Re: pci hardware for secure crypto storage (OpenSSL/OpenBSD)

2004-09-15 Thread Ian Grigg
There is a device that is similar to those characteristics:
David Shaw wrote:
On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 10:31:11AM +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
I'm looking for (cheap, PCI/USB) hardware to store secrets (private
key) and support crypto primitives (signing, cert generation). It
doesn't have to be fast, but to support loading/copying of secrets
in physically secure environments, and not generate nonextractable
secret onboard. Environment is OpenBSD/Linux/OpenSSL/gpg.

Since your environment includes GPG, then I think the OpenPGP
smartcard meets pretty well what you are requesting.  Combine it it
with a USB smartcard reader, and the card becomes USB, too ;)
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Re: pci hardware for secure crypto storage (OpenSSL/OpenBSD)

2004-09-15 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Wed, Sep 15, 2004 at 04:30:54PM +0100, Ian Grigg wrote:
> There is a device that is similar to those characteristics:

"If you loose or damage your token: you loose your private key and any data
encrypted to it. Because the key is generated inside the token and cannot
leave it, it is not possible to make a backup of the private key." is a
knockout criterium, though.

Also an interactive PIN entry for each interaction is a no-no, if the machine
is in a rack at the host.

H4x0rs may break in and sign a few stray blobs, but they won't be able to
steal the private key itself.


Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: PGP signature

Forensic: Who gave this crypto talk?

2004-09-15 Thread Hadmut Danisch

I have again one of these special, strange, freaky questions. 
I'm still investigating some "unusual activities" in 
science and cryptography. 

There are some handwritten notes, they seem 
to be some kind of transcript of slides from a talk 
about cryptography. I need to find out when, where, and by
whom that talk was given. 

These notes already existed in the end of 1997, so the 
talk must have been given 1997 or before. 

The talk is about cryptography and system design theory. 
It is about 'layers', such as physics, electrical engieering, 
boolean functions, boolean circuits, algebra of 
polynomial power series, operating system, automata theory. 
It mentions an "access & authentication description language
for a modified secure unix-pw protocol", and comes to 
the conlusion that "crypto can act as a system science". 

Gus Simmons is mentioned several times, but this might not 
have been part of the talk but a personal annotation of the 
person who made the transcript. 

Does anyone know about such a talk?

(The notes are available at )


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public-key: the wrong model for email?

2004-09-15 Thread Ed Gerck
[Perry: please use this version, if possible]
Public-key cryptography burdens the recipient and puts the recipient in
charge, while the sender is at the recipient's mercy. Is this the right
model for email security? After all, the sender is the party at risk.
To clarify, my comment is not that PKC is not useful for email. I believe it
is, but not directly used as it is today.
What I am saying is that the problem is key distribution. I want to separate the
key distribution solution as directly done by PKC today (send the public-key) from
a possible general solution for PKC key distribution that does not require sending
the public-key. The point is that when PKC solves this problem directly, it solves
it in a way that's useful for webservers (the webserver does not have to
trust the client's certificate) but presents difficulties for email senders (the
sender has to trust the recipient's certificate). Email use of PKC treats the
recipient as a server.
I think that what we need is a key distribution method for email (that can still
use PKC and PKI) where, because the sender has all the risk, the sender defines how
email is secured and delivered. The recipient should always be able to receive
it, without too much burden or required previous work.
For example, let's see how FedEx works. The sender chooses the service and the
type of envelope to protect the message. The sender also chooses the instructions
that must be followed before the envelope can be opened by the recipient.
The recipient has no charge to pay for, or burden, in order to receive the
envelope, and does not have to do anything before the envelope is sent. The
recipient is able to verify the identity of the sender and, if so desired,
refuse the envelope. The recipient can open the envelope if and only if
the recipient is willing to follow the sender's instructions (e.g., providing
name, address, date, signature).
Yes, SSL and public-key encryption are and continue to be a success for web
servers. However, the security model for protecting email with public-key
cryptography seems to be backwards, technically and business wise. The sender,
who is the party at risk, has to trust a lock provided by the recipient (his
public-key) to protect her secrets (the message). If FedEx would provide message
security a la PGP, PGP/MIME or S/MIME email, the sender would have to convince
the recipient to pay and send in advance an envelope for the sender to use.
The sender, however, would never know whether the envelope indeed prevented
others from prying into its contents.
A better situation would arise if the lock (i.e., the envelope) would be controlled
by the sender. Moreover, the recipient is not the business driver who needs to
provide, pay for and protect the lock. The sender is the party who has the
motivation to spend money to provide and protect the lock.
In short, I find that public-key cryptography cannot solve the security issues of
email when used as it is today and, most importantly, cannot provide the needed
motivation for users, senders and recipients, to buy into it.
It's not a matter of improvements in usability, better pricing or user education
[1]. It simply does not work as it should work. That's also why, IMO, it does
not take off. It is using the wrong mathematics for the problem.
Does anyone know of any email system that would put the sender in charge?
Ed Gerck
[1] Public-key cryptography gives the impression that email message security can
be achieved quite simply. The public-key can be distributed at will, no need for
secrecy, and anyone can receive private and secure messages. The same procedure
being applied to each side, sender and receiver, both could immediately engage
in private and secure communication.
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Re: pci hardware for secure crypto storage (OpenSSL/OpenBSD)

2004-09-15 Thread Thierry Moreau

Eugen Leitl wrote:
I'm looking for (cheap, PCI/USB) hardware to store secrets (private key) and
support crypto primitives (signing, cert generation). It doesn't have to be
fast, but to support loading/copying of secrets in physically secure environments, and
not generate nonextractable secret onboard. Environment is
Any suggestions?
If I may put words in your mouth, you would require a server-side public 
key cryptography apparatus where the long-term private key value would 
be subject to utmost protection available, and the signature capability 
is nonetheless available to some "functional area" software on an 
general-purpose processor with less stringen protections. Hint: the 
software application where a security certificate is authorized is the 
Èfunctional areaÈ software. Presumably, some key management scheme must 
be provided so that once a "functional area" becomes suspicious, its 
usage of the private key can be rovoked through a key renewal, and the 
private key is not at stake.

The disclosure of such system is at Be reassured that this was a 
preventive publication, so this design is in the public domain (and is, 
or should have been, prior art to US patent 6,671,804).

Such server-side cryptographic hardware is currently under development. 
It should take the form of a 1U operational secure device and a separate 
key management console, the latter ensuring that no significant secret 
is ever stored on a personal computer. The application is not, however, 
certificate signing, as your post implies. I doubt that you will find 
products that fits your need as I expressed them. Perhaps with lower 
security, notably requiring that you trust the API design and 
implementation between the cryptographic hardware and the functional area.

- Thierry Moreau
CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
9130 Place de Montgolfier
Montreal, Qc
Canada   H2M 2A1
Tel.: (514)385-5691
Fax:  (514)385-5900
web site:
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Re: potential new IETF WG on anonymous IPSec

2004-09-15 Thread Ian Grigg
Bill Stewart wrote:
Actually, FreeSWAN's "Opportunistic Encryption" meant
"if you've got IP traffic for somebody,
see if they can do encryption with you and use it if you can."
That seems to be the meaning of putting "Opportunistic"
and "Encryption" together.
Because Gilmore wanted to make sure encryption was always done securely,
their implementation used a common PKI - DNSSEC and inverse DNS -
which has the advantage that a security gateway can use it when
all it knows is the IP address of the destination (which is typically 
the case),
but the severe disadvantage that very few people have control
over that DNS space and also that an IP address may belong to more than 
one domain.

There's a significant policy question there - if you don't have
a common PKI of some sort, is it worthwhile encrypting anyway,
protecting against passive eavesdroppers but not MITM,
or is that a false sense of security because the people who
most need security are the people most likely to have a government
annoyed enough at them to do the work of running a MITM attack?
Encryption against passive eavesdroppers makes password-stealing
and traffic analysis harder, so it's probably worth the risk,
but that wasn't the choice that FreeSWAM made.
Bill, you have a knack for putting this in context.
Historically, it's possible to see why Gilmore went
with the no-risk security, and reduced deployment of
FreeSWAN by an order of magnitude or more.
But, these days, it seems like a no-brainer:  there
is no such thing as an easily accessible trustworthy
PKI.  (I am recalled to mind the Hettingarian creed of
"only financial guaruntees are trustworthy guaruntees...")
And, the ones who have a government annoyed at them
probably know they need special care  I've not met
a revolutionary that didn't know that the government
is shooting at them.
So the question is, how do we get FreeSWAN to use
opportunistic cryptography, sans DNS?
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Re: [anonsec] Re: potential new IETF WG on anonymous IPSec (fwd from [EMAIL PROTECTED]) (fwd from [EMAIL PROTECTED])

2004-09-15 Thread Ian Grigg
Peter Gutmann wrote:
"Steven M. Bellovin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Maybe it's worth doing some sort of generic RFC for this security model to
avoid scattering the same thing over a pile of IETF WGs, 
Sounds good.  Who wants to write it...?
Since there seems to be at least some interest in this, I'll make a start on
it.  If anyone else wants to add their $0.03 to it [0], let me know.
It occurs to me that a number of these ideas could
be written up over time ... a wiki, anyone?  I think
it is high past time to start documenting crypto
FWIW, on opportunistic cryptography (a la "SSH model")
I wrote up a opportunistic draft paper here:
(FTR, I've received substantial comments from TwanVDS
and DigbytT.)
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Re: public-key: the wrong model for email?

2004-09-15 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 12:39 PM 9/15/2004, Ed Gerck wrote:
> [1] Public-key cryptography gives the impression that email message 
security can
> be achieved quite simply. The public-key can be distributed at will, no 
need for
> secrecy, and anyone can receive private and secure messages. The same 
> being applied to each side, sender and receiver, both could immediately 
> in private and secure communication.

there are (at least) 2-3 characteristics of various public key systems
1) the public key doesn't have to be kept confidential as part of the 

2) you don't need a unique key for every unique security &/or business domain
3) other parties can attest to any bindings between the public key and 
other characteristics

however, while the fact that public key secrecy isn't required (vis-a-vis 
secret keys) ... and possibly enables one or more of the mentioned 
characteristics, public key operation doesn't mandate all such 
characteristics be mandatory for the use of public keys.

PGP allows that a relying party vet a public key with the key owner and/or 
vet the key with one or more others (web-of-trust)

note that while public key alleviates the requirement that a key be 
distributed with secrecy ... it doesn't eliminate the requirement that the 
public key have some trust characteristic associated (i.e. secrecy will 
tend to include some trust, but elimination of secrecy doesn't eliminate 
the requirement for trust).

so an infrastructure analogy to physical mail for public key  is that 
public key becomes the trusted address for the recipient. in the physical 
world ... to send some mail ... you need a trusted mailing address for the 
recipient ... you need to have acquired that address in some manner and 
furthermore have some trust that it is the correct address. so lets assume 
that some number of equivalent mechanisms exist for public keys. it so 
happens that the encryption of the contents with the public key and the 
addressing of the contents with that same public key  has some 
associated trusted infrastructure that delivers the package to the correct 

lets say that instead of having personal zip-codes and personal cell-phone 
numbers (that you take with you regardless of the service and/or physical 
location)... that can reach you regardless of where you happen to be in the 
world   the "number" that can be guaranteed to reach you, also happens 
to have the characteristics of a public key.

so public key mapping to entity infrastructures take on similar 
characteristics as personal (physical) mailing addresses and/or personal 
cell-phone numbers ... and then you have trusted infrastructures (usps, 
telephone companies, gov. posts) that can be relied on to make the 
connection to the appropriate recipient  which then approximates a
public key paradigm mapping to existing physical world paradigms.

in the current physical world infrastructure, the publication &/or 
distribution of addresses are relatively low-cost (&/or free) operations 
with the infrastructures making their real money off the delivery ... as 
opposed to the publication.

translated to the internet paradigm  everybody has a public key (in 
much the same way that everybody can have a personal cellphone number that 
may reach them regardless of where they are in the world). the public key 
is registered in something like the domain name infrastructure which then 
is able to figure out how to find you in the world (in manner similar to 
how personal cellphone number can find you anywhere in the world).

it isn't necessary that public key paradigms have to be the wrong model for 
email  it is that the various existing economic models for making money 
off of public key infrastructures may be inconsistent with normal expected 
business operations. however, there is nothing intrinsic to public keys 
that mandate they are tied to existing public key infrastructure economic 

Anne & Lynn Wheeler  

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