Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-22 Thread Randall Britten
How to for Windows users: git and docbook.  


There are other ways of doing this, but the following worked.



A)Initial setup

A1) Install Msys/Git

A2) Git checkout of CellML spec docbook source

A3) Installation of xsltproc

A4) Installation of docbook-xsl


B)Routine operations




A) Initial setup:

A1) MSys and Git:

A1.1) Note: the installer does not seem to work from behind a firewall if
the firewall blocks direct outward connections.

A1.2) Note: in the next step, you can choose the install target directory.
I'll assume the default was used "C:\msysgit" and refer to it later.

A1.3) Download and run




A2) Checkout:

A2.1) Run msys (see step B1)

A2.2) Execute the git commands as per Andrew's e-mail, repeated here:

git clone git:// andrews-spec-version

cd andrews-spec-version

git checkout -b normative remotes/origin/normative




A3) xsltproc: 

A3.1) Follow the instructions at
, just the short section under "Installing xsltproc on Windows"



A4) docbook-xsl

A4.1) Note: The path in the next step assumes the default was chosen for
step A1.2, so adjust this as necessary.

A4.2) Make the following subdirectories under the Msys/share directory for
the xsl files: C:\msysgit\share\xml\docbook\stylesheet\nwalsh

A4.3) Download latest version (currently from

A4.4) Unzip the contents into the directory referred to in A4.2




B) Routine use

B1) Run "msys.bat" (it is located in the directory chosen in step A1 above.
It opens a terminal window, and one can operate the command line tools in a
similar fashion to a Linux/Unix like OS.

B2) cd to "andrews-spec-version"

B3) Get the latest updates if you want: "git pull" (Note: I'm still new to
git, so there may be variations here.)

B4) Run "./"

B5) This should have generated "toplevel.xhtml"

B6) Browse the generated spec: "explorer toplevel.xhtml"  (Note that somehow
Firefox will launch here if it is your default browser J)


This should allow you to at least keep up with any changes in the original






> -Original Message-

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:cellml-discussion-

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew Miller

> Sent: Monday, 12 November 2007 10:22 a.m.


> There is an MingW / MSYS based git port as well -

> - I haven't tried

> it

> myself.


cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-15 Thread Randall Britten
Hi all

Some time has passed since the last discussions on this thread, and the
preceding thread "Representing the next version of the CellML

To summarise:
Various possible technologies for managing the specification development
were discussed, please see the relevant postings for details.

Following the first discussion, a prototype of the apparently most suitable
combination has been set up by Andrew Miller as follows:
1) Git is being used for distributed version control.
2) Docbook is being used for the document format.

The e-mails on these threads raised various pros and cons of each of this
configuration.  To address the cons of the above setup, the following policy
will be adopted:  Not all participants in the specification process will be
expected to directly use these tools.  Members of the Auckland CellML team
will to act as "proxy" editors for those who opt not to use the above tools

At the Auckland CellML meeting of 14 November, it was suggested that we
round up this discussion within the next week.  We are of the view that the
above system will work out best, when all things are taken into

So, the next step is to try and use the above system and policy, and raise
any major concerns by 21 November by mailing this list on this thread.

Our goal will be to work-around any issues if possible.  If not, we will
reassess, and potentially restart the prototyping stage.

Randall Britten

cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-12 Thread Alan Garny
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:cellml-discussion-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Randall Britten
> Sent: 12 November 2007 00:16
> To: 'CellML Discussion List'
> Subject: Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for
> specification development
> Hi all
> Can I suggest that we will cater for anyone wanting to contribute to the
> spec, but who does not want the hassle of setting up and learning to use
> git
> by finding a solution that will allow them to use something simpler.
> One idea is that someone else who already has git setup could "proxy"
> for
> them.  They could just e-mail their amendments to their proxy, and their
> proxy would submit those to a separate git, or to a branch.
> In all likelihood we will soon find a user-friendly tool (e.g. some web
> interface or small app) that will allow anyone to easily use git
> directly
> (e.g. something similar to TortoiseSVN for Windows).

I think that would be essential. I have no doubt that you (Auckland, that
is) know what is best for the CellML community, but I want to think that to
keep/get the community involved, we have to provide a 'simple' solution
(that hides all the 'complexity' of whatever solution you guys deem
essential to have).


cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-11 Thread Randall Britten
Hi all

Can I suggest that we will cater for anyone wanting to contribute to the
spec, but who does not want the hassle of setting up and learning to use git
by finding a solution that will allow them to use something simpler.

One idea is that someone else who already has git setup could "proxy" for
them.  They could just e-mail their amendments to their proxy, and their
proxy would submit those to a separate git, or to a branch.

In all likelihood we will soon find a user-friendly tool (e.g. some web
interface or small app) that will allow anyone to easily use git directly
(e.g. something similar to TortoiseSVN for Windows).


cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-11 Thread Andrew Miller
Bob Gustafson wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-11-12 at 10:21 +1300, Andrew Miller wrote:
> snip
>> We could use Mercurial - the only issue there is that the only free 
>> hosting I could find ( ) looks like it is part 
>> of some company's business model and so I wouldn't want to rely on it 
>> remaining free - we don't really want to require people who want to set 
>> up their own repositories to rely on that.
>> Best regards,
>> Andrew
> I clicked on and searched for Mercurial. No
> hits!
See - I 
think that part of the Assembla free offering includes Mercurial hosting.

> As I understand the way that git/Mercurial would be used - whoever is
> the corralmeister needs access to author's server(s) which store
> external versions of the cellml specs/software/...  As these various
> external versions are vetted in some way, they need to be accessed and
> merged to form the latest community version.

Although this 'vetting' process is really community discussion, and 
will  take a long time for consensus to be reached. In the mean time 
many users are likely to also want to pull in other author's work so 
they can create improved versions of it (or just to view it to help them 
form an opinion, see how it interacts with other proposed changes, etc...).

> Since this access and merge is asynchronous to the activities of
> individual authors, a public IP address for these external servers would
> be helpful.
> Perhaps a full blown hosting service is not necessary for this?
Hosting of repositories can be set up in a matter of minutes with many 
of the free hosting services - this is often easier than going through 
IT processes to get something made public any other way. However, 
authors who have the ability to easily make their repository public some 
other way would of course not need to worry about this.

> Also, these days, 'free' implies some sort of advertising views.

I believe that is made available for Open Source git 
hosting by one of the authors of git, and it doesn't seem to contain 
advertising - it is more an effort to promote git / provide a service to 
the open source community.

Assembla is a commercial outfit, but they also don't seem to put up 
third party advertisements - rather, their business model seems to 
involve selling consulting and using the community of developers using 
their hosting to build their profile.

Best regards,

cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-11 Thread Andrew Miller
Alan Garny wrote:
> Andrew Miller wrote:
>> Alan Garny wrote:
>> There are viewable web interfaces for git - see the gitweb at e.g.
>> miller.git?a=tree;h=normative;hb=normative
> How does it work?
> Using Opera, if I click on blob for abstract.xml, I get:
> ---
> This document is an unofficial working draft. The below describes the
> intended status of the specification, and not the current status right now.
> This document specifies CellML 1.2, an XML-based language for describing and
> exchanging mathematical models. This is the normative specification of
> CellML. It is intended to provide the minimum amount of information needed
> to accurately describe CellML. An alternative version is available which is
> annotated with much more explanatory material.
> ---
> While with Firefox, I get told that "[the] XML file does not appear to have
> any style information associated with it" and get show the document tree.
> Using Internet Explorer, I get told that the XML file "cannot have multiple
> DOCTYPE declarations".

My demo setup uses DocBook together with XInclude to assmeble the 
document - if we use DocBook as our source format, we will also need to 
provide an easier way to view it - this could be as simple as 
referencing an XSL as the style information so people's browsers can 
view it - but I don't think this will help with the XInclude as I 
believe it is not generally supported in browsers (although we could 
create a trivial Javascript XInclude processor and include it in the 
repository which would allow people to visualise the latest version in 
their browsers, with the only requirement being a Firefox / recent IE / 
Opera browser with Javascript enabled).

> My point is that I would most likely need to learn about git before being
> able to use it. I might do that if that's what you guys end up using, but do
> you really expect others to do that? Can you really not opt for a 'simpler'
> solution?

git, Mercurial, and Bazaar are really the only automated distributed 
version control systems that I know of - if we don't use one of those 
then we will end up manually co-ordinating everything that git would do. 
I think it is better to have an automated system while still being open 
to changes suggested by e-mail, rather than to not have an automated 
system at all.

>> Of course, whatever format we use we will also want a rendered version.
>> In terms of changes, users who don't do enough work on the specification
>> to justify setting up a git environment can always propose changes to
>> the mailing list. If they use git, it just makes it easier for us to
>> share and merge their changes. 
> Am I to understand that git has become the solution of choice?
No, this is a proof of concept set-up to facilitate discussion of the 

>> I don't know how many major contributors
>> to specification development we would have who wouldn't want to install
>> Cygwin anyway - perhaps if there is anyone who this applies to on the
>> list now is the time to speak up :).
> I would certainly be interested to know indeed. I would be happy to
> contribute to the specifications, but I am not willing to install Cygwin for
> something that I am not going to use on a daily basis.
> Again, there must be an easier solution?! 

The MingW based system mentioned below might suit your requirements, or 
you perhaps you could use git from a Linux virtual machine that you have 
already got set up?

>> There is an MingW / MSYS based git port as well -
>> - I haven't tried it
>> myself.
>> We could use Mercurial - the only issue there is that the only free
>> hosting I could find ( ) looks like it is part
>> of some company's business model and so I wouldn't want to rely on it
>> remaining free - we don't really want to require people who want to set
>> up their own repositories to rely on that.
> I would be interested to hear from people interested in contributing to
> CellML, and the kind of solution they would like to see implemented.
> Right now, I feel like git is not a suitable solution. What about DocBook
> and the other solutions that have been suggested so far?
git, Mercurial, and Bazaar solve quite orthogonal problems to DocBook:
1) git and other similar technologies are used to track the 
specification - that is, they allow each person working on 
specifications to keep track of what they think should be the latest 
version of specification, and create changes relative to that, and share 
those changes with other people.
2) DocBook and similar technologies are for representing a particular 
version of a document in a computer-readable way that can be converted 
to various other formats.

We still need to decide o

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-11 Thread Bob Gustafson
On Mon, 2007-11-12 at 10:21 +1300, Andrew Miller wrote:

> We could use Mercurial - the only issue there is that the only free 
> hosting I could find ( ) looks like it is part 
> of some company's business model and so I wouldn't want to rely on it 
> remaining free - we don't really want to require people who want to set 
> up their own repositories to rely on that.
> Best regards,
> Andrew

I clicked on and searched for Mercurial. No

As I understand the way that git/Mercurial would be used - whoever is
the corralmeister needs access to author's server(s) which store
external versions of the cellml specs/software/...  As these various
external versions are vetted in some way, they need to be accessed and
merged to form the latest community version.

Since this access and merge is asynchronous to the activities of
individual authors, a public IP address for these external servers would
be helpful.

Perhaps a full blown hosting service is not necessary for this?

Also, these days, 'free' implies some sort of advertising views.

Bob G
cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-11 Thread Alan Garny
Andrew Miller wrote:
> Alan Garny wrote:
> >> git is also a distributed version control system - the two tools have
> a
> >> fairly similar conceptual model in terms of how they work, with a lot
> of
> >> flow of ideas between the too tools. I have found git slightly faster
> >> and a bit more extensible (and with a larger set of commands out-of-
> the
> >> box), although one downside is that git front-ends are largely
> written
> >> in shell-script, which means you Cygwin to use it on Windows.
> >>
> > That's a big downside in my opinion. We cannot seriously expect some
> Windows
> > users interested in CellML to install Cygwin only to be able to change
> the
> > specifications.
> >
> > Is there really no 'simple' web interface that could be used and that
> is
> > still 'acceptable'? If you want to get the community involved, you
> want
> > something as 'simple' as plug-n-play, not something that involves
> tweaking
> > things around.
> >
> There are viewable web interfaces for git - see the gitweb at e.g.
> miller.git?a=tree;h=normative;hb=normative

How does it work?

Using Opera, if I click on blob for abstract.xml, I get:

This document is an unofficial working draft. The below describes the
intended status of the specification, and not the current status right now.
This document specifies CellML 1.2, an XML-based language for describing and
exchanging mathematical models. This is the normative specification of
CellML. It is intended to provide the minimum amount of information needed
to accurately describe CellML. An alternative version is available which is
annotated with much more explanatory material.

While with Firefox, I get told that "[the] XML file does not appear to have
any style information associated with it" and get show the document tree.
Using Internet Explorer, I get told that the XML file "cannot have multiple
DOCTYPE declarations".

My point is that I would most likely need to learn about git before being
able to use it. I might do that if that's what you guys end up using, but do
you really expect others to do that? Can you really not opt for a 'simpler'

> Of course, whatever format we use we will also want a rendered version.
> In terms of changes, users who don't do enough work on the specification
> to justify setting up a git environment can always propose changes to
> the mailing list. If they use git, it just makes it easier for us to
> share and merge their changes. 

Am I to understand that git has become the solution of choice?

> I don't know how many major contributors
> to specification development we would have who wouldn't want to install
> Cygwin anyway - perhaps if there is anyone who this applies to on the
> list now is the time to speak up :).

I would certainly be interested to know indeed. I would be happy to
contribute to the specifications, but I am not willing to install Cygwin for
something that I am not going to use on a daily basis.

Again, there must be an easier solution?! 
> There is an MingW / MSYS based git port as well -
> - I haven't tried it
> myself.
> We could use Mercurial - the only issue there is that the only free
> hosting I could find ( ) looks like it is part
> of some company's business model and so I wouldn't want to rely on it
> remaining free - we don't really want to require people who want to set
> up their own repositories to rely on that.

I would be interested to hear from people interested in contributing to
CellML, and the kind of solution they would like to see implemented.

Right now, I feel like git is not a suitable solution. What about DocBook
and the other solutions that have been suggested so far?

Something that should be kept in mind: to go for a solution that suits the
CellML team is one thing, but to have a solution that suits the community is
probably even more important (that is if you want the community to be


cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-11 Thread Andrew Miller
Alan Garny wrote:
>> git is also a distributed version control system - the two tools have a
>> fairly similar conceptual model in terms of how they work, with a lot of
>> flow of ideas between the too tools. I have found git slightly faster
>> and a bit more extensible (and with a larger set of commands out-of-the
>> box), although one downside is that git front-ends are largely written
>> in shell-script, which means you Cygwin to use it on Windows.
> That's a big downside in my opinion. We cannot seriously expect some Windows
> users interested in CellML to install Cygwin only to be able to change the
> specifications.
> Is there really no 'simple' web interface that could be used and that is
> still 'acceptable'? If you want to get the community involved, you want
> something as 'simple' as plug-n-play, not something that involves tweaking
> things around.
There are viewable web interfaces for git - see the gitweb at e.g.;h=normative;hb=normative

Of course, whatever format we use we will also want a rendered version.

In terms of changes, users who don't do enough work on the specification 
to justify setting up a git environment can always propose changes to 
the mailing list. If they use git, it just makes it easier for us to 
share and merge their changes. I don't know how many major contributors 
to specification development we would have who wouldn't want to install 
Cygwin anyway - perhaps if there is anyone who this applies to on the 
list now is the time to speak up :).

There is an MingW / MSYS based git port as well - - I haven't tried it 

We could use Mercurial - the only issue there is that the only free 
hosting I could find ( ) looks like it is part 
of some company's business model and so I wouldn't want to rely on it 
remaining free - we don't really want to require people who want to set 
up their own repositories to rely on that.

Best regards,

cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-10 Thread Alan Garny
> git is also a distributed version control system - the two tools have a
> fairly similar conceptual model in terms of how they work, with a lot of
> flow of ideas between the too tools. I have found git slightly faster
> and a bit more extensible (and with a larger set of commands out-of-the
> box), although one downside is that git front-ends are largely written
> in shell-script, which means you Cygwin to use it on Windows.

That's a big downside in my opinion. We cannot seriously expect some Windows
users interested in CellML to install Cygwin only to be able to change the

Is there really no 'simple' web interface that could be used and that is
still 'acceptable'? If you want to get the community involved, you want
something as 'simple' as plug-n-play, not something that involves tweaking
things around.


cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-10 Thread Bob Gustafson
Sounds pretty good.

Bob G

On Sun, 2007-11-11 at 15:16 +1300, Andrew Miller wrote:
> Bob Gustafson wrote:
> > Besides git, there is Subversion and a new distributed SCM: Mercurial
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Being distributed, it may have advantages for cellml, considering the
> > worldwide spread of cellml participants.
> git is also a distributed version control system - the two tools have a
> fairly similar conceptual model in terms of how they work, with a lot of
> flow of ideas between the too tools. I have found git slightly faster
> and a bit more extensible (and with a larger set of commands out-of-the
> box), although one downside is that git front-ends are largely written
> in shell-script, which means you Cygwin to use it on Windows.
> There are tools such as tailor which can probably perform two-way merges
> between the two systems (I haven't tried).
> As a centralised system, Subversion is probably not very usable for
> specification development, because it means you have a single,
> centralised version of the specification (although you could create
> branches, but it still requires permissions be granted to people just to
> create branches), while git / Mercurial / Bazaar can do that sort of
> thing out of the box.
> It is not really the physical location which gives distributed version
> control systems the big win, but rather, the fact that creating an
> official specification requires that numerous proposed changes,
> sometimes mutually exclusive, from people who may not know each other,
> be written up and maintained, and as consensus begins to be reached, get
> merged together to form a final, official specification. There have been
> lots of ideas proposed, but because we don't yet really have good
> processes for going from proposals to the concrete text of the
> specification, nothing has really come out of these proposals yet.
> If we choose to use a distributed VCS system like git for this, I can
> create my personal specification repository, and others can create their
> repositories too (perhaps derived from my version for example), make
> some changes, and then announce them on the mailing list. At this point,
> if the consensus seems to be that these changes should be in the
> specification, I could pull them into my repository. Eventually, when
> there don't seem to be any more changes being discussed, someone who has
> been curating changes accepted by consensus in their repository can
> propose that this curated version becomes the official version, and if
> the community agrees, we will have a specification, complete with the
> merged revision histories from everyone who worked on it.
> Best regards,
> Andrew
> > 
> > Bob G
> > 
> > On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 13:44 +1300, Andrew Miller wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> As a proof of concept, I have set up an unofficial CellML specification 
> >> git at . This repository is 
> >> intended to show the concept of using a distributed revision control 
> >> tool to work on specification development, and not to suggest that this 
> >> is necessarily the type of technology which will be used for the actual 
> >> specification development.
> >>
> >> I have used DocBook as the source format in this repository based on the 
> >> preliminary consensus on the CellML discussion mailing list - again, 
> >> this is not intended to suggest that DocBook will be the final format 
> >> used for specification development, but to show the concept, as one 
> >> format or another needs to be chosen even at he proof-of-concept stage.
> >>
> >> git clone git:// andrews-spec-version
> >> cd andrews-spec-version
> >> git checkout -b normative remotes/origin/normative
> >>
> >> You now have a local repository of my unofficial draft version of the 
> >> specification. You can make and commit your own changes locally, and 
> >> potentially push them to your own publicly visible repository (which 
> >> would allow me, or someone else to pull the changes into my version). 
> >> This makes it easy for everyone to keep their own draft versions, and 
> >> merge in changes that they agree with from others. We could eventually 
> >> set up an official git where changes which become widely accepted are 
> >> pushed, and to provide a starting point for people wanting to propose 
> >> additional changes.
> >>
> >> BTW on my system, I can generate the HTML output using:
> >>xsltproc --xinclude --param section.autolabel 1 
> >> /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/docbook.xsl toplevel.xml 
> >>  >toplevel.xhtml
> >>
> >> The exact command you should use will depend on where things are 
> >> installed on your system.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Andrew
> >>
> >> ___
> >> cellml-discussion mailing list
> >>
> >>

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-10 Thread Andrew Miller
Bob Gustafson wrote:
> Besides git, there is Subversion and a new distributed SCM: Mercurial
> Being distributed, it may have advantages for cellml, considering the
> worldwide spread of cellml participants.

git is also a distributed version control system - the two tools have a
fairly similar conceptual model in terms of how they work, with a lot of
flow of ideas between the too tools. I have found git slightly faster
and a bit more extensible (and with a larger set of commands out-of-the
box), although one downside is that git front-ends are largely written
in shell-script, which means you Cygwin to use it on Windows.

There are tools such as tailor which can probably perform two-way merges
between the two systems (I haven't tried).

As a centralised system, Subversion is probably not very usable for
specification development, because it means you have a single,
centralised version of the specification (although you could create
branches, but it still requires permissions be granted to people just to
create branches), while git / Mercurial / Bazaar can do that sort of
thing out of the box.

It is not really the physical location which gives distributed version
control systems the big win, but rather, the fact that creating an
official specification requires that numerous proposed changes,
sometimes mutually exclusive, from people who may not know each other,
be written up and maintained, and as consensus begins to be reached, get
merged together to form a final, official specification. There have been
lots of ideas proposed, but because we don't yet really have good
processes for going from proposals to the concrete text of the
specification, nothing has really come out of these proposals yet.

If we choose to use a distributed VCS system like git for this, I can
create my personal specification repository, and others can create their
repositories too (perhaps derived from my version for example), make
some changes, and then announce them on the mailing list. At this point,
if the consensus seems to be that these changes should be in the
specification, I could pull them into my repository. Eventually, when
there don't seem to be any more changes being discussed, someone who has
been curating changes accepted by consensus in their repository can
propose that this curated version becomes the official version, and if
the community agrees, we will have a specification, complete with the
merged revision histories from everyone who worked on it.

Best regards,

> Bob G
> On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 13:44 +1300, Andrew Miller wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As a proof of concept, I have set up an unofficial CellML specification 
>> git at . This repository is 
>> intended to show the concept of using a distributed revision control 
>> tool to work on specification development, and not to suggest that this 
>> is necessarily the type of technology which will be used for the actual 
>> specification development.
>> I have used DocBook as the source format in this repository based on the 
>> preliminary consensus on the CellML discussion mailing list - again, 
>> this is not intended to suggest that DocBook will be the final format 
>> used for specification development, but to show the concept, as one 
>> format or another needs to be chosen even at he proof-of-concept stage.
>> git clone git:// andrews-spec-version
>> cd andrews-spec-version
>> git checkout -b normative remotes/origin/normative
>> You now have a local repository of my unofficial draft version of the 
>> specification. You can make and commit your own changes locally, and 
>> potentially push them to your own publicly visible repository (which 
>> would allow me, or someone else to pull the changes into my version). 
>> This makes it easy for everyone to keep their own draft versions, and 
>> merge in changes that they agree with from others. We could eventually 
>> set up an official git where changes which become widely accepted are 
>> pushed, and to provide a starting point for people wanting to propose 
>> additional changes.
>> BTW on my system, I can generate the HTML output using:
>>xsltproc --xinclude --param section.autolabel 1 
>> /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/docbook.xsl toplevel.xml 
>>  >toplevel.xhtml
>> The exact command you should use will depend on where things are 
>> installed on your system.
>> Best regards,
>> Andrew
>> ___
>> cellml-discussion mailing list
> ___
> cellml-discussion mailing list

cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-09 Thread Bob Gustafson
Besides git, there is Subversion and a new distributed SCM: Mercurial

Being distributed, it may have advantages for cellml, considering the
worldwide spread of cellml participants.

Bob G

On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 13:44 +1300, Andrew Miller wrote:
> Hi all,
> As a proof of concept, I have set up an unofficial CellML specification 
> git at . This repository is 
> intended to show the concept of using a distributed revision control 
> tool to work on specification development, and not to suggest that this 
> is necessarily the type of technology which will be used for the actual 
> specification development.
> I have used DocBook as the source format in this repository based on the 
> preliminary consensus on the CellML discussion mailing list - again, 
> this is not intended to suggest that DocBook will be the final format 
> used for specification development, but to show the concept, as one 
> format or another needs to be chosen even at he proof-of-concept stage.
> git clone git:// andrews-spec-version
> cd andrews-spec-version
> git checkout -b normative remotes/origin/normative
> You now have a local repository of my unofficial draft version of the 
> specification. You can make and commit your own changes locally, and 
> potentially push them to your own publicly visible repository (which 
> would allow me, or someone else to pull the changes into my version). 
> This makes it easy for everyone to keep their own draft versions, and 
> merge in changes that they agree with from others. We could eventually 
> set up an official git where changes which become widely accepted are 
> pushed, and to provide a starting point for people wanting to propose 
> additional changes.
> BTW on my system, I can generate the HTML output using:
>xsltproc --xinclude --param section.autolabel 1 
> /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/docbook.xsl toplevel.xml 
>  >toplevel.xhtml
> The exact command you should use will depend on where things are 
> installed on your system.
> Best regards,
> Andrew
> ___
> cellml-discussion mailing list
cellml-discussion mailing list

Re: [cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-08 Thread Alan Garny
> As a proof of concept, I have set up an unofficial CellML specification
> git at . This repository is
> intended to show the concept of using a distributed revision control
> tool to work on specification development, and not to suggest that this
> is necessarily the type of technology which will be used for the actual
> specification development.
> I have used DocBook as the source format in this repository based on the
> preliminary consensus on the CellML discussion mailing list - again,
> this is not intended to suggest that DocBook will be the final format
> used for specification development, but to show the concept, as one
> format or another needs to be chosen even at he proof-of-concept stage.
> git clone git:// andrews-spec-version
> cd andrews-spec-version
> git checkout -b normative remotes/origin/normative
> You now have a local repository of my unofficial draft version of the
> specification. You can make and commit your own changes locally, and
> potentially push them to your own publicly visible repository (which
> would allow me, or someone else to pull the changes into my version).
> This makes it easy for everyone to keep their own draft versions, and
> merge in changes that they agree with from others. We could eventually
> set up an official git where changes which become widely accepted are
> pushed, and to provide a starting point for people wanting to propose
> additional changes.
> BTW on my system, I can generate the HTML output using:
>xsltproc --xinclude --param section.autolabel 1
> /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/docbook.xsl toplevel.xml
>  >toplevel.xhtml
> The exact command you should use will depend on where things are
> installed on your system.

Though I do have a Linux virtual machine, my main working environment is
Windows. So, how do I go about using git?

My point is that if you want to involve the community (which I understand
you do), then you have to provide a solution that not only suits your needs,
but all those of the community. In other words: opt for a solution that is
as easy as possible to use and this from any platform.

It seems to me that, until now, we have only given a list of possible
solutions (together with their pros and cons) and that's fine, but what do
we exactly want from that solution?

Personally, I would favour a solution that:

 - is web-based (so anyone can have access to it from anywhere),
 - could be used by non-computer specialists (indeed, let's not forget that
someone interested in CellML doesn't necessarily mean someone who is capable
to understand or willing to learn some, if not all, of the technologies that
have been discussed so far),
 - provides a useful history of changes (i.e. the diff feature discussed
 - uses an XML-based internal format (I believe this would be useful if we
think long-term strategy, which we obviously should!), but that certainly
doesn't mean that we should have to manipulate that format directly (see my
2nd point above), 
 - can convert the internal format to a nicely formatted PDF file (and maybe
other formats?).

Just a few thoughts...

PS: "you" is used to mean "the Auckland CellML team".
PPS: seems to be 'dead', even though I can
tracert/ping it...

cellml-discussion mailing list

[cellml-discussion] Proof of concept: using git for specification development

2007-11-07 Thread Andrew Miller
Hi all,

As a proof of concept, I have set up an unofficial CellML specification 
git at . This repository is 
intended to show the concept of using a distributed revision control 
tool to work on specification development, and not to suggest that this 
is necessarily the type of technology which will be used for the actual 
specification development.

I have used DocBook as the source format in this repository based on the 
preliminary consensus on the CellML discussion mailing list - again, 
this is not intended to suggest that DocBook will be the final format 
used for specification development, but to show the concept, as one 
format or another needs to be chosen even at he proof-of-concept stage.

git clone git:// andrews-spec-version
cd andrews-spec-version
git checkout -b normative remotes/origin/normative

You now have a local repository of my unofficial draft version of the 
specification. You can make and commit your own changes locally, and 
potentially push them to your own publicly visible repository (which 
would allow me, or someone else to pull the changes into my version). 
This makes it easy for everyone to keep their own draft versions, and 
merge in changes that they agree with from others. We could eventually 
set up an official git where changes which become widely accepted are 
pushed, and to provide a starting point for people wanting to propose 
additional changes.

BTW on my system, I can generate the HTML output using:
   xsltproc --xinclude --param section.autolabel 1 
/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/docbook.xsl toplevel.xml 

The exact command you should use will depend on where things are 
installed on your system.

Best regards,

cellml-discussion mailing list