Re: [Cryptography] PGP Key Signing parties

2013-10-10 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Oct 10, 2013, at 2:31 PM, John Gilmore  wrote:

>> Does PGP have any particular support for key signing parties built in or is
>> this just something that has grown up as a practice of use?
> It's just a practice.  I agree that building a small amount of automation
> for key signing parties would improve the web of trust.
> I have started on a prototype that would automate small key signing
> parties (as small as 2 people, as large as a few dozen) where everyone
> present has a computer or phone that is on the same wired or wireless
> LAN.

Phil Zimmerman and Jon Callas had started to work on that around 1998, they 
might still have some of that design around.

--Paul Hoffman

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] RSA equivalent key length/strength

2013-09-14 Thread Paul Hoffman
Also see RFC 3766 from almost a decade ago; it has stood up fairly well.

--Paul Hoffman
The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Google's Public Key Size (was Re: NSA and cryptanalysis)

2013-09-05 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Sep 4, 2013, at 2:15 PM, Andy Steingruebl  wrote:

> As of Jan-2014 CAs are forbidden from issuing/signing anything less than 2048 
> certs.  

For some value of "forbidden". :-)

--Paul Hoffman
The cryptography mailing list

Re: Folly of looking at CA cert lifetimes

2010-09-14 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 5:33 PM -0400 9/14/10, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
>On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 08:14:59AM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>> At 10:57 AM -0400 9/14/10, Perry E. Metzger did not write, but passed on for 
>> someone else:
>> >This suggests to me that even if NIST is correct that 2048 bit RSA
>> >keys are the reasonable the minimum for new deployments after 2010,
>> >much shorter keys are appropriate for most server certificates that
>> >these CAs will sign.  The CA keys have lifetimes of 10 years or more;
>> >the server keys a a quarter to a fifth of that.
>> No, no, a hundred times no. (Well, about 250 times, or however many
>> CAs are in the current OS trust anchor piles.) The "lifetime" of a "CA
>> key" is exactly as long as the OS or browser vendor keeps that key,
>> usually in cert form, in its trust anchor pile. You should not
>> extrapolate *anything* from the contents of the CA cert except the key
>> itself and the proclaimed name associated with it.
>I don't understand.  The original text seems to be talking about *server*
>certificate lifetimes, and how much shorter they are than CA cert
>lifetimes.  What does that have to do with "a thousand times no" about
>some proposition to do with CA cert lifetimes?
>In other words, if CA key lifetimes are longer than indicated by their
>X.509 properties, it seems to me that just makes the quoted text about
>the relationship between server and CA key lifetimes even more true.

Ah, I see what you are saying, and what Perry's anonymous forwarder meant. That 
is, if the "CA keys have lifetimes of 10 years or more" means "because that's 
how long OSs and browsers leave them in the trust anchor pile", then it has 
nothing to do with the built-in notAfter dates in the server certificates.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Folly of looking at CA cert lifetimes

2010-09-14 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 10:57 AM -0400 9/14/10, Perry E. Metzger did not write, but passed on for 
someone else:
>This suggests to me that even if NIST is correct that 2048 bit RSA
>keys are the reasonable the minimum for new deployments after 2010,
>much shorter keys are appropriate for most server certificates that
>these CAs will sign.  The CA keys have lifetimes of 10 years or more;
>the server keys a a quarter to a fifth of that.

No, no, a hundred times no. (Well, about 250 times, or however many CAs are in 
the current OS trust anchor piles.) The "lifetime" of a "CA key" is exactly as 
long as the OS or browser vendor keeps that key, usually in cert form, in its 
trust anchor pile. You should not extrapolate *anything* from the contents of 
the CA cert except the key itself and the proclaimed name associated with it.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: 2048-bit RSA keys

2010-08-16 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 11:35 AM +1000 8/16/10, Arash Partow wrote:
>Paul Hoffman wrote:
>>You are under the wrong impression, unless you are reading vastly different 
>>crypto literature than the rest of us are. RSA-1024 *might* be possible to 
>>break in public at some point in the next decade, and RSA-2048 is a few 
>>orders of magnitude harder than that.
>Just out of curiosity, assuming the optimal use of today's best of breed 
>factoring algorithms - will there be enough energy in our solar system to 
>factorize a 2048-bit RSA integer?

We have no idea. The methods used to factor number continue to slowly get 
better, and it has been quite a while since there was a single large 
improvement. That could mean that there are no more improvements to be made, or 
that some smart cryptographer who isn't focused on the SHA-3 competition is 
about to make another big improvement, or something in between.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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2048-bit RSA keys

2010-08-15 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 9:34 AM -0700 8/15/10, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>I'm under the impression that <2048 keys are now insecure mostly due
>to advances in factoring algorithms that make the attack and the
>encryption effort closer to, but by no means identical to, scaling
>with the same function of key length. 

You are under the wrong impression, unless you are reading vastly different 
crypto literature than the rest of us are. RSA-1024 *might* be possible to 
break in public at some point in the next decade, and RSA-2048 is a few orders 
of magnitude harder than that.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: /dev/random and virtual systems

2010-08-03 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 10:38 PM +0300 8/2/10, Yaron Sheffer wrote:
>the interesting thread on seeding and reseeding /dev/random did not mention 
>that many of the most problematic systems in this respect are virtual 
>machines. Such machines (when used for "cloud computing") are not only 
>servers, so have few sources of true and hard-to-observe entropy. Often the 
>are cloned from snapshots of a single virtual machine, i.e. many VMs start 
>life with one common RNG state, that doesn't even know that it's a clone.
>In addition to the mitigations that were discussed on the list, such machines 
>could benefit from seeding /dev/random (or periodically reseeding it) from the 
>*host machine's* RNG. This is one thing that's guaranteed to be different 
>between VM instances. So my question to the list: is this useful? Is this 
>doable with popular systems (e.g. Linux running on VMWare or VirtualBox)? Is 
>this actually being done?

It is certainly doable: put a "file" on the host whose contents are random and 
change every second. On the VM, read that file on wakeup or boot and mix it 
into /dev/random. This guarantees a different value for each wakeup/boot, but 
not that every cloned machine that starts will have a unique state (because 
they might start within the same refresh. If you need that, you probably want 
to automatically mix a microsecond-accurate time at the same time.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: Root Zone DNSSEC Deployment Technical Status Update

2010-07-17 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 9:52 AM -0400 7/17/10, Thierry Moreau wrote:
>Incidentally, you say you [the design team] had good *documented* reasons for 
>implementing DURZ *as*you*did*. Did you document why any of 
>unknown/proprietary/foreign signature algorithm code(s) were not possible 
>(this was an alternative)? This was my outstanding question.

Thierry, can you say how using one of those alternatives would look different 
than the DURZ that they used? Should they all be marked as "unverfied" in a 
compliant DNSSEC resolver? If not, I am interested in how you think the 
differences would have manifest in the real world.

>>Yes, they are - see If there is anything 
>>missing, please let me know.
>Thanks, great. The two key ceremony scripts are what I wanted to look at.

FWIW, this was *widely* publicized, particularly on mailing lists that Thierry 
is on. It even made the IT trade press.

As a side note, I find the IT press part disturbing, given that the key signing 
ceremonies were just as much security theater as many of the things we like to 
chide on this list.

>I don't have a question. I will trust the DNSSEC root signatures. However, it 
>seems obvious that formal dual-control rules should have been designed, e.g. a 
>"Trusted Courier Officer" role with a 3 out of 4 (or 5) separation of duty. 
>Without this, the key material has been protected only by the tamper-evident 
>protection in transit from the ECF to the WCF. This role would have been 
>limited in time.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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The EC patent issues discussion

2010-04-21 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 9:40 PM -0400 4/20/10, Victor Duchovni wrote:
>EC definitely has practical merit. Unfortunately the patent issues around
>protocols using EC public keys are murky.

This is starting to turn around. More vendors are questioning the murk. Please 
see <>.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Quantum Key Distribution: the bad idea that won't die...

2010-04-20 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 11:31 AM -0400 4/20/10, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>I wonder why it is that, in spite of almost universal disinterest in the
>security community, quantum key distribution continues to be a subject
>of active technological development.

You hit it: "almost". As long as a few researchers are interested, and there is 
money to be thrown down the drain^w^w^wat them, there will be active 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: AES-CBC + Elephant diffuser

2009-11-01 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 2:24 PM +0100 10/29/09, Eugen Leitl wrote:
>"We discuss why no existing cipher satisfies the requirements of this
>application". Uh-oh.

Yeah, we all know what a light-weight and careless person Neils Ferguson is. 
Who would listen to him?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Possibly questionable security decisions in DNS root management

2009-10-14 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 7:54 PM -0400 10/14/09, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>There are enough people here with the right expertise. I'd be interested
>in hearing what people think could be done with a fully custom hardware
>design and a budget in the hundreds of millions of dollars or more.

What part of owning a temporary private key for the root zone would be worth 
even 10% of that much? There are attacks, and there are motivations. Until we 
know the latter, we cannot put a price on the former.

Related question: if all the root keys were 2048 bits, who do you think would 
change the way they rely on DNSSEC?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: SHA-1 and Git

2009-08-25 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 9:39 AM -0400 8/25/09, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>Ben Laurie  writes:
> > Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>>> Yet another reason why you always should make the crypto algorithms you
>>> use pluggable in any system -- you *will* have to replace them some day.
>> In order to roll out a new crypto algorithm, you have to roll out new
>> software. So, why is anything needed for "pluggability" beyond versioning?
>For one example, it is not theoretical that some people will often want
>to use different algorithms than others and will need negotiation. Some
>things like SSH have approximately done this right. Others have done
>this quite wrong.
>When we were planning out IPSec, a key management protocol, SKIP, was
>proposed that had no opportunity for negotiating algorithms at all --
>they were burned into the metal. As it happens, by now we would have had
>to completely scrap it.
>Of course you can go too far in the other direction. IPSec is a total
>mess because there are far too many choices -- the standard key
>management protocols are so jelly-like as to be incomprehensible and

Perry is completely correct on the two previous paragraphs. Hard-coded 
algorithms, particularly asymmetric encryption/signing and hash algorithms, 
will lead to later scrapping and a transition for the entire protocol. But it 
is quite easy to build a protocol with too many knobs, and IPsec is living 
proof of that. TLS's fixed, registered ciphersuites are far from perfect, but 
in retropsect, they seem a lot better from an operations / deployment 
standpoint than IPsec.

> > It seems to me protocol designers get all excited about this because
> > they want to design the protocol once and be done with it. But software
> > authors are generally content to worry about the new algorithm when they
> > need to switch to it - and since they're going to have to update their
> > software anyway and get everyone to install the new version, why should
> > they worry any sooner?
>You speak of "beyond versioning" as though introducing versioning or
>algorithm negotiation were a trivial thing, but I don't think you can
>generally tack such things on after the fact. You have to think about
>them carefully from the start.

A different answer to Ben would be "because not planning sooner causes your 
software users more grief". If you build in both algorithm agility and a few 
probably-good algorithms, the operational changes needed when one algorithm 
fails is low. Later software updates that contain other changes can also 
include new algorithms that are suspected to be good even if all of the 
original ones fail.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: Certainty

2009-08-23 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 7:10 PM -0700 8/19/09, james hughes wrote:
>On Aug 19, 2009, at 3:28 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>>I understand that "creaking" is not a technical cryptography term, but 
>>"certainly" is. When do we become "certain" that devastating attacks on one 
>>feature of hash functions (collision resistance) have any effect at all on 
>>even weak attacks on a different feature (either first or second preimages)?
>>This is a serious question. Has anyone seen any research that took some of 
>>the excellent research on collision resistance and used it directly for 
>>preimage attacks, even with greatly reduced rounds?
>This is being done. What Perry said.

At 9:02 PM -0700 8/19/09, Greg Rose wrote:
>Not directly, as far as I know. But some research and success on preimages, 

Getting a straight answer on whether or not the recent preimage work is 
actually related to the earlier collision work would be useful.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Crypto '09 rump session summary?

2009-08-19 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 2:46 PM -0700 8/19/09, Greg Rose wrote:
...some summaries of some of the presentations...

More like this, please! The rump sessions have a lot of value (beyond the 
often-strained attempts at humor).

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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2009-08-19 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 5:28 PM -0400 8/19/09, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>I believe attacks on Git's use of SHA-1 would require second pre-image
>attacks, and I don't think anyone has demonstrated such a thing for
>SHA-1 at this point. None the less, I agree that it would be better if
>Git eventually used better hash functions. Attacks only get better with
>time, and SHA-1 is certainly creaking.

I understand that "creaking" is not a technical cryptography term, but 
"certainly" is. When do we become "certain" that devastating attacks on one 
feature of hash functions (collision resistance) have any effect at all on even 
weak attacks on a different feature (either first or second preimages)?

This is a serious question. Has anyone seen any research that took some of the 
excellent research on collision resistance and used it directly for preimage 
attacks, even with greatly reduced rounds?

The longer that MD5 goes without any hint of preimage attacks, the less 
"certain" I am that collision attacks are even related to preimage attacks.

Of course, I still believe in hash algorithm agility: regardless of how 
preimage attacks will be found, we need to be able to deal with them 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: 112-bit prime ECDLP solved

2009-07-20 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 7:54 AM -0600 7/18/09, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn wrote:
>This involves deciding whether a 192-bit elliptic curve public key is strong 

Why not just go with 256-bit EC (128-bit symmetric strength)? Is the 8 bytes 
per signature the issue, or the extra compute time?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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RE: HSM outage causes root CA key loss

2009-07-14 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 11:09 PM +0200 7/14/09, Weger, B.M.M. de wrote:
>Any other problems? Maybe something with key rollover or

Bingo. Key rollover has been thinly tested in relying parties.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: MD6 withdrawn from SHA-3 competition

2009-07-06 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 10:39 AM -0700 7/4/09, Hal Finney wrote:
>But how many other hash function candidates would also be excluded if
>such a stringent criterion were applied? Or turning it around, if NIST
>demanded a proof of immunity to differential attacks as Rivest proposed,
>how many candidates have offered such a proof, in variants fast enough
>to beat SHA-2?

The more important question, and one that I hope gets dealt with, is what is a 
sufficient proof. We know what proofs are, but we don't have a precise 
definition. We know what a proof should look like, sort of. Ron and his crew 
have their own definition, and they can't make MD6 work within that definition. 
But that doesn't mean that NIST wouldn't have accepted the fast-enough MD6 with 
a proof from someone else.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: MD6 withdrawn from SHA-3 competition

2009-07-05 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 11:49 PM -0400 7/3/09, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>Here's the essential paragraph:
>   Thus, while MD6 appears to be a robust and secure cryptographic
>   hash algorithm, and has much merit for multi-core processors,
>   our inability to provide a proof of security for a
>   reduced-round (and possibly tweaked) version of MD6 against
>   differential attacks suggests that MD6 is not ready for
>   consideration for the next SHA-3 round.

At 10:12 AM + 7/4/09, Brandon Enright wrote:
>It wasn't entirely clear to me if it really was withdrawn.  Ron Rivest
>posted on behalf of the MD6 team some thoughts on MD6 performance and
>specifically suggested/requested that NIST ask for submitted algorithms
>to be "provably resistant to differential attacks".

I agree more with Brandon than with Steve, but who knows. I read Ron's message 
as a challenge to NIST about whether or not NIST would really rely on the 
proofs. It was clear they didn't want to withdraw MD6, but that they felt like 
they had to because of the speed requirement.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Factoring attack against RSA based on Pollard's Rho

2009-06-07 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 8:07 PM -0700 6/5/09, Greg Perry wrote:
>Greetings list members,
>I have published a unique factoring method related to Pollard's Rho that
>is published here:
>Any feedback would be appreciated.

Is there any practical value to this work? That's a serious question. The main 
statement about the value is "This is a factoring attack against RSA with an up 
to 80% reduction in the search candidates required for a conventional brute 
force key attack." Does that mean that it reduces the search space for a 
1024-bit RSA key to, at best 205 bits (0.2 * 1024) of brute force? That is a 
silly reduction; reducing it to anything less than the estimate for NFS (about 
80 bits) is not useful. Or, can this attack be combined with NFS? Or...?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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End-of-chapter questions for "Practical Cryptography"?

2009-05-22 Thread Paul Hoffman
Greetings again. I'm helping someone new to the field learn cryptography. He's 
a book-learner, and is starting with Ferguson & Schneier "Practical 
Cryptography". I would love to give him some things to think about after each 
chapter to make sure he's thinking about the big picture.

Has anyone on this list used the book to teach a class? If so, did you create a 
list of discussion questions? Or, do people know profs who have used the book 
to teach? Any pointers are appreciated.

--Paul Hoffman

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Re: Has any public CA ever had their certificate revoked?

2009-05-08 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 6:02 PM +0200 5/8/09, R. Hirschfeld wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 10:17:00 -0700
>> From: Paul Hoffman 
> > the CA fixed the problem and researched all related problems that it
>> could find.
>>From what I've read of the incident (I think it's the one referred
>to), Comodo revoked the bogus cert and got their reseller
>Certstar (who issued it) to start performing validation. 


>common sense might suggest that they validate all certs previously
>issued by Certstar and check the validation procedures of their other
>resellers.  Do you know whether they did so? 

Comodo publicly said they did. That's why I said "researched all related 
problems that it could find".

>The former seems a major
>undertaking and commercially delicate.

And yet they appear to have done it.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: 80-bit security? (Was: Re: SHA-1 collisions now at 2^{52}?)

2009-05-08 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 8:54 PM -0400 5/6/09, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 17:44:53 -0700
>Jon Callas  wrote:
>> The accepted wisdom
>> on 80-bit security (which includes SHA-1, 1024-bit RSA and DSA keys,
>> and other things) is that it is to be retired by the end of 2010.
>That's an interesting statement from a historical perspective -- is it

That's an oddly-worded question.

It is true that NIST has specified that algorithms with 80 bits of effective 
strength should stop being used in US government systems after the end of 2010.

It is not true that the accepted wisdom is 80-bit crypto "is to be retired" by 
the end of 2010.

It is true that some uses of SHA-1 have 80 (now many fewer) bits of effective 

It is not true that SHA-1 gives 80-bit security; many uses of a hash rely on 
the preimage resistance, not the collision resistance.

It may be true that 1024-bit RSA and DSA gives 80 bits of effective strength, 
and it is true that this is the accepted wisdom. This is based on some wild 
hand-waving and scaling assumptions with very few data points, and particularly 
few in the past five years since that number became oft-repeated accepted 

>And what does that say about our ability to predict the future,
>and hence to make reasonable decisions on key length?

Bupkis. The best asymmetric attack published so far is about 700 bits. No one 
has produced a SHA-1 collision at 62 bits of effort (the previous estimated 
work). Our ability to extrapolate work effort to 80 bits is questionable indeed.

>See, for example, the 1996 report on key lengths, by Blaze, Diffie,
>Rivest, Schneier, Shimomura, Thompson, and Wiener, available at
> -- was it right?

How could we tell? The whole point of the paper was estimating the strength 
needed to keep a secret *for a long time*. We are only 13 years into the 20 
years that they used as a basis for the estimate of 90 bits.

>In 1993, Brickell, Denning, Kent, Maher, and Tuchman's interim report
>on Skipjack (I don't believe there was ever a final report) stated that
>Skipjack (an 80-bit cipher) was likely to be secure for 30-40 years.
>Was it right?

Asking that question six years into the 30 years (if those were the numbers 
they used) is begging to make approximations on insufficient data.

>The problem with SHA-1 is not its 80-bit security, but rather that it's
>not that strong.

That's one problem. Another is that because it can also be used in environments 
where 160ish bits of security are needed and it's still believed to be fine 
there, people on this list and in the press are sloppy when they speak about 
its use. Another is that people on this list and in the press are sloppy about 
security decisions that involve periods of time longer than about a year.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: Has any public CA ever had their certificate revoked?

2009-05-06 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 1:02 AM +1200 5/7/09, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>Paul Hoffman  writes:
>>Peter, you really need more detents on the knob for your hyperbole setting.
>>"nothing happened" is flat-out wrong: the CA fixed the problem and researched
>>all related problems that it could find. Perhaps you meant "the CA was not
>>punished": that would be correct in this case.
>What I meant was that there were no repercussions due to the CA acting

We agree fully, then.

>This is "nothing happened" as far as motivating CAs to exercise
>diligence is concerned, you can be as negligent as you like but as long as you
>look suitably embarassed afterwards there are no repercussions (that is,
>there's no evidence that there was any exodus of customers from the CA, or any
>other CA that's done similar things in the past).

This assertion is probably, but unprovably, wrong. I suspect the CA now has 
better mechanisms in place to check for the problem in the future, and I 
suspect that a few other CAs seeing the kerfuffle probably added their own 
automated checks. Note that these are checks that should have been in place 
before the error was found.

>Imagine if a surgeon used rusty scalpels and randomly killed patients, or a
>bank handed out money to anyone walking in the door and claiming to have an
>account there, or a restaurant served spoiled food, or ... .  The
>repercussions in all of these cases would be quite severe.  However when
>several CAs exhibited the same level of carelessness, they looked a bit
>embarassed and then went back to business as usual. 

...because not only did no one die, but also the CAs were able to fix the 

>The CA-as-a-certificate-
>vending-machine problem (or "rogue CA" if you want to call it that) had been
>known for years (Verisign's "Microsoft" certificates of 2001 were the first
>case that got widespread publicity) but since there are no repercussions for
>CAs doing this there's no incentive for anything to change.


>>This leads to the question: if a CA in a trust anchor pile does something
>>wrong (terribly wrong, in this case) and fixes it, should they be punished?
>If a CA in a trust anchor pile does something terribly wrong and there are no
>repercussions, why would any CA care about doing things right? 

Slight worry about making a more serious mistake than happened here.

>All that does
>is drive up costs.  The perverse incentive that this creates is for CAs to
>ship as many certificates as possible while applying as little effort as
>possible.  And thus we have the current state of commercial PKI.

Fully agree.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: Has any public CA ever had their certificate revoked?

2009-05-05 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 6:44 PM -0400 5/5/09, Jerry Leichter wrote:
>On May 5, 2009, at 1:17 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>>...This leads to the question: if a CA in a trust anchor pile does something 
>>wrong (terribly wrong, in this case) and fixes it, should they be punished? 
>>If you say "yes", you should be ready to answer "who will benefit from the 
>>punishment" and "in what way should the CA be punished"
>The same question can be asked about *any* instance of criminal behavior, or 
>of any other kind of behavior that is considered "bad enough" to be worthy of 

Tautologically so.

>As for what your punishment as a "bad CA" should be:  Realistically, in any 
>industry based on trust, the major component of punishment should be loss of 
>trust - which results in people refusing to do business with you any more, 
>which will usually put you out of business. 

Even with this definition, there was no significant punishment in this case. 
I'm not saying there should be, particularly because the CA cleaned things up 
fairly rapidly, but only a few people probably have reduced their trust of the 
CA in question.

>In egregious cases, we send people to jail (where they can spend time with 
>Bernie Madoff).  We also have mechanisms that aren't punishments but deal with 
>the equities of the situation:  They try to right the wrongs.  So if I can 
>show that your malfeasance as a CA led to my losing money, you have to 
>compensate me.

That has never been shown in a case of CAs not following their stated 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Has any public CA ever had their certificate revoked?

2009-05-05 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 4:11 PM +1200 5/5/09, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>Thierry Moreau  writes:
>>Now that the main question is answered, there are sub-questions to be asked:
>>1. Has any public CA ever encountered a situation where a revocation would
>>have been necessary?
>Yes, several times, see e.g. the recent fiasco, as a result of
>which nothing happened because it would have been politically inexpedient to
>revoke the CA's cert.

Peter, you really need more detents on the knob for your hyperbole setting. 
"nothing happened" is flat-out wrong: the CA fixed the problem and researched 
all related problems that it could find. Perhaps you meant "the CA was not 
punished": that would be correct in this case.

This leads to the question: if a CA in a trust anchor pile does something wrong 
(terribly wrong, in this case) and fixes it, should they be punished? If you 
say "yes", you should be ready to answer "who will benefit from the punishment" 
and "in what way should the CA be punished". (You don't have to answer these, 
of course: you can just mete out punishment because it makes you feel good and 
powerful. There is lots of history of that.)

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Obama's secure PDA

2009-01-26 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 2:49 AM -0500 1/26/09, Ivan Krstiç wrote:
>There are still conflicting reports about whether the hardware is an altered 
>RIM BlackBerry or a different device, though the most likely contender for the 
>latter option appears to be the General Dynamics Sectéra Edge, which features 
>a "trusted [secondary] display" and two buttons used to switch between 
>classified and unclassified operation.

Government Computer News says it is definitely not a BlackBerry. However, GCN's 
reporters aren't always as good as they should be (or even as good as the 
regular IT press) on getting their facts straight on security issues.


I too would like to hear more information on this, particularly the crypto that 
is known to be used on the Edge.

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Re: MD5 considered harmful today, SHA-1 considered harmful tomorrow

2009-01-20 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 1:38 PM + 1/19/09, Darren J Moffat wrote:
>Can you state the assumptions for why you think that moving to SHA384 would be 
>safe if SHA256 was considered vulnerable in some way please.

Sure. I need 128 bits of pre-image protection for, say, a digital signature. 
SHA2/256 is giving me that. Then, due to some weakness, it is only giving me 
112 bits of protection. The weakness is understood in the crypto community, and 
it's a straight-line loss of bits of protection.

SHA2/384 would then give me 168 bits of protection, which is more than the 128 
what I need.

Even if you don't trust that there is a straight-line loss of bits, you would 
have to be believing that the attack is much worse for SHA2/384 than it was for 
SHA2/256 in order to bring the output down to the level that I need.

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RE: MD5 considered harmful today, SHA-1 considered harmful tomorrow

2009-01-18 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 12:24 PM +0100 1/12/09, Weger, B.M.M. de wrote:
>When in 2012 the winner of the
>NIST SHA-3 competition will be known, and everybody will start
>using it (so that according to Peter's estimates, by 2018 half
>of the implementations actually uses it), do we then have enough

No offense, Benne, but are serious? Why would "everybody" even consider it? 
Give what we know about the design of SHA-2 (too little), how would we know 
whether SHA-3 is any better than SHA-2 for applications such as digital 

In specific, if most systems have implemented the whole SHA-2 family by the 
time SHA-3 is settled, and then there is a problem found in SHA-2/256, I would 
argue that it is probably much more prudent to change to SHA-2/384 than to 
SHA-3/256. SHA-2/384 will most likely be much than to SHA-3/256, but it will 
have had significantly more study.

It all depends on who you trust and why.

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Re: Security by asking the drunk whether he's drunk

2009-01-02 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 10:19 PM -0500 12/30/08, Jerry Leichter wrote:
>Robert Graham writes in Errata Security 
>that the attack depends on being able to predict the serial number field that 
>will be assigned to a legitimate certificate by the CA.  

That part is true.

>Only a few CA's use predictable "serial numbers"

That part, I think, is wrong. I looked into this a bit earlier this month and 
found that most of the ones I looked at are still using sequential numbers.

>- the field is actually arbitrary text

If by "arbitrary text" you mean "a non-negative integer".

>and need only be certainly unique among all certificates issued by a given CA.

True as well.

>So:  The current attack is only effective against a very small number of CA's 
>which both use MD5 *and* have predictable sequence numbers.  

The attack is on end users who trust a root store that has a trust anchor from 
*any single* CA that uses MD5 and has predictable sequence numbers. The attack 
lets the attacker become a subordinate CA for that CA. At that point, the 
attacker can issue their own certs for any purpose.

>So the sky isn't falling

It never does. That's why it is the sky.

>- though given how hard it is to "decertify" a CA (given that the "known good" 
>CA's are known to literally billions of pieces of software, and that hardly 
>anyone checks CRL's - and are there even CRL's for CA's?) this is certainly 
>not a good situation.

There are not CRLs for CAs. That's why is it is a root store.

Oh, and how do you create a definitive list of CAs that use MD5 in their 

>This also doesn't mean that, now that the door has been opened, other attacks 
>won't follow.  In fact, it's hard to imagine that this is the end of the 

Quite right.

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Re: TLS Server Name Indication and IDNA?

2008-10-24 Thread Paul Hoffman
RFC 4366 is somewhat of a mess. I do not remember the authors asking 
the authors of IDNA (of which I am one) about what they should do.

FWIW, I'm not sure why this would be on the cryptography list, but 
I'm not sure of that for most of the "we can design a better UI" 
threads either.

What should the SMTP client put in the RFC 4366 section 3.1 "HostName":

- The ACE domain it is working with (
- The underlying UTF8 domain name? (exä

Hopefully, the former. But if that doesn't work, try the latter.

What should the server do when it receives the client's "HostName"?

- Convert ACE to UTF8?
- Convert UTF8 to ACE?

Hopefully, neither: leave it as an ACE.

What type of comparison is the server expected to perform?

- Convert UTF8 CommanName to ACE (also leave IA5 alone) and then compare?
- Convert ACE names in either subjectAltName or CN to UTF8 and then
  compare UTF8 strings (with NAMEPREP, STRINGPREP and all that jazz)?

Hopefully, neither: leave it as an ACE.

This can be (to say the least) rather unpleasant. If IDNA is only between
the user and the UI, with everything on the wire in ACE form,


then all
the pain is avoided:

Yes+. That's why we designed IDNA that way.

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Re: "Cube" cryptanalysis?

2008-09-14 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:08 AM -0700 8/21/08, Greg Rose wrote:
Adi mentioned that the slides and paper will go online around the 
deadline for Eurocrypt submission; it will all become much clearer 
than my wounded explanations then.

There now: <>

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: once more, with feeling.

2008-09-10 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:21 PM +0100 9/9/08, Dave Howe wrote:

Darren J Moffat wrote:

 Warnings aren't enough in this context [ whey already exists ] the
 only thing that will work is stopping the page being seen - replacing
 it with a clearly worded explanation with *no* way to pass through
 and render the page (okay maybe with a debug build of the browser but
 not in the shipped product).

One thing that concerns me is that in the new release of firefox, there
appears to be NO way to get to a site that has a bad certificate (or
self signed certificate) other than overriding the warning permanently -
no "ok let me see it, I have seen the warning and want to look just this
once" that the "remember mismatched domains" plugin for 2.x gave you.

That may concern you, but I consider it a feature. Instead of 
teaching users to "always click through the damn dialog boxes", FF3 
says "if you fell for it once, you're going to always fall for it so 
we won't teach you bad habits". There are arguments for either 

Given that few or none of us on this list are actually trained 
interface experts, I'm sure we could debate this until Perry pulls 
the moderator switch again. The salient point is that people who have 
more stake in the game (Mozilla Inc.) have spent longer thinking 
about this than we give them credit for and come to the design 
decisions that they have.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: once more, with feeling.

2008-09-08 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 4:16 PM +0100 9/8/08, Darren J Moffat wrote:

Hopefully this is interesting enough to get forwarded on...

Ditto. :-)

Warnings aren't enough in this context [ whey already exists ] the 
only thing that will work is stopping the page being seen - 
replacing it with a clearly worded explanation with *no* way to pass 
through and render the page (okay maybe with a debug build of the 
browser but not in the shipped product).

It depends on how we think change can be achieved. Until now, people 
designing pages using bad security practices balanced their laziness 
with the fact that their content would be displayed anyway so 
whatever. You are proposing moving to the other extreme. Given how 
easy your solution would be for browser vendors to implement, we have 
to assume that they have considered it and rejected it.

A less extreme solution would be to make the warning the user sees on 
a mixed-content page more insulting to the bank. "This page contains 
both encrypted and non-encrypted content and is inherently insecure. 
The owner of this web site has clearly made a very poor security 
decision in showing this page to you. It is likely that other pages 
on this site also have similarly poor security. Knowing this, do you 
wish to continue anyway?"

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Voting machine security

2008-08-18 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 9:24 AM -0700 8/18/08, Eric Rescorla wrote:

(and because of the complexity of US elections,
hand counting is quite expensive)

This is quite disputable. Further, hand vs. machine counting is core 
to the way we think about the security of the voting system.

On a "complex" ballot, there are maybe 20 races or propositions, some 
of which may allow multiple votes per race. The pre-electronic method 
for hand-counting these was to start with race #1, have one person 
reading each vote out load from a large stack of ballots, and another 
person tabulating. In most districts, this is done twice with 
different people doing the counting and, often, those people coming 
from the "opposite party" in our wonderful two-party system.

The numbers I saw in the late 1970's said that each vote took 2.5 
seconds per ballot per race when done slowly; so that's 5 seconds 
when run twice. Per "complex" ballot, that's about 100 seconds, or 
roughly 2 minutes, or roughly 1/30 of an hour. At current labor rates 
of $12/hour for this type of work (that's high, but we want qualified 
people to count), that means it costs about US$0.40 per ballot for a 
complex ballot.

Essentially no one would argue that is is "quite expensive". I 
suspect that nearly everyone in the country would be happy to pay an 
additional $1/election for more reliable results.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: OpenID/Debian PRNG/DNS Cache poisoning advisory

2008-08-08 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 1:47 PM -0500 8/8/08, Nicolas Williams wrote:

On Fri, Aug 08, 2008 at 02:08:37PM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

 The kerberos style of having credentials expire very quickly is one
 (somewhat less imperfect) way to deal with such things, but it is far
 from perfect and it could not be done for the ad-hoc certificate
 system https: depends on -- the infrastructure for refreshing all the
 world's certs every eight hours doesn't exist, and if it did imagine
 the chaos if it failed for a major CA one fine morning.

The PKIX moral equivalent of Kerberos V tickets would be OCSP Responses.

I understand most current browsers support OCSP.

...and only a tiny number of CAs do so.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Kaminsky finds DNS exploit

2008-07-14 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 4:27 PM +0200 7/14/08, Florian Weimer wrote:

Implementors say that in many cases, their software as it's currently
implemented can't take the load.  It's not much worse than web traffic,
that's why I think it can be made to work (perhaps easier with kernel
support, who knows).  But code changes are apparently required.

That whole paragraph, taken together, makes no sense.

And once you need code changes, you can roll out DNSSEC--or some
extended query ID with 64 additional bits of entropy.

There is a difference between code changes in the kernel for some 
systems (which you allude to above), code changes and a universal 
rollout in all DNS software (which you allude to at the end), and 
stable rollout of the DNSSEC trust anchor system in every significant 
zone and all resolvers.

FWIW, only the latter has anything to do with this mailing list...

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Kaminsky finds DNS exploit

2008-07-09 Thread Paul Hoffman
First off, big props to Dan for getting this problem fixed in a 
responsible manner. If there were widespread real attacks first, it 
would take forever to get fixes out into the field.

However, we in the security circles don't need to spread the 
"Kaminsky finds" meme. Take a look at 
The first draft of this openly-published document was in January 
2007. It is now in WG last call.

The take-away here is not that "Dan didn't discover the problem", but 
"Dan got it fixed". An alternate take-away is that IETF BCPs don't 
make nearly as much difference as a diligent security expert with a 
good name.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Upper limit?

2008-07-05 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 8:46 PM -0700 7/4/08, Allen wrote:
Is there an upper limit on the number of RSA Public/Private 1024 bit 
key pairs possible? If so what is the relationship of the number of 
1024 bit to the number of 2048 and 4096 bit key pairs?

On a related note: why did you skip 1536 bits? There is nothing 
special about key lengths being an integral power of 2 bits long.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Strength in Complexity?

2008-07-05 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 12:48 AM +1200 7/6/08, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Florian Weimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

* Peter Gutmann:
 [1] Show of hands, how many people here not directly involved 
with X.509 work

 knew that the spec required that all extensions in CA root certificates
 ("trust anchors" in recent X.509 jargon) be ignored by an 

 So if you put in name constraints, key usage constraints, a policy
 identifier, etc, then a conforming implementation is supposed 
to look at

 them, throw them away, and proceed as if they weren't there?

Are you sure that the constraints are not supposed to be applied when
the root certificate is actually processed, after its signature has been
verified by the trust anchor?

Yup.  The app is supposed to read the cert, parse and process the extensions,
and then throw them away.

Peter: please turn down the hyperbole a bit. You forgot the word 
"may" between "and" and "then".

The text from the spec is:

  3.3.60 trust anchor: A trust anchor is a set of the following information in
  addition to the public key: algorithm identifier, public key parameters (if
  applicable), distinguished name of the holder of the associated private key
  (i.e., the subject CA) and optionally a validity period. The trust anchor
  may be provided in the form of a self-signed certificate. A trust anchor is
  trusted by a certificate using system and used for validating certificates
  in certification paths.

Rendered into English, that says "take the pubic key, owner name, and
validity period, and ignore everything else in the cert".

Wrong. There is no requirement to "ignore everything else in the 
cert". There is simply no requirement to use that material.

To pre-empt the inevitable "yes, but it doesn't explicitly say you can't
process the extensions if you want to": It also doesn't say you can't reformat
the user's hard drive when you see a cert, but the intent is that you don't do
anything not explicitly listed in the text above.

No offense, but if I wanted to know the intent of a group of people 
who make hard-to-read-and-harder-to-impelemnt crypto standards, I 
would not ask you. You don't know their intent, Peter: you only know 
the output of the sausage-making process.

If I haven't made it clear: I agree with Peter that the spec should 
have clearly stated what one was supposed to do with the extensions. 
Where I think we disagree is that I would rather that the spec said 
explicitly to throw them away. I would rather have the semantics of 
"this is what I say my name is and this is what I say my public key 
is" quite separate from "this is what I think you should trust me to 
authenticate". This adds complexity (it takes two certs), but it also 
reduces complexity (it doesn't mandate binding policy to 

Luckily no sane implementation pays any attention to this nonsense :-).

We might agree here because I don't think there are many sane 
implementations of X.509.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Strength in Complexity?

2008-07-02 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 8:28 PM -0400 7/1/08, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) writes:

 "Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

No. In fact, it is about as far from the truth as I've ever seen. No real
expert would choose to deliberately make a protocol more complicated.

 IPsec.  Anything to do with PKI.  XMLdsig.  Gimme a few minutes and I can
 provide a list as long as your arm.  Protocol designers *love* complexity.
 The more complex and awkward they can make a protocol, the better it has to

The problem, Peter, is that people who don't know you may mistake your
sarcasm for agreement with misconception in the article Arshad quoted.

The quote from the article was:

"There are, of course, obstacles that must still be overcome by EKMI 
proponents. For example, the proposed components are somewhat simple 
by design, which concerns some encryption purists who prefer more 
complex protocols, on the logic that they're more difficult to break 

It jumps from "components" to "protocols". In general, "encryption 
purists" like simpler algorithms. OTOH, when "encryption purists" get 
involved in protocol design, the protocols usually become complex to 
the point of opacity.

So, I agree with Peter that that article is probably correct about protocols.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-02 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:36 AM -0400 6/1/08, Ivan Krstiç wrote:
The easiest thing for people who _do_ care is still running their 
own mail server.

Fully agree. You're in control, all the way to root of the box.

The emergence of reasonably priced VM hosting providers (e.g. makes it fairly uncomplicated, modulo initial setup.

And, if you want to host on FreeBSD instead of Linux, see 
<>. Same price, good service.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Paul Hoffman
More interesting threadage about the issue here: 
<>, particularly in the 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:25 AM +0100 5/15/08, Ben Laurie wrote:

Paul Hoffman wrote:

I'm confused about two statements here:

At 2:10 PM +0100 5/13/08, Ben Laurie wrote:
The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian's 
"Edgy" release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on 
Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys. 
This includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

. . .

[2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is 
bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but 
OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good 
idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can 
do no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does 
cause irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, 
though, including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have 
a flag (PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the 
Debian maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the 
uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility of 
adding memory to the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood 
the bug before fixing it.

The second bit makes it sound like the stuff that the Debian folks 
blindly removed was one, possibly-useful addition to the entropy 
pool. The first bit makes it sound like the stuff was absolutely 
critical to the entropy of produced keys. Which one is correct?

They removed _all_ entropy addition to the pool, with the exception 
of the PID, which is mixed in at a lower level.

I take it that these are not 128-bit, non-monotonic PIDs. :-)

The bigger picture is that distributions who are doing local mods 
should really have an ongoing conversation with the software's 
developers. Even if the developers don't want to talk to you, a 
one-way conversation of "we're doing this, we're doing that" could be 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

I'm confused about two statements here:

At 2:10 PM +0100 5/13/08, Ben Laurie wrote:
The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian's 
"Edgy" release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on 
Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys. This 
includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

. . .

[2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is 
bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but 
OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good 
idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do 
no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does cause 
irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though, 
including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag 
(PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the Debian 
maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the 
uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility of 
adding memory to the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood 
the bug before fixing it.

The second bit makes it sound like the stuff that the Debian folks 
blindly removed was one, possibly-useful addition to the entropy 
pool. The first bit makes it sound like the stuff was absolutely 
critical to the entropy of produced keys. Which one is correct?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: SSL/TLS and port 587

2008-01-23 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 9:49 PM -0800 1/22/08, Ed Gerck wrote:
Can you point to some sources of this "often expressed idea"? It 
seems like a pretty flimsy straw man.

It is common with those who think that the threat model is
"traversing the public Internet".

I'll take that as a "no".

For examples on claiming that SSL/TLS can protect email

That's not what I asked, of course.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: SSL/TLS and port 587

2008-01-23 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:38 AM -0800 1/22/08, Ed Gerck wrote:
The often expressed idea that SSL/TLS and port 587 are somehow able 
to prevent warrantless wiretapping and so on, or protect any private 
communications, is IMO simply not supported by facts.

Can you point to some sources of this "often expressed idea"? It 
seems like a pretty flimsy straw man.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Flaws in OpenSSL FIPS Object Module

2007-12-03 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 9:58 AM -0500 12/3/07, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

I don't know if people have been following this, but it is interesting
from the point of view of studying how the FIPS process does (or does
not) interact with the underlying goal of producing assured systems.

Another interesting part is that open-source systems are much more 
susceptible to being attacked by competitors (that is, having their 
validation suspended) than are closed-source systems.

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Fixing the current process

2007-10-10 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:55 PM +0200 10/8/07, Ian G wrote:
A slightly off-topic question:  if we accept that current processes 
(FIPS-140, CC, etc) are inadequate indicators of quality for OSS 
products, is there something that can be done about it?

Highly doubtful. The institutional inertia at DoD/NIST is too great. 
It has been suggested numerous times by numerous concerned parties 
for at least a decade.

Is there a reasonable criteria / process that can be built that is 
more suitable?

Yes. That part is easy, and some people in the system admit designing 
a much better system is quite tractable, as long as it is done in a 
vacuum. However, bureaucracy abhors a vacuum.

My feeling is that the only way that we can overturn the silliness of 
FIPS-140 / CC is for a major defense ally to implement a sane system. 
Five years later, and with a lot of vendor push, it could become a 
third process and the other two could wither over the ensuing 
decades. If we're lucky.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: more SHA-1 progress?

2007-08-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:17 AM -0400 8/22/07, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

Ekr's blog notes a rumor that more progress has been made on attacking SHA-1:

Anyone know anything about this?

This is a continuation of the thread on this list from last week.

I watched the webcast of the rump session, and Christian Rechberger 
said that they think they will get 2^60ish with a new technique. He 
did not describe the technique in any detail. Offline, he has told me 
that there will be papers published.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Re: Fwd: Potential SHA 1 Hack Using Distributed Computing - Near Miss(es) May be Good Enough

2007-08-15 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:31 PM +0200 8/14/07, Christian Rechberger wrote:
The mentioned article is indeed confusing, the information in there 
took apparently several hops.

Welcome to the world of public cryptography! :-) At least I haven't 
seen anyone so far suggest that you will find pre-images.

To address your questions: Indeed, we have our own "path", but more 
importantly we developed a new method to speed-up generation and 
testing of candidate message pairs and apply it to SHA-1. The 
resulting work factor is still quite high, hence we ask for 
contributions via the BOINC framework.

Is there any estimation of how high? Specifically, do you believe 
there is a good chance of having less work effort than the current 
Wang strategy? For example, if you are sure that your result will be 
around 2^70, well that is interesting in theory but probably not 
worth any publicity you have gotten so far. If you are sure it will 
be around 2^55, I'll certainly give you some of my spare CPU cycles.

More information on cryptanalytic details, type of collision, and 
resulting work factor will appear later this year.

That's good to hear. It would also be interesting if you could keep a 
running meter of approximately how much work you are getting from the 
participants. This isn't nearly as "sexy" as finding ETs or even 
protein folding...

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Fwd: Potential SHA 1 Hack Using Distributed Computing - Near Miss(es) May be Good Enough

2007-08-15 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 4:49 PM -0300 8/14/07, Mads Rasmussen wrote:

Have a look at

Did that, in specific 

Note the lack of information about what they are actually doing. "We 
developed new cryptanalytic methods..." sounds great, but is 
meaningless without specifics.

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Re: Fwd: Potential SHA 1 Hack Using Distributed Computing - Near Miss(es) May be Good Enough

2007-08-14 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:00 PM -0700 8/13/07, Aram Perez wrote:

Anyone know more about this?

I have the same question. I could not find any description of *why* 
they think that finding near-misses is going to help the research. 
It's not clear if they are taking their own path, or trying to 
improve Wang's path, or what.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: New article on root certificate problems with Windows

2007-07-21 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 7:58 PM +1200 7/20/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Paul Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

At 2:45 AM +1200 7/20/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|From a security point of view, this is really bad.  From a 
usability point of

|view, it's necessary.

As you can see from my list of proposed solutions, I disagree. I see no
reason not to to alert a user *who has removed a root* that you are about to
put it back in.

It depends on what you mean by "user".  You're assuming that direct action by
the wetware behind the keyboard resulted in its removal.

Correct, I was.

  However given how
obscure and well-hidden this capability is, it's more likely that a user agent
acting with the user's rights caused the problem.  So the message you end up
communicating to the user is:

  "Something you've never heard of before has changed a setting you've never
  heard of before that affects the operation of something you've never heard
  of before and probably wouldn't understand no matter how patiently we
  explain it".

(those things are, in order "some application or script", "the cert trust
setting", "certificates", and "PKI").

Very good point.

Bigger picture takeaway: when both a user and an application can 
change a crypto setting in an application (or OS), any later messages 
relating to that event are likely to be confusing because they can't 
be directly linked to the action. This applies to all of our 
crypto-in-the-real-world, not just the trust anchor issue at hand.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: New article on root certificate problems with Windows

2007-07-19 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 2:45 AM +1200 7/20/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From a security point of view, this is really bad.  From a usability point of
view, it's necessary.

As you can see from my list of proposed solutions, I disagree. I see 
no reason not to to alert a user *who has removed a root* that you 
are about to put it back in.

Note that I did not criticize the practice of starting with a zillion 
roots that Microsoft trusts.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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New article on root certificate problems with Windows

2007-07-19 Thread Paul Hoffman
Hi again. I posted a new security research article at 
<>. It is not directly 
related to crypto (although not so much of the traffic on this list 
is...), it does relate to some PKI topics that are favorites of this 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-07-03 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 5:11 PM -0400 7/2/07, John Denker wrote:

By that I mean:
 -- the integrity of DH depends fundamentally on the algorithm, so you
  should verify the algorithmic theory, and then verify that the box
  implements the algorithm correctly; while
 -- in the simple case, the integrity of quantum cryptography depends
  fundamentally on the physics, so you should verify the physics
  theoretically and then verify that the box implements the physics
 ... and not vice versa.

This is a nice, calm analogy, and I think it is useful. But it misses 
the point of the snake oil entirely.

The fact that there is some good quantum crypto theory doesn't mean 
that there is any application in the real world. For the real world, 
you need key distribution. For the cost of a quantum crypto box (even 
after cost reductions after years of successful deployment), you 
could put a hardware crypto accelerator that could do 10,000-bit DH.

Going back to the theory, the only way that quantum crypto will be 
more valuable than DH (much less ECDH!) is if DH is broken *at all 
key lengths*. If it is not, then the balance point for cost will be 
when the end boxes for quantum crypto equals the cost of the end 
boxes for still-useful DH.

Oh, and all the above is ignoring that DH works over multiple hops of 
different media, and quantum crypto doesn't (yet, maybe ever).

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: ad hoc IPsec or similiar

2007-06-26 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 3:26 PM -0500 6/26/07, Nicolas Williams wrote:

I strongly dislike the WG's name.  Suffice it to say that it was not my
idea :); it created a lot of controversy at the time, though perhaps
that controversy helped sell the idea ("why would you want this silly,
insecure stuff?" "because it enables this other actually secure stuff").

Whereas I was in the camp of liking the name very much for the very 
reason that this thread was started: "because it lets you encrypt an 
arbitrary conversation with essentially no startup cost".

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: ad hoc IPsec or similiar

2007-06-26 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 2:49 PM -0500 6/26/07, Nicolas Williams wrote:

On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 10:43:16AM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 > This was discussed many times, and always rejected as "not good

 enough" by the purists. Then the IETF created the BTNS Working Group
 which is spending huge amounts of time getting close to purity again.

That's pretty funny, actually, although I don't quite agree with the
substance (surprise!)  :)

Why, are you some sort or purist? :-) (For those outside the IETF, 
Nico is one of the main movers and shakers in BTNS, and is probably 
one of the main reasons it looks like it will actually finish its 

Seriously, for those who merely want unauthenticated IPsec, MITMs and
all, then yes, agreeing on a globally shared secret would suffice.

Well, almost suffice. You also need a way of signalling before the 
Diffie-Hellman that this is what you are doing, but that's a trivial 
extension to both IKEv1 and IKEv2.

For all the other aspects of BTNS (IPsec connection latching [and
channel binding], IPsec APIs, leap-of-faith IPsec) agreeing on a
globally shared secret does not come close to being sufficient.

Fully agree. BTNS will definitely give you more than just one-off 
encrypted tunnels, once the work is finished. But then, it should 
probably be called MMTBTNS (Much More Than...).

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:44 AM -0700 6/22/07, Ali, Saqib wrote:

...whereas the key distribution systems we have aren't affected by
eavesdropping unless the attacker has the ability to perform 2^128 or
more operations, which he doesn't.

Paul: Here you are assuming that key exchange has already taken place.

No, I'm not. I am talking about protocols that do their own key 
exchange. IPsec. SSL/TLS. Kerberos. Etc.

But key exchange is the toughest part.

No, requiring that the two ends have a fixed connection which QKD 
works over is far tougher than using a proven protocol that works 
over any connection.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: ad hoc IPsec or similiar

2007-06-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:52 PM +0800 6/22/07, Sandy Harris wrote:

On 6/22/07, Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So what's the state in ad hoc IPsec/VPN setup for any end points?

The Linux FreeS/WAN project was working on "opportunistic encryption".

The general idea is that if you use keys in DNS to authenticate gateways
and IPsec for secure tunnels then any two machines can communicate
securely without their administrators needing to talk to each other or to
set up specific pre-arranged tunnels.

There is an RFC based on that work:

The FreeS/WAN project has ended. I do no know if the follow-on projects, and, support OE.

Note that that RFC is Informational only. There were a bunch of 
perceived issues with it, although I think they were more purity 
disagreements than anything.

FWIW, if you do *not* care about man-in-the-middle attacks (called 
active attacks in RFC 4322), the solution is much, much simpler than 
what is given in RFC 4322: everyone on the Internet agrees on a 
single pre-shared secret and uses it. You lose any authentication 
from IPsec, but if all you want is an encrypted tunnel that you will 
authenticate all or parts of later, you don't need RFC 4322.

This was discussed many times, and always rejected as "not good 
enough" by the purists. Then the IETF created the BTNS Working Group 
which is spending huge amounts of time getting close to purity again.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:59 AM -0700 6/21/07, Ali, Saqib wrote:

- Quantum Cryptography is "fiction" (strictly claims that it solves
  an applied problem are fiction, indisputably interesting Physics).

Well that is a broad (and maybe unfair) statement.

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) solves an applied problem of secure key
distribution. It may not be able to ensure "unconditional" secrecy
during key exchange, but it can detect any eavesdropping. Once
eavesdropping is detected, the key can be discarded.

...whereas the key distribution systems we have aren't affected by 
eavesdropping unless the attacker has the ability to perform 2^128 or 
more operations, which he doesn't.

Which part of the word "useless" is not apparent here?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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SSL certificates for SMTP

2007-05-24 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 6:34 PM +0200 5/23/07, Florian Weimer wrote:

* Victor Duchovni:

 That's good of you not to expect it, given that zero of the major CAs
 seem to support ECC certs today, and even if they did, those certs
 would not work in IE on XP.

 We are not talking about this year or next of course. My estimate is
 that Postfix releases designed this year, ship next year, are picked up
 by some O/S vendors the year after and shipped perhaps a year after that,
 then customers take a few years to upgrade, ... So for some users Postfix
 2.5 will be their MTA upgrade in 2011 or later. So we need to anticipate
 future demand by a few years to be current at the time that users begin
 to use the software.

But no one is issuing certificates which are suitable for use with
SMTP (in the sense that the CA provides a security benefit).

No one? I thought that VeriSign and others did, at least a few years ago.

  As far
as I know, there isn't even a way to store mail routing information in
X.509 certificates.

Why would you need to? SMTP-over-TLS only identifies the system to 
whom you are speaking. No routing inforation is needed or wanted.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: 307 digit number factored

2007-05-23 Thread Paul Hoffman
For the math weenies on the list, see the full announcement here: 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: 307 digit number factored

2007-05-22 Thread Paul Hoffman
FWIW, according to Arjen Lenstra, there should be a better paper than 
the article on the site next week, 

At 4:32 PM -0400 5/21/07, Victor Duchovni wrote:

When do the Certicom patents expire?

Which ones? They have many. Using EC depends on how brave you are and 
which country you are in.

I really don't see ever longer RSA
keys as the answer, and the patents are I think holding back adoption...

Because I agree with the latter, I disagree with the former, at least 
for a few more years and until a few people are braver than I am.

The other issue is that sites will need multiple certs during any
transition from RSA to ECC, because the entire Internet won't upgrade
overnight. I am not expecting public CAs to cooperate by charging the
same price for two certs (RSA and ECC) for the same subject name(s),
this also may significantly impede migration.

That's good of you not to expect it, given that zero of the major CAs 
seem to support ECC certs today, and even if they did, those certs 
would not work in IE on XP.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: 0wned .gov machines (was Re: Russian cyberwar against Estonia?)

2007-05-21 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 6:34 PM + 5/20/07, John Levine wrote:

 >I've heard nothing formal, but my strong understanding is a lot of US

government machines, at least if we're talking workstations on
non-classified nets, are in fact "0wn3d" at this point.

Well, here's an anecdote: at last year's CEAS conference, Rob Thomas
of Team Cymru gave the keynote on the underground economy, with a most
horrifying set of both live demos and selected snapshots of the online
bazaars where online warez are traded, everything from zombie farms to
spamware to stolen credit cards.  One of the more amusing was a guy
who offered a zombie in some part of the government that you'd hope
would be moderately secure, NASA or someplace like that, at a higher
than normal price.  The immediate response was ridicule, bots on
government nets are a dime a dozen, and aren't worth any more than any
other bot.

Oh, goodie. I get to the same source to show the opposite. At Rob's 
talk at the AOTA summit, he talked about someone offering some botted 
machines in a particular US government subnet at a normal prices and 
someone quickly over-bid by a suspiciously high amount. The 
assumption is that it was for the possible data on those machines.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: 128 bit number T-shirt?

2007-05-01 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 8:59 PM -0400 5/1/07, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

[Moderator's note: Manually forwarded because of a software glitch. --Perry]

From: Gary Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 128 bit number T-shirt?
To: "Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 01 May 2007 17:30:10 -0700

Your wish has been granted

This would be a lot more popular if the t-shirt and mug said 
something a bit more fetching above the hex such as "Ask me about 

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Re: More info in my AES128-CBC question

2007-04-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 2:04 PM -0700 4/21/07, David Wagner wrote:

Hagai Bar-El writes:

What Aram wrote is "many of the attendees have very little security
experience", not: "there are no attendees with security experience".
There are people at the relevant OMA group who know enough about
security, but just like in the real world -- they are outnumbered by
plain "feature-set" people, and thus have to come up with very clear
arguments to get their way.

So the people who don't know anything about security are reluctant to
listen to those who do?  That's not a good sign. It may be standard
operating procedure in groups like this, but that doesn't make it right.
It's still dysfunctional and dangerrous.  If the committee doesn't have
a commitment to security and is reluctant to listen to the experts,
that's a risk factor.

In a typical standards-setting environment, non-security people are 
usually only willing to listen to security people up to a certain 
threshold. There are three normal scenarios:

- A security person proposes a good way to do security for the 
proposed protocol. A non-security person says (incorrectly) "I heard 
that doesn't work". The security person argues that it does work 
here, and the non-security person, not wanting to look foolish, digs 
in his heels. People get bored of hearing an argument they don't 
understand and make an arbitrary decision.

- A non-security person proposes a bad way to do security for the 
proposed protocol. A security person explains why that is insecure. 
The non-security person argues (sometimes correctly) that they did it 
in this other protocol so we should copy that, and the security 
person tries to explain why this is bad security. People get bored of 
hearing an argument they don't understand and make an arbitrary 

- A security person proposes two different ways to do security for 
the proposed protocol. The second is significantly faster than the 
first, but has worse security properties. People say "the first is 
good enough for our scenario" and pick it, often not even bothering 
to document the diminished security properties.

FWIW, this can happen when designing pure security protocols, 
swapping "non-security person" with "security novice" or "security 
tourist" or "security hobbiest" or "security poser".

So why do people with no training in security think
that they can freely ignore the advice of security professionals without
any negative consequences?

Because doing so can get things finished earlier and/or make a more 
efficient protocol.

Same as it ever was.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: DNSSEC to be strangled at birth.

2007-04-06 Thread Paul Hoffman

[[ Agree with Nico's MITM arguments; different point below ]]

At 10:49 AM -0500 4/6/07, Nicolas Williams wrote:

The DHS would get real value in terms of veto power over new TLDs, IFF
it is the only one to possess the root private key.  But that's not what
the story said, IIRC.

Whoever owns the root key would only get to veto the inclusion of new 
or current TLDs in the DNSSEC-protected namespace, not in the root 
itself. No one expects that ICANN will be signing the zone keys for 
most of the TLDs for many, many years, if for no other reason than 
those TLDs don't even want to be responsible for protecting their 
zone key.

The real problem with DHS having these keys in _addition_ to ICANN is
that the more fingers in the pie the more likely it is that the key will
be breached, leading to key rollover.

Fully agree. It also means that, if there is a breach, the first few 
days / months will be spent finger-pointing instead of fixing.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: DNSSEC to be strangled at birth.

2007-04-06 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 7:54 PM -0400 4/5/07, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:

On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 04:49:33PM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:

 >because, with it, one can sign the appropriate
 >chain of keys to forge records for any zone one likes.

 If the owner of any key signs below their level, it is immediately
 visible to anyone doing active checking. The root signing
 instead of .net signing is a complete giveaway to a
 violation of the hierarchy and an invitation for everyone to call
 bullshit on the signer. Doing so would completely negate the value of
 owning the root-signing key.

You're missing the point.  The root just signs itself a new .net key,
and then uses that to sign a new key, and so forth.  No
unusual key use is required.

And you seem to be missing my point. If the root signs itself a new 
.net key, it will be completely visible to the entire community using 
DNSSEC. The benefit of doing so in order to forge the key for (or will be short-lived, as will the 
benefit of owning the root key.

It's a hierarchy of trust: if you have the top, you have it all, and
you can forge anything you like, including the keys used to sign the
application key records used to encrypt user data, where they are
present in the system.

The only reason for concern is if the top of the hierarchy can forge 
without people noticing, or if people notice that they won't care. I 
claim that that isn't possible, particularly if the root owner is 
someone as unloved as USDHS.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: DNSSEC to be strangled at birth.

2007-04-06 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 7:26 PM -0400 4/5/07, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:

On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 07:32:09AM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:

 Control: The root signing key only controls the contents of the root,
 not any level below the root.

That is, of course, false,

This is, of course false. In order to control the contents of the 
second level of the DNS, they have to either change the control of 
the first level (it's kinda obvious when they take .net away from 
VeriSign) or they have to sign across the hierarchy (it's kinda 
obvious when is signed by someone other than .net).

and presumably is _exactly_ why DHS wants
the root signing key:

Um, since when are you (or I) so good at figuring out what DHS wants? 
For that matter, assuming that a massive bureaucracy like DHS has one 
thing that it wants also seems silly. For all we know, this could be 
one clue-deprived dork who can write press releases after not really 
listening to the one technical person whom he asked. Or it could be a 
conspiracy to take over the Department of Commerce. Or ...

because, with it, one can sign the appropriate
chain of keys to forge records for any zone one likes.

If the owner of any key signs below their level, it is immediately 
visible to anyone doing active checking. The root signing 
instead of .net signing is a complete giveaway to a 
violation of the hierarchy and an invitation for everyone to call 
bullshit on the signer. Doing so would completely negate the value of 
owning the root-signing key.

Plus, now that applications are keeping public keys for services in
the DNS, one can, in fact, forge those entries and thus conduct man in
the middle surveillance on anyone dumb enough to use DNS alone as a
trust conveyor for those protocols (e.g. SSH and quite possibly soon

...again assuming that the users of those keys don't bother to look 
who signed them. Given that this thread is about an entity whom 
almost no one trusts being the key holder, that scenario seems 

I know you understand this stuff well enough to know these risks exist.
I'm curious why you'd minimize them.

Because I believe that ISPs, not just security geeks, will be 
vigilant in watching whether there is any layer-hopping signing and 
will scream loudly when they see it. AOL and MSN have much more to 
lose if DHS decides to screw with the DNS than anyone on this list 
does. Having said that, it is likely that we will be the ones to 
shoot the signal flares if DHS (or ICANN, for that matter) misuses 
the root signing key. But it won't be us that causes DHS to stand 
down or, more likely, get thrown off the root: it's the companies who 
have billions of dollars to lose if the DNS becomes untrusted.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: DNSSEC to be strangled at birth.

2007-04-05 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 5:51 PM +0100 4/4/07, Dave Korn wrote:

  Can anyone seriously imagine countries like Iran or China signing up to a
system that places complete control, surveillance and falsification
capabilities in the hands of the US' military intelligence?


But how does having the root signing key allow those?

Control: The root signing key only controls the contents of the root, 
not any level below the root.

Surveillance: Signing keys don't permit any surveillance.

Falsification: This is possible but completely trivially detected (it 
is obvious if the zone for is signed by . instead of 
.net). Doing any falsification will cause the entire net to start 
ignoring the signature of the root and going to direct trust of the 
signed TLDs.

 Surely if this goes ahead, it will mean that DNSSEC is doomed to widespread

More than it is now?

And unless it's used everywhere, there's very little point
having it at all.

Fully disagree. Many ISPs and individuals will be happy to do direct 
trust of the significant zones (com/net/org plus maybe their local 
ccTLD) and simply ignore signatures on the rest. This has already 
been well-discussed in the ISP community even before this event: many 
are not sure they trust ICANN itself, much less its current "sponsor".

Note that I'm not supporting the US signing the root in the least. 
I'm just saying that predicting doom is grossly premature.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: more on NIST hash competition

2007-01-26 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 9:30 PM +1300 1/25/07, Peter Gutmann wrote:

=?UTF-8?B?SXZhbiBLcnN0acSH?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Perry E. Metzger wrote:

I'm completely unfamiliar with the way NIST operates, but I've been wondering
for years why they haven't organized this competition already. Do we have a
list veteran who can shed some light on why it took them this long? My
curiosity demands to know.

The AES competition was already a severe resource drain, running another one
for an AHS would have been prohibitive, until the clear signs that SHA was in
real trouble made it more palatable.

This is an incorrect interpretation, I believe. The NIST folks at the 
workshop said a few times that they were not worried about SHA-1 
because they have already deprecated it beginning at the end of 2010. 
That leaves only SHA-2, in which they said they had sufficient 
confidence. Further, no one publicly expressed worry at the workshop 
that SHA-2 would have any significant breaks in the near future.

The dates on the competition timeline shows that AHS (cute name, 
Peter!) is not meant as a replacement for SHA-2, given that it won't 
be selected until after SHA-1 needs to stop being used.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: more on NIST hash competition

2007-01-25 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 8:22 PM -0500 1/23/07, Ivan Krstiç wrote:

Perry E. Metzger wrote:

I'm completely unfamiliar with the way NIST operates, but I've been
wondering for years why they haven't organized this competition already.
Do we have a list veteran who can shed some light on why it took them
this long? My curiosity demands to know.

At the Second Hash Workshop this summer, NIST explained this a bit. 
(There were a bunch of regulars from this list there who can correct 
me if I'm wrong.)

First, there is SHA-2 (SHA-256, -384, and -512). Nearly everyone 
thinks they are good enough unless there is an unexpected attack. So 
NIST was not hot to create something that competes with this.

More important, however, is the lack of sureness in the community 
that we know what will make a good hash function, much less one that 
is better than SHA-2. See 
<> for much 
more on that.

Also, remember that we don't know much about the design of SHA-2. In 
fact, unless the NSA tells the world a whole lot more, it will not be 
able to compete in the NIST competition due to requirement B1 in the 

At the end of the workshop, there were at least two camps: those who 
wanted a competition in case Wang-esque attacks degrade SHA-2, and 
those who didn't want a competition until we knew more about how to 
judge it because we don't know enough now. Some of the Big Names In 
Crypto are in the second group. It looks like NIST sided with the 
first group, but it will be interesting if the folks in the second 
group are vocal during the coming few years.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: SC-based link encryption

2007-01-05 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 7:58 PM -0800 1/3/07, Steve Schear wrote:
I haven't been following the smartcard scene for a while.  I'm 
looking to create a low-cost and portable link encryptor, with D-H 
or similar key exchange, for lower <100kbps data speeds. Is this 

You could take an IPsec stack and repurpose it down one layer in the 
stack. At least that way you'll know the security properties of what 
you create.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: How important is FIPS 140-2 Level 1 cert?

2006-12-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 8:15 PM -0500 12/21/06, Saqib Ali wrote:

Assuming that the two products use Internet protocols (as compared to
proprietary protocols):

I don't understand this statement. What do you mean by internet
protocol vs proprietary protocol???

Now seeing what your company does, I can see where you might have 
that question. An overly-simple but sufficient answer comes from 
whether or not you need to be able to interoperate with other vendors 
over a non-secured network. If so, call it an "internet protocol". In 
your case (local disk encryption), it is fine to be proprietary.

And also we are looking at FDE solutions, so there are no internet
protocols involved in that.


no. Probably the only thing that could
differentiate the two is if the cheaper one has a crappy random
number generator, the more expensive one will have a good one.

well I think FIPS 140-2 Level 1 ensures more than just a good PRNG.
Even if a public crypto (e.g. AES) is used in a product, there are
many mistakes that can be made during the implementation.

... and essentially all of those mistakes are caught by even mild 
interop testing. Again, this is not valid in your case. You could 
completely mis-implement AES and never know it, but a FIPS 140-2 test 
would find that.

140-2 Level 1 is expected to catch these egregious mistakes.

You can catch such mistakes for a lot less money than it will cost 
for a FIPS certificate. Assuming that you are using a standard 
encryption algorithm like AES, there are probably a dozen people on 
this mailing list who could sanity check your product's 
implementation of AES (and probably even of key storage) in less than 
50 hours of consulting time,

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: How important is FIPS 140-2 Level 1 cert?

2006-12-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:25 AM -0500 12/21/06, Saqib Ali wrote:

I would like to know how much weight people usually give to the FIPS
140-2 Level 1 certification.

US federal agencies are supposed to require that certification for 
any system they buy that uses crypto.

Sometimes, US state agencies require it as well.

Sometimes, clueless corporations require it because it has the word 
"certification" in it and, well, if it's good enough for the feds, it 
should be good enough for everyone.

If two products have exactly same feature set, but one is FIPS 140-2
Level 1 certified but cost twice. Would you go for it, considering the
Level 1 is the lowest.

Assuming that the two products use Internet protocols (as compared to 
proprietary protocols): no. Probably the only thing that could 
differentiate the two is if the cheaper one has a crappy random 
number generator, the more expensive one will have a good one.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: signing all outbound email

2006-09-09 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 7:02 AM +1000 9/8/06, James A. Donald wrote:

I do not seem to be able to use DKIM to for spam

Correct. It is for white-listing. It tells the recipient (MTA or MUA) 
that the message received was sent from the domain name it says it 
was, and that parts of the message were not altered.

I would like to whitelist all validly signed
DKIM from well known domains.

Good; that's what the protocol is designed to do.

One way of doing this would be for the MTA to insist on
a valid signature when talking to certain well known
MTAs, and then my MUA could whitelist mail sent from
those well known MTAs

Yes, if you are willing to throw out messages whose signatures are 
broken during transit. (This is the same risk that others face with 
insisting on valid S/MIME or OpenPGP signatures be on every message 
from particular parties.)

In short, I am not able to get any advantage out of
using this protocol, which means that there is no
advantage in sending me signed mail.

And there is no disadvantage either. There is advantages for sending 
signed mail to users who have a different threat model than you have, 
and there are certainly administrative advantages to signing all 
outgoing mail, not looking to see "oh, if it is James, don't sign it 
because he won't like it".

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: signing all outbound email

2006-09-07 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:40 AM +0200 9/5/06, Massimiliano Pala wrote:

Jon Callas wrote:

On 4 Sep 2006, at 4:13 AM, Travis H. wrote:

Has anyone created hooks in MTAs so that they automagically


Go look at <> for many more details.

This approach is MTA-to-MTA...

No, it's not. The receiving MTA *and/or* MUA can verify signatures. 
That is clearly covered in the protocol document.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: Phil Zimmerman and voice encryption; a Skype problem?

2006-05-22 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:19 AM -0400 5/22/06, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

There's an article in today's NY Times (for subscribers, it's at )
on whether Phil Zimmerman's Zfone -- an encrypted VoIP package -- will
invite government scrutiny.  There doesn't seem to be any imminent threat
in the U.S.; the one concrete example mentioned -- the British plan to
give police the power to compel individuals to disclose keys -- doesn't
threaten Zfone, because it uses Diffie-Hellman for (among other things)
perfect forward secrecy and doesn't even have any long-term keys.  (See
draft-zimmermann-avt-zrtp-01.txt for protocol details.)

The fascinating thing, though, was this sentence near the end of the

But at a conference last week in Cyprus, German officials said
they had technology for intercepting and decrypting Skype phone
calls, according to Anthony M. Rutkowski, vice president for
regulatory affairs and standards for VeriSign, a company that
offers security for Internet and phone operations.

The Berson report says that Skype uses AES-256.  NSA rates that as
suitable for Top Secret traffic, so it's presumably not the cipher.
Berson analyzed a number of other possible attack scenarios; the only one
that seems to be possible is an active attack plus forged certificates.
If Berson's analysis was correct -- and we all know how hard it is to
verify cryptographic protocols -- that leaves open the possibility of a
protocol change that implemented some sort of Clipper-like functionality.

Please don't forget that the VeriSign spokesperson may be mistaken, 
or purposely lying (possibly in order to drum up business for the 
company). Neither would be a first for VeriSign.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: NPR : E-Mail Encryption Rare in Everyday Use

2006-02-28 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 5:59 PM -0500 2/24/06, John Kelsey wrote:

What we ultimately need is encryption and
authentication that are:

a.  Automatic and transparent.

b.  Add some value or are bundled with something that does.

c.  Don't try to tie into the whole horrible set of PKI standards in
terms of uniquely identifying each human and bit in the universe, and
getting them to sign legally binding messages whose full
interpretation requires reading and understanding a 30-page CPS.

We have the preamble and (a) already; the problem is that the 
preamble is insufficient. What we ultimately need is encryption and 
authentication *and validation of the authentication* that match at 
least (a).

Currently, it is the validation of the authentication that makes most 
users uninterested. When you get a message from Bob that comes with a 
warning that says "I cannot tell whether or not Bob really sent 
this", but you are sure that Bob actually sent that (due to some 
out-of-band knowledge), you lose faith in the system. When Bob has 
the same problem with your messages, you give up.

For signed personal mail, (b) and (c) may be mutually exclusive. Why 
sign your messages if you don't want to be held liable for their 
contents? How can you get the reward of integrity without the cost of 

Given those two hurdles, my hopes for authenticated mail near zero. I 
have some hopes for authenticated syndicated messages through Atom or 
RSS, but not this year. The hardest part there will be (c), but there 
are many environments where signing one-way mail is quite 
appropriate, particularly in replacing paper messages.

The demand for encryption of personal email is perpetually low. 
Without a legal requirement, it will probably always be a small niche 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: NPR : E-Mail Encryption Rare in Everyday Use

2006-02-24 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 3:29 PM +0100 2/24/06, Philipp Gühring wrote:

 > Phil *does* have a problem with key management. He knows how to do

 it, but his communications partners are not as good as he is.

Phil Z doesn´t know how to do it himself, at least with PGP.
He told me that he doesn´t sign people´s keys who ask for it, simply because
it would pollute his keyring on his computer, and he couldn´t work with a
keyring with thousands of people on it anymore.

It is a bit harsh to equate "doesn't want to do it because of the 
hassle" with "doesn't know how to do it".

This is my original disagreement with Ed's message. It can be done, 
and when you do it it works, but it is too difficult for most people 
to bother with. I think we all agree on those three facts, just not 
on what to label the last one.

So PGP obviously has a usability and scalability problem.

Fully agree, and I would certainly extend that to S/MIME as well.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: NPR : E-Mail Encryption Rare in Everyday Use

2006-02-24 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 4:31 PM -0800 2/23/06, Ed Gerck wrote:

Usability should by now be recognized as the key issue for security -

Fully agree.

namely, if users can't use it, it doesn't actually work.

We disagree on the meaning of the phrase "actually work".

And what I heard in the story is that even savvy users such as Phil Z
(who'd have no problem with key management) don't use it often.

Phil *does* have a problem with key management. He knows how to do 
it, but his communications partners are not as good as he is.

BTW, just to show that usability is king, could you please send me an
encrypted email -- I even let you choose any secure method that you want.

Yes, I could. But I won't bother. :-)

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: NPR : E-Mail Encryption Rare in Everyday Use

2006-02-23 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 1:56 PM -0800 2/23/06, Ed Gerck wrote:

This story (in addition to the daily headlines) seems to make the case that
the available techniques for secure email (hushmail, outlook/pki and pgp) do
NOT actually work.

That's an incorrect assessment of the short piece. The story says 
that it does actually work but no one uses it. They briefly say why: 
key management. Not being easy enough to use is quite different than 
"NOT actually working".

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: general defensive crypto coding principles

2006-02-12 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 5:40 PM + 2/12/06, Ben Laurie wrote:

It also defends against the MD5 crack, and is one of the recommended
IETF solutions to hash problems.


The IETF has not recommended any "solutions to hash problems". The 
sense of the room at the Hash BOF and the SAAG discussion at the 
Paris IETF meeting was that the IETF should *not* propose solutions 
to the problem. That is why the BOF did not turn into a Working Group 
and why there has been little discussion of the proposed solutions in 
the relevant IETF working groups.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: crypto wiki -- good idea, bad idea?

2005-12-12 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 9:57 AM -0600 12/12/05, Travis H. wrote:
Would a wiki specifically for crypto distribute the burden enough to 
be useful?

Or should we just stick to wikipedia?  Is it doing a satisfactory job?

I cannot answer the first question: I am leery of wikis that have 
open posting rights, and I am leery of trusting anyone to maintain 
the posting rights and document quality of a wiki without being paid 
(either in money or whuffie) to do so.

The second and third questions can be answered with "no". Someone 
wrote a fairly poor article on VPNs. That article has been flagged as 
needing a lot of work. I proposed a few weeks ago (in the 
meta-discussion) to do it, but was concerned that doing so would step 
on toes and seem invasive. No one has responded to that, not even the 
people who flagged the article as needing work.

In other words, Wikipedia is trying to correct problems, but doesn't 
have the personpower to do so in a predictable fashion.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: RNG implementations and their problems

2005-12-04 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:54 PM -0600 12/3/05, Travis H. wrote:

I'm dissatisfied with the state of /dev/random devices on Unix.

Depends on what you mean by "Unix". FreeBSD 5 and 6 have much of what you want.

So far I haven't seen any userland tools for updating the entropy count.

From 'man 4 random':
 If the device has is using the software generator, writing data to random
 would perturb the internal state.  This perturbation of the internal
 state is the only userland method of introducing extra entropy into the
 device.  If the writer has superuser privilege, then closing the device
 after writing will make the software generator reseed itself.  This can
 be used for extra security, as it immediately introduces any/all new
 entropy into the PRNG.

The entropy harvesting and estimation code is bound too tightly to the
entropy pool.

It is in kernelspace so cannot do floating point, like measuring
chi-square or Shannon entropy to estimate the amount of randomness.

 The software random device may be controlled with sysctl(8).

 To see the devices' current settings, use the command line:

   sysctl kern.random

 which results in something like:

   kern.random.sys.seeded: 1
   kern.random.sys.burst: 20
   kern.random.sys.harvest.ethernet: 0
   kern.random.sys.harvest.point_to_point: 0
   kern.random.sys.harvest.interrupt: 0
   kern.random.yarrow.gengateinterval: 10
   kern.random.yarrow.bins: 10
   kern.random.yarrow.fastthresh: 100
   kern.random.yarrow.slowthresh: 160
   kern.random.yarrow.slowoverthresh: 2

 (These would not be seen if a hardware generator is present.)

 All settings are read/write.

Thus, you can do your own calculations and change the paramters to 
your heart's content (assuming you have root privs).

(...Other Linux-specific complaints elided...)

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: [Clips] Banks Seek Better Online-Security Tools

2005-12-03 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:05 PM -0500 12/2/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You know, I'd wonder how many people on this
list use or have used online banking. 

To start the ball rolling, I have not and won't.

I have, and it's nice for making Quicken data entry faster, but 
that's about all. The rest gives me the willies when I see the 
security clue of the folks running the site.

FWIW, I have never had a problem changing my password to something 
very long and all-alphabetic, even if I don't include "at least one 
capital letter and one digit" or whatever the CYA rules for passwords 
are these days.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: from the bad idea department

2005-12-02 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:35 AM -0500 11/21/05, Steven M. Bellovin wrote: if you want to see more.
(In fairness, the "Application Notes" section is listed as
"under construction".  Maybe it will contain suitable caveats
when it's finished.)

A different approach would be for him to write an open-source program 
that generates the passwords on your local machine. Of course, if it 
is distributed as an executable, you don't know if the executable is 
the same as the source, but you are already trusting him now on the 
program on his web site.

Given that most users of this would be Windows folks, one could 
possibly write a really creative batch program to do this, thus 
eliminating the worry about the difference in executable. It would be 
mostrously ugly, but a nice hack.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: "ISAKMP" flaws?

2005-12-02 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:15 PM +1300 11/20/05, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Unless you're the one paying someone $200/hour for it.

Exactly. It prevents organizations who want security but cannot 
afford someone who understands it well from using IPsec. Optimally, 
someone should be able to say little more than "I want to do strong 
crypto and make a network with that guy over there; he will trust 
this ID and I will trust that ID; do it". That is not possible now. 
It is arguable that it isn't doable with SSL/TLS, either, but it's a 
heck of a lot closer there than in IPsec.

Somehow I suspect that this (making it so unworkable that you have to hand-
carry configuration data from A to B) wasn't the intention of the IKE
designers :-).

Correct. When the IETF was designing IKEv2 after seeing what 
real-world deployments of IKEv1 were causing, it was pointed out that 
this is not a "negotiation" but really "the responder always picks". 
Therefore, there was a suggestion that instead of having all this 
pre-arranged setup, we do "ask the responder what he wants", which is 
much simpler. We rejected that idea early on for (IMHO) bad reasons.

On the other hand, no other widely-deployed security protocol seems 
to have made this leap of understanding either.

  It's not just the keying data though, it's all configuration

Exactly. You can always tell a user "pick crypto suite A" and they 
can figure it out. Imagine telling them "figure out the network 
topology you want the other side to see, then figure out the network 
topology you expect to see, then write them down exactly".

One networking guy spent some time over dinner recently
describing how, when he has to set up an IPsec tunnel where the endpoints
aren't using completely identical hardware, he uses a hacked version of
OpenSWAN with extra diagnostics enabled to see what side A is sending in the
IKE handshake, then configures side B to match what A wants.

It is easier than that: just use Ethereal. It decodes the first four 
packets just fine.

Once that's
done, he calls A and has a password/key read out over the phone to set up for

How does he fit his sneakers over the phone? :-)

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: "ISAKMP" flaws?

2005-11-17 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 11:20 AM +0100 11/17/05, Florian Weimer wrote:

These bugs have been uncovered by a PROTOS-style test suite.  Such
test suites can only reveal missing checks for boundary conditions,
leading to out-of-bounds array accesses and things like that.  In
other words, trivial implementation errors which can be easily avoided
using proper programming tools.

Which "proper programming tools" would check for a logic path failure 
when a crafted packet includes Subpacket A that is only supposed to 
be there when Subpacket B is there, but the packet doesn't include 
Subpacket B? There are no programming tools that check for this, or 
for related issues: it has to be the implementer who has enough 
understanding of the protocol and enough time (and program space) to 
code against such issues.

Throw in PKIX certificates in certificate chains, and it gets much worse.

IKE is a very complicated protocol with many within-packet and 
within-stream dependencies. These cannot be resolved by "proper 
programming tools" unless those tools are specifically crafted for 
IKE. SSL/TLS probably suffers the same fate.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: "ISAKMP" flaws?

2005-11-15 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 2:29 PM -0500 11/15/05, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

I mostly agree with you, with one caveat: the complexity of a spec can
lead to buggier implementations.

Well, then we fully agree with each other. Look at the message 
formats used in the protocols they have attacked successfully so far.

Humorously, security folks seem to have ignored this when designing 
our protocols.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: "ISAKMP" flaws?

2005-11-15 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:14 AM -0500 11/15/05, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

Some articles have been appearing in various web sites about flaws in
IPSec key negotiation protocols, such as this one:

I haven't been following the IPSec mailing lists of late -- can anyone
who knows details explain what the issue is?

The advisory itself is at 
Note that the abstract is "Multiple Vulnerability Issues in 
Implementation of ISAKMP Protocol", with emphasis on "Implementation 
of". It appears that this is *not* a problem with ISAKMP or IKE, but 
instead only a problem with some implementations. A summary would be 
"when some IKEv1 implementations are sent certain malformed messages, 
they stop, reboot, or possibly do other bad things".

Given that they started this research with sending malformed SNMP 
packets to SNMP-aware systems (with similar results), it is safe to 
extrapolate the results to implementations of nearly any protocol to 
varying extents. It is likely that this applies to IKEv2 as well, but 
using differently-malformed packets. It is also likely that it 
applies to some SSL/TLS implementations, of course using very 
different malformed packets.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: PKI too confusing to prevent phishing, part 28

2005-09-27 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 9:39 PM +0200 9/26/05, Amir Herzberg wrote:

Is PKI the cause of this? I think not. This is a usability problem.

We try to fix this problem (and similar problems) with TrustBar. 
Indeed we even had incidents where people on the TrustBar team 
itself, and some security experts using TrustBar, thought there is 
a bug - why does TrustBar display `Bad Certificate` warning, when 
FireFox says the site is protected fine? But then we found out it 
was simply a self-signed site, or a site signed by a CA not in the 
list of the browser, or the most hard-for-users: a site with a 
certificate whose issuer is specified as Verisign (say), but with 
a wrong public key... this last one is really tricky; even expert 
users get confused in identifying this, even when using the 
certificate details dialogs (I checked for FireFox and IE).

To me, the first paragraph contradicts the second paragraph. 
Actually, the third sentence of the first paragraph contradicts the 
first two sentences of that paragraph.

I didn't understand this. Please clarify.

If it is an inherent usability problem (users not understanding why 
there are trust anchors they have never heard of in their browser, 
users not understanding what a hierarchy is, users not understanding 
revocation, users not understanding the difference between a 
hierarchy and self-signed certs, and so on), then PKI is the cause of 
the problem.

Looking at decades of experience with PC software, it seems 
unlikely that TrustBar or anything like it will be deployed and 
understood by typical users. It is fine to help increase the 
security for a small (possibly tiny) audience, but please do not 
conflate that with making the whole market more noticeably secure.
Please justify this assertion. Do you think this is the case simply 
since users will not install it (being an extension)?

Correct, although for more reasons than just because it is an 
extension. Mostly, they will be suspicious of it unless it comes from 
the browser maker, and in fact because it comes from someone they 
have never heard of. Why should they trust their security to anyone 
other than Microsoft?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
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Re: PKI too confusing to prevent phishing, part 28

2005-09-26 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 8:53 AM +0200 9/26/05, Amir Herzberg wrote:

Is PKI the cause of this? I think not. This is a usability problem.

We try to fix this problem (and similar problems) with TrustBar. 
Indeed we even had incidents where people on the TrustBar team 
itself, and some security experts using TrustBar, thought there is a 
bug - why does TrustBar display `Bad Certificate` warning, when 
FireFox says the site is protected fine? But then we found out it 
was simply a self-signed site, or a site signed by a CA not in the 
list of the browser, or the most hard-for-users: a site with a 
certificate whose issuer is specified as Verisign (say), but with a 
wrong public key... this last one is really tricky; even expert 
users get confused in identifying this, even when using the 
certificate details dialogs (I checked for FireFox and IE).

To me, the first paragraph contradicts the second paragraph. 
Actually, the third sentence of the first paragraph contradicts the 
first two sentences of that paragraph.

A technology that cannot be made usable, but is widely used anyway, 
is the cause of its own problems.

There are many problems with PKI, and certainly with its 
implementation in browsers. But secure usability problems are worse. 
I think our community should try to be constructive. I definitely 
try myself, hence TrustBar. Please help me: try it and give me 
feedback, if you are a good programmer, lend a hand improving it; or 
find other ideas and implement them.

Looking at decades of experience with PC software, it seems unlikely 
that TrustBar or anything like it will be deployed and understood by 
typical users. It is fine to help increase the security for a small 
(possibly tiny) audience, but please do not conflate that with making 
the whole market more noticeably secure.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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PKI too confusing to prevent phishing, part 28

2005-09-25 Thread Paul Hoffman


Summary: some phishes are going to SSL-secured sites that offer up 
their own self-signed cert. Users see the warning and say "I've seen 
that dialog box before, no problem", and accept the cert. From that 
point on, the all-important lock is showing so they feel safe.

Although the company reporting this, SurfControl, is known for 
alarmism, this is a completely predictable situation. If users can 
hold one bit and the bit is "look for the lock", then phishers will 
do anything to get the lock up there.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: ECC patents?

2005-09-14 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 12:18 PM +0300 9/14/05, Alexander Klimov wrote:

This hints that indeed only some particular curves are patented.

It's not just curves. Certicom has patents for some optimizations and 
methods for validating the strength of some uses of ECC.

Grepping -list_curves of the new openssl (0.9.8) which has a list of
curves from SECG, WTLS, NIST, and X9.62 gives not that much:

  secp256k1 : SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field
  secp384r1 : NIST/SECG curve over a 384 bit prime field
  secp521r1 : NIST/SECG curve over a 521 bit prime field
  prime256v1: X9.62/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field

Alternatively, this coverage can be interpreted that NSA is not
interested in curves which provide less security than 128-bit AES.

Any idea, which alternative is true?

Both are probably true. Why would anybody be interested in curves 
that do not support their minimum strength ciphers?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: ECC patents?

2005-09-13 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 9:32 AM -0700 9/12/05, James A. Donald wrote:

It has been a long time, and no one has paid out
money on an ECC patent yet.

That's pretty bold statement that folks at Certicom might disagree 
with, even before 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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