Re: [Catalyst] Re: Unicode trouble with Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI

2010-01-22 Thread Neo [GC]
Thanks for this thread! I had the same problem with double encoding 
while running Catalyst with FastCGI (even more strange - only on newer 
applications on the same server).

Bernhard Grafs proposal for a quick fix in 
actually worked for me.


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[Catalyst] Changing path seperator?

2009-06-22 Thread Neo [GC]


Is it possible to change the path seperator or to define an optional new 
seperator and if yes, how?

Instead of
I'd like to use

Thanks in advance and regards,
Tom Weber

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Re: [Catalyst] deployment with 3-tiered server setup: How to handle config?

2009-04-21 Thread Neo [GC]

Hi Jens,

here we use a very simple solution to include different .yml-files with 
db-config and stuff. For each project (we run several Catalyst instances 
on one production server and some development-servers) we have an own 
.yml stored in our repository. The name of the .yml is the same as the 
directory where the instance is stored, so Catalyst reads out its dir 
and so determines the correct config-file.

For example, Catalyst is stored in:
the yml would be

This is a kinda hacked solution, but does work very well. :)

In the we have:
__PACKAGE__-config-{'home'} =~ m/\/([^\/]+)\/MyApp/;
__PACKAGE__-config-{dbconnect} = YAML::LoadFile( 
__PACKAGE__-path_to($1 . '.yml') );

(several config directives)

In the model-file we also have:
CRM4-config-{'home'} =~ m/\/([^\/]+)\/MyApp/;
my $connectData = YAML::LoadFile( MyApp-path_to($1 . '.yml') );
(database connection info)

Neo [GC] / Tom Weber [DuO]

Jens Schwarz schrieb:


I am planing to have a 3-tiered catalyst setup: one development server, one 
test server and one production server. Each of those has of course different 
setups (mysql-users, hostnames, apache configs, etc). How can I create a 
catalyst application that can cope with these different settings without having 
to manually alter the settings on each system? (My app is under subversion 
control.). Is there a 'best practice'?



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[Catalyst] Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork not used?

2009-04-14 Thread Neo [GC]


I've read about the prefork-engine for the test-server in another 
thread, which could be very useful for me (our outsourced codemonkeys 
sometimes produce VERY SLOW controllers and together with multiple 
ajax-request, this means waiting ;)).

About usage I found only this:

$ cpan Catalyst:Engine::HTTP::Prefork
$ CATALYST_ENGINE='HTTP::Prefork' script/

Amazingly, this doesn't change anything at all with my app, after starting 
there are still only two processes (some kind of supervisor I think and the 
real server process) and the requests are served one-by-one. Even more 
confusing, if I set CATALYST_ENGINE to 'Whatever', I get no error message or 

Is there required more to use it, besides installing the module from CPAN?

Thanks and regards,
Neo [GC]

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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork not used? (solved)

2009-04-14 Thread Neo [GC]

J. Shirley schrieb:
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Neo [GC] wrote:


I've read about the prefork-engine for the test-server in another
thread, which could be very useful for me (our outsourced
codemonkeys sometimes produce VERY SLOW controllers and together
with multiple ajax-request, this means waiting ;)).

About usage I found only this:

$ cpan Catalyst:Engine::HTTP::Prefork
$ CATALYST_ENGINE='HTTP::Prefork' script/

Amazingly, this doesn't change anything at all with my app, after
starting there are still only two processes (some kind of
supervisor I think and the real server process) and the requests
are served one-by-one. Even more confusing, if I set
CATALYST_ENGINE to 'Whatever', I get no error message or something.

Is there required more to use it, besides installing the module
from CPAN?

Thanks and regards,
Neo [GC]

Hi Neo,

Are you running a really old version of Catalyst::Devel? 

If you specify the -r option to that was generated 
with a (oh, 2 years?) very old version of Catalyst::Devel it will not 
work right. 

This option clobbers your engine and sets the engine to 
'HTTP::Restart'.  Take a look at your script/ and find 
the section for checking $restart

The proper lines should be:

if ( $restart  $ENV{CATALYST_ENGINE} eq 'HTTP' ) {

It used to omit the test for CATALYST_ENGINE, and ... well, that's not 
right :)
Otherwise, it should definitely throw an error for an invalid engine 
being specified:

 $ CATALYST_ENGINE='Yourmom' perl script/
 Can't locate Catalyst/Engine/ in @INC


Ha! Thank you very much, this was exactly the problem!

Our startup-scripts indeed seem to be abount two years old. I remember 
seeing a warning about old scripts once, but haven't seen them in a 
while and thought one of my colleagues fixed it.

If I may ask a following question how to rebuild the scripts? _ I 
can't reproduce the old warning and either I'm too stupid to use Google 
or the howto is hidden somewhere in subspace...

Thanks and regards,
Neo [GC]

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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork not used? (solved)

2009-04-14 Thread Neo [GC]

Moritz Onken schrieb:

Am 14.04.2009 um 14:48 schrieb Neo [GC]:

J. Shirley schrieb:
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Neo [GC] wrote:


   I've read about the prefork-engine for the test-server in another
   thread, which could be very useful for me (our outsourced
   codemonkeys sometimes produce VERY SLOW controllers and together
   with multiple ajax-request, this means waiting ;)).

   About usage I found only this:

   $ cpan Catalyst:Engine::HTTP::Prefork
   $ CATALYST_ENGINE='HTTP::Prefork' script/

   Amazingly, this doesn't change anything at all with my app, after
   starting there are still only two processes (some kind of
   supervisor I think and the real server process) and the requests
   are served one-by-one. Even more confusing, if I set
   CATALYST_ENGINE to 'Whatever', I get no error message or something.

   Is there required more to use it, besides installing the module
   from CPAN?

   Thanks and regards,
   Neo [GC]

Hi Neo,

Are you running a really old version of Catalyst::Devel?
If you specify the -r option to that was generated 
with a (oh, 2 years?) very old version of Catalyst::Devel it will 
not work right.
This option clobbers your engine and sets the engine to 
'HTTP::Restart'.  Take a look at your script/ and 
find the section for checking $restart

The proper lines should be:

if ( $restart  $ENV{CATALYST_ENGINE} eq 'HTTP' ) {
   $ENV{CATALYST_ENGINE} = 'HTTP::Restarter';

It used to omit the test for CATALYST_ENGINE, and ... well, that's 
not right :)
Otherwise, it should definitely throw an error for an invalid engine 
being specified:

$ CATALYST_ENGINE='Yourmom' perl script/
Can't locate Catalyst/Engine/ in @INC


Ha! Thank you very much, this was exactly the problem!

Our startup-scripts indeed seem to be abount two years old. I 
remember seeing a warning about old scripts once, but haven't seen 
them in a while and thought one of my colleagues fixed it.

If I may ask a following question how to rebuild the scripts? _ 
I can't reproduce the old warning and either I'm too stupid to use 
Google or the howto is hidden somewhere in subspace... -force -scripts MyApp 

Thanks! This seems to have worked. I still get a warning about old 
scripts, but I think from now on it's our adminmonkeys thing (don't know 
how old our CPAN-modules are...).

Neo [GC]

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Re: [Catalyst] Using JSON

2009-04-14 Thread Neo [GC]

Octavian Râşniţă schrieb:


What's the recommended module for getting a JSON request and creating 
a JSON response in a Catalyst app?
(I want to use them with JQuery.) 

use JSON;


my $json = new JSON;

my $object = $json-decode ($string);

my $string = $json-encode ($object);

(maybe there is some more elegant, but this does all the magic for the 

Neo [GC]

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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst - any good AJAX tutes?

2009-03-06 Thread Neo [GC]


depends on the javascript-lib you are using for AJAX. Catalyst just 
builds a template, which is interpreted clientside by the AJAX-lib. This 
might be XML, JSON, plain HTML or $something. For the webserver / 
Catalyst, the requests look like any other normal HTTP-request.

Thomas Weber schrieb:

hello there,

 I would like to use AJAX in my catalyst app. Any good references/tutes
to recommend?


K. akimoto

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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst - any good AJAX tutes?

2009-03-06 Thread Neo [GC]

Kieren Diment schrieb:

On 06/03/2009, at 8:56 PM, Chisel Wright wrote:

On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 04:43:36PM +1100, wrote:

I would like to use AJAX in my catalyst app. Any good references/tutes
to recommend?

It's just like using ajax anywhere else. Find a library you like, and
start using it.
View::JSON can be useful in sending responses to AJAX-y requests.

I've settled on YUI, but a quick google will reveal many other
libraries. (, dojo, jquery, ...)

I seem to recall the last time I did any ajaj-ey stuff it was to 
render a json tree to the browser using DBIx::Class::Tree and 
serialising it to JSON.  The only tricky thing for me was remembering 
how to use javascript again (I don't do much js).  After that it was 
just a matter of using Catalyst::View::JSON to send the tree to the 
browser.  Really not much to it at all.
To anyone: Be careful when converting perl-datastructures to JSON. I 
remember having a problem with boolean values, as javascript knows real 
booleans while perl uses 0 and 1. use JSON did have some magic 
settings to prevent a boolean 0/false to be sent as string false, 
which is interpreted as boolean true in javascript.
I will ask my collegue, where he has hidden his solution / the cause of 
the problem (of course, if int 0 and 1 is sent, js casts int 0 to 
boolean false).

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Re: [Catalyst] Requirements for Catalyst

2009-02-25 Thread Neo [GC]

Octavian Râşniţă schrieb:
Could be 256 MB of memory enough? Or 512? Or I would need 1 GB or more 
if I would like to run a Catalyst app?

That Catalyst app would use a MySQL database, and it would have around 
100 tables, and 20 - 30 Catalyst controllers. 
Memory requirements depend heavily on your application. A fresh 
installed catalyst with the tutorial project doesn't take much, but as 
the app becomes bigger, the memory footprint literally explodes (again, 
depends on your application how much).
As I wroted some days ago, our main application requires abount 350 megs 
right after starting and goes up to about 850 or 900 MB after some hours 
(mostly if any error occured, Cat seems to have some memory leaks). 
Currently our live projects are running on a machine with 16GB RAM, 
development is on VMWare-instances with 512 megs (below it doesn't make 
any fun).

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Re: [Catalyst] Re: decoding in core

2009-02-23 Thread Neo [GC]

Zbigniew Lukasiak schrieb:

Some more things to consider.

- 'use utf8' in the code generated by the helpers?
Reasonable, but only if documentet. It took weeks for us until we 
learned, that this changes _nothing_ but the behaviour of several 
perl-functions like regexp, sort aso.

- ENCODING: UTF-8 for the TT view helper?

Maybe a global config option to choose the byte or character semantics?

But with the DB it becomes a bit more complex - because BLOB columns
probably need to use byte sematic.
Uhm, of course, as BLOB is Binary and CLOB is Character. ;) This is even 
more complex, as the databases have different treating for this 
datatypes and some of Perls DBI-drivers are somewhat broken when it goes 
to unicode (according to our perl-saves-our-souls-guru).
UTF-8 is ok in Perl itself (not easy, not coherent, but ok); but in 
combination of many modules (and as far as I learned, Perl is all about 
reusing modules) it is _hell_. Try to read UTF-8 from HTTP-request, 
store in database, select with correct order, write to XLS, convert to 
CSV, reimport it into the DB and output it to the browser, all with 
different subs in the same controller... and you know, what I mean.
Even our most euphoric Perl-gurus don't have any clue how to handle 
UTF-8 from the beginning to the end without hour-long trialerror in 
their programs (and remember - we Germans do only have those bloody 
Umlauts - try to imagine this in China _).

Maybe the best thing for all average-and-below users would be a _really_ 
good tutorial about Catalyst+UTF-8. What to do, what not to do. How to 
read UTF-8 from HTTP-request / uploaded file / local file / database, 
how to write it to client / downloadable file / local file / database. 
What catalystish variable is UTF-8-encoded when and why. How to 
determine what encoding a given scalar has and how to 
encode/decode/whatevercode it to a bloody nice scalar with shiny UTF-8 
chars in it.

Short: -- Umlauts with Catalyst for dummies --

(sorry for sounding so emotional afaik our company burned man-weeks 
on solving minor encoding-bugs :-/ every tutorial we found was like you 
can do it so or so or another way 'round the house, so it's perfect and 
if you don't understand is, you're retard and should use 7bit-ASCII... 
while lately even a colleague sounds like this - as he is enlinghtened 
by CPAN literature like UTF-8 vs. utf8 vs. UTF8 ;)).

Greets and regards,
Tom Weber

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Re: [Catalyst] Re: decoding in core

2009-02-23 Thread Neo [GC]

Zbigniew Lukasiak schrieb:

Hmm - in my understanding it only changes literals in the code ( $var
= 'ą' ).  So I looked into the pod and it says:

Bytes in the source text that have their high-bit set will be
treated as being part of a literal
UTF-8 character.  This includes most literals such as identifier
names, string constants, and con-
stant regular expression patterns.

Ah SORRY! In my confusion I've confused it again...
So if I get it right, use utf8 means you can do stuff like $s ~= 
s/a/ä/; (as the plain ä in the source will be treated as one character 
and not two octets), while the magical utf8-flag for $s tells perl, that 
the ä in the scalar really is an ä and not two strange octets.

Am I right or am I completely lost again?

Hmm - maybe I'll add UTF-8 handling in InstantCRUD.  I am waiting for
good sentences showing off the national characters.
Does it have to be a complete sentence? My favourite test-string is 
something like

äöüÄÖÜß'+ (UTF-8)
C3 A4 C3 B6 C3 BC C3 84 C3 96 C3 9C C3 9F 22 27 2B (Hex)
If I can put this string into some html-form, post/get it, process it, 
save to and read from db, output it to browser _and_ still have exactly 
10 characters, the application _might_ work as it should.
The Umlauts and the Eszett are a pain of unicode, the  and ' are 
fun-with-html and escaping and the + ... well, URI-encoding, you know...

For even more fun, one should do a regex in the application using utf8 
(give me all those äÄs) and select it from the DB, first with blahfield 
LIKE 'ä', maybe upper(blahfield) LIKE upper('ä') and finally an 
ORDER BY blahfield, where blahfield should contain one row starting 
with a, one with ä and one with b and the output should have 
exactly this order and _not_ a,b,ä (hint hint: utf9 treated as ascii 
or latin1).

Greets and regards,
Tom Weber

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Re: [Catalyst] Re: decoding in core

2009-02-23 Thread Neo [GC]
Oh I forgot something... or more precisely, my boss named it while 
having a smoke. Maybe somewhat OT, but definetly interesting (maybe 
could be used to simplify the problem of double-enconding):

Does anyone know a _safe_ method to convert _any_ string-scalar to utf8?
Something like
, regardless if $s contains ascii, latin1, utf8, tasty hodgepodge or hot 
fn0rd, utf8-flag is set or not and is neither affected by full moon nor 
my horrorscope, _without_ doing double-encoding (there MUST be some way 
to determine if it already is utf8... my silly java editor can do it and 
perl makes difficult things at least possible).

I would greatly appreciate this philosophers stone and will send my hero 
a bottle of finest bavarian (munich!) beer called Edelstoff (precious 
stuff - tasty).

Greets and thanks!
Tom Weber

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Re: [Catalyst] DBIx makes Catalyst startup painfully slow

2009-02-17 Thread Neo [GC]

Eden Cardim schrieb:

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Neo [GC] wrote:
-load_classes is a DBIx::Class::Schema method, check the docs, if you
don't provide any arguments it uses Module::Find to scan the disk in
search of table classes, and given you have 148 tables, that's
probably what's hitting you. Just declare all your loadable classes
manually and you'll probably shave off most of load time.

So, finally found time to evaluate it. I've copypasted a list of my 148 
models into load_classes and it instantly changed... nothing. :(
Could it be possible, that the roots of the slowness is my belongs_to 
and has_many stuff? It just seems to be very costly for simple class 

Anyway, I will try to further investigate the issue.

Thanks to all for the help!

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[Catalyst] DBIx makes Catalyst startup painfully slow

2009-02-10 Thread Neo [GC]

Hello people,

I'm working on a rather big CRM system using Catalyst with all bells and 
whistles. For database, we use DBIx::Class::Schema and this drives me 

Apart from Catalyst being really resource hungry, the startup time for 
the application (testserver oder fastcgi) is ok, about 4 seconds on my 
development-system (CentOS on VMware Fusion on MacOS X Leopard, Core 2 
Duo 2.2GHz). It's not perfect for developing, but it is completely 
But as soon as I activate my DBIx schemas, the startup time multiplies: 
12 seconds with my first (and most important) schema, 25 seconds when 
using all schemas. This doesn't sound so long, but over a working day of 
development it becomes _really_ annoying, as often we have to restart 
the testserver many times to test small changes and fixes (as even our 
10-years-experience-i-love-perl-so-much-gurus in company need 
trialerror to solve trivial problems of Perls strangeness). Remember 
this is on a completely idle machine with a fairly fast CPU (I'm using 
my private MacBook Pro), on some other development systems here is takes 
up to 1.5 minutes, so the devs are waiting up to two hours a day just 
for server startup.

Is this normal? Is there _any_ way to speed things up? Does anyone know, 
what DBIx even does the whole time

(probing the database or something)?

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks and regards,
Thomas Weber

(PS: sorry for sounding so nerved, doing fast changes while incredible 
impatient customers are waiting at the phone are just like hell)

(PPS: sorry for my half-baked english, used to write german)

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Re: [Catalyst] DBIx makes Catalyst startup painfully slow

2009-02-10 Thread Neo [GC]

Nigel Metheringham schrieb:

On 10 Feb 2009, at 10:53, Neo [GC] wrote:
Apart from Catalyst being really resource hungry, the startup time 
for the application (testserver oder fastcgi) is ok, about 4 seconds 
on my development-system (CentOS on VMware Fusion on MacOS X Leopard, 
Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz). It's not perfect for developing, but it is 
completely acceptable.

What version of Centos?
What perl are you using?
I don't think the reason is about the OS or version of Perl. We have 
tried it with different versions of CentOS, Redhat Enterprise, SUSE 
Enterprise, FreeBSD (with threaded and unthreaded perl) and even Windows 
XP and 2003 Server: Same effect on every system. :(

But as soon as I activate my DBIx schemas, the startup time 
multiplies: 12 seconds with my first (and most important) schema, 25 
seconds when using all schemas.

Have a look at this document (from a dev DBIC release):- 

or   (look at Performance section at bottom).
Thanks, but my CentOS has exactly the stated perl version installed 
(Perl 5.8.8 15.el5_2.1).

Thomas Weber

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Re: [Catalyst] DBIx makes Catalyst startup painfully slow

2009-02-10 Thread Neo [GC]

Ah thanks, this is very interesting!

I will try and report back.

(btw: static schemas of course)

Eden Cardim schrieb:

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 7:53 AM, Neo [GC] wrote:

Is this normal? Is there _any_ way to speed things up? Does anyone know,
what DBIx even does the whole time
(probing the database or something)?


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Re: [Catalyst] DBIx makes Catalyst startup painfully slow

2009-02-10 Thread Neo [GC]
Ok I've tried it (base class with __PACKAGE__-load_components()) and 
after some fiddling around, I learned that it's not good to save the 
file in MyApp/lib/MyDB/. ;)

This speeded up my app start from 12 seconds to 8 seconds, what is much 
more acceptable. Considered that 4 seconds are the app itself, the model 
loading speeded up by 50%, what is really nice for such a simply tweak.

I'm afraid this is all I can get out of it, as I don't have any fancy 
load_classes-stuff or anything in my models, just definitions like 
table(), add_columns(), has_many(), belongs_to() aso.

If someone knows further tweaking, please be free and post it! :)

Btw: My main schema constists of 148 tables with a rather complex 
layout. Every foreign key constraint is included.

I wonder what magic DBIx does in the remaining 4 seconds... In another 
project - written in PHP - I have models with similar functionality 
created by a self-written class, which is executed at every request and 
takes about 0.05 seconds on the same machine...

Greets and regards,
Thomas Weber

Neo [GC] schrieb:

Ah thanks, this is very interesting!

I will try and report back.

(btw: static schemas of course)

Eden Cardim schrieb:

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 7:53 AM, Neo [GC] wrote:
Is this normal? Is there _any_ way to speed things up? Does anyone 

what DBIx even does the whole time
(probing the database or something)? 


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