Request [was: Neither iPhone or OpenMoko are revolutionary]

2007-01-18 Thread Thomas Seiler

Am 18.01.2007 um 20:23 schrieb Renaissance Man:

Hey, no problem. Sorry for being so inconvenient as to have a  
different view to start with. I know how awful it can be for people  
like you if others don't think the same way as you to begin with.

We certainly have no problem with people that think in other ways.  
Thats what the freedom in NEO 1973 is all about !

What I do have a problem with is someone who wants me to think as he  

May I ask the list to start, where appropriate, new threads, with  
more specific subjects? That way it is  easier to follow the  
different discussions that evolved from this thread...

Thanks & Cheers,
Thomas Seiler

OpenMoko community mailing list

Power for USB Host

2007-01-20 Thread Thomas Seiler


Found this nice little project:

5 volts at 100ma (i.e. for usb memory sticks / card reader) out of 2  
normal AA / AAA batteries.
It's even possible to use their PCB design, just need to replace the  
resistors on the D lines with

a mini USB cable and plug it into the Neo1973.

Now the big question: Are there any usb wifi sticks out there that  
can work with ~100ma?

Thomas Seiler

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Itch1: Spell weaving

2007-01-24 Thread Thomas Seiler


I like your idea of spell weaving very much. Unfortunately...

Latest word seems to be that Neo1973 will be single touch only and  

is hardware limitation.

...which is sad. I suppose the neo1973 is using a resistive
touch-screen. (
Therefore we can't hack the existing touch-screen to be multi-touchable.

However, I don't give up easily. I have seen that cypress produces a  
of mixed signal MCUs ( They have  
on-chip that is needed to build a capacitive touch controller. they  
are not
so expensive and the assembler / IDE is free (as in beer). And the  
performance is
not so bad: apple used a PSOC chip for the clickwheel(tm) in the ipod  
mini series)

By going the capacitive road, it should be possible to have  
multitouch as long as
the two touchpoints are not to close together. (this is basically how  
touchpads for notebooks are build) By locking at the size we will  
probably need
to split the display into upper and lower half and have two  
independent controllers.

So in order to hack this up, we would need:

Hardware Side:
- Someone who can sputter indium-thin-oxide onto a glass-substrate
  Alternatively we might use an old resistive touch-screen for first  

- Someone who can etch a pattern into this.
  There we need someone with knowledge in chemistry .
  (the pattern we need can be seen on one of the pictures in the  
PSOC wikipedia article)

- Oh, and we would need solder points inside the Neo1973 (SPI /  
uart / gpio) to

  connect an alien MCU like the Cypress PSOC.

Software Side:
- kernel level device driver that emulates the interface of the old  

- A new device to access the multi touch information.
- X pointer abstraction ? Dont know nothing about X.
- Some gesture detection ? Dont know nothing about markov.

So is there anyone on this list interested in building such a  
prototype ?
Anyone with experience in working with Indium-Thin-Oxide or other  
conductors ? Anyone who knows how the x pointer stuff works ? Or how  
to write

a gesture detection algo ?

This would really be fun !

Thomas Seiler

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Better keyboard?

2008-07-12 Thread Thomas Seiler
On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 12:22 AM, Jim Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are there only the two keyboards for freerunner?
> I have tried the matchbox one from the site, and it is way too small for my 
> old eyes to use.

A while back I have implemented a few improvements to the matchbox keyboard:

- a different color scheme that is less stressful for the eye
- popup to see what is currently pressed.


Excercise 17:
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we'd be so
simple we couldn't understand.
Prove this by induction.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Better keyboard?

2008-07-13 Thread Thomas Seiler
Hi Jim,

thanks for testing!

Indeed, I dont seem to wait for the popup window to be mapped before
drawing onto it.
This is a bug (tm) of type race condition. (The Freerunner has a
faster CPU, and the bug gets visible :-)
Bug is identified, will post a fix later today...

If you want to fine tune the color scheme, that can be changed quite
easily without recompiling the keyboard.
The XML keyboard definition files contain a block similar to this:

the numbers are HEX encoded RGB triplets, as is used commonly on the
web to encode colors.
With a color picker tool and a text editor you can change the colors
to match your preference.

If you have other ideas on how to improve the usability of the
keyboard on Freerunner, please let me know. : )


Excercise 17:
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we'd be so
simple we couldn't understand.
Prove this by induction.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Operation without battery (GTA02)

2008-07-17 Thread Thomas Seiler
> | What's the advantage of enabling the charger?
> Well without it literally it won't charge the battery from USB power.
> It's fine to enable it except when it notices there is no battery there
> for some reason.

Question: Would it help to query the ADC and check for some battery voltage
prior to enabling the charger help to keep the Freerunner switched on
in this case?


Excercise 17:
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we'd be so
simple we couldn't understand.
Prove this by induction.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Intone-video problems!! Help !

2009-04-14 Thread Thomas Seiler
Hi c_c,

thanks for bringing another superb app to the neo!

I'm not an X11 expert, just trying to answer some of your questions
here... If I babble nonsense, please correct me.

> 1. I finally found out that I can create 2 windows using elementary,
> 1 for mplayer to play the video in (using -wid) and one for the controls.
> I've sized the windows to 640x400 for the window where the video
> shows up and 640x80 for the controls. But I can't seem to get to
> see the main window (the one that has the controls) at all. It
> works fine on my desktop - but I'm not using illume there.

The problem is that your windows will end up stacked ontop of each other, and
here is why:

In X11, you do normally not position your windows on the screen. You have a
separate process, the "window manager" or WM, that takes care of this task.
That way, the user can finetune the behaviour of this desktop in one place,
instead of having to tune each and every app separately.

When you create a new window, the window manager will be consulted and will
come up with the best position/size for that new window. It will also draw some
decorations around it (border, titlebar, icons), so you have a consistent look.

On your desktop, where you have plenty of space, the best policy for the WM
is to arrange windows such that they don't overlap too much. On the neo
however, where screen space is a premium, the default strategy is to maximize
and center each window and forget about the borders, titlebars and stuff...

Both of your windows will simply be maximized and the one you create later will
end up on top of the stack. That way, you loose your controls.

> 2. The video playing window is centered on the screen. Is there a way I can
> set the positions of these window's? Or do I need to look for a different 
> solution.

There is a way to have absolute control over the window by overriding the
window manager:

   EAPI void ecore_evas_override_set(Ecore_Evas* ee, Evas_Bool

or in elementary:

   EAPI void elm_win_override_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Bool override);

If you do this, the WM won't touch your window, and you will have to position
and size it yourself. Be aware though, that you also will have to take into
account any bars (taskbar / titlebar etc...) as you now work with raw
screen coords.
Usually, you have a normal window that is placed in the usual way by the wm.
You learn it's size and raw coordinates on screen and place the
overridden window
such that it fits inside.

> 3. Is there a way to embed a window in the main window of an elementary app?

There is the elementary inwin. But this is not a X11 window with it's own wid.
As far as I know, there is currently no elementary widget for this.

> 4. As far as I can see, mplayer uses the entire window (whose handle is
> passed to it with wid) to play the video. Or is it possible to have it use 
> only
> part of the window?

Not that I know. But what you can do, is to create a second X11 window, with
the override bit set. Position it manually, based on the co-ordinates of your
main window, and hand its wid to mplayer. the WM won't add any decoration
to it, thanks to the override bit, and mplayer will fill it with the
movie, so the
second window should not be recognizable as a window.

You should be able to get the position and sitze of your main elm_win using
something like this:

   EAPI void  evas_object_geometry_get  (const
Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *w,
Evas_Coord *h);

Then you can simply create a second elm_win with the right coordinates, and
set the override bit _before_ you make the window visible.

Hope this helps...


Excercise 17:
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we'd be so
simple we couldn't understand.
Prove this by induction.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Intone-video problems!! Help !

2009-04-14 Thread Thomas Seiler
> The best would be to have a transparent windows with big icons to
> pause/quit, ff and so on, very finger friendly

Hm, if you want to get fancy, there is a way to have windows of any shape
that are always "on top" as far as the window manager is concerned.

Check out:

   EAPI void ecore_evas_shaped_set(Ecore_Evas* ee, Evas_Bool shaped);

or in elementary:

   EAPI void elm_win_shaped_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Bool shaped);

This is really really super slow on the neo, and it might not even work with
mplayer overlay windows. But normally, you would be able to make arbitrary
shaped windows. (Check out the elementary-test app, there is a transparency
test using this...)

You might also get some inspiration from this proof-of-concept keyboard code:

Hope this is useful...


Excercise 17:
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we'd be so
simple we couldn't understand.
Prove this by induction.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Intone (0.24) Elementary based mplayer frontend

2009-04-14 Thread Thomas Seiler

c_c wrote:
>Mirko Lindner wrote:
>>The elm theme we install sets the text color in elm-entries to white rather 
>>than black.
> Ah! That explains it. Hmmm - Well, it looks like I'll have to see if I can 
>change over
> my entry's (there's only 1) background to black.
> But there must be a better way - we surely can't have changes applied 
> system-wide
> based on the theme used for one App.

I think there is some infrastructure already there, working on the
edje group level...

Please check the Elementary wiki page:

Quoting the section about elementary envionment variables...

> ELM_THEME - This sets the theme(s) to be used in order from most
> preferential, to least, just with the theme name (minus the .edj extension)
> with a : character delimiting the name. A simple personal theme would be
> mytheme. If you wish to primarily use your personal theme, and then fall
> back to another, you can do: mytheme:fallback.
> This allows as many levels as you like. It is always assumed that the final
> fallback theme is the default theme. A complex example would be:
> mytheme:fallback:systemfallback:othersystem. Remember theme names
> like "mytheme" mean it assumes a mytheme.edj is in $HOME/.elementary/themes
> OR if not found here first, it is in $ELM_DATA_DIR/themes under the same
> name.
> Themes in your users theme dir always take precedence. A Theme name can
> ALSO be a relative or full path to a file. In this case the fill filename
> including extensions needs to be given. i.e. 
> /path/to/file.edj:mytheme:fallback:
> ../../relative/path/file.edj:./dir/file.edj. With full or relative paths 
> searching in order
> still happens. Note that there is a convenience shortcut for the users home
> directory of ~/. So if a theme element is ~/dir/file.edj then ~/ is expanded 
> to
> the the value of $HOME (the users home directory).

The way I understand this is that for every edje groud that is needed
to render a
 widget, elementary will check the *.edjes in the order they are listed in the
ELM_THEME env variable. If a group is not found, it will check the next *.edj

Digging deeper, there are two undocumented API calls in Elementary.h:

EAPI void elm_theme_overlay_add(const char *item);
EAPI void elm_theme_extension_add(const char *item);

I think these allow the application to add their own themes app dependent *.edj,

either _before_ ELM_THEME (that would be elm_theme_overlay_add() )
or _after_ ELM_THEME (that would be elm_theme_extension_add() )

The relevant code is at:

I have not tested this, but the code looks as if it would be in working shape.
Hope this is usefull nevertheless...


Excercise 17:
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we'd be so
simple we couldn't understand.
Prove this by induction.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why enlightenment?

2009-04-15 Thread Thomas Seiler

> Why enlightenment?

| You see things; and you say, 'Why?'
| But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
|George Bernard Shaw,



Excercise 17:
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we'd be so
simple we couldn't understand.
Prove this by induction.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Intone lockup

2009-04-18 Thread Thomas Seiler

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:17 PM, The Digital Pioneer
> Ahh, the beast isn't tamed yet. Now, when I run Intone, I can play the
> music, but as soon as it starts playing it, the GUI locks up and has to be
> killed.

Hm, to me, this looks as if the gui is expecting an answer from
mplayer but for some
reason missed it. Thanks to the while-loops that are all over in
gui.c, the gui would sit there waiting forever.

As such, control flow never returns to the ecore mainloop and the gui
aprears to "hang".

Intone should not use while loops when reading answers from mplayer,
or allow the loops to be broken
after an apropriate timeout...


Excercise 17:
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we'd be so
simple we couldn't understand.
Prove this by induction.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Elmdentica 0.3.0

2009-06-29 Thread Thomas Seiler
Hi Rui,

in elementary, you can scale each visual element independently by
using the function

void elm_object_scale_set (Evas_Object *obj, double scale)

on the evas object. The scale factor is applied to all elements of the
object, i.e. not only the button size but also the buttons text is

Note however that there is a minimal size of buttons, and other finger
touchable things: ELM_FINGER_SIZE.

ELM_FINGER_SIZE is an environment variable that gives the diameter of
the finger in pixels, and elementary will make sure that buttons will
never get smaller than ELM_FINGER_SIZE, such that they stay usable
with your fingers...,

Hope this helps


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 02:48:01PM -0700, Morten wrote:
>> Looking really good! I love that you are using Elementary, it's _so_ much
>> nicer from a user perspective, almost a little iphonish =)
> Yeah, but does someone know how to make smaller buttons?
> Rui
> --
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Excercise 17:
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we'd be so
simple we couldn't understand.
Prove this by induction.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Audio Jack 2.5 mm

2007-04-24 Thread Thomas Seiler

Am 24.04.2007 um 12:58 schrieb Vladimír Lapáček:

so why does Neo 1973 use the 2.5mm one?

That makes perfectly sense: because the majority of headsets for  
mobile phones are 2.5mm

Isn't the questiont ths: Why doesn't it provide *additionally* a  
3.5mm jack ? That would be sweet!!!

(and i suspect it woudln't cost much more)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Audio Jack 2.5 mm

2007-04-24 Thread Thomas Seiler

Am 24.04.2007 um 20:20 schrieb Ian Stirling:

The USB chip is integrated into the SOC, the sound chip is on  
another bus. You can get arbitrary sound quality over USB, with a  

Not when the USB Host Port doesn't supply the power (+5Volts) needed  
to power that DAC.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: New wishlist item: Side-mounted touch strip sensor

2007-06-19 Thread Thomas Seiler

Am 19.06.2007 um 11:39 schrieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

... An 8-element capacitive
sensor would work wonderfully and be easy to fab using either a  
QT411 ( or Analog  
AD7143 (,2877,AD7143,00.html)  

I would like to throw in the Cypress series of PSoCs (Programmable  
System on Chips)

Its a 8bit uC plus some digital and analog blocks that can be  
interconnected like a FPGA, all in one single chip.
Its very flexible, and tools for assembly level software developpment  
are freely available.
I dont think that the gcc can currently compile for it as a target  

Why this interesting in my opinion:
Selfmade keylock-logic ala iphone slide, so we dont wake up  
continously the samsung main CPU when worn in a pocket or such thing.  
only after the slide, we generate the interupt.

We are free to develop our own logic.

More Info:

BTW: this is something that might easily be retrofittet to the Phase  
1 devices, once available.


I think the current Ipod nano uses them aswell for the clickwheel.___
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: New wishlist item: Side-mounted touch strip sensor

2007-06-19 Thread Thomas Seiler

Am 19.06.2007 um 21:26 schrieb Jordan Anderson:

I have a touch strip on my HTC Excalibur, and one of the first  
things I did was shut it off -- simply handling the phone was  
causing the volume to go up and down, or my browser to go back.  
Obviously a personal thing, but with a physical button it's easier  
to remember that it's there.

When using a controller that is programmable, one could have a double- 
click keylock feature

1) tap
2) release within specific delay
3) tap again within specific delay and specific nearness to the first  

4) now, while holding the finger, slide.

Only if you "unlocked" with the double tab, then the slide is  

just an idea...


OpenMoko community mailing list