RE: Frame buffer

1999-04-23 Thread Alberto Brealey
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Angel Vicente Perez wrote: Claro que te conviene utilizarlo si quieres algo mas que 640x480 con 16 colores. Claro, que tambien puedes esperar a que salga una nueva version de Xfree. Pero yo estoy utilizando ahora el xserver-s3, y puedos visualizar TrueColor.

Re: lilo

1999-04-23 Thread Alberto Brealey
P.D.: A propósito del lilo.conf, no veo muy clara la diferencia de uso entre delay=50 y la combinación de promt junto a timeout=50 ¿? delay: simplemente te muestra LILO (tenEs que darle Shift para el 'boot:'), 50 es el tiempo en dEcimas de segundo para que arranque la opciOn por omisiOn.

Re: DEBIAN 2.1 + KERNEL 2.2.6!!!

1999-04-23 Thread benalb
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote: On Thu, Apr 22, 1999 at 09:14:15AM +0200, Ángel Carrasco wrote: Hola, Instalo el Debian 2.1 y actualizo el kernel al 2.2.x. Actualmente tengo el 2.2.6. Resulta que tengo el siguiente problema. Configuro el kernel de forma habitual tal y como

Re: DEBIAN 2.1 + KERNEL 2.2.6!!!

1999-04-23 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
benalb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: [ respecto a kernel-package ] ¿Tiene alguna ventaja sobre el método tradicional? Lo digo por que yo siempre lo he usado, y salvo errores míos, nunca he tenido problemas tiende a miminizar la cantidad de errores que uno pueda cometer. Eso en mi caso es

Re: Frame buffer

1999-04-23 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
¡Beto! ¿Qui'bo? Alberto Brealey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: ¿Seria ventajoso tambien en este caso? en realidad no... lo que pasa con el XFB es que no es acelerado, ya que es demasiado general. Si tu tarjeta funciona con alguno de los servidores acelerados, entonces quEdate con Estos.

Re: ¿Para cuando debian 2.2? y crítica a debian

1999-04-23 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
Miguel Gil [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: ¿Para cuando se publicará la debian 2.2? ¿Para el verano? Siguiente versión de Debian: potato. Si se llama o no se llama Debian 2.2, no está decidido. -¿Xfree 3.3.x? Sí, ya hay paquetes probándose. -¿kernel 2.2.x? Err... no sé honestamente.

RE: Frame buffer

1999-04-23 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Bueno, entonces es que estas utilizando una S3 Trio 'antigua' (no utiliza el bus AGP de 'ultima moda' - a mi no me gusta, pero el equipo que tengo es el standar de la universidad y no tuve mas remedio que aguantarme). En este caso no necesitas para nada el FrameBuffer, de hecho es

RE: Frame buffer

1999-04-23 Thread beto
Donde tengo algo de confusion, es en el soporte de FB por el kernel, me imagino que es imprescindible para que funcione el xfvb, pero no se si por si solo vale para algo. Creo haber entendido por la documentacion del kernel, que se puede hacer un arranque en modo grafico, pero aparte de eso no

Hablando de Logos

1999-04-23 Thread Fernando
¿ Tiene alguien un Pingüino de Debian en ascii ? Saludos. -- Fernando. {:-{D Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Tripwire

1999-04-23 Thread Nitebirdz
Han Solo wrote: On Thu, Apr 22, 1999 at 03:35:10PM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote: $ dpkg -l tripwire No packages found matching tripwire. ¿Comorl? Si Debian es la distribución más segura pensé que incluiría este programa pero veo que no. ¿Alguien me lo explica?. Yo lo

Enseñar linux escuela

1999-04-23 Thread juanma
Estimada lista: Por el asunto que encabeza este mensaje vereis que esta un poco fuera de lugar con respecto a la lista. Me gustaría que me dierais la opinión sobre una cuaestión que me han planteado. Resulta que hay una escuela que quiere montar un aula informática nueva. Ellos quieren enseñar

RE: Hablando de Logos

1999-04-23 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
¿ Tiene alguien un Pingüino de Debian en ascii ? En el paquete Linuxlogo hay uno.

RE: Enseñar linux escuela

1999-04-23 Thread Manuel Trujillo
a.- en casa los niños tienen windows. b.- windows tiene juegos más modernos. c.- linux es estremadamente difícil d.- el profesor de física no se querrá meter en jaleos y querrá dar lo que siempre ha dado (windows). Yo pienso: a.- que la red en linux funcionará mejor. Aparte es gratix.

Re: Enseñar linux escuela

1999-04-23 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
juanma wrote: Ellos quieren enseñar de verdad a sus chicos este tema de ordenadores. El primer planteamiento que deberias haceros es sobre lo que quereis enseñar: manejo de un sistema, ofimatica, progración, administración de equipos, etc. Mi proposición es que se instale una red linux

Re: Enseñar linux escuela

1999-04-23 Thread Fernando
juanma wrote: Estimada lista: Me gustaría que me dierais la opinión sobre una cuaestión que me han planteado. Resulta que hay una escuela que quiere montar un aula informática nueva. Ellos quieren enseñar de verdad a sus chicos este tema de ordenadores. Mi proposición es que se

RE: Ayuda con la Debian 2.1

1999-04-23 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez
Admito que lo han dejado un tanto escondido: /cdrom/debian/dists/slink/vendor/dpkg-multicd Te cambias a ese directorio (tras montar el CD bin1), e instalas dpkg-multicd2_1.4_all.deb (dpkg -i dpkg-multicd2_1.4_all.deb) Si no recuerdo mal, una vez echo eso, ya te aparece


1999-04-23 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Creo que alguien explicó hace ya tiempo que un paquete de instalación de binarios (sea .tar.gz/.tgz, .rpm, o .deb) viene con un script de instalación dentro. Así que alien lo que debe hacer es traducir ese script para el formato deseado. Lógicamente, si el


1999-04-23 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Hola, Llevo tiempo que deseo entrar en y resulta que no me lo encuentra el explorer. Alguien me puede decir dónde está ahora?. Un saludo. Angel

Re: DEBIAN 2.1 + KERNEL 2.2.6!!!

1999-04-23 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez
También simplifica la instalación del mismo kernel en varias máquinas, al tenerlo en un paquete. Muy útil cuando tienes que mantener dos laboratorios con 40 y tantos trastos iguales por ejemplo... ;-) Jesus. Marcelo E. Magallon writes: benalb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Problema con deselect

1999-04-23 Thread Antonio Castro
Antes que nada decir que agradezco las ayudas recibidas muchas de ellas por mail personal, pero no he podido responder a todos porque tengo un poco liado el correo como consecuencia de haber recuperado todo el sistema desde una cinta de backup. Tambien este es el motivo de mi tardanza en

Mas pataleta con perdon

1999-04-23 Thread Antonio Castro
Mis disculpas a toda la lista esto no tiene nada de técnico. On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote: On Thu, Apr 22, 1999 at 01:56:25PM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote: On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote: La cr?tica destructiva no conduce a nada. Cr?tica desctructiva parece

Instalacion del kernel

1999-04-23 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos Acabo de recompilar el kernel con la caracteristica flavour=fb. Al instalar, crea un link en / con el nombre vmlinuz apuntando al correspondiente kernel en /boot, el anterior link, lo renombra como vmlinuz.old. Mi pregunta al llegar a este punto es : ¿No seria mas conveniente


1999-04-23 Thread Nitebirdz
Ángel Carrasco wrote: Hola, Llevo tiempo que deseo entrar en y resulta que no me lo encuentra el explorer. Alguien me puede decir dónde está ahora?. Un saludo. Angel -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null Acabo de hacer una busqueda en

Re: Frame buffer

1999-04-23 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 22 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 16:23:55 +0200, Jose Luis Trivino contaba: Bueno, entonces es que estas utilizando una S3 Trio 'antigua' [...] En este caso no necesitas para nada el FrameBuffer Además si la tarjeta no soporta VESA 2.0, el fb no rula. El FB es

Re: ¿Para cuando debian 2.2? y crítica a debian

1999-04-23 Thread Barbwired
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote: Miguel Gil [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: -¿Para cuando se podrá debian de acuerdo con el resto de distribuciones en un sistema de paquetes común, en una organización del sistema de ficheros comúm, etc? Otra vez: ¿cuál es la solución

RE: Frame buffer

1999-04-23 Thread Barbwired
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Angel Vicente Perez wrote: Donde tengo algo de confusion, es en el soporte de FB por el kernel, me imagino que es imprescindible para que funcione el xfvb, pero no se si por si solo vale para algo. Creo haber entendido por la documentacion del kernel, que se puede hacer

Re: Instalacion del kernel

1999-04-23 Thread homega
Angel Vicente Perez dixit: ~ ~ ¿No seria mas conveniente crear el link como vmlinuz.fb, para hacer despues ~ una configuracion del lilo.conf a mano?. De esta manera, no se tocaria el ~ nucleo vigente. ¿es realmente necesario hacer el enlace simbólico en / a la nueva imagen? Yo simplemente hago

Re: Problema con deselect

1999-04-23 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Antonio Castro wrote: ::(Reading database ... 43593 files and directories currently installed.) ::Preparing to replace libncurses4 4.2-3 (using .../base/libncurses4_4.2-3.deb) ... ::Unpacking replacement libncurses4 ... ::dpkg: dependency problems prevent

route y kernel-2.2.5

1999-04-23 Thread Ramiro Alba
Hola a todos: Tengo un tarjeta de red 3Com 3c905 Vortex Boomerang bajo slink. Con el kernel de la instalacion (2.0.36 creo) no daba ningun problema, pero acabo de instalarle el kernel 2.2.5 y cuando en /etc/init.d/network se ejecutan las lineas de route add -net ..., envia el siguiente mensaje:

RE: Instalacion del kernel

1999-04-23 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
¿es realmente necesario hacer el enlace simbólico en / a la nueva imagen? Yo simplemente hago que lilo.conf apunte a: image=/boot/vmlinuz-nuevo Yo pienso que no, pero el dpkg -i lo hace asi, crea enlaces simbolicos, pero asumiendo que hay dos nucleos, el vigente y el anterior. Por supuesto,

Interacción de NT y Linux

1999-04-23 Thread Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes
Hola a todos, mi pregunta es muy sencillita, ¿es posible desde Linux montar una partición que tiene un sistema de ficheros NTFS? Un saludo.

RE: Enseñar linux escuela

1999-04-23 Thread Vázquez, Gustavo
Me parece que hay dos puntos de ataque. * La edad de los niños. Como sabrá la lista por pasados mensajes, mi sobrino de 7 años (si ya cumplió 7) pilotea Windows, pero cuando ve Linux juega un ratito con las X (obviamente, línea de comando ni en pedo) y se siente frustrado por muchas cosas.

RE: Enseñar linux escuela

1999-04-23 Thread Manuel Trujillo
Vamos a ver... Según mi opinión (y es mía y sólo mía ;-)), como debería de enseñarse windoze es empezando desde cero, o desde sus cimientos; osease desde MS-DOS, y luego ir subiendo paulativamente. Siguiendo ésta regla de ocho (estoy jarto del tres), es perfectamente extrapolable a Linux... o al

Pregunta descolgada

1999-04-23 Thread jvicente
Me pueden decir donde están los diseños del logotipo de Debian para verlos?

1FA: al tratar de arrancar desde HD

1999-04-23 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola. He terminado de instalar slink en un pc de batalla para destrozarlo haciendo pruebas. Es un 486DX66 con 8 MB de RAM y 400 MB de HD. Primero he instalado de forma habitual y he visto un cerro de errores al instalar los ficheros base. Para comprobar el estado del disco he formateado con

Duda sobre dependencias

1999-04-23 Thread Ignasi Modolell
Mirando los paquetes .deb que se distribuyen con Debian y toda la pesca, me parece que he llegado a una conclusión respecto a muchas de las dependencias que hay en cada paquete, y quisiera que alguien la confirmase o desmintiese. Por lo que he visto, dentro de cada versión de Debian los


1999-04-23 Thread Hilario Ortigosa Monteoliva
¿ Como se puede comprobar que kmod funciona correctamente ? ¿ Hay algunos modulos con los que no sea capaz de 'capturar' bien las necesidades de los programas para cargarlos ?

Re: Mas pataleta con perdon

1999-04-23 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Fri, Apr 23, 1999 at 10:25:15AM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote: On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote: Cr?tica destructiva es cuando dices Debian ha renunciado a las actualizaciones f?ciles. Es falso, desprecia ol?mpicamente el trabajo de Eso si que es falso. No te pases. Te estas


1999-04-23 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, =?iso-8859-1?Q?=C1ngel_Carrasco?= wrote: Hola, Llevo tiempo que deseo entrar en y resulta que no me lo encuentra el explorer. Alguien me puede decir dónde está ahora?. Un saludo. Angel La maquina de Slug la han estado actualizando, pronto entrará

Re: Problema con deselect

1999-04-23 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Santiago Vila wrote: On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Antonio Castro wrote: ::(Reading database ... 43593 files and directories currently installed.) ::Preparing to replace libncurses4 4.2-3 (using .../base/libncurses4_4.2-3.deb) ... ::Unpacking replacement libncurses4

RE: no utmp entry available

1999-04-23 Thread Ricardo Villalba
El lunes 12 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 20:35:04 +0200, Ricardo Villalba contaba: no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME. Este mensaje me sale siempre que creo un paquete .deb o debianizo un rpm. ¿Qué es eso del utmp? UTMP(5)Formatos de ficheroUTMP(5)

ayuda sobre doc-debian-es

1999-04-23 Thread Humberto . Morell
Hola Hice el dpkg -i doc-debian-es.deb Pero no he visto como puedo usar los man en español, pueden indicarme que debo hacer o que me debo leer para lograrlo Saludos y garcias - Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: DEBIAN 2.1 + KERNEL 2.2.6!!!

1999-04-23 Thread Correcaminos
de benalb el Thu, Apr 22, 1999 a las 06:24:08PM +0200 X-Sistema-Operativo: Linux elsa 2.2.5 X-Buscador-Linux: X-Agradecimientos: A mi mujer... X-PGP: Buscar en El Thu, Apr 22, 1999 a las 06:24:08PM +0200, benalb dijo: ¿Tiene alguna ventaja sobre

Re: Enseñar linux escuela

1999-04-23 Thread Correcaminos
de Fernando el Fri, Apr 23, 1999 a las 09:29:13AM +0200 X-Sistema-Operativo: Linux elsa 2.2.6 X-Buscador-Linux: X-Agradecimientos: A mi mujer... X-PGP: Buscar en El Fri, Apr 23, 1999 a las 09:29:13AM +0200, Fernando dijo: juanma wrote:


1999-04-23 Thread Correcaminos
de Nitebirdz el Fri, Apr 23, 1999 a las 04:39:57AM -0500 X-Sistema-Operativo: Linux elsa 2.2.5 X-Buscador-Linux: X-Agradecimientos: A mi mujer... X-PGP: Buscar en El Fri, Apr 23, 1999 a las 04:39:57AM -0500, Nitebirdz dijo: Por cierto, que

Re: Hablando de Logos

1999-04-23 Thread Correcaminos
El Fri, Apr 23, 1999 a las 08:32:00AM +0200, Fernando dijo: ¿ Tiene alguien un Pingüino de Debian en ascii ? Hasta aquí fué el mensaje anterior, ahora viene la respuesta... Dando vueltas por el sistema, descubrí una forma, simpática, de pasar cualquier gráfico a ascii. Te cuento:

Re: SiS 6326

1999-04-23 Thread Carl Mummert
This is extensively documented at: Carl

Re: RedHat need not apply

1999-04-23 Thread Ed Cogburn
Bob Nielsen wrote: I expect this will mean that the next update to WordPerfect will be as a .deb file Bob I don't know. Corel told me they have no plan to move to libc6, so its not clear to me how strongly they will support their stand-alone WP. Maybe they are planning to

Boot failure on SPARCstation 2

1999-04-23 Thread Max
I'm trying to install Debian on my SPARCstation 2 and I'm getting the following error: esp0: IRQ 3 SCSI ID 7 Clk 20 MHz CCF=4 TOut 167 NCR53C90A (esp100a) ESP: Total of 1 ESP hosts found, 1 actually in use scsi0: Sparc ESP100A (NCR53C90A) scsi: 1 host esp0: Warning, live target 0 not responding

How unstable is unstable?

1999-04-23 Thread Christian Dysthe
Hi, I have have been using Debian for a couple of months and I am happy with how it runs. As a new user I wonder about stable vs unstable. I often get in trouble because I need to compile software that for instance depends on libc6 or a newer versions of GTK. The result is that I have been

Re: W95 defrag

1999-04-23 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Holger Mense [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, H C Pumphrey wrote: Greetings, fellow Debian fans, This is only a proto-debian question, I'm afraid, but I have tried to RTFM, honest. I'm trying to defrag the disc on a W95 laptop prior to using FIPS to re-partition it so I

Re: RedHat need not apply

1999-04-23 Thread Ed Cogburn
Sean wrote: I don't think this would be that much of a problem, in fact I would think the trend would tend to go the other way. A software company, such as Corel, who has a massive software package, a-la WordPerfect, isn't going to be quick to change the libraries that it is based upon. At

Re: Netscape Resources

1999-04-23 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Philip Lehman wrote: On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Greg Scharrer wrote: I am using a Sony CPD-200ES Monitor and an S3 ViRGE/DX video card. When I use Netscape 3 with a 1280x1024 resolution, the menu labels (e.g., File, Go, Bookmarks) are small, and so are the buttons (e.g., Back, Forward). Does

Re: http proxy with Apache

1999-04-23 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Your friend should probably just set his browser preferences to use your web server as proxy for all requests. In order to do what you describe below you'd have to modify the actual html in the stream to change the links or the target site would have to use *only* relative links. Max wrote: I'm

Re: RedHat need not apply

1999-04-23 Thread Ed Cogburn
Tony Crawford wrote: Kenneth Scharf wrote (on 22 Apr 99, at 5:07): While it is good that Debian takes its time to 'get it right' having a commerical product based on Debian could put some pressure on the distro for 'more timely releases' or worse, a commerical release of an 'unstable'

Re: Pine 4.1

1999-04-23 Thread Marlon Urias
There are deb available BUT if you insist on installing from sources: The trick is to use the the 'ncurses' library instead of termcap. You'll have to muck with the makefile to accomplish this. Be sure you've installed the 'ncurses3.4-dev' package, which will give you the appropriate headers

Re: How unstable is unstable?

1999-04-23 Thread Lawrence Walton
On Thu, Apr 22, 1999 at 06:06:29PM -0500, Christian Dysthe wrote: Hi, I have have been using Debian for a couple of months and I am happy with how it runs. As a new user I wonder about stable vs unstable. I often get in trouble because I need to compile software that for instance

Re: SSHD newbie question

1999-04-23 Thread Brad
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Rick Salvador wrote: I've compiled the sshd daemon successfully but I don't know how/where to set it up to startup when the system boots. One easy way to handle it is to install the deb from, that sets up everything for you. Im guessing that I

Re: SSHD newbie question

1999-04-23 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Thu, Apr 22, 1999 at 03:37:00PM -0700, Rick Salvador wrote: Hi, I've compiled the sshd daemon successfully but I don't know how/where to set it up to startup when the system boots. Im guessing that I put a Symbolic link to it in init.d and then have to call it from rc3.d but not

Re: How unstable is unstable?

1999-04-23 Thread Steve Lamb
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 18:06:29 -0500 (CDT), Christian Dysthe wrote: So my question is: Does unstable mean you will have all kinds of crashes and unexpected behavior, or does it mean that some programs might have more bugs than running in the stable

Upgrading kernel of the same tree

1999-04-23 Thread Arcady Genkin
I have been using every 2.2.x kernel as soon as they came out. To fascilitate configuration I saved configuration into an alternative file in my home directory from 'menuconfig'. Then, when I get source from the new kernel, I would simply load that file into menuconfig. Is this a safe thing to do

Re: How unstable is unstable?

1999-04-23 Thread Bob Nielsen
I've been running unstable for several months and have never had a real showstopper. There are a few annoyances as gtk goes through different versions (I've installed some of the gnome stuff which isn't even in unstable yet), in that some apps stop working (mostly games). The closest thing to

Re: How unstable is unstable?

1999-04-23 Thread Brad
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote: So my question is: Does unstable mean you will have all kinds of crashes and unexpected behavior, or does it mean that some programs might have more bugs than running in the stable distribution? ** WARNING: Everything i say here is my

Re: http proxy with Apache

1999-04-23 Thread Max
* Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [04/22/99 16:19] wrote: Your friend should probably just set his browser preferences to use your web server as proxy for all requests. In order to do what you describe below you'd have to modify the actual html in the stream to change the links or the

File Processing: Please Advise

1999-04-23 Thread Timothy Hospedales
Hi! I have a file processing task and would like some advice on how best to go about it! I have afew thousand .jpg files from my scanner and I want to rotate them all and maybe some other things. I forget the exact command but with something like imagemagick -rotate 90 infile

Re: File Processing: Please Advise

1999-04-23 Thread Carl Mummert
--cut here #!/bin/sh #$1 holds first command line argument #do stuff to $1 here... echo $1 #example --end cut Put this in a file, then chmod +x that file. Now, invoke this like so: $ find . -name '*.jpg' | xargs Carl

Re: W95 defrag

1999-04-23 Thread Ray
On Thu, Apr 22, 1999 at 06:03:27PM +0100, H C Pumphrey wrote: A related question: the Linux+Win95 mini-HOWTO says that if you have FAT32 you should not try using LILO. Is this info up-to-date? I believe it's ok to use LILO but don't let it replace the MBR. Just install LILO on the same

Re: make modules question

1999-04-23 Thread David Z. Maze
homega [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: homega after compiling a new kernel, `make mrproper', `make config', `make homega dep', and `make clean', I run `make modules' with this result: homega homega homega:/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot# make modules homega make: *** No rule to make target `modules'.

Re: File Processing: Please Advise

1999-04-23 Thread John Hasler
Timothy Hospedales writes: I have afew thousand .jpg files from my scanner and I want to rotate them all and maybe some other things. ... I cant figure out how to make a bash script to do this easily. man xargs. -- John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain. [EMAIL

Re: File Processing: Please Advise

1999-04-23 Thread Shao Zhang
Or xv -wloop -wait 3 * Or xv -random -wait 5 * John Hasler wrote: Timothy Hospedales writes: I have afew thousand .jpg files from my scanner and I want to rotate them all and maybe some other things. ... I cant figure out how to make a bash script to do this easily. man xargs. --

X server for W95

1999-04-23 Thread Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam
Hi All, I want to connect to my machine from office and am looking for a X server that will connect thru a proxy and preferably free. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know Regards, Vaidhy

smail, not open email relay

1999-04-23 Thread Nicola Bernardelli
Hello, I think that Debian now installs a different mail agent as the default or at least I remember that the configure script asked me explicitly about this topic when I recently put Debian 2.1 on this laptop, but the problem is far from here on a Debian box permanently connected to the

Re: X server for W95

1999-04-23 Thread Ernie Pasveer
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam wrote: I want to connect to my machine from office and am looking for a X server that will connect thru a proxy and preferably free. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know Look for a product called Exceed by HummingBird. -- ernie

Re: File Processing: Please Advise

1999-04-23 Thread Timothy Hospedales
With the example echo script only returns: (Despite the fact that there are many .jpgs) $find . -name '*.jpg' | xargs ./ ./test1.jpg $ Is this how it is meant to work? I was reading the man page for xargs but didnt understand most of it: I get the impression that xargs should do:

web interface to doing minor admin stuff

1999-04-23 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hello List ! does anyone know of a nice cgi/perl/whatever that u can use as a web interface that allows you to do minor admin stuff like adding ftp/email only users to ur system thru a netscape session ? writing shell scripts are out of the question since the guy who'll be doing this is n

Re: uppgrading packages to unstable versions

1999-04-23 Thread Ulrik Haugen
Thanks to everyone who helped answer my questions. I found that when I installed the stable versions of the packages I tried to upgrade to unstable dselect didn't want to remove all those packages any more. -- Ulrik Haugen [EMAIL PROTECTED] I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in

Re: make modules question

1999-04-23 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Thu, Apr 22, 1999 at 11:49:00PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, after compiling a new kernel, `make mrproper', `make config', `make dep', and `make clean', I run `make modules' with this result: homega:/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot# make modules make: *** No rule to make target

paper definitions (libpaperg, gnome-bin)

1999-04-23 Thread Allan M. Wind
Hi, Are the paper defintions set at compile- or run-time for libpaperg and are they printer (driver) dependent. Does gnome-bin's /etc/paper.conf consider the printer when determing the real paper size? Different printers have different ideas of what region of a page is printable :-( /Allan --

Re: Netscape Resources

1999-04-23 Thread Greg Scharrer
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 21:31:53 -0600 To: Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Greg Scharrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Netscape Resources In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] References: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Looking at the Netscape app-defaults file I see: *fontList:

Re: http proxy with Apache

1999-04-23 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Max wrote: * Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [04/22/99 16:19] wrote: Your friend should probably just set his browser preferences to use your web server as proxy for all requests. In order to do what you describe below you'd have to modify the actual html in the stream to change the

Re: File Processing: Please Advise

1999-04-23 Thread John Hasler
Timothy Hospedales writes: Thats what it would probably have to do since image magick's convert seems to refuse to convert multiple files on one command line. In that case use 'xargs -n1' so that xargs will only pass image magick one file at a time: find . -name '*.jpg' | xargs -n1

A lot of questions

1999-04-23 Thread Jianbo Wang
Hi, I have a lot of question: 1. Network for kernel 2.2.6: I have compiled kernel 2.2.6, and I configure it to support ppp and slip, but when I restart it, there is no ppp version 2.2.0... or slip 0.8.4 . And I cannot connect to ISP now. I guess it's a bug in 2.2.6 or my ppp and slip is

Re: A lot of questions

1999-04-23 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote: I have a lot of question: [snip] 2. When I change mode of *.pl (perl), I can excute it in unix, but I cannot excute it in linux, I must use 'perl *.pl' to excute it. I don't know if I need configure something. More than likely, the .pl file has a shebang (#!)

What is /etc/.pwd.lock for ?

1999-04-23 Thread G. Crimp
Hi, I deleted /etc/.pwd.lock on a test box I play with. It was dated 15 apr. I thought it was just a stale lock file from the last time I created a user. Rebooting the same machine to an install of Red Hat, I discovered that the same file existed in /etc of the RH system. The time

slink to potato - minor error messages

1999-04-23 Thread Christian Dysthe
Hi, updated to potato. Looks like everything went fine except for these two errors I get when I boot: 1. [mntent]: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab 2. Modprobe can't find netpf19 How do I deal with these? TIA --- Regards, Christian Dysthe Email:

Re: slink to potato - minor error messages

1999-04-23 Thread Brad
On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote: Hi, Hi updated to potato. Looks like everything went fine except for these two errors I get when I boot: 1. [mntent]: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab Put in a newline at the end of /etc/fstab? 2. Modprobe can't find netpf19 This

[Fwd: Corel : GNOME vs KDE]

1999-04-23 Thread John Foster
Sami Dalouche wrote: I don't understand why Corel has chosen KDE instead of Gnome. KDE is not free or not fully free. It's worse than Gnome : - it takes more memory - it's not GTK ( I'm a GTk fan) - I will have less apps because Gnome is newer and has, I think,

Re: Netscape Resources

1999-04-23 Thread Richard Harran
I think the directory you should be looking in is /usr/lib/netscape. The 'executable' in the X11 bin directory is just a nice wrapper script. However, on my system at least, there is no there. There is, however a app-defaults.gz in /usr/doc/netscape. Have a look at this, and it

Re: A lot of questions

1999-04-23 Thread Jianbo Wang
Hi, Mitch: Thank you very much for your help. I ftp a perl file to my home machine, perl is in a different directory. When I change the interpreter line, it works! Have a nice weekend! Jianbo P.S. my emails was returned while I reply to your address.

Re: Linux nis and shadow passwords, non Linux clients

1999-04-23 Thread Andreas Jellinghaus
Next problem: The net nis master runs slink. A slink client works after shadow has been configured and + added to /etc/shadow. A client runs partly potato, and does not work, i.e. it won't accept nis passwords. NIS itself appears to work, i.e. I can see the right owners of

Re: Fonts is X and Linux

1999-04-23 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
-Tommy Malloy [EMAIL PROTECTED] What I want to learn to do is to make global font changes at the application level. Suppose the default font on most applications is difficult to see. So you want to change it to one that is easier. There should be a way to do that for all applications you

Re: 8-bit safe text utils?

1999-04-23 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
-Eric House [EMAIL PROTECTED] The words include a character (octal 0267) that indicates hyphenation. I want to pull it out. If in the bash shell (either running in emacs via shell mode or in xterm; it doesn't matter) I type # tr -d \267 woor-den.max tr does nothing. But if I save the

Re: Beep

1999-04-23 Thread Jiri Baum
How to make beep? I don't want to do peintf \a but i have a process which has no controlling terminal (from atd/cron) Ookhoi: I just echo \a to /dev/tty8 It doesn't bother me there, and it makes a beeb (from out of a .procmailrc :-) You could also use the wall command - it notifies all

Re: [Fwd: Corel : GNOME vs KDE]

1999-04-23 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
First of all, don't post your message twice. On Fri, Apr 23, 1999 at 01:59:51 -0500, John Foster wrote: Wake up and smell the money! The KDE folks have the right to SELL or Liscense their desktop for commercial purposes if they want to. At the moment, KDE is GPLed. Of course they have the

Re: make modules question

1999-04-23 Thread homega
Stephen Pitts dixit: ~ ~ homega:/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot# make modules ~ make: *** No rule to make target `modules'. Stop. ~ ~ what about the new modules? `lsmod' returns nothing at all: ~ ~ homega:~$ lsmod ~ Module PagesUsed by ~ ~ Modules are in

Re: Pine 4.1

1999-04-23 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Marlon Urias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Be sure you've installed the 'ncurses3.4-dev' package, which will give you the appropriate headers and (static, I think) libraries. No, for Debian 2.1 that's libncurses4-dev Mike. -- Indifference will certainly be the downfall

X Window

1999-04-23 Thread Pietro Francescatti
I installed Debian Linux on a X86 machine. I cannot run X Windows. The answer to the commands startx or xinit is: Unknown command I have installed an X server as well but it doesn't find the display. I am very new to linux so if you could help me with some very basic instruction I would

Linking problems

1999-04-23 Thread M.C. Vernon
Hi all, More compiliation problems I'm afraid: I'm trying to get this simple program to compile. It produces an object file OK, but ld complains: cannot open -lMesaGL: no such file or directory. This is confusing, given I have mesage-dev installed, and libMesaGL.a is next to

Re: Cannot mount root after crash

1999-04-23 Thread Frank Bloos
I am running Debian 2.0 on a Pentium 200. After I tried to leave KDE by using its Shutdown menu, the system crashed and I had to finally reset the computer. Now, Linux crashes during boot (root is on /dev/hda4) with the message: VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly I started the

FAQ: realaudio player?

1999-04-23 Thread M.C. Vernon
I can't find one in the archive Thanks, Matthew -- Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society Selwyn College Computer Support Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

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