RE: studio errors

2000-06-08 Thread Jeff Shepler
The problem is studio is super resource hungry. It will eat up anywhere from 20% to 50% of your User/GDI resources. 4.01 would eat from 10% to 35%. I don't know what they added in 4.5(.1) to eat up more, but I was hoping to get it reduced instead of increased. You can see this yourself. Before ru

CF Studio and system resources

2000-05-16 Thread Jeff Shepler
Studio 4.5.1 Before I start Studio, I have ~55% resources free (performance tab of system properties). After I start Studio, I have less than 15%. If I have just a few other apps open, this drops to ~4%. Usually, I can get some work done in here before it starts dying on me. It's getting worse, t

RE: application hit counter?

2000-05-10 Thread Jeff Shepler
You can do what you did, but in the application.cfm file, scope the variable to make it an session variable. Application variables are not tied to a user, but are application-wide variables. These are like PUBLIC variables in other languages. Session variables are tied to each specific user. Don't

Studio and Source Control

2000-04-27 Thread Jeff Shepler
Ok, I need some help with this - I'm missing something.. Our CIO decided to implement source control for our web pages, so we ordered MS Visual SourceSafe. VSS comes with a very informative manual (none). Using an article from Allaire (

Task switching leaves CF Studio on top

2000-04-24 Thread Jeff Shepler
I have fresh install of CF Studio 4.5a. Whenever I task switch using ALT-TAB (using the mouse/task bar works just fine), the studio screen stays on top. Whatever it is I switch to does get the focus, but the studio screen redraws itself on top of it. I've done some light searching in the kb, foru

RE: commas in strings

2000-04-20 Thread Jeff Shepler
First thought was to replace all the commas in the string with an uncommon character. For example, if you know that the strings will not be file paths, you can use the backslash. As you build the list: Then later, when you need to output the string, you'll have to convert it back: #Replace(some

RE: Sorting search results: revisited

2000-04-19 Thread Jeff Shepler
If you want it "cleaner", use a persistent structure. At least you won't have a bunch of hidden fields clogging up the FORM structure from page to page, it will execute a little faster as the data is in server memory and not being passed and parsed over and over... On the initial search page, mak

RE: CF and DSN

2000-04-19 Thread Jeff Shepler
It is almost always a security thing. You didn't mention what database the DSN connects to, so I'll assume either Access or MS SQL Server. Not knowing what you tried, I can only suggest the obvious thinking maybe you missed something. I'm assuming that you're using CFADMIN to verify the database

CF Studio 4.5 and Image Maps

2000-04-19 Thread Jeff Shepler
Has anyone successfully used the new image map editor of studio 4.5? I can't get it to work. It keeps telling me that it can't find the file, even though I know it's there. Could it be that we're still using the 4.01 server? Actually, that brings up an important question. What problems can I ex

RE: Which is more secure?

2000-04-18 Thread Jeff Shepler
I don't think it really makes a difference, but if I HAD to choose an answer, I'd say having them on the pages. Clients can't see either one, so why does it make a difference? If you have the account information as part of the datasource, then ANY cf page that wants to connect to the database can

RE: Date from string

2000-04-12 Thread Jeff Shepler
#DateFormat(Left(sixDigitString, 2)&"/"&Mid(sixDigitString, 2, 2)&Right(sixDigitString, 2), " d, ")# -Original Message- From: Jay Wigginton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 4:05 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Date from string I am looking for a quick a

RE: How to do

2000-04-11 Thread Jeff Shepler
Ok, let's assume that your radio button field is named FOO and your text box is named BAR. Instead of doing a , you will have to do this one "by hand": INSERT INTO someTable (Answer) VALUES ('#iif(FORM.FOO EQ "Other", DE("#FORM.BAR#"), DE("#FORM.FOO#"))#') It might be DE(FORM.FOO) and

RE: CF Talk, calculating elapsed time

2000-04-11 Thread Jeff Shepler
Unfortunately, you cannot tell when a client leaves your site. This makes it hard to know when to stop timing. Unless you have them click a logoff button, of course, but you are not guaranteed that they will do so (we all know how users are). Couple of different ways you can try to do this. 1. H

RE: Problem populating certain fields thru update template

2000-04-11 Thread Jeff Shepler
1. The tag doesn't take a value, so you'd have: #Trim(PartDescription)# 2. Not sure what you want here, but the syntax is wrong - should be: Nissan Fiat It appears there are other things going on here, but this will get you started on the right track - unless I totally missed


2000-04-11 Thread Jeff Shepler
[search.cfm] ... ... [/search.cfm] [results.cfm] ... select yada yada yada fromwhatever WHERE someField >= #FORM.someField# ... [/results.cfm] Something like that?? -Original Message- From: Tim Bahlke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, April 11,

RE: Is 4.5.1 Solid

2000-04-11 Thread Jeff Shepler
-Original Message- From: Jennifer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 1:59 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Is 4.5.1 Solid At 09:02 AM 4/10/00 -0700, you wrote: The really funny calls were the AOL users who said "What do you mean you don't do tech support f

RE: funky select box

2000-04-11 Thread Jeff Shepler
Not sure why you're checking for even or odd numbers (the x MOD 2), but this will work for ya: #sTime# -Original Message- From: Won Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 1:27 PM To: cf-talk (E-mail) Subject: funky select box i wish to make a s

RE: What if all datasource verifications suddenly failed?

2000-04-11 Thread Jeff Shepler
If database is on different server than CF: IP changes DNS changes login/password changes database server died If database is on same server as CF: login/password changes If the database server is just an access file, make sure the file still exists and permissions are correct. I know long dist

RE: search results produce everything in the table...

2000-04-11 Thread Jeff Shepler
Since the search is only restricted to what you type in, if you leave it blank the search is not restricted. Hence the entire table is returned. What would you like to have happen instead? -Original Message- From: Richard Hart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 12:23

RE: Ordering a list

2000-03-27 Thread Jeff Shepler
Try the ListSort() function. -Original Message- From: Pecora, James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 11:52 AM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: Ordering a list Any way to order a list easily??? Say I have a LIST and I want it alphabetized? I am looping thry the l

RE: Very wierd problem, indeed!

2000-03-27 Thread Jeff Shepler
While using single quotes is fine, how it rendered your tag is not fine: Specifically where it tries to append the 0 on the end of the URL. I don't believe this to be valid HTML syntax. While the page will load and the form will work, it will not pass the "ft=0", just "ft=". Strange indeed. To