2006-08-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE         For more information contact: August 28, 2006                                    Steve Kubby or Sam Clauder, (909) 338-8215 STEVE KUBBY ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR PRESIDENT Seattle, Washington      Steve Kubby announced his candidacy for the Libertarian Party nomination for President to more than 50,000 cheering fans on Sunday, August 20, at the 15th annual Seattle Hempfest in Seattle, Washington.  More than 150,000 attended the event held in Myrtle Edwards Park on the shores of Puget Sound.     "I'm running for President because I'm fed up with bad government, corrupt politicians, and arrogant officials," Kubby said.  "Like you, I'd like the government to support my liberty, protect and serve my family,  respect my personal property, and stop passing and enforcing laws that assume Americans have the intelligence of a child."      Kubby lost a close race in 2000 for the Libertarian Party nomination for Vice President after he was the Libertarian Party candidate for Governor of California in 1998.  He has been a businessman, publisher, author, and adjunct college professor, and is married with three children and one grandchild.     Kubby was born on December 28, 1946, in El Paso, Texas, to Seymour Kubby, an aerospace engineer and his housewife, Roberta.  The Kubby family moved to the Los Angeles area in 1948 where Steve graduated from James Monroe High School in 1964.       He received a B.A. in Psychology in 1968 from the California State University, Northridge, where he continued working towards an M.A. in psychobiology.  He taught at Shasta Junior College where he received a lifetime teaching credential.  He also participated in the Top Gun Naval Weapons School.     In 1968, at the age of 23, Kubby was diagnosed with malignant pheochromocytoma, a rare, fatal form of adrenal cancer.  He had tumors surgically removed in 1968, 1975, and 1976, by which time the cancer had metastasized to his liver and beyond, and he was given less than five years to live.     After continuing chemotherapy, and another surgery at the Mayo Clinic in 1981, Kubby began treating his cancer solely with medical cannabis, and by maintaining a healthy diet.     From 1981-1986, he ran a property management company in Lake Tahoe, and from 1986-1991 he founded and published "Ski West," the number one selling ski magazine in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Italy, Australia, and Japan.     Kubby authored "The Politics of Consciousness" in 1995, and co-authored "Why Marijuana Should be Legal" in 1996.  He was instrumental in the drafting and passage of Proposition 215, "The Compassionate Use Act of 1996," which led to the legalization of medical cannabis in California and 11 other states.     Two months after his 1998 Libertarian campaign for California Governor concluded, the Sheriff of Placer County raided Kubby's home and found 265 cannabis plants that were being grown in compliance with California state law.  In a guest's room the sheriff also found some peyote and a mushroom stem for which  Kubby and his wife were arrested and charged with possession of controlled substances.     Kubby's wife was acquitted of all charges while Kubby's jury hung 11-1 in favor of acquittal, resulting in the cannabis charges being dismissed.  However, the jury convicted Kubby of possession for the peyote and the mushroom stem and he was sentenced to 120 days in jail.     Fearing that his cancer would kill him if he was denied medical cannabis by his jailers, Kubby and his family moved to Canada where he fought extradition for five years.  When the Placer County Sheriff's Office agreed to allow Kubby to use marinol, a pharmaceutical derivative of cannabis, to treat his cancer, he returned from exile on January 26, 2006, and turned himself in.  On March 6, he was released early for good behavior, and subsequently served 22 days of a 60-day sentence for refusing to return from Canada.     Kubby's announcement of his Presidential candidacy was endorsed by an all-star cast of cannabis activists including Jack Herer ("The Emperor Wears No Clothes"), Ed Rosenthal ("Ask Ed"), Chris Conrad ("Hemp For Health"), NORML Founder Keith Stroup, Eddy Lepp (Eddy's Medicinal Gardens), Seattle Hempfest producer Vivian McPeak and federally approved cannabis patient Elvy Musikka.  More information is available online at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Kubby and http://www.kubby.com/, or by calling Steve Kubby or Sam Clauder at (909) 338-8215. -- 
Kubby for President
P.O. Box 50, PMB 199
28200 Hwy 189, N-100
Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352-0050

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Independent broker dealer
Independent director

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: C-SPAN Promotes 9/11 'Truth' Movement

2006-08-28 Thread RoadsEnd
Getting kind of pathetic isn't it?

The lies are broad and bold these days.


On Aug 28, 2006, at 6:51 PM, muckblit wrote:

> This after Washington Times printed a front page story pretty fair to
> David Ray Griffin. All they could spin up in the mud blender  
> against him
> was that he used the United Presbyterian Church's press after hours to
> print leaflets decrying cremation without representation, the  
> cremation
> of Rodney Dickens and Asia Cottoms and about three thousand other
> piffling tea bags.
> -Bob D
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis"  
> wrote:
>> http://www.nationalledger.com/artman/publish/article_27267989.shtml
>>   C-SPAN Promotes 9/11 'Truth' Movement
>>   By Cliff Kincaid
>>   Aug 28, 2006
>> "Thank God for C-SPAN" is what we used to say about the channel's
> habit of airing material that the rest of the media usually won't  
> touch.
> But C-SPAN's airing of a "9/11 Truth" panel has only served to poison
> the public debate about the nature of the Islamic fascist threat. The
> panel featured Webster Tarpley, a former member of the Lyndon LaRouche
> organization, which specializes in blaming the Zionists, Britain  
> and the
> Queen of England for the world's problems. LaRouche is a former  
> Marxist
> and Democratic presidential candidate who served prison time on
> financial fraud charges. He defended Iraq before the first Persian  
> Gulf
> War.
>> If this kind of event is considered "news," then we can expect C-SPAN
> to air panel discussions about extraterrestrials, flying saucers, and
> alien abductions.
>> The two-day event, "American Scholars Symposium: 9/11 and The Neo-Con
> Agenda," was held in Los Angeles and began with host Alex Jones  
> thanking
> C-SPAN for covering the affair, as participants rose to their feet  
> in a
> standing ovation for the channel. Several panelists focused on  
> questions
> or anomalies in how the Twin Towers collapsed. One became almost
> bug-eyed as he offered 10 reasons to believe that the  9/11 hijackers
> were "fake."
>> Even before the airing of this event, there was evidence that a
> significant number of people were falling victim to the propaganda  
> that
> the U.S . was itself responsible for 9/11. According to a Scripps News
> story by Thomas Hargrove and Guido H. Stempel III, who cited a new
> Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll, "More than a third of the  
> American
> public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist
> attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could  
> go to
> war in the Middle East,."
>> The actual figures were that 16 percent thought it was "very likely"
> that "People in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11
> attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the
> United States to go to war in the Middle East." The figure of 20  
> percent
> thought it was "somewhat likely." That brings the total to 36 percent
> who believe the federal government assisted in the 9/11 attacks.
>> According to a release from a member of the 9/11 Truth movement, the
> C-SPAN show was "a rare break in a monolithic media façade supporting
> the official conspiracy theory of 9/11." That "conspiracy theory" is
> that Arabs/Muslims did it. The release said that the truth about 9/11,
> which is that the U.S. Government was itself responsible for the
> attacks, has been censored by "right-wing cheerleaders for foreign  
> wars"
> and even leftist "gatekeepers."
>> The event featured charges by a member of the audience that The  
>> Nation
> magazine and Amy Goodman on the left-wing of the political spectrum  
> are
> part of the conspiracy to keep the truth from the American people.
>> Tarpley, author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, said that
> C-SPAN's decision to air the panel was a sign that "a faction of the
> ruling class may actually desire to turn back from the catastrophic
> abyss of thermonuclear World War III." He added, "The official 9/11  
> Big
> Lie is collapsing around the ears of Bush, Cheney, the neo-cons,  
> and the
> invisibles who run them."
>> Tarpley said C-SPAN deserves credit for having "completely destroyed"
> the 9/11 "myth."
>> The problem for this "truth" movement, of course, is that the
> architects of 9/11 claimed credit for the attacks in interviews with
> Al-Jazeera, which has been consistently serving as an organ of al  
> Qaeda.
> There's absolutely no reason to doubt this evidence, which comes from
> the horse's mouth. We'll have more on that in another commentary.
>> Cliff Kincaid is the Editor of the AIM Report
> Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/
> Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> OM
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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[cia-drugs] Re: a newspaper article on ruppertinsky

2006-08-28 Thread mark urban

At this point I think Victor is having way too much fun to worry 
about the quality of his work. Mike is doing a very good job 
destroying himself, so why should Victor not just sit back and watch 

  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Naturally the newspaper and Victor Thorn let this stand:
> "She denies the meth accusation. "I don't know where he comes up 
with me
> being on methamphetamine," she said."
> More of that in a moment. First, check this out:
> '"I made the mistake of not realizing early-on that I was being
> harassed," the woman said in a statement made public by Victor 
> editor of WingTV.net...The woman said she did not
> provide the statement, which outlines the alleged harassment, but a
> friend of hers did. '
> ...so Victor Thorn as well as Mike Ruppert need to take journalism 
> but we don't want any help from the peanut brain gallery i.e. Victor
> Thorn and Robert Plain. Ruppert suggests that street level meth head
> secretary may have played useful idiot on the government supervised
> parole and probation crew of her **METH FELON** boyfriend, a major
> omission by Thorn, Plain, and the METH FELON's stickleg bitch with 
> than bewitching gum disease.
> Another major omission was the METH FELON's girlfriend's sexual 
> in the office. She cost Ruppert his computer systems administrator 
> having sex with him and another co-worker. Spam, cheap shots,
> distractions, trailing off into nowhere with judas goats, have fun.
> And of course Duncan is nowhere to be found when facts are flying. 
> and Thorn showed up on time and squatted momentarily in the 
vicinity but
> did not trip over a single fact.
> -Bob
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "mark urban"  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.dailytidings.com/2006/0825/stories/0825_ruppert2.php
> >
> >
> >
> > Ashland, Oregon  August 25, 2006
> > 'Wilderness' relocates to Venezeula
> > By Robert Plain
> > Ashland Daily Tidings
> > Mike Ruppert is gone. He left not only Ashland, his new-found
> > hometown, but has denied his allegiance to the United States with 
> > reported exodus to Venezuela.
> >
> > "I left the United States with one large suitcase, my laptop, and 
> > backpack," he wrote in an article on his Web site. "I left behind 
> > precious library, most of my clothing, my personal possessions, my
> > guns, and a house full of furniture. I brought with me less than
> > eight thousand dollars in cash and gold to start the final 
segment of
> > my life."
> >
> > Ruppert is the owner and editor of FromTheWilderness.com, a Web 
> > dealing with Peak Oil and alternative Sept. 11 theories. Earlier 
> > year he moved to Ashland and quickly drew a local following of
> > supporters. Ruppert played a role in the Jackson County
> > Sustainability Network, a group of some 200 local people who are
> > trying to localize daily life and food production in the area.
> >
> >
> > A few computers, along with boxes, are stacked up in the 
> > room of the From the Wilderness on Washington Street in Ashland.
> >
> > Photo by Orville Hector | Daily Tidings
> >
> > The former Los Angeles beat cop became an independent journalist 
> > uncover government conspiracies. According to the article on his 
> > site, he says he has relocated to Venezuela, in part, because of a
> > June burglary at his Ashland office.
> >
> > "It was the final outrage in almost three decades of attempts to
> > silence my voice," he wrote on his Web site, ostensibly from the
> > South American socialist nation.
> >
> > However, one of the founders of the local sustainability network 
> > that his recent disappearance raises more questions about the 
> > mental well-being than any of the reasons Ruppert himself cites 
> > his departure.
> >
> > "My feeling is he really needed a change in his life," said 
> > Dawkins, a friend of Ruppert's who also facilitates a support 
> > for depression and bi-polar disorder. "I think there is some
> > depression or mania there."
> >
> > A strange burglary
> >
> > Ruppert's brief tenure in Ashland reached a bizarre climax with 
> > burglary on June 26. Who committed the crime, and why, remains
> > unsolved.
> >
> > Like the government conspiracy theories he often writes about, his
> > thoughts on the burglary include twists, accusations and of 
> > government persecution.
> >
> > "There will be another time and another place, when I can and will
> > say more about what happened," he wrote on his Web site. "Certain
> > important events have yet to unfold, and I'm holding other key 
> > until the time is right. There are facts about the timing of the
> > burglary that may eventually connect to events here in Venezuela."
> >
> > Ruppert said he believes a former employee, who he had fired weeks
> > for the crime, burglarized his office.
> >
> > The former employee thinks she kno

[cia-drugs] Re: a newspaper article on ruppertinsky

2006-08-28 Thread mark urban

At this point I think Victor is having way too much fun to worry 
about the quality of his work. Mike is doing a very good job 
destroying himself, so why should Victor not just sit back and watch 

  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Naturally the newspaper and Victor Thorn let this stand:
> "She denies the meth accusation. "I don't know where he comes up 
with me
> being on methamphetamine," she said."
> More of that in a moment. First, check this out:
> '"I made the mistake of not realizing early-on that I was being
> harassed," the woman said in a statement made public by Victor 
> editor of WingTV.net...The woman said she did not
> provide the statement, which outlines the alleged harassment, but a
> friend of hers did. '
> ...so Victor Thorn as well as Mike Ruppert need to take journalism 
> but we don't want any help from the peanut brain gallery i.e. Victor
> Thorn and Robert Plain. Ruppert suggests that street level meth head
> secretary may have played useful idiot on the government supervised
> parole and probation crew of her **METH FELON** boyfriend, a major
> omission by Thorn, Plain, and the METH FELON's stickleg bitch with 
> than bewitching gum disease.
> Another major omission was the METH FELON's girlfriend's sexual 
> in the office. She cost Ruppert his computer systems administrator 
> having sex with him and another co-worker. Spam, cheap shots,
> distractions, trailing off into nowhere with judas goats, have fun.
> And of course Duncan is nowhere to be found when facts are flying. 
> and Thorn showed up on time and squatted momentarily in the 
vicinity but
> did not trip over a single fact.
> -Bob
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "mark urban"  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.dailytidings.com/2006/0825/stories/0825_ruppert2.php
> >
> >
> >
> > Ashland, Oregon  August 25, 2006
> > 'Wilderness' relocates to Venezeula
> > By Robert Plain
> > Ashland Daily Tidings
> > Mike Ruppert is gone. He left not only Ashland, his new-found
> > hometown, but has denied his allegiance to the United States with 
> > reported exodus to Venezuela.
> >
> > "I left the United States with one large suitcase, my laptop, and 
> > backpack," he wrote in an article on his Web site. "I left behind 
> > precious library, most of my clothing, my personal possessions, my
> > guns, and a house full of furniture. I brought with me less than
> > eight thousand dollars in cash and gold to start the final 
segment of
> > my life."
> >
> > Ruppert is the owner and editor of FromTheWilderness.com, a Web 
> > dealing with Peak Oil and alternative Sept. 11 theories. Earlier 
> > year he moved to Ashland and quickly drew a local following of
> > supporters. Ruppert played a role in the Jackson County
> > Sustainability Network, a group of some 200 local people who are
> > trying to localize daily life and food production in the area.
> >
> >
> > A few computers, along with boxes, are stacked up in the 
> > room of the From the Wilderness on Washington Street in Ashland.
> >
> > Photo by Orville Hector | Daily Tidings
> >
> > The former Los Angeles beat cop became an independent journalist 
> > uncover government conspiracies. According to the article on his 
> > site, he says he has relocated to Venezuela, in part, because of a
> > June burglary at his Ashland office.
> >
> > "It was the final outrage in almost three decades of attempts to
> > silence my voice," he wrote on his Web site, ostensibly from the
> > South American socialist nation.
> >
> > However, one of the founders of the local sustainability network 
> > that his recent disappearance raises more questions about the 
> > mental well-being than any of the reasons Ruppert himself cites 
> > his departure.
> >
> > "My feeling is he really needed a change in his life," said 
> > Dawkins, a friend of Ruppert's who also facilitates a support 
> > for depression and bi-polar disorder. "I think there is some
> > depression or mania there."
> >
> > A strange burglary
> >
> > Ruppert's brief tenure in Ashland reached a bizarre climax with 
> > burglary on June 26. Who committed the crime, and why, remains
> > unsolved.
> >
> > Like the government conspiracy theories he often writes about, his
> > thoughts on the burglary include twists, accusations and of 
> > government persecution.
> >
> > "There will be another time and another place, when I can and will
> > say more about what happened," he wrote on his Web site. "Certain
> > important events have yet to unfold, and I'm holding other key 
> > until the time is right. There are facts about the timing of the
> > burglary that may eventually connect to events here in Venezuela."
> >
> > Ruppert said he believes a former employee, who he had fired weeks
> > for the crime, burglarized his office.
> >
> > The former employee thinks she kno

[cia-drugs] Re: a newspaper article on ruppertinsky

2006-08-28 Thread muckblit
Naturally the newspaper and Victor Thorn let this stand:

"She denies the meth accusation. "I don't know where he comes up with me
being on methamphetamine," she said."

More of that in a moment. First, check this out:

'"I made the mistake of not realizing early-on that I was being
harassed," the woman said in a statement made public by Victor Thorn,
editor of WingTV.net...The woman said she did not
provide the statement, which outlines the alleged harassment, but a
friend of hers did. '

...so Victor Thorn as well as Mike Ruppert need to take journalism 101,
but we don't want any help from the peanut brain gallery i.e. Victor
Thorn and Robert Plain. Ruppert suggests that street level meth head
secretary may have played useful idiot on the government supervised
parole and probation crew of her **METH FELON** boyfriend, a major
omission by Thorn, Plain, and the METH FELON's stickleg bitch with less
than bewitching gum disease.

Another major omission was the METH FELON's girlfriend's sexual history
in the office. She cost Ruppert his computer systems administrator by
having sex with him and another co-worker. Spam, cheap shots,
distractions, trailing off into nowhere with judas goats, have fun.

And of course Duncan is nowhere to be found when facts are flying. He
and Thorn showed up on time and squatted momentarily in the vicinity but
did not trip over a single fact.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "mark urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.dailytidings.com/2006/0825/stories/0825_ruppert2.php
> Ashland, Oregon  August 25, 2006
> 'Wilderness' relocates to Venezeula
> By Robert Plain
> Ashland Daily Tidings
> Mike Ruppert is gone. He left not only Ashland, his new-found
> hometown, but has denied his allegiance to the United States with a
> reported exodus to Venezuela.
> "I left the United States with one large suitcase, my laptop, and a
> backpack," he wrote in an article on his Web site. "I left behind my
> precious library, most of my clothing, my personal possessions, my
> guns, and a house full of furniture. I brought with me less than
> eight thousand dollars in cash and gold to start the final segment of
> my life."
> Ruppert is the owner and editor of FromTheWilderness.com, a Web site
> dealing with Peak Oil and alternative Sept. 11 theories. Earlier this
> year he moved to Ashland and quickly drew a local following of
> supporters. Ruppert played a role in the Jackson County
> Sustainability Network, a group of some 200 local people who are
> trying to localize daily life and food production in the area.
> A few computers, along with boxes, are stacked up in the conference
> room of the From the Wilderness on Washington Street in Ashland.
> Photo by Orville Hector | Daily Tidings
> The former Los Angeles beat cop became an independent journalist to
> uncover government conspiracies. According to the article on his Web
> site, he says he has relocated to Venezuela, in part, because of a
> June burglary at his Ashland office.
> "It was the final outrage in almost three decades of attempts to
> silence my voice," he wrote on his Web site, ostensibly from the
> South American socialist nation.
> However, one of the founders of the local sustainability network says
> that his recent disappearance raises more questions about the man's
> mental well-being than any of the reasons Ruppert himself cites for
> his departure.
> "My feeling is he really needed a change in his life," said Michael
> Dawkins, a friend of Ruppert's who also facilitates a support group
> for depression and bi-polar disorder. "I think there is some
> depression or mania there."
> A strange burglary
> Ruppert's brief tenure in Ashland reached a bizarre climax with the
> burglary on June 26. Who committed the crime, and why, remains
> unsolved.
> Like the government conspiracy theories he often writes about, his
> thoughts on the burglary include twists, accusations and of course,
> government persecution.
> "There will be another time and another place, when I can and will
> say more about what happened," he wrote on his Web site. "Certain
> important events have yet to unfold, and I'm holding other key facts
> until the time is right. There are facts about the timing of the
> burglary that may eventually connect to events here in Venezuela."
> Ruppert said he believes a former employee, who he had fired weeks
> for the crime, burglarized his office.
> The former employee thinks she knows who committed the burglary.
> "I think he did that himself," she said.
> Ashland Police are keeping an open mind. Officers would not rule out
> Ruppert himself as a suspect.
> "At this point the case is still under investigation," Deputy Chief
> Rich Walsh said. "We're looking into both current and ex-employees."
> He added, "We'd like to find out what the purpose of moving to
> Venezuela was. It may have absolutely nothing to do with it but we
> would like to know."
> A troubled rel

[cia-drugs] Re: C-SPAN Promotes 9/11 'Truth' Movement

2006-08-28 Thread muckblit
This after Washington Times printed a front page story pretty fair to
David Ray Griffin. All they could spin up in the mud blender against him
was that he used the United Presbyterian Church's press after hours to
print leaflets decrying cremation without representation, the cremation
of Rodney Dickens and Asia Cottoms and about three thousand other
piffling tea bags.

-Bob D

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://www.nationalledger.com/artman/publish/article_27267989.shtml
>   C-SPAN Promotes 9/11 'Truth' Movement
>   By Cliff Kincaid
>   Aug 28, 2006
> "Thank God for C-SPAN" is what we used to say about the channel's
habit of airing material that the rest of the media usually won't touch.
But C-SPAN's airing of a "9/11 Truth" panel has only served to poison
the public debate about the nature of the Islamic fascist threat. The
panel featured Webster Tarpley, a former member of the Lyndon LaRouche
organization, which specializes in blaming the Zionists, Britain and the
Queen of England for the world's problems. LaRouche is a former Marxist
and Democratic presidential candidate who served prison time on
financial fraud charges. He defended Iraq before the first Persian Gulf
> If this kind of event is considered "news," then we can expect C-SPAN
to air panel discussions about extraterrestrials, flying saucers, and
alien abductions.
> The two-day event, "American Scholars Symposium: 9/11 and The Neo-Con
Agenda," was held in Los Angeles and began with host Alex Jones thanking
C-SPAN for covering the affair, as participants rose to their feet in a
standing ovation for the channel. Several panelists focused on questions
or anomalies in how the Twin Towers collapsed. One became almost
bug-eyed as he offered 10 reasons to believe that the  9/11 hijackers
were "fake."
> Even before the airing of this event, there was evidence that a
significant number of people were falling victim to the propaganda that
the U.S . was itself responsible for 9/11. According to a Scripps News
story by Thomas Hargrove and Guido H. Stempel III, who cited a new
Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll, "More than a third of the American
public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist
attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to
war in the Middle East,."
> The actual figures were that 16 percent thought it was "very likely"
that "People in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11
attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the
United States to go to war in the Middle East." The figure of 20 percent
thought it was "somewhat likely." That brings the total to 36 percent
who believe the federal government assisted in the 9/11 attacks.
> According to a release from a member of the 9/11 Truth movement, the
C-SPAN show was "a rare break in a monolithic media façade supporting
the official conspiracy theory of 9/11." That "conspiracy theory" is
that Arabs/Muslims did it. The release said that the truth about 9/11,
which is that the U.S. Government was itself responsible for the
attacks, has been censored by "right-wing cheerleaders for foreign wars"
and even leftist "gatekeepers."
> The event featured charges by a member of the audience that The Nation
magazine and Amy Goodman on the left-wing of the political spectrum are
part of the conspiracy to keep the truth from the American people.
> Tarpley, author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, said that
C-SPAN's decision to air the panel was a sign that "a faction of the
ruling class may actually desire to turn back from the catastrophic
abyss of thermonuclear World War III." He added, "The official 9/11 Big
Lie is collapsing around the ears of Bush, Cheney, the neo-cons, and the
invisibles who run them."
> Tarpley said C-SPAN deserves credit for having "completely destroyed"
the 9/11 "myth."
> The problem for this "truth" movement, of course, is that the
architects of 9/11 claimed credit for the attacks in interviews with
Al-Jazeera, which has been consistently serving as an organ of al Qaeda.
There's absolutely no reason to doubt this evidence, which comes from
the horse's mouth. We'll have more on that in another commentary.
> Cliff Kincaid is the Editor of the AIM Report

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[cia-drugs] a newspaper article on ruppertinsky

2006-08-28 Thread mark urban

Ashland, Oregon  August 25, 2006 
'Wilderness' relocates to Venezeula
By Robert Plain
Ashland Daily Tidings
Mike Ruppert is gone. He left not only Ashland, his new-found 
hometown, but has denied his allegiance to the United States with a 
reported exodus to Venezuela. 

"I left the United States with one large suitcase, my laptop, and a 
backpack," he wrote in an article on his Web site. "I left behind my 
precious library, most of my clothing, my personal possessions, my 
guns, and a house full of furniture. I brought with me less than 
eight thousand dollars in cash and gold to start the final segment of 
my life."

Ruppert is the owner and editor of FromTheWilderness.com, a Web site 
dealing with Peak Oil and alternative Sept. 11 theories. Earlier this 
year he moved to Ashland and quickly drew a local following of 
supporters. Ruppert played a role in the Jackson County 
Sustainability Network, a group of some 200 local people who are 
trying to localize daily life and food production in the area.

A few computers, along with boxes, are stacked up in the conference 
room of the From the Wilderness on Washington Street in Ashland.

Photo by Orville Hector | Daily Tidings 
The former Los Angeles beat cop became an independent journalist to 
uncover government conspiracies. According to the article on his Web 
site, he says he has relocated to Venezuela, in part, because of a 
June burglary at his Ashland office.

"It was the final outrage in almost three decades of attempts to 
silence my voice," he wrote on his Web site, ostensibly from the 
South American socialist nation.

However, one of the founders of the local sustainability network says 
that his recent disappearance raises more questions about the man's 
mental well-being than any of the reasons Ruppert himself cites for 
his departure. 

"My feeling is he really needed a change in his life," said Michael 
Dawkins, a friend of Ruppert's who also facilitates a support group 
for depression and bi-polar disorder. "I think there is some 
depression or mania there."

A strange burglary

Ruppert's brief tenure in Ashland reached a bizarre climax with the 
burglary on June 26. Who committed the crime, and why, remains 

Like the government conspiracy theories he often writes about, his 
thoughts on the burglary include twists, accusations and of course, 
government persecution.

"There will be another time and another place, when I can and will 
say more about what happened," he wrote on his Web site. "Certain 
important events have yet to unfold, and I'm holding other key facts 
until the time is right. There are facts about the timing of the 
burglary that may eventually connect to events here in Venezuela." 

Ruppert said he believes a former employee, who he had fired weeks 
for the crime, burglarized his office.

The former employee thinks she knows who committed the burglary. 

"I think he did that himself," she said. 

Ashland Police are keeping an open mind. Officers would not rule out 
Ruppert himself as a suspect.

"At this point the case is still under investigation," Deputy Chief 
Rich Walsh said. "We're looking into both current and ex-employees."

He added, "We'd like to find out what the purpose of moving to 
Venezuela was. It may have absolutely nothing to do with it but we 
would like to know."

A troubled relationship

When interviewed the morning after the alleged burglary, Ruppert said 
he suspected the employee of trying to use his shipping department to 
smuggle methamphetamine. 

"Her behavior was entirely consistent with meth addiction," he said, 
noting that some of his clues included highly erratic behavior, mood 
swings, poor dental hygiene and her slight figure.

According to the woman, who spoke on the condition of anonymity 
because she fears Ruppert or his allies could try to hurt her, her 
accusation of sexual harassment caused her dismissal. She denies the 
meth accusation. "I don't know where he comes up with me being on 
methamphetamine," she said. 

Both parties admit to engaging in conduct typically deemed 
inappropriate at the workplace, such as conversations about sexual 
preferences and other flirtatious behavior.

"I made the mistake of not realizing early-on that I was being 
harassed," the woman said in a statement made public by Victor Thorn, 
editor of WingTV.net. "For a while I was able just to 'laugh it off' 
when such comments came from Mr. Ruppert by telling myself it was 
just a harmless product of a patriarchal American society." 

Wing TV is a competing 9-11 conspiracy site. Both Thorn and Ruppert 
describe themselves as internet rivals. The woman said she did not 
provide the statement, which outlines the alleged harassment, but a 
friend of hers did. The friend, she said, is actually another former 
Ruppert staffer whom she met after leaving From The Wilderness. 

The morning after the alleged burglary, Ruppert di

[cia-drugs] Re: NOM Vet

2006-08-28 Thread muckblit
Samhain is a name for Satan.

Absalom was one of "many antichrists(see apostle John ref "many" little
hitlers now, not one big hitler later as Absalom's shibboleth would have
it)" described in the bible. Absalom displaced King David, his own
father, for a while, rampaging the harem. If you ever meet anybody named
Absalom, or his son,  run away quick.

Sam Bush, of Bernard Baruch and George Herbert Walker's WW1 "Bureau of
Death", wasn't it Kris?

And Samhain's son Prescott, manager of so-called Hitler's Economy,
including twenty companies in famous death and labor camp Auschwitz, was
mentored in the Senate by Absalom Robertson, Rev. Pat Robertson's dad.

Bureau of Death, Hitler, Samhain, Absalom, then what could you expect
from Rev. Pat but making top positions at his org a revolving door for
CIA-DoD, just like Rev. Moon and KCIA wigs. What could you expect but
Les Coleman found Pat's Lebanon TV studio not to be doing any
journalism, just fronting rather thinly for CIA, and doing a coke for
arms deal with Syrian heroin magnate Monzer Al Kasser also of Lockerbie
bomb. Pat's father's name was Absalom, what would you expect but his son
would advocate assassinating the people's choice in Venezuela? And Pat
has the personnel to pull off the assassination. All Pat has to do is
tap the chancellor of his university or the head of Op Blessing, they
certainly have the experience to Absalom Venezuela, Phoenix Enronista


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Who is Samhain? Is it a typo?
> Arlene Johnson
> -Original Message-
> >From: muckblit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Aug 27, 2006 9:54 PM
> >To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
> >Subject: [cia-drugs] NOM Vet
> >
> >New Orleans Escape turned into New Orleans Mistake.
> >
> >NO Mistake no mistake, four generations of Bush Hitler lit two drums
> >snake oil on fire in New Orleans, just like a dozen oil wells for the
> >invasion day TV photo op for Shock and Awe.
> >
> >Samhain and Prescott Bush backed Hitler in the 1920's. Prescott
> >Hitler's Economy.
> >
> >Prescott set up the Little Hitler Factory.
> >
> >Old black water, old black water, when are you gonna be the end of
> >
> >Well Scion, where you gonna hide your hitler cross now?
> >Where you gonna hang Samhain's crosshairs, sign of the well,
> >down in the hole, well scion, smirking chimp of mercenary danger,
> >how would you help yourself, if you had no neighbor?
> >
> >Only black water, only black water, well-done Bush family.
> >
> >Would you like hair fries with that? "What if it's not really fossil
> >fuel?"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/
> >
> >Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> >
> >OM
> >
> >Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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[cia-drugs] Re: Please allow to post as all connects>Victory for Christopher Bollyn (911 researc

2006-08-28 Thread mark urban
strange, but as a result of this interview/debate, bollyn has ended 
his friendship with piper.

piper has stated that hufschmidt has aknowledged that his sister is 
married to ruppert murdoch's son. ain't that a kick in the head?

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "MarshaMcClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Victory for Christopher Bollyn (911 researcher & journalist set up 
> beaten by law enforcement) and the beginning of wing tv's demise/
> Thu., August 24, 2006: Playlists: M3U | RAM (Individual MP3: Click 
> Here) 
> Guests: Christopher Bollyn and Victor Thorn to debate the 
> Christopher Bollyn abuse and arrest incident and WingTV's coverage 
> of the event - callers included Jack Blood and Mark Bilk from 
> California who presented the results of a voice stress analysis of 
> officer Russo who was involved with the arrest of Christopher 
> http://www.rbnlive.com/
> Open letter to Michael Collins Piper>>>Wow-Your show was awesome
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], 911-insidejob-impeachbush-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], United-Stands-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], American-Peace-
> Dear Michael,
> The general consensus in the patriot and political groups in 
> cyberspace is that the mean wing team, lisa guliani & victor thorn, 
> really are the enemy of the people...
> I was listening to my friend Judy Andreas on RBN Live and happened 
> to hear your show the other night, after the one she was on, was 
> over...I had never had the pleasure to listen before and I was 
> concerned because a radio show host in good standing like you, 
> friends with the likes of victor and lisa didn't make sense...Judy 
> said you'd come around and you did by golly by allowing truth to 
> come out like that on today's show...
> Thank you s much...It was super great
> First Jack Blood whom lisa and victor crucified shamefully, 
> confronting victor/scott with the truth then Mark Bilk's 
> extravaganza...WOW...Kudos to them both
> What a break for Chris...There are no words to express how great 
> unique Mark's surprise was...He is amazing...Case closed and 
> Christopher Bollyn justly wins
> Goes to show you that something good can come out of something bad 
> like even the used to be dynamic duo
> Thanks Michael...Please look close at who and what victor and lisa 
> really are...I know them well...Their June 16 show, "Useful Idiots" 
> was about me...All lies easily proven...If I ever care to but 
> they're not important enough to address and nobody buys their spin 
> anyway...
> The few in comparison to the wise on this matter, who still believe 
> their scam will see their true colors now, after this Christopher 
> Bollyn attack...Thank goodness
> The funny thing is they go after all the well known patriots and 
> really went wild on just a little one like me and I'll get to be 
> one to deliver the final blow to their demise in the truth 
> movement...
> I have the capacity to reach the masses and the two fake patriot 
> losers know it, too...And to think I used to believe in them and 
> thought them heroes at one time...Boy was I wrong...My story with 
> lisa is interesting but I'll tell it another time
> I kicked her butt with truth once and she banned me from her forum 
> the moment another spoke up on my behalf...lisa was getting exposed 
> as the villain she had been trying so hard to make me out to be
> Nope, she can't ward off what she has coming and her little scott 
> mafuka or what ever his real name is, too...As I said...I kicked 
> butt once and I've been waiting for the right moment to finish them 
> both off...It's close...very close
> As the real and true patriots stand up, for and with each other, 
> dividers and disruptors will go down...I'm sad lisa and victor have 
> to be among them...I had hoped they'd come around and change their 
> ways
> They could have been the catalysts that helped unite us all but 
> chose the reverse, instead

[cia-drugs] Fwd: President Asserts Power to "Exile" US Citizens

2006-08-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 28, 2006 1:14:42 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: President Asserts Power to "Exile" US Citizens  UNCLAIMED TERRITORY: STILL MORE UNCHECKED POWERS FOR THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION   Glenn Greenwald*  August 27, 2006 http://glenngreenwald.blogspot.com/2006/08/still-more-unchecked-powers-for-bush.html#links  This article from the San Francisco Chronicle details the truly amazing story of two U.S. citizens -- a 45-year old resident of the San Francisco area and his 18-year old son -- who, after travelling to Pakistan, have been barred by the Bush administration from re-entering the country. They have not been charged with any crime, and no court has ordered or even authorized this denial of entry. The administration is just unilaterally prohibiting these two Americans from re-entering their country.   A relative of the two men (the older man's nephew) was convicted in April by a California federal jury on charges of supporting terrorism as a result of his attending a Pakistani training camp (and just incidentally, the conviction was obtained under some controversial circumstances). And the Federal Government is now demanding that his two relatives submit to FBI interrogation in Pakistan as a condition for being allowed to return home to the U.S.   According to the article, the two Americans have already submitted to an FBI interview, but one of them -- the American-born 18-year-old -- "had run afoul of the FBI when he declined to be interviewed again without a lawyer and refused to take a lie-detector test. " For those actions -- i.e., invoking his constitutional rights to counsel and against self-incrimination -- he is being refused entry back into his country. And the Bush administration is now conditioning his re-entry on his relinquishing the most basic constitutional protections guaranteed to him by the Bill of Rights.   Since neither of the two Americans are citizens of any other country, they are in a bizarre legal limbo where the only country they have the right to enter, the U.S., is refusing to allow them to return home. The Chronicle article quotes Michael Barr, director of the aviation safety and security program at USC, as follows: "You become what is called a stateless person, and that would be very unprecedented."   Anyone for whom there is reason to believe that they are working with terrorist groups ought to be aggressively investigated by the Government. If there is sufficient evidence to believe that they have some affiliation with terrorist groups, they ought to be arrested and charged with crimes. All of that goes without saying.   But what possible authority exists for the Bush administration -- unilaterally, with no judicial authorization, and no charges being brought -- to bar U.S. citizens from entering their own country? And what kind of American would favor vesting in the Federal Government the power to start prohibiting other American citizens from entering the U.S. even though they have been charged with no crime and no court has authorized their exclusion?   Over the past five years, this administration and its supporters have advocated empowering the Government to detain U.S. citizens indefinitely in military prisons without a trial, eavesdrop on their telephone conversations without any warrants, track and chronicle all of their telephone calls, and now bar their entry into the U.S. -- all without any criminal charges being filed and without any opportunity to contest the accusations, all of which are formed in secret.   [And on a related note, Digby insightfully examines the disturbing arrest (disturbing, that is, for those who believe in the First Amendment) of New York resident Javed Iqbal for re-broadcasting a television channel owned by Hezbollah -- something the Bush administration intends to equate with "providing material support for terrorism." (Unrelatedly, that incident is an excellent illustration of the intolerable dangers of European/Canadian "hate speech" laws which vest in the government the power to ban certain ideas as too dangerous or wrong; anyone who believes in those laws has no ground to complain about Iqbal's arrest by the Bush administration)].   What powers do Bush supporters think the Federal Government should not have against U.S. citizens, if any? To judge by this Editorial from National Review -- which tells us that we are "in the early stages of a long war"; advocates lengthy periods of "preventive detention" of U.S. citizens without any charges being brought; and rails against what it calls "hypothetical privacy violations" (such as the Government listening in on your calls without any warrants) -- the answer is "none."   But there's no need to worry. The Bush administration only intends to use these extraordinary, unchecked powers for your own good -- to protect you. That's why all of this yammering about the need for oversight 

[cia-drugs] C-SPAN Promotes 9/11 'Truth' Movement

2006-08-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


C-SPAN Promotes 9/11 'Truth' 
By Cliff KincaidAug 28, 

"Thank God for C-SPAN" is what we used to say about the channel's habit of 
airing material that the rest of the media usually won't touch. But C-SPAN's 
airing of a "9/11 Truth" panel has only served to poison the public debate about 
the nature of the Islamic fascist threat. The panel featured Webster Tarpley, a 
former member of the Lyndon LaRouche organization, which specializes in blaming 
the Zionists, Britain and the Queen of England for the world's problems. 
LaRouche is a former Marxist and Democratic presidential candidate who served 
prison time on financial fraud charges. He defended Iraq before the first 
Persian Gulf War.
If this kind of event is considered "news," then we can expect C-SPAN to air 
panel discussions about extraterrestrials, flying saucers, and alien 
The two-day event, "American Scholars Symposium: 9/11 and The Neo-Con 
Agenda," was held in Los Angeles and began with host Alex Jones thanking C-SPAN 
for covering the affair, as participants rose to their feet in a standing 
ovation for the channel. Several panelists focused on questions or anomalies in 
how the Twin Towers collapsed. One became almost bug-eyed as he offered 10 
reasons to believe that the  9/11 hijackers were "fake."
Even before the airing of this event, there was evidence that a significant 
number of people were falling victim to the propaganda that the U.S . was itself 
responsible for 9/11. According to a Scripps News story by Thomas Hargrove and 
Guido H. Stempel III, who cited a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll, "More 
than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in 
the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States 
could go to war in the Middle East,…"
The actual figures were that 16 percent thought it was "very likely" that 
"People in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no 
action to stop the attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in 
the Middle East…" The figure of 20 percent thought it was "somewhat likely." 
That brings the total to 36 percent who believe the federal government assisted 
in the 9/11 attacks.
According to a release from a member of the 9/11 Truth movement, the C-SPAN 
show was "a rare break in a monolithic media façade supporting the official 
conspiracy theory of 9/11." That "conspiracy theory" is that Arabs/Muslims did 
it. The release said that the truth about 9/11, which is that the U.S. 
Government was itself responsible for the attacks, has been censored by 
"right-wing cheerleaders for foreign wars" and even leftist "gatekeepers."
The event featured charges by a member of the audience that The Nation 
magazine and Amy Goodman on the left-wing of the political spectrum are part of 
the conspiracy to keep the truth from the American people.
Tarpley, author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, said that C-SPAN's 
decision to air the panel was a sign that "a faction of the ruling class may 
actually desire to turn back from the catastrophic abyss of thermonuclear World 
War III." He added, "The official 9/11 Big Lie is collapsing around the ears of 
Bush, Cheney, the neo-cons, and the invisibles who run them."
Tarpley said C-SPAN deserves credit for having "completely destroyed" the 
9/11 "myth."
The problem for this "truth" movement, of course, is that the architects of 
9/11 claimed credit for the attacks in interviews with Al-Jazeera, which has 
been consistently serving as an organ of al Qaeda. There's absolutely no reason 
to doubt this evidence, which comes from the horse's mouth. We'll have more on 
that in another commentary.
Cliff Kincaid is the Editor of the AIM 

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[cia-drugs] "Is It Legal" Mechanism's of 21st Century Techno Slavery

2006-08-28 Thread judson witham

judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: "Men commit evil within the scope available to them."  Theodore Dalrymple     IS IT LEGAL ?      http://www.ninehundred.net/control/forward.html "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul."   Matthew 10:28       This book attempts to depict the strange transformation of the free human mind into an automatically responding machine a
 transformation which can be bought about by some of the cultural undercurrents in our present day society as well as by deliberate experiments in the service of a political ideology.   The rape of the mind and stealthy mental coercion are among the oldest crimes of mankind. They probably began back in pre historic days wheh man first discovered that he could exploit human qualities of empathy and understanding in order to exert power over his fellow men. The word "rape" is derived from the Latin word _rapere_, to snatch, but also is related to the words to rave and raven. It means to overwhelm and to enrapture, to invade, to usurp, to pillage and to steal.   The modern words "brainwashing," "thought control," and "menticide" serve to provide a clearer conception of the actual methods by which man's integrity can be violated. When a concept
 is given its right name, it can be more easily recognized and it is with this recognition that the opportunity for systematic correction begins.       In this book the reader will find a discussion of some of the imminent dangers which threaten free cultural interplay. It emphasizes the tremendous cultural implication of the subject of enforced mental intrusion. Not only the artificial techniques of coercion are important but even more the unobtrusive intrusion into our feeling and thinking. The danger of destruction of the spirit may be compared to the threat of total physical destruction through atomic warfare. Indeed, the two are related and intertwined.       My approach to this subject is based on the belief that it is only by looking at any problem from several angles that we are able to get at its
 heart.       According to Bohr's principle of complementarity, the rather simple phenomena of physics can be looked at from diverse viewpoints; different and seemingly contrasting concepts are needed to describe physical phenomena. For instance, for explanation of the behavior of electrons, both the concept of particle and the concept of wave are useful. The same is true for the even more complicated psychological and social interactions. We cannot look at brainwashing merely from a simple Pavlovian viewpoint. This book tries to do it also from the clinical descriptive view and from the concept of psychology; it tries to look at brainwashing from the standpoint that general mental coercion may belong to every human interaction.       Communication of any sort can almost be compared with trying to knock down a row of dolls in a throwing
 game. The more balls we throw, the greater is the probability that we may hit all the dolls. The more approaches we make to any problem, the greater chance we have of finding and grasping its essential core. Such detailed treatment will be impossible without some repetition in the text.       In this book we shall move from the specific subject of planned and deliberate mental coercion to the more general question of the influences in the modern world that tend to robotize and automatize man. The last chapters are devoted to the problem of inner backbone, as a first step in the direction of learning to maintain OUR MENTAL FREEDOM.       One of the great Dutch authors, Multatuli, wrote a letter to his friend excusing himself because the letter was so long: he had not had time enough to write a shorter one. In this paradox he expressed part of the
 problem of all search for _expression_ and communication. It takes a long time to express an idea in a precise and communicable way. Yet being short and simple in one's descriptions is not always appreciated. Expecially modern psychology is loaded with superlearnedness with the secret intention of leaving the reading public awe stricken. The man who tries to express himself in simple words, bypassing jargon, risks being called popular and unscientific. Nevertheless, I am aware of the fact that I have been so much steeped in psychological terminology that I cannot completely forego psychological language. The real test of psychological clarity is the way the layman absorbs and understands the ideas communicated. My aim has been to write for the general public, not to popularize but to bring some order to the chaos of our particular epoch.   Every word man speaks is a
 plagiarism. The task of an author is to absorb, incorporate, and transform the knowledge and emotional currents of his own epoch and to present them in his own personal way, enriched by his own experiences. I am grateful, indeed, to all those whose ideas I have been able to borrow, and especially to all those who 

[cia-drugs] Must read: Democrat Gatekeeper's Camptown Races Do-Da

2006-08-28 Thread MarshaMcClelland
Must read: Democrat Gatekeeper's Camptown Races Do-Da
by Ed Ward, MD


"What do you get when you fall in [Party] love? 'Cause [Camp] - I've 
been there and I'm glad I'm out. Out of those chains, those chains 
that bind you. That's why I'm here to remind you. You only get lies 
and pain and sorrow.", sang the Carpenters. Prophecy from the past? 
No, but the old lyrics and title seem to blend with the current 
political fiasco in which freedom loving Americans currently find 

What do you do when America's discontent with the democrat's (rats, 
dims, or for a real laugh democratic) and the republican's (repugs) 
party is at an all time high? Enough correct and righteous outrage 
that many simply call both parties - the party of elitists. 
formed other democrat groups such as the ADA, Americans for 
Democratic (apparently, democratic substituting for democrat similar 
to the currently spun substitution of democracy) Action. The ADA 
states, "...we lobby through coalition partnerships, through direct 
advocacy, and through media." The direct inference being democrats 
will lobby through a 'coalition partners' without the recognized 
connection of direct advocacy. According to democrat spin this 
strategy seems to also make the word deception interchangeable for 
democrat, democratic and even democracy. 

Whois the Camp Democracy (Democrat - CD), www.campdemocracy.org 
owner? David Swanson, owner and Co-Founder of AfterDowningSreet.org 
another 'nonpartisan' coalition and Director of Democrats.com for 
those that happen to go to the Co-Founder link after 
the 'nonpartisan' statement in 'about us'. The other named Co-
Founders: Tim Carpenter - National Director of Progressive Democrats 
of America (many times referred to as PDA without expansion) and 
on the Steering Committee of 'Camp Democrat' just one of the 
other 'nonpartisan' coalitions, Bob Fertik - Co-Founder of 
Democrats.com, Steve Cobble - policy advisor of PDA, John Bonifaz - 
national advisor board member of PDA. How does David Swanson 
teach "How to lobby the public?" at AfterDowningStreet? Almost word 
for word the same way Mike Hersh, PDA staff writer and steering 
committee member of 'Camp Democrat', tells progressive democrats 
to 'lobby', "Hi, would you like to help__? We have a 
national grassroots campaign to put pressure on our representatives 
to co-sponsor." Nope, you are not lobbying for partisan 
democrats with partisan views and partisan agendas. You are lobbying 
for a pure, honest and non-partisan 'grassroots campaign'. This is 
clearly deception and deceit by omission of partisan objectives for 
democrat agendas. So much for the 'progressive/grassroot democrats, 
democratics, those of democracy, it has been the deception, deceit 
and lies of BOTH political parties of elitists that has gotten US 
exactly where we are today - war, tyranny, treason, fascism and the 
verge of a depression. Only fully disclosed truth can make a real 
democratic republic. 

Want to become a PDA Chapter, but not let anyone know? No problem 
according to PDA, just form your group before you join PDA as they 
state: "Already existing groups -- such as Democratic Clubs, peace 
groups, Meet-Ups, Young Democrats, senior citizens groups, or other 
special interest groups (or possibly progressive grassroots 
republicans would also work, so as not to leave out any possible 
deceptive group names?)-- can become a PDA Chapter while maintaining 
their original identity. "

The Steering Committee of 'Camp Democrat' consists of 12 members. 
1. Tim Carpenter - National Director of PDA, 
2. Mike Hersh - PDA staff writer, writer and webmaster of 
mikehersh.com: political commentary & analysis (where about us 
reveals a 'nonpartisan organization' yet somehow democrat and PDA 
don't seem to make entry), and several other political egroups, 
3. Karen Bradley of PDA and Democracy (democrat MoveOn) Cell 
4. David Swanson - PDA board member, Director of Democrats.com, 
5. Christy Yorty - vocal MoveOn member, 
6. Jo Freeman - prominent 60's liberal democrat activist for past 
much needed women's equality (unlike the present women's movement 
that has forgotten what equality means and presses for women as 
the 'more equals' in the destruction of fathers, children, families 
and this country by the breaking of the backbone of this country - 
the family unit), 
7. Charles Jenks - no official democrat politics noted on google 
search, only those of soci0lism (which frightens me more than if he 
were a democrat, as this country has far to many socialist values 
already. It's not politically viable on its own, but intermingled in 
the democrat party it is very dangerous), and does reveal individual 
interaction with individual PDA activists. Jenks is also past 
president of Traprock Peace Center which has had numerous 
interactions with PDA, 
8. Linda Wiener - significa

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] MI6 Are The Lords of The Global Drug Trade

2006-08-28 Thread Dstacey

Useful information. Thanks. One comment though. The 
William Casey who served as Director of the CIA died in the 80's. Must be 
another Casey at ABC.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs 
  Cc: RoadsEnd 
  Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:37 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] MI6 
  Are The Lords of The Global Drug Trade
  Begin forwarded message:
From: Rory Winter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]et.com>
Date: August 14, 2006 9:20:14 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [IPCUSA] MI6 Are The 
Lords of The Global Drug Trade

MI6 Are The Lords of The Global Drug Trade

*By James Casbolt*

Former MI6 Agent c. 2006 James Casbolt
All Rights Reserved May not be
reproduced without written permission
*ICCSA http://www.icssa.org/mi6_drugs.html*

t may be a revelation to many people that the global drug trade is 
controlled and run by the intelligence agencies. In this global 
trade British intelligence reigns supreme.

As intelligence insiders know MI5 and MI6 control many of the 
intelligence agencies in the world (CIA, MOSSAD etc) in a vast web 
intrigue and corruption that has its global power base in the city 
London, the square mile.

My name is James Casbolt and I worked for MI6 in 'black ops' 
trafficking with the IRA and MOSSAD in London and Brighton between 
and 1999. My father Peter Casbolt was also MI6 and worked with the 
and mafia in Rome, trafficking cocaine into Britain.

My experience was that the distinctions of all these groups became 
blurred until in the end we were all one international group 
together for the same goals. We were puppets who had our strings 
by global puppet masters based in the city of London.

Most levels of the intelligence agencies are not loyal to the people 
the country they are based in and see themselves as 'super national'. 
had been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the CIA has been 
bringing in most of the drugs into America for the last fifty years 
ex LAPD officer Michael Rupert's 'From the wilderness' website for 

The CIA operates under orders from British intelligence and was 
by British intelligence in 1947. The CIA today is still loyal to 
international bankers based in the city of London and the global 
aristocratic families like the Rothchilds and the Windsor's.

Since it was first started, MI6 has always brought drugs into 
They do not bring 'some' of the drugs into Britain but I would 
MI6 bring in around ninety percent of the drugs in. They do this 
pulling the strings of many organised crime and terrorist groups 
these groups like the IRA are full of MI6 agents.

MI6 bring in heroin from the middle east, cocaine from south America 
cannabis from morocco as well as other places. British intelligence 
designed and created the drug LSD in the 1950's through places like 
Tavistock Institute in London. By the 1960's MI5, MI6 and the CIA 
using LSD as a weapon against the angry protestors of the sixties 
turned them into 'flower children' who were too tripped out to 
a revolution.

Dr Timothy Leary the LSD guru of the sixties was a CIA puppet. Funds 
drugs for Leary's research came from the CIA and Leary says that 
Meyer, the CIA agent in charge of funding the sixties LSD counter 
culture has"helped me to understand my political cultural role 

In 1998, I was sent 3000 LSD doses on blotting paper by MI5 with 
pictures of the European union flag on them. The MI5 man who sent 
told my father this was a government 'signature' and this LSD was 

This global drugs trade controlled by British intelligence is worth 
least £500 billion a year. This is more than the global oil trade 
the economy in Britain and America is totally dependent on this drug 

Mafia crime boss John Gotti exposed the situation when asked in court 
he was involved in drug trafficking. He replied"No we can't compete 
the government". I believe this was only a half truth because the 
and the CIA are the same group at the upper levels.

In Britain, the MI6 drug money is laundered through the Bank of 
Barclays Bank and other household name companies. The drug mo

[cia-drugs] Broken Promises - Paul Krugman looks at the rebuilding effort in New Orleans & more

2006-08-28 Thread MA PA

 Broken Promises - Paul Krugman looks at the rebuilding effort in New Orleans & more  by PAUL KRUGMAN - The New York Times Monday Aug 28th, 2006   Krugman: Rebuilding - In America as in Iraq, reconstruction delayed is reconstruction denied — and President Bush has, once again, broken a promise. - Plus: From the 'Wash Post' - Justice Department Not Seeking 9/11 Charges Against Osama Bin Laden and more  OP-ED COLUMNIST Broken Promises By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: August 28, 2006 Last September President Bush stood in New Orleans, where the lights had just come on for the first time since Katrina struck, and promised "one of the largest reconstruction efforts the world has ever
 seen." Then he left, and the lights went out again. What happened next was a replay of what happened after Mr. Bush asked Congress to allocate $18 billion for Iraqi reconstruction. In the months that followed, congressmen who visited Iraq returned with glowing accounts of all the wonderful things we were doing there, like repainting schools and, um, repainting schools. But when the Coalition Provisional Authority ... closed up shop nine months later, it turned out that only 2 percent of the $18 billion had been spent, and only a handful of the projects ... had even been started. In the end, America failed to deliver even the most basic repair of Iraq's infrastructure... And so it is along our own Gulf Coast. The Bush ... plans a public relations blitz to persuade America that it's doing a heck of a job aiding Katrina's victims. But ... so far the administration has done almost nothing to make good on last year's promises. ... Continued: http://mparent.livejournal.com/11770418.html Whistleblowers: Senator Hillary Clinton Unprincipled http://mparent.livejournal.com/11769448.html Justice Department Not Seeking 9/11 Charges Against Osama Bin Laden http://mparent.livejournal.com/11769288.html Dozens killed in Iraq; 8 U.S. troops die http://mparent.livejournal.com/11768703.html And More on Today's Newswire http://mparent.livejournal.com/2006/08/28/  
 MARC PARENT   CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS  http://mparent.livejournal.com/   http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/14409  http://www.dailykos.com/user/ccnwon       
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Independent broker dealer
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Central intelligence agency

Central intelligence agency employment



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Re: [cia-drugs] NOM Vet

2006-08-28 Thread Arlene Johnson
Who is Samhain? Is it a typo?

Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
>From: muckblit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 27, 2006 9:54 PM
>To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [cia-drugs] NOM Vet
>New Orleans Escape turned into New Orleans Mistake.
>NO Mistake no mistake, four generations of Bush Hitler lit two drums of
>snake oil on fire in New Orleans, just like a dozen oil wells for the
>invasion day TV photo op for Shock and Awe.
>Samhain and Prescott Bush backed Hitler in the 1920's. Prescott managed
>Hitler's Economy.
>Prescott set up the Little Hitler Factory.
>Old black water, old black water, when are you gonna be the end of me?
>Well Scion, where you gonna hide your hitler cross now?
>Where you gonna hang Samhain's crosshairs, sign of the well,
>down in the hole, well scion, smirking chimp of mercenary danger,
>how would you help yourself, if you had no neighbor?
>Only black water, only black water, well-done Bush family.
>Would you like hair fries with that? "What if it's not really fossil
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>Please let us stay on topic and be civil. 
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[cia-drugs] Fw: Staged Government Terror Attack

2006-08-28 Thread Arlene Johnson
Anyone who tries to discredit me is not unlike my ex-husband, who I proved is 
an under cover informant for the FBI. So it appears as though this man, Col 
Michael Kelley, CSA, is a black op. How many others are there who are in the 


Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine to access my e-zine.

>-Forwarded Message-
>>From: "Col. Michael Kelley, CSA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Aug 26, 2006 9:04 PM
>>To: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Cc: Pearlis Timmerman 
>>Subject: Re: Staged Government Terror Attack
>>You know nothing about me at all, but I can tell easily that you 
>>desperatelyneed psychological help. �Seek it.
>>Now you are blocked.
>>Arlene Johnson wrote:
>>He laughs best who laughs last Michael. And I do laugh when I see someone who 
>>has been privileged to learn the secrets who doesn't then impart them to 
>>others who have been deliberately brainwashed.David Rockefeller actually 
>>thanked our press for keeping the secrets for so long (frankly they still 
>>are) that there would be nothing anyone could to to prevent the NWO from 
>>taking place because it was so far advanced. Let's see how much laughing you 
>>will be doing when America's sovereignty is completely gone and you are 
>>sitting in one of the over 800 concentration camps with your fellow 
>>Americans.I'm Cc Pearlis. She was the one who sent this Email to you, and 
>>when that moronic Heather in Canada lashed out at me, I hit "Respond All" to 
>>try to teach her a thing or two. That's why you went into my Address Book. 
>>You're not there any longer, though, and maybe when Pearlis sees this, you 
>>won't be in her Address Book either.You're the one who's an idiot Michael. 
>>Since you were in the military maybe you recognize the names Lt. Stan Goff 
>>and Major General Smedley Butler. They have more integrity in their baby toes 
>>than you do in your entire body.Arlene JohnsonPatriot American temporarily in 
>>Sweden, an Illuminati nation-Original Message-  From: "Col. Michael 
>>Kelley, CSA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 27, 2006 1:43 AMTo: Arlene Johnson 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: Staged Government Terror AttackBecause some 
>>of the "deepest darkest secrets" you have published I was privyto during my 
>>military career (Hey! �The "Black World!") and I KNOW that youare as full 
>>of "stuffing" as a Christmas turkey.Go tell the nutbars your "truth" and I 
>>will just sit here and continue tolaugh my ass off.Now, please exclude me 
>>from any further transmission of your idiocy by removingmy name from your 
>>mailing list to which I never asked to be added.Arlene Johnson wrote:Would 
>>you care to explain why you said that to me, the woman who has published the 
>>deepest darkest secrets of the US government and several other governments as 
>>well?Peace,Arlene JohnsonPublisher/Authorhttp://www.truedemocracy.net the 
>>home of The Journal of History (La verdad sobre la democracia)To access the 
>>internationally acclaimed e-zine, click on the icon that says 
>>MAGAZINE.-Original Message-  From: "Col. Michael Kelley, CSA" <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 13, 2006 2:16 PMTo: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL 
>>Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ed Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "G.Waleed Kavalec" 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jim Kirwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Dr. NabilKukali" 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Hsing Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Wolfgang Geist <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, Wolfram GrXXXtz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mohammed Hegazi <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, David Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Alex James <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, TC Fitzgerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Lee Franklin <[EMAIL 
>>Rich Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Randy Mott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Joe Oliver 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, American Patriot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Perna <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, PredatorBC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Clayton Purdy <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, Jack Lancaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris Lund <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, Scoop HuffingtonPost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Hutchinson 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Glenda Jessop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Dunk <[EMAIL 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Barry Chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: Staged 
>>Government Terror AttackYou people are SUCH idiots.Arlene Johnson wrote:Dear 
>>Heather,You just go right on believing you're correct when all the rest of us 
>>prevent what will allow Bush to declare martial law. As a Canadian, you know 
>>a lot more information from your press because it has been one of the best in 
>>the world at disseminating the truth. But even your press lies about 9/11. I 
>>heard it with my own ears when I was driving from Sain