2003-02-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


Congratulations President Bush! You accomplished in a mere two years what Khruschev or Brezhnev couldn’t during the entire cold war. Driving a wedge in the alliance may seem dangerous to most observers, but for once, you did the right thing. The stated mission of NATO has long passed into history, and its demise and dissolution is one of the few bright spots in the continuing war against the NWO. Contrary to the whining of the familiar fifth column suspects - Richard Perle, Frank Gaffney and David Horowitz - real Americas are not served by jingoism.


When France, Germany and Belgium vetoed a U.S. request to provide military assistance to Turkey, NATO received a diagnosis that the patient has recovered its lucidity and has directed their release from the asylum. Perle’s egotism knows no limits. When he states that : "France is no longer the ally it once was . . . I have long thought that there were forces in France intent on reducing the American role in the world”, you hear the quintessential proponent of the “Hyperpower” vision for the United States. The superpower status of military projection has not brought the promised Pax Americana. Now we have an open break that clearly states that not everyone endorses that specter of global governance.

Recent expansion of NATO to add several Eastern European countries has more to do with calling the red, white and blue welcome wagon of foreign aid, than real security. It should be evident that EU countries are not willing to extend a neocolonialism of occupation, much less to accept it, any longer on their own soil. Its time to bring the troops back home, the Berlin wall came down, and Germans don’t need to be hosting an occupying army. Or does the subtle objective of the War Party, seek to prevent the reassertion of any nationalism or union on the continent that could challenge the imperial forces of the beneficent U.S. empire?

Apprehension that remnants of the East German Stasi secret police, will resurrect fears of the past, ignores the strong non intervention attitude that has steadily grown since the end of WWII. The brutal lessons of total destruction have been internalized by most Europeans, while many Americans float through a cloud of self denial that they are immune to the repercussions of their pompous foreign interventionism.

NATO is the invention of the United States and the British. The European Union countries fully appreciate the risks of accepting a dollar dominated economy and a Bush-Blair-Sharon foreign policy. The prevailing memory of Western Europe recalls the history on the Middle East and the reasons why that eternal conflict persists. Turkey’s response, invoking NATO's Article IV, which says "parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the parties is threatened", will not preserve an alliance that is on life support. Pulling the plug will not harm the patient, but may well restore its health.

Internationalists are warmongers, and alliances foster belligerency. Any similarity in the ostensive failed assassination attempt on George H Bush with the successful slaying of Archduke Franz Ferdinand? Protective alliances triggered mobilization that lead to the great carnage known as WW I. And who can forget the justification to reign in a non repentant Germany was that treaty with Poland? Just ask a Pole how well they did under the victors of WW II . . .

Before the first gun has fired - the war to expand greater Israel - this psychotic policy has produced causalities. Note the fall out that comes when fighting in the desert: “German diplomats are well aware that an American plan for a robust UN inspection system was floated last year and dropped, having drawn little international enthusiasm. A European reworking of that plan, drawn up without the consultation of the United States, would be seen only as an affront by Washington.” 

President Vladimir Putin, who arrived in Paris on Monday after weekend talks in Berlin with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, said Russia believes the crisis must be resolved diplomatically.

"We are against the war," Putin said. "At the moment, that's the view I have." 

The prospect of Russia nabbing victory using detente when the Soviets lost the cold war bodes the formation of a New Europasiation.  While trade and fair commerce between nations is usually beneficial, the prospects of swapping one distant chum for a former inimical neighbor, can have its own risks. From the report, New  Partnerships after the Cold War Era by Elif Hatun Kilicbeyli: “With the concept of the regional cooperation, the importance of the counter dependency, the contribution to the economic integration and the integration to world economy are 

[CTRL] NATO bombing in Yugoslavia

2002-12-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

URL: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/dec2002/yugo-d10.shtml
World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : The Balkans

Long-term environmental damage due to NATO bombing in Yugoslavia

By Tony Robson
10 December 2002

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The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 breached international humanitarian law and
caused long-term environmental damage, a report by the American based research group,
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER), has found.

The IEER carried out a case study of two industrial facilities targeted by NATO in 
Allied Force. The Pancevo industrial complex, consisting of a petrochemical and 
plant as well as an oil refinery, is situated 20 kilometres (12 miles) from Belgrade. 
Zastava car plant in Kragujevac is 100 kilometres (60 miles) south of Belgrade.

The Pancevo plant stands at the confluence of the River Tamis and the Danube while
Zastava is located on the Lepenica River, a tributary of the Velika Morava, which in 
meets the Danube 60 kilometres downstream. After the bombings, toxic chemicals gushed
into the waters of Europe’s second largest river. Civilians living near the plants 
vulnerable to major health risks from contamination of the atmosphere, food produced
locally and the water supply.

The authors caution, “As modern warfare becomes more technologically sophisticated and
targeting more precise, it is essential not to succumb to the idea that the damage on 
ground is also precise and limited. It may be in some cases, but precise bombing does 
always yield precise or limited damage. As this study indicates, the health and
environmental consequences of precision bombing can affect unborn generations far into
the future, even when the bombs are entirely successfully in finding their targets.”

The IEER chose the two facilities as case studies because NATO had carefully selected 
as targets. Pancevo and Kragujevac are two of four areas designated as environmental
“hotspots” by the international body charged with overseeing the post-war cleanup
operation, the United Nations Environmental Program Balkan Task Force (UNEP/BTF.) The
report’s pollution estimates are based largely upon surveys conducted by the UNEP/BTF 
the immediate aftermath of Operation Allied Force. The majority of the pollutants 
dealt with
in the report can be found in the Top Twenty Hazardous Substances listed by the Agency
for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).


Three people were killed directly by NATO bombing of the industrial complex when it was
hit repeatedly during April 1999. The NIS Oil Refinery was the most heavily targeted 
was bombed as late as June.

The report concentrates on the major contamination by mercury and 1,2-dichlorethane.
Eight metric tonnes and 2,100 metric tonnes were released of the toxic chemicals
respectively. The former is known to cause brain and digestive disorders and lead to 
defects, while the latter is classified as a probable human carcinogen and can attack 
nervous system. Both are known to percolate rapidly into the groundwater when released
into the soil, threatening the water supply. Until now only the mercury spill has 
immediate attention, as this is highly volatile and the vapours pose an immediate 
While large amounts of the contaminated soil have been removed, there is still a 
amount that has entered the groundwater.

The report warns about the lack of action to clear up the 1,2-dichlorethane spill. 
percent was released into the ground with the remainder in the plant’s waste channel. 
report explains, “The fact that the area of contamination has not really spread 1,2-
dichlorethane on the surface indicates that any movement from a surface spill would be
downward toward the [local] aquifer. As described earlier, once contamination has 
the aquifer, it spreads horizontally in the direction of the groundwater flow” ( 
Bombing, Widespread Harm by Sriram Gopal and Nicole Deller, Institute for Energy and
Environmental Research, page.38).

The US Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation for the concentration of 1,2-
dichlorethane in drinking water is set at five micrograms per litre. The 
concentrations found
in the groundwater around Pancevo exceeded that by several thousand times in some
instances. This constitutes the main long-term threat in the area as the chemical has 
a half-
life of 30 years.

Additional sources of toxic pollutants in the area are those released by fires caused 
NATO bombing. At the petrochemical plant, 460 metric tonnes of vinyl chloride were
incinerated whilst 62,000 metric tonnes of oil and oil related products were burnt at 
the oil
refinery. The result was a release of hydrochloric acid fumes and nitrogen and sulphur
compounds, which cause respiratory problems. The report 

[CTRL] NATO Summit 2002: President Bush Hails Passage

2002-11-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, and hello from historic, dank, bubonic Prague. Today, 
United States Congress has taken an important and bold step towards establishing an
Orwellian Utopia by passing legislation to create the Department of Homeland Security.
News of this landmark vote, which marks the Republican party's wholehearted embrace of
GIGANTIC Government, has been the one bright spot during my otherwise cabbage-scented
purgatory here in the Arkansas of Europe.

But before anyone starts passing out cigars and federal special interest checks, let 
me give
you an update on the NATO summit. It's been a hectic trip, but Air Force One is stocked
with bologna and non-alcoholic brewskies - and we've got the Die Hard trilogy looping 
on all
the TVs. And while it tees me off that I had to haul ass back to this stank-ass 
continent to
fraternize with leaders from Stalin-humping armpits like Baklava, Laverneandshirlia, 
and the
country where Roman lettuce is growed, I bit my lip, stood up in front of the NATO
assembly, and read every last word that scrolled across that teleprompter.

I must say that Rummy's been enjoying himself though. I can tell because his normally
ashen and sallow cheeks are flush with the promise of wholesale bloodshed. He loves
wearing a tux, bragging about our $300 billion defense budget, and sneaking up behind
inbred diplomats and giving them wedgies so wicked that paté shoots out their noses!

In short, we are gracious and humble guests. Makes you wonder why so many of these
Euro- pansies are scared of the good ol' Nazi-whooping, Soviet-smacking, snail-eater-
liberating US of A. I don't know what poet said it, but Europe is the type of guy who 
fuck another guy in the ass and not have the common decency to give him a reach-around.
I mean, these folks could really learn a thing or two from my Skull  Bones brothers.

But let's get back to the good news on Homeland Security. Thanks to the passage of this
stunning piece of bureaucratic largesse, The GOP will forever be able to claim that it 
our happy cash- inheriting few, our merry band of royal brothers, who saved America 
terrorism. Indeed - history will show that the Democrats were forever willing to sell 
proud nation down the tubes to a crazed pack of religious fundamentalist Islamoids.

And so today, I want to assure the American people that the passage of the Homeland
Security Bill is only the beginning. Soon, it will be enacted, and thereby not only 
fill the
coffers of my campaign contributors in the Aerospace Defense industry, but also 
change the letterhead of agencies like the Coast Card, INS, and Secret Service to
Department of Homeland Security.

As for whether or not it will actually work, I have Dick, General Ridge, and Condi 
thinking up
some way to spin the numbers so it looks effectual. That's their job. I delegated it 
to them.

Dubya out.




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[CTRL] Nato used the same old trick when it made Milosevic an offer he could only refuse

2002-10-05 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Robert Fisk: Nato used the same old trick
when it made Milosevic an offer he could only refuse

04 October 2002

Iraq links

Britain and US block return of inspectors as UN split deepens

Security Council split on rules for UN arms inspectors

Robert Fisk: Nato used the same old trick when it made Milosevic an
offer he could only refuse

Rifkind attacks 'uncritical' Duncan Smith
It's the same old trap. Nato used exactly the same trick to ensure that
it could have a war with Slobodan Milosevic. Now the Americans are
demanding the same of Saddam Hussein - buried well down in their list of
demands, of course. Tell your enemy that you're going to need his roads
and airspace - with your troops on the highways - and you destroy his
sovereignty. That's what Nato demanded of Serbia in 1999. That's what
the new UN resolution touted by Messrs Bush and Blair demands of Saddam
Hussein. It's a declaration of war.

It worked in 1999. The Serbs accepted most of Nato's Interim Agreement
for Peace and Self-government in Kosovo, but not Appendix 8, which
insisted that Nato personnel shall enjoy ... free and unimpeded passage
and unimpeded access throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

It was a demand that Mr Milosevic could never accept. US troops driving
through Serbia would have meant, in these circumstances, the end of
Yugoslav sovereignty.

But now we have the draft UN resolution which Presidents Bush and Blair
insist the UN must pass. Arms inspection teams, it says, shall have the
right to declare for the purposes of this resolution ... ground and
air-transit corridors which shall be enforced by UN security forces or
by members of the UN [Security] Council.

In other words, Washington can order forces of the US (a Security
Council member) to enforce these corridors through Iraq - on the
ground - when it wants. US troops would thus be in Iraq. It would be
invasion without war; the end of Saddam, regime change, the whole

No Iraqi government - even a Baghdad administration without the odious
Saddam - could ever accept such a demand. Nor could Serbia have accepted
such a demand from Nato, even without the odious Slobodan. Which is why
the Serbs and Nato went to war.

So here it is again, the same old we've-got-be-able-to-drive
through-your-land mentality which forced the Serbs into war and which
is clearly intended to produce the same from Saddam.

America wants a war and here's the proof: if the United States truly
wished to avoid war, it could demand unfettered access for inspectors
without this sovereignty-busting paragraph, using it as a second
resolution only if the presidential palaces of the Emperor Saddam
remained off-limits.

Saddam can open his country to the inspectors; he can open even his
presidential palaces. But if he doesn't accept the use of Security
Council forces - in other words, US troops - on Iraqi roads, we can go
to war. There's also that other paragraph: that any permanent member of
the Security Council may request to be represented on any inspection
team. In other words, the Americans can demand that their intelligence
men can return to become UN inspectors, to pass on their information to
the Israelis (which they did before) and to the US military, which used
them as forward air controllers for their aircraft once the inspectors
were withdrawn.

All in all, then, a deal which President Saddam - yes, Saddam the
wicked, Saddam the torturer, Saddam the lover of gas warfare - could
never, ever accept.

He's not meant to accept this. Which is why the Anglo-American draft for
the UN is intended to give us war, rather than peace and security from
weapons of mass destruction.

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[CTRL] NATO Soldiers from Europe to Sue USA

2002-10-05 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


NATO Soldiers from Europe to Sue USA

NATO soldiers from Europe suffering from cancer are going to open a court
case next week against US firms, which did not warn them that the equipment
they were handling was dangerously radioactive.

This case is not about Depleted Uranium, but radar systems, fabricated by
Raytheon Company, General Electric Corporation, ITT-Gilfillan Inc, and
Lucent Technologies. Lawyers Reiner Geulen and Remo Klinger, representing
450 soldiers who were exposed to radiation between 1958 and 1994 when
handling this equipment, are to present their case on Tuesday.

The case is based around the fact that the soldiers were not warned that the
radar tubes were not adequately protected against radiation.

The victims are seeking an elevated sum in financial compensation.




New evidence from the Royal Society links Depleted Uranium (DU) to lung
cancer after repeated denials by NATO.

After the discovery of cases of cancer in numerous soldiers and civilians
who had been involved in areas in which DU weapons had been deployed by NATO
aircraft (Persian Gulf, Bosnia and Kosovo), NATO has always refuted
allegations that there is any connection. The London Royal Society reveals
new evidence.

The Royal Society’s team of experts states that it is not scientifically
proved that DU is inoffensive to the health and advises all soldiers who
fought in the Gulf and Balkans Wars to give blood and urine samples for

The Royal Society’s report pointed out that although in general very low
levels, if any, of DU were found in the majority of tests performed, it was
also true that a reduced number of soldiers or civilians who had been in or
near a tank during or immediately after an attack with such weapons faced an
increased risk of developing lung cancer.

Professor Brian Spratt, of Imperial College, London, was one of the members
who drew up the report. He stated that the survivors of a bombing raid in
which DU weapons had been used, or those who went to help them, could have
been exposed to high levels of radioactivity, which could duplicate the
probability of developing cancer.

This type of exposure is called “Level 1 exposure”. Statistical studies have
shown that per 1,000 people exposed to maximum Level 1 exposure, 123 would
be expected to die from various forms of cancer.

It is lamentable that NATO should continue to deny the existence of any link
between DU and illnesses such as Gulf War Syndrome and Balkans Syndrome. The
fact is that there is a direct link between DU and cancer and Pravda.Ru was
one of the first newspapers to make this claim.

That soldiers should be exposed to extra dangers on the battlefield is to be
regretted, that civilian areas should be subjected to toxic materials is
criminal and constitutes a war crime and a crime against humanity according
to the Geneva Convention.

For this reason, those responsible for the deployment of DU weapons in areas
where civilians were likely to go in the Persian Gulf and in the Balkans
should be tried in their own court, in The Hague, for War Crimes and Crimes
against Humanity.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Nato and Russia establish new partnership (One-world army getting closer)

2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767

Nato and Russia establish new partnership
By Judy Dempsey in Reykjavik
Published: May 14 2002 15:44 | Last Updated: May 15 2002 08:53

 Nato and Russia agreed to establish a new partnership on Tuesday, ending decades of mistrust between the former cold war enemies. 

The agreement gives Russia a bigger voice in Nato discussions on a range of topics, including terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. Russian diplomats will now have a place in the western alliance's Brussels headquarters. 

Lord Robertson, Nato secretary-general, described the deal to create a new Nato-Russia Council as "historic". 

Sergei Ivanov, Russian defence minister, on Tuesday night said the NRC "is a mechanism for equal co-operation among 20 nations, acting in their national capacities". 

Joschka Fischer, German foreign minister, said it was "an historic chance for the beginning of a real inclusion of Russia into the transatlantic relationship". 

"This is the funeral of the cold war. It marks a profound, historical change," said Jack Straw, UK foreign secretary. 

But Colin Powell, US secretary of state, was more muted in his assessment. "We believe it will lay a foundation for co-operation with Russia while fully respecting that Nato can act independently," he said. 

The agreement comes a day after Washington and Moscow agreed to cut the number of nuclear warheads on both sides by two-thirds over the next decade. That drew praise from Nato foreign ministers meeting in Reykjavik. 

Under the new agreement the Russian delegation will have it own offices in Nato "with a name on the door", said one UK diplomat. 

The NRC is an idea suggested by Tony Blair, British prime minister, last November. 

A deal was clinched after squabbling over whether to retain the current Nato-Russian permanent joint council. The Russians hope the PJC - which will be "dormant" - will serve as a reminder of the extent to which Tuesday's agreement enhances Moscow's role. 

Vladimir Putin, Russian president, and Nato heads of state will crown the relationship at a summit in two weeks. 

But US and European diplomats say the NRC will only work if Nato can give Mr Putin some tangible benefits. A Nato official said: "Putin has to get his own defence ministry, still suspicious of Nato, to recognise such co-operation with Nato would not be seen as a threat." 


2002-02-27 Thread Joshua Tinnin

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by Rick Rozoff
[27 February 2002]

The BBC story, posted below, refers to Tajikistan as the last former Soviet
Republic to join NATO's Orwellian-named Partnership for Peace (PfP)
military bloc. Presumably the BBC means it is the fourteenth former Soviet
Republic to do so, as Russia is not a member.

A revealing oversight, and one that indicates the true purpose of the
Partnership: To entangle all the non-Russian former republics in a U.S.-NATO
dominated military command structure, one which will dictate not only the
foreign policies but internal political and economic affairs in all of the
affected countries.

Though not mentioned in this report, the first effect of Tajikistan joining
the PfP will be that it participates in the US and NATO's war in Afghanistan
and beyond. With nineteen current full members of NATO and thirty PfP
candidate members, there are now almost fifty national units in the
constantly expanding bloc, most nowhere near the Atlantic Ocean whose name
was appropriated to disguise the real mission of NATO.

To understand how Russians and others must feel about this open-ended
aggressive aggrandizement in a world where this isn't even a pretense of a
rival military alliance, imagine that in the 1980s every member of NATO in
Norh America and Western Europe, except the United States, had joined the
Warsaw Pact, participated in a Russian war against Guatemala and built
military bases in every nation in the Western Hemisphere...except the United
--Rick Rozoff


BBC World Service - Wednesday, 20 February, 2002, 14:49 GMT

Tajikistan joins Nato peace

Tajikistan has become the last former Soviet republic to join Nato's
partnership for peace programme.

The Nato secretary-general, Lord Robertson, praised what he said had been
Tajikistan's prominent role in the recent war against terrorism - it was a
key component in efforts to bring stability to the region, he said.

The Tajik ambassador to Brussels, Sharif Rahimov, who signed the partnership
agreement for his country, said joining the programme - which gives members
regular political contact with Nato and military co-operation - would help
Tajikistan modernise its armed forces.

Correspondents say Tajikistan - which becomes the 30th member of Partnership
for Peace - has blamed the delay on joining on the country's five-year civil

From the newsroom of the BBC World Service
(C) BBC 2002 * Reprinted for Fair Use Only


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Further Reading on US/NATO Encirclement of Russia

* Why Does Washington Want Afghanistan?
by Jared Israel, Rick Rozoff  Nico Varkevisser
What are the real objectives?
* En Français
* Deutsch

* What's the Target of the U.S. Move into Central Asia?
Two news reports look at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) which
includes Russia, China and the Central Asian former Soviet Republics.

* Afghan Operation Leaves Russia 'Encircled' by US-NATO
by Sergey Ptichkin and Aleksey Chichkin

* 'Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and Trying to Force Milosevic to
Surrender?' by Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser. Can be read at

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Emperor's Clothes has only one source of income - your donations. We want
everyone to read our articles, whether they can afford to contribute money
or not. But if you can contribute, please do; we urgently need the help. We
are considerably behind on all our bills - rent, utilities, long distance
and overseas telephone and Internet costs.

Since September 11 our readership has increased more than 600%. We now
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[CTRL] NATO, Russia to forge new relationship

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

NATO, Russia to forge new relationship

By Jeffrey Ulbrich
Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium — NATO and Russia agreed Friday to forge what Russian
Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov called “a profound change” in their relations,
creating a new council to work out joint action on issues ranging from civil
emergencies to missile defense.
NATO officials insisted that the alliance will not be hampered by the new
cooperation, and that if a decision cannot be reached with Russia, NATO’s
ruling council will make the decision without it.

“There is no issue more important to the security and stability of the
Euro-Atlantic area than the further development of a confident and
cooperative relationship between us,” NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson
told Ivanov.

The 19-nation alliance wants to take advantage of Moscow’s cooperation in the
fight against terrorism to pursue “opportunities for joint action at 20,”
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said.

Besides the struggle against terrorism, Russia and NATO suggested they could
work together in such areas as crisis management, nonproliferation, arms
control, theater missile defense, search and rescue at sea,
military-to-military cooperation and civil emergencies.

Ivanov said Russia is not interested in joining the alliance.

“Russia has no interest in queuing up for membership,” he said. But he said
Moscow did want to work closely with NATO. “The Russian side has the
political will to do it.”

On Thursday, the ministers told their ambassadors at NATO headquarters to
start working out details of a new arrangement for regular discussions with
the Russians, and ways to include them in decision-making while retaining
NATO’s ability to act on its own.

“The precise nature and scope of this mechanism will require substantial work
over the coming months,” Robertson said, but the plan is to have it in place
by the next meeting of allied foreign ministers in May in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, on a visit to Greece, said the new council
should not be rushed into existence but built “in the atmosphere of trust and
goodwill which has been created with our partners and the members of the

“Russia isn’t desperately knocking on the door of NATO. It isn’t setting at
all cost the demand to become a full member of NATO,” Putin said. “At the
same time, it is plainly obvious today that a series of issues may be
resolved much more positively, in respect to security primarily, with the
direct participation of Russia.”

Since 1997, meetings have been held under something called the NATO-Russia
Permanent Joint Council, a forum originally created to ease Moscow’s fears
about NATO enlargement. But both sides say the council has never been
satisfactory and more often than not the alliance uses it to inform Russia of
positions it already has taken.

Robertson said that Russia will not be able to veto NATO decisions on the new

“We are not abandoning our principles or prerogatives,” Robertson said on
the second day of NATO’s foreign ministers’ meeting. “This is about working
together more effectively when it is in all our interests to do so.”

Asked how Russia would benefit from this new arrangement, given that NATO
could still take decisions on its own whether Moscow liked it or not,
Robertson said “the answer is more in chemistry than in arithmetic.”

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[CTRL] NATO on Harry Potter

2001-11-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Top Of The News
Harry Potter Is A Fraud
Dan Ackman,

   9:20 AM ET
No one should deny that J.K. Rowling's stories are full of magic or
that Harry Potter is, in fact, a wizard.  But Potter, or his
spokesmen, are putting one over on us muggles (the novel's slang
for non-wizards) with all this talk of Potter's movie setting box-office
records this weekend.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone did set a record in the most

A scene from the box-office smash.

sense.  In three days, theaters showing it sold $93.5 million in
tickets, according to studio estimates.  This total narrowly
surpassed the old three-day record of $72.1 million set in 1997 by
The Lost World: Jurassic Park.
In 1961, when Roger Maris broke Babe Ruth's single-season home-
run record, Major League Baseball's record-keepers put an asterisk
by Maris' name because he hit his 61 home runs in a 162-game
season. The Babe hit his 60 in 154 games.  By the same token,
there should be an asterisk or two next to Harry Potter.
This is not to blame Potter or Rowling, his creator, but the constant
setting of box-office records is a function of changes in the movie
business and is not owed to merit or even the popularity of the
The movie opened in 3,672 theaters and on 8,200 screens--about
one out of every four screens in America; most Potter theaters
played the movie on more than one screen. By contrast, 1999's
Star Wars: Episode 1--The Phantom Menace played on about
5,000 screens in its opening weekend, when it took in $65 million.

Prices have been rising steadily, too.  In 1997, when the old three-
day record was set, the average movie theater ticket price was
$4.59, according to the National Association of Theater Owners.
By 2000, the price had risen 17% to $5.39.  (If you're thinking it's
been a long time since you bought a movie ticket for under $6,
you're not alone.  N.A.T.O. admits that the ordinary ticket price in
every large city is at least $8.50, but it says the average price is
driven down by matinees and by child and senior discounts).
With more theaters showing movies and at higher prices it's no
wonder that new weekend box-office records are set so often.  In
fact, the top 11 opening weekends of all time all occurred in the
last two years, according to Boxofficeguru.com.  Most of these
record-setters faded fast, and many were hardly blockbusters by
the time their final credits rolled.  After The Lost World, the names
on the list are Pearl Harbor,  Mission Impossible II, Planet of the
Apes, and The Mummy Returns.  They were able to outrun bad
word-of-mouth, at least for a week or two.
This is how massive conglomerates like AOL Time Warner (nyse: AOL - news - people), 
Vivendi Universal (nyse: V - news - people), Sony (nyse: SNE - news - people) and News 
Corp. (nyse: NWS - news - people) release movies.
 Tons of screens at the opening, set a record, advertise their success--the number 
one movie in America!--and hope that everyone interested sees it before word-of-mouth 
spreads.  Most of the record-setters and certain
ly seven of the top ten were forgotten within weeks of their initial release.
As crazy as it sounds, this front-loading has some economic rationale.  In the first 
week of a movie's release, the studios take 70% of box-office receipts.  The studio's 
percentage is generally reduced to about 30% in su
cceeding weeks.  So a box-office dollar today is worth far more
than a box office dollar three weeks from now to the film's
The theater owners meanwhile have to make most of their money
selling candy and popcorn.  For this reason, and because the
owners have built so many new screens over the past decade,
most of the nation's theater chains are bankrupt or close to it.  This
weekend, Potter took in 50% more than the next ten movies
The ironic part is that Harry Potter doesn't need the help.  The
young wizard himself is the greatest British hero since James
Bond.  Rowling is a worthy successor to Ian Fleming, who,
incidentally was a pretty fair children's book writer, too, having
penned Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.   The books are so popular that
the movie would have been wildly anticipated, no matter how it was
Harry Potter is such a skilled wizard, he might be allowed to work
his own magic.  He could hit his home runs even without a juiced
ball or a corked bat.

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[CTRL] NATO Buildup In Balkans:Part Of A Deadly Game

2001-09-26 Thread William Shannon

NATO Buildup in the Balkans: Part of a Deadly Game
[posted 26 September 2001]
In a London 'Times' article, entitled 'U.S. to Build Buffer Zone in the Balkans,' U.S. Ambassador to England William Farish expresses great concern for the stability of the Balkans.

Take this with a generous dose of salt.

Ambassador Farish says the Balkans needs a NATO troop build-up to make it "a potential buffer against terror threats from the east."

The problem is, the Balkans is itself rife with terrorism.

There are presently tens of thousands of NATO troops in the Balkans. Are they working to stamp out this widespread terrorism?

If this were the case it would be a nice little picture: NATO (directed by Washington) fights terror in the Balkans, in Afghanistan, everywhere. Nice; just not true.

According to the 'Times,' one of the places where NATO would increase its troop strength is Macedonia, a country which has been attacked by the world's worst terrorists, the Kosovo Liberation Army or KLA.

The KLA, based in the neighboring Serbian province of Kosovo, works under various names. In Macedonia it calls itself the NLA. In Kosovo it uses the cover of the United Nations-sponsored Kosovo Protection Corps, or KPC. A UN document, prepared for Secretary General Kofi Annan, accuses the KPC of 'murder, torture and extortion.' Aside from driving 350,000 Serbs, 'Gypsies,' Jews, Turks and Slavic Muslims from Kosovo and making life hell for those who remained:

"The KPC has been running protection rackets across Kosovo - in Pristina, Suva Reka, Dragash, Istok and Prizren - demanding 'contributions' from shopkeepers, businessmen and contractors. In Suva Reka, KPC members are alleged to have forced petrol stations to accept coupons rather than money for fuel.

 "In Vucitrn, the KPC reportedly demanded protection money from members of an 
ethnic minority, the Ashkali, originally from India. One family member had previously been kidnapped and the family had been bombed.

 "The KPC has a nice line in death threats, says the UN. Two members threatened to 
kill K-For interpreters after being arrested by Nato troops in Kosovo. Following the arrests, 20 KPC men mobbed the police station and demanded their release. They were freed the next day.
"The KPC may be running prostitution rackets, says the UN." [And so on, and on...]
(From the 'London Observer,' 12 March 2000. To read more, see 'How will you plead at your trial, Mr. Annan,' at http://emperors-clothes.com/news/howwill.htm

The KLA (or KPC or NLA) appears to be just the kind of terrorist outfit that has finally driven Washington to stand up and take action against Evil. Right?


"AMERICAN intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo Liberation Army before Nato's bombing of Yugoslavia. The disclosure angered some European diplomats, who said this had undermined moves for a political solution to the conflict between Serbs and Albanians. Central Intelligence Agency officers were cease-fire monitors in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999, developing ties with the KLA and giving American military training manuals and field advice on fighting the Yugoslav army and Serbian police." ('Sunday Times,' 12 March 2000, for which see 'The Cat Is Out of the Bag' at http://emperors-clothes.com/news/ciaaided.htm )

Did the U.S./NATO stop sponsoring the KLA when NATO occupied Kosovo in the summer of 1999? No, admits the BBC. As recently as the winter of 2001:

"Western special forces were still training the guerrillas, as a result of decisions taken before the change of government in Yugoslavia " (From BBC, 29 January, 2001, See 'Diplomats Admit NATO Backs KLA Invasion of Inner Serbia' at http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/admi.htm .)

The NATO command has worked closely with the KLA in the day to day running of Kosovo. It is no exaggeration to say that without NATO, the KLA could not have terrorized the non-Albanian population of Kosovo. (1)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
What's Wrong With Those
Darn Macedonian Hard-Liners?
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
If NATO were sincere about fighting terror, one would expect terrorists in the Balkans to oppose a NATO buildup. One would expect the local anti-terrorists to support it. Isn't that correct?

Yet according to the 'Times:'

"Nato planners are hoping many of the troops involved can stay on until a follow-up mission is agreed with the Macedonian government. [But] Hardline members of the government in Skopje want Nato out of the country." ('Times,' posted below)

Why do those Macedonian government "hard-liners" oppose NATO? Because NATO has been trying to force them to surrender to the NLA (that is, KLA) terrorists. More horrifying, NATO operatives have served as the terrorists' military advisers - that is, as their officer corps:

"A delicate task was posed for the American peace 

[CTRL] NATO Mission a Boost for Berlin

2001-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

NATO Mission a Boost for Berlin
31 August 2001


Germany has taken a backseat in the NATO-led disarmament mission to
Macedonia. Berlin will be able to use to its advantage the mission's likely
failure by securing greater influence in the Balkans and strengthening its
position at the center of a united Europe.


British and French troops began deploying to Macedonia Aug. 23, within hours
of NATO's decision to proceed with a mission to disarm ethnic Albanian
rebels. Germany's participation in the mission, dubbed Operation Essential
Harvest, was uncertain until the German Bundestag approved a 500 troop
deployment Aug. 29.

Military and political shortcomings have kept Germany from taking a
leadership role in the European-led action in Macedonia, apparently
undercutting Berlin's power within NATO. The probable failure of the
operation, however, could allow Germany to both solidify its influence in the
Balkans and challenge British and French authority on European security

By suppressing British and French ambitions and strengthening its influence
in Europe's unstable backyard, Germany will more firmly establish itself as
the core of a united and eventually peaceful Europe. From there, Berlin could
wield more power both within Europe and globally.

A German-led European defense force may be less likely to intervene
internationally than one led by Britain or France because of Germany's
history and cultural reticence to use force. This could put more pressure on
the United States to continue to act as a global policeman.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] NATO to Collect 3,300 Rebel Weapons

2001-08-26 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

So NATO collects these weapons and plans to leave within thirty
days.  What is to stop those who surrender their weapons from being
slaughtered the instant NATO leaves?

NATO to Collect 3,300 Rebel Weapons

By Danica Kirka
Associated Press Writer
Sunday, August 26, 2001; 7:08 PM

SKOPJE, Macedonia -- NATO revealed Sunday that it plans to collect
3,300 weapons from ethnic Albanian militants in a delicate
operation it described as being Macedonia's only alternative to

By revealing the figures, NATO sets boundaries for its mission in
Macedonia. Called Operation Essential Harvest, it envisions NATO
troops setting up collection sites to take weapons as rebels turn
them in. NATO has said it plans to complete the process in 30 days
and leave.

But the number of weapons NATO decided on could become an obstacle
to carrying out the plan.

Macedonian government officials, who say the rebels have thousands
more weapons than they have admitted to, said later Sunday that
they had not agreed to accept NATO's figures.

Prime Minister Ljubco Georgievski, a consistent opponent of the
weapons collection plan, described NATO's estimates of rebel arms
as humiliating.

The dispute opened the possibility that the weapons collection
process won't start as planned Monday. By early Sunday evening,
political leaders had failed to order their forces to pull back
from areas surrounding drop-off sites - a key requirement for NATO
to start weapons collections.

Our regrouping will be simultaneous with the arrival and
deployment of NATO troops, said Marjan Gjurovski, the Macedonian
defense spokesman.

NATO's announcement came hours after a deadly explosion ripped
through a motel, killing two people and further complicating the
alliance's efforts to build confidence between the rebels and the
government ahead of its mission.

The Macedonian-owned motel was in Celopek, a village six miles
south of the predominantly Albanian city of Tetovo.

Georgievski called the attack barbaric.

I have suggested that Macedonia must legitimately respond or
retaliate either with a military or police action, he said. It was
unclear if the government would actually act.

Later Sunday, the explosion of what was apparently a bomb in a
trash can in the capital, Skopje, shattered nearby store windows
and damaged two cars. No injuries were reported in the blast, which
police said was likely caused by industrial explosives.

The explosion took place in an ethnic Albanian neighborhood, but
about 50 yards from an Orthodox church. Most ethnic Albanians are
Muslims; most Macedonians are Orthodox Christians.

Police also reported an exchange of infantry and artillery fire in
the Kumanovo area northeast of Skopje. Security forces responded
adequately, police said.

The planned NATO mission is the alliance's attempt to avert more
bloodshed in this ethnically torn nation.

Fighting broke out along Macedonia's border with Kosovo in February
after ethnic Albanians launched an insurgency claiming they were
fighting for greater rights. The government says ethnic Albanians,
who make about a third of the country's population of 2 million,
are fighting for a state of their own.

After an Aug. 13 peace deal, NATO's ruling council authorized a
total about 4,700 troops to help with disarmament of the rebels.

The peace deal envisions a step-by-step process in which rebels
will hand over weapons to NATO in exchange for political reforms in
Macedonia. Since a third of the weapons are to be handed over in
exchange for moves in parliament, the figure had to be revealed in

There are no guarantees and the path will not be easy and the
alternative is clear, said Maj. Gen. Gunnar Lange, the military
commander of Operation Essential Harvest. The alternative is war.

Despite rebel claims to have only a few thousand weapons, the
Macedonian government had claimed the insurgents have 85,000. A key
Macedonian official told The Associated Press on condition of
anonymity that hard-liners in the government will continue to
demand more collections in an attempt to obstruct constitutional
reforms envisioned under the peace agreement.

NATO, which is in Macedonia at the invitation of the government,
would be unlikely to act unless all the parties are on board - even
though it has repeatedly stated it has come to this troubled Balkan
country not as a peacekeeper but only to collect weapons
voluntarily handed over.

Also Sunday, ethnic Albanian rebels released eight hostages in an
apparent goodwill gesture. And despite the dispute, rebels
continued preparations to hand over weapons in places like the
front-line village of Nikusak.

Rebel commander Adashi claimed that his 114th Brigade would be the
first in the country to surrender its arms. The brigade, whose area
of responsibility includes Skopje, pledged to hand over a third of
its weapons as planned Monday.

Included in the cache are automatic rifles, mortars and
rocket-propelled grenades.

© 2001 The 

Re: [CTRL] NATO to Collect 3,300 Rebel Weapons

2001-08-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 26 Aug 01, at 23:40, Amelia wrote:

 So NATO collects these weapons and plans to leave within thirty
 days.  What is to stop those who surrender their weapons from being
 slaughtered the instant NATO leaves?

This is like big garbage day -- like when you can put out old appliances for
the refuse agents to collect and relocate at the dump.  Chances are the 3300
are old and outdated and would be of no real use to anyone.  Some of the
reports I've read put a probable total of available weapons at the tens of
thousands, maybe 60,000.  This is also like the gun buy-backs in the U.S.:
take an old piece of rust to the police station and get $50.00 to put down on
an upgrade.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] NATO, By It's Own Definition Guilty Of War Crimes

2001-07-06 Thread William Shannon

10:04 2001-07-05


According to definitions used by The Hague Tribunal and by the Geneva 
Convention on War Crimes, NATO is guilty. Pravda.Ru presents the evidence for 
a case against NATO in a court of law such as the one at The Hague. 

Article 3 of the Statute of The Hague International Penal Court states 
clearly that one criterion for indictment for war crimes is: 

“Attack or bombardment, by whatever means, against undefended cities, towns, 
villages, buildings or houses”. 

NATO’s continuous use of civilian targets for military purposes, a scenario 
which this military organization wantonly and callously calls “collateral 
damage”, fits this clause exactly and would be the cornerstone of a case 
accusing this organisation of being guilty of war crimes. 

Another clause of the same Article 3 could also be stipulated: 

“Massive destruction of cities, towns or villages or destruction not 
justified by military necessity”. 

Any number of the unprovoked attacks by NATO in Yugoslavia and Iraq in the 
past decade would fit into this category, namely bombing attacks by NATO on 
civilian targets and structures. The bombing of the Chinese Embassy, for 
example, was not a “military necessity”, by NATO’s own definition, because 
it was officially classified by this organisation as a mistake. In which 
case, and under Article 3, it was a case of destruction not justified by 
military necessity and therefore, by its own definition and using the 
Articles from the Court set up by this organisation, NATO is guilty of war 

However, the case does not stop here. Article 147 of the Geneva Convention on 
War Crimes, defines the latter as “...deportation or illegal transfer or 
illegal detention of a protected person...or to purposefully deprive a 
protected person of his rights of a fair and regular trial...” 

What is being done in the case of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic at The Hague, apart 
from being a case of piracy, kidnapping and illegal imprisonment, is in 
flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention. Not having been appointed by the 
United Nations General Assembly, the IPC at The Hague is at most illegal and 
at least not legal. It is therefore incompetent to try Slobodan Milosevic, or 
anyone else, for alleged crimes. 

More ironic still is this case when we discover that by their own 
definitions, NATO are guilty of the crimes they accuse others of – in an 
organism which has no legal substance whatsoever. How the international 
community tolerates such a scandalous state of affairs and apportions to it 
such a degree of seriousness is ridiculous and a shame for any country which 
prides itself on saying that it is a state of law.  

[CTRL] NATO It's Time to Go

2001-05-29 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So the USA is to police the world, Save Israel, and continue to ignore
its own defenses?

Lots of people would like to see the USA let down their guard - like
they did that day in Dallas?   You see what happens when Eternal
Vigilence is just a slogan..

Under the Constitution of the United States of American our public
servants MUST provide for the common defense..Remember Pearl Harbor
while America Slept?

Better spend a little time investigation this new EU Army that sounds
like the goosesteps of the NAZI Party . for as Waco - there boots
were made for walking all over US

Are we to dig our own graves in advance?


U.S. fails to assure skeptical NATO  Alliance gives measured response
U.S. missile
defense plan  U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell listens to
delegates at the NATO Foreign Ministers meeting in Budapest on Tuesday.

BUDAPEST, Hungary, May 29 —  U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell on
Tuesday led Washington's offensive that aims to persuade skeptical NATO
allies to accept U.S. missile defense plans. But Washington's top
diplomat was unable to convince the alliance's policy-making body, which
stopped far short of endorsing the Bush administration's national
missile shield.

   A joint statement issued by the North Atlantic Council
does not portray the possibility of missile attack as a common threat
faced by allies, as the Bush administration had hoped.
   Powell had hoped to persuade skeptical NATO allies to be
more supportive of U.S. missile defense plans.
   But, according to sources close to the process who spoke
on the condition of anonymity, France and Germany resisted stronger
language sought by Powell.

   The draft statement said NATO allies welcome the
consultations initiated by President Bush on the U.S. strategic review,
including missile defense.
   We intend to pursue these consultations vigorously, and
welcome the United States' assurance that the views of allies will be
taken into account as it considers its plans further.
   The nuclear-armed planet MSNBC Interactive•Click here to see
nuclear stockpiles around the world (requires Flash plugin)
   In a minor victory, Powell was able to persuade NATO
foreign ministers to omit from the joint statement any mention of the
1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.
   Last year's joint statement called the treaty the
cornerstone of strategic stability.
   The Bush administration wants to scrap or heavily modify
the treaty, which prohibits development of national missile defense
   The statement was prepared for the North Atlantic
Council, the alliance's top policy-making board, which is made up of
foreign ministers of the 19 NATO nations.
See our special report on Milosevic's reign of terror.

   In addition to presenting U.S. views on missile defense,
Powell also sought to assure allies that the United States would not
pull its peacekeeping forces out of the Balkans, despite comments by
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld suggesting the U.S. role in Bosnia
was near an end.
   Tuesday's final statement said it was not advisable at
this time to consider major restructuring or reductions in the
peacekeeping force in Bosnia, other than a moderate reduction in
overall troop level.
   The job is not yet completed, NATO Secretary-General
Lord Robertson told reporters.
   U.S. officials had worked behind the scenes for a joint
statement that would cite a common threat of missile attack in a
section referring to the U.S. missile defense plan.
   That would be stronger than the phrase potential threat
that was in a year-earlier statement.

   But the United States failed to get the stronger language
   Instead, NATO allies promise to consider appropriate
assessment of threats and address the full range of strategic issues
affecting our common security, and the means to address them.
   In the statement, the allies pledge to continue
substantive consultations in the alliance on these issues.
   German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said it was
important that no decisions be made on the missile defense issue until
further consultations have occurred.
   A U.S. missile defense plan must add to our security and
stability. It must not lead to another arms race, Fischer said.
 U.S. could buy Russia missiles
   At an opening session, NATO foreign ministers voiced
concern about violence in Macedonia and indicated support for only
modest cuts in the peacekeeping mission in Bosnia, said a NATO official
who attended.
   The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity,
said the alliance is ready to support only trimming and minor
adjustment in the Bosnian force.
   Other NATO sources have said they expect announcement of
a cut of 10 percent to 15 percent in the peacekeeping force of 21,000,
of which 3,300 are Americans.

[CTRL] NATO and Macedonia Act to Flush Out Rebels

2001-03-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

  NATO and Macedonia Act to Flush Out Rebels
Carlotta Gall New York Times Service  Friday, March 9, 2001
SKOPJE, Macedonia U.S.-led peacekeepers in southern Kosovo occupied a village
on the border with Macedonia on Thursday as part of a coordinated move with
Macedonian military forces through the night and morning to flush out ethnic
Albanian rebels from their mountain base.
The operation by some 300 international peacekeepers, most of them Americans,
to occupy Tanusevci was the first offensive action by peacekeepers since they
entered Kosovo in June 1999. It followed a move on Tuesday to secure the
village of Mijak, just short of the border, where peacekeepers traded fire
with a group of rebels, wounding several.
The operation is a sign of NATO's determination to help Macedonia quell an
incipient ethnic Albanian insurgency before it grows. Three Macedonians and
at least two Albanians have been killed in the skirmishes around Tanusevci in
the last two weeks. The violence has alarmed not only the Macedonian
government, but the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Western
governments, who fear it could flare into a larger conflict, as it has on
Kosovo's eastern boundary with Serbia.
Armed Albanians, thought to be local men from Macedonia who fought with their
fellow Albanians against Serbian forces in Kosovo, appeared for the first
time in the village of Tanusevci two weeks ago. Some of them wore uniforms
and called themselves members of the National Liberation Army. Soon after
they engaged the Macedonian military in firefights.
NATO's first concern has been to seal the border and prevent the movement of
men and weapons. But the action Thursday was more aggressive. A U.S. military
spokesman said the peacekeepers' aim was to eliminate any safe havens that
could be used by armed groups in southern Kosovo. Tanusevci, which they found
empty and abandoned, would now appear off bounds for any armed Albanians.
But the rebels seem to have just moved on to other villages, even if they
have been pinched by the joint action closing in on them from the north and
south. Some are reported to be present in the nearby village of Malino,
according to local journalists. "They move all the time. They like to move,"
said Snezana Lupevska, a reporter from AI television in Skopje, who has
followed the story.
It is not clear what prompted the Albanians to abandon Tanusevci, but U.S.
troops who took part in the operation said they had watched them leave in a
group through their night-sights.
Macedonian military officials said a group of 50 to 60 armed men headed east
for a military post called Kudra Fura, just over a kilometer from Tanusevci
during the night. Just after midnight, the gunmen launched an attack on the
military post, shooting for two hours and then moving round and continuing
the attack from the east, a Macedonian Army spokesman, Gorgi Trendafilov,
said at a news conference in Skopje.
He said that the Albanians had opened fire first and the military had
responded. American officers who had tracked the shooting said that they
thought the Albanians had run into an ambush.
In a well-coordinated effort, U.S. officers maintained constant communication
throughout the night with Macedonian military forces, even while the
Macedonians were engaged in the firefight with the Albanians, and then in the
morning as U.S. troops moved in to take control of the village.
"We have been receiving logistical support" from the peacekeeping forces "and
they helped all night." Mr. Trendafilov said. "We were in contact all the
Neither the peacekeepers nor the Macedonians suffered any casualties. It is
not known if rebels suffered any.
The operation marks a new step for NATO in the region since it intervened in
Kosovo in 1999 against Yugoslav forces. American troops have been often
criticized for doing nothing to stop Albanian rebels groups establishing
themselves just beyond Kosovo's eastern border in the last year.
NATO said Thursday that it had decided to allow Yugoslav military and police
forces back in to the five-kilometer (three-mile) wide exclusion zone that
runs along the boundary with Serbia. Excluded from the area since the end of
NATO's war with Yugoslavia in 1999, the Yugoslav Army has complained that it
has not been allowed to contain the increasingly violent insurgency in
southern Serbia.
Yugoslavia's president, Vojislav Kostunica, repeated those complaints
Thursday at a news conference in Belgrade, and said that NATO's decision was
yet another proof that the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo had failed.
"The latest offer to squeeze our forces in a narrow, five-kilometer zone
means" that the NATO-led peacekeeping force "is abandoning the protection of
the borders with Macedonia, and is placing our forces between the two fires,"
Mr. Kostunica said.
"The Yugoslav forces will, of course, do it to 

[CTRL] NATO Used FRY As Nuclear Dumping Ground: Russian General

2001-01-12 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU

  NATO Must Fund Uranium Cleanup, Russia SaysMOSCOW, Jan 12, 2001 -- 
  (Reuters) Russian defenseofficials accused NATO on Thursday of using 
  Serbia asa dumping ground for depleted uranium ammunition itneeded to 
  get rid of and called on the alliance to payfor any 
  cleanup.Russia's air force chief General Anatoly Kornukovdenounced 
  the Western military alliance forpenny-pinching, saying NATO had used its 
  1999 airraids to dispose of depleted uranium munitions ratherthan 
  dispose of them properly."It is clear to me they dropped the 
  (munitions) theyneeded to destroy, as purely destroying them wouldhave 
  been several times more expensive than droppingthem during bombing", he 
  said in televised remarks."Of course there is an (environmental) 
  effect, there'sno question about that. But at least we do not 
  havethese (munitions). We got out of this a long time agoand this is a 
  totally incorrect approach," he said."All statements made on this 
  matter by the officialrepresentatives of the U.S. administration, 
  including(Secretary of State) Madeleine Albright, are aimed 
  atamateurs," RIA Novosti quoted Kornukov as saying.Colonel-General 
  Leonid Ivashov, the Defense Ministry'sinternational relations chief and 
  leading hawk, toldInterfax news agency that NATO had a duty to check 
  thehealth of all Yugoslavs, not just troops in Kosovo,and to foot the 
  bill for any cleanup operation in theregion."It is extremely 
  important that NATO countries payattention not only to damage which may 
  have beencaused to the health of servicemen in the...Kosovooperation, 
  but to all damage caused in Yugoslavia, toits people and ecology," he 
  said."All actions in assessing this damage and in dealingwith the 
  consequences must be conducted by countriesof the North Atlantic alliance 
  at their expense."Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev will raise 
  theuse of depleted uranium munitions in Yugoslavia andBosnia during a 
  scheduled February 6-8 visit to theBalkans, domestic news agencies 
  reported, citing"informed sources."Moscow has already called for a 
  thorough probe byrespected international organizations of the 
  possiblehealth risks associated with the ammunition.On Wednesday, 
  NATO ambassadors promised to investigatethe effects of depleted uranium 
  but said it posed aminimal health risk. It pledged to do all it could 
  toreassure troops and civilians worried by cancerscares.Russia 
  fiercely opposed NATO's 11-week 1999 aircampaign on Yugoslav targets, 
  launched in response toBelgrade's crackdown on the ethnic Albanian 
  majorityin Kosovo province. Moscow later contributedpeacekeepers to a 
  U.N.-backed force.Russia says it wants to test as many as possible 
  ofits 10,000 Balkan veterans and the roughly 3,000peacekeepers it has 
  in Kosovo and 1,000 men stationedin Bosnia. So far, it has found no one 
  suffering fromleukemia.Mrs Jela 
  Jovanovic, art historian 

[CTRL] NATO bombs taking a terrible toll in Bratunac

2001-01-11 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU

  Nedeljni Telegraf, Belgrade, YugoslaviaIssue 246, January 
  10, 2001SHOCKING Uranium NATO bombs are taking a terrible toll in 
  Bratunac ineastern Bosnia. The most recent victim was only 20 years 
  oldSomeone dies of cancer every third day; there is no more room in 
  thecemeteriesby Dubravka VujanovicPhoto: I. Dobricichttp://www.nedeljnitelegraf.co.yu/novi/uran1.gifThe 
  cemetery in Bratunac already stretches to the housesThe village is 
  empty, the cemetery full. Soon there will be no more roomfor the dead. 
  Among refugee families who moved to Bratunac from Hadzicithere is a hardly 
  a household not cloaked in mourning.The meadow set aside for the 
  cemetery, they say, was almost completelyempty five years ago when they 
  arrived. Today, one next to the other,separated by a distance of less than 
  one half meter, grave upon grave.On them are fresh wreaths, some with 
  flowers that have not yet wilted.On the crosses the years of death 1998, 
  1999, 2000 and the grave of a 20year-old woman at the end of the rows. She 
  died a few days ago.These are the horrific pictures which the casual 
  visitor will find inBratunac because the first stories about this village 
  will take himnowhere else but the cemetery. The natives of Bratunac live 
  while thenatives of Hadzici die. Suddenly, overnight, after a few days' 
  illness,in the greatest pain - from cancer. Every attempt to explain what 
  ishappening to them takes them back to 1995.Five years ago Hadzici 
  was a part of something called Serbian Sarajevo.They survived the double 
  encirclement of the Muslim army and what wasmost probably the most intense 
  bombing ever seen. In only one day,planes flew 200 missions to dump more 
  than 500 bombs on thismunicipality. The residents of Hadzici survived. 
  They survived the war,that is, but not the peace.First, they say, 
  they were betrayed in Dayton in November 1995. Someoneat the top got the 
  idea that the best thing to do would be to moveHadzici to Bratunac. There 
  was no choice and very little time. Almostthe same night, before the peace 
  delegation returned to the countrystill hung over from the signing of the 
  peace contract, the natives ofHadzici packed themselves and their 
  belongings into trucks and tractortrailers and headed toward Bratunac, a 
  small town between Zvornik andSrebrenica.It was no ordinary move. 
  During the night the natives of Hadziciunearthed their dead and loaded 
  them onto trailers. Not a single "Serbear" was left in that part of 
  Serbian Sarajevo. Even though theytransferred an astonishing 156 graves, 
  they had no problemsaccommodating their dead. An entire tract in the 
  cemetery was empty andthey buried them next to each other. They raised an 
  identical markerover each grave.No one could even imagine that in 
  only one or two years the part of thecemetery set aside for civilians 
  would be doubly full."First the older people began to die. Their 
  bodies must have been lessresistant to the inexplicable thing which later 
  began claiming the livesof younger people as well. It happens often that 
  one of the natives ofHadzici will suddenly die. Or they will go to see the 
  doctor in Belgradeand when they come back their relatives will tell us 
  that they are dyingof cancer. And it doesn't happen to the natives of 
  Bratunac but only tous," relates Sretko Elez, a sixty year-old man from 
  Hadzici.It was believed that it was a question of fate. Then chief 
  doctorSlavica Jovanovic asked how it was possible. She conducted 
  aninvestigation and proved that in 1998 the mortality rate far 
  exceededthe birth rate. She showed that it wasn't just a question of fate 
  butsomething far more serious. The political leadership was informed but 
  todate no one has said a word about it. Foreign television crews 
  arrivedaily in Bratunac, pathologists are asking about the anonymous 
  littletown while Banja Luka and Belgrade remain silent."Even Zoran 
  Stankovic, the renowned pathologist from the MilitaryMedical Academy (VMA) 
  determined that over 200 of his patients from thisarea died of cancer, 
  most probably due to the effects of depleteduranium in dropped NATO bombs 
  five years ago. But someone quicklysilenced the public and everything was 
  hushed up. No one would know whatis happening to us to this very day if 
  they themselves had not met withthe same fate, if they had not begun to 
  die. Only now are they allasking themselves what will happen if the same 
  thing befalls Serbiawhich befell the Serbs from Hadzici," says Nedeljko 
  Zelenovic, areporter for Radio Bratunac and a refugee from Hadzici, 
  bitterly.Zelenovic lost his father a few months ago to cancer of the 
  lungs.Approximately 20 people have died in just six months. If one does 
  themath, they tell us, he will find that a native of Hadzici dies 
  everythird or fourth day.And 

Re: [CTRL] NATO lied over Yugoslav 'mass killings'

2000-08-29 Thread Jenny Decker

The more things change, the more they stay the same. In the Middle Ages, it
was "witches" roasting babies. That's how the Catholic Church fueled the
Inquisition, which efficiently terrorized and suppressed ordinary folks.
This is one of the reasons I worry about the mainstream Christian Church and
its crazy obsession with "Satanism." In my opinion the whole thing is a
herring being trailed in front of the noses of Christians to get them
focussed on imaginary terrors instead of the real terrors produced by the
Jenny Decker

- Original Message -
From: "nexusmagazine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 10:38 PM
Subject: [CTRL] NATO lied over Yugoslav 'mass killings'

 In light of the recent KFOR 'news' announcements that the Kosovo death
 toll is climbing  maybe some sanity can be found below.
 NATO and the UN lied through their teeth to get the west into the war.

 In WWI - it was Germans eating babies.
 In WWII - it was Germans eating babies again.
 In Desert Storm - it was Iraqis microwaving babies and mass raping some
 In Yugoslavia it was 'mass killings' and ethnic cleansing.

 All ended up proven lies, lies used to get emotional/public support
 behind the war effort.

 Remember the next time, truth is the first casualty of war.


 Via Workers World News Service
 Reprinted from the Aug.  31, 2000
 issue of Workers World newspaper

 It was all a lie

 By John Catalinotto

 On Aug. 17 NATO officials conceded that the figures they released in
 1999, allegedly a count of the people killed by Yugoslav forces in
 Kosovo, were much higher than the actual number of people killed there.
 Findings by forensic teams from the International Criminal Tribunal for
 the former Yugoslavia in the Hague forced NATO's admission.  The ICTY
 exhumed 3,000 bodies and examined them.
 While they have not yet released a report, ICTY spokespeople said that at
 most 3,000 people were killed.  They said there was no evidence of
 mutilations.  And they said that not all the dead can be proved to be
 victims of murder or execution.
 Last year NATO had charged that Yugoslav forces massacred at least 10,000
 people.  NATO spokespeople implied that 500,000 supposedly "missing"
 people also had been killed.
 They used these claims to justify NATO bombings that had no basis in
 United Nations treaties or NATO's own charter.
 NATO has now been forced to admit in effect that it waged a lying
 propaganda war to win support for its own illegal intervention that
 killed over 3,000 Yugoslavs, about one-third of them children.
 Washington and NATO have no hard evidence that Yugoslav forces carried
 out even a small-scale massacre of civilians, let alone the "genocide"
 they were charged with.
 The ICTY  "Big Lie" of NATO's.
 According to a report in the Aug. 18 British Guardian, Mark Laity, the
 acting NATO spokesperson, said:  "NATO never said the missing were all
 dead.  The figure we stood by was 10,000."  Laity even tried to claim
 that NATO's intervention stopped further killing.
 The truth is that since NATO occupied Kosovo, right-wing Albanian forces
 have killed some 1,000 people, mostly Serb and Romani, while pushing all
 non-Albanian peoples out of the region.

 While this exposure of NATO's lies came too late to stop last year's
 bombing, it should be kept in mind by anyone evaluating NATO leaders'
 current statements regarding Yugoslavia.
 On Aug. 14, French and British forces occupying the Serbian province of
 Kosovo and Metohija seized the smelter at the Trepca mines near Kosovo
 Mitrovica.  These are the richest nickel and lead mines in Europe.
 Corporate forces in the United States, Britain and France want these
 mines in their hands and not in the hands of the Yugoslav government.
 This time the excuse for the action was that the smelter was "polluting"
 the environment.  Compared to the pollution caused by NATO's deliberate
 bombing of Pancevo and other Yugoslav chemical complexes, not to mention
 the use of radioactive depleted uranium weapons, this pollution is minor.
  In any case, Yugoslav authorities reported that steps had already been
 taken to reduce the smelter's pollution.
 The United States, Britain and France  using a lie to justify an
unwarranted and illegal seizure of Yugoslav
 property, just as they lied to justify the war in the first place.
 The NATO powers and Washington in particular have been attempting to
 intervene in the Yugoslav election scheduled for Sept. 24.  They have set
 up an office in Budapest, Hungary, to deliver funds to parties in
 Yugoslavia that oppose the current elected president, Slobodan Milosevic.
 Seizing the Trepca smelter must be seen as part of this election
 strategy.  By taking this step before the election

[CTRL] NATO lied over Yugoslav 'mass killings'

2000-08-27 Thread nexusmagazine

In light of the recent KFOR 'news' announcements that the Kosovo death
toll is climbing  maybe some sanity can be found below.
NATO and the UN lied through their teeth to get the west into the war.

In WWI - it was Germans eating babies.
In WWII - it was Germans eating babies again.
In Desert Storm - it was Iraqis microwaving babies and mass raping some
In Yugoslavia it was 'mass killings' and ethnic cleansing.

All ended up proven lies, lies used to get emotional/public support
behind the war effort.

Remember the next time, truth is the first casualty of war.


Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug.  31, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper

It was all a lie

By John Catalinotto

On Aug. 17 NATO officials conceded that the figures they released in
1999, allegedly a count of the people killed by Yugoslav forces in
Kosovo, were much higher than the actual number of people killed there.
Findings by forensic teams from the International Criminal Tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia in the Hague forced NATO's admission.  The ICTY
exhumed 3,000 bodies and examined them.
While they have not yet released a report, ICTY spokespeople said that at
most 3,000 people were killed.  They said there was no evidence of
mutilations.  And they said that not all the dead can be proved to be
victims of murder or execution.
Last year NATO had charged that Yugoslav forces massacred at least 10,000
people.  NATO spokespeople implied that 500,000 supposedly "missing"
people also had been killed.
They used these claims to justify NATO bombings that had no basis in
United Nations treaties or NATO's own charter.
NATO has now been forced to admit in effect that it waged a lying
propaganda war to win support for its own illegal intervention that
killed over 3,000 Yugoslavs, about one-third of them children.
Washington and NATO have no hard evidence that Yugoslav forces carried
out even a small-scale massacre of civilians, let alone the "genocide"
they were charged with.
The ICTY‹itself created and funded by the NATO powers‹has exposed this
"Big Lie" of NATO's.
According to a report in the Aug. 18 British Guardian, Mark Laity, the
acting NATO spokesperson, said:  "NATO never said the missing were all
dead.  The figure we stood by was 10,000."  Laity even tried to claim
that NATO's intervention stopped further killing.
The truth is that since NATO occupied Kosovo, right-wing Albanian forces
have killed some 1,000 people, mostly Serb and Romani, while pushing all
non-Albanian peoples out of the region.

While this exposure of NATO's lies came too late to stop last year's
bombing, it should be kept in mind by anyone evaluating NATO leaders'
current statements regarding Yugoslavia.
On Aug. 14, French and British forces occupying the Serbian province of
Kosovo and Metohija seized the smelter at the Trepca mines near Kosovo
Mitrovica.  These are the richest nickel and lead mines in Europe.
Corporate forces in the United States, Britain and France want these
mines in their hands and not in the hands of the Yugoslav government.
This time the excuse for the action was that the smelter was "polluting"
the environment.  Compared to the pollution caused by NATO's deliberate
bombing of Pancevo and other Yugoslav chemical complexes, not to mention
the use of radioactive depleted uranium weapons, this pollution is minor.
 In any case, Yugoslav authorities reported that steps had already been
taken to reduce the smelter's pollution.
The United States, Britain and France‹the major NATO powers‹are again
using a lie to justify an unwarranted and illegal seizure of Yugoslav
property, just as they lied to justify the war in the first place.
The NATO powers and Washington in particular have been attempting to
intervene in the Yugoslav election scheduled for Sept. 24.  They have set
up an office in Budapest, Hungary, to deliver funds to parties in
Yugoslavia that oppose the current elected president, Slobodan Milosevic.
Seizing the Trepca smelter must be seen as part of this election
strategy.  By taking this step before the election, NATO hopes to put the
blame for the "loss of Trepca" on Milosevic rather than on his opposition.
This strategy was spelled out last fall in a study prepared by a think
tank funded by multi-billionaire George Soros.  The report suggested that
NATO use the excuse of pollution to seize the Trepca mines, and to do it
before the election.
Besides trying to undermine the Yugoslav government by meddling in the
national election, NATO forces have been supporting a pro-Western
leadership in Montenegro, the republic that with Serbia makes up
present-day Yugoslavia.  British officers have been training the
Montenegrin police to combat the Yugoslav Army.
This was underlined when Yugoslav forces caught two British officers who
were doing this training, along with two Canadians who had 

[CTRL] Nato berated over Karadzic

2000-08-21 Thread Richard Sampson


Nato berated over Karadzic
  By Ruth Sullivan

  Published: August 21 2000
  17:56GMT | Last Updated:
  August 21 2000 20:22GMT

   Carla del Ponte, the chief
   prosecutor of the UN's
  international criminal tribunal
  for former Yugoslavia, has
  expressed her growing
  frustration over the failure of
  Nato forces in Bosnia to arrest
  Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian
  Serb leader who has been
  indicted on war crimes

  However, in an interview, Ms
  del Ponte did not attribute
  Nato's failure to apprehend Mr
  Karadzic to a lack of political
  will. Instead, she blamed a
  "lack of communication"
  between French and US units
  of the Nato-led multinational
  force in Bosnia.

  The 53-year-old Swiss
  prosecutor also questioned the
  commitment of US forces to the
  pursuit of indicted war
  criminals. "The Americans
  want zero risk, which is
  impossible if you want to arrest
  a criminal".

  But she said she remained
  optimistic she would have one
  or two of the three top-echelon
  criminals in her detention cells
  in The Hague in the next 12

  The chief prosecutor noted
  some positive changes which
  had occurred in the year that
  she has been at the tribunal.
  Despite the failure to arrest Mr
  Karadzic or Ratko Mladic, the
  former Bosnian Serb general,
  she argued there was now
  more evidence of Nato's
  political will to bring leading
  indictees to trial. "When I
  started I was not sure there
  was the political will, but now I
  am certain there is."

  Ms del Ponte argued that the
  arrest in April of Momcilo
  Krajisnik, Mr Karadzic's
  right-hand man and the
  highest-ranking war crimes
  suspect detained so far,
  brought a feeling that the net
  was tightening, which had also
  increased the tribunal's

  Not everyone agrees with her.
  Some observers in Bosnia say
  that Nato has not yet issued
  ground forces with the order to
  arrest Mr Karadzic, saying this
  demonstrates a clear lack of
  any real political intention to
  bring top criminals to justice.

  James Lyon, head of the
  Sarajevo office of the
  International Crisis Group, an
  independent monitoring
  group, believes that Nato is
  constantly aware of Mr
  Karadzic's whereabouts. Fear
  of a backlash from Bosnian
  Serbs, which would break the
  fragile peace, if prime arrests
  were made is a deterrent.

  Beyond Bosnia, Ms del Ponte
  has been encouraged by
  evidence of a new spirit of
  co-operation from Croatia
  following defeat of the
  nationalist HDZ government at
  the polls last December .

  Croatia is currently handing
  over documents sought by the
  tribunal relating to its
  controversial operations Flash
  and Storm, aimed at taking
  back areas held by Serb
  insurgents in 1995.

  There has, however, been
  controversy recently in Zagreb
  over the possibility that Ms del
  Ponte might be preparing an
  indictment against Petar
  Stipetic, head of the Croatian
  general staff during the
  operations. Many Croats still
  regard the action as a war of
  liberation against Serb

  Soon after Ms del Ponte's
  arrival at the tribunal in
  September, where she took
  over from Louise Arbour, a
  Canadian, the number of
  arrests increased to one a

  But despite the increase, the
  tribunal is still facing criticism
  for the excrutiatingly slow pace
  of trial and appeal. About 30
  indictees are awaiting trial and
  any arrest made now wi ll take
  up to two years before the case
  comes to trial.

  "We simply have not got
  enough judges or courts," Ms
  del Ponte argued, asserting
  that instead of the current three
  there should be four of five
  court chambers at the Hague,
  with more judges available.

  To this end the UN has been
  asked to increase its budget of


[CTRL] NATO takes over mine complex in Kosovo

2000-08-14 Thread Steve Wingate

NATO takes over mine complex in Kosovo

The Associated Press

ZVECAN, Yugoslavia (August 14, 2000 1:06 p.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) - In a pre-dawn raid likely to heighten tensions
in the region, NATO-led peacekeepers took control of a Serb-run mining
complex in the northern part of Kosovo on Monday.

Hundreds of NATO-led peacekeepers cordoned off the 200-square-yard
area around a massive smelting complex that U.N. officials claimed was
spewing dangerous amounts of lead into the atmosphere. Clouds of smoke
belched from aging chimneys while Italian police and soldiers from France,
Britain, Belgium and Denmark swept in.

Serb sources say as many as 800 NATO troops took part in the takeover,
though NATO sources put the number slightly higher. Kosovo Serb leader
Oliver Ivanovic said plant workers told him NATO troops "just appeared out
of nowhere."

Only a handful of workers were on hand when the operation began at 3:45
a.m., Ivanovic said.

NATO-led peacekeepers - some wearing face masks because of the
smoke - came within yards of the crumbling communist-era complex before
being stopped on a footbridge leading into the facility. After hours of
negotiations with plant officials, peacekeepers took over, U.N. spokesman
Michael Keats said.

One security guard was slightly injured in a scuffle with peacekeepers when
he resisted NATO's arrival.

Later, Serb residents protesting the takeover threw stones at NATO troops.
A couple of journalists were roughed up in the scuffle. Three British soldiers
were slightly injured, said NATO spokeswoman Kath Hurley.

NATO had no reports of civilian casualties, but the Belgrade-based Beta
independent news agency said a Serb man and child were injured in a
scuffle with British troops.

Bernard Kouchner, Kosovo's top U.N. administrator, stressed that the
closure was only temporary, and workers would return to work "as soon as

Kouchner said the takeover was necessary to end a health risk, adding
160 people had been hospitalized in the past year for treatment for lead
poisoning. Last week, U.N. officials said lead levels from the plant were
200 times World Health Organization norms.

"As a doctor and as chief administrator of Kosovo, I would be derelict if I let
this threat to the health of children and pregnant women continue for one
more day," Kouchner said in a written statement.

Yugoslav Information Minister Goran Matic protested the NATO action,
calling it a "robbery" and violation of a U.N. resolution that allowed the
troops to operate in Kosovo.

"It is an anti-Serb demonstration of power against unarmed people," Matic
told the state-run Tanjug news agency.

Trepca is an emotional symbol for the people of this southern Serb
province, who are struggling to rebuild after the 78-day NATO air war
aimed at forcing Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to end his
repression of ethnic Albanian residents.

The main employer of Serbs in the industrial north until last year, the
smelter is part of the Trepca mining complex, a group of about 40 mines
that produce gold, silver, lead, zinc and cadmium.

Steve Wingate

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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Re: [CTRL] NATO takes over mine complex in Kosovo

2000-08-14 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Now we begin to see the implementation of the hidden agenda in Kosovo.  Trebca
may be antiquated, it may be polluting the air and water, working conditions may
be horrendous...but it's a major source for gold, silver, lead, zinc, and
cadmium, one of the most important mining complexes in Europe.  Seizing the
smelter is only the beginning.  Expect NATO to begin "temporary" occupation of
the rest of the Trebca complex...

- Original Message -
From: "Steve Wingate" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 3:30 PM
Subject: [CTRL] NATO takes over mine complex in Kosovo

 NATO takes over mine complex in Kosovo

 The Associated Press

 ZVECAN, Yugoslavia (August 14, 2000 1:06 p.m. EDT
 http://www.nandotimes.com) - In a pre-dawn raid likely to heighten tensions
 in the region, NATO-led peacekeepers took control of a Serb-run mining
 complex in the northern part of Kosovo on Monday.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] NATO takes over mine complex in Kosovo

2000-08-14 Thread Mark McHugh

Steve Wingate wrote:

 NATO takes over mine complex in Kosovo

 The Associated Press


 Kouchner said the takeover was necessary to end a health risk, adding
 160 people had been hospitalized in the past year for treatment for lead
 poisoning. Last week, U.N. officials said lead levels from the plant were
 200 times World Health Organization norms.

 "As a doctor and as chief administrator of Kosovo, I would be derelict if I let
 this threat to the health of children and pregnant women continue for one
 more day," Kouchner said in a written statement.

As if they truly give a flying fuck about the environment.  Go ask the WHO about
the filth in the Danube and neighboring countryside thanks to NATO bombardment.

Mark McHugh

Study war no more.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NATO Deliberately Bombed China Embassy?

2000-07-29 Thread Oscar

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 15:26:57 +0300 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Activist Mailing List - http://get.to/activist

Albanian Daily News
July 28, 2000

French Officer Says NATO Deliberately Bombed China Embassy

VIENNA - A former French intelligence officer who served at the
headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces
during the Kosovo crisis said in an interview with a German magazine
that the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in May 1999
was done on purpose.

Maj. Pierre Bunel, who is facing trial for leaking intelligence
material to Yugoslavia while working at the NATO headquarters, told
the German monthly Konkret that he had seen a NATO intelligence list
of diplomatic missions in Belgrade showing the correct location of
China’s embassy.

The United States, which carried out the bombing mission, has called
the attack a mistake, saying the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
selected the bombing target using an outdated map that did not show
the embassy on the site bombed by U.S. warplanes.

According to Bunel, preparations for the NATO bombing operation had
been completed by the fall of 1998 and NATO chose the targets and
prepared the ammunition based on U.S.-supplied maps.

“I know where the Chinese Embassy was located because it was on...the
list I got from the intelligence department of NATO,” Bunel told
Konkret. The magazine will be on sale Friday.

“The embassy was hit by five laser-guided rockets, five! If it had
been a single Tomahawk (cruise missile), you could have believed it
was a mistake,” he said.

Bunel was arrested in October 1998 for passing secret NATO maps to
Belgrade. He was released on bail in September last year pending trial
on charges on high treason. (Kyodo news agency)

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The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi

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[CTRL] NATO Infects Itself with Virus That Reveals Its Secrets

2000-06-25 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: NATO Infects Itself with Virus That Reveals Its Secrets
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 6:31 PM

NATO Infects Itself with Virus That Reveals Its Secrets

LONDON, June 18 - Klutzy, klutzy… A crowing NATO spokesman is now having to eat crow.

“Bungling NATO scientists have created a computer virus ‘by mistake’, causing military 
secrets to find their way onto the Internet,” the London Times reported on Sunday.  
The virus, called “Anti-Smyser 1,” was created by scientists at NATO’s KFOR 
peacekeeping force headquarters in Pristina, Kosovo.

They were seeking protection from virus attacks similar to those launched by the Serbs 
during the Kosovo conflict. But the experiment went wrong, and scientists accidentally 
unleashed the virus on themselves.

“Following an investigation into the leaks, I can now tell you that this was started 
at KFOR by our own people and subsequently spread to NATO headquarters and to other 
NATO members," said Jamie Shea, a NATO spokesman.

At the time the leak first became public in April, Shea was haughtily admonishing the 
British press saying: "These are sensitive NATO documents."  But last week he was keen 
to play down the importance of the leak, the Times said.

For the full Times story, check out - 
http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/sti/2000/06/18/stinwenws01024.html .

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
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   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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[CTRL] NATO Created Virus Unleashed

2000-06-23 Thread William Shannon

June 18 2000 BRITAIN

Nato creates computer virus that reveals its secrets

Adam Nathan

BUNGLING Nato scientists have created a computer virus "by mistake", causing
military secrets to find their way onto the internet.
The virus, called Anti-Smyser 1, was created by scientists at Nato's Kfor
peacekeeping force headquarters in Pristina, Kosovo.

They were seeking protection from virus attacks similar to those launched at
Nato by the Serbs during the Kosovo conflict. But the experiment went wrong,
and scientists accidentally unleashed the virus on themselves.

Last week it emerged that the virus, which plucks documents from the hard
drives of computers and sends invisible attachments to e-mails, recently
resurfaced at the Czech ministry of defence.

"Following an investigation into the leaks, I can now tell you that this was
started at Kfor by our own people and subsequently spread to Nato
headquarters and to other Nato members." said Jamie Shea, a Nato spokesman.

According to Shea, Nato first became aware of the virus in December. It is
now believed to be responsible for the leak in April of a restricted
nine-page document detailing the rules of engagement for Nato soldiers
serving in Kosovo, which appeared mysteriously on the computer screens of a
London publishing company.

The document, dated December 23, 1999, set out circumstances in which "deadly
force" could be used, instructed Nato troops to hand over war criminals
within 48 hours to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia and covered riot control, media transmissions and authorisations
for everything from attack helicopters to tanks.

An e-mail with the document attached, seen by The Sunday Times, came with the
following message: "Hello, I am Anti-Smyser 1. This virus is an alteration of
a virus which was designed to delete all files from one's c:drive on December

At the time of the leak becoming public, Shea was quoted as saying: "These
are sensitive Nato documents," but last week he was keen to play down the
importance of the leak.

An investigation was ordered by Nato chiefs still smarting from American
allegations that a spy at Nato headquarters had leaked details of bombing
plans to the Serbs during the Kosovo conflict. The claim was dismissed by
Lord Robertson, the Nato secretary-general.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nato creates computer virus that reveals its secrets

2000-06-20 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
June 18 2000BRITAIN
Nato creates computer virus that reveals its secrets

Adam Nathan

BUNGLING Nato scientists have created a computer virus "by mistake", causing
military secrets to find their way onto the internet.

The virus, called Anti-Smyser 1, was created by scientists at Nato's Kfor
peacekeeping force headquarters in Pristina, Kosovo.

They were seeking protection from virus attacks similar to those launched at
Nato by the Serbs during the Kosovo conflict. But the experiment went wrong,
and scientists accidentally unleashed the virus on themselves.

Last week it emerged that the virus, which plucks documents from the hard
drives of computers and sends invisible attachments to e-mails, recently
resurfaced at the Czech ministry of defence.
"Following an investigation into the leaks, I can now tell you that this was
started at Kfor by our own people and subsequently spread to Nato
headquarters and to other Nato members." said Jamie Shea, a Nato spokesman.

According to Shea, Nato first became aware of the virus in December. It is
now believed to be responsible for the leak in April of a restricted
nine-page document detailing the rules of engagement for Nato soldiers
serving in Kosovo, which appeared mysteriously on the computer screens of a
London publishing company.

The document, dated December 23, 1999, set out circumstances in which "deadly
force" could be used, instructed Nato troops to hand over war criminals
within 48 hours to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia and covered riot control, media transmissions and authorisations
for everything from attack helicopters to tanks.

An e-mail with the document attached, seen by The Sunday Times, came with the
following message: "Hello, I am Anti-Smyser 1. This virus is an alteration of
a virus which was designed to delete all files from one's c:drive on December

At the time of the leak becoming public, Shea was quoted as saying: "These
are sensitive Nato documents," but last week he was keen to play down the
importance of the leak.

An investigation was ordered by Nato chiefs still smarting from American
allegations that a spy at Nato headquarters had leaked details of bombing
plans to the Serbs during the Kosovo conflict. The claim was dismissed by
Lord Robertson, the Nato secretary-general.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NATO Willfully Triggered An Environmental Catastrophe In Yugoslavia

2000-06-18 Thread DIG alfred webre

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

The URL for this article is
NATO Willfully Triggered An Environmental Catastrophe In Yugoslavia

by Michel Chossudovsky (6-18-00)

Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author of "The Globalization
of Poverty, Third World Network, Penang, Zed Books, London, 1997.

By using thermal images, NATO was able to identify which of the tanks were
still filled with toxic chemicals. If NATO's objective were to solely
disable the plant without the risk of "collateral" environmental damage,
they could have done it by smart bombing the equipment and machinery. Why
did they also need to hit with utmost accuracy the tanks containing noxious
liquids? The "smart bombs" were not dumb; they knew where to go. NATO had
singled out the containers, tanks and reservoirs, which still contained
toxic materials. According to the Pancevo plant director, NATO did not hit
single empty container. "This was not accidental; they chose to hit those
that were full and these chemicals spilled into the canal leading to the
The air raids on the Pancevo industrial complex located in the outskirts of
Belgrade started on April 4th 1999 and continued relentlessly until the 7th
of June. The Pancevo complex included an oil refinery facility (built with
technical support from Texaco) and a Nitrogen Processing Plant producing
fertilizer for Yugoslav agriculture. The petrochemical plant was bombed
extensively (41 bombs and 7 missile attacks). The bombed areas of the
complex were less than two hundred meters from residential buildings.

At the outset of the "humanitarian air raids -- in a well-led public
relations stunt -- NATO had reassured World opinion " that "precise
targeting" using sophisticated weaponry was intended to avoid "collateral
damage" including environmental hazards:

"We do everything we possibly can to avoid unnecessary collateral damage.
take it very seriously, work very hard at doing that, spend a lot of time
planning for the missions."1
At Pancevo, however, exactly the opposite occurred. "State of the art"
aerial surveillance and thermal detection systems were not only used to
disable and destroy Yugoslavia's petrochemical industry; they were
applied to trigger an environmental disaster.

At the beginning of the war, workers at the plant had been actively
in removing toxic materials from the site, emptying several large tanks and
containers of toxic chemicals precisely to avert the risks of "collateral
damage." They did not realize NATO was watching them through air-to-ground
surveillance systems as well as satellite images. Using thermal detection,
NATO military planners knew which of the containers had been emptied and
which remained full. How does that work? All objects including the
containers of toxic chemicals in the Pancevo plant emit infrared radiation.
A thermal imager from a spy satellite or an aircraft can detect infrared
radiation and convert its readings into a high-resolution video or snap

The thermal imager can detect temperature differentials as small as 0.1
degrees centigrade which enables it to distinguish without difficulty
between full and empty containers. The thermal images can be generated from
a device installed on the fuselage of an aircraft. NATO warplanes were
equipped with various advanced imaging systems including just such
infrared/electro-optical sensors.

Moreover, multispectral thermal imaging satellite systems routinely used
during the Gulf war were also used by NATO in Yugoslavia. Thermal satellite
images were relayed to the Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) in
Italy where the bombing raids weere carefully planned. U2 spy planes were
also used: In the words of a Pentagon spokesman, the U2 "snaps a picture
from very high altitude, beams it back in what we call a reach-back, to the
States where it is very quickly analyzed." And from there, "the right
targeting data" is relayed to the CAOC base in Vincenza which then "passes
[it] on to people in the cockpit". 2

NATO planners also had detailed information on the layout of the plant,
which had been built on contract with a US multinational engineering
Foster Wheeler (a firm specializing in the construction of petrochemical
polymer plants). NATO knew exactly where things were. In a cruel irony, US
investment in Yugoslavia (financed with loans from the World Bank) was
demolished by Uncle Sam. Did the pilots sitting in the cockpit know that
they were bombing a plant which was "Made in America?"

A large number of the containers had been emptied. By using thermal images,
NATO was able to identify which of the tanks were still filled with toxic
chemicals. Among these noxious liquids were containers of
ethylene-dichloride (EDC), ethylene, chlorine, chlorine-hydrogen, propylene
and vinyl chloride monomers (VCM). Well 

[CTRL] Nato 'deliberately attacked civilians in Serbia'

2000-06-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[A better heading: "Amnesty International v. the International
War Crimes Tribunal" (But, hey, isn't Clinton above the law?).
Besides, this is old news...at least it is here on CTRL.  --MS]

From Independent News, UK

Nato 'deliberately attacked civilians in Serbia'

By Robert Fisk  7 June 2000

Only five days after Nato was "exonerated" by the International
War Crimes Tribunal for its killing of civilians in Yugoslavia
last year, Amnesty International today publishes a blistering
attack on the Alliance, accusing it of committing serious
violations of the rules of war, unlawful killings and – in the
case of the bombing of Serbia's television headquarters – a war

The 65-page Amnesty report details a number of mass killings of
civilians in Nato raids and states that "civilian deaths could
have been significantly reduced if Nato forces had fully adhered
to the rules of war".

Legalistic in nature but damning in content – the document
reminds readers that Amnesty repeatedly condemned Serb atrocities
against Kosovo Albanians – the report highlights inconsistencies
and obfuscation by Nato's official spokesmen.

Although Nato told Amnesty that pilots operated under "strict
Rules of Engagement", it refused to disclose details of the
"rules" or the principles underlying them.  The report says:
"They did not answer specific questions Amnesty International
raised about specific incidents ..."

Amnesty records that Nato aircraft flew 10,484 strike missions
over Serbia and that Serbian statistics of civilian deaths in
Nato raids range from 400-600 up to 1,500.  It specifically
condemns Nato for an attack on a bridge at Varvarin on 30 May
last year, which killed at least 11 civilians.  "Nato forces
failed to suspend their attack after it was evident that they had
struck civilians," Amnesty says.

When it attacked convoys of Albanian refugees near Djakovica on
14 April and in Korisa on 13 May, "Nato failed to take necessary
precautions to minimise civilian casualties".

The report says Nato repeatedly gave priority to pilots' safety
at the cost of civilian lives.  In several investigations of
civilian deaths, Amnesty quotes from reports in The Independent,
including an investigation into the bombing of a hospital at
Surdulica on 31 May. The Independent disclosed in November that
Serb soldiers were sheltering on the ground floor of the hospital
when it was bombed but that all the casualties were civilian
refugees living on the upper floors.

Amnesty says: "If Nato intentionally bombed the hospital complex
because it believed it was housing soldiers, it may well have
violated the laws of war.  According to Article 50(3) of Protocol
1, [of the Geneva Conventions] 'the presence within the civilian
population of individuals who do not come within the definition
of civilians does not deprive the population of its civilian

"The hospital complex was clearly a civilian object with a large
civilian population, the presence of soldiers would not have
deprived the civilians or the hospital compound of their
protected status." Some of Amnesty's harshest criticism is
directed at the 23 April bombing of Serb television headquarters.
"General Wesley Clark has stated, 'We knew when we struck that
there would be alternate means of getting the Serb Television.
There's no single switch to turn off everything but we thought it
was a good move to strike it, and the political leadership agreed
with us.' "In other words, Nato deliberately attacked a civilian
object, killing 16 civilians, for the purpose of disrupting Serb
television broadcasts in the middle of the night for
approximately three hours.  It is hard to see how this can be
consistent with the rule of proportionality."

On 17 May last year, Nato's secretary general, Javier Solana,
wrote to Amnesty in response to its "grave concern" over the TV
bombing, stating that RTS (Serb Radio and Television) facilities
"are being used as radio relay stations and transmitters to
support the activities of the ... military and special police
forces, and therefore they represent legitimate military

But at a meeting with Nato officials in Brussels early this year
Amnesty was informed that Mr Solana's reference "was to other
attacks on RTS infrastructure and not this particular attack on
RTS headquarters."

The US Defense Department, Amnesty recalls, justified the
television station bombing because it was "a facility used for
propaganda purposes" and Amnesty itself says that Tony Blair
"appeared to be hinting [in a subsequent BBC documentary] that
one of the reasons that the station was targeted was because its
video footage of the human toll of Nato mistakes ... was being
re-broadcast by Western media outlets and was thereby undermining
support for the war within the alliance".

Of the Nato destruction of the train at Gurdulica bridge on 12
April, Amnesty says: "Nato's explanation of the bombing –
particularly General Clark's account of the pilot's rationale for

[CTRL] NATO wants to destabilise Serbia

2000-03-03 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

   BELGRADE, March 2 (AFP) - A Yugoslav general accused NATO on
Thursday of trying to destabilise the tense demilitarised zone
between southern Serbia and its province of Kosovo.
   In an interview with Belgrade's independent Beta news agency,
Vladimir Lazarevic, the commander of the 3rd Yugoslav army in charge
of southern Serbia, rejected NATO reports of Yugoslav troop
reinforcements in the region.
   He said the the NATO claims were an attempt to "hide their
intentions to destabilise" the region, dismissing the reports as a
"notorious lie."
   Tension rose over the weekend in the region after a Serbian
police officer was killed and three injured in an attack blamed by
Belgrade on "Albanian terrorists". An ethnic Albanian also died in
the attack which took place near Bujanovac on Saturday.
   Part of the southern Serbian region is a five kilometre (three
mile) wide demilitarized zone closed to all forces except local
police under a so-called military technical agreement signed last
June between NATO and the Yugoslav army.
   Lazarevic said: "We are performing regular duties and we are
observing what is happening in Kosovo and in the five-kilometer
   Lazarevic took command of the Yugoslav Third Army last month. He
was a former commander of the Pristina corps during the NATO air
strikes against Yugoslavia in 1999.
   Yugoslav Army and Serb police units withdrew from Kosovo in June
1999. The province has been administered since then by the United
Nations, while security is provided by the NATO-led multinational
KFOR troops and UN police.

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Nato accused of violating international law in Kosovo

2000-02-07 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Independent (UK):

   Nato accused of violating international law
   in Kosovo

   By Andrew Marshall in Washington

   7 February 2000

   Nato breached international law in its air
attacks on Yugoslavia
   last year, a respected human rights body says
in a report
   issued today.

   The report, by Human Rights Watch, is
particularly critical of
   the use of cluster-bombs. The United States
stopped using
   the munitions halfway through the war, but
Britain continued
   using them, raising serious issues about the
   concern for civilian casualties.

   Nato killed at least 500 civilians during the
Kosovo conflict, the
   report concludes after visits to the sites of
many of the attacks.
   "Human Rights Watch has found no evidence of
war crimes," it
   says. But, it adds, "the investigation did
conclude that Nato
   violated international humanitarian law".

   The report says that Nato may have breached
the Geneva
   Convention in five areas: it conducted air
attacks using
   cluster-bombs near populated areas; attacked
targets of
   questionable military legitimacy; did not take
   measures to warn civilians of strikes; took
   precautions to identify the presence of
civilians when attacking
   mobile targets; and caused excessive civilian
casualties by not
   taking sufficient measures to verify that
targets did not have
   concentrations of civilians.

   Most of the attacks resulted from missing
military targets. But
   "nine incidents were a result of strikes on
non-military targets
   that Human Rights Watch believes were
illegitimate", including
   Serb Radio and Television in Belgrade.

   At least one-fifth of those who died were
killed by
   cluster-bombs, which spray bomblets over a
wide area.
   "Overall, cluster-bomb use by the United
States and Britain can
   be confirmed in seven incidents throughout
   [another five are possible butunconfirmed],"
the report says.
   "Some 90 to 150 civiliansdied from the use of
these weapons."

   It reveals the United States stopped using the
weapons after a
   hitherto secret presidential order.
"Widespread reports of
   civilian casualties from the use of
cluster-bombs and
   international criticism of these weapons as
   indiscriminate, in effect, led ... to an
unprecedented US
   executive order in the middle of May to cease
their further use
   in the conflict," the report says. "The White
House issued the
   order only days after civilians were killed by
   cluster-bombs in the city of Nis on May 7."

   But Britain, according to the RAF's own
reports, continued to
   use the weapons. "Cluster-bombs should not
have been used
   in attacks in populated areas, let alone urban
targets, given the
   risks," it says. "Nevertheless, the [RAF]
continued to drop
   cluster-bombs, indicating the need for
universal, not national,
   norms regarding cluster-bomb use." The report
also says
   there is "some evidence" Yugoslav forces used
civilians as
   human shields.

   The body calls on Nato to "establish an
independent and
   impartial commission ... that would ...
consider the need to
   alter targeting and bombing doctrine to ensure
   with international humanitarian law".

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2000-01-06 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Date: Monday, January 03, 2000 5:54 PM

COMMUNIQUE  #2243   http://TeamInfinity.com/~ralph/church



hence his current ANTI-AMERICAN RAGE...


Serbian draft resisters forgotten

Veronique Mistiaen

Published 1/3/2000

Thousands of young men who fled Serbia rather than
take part in the war in Kosovo now find themselves
stranded in Hungary, facing long prison sentences if
they go home but denied refugee status in Hungary or
any other NATO country.

BUDAPEST Thousands of young men who fled Serbia
rather than take part in Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic's war in Kosovo now find themselves stranded
in Hungary, facing long prison sentences if they go
home but denied refugee status in Hungary or any other
NATO country.

 Many have been held since the Kosovo campaign in
Debrecen, a former Soviet army base made up of rows of
dilapidated barracks surrounded by barbed wire, where
they spend their days sitting on iron beds in dank
rooms staring into space.

 This so-called "reception center," housing about
1,000 asylum seekers from around the world, is just
one of the camps holding the Serbian deserters and
draft resisters, some accompanied by wives and
children. Others survive in overcrowded and inadequate
private accommodations in Hungary.

 In the words of Amnesty International, they are
"the forgotten resisters" of the Kosovo war.
"Throughout the conflict in Kosovo, NATO member states
made repeated calls to those serving in the Yugoslav
military to resist their leadership," said Brian
Phillips of Amnesty, one of the few organizations
campaigning on their behalf.

 "Now the men who . . . heeded these calls and the
prompting of their conscience, find themselves in
urgent need of protection. But the governments who
issued the calls to resistance appear to take little
interest in the uncertain future facing these men."

 Lorenzo Pasquali, deputy representative for the
U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in
Budapest, said no one is sure how many Yugoslavs are
living in Hungary, although newspapers have quoted
figures up to 20,000. Amnesty and other human rights
organizations estimate their numbers in the thousands.

 Typical of these men is Goran, a 28-year-old
Serbian technician who fled when military police came
to deliver his draft papers on March 31, 1999, a few
days after NATO started bombing Serbia.

 "I knew the risks. Milosevic had declared a state
of war and the borders were closed," said the tall,
dark-haired man, who asked that his last name be
withheld to protect his family. "But I didn't agree
with his senseless policies. I had always opposed him.
I wasn't going to serve in his war."

 Goran said he grabbed a change of clothes, a
piece of bread, his passport and some meager savings
and took off through roads, fields and woods across
what refugees call the "green border" into Hungary.

 "I felt so optimistic. I thought my worries were
behind me" when he crossed the border, Goran said. But
he was soon picked up by Hungarian border police and
sent to two refugee camps before ending up at
Debrecen. There, he was told his application for
asylum had been denied for lack of evidence.

 Today, he feels utterly abandoned. "I know I did
the right thing by refusing to fight in the war. I
don't regret it, but it costs me so much. I have no
job. I miss my friends and family. I am afraid," he

 Hunched on his bed, slowly sipping tea from an
old yogurt pot, he continued: "In the eyes of my
people, I am a traitor and a lot would never forgive
me. . . . If I go home, I'll go to jail. But it seems
that everybody expects us to be sent back and doesn't

 His main hope is to emigrate to the United
States, where an uncle in Texas is willing to sponsor
him, but he says that so far the U.S. Embassy has been
of little help.

 The Yugoslav Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
says men like Goran have good reason to fear returning
to Yugoslavia. Special laws imposed during the Kosovo
campaign provide for jail sentences of up to 10 years
for draft dodging, and up to 20 years for leaving the
country to avoid a recruitment call-up.

 Amnesty International has determined that at
least several hundred draft evaders are already
imprisoned in Yugoslavia, most of them serving
five-year sentences, and as many as 23,000 more cases
are before the military courts.

 Even without the threat of imprisonment, return
would be difficult for many. "My grandfather told me,

[CTRL] NATO leaders Prosecuted ?

1999-11-22 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Foreign Affairs News
Source: S.U.C.
Published: Nov 19. 1999.
Posted on 11/20/1999 15:56:52 PST by Mel70Lawyers meet with chief Prosecutor
over NATO war, Nov 19
CRIMES Canadian lawyers met in The Hague today with war crimes Prosecutor
Carla Del Ponte to urge her to act quickly against NATO leaders for war
crimes commited against the population of Yugoslavia in the bombing
campaign. Lawyer David Jacobs and law professor Michael Mandel met for 1 1/2
hours this morning with Judge Del Ponte and two of her top legal advisors.
The lawyers delivered three thick volumes of evidence substantiating their
charges that 67 NATO leaders (including Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright,
Tony Blair, Jean Chretien, Javier Solana, Jamie Shea and others) were guilty
of war crimes and crimes of humanity in causing the deaths and maiming of
thousands of civilians and billions of dollars of property damage, among
other things.

The lawyers told Judge Del Ponte that there was no excuse for the Tribunal
to wait any longer, that the failure to act was a violation of her duties
under the law and was raising strong suspicions that the Tribunal was biased
in favour of NATO. The lawyers were critical of the Tribunal for having
rushed to indict Yugoslav President Milosevic during the illegal NATO
bombardment and not the NATO leaders.

"We want to change the status of the NATO leaders from unindicted war
criminals to indicted war criminals" said Mandel.

For immediate contact: The Hague - Hotel Novotel - 31 70 3 648 846 - Suites
107 and 114 For further information please contact: Professor Michael
Mandel - (416)736-5039 (Toronto, Canada) David Jacobs - (416)539-0226 ext
202 (Toronto, Canada)

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nato bombed Chinese embassy deliberately.

1999-10-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Nato bombed Chinese deliberately

Nato hit embassy on purpose
Kosovo: special report

John Sweeney and Jens Holsoe in Copenhagen and Ed Vulliamy in Washington
Sunday October 17, 1999

Nato deliberately bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during the war
in Kosovo after discovering it was being used to transmit Yugoslav army
According to senior military and intelligence sources in Europe and the
US the Chinese embassy was removed from a prohibited targets list after
Nato electronic intelligence (Elint) detected it sending army signals to
Milosevic's forces.

The story is confirmed in detail by three other Nato officers - a flight
controller operating in Naples, an intelligence officer monitoring
Yugoslav radio traffic from Macedonia and a senior headquarters officer
in Brussels. They all confirm that they knew in April that the Chinese
embassy was acting as a 'rebro' [rebroadcast] station for the Yugoslav
army (VJ) after alliance jets had successfully silenced Milosevic's own

The Chinese were also suspected of monitoring the cruise missile attacks
on Belgrade, with a view to developing effective counter-measures
against US missiles.

The intelligence officer, who was based in Macedonia during the bombing,
said: 'Nato had been hunting the radio transmitters in Belgrade. When
the President's [Milosevic's] residence was bombed on 23 April, the
signals disappeared for 24 hours. When they came on the air again, we
discovered they came from the embassy compound.' The success of previous
strikes had forced the VJ to use Milosevic's residence as a rebroadcast
station. After that was knocked out, it was moved to the Chinese
embassy. The air controller said: 'The Chinese embassy had an electronic
profile, which Nato located and pinpointed.'

The Observer investigation, carried out jointly with Politiken newspaper
in Denmark, will cause embarrassment for Nato and for the British
government. On Tuesday, the Queen and the Prime Minister will host a
state visit by the President of China, Jiang Zemin. He is to stay at
Buckingham Palace.

Jiang Zemin is still said to be outraged at the 7 May attack, which came
close to splitting the alliance.The official Nato line, as expressed by
President Bill Clinton and CIA director George Tenet, was that the
attack on the Chinese Embassy was a mistake. Defence Secretary William
Cohen said: 'One of our planes attacked the wrong target because the
bombing instructions were based on an outdated map.'

Later, a source in the US National Imagery and Mapping Agency said that
the 'wrong map' story was 'a damned lie'.

Tenet apologised last July, saying: 'The President of the United States
has expressed our sincere regret at the loss of life in this tragic
incident and has offered our condolences to the Chinese people and
especially to the families of those who lost their lives in this
mistaken attack.

Nato's apology was predicated on the excuse that the three missiles
which landed in one corner of the embassy block were meant to be
targeted at the Yugoslav Federal Directorate for Supply and Procurement,
the FDSP. But inquiries have revealed there never was a VJ directorate
of supply and procurement at the site named by Tenet. The VJ office for
supplies - which Tenet calls FDSP - is some 500 metres down the street
from the address he gave. It was bombed later.

Moreover the CIA and other Nato intelligence agencies, such as Britain's
MI6 and the code-breakers at GCHQ, would have listened in to
communication traffic from the Chinese embassy as a matter of course
since it moved to the site in 1996.

A Nato flight control officer in Naples also confirmed to us that a map
of 'non-targets': churches, hospitals and embassies, including the
Chinese, did exist. On this 'don't hit' map, the Chinese embassy was
correctly located at its current site, and not where it had been until
1996 - as claimed by the US and NATO.

Why the Chinese were prepared to help Milosevic is a more murky
question. One possible explanation is that the Chinese lack Stealth
technology, and the Yugoslavs, having shot down a Stealth fighter in the
early days of the air campaign, were in a good position to trade. The
Chinese may have calculated that Nato would not dare strike its embassy,
but the five-storey building was emptied every night of personnel. Only
three people died in the attack, two of whom were, reportedly, not
journalists - the official Chinese version - but intelligence officers.

The Chinese military attache, Ven Bo Koy, who was seriously wounded in
the attack and is now in hospital in China, told Dusan Janjic, the
respected president of Forum for Ethnic Relations in Belgrade, only
hours before the attack, that the embassy was monitoring incoming cruise
missiles in order to develop counter-measures.

Nato spokesman Lee McClenny yesterday stood by the official version. 'It
was a terrible mistake,' he said, 'and we have apologised.' A spokesman
for the Chinese 

Re: [CTRL] Nato bombed Chinese embassy deliberately.

1999-10-17 Thread Graham M. Wilson

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy because they were selling arms to the Serbs,
not that the Serbs were using it as a PBX station.

- Original Message -
From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 1999 1:20 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Nato bombed Chinese embassy deliberately.

 -Caveat Lector-

 Nato bombed Chinese deliberately

 Nato hit embassy on purpose
 Kosovo: special report

 John Sweeney and Jens Holsoe in Copenhagen and Ed Vulliamy in Washington
 Sunday October 17, 1999

 Nato deliberately bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during the war
 in Kosovo after discovering it was being used to transmit Yugoslav army
 According to senior military and intelligence sources in Europe and the
 US the Chinese embassy was removed from a prohibited targets list after
 Nato electronic intelligence (Elint) detected it sending army signals to
 Milosevic's forces.

 The story is confirmed in detail by three other Nato officers - a flight
 controller operating in Naples, an intelligence officer monitoring
 Yugoslav radio traffic from Macedonia and a senior headquarters officer
 in Brussels. They all confirm that they knew in April that the Chinese
 embassy was acting as a 'rebro' [rebroadcast] station for the Yugoslav
 army (VJ) after alliance jets had successfully silenced Milosevic's own

 The Chinese were also suspected of monitoring the cruise missile attacks
 on Belgrade, with a view to developing effective counter-measures
 against US missiles.

 The intelligence officer, who was based in Macedonia during the bombing,
 said: 'Nato had been hunting the radio transmitters in Belgrade. When
 the President's [Milosevic's] residence was bombed on 23 April, the
 signals disappeared for 24 hours. When they came on the air again, we
 discovered they came from the embassy compound.' The success of previous
 strikes had forced the VJ to use Milosevic's residence as a rebroadcast
 station. After that was knocked out, it was moved to the Chinese
 embassy. The air controller said: 'The Chinese embassy had an electronic
 profile, which Nato located and pinpointed.'

 The Observer investigation, carried out jointly with Politiken newspaper
 in Denmark, will cause embarrassment for Nato and for the British
 government. On Tuesday, the Queen and the Prime Minister will host a
 state visit by the President of China, Jiang Zemin. He is to stay at
 Buckingham Palace.

 Jiang Zemin is still said to be outraged at the 7 May attack, which came
 close to splitting the alliance.The official Nato line, as expressed by
 President Bill Clinton and CIA director George Tenet, was that the
 attack on the Chinese Embassy was a mistake. Defence Secretary William
 Cohen said: 'One of our planes attacked the wrong target because the
 bombing instructions were based on an outdated map.'

 Later, a source in the US National Imagery and Mapping Agency said that
 the 'wrong map' story was 'a damned lie'.

 Tenet apologised last July, saying: 'The President of the United States
 has expressed our sincere regret at the loss of life in this tragic
 incident and has offered our condolences to the Chinese people and
 especially to the families of those who lost their lives in this
 mistaken attack.

 Nato's apology was predicated on the excuse that the three missiles
 which landed in one corner of the embassy block were meant to be
 targeted at the Yugoslav Federal Directorate for Supply and Procurement,
 the FDSP. But inquiries have revealed there never was a VJ directorate
 of supply and procurement at the site named by Tenet. The VJ office for
 supplies - which Tenet calls FDSP - is some 500 metres down the street
 from the address he gave. It was bombed later.

 Moreover the CIA and other Nato intelligence agencies, such as Britain's
 MI6 and the code-breakers at GCHQ, would have listened in to
 communication traffic from the Chinese embassy as a matter of course
 since it moved to the site in 1996.

 A Nato flight control officer in Naples also confirmed to us that a map
 of 'non-targets': churches, hospitals and embassies, including the
 Chinese, did exist. On this 'don't hit' map, the Chinese embassy was
 correctly located at its current site, and not where it had been until
 1996 - as claimed by the US and NATO.

 Why the Chinese were prepared to help Milosevic is a more murky
 question. One possible explanation is that the Chinese lack Stealth
 technology, and the Yugoslavs, having shot down a Stealth fighter in the
 early days of the air campaign, were in a good position to trade. The
 Chinese may have calculated that Nato would not dare strike its embassy,
 but the five-storey building was emptied every night of personnel. Only
 three people died in the attack, two of whom were, reportedly, not
 journalists - the official Chinese version - but intelligence officers.

 The Chinese military attache, Ven Bo Koy, who was seriously wounded

Re: [CTRL] Nato bombed Chinese embassy deliberately.

1999-10-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

How do you know this?


"Graham M. Wilson" wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy because they were selling arms to the Serbs,
 not that the Serbs were using it as a PBX station.

 - Original Message -
 From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 17, 1999 1:20 PM
 Subject: [CTRL] Nato bombed Chinese embassy deliberately.

  -Caveat Lector-
  Nato bombed Chinese deliberately
  Nato hit embassy on purpose
  Kosovo: special report
  John Sweeney and Jens Holsoe in Copenhagen and Ed Vulliamy in Washington
  Sunday October 17, 1999
  Nato deliberately bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during the war
  in Kosovo after discovering it was being used to transmit Yugoslav army
  According to senior military and intelligence sources in Europe and the
  US the Chinese embassy was removed from a prohibited targets list after
  Nato electronic intelligence (Elint) detected it sending army signals to
  Milosevic's forces.
  The story is confirmed in detail by three other Nato officers - a flight
  controller operating in Naples, an intelligence officer monitoring
  Yugoslav radio traffic from Macedonia and a senior headquarters officer
  in Brussels. They all confirm that they knew in April that the Chinese
  embassy was acting as a 'rebro' [rebroadcast] station for the Yugoslav
  army (VJ) after alliance jets had successfully silenced Milosevic's own
  The Chinese were also suspected of monitoring the cruise missile attacks
  on Belgrade, with a view to developing effective counter-measures
  against US missiles.
  The intelligence officer, who was based in Macedonia during the bombing,
  said: 'Nato had been hunting the radio transmitters in Belgrade. When
  the President's [Milosevic's] residence was bombed on 23 April, the
  signals disappeared for 24 hours. When they came on the air again, we
  discovered they came from the embassy compound.' The success of previous
  strikes had forced the VJ to use Milosevic's residence as a rebroadcast
  station. After that was knocked out, it was moved to the Chinese
  embassy. The air controller said: 'The Chinese embassy had an electronic
  profile, which Nato located and pinpointed.'
  The Observer investigation, carried out jointly with Politiken newspaper
  in Denmark, will cause embarrassment for Nato and for the British
  government. On Tuesday, the Queen and the Prime Minister will host a
  state visit by the President of China, Jiang Zemin. He is to stay at
  Buckingham Palace.
  Jiang Zemin is still said to be outraged at the 7 May attack, which came
  close to splitting the alliance.The official Nato line, as expressed by
  President Bill Clinton and CIA director George Tenet, was that the
  attack on the Chinese Embassy was a mistake. Defence Secretary William
  Cohen said: 'One of our planes attacked the wrong target because the
  bombing instructions were based on an outdated map.'
  Later, a source in the US National Imagery and Mapping Agency said that
  the 'wrong map' story was 'a damned lie'.
  Tenet apologised last July, saying: 'The President of the United States
  has expressed our sincere regret at the loss of life in this tragic
  incident and has offered our condolences to the Chinese people and
  especially to the families of those who lost their lives in this
  mistaken attack.
  Nato's apology was predicated on the excuse that the three missiles
  which landed in one corner of the embassy block were meant to be
  targeted at the Yugoslav Federal Directorate for Supply and Procurement,
  the FDSP. But inquiries have revealed there never was a VJ directorate
  of supply and procurement at the site named by Tenet. The VJ office for
  supplies - which Tenet calls FDSP - is some 500 metres down the street
  from the address he gave. It was bombed later.
  Moreover the CIA and other Nato intelligence agencies, such as Britain's
  MI6 and the code-breakers at GCHQ, would have listened in to
  communication traffic from the Chinese embassy as a matter of course
  since it moved to the site in 1996.
  A Nato flight control officer in Naples also confirmed to us that a map
  of 'non-targets': churches, hospitals and embassies, including the
  Chinese, did exist. On this 'don't hit' map, the Chinese embassy was
  correctly located at its current site, and not where it had been until
  1996 - as claimed by the US and NATO.
  Why the Chinese were prepared to help Milosevic is a more murky
  question. One possible explanation is that the Chinese lack Stealth
  technology, and the Yugoslavs, having shot down a Stealth fighter in the
  early days of the air campaign, were in a good position to trade. The
  Chinese may have calculated that Nato would not dare strike its embassy,
  but the five-storey building was emptied every night of personnel. Only
  three people died in the attack, t

[CTRL] Nato bombed Chinese deliberately

1999-10-16 Thread Lucio Benedetto

 -Caveat Lector-

Nato bombed Chinese deliberately
Nato hit embassy on purpose
Kosovo: special report

John Sweeney and Jens Holsoe in Copenhagen and Ed Vulliamy in Washington
Sunday October 17, 1999

Nato deliberately bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during the war in
Kosovo after discovering it was being used to transmit Yugoslav army
According to senior military and intelligence sources in Europe and the US
the Chinese embassy was removed from a prohibited targets list after Nato
electronic intelligence (Elint) detected it sending army signals to
Milosevic's forces.

The story is confirmed in detail by three other Nato officers - a flight
controller operating in Naples, an intelligence officer monitoring Yugoslav
radio traffic from Macedonia and a senior headquarters officer in Brussels.
They all confirm that they knew in April that the Chinese embassy was acting
as a 'rebro' [rebroadcast] station for the Yugoslav army (VJ) after alliance
jets had successfully silenced Milosevic's own transmitters.

The Chinese were also suspected of monitoring the cruise missile attacks on
Belgrade, with a view to developing effective counter-measures against US

The intelligence officer, who was based in Macedonia during the bombing,
said: 'Nato had been hunting the radio transmitters in Belgrade. When the
President's [Milosevic's] residence was bombed on 23 April, the signals
disappeared for 24 hours. When they came on the air again, we discovered
they came from the embassy compound.' The success of previous strikes had
forced the VJ to use Milosevic's residence as a rebroadcast station. After
that was knocked out, it was moved to the Chinese embassy. The air
controller said: 'The Chinese embassy had an electronic profile, which Nato
located and pinpointed.'

The Observer investigation, carried out jointly with Politiken newspaper in
Denmark, will cause embarrassment for Nato and for the British government.
On Tuesday, the Queen and the Prime Minister will host a state visit by the
President of China, Jiang Zemin. He is to stay at Buckingham Palace.

Jiang Zemin is still said to be outraged at the 7 May attack, which came
close to splitting the alliance.The official Nato line, as expressed by
President Bill Clinton and CIA director George Tenet, was that the attack on
the Chinese Embassy was a mistake. Defence Secretary William Cohen said:
'One of our planes attacked the wrong target because the bombing
instructions were based on an outdated map.'

Later, a source in the US National Imagery and Mapping Agency said that the
'wrong map' story was 'a damned lie'.

Tenet apologised last July, saying: 'The President of the United States has
expressed our sincere regret at the loss of life in this tragic incident and
has offered our condolences to the Chinese people and especially to the
families of those who lost their lives in this mistaken attack.

Nato's apology was predicated on the excuse that the three missiles which
landed in one corner of the embassy block were meant to be targeted at the
Yugoslav Federal Directorate for Supply and Procurement, the FDSP. But
inquiries have revealed there never was a VJ directorate of supply and
procurement at the site named by Tenet. The VJ office for supplies - which
Tenet calls FDSP - is some 500 metres down the street from the address he
gave. It was bombed later.

Moreover the CIA and other Nato intelligence agencies, such as Britain's MI6
and the code-breakers at GCHQ, would have listened in to communication
traffic from the Chinese embassy as a matter of course since it moved to the
site in 1996.

A Nato flight control officer in Naples also confirmed to us that a map of
'non-targets': churches, hospitals and embassies, including the Chinese, did
exist. On this 'don't hit' map, the Chinese embassy was correctly located at
its current site, and not where it had been until 1996 - as claimed by the
US and NATO.

Why the Chinese were prepared to help Milosevic is a more murky question.
One possible explanation is that the Chinese lack Stealth technology, and
the Yugoslavs, having shot down a Stealth fighter in the early days of the
air campaign, were in a good position to trade. The Chinese may have
calculated that Nato would not dare strike its embassy, but the five-storey
building was emptied every night of personnel. Only three people died in the
attack, two of whom were, reportedly, not journalists - the official Chinese
version - but intelligence officers.

The Chinese military attache, Ven Bo Koy, who was seriously wounded in the
attack and is now in hospital in China, told Dusan Janjic, the respected
president of Forum for Ethnic Relations in Belgrade, only hours before the
attack, that the embassy was monitoring incoming cruise missiles in order to
develop counter-measures.

Nato spokesman Lee McClenny yesterday stood by the official version. 'It was
a terrible mistake,' he 

[CTRL] NATO-craczy

1999-10-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From www.antiwar.com/justin/justincol.html

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo

October 11, 1999

Months after NATO's assault on the former Yugoslavia, the fruits of that
alleged "victory" have begun to appear in all their misshapen ugliness: what is
clearly evolving in Yugoslavia's conquered province, is a full-fledged fascist
state. And I don't mean that rhetorically, in the sense that I think the KLA
are not very nice: I mean that literally, as in self-conscious fascists have
seized de facto power in Kosovo. During the war I warned, in this column, that
the ideological pedigree of the Kosovo Liberation Army can be traced back to
some very dubious sources, including the pro-Nazi Skanderberg Division of the
SS that fought for Germany during World War II, as well as supporters of the
late Enver Hoxha, Albania's Stalinist strongman. Now the fascist KLA is coming
out of the closet, baring its fangs, and showing its true face for all the
world to see: yet, somehow, the world is no longer looking. The Western media,
which clamored for – and, indeed, created – this war, would much rather avert
its face than confront, head on, the consequences of their enthusiasms.

I cannot forget a CNN special documentary on the KLA, narrated by Christiane
Amanpour, commander-in-chief of the journalistic division of the War Party, and
wife of State Department spokesman James Rubin. Amanpour's interviews with KLA
cadre uniformly depicted them as victims fighting in a righteous cause, and her
voice seemed to swell with pride as she continually described them as "freedom
fighters." KLA recruits, questioned about their political beliefs and the goals
of their movement, typically claimed to be fighting for "democracy" and "a
normal life, just like in America." CNN rounded up an "expert" from the pro-KLA
"Human Rights Watch" who rationalized KLA excesses and reiterated the U.S.
government line that the KLA were admirable and worthy of American support.

But even here, in the midst of what was nothing more than a propaganda piece,
viewers got a glimpse of the truth: footage of a KLA parade, with smart young
soldiers dressed in red and black practically goose-stepping down the street,
red banners flying. During the war, KLA commanders were told by their American
handlers to quit using the old straight-arm KLA salute: it was just a
coincidence, of course, that this open-palmed salute was identical to the
Hitlerian version.

Now that Human Rights Watch is no longer watching, and Madeleine Albright's
ardor for Kosovar strongman Hacim thaci seems to have cooled considerably, the
KLA is openly moving to establish an "ethnically pure" fascist state – and it
is not only Serbs who are the victims.

The news that the Kosovapress, the official organ of the KLA high command, has
denounced Veton Surroi, publisher of Koha Ditore, Kosovo's leading newspaper,
as a traitor – and strongly implied that his death may be imminent – hit the
NATO-crats like a thunderclap. Surroi is a traitor, according to an article by
Marxhan Avdyli, and has all along been a Serbian agent: not only that, but he
is now a spy in the pay of nameless Western interests. The editors of Koha
Ditore are a "bastard ragtag" band of "ordinary mobsters"; they are also, we
are informed, "the garbage of history." Ominously, Avdyli warns that Surroi is
at risk of "eventual and very understandable revenge" and further avers that
"such criminals and enslaved minds should not have a place in the free Kosovo."
This is what the KLA means by a "free" Kosovo – a nation free of all political

So, what's the KLA's beef with Surroi? If you haven't already, take a look at
"Today's Spotlight," on the main page, a commentary by Surroi originally
published in Koha Ditore that takes aim at the KLA's evolving fascist regime.
He condemns the reverse ethnic cleansing of Kosovo, and denounces "the
organized and systematic intimidation of all Serbs simply because they are
Serbs and therefore are being held collectively responsible for what happened
in Kosovo. Such attitudes are fascist." The irony of the West's "anti-fascist"
crusade against Milosevic and Serbian "racism" is that it has created the
makings of a racist fascist state in Kosovo. As Surroi puts it,
"From having been victims of Europe's worst end-of-century persecution, we are
ourselves becoming persecutors and have allowed the specter of fascism to
reappear. Anybody who thinks that the violence will end once the last Serb has
been driven out is living an illusion. The violence will simply be directed
against other Albanians. Is this really what we fought for?"
NOTE:  The article by Surroi was forwarded to CTRL on 9th October, 1999, at
the bottom of post entitled "Cleansing Up Their Act".  AER 

Well, yes, as a matter of fact, that is 

Re: [CTRL] NATO-craczy

1999-10-11 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/99 2:31:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Months after NATO's assault on the former Yugoslavia, the fruits of that
  alleged "victory" have begun to appear in all their misshapen ugliness:
  clearly evolving in Yugoslavia's conquered province, is a full-fledged
  state. And I don't mean that rhetorically, in the sense that I think the
  are not very nice: I mean that literally, as in self-conscious fascists
  seized de facto power in Kosovo.

This should be far from a surprise to anyone with any intelligence.  It is
the desired outcome after all.  The rebirth of fascism into the public eye,
as a "respectable" political economy is something that had to happen, and
with the roots so firmly planted in this area of the world it is quite
understandable that it would come about there.  Watch for more of the same,
and in more unusual places.


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-08-26 Thread Lloyd Miller

 At the 
height of the Clinton Impeachment frenzy, David Rockefeller introduced and 
sponsored a Clinton speech at the Council on Foreign Relations. Clearly a 
signal to all those beholding to the Rockefeller array of 
Corporate/Banking/Foundation interests to oppose the impeachment. This was 
at the same time that leading newspapers accross the country were advocating 
resignation on their editorial pages. 

Rothschilds, on the other hand, as leaders of the Queen's Empire of the City of 
London financial nexus, were supporting the attacks on Clinton. Remember 
that, as noticed by Hilary Clinton and others, the ammunition for the vast 
Right-wing conspiracy was usually first aired in London publications, many 
controlled by the Rothshilds. Evelyn Rothschild is head of the Economist, 
for instance.

 The Rockefeller patronage of 
Clinton at the CFR has been widely reported, but I would like the best 
references to filecan anyone help?

 Could it be Clinton is a 
tool of David Rockefeller and the Rothschilds groups? Seems to me, they are 
the ones behind the scene in most of what happens in the world today. Maybe 
we should direct our anger toward them instead of their 
John Lee

Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,Ferndale, 
MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for theentire 
political-ideological spectrum. Quarterly journal, book 
sales,rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly 
Up-dateLists  E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, 
 resources.To Discuss Ideas: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
http://msen.com/~lloyd/ For 
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Diet Has Failed! What Can I do?Click Below to Ask Dr. 

[CTRL] NATO soldiers beaten in Kumanovo

1999-08-23 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

 -Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
NATO soldiers beaten in Kumanovo
August 21, 1999

NATO soldier in Kumanovo

 Skopje, August 21 (Tanjug) - A group of drunk soldiers from the Danish
contingent of NATO forces situated in Macedonia caused a serious incident
Kumanovo downtown on Thursday evening when a mass fight between western
merchandisers and local youth occurred.

Arrogant Danish merchandisers performed an unexpected striptease around
midnight at the full public square out side of the city fountain splashing
the water on the shocked passers-by. Chesty behavior of NATO soldiers
provoked the youth of Kumanovo while sitting down at the vicinity cafés. A
fight occurred and the Danes barely stayed alive.

Strangers are protected with the agreement on the conditions of staying of
NATO forces in Macedonia. Therefor, after the treatment of the wounds
during the fight, Danish merchandisers would most probably face the court
law, but in their country. Maybe they would be banished and, eventually,
released from the service.

More 7.000 NATO soldiers are situated in Macedonia and this event is the
serious accident since the beating of some twenty British soldiers in the
restaurant "Dva jelena" in Skopje and the serial of chasing away French
"peacekeepers" from several villages of the Kumanovo area.

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-08-20 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

 -Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

A N T I F A-I N F O - B U L L E T I N
 * News * Analysis * Research * Action *

-- SPECIAL -- August 11, 1999 -- EDITION --




By Michel Chossudovsky Department of Economics, University of Ottawa
Ottawa, K1N6N5 Voice box: 1-613-562-5800, ext. 1415 Fax: 1-514-425-6224
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tuesday, 10 August 1999 -


This text was presented to the Independent Commission of Inquiry to
Investigate U.S./NATO War Crimes Against The People of Yugoslavia,
International Action Center, New York, July 31, 1999.

* * *


While the World focusses on troop movements and war crimes, the massacres
of civilians in the wake of the bombings have been casually dismissed as
"justifiable acts of revenge". In occupied Kosovo, "double standards"
prevail in assessing alleged war crimes. The massacres directed against
Serbs, ethnic Albanians, Roma and other ethnic groups have been conducted
on the instructions of the military command of the Kosovo Liberation Army

NATO ostensibly denies KLA involvement. These so-called "unmotivated acts
of violence and retaliation" are not categorised as "war crimes" and are
therefore not included in the mandate of the numerous FBI and Interpol
police investigators dispatched to Kosovo under the auspices of the Hague
War Crime's Tribunal (ICTY). Moreover, whereas NATO has tacitly endorsed
the self-proclaimed KLA provisional government, KFOR the international
security force in Kosovo has provided protection to the KLA military
commanders responsible for the atrocities. In so doing both NATO and the UN
Mission have acquiesced to the massacres of civilians. In turn, public
opinion has been blatantly misled. In portraying the massacres, the Western
media has casually overlooked the role of the KLA, not to mention its
pervasive links to organised crime. In the words of National Security
Advisor Samuel Berger, "these people [ethnic Albanians] come back ... with
broken hearts and with some of those hearts filled with anger."1 While the
massacres are seldom presented as the result of "deliberate decisions" by
the KLA military command, the evidence (and history of the KLA) amply
confirm that these atrocities are part of a policy of "ethnic cleansing"
directed mainly against the Serb population but also against the Roma,
Montenegrins, Goranis and Turks.

Serbian houses and business have been confiscated, looted, or burned, and
Serbs have been beaten, raped, and killed. In one of the more dramatic of
incidents, KLA troops ransacked a monastery, terrorized the priest and a
group of nuns with gunfire, and raped at least one of the nuns. NATO's
inability to control the situation and provide equal protection for all
ethnic groups, and its apparent inability or unwillingness to fully disarm
the KLA, has created a serious situation for NATO troops...2

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), confirms in this
regard that:

"more than 164,000 Serbs have left Kosovo during the seven weeks since...
the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) entered the province... A wave of arson
and looting of Serb and Roma homes throughout Kosovo has ensued. Serbs and
Roma remaining in Kosovo have been subject to repeated incidents of
harassment and intimidation, including severe beatings. Most seriously,
there has been a spate of murders and abductions of Serbs since mid-June,
including the late July massacre of Serb farmers."3


The self-proclaimed Provisional Government of Kosovo (PGK) has also ordered
assassinations directed against political opponents including "loyalist"
ethnic Albanians and supporters of the Kosovo Democratic League (KDL).
These acts are being carried out in a totally permissive environment. The
leaders of the KLA rather than being arrested for war crimes, have been
granted KFOR protection.

According to a report of the Foreign Policy Institute (published during the

"...the KLA have [no] qualms about murdering Rugova's collaborators, whom
it accused of the `crime' of moderation... [T]he KLA declared Rugova a
`traitor' yet another step toward eliminating any competitors for political
power within Kosovo."4

Already in May, Fehmi Agani, one of Rugova's closest collaborators in the
Kosovo Democratic League (KDL) was killed. The Serbs were blamed by NATO
spokesperson Jamie Shea for having assassinated Agani. According to
Skopje's paper Makedonija Danas, Agani had been executed on the orders of
the KLA's self-appointed Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.5 "If Thaci actually
considered Rugova a threat, he would not hesitate to have Rugova removed
from the Kosovo political landscape."6

In turn, the KLA has 

Re: [CTRL] NATO - The new God on the block.

1999-08-02 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

On my web page is a link to information
about Bush.  Monsanto (MS No Nato)
has been supported since the Bush
administration - check out Monsanto's
products - Aspartame, ect.
Clinton has also supported their
Genetically Modified Food.

To get back to Bush - the links on
my index page one of the links
is just about the Bush family
Bush Sr. was caught as a pedophile
1996 - same year Belgium had
the major pedophile scandal.
Bush Sr. went to Yale and
was a member of the Skull
and Cross Bones there.

Belgium is the home of NATO
but the military division is based

Then lets not forget the Iran Contra
Bush affair.

The Coors link has Bush and the
other (current) candidates for American
Presidential office are detailed.

Have fun there are a lot more links that
might or might not be a part of this.

The Pied Piper
Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NATO - The new God on the block.

1999-08-01 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

 -Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Recently, Srpska Mreza web site has received the following
message from Professor Dr. Emil Vlajki.

Emil Vlajki is a former professor of political science at
Sarajevo University. He was also visiting and associate
 professor: Yale, Leuven, Montréal, Laval, Ottava.

We have put earlier Dr. Vlajki's text at:

As soon as we get information on professor Vlajki's book we will
inform you. We also plan to put an ad at Srpska Mreza site.

Petar Makara

- Professor Vlajki's message:
Thanks for putting me on your pages. ("The new totalitarian society"). The
 book with the same title will be written by the end of this month.  One
 editor from Ottawa is willing to publish it but he does not have a
 distribution network. Can you help me in this matter? I am sending you an
 other part of the book. I am sure you will like it. Puno pozdrava.  Emil


 By Emil Vlajki, Ottawa University

 "I think no power to your refrigerator, no gas to your stove, you can't
 to work because the bridge is down - the bridge on which you held your
 concerts - and you all stood with targets on your heads. That needs to
 disappear at 3 o'clock in the morning".
 USAF Gen. Michael Short, quoted by the "Observer" in "Belgrade open for
 business as usual" (May, 16)

 Can God commit a crime?  Wrong question.  His deeds are divine, they are
 what they are.  We saw it in the Bible that for "humanitarian reasons" God
 was able to destroy the whole humanity (by deluge), he was able to prevent
 people from understanding each other (by destroying the Babel tower), he
 could order fathers to kill their sons (Abraham, Genesis) and he had to be
 obeyed.  He is unique, omnipotent and nobody, not even Louise Arbour can
 place judgment on him.  But obviously, human beings are ignorant.  Some of
 them have asked the prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal to
 investigate God's dearest "dark angels"(Clinton, Albright, Blair, Cook,
 Solana, Shea, Clark and others) for violations of international
 humanitarian law.1 Some of them think that "the attack on Yugoslavia
 constitutes the most brazen international aggression since the Nazis
 attacked Poland 'to prevent Polish atrocities against Germans' "2 What a
 shame!  Uncle Sam (God) and his staff ("international community") will
 never accept these allegations from the people, ignoring the real,
 "humanistic" sense of the ongoing violence.

 As to say that most of God's instruments (pilots belonging to the "Sega
 generation" and proudly accepting honours from Clinton for killing so many
 Serb civilians) never failed in obeying divine orders. In fact, a God's
 pilot "drops the bomb in good faith, as you would expect of a trained
 from a democratic NATO country to do"3 But some others were not so aware
 their "humanitarian mission".  Take, for instance, the Spanish pilots
 majority was against the "holly Balkan war".  They asserted that their
 mission was not divine at all, and that the media was lying to the Spanish
 people.  According to these pilots, NATO's repeated bombing of civilians
 and non-military targets was not the result of "war errors".  Nor was the
 use of anti-personnel bombs.  Moreover, orders for killing were given by
 God in person, North American generals, the White House, the Pentagon, the
 CIA!  Spanish pilots also claim that Javier Solana is a puppet of the
 Americans, put there to do their bidding. Pilots added, that they are also
 puppets, a cover up for the committed crimes; when they stood up against
 it, they were simply replaced and sent home.   North American Generals
 destroying the country by bombing it with new weapons, toxic nerve gases,
 surface mines dropped by parachute, bombs containing uranium, black
 sterilisation chemicals, spraying poison to kill the crops, and weapons we
 still know nothing of.  The North Americans are committing one of the
 biggest barbarities that can be committed against humanity - designed in
 order to divide Europeans and keep them subjected for many decades"4.
 is the way for the weak and ignorant people to judge God's behaviour.
 do not know about the Devil ("communism") and his cunningness, the one who
 has numerous faces and has to be fought against permanently and by all

 Indeed, Americans have a long and painful experience in combating the
 who, being once (somewhere) destroyed, reappears again and again, putting
 on new faces (new regimes, social movements, individuals) and becoming
 more evil than before.  Take, for example, the case of S. Allende, the
 president of Chile and a "communist" who had to be overthrown by the CIA
 and killed in order to be replaced by the "democratic" Pinochet regime in
 1973.  Think about "Hitlerite 

[CTRL] NATO Pilots in Bosnia were wounded by lasers

1999-07-31 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Sorry this is so old but I was just deleting files and came across it. This
was in WorldNetDaily

Date: Saturday, 5 December 1998 10:40

By Col David Hackworth - WorldNetDaily

Most Americans get their news from television. And stories such as I've
outlined aren't juicy enough to make the evening news, even though they
vitally concern our national security, the welfare of our troops and how
our defense dollars are being misspent.

I daily correspond, mostly by e-mail, with soldiers and sailors all over
the world. I frequently get scoops that I pass to other reporters if they
can get the news out faster than I can.

A few weeks ago I got a report from Bosnia that two of our pilots were
wounded by lasers and that laser attacks were becoming a major problem to
aircrews. I called two contacts, one with a major newspaper, the other with
a major TV network. The printed press reporter got the story nationwide on
page one the next day. A week later, the TV guy rang me back and said, "It
just isn't our kind of story."

We know the kind of story TV likes. If it doesn't reek of sex, scandal and
sensationalism, forget it. Sadly, this leaves most Americans in the dark
about bottom-line matters affecting our very survival as a nation.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nato admits air campaign failed

1999-07-22 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


Nato admits air campaign failed
By Tim Butcher and Patrick Bishop

NATO's bombing campaign against Yugoslavia had almost no military effect on
the regime of President Milosevic, which gave in only after Russia withdrew
its diplomatic backing.
This is the gloomy assessment of a private, preliminary review by Nato
experts of the alliance's 78-day Operation Allied Force bombing campaign
against Yugoslavia over Kosovo.

At the same time, British diplomats have concluded that Milosevic had no
intention of honouring any diplomatic agreement which reduced his hold on
Kosovo - despite his vaunted willingness to enter the negotiations at
Rambouillet and the peace talks in Paris which preceded the bombing
campaign. The experts nevertheless judge that, diplomatically and
politically, the operation was a success because the 19-member alliance
remained united throughout and left Belgrade so isolated that it was forced
to submit to Nato's terms.

Despite the outcome, preliminary inquiries into the war are revealing some
uncomfortable truths for soldiers and politicians seeking lessons from the
Kosovo operation. Their findings will shape new military and diplomatic
approaches as to how the West deals with maverick leaders and rogue states
which confront them in future.

The main finding of the Nato inquiry is that despite the thousands of
bombing sorties, they failed to damage the Yugoslav field army tactically in
Kosovo while the strategic bombing of targets such as bridges and factories
was poorly planned and executed. Changes are being considered within Nato,
including the radical overhaul of how strategic targets are identified and
considered for attack.

Any future operation by Nato is likely to involve heavier, more ruthless
attacks on civilian targets such as power stations and water treatment
plants at an earlier stage of the campaign. There is also an urgent
operational requirement for more sophisticated surveillance equipment
including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to find small hidden tactical
targets such as tanks and artillery pieces. As it was, by parking a tank,
for example, in the ruins of an old house, the Serbs made it invisible from
the air.

A team of Nato bomb damage experts is yet to complete its work on the
ground, but so far the assessment is that only a handful of tanks, guns and
armoured personnel carriers were damaged. Military sources said that it was
likely that the damage would have been greater had the Serb forces been
actively engaged on the ground by the Kosovo Liberation Army and forced into
the open.

Without adequate surveillance assets, including low-level UAVs such as the
British Phoenix system which only arrived in the Balkans in June, Nato was
simply unable to spot well-hidden Serb military units in Kosovo. A wave of
new air-launched missiles, including the RAF's Brimstone, will give Nato
jets a more sophisticated missile for destroying targets on the ground.

The second part of the campaign was the strategic bombing of military
targets, including air defence systems, as well as the civilian
infrastructure of Yugoslavia and the Milosevic regime. Military experts now
concede that by breaking down this part of the campaign into phases, the
alliance made a serious error.

The political leaders of Nato wanted to threaten Belgrade with bombing and
believed that a series of steps would be most effective, because it would
gradually increase the pressure on Milosevic to negotiate. The Yugoslav
leader was told at the outset of the bombing that Phase I targets such as
command bunkers would be hit and that, if he did not comply, he could expect
Phases II and III - which would be wider bombing.

Nato sources now concede that this was an error as Phase I did not cause any
significant military pain to the regime - all the main military assets and
personnel had long been evacuated from obvious targets. Furthermore,
Milosevic was able to use the state-controlled media to prepare the wider
Yugoslav public for a long campaign, kindling a sort of Blitz spirit that
reduced public opposition to his rule.

Nato believes that the bombing in the latter weeks of Operation Allied Force
against bridges, factories and other civilian targets was more effective but
it could have been much more so had it been done earlier.

On the diplomatic front, Foreign Office officials have concluded that
Milosevic never had any intention of co-operating with the outside world to
find a solution to the Kosovo problem that would reduce Serb control of the
province. The undertakings he gave to the American special envoy Richard
Holbrooke last autumn which averted an earlier threat of Nato punishment
were worthless.

They now accept that the numerous ultimatums issued to Milosevic during the
course of the Kosovo crisis should have been backed up with the credible
threat of force. Like Nato, they judge 

[CTRL] NATO Needs a Head

1999-07-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 The presiding Secretary-General is leaving NATO to become the European
Union's first minister of defense.

New NATO Secretary-General Sought

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Wanted: Secretary-General for NATO. Must be
political heavyweight. An excellent communicator. And an effective manager.

Must not be from the United States, France, Italy, Canada, Spain, Poland,
Hungary or the Czech Republic.

NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana - a Spaniard who won the war in Kosovo,
moved the Western military alliance into a new era of enlargement and
drastically revamped its strategy - is leaving to become the European Union's
first coordinator for foreign and defense policy.

Filling his shoes will be no easy task.

``People are writing richly speculative articles,'' said one NATO ambassador,
insisting that ``the position at the moment is that there are no formal

The ambassador, like everyone else at the 19-nation alliance's headquarters
who was asked about the search for Solana's successor, declined to speak on
the record.

The lack of formal candidates leaves NATO observers little to work with
beyond a handful of ``names being mentioned.''

So far, there are only four. The most prominent is German Defense Minister
Rudolf Scharping. He certainly wins the highest praise, but his boss, German
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, says he needs the 51-year-old Scharping at

Others include Paddy Ashdown, 58, the departing leader of Britain's Liberal
Democratic Party; former Belgian Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene, 58, and
Hans Haekkerup, 53, Denmark's defense minister.

Selecting a new secretary-general, like everything else at NATO, is done by
consensus. The dean of the NATO ambassadors, Sir John Goulding of Britain,
has been consulting with his fellow ambassadors to see if consensus is
forming around any particular name. So far, NATO officials say, nothing has

Solana's four-year mandate ends in December, but he is expected to leave
sometime in October to start his new job. Best guess among NATO officials is
the new man - and it will be a man - will be named in September, when all
NATO foreign ministers are in New York for the U.N. General Assembly.

The new secretary-general must be a politician with clout, somebody who can
forge consensus when things get tough, said one NATO official. He must be
able to explain effectively the alliance strategy in tough spots like Kosovo.
And he must be able to manage a large bureaucracy.

There are limitations.

By tradition, he can't be an American because the United States already holds
the top two military jobs in the alliance. He can't be French, because France
still has not rejoined the integrated military command, which it left in 1966
when President Charles de Gaulle became upset over American influence.

Italy already has a deputy secretary-general and it's too soon to have
another Spaniard. Somebody from the three new members - Poland, Hungary and
the Czech Republic - would probably rile the Russians.

Some people at NATO still believe Scharping could fall on his domestic
political sword in the end and take the NATO job for the good of the
alliance. Others think not.

Most write off Dehaene as a nonstarter. Solana's predecessor, Willy Claes,
also a Belgian, was forced to resign because of a political scandal back
home. The voters just kicked Dehaene and his party out of office, in large
part due to other scandals.

Ashdown, though attractive in some ways, has never held a Cabinet post or a
high government job. He does, however, have significant military experience,
something Solana - an anti-NATO peacenik in his youth - never had.

Haekkerup is the least known of all but has solid experience.

``It's unfortunate there is such a poor list,'' said Gordon Adams of the
International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. ``Solana is a hell
of an act to follow. He has been a superb secretary-general.''

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] NATO-Dissenter Greece Demonized

1999-07-06 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Greece Pressured To Tackle Terrorism

.c The Associated Press

ATHENS, Greece (AP) - Hundreds of arson strikes and bomb attacks in the last
two years have left Greece increasingly at odds with the United States - a
principal target for Greek terrorists.

The attacks by terrorists and anarchists have also left Greece out of step
with its European Union partners, who have crushed or hobbled their own urban
terrorist networks.

But after decades of inaction, Greek leaders may finally be heeding the calls
to work harder to try to squash Europe's most elusive terrorist cell,
November 17, and other smaller terrorist groups.

On Monday, self-proclaimed anarchist Nikos Maziotis went on trial for a 1997
bomb at the Greek Interior Ministry. His prosecution could help ease U.S.-led
demands that Greece take stronger measures against terrorism. Yet it could
also become a rallying point for more attacks - especially during planned
visits this month by American law enforcement and counter-terrorism

Four Americans and one Greek employee at the U.S. Embassy have been killed by
November 17. More than a dozen U.S.-linked sites, including Citibank and car
dealerships, have been attacked this year. And the price tag for security for
U.S. diplomats in Greece is the highest in the world, though the exact cost
is kept secret.

The pressure on Greece - now listed by Washington as the reigning hub of
leftist and anti-foreigner terrorism in Europe - appears part of a general
U.S. security alarm following the twin bombings at embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania in August 1998.

The CIA and other U.S. investigators have been working alongside Greek
authorities since 1975, when November 17 gunned down its first victim: CIA
station chief Richard Welch. Yet U.S. officials complain they are granted
limited powers and claim Greece lacks the political will or police expertise
to mount a terrorist crackdown.

Although they lack such tools as a national DNA registry and a special
anti-terrorist forensics team, Greek authorities vigorously deny any weakness
in battling terrorism.

``Greece does not have a terrorism problem,'' insisted government spokesman
Dimitris Reppas, whose own office was hit by an incendiary bomb in May 1998.

``There is a real battle of perception going on,'' said John Sitilides,
executive director of the Western Policy Center, a Washington-based group
promoting U.S.-Greek dialogue. ``The Americans see a major problem. The
Greeks don't see this with the same urgency.''

But the list of attacks - and the dearth of arrests - point to a very
lopsided score.

Obscure leftist groups have carried out attacks on a range of targets,
including diplomatic cars and compounds and foreign businesses and
institutions. The bombings are generally carried out at night and there have
been few victims. But Western diplomatic sources, speaking on condition of
anonymity, worry the groups could get more brazen and dangerous.

November 17 is suspected of carrying out rocket attacks on the German
ambassador's residence in May and several other foreign banks in recent
months. It has managed to carry out 21 killings and hit dozens of targets in
the past 24 years without any confirmed suspects facing justice.

November 17 takes its name from the date in 1973 when the military junta
ruling Greece crushed a student uprising. Over the years, its philosophy has
apparently shifted from Marxism to a mix of ultra-nationalism and
working-class populism.

But U.S. officials fear the group could focus more on anti-NATO retaliation
following the campaign against Yugoslavia, which was widely condemned by

``The government just wants this problem to dissolve into the air,'' said
Maria Bossi, a former member of Greece's anti-terrorist commission.

In a step toward more international cooperation, a group of 50 Greek police
officers are scheduled to spend the summer in the United States training in
anti-terrorism techniques.

Bossi, however, calls this ``just a nice bit of public relations.''

``Everybody wants to get rid of this anxiety of 25 years,'' she said. ``But
you need to take certain steps. They are not taking the steps.''

These would include full-time anti-terrorist detectives, devoting resources
to developing data banks to cross-reference evidence and creating a witness
protection network to encourage testimony, she said.

But more important is the political determination.

For politicians, however, the costs are potentially high. Many Greeks still
see November 17 as a righteous crusader that does not disrupt the lives of
ordinary citizens.

There are hopes the government of Premier Costas Simitis may be less reticent
than its predecessors.

Simitis is seeking to rid Greece's renegade image in the EU, encourage
foreign investors and boost a sagging tourism industry. Also, Greece does not
want the specter of terrorism disrupting preparations for the 2004 Olympics
in Athens.

``I believe the Greek 

[CTRL] NATO Bars Russia from Kosovo

1999-07-03 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO Nixes Russian Reinforcements

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - NATO thwarted Russian attempts to fly reinforcements to its
peacekeeping forces in Yugoslavia because the Kremlin wants to revise the
agreement giving Russia a role in policing the peace, alliance and U.S.
officials said Saturday.

NATO's military headquarters in Belgium expects the Russians this week to
continue talks on the requested revisions. They broke off Wednesday without
agreement after three days.

Russia wants to change an agreement reached in lengthy negotiations last
month at Helsinki, Finland, that outlined Russian participation in a NATO-led
peacekeeping force. NATO officials speaking on condition of anonymity said
Russia wants to send some of its troops into sectors of Kosovo controlled by
other NATO countries. Separately, Russia wants to water down NATO's command
of Russian forces.

``We continue to work with Russian military representatives on the
arrangements'' for its participation, a U.S. official said. ``It is NATO's
view that we should complete all of these arrangements before additional
Russian forces deploy to Kosovo.''

German Col. Michael Kaemmerer, a NATO official at the Supreme Headquarters
Allied Powers Europe, site of the talks, said they were to have lasted seven
to 10 days, aiming to work out deployment details such as ``a timeline,
liaison procedures and so on.''

He said the Russians are invited to return this week. In Washington, Pentagon
spokeswoman Maj. Ginger Blazicko said talks are scheduled.

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright took a break from a European vacation
Friday and telephoned her Russian counterpart, Igor Ivanov, a U.S. official
said. The official had no details of the call, but The New York Times said
Albright explained to Ivanov NATO's objections to a full Russian deployment
before all problems with the agreement are settled.

Authorities on both sides of the Atlantic said Russia asked Hungary, Romania
and Bulgaria late last week for corridors through which Ilyushin cargo planes
could fly soldiers to join about 700 Russian troops and technicians already
in Kosovo, a province of the Yugoslav republic Serbia.

After consultation with U.S. and NATO officials, alliance member Hungary and
Romania and Bulgaria, both of which want to join NATO, rejected the requests.

``The nations (involved) have not granted overflight rights, and there is not
an inclination to do so until all arrangements are completed,'' a U.S.
official said. ``We support that inclination.''

Still, news agencies reported in Moscow that two Il-76 aircraft were being
loaded with military hardware and other cargo Saturday in preparation for a
Sunday airlift of about 100 paratroopers, the first of an eventual 2,900
additional troops planned for the Russian contingent. They said another four
Il-76s will fly Monday and Tuesday with 200 more soldiers.

The Russian agencies said Hungary refused overflights, but they did not
mention Bulgaria or Romania. Tanjug, Yugoslavia's government-run agency,
reported from Moscow that all three rejected overflights but ``lively
diplomatic activity is under way.''

The Russians are at Slatina airport near Pristina, Kosovo's provincial
capital. Its first soldiers went there in an unexpected lightning move three
weeks ago from nearby Bosnia, where they were serving with a Western-led
peacekeeping operation.

Lt. Gen. Victor Zavarzin, commander of the push into Kosovo, quickly became a
hero at home and was awarded a third star by President Boris Yeltsin.

In Boston, The Globe reported Saturday that Zavarzin was known to NATO
commanders as a high-ranking spy. On that basis, the newspaper said, Gen.
Wesley Clark, NATO's supreme commander, rejected Russia's nomination of
Zavarzin as the Kremlin's liaison with NATO.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NATO and Ethnic Cleansing by KLA

1999-06-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

KLA Moves in After Serbs Depart

.c The Associated Press

DOBRO SELO, Yugoslavia (AP) - It didn't take the Kosovo Liberation Army long
to move in after Serb forces withdrew. Within minutes, guerrillas were coming
down from the hills. Within hours, they had seized control of one of
Yugoslavia's biggest coal mines.

NATO got there the next day.

The rebels moved in so fast Saturday morning that mining company manager
Dragan Radakovic - a Serb - didn't understand what the shooting was at first.
``I thought maybe it was the army celebrating'' their pullout, he said.

But the rattle of automatic weapons fire got louder - and closer.

International monitors said the KLA took control Sunday of a major crossing
point on the Yugoslav-Albanian border shortly after Yugoslav officials
abandoned it.

About 10-15 KLA guerrillas were guarding the Morini station late Sunday, said
Andrea Angeli, spokesman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe. Morini was the main crossing point for hundreds of thousands of
ethnic Albanians who fled the province during the Serb crackdown, which
accelerated after NATO started its bombing campaign March 24.

Standing on the rim of Pit No. 10 at the Belacevac mine, Radakovic peered
through binoculars and saw the KLA on the horizon.

``It was a hard feeling,'' he said. ``All I could think about was how to save
my workers.''

The rebels moved into the 4-square-mile mine from the west. Radakovic pulled
his employees out to the east in 2 1/2 frantic hours, saving nearly 100.

But the rebels attacked a van bringing in workers for the afternoon shift.
Three Serb miners and the driver, 31-year-old Zvonomir Stepic - coming to
work unwarned and unaware - were kidnapped.

As best as Radakovic could tell, the rebel force numbered several hundred.
They were gloating, using the dispatcher's two-way radio at the mine
administration to taunt the Serbs and curse them.

``Go back to Serbia,'' the rebel voice would say.

Serbs are a minority in this province, outnumbered before the war 9-to-1 by
ethnic Albanians.

Stepic's father, Zivojin, said his son headed off for work unconcerned,
despite the army and police withdrawal that has put Kosovo's Serbs on edge.

``We knew the army was withdrawing, but we didn't worry,'' he said. ``We
expected NATO to protect the workers.''

Serb civilians have been pouring out of areas in northern and western Kosovo
where the KLA is active. As many as 8,000 arrived in neighboring Montenegro
on Sunday. But Serbs have been less fearful in Pristina, the provincial
capital, which will be the headquarters of the NATO force.

The kidnappings at the mine and Serb media reports of four separate KLA
attacks in Pristina on Sunday could change that feeling of security.

NATO is in Kosovo to assure the safe return of 860,000 ethnic Albanians
driven from the province by Serb forces and to keep the peace. The
international force also is supposed to demilitarize the KLA, but just how it
will do that is unclear.

Peacekeeping troops are streaming into the province, but the job of
establishing control is complex and time-consuming. And the KLA, which
appears to have no plans to lay down its arms, is badly complicating their
task - as the mine takeover shows.

``It's horrible,'' Radakovic said. ``They don't respect agreements of any

The mine manager said the Serb army withdrawal took him by surprise; he
expected them to wait for NATO. But shortly after 7 a.m. Saturday, they began
pulling out of the three deserted villages bordering the mine.

Just a day earlier, military and police officials in Pristina had assured him
there would be no security vacuum at the mine, a critical link in the
electric power supply system that the KLA had seized for several weeks last
year. Ten workers kidnapped in the June 22, 1998 attack have not been seen

NATO took him by surprise, too.

They arrived unannounced - and unaware that the mine was in rebel hands.

Radakovic stumbled on the NATO team Sunday afternoon as he headed out to
check on the tiny band of guards he'd deployed on a ridge between the
KLA-controlled Belacevac and its sister mine, Dobro Selo.

He was stunned. He was thrilled. He thought maybe he'd get his mine back.
Maybe there was hope for the kidnapped workers.

But the NATO force, four Royal Canadian armored vehicles, weren't there to
recapture anything from the KLA or take away their guns. Their job was
reconnaissance. ``They sent us here because it is high ground and we can see
a lot,'' Lt. Chris Hunt explained.

Radakovic briefed Hunt on the situation, pointing down the valley to the KLA
positions in the distance.

``We'll try to get more troops over this way,'' Hunt told him. ``But
everything's stretched pretty thin right now.''

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters

Re: [CTRL] NATO and Ethnic Cleansing by KLA

1999-06-14 Thread books

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 3:17 AM
Subject: [CTRL] NATO and "Ethnic Cleansing" by KLA

 -Caveat Lector-

KLA Moves in After Serbs Depart

.c The Associated Press

DOBRO SELO, Yugoslavia (AP) - It didn't take the Kosovo Liberation Army
to move in after Serb forces withdrew. Within minutes, guerrillas were
down from the hills. Within hours, they had seized control of one of
Yugoslavia's biggest coal mines.

NATO got there the next day.

The rebels moved in so fast Saturday morning that mining company manager
Dragan Radakovic - a Serb - didn't understand what the shooting was at
``I thought maybe it was the army celebrating'' their pullout, he said.

But the rattle of automatic weapons fire got louder - and closer.

International monitors said the KLA took control Sunday of a major crossing
point on the Yugoslav-Albanian border shortly after Yugoslav officials
abandoned it.

About 10-15 KLA guerrillas were guarding the Morini station late Sunday,
Andrea Angeli, spokesman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation
Europe. Morini was the main crossing point for hundreds of thousands of
ethnic Albanians who fled the province during the Serb crackdown, which
accelerated after NATO started its bombing campaign March 24.

Standing on the rim of Pit No. 10 at the Belacevac mine, Radakovic peered
through binoculars and saw the KLA on the horizon.

``It was a hard feeling,'' he said. ``All I could think about was how to
my workers.''

The rebels moved into the 4-square-mile mine from the west. Radakovic
his employees out to the east in 2 1/2 frantic hours, saving nearly 100.

But the rebels attacked a van bringing in workers for the afternoon shift.
Three Serb miners and the driver, 31-year-old Zvonomir Stepic - coming to
work unwarned and unaware - were kidnapped.

As best as Radakovic could tell, the rebel force numbered several hundred.
They were gloating, using the dispatcher's two-way radio at the mine
administration to taunt the Serbs and curse them.

``Go back to Serbia,'' the rebel voice would say.

Serbs are a minority in this province, outnumbered before the war 9-to-1 by
ethnic Albanians.

Stepic's father, Zivojin, said his son headed off for work unconcerned,
despite the army and police withdrawal that has put Kosovo's Serbs on edge.

``We knew the army was withdrawing, but we didn't worry,'' he said. ``We
expected NATO to protect the workers.''

Serb civilians have been pouring out of areas in northern and western
where the KLA is active. As many as 8,000 arrived in neighboring Montenegro
on Sunday. But Serbs have been less fearful in Pristina, the provincial
capital, which will be the headquarters of the NATO force.

The kidnappings at the mine and Serb media reports of four separate KLA
attacks in Pristina on Sunday could change that feeling of security.

NATO is in Kosovo to assure the safe return of 860,000 ethnic Albanians
driven from the province by Serb forces and to keep the peace. The
international force also is supposed to demilitarize the KLA, but just how
will do that is unclear.

Peacekeeping troops are streaming into the province, but the job of
establishing control is complex and time-consuming. And the KLA, which
appears to have no plans to lay down its arms, is badly complicating their
task - as the mine takeover shows.

``It's horrible,'' Radakovic said. ``They don't respect agreements of any

The mine manager said the Serb army withdrawal took him by surprise; he
expected them to wait for NATO. But shortly after 7 a.m. Saturday, they
pulling out of the three deserted villages bordering the mine.

Just a day earlier, military and police officials in Pristina had assured
there would be no security vacuum at the mine, a critical link in the
electric power supply system that the KLA had seized for several weeks last
year. Ten workers kidnapped in the June 22, 1998 attack have not been seen

NATO took him by surprise, too.

They arrived unannounced - and unaware that the mine was in rebel hands.

Radakovic stumbled on the NATO team Sunday afternoon as he headed out to
check on the tiny band of guards he'd deployed on a ridge between the
KLA-controlled Belacevac and its sister mine, Dobro Selo.

He was stunned. He was thrilled. He thought maybe he'd get his mine back.
Maybe there was hope for the kidnapped workers.

But the NATO force, four Royal Canadian armored vehicles, weren't there to
recapture anything from the KLA or take away their guns. Their job was
reconnaissance. ``They sent us here because it is high ground and we

[CTRL] NATO Partner Turkey

1999-06-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Turkish drug trafficking in Europe, Mafia and Turkish government corruption,


Not to mention the Kurds, who make Kosovars look pampered by comparison.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NATO Fallout over Hungary

1999-06-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Another neighbor gets bombarded by "accident" -- Rumania, Italy, Greece

Unexploded Rockets Fall on Hungary

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- Two unexploded rockets from NATO attack planes fell
on Hungarian villages in separate incidents Monday, the state news agency MTI
reported. There were no injuries or serious damage.

The rockets were found in Zalaujlak, 115 miles southwest of Budapest, and at
a pig farm in Beremend, 150 miles south of Budapest, MTI said.

NATO jets have used Hungarian airspace since beginning their air campaign
against Yugoslavia on March 24. Last week, Marine F-18 attack jets based at
Taszar in southern Hungary joined the airstrikes.

A Marine spokesman at Taszar, Lt. Christian Devine, said an investigation
into the report of fallen rockets was under way.

He said F-18s are capable of landing with unused ammunition unless there is
an emergency.

On April 27, an unexploded rocket was found on the outskirts of Boeszenfa,
100 miles southwest of Budapest. It reportedly fell from a NATO jet returning
from a mission.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nato promised 'hell' in Kosovo - The Bilderberg conspiracy . . .

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


tm"BBC News | Monitoring | Nato promised 'hell' in

Sunday, May 30, 1999
Published at 23:17 GMT 00:17 UK

Nato promised 'hell' in Kosovo

Serbian media have reported fresh defiance by the military in Kosovo
while Nato steps up psychological pressure on the troops on the ground.

Serbian TV reported an interview with the head of the Yugoslav Army in
Kosovo, Col-Gen Nebojsa Pavkovic, promising Nato ground forces "real
hell" in the event of an invasion.

"Should Nato decide to carry out a ground invasion, its soldiers will go
through real hell every step of the way," Col-Gen Pavkovic told the
defence magazine `Vojska'.

Despite two months of bombardment, Serbian troops were still a force to
be reckoned with, having preserved men and equipment and a "favourable
operational deployment of ground units" using "various tactical moves
and actions".

"We would soon stand face to face on the terrain which we know extremely
well and which we have prepared well to defend.

"The enemy's technological and technical advantage would start to
diminish in the first days of any invasion."

Col-Gen Pavkovic added, while the troops were ready for battle they were
also prepared to implement any "peace and other initiatives" from
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

'B-52s will be after you'

The Serbian news agency Beta reported Nato aircraft had dropped leaflets
over the Kosovo capital Pristina urging Serbian troops to desert their
units and leave or face bombardment by B-52 bombers.

Nato says its leaflets are designed to domoralise Yugoslav troopsTwo
B-52s flew over the city at high altitude as the leaflets were dropped.

"The Yugoslav Army forces are warned to leave Kosovo, because Nato is
now using B-52 bombers to cast MK-82 bombs, weighing 225 kilograms
each," one of the leaflets read.

"Every B-52 bomber can carry more than 50 such bombs. These aircraft
will be after you until they drive you out of Kosovo... and prevent you
from committing atrocities.

"If you want to survive and see your families again, you should abandon
your units and firearms."

The leaflets warned that "thousands" of bombs would be dropped on
Serbian forces.

The Bilderberg conspiracy

An article in Vojska reports that Western politicians ranging from the
queen of Spain to Margaret Thatcher produced a blueprint for a "Balkan
Vietnam" at a meeting in Scotland in 1996.

Spain's Queen Sofia (left): Key member of the Bilderburg Group?The
"Bilderberg Group" decided to push for the arrest of "war criminals from
among the Serbs" using the Hague war crimes tribunal as its tool, in
order to provoke a war with Russia, the article, quoted by the Yugoslav
state news agency Tanjug, said.

"The Bilderberg Group is obviously a self-styled world supra-government
which is earning billions of dollars thanks to crises and wars it,
itself, is provoking."

The article named as group members Queen Sofia of Spain, Margaret
Thatcher, Helmut Kohl, Valery Giscard D'Estaing, Lord Peter Carrington,
Lord Owen, Henry Kissinger, Giovanni Agnelli, David Rockefeller and
Baron Rothschild.

Vojska quoted as its source of information "a thorough investigation
conducted by independent US journalists".

Yugoslav lawyers eye damages claim

Tanjug has reported that the country's top law organizations have
demanded compensation from Nato for the damage caused by its campaign.

"The persons who destroyed Yugoslavia are obliged under international
law to compensate for all forms of damage incurred," a two-day seminar
by the Serbian Bar Association and the Yugoslav Association for Criminal
Law and Criminology concluded.

Russian and Greek lawyers also attended the seminar in Belgrade's Hall
of Justice.

Tourist season opens in Montenegro

Montenegrin TV has reported the arrival of its first tourists this

A couple of hundred holiday-makers from the Serbian part of Sarajevo
have checked into the Dolphin Hotel in the resort town of Bijela and the
TV showed the youngsters splashing in the sea and tanning on the beach.

With Montenegrin radio reporting NATO air raids on the coastal towns of
Tivat and Herceg-Novi this weekend, one of the Sarajevo teachers was
asked if his group was not concerned.

"It's nothing new," he told the TV.

BBC Monitoring (http://www.monitor.bbc.co.uk), based in Caversham in
southern England, selects and translates information from radio,
television, press, news agencies and the Internet from 150 countries in
more than 70 languages.

©The BBC

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and 

Re: [CTRL] NATO against Germany

1999-06-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

Rather than the below remarks, I would state:

1. The US cannot rule Europe and Germany without control of NATO and a
Russian threat.

2.  The current Balkan War serves the German-Vatican-Islamic axis
interests vs the Orthodox Slavic forces and maintenance of US power in
Europe.  However, if NATO is perceived to "loose" NATO could be disolved or
radically transformed to a German lead European force [exit the US], the
basis for a new Holy Roman Empire with ravenous eyes toward the East.

Lloyd Miller, A-albionic Research
-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 5:33 PM
Subject: NATO against Germany

Date: 5/22/99 1:44:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anti-Censorship News Agency)

From : Guillermo Coletti
   P.O. Box 61221
   Pasadena  CA 91106

May 22, 1999

The following piece contains information crucial to the
improvement of our understanding of the current war of
aggression against the Serbs and the former and on-going
hostilities against the German people.  Help me propagate
this article.  Forward it to friends, journalists, like-
minded people, post it in your website, etc.  Many thanks.

by Guillermo Coletti
Send your comments to:

I have often considered writing about the real purpose of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization as I see it, however,
lack of means to substantiate a number of my suspicions
was a major reason of discouragement.  Now I have something
at my disposal that can help me break the ice: an American
General speaks candidly on the real reasons for the existence
of NATO.  What he has to say is quite interesting for the
uninitiated as well as for the irreverent and the perennial
skeptic.  I will use this opportunity to explain some of
my initial ideas on this matter.

Adolf Hitler, along with Mussolini, and other European leaders,
was involved in an extraordinary effort to eradicate the
threat of Bolshevik tyranny from Europe.  The stability of the
governments they led was threatened via the USA as much, or
perhaps more, than any danger that could have originated in
Moscow.  When Hitler's defense of Europe was forced into the
military alternative the Unites States made an alliance with
Stalin.  That to me was an indication that America was becoming
friendlier to Communism than to the values of traditional
Europe.  We know that American intervention resulted in a
greater and stronger Soviet Russia.  The Communists have indeed
a debt of gratitude to America for the expansion of Bolshevism.
But when the Second World War was over America "agitated" the
anti-Communist cause and formed NATO!  Why NATO?  It all
sounded very phony to me because if America had truly stood
against Bolshevism it should have joined Hitler, Mussolini and
Franco, instead of Josef Stalin.  Yet, America never admitted
to have fought ont he wrong side.  I can't help but asking
myself when was NATO a real problem for the stability of
Soviet Communism?  Certainly not when Russian tanks and the
Red Army occupied the streets of Prague, or Budapest.  The anti-
Communism of the American Establishment was always been as
serious as an Abbot and Costello movie.  America's true concern
was what Germany represented and what to this day survives in
the German.  Ellie Wiesel expressed similar sentiments when he
advocated that every Jew must have some room in his heart for
hatred against the Germans.  The difference between Wiesel and
non-Jews Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eisenhower is that Wiesel
expressed his emotions with sincerity.  The real threat to the
American Way, the America of the Gay Pride Parades and Martin
Luther King Day, was not Bolshevism but the Traditional Western
values that Germany tried to maintain at the expense of a
multitude of sacrifices.

On April 24, 1999, NBC aired John McLaughlin's "One on One."
The show had the participation of two guests: Lieutenant
General William Odom and Professor Harvey Sapolsky.  We are
going to review some of the remarks made by General Odom.
General Odom was introduced as a graduate from West Point
who obtained his PhD at Columbia.  He served in President
Carter's National Security Council and during President
Reagan's administration in the Office of the Army Chief of
Staff for intelligence and for the director of Reagan's
National Security Agency.  He is currently director of
International Security Studies at the Hudson Institute and
professor of Public Policy and Organization in the Department
of Political Science at the prestigious Massachussetts
Institute of Technology, where he is also the Director of the
Security Program.  Gen. Odom authored six books, the latest
of which is "The Collapse of Soviet Military."

What I have suspected as the real purpose of NATO was disclosed,
much to my surprise, right at 

[CTRL] NATO Covering Its (Exposed) Flanks

1999-05-27 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Canada Lodges NATO Plea

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Canada is lodging a plea for NATO to choose its bombing
targets in Yugoslavia more carefully as the Clinton administration extends
its review of U.S. policy in the Kosovo conflict.

Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy follows up talks the German and Greek foreign
ministers had with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright as the NATO alliance
undergoes an awkward self-evaluation.

Canada supports the airstrikes, but with diplomacy in a delicate stage, it
wants targets chosen carefully to minimize damage to hospitals and other
civilian sites. Axworthy said last weekend that errant bombs were ``a serious
mistake'' and could hurt the search for a diplomatic end to the conflict.

``At this time, we have to make doubly certain that the military targets that
are chosen are chosen very carefully and that every effort is made to ensure
that collateral damage is at the absolute minimum,'' said James Wright, a
senior official in the Foreign Affairs Department.

Germany also has cautioned against poor targeting and sent Foreign Minister
Joschka Fischer here this week to oppose sending combat troops into the

Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou met Albright on Wednesday and called
again for a bombing pause to encourage Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
to accept NATO's terms for a settlement.

The allies must also consider the potential impact on ongoing diplomacy of
Milosevic's indictment by an international war crimes tribunal.

The formal accusation might stiffen Milosevic's already tough resistance to
demands that he withdraw Serb troops from Kosovo and permit the deployment of
a peacekeeping force to protect returning refugees. At the same time, the
indictment might dramatize the allies' accusations of atrocities against
ethnic Albanian civilians.

Albright warned Milosevic on Wednesday that any aggression against the
government of Montenegro, the smaller of Yugoslavia's two republics, was

In an interview with Montenegro state television, Albright said the air
campaign against Yugoslavia would intensify. As for ground troops, she said:
``No option is off the table.''

After meeting with her, Papandreou said a temporary bombing suspension could
promote diplomacy and eventual approval of a U.N. Security Council resolution
on a settlement.

``Greece, being in the region and feeling the direct effects of what's going
in the region, has put great emphasis in working on the diplomatic front and
being helpful,'' he said.

Resisting, but also complimenting Greece for endorsing NATO's demands,
Albright said the bombing would end only after Milosevic accepted those
demands and started carrying them out.

Alluding to the differences within the alliance, Albright said, ``There are a
variety of ideas'' among the diverse 19 NATO member nations.

In Moscow, meanwhile, Russian mediator Viktor Chernomyrdin, the principal
diplomatic channel to Belgrade, urged an immediate end to NATO airstrikes,
now in their third month, and said the escalation of attacks while
negotiations were under way was unprecedented.

Chernomyrdin met with Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott and Finnish
President Martti Ahtisaari to explore an approach to Milosevic, who has
refused to withdraw Serb troops and paramilitary units from Kosovo and to
accept NATO and other peacekeepers to protect refugees returning to their
homes after a settlement.

``It is necessary to stop the airstrikes and negotiate, agree and at last
come to a result,'' Chernomyrdin said, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.
``At least a temporary pause is needed.''

From his vacation quarters in Yulee, Fla., meanwhile, President Clinton
telephoned Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema of Italy, who also is seeking a
bombing pause.

They discussed ``various signs that the campaign is biting,'' White House
spokesman Joe Lockhart said. He told reporters he did not know whether the
two discussed a bombing pause.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NATO strikes send dioxins, furans, uranium over Europe.

1999-05-27 Thread Richard Sampson

 -Caveat Lector-

 NATO strikes send dioxins, furans, uranium over Europe.

MOSCOW, May 27 (Itar-Tass) - NATO's air strikes on Yugoslavia have
environmental impacts on Europe, said Major General Boris Alekseyev,
the Russian army's environmental safety department chief.

He said at a press conference on Thursday that the air strikes have
"far-going ecologic concequences".

NATO is doing "deliberate destruction of chemically dangerous
facilities" in Yugoslavia, in particular of ammonia and polymer

Struck, these productions emit clouds of high-toxic substances that
travel great distances. The most dangerous components of polymer
production are phosgene and hydrocyanic acid.

Ignition of polymer materials releases "enormous amounts" of dioxins
and furans, Alekseyev said. Registered dioxin concentrations in the air
amount to "five by ten in the minus tenth degree of a milligramme per
litre of the air", he said. Dioxins accummulate in the human body,
Alekseyev said.

He said NATO air power's destroying of Yugoslavia's refineries and
setting them to fire are associated with the release of large amounts
of hydrocarbons, the most dangerous of which is benzopyrene.
Benzopyrene-contaminated smoke clouds drift as far borders of Romania,
Bulgaria and less often the Czech Republic. Alekseyev said another
cause for concern was that "Americans have found in the territory of
Yugoslavia their convenient method for disposal of decommissioned

He explained that NATO planes fairly extensively use shells with
depleted uranium.

"In fact, this is waste of nuclear production. These munitions are
manufactured in Great Britain under the American license," Alekseyev

The anti-armour shells with uranium cores are used against tanks and
concrete installations. When hitting metal or concrete, the uranium
core generates heat which causes partial evaporation of the core with
production of uranium oxides. Part of uranium is converted to an
aerosol that can spread over large areas.

The US' using the shells with depleted uranium in operation Desert
Storm in Iraq has left 20-25 percent of the American and British
personnel involved in it with diseases and abnormalities at the genetic
level, Alekseyev said.

NATO's raids are contaminating Yugoslavia and adjacent European states
with dioxins, benzopyrene and uranium, he said.

"I think that in a year, a situation will occur in this region where
the Americans will start talking that foods grown in southern Europe
are not good for use," he said.

He said "there is a real danger" of contamination of the Black Sea.
NATO's bombing causes leaks of oil products from Yugoslavia's storages.
The oil products run off with ground waters to the Danube river which
drains into the Black Sea.

Alekseyev said "a 14 kilometre-long oil sleek with a high content of
oil products is moving at a speed of five kipometres an hour" down the
Danube these days and is close to the Black Sea.

Getting into ground waters, oil products dissolve and convert to
aromatic hydrocarbons that are bound to spread to the Black Sea, whose
contamination after NATO's strikes on Yugoslavia "already has been
confirmed", the military environmentalist said.


News provided by COMTEX.

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[CTRL] NATO Struggling to Keep United Front

1999-05-25 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Greece and Italy, meanwhile, are lobbying for a pause in the bombing to
give Milosevic a period of calm to frame a reply to NATO's demands..."

 Italy has found it necessary nudge, nudge to reorganize its
intelligence services under a more NATO-friendly spy czar due to "terrorism"
blamed on "Red Bridgades."
 Greece, whose supreme court has charged NATO with "war crimes," can
something similar in the near future ...
 When the Godfather sez "jump," the capos better jump, or watch their
backs ...
 Even among "allies," this is known as "diplomacy."

Germany, US Muffle NATO Differences

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Muffling differences among the NATO allies on war
strategy, the United States and Germany concentrated today on planning a
peacekeeping force for Kosovo and the eventual return of ethnic Albanian
refugees to the Serbian province.

Publicly, at least, Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said nothing at a joint
news conference with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright about Germany's
implacable opposition to employing ground troops against the Serbs -- an
option that Albright said is still on the table.

Instead, Fischer, whose government contains strong pacifist elements,
stressed the goal of overcoming the ``aggressive nationalism'' of Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic with a NATO military victory. Otherwise, he
warned, Albanian nationalism could explode in the heavily Muslim
Kosovo-Bosnia-Montenegro triangular region.

``This policy of aggressive nationalism of Mr. Milosevic, rooted in the
1930s, must be stopped,'' Fischer said, with obvious reference to the German
nationalism of the period that precipitated World War II.

Albright said her meeting with Fischer concentrated on the ``unity of the
alliance'' amid demonstrations and other signs in Serbia that the people were
turning against Milosevic.

Albright also acknowledged that efforts to arrange a voluntary boycott of oil
shipments to Yugoslavia had only partially succeeded, although she said
NATO's airstrikes had sharply reduced Milosevic's supply. Albright said she
would talk to officials in Ukraine, where barges reportedly are filled with
oil to cross the Black Sea and sail up the Danube through Buglaria and

Germany is making a public point of errant bomb targeting that embarrassed
the allies and touched off a furor with China after its embassy in Belgrade
was hit.

The Swiss ambassador's residence also was hit. Before flying here, Fischer
met with Swiss Foreign Minister Joseph Deiss in Bonn and said ``talks are
urgently needed'' on targeting.

The choice of NATO targets must ``more effectively avoid damaging civilian
targets,'' said German foreign ministry spokesman Martin Erdmann.

Germany has backed the air campaign strongly, but adamantly opposes sending
any ground troops. Britain, on the other hand, says ground troops should be
considered in an ``endgame'' strategy to rout weakened Serb forces from

Albright is also meeting this week with two other foreign ministers --
Yeoryios Papandreou of Greece on Wednesday and Lloyd Axworthy of Canada on

Papandreou on Monday was in Beijing, where Chinese Foreign Minister Tang
Jiaxuan demanded that NATO stop the bombing before the U.N. Security Council
opens discussions on a political solution for Kosovo.

``They were very, very clear on the fact that they would not be able to vote
for a U.N. resolution if the bombing did not stop,'' Papandreou told
reporters shortly before leaving Beijing.

While this raised the prospect of a Chinese veto, Papandreou said China
wanted to play a constructive role in resolving the conflict.

Greece and Italy, meanwhile, are lobbying for a pause in the bombing to give
Milosevic a period of calm to frame a reply to NATO's demands. These include
the withdrawal of all Serb troops and paramilitary forces from Kosovo and the
return of refugees under the protection of NATO and other peacekeepers.

The United States also supports a suspension of airstrikes -- but only if
Yugoslavia accepts all NATO conditions for a settlement, said State
Department spokesman James P. Rubin.

He also reiterated Monday that the attack on the Chinese Embassy was
accidental, and said China would receive results of a formal review of the

In Moscow, meanwhile, Russian mediator Viktor S. Chernomyrdin said he had
persuaded Western countries to permit Yugoslavia to leave some troops in
Kosovo as part of a settlement.

``It has taken two or three weeks to convince our counterparts -- the United
States and (other) NATO countries -- that while withdrawing the (Yugoslav)
troops, it's necessary to leave some of them behind,'' Chernomyrdin said
after talks with India's foreign minister, Jaswant Singh.

But the Yugoslav envoy to the United Nations, Vladislav Jovanovic, said in
New York that NATO troops had no moral right to enter his country after the
bombing. He warned that no one could 

[CTRL] NATO Mining Adriatic

1999-05-21 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO Explains Bomb Dumping To Italy

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- NATO has provided Italy with ``detailed reports''
about its dumping of unexploded bombs in the Adriatic Sea, Italian Prime
Minister Massimo D'Alema said Thursday.

D'Alema had demanded an explanation from NATO after a bomb exploded off
Venice earlier this month as a fishing net was being hauled on board a ship,
injuring three members of the crew.

``I received detailed reports this morning on the dumping of bombs and
coordinates of points where they have been jettisoned,'' D'Alema said from
Brussels, Belgium, where he met with NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana.

``We can now fully assess the level of danger which has clearly alarmed the
Italian population,'' he said.

Authorities have given conflicting accounts of whether the device that
exploded off Venice was of recent make or from World War II. But Italian
military investigators say that dozens of small bombs hauled up by fishermen
were definitely American-made for modern planes.

D'Alema said he was told by NATO that 143 unexploded bombs have been dropped
in the Adriatic so far since the alliance's air campaign against Yugoslavia
began on March 24. Of these, 37 were dropped at depths of less than 400-500
yards and may risk being caught in fishermen's nets.

NATO admitted recently it had not informed the Italian government that it was
dumping unexploded devices into the Adriatic, off Italy's east coast.

NATO argues it is safer to drop these bombs at sea, where they can be picked
up later by naval vessels, than risking a land explosion. Mechanical problems
can force pilots to dump their bombs prematurely.

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[CTRL] NATO Bombs Pizzeria in Brooklyn

1999-05-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/9610/belgrade.htm"NATO
Bombs Pizzeria

NATO Bombs Pizzeria in Brooklyn

Washington -- NATO forces today bombed a pizzeria in Brooklyn, New York,
in what many are calling a gross miscalculation and a travesty. The
Defense Department and a NATO spokesperson are calling it a spelling
error that could have easily happened to anyone, even "the Shinese."

"I simply don't understand how bombing my pizzeria in any way helps the
Croats," says Angelo Micheletti, owner of the Bella Grande pizzeria in
Brooklyn. "We even took our 'Serb-special' pizza off the menu about six
months ago. How could they think we have anything to do with Serbia?"

"Smart bombs are accurate about 98% of the time," says Defense Secretary
William Cohen. "But after the prolonged bombing campaign against
Belgrade, they're not so easy to come by. We've had to resort to using
less-than-smart bombs."

Responding to criticisms leveled by the Chinese Ambassador to the United
States Xing Ya Ping that NATO was using "retarded bombs for retarded
people," Cohen replied "they're not retarded and I resent that labeling.
It's insulting and inaccurate. We prefer to call them 'developmentally
challenged' bombs. Given enough time, care and attention, they're just
as capable as any other bombs ... eventually. I think this only
demonstrates China's lack of sensitivity and compassion."

"It's not so much that they missed their targets," Cohen continues.
"Actually they were right on target. It's more that we had bad
intelligence. Our sources indicated that the pizzeria was a legitimate
target in Belgrade. While our intelligence gatherers are very good at
identifying targets, they're not so hot at spelling. Belgrade is a close
spelling of Bella Grande -- the name of the unfortunate pizzeria. I
thought they were kidding when they asked 'does spelling count?' We've
since enrolled the more problem spellers in the 'Hooked on Phonics'
program and have very high hopes for them."

Misspelling of important information has lead to security breaches in
the past. In recent weeks several warships were mistakenly sent to
Siberia, instead of Serbia. In 1989 Defense Department aids accidentally
misspelled Washington and top secret stealth technology was sent to
Warsaw, Poland. More recently, several Defense Department families were
sent on their annual vacation to Dusneylund in Orland Park, Illinois.

"We've just made a fewe mistakes," says Laudy Daniells, director of
personnel with the Department of Defense, in a recent badly-misspelled
press release. "Some spelleng ehrors were made and thengs wure Mrs.
Delivered. Bhut thee impurtent theng is thet were ghetting bhetter ...
our wreckord is emproving. Four thet whee dessirve sum kredit."
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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Re: [CTRL] NATO Bombs Pizzeria in Brooklyn

1999-05-17 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Tlhank God I have a spell chek on my webb telvision now.

Do they shoot  people who correct your grammar too?

If so, lets get Buckley and Shea and Hilliar and Clinton and Albright
and Cohen and Amanhotepet (oh that one on CNN tht married that guy in
the ministry of propaganda_)

Well, I tossed out my Siberian pizza, or was that Sicililianwhoops -
there goes another one.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] NATO Bombs Pizzeria in Brooklyn

1999-05-17 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Has Clinton lost control of the Pentagon; I do not believe thathe is
the Commander in ChiefI do not hold him entirely responsible for the
mess we are in becaue, no one person could make all that mess.

Who needs enemies when we got friends like that?


kosovo is what clinton had to give to the military to save his job over
the lewinsky thing and probably other things as well. you saw on the news
how the military was saying that if this thing happened in the ranks, how
they would respond with courtmarshall an all of that. the whole thing in
washington is a big political game and what we see is the outcome of the
game but most of the time we are we don't get to see the moves that
brought on the outcome that we do get to see in the media.

my own perspective


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] NATO to Target Nuclear Reactor, US orders Yugo Internet crashed [2 fwd posts]

1999-05-13 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: URGENT!  VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences to be BOMBED?!
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 2:41 PM

Activist Mailing List - http://get.to/activist

Fwd From: Maria-Raimonda USAI [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 17:20:56 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Real disaster threat(fwd)

Hello, I have been forwarded this, apparently sent by P.R. Adzic, Belgrade.
I replied to both email addresses ( the one from CERN in Switzerland and
the one from Belgrade) and didn't get a reply. They ask to send this to as
many people as possible to avoid the disaster. Perheaps it  would  be
useful to inform the press, anybody knows how/who?

Raimonda Usai

 Real disaster threat

 Dear friends,

 Something which we feared that might happen, seems very likely.
 I can confirm now we expect that NATO planes will bomb VINCA
 Institute. In the passed several days we received this warning,
 but today we got this information as serious threat from the
 highest authorities.

 Our reactor is not working for more than 15 years, but the
 significant amount of 235-U enriched and unused fuel is still
 in its interior. Highly radioactive material for everyday
 activities is also located in several research laboratories.
 I fear that a big disaster may occur. In the worst case, no
 Balkan and even European country would be safe. Not to mention
 ecological catastrophe. I still hope that this disaster could
 be avoided, unless we are already late.

 I would appreciate if you succeed in informing as many people
 as possible on the eventual tragedy. God bless you.

 P.R. Adzic
 P.R. Adzic   Tel:(381 11)
 VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences  Fax:(381 11)
 Laboratory of Physics (010)
 P.O. Box 522, 11001 Belgrade

Thessaloniki 8-12 July 1997
 tel: +30-31-998031
 fax: +30-31-998128

Subject: US shuts down Yugoslav Internet
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 8:31 PM

The following message is ominous for all who believe in the free
exchange of information and ideas. NATO has rationalized the murder of
journalists and the destruction of transmitting facilities by claiming
they were disseminating "official propaganda." Now they want to shut
down the only independent source of news and information between
Yugoslavia and the outside world.  As with the systematic destruction of
Yugoslavia's infrastructure, this is an attack not on the military but
on all the people.  Now only NATO's version of the war will be
available. How nice. --MC
+  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

US shuts down Yugoslav Internet

Dear sirs,

We have reliable information that the US Government ordered
Loral Orion company to shut down its satellite feeds for
Internet customers in Yugoslavia.

This action might be taken as soon as later tonight or tomorrow
(May 12 or 13, 1999).

This is a flagrant violation of commercial contracts with
Yugoslav ISPs, as well as an attack on freedom of the Internet.

A Web site in protest of these actions should be up shortly. We
will supply you with the URL. In the meantime, please be so kind
to inform as many people as possible about this tragic event for
the Internet community in Yugoslavia and Europe.

Kind regards,
Belgrade, Yugoslavia


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[CTRL] NATO Paralyzed by Chinese Embassy Bombing

1999-05-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

No New Bombing in Belgrade

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- NATO has not returned to bomb any targets in downtown
Belgrade since Friday night's mistaken hit on the Chinese Embassy, but a U.S.
military planner said the alliance has not sworn off the area.

``There's not a moratorium on any target that I know of,'' Maj. Gen. Charles
Wald said at a briefing Wednesday.

Wald, a strategic planner at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said NATO hit a few
targets outlying Belgrade in recent days, and took advantage of the clear sky
to concentrate on hitting airfields, bridges and other targets in the
disputed Serbian province of Kosovo.

``I don't know of any order whatsoever from any place that I've heard of to
stop,'' Wald said.

Privately, U.S. officials say military planners are double- and
triple-checking maps and target lists in Belgrade, the Serbian capital and
base of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

The attack on the Chinese Embassy killed three, strained U.S.-China relations
and embarrassed NATO and the United States. Defense Secretary William Cohen
and other officials blamed faulty maps and communications miscues for the

At the time, NATO said the bombing came during the heaviest onslaught on
downtown Belgrade to date -- including bombing runs on government buildings
and a hotel NATO identified as the headquarters of the alleged war criminal
nicknamed Arkan.

NATO planes have flown close to 20,000 missions since the bombing began seven
weeks ago, of which more than 5,000 were ``strike,'' or actual bombing
sorties, Wald said. The alliance has dropped or fired about 10,000 bombs or
missiles, taken out 11 of Milosevic's 14 MiG-29s and dozens of tanks, Wald

About two-thirds of allied air strikes are carried out by U.S. planes and

Tuesday represented NATO's most successful day yet, Defense Secretary William
Cohen said at the same briefing, noting the allies flew more than 600
missions and struck nearly 70 targets.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Henry Shelton also was upbeat, but predicted
Serb military and police forces could withstand NATO bombing for ``quite some

Shelton noted that bombing has little effect on the sidearms and rifles
carried by individual Serb troops. Those weapons are the main instruments
used to evict Kosovo's ethnic Albanians from their homes in a two-month
campaign of ethnic terror, U.S. officials say.

NATO began bombing in March to force Milosevic to accept a peace deal for
Kosovo and allow refugees to return home.

Some 750,000 refugees crowd camps in bordering nations, while others are on
the move inside Kosovo.

``It is possible that a force like the one Milosevic is using for ethnic
cleansing and terror in Kosovo could hold out for quite some time,'' Shelton

He would not be more specific, and insisted the alliance is prepared to
continue its intensified bombing for as long as necessary.

Also Wednesday, the Air Force and Navy activated another 2,173 reservists and
35 more aircraft for the Kosovo conflict. That brought to 4,409 the number of
reservists ordered to active duty so far.

Cohen said last week that a total of 5,035 reservists would be activated in
the current round, but the services have yet to pick some of the units to be
included, officials said.

Clinton has authorized the Pentagon to activate as many as 33,102 reservists.

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[CTRL] NATO Facility in Greece Attacked

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO Facility in Greece Damaged

ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- Scores of demonstrators broke into a NATO
communications facility in northern Greece in renewed protests against the
alliance's bombing in Yugoslavia.

Shouting anti-American slogans, the protesters broke into an unused army base
and damaged communications equipment stored at the base, near the northern
port Salonica, local media said.

There were no arrests, and the extent of the damage was not immediately

The air campaign has been widely condemned in NATO-member Greece, where
attention is largely focused on the damage and deaths caused by the bombing
and sympathy has grown for fellow Orthodox Christian Serbs.

More than 3,000 anti-war protesters joined a ``Marathon March'' on Sunday.
They followed the ancient course that gave the marathon its name and passed
outside the U.S. Embassy in Athens.

Smaller demonstrations were held in five other Greek towns.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] NATO Purposely Targeted Chinese Embassy

1999-05-10 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  05/09/99) -- Special correspondent "Ru Mills" (pseudonym)
reports on the recent NATO  missile attack on the Chinese embassy
in Belgrade:

NATO Purposely Targeted Chinese Embassy
By "Ru Mills"

05.08.99 RMNews -- "NATO purposely targeted the Chinese Embassy",
says a usually reliable Rumor Mill News Source.  "It was done  to
derail the peace initiative being put forward by the Russians and
the Chinese."

The  Source  went on to say that the Big Three socialist leaders,
United States, President Clinton, Britain's Prime Minister Blair,
and  Germany's  Chancellor  Gerhard  Schroder,  need  to  win  in
Yugoslavia no matter what the  costs.  The precedent being set by
this action will forever put an end to national  sovereignty  and
will usher in the One World Government.

Countries  will  no  longer  be  in charge of what happens inside
their borders.  An  international  watch  dog  group will oversee
everything from farming to religion.  If  a  country  refuses  to
comply  with  international  treaties  put  forth  by  the United
Nations, it will face the Serbian Solution.

Jesse Jackson threw a  monkey  wrench  in  the Big Three's bid to
bring Milosevic to his knees.  Not only did  Jackson  go  against
his  old  friend, Bill Clinton and travel to Belgrade, but he did
it under the threat of  death  from  NATO bombs.  The mission was
successful.  So successful, in fact, that  Jesse  Jackson  became
the  senior  statesman  and  diplomat  who  suggested a course of
action which would end the killing.

Russian leaders agreed to  broker  a peace agreement between NATO
and Milosevic.  When it appeared that the Russian  agreement  was
going  to  be  successful  in  stopping the "ethnic cleansing" of
Kosovo, the Big  Three  had  to  act  and  act fast.  The Russian
agreement had Kosovo staying part of Serbia,  with  no  autonomy.
If  this  were let to stand it would mean that Milosevic had won.
He had successfully  cleansed  part  of  Kosovo  of Muslims.  The
Muslims would not be able to turn Kosovo  into  a  Muslim  nation
with  its  own  language,  alphabet,  schools, religion, army and
police force.

The solution proposed  by  Russia  would  mean that all countries
would be able to control what went on within their  own  borders.
It  would  mean  that  California  would  be able to call out the
National Guard or the Army if the Atzlan Liberation Army demanded
autonomy for southern California.

This  solution  did  not  fit  into  the  plan  for  a  one world
government  with  no  borders  and   no   national   sovereignty.
Therefore  the  plan  had  to  be derailed immediately.  With the
tensions rising  between  the  United  States  and  China, it was
decided that by striking the Chinese Embassy, the  already  rocky
relationship between the two countries would be further inflamed.
The more Chinese killed, the better.

The second reason behind the choice of the Chinese Embassy was to
push  China  into  attacking  Taiwan and reclaiming the island of
Formosa and making it part of China once again.  RMNews will soon
be reissuing an article written in 1996 about the coming war with

The Kosovo autonomy plan being  put  forth  by the Big Three does
not sit well with either China or Russia.  China  still  believes
Taiwan  belongs  to  them.   Russia is still having problems with
provinces like Chechnya that want  to break away and become their
own country.  If  NATO's  Serbian  Solution  is  successful,  all
groups of ethnic people, no matter where they are living, will be
able  to  break  away  from  their  countries  and form their own
autonomous and independent nations.

Imagine what New York  City  will  look  like  if the Big Three's
Serbian Solution is successful.  The Puerto Ricans  will  declare
themselves  an  autonomous  nation,  as  will  the  Haitians, the
Russians, the Italians, the  Chinese.   Each new nation will draw
its own borders and if  there  are  border  disputes,  wars  will

What is the  purpose for such planned chaos?

Tribal war, the destabilization and  depopulation of the world.

After   several   years  of  chaos,  confusion  and  mass  ethnic
cleansing, the United Nations will be asked begged to come in
and bring stability and order to the world.

The Hegelian dialectic  theory  of  an  evolving history is being
played out here with a New World Order slant.  The  Thesis  is  a
world full of sovereign nations.  The Antithesis is ethnic tribes
wanting  to  breakaway and form their own nations.  The Synthesis
becomes  worldwide  wars  which  cause  famine,  pestilence,  and
massive death.

After a period of time, the survivors  will beg for an end to the
wars.  Out of the chaos brought about by the Synthesis of the old
Thesis and Antithesis comes the new Thesis.  The new Thesis  will
be  a  world with no borders, no sovereign nations, and 

[CTRL] NATO: Bad Shots -- Or More Sinister? (fwd)

1999-05-09 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 05/09/99) -- Incomprehensible to  many will be the thought
that NATO is purposefully targeting civilians in Yugoslavia  with
its  bombs and missiles.  Because most people are basically good,
they cannot fathom the possibility of such evil.

But it increasingly appears that NATO's new strategy is to attack
civilians and non-military targets as  a method of weakening Serb
morale and thereby achieving victory.

A precedent for such a strategy was  set in World War 2, when the
Allies, through  analysis  and  projection,  arrived  at  precise
figures on how many Germans rendered homeless would result in the
German  people  no  longer  supporting  Hitler and the Nazis.  An
exact figure was determined:  if a certain percentage of civilian
housing  was  destroyed,  Germany  would  quickly  lose  the war.
Consequent  to  their  statistical  analysis,  the  Allies  began
bombing German civilian housing.

(A possibly analagous situation is economic  understanding  that,
so  long as a certain percentage of Americans are benefiting from
the "good economy," they  will  not  care about whatever horrible
things their leaders do.  "It's the economy, stupid,"  said  Bill

The Serb people have  rallied  around  Slobodan Milosevic and his
government, consequent to the initial start of  NATO  hostilities
on  March  24,  1999.   Since  then,  NATO  has recently begun to
escalate their air  attacks.   Hitting  only  military targets in
Yugoslavia hadn't been succeeding.  NATO's *apparent* solution to
the dilemma has been to hike their bombing of  military  targets.
But  as  in  World  War 2, has a high-level decision been reached
that, to win,  NATO  must  attack  civilians and civilian-related

A decision to more directly affect civilians through its  bombing
campaign  is  shown by recent NATO attacks on the Radio-TV Serbia
(RTS) building and on the Yugoslav electric supply.  "We can turn
off your lights at any time," exulted NATO after a high-tech bomb
did just that.  How military of a target are the RTS building and
a Serb power plant?

Recent  news  items  suggest  that,  far  from  suddenly becoming
extremely  "bad  shots,"  NATO  has  implemented  a  new,  hidden
strategy, in which the Yugoslav civilian  population  has  become
*intentional* targets, both directly and indirectly:

** NATO pooh-poohed Yugoslavia's alleged  interception  of  radio
communication   between  a  NATO  pilot  and  his  guiding  AWACS
controller.  NATO  claimed  the  tape  of  the  communication was
doctored.  What if NATO is lying?  What if  the  purported  radio
interception is accurate? Here is a partial transcript:

  F-16  pilot:   Charlie  Bravo  to Mother.  I maintain 3,000
  feet.  A column of cars,  some tractors are below me.  What
  is it?  Request instructions.

  AWACS:   Mother  to  Charlie  Bravo.   Do  you  see  tanks?
  Repeat, where are tanks?

  F-16 pilot:  Charlie Bravo to Mother.  I see  tractors.   I
  hope Reds have not camouflaged tanks into tractors.

  AWACS:   Mother  to  Charlie Bravo.  What kind of a strange
  convoy?  What civilians?  Hell.  It's  all  Serbian  doing.
  Destroy the target!

  F-16  pilot:   Charlie  Bravo  to  Mother.   What  shall  I
  destroy,  tractors, ordinary cars?  Repeat, I see no tanks.
  Request further instructions.

  AWACS:  Mother to Charlie Bravo.   It is a military target.
  Absolutely legitimate military target.  Destroy the target!
  Repeat, destroy the target!

  F-16  pilot:Charlie   Bravo   to  Mother.   Understood.

But the target, it  turned  out,  was  not military.  At least 75
civilians were killed. [1]

** On May 7th, NATO  dropped  a  "cluster  bomb" over Nis, a city
with a  large  civilian  population.   Cluster  bombs  are  *not*
precision  weapons.  They explode in the air and scatter hundreds
of little bombs  over  a  wide  area.   The  May 7th cluster bomb
targeted an area of Nis where  there  are  no  Serb  military  or
police facilities.  At least 11 civilians were killed and several
dozens  were  wounded,  after the cluster bomb detonated over the
"Big Market" area of Nis, where people do their shopping. [2]

** On May 5th, a convoy of  vehicles  from  Greece  was  carrying
humanitarian  supplies  into  Yugoslavia.  The convoy was clearly
marked with a "Doctors of  the  World"  logo.  NATO had also been
informed  in  advance  that  the  humanitarian  convoy  would  be
travelling through  the  region.   Nonetheless,  the  convoy  was
attacked  by  a  NATO  missile.   Subsequent to the attack, Greek
newspapers quoted Dr. Lakis Nikolau,  who was travelling with the
convoy, as follows:  "That what happened  has  been  planned  and
designed  by  NATO  in  advance,  something  like  a premeditated
murder.  There is no other  explanation.   They knew who we were,
where we were going and why, because they had  been  informed  in

[CTRL] Nato also bombs Iraq

1999-05-09 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

I saw in a leaflet by an International Socialist pressure group
who wants to stop the bombing in Kosovo, that Nato is still
allegedly bombing Iraq.
Is this true ??? God help us if it is.

Andrew Hennessey

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Nato faults have prolonged war, says top general

1999-05-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


124027"The Times: Balkans War:Nato faults have prolong

Nato faults have prolonged war, says top general


Naumann: admits that
planes were shot down NATO'S top general yesterday delivered a blunt
admission of failings in the alliance's campaign against Serbia and
predicted that it had prolonged the conflict and could cost additional
General Klaus Naumann, chairman of the Nato military committee, said the
air war was now working, but Serbia could still achieve its aim of mass
deportation of ethnic Albanians from Kosovo.

The German general gave his unvarnished account of the campaign on the
eve of his retirement this week. At the same time, the alliance claimed
an "extremely successful" day of strikes against targets in Kosovo and
Serbia and dismissed as Serb propaganda claims that it had bombed a bus
on Monday, killing civilians.

Nato also reported the shooting down of a MiG29 Serb warplane in a
dogfight. However, the straight-speaking General Naumann gave the first
confirmation that two US jets that crashed in the campaign had been shot
down, as Serbia had claimed. Nato had previously reported only engine

Drawing lessons from the air offensive, General Naumann said: "Quite
frankly and honestly, we did not succeed in our initial attempt to
coerce [President] Milosevic through airstrikes to accept our demands.
Nor did we succeed in preventing Yugoslavia pursuing its campaign of
ethnic separation and expulsions."

The air campaign alone could never entirely stop the Serb paramilitary
from killing the population, he said. "President Milosevic's campaign of
mass deportation is still achievable."

General Naumann's main complaint was that the Nato military had its
hands tied by the need to keep political consensus among the 19-member
coalition. "We need to find a way to reconcile the conditions of
coalition war with the prin-ciple of the use of surprise and the
overwhelming use of force. We did not apply either in Operation Allied
Force and this cost time and effort and potentially additional
casualties. The net result is that the campaign has been undoubtedly

He did not elaborate, but his remarks appeared to back up reports that
General Naumann and other top officers deplored the allies' failure to
hit harder at the outset of the campaign and prepare a ground offensive.
The general, who conceded some bitterness over being forced to make way
for an Italian successor in the middle of Nato's greatest military test,
insisted that there was no reason to change the alliance's approach to
its campaign. He said it was true in military history that air power
"never won a war", but he said he saw a "real chance that we can make
it" in Yugoslavia.

General Naumann lamented a catalogue of inadequacies in the campaign,
mainly connected to the lack of suficient military capability in Europe.
Last night France announced that it would increase its aircraft in the
conflict area by 25 per cent.

Europe was unable to organise the humanitarian air drop to refugees
inside Kosovo because it lacked aircraft that could fly high enough to
escape anti-aircraft fire, the general said. He complained of the
alliance's "deplorable slow deployment of our forces in Albania and

The outspoken general's blunt briefing at Nato headquarters gave the
Serbs public credit for hitting the F117 Stealth fighter in the first
days of the campaign and an F16 fighter last Sunday. "They were shot
down," he said.

Next page: Allies risk crimes tribunal over civilians

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Bombing Failures

Allies risk crimes tribunal over civilians

Serbs urged to cast out Milosevic

Blair 'a dictator'

Main story and full links

Next: Strategic Options - Air forces fail to repeat Gulf success
Copyright 1999 Times Newspapers Ltd.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] NATO air strikes could cause a second Chernobyl

1999-05-04 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: NATO air strikes could cause a second Chernobyl


 27 April 1999

 NATO air strikes could cause a second Chernobyl

 By Felicity Arbuthnot
 Publication Date: Apr 25 1999

 EUROPE'S most dangerous nuclear power plant could be just 30 minutes from
 catastrophic meltdown due to Nato air strikes on Serbia, a British expert
 has claimed.

 Oil from bombed refineries has seeped into the River Danube, causing 13
 huge slicks which are now threatening Bulgaria's Kozloduy plant's cooling
 system, prompting environmentalists to warn of a "very real danger" of a
 second Chernobyl.

 One British expert said workers at Kozloduy, which has around five million
 people within its blast danger zone, would have just half an hour to shut
 down the reactors if cooling water from the river becomes contaminated
 the thick oily sludge.

 But John Large, a London-based nuclear safety consultant who has
 investigated Kozloduy for the British government, claimed the plant has
 been staffed by little more than farmers since Russian technicians went
 home after the break-up of the Soviet Union.

 Large confirmed the thick oil slicks could jam machines which pump water
 6km from the Danube to cool the reactors. He warned sparking could cause
 fires, but his main fears concern overheating reactors due to a prolonged
 absence of coolant, which may lead to the explosive release of a
 radioactive cloud.

 Large said: "The people at Kozloduy would have perhaps 30 minutes to close
 down the reactors."

 He claimed there would be ample opportunity for inexperienced operators to
 make mistakes. "How shall I put it? This is a high-tech plant which is now
 run by agrarian labourers. After the break-up of the Soviet Union, the
 Russian technicians who ran the plant went home, taking the instruction
 manuals with them."

 Large said that in the worst case scenario, loss of coolant combined with

 operator error could result in an accidental release of a cloud of
 radioactive gas. The reactors were so old, he warned, that their pressure
 vessels could have become brittle and liable to catastrophic failure.

 Kozloduy takes water from the Danube at a point just 100km from the
 border. One of the 13 slicks approaching it is 24km long.

 An emergency shutdown on one of the plant's six reactors would plunge much
 of Bulgaria into darkness.

 But it is the fear of catastrophe which has caused worldwide alarm. A
 coalition of Bulgarian environmental groups has warned the country's
 government that there is "a very real danger" of a disaster similar to
 caused by the blast at Chernobyl in April, 1986.

 Bulgarian authorities are refusing to release details of how the risk is
 being dealt with. However, environmentalists have warned that the 24km
 slick, which eyewitnesses claim is a "thick, oily gunge", will pass the
 cooling pumps in "a matter of days".

 Campaigner Rasitsa Panayotova from Za Zemiata (Bulgarian for For the
 Earth), claimed oil contamination could cause reactors at Kozloduy to

 "Another danger is that oil in the vicinity catches fire, also threatening
 the complex," she warned. The site also houses a substantial stockpile of
 nuclear waste.

 Four of Kozloduy's aging six reactors have no secondary containment to
 prevent radiation from escaping in the event of an accident.

 Most western experts regard them as unsafe and the European Union has been
 trying to persuade the Bulgarians to close them for years. The Bulgarian
 government has resisted because the reactors supply 35% of the country's

 A detailed investigation earlier this month by the official nuclear
 regulatory agencies from 10 countries, including Britain, concluded
 Kozloduy could never be made safe.

 "The existing and planned safety upgrading programmes will not be
 sufficient to bring these units up to acceptable safety standards," they

 Another study by the US Department of Energy revealed the plant failed on
 six out of seven accident indicators and concluded that "operation of the
 Kozloduy nuclear power plant is truly a high-stakes gamble."

 Last week Bulgarian environmental groups demanded the closure of Kozloduy
 after their government gave Nato planes permission to make emergency
 landings 50km away at Gabrovnica.

 The Bulgarian committee on the uses of atomic energy for peaceful purposes
 also warned a plane crash at Kozloduy could cause an "uncontrolled

 Talent develops in tranquillity,
 character in the full current of human life.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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[CTRL] NATO: US UK vs Germany, France, Italy ...

1999-04-26 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "`Military interventions must be legalized by a U.N. mandate,'' German
Chancellor Schroder said, insisting that [under its charter] NATO has no
authority to send armed peacekeeping troops abroad without at least the
approval of the United Nations.
 "France's President Chirac agreed: 'NATO cannot and will not be able to
act without the authorization of the United Nations Security Council.' "

 Yet the Clintonblair stomps on, heedless of international law even while
using it as a catchword to justify their own de facto aggression, as they
invade a sovereign nation.
  NATO, the EU, and the UN apparently have no significance to the
Anglo-American imperialists except as expedient "fronts" offering a veneer of
legitimacy, masking what would otherwise be seen as purely jingoistic
nationalism with a global powerlust.

Cracks Showing in Still-Strong NATO

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- As NATO celebrated its 50th birthday and brandished its
might over Yugoslavia, cracks showed through the brave front. In a polyglot
alliance that no longer confronts the Soviet bear, unity does not come

``This summit was an impressive demonstration of unity despite the fact that
some skeptics feared it would not be wise to hold a summit in times of war,''
said German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, elected only last year and hence
new to the bloc.

But even Schroeder, like French President Jacques Chirac, who is more vocal
in his independent views, did not yield submissively to the hard-line
leadership of President Clinton and his loyal friend, British Prime Minister
Tony Blair.

``Military interventions must be legalized by a U.N. mandate as a rule,'' the
German leader said, reflecting a widespread view that NATO lacks the
authority to stop merchant vessels carrying oil to Yugoslavia and to send
armed peacekeeping troops to Kosovo without at least the approval of the
United Nations.

Where a smaller NATO could close ranks easily to confront the Soviet Union,
the now 19-member alliance, with its door open to even more members, has to
struggle to work together when the issues no longer are black and white.

Even the otherwise airtight bonds between the United States and Britain were
loosened over the question of whether NATO should send combat troops to
Yugoslavia to try to deliver a knockout punch after more than a month of NATO

France and Britain had signaled before the summit that they favored using
ground troops in the inconclusive conflict, but Clinton much prefers
depending for now on an air campaign; so the contentious issue was shelved.

There was no way, though, to disguise the fissures over the American
initiative to mount a blockade to keep oil shipments from getting to
Yugoslavia. Stopping neutral vessels normally is an act of war, and Chirac
registered his reservations.

Insisting also on specific approval of the U.N. Security Council for
peacekeeping operations, Chirac said: ``NATO cannot and will not be able to
act without the authorization of this international organization.''

The United States contends the authority to intercept oil tankers at sea and
to deploy NATO peacekeeping troops in Kosovo is derived from a U.N. embargo
and other Security Council resolutions.

Asked at a news conference whether NATO would need a new resolution to
intervene outside the territory of its members, NATO Secretary-General Javier
Solana said, ``No.''

Basically, the U.S. view on peacekeepers prevailed, but the communiques and
other statements NATO issued at the summit reflected some of the divergence
that marked the private deliberations of the leaders.

Initially, the Clinton administration had in mind a NATO force, supplemented
by troops from Russia and some other non-members.

This was transformed at the summit to a statement that ``NATO remains ready
to form the core of an international military force.''

In a little-noticed ripple of discord, meanwhile, Turkey forced the allies to
guarantee that it and other allies that are not in the European Union would
be consulted before NATO troops are sent into emergency action.

Greece, which came into the summit more impressed than any of the other
allies with a potential cease-fire and other proposals floated by Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic, fell in with the non-compromise NATO stance on

Italian Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema, who also was considered a bit wobbly
before the summit, concurred as well.

Italian warplanes are participating in the attacks on the Serbs and,
dramatically, so is the German Luftwaffe, the first battle campaign for
German forces since World War II.

Hungary, one of the three new members of the alliance, is also among the most
anxious. ``It's extremely complicated for Hungary,'' said Prime Minister
Viktor Orban, clearly referring to 300,000 ethnic Hungarians who live in the
Serbian province of Vojvodina. There is concern they could be put in jeopardy

Re: [CTRL] NATO Aggression Uniting the Orthodox

1999-04-23 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

But of course there are no religious aspects to this war.  Prudy

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] NATO Bombs Serb TV

1999-04-23 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Conspiracy angle in below is importance of propaganda war
and also the "enemy's" propaganda gives perspective on
NATO propaganda.

   RTS building in Belgrade centre hit
   April 23, 1999

   RTS resumes broadcasting
   Belgrade, April 23 (Tanjug) - NATO criminals targeted the Radio-TV
   Serbia (RTS) building in the very heart of Belgrade at 02:06 a.m.
   local time Friday, the city emergency center confirmed in a statement
   to Tanjug. All three RTS programs were knocked off the air in the
   attack. According to first information, there are casualties.

   Civil defense crews were at the scene minutes after the Radio-TV
   Serbia (RTS) building was. "Crews are trying to rescue the RTS members
   who were on the job. There are wounded. We are pulling out of the
   rubble one wounded person at this very point. We are doing everything
   we can," city civil defense commander Dragan Covic told Studio B TV.

   Covic urged Belgraders who live nearby to keep away from the hit RTS
   building because new detonations were possible.

   In the criminal NATO air assault on the Radio-TV Serbia (RTS)
   headquarters in the heart of Belgrade, several surrounding buildings,
   most of them housing facilities, also suffered damages.

   The damaged buildings include the Centre for Children and Youths in
   Takovska St. and the children's theatre Dusko Radovic, both right next
   to the hit RTS building.

   The RTS employees, whose building was hit last night by the NATO
   missile, are doing their best to resume broadcasting the programme.
   They have been broadcasting it regularly since the beginning of the
   air strikes, and are now knocked off the air. There were many
   journalists, technicians and other employees in the building at the
   time of the strike.

   Some Radio-TV Serbia (RTS) staff members who were broadcasting a
   program at the time of the criminal NATO missile attack on the RTS
   headquarters in the very centre of Belgrade early Friday have
   recounted the horrors inside the destroyed section of the building.


   "We were sitting in the broadcasting room and working, when a blast
   was heard. The wall before us disappeared, and next we realized that
   there was nothing two meters behind us. We only heard the moans of the
   wounded," Sava Andjelkovic, head of the broadcasting shift, recounted.

   The wounded RTS members have been rescued from under the rubble, but
   no reports are available about whether there have been any fatalities.

   Eighteen wounded members of Serbian Radio and Television (RTS) were
   admitted to Belgrade's Emergency Centre early on Friday, according to

   One of the wounded, who were doing their job when the U.S.-led NATO
   aggressors targeted a part of the RTS building soon after 2 a.m.,
   died, while another, who sustained severe injuries to his internal
   organs, was immediately operated, RTS quoted Emergency Centre sources
   as saying.

   According to the latest information, there are casualties, but their
   number is unknown yet. Many of them are wounded, most of them
   transported to hospitals.

   This barbaric attack on journalists is unprecedented in the world

   Fire brigades have managed to put out the fire that broke out when a
   missile hit the part of the RTS building where the broadcasting and
   technical rooms where located.

   The four-storey part of the building collapsed, so that the remaining
   part looks as being cut off. RTS members whose offices were in the
   building's ground floor and first floor are believed to be trapped in
   the rubble.

   A large number of RTS members, who have arrived at the scene to watch
   rescue operations, have voiced their embitterment at NATO's heinous


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[CTRL] NATO Standing In the Way of OUR (!) War in the Balkans

1999-04-21 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Lawmakers Say NATO Slows Down War

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- NATO's cumbersome procedures are sharply limiting Army
Gen. Wesley Clark's military options in Yugoslavia, some lawmakers are
suggesting. ``The NATO consulting process is slowing down the war,'' said
Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah.

``And if you win it -- what do you win? First prize is 50 years in Kosovo.
I'm not sure that's a prize I want to win,'' Bennett said.

Congressional frustration is increasing over NATO's caution and its constant
need for a consensus -- amounting to what many suggest is a war by committee.

``But for NATO, we would not be in this fight, and because of NATO, we can't
win this fight,'' Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., told Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright as she defended NATO's role on Tuesday before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.

She strongly disagreed -- although conceded NATO's was a little rusty as a
military machine.

``NATO is the right instrument, and while it has never fought a war, it is
doing a pretty darn good job doing it,'' she said. ``We need to hone it, but
we are on the right track.''

But calls are increasing in the Republican-led Senate for more direct action
to stop Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's aggression against Kosovo's
ethnic Albanians.

A bipartisan group of seven senators led by 2000 GOP presidential hopeful
John McCain of Arizona filed a resolution Tuesday that would authorize ground
troops in Kosovo -- even though the administration has not requested them.

``When a president threatens a war he should plan for it,'' McCain said late
Tuesday in satellite remarks to the National Association of Broadcasters
convention in Las Vegas. ``President Clinton seems neither to have a plan A
nor a plan B.''

Other lawmakers have called for even more direct action to try to overthrow

``I think we should put a Tomahawk missile through Milosevic's bedroom
window,'' said Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Ted Stevens,

But removing Milosevic is not part of NATO's strategy.

Albright made that clear earlier Tuesday at a White House briefing when asked
if she thought Milosevic should be removed -- and how that would be achieved.

``That is not ... our goal for this conflict,'' she responded.

That goal, ``as we have all said, is to try to get the Serb forces out of
Kosovo, the refugees back into Kosovo and have the protection of an
international security force,'' she added.

The bombing campaign is not a U.S.-only operation, but is subject to review
by the other 18 NATO countries. And NATO may need Milosevic one day to
enforce terms of a peace agreement.

The United States says its prefers to have a democratic government in place
in Belgrade -- but is short on details on how that might be accomplished.

NATO's cautious position toward Milosevic was underscored Tuesday when
British Prime Minister Tony Blair suggested allies will ``carry on until he
does step down.''

Jamie Shea, the NATO spokesman, quickly clarified Blair's remarks by saying
NATO policy was to get Milosevic to ``back down'' rather than ``step down.''

To be sure, the four-week-old air campaign against Yugoslavia is run by a
four-star American Army general -- Clark.

But military planners from other NATO nations are closely watching over his

``I think we've been able to strengthen the consensus process in NATO,''
Clark recently told a group of U.S. reporters in his command post in Mons,
Belgium, about 30 miles from NATO headquarters in Brussels. ``And I think
that's very evident in the increasingly smooth flow of the air campaign.''

But lawmakers who have been to Europe to meet with Clark tell a different
story, suggesting he is being hamstrung.

``General Clark just does not have the options he needs,'' said Sen. Dick
Lugar, R-Ind., a senior member of the Foreign Relations Committee. ``He needs
a consensus finding for targets and for objectives. As a result, General
Clark is bound by that consensus.''

A bad omen for NATO on the eve of its 50th anniversary celebration?

Not really, said Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, senior Democrat on the Armed
Services Committee, and a strong NATO booster. And he says he fully expects
NATO to be around for its 100th birthday, as well, ``because it serves an
ongoing useful function.''

``It's extraordinary how NATO's new nations, like Hungary, are willing to
take risks for a common cause here,'' Levin said. ``And the common cause this
time is an important one. NATO will prove itself by succeeding in not
allowing Milosevic to ethnically cleanse Kosovo.''

EDITOR'S NOTE -- Tom Raum covers national and international affairs for The
Associated Press.

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[CTRL] NATO/US Ordered Civilian Massacre?

1999-04-20 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

   Bill Clinton demands dismissal of Wesley Clark
   April 18, 1999

   NATO massacred the Albanian civilians on the way back to their h

   According to the well informed sources from the White House, Albania
   has many problems with the refugees form Kosovo and Metohija and their
   discontent with the status and position they are in. They are facing
   the contagious diseases and dying of the elder people. Western
   Alliance member-states are especially concerned with the greater
   influence of Ibrahim Rugova to the refugee complex, manifested openly
   in their wish to return to their left homes in Kosovo and Metohija,
   those sources say.

   According to the mentioned sources from the White House, the convoy of
   the Albanian refugees who decided to return to their homes was
   targeted on purpose due to the two reasons:

   - To make everybody clear that there will be no returning because that
   is not in accordance with the determined NATO strategy

   - To blame the Serbian military and police forces of that crime,
   together with the adequate media campaign

   The sources continue in saying that William Coen, USA defense minister
   asked Wesley Clark, NATO commander in Europe to personally choose a
   pilot who would carry out this particular order and action. As Coen
   says, big mistake was done, because the pilot who was to attack the
   refugee convoy did not do it without notice by the other pilots who
   took part in the military actions on Kosmet that day. The name of this
   pilot is kept top secret.

   It is known that he is a member of the Holland army, prepared and
   trained in the military bases of the USA.

   Allegedly, as the same source say, after the massacre carried out on
   the Albanian refugees, American President Bill Clinton demanded an
   immediate dismissal of Wesley Clark, but this demand of his was
   covered up because of the political reasons.

   Besides everything, NATO stays loyal to its determined goals and


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[CTRL] NATO expected to decide on ground invasion at summit

1999-04-20 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO expected to decide on ground invasion at summit

By Steve Rodan
Tuesday, April 20, 1999

NATO is expected to decide during its summit in Washington this weekend to
prepare for a ground invasion of Kosovo, a senior European official said.

The official, who did not want to be identified, said increasing pressure is
being placed on the United States and Britain for an invasion of Kosovo over
the next month in an attempt to "get this whole thing over with." The
official said NATO members on the European continent are concerned that their
economies would be damaged should NATO's bombing campaign continue through
the summer.

In addition, the official said, NATO's allies in the Balkans, such as
Macedonia and Croatia, want the campaign to end. Both countries have granted
air rights to NATO planes on their way to bombing missions in Yugoslavia.

"From a humanitarian point of view, the support continues for the NATO
operation," the official said. "But from the strategic point of view in terms
of the future of Yugoslavia, there is more and more concern. That's why
everybody would like this to end as soon as possible, even if it means a
ground attack."

The official said NATO can no longer insist on less than a capitulation of
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. He said if Milosevic obtains an
unconditional ceasefire he will hail this as the "greatest victory in Serbian

About 12,000 NATO troops are currently in Macedonia. NATO Secretary General
Javier Solana reiterated that the alliance has no plans to invade Yugoslavia.
But he added, "If the moment comes when it is necessary I'm sure the
countries that belong to NATO will be ready to do it."

On Sunday, the British newspaper Observer reported that NATO is making plans
for a ground invasion of Kosovo as early as the end of May. The newspaper
reported that about 80,000 troops have been allocated for the mission.

The Observer said American troops have begun training in Colorado as part of
a plan to complete NATO's operations in Yugoslavia by July. A NATO source
told the newspaper, "We are no longer talking about simply sending
peacekeeping troops into an entirely permissive environment."

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] NATO in Montenegro Next?]

1999-04-20 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

  -Caveat Lector-

  "Queried about the possibility of a naval blockade, White House press
 secretary Joe Lockhart said, ``We believe that this is an idea worth
  "Yugoslavia's only seaports are in Montenegro.
  "The NY Times reported today that when the United States raised the
 issue of a naval blockade with NATO allies last week, France objected on
 grounds that this would require endorsement by the United Nations."

 U.S. Seeks To Block Oil to Serbs

 .c The Associated Press

My guess is that Djukanovic will invite NATO into Montenegro, possibly in the
context of moving ground forces into Serbia. He has been sounding more and
more pro-Western lately, and would clearly love to split completely with
Milosevic. Wonder how much we're paying Mr. D.?


Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] NATO in Montenegro Next?

1999-04-19 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Queried about the possibility of a naval blockade, White House press
secretary Joe Lockhart said, ``We believe that this is an idea worth
 "Yugoslavia's only seaports are in Montenegro.
 "The NY Times reported today that when the United States raised the
issue of a naval blockade with NATO allies last week, France objected on
grounds that this would require endorsement by the United Nations."

U.S. Seeks To Block Oil to Serbs

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton asked Congress today for $6 billion in
emergency spending to sustain the U.S. military engagement in Kosovo and
increase aid to ethnic Albanians fleeing the province.

``There are literally lives hanging in the balance,'' Clinton said. ``I hope
that the Congress, in the spirit of bipartisanship, will pass the package
right away.''

Clinton said the emergency spending would ``ensure that we have the resources
to sustain the air campaign to ensure that we achieve our goals while
maintaining our high level of general military readiness.''

Congressional leaders promised to give the measure prompt attention, but
Republicans suggested they would try to expand it to cover longer-range needs
of the Pentagon. ``This emergency funding measure cannot be shortsighted --
it cannot simply replace bullets for bullets and bombs for bombs spent in
Kosovo,'' said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.

Meanwhile, the United States is seeking NATO support for cutting off seaborne
shipments of oil into Yugoslavia to limit President Slobodan Milosevic's
ability to fight ethnic Albanians. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright did
not rule out the possibility of a naval blockade of Yugoslav ports.

Albright, after noting that a relentless NATO bombing campaign has heavily
damaged Yugoslavia's oil refining capacity, said, ``We're taking all kinds of
steps to limit the ability of outside powers to ... deliver oil.

``The Croatians have turned off their oil pipeline. And we are talking with
our NATO allies about taking stricter action in order to limit the amount of
oil that goes in,'' she said Sunday on ABC's ``This Week.''

Would that include a blockade of ports? Albright was asked. ``Well, there is
a way to visit and search ships and we're looking at a variety of way to
tighten the screws on him (Milosevic) economically,'' she replied.

Clinton spoke with Russian President Boris Yeltsin today for 45 minutes.
Yeltsin has been critical of the NATO campaign, but a White House official
said the two emphasized the things they agreed upon, such as the need for
Serb forces to withdraw from Kosovo.

It was the first time that Clinton and Yeltsin had spoken since the start of
the airstrikes, and the conversation came after Yeltsin named a special envoy
for the crisis last week.

``They're looking for ways to be helpful. There's broad agreement that we
can't allow the relationship to be damaged by Kosovo,'' said the official,
who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Queried about the possibility of a naval blockade, White House press
secretary Joe Lockhart would say only that NATO was considering ``a variety
of things'' that could loosen Milosevic's grip on power.

``We believe that these are ideas that are worth pursuing, and that's what's
being discussed,'' he said.

Yugoslavia's only seaports are in Montenegro. Kosovo is a province of
Yugoslavia's other republic, Serbia.

There were weekend reports that oil was still being delivered through
Montenegrin ports and that the United States was reluctant to impose a

The New York Times reported today that when the United States raised the
issue of a naval blockade with NATO allies last week, France objected on
grounds that would require endorsement by the United Nations Security

Albright said NATO will fight to the end to wear down Milosevic. Yugoslavia's
military is being weakened by NATO bombing, she said. ``Our allies are all
determined to prevail.''

She said Clinton still has no intention of sending ground troops into
Yugoslavia to follow the air attacks that begin March 24. A ground plan
shelved last fall could be updated quickly, she said, although military
experts have said it would take two to three months to prepare.

NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana agreed, saying, ``At this point, the
alliance has no plans to go into an invasion.'' However, he added, ``If the
moment comes when it is necessary, I'm sure the countries that belong to NATO
will be ready to do it.''

``We are going to maintain the air campaign to the end,'' he said on ``Fox
News Sunday.''

British Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder
affirmed allied unity. ``I think the important thing is to see the strategy
we have through,'' Blair said on CBS' ``Face the Nation.'' Schroeder told
CNN's ``Late Edition'' he sees ``no reason whatsoever'' to change current
policy. ``Airstrikes have to be continued, and they have to be sharpened 

[CTRL] NATO is hiding it's losses!

1999-04-16 Thread jabriol

 -Caveat Lector-

Athens magazine Athinaiki, no. 599, page 9, 7th april 1999

"At the moment NATO is refusing Yugoslav ceasefire proposal , Athinaiki
discovers 100% correct information from the NATO HQ resources that current
Alliance loses are 88 death and missing soldiers and 32 airplanes and
hellicopters. In order to punish Yugoslavia, small town of Aleksinac was
heavily bombed resulting 7 dead and 30 wounded.

Informations obtained from highest level in Brussel are exposing Alliance`s
anger and fear because of current losses without eaven starting any ground
operation. Number of "missing " (most likely dead) collected by NATO
officers in Kosovo reached the number of 88. Meanwhile, the number of lost
airplanes and helicopters reached 32 so far. NATO hope that not all of 88
missing are dead and claim that Serbs don`t want to go with real number!
According to NATO sources, 44 are Americans, 11 are Germans, 7 are Brittish
18 are of miscellaneous nationalities. Those facts, still unpublished in
those countries, combined with reported aircraft losses, caused anger to
NATO generals who actually vote for different solution of crisis, There is
also an oppinion that action was headed wrong from the beginning. Due to all
the mentioned facts here, NATO is claiming political deal under the current
law in Yugoslavia without any changes of borders."

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[CTRL] NATO: Oops! Well, Shit Happens.

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 The United States says it regrets [killing 64 noncombatant Albanian
refugees] -- but blames Milosevic for 'making' us do it.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO admitted Thursday it mistakenly bombed a refugee
convoy in Kosovo but vowed to press ahead with its air war against

The United States said it regretted the carnage but blamed Yugoslav Slobodan
Milosevic for driving the ethnic Albanian civilians from their homes in the
first place.

U.S Secretary of Defense William Cohen, promising to intensify aid raids,
accused Milosevic of cynically making propaganda out of the attack in which
Serb officials say 64 civilians were killed.

Cohen told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Milosevic's description
of the attack as an atrocity was ``one of the most grotesque statements I can
conceive of.''

Despite pictures of limbless civilians amid the wreckage of tractors that
flashed around the world, the alliance has pushed ahead with its air war
aimed at forcing Milosevic to bend to its demand for a Yugoslav troop
withdrawal from Kosovo.

Anti-aircraft fire resounded across Belgrade overnight and explosions shook
the Yugoslav capital in the biggest bombardment since air strikes started
three weeks ago.

At NATO's Brussels headquarters spokesman Jamie Shea said the alliance was
taking every possible precaution to avoid collateral damage but one tragic
accident would not weaken its resolve.

NATO played a tape recording of the F-16 pilot who carried out the attack, in
which the alliance says one of its bombs appeared to have mistakenly hit a
civilian vehicle.

He said he made two passes over a three-vehicle convoy of dark green,
two-and-a-half ton vehicles and fired a laser-guided bomb at the lead vehicle
on his third pass.

He said he had seen a villages burning on the main Prizren-Djakovica-Decani
highway and convoys of uprooted civilians in a bottleneck at the north
entrance to Prizren.

He said he believed the vehicles he attacked were Yugoslav military or police
conducting an ethnic cleansing operation.

Serbian official media said 64 people died when the convoy of about 100
tractors, cars and other vehicles carrying several thousand refugees was
attacked from the air on a highway near the south Kosovan town of Djakovica.

``We cannot confirm the figures given by Serb sources, but NATO regrets any
harm to innocent civilians, and reminds that the circumstances in which this
accident occurred are wholly the responsibility of President Milosevic and
his policies,'' the alliance said.

In London, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook accused Yugoslav leaders of

``I will not accept the criticism that is emanating from Belgrade,'' Cook
told a news conference. ``How dare they now produce crocodile tears for
people killed in the conflict for which they are responsible.''

Meanwhile European Union leaders backed a United Nations conditional peace
plan for Kosovo.

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, whose country holds the current
presidency of the 15-nation bloc, said Thursday Yugoslavia would have to
accept all the West's conditions for a Kosovo settlement before NATO
suspended bombing.

``This, and only in this order, would make it possible to suspend NATO's
military measures and open the way to a political solution,'' Schroeder told
parliament in Bonn.

Schroeder also said he was ready to meet Victor Chernomyrdin, appointed by
President Boris Yeltsin Wednesday as his Yugoslavia envoy. Kremlin aides said
the veteran former premier had a mandate to seek ``unorthodox'' solutions to
the Kosovo conflict.

Germany has been at the forefront of diplomatic efforts to bind Russia --
Belgrade's traditional ally -- into an international settlement to the Balkan

Chernomyrdin welcomed a German peace plan for Kosovo, signaling a mellowing
in Moscow's tough stance against NATO.

``We have to back a peaceful way out of this crisis and what Germany is
proposing today -- to stop all military action for at least 24 hours and look
for compromises -- deserves attention,'' he told reporters in Moscow.

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Re: [CTRL] NATO: Oops! Well, Shit Happens.

1999-04-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I just watched Clinton on TV; and guess what, he has been drinking more
water than I have ever seen before.   Rather like the little "Nanny" on
TV that murdered a little baby, but was released because it was not

Do not know if we have any Indian experts on the line but - Indians when
they wanted to test the honest of a person, they would use the old knife
trick, which worked like a lie detector.   They would heat a knife, and
place it upon the person's tongue.  Now the liar, they say, would have a
dry tongue.

Now either Clinton was lying, or he is on a medication causing thirst.
During the Nanny trial, I watched that little girl guzzle down a gallon
of water a day.now any Indian would know what that meant.

Must watch Madame Albright at her next dinner, and see if her tongue
sticks to the roof of her mouth.


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[CTRL] NATO Tries to Calm Russia

1999-04-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Albright Meets With Russia Minister

.c The Associated Press

OSLO, Norway (AP) -- With NATO unity reaffirmed, Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright is holding out to Russia a role in peacekeeping in Kosovo while
cautioning against providing military intelligence or aid to Yugoslavia.

``We believe Russia has a constructive role to play in helping to bring about
and implement a settlement,'' State Department spokesman James P. Rubin said
today upon arriving in Oslo with Albright in a springtime snowstorm.

``Russia has found itself out of the mainstream,'' Rubin said against a
backdrop of U.S. assertions that virtually all of Europe supports the NATO
bombardment of Yugoslavia.

Today's fence-mending meeting here with Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov
follows a North Atlantic Council meeting in Brussels in which the 19 NATO
allies considered having Russian and other European troops join in enforcing
a settlement in the province if Yugoslavia accepts peace terms.

While NATO would lead the force, ``that doesn't mean there are not other ways
that other forces could be part of that,'' Albright told reporters Monday.

``It is absolutely necessary to have the Russians involved,'' French Foreign
Minister Hubert Vedrine said. ``Not just as a matter of form, but of

Russia has suspended its ties with NATO to protest the bombing of the Serbs
and sent a spy ship toward the Adriatic Sea. In ordering the moves, President
Boris Yeltsin alleged that the United States and its allies ``want to take
over Yugoslavia, make it their protectorate.''

American officials traveling with Albright said they have no evidence Russia
helped Yugoslavia with intelligence. Albright said Sunday on her flight from
Washington that she reminded Russia the United Nations had imposed an arms
embargo on Yugoslavia.

``It is important to abide by that Security Council resolution ... and we
expect them to do so,'' Albright said.

She then turned down an appeal for weapons from a representative of the
Kosovo Liberation Army. A senior U.S. official said she told Jakup Krasniqi
at a meeting Monday that any move to arm the rebels in defiance of a U.N.
arms embargo on all sides in Yugoslavia could weaken support for the ethnic

Moscow also argues that NATO is acting illegally in Kosovo because the U.N.
Security Council hasn't explicitly authorized action.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Knut Vollebaek said he did not expect a
breakthrough in the U.S-Russian rift.

``I believe we should lower our expectations,'' he said.

Norway, a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, holds the
rotating chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe. That is the capacity in which Vollebaek is playing host to today's

``They both were interested in meeting,'' Vollebaek said. ``They wanted a
neutral ground, and the OSCE was acceptable for both.''

The Norwegian told reporters that it was important that ``we make the Russian
side understand that our demands are not negotiable.''

Albright said hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians still in Kosovo face
starvation, and the NATO ministers had begun discussions of ways to p)their
rights in the event of a settlement.

After confirming NATO's unity at 19-nation foreign ministers meeting,
Albright said while partition of Kosovo was not an option, the foreign
ministers considered ``some kind of international protective status'' for the
region Milosevic has pledged not to surrender.

Such a protectorate would allow the ethnic Albanians, who numbered 1p million
and made up 90 percent of the population before exodus and execution, ``to
live with a high degree of self-government without the threats and terror
that they have been living under,'' Albright said.

She said ``there are a number of ideas that are out there'' and ``none of
those have been settled upon.''

In a parallel move certain to anger the Yugoslav president, NATO is moving to
deny Milosevic authority to keep Serb troops in Kosovo after the conflict.

A six-nation peace plan that he rejected would have permitted 5,000 Serb
troops to remain, half of them to patrol the border of Kosovo, which would
remain a part of Serbia. The other half would leave after a year.

Milosevic nullified autonomy in the Serbian province a decade ago and has
refused to accept a settlement that would maximize autonomy but not extend
independence to the province.

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Re: [CTRL] NATO Tries to Calm Russia

1999-04-13 Thread Amelia Kay Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

And we all remember how diplomatic and successful Ms Albright was on her
trip to China!!  Wasn't that just an exchange of insults?
PS Speaking of which, aren't a couple of you being just a tad juvenile?
Reminds me of my kids at about 12-14 yrs. of age.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] NATO Tries to Calm Russia

1999-04-13 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, Albright wants self-govrnment over there, like Reno wanted
self-government in WACO.

Yugoslavia is burning; and Madeline Albright, this ignorant inflated
blimp, is now bullying Russia about.

I still say, send her to Iraq and let Sadam put her to work in his

How can Albright push democracy with a sodomist in the White House
hiding behind her skirts playing Commander in Ship.  I say, send that
boy to camp and get him the hell out of the White house.

Enough, is enoughor maybe we could have him institutionalized


The Coward of the Country, the Butcher of the Balkans, and the Butcher
of WACO.these come with greetings in the name of peace and

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[CTRL] NATO Ministers Meet

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "NATO drew up a plan for landing ground troops in Kosovo as far back as
last summer ... "

NATO Foreign Ministers Gather

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- With no end to the air war against Yugoslavia in
sight, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and fellow NATO foreign
ministers gathered at alliance headquarters today for a brief show of unity.

The 19 NATO foreign ministers want to use the meeting, called by Albright
last week, to show Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic that the alliance is
holding together despite his tough resistance to the bombing campaign, now in
its 19th day.

Arriving in Brussels on Sunday, Albright said the Serbian onslaught against
ethnic Albanians in Kosovo means fewer Serb troops will be permitted to
remain in the province than previously proposed.

In another policy shift bound to anger Milosevic, Albright did not rule out
partitioning Kosovo as part of a settlement, provided there are ways to
protect Orthodox Christian holy sites.

``Lots of parts of Rambouillet have been overtaken by events,'' Albright said
of the accord, negotiated outside Paris, that was rejected by the Serbs and
accepted by the Kosovo Albanians last month.

Albright said ``there has to be recognition'' of the Serb offensive that has
forced the expulsion of more than one-third of the ethnic Albanians in what
the United States has denounced as a ``scorched-earth'' campaign.

More than 100 fresh aircraft were en route to the war zone to step up the air
operations against Yugoslav army and police forces who have been waging a
systematic campaign to empty Kosovo of its ethnic Albanian inhabitants.

Military and political leaders insist the airstrikes have been effective in
damaging the Yugoslav military's support network, and in recent days, hitting
ground forces in Kosovo.

Military briefers say Serb activity in Kosovo has slowed and that most
Yugoslav forces are now dispersing and defending against the allied air

Senior NATO diplomats say the four-hour foreign ministers' meeting will
stress the need for a political solution for the province and its 2 million
inhabitants, 90 percent of whom are ethnic Albanians.

Albright was also expected to meet later today with rebel Kosovo Liberation
Army representative Jakup Krasniqi.

What kind of political agreement is now possible in Kosovo is a much more
difficult question than it was just three weeks ago. Originally, the basis
for any settlement was the agreement worked out at Rambouillet in February
and March. That agreement called for a wide autonomy for the province within

Now, as one NATO ambassador put it, the Rambouillet framework is looking less
realistic, but so far no viable alternatives have emerged.

The introduction of ground forces in Kosovo is a subject that will not go
away. Officially, NATO says ground troops will only enter the province in a
``permissive environment,'' either as part of the originally planned NATO
implementation force or some sort of force to escort refugees back.

NATO considered plans for a land invasion of Kosovo as far back as last
summer, one among a large number of options studied at the time. That plan
was put on the shelf and so far, senior diplomats say, no one has proposed
reviving it. Nonetheless, much of the military analysis for a ground
intervention has been done. Initiating one, however, would take considerable

In what one top NATO diplomat described as ``an interesting role reversal,''
some members of Congress have been calling for ground forces and several
other allies seem ready to go that way.

For the moment, however, both political and military officials say the air
campaign has a lot of time left before it will have run its course.

Another problem faced by the ministers is the harmful effect the bombing is
having on relations with Russia. Moscow has severed relations with NATO and
most of the activities of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council, created
two years ago in Paris, have been put on hold.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NATO: Uncommon Views

1999-04-12 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Kanwa


S300PMU2 by Andrei Pinkov
Tor-M1 by Andrei Pinkov
end photos

Kanwa news April 6, 1999 The NATO entered the territorial sky of both Iraq
and Yugoslavia without any difficulty. As far as the pure military
significance is concerned, can the air force of this strongest military
group break through the air-defense systems of both Russia and China as it
did during the current air strike on Yugoslavia?

After the beginning the 1990s, a large number of Russian air-defense systems
that Iraq and Yugoslavia had never used made their appearances in Russia,
including the most advanced S300PMU1, S300PMU2, S300V, S400, BUK-M1, BUK-M2,
Tor-M1, Tunguska, and SHILKA systems. Among them, the S300PMU1, S300PMU,
TorM-1, and BUK-M1 (the naval version) have already equipped or will soon
equip the Chinese army. China has also been trying to enhance the building
of its air-defense force since the Gulf War. To this end, China has
developed the FM80, FM90, FD2000, FT2000, LY60, KS1, and QW2 air-defense
missile systems. All the above-mentioned systems are a generation more
advanced in their performances than the air-defense weapons Iraq and
Yugoslavia use. Especially, the Russian systems have formed a new fire net
that covers the ultra-high altitude, high altitude, middle altitude, low
altitude, and minimum low altitude. Thus, the area of air-defense under the
coverage of the fire net has increased. For example, the range of the S400
has been extended to 400 kilometers. In the meantime, the detective methods
have also been found to be diversified with the new systems. For instance,
the Chinese FM90 and the Russian BUK-M1, BUK-M2, and Tor-M1 are all equipped
with the TV tracking system and carry the variable-frequency radar that has
a strong anti-interference capability. The phased array radar has been used
in the S300, S400, FD2000, and TorM1 and it enables the systems to track and
attack several targets at the same time. In addition, the Tor-M1 also
possesses the capability of launching a head-on attack on the cruise
missiles that travel at a low altitude.

While proposing the air-defense theory of taking the control of the
territorial sky with the ground-to-air missiles as the major weapon (Yi Di
Zhi Kong), the Chinese military theorists emphasized strengthening their air
force. Now the Chinese air force has been equipped with the different kinds
of detective systems, including the IRST system that is installed on the
Su27. On the other hand, the stealth fighter planes and bombers may have
found it easy to escape unnoticed soon after they fulfilled their bombing
missions in such small and narrow countries as Iraq and Serbia. However, in
such large countries as China and Russia, each of which has a vast expanse
of territory, things will be different. In the time of war, they will put
more planes on patrol, use the AWACS, and resort to various detective
methods. Major General F. Ilyushin, the first chief test pilot of the Su27
and a two-time winner of the "Soviet Hero", indicated to the KWIC reporter,
"Once caught by my students with their Su27s, the US stealth attack planes
can be easily destroyed only by the guns on the Su27s". Andrei Pinkov Kanwa

From Korean Central News Agency

U.S.-led NATO aggression on Yugoslavia assailed
   Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The United States insists that the NATO
force's military operations against Yugoslavia are a military measure for
"peace" but this is nothing but a sophism to conceal their aggressive and
criminal nature, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary.
It continues:   The Kosovo issue is an internal affair of Yugoslavia and
a matter to be settled by Yugoslavia in a responsible manner. Nobody has a
right to interfere in the issue by force of arms. Therefore, the large-scale
military operations undertaken by the U.S. with the mobilization of the NATO
forces are a brigandish armed invasion of a sovereign state in contravention
of the UN Charter and international laws, which should never be tolerated.
The NATO's acts of aggression against Yugoslavia are an indication that the
arbitrary, high-handed and aggressive nature of the United States has
reached its height.
The United States launched an aggression on Yugoslavia this time, but
nobody knows which country will be the next target of its armed assault.
Drawing attention to the vicious maneuvering of the U.S. war hawks to
provoke a new war of aggression on the Korean peninsula, the daily warns:
If the United States dare unleash a reckless war against the DPRK,
underrating its strength as other's, it will only taste a bitter cup of

From Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald

Tuesday, April 13, 1999

Belgrade plotters risking civil war in south

By MICHAEL SMITH in Podgorica


[CTRL] NATO: Sig Heil!

1999-04-02 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


NATO: Sig Heil!

Alexander CockburnMarch 31, 1999

It's bracing to see the Germans taking part in NATO's bombing. It lends
a moral tone to an operation to have the grandsons of the Third Reich
willing, able and eager to drop high explosives again, in this instance
on the Serbs.

To add symmetry to the affair, the last time Serbs in Belgrade had high
explosives dropped on them was in 1941 by the sons of the Third Reich.
To bring even deeper symmetry, the German political party whose leader,
Gerhard Schroeder, ordered German participation in the bombing is that
of the Social Democrats. It was the great-grandfathers of the Social
Democrats who enthusiastically voted credits to wage war in 1914, to the
enormous disgust of V.I. Lenin, who never felt quite the same way about
social democrats ever after.

Whether in Germany, England or France, all social democratic parties in
1914 tossed aside previous pledges against war, thus helping produce the
first great bloodletting of our century. Today, with social democrats
leading governments across Europe -- Schroeder, Britain's Tony Blair,
France's Lionel Jospin, former Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi
(nominated to head the European Union) -- all fall in behind Bill
Clinton. This is, largely, a war most earnestly supported by liberals
and many so-called leftists. Rep. Bernie Sanders of Vermont has voted
aye, and in London, Vanessa Redgrave cheers on the NATO bombers. There's
been some patronizing talk here about the Serbs' deep sense of
"grievance" at the way history has treated them, with the implication
that the Serbs are irrational in this regard. But it's scarcely
irrational to remember that Nazi Germany bombed Belgrade in the Second
World War or that Germany's prime ally in the region, Croatia, ran a
concentration camp at Jasenovac where tens of thousands of Serbs --
along with Jews and gypsies -- were liquidated. Nor is it irrational to
recall that Germany in more recent years has been an unrelenting
assailant of the former Yugoslav federation, encouraging Slovenia to
secede and lending determined support to Croatia, in gratitude for which
Croatia adopted, on independence in 1991, the German hymn, "Danke

So much for Serb feelings about Germany. Serbia has some reason to feel
similar resentment toward the United States. The biggest single ethnic
cleansing of the mid-1990s in the former Yugoslavia was conducted by
Croatia under the supervision of the United States, whose military
generals and CIA officers issued targeting instructions to Croatian
artillery for the ethnic clearing. The targets were Serbs, living in
Serbian territory, in the Krajina. Heading the Croatian cleansers was
President Franjo Tudjman, who has rehabbed Nazi war criminals. Yet
somehow, it is Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic who is demonized here as

Now, the Serbs are being asked to give the Albanians living in a
southern province of Serbia -- Kosovo -- autonomy for three years at the
end of which time NATO would probably issue a peremptory command for
Kosovo's independence. Even so, the Serbs balked only at NATO's
insistence that a Serbian province, Kosovo, should accept a western
garrison force, and this doubtless could have been negotiated
peacefully. But as Mikhail Gorbachev has been saying in Europe, the
United States apparently wanted to rush into war on an obviously illegal

The Serbs feel as outraged as would India if the United States started
bombing New Delhi, Bombay and other towns and cities until India
surrendered to the Kashmiris' and Tamils' demands. You can make the same
parallel about China and Tibet, or Spain and the Basques, or the Turks
and the Kurds, or the Israelis and the Palestinians. Would we ever bomb
Istanbul or Tel Aviv? Of course not.

It's remarkable how America's gangsterism has grown more shameless even
since the days of George Bush. In 1991, Bush devoted months of
diplomatic effort toward getting supportive votes in the United Nations
for the expedition to free Kuwait. In 1999, Bill Clinton more or less
left the United Nations' secretary general, Kofi Annan, to find out from
CNN about NATO's decision to bomb. Appropriately enough, last week
brought news that unless the United States pays some of its back dues,
it won't be entitled to vote in the United Nations anyway. But would it
bother? The U.S. game, abetted chiefly by Blair's United Kingdom, is to
make NATO the arbiter of Europe's borders and "security." The strategy
deliberately kicks Russia and the United Nations in the face.

Without doubt, it's disgusting that Serb police, paramilitary and army
units have been killing Albanians in Kosovo -- 2,000 or so before the
bombing began. It was disgusting that Russians killed Chechens, that
Indonesians killed East Timorese, that U.S. cavalry 

[CTRL] NATO Violates UN Charter

1999-04-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:510607"NATO Violates UN Charter/A
Subject: NATO Violates UN Charter
From: "Brigitte Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, Mar 28, 1999 9:08 AM
Message-id: 7dlohl$q66$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subj:  NATO Violates UN Charter
Date: 3/28/99 9:07:33 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Activist Mailing List)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Activist Mailing List)

Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/

The Hindu - India
Friday, March 26, 1999

Is the NATO attack justified?

By Thomas Abraham

The attack on Serbia clearly violates the United Nations Charter, to
which the NATO members are signatories. The Charter prohibits any use
of force, except in self-defence, unless it has specially been
authorised by the Security Council.

THE North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's attack on Serbia is the
latest example of the international disorder we are going through.
These are times when international laws are flouted with impunity by
the United States and its allies. We see the violation in the
continuing bombing raids by the U.S. and Britain against Iraq, which
are not authorised by the United Nations and have no legal
justification. And we see it again in the illegal bombing of Serbia,
which violates the U.N. Charter as well as NATO's own founding treaty.
It also sets a dangerous precedent for the future. NATO was set up as
a defensive alliance to protect its members against a Soviet invasion.
But with the Soviet threat long gone, the alliance in order to find a
continuing role for itself has now taken the unprecedented step of
attacking a sovereign nation which has not threatened it in anyway.

The attack on Serbia clearly violates the U.N. Charter to which all
NATO members are signatories. The Charter prohibits any use of force,
except in self-defence, unless it has been specifically authorised by
the U.N. Security Council. NATO's bombing of Serbia is clearly not an
act of self-defence, neither has it been authorised by the Security
Council. Russia and China, both permanent Security Council members
with veto powers, have made it clear that they would not allow the
Council to authorise the Western alliance to bomb Serbia.

The U.S. and Britain, two countries most eager to use force, have
argued that the Council's most recent resolution implicitly gives the
alliance the authorisation to use force if the Serbian President, Mr.
Slobodan Milosevic, fails to meet the demands set out in the relevant
resolution. But a reading of it shows that this is not the case.
Resolution 1199, adopted on September 23, 1998, specifically states
that if Mr. Milosevic does not take the measures the Council has
urged, it would meet once again ``to consider further action and
additional measures to maintain or restore peace and stability in the
region.'' The resolution does not either explicitly or implicitly
allow NATO or anyone else to take the law into its own hands. This is
in contrast to the earlier occasions when NATO aircraft flew bombing
raids on Serb targets in Bosnia in 1995. Then, NATO was specifically
authorised to do so by the U.N., and it acted in support of the U.N.
peacekeeperson the ground in Bosnia.

Bombing Serbia clearly breaches NATO's founding treaty. NATO was
established at the beginning of the Cold War to provide collective
self- defence for Western Europe if it came under Soviet attack. If
one of its members came under attack, all the rest pledged to join in
to repel the aggressor. This was the only circumstance under which the
alliance was allowed to use force. The Treaty of Washington, which
established NATO in 1949, makes it clear that the alliance would use
force only in self-defence and in keeping with the purposes and
principles of the U.N. Article 5 of the treaty sets out the
circumstances in which NATO would resort to force: an armed attack
against one or more members in Europe or North America. If such an
attack occurred, the alliance was authorised to use armed force ``to
restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.'' Even
this use of force was seen as a temporary measure till such time the
Security Council stepped in to restore peace.

Even after the end of the Cold War, there has been no change in NATO's
mandate to allow it to take military action outside its borders except
in response to an attack. NATO's post-Cold War strategic doctrine,
which was agreed to at a summit of its leaders in Rome in 1991,
clearly states that ``the Alliance is purely defensive in purpose:
none of its weapons will ever be used except in self-defence, and it
does not consider itself to be anyone's adversary.'' The post-Cold War
strategic doctrine made it clear that NATO regarded that the only role
of its military forces was ``to assure the territorial integrity and
political independence of its member-states''. An exception to this
clearly defensive stance is the use by 

[CTRL] NATO Builds Forces for 24-Hour Airstrikes

1999-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-
srv/WPcap/1999-03/30/015r-033099-idx.html"NATO Builds Forces for 24-Hour

NATO Builds Forces for 24-Hour Airstrikes
Russian Prime Minister Announces Mission to Coax Milosevic Back Into
By Thomas W. Lippman and Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, March 30, 1999; Page A01

The United States and its NATO allies dispatched more airplanes to
reinforce the relentless bombardment of Yugoslavia yesterday as military
commanders concluded the strikes have so far failed to deter what
officials described as a systematic attempt by the Yugoslav military to
subdue or exile the populace of the rebellious province of Kosovo.

Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon announced that the United States is
sending more bombers and electronic warfare aircraft as part of an
alliance-wide buildup. He said five B-1B bombers, five EA-6B Prowlers
and 10 tankers will join the fleet that has been pounding Yugoslavia
since Wednesday. The airstrikes continued last night and will henceforth
be conducted around the clock, according to British officials and NATO

As reports multiplied of atrocities against Kosovo's civilian population
and tens of thousands of refugees streamed into neighboring countries,
Pentagon officials said they are considering deployment of Apache attack
helicopters in an effort to impede the tanks and troops that are
carrying out the assaults.

Britain also announced reinforcements, saying eight additional Tornado
fighter-bombers are being readied for deployment.

The announcement that more U.S. planes would be sent to support the air
campaign followed a White House meeting between President Clinton and
his senior defense and foreign policy advisers. After that session,
Clinton took advantage of a balmy afternoon to head for the golf links,
where he telephoned two key alliance leaders, British Prime Minister
Tony Blair and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

The additional deployments dramatized an apparent mismatch between
NATO's objectives -- to stop the humanitarian tragedy unfolding in
Kosovo -- and the tactics employed so far to achieve them. In that
light, the NATO supreme commander, Gen. Wesley K. Clark, sought
authorization over the weekend to hit additional targets to intensify
the punishment against President Slobodan Milosevic's government,
including the Defense and Interior ministries in downtown Belgrade where
the army and security police get their instructions.

His request was turned down as premature by NATO's political leadership.
But a senior U.S. official said Clark's request had "100 percent
support" from the Clinton administration, while other members of the
19-nation NATO alliance declined to endorse it.

As the air campaign intensified, so did Russian efforts to halt it.
Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov, who canceled a visit to Washington a
week ago to protest the imminent start of the airstrikes, announced he
will fly to Belgrade today with his foreign, defense and intelligence
chiefs. He is expected to explore the possibility of a cease-fire with
Milosevic, the leader of the Yugoslav federation and of its dominant
republic, Serbia.

Milosevic has shown no signs of yielding to allied demands that he cease
his campaign against Kosovo, the southernmost province in Serbia whose
population is about 90 percent ethnic Albanian, people speaking a
different language and practicing a different religion from the Serbs
who rule the province. On the contrary, Milosevic's military and police
appeared to be waging what a senior U.S. official called a "scorched
earth campaign" to crush the Kosovo separatist challenge once and for

News of the Primakov trip to Belgrade caught the Clinton administration
by surprise and caused some alarm here and in other allied capitals,
senior U.S. officials and NATO diplomats said.

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, who spoke by telephone with
Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright yesterday and Sunday, stoked
the anxiety by telling reporters, "We are going to Belgrade not to save
somebody's face but to stop the aggression, to return to the negotiating

The allied position is that the air campaign will cease only when
Milosevic pulls his security forces back from Kosovo and accepts a peace
plan based on extensive autonomy for the province but under continuing
Serb sovereignty.

Part of the administration's apprehension was based on the fact that
France -- which in the past has aligned itself with Russia in opposition
to Washington on key issues, such as Iraq -- encouraged the Primakov
initiative. French officials, however, said there is no breach between
Paris and the rest of the alliance. They cited a television address
yesterday by President Jacques Chirac, in which he accused Milosevic of
being responsible for "more than 200,000 deaths and millions of
displaced persons" 

[CTRL] NATO Builds Forces for 24-Hour Airstrikes

1999-03-30 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""NewsMax.com:
Russia's Anger Makes for War Talk
J.R. NyquistMarch 30, 1999
When US and NATO warplanes struck Yugoslavia last week, President Boris
Yeltsin warned of a global war. But Western leaders have seemingly
scoffed at Yeltsin's statement, and those of other Russian leaders.
By ignoring such peril, Western leaders have taken a casual approach to
Russia that may be intensifying Russia's growing animus toward the West.

To date, no high level meetings between Russian and American officials
have been arranged to address Moscow's concerns. The usual anxiety about
US-Russian relations is almost non-existent. At the State Department,
James Rubin offered the belief that "President Yeltsin, Prime Minister
Primakov and Foreign Minister Ivanov see the value of keeping the
relationship (between the U.S. and Russia) on track, and not letting
someone like Milosevic derail everything that's at stake."

Yet the relationship is not on track.

After the air assault on Yugoslavia began last Wednesday the Russians
froze their relationship with NATO. They pulled Russian ground troops
out of the Bosnia Stabilization Force. They also expelled the NATO
representative in Moscow.

Ominously, they discontinued their cooperation on the Y2K problem -- a
problem that could have catastrophic consequences for Russia unless they
receive Western help.

Then, the Russians canceled a planned visit by Pentagon officials to
discuss the dismantling of Russian nuclear weapons. Worse still,
according to Russian news reports, the Kremlin is contemplating the
deployment of tactical nuclear weapons and bombers to Belarus. Belarus
is Russia's invasion pathway to Europe.

An alarm has been sounded throughout Russia.

When NATO bombs began falling on Russia's ally, Yugoslavia, the banner
headline of Kommersant, a business newspaper, simply said: "The Blow."
Segodnya's ominous headline explained: "It's war. The Americans cannot
convince the Serbs, and Russia cannot convince the Americans." Vremya's
 headline stated: "NATO planes have attacked Yugoslavia as well as
Moscow's international authority."

On Saturday Russian lawmakers, meeting in emergency session, passed a
resolution 366-4 that called the NATO air assault on Yugoslavia "an act
of aggression that is a gross violation of the UN Charter ..." The four
page resolution further stated: "The aggression against Russia's ally
Yugoslavia is seen as a serious threat to Russian security."

Nikolai Zyubov, an independent political analyst, has stated that due to
NATO air attacks on Serbia: "Russians are far more anti-American today
than they have ever been." But more than this, he pointed out that
Russia now feels threatened.

Gennady Zyuganov, leader of the Russian Communist Party declared: "The
Americans have gone down the path of Hitlerism. The use of force has
become the main argument in their policy, and so have blackmail, bombs
and threats."

The liberal Russian newspaper Izvestia called NATO's bombing campaign a
"royal gift" to the Communists in the Russian Duma. "The Party of
retrogrades," said Izvestia, "does not require a new strategy at all, as
the NATO alliance has of its own accord provided proof of the slogans of
anti-American propaganda."

Russian outrage has been apparent at the US Embassy in Moscow. Angry
Russians have pelted the US Embassy with eggs. The protestors are often
heard shouting anti-American slogans. One placard said: "NATO go to

On Sunday the protest almost turned violent when an attempt was made to
use a grenade launcher against the Embassy building. Afterward, one of
the Russian protesters snarled: "I hope the Russian government will
understand and take this unique chance to start a war against the
enemies of the Russians and of all Slav people."

A leading Russian analyst, Leonod Radzikhovsky stated that "xenophobia,
envy and hatred of America are deep rooted feelings in Russia." And now
these feelings have been awakened.

Valdimir Zhirinovsky, wearing a military uniform, called for Russian
volunteers to fight NATO. "The Third World War started on March 24," he

Thousands of young Russians have answered Zhirinovsky's call. Colonel
General Viktor Chechevatov, commander of Russia's Far East Military
District, has offered to lead a combined Russian force of "volunteers
and regulars" into Yugoslavia.

The Russian foreign minister, Igor Ivanov, spoke of the unity of the
entire Russian nation in the face of America's bid for "global

He called it the worst crisis since the Second World War. The usually
polite Ivanov further accused NATO of "blatant genocide," saying that
NATO bombs have killed approximately one thousand Serbs. Ivanov has also
called for the criminal prosecution of those responsible for the
bombing. "We have extreme measures in reserve," warned Ivanov.

"The NATO aggression