all.

Now I'm really confused.

Why would Mike or I have the authority to write a "social contract" to
promise anything about future-Bitcoin?

I thought the only "social contract" was the decentralized one we have
already-- if you don't like something about the code, then don't download
and run it. Or fork it if you're able.

As the person who started this mailing list, I DO feel like I have the
authority to enforce a social contract of "no trolling or flaming or
name-calling" here. I'd very much like to delegate that authority, though;
ideally to some software algorithm that automatically censors topics or
people who don't contribute to a productive discussion.

PS: speaking of productive discussion...
... please change the Subject line when the topic wanders.

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Working on social contracts (was: Paper Currency)

2014-05-19 Thread Gavin Andresen
Okey dokey:

I hereby promise and solemnly swear on pain of atomic wedgie that I will
never ever work on or endorse any changes to the Bitcoin system that would
enable any person or group to confiscate, blacklist, or devalue any other
person or group's bitcoin.

RE: writing an RFC: go for it. I have much higher tasks on my TODO list.

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Proposal: relax the IsStandard rules for P2SH transactions

2014-06-17 Thread Gavin Andresen
Assuming there is rough consensus, I'll make this a pull request (see
https://github.com/gavinandresen/bitcoin-git/tree/relax_isstandard for code

Now that we are finally starting to see the use of multi-signature and
other more complicated transaction forms in applications I think it is time
to open up the "IsStandard" transaction rules on the main Bitcoin network.

There are two main risks to doing this:

1. The risk that one of the seldom-used opcodes has a not-yet-discovered
chain-forking bug. I believe that risk to be very low; we have never seen
such a bug on the test network (where all transaction forms are allowed)
and have never found a bug after writing extensive unit tests.
2. The risk of opening up a denial-of-service attack (either bloat the
blockchain or use an excessive amount of CPU time) via a very
expensive-to-store-or-verify transaction. This proposal does not entirely
eliminate IsStandard checks to mitigate the potential for DoS attacks.


Allow any Script containing 15 or fewer signature operations as a
pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) Script to be relayed and mined by the reference

This should be a simple change to the AreInputsStandard() method in the
reference implementation.

P2SH Scripts are limited to 520 bytes, and are currently limited to one of
the "standard" transaction forms on the main network. In practice that
means you can currently encode a n-of-15 OP_CHECKMULTISIG which can be
redeemed as a 'standard' transaction.

Allowing any P2SH Script would allow an attacker to craft a single standard
transaction output that requires on the order of 200 ECDSA signature
checking operations to validate-- an order of magnitude more than is
currently allowed. Therefore I am proposing that we keep the current
15-signature-checking-operations-per-transaction-output limit in place, but
allow any combination of enabled Script opcodes. So, for example, you might
have a P2SH Script that is redeemed with 2-of-2 OR 2-of-3 using:
OP_IF 2 pubkey1 pubkey2 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG OP_ELSE 2 pubkey3 pubkey4
(this would count as 5 signature operations)

Restricting arbitrary Scripts to P2SH transaction types limits unspent
transaction output set bloat in two ways:
1. The Scripts are not stored in UTXO set.
2. They are limited to 520 bytes by the Script rule on the amount of data
that can be pushed onto the stack.

The reference implementation's wallet will still only recognize P2SH
transactions that use one of the standard transaction forms. To actually
USE a new transaction form will require specialized wallets or specialized

Gavin Andresen
Chief Scientist, Bitcoin Foundation
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: relax the IsStandard rules for P2SH transactions

2014-06-18 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: most of Peter Todd's comments:

All of that should be separate pull requests.  Big Honking Pull Requests
are harder to review and are more likely to be bike-shedded to death.

RE: not relaying/mining transactions with OP_NOPs so miners don't mine
up-version transactions that are invalid under future-new-rules: I'm not
convinced it is worth adding more code (more potential for bugs) to protect
against something that isn't going to happen because up-version
transactions are non-standard (due to version check) in any case.

In any case, lets make that a separate pull request.

I'm going to take the lack of immediate "That's a Terrible Idea!" as rough

Gavin Andresen
Chief Scientist, Bitcoin Foundation
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: relax the IsStandard rules for P2SH transactions

2014-06-19 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: soft-forks bumping version numbers:

Yes, we have consensus that is the way we will do it.  I should probably
turn https://gist.github.com/gavinandresen/2355445 into an informational

RE: malleability:

Orthogonal (but related) issue to IsStandard.

Detecting Scripts that leave extra items on the stack will be done in a
different part of the code than the code addressed by this pull reques. No
need to execute the Script twice to figure out if it leaves extra stuff,
and the idea behind IsStandard is to get to a quick yes/no before running a
potentially expensive Script execution.

Gavin Andresen
Chief Scientist, Bitcoin Foundation
HPCC Systems Open Source Big Data Platform from LexisNexis Risk Solutions
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Open Source. Fast. Scalable. Simple. Ideal for Dirty Data.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed BIP 70 extension

2014-06-24 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Gmail  wrote:

> Ok, wanting structured data is a decent argument, but why this random
> arbitrary case in particular? There are hundreds of fields like this that
> people might want to use.

Protocol buffers are designed to be extensible, and there are hundreds of
field numbers available.

It would be silly to add a "generic stuff" field inside a container format
that ALREADY has all the mechanisms necessary for forwards and backwards

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Building from git on OSX

2014-07-03 Thread Gavin Andresen
Just FYI for anybody else building on OSX:

libtool is a new dependency, so if you update to git HEAD and have trouble

brew install libtool
  (or port install libtool -- see doc/build-osx.md for all the dependencies)
./configure   etc, whatever configure options you use. I develop with:
./configure --disable-hardening --disable-silent-rules CXXFLAGS='-g3 -O0

Gavin Andresen
Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Squashing redundant tx data in blocks on the wire

2014-07-17 Thread Gavin Andresen
A couple of half-baked thoughts:

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Kaz Wesley  wrote:

> If there's support for this proposal, I can begin working on the specific
> implementation details, such as the bloom filters, message format, and
> capability advertisment, and draft a BIP once I have a concrete proposal
> for
> what those would look like and a corresponding precise cost/benefit
> analysis.

I'd encourage you to code up a prototype first (or at the same time), in
whatever programming language / networking library you're most familiar

Maybe not even using the existing p2p protocol; there could be a
mining-only very-fast-block-propagation network separate from the existing
p2p network.

Combining your optimizations with "broadcast as many near-miss blocks as
bandwidth will allow" on a mining backbone network should allow insanely
fast propagation of most newly solved blocks.

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Squashing redundant tx data in blocks on the wire

2014-07-18 Thread Gavin Andresen
Two more half-baked thoughts:

We should be able to assume that the majority of transaction data (except
for coinbase) has already been propagated. As Jeff said, incentivizing
nodes to propagate transactions is a very good thing (the signature cache
already gives a small incentive to miners to propagate and not 'hoard'

So the only information that theoretically needs to be propagated is which
transactions a miner is including in their block, and in what order they
are included.

But if there was some agreed-upon canonical ordering, then it should
theoretically be possible to take shortcuts in the "what order".

You'd start with setof(transactions I think everybody knows about)
Select some subset, based on miner's policy
Sort that subset with the canonical ordering algorithm
Very efficiently broadcast, taking all sorts of shortcuts assuming most of
your peers already know the set you started with and expect the same
canonical ordering (see gmaxwell's thoughts on block encoding).

Second half-baked thought:
I wonder if broadcasting your transaction selection policy ("11KB of free
transactions, sorted by priority, then 111K of fee-paying transactions,
sorted by fee") might make it possible to save even more bandwidth by
letting your peers create a very good approximation of your block with just
that information

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [BIP draft] CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY - Prevent a txout from being spent until an expiration time

2014-10-01 Thread Gavin Andresen
Very nice, semantics are clear and use cases are compelling.

Can we defer discussion of how to roll this out for a little bit, and see
if there is consensus that:

a) benefits of having this outweigh risks
b) we're all happy with exact semantics

Then we can have a knock-down drag-out argument about whether it should
roll out as a soft fork, wait for a hard fork, be combined with some other
things that it would be nice to add or change, etc.

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [BIP draft] CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY - Prevent a txout from being spent until an expiration time

2014-10-01 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Luke Dashjr  wrote:

> houghts on some way to have the stack item be incremented by the height at
> which the scriptPubKey was in a block? A limitation of encoding the target
> height/time directly, is that miners may choose not to mine the first
> transaction until they can also take the "burn to fee".

If the first transaction is P2SH, then the miner won't know there is an
advantage to holding it until it is too late (the scriptPubKey is an opaque
hash until the second transaction is final and relayed/broadcast).

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [BIP draft] CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY - Prevent a txout from being spent until an expiration time

2014-10-01 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 5:04 PM, Alan Reiner  wrote:

> On 10/01/2014 04:58 PM, Gavin Andresen wrote:
> > If the first transaction is P2SH, then the miner won't know there is
> > an advantage to holding it until it is too late (the scriptPubKey is
> > an opaque hash until the second transaction is final and
> > relayed/broadcast).
> If you're doing some kind of proof-of-burn scheme, wouldn't using P2SH
> defeat the purpose of it?

No, the burner would supply the funding transaction plus the redeeming
script as the proof-of-burn to whoever needed the proof.

Only after at least one confirmation, if there was some risk that revealing
the redeeming script would make miners refuse to mine that first
transaction because they want to get it plus the CHECKTIMELOCKVERIFY "burn"

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [BIP draft] CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY - Prevent a txout from being spent until an expiration time

2014-10-07 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Mike Hearn  wrote:

>> Meanwhile, what I said *is* correct. New version numbers result in only
> a log print. Being hard forked off results in both log prints *and* the
> -alertnotify being run:

That is easy to change; I'll submit a pull request. It is a good idea to
get an -alertnotify sooner rather than later for EITHER a hard fork or a
soft-fork. Better to be told you have to upgrade while the block.version is
on its way to being a super-majority than after you are either hard-forked
off the main chain (or soft-forked).

I don't have any opinion on the hard- versus soft- fork debate. I think
either can work.

Gavin Andresen
Meet PCI DSS 3.0 Compliance Requirements with EventLog Analyzer
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP process

2014-10-15 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: process:

I like author == primary control, and an "assume they will do the right
thing, revert if they don't"

RE: separate mailing list for BIP discussion:

Great idea. Jeff Garzik was looking for a better mailing list solution than
SourceForge, but assuming
there isn't a clearly better solution I think "we" should create a strictly
moderated bitcoin-bips@lists.sourceforge list.

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] death by halving

2014-10-25 Thread Gavin Andresen
We had a halving, and it was a non-event.

Is there some reason to believe next time will be different?

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Reworking the policy estimation code (fee estimates)

2014-10-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
I think Alex's approach is better; I don't think we can know how much
better until we have a functioning fee market.

We don't have a functioning fee market now, because fees are hard-coded. So
we get "pay the hard-coded fee and you'll get confirmed in one or two or
three blocks, depending on which miners mine the next three blocks and what
time of day it is."

git HEAD code says you need a fee of 10, satoshis/kb to be pretty sure
you'll get confirmed in the next block. That looks about right with Alex's
real-world data (if we take "90% chance" as 'pretty sure you'll get

Fee rate 10 Avg blocks to confirm 1.09 NumBlocks:% confirmed 1: 0.901
2: 1.0   3: 1.0

My only concern with Alex's code is that it takes much longer to get
'primed' -- Alex, if I started with no data about fees, how long would it
take to be able to get enough data for a reasonable estimate of "what is
the least I can pay and still be 90% sure I get confirmed in 20 blocks" ?
Hours? Days? Weeks?

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Reworking the policy estimation code (fee estimates)

2014-10-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Alex Morcos  wrote:
> Do you think it would make sense to make that 90% number an argument to
> rpc call?  For instance there could be a default (I would use 80%) but then
> you could specify if you required a different certainty.  It wouldn't
> require any code changes and might make it easier for people to build more
> complicated logic on top of it.

RE: 80% versus 90% :  I think a default of 80% will get us a lot of "the
fee estimation logic is broken, I want my transactions to confirm quick and
a lot of them aren't confirming for 2 or 3 blocks."

RE: RPC argument:  I'm reluctant to give too many 'knobs' for the RPC
interface. I think the default percentage makes sense as a
command-line/bitcoin.conf option; I can imagine services that want to save
on fees running with -estimatefeethreshold=0.5  (or
-estimatefeethreshold=0.95 if as-fast-as-possible confirmations are
needed). Setting both the number of confirmations and the estimation
threshold on a transaction-by-transaction basis seems like overkill to me.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP62 and future script upgrades

2014-11-04 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 8:29 AM, Pieter Wuille 

> Luke suggested on the pull request to not apply this rule on every
> transaction with nVersion >= 3, which indeed solves the problem. I
> believe this can easily be generalized: make the (non mandatory) BIP62
> rules only apply to transaction with strict nVersion==3, and not to
> higher ones.

I agree; soft-forking is a useful way of rolling out upgrades, we shouldn't
prohibit it.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Serialised P2SH HD chains

2014-12-04 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Luke Dashjr  wrote:

> Is anyone working on a serialisation format to convey P2SH HD chains? For 
> example,
> to give someone who wants to make recurring payments a single token that
> can be used to generate many P2SH addresses paying to a multisig script.

Seems like the wrong approach to me, because in practice you really need
a reasonable expiration date or some way of determining that whatever you
are paying
is still around (I still get random transactions to the Bitcoin Faucet's
old addresses).

See the discussion from January about extending the payment protocol for
recurring transactions:


"Give them a single token" == "give them a recurring PaymentRequest" in my
mind. Or maybe "Give them a URL where they can fetch PaymentRequests
whenever they need to make a payment" or maybe "Give them an array of
PaymentRequests for the next X days/months/years of payments."

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP70: why Google Protocol Buffers for encoding?

2015-01-19 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Mike Hearn  wrote:

> OK, I guess we can boil this down more simply. BIP 70 uses protocol
>> buffers because I designed it and implemented the original prototype (with
>> lots of input from Gavin and an earlier proposal by sipa). I used protocol
>> buffers because, beyond all their nice properties, I used to work at Google
>> and so was very familiar with them.
What Mike said. Runner-up for encoding was JSON.

XML+ASN.1 was Right Out, because lots of us hate XML and ASN.1 with a
burning passion. Complexity is the Enemy of Security, and both XML and
ASN.1 are too complex.

Gavin Andresen
Chief Scientist, Bitcoin Foundation
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [softfork proposal] Strict DER signatures

2015-01-21 Thread Gavin Andresen
DERSIG BIP looks great to me, just a few nit-picky changes suggested:

You mention the "DER standard" : should link to
http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf (or
whatever is best reference for DER).

"this would simplify avoiding OpenSSL in consensus implementations"  -->
"this would make it easier for non-OpenSSL implementations"

"causing opcode failure"  : I know what you mean by "opcode failure", but
it might be good to be more explicit.

"since v0.8.0, and nearly no transactions" -->  "and very few

"reducing this avenue for malleability is useful on itself as well"  :
awkward English. How about just "This proposal has the added benefit of
reducing transaction malleability (see BIP62)."

Gavin Andresen
New Year. New Location. New Benefits. New Data Center in Ashburn, VA.
GigeNET is offering a free month of service with a new server in Ashburn.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] New BIP: protocol for multisignature payments

2015-01-31 Thread Gavin Andresen
I agree- standards should be descriptive ("here is how this thing I did
works") and NOT proscriptive ("here's what I think will work, lets all try
to do it this way.").

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 2:07 PM, Mike Hearn  wrote:

> I could look at implementing it someday, but now I'd like to receive
>> feedback from community.
> IMO it's better to pair a protocol spec with an implementation.

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [softfork proposal] Strict DER signatures

2015-02-03 Thread Gavin Andresen
I think we should just do it, and include it with the other DERSIG changes
for 0.10.

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 1:15 PM, Pieter Wuille 

> I understand it's late, which is also why I ask for opinions. It's
> also not a priority, but if we release 0.10 without, it will first
> need a cycle of making this non-standard, and then in a further
> release doing a second softfork to enforce it.
> It's a 2-line change; see #5743.
> --
> Pieter
Gavin Andresen
Dive into the World of Parallel Programming. The Go Parallel Website,
sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your
hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought
leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a
look and join the conversation now. http://goparallel.sourceforge.net/___
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Block Size Increase

2015-05-07 Thread Gavin Andresen
For reference: the blog post that (re)-started this debate, and which links
to individual issues, is here:

In it, I asked people to email me objections I might have missed. I would
still appreciate it if people do that; it is impossible to keep up with
this mailing list, /r/bitcoin posts and comments, and #bitcoin-wizards and
also have time to respond thoughtfully to the objections raised.

I would very much like to find some concrete course of action that we can
come to consensus on. Some compromise so we can tell entrepreneurs "THIS is
how much transaction volume the main Bitcoin blockchain will be able to
support over the next eleven years."

I've been pretty clear on what I think is a reasonable compromise (a
one-time increase scheduled for early next year), and I have tried to
explain why I think it it is the right set of tradeoffs.

There ARE tradeoffs here, and the hard question is what process do we use
to decide those tradeoffs?  How do we come to consensus? Is it worth my
time to spend hours responding thoughtfully to every new objection raised
here, or will the same thing happen that happened last year and the year
before-- everybody eventually gets tired of arguing
angels-dancing-on-the-head-of-a-pin, and we're left with the status quo?

I AM considering contributing some version of the bigger blocksize-limit
hard-fork patch to the Bitcoin-Xt fork (probably  "target a hobbyist with a
fast Internet connection, and assume Nelson's law to increase over time),
and then encouraging merchants and exchanges and web wallets and
individuals who think it strikes a reasonable balance to run it.

And then, assuming it became a super-majority of nodes on the network,
encourage miners to roll out a soft-fork to start producing bigger blocks
and eventually trigger the hard fork.

Because ultimately consensus comes down to what software people choose to

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Block Size Increase

2015-05-07 Thread Gavin Andresen
Fee dynamics seems to come up over and over again in these discussions,
with lots of talk and theorizing.

I hope some data on what is happening with fees right now might help, so I
wrote another blog post (with graphs, which can't be done in a mailing list

We don’t need 100% full one megabyte blocks to start to learn about what is
likely to happen as transaction volume rises and/or the one megabyte block
size limit is raised.

Gavin Andresen
One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
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Performance metrics, stats and reports that give you Actionable Insights
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Fwd: Block Size Increase

2015-05-07 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 1:26 PM, Matt Corallo 

> I think this is a huge issue. You've been wandering around telling
> people that the blocksize will increase soon for months

I think the strongest thing I've ever said is:

"There is consensus that the max block size much change sooner or later.
There is not yet consensus on exactly how or when. I will be pushing to
change it this year."

This is what "I will be pushing to change it this year" looks like.

Gavin Andresen
One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB step function

2015-05-08 Thread Gavin Andresen
I like the bitcoin days destroyed idea.

I like lots of the ideas that have been presented here, on the bitcointalk
forums, etc etc etc.

It is easy to make a proposal, it is hard to wade through all of the
proposals. I'm going to balance that equation by completely ignoring any
proposal that isn't accompanied by code that implements the proposal (with
appropriate tests).

However, I'm not the bottleneck-- you need to get the attention of the
other committers and convince THEM:

a) something should be done "now-ish"
b) your idea is good

We are stuck on (a) right now, I think.

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 8:32 AM, Joel Joonatan Kaartinen <
joel.kaarti...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Matt,
> It seems you missed my suggestion about basing the maximum block size on
> the bitcoin days destroyed in transactions that are included in the block.
> I think it has potential for both scaling as well as keeping up a constant
> fee pressure. If tuned properly, it should both stop spamming and increase
> block size maximum when there are a lot of real transactions waiting for
> inclusion.
> - Joel

Gavin Andresen
One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB step function

2015-05-09 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: fixing sigop counting, and building in UTXO cost: great idea! One of
the problems with this debate is it is easy for great ideas get lost in all
the noise.

RE: a hard upper limit, with a dynamic limit under it:

I like that idea. Can we drill down on the hard upper limit?

There are lots of people who want a very high upper limit, right now (all
the big Bitcoin companies, and anybody who thinks as-rapid-as-possible
growth now is the best path to long-term success). This is the "it is OK if
you have to run full nodes in a data center" camp.

There are also lots of people who want an upper limit low enough that they
can continue to run Bitcoin on the hardware and Internet connection that
they have (or are concerned about centralization, so want to make sure
OTHER people can continue to run).

Is there an upper limit "we" can choose to make both sets of people mostly
happy? I've proposed "must be inexpensive enough that a 'hobbyist' can
afford to run a full node" ...

Is the limit chosen once, now, via hard-fork, or should we expect multiple
hard-forks to change it "when necessary" ?

The economics change every time the block reward halves, which make me
think that might be a good time to adjust the hard upper limit. If we have
a hard upper limit and a lower dynamic limit, perhaps adjusting the hard
upper limit (up or down) to account for the block reward halving, based on
the dynamic limit

RE: the lower dynamic limit algorithm:  I REALLY like that idea.

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB step function

2015-05-10 Thread Gavin Andresen
Let me make sure I understand this proposal:

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 11:36 PM, Gregory Maxwell  wrote:

> (*) I believe my currently favored formulation of general dynamic control
> idea is that each miner expresses in their coinbase a preferred size
> between some minimum (e.g. 500k) and the miner's effective-maximum;
> the actual block size can be up to the effective maximum even if the
> preference is lower (you're not forced to make a lower block because you
> stated you wished the limit were lower).  There is a computed maximum
> which is the 33-rd percentile of the last 2016 coinbase preferences
> minus computed_max/52 (rounding up to 1) bytes-- or 500k if thats
> larger. The effective maximum is X bytes more, where X on the range
> [0, computed_maximum] e.g. the miner can double the size of their
> block at most. If X > 0, then the miners must also reach a target
> F(x/computed_maximum) times the bits-difficulty; with F(x) = x^2+1  ---
> so the maximum penalty is 2, with a quadratic shape;  for a given mempool
> there will be some value that maximizes expected income.  (obviously all
> implemented with precise fixed point arithmetic).   The percentile is
> intended to give the preferences of the 33% least preferring miners a
> veto on increases (unless a majority chooses to soft-fork them out). The
> minus-comp_max/52 provides an incentive to slowly shrink the maximum
> if its too large-- x/52 would halve the size in one year if miners
> were doing the lowest difficulty mining. The parameters 500k/33rd,
> -computed_max/52 bytes, and f(x)  I have less strong opinions about;
> and would love to hear reasoned arguments for particular parameters.

I'm going to try to figure out how much transaction fee a transaction would
have to pay to bribe a miner to include it. Greg, please let me know if
I've misinterpreted the proposed algorithm. And everybody, please let me
know if I'm making a bone-headed mistake in how I'm computing anything:

Lets say miners are expressing a desire for 600,000 byte blocks in their

computed_max = 600,000 - 600,000/52 = 588,462 bytes.
  --> this is about 23 average-size (500-byte) transactions less than
effective_max = 1,176,923

Lets say I want to maintain status quo at 600,000 bytes; how much penalty
do I have?
((600,000-588,462)/588,462)^2 + 1 = 1.00038

How much will that cost me?
The network is hashing at 310PetaHash/sec right now.
Takes 600 seconds to find a block, so 186,000PH per block
186,000 * 0.00038 = 70 extra PH

If it takes 186,000 PH to find a block, and a block is worth 25.13 BTC
(reward plus fees), that 70 PH costs:
(25.13 BTC/block / 186,000 PH/block) * 70 PH = 0.00945 BTC
or at $240 / BTC:  $2.27

... so average transaction fee will have to be about ten cents ($2.27
spread across 23 average-sized transactions) for miners to decide to stay
at 600K blocks. If they fill up 588,462 bytes and don't have some
ten-cent-fee transactions left, they should express a desire to create a
588,462-byte-block and mine with no penalty.

Is that too much?  Not enough?  Average transaction fees today are about 3
cents per transaction.
I created a spreadsheet playing with the parameters:


"We" could tweak the constants or function to get a transaction fee we
think is reasonable... but we really shouldn't be deciding whether
transaction fees are too high, too low, or just right, and after thinking
about this for a while I think any algorithm that ties difficulty to block
size is just a complicated way of dictating minimum fees.

As for some other dynamic algorithm: OK with me. How do we get consensus on
what the best algorithm is? I'm ok with any "don't grow too quickly, give
some reasonable-percentage-minority of miners the ability to block further

Also relevant here:
"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they
really know about what they imagine they can design." - Friedrich August
von Hayek

Gavin Andresen
One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Long-term mining incentives

2015-05-11 Thread Gavin Andresen
I think long-term the chain will not be secured purely by proof-of-work. I
think when the Bitcoin network was tiny running solely on people's home
computers proof-of-work was the right way to secure the chain, and the only
fair way to both secure the chain and distribute the coins.

See https://gist.github.com/gavinandresen/630d4a6c24ac6144482a  for some
half-baked thoughts along those lines. I don't think proof-of-work is the
last word in distributed consensus (I also don't think any alternatives are
anywhere near ready to deploy, but they might be in ten years).

I also think it is premature to worry about what will happen in twenty or
thirty years when the block subsidy is insignificant. A lot will happen in
the next twenty years. I could spin a vision of what will secure the chain
in twenty years, but I'd put a low probability on that vision actually
turning out to be correct.

That is why I keep saying Bitcoin is an experiment. But I also believe that
the incentives are correct, and there are a lot of very motivated, smart,
hard-working people who will make it work. When you're talking about trying
to predict what will happen decades from now, I think that is the best you
can (honestly) do.

Gavin Andresen
One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Long-term mining incentives

2015-05-12 Thread Gavin Andresen
Added back the list, I didn't mean to reply privately:

Fair enough, I'll try to find time in the next month or three to write up
four plausible future scenarios for how mining incentives might work:

1) Fee-supported with very large blocks containing lots of tiny-fee
2) Proof-of-idle supported (I wish Tadge Dryja would publish his
proof-of-idle idea)
3) Fees purely as transaction-spam-prevention measure, chain security via
alternative consensus algorithm (in this scenario there is very little
4) Fee supported with small blocks containing high-fee transactions moving
coins to/from sidechains.

Would that be helpful, or do you have some reason for thinking that we
should pick just one and focus all of our efforts on making that one
scenario happen?

I always think it is better, when possible, not to "bet on one horse."

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Thomas Voegtlin 

> Le 12/05/2015 15:44, Gavin Andresen a Ă©crit :
> > Ok, here's my scenario:
> >
> > https://blog.bitcoinfoundation.org/a-scalability-roadmap/
> >
> > It might be wrong. I welcome other people to present their road maps.
> >
> [answering to you only because you answered to me and not to the list;
> feel free to repost this to the list though]
> Yes, that's exactly the kind of roadmap I am asking for. But your blog
> post does not say anything about long term mining incentives, it only
> talks about scalability. My point is that we need the same kind of thing
> for miners incentives.

Gavin Andresen
One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [BIP] Normalized Transaction IDs

2015-05-13 Thread Gavin Andresen
I think this needs more details before it gets a BIP number; for example,
which opcodes does this affect, and how, exactly, does it affect them? Is
the merkle root in the block header computed using normalized transaction
ids or normalized ids?

I think there might actually be two or three or four BIPs here:

 + Overall "what is trying to be accomplished"
 + Changes to the OP_*SIG* opcodes
 + Changes to the bloom-filtering SPV support
 + ...eventually, hard fork rollout plan

I also think that it is a good idea to have actually implemented a proposal
before getting a BIP number. At least, I find that actually writing the
code often turns up issues I hadn't considered when thinking about the
problem at a high level. And I STRONGLY believe BIPs should be descriptive
("here is how this thing works") not proscriptive ("here's how I think we
should all do it").

Finally: I like the idea of moving to a normalized txid. But it might make
sense to bundle that change with a bigger change to OP_CHECKSIG; see Greg
Maxwell's excellent talk about his current thoughts on that topic:

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 9:12 AM, Tier Nolan  wrote:

> I think this is a good way to handle things, but as you say, it is a hard
> fork.
> CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY covers many of the use cases, but it would be nice to
> fix malleability once and for all.
> This has the effect of doubling the size of the UTXO database.  At
> minimum, there needs to be a legacy txid to normalized txid map in the
> database.
> An addition to the BIP would eliminate the need for the 2nd index.  You
> could require a SPV proof of the spending transaction to be included with
> legacy transactions.  This would allow clients to verify that the
> normalized txid matched the legacy id.
> The OutPoint would be {LegacyId | SPV Proof to spending tx  | spending tx
> | index}.  This allows a legacy transaction to be upgraded.  OutPoints
> which use a normalized txid don't need the SPV proof.
> The hard fork would be followed by a transitional period, in which both
> txids could be used.  Afterwards, legacy transactions have to have the SPV
> proof added.  This means that old transactions with locktimes years in the
> future can be upgraded for spending, without nodes needing to maintain two
> indexes.
> --
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> ___
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Gavin Andresen
One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Long-term mining incentives

2015-05-13 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 7:48 PM, Adam Back  wrote:

> I think its fair to say no one knows how to make a consensus that
> works in a decentralised fashion that doesnt weaken the bitcoin
> security model without proof-of-work for now.


> I am presuming Gavin is just saying in the context of not pre-judging
> the future that maybe in the far future another innovation might be
> found (or alternatively maybe its not mathematically possible).

Yes... or an alternative might be found that weakens the Bitcoin security
model by a small enough amount that it either doesn't matter or the
weakening is vastly overwhelmed by some other benefit.

I'm influenced by the way the Internet works; packets addressed to reliably get to Google through a very decentralized system
that I'll freely admit I don't understand. Yes, a determined attacker can
re-route packets, but layers of security on top means re-routing packets
isn't enough to pull off profitable attacks.

I think Bitcoin's proof-of-work might evolve in a similar way. Yes, you
might be able to 51% attack the POW, but layers of security on top of POW
will mean that won't be enough to pull off profitable attacks.

Gavin Andresen
One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
Widest out-of-the-box monitoring support with 50+ applications
Performance metrics, stats and reports that give you Actionable Insights
Deep dive visibility with transaction tracing using APM Insight.
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB step function

2015-05-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 3:20 AM, Matt Whitlock  wrote:

> Between all the flames on this list, several ideas were raised that did
> not get much attention. I hereby resubmit these ideas for consideration and
> discussion.
> - Perhaps the hard block size limit should be a function of the actual
> block sizes over some trailing sampling period. For example, take the
> median block size among the most recent 2016 blocks and multiply it by 1.5.
> This allows Bitcoin to scale up gradually and organically, rather than
> having human beings guessing at what is an appropriate limit.

A lot of people like this idea, or something like it. It is nice and
simple, which is really important for consensus-critical code.

With this rule in place, I believe there would be more "fee pressure"
(miners would be creating smaller blocks) today. I created a couple of
histograms of block sizes to infer what policy miners are ACTUALLY
following today with respect to block size:

Last 1,000 blocks:

Notice a big spike at 750K -- the default size for Bitcoin Core.
This graph might be misleading, because transaction volume or fees might
not be high enough over the last few days to fill blocks to whatever limit
miners are willing to mine.

So I graphed a time when (according to statoshi.info) there WERE a lot of
transactions waiting to be confirmed:

That might also be misleading, because it is possible there were a lot of
transactions waiting to be confirmed because miners who choose to create
small blocks got lucky and found more blocks than normal.  In fact, it
looks like that is what happened: more smaller-than-normal blocks were
found, and the memory pool backed up.

So: what if we had a dynamic maximum size limit based on recent history?

The average block size is about 400K, so a 1.5x rule would make the max
block size 600K; miners would definitely be squeezing out transactions /
putting pressure to increase transaction fees. Even a 2x rule (implying
800K max blocks) would, today, be squeezing out transactions / putting
pressure to increase fees.

Using a median size instead of an average means the size can increase or
decrease more quickly. For example, imagine the rule is "median of last
2016 blocks" and 49% of miners are producing 0-size blocks and 51% are
producing max-size blocks. The median is max-size, so the 51% have total
control over making blocks bigger.  Swap the roles, and the median is

Because of that, I think using an average is better-- it means the max size
will change (up or down) more slowly.

I also think 2016 blocks is too long, because transaction volumes change
quicker than that. An average over 144 blocks (last 24 hours) would be
better able to handle increased transaction volume around major holidays,
and would also be able to react more quickly if an economically irrational
attacker attempted to flood the network with fee-paying transactions.

So my straw-man proposal would be:  max size 2x average size over last 144
blocks, calculated at every block.

There are a couple of other changes I'd pair with that consensus change:

+ Make the default mining policy for Bitcoin Core neutral-- have its target
block size be the average size, so miners that don't care will "go along
with the people who do care."

+ Use something like Greg's formula for size instead of bytes-on-the-wire,
to discourage bloating the UTXO set.


When I've proposed (privately, to the other core committers) some dynamic
algorithm the objection has been "but that gives miners complete control
over the max block size."

I think that worry is unjustified right now-- certainly, until we have
size-independent new block propagation there is an incentive for miners to
keep their blocks small, and we see miners creating small blocks even when
there are fee-paying transactions waiting to be confirmed.

I don't even think it will be a problem if/when we do have size-independent
new block propagation, because I think the combination of the random timing
of block-finding plus a dynamic limit as described above will create a
healthy system.

If I'm wrong, then it seems to me the miners will have a very strong
incentive to, collectively, impose whatever rules are necessary (maybe a
soft-fork to put a hard cap on block size) to make the system healthy again.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB step function

2015-05-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Mike Hearn  wrote:

> Isn't that a step backwards, then? I see no reason for fee pressure to
>> exist at the moment. All it's doing is turning away users for no purpose:
>> mining isn't supported by fees, and the tiny fees we use right now seem to
>> be good enough to stop penny flooding.
> Why not set the max size to be 20x the average size? Why 2x, given you
> just pointed out that'd result in blocks shrinking rather than growing.

Twenty is scary.

And two is a very neutral number: if 50% of hashpower want the max size to
grow as fast as possible and 50% are dead-set opposed to any increase in
max size, then half produce blocks 2 times as big, half produce empty
blocks, and the max size doesn't change. If it was 20, then a small
minority of miners could force a max size increase.  (if it is less than 2,
then a minority of minors can force the block size down)

As for whether there "should" be fee pressure now or not: I have no
opinion, besides "we should make block propagation faster so there is no
technical reason for miners to produce tiny blocks." I don't think us
developers should be deciding things like whether or not fees are too high,
too low, .

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB stepfunction

2015-05-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 1:59 PM, Pieter Wuille 

> I personally think the block size should increase, by the way, but only if
> we can do it under a policy of doing it after technological growth has been
> shown to be sufficient to support it without increased risk.
> Can you be more specific about this? What risks are you worried about?

I've tried to cover all that I've heard about in my blog posts about why I
think the risks of 20MB blocks are outweighed by the benefits, am I missing
  (blog posts are linked from
http://gavinandresen.ninja/time-to-roll-out-bigger-blocks )

There is the "a sudden jump to a 20MB max might have unforseen
consequences" risk that I don't address, but a dynamic increase would fix

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB step function

2015-05-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Mike Hearn  wrote:

> As noted, many miners just accept the defaults. With your proposed change
>> their target would effectively *drop* from 1mb to 800kb today, which
>> seems crazy. That's the exact opposite of what is needed right now.
> I am very skeptical about this idea.

By the time a hard fork can happen, I expect average block size will be
above 500K.

Would you support a rule that was "larger of 1MB or 2x average size" ? That
is strictly better than the situation we're in today.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB step function

2015-05-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
Can we hold off on bike-shedding the particular choice of parameters until
people have a chance to weigh in on whether or not there is SOME set of
dynamic parameters they would support right now?

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB step function

2015-05-29 Thread Gavin Andresen
What do other people think?

If we can't come to an agreement soon, then I'll ask for help
reviewing/submitting patches to Mike's Bitcoin-Xt project that implement a
big increase now that grows over time so we may never have to go through
all this rancor and debate again.

I'll then ask for help lobbying the merchant services and exchanges and
hosted wallet companies and other bitcoind-using-infrastructure companies
(and anybody who agrees with me that we need bigger blocks sooner rather
than later) to run Bitcoin-Xt instead of Bitcoin Core, and state that they
are running it. We'll be able to see uptake on the network by monitoring
client versions.

Perhaps by the time that happens there will be consensus bigger blocks are
needed sooner rather than later; if so, great! The early deployment will
just serve as early testing, and all of the software already deployed will
ready for bigger blocks.

But if there is still no consensus among developers but the "bigger blocks
now" movement is successful, I'll ask for help getting big miners to do the
same, and use the soft-fork block version voting mechanism to (hopefully)
get a majority and then a super-majority willing to produce bigger blocks.
The purpose of that process is to prove to any doubters that they'd better
start supporting bigger blocks or they'll be left behind, and to give them
a chance to upgrade before that happens.

Because if we can't come to consensus here, the ultimate authority for
determining consensus is what code the majority of merchants and exchanges
and miners are running.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB step function

2015-05-29 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Tier Nolan  wrote:

>  How do you intend to measure exchange/merchant acceptance?

Public statements saying "we're running software that is ready for bigger

And looking at the version (aka user-agent) strings of publicly reachable
nodes on the network.
(e.g. see the count at  https://getaddr.bitnodes.io/nodes/ )

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-29 Thread Gavin Andresen
Matt brought this up on Twitter, I have no idea why I didn't respond weeks
ago (busy writing blog posts, probably):

On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Matt Corallo 

>  * Though there are many proposals floating around which could
> significantly decrease block propagation latency, none of them are
> implemented today.

If block propagation isn't fixed, then mines have a strong incentive to
create smaller blocks.

So the max block size is irrelevant, it won't get hit.

> In addition, I'd expect to
> see analysis of how these systems perform in the worst-case, not just
> packet-loss-wise, but in the face of miners attempting to break the system.

See http://gavinandresen.ninja/are-bigger-blocks-better-for-bigger-miners
for analysis of "but that means bigger miners can get an advantage"

Executive summary: if little miners are stupid and produce huge blocks,
then yes, big miners have an advantage.

But they're not, so they won't.

Until the block reward goes away, and assuming transaction fees become an
important source of revenue for miners.
I think it is too early to worry about that; see:


>  * I'd very much like to see someone working on better scaling
> technology, both in terms of development and in terms of getting
> traction in the marketplace.

Ok. What does this have to do with the max block size?

Are you arguing that work won't happen if the max block size increases?

  * I'd like to see some better conclusions to the discussion around

> long-term incentives within the system.

Again, see http://gavinandresen.ninja/when-the-block-reward-goes-away for
what I think about that.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] soft-fork block size increase (extension blocks) Re: Proposed alternatives to the 20MB stepfunction

2015-05-29 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: soft-forking an "extension block":

So... go for it, code it up. Implement it in the Bitcoin Core wallet.

Then ask the various wallet developer how long it would take them to update
their software to support something like this, and do some UI mockups of
what the experience would look like for users.

If there are two engineering solutions to a problem, one really simple, and
one complex, why would you pick the complex one?

Especially if the complex solution has all of the problems of the simple
one (20MB extension blocks are just as "dangerous" as 20MB main blocks,
yes? If not, why not?)

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-30 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Chun Wang <1240...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello. I am from F2Pool. We are currently mining the biggest blocks on
> the network.

Thanks for giving your opinion!

> Bad miners could attack us and the network with artificial
> big blocks.


I ran some simulations, and I could not find a network topology where a big
miner producing big blocks could cause a loss of profit to another miner
(big or small) producing smaller blocks:


(the 0.3% advantage I DID find was for the situation where EVERYBODY was
producing big blocks).

> We think
> the max block size should be increased, but must be increased
> smoothly, 2 MB first, and then after one or two years 4 MB, then 8 MB,
> and so on. Thanks.

Why 2 MB ?   You said that server bandwidth is much more expensive in
China; what would be the difference in your bandwidth costs between 2MB
blocks and 20MB blocks?

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-30 Thread Gavin Andresen
> >
> Oh? You mention at http://gavinandresen.ninja/bigger-blocks-another-way
> that "I struggle with wanting to stay true to Satoshi’s original vision
> of Bitcoin as a system that scales up to Visa-level transaction volume".
> That is in direct contradiction.

I have said repeatedly that if it was left completely up to me I would go
back to Satoshi's original "there is no consensus-level blocksize limit".

20MB is a compromise.

 > Ok, I wrote about that here:

> >
> > http://gavinandresen.ninja/it-must-be-done-but-is-not-a-panacea
> >
> "it is not a panacea", but everyone in the community seems to be taking
> it as one. You've claimed many times that many of the big
> webwallet/payment processors/etc have been coming to you and saying they
> need bigger block sizes to continue operating. In reality, they dont, it
> just makes it easier
... and now you're pissing me off. I have NEVER EVER said that they need
bigger blocks to continue operating. Please stop being overly dramatic.

They believe that bigger blocks are better for Bitcoin.

Brian Armstrong at Coinbase, in particular, said that smaller blocks drive
centralization towards services like Coinbase ("look ma! No blockchain
transaction!" <-- if you pay a Coinbase merchant from your Coinbase
wallet), but he supports bigger blocks because more transactions on our
existing decentralized network is better.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-31 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 9:31 PM, Chun Wang <1240...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If someone propagate a 20MB block, it will take at best 6 seconds for
> us to receive to verify it at current configuration, result of one
> percent orphan rate increase.

That orphan rate increase will go to whoever is producing the 20MB blocks,
NOT you.

Or, we can mine the next block only on
> the previous block's header, in this case, the network would see many
> more transaction-less blocks.

Are you sure that is the best strategy? If a big block is slow to
propagate, I suspect it will be better to punish the miner that created it
by refusing to build on it until it has been fully validated.

I'll try to find time to run a couple of simulations.

> Our orphan rate is about 0.5% over the past few months. If the network
> floods 20MB blocks, it can be well above 2%. Besides bandwidth, A 20MB
> block could contain an average of 5 transactions, hundred of
> thousands of sigops, Do you have an estimate how long it takes on the
> submitblock rpccall?

I can benchmark it. It should be pretty fast, and sipa has a couple of
patches pending to make the UTXO cache much faster.

It can be fast because the vast majority of the work of validating all
those transactions can happen as they are received into the memory pool.

> For references, our 30Mbps bandwidth in Beijing costs us 1350 dollars
> per month.

You should be able to handle 20MB blocks no problem; if I round up to 100MB
per block that works out to 1.3Mbps.

We also use Aliyun and Linode cloud services for block
> propagation. As of May 2015, the price is 0.13 U.S. dollars per GB for
> 100Mbps connectivity at Aliyun.

That speed will handle 20MB blocks no problem.

If each 20MB block is 100MB of data up/down the wire (I'm vastly
over-estimating, after optimization it should be 40MB) then you'll be

0.1 GB / block-data-on-wire * 144 blocks/day * 30.5 days/month * 0.13 $ /
GB = $57

Less than $2 per day in bandwidth, surely you can afford that.

> For a single cross-border TCP
> connection, it would be certainly far slower than 12.5 MB/s.

That's OK, you'll 1.3Mbps or less.

> I think we can accept 5MB block at most.

Are you worried about paying too much, or do 20MB blocks "feel like too
much" ?

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-31 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 3:05 AM, Peter Todd  wrote:

> Yeah, I'm pretty surprised myself that Gavin never accepted the
> compromises offered by others in this space for a slow growth solution

What compromise? I haven't seen a specific proposal that could be turned
into a pull request.

> Something important to note in Gavin Andresen's analysises of this issue
> is that he's using quite optimistic scenarios for how nodes are
> connected to each other.


I simulated a variety of connectivities; see the .cfg files at

The results I give in the "are bigger blocks better" blog post are for
WORST CASE connectivity (one dominant big miner, multiple little miners,
big miner connects to only 30% of little miners, but all the little miners
connected directly to each other).

> For instance, assuming that connections between
> miners are direct is a very optimistic assumption

Again, I did not simulate all miners directly connected to each other.

I will note that miners are VERY HIGHLY connected today. It is in their
best interest to be highly connected to each other.

> that depends on a
> permissive, unregulated, environment where miners co-operate with each
> other - obviously that's easily subject to change!

Really? How is that easily subject to change? If it is easily subject to
change, do bigger blocks have any effect? Why are 1MB blocks not subject to

I talk about "what if your government bans Bitcoin entirely" here:

... and the issues are essentially the same, independent of block size.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-31 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 9:31 PM, Chun Wang <1240...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If someone propagate a 20MB block, it will take at best 6 seconds for
> us to receive to verify it at current configuration, result of one
> percent orphan rate increase.

That orphan rate increase will go to whoever is producing the 20MB blocks,
NOT you.

Or, we can mine the next block only on
> the previous block's header, in this case, the network would see many
> more transaction-less blocks.

Are you sure that is the best strategy? If a big block is slow to
propagate, I suspect it will be better to punish the miner that created it
by refusing to build on it until it has been fully validated.

I'll try to find time to run a couple of simulations.

> Our orphan rate is about 0.5% over the past few months. If the network
> floods 20MB blocks, it can be well above 2%. Besides bandwidth, A 20MB
> block could contain an average of 5 transactions, hundred of
> thousands of sigops, Do you have an estimate how long it takes on the
> submitblock rpccall?

I can benchmark it. It should be pretty fast, and sipa has a couple of
patches pending to make the UTXO cache much faster.

It can be fast because the vast majority of the work of validating all
those transactions can happen as they are received into the memory pool.

> For references, our 30Mbps bandwidth in Beijing costs us 1350 dollars
> per month.

You should be able to handle 20MB blocks no problem; if I round up to 100MB
per block that works out to 1.3Mbps.

We also use Aliyun and Linode cloud services for block
> propagation. As of May 2015, the price is 0.13 U.S. dollars per GB for
> 100Mbps connectivity at Aliyun.

That speed will handle 20MB blocks no problem.

If each 20MB block is 100MB of data up/down the wire (I'm vastly
over-estimating, after optimization it should be 40MB) then you'll be

0.1 GB / block-data-on-wire * 144 blocks/day * 30.5 days/month * 0.13 $ /
GB = $57

Less than $2 per day in bandwidth.

> For a single cross-border TCP
> connection, it would be certainly far slower than 12.5 MB/s.

That's OK, you'll 1.3Mbps or less.

> I think we can accept 5MB block at most.

Are you worried about paying too much, or do 20MB blocks "feel like too
much" ?

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-31 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Yifu Guo  wrote:

> comments, question and grievances welcome.

Thanks for chiming in with facts, Yifu!

Do you have any real-world data on latency/bandwidth/cost through the gfw ?
Chung Wang's post was very helpful to get away from hypotheticals to "what
would it actually cost."

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-31 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 10:46 AM, Jorge TimĂłn  wrote:

> Here's a thought experiment:
> Subsidy is gone, all the block reward comes from fees.
I wrote about long-term hypotheticals and why I think it is a big mistake
to waste time worrying about them here:

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-31 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 9:45 AM, Alex Mizrahi 

>> That orphan rate increase will go to whoever is producing the 20MB
>> blocks, NOT you.
> This depends on how miners are connected.
> E.g. suppose there are three miners, A and B have fast connectivity
> between then, and C has a slow network.
> Suppose that A miners a block and B receives it in 1 second. C receives it
> in 6 seconds.
> This means that blocks mined by C during these ~5 seconds will be orphaned
> because B gets A's block first.

Yes, if you are on a slow network then you are at a (slight) disadvantage.

There are lots of equations that go into the "is mining profitable"
equation: cost of power, Internet cost and connectivity, cost of capital,
access to technology other miners don't have, inexpensive labor or rent,
inexpensive cooling, ability to use waste heat...

That's good. An equation with lots of variables has lots of different
maximum solutions, and that means better decentralization -- there is less
likely to be one perfect place or way to mine.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-31 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Jorge TimĂłn  wrote:

> Whatever...let's use the current subsidies, the same argument applies,
> it's just 20 + 25 = 45 btc per block for miner B vs 27 btc for miner B.
> Miner B would still go out of business, bigger blocks still mean more
> mining and validation centralization
Sorry, but that's ridiculous.

If Miner B is leaving 18BTC per block on the table because they have bad
connectivity, then they need to pay for better connectivity.

If you are arguing "I should be able to mine on a 56K modem connection from
the middle of the Sahara" then we're going to have to agree to disagree.

So: what is your specific proposal for minimum requirements for
connectivity to run a full node? The 20MB number comes from estimating
costs to run a full node, and as my back-and-forth to Chang Wung shows, the
costs are not excessive.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [Bulk] Re: Fwd: Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-05-31 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 9:31 AM, gb  wrote:

> Aren't you calculating bandwidth for a singly-connected node? A "highly
> connected" miner could have 30-100 node connections so you probably need
> to increase your traffic estimates by that factor.
> I.e. For 100MB blocks, 30-100 Mbps and $60-$100 per day data costs.

No, randomly connected gossip networks (which is what the Bitcoin p2p
network is) don't work that way, bandwidth is (roughly) O(N) where N is the
number of bytes relayed to everybody.

(it is actually a small multiple of N, because of the overhead of 'inv'
messages, and if we ever get really serious about scaling up we'll need to
fix the protocol to reduce that overhead, but that won't be a problem for

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-06-01 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 6:55 PM, Alex Mizrahi 

> Yes, if you are on a slow network then you are at a (slight) disadvantage.
>> So?
> Chun mentioned that his pool is on a slow network, and thus bigger blocks
> give it an disadvantage. (Orphan rate is proportional to block size.)
You said that no, on contrary those who make big blocks have a disadvantage.
> And now you say that yes, this disadvantage exist.
Did you just lie to Chun?

Chun said that if somebody produced a big block it would take them at least
6 seconds to process it.

He also said he has nodes outside the great firewall ("We also use Aliyun
and Linode cloud services for block

So I assumed that he was talking about the "what if somebody produces a
block that takes a long time to process" attack -- which doesn't work (the
attacker just increases their own orphan rate).

If the whole network is creating blocks that takes everybody (except the
person creating the blocks) six seconds to broadcast+validate, then the
increase in orphan rate is spread out over the whole network. The
network-wide orphan rate goes up, everybody suffers a little (fewer blocks
created over time) until the next difficulty adjustment, then the
difficulty drops, then everybody is back in the same boat.

If it takes six seconds to validate because of limited bandwidth, then he
should connect via Matt's fast relay network, which optimize new block
announcements so they take a couple orders of magnitude less bandwidth.

If it takes six seconds because he's trying to validate on a raspberry
pi then he should buy a better validating machine, and/or help test the
current pending pull requests to make validation faster (e.g.
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5835 or
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6077 ).

If Chun had six seconds of latency, and he can't pay for a lower-latency
connection (or it is insanely expensive), then there's nothing he can do,
he'll have to live with a higher orphan rate no matter the block size.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed alternatives to the 20MB step

2015-06-01 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: going to the public:

I started pushing privately for SOMETHING, ANYTHING to be done, or at the
very least for there to be some coherent plan besides "wait and see" back
in February.

As for it being unhealthy for me to write the code that I think should be
written and asking people to run it:

Ok. What would you suggest I do? I believe scaling up is the number one
priority right now. I think core devs SHOULD be taking time to solve it,
because I think the uncertainty of how it will be solved (or if it will be
solved) is bad for Bitcoin.

I think working on things like fixing transaction malleability is great...
but the reason to work on that is to enable smart contracts and all sorts
of other interesting new uses of the blockchain. But if we're stuck with
1MB blocks then there won't be room for all of those interesting new uses
on the blockchain.

Others disagree, and have the advantage of status-quo : if nothing is done,
they get what they want.

Based on some comments I've seen, I think there is also concern that "my
own personal network/computer connection might not be able to handle more
transaction volume." That is NOT a good reason to limit scalability, but I
think it is clouding the judgement of many of the core contributors who
started contributing as a spare-time hobby from their homes (where maybe
they have crappy DSL connections).

RE: decentralization:

I think this is a red-herring. I'll quote something I said on reddit

"I don't believe a 20MB max size will increase centralization to any
significant degree.


and http://gavinandresen.ninja/are-bigger-blocks-better-for-bigger-miners

And I think we will have a lot LESS centralization of payments via services
like Coinbase (or hubs in some future StrawPay/Lightning network) if the
bitcoin network can directly handle more payment volume.

The centralization trade-offs seems very clear to me, and I think the "big
blocks mean more centralized" arguments are either just wrong or are
exaggerated or ignore the tradeoff with payment centralization (I think
that is a lot more important for privacy and censorship resistance)."

RE: incentives for off-chain solutions:

I'll quote myself again from
http://gavinandresen.ninja/it-must-be-done-but-is-not-a-panacea :

"The “layer 2” services that are being built on top of the blockchain are
absolutely necessary to get nearly instant real-time payments,
micropayments and high volume machine-to-machine payments, to pick just
three examples. The ten-minute settlement time of blocks on the network is
not fast enough for those problems, and it will be the ten minute block
interval that drives development of those off-chain innovations more than
the total number of transactions supported."

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 8:45 AM, JĂ©rĂ´me Legoupil 

> If during the "1MB bumpy period" something goes wrong, consensus among the
> community would be reached easily if necessary.

That is the problem: this will be a "frog in boiling water" problem. I
believe there will be no sudden crisis-- instead, transactions will just
get increasingly unreliable and expensive, driving more and more people
away from Bitcoin towards... I don't know what. Some less expensive, more
reliable, probably more-centralized solution.

The Gavin 20MB proposal is compromising Bitcoin's long-term security in an
> irreversible way, for gaining short-term better user experience.

If by long-term security you mean "will transaction fees be high enough to
pay for enough hashing power to secure the network if there are bigger
blocks" I've written about that:

If you mean something else, then please be specific.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: Block Size Increase Requirements

2015-06-01 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 7:20 AM, Chun Wang <1240...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I cannot believe why Gavin (who seems to have difficulty to spell my
> name correctly.) insists on his 20MB proposal regardless the
> community. BIP66 has been introduced for a long time and no one knows
> when the 95% goal can be met. This change to the block max size must
> take one year or more to be adopted. We should increase the limit and
> increase it now. 20MB is simply too big and too risky, sometimes we
> need compromise and push things forward. I agree with any solution
> lower than 10MB in its first two years.
Thanks, that's useful!

What do other people think?  Would starting at a max of 8 or 4 get
consensus?  Scaling up a little less than Nielsen's Law of Internet
Bandwidth predicts for the next 20 years?  (I think predictability is
REALLY important).

I chose 20 because all of my testing shows it to be safe, and all of my
back-of-the-envelope calculations indicate the costs are reasonable.

If consensus is "8 because more than order-of-magnitude increases are
scary" -- ok.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] New attack identified and potential solution described: Dropped-transaction spam attack against the block size limit

2015-06-09 Thread Gavin Andresen
ing other better proposals.
>> Large blocks created by a miner as a means to spam other miners out of
>> competition is a problem because miners do not pay fees for their own
>> transactions when they mine them.  They collect the fees they pay.  This
>> breaks the economic barrier keeping people from spamming the network, as
>> the
>> spamming is essentially free.  The proposed fix is to add a new rule on
>> how
>> fees are handled.  Some amount of every fee should be considered as burned
>> and can never be spent.  I will propose 50% of the fee here, but there may
>> be better numbers that can be discovered prior to putting this into place.
>> If we'd like miners to continue to collect the same fees after this
>> change,
>> we can suggest the default fee per transaction to be doubled.  Half of
>> every
>> fee would be burned and disappear forever, effectively distributing the
>> value of those bitcoins across the entire money supply.  The other half
>> would be collected by the miner of the block as is done today.  This
>> solution would mean large blocks would cost a significant number of
>> bitcoin
>> to create, even when all of the transactions are created by the miner of
>> that block.  For this to work, we'd need to ensure a minimum fee is paid
>> for
>> most of the transactions in every block, and the new transaction fee rule
>> is
>> in place.  Then the block size limit can be removed.
>> Raystonn
>> --
>> ___
>> Bitcoin-development mailing list
>> Bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bitcoin-development
> --
> ___
> Bitcoin-development mailing list
> Bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bitcoin-development

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] New attack identified and potential solution described: Dropped-transaction spam attack against the block size limit

2015-06-09 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Raystonn .  wrote:

>   That does sound good on the surface, but how do we enforce #1 and #2?
> They seem to be unenforceable, as a miner can adjust the size of the memory
> pool in his local source.

It doesn't have to be enforced. As long as a reasonable percentage of hash
rate is following that policy an attacker that tries to flood the network
will fail to prevent normal transaction traffic from going through and will
just end up transferring some wealth to the miners.

Although the existing default mining policy (which it seems about 70% of
hashpower follows) of setting aside some space for high-priority
transactions regardless of fee might also be enough to cause this attack to
fail in practice.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Mining centralization pressure from non-uniform propagation speed

2015-06-12 Thread Gavin Andresen
Nice work, Pieter. You're right that my simulation assumed bandwidth for
'block' messages isn't the bottleneck.

But doesn't Matt's fast relay network (and the work I believe we're both
planning on doing in the near future to further optimize block propagation)
make both of our simulations irrelevant in the long-run?

Or, even simpler, why couldn't the little miners just run their
block-assembling-and-announcing code on the other high-bandwidth-side of
the bandwidth bottleneck?

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Concerns Regarding Threats by a Developer to Remove Commit Access from Other Developers

2015-06-18 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 1:42 PM, Alex Morcos  wrote:

> Let me take a pass at explaining how I see this.
> 1) Code changes to Bitcoin Core that don't change consensus:  Wladimir is
> the decider but he works under a process that is well understood by
> developers on the project in which he takes under reasonable consideration
> other technical opinions and prefers to have clear agreement among them.


2) Changes to the consensus rules: As others have said, this isn't anyone's
> decision for anyone else.


> It's up to each individual user as to what code they run and what rules
> they enforce.  So then why is everyone so up in arms about what Mike and
> Gavin are proposing if everyone is free to decide for themselves?  I
> believe that each individual user should adhere to the principle that there
> should be no changes to the consensus rules unless there is near complete
> agreement among the entire community, users, developers, businesses miners
> etc. It is not necessary to define complete agreement exactly because every
> individual person decides for themselves.  I believe that this is what
> gives Bitcoin, or really any money, its value and what makes it work, that
> we all agree on exactly what it is.  So I believe that it is misleading and
> bad for Bitcoin to tell users and business that you can just choose without
> concern for everyone else which code you'll run and we'll see which one
> wins out.  No.  You should run the old consensus rules (on any codebase you
> want) until you believe that pretty much everyone has consented to a change
> in the rules.  It is your choice, but I think a lot of people that have
> spent time thinking about the philosophy of consensus systems believe that
> when the users of the system have this principle in mind, it's what will
> make the system work best.

I don't think I agree with "pretty much everybody", because status-quo bias
is a very powerful thing. Any change that disrupts the way they've been
doing things will generate significant resistance -- there will be 10 or
20% of any population that will take a position of "too busy to think about
this, everything seems to be working great, I don't like change, NO to any

For example, I think some of the resistance for bigger blocks is coming
from contributors who are worried they, personally, won't be able to keep
up with a bigger blockchain. They might not be able to run full nodes from
their home network connections (or might not be able to run a full node AND
stream Game of Thrones), on their old raspberry pi machines.

The criteria for me is "clear super-majority of the people and businesses
who are using Bitcoin the most," and I think that criteria is met.

> 3) Code changes to Core that do change consensus: I think that Wladimir,
> all the other committers besides Gavin, and almost all of the other
> developers on Core would defer to #2 above and wait for its outcome to be
> clear before considering such a code change.

Yes, that's the way it has mostly been working. But even before stepping
down as Lead I was starting to wonder if there are ANY successful open
source projects that didn't have either a Benevolent Dictator or some clear
voting process to resolve disputes that cannot be settled with "rough

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] F2Pool has enabled full replace-by-fee

2015-06-19 Thread Gavin Andresen
I just sent the following email to F2Pool:

I was disappointed to see Peter Todd claiming that you have (or will?) run
his replace-by-fee patch.

I strongly encourage you to wait until most wallet software supports
replace-by-fee before doing that, because until that happens replace-by-fee
just makes it easier to steal from bitcoin-accepting merchants.

I will tell you the same thing about 8MB blocks: until most merchants
support bigger blocks I will strongly encourage you keep creating
less-than-1MB blocks. If we want Bitcoin to succeed more quickly, we should
all be thinking about what is good for the whole system: users, merchants,
exchanges and miners.

As always, if you have questions or concerns feel free to email me.

Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] BIP 16 status update

2012-02-27 Thread Gavin Andresen
Mining support for BIP 16 is still under 50%, and won't possibly be over
50% by March 1.  Which means we need a new evaluation/switchover date:

Re-evaluate support: March 15'th
Target switchover: April 1

If you're already supporting BIP16, restart bitcoind with the argument:

... to delay switchover until April 1.

Hopefully this will be the last delay; Tycho has told me that deepbit will
support BIP16 as soon as he's able to merge and test the changes, which
will put support at well over 55%.

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Duplicate transactions vulnerability

2012-02-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
> The purpose of this mail is asking for support for adding this rule to
> the protocol rules. If there is consensus this rule is the solution, I
> hope pools and miners can agree to update their nodes without lengthy
> coinbase-flagging procedure that would only delay a solution. So, who
> is in favor?


Most of you might already know this, but I'm strongly in favor of doing
this as soon as possible.

Gavin Andresen
Keep Your Developer Skills Current with LearnDevNow!
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Metro Style Apps, more. Free future releases when you subscribe now!
Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Anything to chat about today at 21:00 UTC ?

2012-02-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
I'll be in the #bitcoin-development IRC channel in two hours, for the
semi-regular Tuesday IRC meeting. Things that might be worth some

+ The duplicate coinbase attack/fix, and strategy for rolling out sipa's

+ 0.6 release schedule

+ Is there anything we can do to attract a great Windows developer?  (we've
got issues piling up...)

+ Multisignature next-steps: who is working on what?

Am I forgetting anything?

Gavin Andresen
Keep Your Developer Skills Current with LearnDevNow!
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is just $99.99! Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL - plus HTML5, CSS3, MVC3,
Metro Style Apps, more. Free future releases when you subscribe now!
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Duplicate transactions vulnerability

2012-02-29 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Ben Reeves  wrote:
> A malicious miner can produce a duplicate coinbase which the majority
> of clients will accept but the majority of hashing power won't.
> Spending the coinbase output after

That can't happen until the coinbase matures, which takes 100 blocks.
And it won't mature because a majority of hashing power is rejecting
it, right?

Gavin Andresen

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: Proposal for a new opcode

2012-03-03 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Watson Ladd  wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am proposing a new opcode for the purposes of anonymous
> transactions.

That's very exciting!  I'm eager to read the paper for all of the
details, and working out what else would need to be done besides a new
opcode to enable strong anonymity (at the very least, I assume we'll
need one or more new 'standard' transaction types that clients

Gavin Andresen

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] 0.6rc3 binaries available

2012-03-13 Thread Gavin Andresen
Version 0.6 release candidate 3 binaries are available at:

The big reason to run rc3 is to get the BIP30 security fix that takes
effect on March 15.

It also includes a fix to the problem of running rc1, upgrading, and
being stuck on the wrong block-chain fork

Gavin Andresen

Keep Your Developer Skills Current with LearnDevNow!
The most comprehensive online learning library for Microsoft developers
is just $99.99! Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL - plus HTML5, CSS3, MVC3,
Metro Style Apps, more. Free future releases when you subscribe now!
Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] April 1 BIP16 switchover time is definite

2012-03-16 Thread Gavin Andresen
Support for BIP16 has been approximately 70% of hashing power for the
last two days, and is 54% over the last week, so we're going to
announce that the BIP16 switchover time of April 1 is final and
strongly encourage any pools/miners that haven't yet upgraded their
software to do so in the next two weeks or risk hashing on a minority

I'll be checking to make sure support doesn't slip before April 1.

I've learned a lot, and have started writing up a document that
suggests how we can make the next upgrade process less painful for
everybody; when I've got a reasonable draft I'll start a discussion
about it here.

Gavin Andresen

PS: If you're curious, here is what support over the last 30 days
looks like, beginning with the last 24 hours (144 blocks) and going
backwards for each 24 hour period:

Found 103 matches in 144 blocks (71.5 percent)
Found 99 matches in 144 blocks (68.8 percent)
Found 87 matches in 144 blocks (60.4 percent)
Found 70 matches in 144 blocks (48.6 percent)
Found 73 matches in 144 blocks (50.7 percent)
Found 57 matches in 144 blocks (39.6 percent)
Found 52 matches in 144 blocks (36.1 percent)
Found 40 matches in 144 blocks (27.8 percent)
Found 40 matches in 144 blocks (27.8 percent)
Found 46 matches in 144 blocks (31.9 percent)
Found 41 matches in 144 blocks (28.5 percent)
Found 45 matches in 144 blocks (31.2 percent)
Found 57 matches in 144 blocks (39.6 percent)
Found 69 matches in 144 blocks (47.9 percent)
Found 51 matches in 144 blocks (35.4 percent)
Found 53 matches in 144 blocks (36.8 percent)
Found 65 matches in 144 blocks (45.1 percent)
Found 43 matches in 144 blocks (29.9 percent)
Found 48 matches in 144 blocks (33.3 percent)
Found 51 matches in 144 blocks (35.4 percent)
Found 46 matches in 144 blocks (31.9 percent)
Found 57 matches in 144 blocks (39.6 percent)
Found 61 matches in 144 blocks (42.4 percent)
Found 54 matches in 144 blocks (37.5 percent)
Found 53 matches in 144 blocks (36.8 percent)
Found 44 matches in 144 blocks (30.6 percent)
Found 52 matches in 144 blocks (36.1 percent)
Found 51 matches in 144 blocks (35.4 percent)
Found 53 matches in 144 blocks (36.8 percent)

Command used to get that data:
  for i in {1..30}; do ./search_coinbases.py --n=$(($i * 144))
--start=$(( ($i -1) * 144)); done

search_coinbases is one of my bitcointools:

Pretty graph of support over the last 100 blocks here:

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] April 1 BIP16 switchover time is definite

2012-03-16 Thread Gavin Andresen
> Pretty graph of support over the last 100 blocks here:
>  github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/

D'oh!  correct url for the pretty graph:

Gavin Andresen

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[Bitcoin-development] Urgent: Windows Bitcoin-Qt update

2012-03-16 Thread Gavin Andresen
Hash: SHA1

A potential security vulnerability has been discovered in the Windows
version of Bitcoin-Qt. If you are running Bitcoin-Qt versions 0.5
through 0.6 on Windows you should shut it down and upgrade to either
version or 0.6rc4 NOW.

The command-line bitcoin daemon (bitcoind), Mac and Linux versions of
Bitcoin-Qt, and versions prior to 0.5 are not affected.

Due to the nature of the vulnerability, we believe it would be very
difficult for an attacker to do anything more than crash the
Bitcoin-Qt process. However, because there is a possibility of such a
crash causing remote code execution we consider this a critical issue.

Binaries are available at SourceForge:

If you have questions, feel free to drop by the #bitcoin-dev channel
on FreeNode IRC.

- --
Gavin Andresen
Gregory Maxwell
Matt Corallo
Nils Schneider
Wladimir J. van der Laan
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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[Bitcoin-development] Full disclosure on the Bitcoin-Qt on Windows problem

2012-03-19 Thread Gavin Andresen
Reposting from my tech blog:

A major bug in Bitcoin-Qt on Windows went unnoticed for over four
months. The bug was in the bitcoin-qt.pro file, in these two lines of
  windows:LIBS += -lws2_32 -lshlwapi
  windows:DEFINES += WIN32
See the bug?

I don't-- I can't see it, because the problem was Bitcoin-Qt on
Windows should have been linked with the "mingw" multithreading
library and compiled with the -D_MT to turn on support for
multithread-safe C++ exception handling in the "mingw" library (you
can see the 3-line fix here).

There might be developers reading this who have had experience writing
multithreaded mingw-based C++ applications who will say "Duh! You guys
are idiots, everybody knows that!"

If that's you and you're interested in Bitcoin:  we need people like
you to help out! Review the code, review the build process, let us
know when we're being idiots. There seem to be a lot fewer Windows
developers willing to help out with Bitcoin than Linux or Mac
developers, which is unfortunate since a majority of our downloads are
Windows users.

Non-mingw-C++-multithreaded developers are reading this and thinking
"the bug was THERE?  Not in some #ifdef WINDOWS C++ code or some
slightly-out-of-date library that you were linking against?"

The other reason this bug went unnoticed for so long is because it
almost never matters. Bitcoin-Qt doesn't throw a lot of exceptions
normally, and most of the time the single-threaded-application
exception support in mingw works just fine. I'm still not sure exactly
what triggers the bug-- probably something like two threads throwing
exceptions at the same time, or one thread being interrupted while in
a try{} block and then resuming later and crashing because the
exception handling code is in a different state.

Matt Corallo deserves a lot of credit for being persistent and finding
the bug when investigating hard-to-reproduce reports of Bitcoin-Qt
crashing sometimes when run with the -server flag and handling
JSON-RPC requests. He was never able to get the code to crash when
running outside of the debugger, which is typical of bugs related to
multithreading. But he did see crashes not involving RPC requests, and
that is why we consider this a critical issue and are telling
everybody affected to upgrade immediately.

It it exploitable? Could an attacker craft bitcoin protocol messages
that triggered the bug and compromised Windows computers? Has it
already been exploited?

We don't know. We think it would be extremely difficult to craft a
usable exploit, partly because it is hard to even trigger the bug
reliably but also because Bitcoin-Qt has some security-in-depth to try
to prevent this type of bug from becoming exploitable.

If we're very careful and extremely lucky, this will be the last time
we have to tell users to shutdown and upgrade immediately because of
some potential vulnerability. But there is no such thing as perfect
security, and I expect that there will be another subtle bug either in
Bitcoin or in one of the many libraries we link against that becomes a
potential security issue.

That doesn't mean we give up and go back to paying each other with
cowrie shells; it means we assume that devices get compromised and
design around that assumption. I think that is a lesson that the
entire software industry needs to learn better.

Gavin Andresen

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[Bitcoin-development] Please trim excessive quoting

2012-03-22 Thread Gavin Andresen
Messages over 40Kbytes big require moderator approval on this list; if
you want your messages to appear promptly, please trim excessive
quoting before hitting send.


Gavin Andresen

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[Bitcoin-development] Version 0.6 release candidate 5 binaries

2012-03-26 Thread Gavin Andresen
Hash: SHA1

Barring any last-minute showstopper issues, the plan is for release
candidate 5 to become the official 0.6.0 release on Wednesday.

So please help look for last-minute showstopper issues:


The major changes from release candidate 4:

+ Much faster writing of blkindex.dat during initial blockchain
download (by modifying the default bdb environment cache settings)

+ A new policy for wallet.dat upgrades: use the old format unless the
user either uses a feature that requires an upgrade (encrypts the
wallet) or explicitly requests that the wallet be upgraded using the
new -upgradewallet option. New wallets will use new features (for 0.6,
the only new wallet feature is compressed public keys).

+ bugfix introduced in rc4 for an assertion failure that could occur
during blockchain reorganizations

+ New code for managing the addr.dat file that prevents an attacker
from filling it with bogus entries.

- -- 
- --
Gavin Andresen
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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[Bitcoin-development] Release plan: 0.6.1

2012-04-02 Thread Gavin Andresen
Summarizing a discussion from #bitcoin-dev this morning:

The merge window for pull requests for a 0.6.1 release is now open.

This will be a bug-fix and code-cleanup only release, with the goal to
have Release Candidate 1 binaries available for testing in three
weeks: April 23'rd.  We want this to be a quick release cycle so we
can start pulling new features for a 0.7 release in a month or so.

The major issues I would like to get resolved:
 # 1024 Correct passphrase crashed the client
 # 1012 bitcoin-qt slow to shut down after recent commits

There are currently 189 open issues in our bug tracker; lets try to
get that down to under 100.

I know this will frustrate some of you who think development is
happening at a snail's pace; feel free to pull and test new features
(IPv6 support and coin control) that are important to you. Adequate
testing is still our biggest issue, if you want your favorite feature
to get into bitcoin core faster please spend some time helping test
other people's favorite features.

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Signature Blocks and URI Sign Requests

2012-04-03 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: signature blocks and BIP 10:

We should avoid reinventing the wheel, if we can. I think we should
extend existing standards whenever possible.

So: could we encode signature blocks or BIP-10 transactions using
S/MIME ?  Or is there a more appropriate "sign a message" standard we
could/should use?

You're glossing over little details like what character encoding is
used for the message, but I'd rather leverage all the work already
done by the IETF to nail down all those little details rather then
re-discover them and come up with our own solutions.

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Adding request/reply id in messages

2012-04-12 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Christian Bodt  wrote:
> I would like to discuss the following bitcoin protocol improvement proposal:
>          Adding request/reply id in all messages (in the message header,
> based on what was done for the "checksum" field)

That seems like a perfectly reasonable protocol improvement to me.
Anybody else have an opinion?

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Testnet reset for the 0.7 release

2012-05-29 Thread Gavin Andresen
Testnet "Mark III" will be part of the 0.7 release, and is now in the
master github branch.

"Mark III" because this is the third genesis block for the testnet. The
main reason for the reset is to get a more 'sane' test network; with the
BIP16 and BIP30 and testnet difficulty blockchain rule changes the old
testnet is a mess, with old clients serving up different, incompatible
chains. The good news is the mess uncovered a couple of
large-block-chain-reorganization bugs, but having a stable testnet to test
new implementations or services is more important.

Rules for tesnet3:
  + Minimum difficulty 1.0 (same as main net-- old testnet min difficulty
was 0.125)
  + max-difficulty-protection rule that allows blocks to be mined at min
difficulty if the block's timestamp is 20 minutes or more after the last
block AND the block isn't on a difficulty-adjustment boundary.

To make it easy to run either old code (using the old tesnet) and new code,
the wallet and blockchain are stored in $DATADIR/testnet3 instead of

And to make it easy to find other testnet3-running nodes, the IRC channel
used for bootstrapping is #bitcoinTEST3 (instead of #bitcoinTEST).

The new testnet comes with a new blockchain that is full of interesting
test cases. In particular, there are test cases for:
 + BIP16; early blocks were generated with a timestamp before the BIP16
switchover date, and there are transactions that test the BIP16 switchover
 + Most of the enabled Script opcodes. I created thousands of transactions
that try to exercise edge cases in the Script interpreter. Missing are
comprehensive tests for the signature opcodes and SIGHASH_ modes.
 + Block acceptance rules, including the rule on maximum block size, block
times, etc (thanks to gmaxwell)

If you're re-implementing Bitcoin then accepting the Mark III testnet
blockchain is a good first test for compatibility. You'll still need to do
a lot of work to make sure you reject the same set of invalid transactions
or blocks as the original Bitcoin code.

Gavin Andresen
Live Security Virtual Conference
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP22/getmemorypool

2012-06-11 Thread Gavin Andresen
I think the sourceforge mailing list system had the hiccups this
weekend; sorry for Pieter's messages appearing in your inbox multiple
times, it is not his fault.

I deleted the extra copies from the mailing list archives.

As for the contents of his message, since this mailing list was not
working discussion wandered into the pull request:

Assuming this mailing list is now fixed, I'd like to pull that
discussion back here.  The executive summary:  Pieter and I feel like
BIP 22 is overly complicated, and would like it to be simpler. I'd
especially like to hear what people think will be the "will be used by
lots of pool customers" features and what are the "will be used by
less than 5% of pool customers" features.

Gavin Andresen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Raw Transaction RPC calls for bitcoind

2012-06-14 Thread Gavin Andresen
x : raw transaction with signature(s) (hex-encoded string)
  complete : 1 if transaction has a complete set of signature (0 if not)

E.g.: signrawtx
"rawtx" : 
"complete" : false

Submits raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) to local node and network.
E.g.: sendrawtx
error: {"code":-22,"message":"TX rejected"}

(Rejected because it doesn't have all required signatures, if it was
accepted it would return the transaction id)

Gavin Andresen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Raw Transaction RPC calls for bitcoind

2012-06-14 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 10:37 AM, Peter Vessenes  wrote:
> This is super cool!
> I have a feature request: it would be awesome to be able to provide private
> keys at the command line with the signature, turning the client into a
> wallet-less signature machine.

I like that idea.

A third argument that is an array of private keys (in the same format
as the dumpprivkey RPC call) should be easy to support, assuming the
semantics are:

+ If third argument given, do not require that the wallet be unlocked,
and only sign using the private key(s) given (ignore the bitcoind
wallet entirely).
+ Private keys would stay in bitcoind memory only for the duration of
the RPC call.

Gavin Andresen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Near-term scalability

2012-06-15 Thread Gavin Andresen
> (1) Change the mining code to group transactions together with their
> mempool dependencies and then calculate all fees as a group.

I think there is general consensus this is a good idea.

> (2) SatoshiDice should use the same fee algorithms as Bitcoin-Qt to
> avoid paying excessive fees and queue-jumping. Guess that's on my
> plate.

I don't think the problem is with SatoshiDice, but is with the current
fixed/inflexible fee rules:

I've been thinking about fees a lot the last couple of days, and I'm
close to making a formal proposal. Here are my thoughts so far:

It seems to me there are two typical use cases:

Case 1:  I want my transaction to be confirmed quickly, and am willing
to pay a fee to make that happen.

Case 2: I want my transaction to be confirmed eventually. I'd rather
not pay, unless I have to.

I don't think the current code handles those two cases as well as it
could; here's a proposal to fix that:

o Let miners decide on how many free transactions they'll support, by
letting them specify how much of each block to set aside for 'free'
transactions (bytes) and what the threshold for 'free' is
(bitcoins/kilobyte). I think a new RPC call to get/set the parameters
dynamically is the right way to go.

o Change the block creation code to calculate a
bitcoin-fee-per-kilobyte for each transaction, where the fee and size
are both calculated based on the transaction and it's dependent
descendants (so we get the receiver-can-opt-to-pay-the-fee behavior we
want). Order transactions so highest-paying get into the non-free
space first.

o Fill up the "free" space (if any) with the highest-priority
transactions, where priority is a function of transaction size, age of
inputs, number of bitcoins... and ratio of inputs to outputs (to
encourage combining inputs so more pruning is possible).

The fee-paying space in a block lets Use Case #1 users compete to make
their fees high enough to get into the block.

The free space should let non-spamming Use Case #2 users (who don't
send a lot of transactions, and so have well-aged, high-priority
inputs) send transactions for free, at least as long as there are
miners willing to accept free transactions.

The question is: how do clients suggest fees to users if miners might
have very different fee policies?

I think full, transaction-verifying clients can watch how long
transactions stay in the memory pool to figure it out. I'm gathering
statistics right now to test a couple of simple heuristic algorithms
for reasonable fee/priority policies.

But that won't work for newly started clients that haven't seen a lot
of transactions enter/exit the memory pool, or SPV clients that can't
lookup transaction inputs (so can't calculate what fees are being paid
-- and once we have bloom filters may not be paying attention anything
but their own transactions, anyway).

I'm still thinking about that.

Maybe a new p2p network command: you give me a list of block hashes, I
tell you average fees paid per kilobyte for fee-paying transactions in
those blocks, and minimum and average priority of free transactions in
those blocks.

Maybe the big mining pools all publish their fee policies and that
information somehow gets to clients (encoded in the coinbase? ... but
they have a strong incentive to lie to try put upward pressure on
fees... ).

Maybe each client developer runs a "fee policy server" and clients
periodically ask it for reasonable fee rules (HTTP fetch info from a
web page that is updated as often or infrequently as is convenient,
maybe). I think I like this solution the best, it should let clients
compete to have the smartest/bestest algorithms for saving their
user's money on transaction fees.

Gavin Andresen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] After compressed pubkeys: hybrid pubkeys

2012-06-16 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: 0x06/0x07 'hybrid' public keys:

> Any opinions? Forbidding it certainly makes alternative implementation
> slightly easier in the future, but I'm not sure the hassle of a network
> rule change is worth it.

I say treat any transactions that use them as 'non-standard' -- don't
relay/mine them by default, but accept blocks that happen to contain

I agree that a rule change isn't worth it right now, but making them
non-standard now is easy and should make a rule change in the future

Gavin Andresen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] LevelDB benchmarking

2012-06-19 Thread Gavin Andresen
> OK, to make progress on this work I need a few decisions (Gavin?)
> 1) Shall we do it?

What problem does it solve?

If the problem it will solve is "it will only take 4 hours to download
the entire blockchain next year instead of taking 16 hours" then no, I
don't think we should do it, both 4 and 16 hours to get fully up and
running is too long.

If the problem it will solve is the "too easy to get a DB_RUNRECOVERY
error" because bdb is fragile when it comes to its environment... then
LevelDB looks very interesting.

If the problem is bdb is creaky and old and has obscure semantics and
a hard-to-work-with API, then yes, lets switch (I'm easily seduced by
a pretty API and blazing fast performance).

> 2) LevelDB is obscure, new and has a very minimalist build system. It
> supports "make" but not "make install", for example, and is unlikely
> to be packaged. It's also not very large. I suggest we just check the
> source into the main Bitcoin tree and link it statically rather than
> complicate the build.

As long as it compiles and runs on mac/windows/linux that doesn't
really worry me. I just tried it, and it compiled quickly with no
complaints on my mac.

Lack of infrastructure because it is new does worry me; for example,
could I rework bitcointools to read the LevelDB blockchain?  (are
there python bindings for LevelDB?)

> 3) As the DB format would change and a slow migration period
> necessary, any other tweaks to db format we could make at the same
> time? Right now the key/values are the same as before, though using
> satoshi serialization for everything is a bit odd.

Satoshi rolled his own network serialization because he didn't trust
existing serialization solutions to be 100% secure against remote
exploits. Then it made sense to use the same solution for disk
serialization; I don't see a compelling reason to switch to some other
serialization scheme.

Modifying the database schema during migration to better support
applications like InstaWallet (tens of thousands of separate wallets)
or something like Pieter's ultra-pruning makes sense.

Gavin Andresen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 34: Block v2, Height in Coinbase

2012-07-06 Thread Gavin Andresen
> But those issues are solvable through other, non-backwards incompatible
> means. For example, mandate that a  refers
> to the first such pair that is not already spent. No?

Yes, that is essentially what BIP 30 did.

We want to do this also, partly for "belt and suspenders" security but
mostly for two reasons:

1. To test using block/transaction version numbers to smoothly roll
out changes. The next change we need to make might be prompted by some
crisis; better to learn any lessons now, when we have the luxury of
time to fix problems that might crop up.

2. We think we'll all appreciate the change in a year or three, when
the whole network has upgraded and we can start writing code that
assumes all new blocks past a certain checkpoint contain their height;
that should make it easier to do things like figure out whether or not
an orphan chain can possibly be part of the main chain.

Gavin Andresen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Reconsidering block version number use

2012-07-22 Thread Gavin Andresen
> The current block height in coinbase addition currently proposes to use block
> version 2. However, the protocol change is in fact to the coinbase
> transaction, not the block itself (which really doesn't have any extensibility
> without a hardfork anyway). Perhaps we should consider bumping the coinbase
> transaction version number to 2 for this instead?

I'd thought about bumping the coinbase transaction version, but the
problem is if we want a smooth rollout then, during the rollout, every
time a new block comes in the percentage of the last 1,000 blocks that
support the new version has to be computed.

If that means looking in the coinbase transaction, then either the
last 1,000 coinbases have to be stored in memory or they have to be
fetched from disk. Which isn't a huge deal, unless we start
aggressively pruning spent transactions, and that coinbase 900 blocks
back got spent and pruned.

On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Luke-Jr  wrote:
> It just occurred to me that the block version number could easily be used as a
> cheap "extra nonce" right now. Considering that we will probably see lots of
> ASIC miners running at 1 TH/s per rig before the end of 2012, it might be
> desirable to save the block version for this purpose.

Hmm...  I think it'd be ok to give 3 of the 4 block version bytes as a
simple extranonce, so version=0x0001 is what we have now, version
2 blocks are any with 0x02 in the low byte, 0x03 is version 3, etc.  I
don't think we'll go through 253 block versions before we're all dead.

That'd be 7 bytes of nonce in the block header, which is
  72,057,594,037,927,936  ~ 72 petahashes = 72,000 terahashes

So: the changes for version 2 blocks would be "has height in the
coinbase, and has a 1-byte version number with a 3-byte extranonce."

> Also, Jeff noticed that block 190192 has version==2 without a valid block
> height in the coinbase. I suspect this may be the result of combining the
> current blockheight-in-coinbase pullreq with P2Pool. This means that if we go
> forward with the version==2 marker, we will forever need to make an exception
> for that block.

No, the rules are "enforce the rules when the chain has a
super-majority."  Since block 190192 is in a part of the chain with
zero other version==2 blocks, the height-in-the-coinbase rule will not
be enforced.

Gavin Andresen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] script tests - invalid script in script_valid.json?

2012-07-29 Thread Gavin Andresen
> Is there interest to port more tests (P2SH, checksig, checkmultisig,
> block verification, maybe even DoS rules) into data-driven format? It
> might be something that I'd like to help with if pull requests in that
> direction are welcome.

Yes, more tests are definitely welcome.

check*sig tests are tricky, because they have to refer to previous
unspent transactions and private keys (so require a particular block
chain to test against). Brilliant ideas on a simple data-driven format

block verification tests would be great; a collection of good/bad
block chains, starting from a common chain (maybe the testnet3
tesnet-in-a-box chain) would be very useful for regression testing.

Gavin Andresen

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Please help test: 0.7.0 release candidate 1

2012-08-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
Bitcoin version 0.7.0 release candidate 1 binaries are now available
for download at:

Please use the issue tracker at
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues to report bugs.

Notable changes:

* Add UI RPC console / debug window
* Re-Enable URI handling on Windows, add safety checks and tray-notifications
* Add 2 labels to the overviewpage that display Wallet and Transaction
status (obsolete or current)
* Extend the optionsdialog (e.g. language selection) and re-work it to
a tabbed UI
* Merge sign/verify message into a single window with tabbed UI
* Improve error reporting at startup
* Fine-grained UI updates for a much smoother UI during block downloads
* Reorganize tray icon menu into more logical order
* Persistently poll for balance change when number of blocks changed
* Much better translations
* Added 'immature balance' display on the overview page
* (Windows only): enable ASLR and DEP for bitcoin-qt.exe
* (Windows only): add meta-data to bitcoin-qt.exe (e.g. description)

Bitcoin Improvement Proposals implemented
BIP 22 - 'getblocktemplate', 'submitblock' RPCs


* Internal HTTP server is now thread-per-connection, rather than
  a single-threaded queue that would stall on network I/O.
* Internal HTTP server supports HTTP/1.1, pipelined requests and
  connection keep-alive.
* Support JSON-RPC 2.0 batches, to encapsulate multiple JSON-RPC requests
  within a single HTTP request.
* IPv6 support
* Added raw transaction API.  See https://gist.github.com/2839617
* Added 'getrawmempool', to list contents of TX memory pool
* Added 'getpeerinfo', to list data about each connected network peer
* Added 'listaddressgroupings' for better coin control
* Rework gettransaction, getblock calls. 'gettransaction' responds for
  non-wallet TXs now.
* Remove deprecated RPC 'getblocknumber'
* New blockchain checkpoint at block 193,000
* listtransactions output now displays "smart" times for transactions,
  and 'blocktime' and 'timereceived' fields were added

P2P networking
* IPv6 support
* Tor hidden service support
* Attempts to fix "stuck blockchain download" problems
* Replace BDB database "addr.dat" with internally-managed "peers.dat"
  file containing peer address data.
* Lower default send buffer from 10MB to 1MB
* proxy: SOCKS5 by default
* Support connecting by hostnames passed to proxy (-proxydns)
* Add -seednode connections, and use this for -dnsseed + -proxydns
* Added -externalip and -discover
* Add -onlynet to connect only to a given network (IPv4, IPv6, or Tor)
* Separate listening sockets, -bind=

Internal codebase
* Additional unit tests
* Compile warning fixes

* Reopen debug.log upon SIGHUP
* Bash programmable completion for bitcoind(1)
* On supported OS's, each thread is given a useful name

Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release:

Chris Moore
Christian von Roques
David Joel Schwartz
Douglas Huff
Gavin Andresen
Giel van Schijndel
Gregory Maxwell
Jeff Garzik
Luke Dashjr
Matt Corallo
Michael Ford
Michael Hendricks
Peter Todd
Philip Kaufmann
Pieter Wuille
R E Broadley
Ricardo M. Correia
Rune K. Svendsen
Scott Ellis
Stephane Glondu
Wladimir J. van der Laan

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin-Qt/bitcoind version 0.7 released

2012-09-17 Thread Gavin Andresen
oother UI during block downloads
* Remove autocorrection of 0/i in addresses in UI
* Reorganize tray icon menu into more logical order
* Persistently poll for balance change when number of blocks changed
* Much better translations
* Override progress bar design on platforms with segmented progress
bars to assist with readability
* Added 'immature balance' display on the overview page
* (Windows only): enable ASLR and DEP for bitcoin-qt.exe
* (Windows only): add meta-data to bitcoin-qt.exe (e.g. description)

Internal codebase
* Additional unit tests
* Compile warning fixes

* Reopen debug.log upon SIGHUP
* Bash programmable completion for bitcoind(1)
* On supported OS's, each thread is given a useful name


Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release:

Chris Moore
Christian von Roques
David Joel Schwartz
Douglas Huff
Gavin Andresen
Giel van Schijndel
Gregory Maxwell
Jeff Garzik
Luke Dashjr
Matt Corallo
Michael Ford
Michael Hendricks
Peter Todd
Philip Kaufmann
Pieter Wuille
R E Broadley
Ricardo M. Correia
Rune K. Svendsen
Scott Ellis
Stephane Glondu
Wladimir J. van der Laan

Thanks to Sergio Lerner for reporting denial-of-service
vulnerabilities fixed in this release.

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin Testing Project

2012-09-26 Thread Gavin Andresen
There are test cases that can be automated. That's Jenkins, and those will
be run automagically.

Then there are tests that cannot be automated; things like "Does the GUI
look OK on all of the platforms that we support (Windows XP/2000/Vista/7/8,
Ubuntu/Debian blah with window managers foo and bar, OSX 10.5/6/7/8)."

Thanks to Matt, we're doing great with automated functional test cases (can
always do better, of course).

We're failing on simple, boring stuff like making sure we actually run on
all of the platforms that we say we run on BEFORE final release. That is
where I think a QA team can add a lot of value.

Steve: I'm worried you're over-designing The Process. A release acceptance
test plan could be nothing more than a step-by-step checklist on a wiki
page, Google Doc, or Drobox shared folder...

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment protocol thoughts

2012-10-02 Thread Gavin Andresen
I agree we need a payment protocol, but instead of thinking of all of the
things we might possibly want I would like to solve a few boring problems
that we have right now.

Absolutely critical:

+ Bitcoin addresses by themselves are insecure against man-in-the-middle
attacks. We need a payment protocol so if you get a donation link for
"Bitcoin Foundation" in an email message and click on it you can be
reasonably certain that your coins will actually go to the Foundation and
not some hacker at your ISP that modified the email message.

+ After sending payment I should have a receipt that proves I followed the
payee's instructions, so if the payee says they never received the funds I
can prove that it wasn't my fault.

+ Protocol for gathering signatures from multiple devices
(extension/variation of the basic payment protocol, I think).

Not absolutely necessary, but I think v1 should have it anyway:

+ Where-to-send-refund information included with payments, so
overpayments/refunds can be handled efficiently and displayed intelligently
in the customer's wallet.

Everything else I think can wait.

Gavin Andresen
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: Re: Bitcoin Testing Project

2012-10-03 Thread Gavin Andresen
I had hope the Testing Project would be self-organizing, with somebody
taking on the QA lead role and figuring out the hard questions like:

+ How to do fundraising?
+ If/when bitcoins are available, how to decide who gets rewarded for what?
+ If somebody wants to help, how do they start?

Steve jumped in and started creating a gazillion tests cases, which is
great, but creating test cases isn't the hard part. Creating a
"community" of testing that gets things done is the hard part that I,
frankly, don't have time to do.

I hoped that the BetterMeans platform would help, but it sounds like
it was more of a hindrance than a help.  Ok:  live and learn.  Failed
experiment, lets move on...

So, RE: moving on:  I'd like to tag a 0.7.1rc1 release in the next few
days (I'll start another thread about that). How about a very
short-term goal of getting these QA deliverables:

1. A process for QA testers to sanity-test release builds, and
sign-off as "Tested/problems found" or "Tested/OK"
2. Some place online I can look to see if all of our supported
platforms have been tested before promoting a release candidate to
"final release"

PS: Thanks to Peter for responding to the "what's the relationship
between the Foundation and the Testing Project" (executive summary: no
relationship right now).

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] 0.7.1 release

2012-10-03 Thread Gavin Andresen
There is consensus that we need to do a 0.7.1 release to fix the
"click on a bitcoin: URI and nothing happens" bug on Windows.

I would really like to fix the "I upgraded from a binary running an
incompatible version of BDB and now I get a DB_RUNRECOVERY error on
startup" problem, too, and I've got a pull request that fixes half of
that problem (plus a bunch of other "my wallet is broken" cases):

"Handle corrupt wallets gracefully" :

This pull request:

"Add -reindex, to perform in-place reindexing of blockchain data
files" : https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1870

... could be the basis for fixing the other half of the problem (if
blkindex.dat is bad, delete it and re-create it from the blk000?.dat

Are there any other very-high-priority pull requests that should go
into a 0.7.1 release?

I'd like to pull:

"P2P: Do not request blocks from peers with fewer blocks than us" :
"In listaddressgroupings push down the IsMine check to run on each
input." : https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/1872

... and these which could be considered fixes to the new raw transactions API:

"Add redeemScript to raw transactions API"  :
"Add new RPC "lockunspent", to prevent spending of selected outputs" :

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Public key and signature malleability

2012-10-21 Thread Gavin Andresen
Any objections from other transaction-validating implementations?

I strongly support more precisely defining the transaction validity
rules by changing the reference implementation.

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2012-10-24 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: sharing parts of the merkle branches when returning a 'merkleblock' :

I think I agree that complicating the BIP for what should be a very
rare case (more than a handful of transactions in a block match the
transactions in your wallet) is the right decision.

I want to make sure I'm understanding this bit correctly:

"In addition, because a merkleblock message contains only a list of
transaction hashes, any transactions that the requesting node hasn't
either received or announced with an inv will be automatically sent as
well. This avoids a slow roundtrip that would otherwise be required
(receive hashes, didn't see some of these transactions yet, ask for

Requiring serving/relaying nodes to keep track of which transactions
they have or have not sent to their peers makes me nervous. I think
requiring an extra 'inv' round-trip would be simpler to implement and
less likely to lead to some kind of DoS attack.

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2012-10-24 Thread Gavin Andresen
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Mike Hearn  wrote:
> Bitcoin already keeps track of which nodes have seen what to avoid redundant
> inv announcements.

Oops, right. That memory usage is bounded right now by bounds on the
memory pool size, though, right? (I'm being lazy and not digging into
that code)

What is the worst-case for an attacker interested in trying to get you
to saturate your upstream bandwidth or use lots of memory?  Set a
bloom filter that matches everything, and then start requesting old
blocks in the chain? It would be nice if the worst-case was no worse
than the worst-case we've got now (... requesting full, old

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] IRC meeting agenda, 18:00 UTC Thursday

2012-11-06 Thread Gavin Andresen
Thursdays at 18:00 UTC (6PM Europe/1PM east US/10AM west US) seem to
be a good time for the core dev team to meet on the #bitcoin-dev
freenode IRC channel to chat.

I'd like to talk about:

o Can we put together a TODO list to get to a 0.8 release candidate ?

o Is it time to feature-freeze 0.8 and work on just testing the new
features and fixing existing bugs (the issues list keeps getting
longer and longer ... )?

o BIP process: are we happy with how it is working? What can we do to
improve it?

What else should we talk about?

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-11-26 Thread Gavin Andresen
This is the next big "lets all agree to do things the same way" thing
I think we should tackle. I'm particularly looking for feedback from
other bitcoin client developers, even if it is just a quick "looks
reasonable, if everybody else is going to do it then I will
(eventually) too..."

Thanks to Pieter Wuille and Mike Hearn for lots of feedback and
suggestions and brainstorming.

This document is online at https://gist.github.com/4120476

If you respond to this message, please be considerate of people who
subscribe to the digest version of this mailing list and trim your

Invoices, Payments and Receipts for Bitcoin Transactions

This document proposes protocol buffer-based formats for signed,
authenticated "invoices" and "receipts" -- requests for payment, and

Separate documents propose an extension to the Bitcoin URI syntax and
new MIME types to support them.


The idea of a "payment protocol" to improve on Bitcoin addresses has
been around for over a year. Users have been asking for some features
in this proposal (like the ability to provide a refund address so
overpayments or refunds can be returned to customers without the need
to ask them for their address) for two or three years, and have
started to work around shortcomings in the Bitcoin payment process
with creative (but inefficient) uses of transactions.

The key features of this proposal are:

+ Requests for payment (Invoices) are tied to authenticated identities
using the only widely-deployed identity authentication system we have
right now (X.509 certificates signed by root certificate authorities)
+ Invoices include a user-friendly description of what the payment is for
+ Payments include where refunds should be sent
+ At the end of the payment process, the customer holds a
cryptographically signed Receipt that can be used as proof-of-payment
if there is any dispute with the merchant.



An Invoice is a request for payment from a merchant to a customer:


message Output {
optional uint64 amount = 1;
required bytes script = 2;

amount: Number of satoshis (0.0001 BTC) to be paid. If not given
or zero, then the customer will be asked how much to pay.

script: a "TxOut" script to which the customer should direct payment.
This will normally be one of the standard Bitcoin transaction script
(e.g. pubkey OP_CHECKSIG).


message Invoice {
repeated bytes x509chain = 1;
repeated Output outputs = 2;
required uint64 time = 3;
optional uint64 expires = 4;
optional bool single_use = 5 [default = true];
optional string memo = 6;
optional string receiptURI = 7;
optional bytes merchant_data = 8;

outputs: one or more outputs where Bitcoins are to be sent.

x509chain: one or more DER-encoded X.509 certificates that identifies
the merchant. See the "Certificates" section below for details.

time: Unix timestamp (seconds since 1-Jan-1970) when the Invoice was created.

expires: Unix timestamp after which the Invoice should be considered
invalid. If not given, the Invoice may be re-used until the earliest
certificate expiration date in the X509chain.

single_use: If true, this Invoice should be used for only one payment.
If false, it may be added to the user's address book and used
repeatedly until it expires (e.g. for donations or a recurring

memo: UTF-8 encoded, plain-text (no formatting) note that should be
displayed to the customer, explaining what this Invoice is for.

receiptURI: Secure (https) URI where a Payment message (see below) may
be sent to obtain a SignedReceipt as proof-of-payment.

merchant_data : Arbitrary data ignored by the client that may be used
by the merchant to identify the Invoice.


message SignedInvoice {
required Invoice invoice = 1;
required bytes signature = 2;

A SignedInvoice is an Invoice signed using the private key
corresponding to the public key in the first certificate in the
x509chain and the HMAC SHA-256 algorithm.

When a Bitcoin client receives a SignedInvoice, it must authorize
payment by doing the following:

1. Validate the x509chain certificate chain up to it's list of root
certificate authorities
2. Validate that the time on the customer's system is before Invoice.expires
3. Display the "Common Name" (CN) string from the first x509chain
certificate and ask the customer if they would like to submit payment



message Payment {
required Invoice invoice = 1;
repeated bytes transactions = 2;
repeated Output refund_to = 3;
optional string memo = 4;

invoice : the invoice received from the merchant. A merchant must
validate the Invoice and may reject the Payment if the Invoice was
altered by the customer.

transactions : One or more vali

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-11-27 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: SignedReceipt:  I agree it is superfluous.  I'll remove it from the spec.

RE: "it is controversial use of the host key to use it for digital
signing of documents"  :  The idea of embedding a x509 certificate
chain comes from the IETF's JSON Object Signing and Encryption working
group "JWS" specification, so I can't be TOO controversial.

RE: the ifex-project and other electronic invoicing standards:  Thanks
for the pointers, Walter! I'm all for adopting the best ideas that
have come before, as long as we end up with something useful and small
enough to convince ourselves it is as secure as we can make it. I
looked at the ifex spec, and quickly got lost. It would help me if you
could write up what our motivating use cases would look like if
implemented on top of ifex.

RE: jgarzik's suggestion to allow txids in the Payment: that worries
me, because it is trivial to create several different variations of
the same transaction (same inputs to same outputs) with different
txids (re-signing inputs uses a different signature nonce, which
changes the signature/txid, for example).

RE: using self-signed certificates:  as Mike said, I assume Bitcoin
clients will have some way of managing root certificates, so experts
could add trusted self-signed certs.

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-11-27 Thread Gavin Andresen
One more thought:

RE: "Receipt" verus "Acceptance" :

I believe "Receipt" is the right term-- it means "I got your payment",
NOT "your payment has cleared."  E.g. if I hand a merchant a paper
check they'll hand me a receipt, but the check could still bounce.
That's the analogy here-- a merchant might give you a receipt, but if
the transaction is rejected by the network for whatever reason (Finney
attack maybe) you cannot expect to go to court with your
invoice/receipt and claim you made a valid payment.

Gavin Andresen

Monitor your physical, virtual and cloud infrastructure from a single
web console. Get in-depth insight into apps, servers, databases, vmware,
SAP, cloud infrastructure, etc. Download 30-day Free Trial.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-11-27 Thread Gavin Andresen
Spec updated: https://gist.github.com/4120476

Notable changes are:

+ Removed SignedReceipt

+ Replaced Invoice.x509chain with a "pki_type" and "pki_data" to make
using other identity systems cleaner.

+ Added a "Why not an existing electronic invoice standard?" section
to the design notes

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-11-28 Thread Gavin Andresen
RE: Changing SignedInvoice's invoice field to 'bytes serialized_invoice':

Good Idea, I agree it will avoid potential issues. I think it then
makes sense to pull the pki_type and pki_data into SignedInvoice, too,
and specify that the signature is on the SHA256-HMAC of pki_type,
pki_data, and serialized_invoice (being careful to combine them in a
way that is secure).

RE: Changing Payment to include just merchant_data and not the entire Invoice:

Agreed, good idea.

RE: Mr. Stanish's suggestion to punt all of this and wait for a Grand
Unified Solution:

No, we have problems that need a solution right now. And, having
written one (I was the lead author of the ISO/IEC 14772-1
international standard) I'm very pessimistic about your chances for
anything like IFEX to actually be adopted.

Gavin Andresen

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

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