Re: Bill Moyers: There is no tomorrow

2005-04-19 Thread KZK
Nick Arnett wrote: Warren Ockrassa wrote: That's a good point. I'd ask you to think about something else, though -- why do you consider yourself religious? I mean, if you have some kind of faith, *why* do you have that faith? Well, there's the question. An honest answer has to include, I don't

Re: Babble theory, and comments

2005-04-26 Thread KZK
Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Apr 4, 2005, at 2:37 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote: Warren, that is a good example of the kind of Atheistic thinking that I respect. It matters little whether one agrees or disagrees about the specifics; the general idea you propose is one most Christians should be able to

Intel quietly Adds Palladium DRM and Backdoor Networking to New Processors

2005-05-28 Thread KZK Intel quietly adds DRM to new chips Friday 27 May 2005 - 11:02 Microsoft and the entertainment industry's holy grail of controlling copyright through the motherboard has moved a step closer with Intel Corp. now embedding digital rights

Re: Apple on Intel

2005-06-07 Thread KZK
William T Goodall wrote: Apple are migrating the Mac from the PPC CPU to the x86 over the next two years. x86 based Macs are available for developers now, and the first x86 Macs for sale to the general public will be available within

Re: Apple on Intel

2005-06-07 Thread KZK
Maru Dubshinki wrote: On 6/7/05, KZK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: William T Goodall wrote: Apple are migrating the Mac from the PPC CPU to the x86 over the next two years. x86 based Macs are available for developers now, and the first x86

Even WingNutDaily Can Smell the Republican Hypocrisy

2005-06-08 Thread KZK I want you to imagine the squeals of outrage we would have heard if, back in the 1990s, President Clinton spoke to a Democratic congressional fund-raising dinner attended by a porn star and a pornographer. I want you to imagine the

Apples Adventures in TCPA / Palladium

2005-06-15 Thread KZK Security chip to limit OS X to Macs Apple looking to keep operating system from running on third-party hardware Tom Sanders in California, 13 Jun 2005 Apple could use the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip to ensure

Re: Religious zealot slaughters children

2005-06-18 Thread KZK
Tens of millions killed by Indian (continental) cult 'thugees'. Hundreds of millions killed by roman catholic church. Story at eleven. ___

Re: Religious zealot slaughters children

2005-06-19 Thread KZK
William T Goodall wrote: On 18 Jun 2005, at 8:51 pm, KZK wrote: Tens of millions killed by Indian (continental) cult 'thugees'. Hundreds of millions killed by roman catholic church. Story at eleven. Are you a new troll or an old troll with a new address? I must be a new troll. Lol

The Rule for Republican Propaganda

2005-06-26 Thread KZK
There is but a simple rule to understand current Republican Propaganda. Watch very carefully when Republicans start accusing other of doing things. Then carefully come through the news until you discover that it was the Republicans who were doing what they accuse the others of. Frex Karl

They were For it before they were Against it

2005-07-10 Thread KZK The influential Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna has suggested that belief in evolution as accepted by science today may be incompatible with Catholic faith. ___

Re: They were For it before they were Against it

2005-07-13 Thread KZK
Gary Denton wrote: Jeanne D'Arc discovered that the Cardinal developed this Op-Ed with the Discovery Institute - the Protestant Creationist unthink tank that is pushing Intelligent Design. One of the comments mentions an internal document that was leaked from the Discovery Institute that

Re: They were For it before they were Against it

2005-07-14 Thread KZK
Leonard Matusik wrote: on Mon, 11 Jul 2005 18:53:59 -0500 Gary Denton wrote: On 7/10/05, KZK wrote: The influential Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna has suggested that belief in evolution as accepted by science today may be incompatible

Apple Drooling over Remote Attestation from Intel

2005-07-20 Thread KZK,1895,1828859,00.asp While the TNC specification is still very young (Version 1.0), it is also the first-ever protocol to attempt to enforce network access on a per-client or per-network basis, which makes it a spec worth exploring if you're doing enterprise

We're Boned: CAFTA Passed

2005-07-28 Thread KZK The vote, 217 to 215, came almost a month after the Senate approved the trade pact and gave Mr. Bush a crucial victory that had seemed in doubt a few days ago. As recently as Tuesday, fewer than half of Republican lawmakers

MacOS Kernel Uses TCPA/Palladium

2005-08-01 Thread KZK
Evil inside: Several people have discovered that the new Intel kernel Apple has included with the Developer Kit DVD uses TCPA/TPM DRM. More specifically, it includes a TCPA/Palladium implementation that uses a Infineon

Scouted: Christopher Walken for President 2008

2005-08-15 Thread KZK What is Mr. Walken's party affiliation? Mr. Walken believes that voters should vote based on the candidates' platforms, not their party affiliation. At this early stage, we are not affiliated with any political party, nor do we plan to be. Our platform

Re: Intelligent Design

2005-08-21 Thread KZK
William T Goodall wrote: Interesting article about the evil monsters behind 'intelligent design'. A closer look shows a multidimensional organization, financed by missionary and mainstream groups - the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides $1 million a year,

Spiked Op-Ed the Liberal Media Didn't Want You to Read

2005-09-27 Thread KZK The Op-Ed Which Wasn't Run Rick Perlstein wrote this in the second week of September, and sent it to various major newspapers for submission. Rick has had great success in placing such things. It was rejected or

I wanna be on Bill O'reilly's Enemies List!

2005-11-15 Thread KZK
Bill O'reilly is a href =;Terrorist sympathizer/a and a a href =;Traitor/a. ~KeZiK + + 'Hope is the denial of reality.

Brin: Opacity

2008-02-09 Thread KZK
The New American SS: ___

Re: Brin: Opacity

2008-02-11 Thread KZK bFinally... an alert.../b Have a look at InfraGard -- the FBI's program to develop a quasi-secret network of private businesses that are shielded from normal transparency by trade secrets laws, to assist in guarding national

Brin: Singularities, Nightmares, and Japanese Sci-Fi

2008-03-29 Thread KZK
In your article on Singularities and Nightmares, you briefly discuss negative intervention by outsiders (i.e. Aliens or so-called deities), but you didn't really discuss positive / preventative intervention or even neutral intervention by aliens. Granted you explore those scenarios in depth

Re: Brin: Singularities, Nightmares, and Japanese Sci-Fi

2008-03-30 Thread KZK
I exclude positive intervention in order to let them - or God - off the hook. There is (1) no evidence for such events and (b) had others the power to intervent, there have been mega tragedies they could have helped us to avoid. Just the availablity of glass lenses, would have let us

Re: Brin: Singularities, Nightmares, and Japanese Sci-Fi

2008-03-30 Thread KZK
Thanks guys. I keep expecting that the new computer graphics would empower semi-professionals to start a golden age of animated SF... But it hasn't happened yet, alas... Maybe some of the graphics challenge winners will spark something! Hate to burst your bubble Dr. Brin,

Re: Brin: Singularities, Nightmares, and Japanese Sci-Fi

2008-03-30 Thread KZK
KZK thanks for interesting and thought-provoking stuff. I try. Look, I like Miazaki and I have enjoyed a lot of other anime. Still, there seems to be a deep and abiding reluctance to do SF that I would call for grownups. I tried to list ones that were mostly fairly serious drama's

Brin: Language

2009-06-28 Thread KZK
I'd like to hear Dr. Brin's thoughts on this: He touched on the concept in some of the Uplift Novels, where galactic languages have generally been constructed in a way that eliminates metaphore. Also I would like to know how it

Brin: Language

2009-06-28 Thread KZK
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 3:00 PM, KZK wrote: I'd like to hear Dr. Brin's thoughts on this: He touched on the concept in some of the Uplift Novels, where galactic languages have generally been constructed

Brin: On 'Incomprehesibility'

2009-08-01 Thread KZK
Dr. Brin Wrote: True, copyright piracy is (generally) bad. But the bloody inconvenience and blithering incomprehensibility of simply using a modern DVD player to watch a film that you already own - let alone record an episode of NOVA - it is why I keep three VCRs in the house, still. I

Re: Brin: On Incomprehensibility'

2009-08-03 Thread KZK
David Brin Wrote: Today's DVD's 1- are not universal if you record on minus or plus mode and many units throw fits, even then 1a. Get a better Player. Sony. Avoid Philips/Magnavox for electronics. 1b. Why even bother with the minus format. It's inferior, and it's pretty much dead. Use

Brin: Dark Matter / Energy in Doubt

2009-10-02 Thread KZK
This paper (pdf) shows how MOG (Modified Gravity or Scalar-Tensor-Vector) theory explains the Bullet cluster 'proof' of dark matter without dark matter: This article argues, weakly, that the apparent acceleration of the universe can be explained without

Brin: Paradox Dragon

2009-10-14 Thread KZK
This is very cute: Unfortunately, their is an error in the strip. According to the first panel the second dragon can not be the alternating Trvth/Lie teller [*]. According to the third panel the second dragon must be the alternating

Re: Brin: Is the Large Hadron Collider under attack from the future? It's operators think so...

2009-10-21 Thread KZK
New York Times: The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate [When the LHC is powered on after a year of repairs after an accident shut it down] it will be time to test one of the most bizarre and revolutionary theories in science. I'm not talking

Re: Brin: Dark Matter / Energy in Doubt

2009-10-21 Thread KZK
This paper (pdf) shows how MOG (Modified Gravity or Scalar-Tensor-Vector) theory explains the Bullet cluster 'proof' of dark matter without dark matter: This article argues, weakly, that the apparent acceleration of the universe can be explained without

RE: Br!n: Dark Matter / Energy in Doubt

2009-10-23 Thread KZK
Dr. Brin, in one of your recent blog posts you mention the article about dark energy but not the paper about dark matter. This is confusing, because the paper on dark matter is the much more interesting of the two, seeing as it doesn't rely on any might-be's or other supposition's, but

Re: Richard: Dark Matter / Energy in Doubt

2009-10-25 Thread KZK
Dan M wrote: Subject: RE: Br!n: Dark Matter / Energy in Doubt I don't dispute anything you write, except for this. Forgive me if I am mistaken, but my understanding was that they did not in fact have to modify the MOG theory in order to explain the data in the case of the bullet cluster.

Two interesting Articles for Dr. Brin:

2010-03-19 Thread KZK ___

Re: Two interesting Articles for Dr. Brin:

2010-03-20 Thread KZK
-Apartheid plank in it's platform. You can usually get a Libertarian to argue that Slavery is OK, because people have a right to sell themselves. From: KZK http

Re: Two interesting Articles for Dr. Brin:

2010-03-20 Thread KZK Another point. Since conservatives seem to care a great deal for purity, this post makes a whole lot more sense:

Re: Two interesting Articles for Dr. Brin:

2010-06-06 Thread KZK
On 3/20/2010 4:49 PM, KZK wrote: On 3/20/2010 12:00 AM, David Brin wrote: Wow, this guy is really something. I'll tout him on my blog. Who is he? [Steve Roth] Thanks for sharing it. I think their have also been other things going on for a number of years. Namely, most employers (90

Brin: Potter

2010-06-21 Thread KZK
David Brin Wrote: Go read some of ther terrific “fanfic” or fan-generated fiction out there. Here’s a great example: futurist/scholar Eliezer Yudkowsky’s ongoing series/novel that is both a tribute to - and deconstruction of - J.K. Rowling’s fantasy universe. HARRY POTTER AND THE METHODS OF

Brin: Did language Evolve from Navigation?

2010-06-22 Thread KZK
This article suggests that Language and Orientation/Navigation skills are directly correlated: ___

Brin: Beds, FM Radiation, and Left-Sided Cancer

2010-07-04 Thread KZK Metal bed-frames as antenna's.. ___

Re: Two interesting Articles for Dr. Brin:

2010-07-04 Thread KZK Another Interesting Article along similar lines: Although when I read savage sorting I think selection.

Re: Brin: Beds, FM Radiation, and Left-Sided Cancer

2010-07-05 Thread KZK
At 07:49 AM Sunday 7/4/2010, KZK wrote: The first line of evidence they cite comes from a 2007 study in Sweden conducted between 1989 and 1993 that revealed a strong link between

Brin: Obama closes curtain on Transparency

2010-08-13 Thread KZK
More brilliance from a one-term president: President Obama has abolished the position in his White House dedicated to transparency and shunted those duties into the portfolio of a

Brin: The Digital Surveillance State: Vast, Secret, and Dangerous

2010-08-21 Thread KZK And as we acquiesce to more and more sacrifices of our privacy to the omnipotent Surveillance State, it builds the wall of secrecy behind which it operates higher and more

Re: Brin: The Digital Surveillance State: Vast, Secret, and Dangerous

2010-08-23 Thread KZK
in detail many of the specific abuses the Obama admin has continued and extended from the Bush administration. It's clear you didn't read the article, or even know who Glenn Greenwald is (try From: KZK

Re: Brin: The Digital Surveillance State: Vast, Secret, and Dangerous

2010-08-23 Thread KZK
On 8/21/2010 10:14 PM, Chris Frandsen wrote: This is the same anti government pitch being pushed right now to hamstring this administration. So, we should just ignore it when Obama is worse, in this case on spying on Americans, than Bush was, just because he has a (D) after his name? We

Brin: Claw

2010-08-26 Thread KZK
This Graph puts the 23Trillion in Perspective: Obama's Kleptocratic Banksters aren't really very different from Bush's. ___

Brin: Mandelbrot

2010-10-17 Thread KZK Very sad. I've written several version of a program that would display the Mandelbrot Set. You can zoom into the complexities forever. Even more complex is that you can

Brin: Arguing Doesn't Work: Fact Vs Belief

2010-11-14 Thread KZK
More evidence of how badly designed the brain is. I can only add a truism: It’s cheap to maintain Lies and expensive to maintain Trvth. New research suggests that misinformed people rarely change their minds when

Re: Brin: Arguing Doesn't Work: Fact Vs Belief

2010-11-14 Thread KZK
On 11/14/2010 10:39 AM, William T Goodall wrote: On 14 Nov 2010, at 11:14, KZK wrote: More evidence of how badly designed the brain is. I can only add a truism: It’s cheap to maintain Lies and expensive to maintain Trvth.

Brin: Hrm

2010-12-02 Thread KZK ___

Brin: Real inventions since 1970

2011-01-31 Thread KZK
Steve Roth asks an interesting question about the number and type of real inventions since the seventies (that aren't just improvements of existing inventions): Optical media? (CD, LaserDisc, DVD,

Re: Brin: Why we still use rockets . . .

2011-02-04 Thread KZK
Ronn! Blankenship Space stasis: What the strange persistence of rockets can teach us about innovation. - By Neal Stephenson - Slate Magazine - I just read an article that completely deconstructed that article:

Brin: On Fracking and Earthquakes

2011-08-26 Thread KZK - It’s cheap to maintain Lies and expensive to maintain Trvth. --KZK's Maxim ___

Brin: on Debt, Democracy, and all that

2011-12-04 Thread KZK What with 700+ Trillion in derivatives outstanding... --- It’s cheap to maintain Lies and expensive to maintain Trvth. --KZK's Maxim ___

Re: Brin: on Debt, Democracy, and all that

2011-12-05 Thread KZK
On 12/5/2011 12:51 AM, David Brin wrote: Wow, this was more interesting than I expected it to be. On Debt, Democracy, and all that... Only the best for the good doctor. What with 700+

Brin: Libertarianism and the Leap of Faith • The Origins of a Political Cult

2011-12-07 Thread KZK Which dovetails rather nicely into this long socratic dialog:

Brin: Infinite Stupidity

2011-12-17 Thread KZK
Edge never fails to disappoint. --- It’s cheap to maintain Lies and expensive to maintain Trvth. --KZK's Maxim ___

Brin: On Gasoline

2012-02-11 Thread KZK - It’s cheap to maintain Lies and expensive to maintain Trvth. --KZK's Maxim ___

Re: Brin: On Gasoline

2012-02-18 Thread KZK
On 2/11/2012 5:50 PM, KZK wrote: Moar: - It’s cheap

Brin: Debunking the Myth of Intuition

2012-05-29 Thread KZK ... Kahneman: Yes. Psychologists distinguish between a System 1 and a System 2, which control our actions. System 1 represents what we may call intuition. It

Brin: Quantum Cryptography Outperformed By Thermodynamics

2012-06-14 Thread KZK The idea is straightforward. Alice wants to send Bob a message via an ordinary wire. At each end of the wire, there are two different resistors that correspond to a 0 or 1. Alice encodes her message

Re: Brin: Quantum Cryptography Outperformed By Thermodynamics

2012-06-14 Thread KZK
The idea is straightforward. Alice wants to send Bob a message via an ordinary wire. At each end of the wire, there are two different resistors that correspond to a 0 or 1. Alice encodes her message by connecting these two resistors to the wire in the required sequence. Bob, on the other hand,

Re: Brin: Quantum Cryptography Outperformed By Thermodynamics

2012-06-15 Thread KZK
On 6/15/2012 2:37 AM, KZK wrote: But Eve, who is listening in to the publicly available noise, does not know which resistor was connected at each end and cannot work it out either because the laws of thermodynamics prevent the extraction of this information from this kind of signal. So why

Re: Brin: Quantum Cryptography Outperformed By Thermodynamics

2012-06-15 Thread KZK
David Hobby Fri, 15 Jun 2012 10:35:51 -0700: Between ALL communications channels, even the public ones? That's asking rather a lot of Eve. I think there are a lot of people who would use a cryptographic system that required an additional open channel, confident that they could somehow route

Re: Brin events

2012-06-15 Thread KZK
Dave Land Fri, 15 Jun 2012 11:04:21 -0700 I think you can be forgiven, particularly if there's any chance that your Bay Area friends can buy you a drink while you're here. If you have any time in the evening, I'd like to see you, and one or two others maybe, too? FYI: Pretty sure you need the

Brin: Book / Time = Joy%

2012-06-18 Thread KZK
David Brin: Seriously. (May I? For just a moment?) Next time you contemplate a book’s retail price, try dividing it by the number of hours of pleasure you’ll get, reading it. Then tell me of any other pastime with a better minutes per pennies ratio of sheer joy! Video games. It's easy to

Brin: Calorie Restriction

2012-12-05 Thread KZK The vacuole -- and its counterpart in humans and other organisms, the lysosome -- has two main jobs: degrading proteins and storing molecular building blocks for the cell. To perform those jobs, the interior of the vacuole must be