Possible bug ?

2002-05-03 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Just to follow up with this, it appears this a bit of a bug with C2. I don't know why the normal Cocoon sitemap wasn't working, but for my sitemap it was a case of a little too much cutting when I cut and pasted the sitemap: I was missing the pipeline tags. The questionable behavior is that

Detecting change on XML included with document() to reset cache?

2002-05-21 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Using Cocoon 2.0.2 Tomcat 4.0.4b JBoss 2.4.4 JRE 1.4.0 I have a straight forward sub-site that invokes a simple 1 stage XML to HTML pipeline. The main xml target of the pipeline is just a list of the real xml files that are to be processed, eg: list filefile-a.xml/file

RE: Detecting change on XML included with document() to reset cache?

2002-05-21 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
With care you may be able to do this in a portable way though not with the document function. The problem I see with asking the file generator to check dependencies is the overhead of parsing the entire document on every request. That's a reasonable idea; one could code the xsl to pick up a

RE: pls confirm: cocoon won't work on OSX

2002-05-28 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I've tried the following: Tomcat 4.0.1 w/ cocoon 2.0 Tomcat 4.0.1 w/ cocoon 2.0.2 Tomcat 4.0.4b1 w/ cocoon 2.0 Jetty 4 w/ cocoon 2.0 Tomcat 4.0.4b1 w/ cocoon 1.8 Um, you might try Tomcat 4.0.4b1 with Cocoon 2.0.2 We run it on Win 2K with the 1.4 JDK...

RE: Cocoon vs J2ee performance

2002-06-04 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I needed the opinion of the house whether Cocoon is a fit for mission critical operations where speed is of top priority in comparison with JSP-Servlet-HTML architecture, using a servlet container only as in J2ee,(with or without ejb's). You are going to have to qualify your requirements a

RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
This is a major sticking point for my developers that like and are comfortable with jsp with javascript embedded. They want to keep it at the client and I am trying to build a case for the server through cocoon. IMNSHO, the only way you can justify client side validation is if you are

RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
So how would I accomplish this with Cocoon. Could I just create a component for doing that validation and treat it as a self contained pipe? I suspect our case won't apply to you: we drive validation out of the database through some EJB's using XML templates that describe what validation

RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I beg to differ. The most part of validation is a trivial matter (minimum lenght of fields, bounds checking, ...) and this should, in my eyes, be done on the client: max performance, min hassles for the user (errors are interactivaley corrected). It's not the complexity of the validation

RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
(remember, you still must have validation on the backend) Precisely my original point: since you have to write the server side validation anyway, do you really want to write both client and server side validation? I only do so if there is a real performance penalty with the page

RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
How about input type=button onclick=submitTheForm() value=Go/ Guaranteed to produce lots and lots of calls to the help desk, or perhaps just people that don't use your site (particularly attractive for someone running an e-commerce site). The fact of the matter is that some of your

RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
wait: how many users out there are without JavaScript support ? Not many I think, and I have yet to find a customer of mine saying it has to work on *every* browser, usually they say IE 5.x, IE 6.x... maybe Netscape 6.x... possibly Opera 5 and that's it. I've done three e-commerce sites.

RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Well... you are making a very general statement. Yes, the original start of this conversation qualified when you don't need to worry about JavaScript being enabled... I don't have a problem with people requiring JavaScript; they just need to understand the consequences; if they are writing

RE: Session transformer and namespaces

2002-06-13 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
creates the following invalid XML output (there are multiple xmlns attributes on the 'root' element): ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? test root xmlns=http://cocoon.apache.org/session/1.0; xmlns=http://cocoon.apache.org/session/1.0; xmlns=http://cocoon.apache.org/session/1.0;

RE: Giving up! Cocoon too big, slow and confusing

2002-06-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
After just a few hours of poking around I have decided that it will be much simpler for me to simply hand-code a whole hat-full of servlets than to try and pull any meaning out of Cocoon and it's documentation. John, it took me almost 2 weeks to go from 0 to 60 using Tomcat, JBoss, and

RE: SourceWritingTransformer sample (disregard previous post Serializer that writes to file)

2002-07-10 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Also, what if I don't want the final output sent over the wire.how would I stop output from going to the requesting browser? Writing a null (do nothing) serializer would be pretty easy... :-) - Please check that your

RE: Java packages

2002-07-16 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Now, yes, I could create subdirs in cocoon/WEB-INF/classes or create separate jars for each in the libs, and have my apps each include their own. The other possibility is deploying Cocoon multiple times as different EARs, once for each application. That way if one application needs some

RE: creating pipeline output for XML File viewable with IE browser

2002-07-16 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I was having difficulty constructing a map entry that will display XML output within the IE browser. It sounds like you have two separate problems: In which I receive a cocoon error message within Tomcat 4.0.1 web server. What's the error message? In which I have the following in a

return nodeset from action?

2002-07-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Is it possible to return a parameter containing a NodeSet from a Cocoon action? If I was running an Xalan based servlet I could call a transform with a parameter that was in fact an org.apache.xpath.NodeSet. I'd like to do the equivalent in Cocoon. If I just do this directly Cocoon appears to

RE: return nodeset from action?

2002-07-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Is it possible to return a parameter containing a NodeSet from a Cocoon action? Not via sitemap. Request or session attributes will do. I was afraid of that. [snip] I suspect the problem is passing the parameter back via the sitemap. See

RE: Form validator action question

2002-08-01 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I can't process my xsl again (not the same request parameters returned by form validator action). Umm, you can always arrange to pass the request parameters back for a 2nd pass; there's no reason the validator can't return the original parameters if there is a validation error...

RE: sexy open source

2002-08-14 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Title: Message One could certainly argue that DB2 is as sexy or sexier than Oracle; the fact that Oracle 8 lacks true outer joinmakes it down right ugly if you ask me... In any case, my real reason for responding is to say that I would consider jBoss "sexy" anyone that's had to do a manual

RE: sexy open source

2002-08-14 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I don't care for JBoss that much but would like to have J2EE for business logic scalability. My BIG question is - HOW DO YOU ACCESS EJBs FROM COCOON? Please, give us your secrets! Didn't I just answer this? Nothing special is required: define your EJB's to jBoss as normal. Deploy the EJBs

RE: sexy open source

2002-08-14 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
a) Did you ever try to migrate to JBoss 3x? JBoss 3 was still alpha when we started this release cycle. Jan./Feb. will be our first chance to consider using it. b) Do you have to write the proxies for every EJB manually or is there automatized solution? We manually write the code. 90% of

RE: sexy open source

2002-08-14 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
So far, every time I hear someone talk about using EJB's and cocoon, the topic gets bundled with deploying cocoon in the appserver itself, which pegs you to one front end machine and causes all of your display logic (cocoon) to run on the same disks and cpus as your ejb logic. Is no one

RE: sexy open source

2002-08-15 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
OK_now_im_getting_personal_others_should_skip_this_tag Honestly, I went through stjude.org, nice idea, but if you'd decipher my nick, I'm quite uncomfortable with basic research exploiting animals with little or no actual use at all for all those unfortunate children - probably dictated by

RE: DOMStreamer oddity

2002-08-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Any ideas why things would act differently in these two scenarios, given the fact that the input is apparently identical. Namespaces on one version of the XML and not on the other? (Perhaps only on the root element). -

RE: Pattern wildcards meaning

2002-09-02 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Samples provided with Cocoon dist. use path-like style to parameterize patterns, e.g. map:match pattern=*/* where, for instance, in sitemap administrator mind, 1st * is meaning source #1 and 2nd * source #2 (these wildcards beeing use to aggregate two sources). Why not use a more

Invoking Cocoon actions via JavaScript

2002-09-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
One of our developers has run into an issue that I can't see an easy solution to. However, I also can't believe that no one else has run into the problem. We have a form where we are using IE 5.5 (and above) DHTML to enable drop and drag editing to reorder fields. As the result of a drop, we

RE: web app design

2002-09-20 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Related to cocoon it seems I need to do all this through generators or actions ( I think), but It not seems the proper way because all my required process will occurs out of SAX streams or related process (or I don't understand how to do it). Only in the load process my components will need

RE: web app design

2002-09-20 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
My webapp is a vertical app on cocoon, specifically only oriented for Businesses who wants to base their e-comm-activity in CRM. You still didn't tell us your performance requirements, but this would suggest that the user community is small, or can at least be physically partitioned. As

RE: web app design

2002-09-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
This framework will be for small business or medium business and to construct and publish their corporative webs. Just this constraint alone will get you a long way towards creating some performance targets and usages numbers: You can make an assumption about the max. number of users in a

Passing unknown parameters through a site-map

2002-09-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I've got a situation where I've got to pass a bunch of parameters with unknown names from a (Cocoon generated) HTML form through an action to a standard Cocoon pipeline. There are certain parameters I don't want to pass on to the stylesheet so I can't use map:parameter

RE: Passing unknown parameters through a site-map

2002-09-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Is there some reason which forces you not to copy the parameters wholesale? Otherwise, use use-request-parameters and simply ignore the parameters you don't want. Should have made that clear; if I pass all parameters I can clobber parameters where I don't want the values from the form.

RE: Passing unknown parameters through a site-map

2002-09-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
That could work, but the problem is that the parameters names are mapped to various meta-data and I don't know which ones I want and which ones I don't want until I examine the meta-data. Moving the management of the metadata into an XSLT would in effect mean moving converting a chunk of my

RE: [C2.1-CVS] Problem using 2 pipelines

2002-09-25 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I saw that many people in thi maillist prefer make XSLT tranforms and few people use XSP. Why? A couple of reasons why I avoid using XSP: 1) It's more or less proprietary (though that is sort of changing). XSLT can be run with many different application servers. 2) XSLT is functional

RE: [C2.1-CVS] About XSP

2002-09-25 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I know that XSP is not only attached to Java, there are implementation of XSP using perl, for example AxKit. And into Cocoon there are impletations in Java, Javascript and Python. The 2 question is hw about performance? What of both makes it faster? Sorry, can't help you there. I should

RE: Why is my cocoon app an IE6 killer?

2002-10-04 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
When accessing a - servlet generated site - with (lots of) images - using a recent versions of Internet Explorer (i.e.6) on windows then IE stops loading images. And even better: from this moment on it generally doesn’t display images anymore, even from other sites until you restart IE.

RE: Stuck on Hello World, with non-FAQ Problem

2002-10-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I also don't understand why the other Cocoon pages still come up after I deleted ALL the other stuff inside the map:pipelines tag other than my map:pipeline for the Hello World example that generates from helloworld.xml, transforms with helloworld2html.xsl and serializes the output. That

RE: Building a DOM Model with XMLForms

2002-10-11 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I'm working on a project prototype where I'm trying to implement a kind of wizard using XMLForms. The difference is that I'd like the XML docs written by the content people to define the resulting XML doc, without specifying it ahead of time. In other words, I'd like the elements attributes

RE: [Q] Pipeline best practices

2002-10-14 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Or put the most likely pipelines to get hit first and the least likely last... That can be problematic if your most used pipelines are the generic matches. Eg, three special cases and 100 general cases: match=fee.foe match=fee.fie match=fee.fum match= fee.*

RE: Cocoon Connection Pooling and Database Shutdown

2002-10-16 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Why should I use carriage returns in my messages, Berin? So that we don't have to scroll on forever in one direction, and it makes it alot easier to interpose comments throughout your message--adding context to other people's response. Berin, what mail client are you using? Most have a

RE: Link Livesites:

2002-10-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I'm just setting up a new site which is dedicated to using Domino and Apache Cocoon. It's due to go live by the start of next week. Before you go live you may want to make sure that thepage background is set to white for all pages. As it is, it defaults to the browser background

RE: ServerPageAction: XMLFragment reuse in XSL transformer

2002-10-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
There's probably about half a dozen ways to do this. Perhaps one of the simplest is just to create your own caching generator and use aggregation (with any other XML you may need)in the pipeline. In the generator you'll need to implement the setup method to see the objectModel, something

RE: ServerPageAction: XMLFragment reuse in XSL transformer

2002-10-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
hanks also for the code snippet. It helps a lot, as soon as it comes to thinks like the ObjectModel, I start feeling uncomfortable. - Original Message - From: Hunsberger, Peter To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:46 PM S

RE: Cocoon and EJB

2002-10-25 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I have a doubt whether it is possible (and easy :) to fetch data from EJB (connected to a DB) and produce HTML pages from both XML/XSL documents and these data. Despite Michael Homeijer interesting answers, there were not many responses, and it seems to me there are never a lot when it

RE: Cocoon and EJB

2002-10-28 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
- From: Hunsberger, Peter [mailto:Peter.Hunsberger;stjude.org] Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:59 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: Cocoon and EJB I have a doubt whether it is possible (and easy :) to fetch data from EJB (connected to a DB) and produce HTML pages from both

RE: Empty anchor tags

2002-10-29 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Thanks, it works now. Should follow the specs. Wasn't a name=foo valid in HTML 4.0, though? Id is better anyway, it's more generic. It's still valid, from the same document: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/links.html#h-12.2.1 You can use either name or id, but the name has to be unique.

RE: Cocoon and EJB

2002-10-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Would you mind integrating it into the CocoonWiki (http://www.outerthought.net)? If no and it's easier for you I can do it for you. Reinhard, go ahead and add it if you wish; everything in the document is based on stuff from the Cocoon-user archives, with some modifications. As I

RE: XMLForms vs Struts

2002-10-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I'm beginning to design a small system for my company and I need some forms to input/output data. How small? Given that you are posting on Cocoon-users I assume you are considering using Cocoon though you don't specifically mention it. The general consensus seems to be that Cocoon isn't

RE: XMLForms vs Struts

2002-10-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I'm sorry. It's a kind of help desk in our intranet where the users can: 1) Request technical assistance (input) 2) Query the status of their previous requests 3) Query a DB where any user can look at common problems/solutions We have 500 total users. I think there could be 10/20 users

RE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

2002-11-01 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
After I've made the changes, I don't seem to get the OutOfMemory exception anymore, but the site still runs extremely slow. The TaskManager shows CPU usage at 100%, which I suspect is due to memory to disk swaps. Can't help you, but if it's swapping then almost certainly you won't peg CPU

RE: inserting doctype from xsl

2002-11-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
There's more than one doctype you could have for HTML. Some folks may want to send HTML 3.2 with the appropriate header. It would be possible to have all of the doctypes ready to go out of the box. It would also mean a html32 serializer, a html4 serializer, a html401 serializer, etc.

RE: starting cocoon with windows 2000

2002-11-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
You should use 2.0.3 instead - it is the easiest version to install so far. Personally, I'd go with JDK 1.3.1, however, 'cause you'll have to recompile some jars for JDK 1.4. 2.0.3 works just fine with JDK 1.4 with no recompilation of jars required. Just make sure you get the version that

RE: Pipeline problem

2002-12-12 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
How solve my problem ? How trace data between two transformers : - between ldap and xslt - between xslt and annuaire... You can always comment out part of the pipeline temporarily and view the output directly. Eg: map:match pattern=hub/integration/* map:generate

RE: Confused about xsl:include

2002-12-12 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Not 100% sure, but in my (humble) opinion, you can only call included templates and no longer use apply. Nonsense... Apply-templates works just fine with included templates. What's missing from the included code is the place that the apply is invoked so we can't tell if it's being done

RE: Confused about xsl:include

2002-12-12 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
The above template match=title works fine if I paste it into the main xsl file. But if instead, right there in it's place, in the main xsl, I put this: xsl:include href=stylesheets/other.xsl/ to include the above file, the match is no longer applied in the output. I'm perfectly open to

RE: EJBs and Cocoon (hmm, again ;-)

2002-12-19 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
So the question is: does anybody already have a decent solution for the EJB-Cocoon problem? Or isn't there any problem at all... Umm, what problem? If you want EJB's you go ahead and use them... What's your environment? We use JBoss and create an EAR with Cocoon as a WAR inside it and the

RE: [HELP]indent can not be multiply defined at the same import level! Old value = no; New value = yes

2003-01-06 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Title: Message I'd guess that you have an "include" in one of your XSLTs andthat you have the "indent" attribute set to "no" in the base, and "yes" in the included stylesheet. It's not a Cocoon problem, but the parser chokes on it... Description:org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException:

RE: 10 basic survival tips for cocoon users (was: Logicsheet problems - global XSLT variables)

2003-01-21 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
4.) Proceed in baby steps when changing things in your cocoon app But it really slows up development Doing incremental development will ultimately save you many many, days of lost productivity. The biggest roadblock is having sufficiently powerful hardware that doing many compiles and

RE: Hello and question

2003-01-22 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Here's the context: We have several hundred thousand time series, but they will, for the foreseeable future, remain in their present repository (the Fame time series database application.) However, there are a few hundred series which our staff use regularly, and which they need to

RE: Cocoon is complex, but worth it! Some Answers to your dilemma

2003-01-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Thanks for the reply. I still, however, cant figure out how to get a hello world working on a clean war without all of the other crap in the cocoon war. Robert, It seems you really have two requirements for Cocoon: 1) learning how to create a simple Cocoon app; 2) learning how to build a

RE: Single JAR with all the libs?

2003-01-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Robert, Don't know the answer to your problem, but I also am not sure why you need it? In any case, I've noticed that at no point has anyone suggested deploying an EAR under JBoss/Cocoon instead of a WAR? Given that you want to hot deploy single classes that's probably not an option for you, but

RE: Cocoon is complex, but worth it! Some Answers to your dilemma

2003-01-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
For what it's worth, I walked through the steps for building the minimal war he was looking for on Saturday, sent him the binary war (5 meg) and posted the steps on the wiki. He's already written a first custom generator that connects to his ejbs and seems much happier now. He's started to

RE: proposal: The Newbies Competence Center

2003-01-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Hrmm... this gives me an idea, tell me if you follow along: Cocoon was developed with SoC in mind. You have the content separated from the style, and you have the logic of the site separated from the content. So, instead of trying to define what a user is and what a developer is, we

RE: proposal: The Newbies Competence Center

2003-01-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Ideally, all of these roles work together in order to get things done, but they only have to worry about their specific role. I have come to believe this is a fairy tale. No individual in a development group, in my opinion, can *ever* worry about just their role. They can specialize on

RE: proposal: The Newbies Competence Center (XSP?)

2003-01-28 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Title: Message Hmm? Well isn't that like saying that sitemaps are "proprietary" Well yes, but there's a big difference between coding your business logic in a proprietary non-portable solution and configuringa pipeline. By staying away from XSP I can switch away from Cocoon to a servlet

RE: proposal: The Newbies Competence Center (XSP?)

2003-01-29 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Title: Message Well, you carefully (or not?) snipped out my point that, in the end, the XSPs are converted to Java That's irrelevant; you're still writing proprietary code... - and at least one of theCocoon books I read suggests this as a perfectly vaild way to start off doing your

RE: Cocoon Competence Center Updates

2003-01-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
my question is how other people can even use cocoon with this bug in it. Certainly if you are just doing SQL to a little database, it will work fine but has none before tried to integrate it with an enterprise development system? It's real simple: don't use XSP... You where going along

RE: proposal: The Newbies Competence Center (XSP?)

2003-01-31 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I think we are agreeing (?) on the issue of proprietary : in essence, any code that you do not write yourself is 'proprietary' in some way - it belongs to someone. Uh, no, but it's not worth worrying about... - Please check

RE: Cocoon use worldwide

2003-01-31 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
We're using Cocoon on health care projects that need to protect XML content at a fine-grain level based on a user's role, context, and state of the data. Rather than embedding this logic completely in the persistence layer or code (a DB or EJBs), we're doing it within transforms and actions.

RE: cocoon portability

2003-01-31 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Also they want to know how much of the effort of setting up a cocoon can be reused if we decide not to go with cocoon. I suppose the business logic can be reused and possible the stylesheets but I am not sure. If you stay away from XSP then much of what you do can be reused. If you're

OT: Capital (Was RE: Cocoon use worldwide)

2003-02-05 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Anyone know any VCs with money left? :-). AN interesting aspect of Capitalism is that money never disappears. Anyone who claims this doesn't know how to look at the big picture. Ah, but capital does disappear: much of the dot com boom was financed not with money but with inflated

RE: Simple example / XML / XSLT In production

2003-02-05 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
I was debating xml, xslt versus jsp with a colleague. He noted that although xml, xslt works well in a divided graphics/analyst/developer big team, it eventually was scrapped for JSP. The lack of object hierarchy and polymorphism made changes very difficult. Can anyone provide tales of xml,

RE: XML / XSLT In production

2003-02-05 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
True true, and thank you Peter. I should have clarified, not lack of object hierarchy and polymorphism, but lack of perfect or ...traditional. Some deny a comparison between xslt and oop languages. My discussion with the colleague was brief; I cannot interpret his experience perfectly. The

RE: Using the results of an aggregate part.

2003-02-06 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Now the question raises, how i can gather an xml-fragment, put it into some temporary place (ideally in memory) and refer to this fragement from another part of the pipeline. Any reason why you don't trust Cocoon caching to do this for you? From the looks of what you've shown us there are no

RE: A note about the best(?) (cocoon-) development environment ...

2003-02-10 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
snip Ones you didnt talk about: 13) Together control center. If you can afford it, it absolutely kills any other IDE on the planet. Hmm, I use it, but I wouldn't quite say that: it's got it's share of bugs that make it sometimes quite painful to use. However, we're getting good support

RE: ideal hardware for cocoon?

2003-02-12 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
We are going to be setting up a dedicated cocoon server soon and I am trying to spec out the hardware. The operating system will be redhat (8 probably) and tomcat will be the servlet engine. Does anyone have any experiences of what hardware balance is right for cocoon? As much as

RE: jboss and cocoon

2003-02-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
arnaud asked: does anybody used cocoon with jboss ? Yes, we deploy Cocoon as an EAR under Jboss. The EJB classes are packaged as a JAR within the EAR and Cocoon is packaged as WAR inside the EAR. The EJB remote interfaces are included in the Cocoon lib. You can of course deploy separately