Weekly Chat Reminder

2011-02-02 Thread William T Goodall
The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over twelve
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web
interface on the NEW server!

William T Goodall
Mail : m...@williamgoodall.name
Web  : http://www.williamgoodall.name
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name

"This message was sent automatically using cron. But even if WTG
is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2011-01-26 Thread William T Goodall
The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over twelve
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web
interface on the NEW server!

William T Goodall
Mail : m...@williamgoodall.name
Web  : http://www.williamgoodall.name
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name

"This message was sent automatically using cron. But even if WTG
is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Re: Brin: Arguing Doesn't Work: Fact Vs Belief

2010-11-14 Thread William T Goodall

On 14 Nov 2010, at 11:14, KZK wrote:

> More evidence of how badly designed the brain is.  I can only add a truism: 
> "It’s cheap to maintain Lies and expensive to maintain Trvth."
> http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=128490874&f=1014&sc=tw
> New research suggests that misinformed people rarely change their minds when 
> presented with the facts — and often become even more attached to their 
> beliefs. The finding raises questions about a key principle of a strong 
> democracy: that a well-informed electorate is best.

This is why it is futile to argue with religionists.

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

 "The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human 
weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends 
which are nevertheless pretty childish." - Albert Einstein


Britain leads the world

2010-08-12 Thread William T Goodall

"And now congregation, put your hands together and give thanks, for I come 
bearing Good News. Britain is now the most irreligious country on earth. This 
island has shed superstition faster and more completely than anywhere else. 
Some 63 percent of us are non-believers, according to an ICM study, while 82 
percent say religion is a cause of harmful division."

"Now that only six percent of British people regularly attend a religious 
service, it's only natural that we should dismantle the massive amounts of tax 
money and state power that are automatically given to the religious to wield 
over the rest of us."


"Public broadcasters are required by law to give them large amounts of money 
and time to screen religious propaganda. Jews and Muslims are allowed to ignore 
the laws on animal cruelty and engage in the barbaric practice of slitting the 
throats of live animals without numbing them in order to create kosher and 
halal meat."


"As their dusty Churches crumble because nobody wants to go there, the few 
remaining Christians in Britain will only become more angry and 
uncomprehending. Let them. We can't stop this hysterical toy-tossing stop us 
from turning our country into a secular democracy where everyone has the same 
rights, and nobody is granted special rights just because they claim their 
ideas come from an invisible supernatural being. Now, if you'll excuse me, I 
have a Holy Lamb of God to carve into kebabs - it's our new national dish. 
Amen, and hallelujah."

Hurrah Maru
William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

"There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market 
share. No chance" - Steve Ballmer


Re: Creationism [was: First Pluto is not a planet, and now . . . .]

2010-08-03 Thread William T Goodall

On 3 Aug 2010, at 19:35, Bruce Bostwick wrote:

> On Aug 3, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Dave Land wrote:
>> The idea that Christianity or Judaism believe that the devil is
>> a separate but (thankfully, not quite) equal power to God is
>> nonsense: it goes against the whole idea of monotheism. You can
>> accept or not accept the monotheistic God of Judeo-Christianity
>> as you see fit, but you can't accept it _and_ have this "other
>> power" floating out there, too. He works for God or he doesn't
>> exist.
>> Dave
> It is fun, however, to point out to Satanists that they are, in fact, at 
> least indirectly Christians.  It makse their heads explode quite 
> entertainingly. :D

I point out that Christians are actually Satanists.

One big happy pantheon Maru
William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

Theists cannot be trusted as they believe that right and wrong are the 
arbitrary proclamations of invisible demons.


Re: First Pluto is not a planet, and now . . . .

2010-08-03 Thread William T Goodall

On 3 Aug 2010, at 16:10, Nick Arnett wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 5:35 AM, Alberto Monteiro  
> wrote:
> There can't be too many different species, Noah's Ark wasn't
> big enough to carry them all!
> What, evolution stopped with the Ark?
> As long as we're on that subject, it dawned on me a while ago that the 
> trouble I have with creationists is that they believe in a God who is too 
> stupid to have created evolution.


"Every two years the National Science Foundation produces a report, Science and 
Engineering Indicators, designed to probe the public’s understanding of science 
concepts. And every two years we relearn the sad fact that U.S. adults are less 
willing to accept evolution and the big bang as factual than adults in other 
industrial countries."
"When presented with the statement “human beings, as we know them today, 
developed from earlier species of animals,” just 45 percent of respondents 
indicated “true.” Compare this figure with the affirmative percentages in Japan 
(78), Europe (70), China (69) and South Korea (64). "

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

Debunking bullshit is a thankless task.


Re: Sherlock: new British TV show

2010-07-30 Thread William T Goodall

On 30 Jul 2010, at 07:29, John Williams wrote:

> Anyone catch the premiere episode of Sherlock (A Study in Pink), a new
> British TV show?
> It is a remarkably good, modern version of Sherlock Holmes, written by
> Steven Moffat of Dr. Who fame. I believe it is airing on Sundays in
> the UK (not sure about that, I downloaded my copy). I hope the UK
> viewers like it as much as I did, so that a lot of episodes are made
> and eventually air in the USA.

So far there are three feature-length (90 minutes) episodes. The next two are 
broadcast on 1st and 8th August. The first got sufficiently good 
ratings/reviews that more will be made eventually. The current eps will be on 
PBS in the USA sometime. The DVD and Blu-Ray are out in the UK later in August.

I liked it. There is a bit of a renascence of imaginative TV in the UK lately 
with _Torchwood_, the _Dr Who_ reboot, _Primeval_ (which was renewed after 
being cancelled) and of course _Being Human_ and _Misfits_.

All shows worth checking out.
William T Goodall
Mail : m...@williamgoodall.name
Web  : http://www.williamgoodall.name
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

“Babies are born every day without an iPod. We will get there.” - Adam Sohn, 
the head of public relations for Microsoft’s Zune division.


Re: Having kids makes you unhappy

2010-07-07 Thread William T Goodall

On 7 Jul 2010, at 22:45, Dan Minette wrote:
> It all has to do with value systems.  I was mentioning William, not as
> finger pointing, but in recognition that he has a very different set of
> values than I do.

I am an honest person who values truth and logical argument and conducts 
himself with probity. I suspect that you have a very different set of values 
than I do. There is ample evidence for this in your postings over they years. 
Could someone with your intelligence and claimed knowledge of philosophy and 
theology really be 'strawman Dan' by accident? How can you lose every debate 
with me without admitting you are wrong? You are very close to being a troll.

[Re: Dave]
>  I think, from conversations and emails, that you and I
> are closer in fundamental values, even when we differ from time to time on
> how best to achieve goals we mutually agree upon.

That's cruel. Dave doesn't deserve to tainted with your poisonous agenda.

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

 "The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human 
weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends 
which are nevertheless pretty childish." - Albert Einstein


Having kids makes you unhappy

2010-07-07 Thread William T Goodall


"From the perspective of the species, it’s perfectly unmysterious why people 
have children. From the perspective of the individual, however, it’s more of a 
mystery than one might think. Most people assume that having children will make 
them happier. Yet a wide variety of academic research shows that parents are 
not happier than their childless peers, and in many cases are less so. This 
finding is surprisingly consistent, showing up across a range of disciplines. 
Perhaps the most oft-cited datum comes from a 2004 study by Daniel Kahneman, a 
Nobel Prize–winning behavioral economist, who surveyed 909 working Texas women 
and found that child care ranked sixteenth in pleasurability out of nineteen 
activities. (Among the endeavors they preferred: preparing food, watching TV, 
exercising, talking on the phone, napping, shopping, housework.) This result 
also shows up regularly in relationship research, with children invariably 
reducing marital satisfaction. The economist Andrew Oswald, who’s compared tens 
of thousands of Britons with children to those without, is at least inclined to 
view his data in a more positive light: “The broad message is not that children 
make you less happy; it’s just that children don’t make youmore happy.” That 
is, he tells me, unless you have more than one. “Then the studies show a more 
negative impact.” As a rule, most studies show that mothers are less happy than 
fathers, that single parents are less happy still, that babies and toddlers are 
the hardest, and that each successive child produces diminishing returns. But 
some of the studies are grimmer than others. Robin Simon, a sociologist at Wake 
Forest University, says parents are more depressed than nonparents no matter 
what their circumstances—whether they’re single or married, whether they have 
one child or four."

I'm glad I don't have any.

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

Theists cannot be trusted as they believe that right and wrong are the 
arbitrary proclamations of invisible demons.


Re: Grand Reopening of chat

2010-07-05 Thread William T Goodall
That should be http://wtgab.demon.co.uk/brinl/chat/

On 6 Jul 2010, at 01:21, William T Goodall wrote:

> The ten year old Blueberry iMac the chat was running on died recently and 
> I've replaced it with a low-power server that will save me some electricity. 
> The chat is now up and running 24/7 at
> http:/wtgab.demon.co.uk/brinl/chat/
> for anyone who wants to kick the tyres before Wednesday. The automated 
> reminders will resume once I get around to sorting out the mail configuration 
> :-) And I'll try to set up cron properly this time ;-)
> **Note that the URL is slightly different for anyone who had it bookmarked.**
> This a resource for all members of brinl and if anyone wants to take a 
> discussion to live chat feel free to use it anytime, not just the regular 
> Wednesday chat hours.
> -- 
> William T Goodall
> Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
> Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
> Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/
> "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." 
> ~Voltaire.
> ___
> http://box535.bluehost.com/mailman/listinfo/brin-l_mccmedia.com


Grand Reopening of chat

2010-07-05 Thread William T Goodall
The ten year old Blueberry iMac the chat was running on died recently and I've 
replaced it with a low-power server that will save me some electricity. The 
chat is now up and running 24/7 at


for anyone who wants to kick the tyres before Wednesday. The automated 
reminders will resume once I get around to sorting out the mail configuration 
:-) And I'll try to set up cron properly this time ;-)

**Note that the URL is slightly different for anyone who had it bookmarked.**

This a resource for all members of brinl and if anyone wants to take a 
discussion to live chat feel free to use it anytime, not just the regular 
Wednesday chat hours.

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." 


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-06-02 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Apple > Microsoft

2010-05-26 Thread William T Goodall
Apple's  (AAPL) market capitalisation exceeded Microsoft's (MSFT) today $225.98 
billion to $225.32 billion.

The end of the blue screen era Maru
William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

"I embraced OS X as soon as it was available and have never looked back." - 
Neal Stephenson


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-05-26 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-05-19 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-05-12 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-05-05 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-04-28 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-04-21 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-04-14 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Arrest the Pope

2010-04-13 Thread William T Goodall

"Prominent atheists Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are paying lawyers 
to investigate the possibility of prosecuting the pope for crimes against 
humanity, their solicitor confirmed today.

The pair argue that Pope Benedict XVI should be arrested when he visits Britain 
in September and put on trial for his alleged cover-up of sexual abuse in the 
Catholic church. Last week a letter emerged from 1985 in which the then 
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger urged that a paedophilic priest in America not be 
defrocked for the "good of the universal church".

The Vatican has already suggested the pope is immune from prosecution because 
he is a head of state. But Dawkins and Hitchens believe that because he is not 
the head of a state with full United Nations membership, he does not hold 
immunity and could be arrested when he steps on to British soil."


"As the College of Cardinals must have recognized when they elected him, he is 
perfectly - ideally - qualified to lead the Roman Catholic Church. A leering 
old villain in a frock, who spent decades conspiring behind closed doors for 
the position he now holds; a man who believes he is infallible and acts the 
part; a man whose preaching of scientific falsehood is responsible for the 
deaths of countless AIDS victims in Africa; a man whose first instinct when his 
priests are caught with their pants down is to cover up the scandal and damn 
the young victims to silence: in short, exactly the right man for the job. He 
should not resign, moreover, because he is perfectly positioned to accelerate 
the downfall of the evil, corrupt organization whose character he fits like a 
glove, and of which he is the absolute and historically appropriate monarch.

No, Pope Ratzinger should not resign. He should remain in charge of the whole 
rotten edifice - the whole profiteering, woman-fearing, guilt-gorging, 
truth-hating, child-raping institution - while it tumbles, amid a stench of 
incense and a rain of tourist-kitsch sacred hearts and preposterously crowned 
virgins, about his ears."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-04-07 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-03-31 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-03-24 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-03-17 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-03-10 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-03-03 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-02-24 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Re: Br?n on global warming

2010-02-17 Thread William T Goodall

On 17 Feb 2010, at 23:21, Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:

> Keith Henson wrote:
>> I could go into detail including the economic models, but I don't know
>> if there is anyone on this list who can follow the physics, chemistry
>> and math.
> Probably not, we are very stupid when it comes down to the math
> used in astrodynamics, chemistry or economy.

My math doesn't extend much beyond cryptography.

Prime Numbers Maru

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." 


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-02-17 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-02-10 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-02-03 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Re: Uplift books on Kindle?

2010-01-31 Thread William T Goodall

On 31 Jan 2010, at 22:06, Chris Frandsen wrote:

> And it seems Apple's blockade can be run...
> http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/01/google-voice-web-app-circumvents-apples-blockade/
> Learner
> On Jan 29, 2010, at 11:08 AM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
>> On 28 Jan 2010 at 22:16, Chris Frandsen wrote:
>>> I mistakenly said" ibook "I meant native iPad app. The iPhone apps will run 
>>> as written for the iPhone on the iPad or so it was claimed.  Obviously a 
>>> rewrite is required to take full advantage of the iPad's chips.
>>> Yes, we will find out soon.
>>> Want to bet?
>> *MOST* iPhone apps will run, they said.

The ones that need the phone hardware won't. iPod Touch apps should run OK.
>> And no, I'm not putting cash on something Apple do, their descisions are too 
>> often based on issues other than logic from my perspective (like big media's 
>> paranoia)
>> AndrewC
>>> learner
>>> On Jan 28, 2010, at 5:05 PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
>>>> On 28 Jan 2010 at 14:43, Chris Frandsen wrote:
>>>>> I have used the Kindle app on the iphone. Jobs promised iphone apps will 
>>>>> run on iPad. He usually makes good on his promises. Sure the app will not 
>>>>> be as good as the native ibook app.
>>>> No, what he said was "most" apps will work on the iPad.
>>>> It's something of an overstatement, given any app using the GS's 
>>>> PowerVR chip is going to need a substantial re-write to perform 
>>>> acceptably, and even above that and above the apps irrelevant because 
>>>> of hardware, there is still room in what he said to reject apps on 
>>>> ideological grounds.
>>>> I'm not saying they will, I'm saying it would need a substantial 
>>>> change in how Apple deliver apps for them to allow directly competing 
>>>> book apps on the iPad. We should know relatively soon.

They don't do anything to stop you buying non-DRM music or video from any 
source you like. Why would books be different?
>>>> AndrewC
>>>>> learner
>>>>> On Jan 28, 2010, at 5:52 AM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
>>>>>> On 27 Jan 2010 at 15:10, Chris Frandsen wrote:
>>>>>>> But how about the iPad???:-)
>>>>>>> Kindle app does run on the iPad so in just 60+ days.
>>>>>> Unwaranted assumption. Apple don't allow apps which directly compete 
>>>>>> with core functionality on the iPhone, after all...

Core user experience.

>>>>>> Also, the iPad is just 132dpi and it'll need a new iPad-specific 
>>>>>> release to deal with resoloution issues.

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

“Babies are born every day without an iPod. We will get there.” - Adam Sohn, 
the head of public relations for Microsoft’s Zune division.


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-01-27 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-01-20 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-01-13 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2010-01-06 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Re: The worst

2010-01-04 Thread William T Goodall

On 4 Jan 2010, at 21:47, Nick Arnett wrote:

> My friends I hate to write this.  Been putting it off for a while.
> My younger sister, Lesley, the youngest of the four of us, mother of my 
> five-year-old niece, Sarah, could not fight off the sepsis that attacked her 
> body.  Lesley died this morning.
> I have never hurt so much.

That's very sad news.

Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-12-30 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-12-23 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Films of the year (was Avatar)

2009-12-23 Thread William T Goodall

On 21 Dec 2009, at 21:53, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> I saw Avatar last night in the Imax/3D format.  It was by far the most
> awesome audio/visual experience I've ever had.  The story was fair to
> good, but the eye candy was spectacular.  I wouldn't have thought I
> could get vertigo while sitting in a comfortable arm chair.  Cool; see
> it and pay the extra for Imax.
> Doug

I don't think I'll get to see that until 2010. My favourite of the films I did 
get to see in 2009 was 

_Let The Right One In_

And other movies I rated highly were (in the order I saw them)

_Slumdog Millionaire_


_Anything For Her_


_District 9_

_Fish Tank_

_The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus_

Lists Maru
William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

“Babies are born every day without an iPod. We will get there.” - Adam Sohn, 
the head of public relations for Microsoft’s Zune division.


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-12-16 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-12-09 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Re: Fake religion

2009-12-04 Thread William T Goodall

On 3 Dec 2009, at 21:11, Bruce Bostwick wrote:

> All religions are fake from the perspective of those seeing them from outside.
> No religion is fake from the perspective of its true believers.
> Not a very useful metric, all things considered.

I see all 10,000 or so current religions as fake and a religionist sees 9,999 
of them as fake :-)

Almost in Agreement Maru

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

If you listen to a UNIX shell, can you hear the C?


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-12-02 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Fake religion

2009-12-01 Thread William T Goodall
Remind me which one of these is supposed to be the evil phoney religion?



Evil is as Evil does Maru
William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

“Babies are born every day without an iPod. We will get there.” - Adam Sohn, 
the head of public relations for Microsoft’s Zune division.


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-11-25 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-11-18 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-11-11 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-10-21 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-10-14 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-10-07 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Conservative Bible

2009-10-05 Thread William T Goodall


"First Example - Liberal Falsehood

The earliest, most authentic manuscripts lack this verse set forth at  
Luke 23:34:[7]
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are  
Is this a liberal corruption of the original? This does not appear in  
any other Gospel, and the simple fact is that some of the persecutors  
of Jesus did know what they were doing. This quotation is a favorite  
of liberals but should not appear in a conservative Bible.

Second Example - Dishonestly Shrewd

At Luke 16:8, the NIV describes an enigmatic parable in which the  
"master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted  
shrewdly." But is "shrewdly", which has connotations of dishonesty,  
the best term here? Being dishonestly shrewd is not an admirable trait.
The better conservative term, which became available only in 1851, is  
"resourceful". The manager was praised for being "resourceful", which  
is very different from dishonesty. Yet not even the ESV, which was  
published in 2001, contains a single use of the term "resourceful" in  
its entire translation of the Bible.

Third Example - Socialism

Socialistic terminology permeates English translations of the Bible,  
without justification. This improperly encourages the "social justice"  
movement among Christians.
For example, the conservative word "volunteer" is mentioned only once  
in the ESV, yet the socialistic word "comrade" is used three times,  
"laborer(s)" is used 13 times, "labored" 15 times, and "fellow" (as in  
"fellow worker") is used 55 times."

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

Every Sunday Christians congregate to drink blood in honour of their  
zombie master.


Re: Torchwood: Children of Earth

2009-10-02 Thread William T Goodall

On 25 Jul 2009, at 23:16, Richard Baker wrote:

Gary said:

I've also been watching Primeval on BBC America.  SciFi Channel  
just started
showing it.  I didn't care for the first few episodes, but became  
hooked as
the story arc developed.  Of Course, BBC didn't renew Primeval and  

cliffhanger episode will be the series last episode.

The BBC didn't renew Primeval because it wasn't a BBC series: it was  
made by and shown on ITV in the UK. Apparently it was ITV's attempt  
to counter the success of the revived Doctor Who but was somewhat  
less successful in the ratings.

And now BBC Worldwide are part-funding 13 more episodes to start in  
2011 with original cast and cliffhanger.


William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

"Two years from now, spam will be solved." - Bill Gates, 2004


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-09-23 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-09-16 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-09-09 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Re: On 'Incomprehesibility'

2009-09-07 Thread William T Goodall

On 7 Sep 2009, at 21:44, Dave Land wrote:

On Sep 4, 2009, at 6:53 PM, William T Goodall wrote:

On 1 Sep 2009, at 19:06, Dave Land wrote:

On Aug 31, 2009, at 5:18 PM, William T Goodall wrote:

On 6 Aug 2009, at 23:46, Mauro Diotallevi wrote:

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 8:05 PM, William T Goodall> wrote:

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

Every Sunday Christians congregate to drink blood in honour of  
their zombie


So what's wrong with a little ritualized cannibalism among  

adults?  ;-)

See how amusing you think it is when they come to eat YOUR  
brain :-)

Then isn't it completely grand that it is always and ever has  
been /symbolic/.

Not according to the majority of Christians who believe in  

"Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Roman Catholics, who  
together constitute the majority of Christians[18] (see List of  
Christian denominations by number of members), hold that the  
consecrated elements in the Eucharist are indeed the body and blood  
of Christ."


Which article, of course, deals with precisely and technically why the
practice of Eucharist, including and especially among those who  

in transubstantiation, is definitely not cannibalism.

But you knew that.

People who claim

a) they are eating human flesh and blood and that
b) that isn't cannibalism exemplify why
c) I find religion hilarious.

No Sense At All Maru
William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product  
of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still  
primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." - Albert  


Re: On 'Incomprehesibility'

2009-09-04 Thread William T Goodall

On 1 Sep 2009, at 19:06, Dave Land wrote:

On Aug 31, 2009, at 5:18 PM, William T Goodall wrote:

On 6 Aug 2009, at 23:46, Mauro Diotallevi wrote:

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 8:05 PM, William T Goodall> wrote:

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

Every Sunday Christians congregate to drink blood in honour of  
their zombie


So what's wrong with a little ritualized cannibalism among  

adults?  ;-)

See how amusing you think it is when they come to eat YOUR brain :-)

Then isn't it completely grand that it is always and ever has been / 

Not according to the majority of Christians who believe in  

"Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Roman Catholics, who  
together constitute the majority of Christians[18] (see List of  
Christian denominations by number of members), hold that the  
consecrated elements in the Eucharist are indeed the body and blood of  


William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

I think a case can be made that faith is one of the world's great  
evils, comparable to the smallpox virus but harder to eradicate. -  
Richard Dawkins


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-09-02 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Re: On 'Incomprehesibility'

2009-08-31 Thread William T Goodall

On 6 Aug 2009, at 23:46, Mauro Diotallevi wrote:

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 8:05 PM, William T Goodall> wrote:

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

Every Sunday Christians congregate to drink blood in honour of  
their zombie


So what's wrong with a little ritualized cannibalism among consenting
adults?  ;-)

See how amusing you think it is when they come to eat YOUR brain :-)

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

"I believe OS/2 is destined to be the most important operating system,  
and possibly program, of all time." - Bill Gates, 1987


Republican Cult

2009-08-31 Thread William T Goodall


"Some thing strange has hap pened in Amer ica in the nine months since  
Barack Obama was elected. It has best been sum ma rized by the come  
dian Bill Maher: “The Democrats have moved to the right, and the  
Republicans have moved to a men tal hospital.”"


"How do they train them selves to be so impervious to reality? It  
begins, I sus pect, with religion. They are taught from a young age  
that it is good to have “faith” — which is, by definition, a belief  
with out any evi dence to back it up. You don’t have “faith” Aus  
tralia exists, or fire burns: you have evidence. You only need “faith”  
to believe the untrue or unprovable. Indeed, they are taught that  
faith is the highest aspiration and most noble cause. Is it any  
surprise this then percolates into their political views? Faith-based  
think ing spreads and contaminates the rational."

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

"There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant  
market share. No chance" - Steve Ballmer


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-08-26 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Re: Avatar trailer

2009-08-22 Thread William T Goodall

On 21 Aug 2009, at 16:54, Chris Frandsen wrote:

Apple - Movie Trailers - Avatar

Uncanny valley.

-- William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit  
atrocities." ~Voltaire.


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-08-12 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-08-05 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Re: On 'Incomprehesibility'

2009-08-02 Thread William T Goodall

On 1 Aug 2009, at 22:14, David Hobby wrote:

William T Goodall wrote:
DVD region codes.  NTSC or PAL? Stereo or 5.1? Dolby or DTS?  
Component or HDMI? Upscale to 720P or 1080i?

William--  I agree with you on some, and want to add an

DVD region codes:  Not in the consumer's interest.  I wound up buying
my wife a multiregion DVD player, just so we could watch German DVDs.

All my DVD players are multi-region. This is pretty standard in the UK.

NTSC vs. PAL:  Not a fair criticism.  That mess was created a LONG
time ago, and was also a problem with VHS tapes.  (A bigger problem,
since the players were analog.)

Even with HD the frame rate (50Hz/60hz) is still different between  
NTSC and PAL. (NTSC and PAL have nothing to do with HD being analog  
formats but  the 50/60 Hz is the same so the labels have stuck). My  
home theatre DVD upscaling DVD player autoconverts these depending  
whether I have the output set to NTSC or PAL. Since my TV can sync at  
either 50Hz or 60Hz HD  I have to change this setting  to watch PAL/ 
NTSC DVDs in "native" format and avoid conversion which is a lossy  

The others you list:  It's still possible to just go with the defaults

If the default is stereo I lose the benefit of my 800W 5.1 speaker  
system :) And if there is a Dolby and a DTS soundtrack I have to  
manually select the (better) DTS soundtrack.

That non-bypassable FBI and/or Interpol warning:  This is actually
a loss for DVDs.  With VHS, you could ALWAYS fast-forward.  Why
aren't there hacks to skip the start-up warnings on DVDs?


William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

Every Sunday Christians congregate to drink blood in honour of their  
zombie master.


Re: Brin: On 'Incomprehesibility'

2009-08-01 Thread William T Goodall

On 1 Aug 2009, at 09:12, KZK wrote:

> Dr. Brin Wrote:


> True, copyright piracy is (generally) bad.  But the bloody
> inconvenience and blithering incomprehensibility of simply using a
> modern DVD player to watch a film that you already own - let alone
> record an episode of NOVA - it is why I keep three VCRs in the  

> still.

I don't get why you would consider this to be so.  DVD's are very  
simple: You put a disc (made the same way a CD is for 1 layer discs)  
into a device and close the door.  The machine plays the Disc.  This  
usually involves a non-bypassable FBI warning and possibly previews,  
then you get to simple menu, where pressing OK or Play starts the  
film (unless you need to change some language settings or something,  
because the Play menu option is almost always the default option).   
You can otherwise navigate the menu using the arrow buttons and  
select the option you want using the OK button.  All very simple and  

DVD region codes.  NTSC or PAL? Stereo or 5.1? Dolby or DTS? Component  
or HDMI? Upscale to 720P or 1080i?

Home Theatre Maru

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

"I wish developing great products was as easy as writing a check. If  
so, then Microsoft would have great products." - Steve Jobs


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-07-29 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Re: Torchwood: Children of Earth

2009-07-27 Thread William T Goodall

On 26 Jul 2009, at 18:56, Max Battcher wrote:

Gary Nunn wrote:
Warehouse 13 - After two episodes, I'm not impressed or hooked yet,  
but I'll

give it a few more episodes.

I got a kick out of the first episode and I think that it might have  
staying power. Certainly it is "yet another monster of the week"  
program (albeit substitute gadget/oddity for monster), but it is  
playful and fun. I really like the bits of steampunk in the  
Warehouse itself. Certainly there are some fun things in thinking  
about such a crazy project that it would bring such (later in life)  
enemies as Thomas Edison and Nicolai Tesla together to build such a  
bizarre facility...

It reminds me of the (cancelled) _The Middleman_ series.

There are neat hints that a deeper through-storyline is building and  
with Jane Espenson helming I've got a feeling that we can expect the  
show to cross a few boundaries that we might think are "set in  
stone" in the formula even though we've only seen a few episodes  
thus far.

I guess most importantly is that it plays very well in a duo with  
Eureka (which thanks to the magic of Hulu end up scheduled on the  
same nights for me) and I think its good to have more "science is  
awesome" in television, even if it is pseudo-science as most of  
Warehouse 13 appears.

Speaking of "science is awesome" on television, please tell me that  
you all are watching Better Off Ted? It's like The Office meets  
Eureka (with a dash of Arrested Development and a dash of Pushing  
Daisies); it's a fun comedy about (R&D) middle management at a "mega- 
science" corporation, Veridian Dynamics, that builds crazy things  
like weaponized pumpkins and hover shoes. It's definitely the  
funniest program with two major show-stealing characters that happen  
to be scientists that I've seen.

I'll have to try that show.

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

And yes, OSX is marvelous. Its merest bootlace, Windows is not worthy  
to kiss. - David Brin


Re: Torchwood: Children of Earth

2009-07-27 Thread William T Goodall

On 25 Jul 2009, at 23:16, Richard Baker wrote:

Gary said:

I've also been watching Primeval on BBC America.  SciFi Channel  
just started
showing it.  I didn't care for the first few episodes, but became  
hooked as
the story arc developed.  Of Course, BBC didn't renew Primeval and  

cliffhanger episode will be the series last episode.

The BBC didn't renew Primeval because it wasn't a BBC series: it was  
made by and shown on ITV in the UK. Apparently it was ITV's attempt  
to counter the success of the revived Doctor Who but was somewhat  
less successful in the ratings.

It was poorly promoted as well. I never watched the first two seasons  
when they aired because it looked a bit naff in the promos, but then I  
got the DVD set of the first two seasons off Amazon very cheaply when  
I'd run out of stuff to watch and enjoyed it.

Apparently a Hollywood movie based on the series is in development but  
it won't have the same cast or tie up the cliff hangers at the end of  
the TV show.

And the forthcoming AMC mini-series re-imagining of _The Prisoner_  
looks like it might not be awful.


William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://web.me.com/williamgoodall/blog/

"You are coming to a sad realization. Cancel or Allow?"


Re: Torchwood: Children of Earth

2009-07-25 Thread William T Goodall

On 25 Jul 2009, at 04:02, John Williams wrote:

I just watched the 3rd season of Torchwood, which was a 5 episode
mini-series called "Children of Earth". What a disappointment.


Then I looked at the Torchwood forum on imdb.com, and found that quite
a few people posting thought Children of Earth was the best
science-fiction they have seen in quite a while! One post even
compared it to Firefly. Ouch.

I quite enjoyed it. The ending was weak as usual for Davies.

I'm trying to think of any good sci-fi on television recently, or
coming soon, but the only thing I can think of is Dollhouse. Umm, and
possibly A Game of Thrones, if it ever makes it to HBO, but that is
fantasy, not science fiction.

The pilot for _Virtuality_ was good, and they're still shopping that  
around looking for international partners so it may yet become a  
series. The trailer for the latest Stargate spinoff, _Stargate  
Universe_ makes it look like the best thing in that franchise for many  

In the new season TV the remake of _V_ starring Morena Baccarin and  
_FlashForward_ based on the novel by Robert J Sawyer both look  

_Lost_ and _Fringe_ both return. _Lost_ was excellent last season and  
I expect great things from the final season. _Fringe_ kicked up a gear  
with the twists and revelations at the end of the first season so it  
will be interesting where that goes.

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

“Babies are born every day without an iPod. We will get there.” - Adam  
Sohn, the head of public relations for Microsoft’s Zune division.


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-07-22 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-07-15 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-07-08 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-07-01 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-06-24 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-06-17 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-06-10 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-06-03 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-06-03 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-05-20 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-05-13 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-05-06 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-04-29 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-04-22 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-04-22 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Sausage surprise at Miskatonic University

2009-04-21 Thread William T Goodall


-- William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant  
market share. No chance" - Steve Ballmer


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-04-15 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-04-08 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-04-01 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-03-25 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-03-18 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."



2009-03-17 Thread William T Goodall

since the Taliban imposed censorship on the list.

Stone me Maru

"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product  
of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still  
primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." - Albert  

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-03-11 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-03-04 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-02-25 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-02-18 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


Weekly Chat Reminder

2009-02-11 Thread William T Goodall

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time. If no-one is there when you arrive
just wait around a while for the next person to show up!

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:


..And you can connect directly from the NEW new web

William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."


2009-02-10 Thread William T Goodall
With the bicentennial of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of  
_The Origin of Species_ this year there's been a lot of news coverage  
lately on 'Darwinism', and with the politicisation of the subject by  
religionists and the  misdirection favoured by those trying to  
confound the matter the agenda of some of these stories is hard to  

This essay


in _The New York Times_  'Darwinism Must Die So That Evolution May  
Live' is an example.

Scientists don't talk about "Darwinism", creationists do.

This seems to be an attempt at 'framing' the science by altering the  
terms of the debate. I can understand how frustrated rational people  
get at the rhetorical antics of the superstitious religionists but  
fighting truth-mangling with more truth-mangling seems wrong to me.

Necessary lies Maru
William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant  
market share. No chance" - Steve Ballmer


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