Re: [Cryptography] please dont weaken pre-image resistance of SHA3 (Re: NIST about to weaken SHA3?)

2013-10-14 Thread John Kelsey

I guess I should preface this by saying I am speaking only for myself.  That's 
always true here--it's why I'm using my personal email address.  But in 
particular, right now, I'm not *allowed* to work.  But just speaking my own 
personal take on things

We go pretty *overwhelming* feedback in this direction in the last three weeks. 
 (For the previous several months, we got almost no feedback about it at all, 
despite giving presentations and posting stuff on hash forum about our plans.). 
 But since we're shut down right now, we can't actually make any decisions or 
changes.  This is really frustrating on all kinds of levels.

Personally, I have looked at the technical arguments against the change and I 
don't really find any of them very convincing, for reasons I described at some 
length on the hash forum list, and that the Keccak designers also laid out in 
their post.  The core of that is that an attacker who can't do 2^{128} work 
can't do anything at all to SHA3 with a 256 bit capacity that he couldn't also 
do to SHA3 with a 512 bit capacity, including finding preimages.  

But there's pretty much zero chance that we're going to put a standard out that 
most of the crypto community is uncomfortable with.  The normal process for a 
FIPS is that we would put out a draft and get 60 or 90 days of public comments. 
 As long as this issue is on the table, it's pretty obvious what the public 
comments would all be about.  

The place to go for current comments, if you think more are necessary, is the 
hash forum list.  The mailing list is still working, but I think both the 
archives and the process of being added to the list are frozen thanks to the 
shutdown.  I haven't looked at the hash forum since we shut down, so when we 
get back there will be a flood of comments there.  The last I saw, the Keccak 
designers had their own proposal for changing what we put into the FIPS, but I 
don't know what people think about their proposal. 

--John, definitely speaking only for myself
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-12 Thread John Kelsey
On Oct 12, 2013, at 6:51 AM, Ben Laurie  wrote:
> AIUI, you're trying to make it so that only active attacks work on the
> combined protocol, whereas passive attacks might work on the outer
> protocol. In order to achieve this, you assume that your proposed
> inner protocol is not vulnerable to passive attacks (I assume the
> outer protocol also thinks this is true). Why should we believe the
> inner protocol is any better than the outer one in this respect?

The point is, we don't know how to make protocols that really are reliably 
secure against future attacks.  If we did, we'd just do that. 

My hope is that if we layer two of our best attempts at secure protocols on top 
of one another, then we will get security because the attacks will be hard to 
get through the composed protocols.  So maybe my protocol (or whatever inner 
protocol ends up being selected) isn't secure against everything, but as long 
as its weaknesses are covered up by the outer protocol, we still get a secure 
final result.  

One requirement for this is that the inner protocol must not introduce new 
weaknesses.  I think that means it must not:

a.  Leak information about its plaintexts in its timing, error messages, or 
ciphertext sizes.  

b.  Introduce ambiguities about how the plaintext is to be decrypted that could 
mess up the outer protocol's authentication.  

I think we can accomplish (a) by not compressing the plaintext before 
processing it, by using crypto primitives that don't leak plaintext data in 
their timing, and by having the only error message that can ever be generated 
from the inner protocol be essentially a MAC failure or an out-of-sequence 

I think (b) is pretty easy to accomplish with standard crypto, but maybe I'm 
missing something.  

> Particularly since you're using tainted algorithms ;-).

If using AES or P256 are the weak points in the protocol, that is a big win.  
Right now, we aren't getting anywhere close to that.  And there's no reason 
either AES or P256 have to be used--I'm just looking for a simple, lightweight 
way to get as much security as possible inside some other protocol.  


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Key stretching

2013-10-11 Thread John Kelsey
AES128, rather.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 11, 2013, at 11:26 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker  wrote:

> All,
> Quick question, anyone got a good scheme for key stretching?
> I have this scheme for managing private keys that involves storing them as 
> encrypted PKCS#8 blobs in the cloud.
> AES128 seems a little on the weak side for this but there are (rare) 
> circumstances where a user is going to need to type in the key for recovery 
> purposes so I don't want more than 128 bits of key to type in (I am betting 
> that 128 bits is going to be sufficient to the end of Moore's law).
> So the answer is to use AES 256 and stretch the key, but how? I could just 
> repeat the key:
> K = k + k
> Related key attacks make me a little nervous though. Maybe:
> K = (k + 01234567) XOR SHA512 (k)
> -- 
> Website:
> ___
> The cryptography mailing list
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Key stretching

2013-10-11 Thread John Kelsey
This is a job for a key derivation function or a cryptographic prng.  I would 
use CTR-DRBG from 800-90 with AES256.  Or the extract-then-expand KDF based on 

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-11 Thread John Kelsey
On Oct 11, 2013, at 1:48 AM, ianG  wrote:

> What's your goal?  I would say you could do this if the goal was ultimate 
> security.  But for most purposes this is overkill (and I'd include online 
> banking, etc, in that).

We were talking about how hard it is to solve crypto protocol problems by 
getting the protocol right the first time, so we don't end up with fielded 
stuff that's weak but can't practically be fixed.  One approach I can see to 
this is to have multiple layers of crypto protocols that are as independent as 
possible in security terms.  The hope is that flaws in one protocol will 
usually not get through the other layer, and so they won't lead to practical 
security flaws.  

Actually getting the outer protocol right the first time would be better, but 
we haven't had great success with that so far. 

> Right now we've got a TCP startup, and a TLS startup.  It's pretty messy.  
> Adding another startup inside isn't likely to gain popularity.

Maybe not, though I think a very lightweight version of the inner protocol adds 
only a few bits to the traffic used and a few AES encryptions to the workload.  
I suspect most applications would never notice the difference.  (Even the 
version with the ECDH key agreement step would probably not add noticable 
overhead for most applications.)  On the other hand, I have no idea if anyone 
would use this.  I'm still at the level of thinking "what could be done to 
address this problem," not "how would you sell this?"  

> iang

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] prism-proof email in the degenerate case

2013-10-10 Thread John Kelsey
On Oct 10, 2013, at 5:20 PM, Ray Dillinger  wrote:

> On 10/10/2013 12:54 PM, John Kelsey wrote:
>> Having a public bulletin board of posted emails, plus a protocol 
>> for anonymously finding the ones your key can decrypt, seems 
>> like a pretty decent architecture for prism-proof email.  The 
>> tricky bit of crypto is in making access to the bulletin board 
>> both efficient and private.  
> Wrong on both counts, I think.  If you make access private, you
> generate metadata because nobody can get at mail other than their
> own.  If you make access efficient, you generate metadata because
> you're avoiding the "wasted" bandwidth that would otherwise prevent
> the generation of metadata. Encryption is sufficient privacy, and
> efficiency actively works against the purpose of privacy.

So the original idea was to send a copy of all the emails to everyone.  What 
I'm wanting to figure out is if there is a way to do this more efficiently, 
using a public bulletin board like scheme.  The goal here would be:

a.  Anyone in the system can add an email to the bulletin board, which I am 
assuming is public and cryptographically protected (using a hash chain to make 
it impossible for even the owner of the bulletin board to alter things once 

b.  Anyone can run a protocol with the bulletin board which results in them 
getting only the encrypted emails addressed to them, and prevents the bulletin 
board operator from finding out which emails they got.

This sounds like something that some clever crypto protocol could do.  (It's 
related to the idea of searching on encrypted data.). And it would make an 
email system that was really resistant to tracing users.  


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-10 Thread John Kelsey
On Oct 10, 2013, at 5:15 PM, Richard Outerbridge  wrote:
> How does this prevent MITM?  Where does G come from?

I'm assuming G is a systemwide shared parameter.  It doesn't prevent 
mitm--remember the idea here is to make a fairly lightweight protocol to run 
*inside* another crypto protocol like TLS.  The inner protocol mustn't add 
administrative requirements to the application, which means it can't need key 
management from some administrator or something.  The goal is to have an inner 
protocol which can run inside TLS or some similar thing, and which adds a layer 
of added security without the application getting more complicated by needing 
to worry about more keys or certificates or whatever.  

Suppose we have this inner protocol running inside a TLS version that is 
subject to one of the CBC padding reaction attacks.  The inner protocol 
completely blocks that.  

> I'm also leery of using literally the same key in both directions.  Maybe a 
> simple transform would suffice; maybe not.

I probably wasn't clear in my writeup, but my idea was to have different keys 
in different directions--there is a NIST KDF that uses only AES as its crypto 
engine, so this is relatively easy to do using standard components.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-10 Thread John Kelsey
More random thoughts:

The minimal inner protocol would be something like this:

Using AES-CCM with a tag size of 32 bits, IVs constructed based on an implicit 
counter, and an AES-CMAC-based KDF, we do the following:

a.  Generate random 128 bit value R
b.  Use the KDF to compute K[S],N[S],K[R],N[R] = KDF(R, 128+96+128+96)
c.  Sender's 32-bit unsigned counter C[S] starts at 0.
d.  Compute IV[S,0] = <96 bits of binary 0s>||C[S]
e.  Send R, CCM(K[S],N[S],IV[S,0],sender_message[0])

a.  Receive R and derive K[S],N[S],K[R],N[R] from it as above.
b.  Set Receiver's counter C[R] = 0.
c.  Compute IV[R,0] = <96 bits of binary 0s>||C[R]
d.  Send CCM(K[R],N[R],IV[R,0],receiver_message[0])

and so on.  

Note that in this protocol, we never send a key or IV or nonce.  The total 
communications overhead of the inner protocol is an extra 160 bits in the first 
message and an extra 32 bits thereafter.  We're assuming the outer protocol is 
taking care of message ordering and guaranteed delivery--otherwise, we need to 
do something more complicated involving replay windows and such, and probably 
have to send along the message counters.  

This doesn't provide a huge amount of extra protection--if the attacker can 
recover more than a very small number of bits from the first message (attacking 
through the outer protocol), then the security of this protocol falls apart.  
But it does give us a bare-minimum-cost inner layer of defenses, inside TLS or 
SSH or whatever other thing we're doing.  

Both this and the previous protocol I sketched have the property that they 
expect to be able to generate random numbers.  There's a problem there, 
though--if the system RNG is weak or trapdoored, it could compromise both the 
inner and outer protocol at the same time.  

One way around this is to have each endpoint that uses the inner protocol 
generate its own internal secret AES key, Q[i].  Then, when it's time to 
generate a random value, the endpoint asks the system RNG for a random number 
X, and computes E_Q(X).  If the attacker knows Q but the system RNG is secure, 
we're fine.  Similarly, if the attacker can predict X but doesn't know Q, we're 
fine.  Even when the attacker can choose the value of X, he can really only 
force the random value in the beginning of the protocol to repeat.  In this 
protocol, that doesn't do much harm.  

The same idea works for the ECDH protocol I sketched earlier.  I request two 
128 bit random values from the system RNG, X, X'.  I then use E_Q(X)||E_Q(X') 
as my ephemeral DH private key. If an attacker knows Q but the system RNG is 
secure, then we get an unpredictable value for the ECDH key agreement.  If an 
attacker knows X,X' but doesn't know Q, he doesn't know what my ECDH ephemeral 
private key is.  If he forces it to a repeated value, he still doesn't weaken 
anything except this run of the protocol--no long-term secret is leaked if AES 
isn't broken.  

This is subject to endless tweaking and improvement.  But the basic idea seems 
really valuable:  

a.  Design an inner protocol, whose job is to provide redundancy in security 
against attacks on the outer protocol.

b.  The inner protocol should be:

(i)  As cheap as possible in bandwidth and computational terms.

(ii) Flexible enough to be used extremely widely, implemented in most places, 

(iii) Administratively free, adding no key management or related burdens.

(iv) Free from revisions or updates, because the whole point of the inner 
protocol is to provide redundant security.  (That's part of "administratively 

(v)  There should be one or at most two versions (maybe something like the two 
I've sketched, but better thought out and analyzed).

c.  As much as possible, we want the security of the inner protocol to be 
independent of the security of the outer protocol.  (And we want this without 
wanting to know exactly what the outer protocol will look like.)  This means:

(i)  No shared keys or key material or identity strings or anything.

(ii) The inner protocol can't rely on the RNG being good.

(iii) Ideally, the crypto algorithms would be different, though that may impose 
too high a cost.  At least, we want as many of the likely failure modes to be 

Comments?  I'm not all that concerned with the protocol being perfect, but what 
do you think of the idea of doing this as a way to add redundant security 
against protocol attacks?  


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] prism-proof email in the degenerate case

2013-10-10 Thread John Kelsey
Having a public bulletin board of posted emails, plus a protocol for 
anonymously finding the ones your key can decrypt, seems like a pretty decent 
architecture for prism-proof email.  The tricky bit of crypto is in making 
access to the bulletin board both efficient and private.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-10 Thread John Kelsey
Just thinking out loud

The administrative complexity of a cryptosystem is overwhelmingly in key 
management and identity management and all the rest of that stuff.  So imagine 
that we have a widely-used inner-level protocol that can use strong crypto, but 
also requires no external key management.  The purpose of the inner protocol is 
to provide a fallback layer of security, so that even an attack on the outer 
protocol (which is allowed to use more complicated key management) is unlikely 
to be able to cause an actual security problem.  On the other hand, in case of 
a problem with the inner protocol, the outer protocol should also provide 
protection against everything.

Without doing any key management or requiring some kind of reliable identity or 
memory of previous sessions, the best we can do in the inner protocol is an 
ephemeral Diffie-Hellman, so suppose we do this:  

a.  Generate random a and send aG on curve P256

b.  Generate random b and send bG on curve P256

c.  Both sides derive the shared key abG, and then use SHAKE512(abG) to 
generate an AES key for messages in each direction.

d.  Each side keeps a sequence number to use as a nonce.  Both sides use 
AES-CCM with their sequence number and their sending key, and keep track of the 
sequence number of the most recent message received from the other side.  

The point is, this is a protocol that happens *inside* the main security 
protocol.  This happens inside TLS or whatever.  An attack on TLS then leads to 
an attack on the whole application only if the TLS attack also lets you do 
man-in-the-middle attacks on the inner protocol, or if it exploits something 
about certificate/identity management done in the higher-level protocol.  
(Ideally, within the inner protcol, you do some checking of the identity using 
a password or shared secret or something, but that's application-level stuff 
the inner and outer protocols don't know about.  


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Iran and murder

2013-10-10 Thread John Kelsey
The problem with offensive cyberwarfare is that, given the imbalance between 
attackers and defenders and the expanding use of computer controls in all sorts 
of systems, a cyber war between two advanced countries will not decide anything 
militarily, but will leave both combattants much poorer than they were 
previously, cause some death and a lot of hardship and bitterness, and leave 
the actual hot war to be fought. 

Imagine a conflict that starts with both countries wrecking a lot of each 
others' infrastructure--causing refineries to burn, factories to wreck 
expensive equipment, nuclear plants to melt down, etc.  A week later, that 
phase of the war is over.  Both countries are, at that point, probalby 10-20% 
poorer than they were a week earlier.  Both countries have lots of really 
bitter people out for blood, because someone they care about was killed or 
their job's gone and their house burned down or whatever.  But probably there's 
been little actual degradation of their standard war-fighting ability.  Their 
civilian aviation system may be shut down, some planes may even have been 
crashed, but their bombers and fighters and missiles are mostly still working.  
Fuel and spare parts may be hard to come by, but the military will certainly 
get first pick.  My guess is that what comes next is that the two countries 
have a standard hot war, but with the pleasant addition of a great depression 
 sized economic collapse for both right in the middle of it.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-09 Thread John Kelsey
On Oct 8, 2013, at 4:46 PM, Bill Frantz  wrote:

> I think the situation is much more serious than this comment makes it appear. 
> As professionals, we have an obligation to share our knowledge of the limits 
> of our technology with the people who are depending on it. We know that all 
> crypto standards which are 15 years old or older are obsolete, not 
> recommended for current use, or outright dangerous. We don't know of any way 
> to avoid this problem in the future.

We know how to address one part of this problem--choose only algorithms whose 
design strength is large enough that there's not some relatively close by time 
when the algorithms will need to be swapped out.  That's not all that big a 
problem now--if you use, say, AES256 and SHA512 and ECC over P521, then even in 
the far future, your users need only fear cryptanalysis, not Moore's Law.  
Really, even with 128-bit security level primitives, it will be a very long 
time until the brute-force attacks are a concern.  

This is actually one thing we're kind-of on the road to doing right in 
standards now--we're moving away from barely-strong-enough crypto and toward 
crypto that's going to be strong for a long time to come. 

Protocol attacks are harder, because while we can choose a key length, modulus 
size, or sponge capacity to support a known security level, it's not so easy to 
make sure that a protocol doesn't have some kind of attack in it.  

I think we've learned a lot about what can go wrong with protocols, and we can 
design them to be more ironclad than in the past, but we still can't guarantee 
we won't need to upgrade.  But I think this is an area that would be 
interesting to explore--what would need to happen in order to get more ironclad 
protocols?  A couple random thoughts:

a.  Layering secure protocols on top of one another might provide some 
redundancy, so that a flaw in one didn't undermine the security of the whole 

b.  There are some principles we can apply that will make protocols harder to 
attack, like encrypt-then-MAC (to eliminate reaction attacks), nothing is 
allowed to need change its execution path or timing based on the key or 
plaintext, every message includes a sequence number and the hash of the 
previous message, etc.  This won't eliminate protocol attacks, but will make 
them less common.

c.  We could try to treat at least some kinds of protocols more like crypto 
algorithms, and expect to have them widely vetted before use.  

What else?  

> Perhaps the shortest limit on the lifetime of an embedded system is the 
> security protocol, and not the hardware. If so, how do we as society deal 
> with this limit.

What we really need is some way to enforce protocol upgrades over time.  
Ideally, there would be some notion that if you support version X of the 
protocol, this meant that you would not support any version lower than, say, 
X-2.  But I'm not sure how practical that is.  

> Cheers -- Bill

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Iran and murder

2013-10-07 Thread John Kelsey
Alongside Phillip's comments, I'll just point out that assassination of key 
people is a tactic that the US and Israel probably don't have any particular 
advantages in.  It isn't in our interests to encourage a worldwide tacit 
acceptance of that stuff.  

I suspect a lot of the broad principles we have been pushing (assassinations 
and drone bombings can be done anywhere, cyber attacks against foreign 
countries are okay when you're not at war, spying on everyone everywhere is 
perfectly acceptable policy) are in the short-term interests of various 
powerful people and factions in the US, but are absolutely horrible ideas when 
you consider the long-term interests of the US.  We are a big, rich, relatively 
free country with lots of government scientists and engineers (especially when 
you consider funding) and tons of our economy and our society moving online.  
We are more vulnerable to widespread acceptance of these bad principles than 
almost anyone, ultimately,  But doing all these things has won larger budgets 
and temporary successes for specific people and agencies today, whereas the 
costs of all this will land on us all in the future.  


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Sha3

2013-10-07 Thread John Kelsey
On Oct 6, 2013, at 6:29 PM, Jerry Leichter  wrote:

> On Oct 5, 2013, at 6:12 PM, Ben Laurie wrote:
>> I have to take issue with this:
>> "The security is not reduced by adding these suffixes, as this is only
>> restricting the input space compared to the original Keccak. If there
>> is no security problem on Keccak(M), there is no security problem on
>> Keccak(M|suffix), as the latter is included in the former."
> I also found the argument here unconvincing.  After all, Keccak restricted to 
> the set of strings of the form M|suffix reveals that it's input ends with 
> "suffix", which the original Keccak did not.  The problem is with the vague 
> nature of "no security problem".

They are talking about the change to their padding scheme, in which between 2 
and 4 bits of extra padding are added to the padding scheme that was originally 
proposed for SHA3.  A hash function that works by processing r bits at a time 
till the whole message is processed (every hash function I can think of works 
like this) has to have a padding scheme, so that when someone tries to hash 
some message that's not a multiple of r bits long, the message gets padded out 
to r bits.  

The only security relevance of the padding scheme is that it has to be 
invertible--given the padded string, there must always be exactly one input 
string that could have led to that padded string.  If it isn't invertible, then 
the padding scheme would introduce collisions.  For example, if your padding 
scheme was "append zeros until you get the message out to a multiple of r 
bits," I could get collisions on your hash function by taking some message that 
was not a multple of r bits, and appending one or more zeros to it.  Just 
appending a single one bit, followed by as many zeros as are needed to get to a 
multiple of r bits makes a fine padding scheme, so long as the one bit is 
appended to *every* message, even those which start out a multiple of r bits 

The Keccak team proposed adding a few extra bits to their padding, to add 
support for tree hashing and to distinguish different fixed-length hash 
functions that used the same capacity internally.  They really just need to 
argue that they haven't somehow broken the padding so that it is no longer 

They're making this argument by pointing out that you could simply stick the 
fixed extra padding bits on the end of a message you processed with the 
original Keccak spec, and you would get the same result as what they are doing. 
 So if there is any problem introduced by sticking those extra bits at the end 
of the message before doing the old padding scheme, an attacker could have 
caused that same problem on the original Keccak by just sticking those extra 
bits on the end of messages before processing them with Keccak.  

>-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-07 Thread John Kelsey
If we can't select ciphersuites that we are sure we will always be comfortable 
with (for at least some forseeable lifetime) then we urgently need the ability 
to *stop* using them at some point.  The examples of MD5 and RC4 make that 
pretty clear.  

Ceasing to use one particular encryption algorithm in something like SSL/TLS 
should be the easiest case--we don't have to worry about old 
signatures/certificates using the outdated algorithm or anything.  And yet we 
can't reliably do even that.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-06 Thread John Kelsey
One thing that seems clear to me:  When you talk about algorithm flexibility in 
a protocol or product, most people think you are talking about the ability to 
add algorithms.  Really, you are talking more about the ability to *remove* 
algorithms.  We still have stuff using MD5 and RC4 (and we'll probably have 
stuff using dual ec drbg years from now) because while our standards have lots 
of options and it's usually easy to add new ones, it's very hard to take any 

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Sha3

2013-10-05 Thread John Kelsey

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-05 Thread John Kelsey
On Oct 4, 2013, at 10:10 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker  wrote:
> Dobertin demonstrated a birthday attack on MD5 back in 1995 but it had no 
> impact on the security of certificates issued using MD5 until the attack was 
> dramatically improved and the second pre-image attack became feasible.

Just a couple nitpicks: 

a.  Dobbertin wasn't doing a birthday (brute force collision) attack, but 
rather a collision attack from a chosen IV.  

b.  Preimages with MD5 still are not practical.  What is practical is using the 
very efficient modern collision attacks to do a kind of herding attack, where 
you commit to one hash and later get some choice about which message gives that 

> Proofs are good for getting tenure. They produce papers that are very 
> citable. 

There are certainly papers whose only practical importance is getting a smart 
cryptographer tenure somewhere, and many of those involve proofs.  But there's 
also a lot of value in being able to look at a moderately complicated thing, 
like a hash function construction or a block cipher chaining mode, and show 
that the only way anything can go wrong with that construction is if some 
underlying cryptographic object has a flaw.  Smart people have proposed 
chaining modes that could be broken even when used with a strong block cipher.  
You can hope that security proofs will keep us from doing that.  

Now, sometimes the proofs are wrong, and almost always, they involve a lot of 
simplification of reality (like most proofs aren't going to take low-entropy 
RNG outputs into account).  But they still seem pretty valuable to me for 
real-world things.  Among other things, they give you a completely different 
way of looking at the security of a real-world thing, with different people 
looking over the proof and trying to attack things.  

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Performance vs security

2013-10-05 Thread John Kelsey
There are specific algorithms where you have a pretty clear-cut 
security/performance tradeoff.  RSA and ECC both give you some choice of 
security level that has a big impact in terms of performance.  AES and SHA2 and 
eventually SHA3 offer you some secuirty level choices, but the difference in 
performance between them is relatively unimportant in most applications.  
Probably the coolest thing about Keccak's capacity parameter is that it gives 
you an understandable performance/security tradeoff, but the difference in 
performance between c=256 and c=512 will probably not be noticable in 99% of 

Then there are algorithms that give you higher performance at the cost of more 
fragility.  The example I can think of here is GCM, which gives you a pretty 
fast authenticated encryption mode, but which really loses security in a hurry 
if you reuse an IV.

It seems like these two kinds of security/performance tradeoffs belong in 
different categories, somehow.  


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Sha3 and selecting algorithms for speed

2013-10-05 Thread John Kelsey
Most applications of crypto shouldn't care much about performance of the 
symmetric crypto, as that's never the thing that matters for slowing things 
down.  But performance continues to matter in competitions and algorithm 
selection for at least three reasons:

a.  We can measure performance, whereas security is very hard to measure.  
There are a gazillion ways to measure performance, but each one gives you an 
actual set of numbers.  Deciding whether JH or Grostl is more likely to fall to 
cryptanalytic attack in its lifetime is an exercise in reading lots of papers, 
extrapolating, and reading tea leaves.

b.  There are low-end environments where performance really does matter.  Those 
often have rather different properties than other environments--for example, 
RAM or ROM (for program code and S-boxes) may be at a premium.  

c.  There are environments where someone is doing a whole lot of symmetric 
crypto at once--managing the crypto for lots of different connections, say.  In 
that case, your symmetric algorithm's speed may also have a practical impact.  
(Though it's still likely to be swamped by your public key algorithms.)   

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-10-02 Thread John Kelsey
On Oct 2, 2013, at 9:54 AM, Paul Crowley  wrote:

> On 30 September 2013 23:35, John Kelsey  wrote:
>> If there is a weak curve class of greater than about 2^{80} that NSA knew 
>> about 15 years ago and were sure nobody were ever going to find that weak 
>> curve class and exploit it to break classified communications protected by 
>> it, then they could have generated 2^{80} or so seeds to hit that weak curve 
>> class.
> If the NSA's attack involves generating some sort of collision between a 
> curve and something else over a 160-bit space, they wouldn't have to be 
> worried that someone else would find and attack that "weak curve class" with 
> less than 2^160 work.

I don't know enough about elliptic curves to have an intelligent opinion on 
whether this is possible.  Has anyone worked out a way to do this?  

The big question is how much work would have had to be done.  If you're talking 
about a birthday collision on the curve parameters, is that a collision on a 
160 bit value, or on a 224 or 256 or 384 or 512 bit value?  I can believe NSA 
doing a 2^{80} search 15 years ago, but I think it would have had to be a top 
priority.  There is no way they were doing 2^{112} searches 15 years ago, as 
far as I can see.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto Standards v.s. Engineering habits - Was: NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-02 Thread John Kelsey
Has anyone tried to systematically look at what has led to previous crypto 
failures?  That would inform us about where we need to be adding armor plate.  
My impression (this may be the availability heuristic at work) is that:

a.  Most attacks come from protocol or mode failures, not so much crypto 
primitive failures.  That is, there's a reaction attack on the way CBC 
encryption and message padding play with your application, and it doesn't 
matter whether you're using AES or FEAL-8 for your block cipher.  

b.  Overemphasis on performance (because it's measurable and security usually 
isn't) plays really badly with having stuff be impossible to get out of the 
field when it's in use.  Think of RC4 and DES and MD5 as examples.  

c.  The ways I can see to avoid problems with crypto primitives are:

(1)  Overdesign against cryptanalysis (have lots of rounds)

(2)  Overdesign in security parameters (support only high security levels, use 
bigger than required RSA keys, etc.) 

(3)  Don't accept anything without a proof reducing the security of the whole 
thing down to something overdesigned in the sense of (1) or (2).

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] are ECDSA curves provably not cooked? (Re: RSA equivalent key length/strength)

2013-10-02 Thread John Kelsey

On Oct 1, 2013, at 12:51 PM, Adam Back  wrote:

[Discussing how NSA might have generated weak curves via trying many choices 
till they hit a weak-curve class that only they knew how to solve.]
> But the more interesting question I was referring to is a trapdoor weakness
> with a weak proof of fairness (ie a fairness that looks like the one in FIPS
> 186-3/ECDSA where we dont know how much grinding if any went into the magic
> seed values).  For illustration though not applicable to ECDSA and probably
> outright defective eg can they start with some large number of candidate G
> values where G=xH (ie knowing the EC discrete log of some value H they pass
> off as a random fairly chosen point) and then do a birthday collision
> between the selection of G values and diffrent seed values to a PRNG to find
> a G value that they have both a discrete log of wrt H and a PRNG seed. 
> Bearing in mind they may be willing to throw custom ASIC or FPGA
> supercomputer hardware and $1bil budgt at the problem as a one off cost.

This general idea is a nice one.  It's basically a way of using Merkle's 
puzzles to build a private key into a cryptosystem.  But I think in general, 
you are going to have to do work equal to the security level of the thing 
you're trying to backdoor.  You have to break it once at its full security 
level, and then you get to amortize that break forever.  (Isn't there something 
like this you can do for discrete logs in general, though?)  

Consider Dual EC DRBG.  You need a P, Q such that you know x that solves xP = 
Q, over (say) P-224.  So, you arbitrarily choose G = a generator for the group, 
and a scalar z, and then compute for

 j = 1 to 2^{112}:
T[j] = jz G

Now, you have 2^{112} values in a group of 2^{224} values, right?  So with 
about another 2^{113} work, you can hit one of those with two arbitrary seeds, 
and you'll know the relationship between them.  

But this takes a total of about 2^{113} work, so it's above the claimed secuity 
level of P-224.  I suspect this would be more useful for something at the 80 
bit security level--a really resourceful attacker could probably do a 2^{80} 

> Adam

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] AES-256- More NIST-y? paranoia

2013-10-02 Thread John Kelsey
On Oct 1, 2013, at 5:58 PM, Peter Fairbrother  wrote:

> AES, the latest-and-greatest block cipher, comes in two main forms - AES-128 
> and AES-256.
> AES-256 is supposed to have a brute force work factor of 2^256  - but we find 
> that in fact it actually has a very similar work factor to that of AES-128, 
> due to bad subkey scheduling.
> Thing is, that bad subkey scheduling was introduced by NIST ... after 
> Rijndael, which won the open block cipher competition with what seems to be 
> all-the-way good scheduling, was transformed into AES by NIST.

What on Earth are you talking about?  AES' key schedule wasn't designed by 
NIST.  The only change NIST made to Rijndael was not including some of the 
alternative block sizes.  You can go look up the old Rijndael specs online if 
you want to verify this.

> -- Peter Fairbrother


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] NIST about to weaken SHA3?

2013-10-01 Thread John Kelsey
On Oct 1, 2013, at 4:48 AM, ianG  wrote:
> This could be the uninformed opinion over unexpected changes.  It could also 
> be the truth.  How then to differentiate?
> Do we need to adjust the competition process for a "tweak" phase?
> Let's whiteboard.  Once The One is chosen, have a single round + conference 
> where each of the final contestants propose their optimised version.  They 
> then vote on the choice.

I like the general idea here, but I suspect a vote at the end of a conference 
isn't going to yield great results.  I'd hate to see something the designers 
opposed get adopted because they were outvoted by (say) a larger team.

> (OK, we can imagine many ways to do this ... point being that if NIST are 
> going to tweak the SHA3 then we need to create a way for them to do this, and 
> have that tweaking be under the control of the submitters, not NIST itself.  
> In order to maintain the faith of the result.)

The Keccak designers proposed reducing the capacity.  You can find public 
statements about this online, including in the slides on their website.  Also, 
the capacity is a parameter defined in the standard to allow an easy to 
understand performance/security tradeoff.  Setting c=256 gives an across the 
board security level of 128 bits, if you believe the underlying Keccak 
permutation is good.  

The actual technical question is whether an across the board 128 bit security 
level is sufficient for a hash function with a 256 bit output.  This weakens 
the proposed SHA3-256 relative to SHA256 in preimage resistance, where SHA256 
is expected to provide 256 bits of preimage resistance.  If you think that 256 
bit hash functions (which are normally used to achieve a 128 bit security 
level) should guarantee 256 bits of preimage resistance, then you should oppose 
the plan to reduce the capacity to 256 bits.  If you think a 256 bit hash 
function should only promise 128 bits of security, except in specific 
applicaitons like keyed hashes where it has been analyzed specifically and 
shown to get more, then you should (at least on technical grounds) like the 
proposal to reduce the capacity to 256 bits for a 256-bit hash output.

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] Sha3

2013-09-30 Thread John Kelsey
If you want to understand what's going on wrt SHA3, you might want to look at 
the nist website, where we have all the slide presentations we have been giving 
over the last six months detailing our plans.  There is a lively discussion 
going on at the hash forum on the topic.  

This doesn't make as good a story as the new sha3 being some hell spawn cooked 
up in a basement at Fort Meade, but it does have the advantage that it has some 
connection to reality.

You might also want to look at what the Keccak designers said about what the 
capacities should be, to us (they put their slides up) and later to various 
crypto conferences.  

Or not.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-30 Thread John Kelsey
Having read the mail you linked to, it doesn't say the curves weren't generated 
according to the claimed procedure.  Instead, it repeats Dan Bernstein's 
comment that the seed looks random, and that this would have allowed NSA to 
generate lots of curves till they found a bad one.  

it looks to me like there is no new information here, and no evidence of 
wrongdoing that I can see.  If there is a weak curve class of greater than 
about 2^{80} that NSA knew about 15 years ago and were sure nobody were ever 
going to find that weak curve class and exploit it to break classified 
communications protected by it, then they could have generated 2^{80} or so 
seeds to hit that weak curve class.  

What am I missing?  Do you have evidence that the NIST curves are cooked?  
Because the message I saw didn't provide anything like that.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-30 Thread John Kelsey
Maybe you should check your code first?  A couple nist people verified that the 
curves were generated by the described process when the questions about the 
curves first came out.  Don't trust us, obviously--that's the whole point of 
the procedure.  But check your code, because the process worked right when we 
checked it.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] check-summed keys in secret ciphers?

2013-09-30 Thread John Kelsey
GOST was specified with S boxes that could be different for different 
applications, and you could choose s boxes to make GOST quite weak.  So that's 
one example.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Gilmore response to NSA mathematician's "make rules for NSA" appeal

2013-09-25 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 25, 2013, at 2:52 AM, james hughes  wrote:

> Many, if not all, service providers can provide the government valuable 
> information regarding their customers. This is not limited to internet 
> service providers. It includes banks, health care providers, insurance 
> companies, airline companies, hotels, local coffee shops, book sellers, etc. 
> where providing a service results in personal information being exchanged. 
> The US has no corner on the ability to get information from almost any type 
> of service provider. This is the system that the entire world uses, and 
> should not be our focus.

There are many places where there is no way to provide the service without 
having access to the data, and probably storing it.  For those places, we are 
stuck with legal and professional and business safeguards.  You doctor should 
take notes when you see him, and can be compelled to give those notes up if he 
can access them to (for example) respond to a phone call asking to refill your 
medications.  There are rather complicated mechanisms you can imagine to 
protect your privacy in this situation, but it's hard to imagine them working 
well in practice.  For that situation, what we want is that the access to the 
information is transparent--the doctor can be compelled to give out information 
about his patients, but not without his knowledge, and ideally not without your 

But there are a lot of services which do not require that the providers have or 
collect information about you.  Cloud storage and email services don't need to 
have access to the plaintext data you are storing or sending with them.  If 
they have that information, they are subject to being forced to share it with a 
government, or deciding to share it with someone for their own business 
reasons, or having a dishonest employee steal it.  If they don't have that 
information because their service is designed so they don't have it, then they 
can't be forced to share it--whether with the FBI or the Bahraini government or 
with their biggest advertiser.  No change of management or policy or  law can 
make them change it.  

Right now, there is a lot of interest in finding ways to avoid NSA 
surveillance.  In particular, Germans and Brazilians and Koreans would 
presumably rather not have their data made freely available to the US 
government under what appear to be no restrictions at all.  If US companies 
would like to keep the business of Germans and Brazilians and Koreans, they 
probably need to work out a way to convincingly show that they will safeguard 
that data even from the US government.   

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The hypothetical random number generator backdoor

2013-09-25 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 22, 2013, at 8:09 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker  wrote:

> So we think there is 'some kind' of backdoor in a random number generator. 
> One question is how the EC math might make that possible. Another is how 
> might the door be opened.

We don't know that there is a backdoor in dual ec, but we know that there could 
be one of a particular form, and it works like you describe--if you know the 
backdoor, then given output[i], you can predict all future outputs.  

The other kinds of weaknesses I would expect to see in the wild would be lack 
of entropy, which means that you can try some reasonable number of guesses 
about the value of the output and expect to have a decent probability of being 
right once.  

> Either way, the question is how to stop this side channel attack. One simple 
> way would be to encrypt the nonces from the RNG under a secret key generated 
> in some other fashion. 
> nonce = E (R, k)

This would work if you had a secure key I couldn't guess for k.  If the entropy 
is really low, though, I would still see duplicate outputs from time to time.  
If the RNG has short cycles, this would also show up.

> Or hashing the RNG output and XORing with it 
> nonce = r  XOR H (r)

This works against the dual ec type backdoor, but does nothing for low entropy 
or short cycles.  Also, it's kind-of sensitive to how H() works.  If H(x) = 
P(x) xor x then this will be invertible.  Still, the basic idea is nice.  It 
would be interesting to see if you could prove something about its security.

How about:

nonce = r[1] xor H(r[2])?

The other thing that you can do is to XOR multiple RNGs together.  As long as 
at least one is unbroken and all other RNGs are independent of that one 
unbroken one, the resulting random outputs should be secure.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Gilmore response to NSA mathematician's "make rules for NSA" appeal

2013-09-24 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 18, 2013, at 3:27 PM, Kent Borg  wrote:

> You foreigners actually have a really big vote here.  All those US internet 
> companies want your business, and as you get no protections, in the current 
> scheme, not even lip-service, you should look for alternatives.  As you do, 
> this puts pressure on the US internet companies, and they have the economic 
> clout to put pressure on Feinstein and Polosi and all the others.

This does not go far enough.  The US government is not the only one inclined to 
steal information which it can reach, either because the information goes over 
wires the government can listen in on, or because the companies handling the 
data can be compelled or convinced to hand it over.  Right now, we're seeing 
leaks that confirm the serious efforts of one government to do this stuff, but 
it is absolutely silly to think the US is the only one doing it.  

The right way to address this is to eliminate the need to trust almost anyone 
with your data.  If Google[1] has all your cleartext documents and emails, they 
can be compelled to turn them over, or they can decide to look at them for 
business reasons, or they can be infiltrated by employees or contractors who 
look at those emails and documents.  You are trusting a lot of people, and 
trusting a company to possibly behave against its economic interests and legal 
obligations, to safeguard your privacy.  If they have encrypted data only, you 
don't have to trust them.  

It needs to be in their business interest to convince you that they *can't* 
betray you in most ways.  

> -kb


[1] I'm not picking on Google in particular--any US company may be compelled to 
turn over data they have.  I imagine the same is true of any German or Korean 
or Brazilian company, but I don't know the laws in those places.  
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] PRISM-Proofing and PRISM-Hardening

2013-09-22 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 19, 2013, at 5:21 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker  wrote:

>  Criminals circumvent the WebPKI rather than trying to defeat it. If they did 
> start breaking the WebPKI then we can change it and do something different.

If criminals circumvent the PKI to steal credit card numbers, this shows up as 
fraud and is noticed without any need for a Snowden.  Eavesdropping doesn't 
show up in such an obvious way.  

> But financial transactions are easier than protecting the privacy of 
> political speech because it is only money that is at stake. The criminals are 
> not interested in spending $X to steal $0.5X. We can do other stuff to raise 
> the cost of attack if it turns out we need to do that.

Also, criminals find it harder to spend a few million up front before they get 
the first payoff.  Nor can they appeal to patriotism or compel compliance via 
the law.  

> If we want this to be a global infrastructure we have 2.4 billion users to 
> support. If we spend $0.01 per user on support, that is $24 million. It is 
> likely to be a lot more than that per user.

It has to pay for itself ultimately, at least as well as email does. 

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The paranoid approach to crypto-plumbing

2013-09-17 Thread John Kelsey
Arggh!  Of course, this superencryption wouldn't help against the CBC padding 
attacks, because the attacker would learn plaintext without bothering with the 
other layers of encryption.  The only way to solve that is to preprocess the 
plaintext in some way that takes the attacker's power to induce a timing 
difference or error message away.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The paranoid approach to crypto-plumbing

2013-09-17 Thread John Kelsey
For hash functions, MACs, and signature schemes, simply concatenating 
hashes/MACs/signatures gives you at least the security of the stronger one.  
Joux multicollisions simply tell us that concatenating two or more hashes of 
the same size doesn't improve their resistance to brute force collsion search 
much.  The only thing you have to be sure of there is that the MAC and 
signature functions aren't allowed access to each others' secret keys or 
internal random numbers.  Otherwise, MAC#1 can always take the value of MAC#2's 
key.  This is just

message, signature 1, signature 2

where the signatures are over the message only.  

For encryption algorithms, superencryption works fine.  You can first encrypt 
with AES-CBC, then encrypt with Twofish-CFB, then with CAST5 in CFB mode.  
Again, assuming you are not letting the algorithms know each others' internal 
state or keys, if any of these algorithms are resistant to chosen plaintext 
attacks, then the combination will be.  This doesn't guarantee that the 
combination will be any stronger than the strongest of these, but it will be no 
weaker.  (Biham and later Wagner had some clever attacks against some chaining 
modes using single-DES that showed that you wouldn't always get anything 
stronger than one of the ciphers, but if any of these layers is strong, then 
the whole encryption is strong.  

An alternative approach is to construct a single super-block-cipher, say 
AES*Twofish*SERPENT, and use it in a standard chaining mode.  However, then you 
are still vulnerable to problems with your chaining mode--the CBC reaction 
attacks could still defeat a system that used AES*Twofish*SERPENT in CBC mode, 
but not AES-CBC followed by Twofish-CFB followed by SERPENT-CTR.  

For key-encryption or transport, I think it's a little more complicated.  If I 
need six symmetric keys and want to use three public key methods (say ECDH, 
NTRU, RSA) to transport the key, I've got to figure out a way to get the 
benefit from all these key exchange mechanisms to all six symmetric keys, in a 
way that I'm sure will not leak any information about any of them.  Normally we 
would use a KDF for this, but we don't want to trust any one crypto algorithm 
not to screw us over.  

I think we can get this if we assume that we can have multiple KDFs that have 
secrets from one another.  That is, I compute 

KDF1( key1, combined key exchange input) XOR KDF2( key2, combined key exchange 

The reason the two KDFs need keys that are secret from each other is because 
otherwise, KDF1 could just duplicate KDF2 and we'd get an all-zero set of keys. 
 If KDF2 is strong, then KDF1 can't generate an output string with any 
relationship to KDF2's string when it doesn't know all the input KDF2 is 

I agree with Perry that this is probably padlocking a screen door.  On the 
other hand, if we want to do it, we want to make sure we guard against as many 
bad things as possible.  In particular, it would be easy to do this in such a 
way that we missed chaining mode/reaction type attacks.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] The paranoid approach to crypto-plumbing

2013-09-17 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 17, 2013, at 11:41 AM, "Perry E. Metzger"  wrote:

> I confess I'm not sure what the current state of research is on MAC
> then Encrypt vs. Encrypt then MAC -- you may want to check on that.

Encrypt then MAC has a couple of big advantages centering around the idea that 
you don't have to worry about reaction attacks, where I send you a possibly 
malformed ciphertext and your response (error message, acceptance, or even time 
differences in when you send an error message) tells me something about your 
secret internal state.  

> Perry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] prism proof email, namespaces, and anonymity

2013-09-15 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 15, 2013, at 7:47 AM, Adam Back  wrote:

> Another design permutation I was thinking could be rather interesting is
> unobservable mail.  That is to say the participants know who they are
> talking to (signed, non-pseudonymous) but passive observers do not.  It
> seems to me that in that circumstance you have more design leverage to
> increase the security margin using PIR like tricks than you can with
> pseudonymous/anonymous - if the "contract" is that the system remains very
> secure so long as both parties to a communication channel want it to remain
> that way.

This seems like the main way most people would want PPE to work--like email 
they have now, but much more secure and resistant to abuse.  In the 
overwhelming majority of cases, I know and want to know the people I'm talking 
with.  I just don't want to contents of those conversations or the names of 
people I'm talking with to be revealed to eavesdroppers.  And if I get an email 
from one of my regular correspondents, I'd like to know it came from him, 
rather than being spoofed from someone else.  

For most people, I'm pretty sure the security problems with email are centered 
around the problem of getting unwanted communication from people you don't want 
to hear from, some of which may manage install malware on your computer, others 
of which want to waste your time with scam ads, etc.  A PPE scheme that solves 
that problem can get a lot more users than one that doesn't, and may even 
eventually take over from the current kind of email.  

> Adam

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] real random numbers

2013-09-15 Thread John Kelsey

On Sep 15, 2013, at 6:49 AM, Kent Borg  wrote:

> John Kelsey wrote:
>> I think the big problem with (b) is in quantifying the entropy you get.
> Maybe don't.
> When Bruce Schneier last put his hand to designing an RNG he concluded that 
> estimating entropy is doomed. I don't think he would object to some coarse 
> order-of-magnitude confirmation that there is entropy coming in, but I think 
> trying to meter entropy-in against entropy-out will either leave you starved 
> or fooled.

If you are using a strong cryptographic PRNG, you only really need to know the 
amount of entropy you've collected in two situations:

a.  When you want to instantiate the PRNG and start generating keys from it.

b.  When you want to reseed the PRNG and know you will get some benefit from 
doing so.  

But those are pretty critical things, especially (a).  You need to know whether 
it is yet safe to generate your high-value keypair.  For that, you don't need 
super precise entropy estimates, but you do need at least a good first cut 
entropy estimate--does this input string have 20 bits of entropy or 120 bits?  

My view is that all the song and dance in /dev/random with keeping track of the 
entropy in the pool as it flows in and out is not all that useful, but there's 
just no way around needing to estimate entropy to know if your PRNG is in a 
secure state or not.  


> -kb
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] real random numbers

2013-09-14 Thread John Kelsey
Your first two categories are talking about the distribution of entropy--we 
assume some unpredictability exists, and we want to quantify it in terms of 
bits of entropy per bit of output.  That's a useful distinction to make, and as 
you said, if you can get even a little entropy per bit and know how much you're 
getting, you can get something very close to ideal random bits out.

Your second two categories are talking about different kinds of 
sources--completely deterministic, or things that can have randomness but don't 
always.  That leaves out sources that always have a particular amount of 
entropy (or at least are always expected to!).  

I'd say even the "squish" category can be useful in two ways:

a.  If you have sensible mechanisms for collecting entropy, they can't hurt and 
sometimes help.  For example, if you sample an external clock, most of the 
time, the answer may be deterministic, but once in awhile, you may get some 
actual entropy, in the sense that the clock drift is sufficient that the 
sampled value could have one of two values, and an attacker can't know which.  

b.  If you sample enough squishes, you may accumulate a lot of entropy.  Some 
ring oscillator designs are built like this, hoping to occasionally sample the 
transition in value on one of the oscillators.  The idea is that the rest of 
the behavior of the oscillators might possibly be predicted by an attacker, but 
what value gets read when you sample a value that's transitioning between a 0 
and a 1 is really random, changed by thermal noise.  

I think the big problem with (b) is in quantifying the entropy you get.  I also 
think that (b) describes a lot of what commonly gets collected by the OS and 
put into the entropy pool.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Security is a total system problem (was Re: Perfection versus Forward Secrecy)

2013-09-14 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 13, 2013, at 3:23 PM, "Perry E. Metzger"  wrote:

> The problem these days is not that something like AES is not good
> enough for our purposes. The problem is that we too often build a
> reinforced steel door in a paper wall.

Also, if AES being insufficiently strong is our problem, we have a whole bunch 
of solutions easily at hand.  Superencrypt successively with, say, Serpent, 
Twofish, CAST, Salsa, and Keccak in duplex mode.  This has a performance cost, 
but it is orders of magnitude less overhead than switching to manual key 
distribution of one-time pads.  

It's hard for me to think of a real world threat that is addressed better by a 
one-time pad than by something cheaper and less likely to get broken via human 
error or attacks on the key management mechanism.  

> Perry E.

The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] one time pads

2013-09-13 Thread John Kelsey
Switching from AES to one-time pads to solve your practical cryptanalysis 
problems is silly.  It replaces a tractable algorithm selection problem with a 
godawful key management problem, when key management is almost certainly the 
practical weakness in any broken system designed by non-idiots.  


The cryptography mailing list

[Cryptography] prism proof email, namespaces, and anonymity

2013-09-13 Thread John Kelsey

The more I think about it, the more important it seems that any anonymous email 
like communications system *not* include people who don't want to be part of 
it, and have lots of defenses to prevent its anonymous communications from 
becoming a nightmare for its participants.  If the goal is to make PRISM stop 
working and make the email part of the internet go dark for spies (which 
definitely includes a lot more than just US spies!), then this system has to be 
something that lots of people will want to use.  

There should be multiple defenses against spam and phishing and other nasty 
things being sent in this system, with enough designed-in flexibility to deal 
with changes in attacker behavior over tome.  If someone can send participants 
in the system endless spam or credible death threats, then few people are going 
to want to participate, and that diminishes the privacy of everyone remaining 
in the system, along with just making the system a blight in general.  If 
nonparticipants start getting spam from the system, it will either be shunned 
or shut down, and at any rate won't have the kind of reputation that will move 
a lot of people onto the system.  An ironclad anonymous email system with 
10,000 users is a whole lot less privacy-preserving than one with 10,000,000 
users.  As revelations of more and more eavesdropping come out, we might 
actually see millions of users want to have something really secure and 
anonymous, but not if it's widely seen as a firehose o' spam.  

A lot of the tools we use on the net everyday suffer from having been designed 
without thinking very far ahead into how they might be exploited or 
misused--hence spam, malware in PDF files, browser hijacking sorts of attacks, 
etc.  My thought is that we should be thinking of multiple independent defenses 
against spamming and malware and all the rest, because parasites adapt to their 
environment.  We can't count on "and then you go to jail" as a final step in 
any protocol, and we can't count on having some friendly utility read millions 
of peoples' mail to filter the spam if we want this to be secure.  So what can 
we count on to stop spam and malware and other nastiness?  

Some thoughts off the top of my head.  Note that while I think all these can be 
done with crypto somehow, I am not thinking of how to do them yet, except in 
very general terms.  

a.  You can't freely send messages to me unless you're on my whitelist.  

b.  This means an additional step of sending me a request to be added to your 
whitelist.  This needs to be costly in something the sender cares about--money, 
processing power, reputation, solving a captcha, rate-limits to these requests, 
whatever.  (What if the system somehow limited you to only, say, five 
outstanding requests at a time?). 

c.  Make account creation costly somehow (processing, money, solving a captcha, 
whatever).  Or maybe make creating a receive-only account cheap but make it 
costly to have an account that can request to communicate with strangers.  

d.  Make sending a message in general cost something.  Let receiver addresses 
indicate what proof of payment of the desired cost they require to accept 

e.  Enable some kind of reputation tracking for senders?  I'm not sure if this 
would work or be a good idea, but it's worth thinking about.  

f.  All this needs to be made flexible, so that as attackers evolve, so can 
defenses.  Ideally, my ppe (prism proof email) address would carry an 
indication of what proofs your request to communicate needed to carry in order 
for me to consider it.  

g.  The format of messages needs to be restricted to block malware, both the 
kind that wants to take over your machine and the kind that wants to help the 
attacker track you down.  Plain text email only?  Some richer format to allow 
foreign language support?  

h.  Attachments should become links to files in an anonymizing cloud storage 
system.  Among other things, this will make it easier to limit the size of the 
emails in the system, which is important for ensuring anonymity without 
breaking stuff.  

What else?  I see this as the defining thing that can kill an anonymous 
encrypted communications system--it can become a swamp of spam and malware and 
nutcases stalking people, and then nobody sensible will want to come within a 
hundred meters of it.  Alternatively, if users are *more* in control of who 
contacts them in the prism-proof scheme than with the current kind of email, we 
can get a lot more people joining.  



The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] People should turn on PFS in TLS (was Re: Fwd: N.S.A. Foils Much Internet Encryption)

2013-09-13 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 10, 2013, at 3:56 PM, Bill Stewart  wrote:

>> One point which has been mentioned, but perhaps not emphasised enough - if 
>> NSA have a secret backdoor into the main NIST ECC curves, then even if the 
>> fact of the backdoor was exposed - the method is pretty well known - without 
>> the secret constants no-one _else_ could break ECC.
>> So NSA could advocate the widespread use of ECC while still fulfilling their 
>> mission of protecting US gubbmint communications from enemies foreign and 
>> domestic. Just not from themselves.

I think this is completely wrong.

First, there aren't any secret constants to those curves, are there?  The 
complaint Dan Bermstein has about the NIST curves is that they (some of them) 
were generated using a verifiably random method, but that the seeds looked 
pretty random.  The idea here, if I understand it correctly, is that if the 
guys doing the generation knew of some property that made some of the choices 
of curves weak, they could have tried a huge number of seeds till they happened 
upon one that led to a weak curve.  If they could afford to try N seeds and do 
whatever examination of the curve was needed to check it for weakness, then the 
weak property they were looking for couldn't have had a probability much lower 
than about 1/N.  

I think the curves were generated in 1999 (that's the date on the document I 
could find), so we are probably talking about less than 2^{80} operations 
total.  Unlike the case with the Dual EC generator, where a backdoor could have 
been installed with no risk that anyone else could discover it, in this case, 
they would have to generate curves until one fell in some weak curve class that 
they knew about, and they would have to hope nobody else ever discovered that 
weak curve class, lest all the federal users of ECC get broken at once.  

The situation you are describing works for dual ec drbg, but not for the NIST 
curves, as best I understand things.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Fw: how could ECC params be subverted & other evidence

2013-09-10 Thread John Kelsey

> Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 13:42:57 +0200
> From: Adam Back 
> To: "Perry E. Metzger" 
> Cc: Alexander Klimov , Cryptography List
> , Adam Back 
> Subject: Re: [Cryptography] how could ECC params be subverted & other
> The important potential backdoor is NIST 186-3 curves in Peter
> Fairbrother's reply, and I think that would be a good place to focus
> analysis.  

I've talked a bit with someone I know with some background in the math here, 
who didn't see an obvious way for these curves to have been cooked.  I don't 
have the number theory to have an opinion, but if someone can point me to an 
explanation of how they might have been cooked, I would very much appreciate 
it.  I imagine any such potential backdoor will be very easy to get my 
management to take seriously right now.  And that three months ago, we would 
not have been at all worried.  I forsee a rather large change in institutional 
culture at NIST.  

> (DRBG is largely irrelevant due suspected compromised state since
> 2007, and very limited use.  It is also a different type of issue -
> not backdoored curves, arguably backdoored parameters).

It sure looks now like Dual EC DRBG was backdoored from the leaks and news 
stories, though I don't know of any hard proof.  But we (NIST) have put SP 
800-90 back up for public comment and have issued a bulletin telling people to 
stop using it until we figure out what to do about it.  (The alternatives are 
to remove it or to fix it.)

This DRBG was in the X9.82 document when I joined NIST and came onto the 
project in 2003.  If you go to our website ( you can see old 
slides and documents, and you can check the wayback machine to verify we 
haven't changed them.  (We also had a public workshop, and participants may 
still have old copies of the documents.)  This shows the development of the 
standard over time.  I think the P and Q were the same in those old documents.  
If so, this tells you how far back this effort goes--at least to 2003, perhaps 
further back.  I believe the X9.82 effort had been going on several years 
before that, though not making much progress--I'm not sure how long ago Dual EC 
DRBG was put in.  I paid very little attention to the number theoretic 
constructions (two originally, one in the final version) because I didn't and 
don't think I know enough number theory to evaluate them.

When we heard about the issue of selection of points (in an X9 meeting, I think 
in 2006 or early 2007), we discussed the issue, and it didn't seem like a 
serious threat.  I sure didn't think the people I was working with on the 
document were trying to slip weak stuff in.  Instead, it looked like they had 
generated some parameters randomly and hadn't worried about proving where the 
parameters came from.  

This seemed like a really weird place to put a backdoor, because it was 
insanely slow, and it seemed unlikely to get any significant use.  And I, at 
least, had internalized the idea that we weren't going to get intentional bad 
advice or sabotage from another part of the federal government.  (Accidental 
screw-ups, sure, but not intentional engineered vulnerabilities.) At the time, 
the solution we came to--allow the use of the default points (which some people 
had allegedly baked into implementations in anticipation of the standard) and 
also allow generation of your own points, seemed adequate.

But that was assuming a different world than we live in, apparently.  If NSA 
had a program of intentionally inserting weaknesses in crypto standards, and 
inserted at least one into a NIST standard, then any potential backdoor 
parameters we have are scary as hell.  No way can we leave them in a standard 
people are expecting to use.  Having such a program burns a hell of a lot of 
bridges, too.  I still don't *know* if this is true--convincing newspaper 
stories often get stuff wrong, and convincing leaked documents may not be 
authentic.  But it sure looks like the way to bet, now.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Random number generation influenced, HW RNG

2013-09-10 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 10, 2013, at 2:30 AM, ianG  wrote:

> The question of whether one could simulate a raw physical source is 
> tantalising.  I see diverse opinions as to whether it is plausible, and 
> thinking about it, I'm on the fence.

I don't think simulating a physical source is itself a big challenge.  People 
simulate complicated probabilistic behavior all the time.  The challenge is 
going to be sticking it into the chip in a way that doesn't show up when the 
chip is taken apart in a lab.

How can we design the whole system so that some compromised or flawed pieces 
don't wreck us?  I don't know how to ensure my chip's hardware RNG isn't 
hacked, but I have some hope of working out a design that will be robust even 
if it is hacked.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Random number generation influenced, HW RNG

2013-09-09 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 9, 2013, at 6:32 PM, "Perry E. Metzger"  wrote:

> First, David, thank you for participating in this discussion.
> To orient people, we're talking about whether Intel's on-chip
> hardware RNGs should allow programmers access to the raw HRNG output,
> both for validation purposes to make sure the whole system is working
> correctly, and if they would prefer to do their own whitening and
> stretching of the output.

Giving raw access to the noise source outputs lets you test the source from the 
outside, and there is alot to be said for it.  But I am not sure how much it 
helps against tampered chips.  If I can tamper with the noise source in 
hardware to make it predictable, it seems like I should also be able to make it 
simulate the expected behavior.  I expect this is more complicated than, say, 
breaking the noise source and the internal testing mechanisms so that the RNG 
outputs a predictable output stream, but I am not sure it is all that much more 
complicated.  How expensive is a lightweight stream cipher keyed off the time 
and the CPU serial number or some such thing to generate pseudorandom bits?  
How much more to go from that to a simulation of the expectdd behavior, perhaps 
based on the same circutry used in the unhacked version to test the noise 
source outputs?  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Techniques for malevolent crypto hardware

2013-09-08 Thread John Kelsey
On Sep 8, 2013, at 3:55 PM, Thor Lancelot Simon  wrote:
> I also wonder -- again, not entirely my own idea, my whiteboard partner
> can speak up for himself if he wants to -- about whether we're going
> to make ourselves better or worse off by rushing to the "safety" of
> PFS ciphersuites, which, with their reliance on DH, in the absence of
> good RNGs may make it *easier* for the adversary to recover our eventual
> symmetric-cipher keys, rather than harder!

I don't think you can do anything useful in crypto without some good source of 
random bits.  If there is a private key somewhere (say, used for signing, or 
the public DH key used alongside the ephemeral one), you can combine the hash 
of that private key into your PRNG state.  The result is that if your entropy 
source is bad, you get security to someone who doesn't compromise your private 
key in the future, and if your entropy source is good, you get security even 
against someone who compromises your private key in the future (that is, you 
get perfect forward secrecy).

> Thor

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Techniques for malevolent crypto hardware

2013-09-08 Thread John Kelsey
In principle, the malevolent crypto accellerator could flip into weak mode 
(however that happens) only upon receiving a message for decryption with some 
specific value or property.  That would defeat any testing other than constant 
observation.  This is more or less the attack that keeps parallel testing of 
electronic voting machines from being a good answer to the security concerns 
about them.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Market demands for security (was Re: Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN")

2013-09-08 Thread John Kelsey
As an aside:

a.  Things that just barely work, like standards groups, must in general be 
easier to sabotage in subtle ways than things that click along with great 
efficiency.  But they are also things that often fail with no help at all from 
anyone, so it's hard to tell.

b.  There really are tradeoffs between security and almost everything else.  If 
you start suspecting conspiracy every time someone is reluctant to make that 
tradeoff in the direction you prefer, you are going to spend your career 
suspecting everyone everywhere of being ant-security.  This is likely to be 
about as productive as going around suspecting everyone of being a secret 
communist or racist or something.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-07 Thread John Kelsey
Let's suppose I design a block cipher such that, with a randomly generated key 
and 10,000 known plaintexts, I can recover that key.  For this to be useful in 
a world with relatively sophisticated cryptanalysts, I must have confidence 
that it is extremely hard to find my trapdoor, even when you can look closely 
at my cipher's design.   

At this point, what I have is a trapdoor one-way function.  You generate a 
random key K and then compute E(K,i) for i = 1 to 1.  The output of the 
one-way function is the ciphertext.  The input is K.  If nobody can break the 
cipher, then this is a one-way funciton.  If only I, who designed it, can break 
it, then it's a trapdoor one-way function.  

At this point, I have a perfectly fine public key encryption system.  To send 
me a message, choose a random K, use it to encrypt 1 through 1, and then 
send me the actual message encrypted after that in K.  If nobody but me can 
break the system, then this cipher works as my public key.  

The assumption that matters here is that you know enough cryptanalysis that it 
would be hard to hide a practical attack from you.  If you don't know about 
differential cryptanalysis, I can do the master key cryptosystem, but only 
until you learn about it, at which point you will break my cipher.   But if you 
can, say, hide the only good linear characteristics for some cipher in its 
S-boxes in a way that is genuinely intractible for anyone else to find, then 
you have a public key cryptosystem. You can publish the algorithm for hiding 
new linear characteristics in an S-box--this becomes the keypair generation 
algorithm.  The private key is the linear characteristic that lets you break 
the cipher with (say) 1 known plaintexts, the public key is the cipher 

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] [cryptography] Random number generation influenced, HW RNG

2013-09-07 Thread John Kelsey
There are basically two ways your RNG can be cooked:

a.  It generates predictable values.  Any good cryptographic PRNG will do this 
if seeded by an attacker.  Any crypto PRNG seeded with too little entropy can 
also do this.  

b.  It leaks its internal state in its output in some encrypted way.  Basically 
any cryptographic processing of the PRNG output is likely to clobber this. 

The only fix for (a) is to get enough entropy in your PRNG before generating 
outputs.  I suspect Intel's RNG and most other hardware RNGs are extremely 
likely to be better than any other source of entropy you can get on your 
computer, but you don't have to trust them 100%.  Instead, do whatever OS level 
collection you can, combine that with 256 bits from the Intel RNG, and throw in 
anything else likely to help--ethernet address, IP address, timestamp, anything 
you can get from the local network, etc.  Hash that all and feed it into a 
strong cryptographic PRNG--something like CTR-DRBG or HMAC-DRBG from SP 800-90. 
 If you do that, you will have guarded against both (a) and (b).  


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Why prefer symmetric crypto over public key crypto?

2013-09-07 Thread John Kelsey

On Sep 7, 2013, at 3:25 PM, "Christian Huitema"  wrote:

> Another argument is “minimal dependency.” If you use public key, you depend 
> on both the public key algorithm, to establish the key, and the symmetric key 
> algorithm, to protect the session. If you just use symmetric key, you depend 
> on only one algorithm.
> Of course, that means getting pair-wise shared secrets, and protecting them. 
> Whether that’s harder or more fragile than maintaining a key ring is a matter 
> of debate. It is probably more robust than relying on CA.

Pairwise shared secrets are just about the only thing that scales worse than 
public key distribution by way of PGP key fingerprints on business cards.  The 
equivalent of CAs in an all-symmetric world is KDCs.  Instead of having the 
power to enable an active attack on you today, KDCs have the power to enable a 
passive attack on you forever.  If we want secure crypto that can be used by 
everyone, with minimal trust, public key is the only way to do it.  

One pretty sensible thing to do is to remember keys established in previous 
sessions, and use those combined with the next session.  For example, if we do 
Diffie-Hellman today and establish a shared key K, we should both store that 
key, and we should try to reuse it next time as an additional input into our 
KDF.  That is, next time we use Diffie-Hellman to establish K1, then we get 
actual-key = KDF(K1, K, other protocol details).  That means that if even one 
session was established securely, the communications are secure (up to the 
symmetric crypto strength) forevermore.  

> - -- Christian Huitema

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] XORing plaintext with ciphertext

2013-09-07 Thread John Kelsey
It depends on the encryption scheme used.  For a stream cipher (including AES 
in counter or OFB mode), this yields the keystream.  If someone screws up and 
uses the same key and IV twice, you can use knowledge of the first plaintext to 
learn the second.  For other AES chaining modes, it's less scary, though if 
someone reuses their key and IV, knowing plaintext xor ciphertext from the 
first time the key,iv pair was used can reveal some plaintext from the second 
time it was used.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] In the face of "cooperative" end-points, PFS doesn't help

2013-09-07 Thread John Kelsey
Your cryptosystem should be designed with the assumption that an attacker will 
record all old ciphertexts and try to break it later.  The whole point of 
encryption is to make that attack not scary.  We can never rule out future 
attacks, or secret ones now.  But we can move away from marginal key lengths 
and outdated, weak ciphers.  Getting people to do that is like pulling teeth, 
which is why we're still using RC4, and 1024-bit RSA keys and DH primes.  


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] FIPS, NIST and ITAR questions

2013-09-05 Thread John Kelsey

> Let H(X) = SHA-512(X) || SHA-512(X)
> where '||' is concatenation.  Assuming SHA-512 is a cryptographically secure 
> hash H trivially is as well.  (Nothing in the definition of a cryptographic 
> hash function says anything about minimality.)  But H(X) is clearly not 
> useful for producing a PRNG.

You won't get a prf or stream cipher or prng or block cipher just out of 
collision resistance--you need some kind of pseudorandomness assumption.  We 
expect general purpose hash functions like Keccak to provide that, but it 
doesn't follow from the collision resistance assumption, for exactly the reason 
you gave there--it's possible to design collision-resistant functions that leak 
input or are predictable in some bits. 
> I don't actually know if there exists a construction of a PRNG from a 
> cryptographically secure hash function.  (You can build a MAC, but even 
> that's not trivial; people tried all kinds of things that failed until the 
> HMAC construction was proven correct.)

The HMAC construction wouldn't give a PRF for your example of 

h(x) = sha512(x) || sha512(x)

A single output would be trivial to distinguish from a 1024 bit random number.  

>-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] FIPS, NIST and ITAR questions

2013-09-05 Thread John Kelsey

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 3, 2013, at 6:06 PM, Jerry Leichter  wrote:

> On Sep 3, 2013, at 3:16 PM, Faré  wrote:
>> Can't you trivially transform a hash into a PRNG, a PRNG into a
>> cypher, and vice versa?
> No.
>> hash->PRNG: append blocks that are digest (seed ++ counter ++ seed)
> Let H(X) = SHA-512(X) || SHA-512(X)
> where '||' is concatenation.  Assuming SHA-512 is a cryptographically secure 
> hash H trivially is as well.  (Nothing in the definition of a cryptographic 
> hash function says anything about minimality.)  But H(X) is clearly not 
> useful for producing a PRNG.
> If you think this is "obviously" wrong, consider instead:
> H1(X) = SHA-512(X) || SHA-512(SHA-512(X))
> Could you determine, just from black-box access to H1, that it's equally bad 
> as a PRNG?  (You could certainly do it with about 2^256 calls to H1 with 
> distinct inputs - by then you have a .5 chance of a duplicated top half of 
> the output, almost certainly with a distinct bottom half.  But that's a 
> pretty serious bit of testing)
> I don't actually know if there exists a construction of a PRNG from a 
> cryptographically secure hash function.  (You can build a MAC, but even 
> that's not trivial; people tried all kinds of things that failed until the 
> HMAC construction was proven correct.)
>-- Jerry
> ___
> The cryptography mailing list
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-05 Thread John Kelsey
I don't see what problem would actually be solved by dropping public key crypto 
in favor of symmetric only designs.  I mean, if the problem is that all public 
key systems are broken, then yeah, we will have to do something else.  But if 
the problem is bad key generation or bad implementations, those will be with us 
even after we abandon all the public key stuff.  And as Jon said, the trust 
problems get harder, not easier.  With only symmetric crypto, whoever acts as 
the introducer between Alice and Bob can read their traffic passively and 
undetectably.  With public key crypto, the introducer can do a man in the 
middle attack (an active attack) and risks detection, as Alice and Bob now have 
things signed by the introducer associating the wrong keys with Bob and Alice, 

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-05 Thread John Kelsey

> On Thu, 5 Sep 2013 19:14:53 -0400 John Kelsey 
> wrote:
>> First, I don't think it has anything to do with Dual EC DRGB.  Who
>> uses it?
> It did *seem* to match the particular part of the story about a
> subverted standard that was complained about by Microsoft
> researchers. I would not claim that it is the most important part of
> the story.

One thing I can say for certain:  NSA did not write SP 800-90.  (That was the 
implication of from the New York Times article.). That was mostly Elaine 
Barker, my coworker, with me providing a lot of text around technical issues.  
The algorithms all came out of work from ANSI X9.82 Part 3, which Elaine also 
wrote with lots of input and text from me and the rest of the editing 
committee.  We worked with NSA people on this, and X9.82 Part 2 (the entropy 
source section) was written entirely by NSA people, but it isn't easy for me to 
see how anyone could stick a trapdoor in that.  We're still working with NSA 
people on SP 800-90B, which includes a lot of stuff on testing entropy sources. 

When I started there was an RSA based algorithm which we eventually dropped 
(analogous to bbs), Dual EC DRBG, the hash drbg (which is still in 800-90 in a 
much-changed version for backward comatibility reasons, because the 
standardization process took forever and people started designing to the X9.82 
standard before it was done--this was also the reason we ended up keeping the 
Dual EC DRBG) and an X9.17 based thing we got rid of.  A bunch of the symmetric 
stuff in there is mine--I made changes the the hash DRBG to address 
time/memory/data tradeoffs, and wrote the HMAC DRBG and CTR DRBG.  I also 
changed around the hash df and wrote the bc df.  

It is possible Dual EC DRBG had its P and Q values generated to insert a 
trapdoor, though I don't think anyone really knows that (except the people who 
generated it, but they probably can't prove anything to us at this point).  
It's also immensely slower than the other DRBGs, and I have a hard time seeing 
why anyone would use it.  (But if you do, you should generate your own P and Q.)

>> Where do the world's crypto random numbers come from?  My guess is
>> some version of the Windows crypto api and /dev/random
>> or /dev/urandom account for most of them.
> I'm starting to think that I'd probably rather type in the results of
> a few dozen die rolls every month in to my critical servers and let
> AES or something similar in counter mode do the rest.
> A d20 has a bit more than 4 bits of entropy. I can get 256 bits with
> 64 die rolls, or, if I have eight dice, 16 rolls of the group. If I
> mistype when entering the info, no harm is caused. The generator can
> be easily tested for correct behavior if it is simply a block cipher.

If you're trying to solve the problem of not trusting your entropy source, this 
is reasonable, but it doesn't exactly scale to normal users.  Entropy 
collection in software is a pain in the ass, and my guess is that the 
overwhelming majority of developers are happy to punt and just use the OS' 
random numbers.  That looks to be what happened with the Henninger and Lenstra 
results regarding lots of RSA keys with shared moduli.  That flaw implies a 
huge number of easily factored RSA keys out there, thanks to insufficient 
entropy and calling /dev/urandom on a system where it won't block even if it 
thinks it has zero entropy.  (This was a multi-level screw up, as I understand 
it, between a Linux version and OpenSSL and the implementors of various 
appliance network devices.). 

It would be smarter for any crypto software to use the OS source for some seed 
material, and then combine it with both unique or nearly unique information and 
anything that's likely to have some entropy, and use that to initialize a good 
PRNG.  (I'd use CTR DRBG.)   Your ethernet address doesn't have any entropy, 
but it works like a salt in a password hashing scheme--an attacker must now 
rerun his attack for each individual instance of the crypto software. 

In general, software that uses crypto should probably be trying to gather 
entropy wherever possible, not just trusting the OS.  And it should use that 
entropy plus the OS' entropy to seed its own PRNG.  And it should throw in any 
information that might distinguish this instance from other instances, to force 
any attackers to rerun their attack on each instance individually.  

When I saw the keystore stuff, I thought "bad key generation."  Henninger found 
a bunch of RSA 
keys from the same make of devices that were sharing primes, thanks to really 
awful entropy collection.  If those devices had been collecting 40 bits of 
entropy for the first prime, she might never have found a pair of keys with a 
shared prime.  But someone using analogous methods might be able to 

Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

2013-09-05 Thread John Kelsey
First, I don't think it has anything to do with Dual EC DRGB.  Who uses it?  

My impression is that most of the encryption that fits what's in the article is 
TLS/SSL.  That is what secures most encrypted content going online.  The easy 
way to compromise that in a passive attack is to compromise servers' private 
keys, via cryptanalysis or compromise or bad key generation.  For server side 
TLS using RSA, guessing just the client's random values ought to be enough to 
read the traffic.  

For active attacks, getting alternative certs issued for a given host and 
playing man in the middle would work.  

Where do the world's crypto random numbers come from?  My guess is some version 
of the 
Windows crypto api and /dev/random or /dev/urandom account for most of them.  
What does most of the world's TLS?  OpenSSL and a few other libraries, is my 
guess.  But someone must have good data about this.  

My broader question is, how the hell did a sysadmin in Hawaii get hold of 
something that had to be super secret?  He must have been stealing files from 
some very high ranking people.  


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Backup is completely separate

2013-09-02 Thread John Kelsey
The backup access problem isn't just a crypto problem, it's a social/legal 
problem.  There ultimately needs to be some outside mechanism for using social 
or legal means to ensure that, say, my kids can get access to at least some of 
my encrypted files after I drop dead or land in the hospital in a coma.  Or 
that I can somehow convince someone that it's really me and I'd like access to 
the safe deposit box whose password I forgot and lost my backup copy of.  Or 

This is complicated by the certainty that if someone has the power to get 
access to my encrypted data, they will inevitably be forced to do so by courts 
or national security letters, and will also be subject to extralegal pressures 
or attacks to make them turn over some keys.  I suspect the best that can be 
workably done now is to make any key escrow service's key accesses transparent 
and impossible to hide from the owner of the key, and then let users decide 
what should and shoudn't be escrowed.  But this isn't all that great an answer. 

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] NSA and cryptanalysis

2013-09-01 Thread John Kelsey
What I think we are worried about here are very widespread automated attacks, 
and they're passive (data is collected and then attacks are run offline).  All 
that constrains what attacks make sense in this context.  You need attacks that 
you can run in a reasonable time, with minimal requirements on the amount of 
plaintext or the specific values of plaintext.  The perfect example of an 
attack that works well here is a keysearch on DES; another example is the 
attack on WEP.

All the attacks we know of on reduced-round AES and AES-like ciphers require a 
lot of chosen plaintexts, or related key queries, or both.  There is no way to 
completely rule out some amazing new break of AES that makes the cipher fall 
open and drop your plaintext in the attacker's lap, but I don't see anything at 
all in the literature that supports that fear, and there are a *lot* of smart 
people trying to find new ways to attack or use AES-like designs.  So I put 
this at the bottom of my list of likely problems.

Some attacks on public key systems also require huge numbers of encryptions or 
specially formed ciphertexts that get sent to the target for decryption--we can 
ignore those for this discussion.  So we're looking at trying to factor an RSA 
modulus or to examine a lot of RSA encryptions to a particular public key (and 
maybe some signatures from that key) and try to get somewhere from that.  I 
don't know enough about the state of the art in factoring or attacking RSA to 
have a strong intuition about how likely this is.  I'm pretty skeptical, 
though--the people. know who are experts in this stuff don't seem especially 
worried.  However, a huge breakthrough in factoring would make for workable 
passive attacks of this kind, though it would have to be cheap enough to use to 
break each user's public key separately.  

Finally, we have the randomness sources used to generate RSA and AES keys.  
This, like symmetric cryptanalysis, is an area I know really well.  And my 
intuition (backed by plenty of examples) is that this is probably the place 
that is most likely to yield a practical offline attack of this kind.  When 
someone screws up the implementation of RSA or AES, they may at least notice 
some interoperability problems.  They will never notice this when they screw up 
their implementation so that RNG only gets 32 bits of entropy before generating 
the user's RSA keypair.  And if I know that your RSA key is likely to have one 
of these 2^{32} factors, I can make a passive attack work really well.  


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Functional specification for email client?

2013-08-31 Thread John Kelsey
I think it makes sense to separate out the user-level view of what happens (the 
first five or six points) from how it's implemented (the last few points, and 
any other implementation discussions).  In order for security to be usable, the 
user needs to know what he is being promised by the security mechanisms--not 
which digital signature scheme is being used or whether decoy messages are sent 
to frustrate traffic analysis.  

If something arrives in my inbox with a from address of, 
then I need to know that this means that's who it came from.  If I mail 
something to, then I need to know that only the owner of 
that address will be able to read it.  I need to know that nobody should be 
able to know with whom I'm communicating.  But I don't need to know about keys, 
digital signatures, mix nets, etc.  That's what I want to know as a 
cryptographer, but as a user, I just want to know what the security system is 
promising and how reliable its promises are. 

My intuition is that binding the security promises to email addresses instead 
of identities is the right way to proceed.  I think this is something most 
people can understand, and more importantly it's something we can do with 
existing technology and no One True Name Authority In The Sky handing out 

One side issue here is that this system's email address space needs to somehow 
coexist with the big wide internet's address space.  It will really suck if 
someone else can get my gmail address n the secure system, but it will also be 
confusing if my inbox has a random assortment of secure and insecure emails, 
and I have to do some extra step to know which is which.  

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] NSA and cryptanalysis

2013-08-31 Thread John Kelsey
If I had to bet, I'd bet on bad rngs as the most likely source of a 
breakthrough in decrypting lots of encrypted traffic from different sources. 

The cryptography mailing list

Re: Interesting bit of a quote

2006-07-16 Thread John Kelsey
>From: "Travis H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jul 14, 2006 11:22 PM
>To: David Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Interesting bit of a quote

>The problem with this is determining if the media has been replaced.
>Absent other protections, one could simply write a new WORM media with
>falsified information.
>I can see two ways of dealing with this:
>1) Some kind of physical authenticity, such as signing one's name on
>the media as they are produced (this assumes the signer is not
>corruptible), or applying a frangible difficult-to-duplicate seal of
>some kind (this assumes access controls on the seals).

I think this is going to resolve to chain-of-custody rules of some
kind.  One problem is that so long as the company making the records
is storing them onsite, it's hard for an outside auditor to be sure
they aren't being tampered with.  (Can the CEO really not work out a
way to get one of his guys access to the tape storage vault?) 

>2) Some kind of hash chain covering the contents, combined with
>publication of the hashes somewhere where they cannot be altered (e.g.
>publish hash periodically in a classified ad in a newspaper).

You could do the whole digital timestamping thing here.  You could
also just submit hashes of this week's backup tape to your auditor and
the SEC or something.  

Another solution is to use cryptographic audit logs.  Bruce Schneier
and I did some work on this several years ago, using a MAC to
authenticate the current record as it's written, and a one-way
function to derive the next key.  (This idea was apparently developed
by at least two other people independently.)  Jason Holt has extended
this idea to use digital signatures, which makes them far more
practical.  One caveat is that cryptographic audit logs only work if
the logging machine is honest when the logs are written.  


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Re: Interesting bit of a quote

2006-07-13 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jul 11, 2006 6:45 PM
>Subject: Re: Interesting bit of a quote

>my slightly different perspective is that audits in the past have 
>somewhat been looking for inconsistencies from independent sources. this 
>worked in the days of paper books from multiple different corporate 
>sources. my claim with the current reliance on IT technology ... that 
>the audited information can be all generated from a single IT source ... 
>invalidating any assumptions about audits being able to look for 
>inconsistencies from independent sources. A reasonable intelligent 
>hacker could make sure that all the information was consistent.

It's interesting to me that this same kind of issue comes up in voting
security, where computerized counting of hand-marked paper ballots (or
punched cards) has been and is being replaced with much more
user-friendly DREs, where paper poll books are being replaced with
electronic ones, etc.  It's easy to have all your procedures built
around the idea that records X and Y come from independent sources,
and then have technology undermine that assumption.  The obvious
example of this is rules for recounts and paper record retention which
are applied to DREs; the procedures make lots of sense for paper
ballots, but no sense at all for DREs.  I wonder how many other areas
of computer and more general security have this same kind of issue.   

--John Kelsey, NIST

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A weird macro virus story

2006-06-23 Thread John Kelsey

Some of my co-workers here at NIST got an email macro virus which
appeared to be targeted to cryptographers.  It appeared to be
addressed to Moti Yung, and come from Lawrie Brown and Henri Gilbert
(though that name was misspelled, maybe a transcription error from an
alternate character set).  Did any of you notice something like this?
The email appeared to be addressed to several submission addresses for
various crypto conferences.  

Wow, we've really made it as an influential group of people.  We're
important enough to be *targets* now


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Re: [Cfrg] HMAC-MD5

2006-04-01 Thread John Kelsey

>Sent: Mar 30, 2006 3:38 PM
>Subject: Re: [Cfrg] HMAC-MD5

>I think that we have the "evidence". The security MD5 depends
>heavily on a lot of nonlinearities in functions F,G,I and on
>carries in arithmetic additions. Nonlinearities in F,G,I are
>bitwise and very weak. Carries are much stronger, but the collision
>attacks showed that it is possible to controll them also.

The question is, can these still be controlled when the attacker
doesn't know the internal state of the chaining variables?  If not, we
may end up with second preimage attacks (which would finish off MD5
for most hashing applications!), but still not know how to attack
HMAC.  The attack model is really different!  

For what it's worth, though, I agree that we need to get rid of MD5
anywhere it's still in place, since the only thing we know about its
security is that it's a lot less than anyone expected it to be even a
year ago.  In fact, we should have started this when Dobbertin had his
free-start collision result.  If we had, we'd be able to regard the
devastating MD5 collisions we're seeing now in the same way we regard
devastating attacks on FEAL.  (If someone extends the best attack on
FEAL to 64 rounds, that will be cool, but nobody will be scrambling to
replace FEAL in their products and protocols.)

>Vlastimil Klima

--John Kelsey, NIST

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Re: Entropy Definition (was Re: passphrases with more than 160 bits of entropy)

2006-03-26 Thread John Kelsey
>From: John Denker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Mar 24, 2006 11:57 AM
>To: Erik Zenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Subject: Re: Entropy Definition (was Re: passphrases with more than 160 bits 
>of entropy)

>Erik Zenner wrote:
>>>0 occurs with probability 1/2
>>>each other number from 1 to 2^{160}+1 happens with 
>>>probability 2^{-161}.
>>  Is anyone aware of whether (and where) this was 
>> discussed in the literature, or what other approaches are taken?
>This particular problem is contrived or at least exaggerated.  

The example is a contrived, pathological case.  And there are a bunch
of easy solutions once you know this is the distribution.  The point
is to demonstrate that Shannon entropy gives you the wrong answer when
you try to use it here.

Now, you might ask if this is a problem in a real-world setting.  So
let's imagine a very simple distribution--sequences of flips of a
biased coin.  There are nice ways to remove the bias, but let's
imagine we're not doing that--instead, we're going to take a sequence
of coin flips, turn it into a 0/1 sequence, and then hash it down to
get a key.  

Suppose the coin is biased so that heads comes up 0.9 of the time, and
that we generate 16-bit sequences at a time.  The Shannon entropy of a
16-bit sequence is about 7.5, but the most likely symbol (all heads)
comes up about 18% of the time.  So if we tried to generate a 7-bit
"key", we'd lose on the attacker's first guess 18% of the time. 

So, let's go further with this.  We want to generate a DES key, with
56 bits of entropy.  A 64-bit sequence produced with this biased coin
has Shannon entropy of about 60 bits, but an attacker has about a
1/1000 chance of guessing the DES key we derive from it on his first
try, which is unacceptable for just about any crypto application.
(The min-entropy is about ten bits.)

So yes, I used a contrived example to demonstrate the problem, but no,
the problem isn't just an ivory-tower concern.

The intuition here is that Shannon entropy is concerned with
communications channels, where we assume we have to send every
symbol.  So when you have lots of low-probability symbols, and one of
those low-probability symbols is chosen 999 times out of a 1000, the
amount of bandwidth you need to transmit those symbols easily becomes
dominated by them.  Most of the time, you're sending one of a large
set of symbols, and they all have to be distinguished from one

The situation for the attacker is a lot more like having a channel
where it's acceptable to only send a small fraction of those symbols,
and just drop the rest.  That is, it's okay for the attacker's model
to just ignore the huge set of low-probability symbols that occur
999/1000 of the time, and instead just transmit the highest
probability symbol 1/1000 of the time.  Instead of transmitting it,
he's just guessing it.  When he gets it right, he learns your DES

>This version serves to illustrate, in an exaggerated way, the necessity
>of not assuming that the raw data words are IID (independent and identically

Yes!  The "independent" part is much harder to deal with than the
per-symbol distribution, in many real-world applications.  The worst
of these are operating system events (used in Windows and various
Unixes to get random bits).  Peter Gutmann did some really nice work
on this on a bunch of operating systems in a Usenix paper, and he
updated that and has a version of it on his website.  If you're doing
OS-event sampling to generate random bits, you really ought to look at
his stuff.  (But if you can get some hardware support, either directly
or via sampling the microphone like the Turbid design does, you're
probably on much firmer ground.)  

--John Kelsey, NIST

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RE: Entropy Definition (was Re: passphrases with more than 160 bits of entropy)

2006-03-25 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Erik Zenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Mar 24, 2006 4:14 AM
>Subject: RE: Entropy Definition (was Re: passphrases with more than 160 bits 
>of entropy)

>> [I wrote:]
>> 0 occurs with probability 1/2
>> each other number from 1 to 2^{160}+1 happens with 
>> probability 2^{-161}.
>> The Shannon entropy on this distribution is 81.5 bits.  But 
>> if you tried to sample it once to generate an 80-bit Skipjack 
>> key, half the time, I'd guess your key on my first try.  
>It's entirely correct that entropy is the wrong measure here, but
>the question is how a good measure would look like. 

There are a bunch of different entropy measures.  Shannon entropy is
the right one for compression ratios and channel capacity, but not for
difficulty of guessing the string.

>Assume that you have a sample space with N elements and an intelligent 
>attacker (i.e., one that tries the most probable elements first). Then 
>what you actually are interested in is that the attacker's probability 
>of success after q sampling attempts is as close as possible to the 
>lowest possible, namely q * 2^{-N}. A natural way of measuring this 
>seems to be some kind of distance between Pr[succ after q samples] and 
>the ideal function q * 2^{-N}. Such a measure might allow a designer
>to decide whether a non-perfect distribution is still "acceptable" or
>simply "far out". Is anyone aware of whether (and where) this was 
>discussed in the literature, or what other approaches are taken?

The best discussion I've seen of this is in a couple papers by John
Pliam, about something he calls the work function, W(n).  This is just
the probability of having guessed some secret value after n operations
(typically n guesses). You can generalize this to the number of
operations you have to carry out to have a given probability of
violating any security property (repeating a nonce, getting a block
collision in a block cipher chaining mode, etc).  It's a very general
way of thinking about limiting parameters of crypto algorithms.
You're basically heading toward this idea in what you said above.

Let's think of this for an ideal case: a 128-bit key.  When you have
done 2^k guesses of the key, you have a 2^{n-k} chance of having
guessed the key correctly.  So if you graphed the work vs probability
of success on a log/log chart, you'd get a straight line for the ideal
case.  W(n) = 2^{-128} n, as you said above.  

Now, consider the case where you are generating a 128-bit key from a
bunch of sampled events on your computer that have been concatenated
together in a string S.  Imagine making a list of all the possible
values of that string, and sorting them in descending order of
probability.  You now have the best possible sequence of guesses.
W(n) is the sum of the first n probabilities.  

If W(n) > 2^{-128} n for any n, then the attacker has some point where
it is to his advantage to guess S instead of guessing your key.

So, this is where min-entropy comes in.  Min-entropy is just
-lg(P[max]), the base 2 log of the maximum probability in the
distribution.  You can convince yourself than if the min-entropy of S
is at least 128, then it's never easier to guess S than to guess K.
This is because each possible input string must have probability lower
than 2^{-128}, so the sum of the first n, W(n) < n 2^{-128}.  

This doesn't solve the much harder engineering/data analysis problem
of getting some reasonable approximation for the probabilities of S,
unfortunately.  The easy way to solve that is to design a hardware RNG
in such a way that you pretty-much know the probabilty model to use
and can work out how to sample it to get a good estimate of the
probabilities.  However, it is kind of nice to recognize that you only
have to estimate the largest probability to compute the min-entropy.
(It ought to be the easiest probability to measure and bound!)  

>Dr. Erik Zenner   Phone:  +45 39 17 96 06Cryptico A/S
>Chief Cryptographer   Mobile: +45 60 77 95 41Fruebjergvej 3
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]   DK 2100 Copenhagen

--John Kelsey, NIST

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Re: Linux RNG paper

2006-03-23 Thread John Kelsey
>From: David Malone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Mar 23, 2006 3:43 PM
>To: "Travis H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: "Heyman, Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,, [EMAIL 
>Subject: Re: Linux RNG paper

>One metric might be guessability (mean number of guesses required
>or moments there of).  As you point out, Arikan and Massey have
>shown that Shannon entropy are not particularly good estimates of
>guessability. Generalisations of entropy, like Reni entropy do seem
>to have meaning. The min-entropy mentioned in RFC 4086 seems
>reasonable, though I don't think the rational given in the RFC is
>actually correct.

Starting clarification:  

Min-entropy of a probability distribution is 

-lg ( P[max] ), 

minus the base-two log of the maximum probability.  

The nice thing about min-entropy in the PRNG world is that it leads to
a really clean relationship between how many bits of entropy we need
to seed the PRNG, and how many bits of security (in terms of
resistance to brute force guessing attack) we can get.

Suppose I have a string S with 128 bits of min-entropy.  That means
that the highest probablity guess of S has probability 2^{-128}.  I
somehow hash S to derive a 128-bit key.  The question to ask is, could
you guess S more cheaply than you guess the key?  When the min-entropy
is 128, it can't be any cheaper to guess S than to guess the key.
That's true whether we're making one guess, two guesses, ten guesses,
or 2^{127} guesses.   

To see why this is so, consider the best case for an attacker: S is a
128-bit uniform random string.  Now, all possible values have the same
probability, and guessing S is exactly the same problem as guessing
the key.  (I'm ignoring any bad things that happen when we hash down
to a key, but those can be important to think about in a different

Now, why is this the best case for an attacker?  Because it gives the
highest probability of guessing right on the nth guess.  If the
min-entropy is 128, then the highest probability symbol must have
prob. 2^{-128}.  If the next highest probability symbol has lower than
2^{-128} probability, then his second guess has lower probability.
And then the next highest probability symbol is constrained in the
same way.   

This makes it really easy, once you're working in min-entropy terms,
to answer questions like "do I have enough entropy in this string to
initialize a PRNG based on running AES-128 in counter mode?"

>   David.

--John Kelsey, NIST

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Re: Entropy Definition (was Re: passphrases with more than 160 bits of entropy)

2006-03-23 Thread John Kelsey
>From: John Denker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Mar 23, 2006 1:44 PM
>To: John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Subject: Re: Entropy Definition (was Re: passphrases with more than 160 bits 
>of entropy)

>With some slight fiddling to get the normalization right, 1/2
>raised to the power of (program length) defines a probability
>measure.  This may not be "the" probability you want, but it
>is "a" probability, and you can plug it into the entropy definition.

No, this isn't right for the algorithmic information theory meaning at
all.  For that measure, we can intelligently discuss the entropy of a
specific random string, without reference to a probability model.
Indeed, what's the probability distribution of the sequence of bits
defined by Chaitin's Omega?  

You can certainly complain that they should have used a different term
than entropy here, but you're not going to get these to be the same.  

>The problem is almost never understanding the definition of
>entropy.  The problem is almost always ascertaining what is
>the correct probability measure applicable to the problem
>at hand.

Well, you need to decide which of the probability distribution kinds
of entropy measures to use, and that differs in different
applications.  If you use min-entropy or guessing entropy to estimate
the limits on how well some sequence of symbols will compress, you'll
get a pretty lousy answer.  The same goes for using Shannon entropy to
determine whether you have collected enough entropy in your pool to
generate a 128-bit AES key.  

>> 0 occurs with probability 1/2
>> each other number from 1 to 2^{160}+1 happens with probability
>> 2^{-161}.
>> The Shannon entropy on this distribution is 81.5 bits. 
>I think it is very close to 81 bits, not 81.5, but that is a minor
>point that doesn't change the conclusion:

>>  But if you
>> tried to sample it once to generate an 80-bit Skipjack key, half the
>> time, I'd guess your key on my first try.  
>Yeah, but if I sample it N times, with high probability I can generate
>a large number of very good keys.  This problem is faced by (and solved
>by) any decent TRNG.

Hmmm.  I've seen plenty of people get this wrong.  If you use Shannon
entropy as your measure, and then say "when I have collected 128 bits
of Shannon entropy in my pool, I can generate a 128-bit AES key," you
will generate keys that aren't as secure as you think they are.  Now,
most TRNGs seem to evade this and many other problems by designing the
hardware to give a relatively simple probability model.  If your
probability model is close to uniform, then all these probability
distribution based entropy measurements converge (with a constant

In the case above, we had better specify N.  If you sample it 16
times, then you have a 2^{-16} chance of still being in a weak state.
Once you get enough samples that the probability of being in the
pathological worst case is negligible (whatever that means in your
application), then you can start generating output bits.  That's
probably somewhere between N=32 and N=64.  


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Re: Entropy Definition (was Re: passphrases with more than 160 bits of entropy)

2006-03-23 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Jack Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Mar 22, 2006 11:30 PM
>Subject: Re: Entropy Definition (was Re: passphrases with more than 160 bits 
>of entropy)


As an aside, this whole discussion is confused by the fact that there
are a bunch of different domains in which entropy is defined.  The
algorithmic information theory sense of entropy (how long is the
shortest program that produces this sequence?) is miles away from the
information theory sense of entropy, and even that has a bunch of
different flavors.  

For the information theory meanings of entropy, what you're really
talking about is a property of a probability distribution.  You can do
that in terms of Shannon entropy if you want to know about bounds on
average bandwidth requirements for transmitting symbols from that
distribution.  You can look at guessing entropy if you want to know
the -lg(expected work to guess the next symbol).  You can look at
min-entropy if you want a hard bound on how many symbols you need to
sample to derive a 128-bit key that won't ever expose you to
weaknesses based on how you selected it.  And so on.  

Shannon entropy is the one most people know, but it's all wrong for
deciding how many samples you need to derive a key.  The kind of
classic illustration of this is the probability distirbution:

0 occurs with probability 1/2
each other number from 1 to 2^{160}+1 happens with probability

The Shannon entropy on this distribution is 81.5 bits.  But if you
tried to sample it once to generate an 80-bit Skipjack key, half the
time, I'd guess your key on my first try.  


>Yes. Let's say the contents of tommorrow's NY Times has n bits of entropy (we
>probably can't actually calculate n, but we know it is a finite and fixed
>value). And the LA Times from the same day will also have some amount of
>entropy (call it n'). However, the entropy of the two papers combined would
>(probably) not be n+n', but some number x st min(n,n') <= x <= n+n', because
>the two papers will report on many of the same issues, carry some of the same
>AP stories, and so forth. This redundant information doesn't increase the
>entropy (reading the same AP story in a second newspaper wouldn't give you any
>new information).

Right.  If the probabilities are independent, you can add the
entropies.  That's why they're defined in log terms.  


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Re: pipad, was Re: bounded storage model - why is R organized as 2-d array?

2006-03-21 Thread John Kelsey

>Sent: Mar 21, 2006 9:58 AM
>Subject: Re: pipad, was Re: bounded storage model - why is R organized as  
>2-d array?

>| Anyone see a reason why the digits of Pi wouldn't form an excellent
>| public large (infinite, actually) string of "random" bits?

>The issue would be:  Are there any dependencies amoung the bits of
>pi that would make it easier to predict where an XOR of n streams of
>bits taken from different positions actually come from - or, more
>weakly, to predict subsequent bits.

When you build this scheme, you have to compare it to all other ways
of generating random-looking keystream for a stream cipher.  That
means comparing it with generators which are guaranteed to be as hard
to predict output bits for as a large integer is hard to factor, for
example.  Beyond the coolness factor of pi, it's hard to work out what
additional guarantee we're getting from using it here.  

I don't know what the performance of the algorithm for generating the
next n bits of pi looks like, but I'm guessing that I can do a fair
number of AES/Serpent/Twofish/MARS/RC6/Blowfish/CAST/3DES/IDEA/RC5
calculations for the same cost.  And we know how to build a stream
cipher out of all those ciphers (running in OFB or counter mode) which
is guaranteed to be as strong as the strongest of them.  

It's all about tradeoffs between performance, security, and what
strong statements you can make about your security when you're done.
In some applications, I am willing to give up a lot of performance for
a solid proof of security; in others, I am willing to give up any hope
of a proof of security to get really good performance.

>   -- Jerry

--John Kelsey

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Re: NPR : E-Mail Encryption Rare in Everyday Use

2006-02-26 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Feb 24, 2006 3:18 PM
>Subject: Re: NPR : E-Mail Encryption Rare in Everyday Use

>We could just as well say that "encryption of remote server sessions is
>rare in everyday use". It's just that only geeks even do remote server
>sessions, so they use SSH instead of telnet.

>The thing is that email is in wide use (unlike remote server sessions).
>Personally I doubt that anything other than a small percentage of email
>will ever be signed, let alone encrypted (heck, most people on this list
>don't even sign their mail).

I'm certain that only a small percentage of e-mail will ever be
signed, so long as the tools to do that are so hard to use, and the
value added so small.  I find it useful to use encryption all the time
on my private data, but virtually never use it for communications,
because even among cryptographers the setup hassles are too great, and
the value added too small.  What we ultimately need is encryption and
authentication that are:

a.  Automatic and transparent.

b.  Add some value or are bundled with something that does.

c.  Don't try to tie into the whole horrible set of PKI standards in
terms of uniquely identifying each human and bit in the universe, and
getting them to sign legally binding messages whose full
interpretation requires reading and understanding a 30-page CPS.  

If email encryption became as transparent as SSL, most e-mail would be
encrypted.  This would still leave various phishing issues, etc., but
eavesdropping and a lot of impersonation and spam and phishing would
get much harder.  


--John Kelsey

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Re: thoughts on one time pads

2006-01-27 Thread John Kelsey
troy the pad as it is used, but we have to worry
>about data remanence.

You have to worry about securing the key material from cradle to
grave, and operationally makign sure you use the right key material
with the right person and never reuse it.  OTPs are terribly sensitive
to the randomness of your key material (if you screw up and use bits
biased 60/40 for your 128-bit AES key, you'll drop to 90+ bits of
security; if you do that for your OTP, you'll reveal quite a bit of
the normal ASCII text you send, because there's not very much entropy
per bit.).  

The issue of preventing reuse is enormous.  

>3) How should one combine OTP with another conventional encryption
>method, so that if the pad is copied, we still have conventional
>cipher protection?  In this manner, one could use the same system for
>different use cases; one could, for example, mail the pad, or leave it
>with a third party for the recipient to pick up, and you
>opportunistically theoretical security if the opponent doesn't get it,
>and you get empirical (conventional) security if they do.

If you dig around, Rivest wrote a paper at Crypto 82 or 83 about
randomizing encryption which is still pretty nice.  To a first
approximation, superencryption (encrypting the OTP-encrypted text with
AES-CBC or some such thing) is always okay.

>4) For authentication, it is simple to get excellent results from an
>OTP.  You simply send n bytes of the OTP, which an attacker has a
>2^-8n chance in guessing.  How do we ensure message integrity?  Is it
>enough to include a checksum that is encrypted with the pad?  

There are provably secure authentication schemes that use much less
key material per message.  Google for universal hashing and IBC Hash,
and for provably secure authentication schemes.  I seem to recall that
Stinson has a really nice survey of this either webbed or in his
book.  (Anyone else remember?)  

>Does it
>depend on our method of encipherment?  Assuming the encipherment is
>XOR, is a CRC sufficient, or can one flip bits in the message and CRC
>field so as to cancel each other?  

Yep, you can flip bits, so long as you know the CRC polynomial.  If
the CRC polynomial is randomly chosen for each message, and used
correctly, you get one of those provably-secure authentication

>If so, how should we compute a MIC?
> Just SHA-1, and include that right after the plaintext (that is, we
>encrypt the MIC so as to not reveal a preimage if SHA-1 is found to be

Read The Friendly Literature.

>"The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance."
>  -- Robert R. Coveyou -><-
>GPG fingerprint: 50A1 15C5 A9DE 23B9 ED98 C93E 38E9 204A 94C2 641B

--John Kelsey

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Re: RNG quality verification

2006-01-03 Thread John Kelsey
ainst it.  But with a single 128-bit output, I am nearly certain
of identifying this source. 

If you don't know the key I'm using for AES, then distinguishing
counter mode outputs is as hard as breaking AES, for some very
precisely defined meaning of the work "breaking."  But it has no more
than 128 bits of entropy, because if you ever guessed the right 128
bit AES key, you could predict all future outputs from my PRNG
forever.  That means it would be silly to use, say, AES128 to generate
256-bit AES keys, since the attacker would only need to guess the
128-bit AES key to learn all the 256-bit AES keys you were generating.

For what it's worth, we're working on a standard for cryptographic
random number generation in X9.  There's a draft document (SP800-90)
up on the NIST website

discussing some hopefully good crypto PRNGs, and some guidelines for
their use.  This doesn't discuss much about analyzing entropy sources
(we're still hashing that out).  If you want to understand the
security of crypto PRNG algorithms, you can look at some papers I
did on this with Bruce Schneier, Niels Ferguson, David Wagner, and
Chris Hall: 

Also, Peter's PRNG paper is at his website:

And Lisa Yin did a paper with Desai and Hevia for Eurocrypt 2002
trying to do reduction proofs for various PRNGs--basically showing
that if certain properties of the hash function or block cipher used
hold, then the PRNG is secure.  I don't know if there's an online
version available.  

If you want to understand how to do the data analysis for a hardware
entropy source, I recommend looking at the analysis of the Intel and
VIA C3 hardware RNGs, both on Cryptography Research's site.

The big thing to understand here is how much nicer life is when you
design the source of entropy from the beginning to follow some kind of
reasonable probability model, rather than looking for some way to
adapt a mathematically useful model to some complicated process like
OS loading or something. 

There's a reasonably nice suite of statistical tests available from
NIST, though I've heard some complaints about the portability of the
code.  More broadly, there are a gazillion statistical packages out
there.  But if you don't understand your model, you'll just shoot
yourself in the foot by throwing sophisticated statistical tools at
the problem.  

>Best regards,
>Philipp G�hring

--John Kelsey, NIST

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] more on AP Story Justice Dept. Probing Domestic Spyin]

2006-01-03 Thread John Kelsey

>From: Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 1, 2006 6:18 AM
>To: Cryptography List 
> Story Justice Dept. Probing Domestic Spyin]

>as long as your OTP's are truly random and never compromised, the key
>exchange will be secure and the only way to attack your traffic
>remotely will be brute force of AES256.

I'm coming late to this discussion, but if you're already trusting
AES256 for security, why not just exchange a single long-term AES256
key between mutually-trusting sites?  Then, you can generate today's
piece of the one-time-pad using a shared counter or a timestamp or
something.  Further, this lets you store the secret that derives your
keys inside a tamper-resistant crypto module.  

>Eugen* Leitl";>leitl

--John Kelsey, NIST

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Re: Encryption using password-derived keys

2005-12-02 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Jack Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Nov 29, 2005 11:08 AM
>Subject: Encryption using password-derived keys

>The basic scenario I'm looking at is encrypting some data using a
>password-derived key (using PBKDF2 with sane salt sizes and iteration
>counts). I am not sure if what I'm doing is sound practice or just
>pointless overengineering and wanted to get a sanity check.

>My inclination is to use the PBKDF2 output as a key encryption key,
>rather than using it to directly key the cipher (with the key used
>for the cipher itself being created by a good PRNG). For some reason
>the idea of using it directly makes me nervous, but not in a way I
>can articulate, leading me to suspect I'm worried over nothing.

I think this is sensible for convenience reasons:

a.  You can now change passwords without decrypting and re-encrypting
all your data.  And similarly, if you ever had a reason to change
keys, you could do that without changing passwords.  

b.  You can now check the correctness of the entered password when you
decrypt the data encryption key (using authenticated encryption!),
rather than needing to process the whole data.  (You could also just
generate a few extra check bits from PBKDF2.)  

>So, assuming using it as a KEK makes sense: At first I thought to use
>XOR to combine the two keys, but realized that could lead to related
>key attacks (by just flipping bits in the field containing the
>encrypted key). That is probably not a problem with good algorithms,
>but, then again, why take the chance; so I was thinking instead using
>NIST's AES-wrap (or perhaps a less weirdly designed variant of it
>that uses HMAC for integrity checking and AES in CBC mode for

You almost certainly need to do encryption and authentication both on
your bulk data and your encrypted key.  So why not do some mode that
does both (CCM being the obvious choice) for both the key encryption
and the bulk data encryption?


salt = PRNG_output(128)
iteration_count = 100
nonce = current nonce
DEK = PRNG_output(128)
KEK = PBKDF2(password,salt,iteration_count,128)
KeyBlob = CCM(KEK,0,DEK)
BulkData = CCM(DEK,nonce,plaintext)

>Am I thinking about this far harder than I should?

I'll toss two other random ideas out there to see if they're useful to

a.  You may be worried about having a properly seeded PRNG available
to do your data encryption key generation.  I think a sensible way
around this is to use both a PRNG output and some extra bits from
PBKDF2 to derive the first data encryption key.  Like you could do:

X = PBKDF2(password,salt,iteration_count,256)
KEK = left 128 bits of X
S = right 128 bits of X
DEK = S xor PRNG_output(128)  

b.  You can use a clever trick by Abadi, Lomas and Needham to save
yourself most of the work you do on iterating the password hash during
the creation of the KEK, but not when rederiving it.  Basically, what
you do is instead of setting an iteration count of 2^{21}, you
generate a big random salt, and omit 20 bits of it from the salt
that's stored with the encrypted file.  This forces anyone trying to
re-derive the KEK to do about 2^{20} work on average, but it makes
generating the original encrypted file almost free.  I'm always
surprised that this isn't used more often, because it's such a clever


--John Kelsey

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Re: the effects of a spy

2005-11-17 Thread John Kelsey

>Sent: Nov 16, 2005 12:26 PM
>Subject: Re: the effects of a spy

>Remember Clipper?  It had an NSA-designed 80-bit encryption
>algorithm.  One interesting fact about it was that it appeared to be
>very aggressively designed.  Most published algorithms will, for
>example, use (say) 5 rounds beyond the point where differential
>cryptoanalysis stops giving you an advantage.  Clipper, on the other
>hand, falls to differential cryptoanalysis if you use even one less
>round than the specification calls for.

Nipick: The system was Clipper, the algorithm was Skipjack.  

>Why the NSA would design something so close to the edge has always
>been a bit of a mystery (well, to me anyway).  One interpretation is
>that NSA simply has a deeper understanding than outsiders of where
>the limits really are.  What to us looks like aggressive design, to
>them is reasonable and even conservative.

Three comments here:

a.  Maybe they really do have a good generic differential-probability
limiting algorithm.  There are algorithms like this in the public
world (they can be really computationally expensive, and they only
tell you upper bounds on a subset of possible attacks), and you'd
expect NSA to be interested, since they design a lot of algorithms.
It's not so intuitive to me that this would have applied to impossible
differentials unless they designed it to, though.  In that case,
you're looking at differentials that can't appear instead of
differentials that appear too often.

b.  Maybe they don't care that much about attacks that require some
huge number of plaintexts.  The academic world has defined the game in
terms of total work being the critical parameter in the attack, and
we're seeing a push over time to move that to total attack cost.
(That is, it's not so interesting if you have a 2^{100} attack on a
128-bit block cipher, if the attack is impossible to parallelize.)  If
someone publishes an attack on Twofish tomorrow which requires 2^{96}
plaintexts to break it faster than brute-force, we'll all agree that's
an attack.  But there's no reason NSA has to think that way--maybe
they have some other parameter like 2^{n/2} texts for n-bit block
ciphers, after which they don't care about attacks because they're not

c.  Maybe they just got it wrong.  SHA0 and SHA1 demonstrate that this
is all too possible.  (It's quite plausible to me that they have very
good tools for analyzing block ciphers, but that they aren't or
weren't sure how to best apply them to hash functions.)  

>Or maybe ... the reasoning Perry mentions above applies here.  Any
>time you field a system, there is a possibility that your opponents
>will get hold of it.  In the case of Clipper, where the algorithm was
>intended to be published, there's no "possibility" about it.  So why
>make it any stronger than you have to?

Reducing Skipjack to 31 rounds wouldn't make a practical trapdoor
appear!  You're still talking about 2^{34} chosen plaintexts!

>   -- Jerry

--John Kelsey

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Re: timing attack countermeasures (nonrandom but unpredictable delays)

2005-11-17 Thread John Kelsey
>From: "Travis H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Nov 16, 2005 11:37 PM
>To: David Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: timing attack countermeasures (nonrandom but unpredictable delays)

>I don't follow; averaging allows one to remove random variables from
>the overall time, but you're still left with the real computation
>time plus the the deterministic delay I suggested as a function of
>the input.

>Specifically, time t(k,x) = f(k,x) + d(k,x) + r

>Where r is a random variable modelling all random factors, f is the
>time to compute the function, and d is the deterministic delay I
>suggested that is a function of the inputs.  Averaging with repeated
>evaluations of the same k and x allows one to compute the mean value
>of r, and the sum f+d, but I don't see how that helps one seperate f
>from d.  What am I missing?

Let's assume d(k,x) is a random function of k||x, uniformly
distributed between 0 and T where T is the average time of the
encryption.  I choose a set of inputs to the cipher x[0,1,2,...,n-1]
so that if my guess of some part of k is right, I expect their total
timing to be much lower than the average case.  

I get back Sum(f(k,x[i])+d(k,x[i])+r[i]).  

Suppose my guess is wrong.  Now what we expect is:

a.  Sum(f(k,x[i]) = average value 
b.  Sum(d(k,x[i]) = average value
c.  Sum(r[i]) = average value

Suppose my guess is right.  Now what we expect is:

a.  Sum(f(k,x[i]) = unusually low value 
b.  Sum(d(k,x[i]) = average value
c.  Sum(r[i]) = average value

So, right guesses still give me unusually low values, and wrong
guesses still give me average-looking values.  That means the timing
channel is still there--d(k,x) only adds random noise.

The only way to avoid this is to make d(k,x) somehow related to
f(k,x).  That's the idea behind things like having software or
hardware go through both the 0 and 1 case for each bit processed in an
exponent.  In that case, we get d(k,x) being fast when f(k,x) is slow,
and vice versa, and we close the timing channel.  

As long as d(k,x) is independent of f(k,x), I can still test guesses
of parts of k or parts of x.  

--John Kelsey

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Re: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-31 Thread John Kelsey
>From: cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Oct 27, 2005 9:15 PM
>To: "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

>On 10/26/05, James A. Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How does one inflate a key?

>Just make it bigger by adding redundancy and padding, before you
>encrypt it and store it on your disk. That way the attacker who wants
>to steal your keyring sees a 4 GB encrypted file which actually holds
>about a kilobyte of meaningful data. Current trojans can steal files
>and log passwords, but they're not smart enough to decrypt and
>decompress before uploading. They'll take hours to snatch the keyfile
>through the net, and maybe they'll get caught in the act.

Note that there are crypto schemes that use huge keys, and it's
possible to produce simple variants of existing schemes that use
multiple keys.  That would mean that the whole 8GB string was
necessary to do whatever crypto thing you wanted to do.  A simple
example is to redefine CBC-mode encryption as

C[i] = E_K(C[i-1] xor P[i] xor S[C[i-1] mod 2^{29}])

where S is the huge shared string, and we're using AES.  Without
access to the shared string, you could neither encrypt nor decrypt.



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Re: On the orthogonality of anonymity to current market demand

2005-10-26 Thread John Kelsey
>From: "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Oct 25, 2005 8:34 AM
>Subject: On the orthogonality of anonymity to current market demand

>That is to say, your analysis conflicts with the whole trend towards
>T-0 trading, execution, clearing and settlement in the capital
>markets, and, frankly, with all payment in general as it gets
>increasingly granular and automated in nature. The faster you can
>trade or transact business with the surety that the asset in question
>is now irrevocably yours, the more trades and transactions you can
>do, which benefits not only the individual trader but markets as a

The prerequisite for all this is that when the asset changes hands,
it's very nearly certain that this was the intention of the asset's
previous owner.  My point isn't to express my love for book-entry
payment systems.  There's plenty to hate about them.  But if the
alternative is an anonymous, irreversible payment system whose control
lies in software running alongside three pieces of spyware on my
Windows box, they probably still win for most people.  Even bad
payment systems are better than ones that let you have everything in
your wallet stolen by a single attack.  

>However "anonymous" irrevocability might offend one's senses and
>cause one to imagine the imminent heat-death of the financial
>universe (see Gibbon, below... :-)), I think that technology will
>instead step up to the challenge and become more secure as a

What's with the heat-death nonsense?  Physical bearer instruments
imply stout locks and vaults and alarm systems and armed guards and
all the rest, all the way down to infrastructure like police forces
and armies (private or public) to avoid having the biggest gang end up
owning all the gold.  Electronic bearer instruments imply the same
kinds of things, and the infrastructure for that isn't in place.  It's
like telling people to store their net worth in their homes, in gold.
That can work, but you probably can't leave the cheapest lock sold at
Home Depot on your front door and stick the gold coins in the same
drawer where you used to keep your checkbook.

>And, since internet bearer transactions are, by their very
>design, more secure on public networks than book-entry transactions
>are in encrypted tunnels on private networks, they could even be said
>to be secure *in spite* of the fact that they're anonymous; that --
>as it ever was in cryptography -- business can be transacted between
>two parties even though they don't know, or trust, each other.

Why do you say internet bearer transactions are more secure?  I can
see more efficient, but why more secure?  It looks to me like both
kinds of payment system are susceptible to the same broad classes of
attacks (bank misbehavior (for a short time), someone finding a
software bug, someone breaking a crypto algorithm or protocol).  What
makes one more secure than the other?  


--John Kelsey

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Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-25 Thread John Kelsey
>From: cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Oct 24, 2005 5:58 PM
>To: John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like 
>Payment Systems

>Digital wallets will require real security in user PCs. Still I don't
>see why we don't already have this problem with online banking and
>similar financial services. Couldn't a virus today steal people's
>passwords and command their banks to transfer funds, just as easily
>as the fraud described above? To the extent that this is not
>happening, the threat against ecash may not happen either.

Well, one difference is that those transactions can often be undone,
if imperfectly at times.  The whole set of transactions is logged in
many different places, and if there's an attack, there's some
reasonable hope of getting the money back.  And that said, there have
been reports of spyware stealing passwords for online banking systems,
and of course, there are tons of phishing and pharming schemes to get
the account passwords in a more straightforward way.   The point is,
if you're ripped off in this way, there's a reasonable chance you can
get your money back, because the bank has a complete record of the
transactions that were done.  There's no chance of this happening when
there's no record of the transaction anywhere.  

>> The payment system operators will surely be sued for this, because
>> they're the only ones who will be reachable.  They will go broke, and
>> the users will be out their money, and nobody will be silly enough to
>> make their mistake again.

>They might be sued but they won't necessarily go broke. It depends on
>how deep the pockets are suing them compared to their own, and most
>especially it depends on whether they win or lose the lawsuit. 

I don't think so.  Suppose there's a widespread attack that steals
money from tens of thousands of users of this payment technology.
There seem to be two choices:

a.  The payment system somehow makes good on their losses.

b.  Everyone who isn't dead or insane pulls every dime left in that
system out, knowing that they could be next.  

It's not even clear that these are mutually exclusive, but if (a)
doesn't happen, (b) surely will.  Nobody wants their money stolen, and
I don't think many people are so confident of their computer security
that they're willing to bet huge amounts of money on it.  If you have
to be that confident in your computer security to use the payment
system, it's not going to have many clients.  



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Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like Payment Systems

2005-10-25 Thread John Kelsey

From: cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 24, 2005 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: On Digital Cash-like 
Payment Systems

On 10/22/05, Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Note that e-gold, which originally sold non-reversibility as a key
>benefit of the system, found that this feature attracted Ponzi
>schemes and fraudsters of all stripes, and eventually it was forced
>to reverse transactions and freeze accounts. It's not clear that any
>payment system which keeps information around to allow for potential
>reversibility can avoid eventually succumbing to pressure to reverse
>transactions. Only a Chaumian type system, whose technology makes
>reversibility fundamentally impossible, is guaranteed to allow for
>final clearing. And even then, it might just be that the operators
>themselves will be targeted for liability since they have engineered
>a system that makes it impossible to go after the fruits of criminal

More to the point, an irreversible payment system raises big practical
problems in a world full of very hard-to-secure PCs running the
relevant software.  One exploitable software bug, properly used, can
steal an enormous amount of money in an irreversible way.  And if your
goal is to sow chaos, you don't even need to put most of the stolen
money in your own account--just randomly move it around in
irreversible, untraceable ways, making sure that your accounts are
among the ones that benefit from the random generosity of the attack.
The payment system operators will surely be sued for this, because
they're the only ones who will be reachable.  They will go broke, and
the users will be out their money, and nobody will be silly enough to
make their mistake again.



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Re: multiple keys to 1

2005-09-15 Thread John Kelsey
>From: rbg9000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sep 8, 2005 3:01 PM
>Subject: multiple keys to 1

>Sorry, I really don't know much about encryption, and my
>google searches haven't turned up much.  I wondering if it's
>possible to reduce a set of symmetric keys (aes, twofish,
>etc..) used to encrypt data into 1 key that can decrypt it?

The straightforward symmetric crypto approach to this (it's
not pretty or elegant, but it works) is to have each
encrypting key be shared with the owner of the recipient
key.  Thus, we might have:

Alice has key K_a
Bob has key K_b
Carol has key K_c

Dave, the recipient, knows all three keys.

Now, to encrypt a message to Dave, anyone can just do
something like


Dave can try all possible keys, or can require that the
sender prepend some kind of unique identifier, like

Alice, Encrypt(K_a,Message)

If you're looking for more elegant solutions, you end up
needing to look at public key cryptosystems as Perry pointed
out.  Or look at multicast encryption and signature schemes,
which have some neat stuff right at the boundary between
symmetric and public key crypto.


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Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-23 Thread John Kelsey

Recently, Earthlink's webmail server certificate started showing up as expired. 
 (It obviously expired a long time ago; I suspect someone must have screwed up 
in changing keys over or something, because the problem wasn't happening up 
until recently.)  So, I contacted Earthlink's technical support, and I got this 
really encouraging reply

Dear John Kelsey,

Thank you for contacting us.

I understand that you are having problems viewing Webmail and that it send out 
error on SSL certificate.

I suggest that you try lowering the security settings of your Internet Explorer.
Please follow the steps below on how to lower the security settings on your 

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. On the Task panel click on Internet Options.
3. Click on the Advance Tab.
4. Scroll down and uncheck [Warn about invalid site certificates].
5. Remember to click on Apply.
6. Click on OK.

You have successfully lower your Internet Explorer settings.

Should you have any other concerns, please get back to us. You will receive a 


Therese B. 3613
EarthLink Electronic Customer Support
EarthLink, Inc.
Case ID 69080634

Looking for easy access to news, stocks, sports, and your favorite links?
With the EarthLink Personal Start Page you can customize everything from
the background colors to your local weather. For more information please

Resolve your customer service questions on-line at our Account maintenance
web site. To add email mailboxes, change passwords, or update your credit
card information, go to:

You can also trade real-time messages with one of our friendly Live Chat

Or email us and get a response that day:

Original Message Follows:

*   Presented Article: 142454
*   Name: John Kelsey
*   Account Type: EarthLink Experience
*   Issue: Spam/Internet Fraud Problem
*   Detailed Issue: Report an Issue
*   Article Title: Protecting Yourself Against Email/Internet Fraud
*   Message Body: The SSL certificate for is
expired. The certificate is fine, it's just
the certificate.

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herding attack paper submitted to ePrint archive

2005-08-22 Thread John Kelsey

Yoshi and I have submitted a draft of the Herding Hash Functions
paper up on the IACR ePrint server, and assuming there are
no problems, it should be up reasonably soon.  The core of
the result is that when I can find lots of collisions for a
hash function by brute force (or maybe analytically, though
that gets more complicated), I can also break most systems
that use a hash function to prove prior knowledge.  I gave a
rump session talk on this a few days ago at Crypto.

--John Kelsey, NIST, August 2005

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Re: How much for a DoD X.509 certificate?

2005-08-11 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Peter Gutmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 11, 2005 7:42 AM
>Subject: How much for a DoD X.509 certificate?

>$25 and a bit of marijuana, apparently.  See:


>Although the story doesn't mention this, the "ID" in
>question was the DoD Common Access Card, a smart card
>containing a DoD-issued certificate.  To get a CAC, you
>normally have to provide two forms of verification... in
>this case I guess the two were photo ID of dead presidents
>and empirical proof that you know how to buy weed.

Ah, so this was more of an attribute certificate, then.  And
that the certificate was issued based partly on a
nonstandard proof of possession protocol.  (More
specifically, "proof of possession with intent to



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Re: Possible non-extension property for hash functions

2005-08-08 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Bill Frantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 6, 2005 6:27 PM
>Subject: Possible non-extension property for hash functions

[Talking about the length-extension property.]
>H(x) = H(y) ==> H(x||s) = H(y||s)

>It seems to me that there might be a class of hash
>functions for which this property did not hold.  While
>hashes in this class might require random access to the
>entire input, they could prevent the "message extension"
>class of attack exploited by Lucks and Daum (see
>when they generated two Postscript files with very
>different output, but the same MD5 hash.

There are actually a couple ways to do this.  Either:

a.  Process the message sequentially, but do a final
operation on the intermediate result before putting out an
output hash, which introduces new collisions.  Any truncated
hash like SHA384 or SHA224 does this.  As an added benefit,
once you truncate enough bits (SHA384 truncates 128 bits),
the length extension attack on prefix MAC goes away, and the
Joux multicollisions and long message second preimage
attacks Bruce and I came up with become much more
difficult.  (On the other hand, it doesn't seem easy to do
any nice reduction proof from the strength of the SHA256
compression function to the strength of the SHA384 hash

b.  Process the message multiple times, or give yourself
random access, or whatever.  Just processing through the
message twice sequentially does eliminate the simple
length-extension property, but there are variations on it
that can still be used--that's why Joux multicollisions can
be found even when you process the message twice

Are there other ways I'm not seeing to do this?   

>Cheers - Bill

--John Kelsey

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Re: solving the wrong problem

2005-08-06 Thread John Kelsey
>From: "Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 6, 2005 2:28 PM
>Subject: solving the wrong problem

>Frequently, scientists who know nothing about security come
>up with ingenious ways to solve non-existent problems. Take
>this, for example:


>Basically, some clever folks have found a way to "fingerprint" the
>fiber pattern in a particular piece of paper so that they know they
>have a particular piece of paper on hand. It is claimed that this
>could help stop forged passports.

>Unfortunately, the invention is wholely useless for the
> stated purpose.

A couple of these guys gave a talk at NIST recently.  The
thing is, I can think of a bunch of uses for the thing
they're doing.  This looks genuinely useful as a tool.
Whether they've worked out how to use the tool to best
effect is a different question.

The passport idea doesn't add much, as you pointed out.  The
reason is that the thing you care about there is that the
information on the passport hasn't been tampered with and
originated from the right source.  An identical copy of my
passport is no worse than the original.  

On the other hand, think about the uses of this technology
for paper bearer instruments.  Design travelers' checks that
include a 2D barcode with a BLS signature, bound to the
piece of paper, and you can print the damned thing on
regular paper if the readers are cheap enough.  Similar
things apply to stamps, tickets, etc.  If you can get
readers into peoples' homes, you can even allow home
printing of tickets, travelers' checks, etc., each bound to
a specific piece of paper.  Add a reader to your favorite
DVD player platform (I think it's the same basic hardware as
is used in a DVD player), and you can uniquely sign content
on a disc, and use the player's hardware to enforce only
playing content when the disc's biometric matches the signed
content.  You could use the technique to scan small bits of
flat surfaces of all your stuff (the basic technique works
on paper, plastic, and metal, at least; I'm not sure if it
works on wood or glass), record the biometrics and locations
of the scans, and provide this to the police when your house
gets burgled.  There are some wonderful potential uses for
this technology in making paper-based voting systems *much*
more secure.  And on and on.  If I were in the business of
producing tamper-resistant paper, I'd be scared to death.

>Anyway, I have a larger point.

>I read about such stuff every day -- wacky new ways of
>building "tamper proof tokens", "quantum cryptography", and
>other mechanisms invented by smart people who don't
>understand threat models at all.

Yes.  As I said, sometimes this stuff looks almost useless
(like quantum cryptography), other times it looks like it
may provide powerful tools, despite the fact that its
designers don't know much about how to use those tools yet.
The same is often true in cryptography, where we have some
very theoretical work which sometimes ends up having
enormous practical consequences.  

>We already have the term "snake oil" for a very different
>type of bad security idea, and the term has proven valuable
>for quashing such things. We need a term for this sort of
>thing -- the steel tamper resistant lock added to the
>tissue paper door on the wrong vault entirely, at great
>expense, by a brilliant mind that does not understand the
>underlying threat model at all.

In my consulting days, I used to use the term "padlocking
the screen door" for the related phenomenon of piling
security on one part of the system while ignoring the bigger
vulnerabilities.  But this is a bit different


--John Kelsey

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Re: draft paper: "Deploying a New Hash Algorithm"

2005-08-06 Thread John Kelsey
>From: "Steven M. Bellovin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 5, 2005 12:04 PM
>To: Steve Furlong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
.Subject: Re: draft paper: "Deploying a New Hash Algorithm" 

>I'd have phrased it differently than Perry did.  I'd say
>that the attackers are often cleverer *about security* than
>protocol designers, because insecurity is their specialty.
>Ordinary protocol desingers are good at designing those
>protocols, but they haven't been trained to think about

Yes!  I've noticed that it's really common for me to work on
a project for a very short time (like an hour or two), and
start noticing all kinds of security holes, including a lot
of stuff with nothing to do with cryptography.  I'll still
be asking very basic questions of the other people on the
project about how things are *supposed* to work, but be
pointing out attacks they never thought of at the same time.
I think this is just a different way of thinking.  Attackers
and security people do this all the time.  Most normal
people never do--it's like once they've got the rules in
their heads, that's what's possible, and they don't even
think about it.  

How many times, working on security for some system, have
you pointed out an attack, only to hear some variation on
"but who would think of that?"  And you can see the same
thing happening in discussions of homeland security and
counterterrorism stuff.  It's like most people look at the
national guardsmen in the airport, and say "whew, I feel
safer," rather than "what the heck are those guys supposed
to do to stop hijacked planes crashing into buildings?" 

I like your starting points, but I think the real approach
to thinking about this is a bit broader.  It has to do with
understanding the rules, and trying to ask, for each one,
"and what makes me obey that rule?" or "what would happen if
I didn't do such and so?"  

>   --Steven M. Bellovin,

--John Kelsey

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Possibly new result on truncating hashes

2005-08-01 Thread John Kelsey

I have what seems like a new and interesting result, which I
haven't seen before, but which may or may not be new.  

The high order bit is that you can't generally guarantee
that truncating your hash (chopping off some bits) won't
weaken it.  That is, if you chop SHA256 off to 160 bits as a
replacement for SHA1 (something I'm working on with Niels
Ferguson for X9 right now), it's possible that there's no
attack on SHA256, but there is an attack on SHA160.  

How could this work?  Suppose we have an algorithm like the
Wang attacks on MD5, SHA0, or SHA1 for finding a single
collision pair.  The algorithm returns a single collision
pair on the first 160 bits of SHA256 for (say) 2^{64} work.
(Remember that this is just an example--I don't have any
such algorithm!)  Each time the algorithm is run, it gives a
new, unrelated collision pair, and the remaining 96 bits are
completely randomized by the collision pair.  

Now, this is an attack on SHA256 truncated to 160 bits.
Does it lead to an attack on SHA256 as a whole?  If it does,
then we can make a reduction proof that says that the
truncated hash is strong if the original hash is strong.
Unfortunately, we can't make this argument, because this
postulated collision algorithm can't be used to find a
collision in the whole SHA256 more efficiently than brute

Let's do the counting argument:  Each time we call the
160-bit collision algorithm, we get a new pair which has the
same first 160 bits of SHA256 output, and random unrelated
last 96 bits of SHA256 output.  Each pair has a probability
of 2^{-96} of colliding in the remaining bits.  So, to get a
collision on the whole SHA256 using this 160-bit collision
algorithm, we expect to have to try about 2^{96} collision
pairs, each found at a cost of 2^{64}.  The resulting work
is 2^{64} * 2^{96} = 2^{160}, more than a straight
brute-force collision search on SHA256.  

What does this mean?  It means that just because you have a
good 256-bit hash, you can't necessarily make a good 160 bit
hash from it.  You might be able to--it seems like you
usually will be able to--but there's no guarantee.  

Comments?  Is this some well-known result that I'm


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Re: ID "theft" -- so what?

2005-07-14 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Aram Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jul 14, 2005 10:45 AM
>To: Cryptography 
>Subject: Re: ID "theft" -- so what?

>Why do cryptography folks equate PKI with
>certificates and CAs? 

One nontrivial reason is that many organizations have spent
a lot of time and money building up elaborate rules for
using PKI, after long negotiations between legal and
technical people, many hours of writing and revising,
gazillions of dollars in consultants' time, etc.  So,
anytime you start doing anything involving public key
cryptography, all this machinery gets invoked, for
bureaucratic reasons.  That is, you've now trespassed on PKI
turf, and you'll have to comply with this enormous set of

I know of a couple cases where this led to really irritating
results.  In one, a friend of mine was using a digital
signature to verify some fairly trivial thing, but was told
it was against policy to use a digital signature without the
whole PKI.  (I believe he changed the documentation, so that
he was using a "modular arithmetic checksum" instead of a
signature verification.) 

As a consultant, I designed and evaluated a lot of systems
that used public key cryptography.  None of the successful
ones tried to use the whole X.509 + CRL + CPS + everything
else overhead--typically, they just used a one-deep
hierarchy, where the keypair was put into the device by the
manufacturer along with a copy of the top-level public key
used to sign all device public keys.  This works, because it
doesn't try to incorporate the output of 20 years of
make-work programs in cryptography (they weren't intended
that way, but that's largely how they turned out), and it
doesn't try to incorporate every idea that might be useful
anywhere in the world into some very limited and simple

>Aram Perez

--John Kelsey

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halloween hash bash reminder--July 15 deadline

2005-07-11 Thread John Kelsey

This is just a reminder that the NIST hash workshop (Oct
31-Nov 1 of this year) is still taking submitted talks,
abstracts, etc., until July 15.  There are no proceedings,
so there should not be any problem publishing things that
you discuss at this workshop.  A major goal of doing this is
to get people to discuss interesting ongoing work so we can
understand it now, rather than after we've made decisions
about how to react to all the excitement in the hash
function world.  (For what it's worth, I plan on presenting
some new hash function results with Yoshi Kohno that we
intend to publish somewhere else.  I expect we'll post these
on the ECRYPT server before that.)

This workshop is going to have a big impact on decisions
like whether we should do some AES-like process to get a new
hash function standard, whether we should try to standardize
on some additional algorithms (like Whirlpool or the Russian
standard GOST hash function), etc.  Taking part is a great
opportunity to influence those decisions.  If you have
something new to say about hash functions, or something old
that should be repeated, send us some slides, or at least an
extended abstract, and we'll see whether we can fit you onto
the agenda for some discussion time.  

--John Kelsey, NIST, July 2005

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Re: /dev/random is probably not

2005-07-05 Thread John Kelsey
>From: "Charles M. Hannum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jul 3, 2005 7:42 AM
>To: Don Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: /dev/random is probably not

>Also, I don't buy for a picosecond that you have to gather
>"all" timings in order to predict the output.  As we know
>from countless other attacks, anything that gives you some
>bits will reduce the search space and therefore weaken the
>system, even if it does not directly give you the result.

I think you're landing on the genuinely hard problem here.
Designing a PRNG intelligently is an exercise in design and
cryptanalysis, so long as you get to assume that you know
how much entropy you're getting.  But actually getting
reliably entropy estimates is:

a.  A data analysis problem, where you never really get a
final answer, you just get the best model you knew how to
test and don't find strong evidence to discard it, and 

b.  Enormously sensitive to implementation details that are
hard to deal with in software.  In a hardware RNG design,
you can at least analyze test-mode raw outputs of the ring
oscillator or whatever, build a statistical model, and know
that the same basic model will also describe the devices in
the field.  They may vary because of manufacturing defects,
changes in the field (like heating/cooling or component
failure), etc., but you at least know what kind of thing
you've got.  With software sources, there's pretty much no
limit to what changes the designer of the hardware is
allowed to make to your devices, so long as he keeps the
interface the same.  You do lots of analysis on a machine
with a spinning disk drive, and end up on one with one
networked drive and one flash drive, or some such horrible

Additionally, building a probability model for stuff you
observe on a general purpose computer is *hard*, because
there's so much complicated deterministic stuff going on.
Even if you're using the same machine and setup to collect
entropy in production as you did to build your probability
model for entropy estimation, it's hard to have enormous
confidence in the correctness of your estimates.  How much
of that apparently random behavior you were getting when you
sampled the cycle counter in a tight loop was because of
genuine unpredictability, and how much was because of the
very patterned but complicated stuff going on behind the
scenes on your machine? 


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Re: Collisions for hash functions: how to exlain them to your boss

2005-06-15 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Eric Rescorla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Jun 14, 2005 9:36 AM
>Subject: Re: Collisions for hash functions: how to exlain them to
>your boss

[Discussing the MD5 attacks and their practicality, especially the
recent postscript demonstration.]


>But everything you've just said applies equally to my
>JavaScript example. It's not a security vulnerability in
>the browser or the data format that it displays differently
>depending on the context.  It's an intentional feature!

I think our disagreement here has to do with what we're
seeing from the attack.  You're seeing a specific attack
vector--use conditional execution/display + the ability to
find specific collisions of a particular form to yield these
nice attacks where we have two messages that amount to

X ||M0||M1

where when the first part of the message is X, some kind of
conditional execution displays M0, while X* leads to the
display of M1.  And I think you're right to say that in many
cases, once you're viewing the result of blindly executing
programs that I send you, you're vulnerable to other attacks
that are about as damaging.  Now, it's certainly possible
imagine cases where this kind of conditional execution
wouldn't be allowed to access anything outside the file, but
once you've decided to put in a full featured scripting
language, it's not that much of a stretch to think you'll
let me read the system time.

I'm seeing a more general pattern of attacks, in which X and
X* amount to context for the display of whatever follows
them.  That seems to me to encompass a lot more than macros
and script files with conditional execution.  And even when
I don't have a specific attack in mind, it worries me that
if I'm trying to help someone safely use MD5, I've got to
think through whether there is any way at all to make this
kind of attack pattern work.  It's a heck of a lot easier to
say "don't use MD5."


--John Kelsey

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Re: expanding a password into many keys

2005-06-15 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Greg Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jun 14, 2005 2:54 PM
>Subject: Re: expanding a password into many keys

>You know, the proof that HMAC is a good MAC requires that the
>*compression function* of the underlying hash is good. And for almost
>all applications like this one, both the input password and the
>sequence number, tag name, or whatever the second input is, all fit
>into a single compression function block.

Actually, there are quite a few attacks on these schemes that amount
to messing up that property--getting the message to span multiple
blocks (as with the length extension attacks).  The other thing that
any direct use of a crypto primitive can't help with is "sliding" data
between fields.  If you don't encode your fields in some parseable way
before feeding them into the hash/MAC/block cipher/whatever, you get
these weird attacks where I either request key "XXX" with optional
additional string "Y", or I request key "XX" with optional additional
string "XY", and I get the same result.  Usually this doesn't lead to
a practical attack, but it puts an extra burden on the engineer using
the KDF, since he or she had better understand this attack and make
sure it doesn't apply.  Adams, Kramer, Mister, and Zucherato have a
recent paper pointing out a bunch of these problems with widely used
KDFs.  I think of these as analogous to the length-extension property
of hash functions or the complementation property of DES--it doesn't
keep the crypto mechanism from being used securely, but it does make
the job of an engineer trying to use it needlessly more complicated.  


--John Kelsey

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Re: NIST Public Workshop on Cryptographic Hashes

2005-06-15 Thread John Kelsey
>From: "Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jun 15, 2005 8:00 AM
>Subject: NIST Public Workshop on Cryptographic Hashes

[Discussing the NIST public hash function workshop.]
>>   The workshop will be held on October 31 and November 1, 2005,  
>>  from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Informally, we're calling this the halloween hash bash.  Come dressed
as your favorite hash function!  If you want to have some impact on
where we go with hash functions, this is a good thing to attend

>Perry E. Metzger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--John Kelsey, NIST 

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Re: Collisions for hash functions: how to exlain them to your boss

2005-06-14 Thread John Kelsey
>From: Eric Rescorla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jun 13, 2005 5:09 PM
>To: "Weger, B.M.M. de" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Stefan Lucks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Collisions for hash functions: how to exlain them to your boss

>Yes, this is all true, but it's kind of orthogonal to my point,
>which is that if you're willing to execute a program, this 
>attack can be mounted *without* the ability to produce hash
>collisions. The fact that so few people regard PS, HTML, Word,
>etc. as software just makes this point that much sharper.
>As far as I can tell, the ability fo produce hash collisions just
>makes the attack marginally worse.

Hang on a minute.  The issue isn't whether your data format is being
executed (in some sense almost any nontrivial data format can be seen
as a scripting language interpreted by the viewer).  The issue is that
I can make two different documents, one of which displays exactly what
you tell me you want it to display, the other of which displays
anything I like, with the same MD5 (MD4, RIPEMD, SHA0, SHA1) hash
output.  You can view the document on a viewer you trust, without any
security vulnerabilities in the viewer/data format, but you still
get fooled.  

Saying "inspect the code/data/whatever" as an answer to this problem
isn't too useful, since an inspection intended to turn up security
problems may not turn up the fact that the executable code has some
region of data in it which could be varied in just the right way for
the MD5 or SHA1 attacks to work, without making it an invalid
program.  (I've been thinking about how these attacks apply to
validated software in voting and gaming machines)

Fundamentally, it's just really hard to safely use a hash function for
which collisions can be found cheaply.  It requires every crypto
engineer to become an expert on both how the collision attack works
(and all the possible variants!) and also an expert on what ambiguity
may exist in each data format he may ever want to hash.  

There's an obvious solution to this in principle, though the huge
installed bases of MD5 and SHA1 make it painful


-John Kelsey

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Re: expanding a password into many keys

2005-06-13 Thread John Kelsey
>Sent: Jun 12, 2005 11:27 AM
>Subject: expanding a password into many keys

>I'd like to take a password and expand it into several keys.  It
>seems like a fairly simple operation of hashing the concatonatonation
>of the password with each key name in turn to get each key.

>Are there any 'gotchas' with that?

There's a length extension property with what you're doing, so if I
get to choose your key names, I can do something unpleasant to you.
Suppose I know the length of pass, and get to choose two key names,
K1_name and K2_name.  You give me K1 = sha1( pass||K1_name), then I
need to guess K2_name.  I can choose K2_name to be K1_name,
appropriately padded to the full block size exactly as it will be in
the SHA1 computation that produces K1.  Then, I can compute K2 on my
own, because the only effect of the secret value "pass" on K2 is going
through K1.  

This doesn't look like an especially realistic attack model, but I'm
not sure what you're doing with this


--John Kelsey

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