Re: [CGUYS] Hp Hulk Monitor

2009-07-22 Thread David K Watson
Excuse me for asking the obvious question, but have you tried the adjustment buttons on the front of the monitor? If you have young kids, that is one of the things they eventually get around to messing with, whereas the adults just forget that those buttons are there. I found the display

Re: [CGUYS] WFB's Hatred of Apple Knows No Bounds

2009-07-22 Thread David K Watson
Worse, this is not CIO magazine's own writers saying this, they are quoting an analyst with Technology Business Research who essentially is implying that consumer confidence rebounded in the second quarter, but only for Apple users. That is some interesting professional analysis and

Re: [CGUYS] Friendly neighbors?

2009-07-20 Thread David K Watson
Neal Stephson's own words, from his Slashdot interview: Neal: You guessed right: I embraced OS X as soon as it was available and have never looked back. So a lot of In the beginning was the command line is now obsolete. I keep meaning to update it, but if I'm honest with myself, I have to say

Re: [CGUYS] Switching, and why

2009-07-20 Thread David K Watson
, 2009, at 6:02 PM, David K Watson wrote: Even so, it is fun to note (for the purposes of riling up some people) that in the scenario where either switch was equally likely, you'd approach a steady state in which there were equal numbers of windows and mac users

Re: [CGUYS] Switching, and why

2009-07-19 Thread David K Watson
Of course, anecdotal evidence is worth almost nothing, but even if we accept it as being representative, we still don't actually know the switching probabilities here. For example, the windows-mac and mac-windows switching probabilities could be the same and you'd still see many times more

Re: [CGUYS] Batch downloading of bank check images

2009-07-16 Thread David K Watson
Actually, some gas stations still do give discounts for cash, like the one I frequent. I still pay by credit card most of the time though, as I generally would save less than $ 1 and usually don't carry a lot of cash on me. From:Matthew Taylor Subject: Re: Batch

Re: [CGUYS] What the ...

2009-07-10 Thread David K Watson
If you had dug a little deeper, you would have found that Apple EOLed AppleWorks two years ago. The links on that page are all for the updater, not AppleWorks itself. At 6:52 PM -0700 7/9/09, Jeff Miles wrote: You are quite right! I never really looked at it beyond it opening read

Re: [CGUYS] Spiteful Win7 Release

2009-06-15 Thread David K Watson
From:mike I like how once again Apple is forcing users to upgrade their OS if they want to run the newest Safari. Good thing they have no market share to speak of. It looks like either you or somebody you read saw that one option for getting Safari is via the

Re: [CGUYS] Apple Does it Right

2009-06-12 Thread David K Watson
Since you speak of her job in the past tense, I suspect that the newspaper was running a pre-OS X system. Even well-managed OS 9 and pre-OS 9 systems were occasionally prone to extension and control panel conflicts if you used any beyond a basic set, and your wife's newspaper probably had to use

Re: [CGUYS] Apple Does it Right

2009-06-10 Thread David K Watson
How much more beyond that to include Exchange support? In Snow Leopard, you'll have to pay a hefty $0 extra to get it. Microsoft might actually have something to be happy about in this regard, because Snow Leopard's Exchange support requires the most recent version of Exchange, so this will

Re: [CGUYS] Apple Does it Right

2009-06-10 Thread David K Watson
Well, the people who are most likely to upgrade their OS are the ones who have recently bought a new one. A significant proportion of XP users in this group are ones who had to buy a Vista license in order to run XP, so the XP - Win7 upgrade cost should not apply to them. As for the rest of the

[CGUYS] Subject: Re: When I think know...

2009-06-04 Thread David K Watson
SInce this topic came up, the London Homesick Blues (The I want to go home with the Armadillo... song that used to open the Austin City Limits program) has been playing in my head. From:Jeff Wright Looks like a great place, Rev, it's a shame that it's gone. What a

Re: [CGUYS] Xbox Natal

2009-06-02 Thread David K Watson
The running game on the Wii Fit doesn't use the balance board either. It uses the motion sensor in the remote. You put the remote in a waist pocket for this. On a related note, Nintendo has announced the Wii Fit Plus at E3. It has new games (one lets you pretend to be Mario) and it also has a

Re: [CGUYS] Mac or PC laptop?

2009-05-29 Thread David K Watson
I second what Betty said, with the addition that if you did get a mac, then the Boot Camp partition can be used to run windows both natively and in a virtual machine, and Apple's drivers lets you keep much of the functionality of the extremely cool multi-touch trackpad in Windows. I've been told


2009-05-29 Thread David K Watson
It's a funny quote, but it ignores the fact that Wolfram Alpha was never intended from the start to be a Google killer. From a PC World article: The first thing Wolfram Research co-founder Theodore Grey wants you to know is what Alpha is not: It is no Google killer, as it's been called by

[CGUYS] Actiontec modem [was: Airport network ...]

2009-05-24 Thread David K Watson
Sorry to take so long to comment on this, I have been recovering from a bad cold. That is not the way FIOS is setup at my house. The fiber optic cable runs from the pole to the FIOS box outside the house and from there it is only a coax cable inside the house which is split to serve different

Re: [CGUYS] Airport network not connecting with macbook

2009-05-22 Thread David K Watson
I had prepared a fairly detailed reply about how to set up your Airport to use a USB printer, then I noticed the IP in your printer name and looked it up. The Canon PIXMA iP90v has built-in wireless. If you go to and look for the downloads for your printer, you can

Re: [CGUYS] Airport network not connecting with macbook

2009-05-21 Thread David K Watson
First, turn off the Airport for now, so it doesn't complicate things. Also, go to Network preferences for your macbook and select the Show Airport status in menu bar option if you haven't already. Try unplugging the power from the Verizon modem and see if the MacBook is still getting a signal.

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-16 Thread David K Watson
The Nation magazine has been completely dependent on a wealthy benefactor since it started publishing 100 years ago. It has yet to make one dime of profit on its own and would have gone out of business decades ago otherwise. Just to provide a slight correction and a little context here,

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-16 Thread David K Watson
So the choice is to read one mag who supports enhanced interrogation, or one that thought Joe was a great guy when he was killing as many as 20,000 Russians a month? I think that you have been confusing The Nation with The New Republic. The New Republic was was generally quite pro-soviet until

Re: [CGUYS] Shareware {WAS: Photo editing software]

2009-05-11 Thread David K Watson
Go back to GraphicConverter's developer's website,, and pay attention to the testimonials animation on the left margin. Eventually you'll see I used GraphicConverter for free for two years before buying a license. Follow the link to the GraphicConverter product page,

Re: [CGUYS] Shareware {WAS: Photo editing software]

2009-05-11 Thread David K Watson
A slight correction and addendum: It is Thorsten Lemke, not Thorsen, and the asterisk on the practically without any restrictions* part tells about the delay on starting up and batch mode being disabled. Go back to GraphicConverter's developer's website,, and pay

Re: [CGUYS] Win7 XPM Intel [Was: Win7 Speed Improvement]

2009-05-08 Thread David K Watson
Parallels is coming out with a XP virtualization tool for Windows 7. That might work where MS's XP mode won't. I've read a couple of reviews on XP mode in Windows 7 so far. One class of reviews says essentially that XPM is great for its very limited intended use, and the others say that XPM is

Re: [CGUYS] Firewall Logging: Are these a problem?

2009-05-05 Thread David K Watson
Apple's documentation is often dated. They are much faster a putting new stuff up than at taking obsolete info down. Except that one of the ADC articles I quoted was explicitly written for Leopard, and I could show you other articles as well, like one on writing 64 bit code for Leopard which

Re: [CGUYS] Firewall Logging: Are these a problem?

2009-05-04 Thread David K Watson
I remember those times too. There were user-installable versions of CUPS that some people used even after it was included in 10.2, including (I think) a commercial professional version that supposedly worked better than than the others. Also, even if you stuck with the limited implementation in

Re: [CGUYS] Firewall Logging: Are these a problem?

2009-05-03 Thread David K Watson
Tom, I think you are wrong about most people not using CUPS for printing, (at least on OS X, which is what I think you are talking about). I'm pretty sure that CUPS is the system that the printing GUI interacts with. A neat trick that I recently re-discovered backs this up. In OS X, if you

Re: [CGUYS] Airport network not connecting with macbook

2009-05-01 Thread David K Watson
You shouldn't need a new Airport, the problem seems to be with your network settings, with your system holding on to an old setting that it ought to forget. When you have deleted the old network and leave the Network settings pane and you are given the option to apply new settings, are you sure

Re: [CGUYS] Vanishing Windows PC RESULTS

2009-04-20 Thread David K Watson
Here are a few things you can try: 1) Go to Startup Disk in System Preferences and see if the partition shows up there. It probably won't, since it is not showing up in Disk Utility or when you start up with the option key held down, but you might get lucky. 2) In Disk Utility, try selecting

Re: [CGUYS] Vanishing Windows PC RESULTS

2009-04-20 Thread David K Watson
You report lots of problems with partitions in Windows and Linux, then on the basis of a single reported incident on a Mac whose cause is so far unknown, you say I don't see how this reflects well on Apple…? It sounds to me like you are saying (to paraphrase Churchill) that OS X is the worst

Re: [CGUYS] Vanishing Windows PC RESULTS

2009-04-20 Thread David K Watson
It is perfectly OK to criticize Apple, I do so myself sometimes (and don't get Tom started on the Finder). I was wondering about your reasoning. Given the missing sentence (which I didn't understand at the time and omitted because I thought it irrelevant), you do make more sense. Thanks for

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-17 Thread David K Watson
I hate looking like the person who has to have the last word on the subject, but I followed your suggestion that I read the entire thread in order, and I'd like to say what I found. This started with a discussion about whether it should be a list rule that we not write M$ for MS or Windoze for

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-16 Thread David K Watson
I don't know about Tom, but I followed those directions and did one better: I actually went back to look at the offending post (previous in thread). The person who offended you so much quotes your entire post WITHOUT ALTERATION, in which you talk about MS-bashing for its own sake, then he

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-16 Thread David K Watson
From:Chris Dunford snip This is intolerable. You don't know how to search your own archive, nor are you apparently aware that MARC does not provide a usable link from search results. And then you pretty much say that I am making this up. I will give you explicit

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-16 Thread David K Watson
I wasn't replying to your first comment in this thread, but to the more recent ones. Yes, your first recent comment was mild, but you used it and Tom's somewhat snarky response to it as the basis for a fair amount of hectoring over whether or not it was OK to misquote someone, a question that

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread David K Watson
This is a very common tactic of yours, claiming because Tom hasn't said something about a behavior that he is condoning it. In the first place this is an invalid argument. In the second place, why do you want Tom to be the arbiter of other people's behavior on this list? The proper person to

Re: [CGUYS] Vote for Old Blue Eyes!

2009-04-09 Thread David K Watson
I'm betting that he didn't notice the bit of the URL that got wrapped to the next line. This is a good time to remind people that if you don't want to use tinyurl or similar service, you can wrap the URL with and most mail clients will link to the whole URL even if it is wrapped across

Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop Hunters]

2009-04-01 Thread David K Watson
One box has superior specs, better reviews, and higher customer satisfaction ratings. The other one is cheaper and sells more. Where do you get your figures? I looked on amazon, and the Wii had better customer satisfaction ratings there than any of the Xbox models. That also seems to be the

Re: [CGUYS] MS Office for Mac--Corrupt fonts

2009-03-14 Thread David K Watson
My memory is that the font is identified as corrupt, and you can choose to delete it or leave it in place. If you validate the fonts, what happens when you validate corrupt fonts. They get repaired or identified as needing to be replaced? db

Re: [CGUYS] Can't print -- OS X Leopard

2009-03-13 Thread David K Watson
Have you checked to see if the firmware has been altered? Security measures (including blocking USB ports) are often implemented by making changes in the firmware, and this won't be fixed by wiping the drive and reinstalling OS X. The problem is, if the bank altered the firmware, they likely

Re: [CGUYS] MS Office for Mac--Corrupt fonts

2009-03-13 Thread David K Watson
The thing you tried will not work if a font is in fact corrupt, and reinstalling Office may not fix it either. To check for corrupt fonts, open the Font Book application, select all the fonts and use the Validate Fonts selection under the File menu. Also, drag the Fonts folder from the Office

[CGUYS] Search operators [was: those pesky browsers!]

2009-03-11 Thread David K Watson
The page documents a lot of advanced Google search operators besides the usual , OR, -, and the aforementioned site: . For example, you can use + to search for something exactly as written, * for wildcards, inurl: to search for occurrences only in the

Re: [CGUYS] Linux newbie question

2009-03-01 Thread David K Watson
In the terminal, type sudo yum install galeon You will be prompted for your password, after which the install should proceed. If you want to learn linux/unix on your own, IBM's website has a number of tutorials. I think you need a membership (free) to view some of the articles, but the effort

[CGUYS] Story [Was Redefining history]

2009-02-16 Thread David K Watson
You must be thinking of the Heinlein story Let There Be Light The Ursula K. Le Guin story, “The New Atlantis” was also about the discovery of a cheap and easy way to capture energy, only in this case the enemy was a pseudo-communist

[CGUYS] Charter to file for bankruptcy

2009-02-12 Thread David K Watson
This doesn't directly affect me, but I expect it will affect some of you: Cable operator Charter Communications, weighed down by huge debt for many

Re: [CGUYS] Needlepoint

2009-02-06 Thread David K Watson
I have two ideas for you. The more sane one is to use T-shirt transfers. You print onto the transfer sheet (standard paper size), then iron the pattern onto the shirt, or in this case, the canvas. For a larger image, break it up onto several sheets and piece them together on the canvas. You

Re: [CGUYS] Audio transfer

2009-02-06 Thread David K Watson
Assuming that you are using Audacity for legitimate purposes (otherwise we shouldn't help you and Tom will yell at us), what are your issues? I've only used Audacity a little bit, but I've tried it on OS X and Linux, and I haven't seen any loss of functionality on OS X. The only real issue I

Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 3 Feb 2009 - Special issue (#2009-138)

2009-02-03 Thread David K Watson
To change the application for a single file, it's very similar to the windows situation. Right-click on the file and in the popup menu select the application from the Open With… menu item. Or, open the application and drop the file icon onto the application icon in the dock. To permanently


2009-02-03 Thread David K Watson
As I've said before (but not recently), I get the list in digest form and have to paste in the subject line manually. Sometimes I forget. I apologize for doing it again (as I have apologized for doing it previously). It would be horribly distracting for me to get each posting as it comes in,

Re: [CGUYS] cut and paste a pdf

2009-02-02 Thread David K Watson
When I opened it in Acrobat Reader I couldn't copy. The document properties in Acrobat shows Content Copying: Not allowed Content Copying for Accessibility: Allowed Apparently, different viewers interpret these properties differently, since (as others have reported) it can be

Re: [CGUYS] Scanned

2009-01-29 Thread David K Watson
Of course, now that Adobe has opened up the pdf format, this may change. But for now, it's just not an editing format. I agree that PDF is not an editing format. But it was never really intended to be, it was intended to be a fixed presentation format. Also, while it is only recently that PDF

Re: [CGUYS] Scanned

2009-01-29 Thread David K Watson
Yeah, I got the PDF add-on for my older Office distribution at the same time I got the add-on for opening the newer Office formats. I'm guessing that they did this because OpenOffice has had a PDF feature for a while now. Competition is good! Speaking of the new Office formats, I thought that

Re: [CGUYS] Save to PDF?, was Re: [CGUYS] Scanned

2009-01-29 Thread David K Watson
Yes, I meant the Save as PDF… option on the Print dialog box. Calling it Print to PDF is fairly common, I think, unless my memory betrays me. As to the problem you had, the save as PDF option has always worked properly for me, but for some reason Preview will sometimes open up PDFs with a high

Re: [CGUYS] pdf's was scanned

2009-01-29 Thread David K Watson
my understanding is that tif is one of the more efficient methods of file compression for pics. According to, which also matches my memory, Today, most TIFF images and readers remain based upon uncompressed 32-bit CMYK or 24-bit RGB images. The article goes

Re: [CGUYS] Family Project

2009-01-15 Thread David K Watson
Wait a minute, she tells you front right and then you hear it as coming from the front, and when she tells you rear right you hear it as coming from the rear? That sounds like it could be suggestion to me. As an experiment, try it on an unsuspecting friend with the headphones on backwards and

Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 7 Jan 2009 (#2009-20)

2009-01-08 Thread David K Watson
A few people with certain configurations had problems with doing the Leopard update via Software Update. This has presumably been fixed. If you are worried about this, download the update from Apple and use that instead. If you are really worried, back up your system first. Aside from that, I

Re: [CGUYS] Windows 7 Public Beta: 1st Major Blooper

2009-01-08 Thread David K Watson
about him all the time. How about complaining about a product you get for free? When you aren't even one of the people getting the product? On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 2:44 PM, David K Watson wrote: Why is it that servers not getting activation keys to the beta testers

Re: [CGUYS] Windows 7 Public Beta: 1st Major Blooper

2009-01-08 Thread David K Watson
It's a good thing that Apple is so good at this kind of thing, otherwise they might also have had server problems rolling out new products. Hey, wait a minute! Isn't this a big stretch, comparing the somewhat routine operation of serving product activation keys with Apple's launch of a

Re: [CGUYS] Windows 7 Public Beta: 1st Major Blooper

2009-01-08 Thread David K Watson
I can agree with the problem not being with the OS to a certain extent, but having a problem with mis- or un-served activation keys is only an issue if your product needs them in the first place. Windows needs them, OS X doesn't. Don't ascribe this to hardware lock-in either, my old desktop ran

Re: [CGUYS] Windows 7 Public Beta: 1st Major Blooper

2009-01-08 Thread David K Watson
Are you saying that because Tom made a wild comparison, its fine if you do it? Didn't your momma ever tell you that just because somebody else does it, doesn't mean that it's OK for you to do it? :)) Turning a little more serious again, while Tom may just possibly be a wee bit extreme in

Re: [CGUYS] Zunepocalypse

2009-01-06 Thread David K Watson
I'm sorry, but bashing MS over this while praising Apple assumes that Apple finds all bugs in all third-party components, and I think I can pretty well assure you that it doesn't. I question this assertion. Bashing MS over this while praising Apple does not assume that Apple finds *all*

Re: [CGUYS] Zunepocalypse

2009-01-05 Thread David K Watson
This is just plain bizarre. It is plainly obvious that no one is going to check every line of code in every third party component. Such a task would be almost as difficult as originating the code in the first place. That question is purely rhetorical and as such needs no answer. There is,

Re: [CGUYS] Making room on OSX primary drive?

2009-01-01 Thread David K Watson
Possibly not as good as WhatSize, but free for 30 days/ 10 tries is File Buddy It's good for figuring out what big chunks of disk space is being used for. I just checked ... it's free for use with 20 GB of files, $12.95 for unlimited data size use. Not a

Re: [CGUYS] PC and MAC interchanges

2008-12-27 Thread David K Watson
As others have pointed out, there is no risk in switching to a Mac, as it can boot XP and Vista natively via Boot Camp, or you can run Windows inside OS X as a virtual machine using Parallels, VMware, VirtualBox, or other virtualization software. If it turns out that you really don't like OS X

Re: [CGUYS] Linux Drivers

2008-12-22 Thread David K Watson
The Powerbook uses the PowerPC processor architecture. According to the Ubuntu Wiki, Ubuntu for PowerPC is no longer officially supported, and is a community port. How good it is depends on how dedicated and experienced the PowerPC community is. I'd guess that it is pretty good, but that some

Re: [CGUYS] Good Time to Buy Zunes

2008-12-18 Thread David K Watson
What? We were having a quasi-rational discussion actually comparing iPods and Zunes, and you break out the labels and say how some of us are dirty iPod-lovers out to smear the Zune? Instead of making the ad hominem attacks, why don't you tell us again what the Zune can do now that it couldn't

Re: [CGUYS] Mac Updates

2008-12-18 Thread David K Watson
I ran the Tiger update on my desktop mac and the Leopard update on all the family laptops right away, as all systems are recently backed up. The Leopard updates took a bit longer than average to install and reboot, but not scarily so. The updates haven't caused me any problems nor have they

Re: [CGUYS] Good Time to Buy Zunes

2008-12-17 Thread David K Watson
It was an honest evaluation at the time it was written, when both products were the best of their respective companies and the market hasn't evolved to where it is today. Not so much today. More importantly, where have you gone that you have been able to test these things on a Zune? At

Re: [CGUYS] Good Time to Buy Zunes

2008-12-16 Thread David K Watson
That's a two year old review comparing the now Classic iPod with essentially the same Zune of today. The points in favor of a iPod still hold for the touch screen version, aside from the issues over screen size (iPod wins) and scroll wheel (now moot). Also, I believe that the Zune can be used

Re: [CGUYS] parallels 4.0

2008-12-10 Thread David K Watson
A few people have reported problems with the Parallels upgrade. My understanding is that most of the problems occur with virtual machines originally created with other virtualization software and imported into Parallels 3. Another set of complaints was over reverting to version 3 because

Re: [CGUYS] router/accesspoint

2008-11-16 Thread David K Watson
You have to reconfigure the router to use wpa. Look at Follow the first part of the article directions for accessing the router configuration interface. Note that under the usual settings, you have to

Re: [CGUYS] 802.11N and Mac?

2008-11-03 Thread David K Watson
I have had a 1TB Time Capsule since June, and it works pretty well for me. I haven't had to use it to restore my MacBook, but I have used it a couple of times to rescue a file I had mistakenly deleted or otherwise messed up. I set it up to operate with user accounts for each member of my

Re: [CGUYS] Help! Apple Mail Ghosts

2008-11-03 Thread David K Watson
You are right that you can't rebuild the inbox. However, expand the inbox (click on the right-pointing triangle next to the inbox) and you should be able to rebuild each of the single account inboxes under the main inbox. If you rebuilt all your inboxes and all of your other mailboxes, you'll

Re: [CGUYS] Real Player download mngr.

2008-11-03 Thread David K Watson
Tom is right that RealPlayer/RealOne is an obnoxious piece of crud and shouldn't ever have been installed. If you insist on keeping it, start up Realplayer and disable the Enable web Downloading and Recording option. In Windows, this would be in the Preferences under the Tools menu, so for the

Re: [CGUYS] iMove HD 5.0 question

2008-10-27 Thread David K Watson
Quite a lot depends on the speed of your machine. Given that you are not running the latest version of iMovie (the last iMovie to call itself HD was version 6 and the most recent version of iMovie is version 7), I suspect that your experience is not out of line for your hardware. I think that

Re: [CGUYS] My Big, Fat FIOS Installation [was: just one..]

2008-10-23 Thread David K Watson
My FIOS installation last July was very similar. The only real issue was with the set top boxes. The salesman had signed us up for an HD converter, telling us that it would work with our SD set and we would avoid the hassle of upgrading in case we ever did get an HD set, but the installer said

Re: [CGUYS] My Big, Fat FIOS Installation [was: just one..]

2008-10-23 Thread David K Watson
Does the DVR have any external ports to save recordings to e-sata drives? or network computers? Once it is on coax will any digital tuner work or do you need a Verizon Box? Mike I can't answer about the DVR, but once your house coax is connected to the FIOS box, your signal will be all


2008-10-22 Thread David K Watson
I may be sorry for reviving one of our more acrimonious recent threads, but I thought this might contribute to the discussion: Why RAID 5 Stops Working in 2009, The storage version of Y2k? No, it’s a function of capacity growth and RAID 5’s limitations. If

[CGUYS] List archive not updating

2008-10-22 Thread David K Watson
The mail list archive at and the recent postings at are supposed to be current, but recently I've noticed that they often are not. Why is that, and can it be fixed? I get this list in digest form,

Re: [CGUYS] MS-tastic

2008-10-18 Thread David K Watson
Come on Stewart. You know that they were protesting a tax imposed by fiat by King George. You know, the whole Taxation without representation thing. Taxes are the dues you pay for living in relative safety and freedom. Paying taxes is also the Christian thing to do, if I understand the

Re: [CGUYS] recover deleted photos from mac

2008-10-17 Thread David K Watson
I had forgotten (if I ever knew) that Safari could do that. Alternatively, in the finder you can use the menu item Go Go to folder ... (or type the menu shortcut command-shift-G) and type /private in the window that appears to go to the private folder. As for the original iPhoto problem, if

Re: [CGUYS] Help fuddy-duddy with VCR question

2008-10-15 Thread David K Watson
The EyeTV 250 is great. I love mine. The reason it can be used with TV game boxes is because it combines the TV signal decoder with a fast video co-processor, which in Game Mode has no perceptible time lag. The co-processor is also used in exporting recordings to other formats. The EyeTV 250

Re: [CGUYS] Ars- Future of Driving

2008-10-15 Thread David K Watson
Home Solar panels have to be manufactured in a plant that emits polluntants into the atmosphere ... The have to be part of your statement is wrong. I recently read about a solar panel plant that is itself solar powered. Even under today's most common manufacturing processes, the carbon

Re: [CGUYS] Help fuddy-duddy with VCR question

2008-10-15 Thread David K Watson
Just to be clear: you can only get the _UN_encrypted digital signals. The majority of the FiOS channels are encrypted. This means you won't get most of the channels people generally buy cable for, like USA, TBS, TNT, SciFi, Comedy, TCM, AMC, CNBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc. If you have subscribed to any

Re: [CGUYS] OpenOffice Goes Native on Intel Macs

2008-10-14 Thread David K Watson
StarOffice 9 (beta) is also out and has a native version for intel macs. It will supposedly be coming out of beta in November. Also NeoOffice is Mac-only and will run natively on both PowerPC and Intel macs. All three share the same code based on StarOffice, but StarOffice is commercial while

Re: [CGUYS] Downloading photos from Samsung mobile phone, Windo

2008-10-01 Thread David K Watson
If your Glyde and your computer have bluetooth, you might try doing a bluetooth pairing between them and see if you can get your photos that way. Strangely, the bluetooth pairing will sometimes give options unavailable from the data cable. There is also free phone data manager software called

Re: [CGUYS] Mathematica [was: Zune]

2008-09-28 Thread David K Watson
I wasn't really trying to correct you, Betty. You were making the case that while Photoshop is available for both WIndows and OS X, the OS still makes a difference. I wanted to make the point that although Mathematica is remarkably similar across platforms, the OS matters even there. An

Re: [CGUYS] Zune [was: iTunes 8 causing BSOD]

2008-09-27 Thread David K Watson
The OS is not entirely irrelevant for Mathematica, either. Mathematica is a little slower and somewhat more unstable on Windows than it is for OS X and other Unix or Linux OSs. This mostly shows up when doing highly memory-intensive operations. Also, while it is true that a self-contained

Re: [CGUYS] 2nd MS GS Ad Out

2008-09-18 Thread David K Watson
On the heels of the second Gates and Seinfeld ad comes the news that Seinfeld is being dumped. Here is a cynical take on the matter from The Register

Re: [CGUYS] Will HP Replace Windows with Its Own OS?

2008-09-16 Thread David K Watson
Between the Mac, Windows and Linux OS's, Linux is the most rapidly changing of them all, so your experience several years ago is likely dated. You might want to look again. As for Matlab, I wasn't sure of your meaning. If you were referring to its availability, it does come in Linux, Mac

Re: [CGUYS] Will HP Replace Windows with Its Own OS?

2008-09-16 Thread David K Watson
I have no user experience with them, but there are Virtualizations that allow running of Windows applications under Linux. One of them is known as Wine I belive. Not quite. Wine is a system add-on that attempts (with some success) to run windows programs natively in Linux. This is

Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 12 Sep 2008 - Special issue (#2008-600)

2008-09-12 Thread David K Watson
My favorite humorous (or humorous if you are a touchy about Windows) take on the second ad came from a recent posting on Slashdot ... Microsoft has introduced a new advertisement in which the aging former CEO and comedian take up

Re: [CGUYS] Upgrading Mac Hard Drives

2008-09-07 Thread David K Watson
To transfer the contents of the drive, put the new drive into a drive enclosure, connect it to your machine and use either CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper! to create a bootable copy of your hard drive. Both are free to use, SuperDuper! is

Re: [CGUYS] Google Joins Apple to Develop Webkit

2008-09-02 Thread David K Watson
It _IS_ a big deal. Chrome has a number of amazing features (though some of them are obvious in retrospect). I predict just about every other browser developer will be scrambling to incorporate them into their browsers, followed by Microsoft with IE some years later. (This is not a gratuitous

Re: [CGUYS] iPhoto (Was: Interesting quotes about using a Mac)

2008-08-27 Thread David K Watson
I see some people have already answered some of Constance's problems while I was typing this. I apologize for having some redundant content. It's true--iPhoto has a number of annoying features. Most annoying, it puts all your photos in a single folder such that individual images are not

Re: [CGUYS] What we actually get for our money...

2008-08-20 Thread David K Watson
The wikipedia article you quote says about its table, This is a list of tax rates around the world. ... It is not intended to represent the true tax burden to either the corporation or the individual in the listed country. So it's doesn't really settle the matter. On the contrary side,

Re: [CGUYS] please help with VISTA

2008-08-11 Thread David K Watson
If Tom were to use virtualization, he'd be better off doing it on a Mac or Linux machine, because virtualization is notoriously buggy and runs with too much overhead on Vista. However, if he is running the legacy software as one of his primary applications, he would be adding a layer of

[CGUYS] VMs (was please help with VISTA)

2008-08-11 Thread David K Watson
, David K Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: If Tom were to use virtualization, he'd be better off doing it on a Mac or Linux machine, because virtualization is notoriously buggy and runs with too much overhead on Vista

Re: [CGUYS] contextual menus = crash

2008-08-01 Thread David K Watson
Betty, I found this which may be applicable. It says that problems like yours are typically caused when you have - installed software that added a bad contextual menu item, or - removed software that left a contextual menu item behind. My own

Re: [CGUYS] Macs in business...take 3: Fear Factor

2008-07-22 Thread David K Watson
Are you really trying to say that you have never, in your vast experience, come across the acronym FUD or any of the many things Microsoft has done that this label has been applied to? I'm not saying you should believe all of those things, though some are quite believable. I am just wondering

[CGUYS] Macs in business...take 4: Price competitiveness

2008-07-22 Thread David K Watson
Speaking of debating ploys, another good one is to change the subject. :-) After Strong Quarter, Apple Signals Changes in Its Prices ...Apple executives hinted during a conference call about Apple’s third-quarter

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