Re: Why is isal limited to just three archs?

2021-10-28 Thread Ondrej Novy
Hi Nilesh,

so 16. 10. 2021 v 9:09 odesílatel Nilesh Patra 

> I see that isal package is limited to amd64, arm64 and kfreebsd-amd64.
> Is there a particular reason for this? -- Is it possible to extend support
> to other archs?

When I packed libisal, only "customer" was liberasurecode. Liberasurecode
supports many backends and supports all archs. And because libisal is
highly optimized for ARM and amd64, I built it only for these archs. Other
platforms are supported, but not optimized. liberasurecode directly should
perform better.

Actually, a -med team package fastp has started to depend on libisal-dev

And because there is other "customer", I will try to build it for all


Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining the Debian Python Team: @hlobit's request

2021-03-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

sorry for waiting and welcome :)

st 24. 2. 2021 v 23:39 odesílatel

> Hey Debian Python Team,
> here's my request to join the team on salsa, to help maintain python
> packages.
> On a daily basis, I am using python-redmine package and I saw the package
> is looking for a new maintainer
> . I'd be happy
> to start there.
> I am interested as well in contributing new debian packages, to start
> with, one I'd need for bonsai library 
> .
> My login on salsa is @hlobit.
> I have read the policy, and I accept it,
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> Hubert Lobit

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining DPT

2021-03-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

sorry for waiting and welcome :)

st 3. 2. 2021 v 17:55 odesílatel Henry-Nicolas Tourneur 

> Hello everyone,
> I would like to join DPT, I already maintain several packages under the DPT
> umbrella and I would like to expand that, helping with Lollypop
> maintenance (cf
> the RFA thread on this list).
> I have read the DPT-Policy on [0] and I accept it.
> My salsa login is hntourne.
> [0]
> --
> Henry-Nicolas Tourneur
> mxid:

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining DPT

2021-03-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

sorry for waiting. To join the team please follow the procedure here:

so 6. 2. 2021 v 12:06 odesílatel Patrick Vavrina 

> Hello,
> I would like join your team and learn to develop applications for Debian
> as Contributor.
> Do you have information for it, please?
> Have a nice weekend!
> Best regards,
> Patrick “Patux”
> Debian GNU/Linux Contributor & Consultant

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to Join DPT

2021-03-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

sorry for waiting and welcome :)

ne 21. 2. 2021 v 12:57 odesílatel Lorenz Schori  napsal:

> Hi,
> I am the author of Prometheus PVE Exporter[1]. I recently discovered
> that there is only one somewhat exotic dependency left (proxmoxer[2])
> which needs some love before Prometheus PVE Exporter itself could be
> packaged for Debian. I'd like to bring that dependency up-to-date in a
> first step and then propose to include Prometheus PVE Exporter after
> that.
> My salsa username is: znerol
> I did read and I do accept the Debian Python Team Policy:
> Cheers,
> Lorenz
> 1)
> 2)
> 3)

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining DPT

2021-03-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

sorry for waiting. sergiosacj-guest account doesn't exists in Salsa.
Is sergiosacj correct?

čt 25. 2. 2021 v 19:08 odesílatel Sérgio Cipriano 

> Hello everyone,
> I would like to remind you about my request.
> If anyone could consider it, I would be grateful.
> The package I was working on, python3-typer, is already on the team [1].
> I would like to continue contributing to the team as a member.
> [1]:
> Thanks,
> --
> Sérgio Cipriano
> --
> *De:* sergio junior
> *Enviado:* segunda-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2021 12:20
> *Para:* 
> *Assunto:* Joining DPT
> Hello everyone,
> I'm sending this message as a request to join the Python Team.
> I'm working on python3-typer and would like to add it to the team.
> I would also like to help with general QA work.
> I have read
>  and I accept it.
> My salsa login is "sergiosacj-guest".
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Sérgio Cipriano

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Access request Salsa python-team unkn0wn-user

2021-03-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 19. 3. 2021 v 16:24 odesílatel Janis Gross 

> Hello python-team,
> I am the one of the upstream maintainers of NESi [1] and would like to join 
> the debian-python-team
> to package the project under the umbrella of the team.
please follow

Hint: Missing statement :)

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining DPT

2021-03-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

út 2. 3. 2021 v 11:21 odesílatel Philippe Coval  napsal:

> Dear Python team
> I'd like to join the team to work on TUF package:

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: request to join the team

2021-03-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

út 16. 3. 2021 v 20:00 odesílatel Hanno 'Rince' Wagner 

> Hi,
> since I want to make more for Debian than "only" being listmaster, I
> started with packaging again. I'd like to contribute by packaging some
> applications and/or modules, to learn (again) how to package; my last
> package was http-analyze, around 15 years ago ;)
> since a friend of mine would like to use the Python-Module
> "minimodbus", I started packaging this module. The Git-Repository is
> , which should give you
> a ready-to-build environment.
> I have read
> and accept it.

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: joining the team

2021-03-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

st 3. 3. 2021 v 21:28 odesílatel Daniel Milde  napsal:

> I would like to join the Python team.

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining the team, ITP and RFS

2020-11-30 Thread Ondrej Novy
Hi Juhani,

pá 27. 11. 2020 v 17:55 odesílatel Juhani Numminen <> napsal:

> Hi!
> I'd like to join the Debian Python Team

welcome :)

> Also, I would like to ask for a new git repository for the package.
> Would you mind creating one in the standard location

the name of the repository should be the same as the source package name.
If that's correct, you can create that repository yourself now.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining the team

2020-11-30 Thread Ondrej Novy
Hi nicoo,

po 23. 11. 2020 v 14:15 odesílatel nicoo  napsal:

> First, an apology: it seems I misremembered being in the team, and
> uploaded to
> NEW a bunch of packages with the team in `Uploaders`.  While I guess that's
> technically valid (I'm fine with the Python team uploading to them), I am
> not
> exactly comfortable with having done so without being a team member or
> clearing
> it first with you all.

it's up to you to choose if you want to have strong or weak team
If you are fine with the Python team members uploading, use strong -
use team in the Maintainer field.

Second, I would like to join the team  ^.^

cool! Please follow our policy:
to join the team.


Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: python-team/packages repo move request

2020-10-27 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 26. 10. 2020 v 9:45 odesílatel Gordon Ball  napsal:

> 1. Archive python-team/packages/ipython
+ rename to  python-team/packages/ipython-OLD

> 2. Rename python-team/packages/ipython4 -> python-team/packages/ipython


S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining the DPT

2020-10-27 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 23. 10. 2020 v 21:03 odesílatel Baptiste Beauplat 

>  would like to join the Debian Python Team

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining DPT

2020-10-27 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 16. 10. 2020 v 20:25 odesílatel Birger Schacht 

> I would like to join the Debian Python Team.

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining the team

2020-10-27 Thread Ondrej Novy

st 30. 9. 2020 v 14:25 odesílatel Chris MacNaughton <> napsal:

> - I want to join the python-modules team so that I can help improve both
> Debian and Ubuntu's stance with python dependencies for OpenStack!

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Transfer cherrytree from DPT to Debian group

2020-10-21 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 16. 10. 2020 v 17:32 odesílatel Andrius Merkys 

> Hello,
> Recently cherrytree [1] has been rewritten from Python to C++, thus it
> no longer belongs in DPT. Could someone with adequate permissions
> transfer it from DPT to generic Debian group on salsa.d.o?


Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: delete new/empty octave_kernel salsa repo

2020-10-01 Thread Ondrej Novy
Hi Joe,

čt 1. 10. 2020 v 5:55 odesílatel Joe Nahmias  napsal:

> Would someone with owner access for the DPT group on salsa please delete
> the new/blank octave_kernel repo [Project ID: 54132]

it's done.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Policy proposal: Consistent use of UNRELEASED in debian/changelog

2020-09-28 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 28. 9. 2020 v 2:08 odesílatel Louis-Philippe Véronneau 

> Hi!
> I am proposing a minor addition to the DPT policy to try to make the use
> of UNRELEASED in debian/changelog more consistent. The full diff can be
> found here [1].

I agree with this proposal but please change the wording a bit as
per rfc2119 :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining the team

2020-09-24 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 14. 9. 2020 v 8:11 odesílatel Chris MacNaughton <> napsal:

> Hey team,
> I'm Chris MacNaughton (icey) and I've been working on packaging for
> OpenStack in Ubuntu for about six months now and would love to help
> contribute upstream a bit. I'm working on a new package that's an
> OpenStack dependency now and would prefer to work that more in Debian,
> rather than maintaining a separate library in Ubuntu so it seems like a
> great time to get in touch! Zigo asked me to see about joining this team
> if I'll be working on doing these kinds of things upstream so here I am!

that's cool! Please follow policy how to join team:

Thank you.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: PAPT: join request

2020-09-24 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 11. 9. 2020 v 17:25 odesílatel Fred Le Meur <> napsal:

> Hello,
> * I want to join Debian Python Team

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Merging the PAPT and the DMPT

2020-09-24 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 21. 9. 2020 v 13:04 odesílatel Ondrej Novy  napsal:

> Todo:
>- send debian-devel-announce (i will)
>- mass-commit vcs+maintainer change

Thanks to all who helped me with these.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: [DRAFT] DPMT and PAPT is DPT now

2020-09-21 Thread Ondrej Novy

thanks a lot for this.

Second version:

--- cut ---

PAPT and DPMT become DPT

Historically, the Debian Python ecosystem was maintained by two separate
teams: the Debian Python Applications Packaging Team (PAPT) for
applications, and the Debian Python Modules Team (DPMT) for modules used
by applications.

As there was substantial overlap between the members of these teams, their
work,  and their tooling, these teams have been merged into one: the
Debian Python Team (DPT).


This merge mainly affects package maintainers. End users should not see
a change beyond the Maintainer field of packages.

For maintainers, the following has changed:
  * The respective PAPT and DPMT policies are superseded by the new,
more compact DPT policy [1]. Please take a few minutes to familiarize
yourself with this new policy.
  * All Salsa repositories are in "packages" subgroup [2] now. Please
set Vcs-* fields of new packages accordingly.
  * The Maintainer field of new packages should now be set to
"Debian Python Team ".


On Salsa, redirects have been implemented from the old "applications"
and "modules" subgroups to the new "packages" subgroup. Vcs-* URLs
should continue working for now. But it's still a good idea to update
your local git remotes to point to new "packages" subgroup.

Maintainer and Vcs-* fields were mass-changed in git repositories so
there is nothing you need to do as maintainer of DPMT/PAPT packages.

All members of DPMT or PAPT are members of DPT now and have access
to "packages" subgroup.

As always, new contributors are welcomed :)


--- cut ---

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Merging the PAPT and the DMPT

2020-09-21 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 14. 9. 2020 v 9:59 odesílatel Ondrej Novy  napsal:

> I prepared scripts for:
>- cloning ACLs from modules+applications subgroups to newly created
>packages subgroup
>- transferring all project from modules+applications to packages
>- tested on one project:
> done. Sorry for those notification emails. I globally disabled
notification after suggestion from ansgar so you should receive only ~60


   - send debian-devel-announce (i will)
   - mass-commit vcs+maintainer change
   - figure out if we can remove subgroups "modules" and "applications"
   (will it keep redirects?)
   - cleanup "tools" subgroup (remove application policy, etc.)
   - ...?

Example of mass-commit:

Suggestion for better wording of changelog is welcome.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Merging the PAPT and the DMPT

2020-09-21 Thread Ondrej Novy

út 15. 9. 2020 v 0:12 odesílatel Christian Kastner  napsal:

> Has getting rid of the subgroups entirely been considered, IOW: moving
> the packages directory to python-team/?
> The only remaining subgroup seems to be "tooling", and that could live
> on as a subgroup unless I'm misunderstanding GitLab.

reason is ACL. We need different access for "tools" and for "packages".

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Merging the PAPT and the DMPT

2020-09-14 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 14. 9. 2020 v 14:39 odesílatel Dmitry Shachnev 

> I think it's better to update Vcs fields in all packages to point to the
> new location, not one that redirects.
> Probably also update Maintainer/Uploader fields with the new team
> name/email.

yep. But updating these is a "never ending process". Because we can simply
commit change to git, but upload of some packages will take ages :)

Good news is we don't need to hurry with this update.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Merging the PAPT and the DMPT

2020-09-14 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 14. 9. 2020 v 14:26 odesílatel Emmanuel Arias 

> So, we shouldn't be worried about changing the VCS-*  path during the
> migration process, isn't it?

right, we should update them in d/control, but it will work with old one
too, which simplifies that process.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

[DRAFT] DPMT and PAPT is DPT now

2020-09-14 Thread Ondrej Novy

I would like to send information to debian-devel-announce after the team
merge as suggested by Christian Kastner. Draft follows. Suggestions welcome.



for simplification we merged two subteams - Debian Python Modules Team and
Python Applications Packaging Team into just one: Debian Python Team, DPT.

All Salsa repositories are in "packages" subgroup [1] now.

We have only one team policy [2] now.

And as always, new contributors are welcomed :)


Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Merging the PAPT and the DMPT

2020-09-14 Thread Ondrej Novy

I prepared scripts for:

   - cloning ACLs from modules+applications subgroups to newly created
   packages subgroup
   - transferring all project from modules+applications to packages subgroup
   - tested on one project:

It looks like old web URLs works just fine:

and cloning too:
$ git clone ssh://
Cloning into 'alembic'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1141, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1141/1141), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (558/558), done.
remote: Total 1141 (delta 720), reused 932 (delta 543), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1141/1141), 882.54 KiB | 989.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (720/720), done.

$ git clone
Cloning into 'alembic'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1141, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1141/1141), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (558/558), done.
remote: Total 1141 (delta 720), reused 932 (delta 543), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1141/1141), 882.54 KiB | 3.33 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (720/720), done.

Any thoughts?

pá 28. 8. 2020 v 15:36 odesílatel Ondrej Novy  napsal:

> Hi,
> pá 28. 8. 2020 v 15:27 odesílatel Louis-Philippe Véronneau <
>> napsal:
>> I think changing the path would be a good idea, as I don't see the point
>> between the libraries and applications divide.
> +1. GitLab will take care with redirects. It's a mess now :)
> --
> Best regards
>  Ondřej Nový

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: PAPT: join request

2020-09-10 Thread Ondrej Novy

ne 6. 9. 2020 v 19:03 odesílatel Fred Le Meur <> napsal:

> Hello,
> I would be please to join PAPT.

cool! But please follow procedure in our team policy to join the team:

Thank you.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: request to join the debian-python team

2020-09-10 Thread Ondrej Novy

ne 6. 9. 2020 v 5:33 odesílatel Joe Nahmias  napsal:

> I am a retired DD that is planning to rejoin

welcome to the team :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: What is the new maintainer address for Python team?

2020-09-07 Thread Ondrej Novy
Hi Otto,

sorry for the long delay. We were in the process of changing this email

New/correct address is:
Maintainer: Debian Python Team 

po 31. 8. 2020 v 19:19 odesílatel Otto Kekäläinen  napsal:

> Hello!
> I've been using the address
> as the maintainer address in my packages, but the address no longer
> works. I tried looking at what other packages have, but there are no
> working examples
> (
> So dear list members, what is the correct address to use now as
> no longer works for the
> Maintainer field in d/control files?
> - Otto

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Merging the PAPT and the DMPT

2020-09-07 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 28. 8. 2020 v 15:04 odesílatel Ondrej Novy  napsal:

> But because it's really huge change I want ack from at least one another
> admin.

~10 days without reply, merged.

Thanks for working on this!

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Merging the PAPT and the DMPT

2020-08-28 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 28. 8. 2020 v 15:27 odesílatel Louis-Philippe Véronneau 

> I think changing the path would be a good idea, as I don't see the point
> between the libraries and applications divide.

+1. GitLab will take care with redirects. It's a mess now :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Merging the PAPT and the DMPT

2020-08-28 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 27. 8. 2020 v 22:22 odesílatel Louis-Philippe Véronneau 

> In October 2019, following a short discussion on the ML [1], I opened a
> merge request on the policy [2] for this. Most if not all issues in that
> MR have since been resolved and the only blocker is getting the admins
> approval.

as DPMT/PAPT admin I agree with merging of these subteams and I agree with
this MR.

But because it's really huge change I want ack from at least one another

Thanks a lot for working on this.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join the DPMT

2020-08-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

ne 23. 8. 2020 v 8:24 odesílatel Antonio Valentino <> napsal:

> Hello,
> I would like to prepare and maintain the python package for resampy [1,
> 2] within the Debian Python Modules Team.

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: can we disable the bounce kicker? Re: confirm

2020-08-17 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 17. 8. 2020 v 21:15 odesílatel Sandro Tosi  napsal:

> To these days, this is still happening! can we finally get rid of
> this? Piotr, it looks like you're the admin of the mailing list, can
> you take care of it please? thanks!

yes, please, please, please, please.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: PAPT team access request

2020-07-23 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 23. 7. 2020 v 13:24 odesílatel Aloïs Micard  napsal:

> I do you agree with the Python Applications Packaging Team - Policy.

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: PAPT team access request

2020-07-23 Thread Ondrej Novy

do you agree to our policy [1]?


po 20. 7. 2020 v 17:03 odesílatel Aloïs Micard  napsal:

> Sorry, forgot to send my login: `creekorful`
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Aloïs Micard 
> GPG: DA4A A436 9BFA E299 67CD E85B F733 E871 0859 FCD2
> From: Aloïs Micard 
> Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 10:22:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: PAPT team access request
> Hello everyone!
> I would like to join the Debian PAPT team
> in order to help maintain existing python apps as well as package
> one of mine.
> Cheers
> --
> Aloïs Micard 
> GPG: DA4A A436 9BFA E299 67CD E85B F733 E871 0859 FCD2

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: joining team / salsa access

2020-07-18 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 16. 7. 2020 v 15:30 odesílatel Jojo  napsal:

> I'd like to join the debian python modules and application teams

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join python-team

2020-07-18 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 17. 7. 2020 v 4:01 odesílatel Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro <> napsal:

> My name is Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro, I would like to be part of the
> team

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join python-team on salsa

2020-07-15 Thread Ondrej Novy
Hi Shayan,

po 13. 7. 2020 v 15:41 odesílatel Shayan Doust 

> ... I would like to join the team

welcome to the team.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: request to join the team

2020-07-15 Thread Ondrej Novy
Hi Sudip,

ne 12. 7. 2020 v 0:31 odesílatel Sudip Mukherjee 

> Hi,
> I am maintaining a python package and have few in NEW also intend to
> package #962239. I think its best to maintain them as part of the
> team.
> My salsa id is 'sudip'.
> I have read the policies at
> and
> and I accept them.

welcome to both teams.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join Python Modules Team

2020-07-15 Thread Ondrej Novy

út 14. 7. 2020 v 23:18 odesílatel Geert Stappers 

> And please enlighten me (and us (through the mailinglist))
> what is holding back

huh, this is a bit rude. This is volunteering project and you are trying to
give me (us) some deadlines or what?

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: The python command in Debian

2020-07-14 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 13. 7. 2020 v 19:21 odesílatel Matthias Klose  napsal:

> On 7/13/20 6:23 PM, Fabrice BAUZAC-STEHLY wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Another solution would be to simply use the update-alternatives system
> > to manage /usr/bin/python.  python3 would have a higher priority than
> > python2.  Users would still have the possibility to switch
> > /usr/bin/python to python2 explicitly if they require it...
> No, never ever. update-alternatives cannot be used because it breaks the
> dependency system.

no, it doesn't. If all Python2 packages will use /usr/bin/python2 and all
Python3 packages will use /usr/bin/python3, then /usr/bin/python can be
managed by update-alternatives. And because we really want all Python2
packages to use /usr/bin/python2, I think this is a viable option.

But TBH I don't think it's a good idea, because it can be confusing for

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Is it time to remove python-numpy from testing?

2020-07-09 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 9. 7. 2020 v 21:25 odesílatel peter green  napsal:

> python-numpy* is no longer buildable in testing due to the removal of the
> "cython" binary package.
> The maintainer has requested removal of python-numpy from unstable but the
> ftpmasters have not yet
> actioned it, presumably because there are still reverse-dependencies in
> unstable. A rc bug is
> present but will not cause autoremoval because python-numpy is on the "key
> packages" list.
> All of the reverse dependencies of python-numpy have already been removed
> from testing. So IMO
> it makes sense to remove python-numpy from testing at this point, do other
> people agree?

if all reverse dependencies of python-numpy were already removed from
testing and we are not going to reintroduce python-numpy into testing I
think it's good idea to remove python-numpy from "key packages" list and
thus allow autoremoval.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: The python command in Debian

2020-07-09 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 9. 7. 2020 v 15:27 odesílatel Matthias Klose  napsal:

> Describing here a solution which is implemented for Ubuntu focal (20.04
> LTS).  A
> new source package what-is-python (-perl-dont-hurt-me) ships binary
> packages
> python-is-python2, python-dev-is-python2, python-is-python3 and
> python-dev-is-python3.  The python-is-python2 package provides the python
> package, such that packages that still depend on python are not removed on
> a
> distro upgrade.  On new installs, python-is-python3 is not installed by
> default,
> but the user gets a hint from command-not-found to install the package if
> he
> tries to run python.  Package dependencies on the new four binary packages
> have
> to be disallowed in the Python policy.  Note that such a package including
> the
> Provides should only be uploaded once all dependencies on the unversioned
> python
> packages are gone.

I like this solution in Ubuntu and I have:
onovy@jupiter:~$ dpkg -l | grep python-is-python3
ii  python-is-python3  3.8.2-4
  all  symlinks /usr/bin/python to python3

What I think is good idea:
* keep "python" command pointing to python2.7 if I'm upgrading
buster->bullseye with python2.7 installed. We are going to keep python2.7
interpreter for bullseye, so don't break old "python" command for
third-parties apps/scripts/etc. (install python-is-python2 during
buster->bullseye upgrade)
* allow users to choose if they want python=python3 (apt install
* (maybe?) python=python3 in new installs, because why not? (install
python-is-python3 by default in clean install)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: pybuild vs os-pkg-tools [was: Maintaining all of the testing-cabal packages under the OpenStack team]

2020-07-08 Thread Ondrej Novy

st 8. 7. 2020 v 12:14 odesílatel Thomas Goirand  napsal:

> There would be no point doing that, as all what pybuild would be doing
> (ie: install and unit testing), I'd be overriding it.

it's doing much more, but nevermind.

> The other
> (IMO preferred) way would be to contribute to Pybuild to make it does
> what's needed for these packages, and in a way so that we can also make
> such global change for all OpenStack packages at once.

that's even better! Add support for stestr (or whatever is OS using now)
with correct autodetection and you are done.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join Python Modules Team

2020-07-08 Thread Ondrej Novy

ne 5. 7. 2020 v 18:46 odesílatel Geert Stappers 

> Whenever things get stalled it is good to ask:
>Who is waiting on who?

We have a rule between admins we are processing join request after few days
to give everyone chance to give their opinions.

In this particular case it was my fault and overlooked that email.

I volunteer to be part of "Some administrator".

cool. Current admins needs to agree, so: @piotr, @stefanor, @kitterman,
@bzed: your opinions please?

Debian tradition I will be re-introducing is sending "done messages".

no need to re-introduce, I'm always sending welcome message :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join Python Modules Team

2020-07-08 Thread Ondrej Novy

so 4. 7. 2020 v 9:17 odesílatel Sao I Kuan  napsal:

> Ping o/ Or am I missing any necessary information?

I'm sorry, I overlooked your request. Added to team, welcome.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Timing of Python upstream and Debian releases

2020-07-06 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 6. 7. 2020 v 21:04 odesílatel Matthias Klose  napsal:

> So what I'm proposing here is to aim to support 3.9 as early as possible
> as a
> supported Python3 version, starting with the 3.9 upstream release, and
> fixing
> stuff on the go.  Then decide in November, if we can do the defaults
> change to
> 3.9, or if we drop 3.9 again, or ship with two supported Python3 versions.

+1 for this proposal.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: pybuild vs os-pkg-tools [was: Maintaining all of the testing-cabal packages under the OpenStack team]

2020-07-06 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 6. 7. 2020 v 11:09 odesílatel Thomas Goirand  napsal:

> This isn't about hating or loving pybuild. This is all about being able
> to control how this set of packages are build globally (the whole set of
> packages.

so you could wrap these global things around pybuild, right?

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: py2removal - make all leaf applications RC

2020-07-05 Thread Ondrej Novy

ne 5. 7. 2020 v 7:38 odesílatel Sandro Tosi  napsal:

> I propose to raise the severity of all leaf applications in 3 days



S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request for joining DPMT

2020-06-29 Thread Ondrej Novy

so 13. 6. 2020 v 12:18 odesílatel Nilesh Patra  napsal:

> Hi,
> I'm interested in joining DPMT

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join DPMT

2020-06-29 Thread Ondrej Novy

st 24. 6. 2020 v 11:27 odesílatel Michael Hanke  napsal:

> Hi,
> I would like to join DPMT,

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join

2020-06-29 Thread Ondrej Novy

so 27. 6. 2020 v 15:30 odesílatel Jerome Charaoui 

> Hello,
> I would like to request to join the Python Applications team.

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Maintaining all of the testing-cabal packages under the OpenStack team

2020-06-28 Thread Ondrej Novy

ne 28. 6. 2020 v 16:48 odesílatel Thomas Goirand  napsal:

> Hi,
> Under a single Github account, the below packages are maintained:
> - mock
> - subunit
> - testtools
> - fixtures
> - funcsigs (deprecated, py2 backport)
> - testresources
> - traceback2
> - testscenarios
> - testrepository
> - extras
> - linecache2
> Currently, these packages are maintained by a variety of DDs, and
> there's no uniform maintenance of them.

which is perfectly fine, that's how Debian works.

The last upload of mock 4.0.2, by Ondrej, broke *a least*:
> - nova (see: #963339)
> - cloudkitty (see: #963069)
> - congress (see: #963312)
> - rally (see: #963381)
> All of the 4 packages above were able to build in Bullseye (ie: mock
> 3.0.5) and FTBFS in Sid (with mock 4.0.2).
> Well done! :(

yep, that's how it works. We need to move forward and don't keep old, buggy
and unmaintained packages in Debian, right?

You should add autopkgtest to prevent this. Failed autopkgtest will block
migration. Or we should start using full transitions, which is a bad idea

Ondrej, you once cared for the OpenStack packages. Why are you now
> completely careless?

because it's really hard to cooperate with you. I already tried to explain
it to you but you didn't listen.

> More over, mock debhelper was upgraded to 13, for no apparent reason
> (yet another "cosmetic fix" that isn't helping?). I'd like to remind
> everyone that, increasing debhelper compat version to a number that
> isn't in stable, without a specific reason (like the need of a specific
> feature that wasn't there before) is just annoying for anyone
> maintaining backports. That's truth even for when debhelper itself is
> backported to oldstable (it's always nicer to be able to build a
> backport without requiring another backport at build time).

nope, this is not true. Using the newest debhelper compat level is
recommended, see man page. There is no reason to __not__ upgrade debhelper
compat level. I will always upgrade debhelper in my packages to the newest
debhelper as soon as possible. Please newer downgrade debhelper in my
packages again without asking.

I don't want this to happen again. So I am hereby asking to take over
> the maintenance of these packages which aren't in the OpenStack team.
> They will be updated regularly, each 6 months, with the rest of
> OpenStack, following the upstream global-requirement pace. I'm confident
> it's going to work well for me and the OpenStack team, but as well for
> the rest of Debian.

for my packages (i'm uploader): no, sorry.

1. I hate openstack-pkg-tools
2. I like pybuild
3. you hate pybuild and don't want to use it

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION trick : how to use it in autopkgtest?

2020-06-09 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 8. 6. 2020 v 17:22 odesílatel Julien Puydt 

> Hi,
> I know about the SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION trick when it is used
> in d/rules :
> include /usr/share/dpkg/

dh-python do this automatically when python{,3}-setuptools-scm is in B-D.

> I got around by turning d/tests/upstreamtestsuite to:
> #!/bin/sh
> set -e
> SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION=0.0.0 python3 test 2>&1
> which worked because in fact the tests don't care about the version.

you can use "dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion" or include /usr/share/dpkg/ + $DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM here too.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Access to python-team/modules (was RFS: ruamel.yaml.clib)

2020-06-08 Thread Ondrej Novy

ne 7. 6. 2020 v 11:26 odesílatel Michael R. Crusoe 

> Pardon me, I left out a component of my application for team membership:
> I have read
> and I accept the policy.
> On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 10:50 AM Michael R. Crusoe  wrote:
>> Looks like I emailed the wrong mailing list back in March.
>> I'm a DD now, so I don't need sponsorship. Can I have access to move my
>> repository to ?
welcome to the team :)

> My salsa username is crusoe
>> I would be happy to move some python libraries from the Debian Med team
>> over to the DPMT:
please talk with Debian Med admins about this first, no problem with it
from DPMT side.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Please transfer package presto from DPMT to med-team

2020-05-29 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 29. 5. 2020 v 14:09 odesílatel Andreas Tille  napsal:

> we would like to maintain presto in Debian Med.  Unfortunately I do not
> have permissions to transfer the repository.  Please either give me
> permissions or some kind soul could do the transfer to move the repository
> smoothly.

I can do transfer for you. I have enough permissions in DPMT gorup, but not
in med-team.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Bug#952130: Bug#937769: getting python-linecache2/python-traceback2 fixes into testing (FAO traceback2, funcsigs nipype and numba maintainers).

2020-04-22 Thread Ondrej Novy

út 21. 4. 2020 v 23:24 odesílatel Thomas Goirand  napsal:

> > But that still leaves the question of what to do about the dependency of
> > pytest on pypy-funcsigs ? should pypy modules be removed from pytest and
> > it's reverse-dependencies in the same way that regular python2 modules
> > were? how feasible is that? are pypy-* packages only useful with python2
> > pypy or are they also useful with python3 pypy?
> I really don't know about pypy. Probably the pypy-pytest should indeed
> go away, as the initial plan was to switch to pypy3. Maybe tumbleweed
> (Stefano Rivera) would be able to answer. I'm adding him as Cc.

I guess I can say something about pytest because I'm maintainer of pytest,
right? :)

I'm perfectly fine with removing pypy-pytest binary package and all other
dependencies in chain. It's painfull to maintain it.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: request to join the team, again

2020-03-29 Thread Ondrej Novy

done, welcome :)

ne 29. 3. 2020 v 6:08 odesílatel Antoine Beaupré 

> Same, with PAPT, please.
> Thanks.
> A.
> On 2017-12-30 09:46:28, Antoine Beaupre wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been packaging stuff in Debian for a while and I'm often packaging
> > dependencies that would benefit from being under the DPMT umbrella.
> >
> > My alioth login is "anarcat".
> >
> > I have read read the policy and accept it.
> >
> > My next steps are to package the dependencies of the newest
> > rapid-photo-downloader.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > A.
> >
> > --
> > Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
> > Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.
> --
> It is capitalism and government which stand for disorder and
> violence. Anarchism is the very reverse of it; it means order without
> government and peace without violence.
> - Alexander Berkman

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining the PAPT team

2020-03-11 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 9. 3. 2020 v 18:19 odesílatel Berthold Gehrke 

> Hello dear PAPT,
> I would like to join this team to maintain (for now together with a
> sposor) 'my' package asciidoc3 see

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: non-python packages in PAPT?

2020-02-16 Thread Ondrej Novy

so 15. 2. 2020 v 22:17 odesílatel Philipp Huebner 

> Is it okay to also transfer that non-python package into PAPT?

my two cents: It's not. Why not use "debian" group for this?

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join PAPT

2020-02-13 Thread Ondrej Novy

st 5. 2. 2020 v 1:07 odesílatel Bastian Germann 

> ... and would like to join PAPT

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: I'd like to Join the DPMT

2020-02-13 Thread Ondrej Novy

út 11. 2. 2020 v 14:52 odesílatel Sam Hartman  napsal:

> Hi.
> I've read the DPMT policy and accept it.

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: How to find DD member to perform reviews and uploads

2020-02-11 Thread Ondrej Novy

út 11. 2. 2020 v 11:02 odesílatel Adam Cecile  napsal:

> Bringing the package into the archive would be doable, if someone get
> legal contacts at LSI and asked for official statement authorizing
> Debian to redistribute their binary. I did this in the past for another
> package but I cannot guarantee any success.

be careful with this. See DFSG 8 :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: How to find DD member to perform reviews and uploads

2020-02-09 Thread Ondrej Novy

ne 9. 2. 2020 v 15:13 odesílatel Adam Cecile  napsal:

> I have a couple of package ready on Salsa but my RFS sent here remained
> unanswered.

best way how to get help is to join IRC and add that packages to channel

Thanks for your work for Debian and DPMT team.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Separate lib and executable packages?

2020-02-08 Thread Ondrej Novy

so 8. 2. 2020 v 20:51 odesílatel Gordon Ball  napsal:

> Perhaps this is worth making an explicit recommendation for new packages
> of this type, given that anything new _should_ be python3-only and we

and what about pypy- prefix?

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Separate lib and executable packages?

2020-02-08 Thread Ondrej Novy

so 8. 2. 2020 v 4:11 odesílatel Scott Kitterman 

> Except: Every time we add a binary to Debian it impacts everyone.  The
> packages file gets bigger and so updates get slower.  Although there's no
> firm rule, the FTP Masters discourage addition of trivially small packages
> and so your package might be rejected.

so let's fix infrastructure?

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Separate lib and executable packages?

2020-02-07 Thread Ondrej Novy

it depends :). My two cents:

If you are packaging application (PAPT team):
* user is using it in CLI / Xorg
* user don't need to know it's written in Python
* Python modules are typically private, not usable by other
-> one binary package: foo

If you are packaging library (DPMT team):
* your package is typically not usable by user directly
* your package is typically dependency of other packages (Python
-> as many binary packages as "language branches" we have, e.g. python-foo,
python3-foo, pypy-foo

If you are packaging application with public library part (PAPT team):
* both of above
* user is using it in CLI / Xorg
* BUT package have library part, which can be used in other Python
-> as many binary packages as "language branches" we have, e.g. python-foo,
python3-foo, pypy-foo + foo for application. "foo" package can contain more
than entrypoints, but icons, menu items, ...

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Bug#938819: wheel: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye

2020-01-31 Thread Ondrej Novy
Hi Dmitry,

čt 30. 1. 2020 v 22:38 odesílatel Dmitry Shachnev 

> However upstream python-keyring has dropped Python 2 support, and I want
> to upgrade to a newer release, so Python 2 support will be dropped sooner
> or later.

upstream drop of Python 2 support doesn't mean you need to drop it too. For
example I'm keeping pytest at lower version for same reason. Please respect
Python 2 removal and release team rules and don't remove Python 2 support
untill all reverse(-build) depends (+autopkgtests) are fixed. Removing of
python-keyring is blocked by 4 bugs, But recursively it's dozens, for
example python-mock is affected. Removing this means marking dozens off
Debian packages as AUTORM. Please be careful.

If you really need to upgrade python-keyring to newer version, you could
split it into two source packages. But do it only if it's really needed.

Thanks for understanding.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining the DPMT Team

2019-12-05 Thread Ondrej Novy

st 4. 12. 2019 v 17:07 odesílatel Boyuan Yang  napsal:

> ... Can
> anyone add me into the DPMT Team? My Salsa account is @byang.


Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Severity bump script

2019-12-03 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 2. 12. 2019 v 20:36 odesílatel Paul Gevers  napsal:

> #942999 and #936537

ah right. I think this is correct. There is nothing else "in Python 2
removal process" to do on "someone else" packages. Work needs to be done in
these packages so raise severity here to unblock other bugs and continue
Python 2 removing effort.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Severity bump script

2019-12-02 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 2. 12. 2019 v 20:28 odesílatel Paul Gevers  napsal:

> I understand the drive to push for Python 2 removal and sympathize with
> it. The issue I had yesterday with the process is that "leaf" was
> wrongly defined, it was looking at Depends, instead of also including
> Build-Depends.

huh? We are not bumping any "blocked" bugs.
Depends/Build-Depends/Recommends/autopkgtests usage marks bug as blocked.
Any example of "wrong definition" please?

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Severity bump script

2019-11-28 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 28. 11. 2019 v 19:07 odesílatel Sandro Tosi  napsal:

> this is live now, with the following header:

 cool, thanks again!

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: autopkgtest-pkg-python fails if package name is python-pyMODULENAME (Was: Bug#945768: python-pypubsub: autopkgtest failure: No module named 'pypubsub')

2019-11-28 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 28. 11. 2019 v 17:11 odesílatel Andreas Tille  napsal:

> Hmmm, what are the chances to get this applied?  I've added

tbh dunno :)

> in Git - but this will not reall fix the test.  The only solution I'd see
> otherwise is to deactivate the test.

you have two options:
1. deactivate the test (remove Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-python from
2. call `autodep8 >debian/tests/control` and edit result

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: autopkgtest-pkg-python fails if package name is python-pyMODULENAME (Was: Bug#945768: python-pypubsub: autopkgtest failure: No module named 'pypubsub')

2019-11-28 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 28. 11. 2019 v 16:04 odesílatel Andreas Tille  napsal:

> Is there any trick to enable autopkgtest-pkg-python detecting the correct
> module name?

no (not yet? See:

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Severity bump script

2019-11-28 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 28. 11. 2019 v 4:12 odesílatel Sandro Tosi  napsal:

> i'm not sure we can: in
> you say
> "We need to prepare draft of RC-bumper email", is this draft ready?

ah, you are right.

> add the description to the header (as comment) of a mail to control@?

this is only way to go imho.

I think we should use something simple/short like this:

Raising severity of Python 2 removal bugs, for details see:

Thanks Sandro for working on this.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Severity bump script

2019-11-27 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 22. 11. 2019 v 22:22 odesílatel Sandro Tosi  napsal:

> I've removed bugs that are marked as blocked by; we're now down to 487
> unique severity raies

cool. Checked and imho it works fine now. So I guess we can run it.


Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Severity bump script

2019-11-22 Thread Ondrej Novy
Hi Sandro,

thanks for first version. I randomly checked few lines and found this:

# libufo0 is an application and has low popcon (25 < 300)
severity 938743 serious
# libufo-bin is an application and has low popcon (4 < 300)
severity 938743 serious
# libufo-dev is an application and has low popcon (5 < 300)
severity 938743 serious
# python-ufw is a module and has 0 external rdeps

But in bug:


Fix blocked by 938744: ufo-filters: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye

So because 938743 is blocked by 938744, we should not raise severity
of 938743, right?


Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: getmail: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye

2019-11-13 Thread Ondrej Novy

út 12. 11. 2019 v 16:37 odesílatel Osamu Aoki  napsal:

> Upstream is active and prides to keep python 2.5 compatibility code in
> it ... (Not just 2.7).  I (Osamu Aoki ) and dkg even
> made some effort to support both 2 and 3 but the idea was rejected by
> upstream in 2018.

that's odd :/

> I think this qualifies for "py2keep".

i don't think so. Imho is better to support Py3 in Debian with our patches.

If Debian and Fedora demonstrate its python3 removal, I am sure the
> upstream may change his thought.  If you have some progress indicator,
> that can be used to convince getmail upstream.  I or dkg need a solid
> fact to restart conversation with the upstream.

yes, we have! :)

Almost half of work is done in ~ 3 months.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Python 2 removal in sid/bullseye: Progress and next steps

2019-11-11 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 11. 11. 2019 v 12:07 odesílatel Yves-Alexis Perez 

> generic question about the interaction between the python transition and
> current situation with NEW processing.

I think it's unrelated.

State of NEW processing is stable for long time. But if you need to accept
NEW binary-only I think it's fine to ping ftp-masters over IRC. I already
did this few times and they don't bite :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Severity bump script

2019-11-10 Thread Ondrej Novy
Hi Sandro,

-- Forwarded message -
> We are going to raise the severity of the py2removal bugs to "serious" in
several steps.  In the
> first phase we are going to raise severity of the py2removal bugs for
> all leaf module packages and low popcon (< 300) application packages.
> Bugs marked with the "py2keep" user tag will not have their severity
> raised.

is there any progress with script from your site please? First we need list
to check. Thanks a lot.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: python-urllib3 1.25.6 uploaded to experimental (closes CVE-2019-11236) but fails build tests

2019-10-29 Thread Ondrej Novy

út 29. 10. 2019 v 13:29 odesílatel Michael Kesper 

> > I see. Still an odd kind of protection though.  The attacker can just
> downgrade themselves.
> No. A sensible server will not talk to you if your requested SSL version
> is too low.
> seems to use absolutely outdated and insecure software
> versions.

right. If you want good security, you need to limit TLS version on both
side (client-urlib3 and server-whatever). Than downgrade attack is not

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Discussing next steps for the Python2 removal

2019-10-28 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 28. 10. 2019 v 10:56 odesílatel Simon McVittie  napsal:

> The maintainer of a leaf package can do this in a few minutes at any
> time, but library packages with many reverse-dependencies (for example
> dbus-python) don't really have that option, so I hope using autorm for
> library packages is not on the table at this stage?

but we are still talking about __leaf__ packages so dbus-python is
irelevant, right?

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join DPMT

2019-10-26 Thread Ondrej Novy

so 26. 10. 2019 v 21:33 odesílatel Jeremy Bicha  napsal:

> Please add me to

done, welcome. :)

> I expect to help out a bit with the Python2 removals

thanks a lot!

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Discussing next steps for the Python2 removal

2019-10-25 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 25. 10. 2019 v 9:09 odesílatel Rebecca N. Palmer 

> Not the whole source package, but we do want to remove the py2 binary.
> Maybe there should be two versions of the email, with the one for py2/3
> packages saying 'NMU' instead of 'removal'?

this is not how autorm works. You can't remove from testing only one of two
binary package from same source package. You are removing  package as a

But maintainer can anytime fix that bug by removing py2 binary from source
package, which is few minutes work.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Discussing next steps for the Python2 removal

2019-10-25 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 25. 10. 2019 v 3:30 odesílatel Sandro Tosi  napsal:

> do we really want to remove from testing (and subsequently from
> debian, as mentioned below) if it both has a py2 and a py3k package?
> should we limit this to py2-ONLY packages?

yes and no. If maintainer wants to keep package in Debian, fix is simple:
Just remove one binary package. If nobody cares (no team upload, no NMU) we
want to move forward and remove that package.

> * bug is not marked as py2keep
> > * all modules and low popcon apps (< 300)
> JFYI for now i was steering clear of removing py2 support even of
> modules with high popcon (while it's true they may not have any rdeps
> in the archive, there could be plenty of 3rd party code using them).

we want to remove Python 2 in bullseye ideally. So no 3rd party code will
be using them, because there will be no Py2 :)

> is there any plan to make some of this tags an upload-rejecting one?

maybe later?

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Discussing next steps for the Python2 removal

2019-10-24 Thread Ondrej Novy

notes from this meeting (

We want to bump all bugs to RC bugs, if they are:
* leaf package
* with py2 binary
* bug is not marked as py2keep
* all modules and low popcon apps (< 300)

If package will be removed from testing (auto-rm), we are going to remove
them from unstable. We are going to run this process semi-automatically
(after more packages gets leaf). First version of list should be checked
(emailed to this ML). We need to prepare draft of RC-bumper email.

We will send email to d-d-a with current state, our next steps, etc.

We are going to bump Lintian tags severity:
* python-foo-but-no-python3-foo: warning->error
* dependency-on-python-version-marked-for-end-of-life: pedantic->warning
* new-package-should-not-package-python2-module: warning->error
* build-depends-on-python-sphinx-only: warning->error
* depends-on-python2-and-python3: info->warning
* script-uses-unversioned-python-in-shebang: info->warning

We would like to update Python policy and clearly state future of Python 2.

Thanks everybody.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: [Request]

2019-10-23 Thread Ondrej Novy

út 22. 10. 2019 v 14:26 odesílatel MARIE Alexandre <> napsal:

> I woud like to join debian-python team in order to maintain and package a
> bunch of modules :

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to Join PAPT

2019-10-23 Thread Ondrej Novy

st 9. 10. 2019 v 19:07 odesílatel Gabe Livengood 

> I am interested in joining the PAPT team.

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining DPMT

2019-10-23 Thread Ondrej Novy

pá 18. 10. 2019 v 23:30 odesílatel Fabrice Bauzac-Stehly 

> May I join the DPMT, pretty please?

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request join to PAPT

2019-10-23 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 17. 10. 2019 v 4:36 odesílatel Emmanuel Arias 

> I would like join to PAPT.

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Request to join PAPT

2019-10-23 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 17. 10. 2019 v 15:23 odesílatel Dr. Tobias Quathamer 

> I'd like join PAPT.

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Joining the Debian Python Modules Team

2019-10-23 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 21. 10. 2019 v 20:40 odesílatel Adam Cecile  napsal:

> I would like to join Debian-Python modules team

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: [Python-apps-team] pylint3 reverse dependencies.

2019-10-17 Thread Ondrej Novy

čt 17. 10. 2019 v 14:46 odesílatel Emmanuel Arias 

> A team Upload is accepted, isn't? :-)

dh-python package is not team maintained.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Raising severity to serious for some Python 2 leaf packages with no Python 3 support upstream

2019-10-14 Thread Ondrej Novy

po 14. 10. 2019 v 4:52 odesílatel Thomas Goirand  napsal:

> But in both cases, it's going to take a very long time. Do we really
> want to get stuck on these packages for like forever, or would it feel
> ok to raise the severity to serious, so that the package gets
> auto-removed and then we can work on removing Python 2 from its
> dependencies?

for me it's perfectly fine to rise severity to serious of all leaf packages
with py2remove bug as soon as possible. And let's do it "automatically"
everytime any package gets leaf state.

But to do this correctly, we need release goal. Do we have one?

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: request to join DPMT

2019-09-24 Thread Ondrej Novy

st 18. 9. 2019 v 12:30 odesílatel  napsal:

> I'd like to join the DPMT!

welcome :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Re: Bug#940811: ITP: python-simplenote -- Python3 API wrapper for the Simplenote web service

2019-09-21 Thread Ondrej Novy

so 21. 9. 2019 v 8:32 odesílatel Geert Stappers 

> i'm not sure if the 3 should/must goto into package name.

src: python-foo
binary-python3: python3-foo
binary-doc: python-foo-doc

Thanks.  :)

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

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