Caducidad de claves

2000-05-09 Thread Hue-Bond
Ole, tres preguntas en un día :^) Dadas las recomendaciones que hay por ahí, le puse fecha de caducidad a mi par de claves DH/DSS. Tal fecha es el próximo Jueves 11. ¿Qué es lo que tengo que hacer para renovarlas? Me leería el funny manual, pero estos

Re: Caducidad de claves

2000-05-09 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 01:38:06AM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote: Dadas las recomendaciones que hay por ahí, le puse fecha de caducidad a mi par de claves DH/DSS. Tal fecha es el próximo Jueves 11. ¿Qué es lo que tengo que hacer para renovarlas? Imagino que crear una nueva y

Re: gvim

2000-05-09 Thread ijuanes
El dia Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 01:57:40AM +0200, Isaac Puch Rojo tuvo a bien escribir: intento. La cosa es, empece según recomendaciones a utilizar el vim, y me acostumbré. Por casualidad descubrí entre las utilidades debian el gvim. Pero para mi desgracia no he conseguido escribir caracteres

RE: Plussed users

2000-05-09 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Pues es cierto, lo acabo de probar ahora y me ha funcionado. Pido disculpas por el ruido. No hay de que, yo tampoco sabia como implementarlo, y mira. En otro orden de cosas, he estado dando una vuelta por y, y he visto un articulo Virtual Hosting with

ILOVEYOU2 (como se traduce off topic)

2000-05-09 Thread Fernando
Hola: He leido en la prensa que han capturado a los creadores del virus. ¿ Alguien sabe cual es la pena por difundir un virus en España o en vuestros respectivos paises ? ¿ Es posible demostrar que alguien es el creador de un virus ? ¿ Es delito la posesión de virus, o sólo esta pendado el

Re: que es lo correcto..?

2000-05-09 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 08 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 11:28:23 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba: seria bueno sacar una copia de la tabla de particion de mi disco... 'dd if=/dev/loquesea of=archivo bs=512 count=1' me da como panico el solo pensar que me quede sin mi juegos, y TODO lo que he

RE: error=0x84

2000-05-09 Thread 2070718
= Original Message From Angel Vicente Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = Hola... De vez en cuando me sale en pantalla el error { DriveStatusError BadCRC } en hda. El disco es nuevo, no tiene un mes de funcionamiento. ¿Puede ser configuracion o me echo a

Re: Novato pregunta sobre conf de impresora y otras cosills.

2000-05-09 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 08 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 15:16:05 -0500, Julian Armando Mena Zapata contaba: 1.- ?Como instalo mi impresora en Slink? Instala magicfilter y ejecuta magicfilterconfig. 2.- ?Como configuro un lector de correos que baje todos mis mensajes de mi cuenta y envie los nuevos? ?Se

Re: locate

2000-05-09 Thread Eduardo Urrea
On Tue, 9 May 2000, Eduardo Urrea wrote: Hola. Tengo un fichero que el comando 'locate' no es capaz de encontrar pero que sí puede encontrar 'find'. Es un fichero de cabecera de C que tampoco encuentra el compilador a pesar de que debería (en teoría) hacerlo pq el programa

Re: ILOVEYOU2 (como se traduce off topic)

2000-05-09 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 09 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 09:20:02 +0200, Fernando contaba: He leido en la prensa que han capturado a los creadores del virus. Como si tuvieran culpa de algo :^(. Sabiendo además que un script como ese lo podía haber creado cualquiera. ¿ Es posible demostrar que

Re: Filosofia de Debian.

2000-05-09 Thread Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro
Andres Herrera wrote: Guenas On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 12:52:33AM -0700, Ismael Canales wrote: Los servicios del sistema ( correo, DNS, incluso cambiar la hora ) la mayoría se diseñaron para sistemas grandes o servidores, el usuario casero y no tan casero se encuentra que la mayoría le


2000-05-09 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Hue-Bond wrote: Buenas. Me tengo que pillar un SAI para el Linux del ciber (las recientes tormentas me obligan a ello :^)) y quería saber si me vale *cualquier* modelo que lleve conexión serie. Normalmente las APC no van mal. Yo tengo una APC Back

Re: Plussed users

2000-05-09 Thread Andres Herrera
Guenas On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 08:17:38AM +0200, Angel Vicente Perez wrote: En otro orden de cosas, he estado dando una vuelta por y, y he visto un articulo Virtual Hosting with Sendmail, del que saco la conclusion de que podriamos ser nuestro propio servidor de correo,


2000-05-09 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 12:55:00PM +0200, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote: Normalmente las APC no van mal. Yo tengo una APC Back UPS Pro 650 SI, y funciona bien con apcupsd, que está como paquete debian. Puedes mirar la FAQ de las UPS, pero está anticuadilla y no recoge muchos modelos actuales.

RE: ILOVEYOU2 (como se traduce off topic)

2000-05-09 Thread Juanma
-Mensaje original- De: Fernando [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Lista Debian Español; [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fecha: martes, 09 de mayo de 2000 09:21 Isabel Asunto: ILOVEYOU2 (como se traduce off topic) Hola: He leido en la prensa que han

Alguien que use qmail sobre Debian

2000-05-09 Thread Toni
Hola a todos. Acabo de instalar qmail para debian 2.2. Primero instalé las fuentes, realize el build-qmail, obtuve el binario y lo instalé. Pero, ahora me doy cuenta de que aunque el daemon arranca y escucha en el puerto 25, no se que hacer. He mirado en pero de los puntos que habla en

Mas sobre plussed users

2000-05-09 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola... He estado probando lo siguiente usuario(indicador)@dominio, y el servidor se lo traga, lo pone al final : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (indicador). Creo que el tratamiento que tiene es el de un comentario. Lo que no he probado es a procesarlo con procmail. Si esto funcionara, tendria un buzon en

Re: No quiero kaffee: PostgreSQL y JBuilder.

2000-05-09 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio
Hola: ¿No había por ahí un paquete que no instalaba nada pero resolvía las dependencias de java? Estaba pensado para casos como este, ¿no? Saludos. Virgilio On Mon, 8 May 2000, Juan Carlos Muro wrote: Hola. Estoy instalando postgreSQL de wooddy (que por cierto, para ser inestable va

Re: No quiero kaffee: PostgreSQL y JBuilder.

2000-05-09 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Virgilio Gómez Rubio wrote: Hola: ¿No había por ahí un paquete que no instalaba nada pero resolvía las dependencias de java? Estaba pensado para casos como este, ¿no? Saludos. Virgilio ¿Cuál es ese paquete? Es justo lo que necesito. ¿Alguien lo conoce? Saludos y gracias: Juan

Re: 'route add default gw' cuando conecto con el modem

2000-05-09 Thread Enzo A. Dari
On Mon, 8 May 2000, Juan Carlos Muro wrote: ... # ifconfig eth0: InetAddress: x.x.x.x ppp0: InetAddress: y.y.y.y P-t-P: z.z.z.z # route, me dice +/- default = # route del default # route add default gw y.y.y.y No ruta nada para afuera. ¿No será que tenía

Re: 'route add default gw' cuando conecto con el modem

2000-05-09 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Enzo A. Dari wrote: Puedes modificar las rutas a mano, pero tienes el problema de que al desconectar se elimina el default gateway y uno se queda sin salida al exterior. Yo lo resolví creando un par de scripts: en /etc/ppp/ip-up.d el script rutas dice: #!/bin/sh # # script para modificar

Re: Mas sobre plussed users

2000-05-09 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 09 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 14:32:39 +0200, Angel Vicente Perez contaba: He estado probando lo siguiente usuario(indicador)@dominio, y el servidor se lo traga, lo pone al final : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (indicador). Si esto funcionara, tendria un buzon en el ISP, y dos o tres buzones despues

Re: No quiero kaffee: PostgreSQL y JBuilder.

2000-05-09 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio
Hola: Pues el paquete se llama java-compiler-dummy y en la descripción dice: This package is only to respect the dependencies rules. Install it only if you have a real Java compiler. Luego también está java-virtual-machine-dummy : This package is only to respect the dependencies rules.

Re: Filosofia de Debian.

2000-05-09 Thread Andres Herrera
Guenas On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 09:59:58AM +0100, Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro wrote: Si lo que se quiere es una distribucion para quien solo quiere algo al estilo de Guin, se coge la Debian y se le quitan los paquetes de servidor, los editores mas tradicionales, todo lo que tenga que ver con TEX,

Re: Filosofia de Debian.

2000-05-09 Thread Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro
Andres Herrera wrote: Guenas On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 09:59:58AM +0100, Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro wrote: Si lo que se quiere es una distribucion para quien solo quiere algo al estilo de Guin, se coge la Debian y se le quitan los paquetes de servidor, los editores mas tradicionales,


2000-05-09 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Tue, 9 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: A ver si alguien puede decirme que significa cuando te aparece el mensaje segmentent fault tras iniciar algunas aplicaciones relacionadas con las X-Windows (p. ej. XF86Setup, xinit, xf86config, SuperProbe). A lo mejor os resulta de ayuda saber que

Re: Alguien que use qmail sobre Debian

2000-05-09 Thread jrfern
On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 01:43:00PM +0200 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Toni wrote: Acabo de instalar qmail para debian 2.2. Primero instalé las fuentes, realize el build-qmail, obtuve el binario y lo instalé. Te has complicado la vida demasiado y has instalado a pelo -yo también lo hice y me costó

Re: 'route add default gw' cuando conecto con el modem

2000-05-09 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Enzo A. Dari wrote: Puedes modificar las rutas a mano, pero tienes el problema de que al desconectar se elimina el default gateway y uno se queda sin salida al exterior. Yo lo resolví creando un par de scripts: en /etc/ppp/ip-up.d el script rutas dice: #!/bin/sh # # script para modificar


2000-05-09 Thread Danito
Hola ultimamente he leido bastante sobre el HURD en internet. Si alguien no lo conoce que mire la página Según lo que he leido parece un sistema operativo muy interesante operaciones basicas en un microkernel, operaciones menos básicas en pequeños

Re: locate

2000-05-09 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
que sí puede encontrar 'find'. Es un fichero de cabecera de C que tampoco encuentra el compilador a pesar de que debería (en teoría) hacerlo pq el programa está probado en otro ordenador y sí que compila. Quizá sea por la misma razón por la que 'locate' no es capaz de hallar dicho fichero. No

Re: que es lo correcto..?

2000-05-09 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Mon, 8 May 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hola, anoche despues de instalar el paquete ext2resize... me puse a pensar que seria bueno sacar una copia de la tabla de particion de mi disco... recuerdan el de 6 gigas... por si acaso.. el programa incluso en las paginas man dice que es un

Conflicto de dependencias

2000-05-09 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Hola a tod*s, Veréis, utilizo habitualmente el make-kpkg para compilar tanto el kernel como los módulos PCMCIA en el portátil (tengo potato/frozen). A mediados de abril me bajé los fuentes del 2.2.14 y los correspondientes fuentes de los módulos PCMCIA y generé los correspondientes .deb que

Sendmail y los kVirtusertable...

2000-05-09 Thread Saxa Egea
Hola gente... He recompilado tal y como pide el sendmail howto de pero creo q tengo alguna pequeña tonteria y no se lo que es... a ver si alguien me puede echar una mano... (si no prometo q se la echare yo al cuello de sendmail! ;( Segun parece todo funciona a las 1000

Re: No quiero kaffee: PostgreSQL y JBuilder.

2000-05-09 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
Saludos y gracias: ¿ quizá este ? Package: java-virtual-machine-dummy Version: 0.2 Priority: extra Section: misc Maintainer: Stephane Bortzmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Depends: java-common Provides: java-virtual-machine Architecture: all Filename:

Imprimir en econofast ¡¡¿como?!!

2000-05-09 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos, después de un buen tiempo vuelvo a intentar algo que no me salió: Imprimir en modo EconoFast en mi HP 882 color. He intentado la solución de poner dos impresoras lógicas diferentes una para calidad y otra para econofast que use el driver hpdj que se supone viene en djtools pero

Re: Imprimir en econofast ¡¡¿como?!!

2000-05-09 Thread pookie
Lo de las dos impresoras lo vas a tener que mantener, y ademas el econofast no es tan rapido como en windows, pero bajate el pnm2ppa de sourceforge, en formato deb ( Creo que es todo lo que necesitas (ademas del magicfilter) de nada :D ___

Re: vim

2000-05-09 Thread Jordi
On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 09:35:41PM +0200, Danito wrote: La última pregunta, ¿es posible que el mutt guarde los correos mandados en una carpeta? O bien a la hora de mandar reconfiguras el fcc: para que apunte a la carpeta que quieres (con f) o en muttrc pones un fcc-hook, especificando que

Re: Filosofia de Debian.

2000-05-09 Thread Ismael Canales
El Mon, May 08, 2000 at 03:02:08PM +0200, Andres Herrera dijo: Guenas On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 12:52:33AM -0700, Ismael Canales wrote: Para que linux se convierta en un sistema más popular. Quizas haga falta que las distribuciones se especialicen aún más ofreciendo programas del sistema

Re: ILOVEYOU2 (como se traduce off topic)

2000-05-09 Thread Blu
Juanma wrote: [...] Saliendome del tema creo que microsoft es responsable de daños por la utilización normal de sus programas (p.e. se me ha borrado un fichero con el MSWord) diga lo que diga su contrato de compraventa. [...] Y ya que estamos en el Fuera de Tema, a proposito de los da~os

Re: vim

2000-05-09 Thread Carlos Solano
On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 09:35:41PM +0200, Danito wrote: Una preguntilla sobre el vim: Cuando estoy editando un archivo en C++ al principio el vim mete las tabulaciones, es decir que si escribo un principio de función o un if automaticamente en la siguiente linea me mete la tabulación

Re: Filosofia de Debian.

2000-05-09 Thread Ismael Canales
El Tue, May 09, 2000 at 03:03:14PM +0200, Andres Herrera dijo: Guenas On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 09:59:58AM +0100, Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro wrote: Si lo que se quiere es una distribucion para quien solo quiere algo al estilo de Guin, se coge la Debian y se le quitan los paquetes de servidor,

Filtro Exim para arquivos attachados

2000-05-09 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
Ola PessoALL, Talvez possa interessar e espero que alguem ajude a melhorar. Eu fiz um pequeno filtro no exim para bloquear arquivos attachados com determinadas extensoes. Estou usando a batata congelada versao 3.12-1. No arquivo exim.conf (/etc) na secao MAIN

Re: Filtro Exim para arquivos attachados

2000-05-09 Thread Debian Linux User
Por falar nisso, eu configurei um servidor linux para uma empresa já há um tempo... E até hoje não consegui resolver uma coisa... O dono da empresa quer que todos os emails enviados sejam re-enviados, por forward, para um usuário chamado maillog. Visto que os emails só dizem respeito à


2000-05-09 Thread Luis Augusto Coutinho Sauerbronn
Saudacoes! Estou tendo problemas em conectar, via PLIP, meu Laptop com meu micro desktop(ambos usando POTATO). Consegui conectar o Laptop em um outro micro desktop pertencente a um amigo, a conexao funcionou normalmente, mas ele usava SLINK e o Laptop estava com a Corel Linux.


2000-05-09 Thread Ricardo B Fonseca
Estou com problemas de seguranca em minha mquina. Gostaria de saber se ha algum pacote ou programa que consiga logar todos os pacotes enviado a maquina. Andei usando tcpdump e nao obtive sucesso... Existe algum firewall que eu possa colocar na maquina, para que ela recuse

Re: Seguranca

2000-05-09 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Ricardo B Fonseca wrote: Estou com problemas de seguranca em minha mquina. Gostaria de saber se ha algum pacote ou programa que consiga logar todos os pacotes enviado a maquina. Use o ipchains com a opção -l e pegue os dados no syslog do sistema. Caso precisar de detalhes sobre o

napster won't work after new 2.2.15 kernel

2000-05-09 Thread jerry j jaskierny
napster was working fine under my 2.2.14 kernel. but then i compiled the new 2.2.15 kernel with ip masq and firewalling capabilities, which i previously did not have. now, i can't download anything. can someone give me a hand? thanks. jer Get your FREE Email at

Cardinal modem

2000-05-09 Thread Marcel Giguere
Hi, I am looking for the jumper setting for a modem CARDINAL 56 K MODEL 8715. Thank you for the help Marcel

Re: Problems upgrading CorelLinux to potato

2000-05-09 Thread Pedro Guerreiro
[Please CC me in all replys] On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 06:28:28PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote: Pedro Guerreiro wrote: 3) After the reboot, the kdm won't let me login, complainig about all the user/passwords I give. I can logon using the console perfectly though. purge corel's kde package. I

Re: Accessinf devices after install...

2000-05-09 Thread Kevin A Smith
At 05:23 PM 5/6/2000 -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote: On Sat, May 06, 2000 at 08:39:44PM +0100, Steven Satelle wrote: Look in your /etc/dev for /cdrom and mount using that, linux sees it as a cdrom not a hd (i think) No. /dev/cdrom is just a symlink to /dev/hd?. I'm guessing that the cdrom is not

Re: man pages!!

2000-05-09 Thread Hartmut Figge
Mark Brown wrote: If you've got man pages in /usr/share it's probably because you've already done a partial upgrade and have potato's libc6 alreay (certainly in this case where dpkg and apt seem to have been upgraded). umm, i have dpkg 1.6.12, apt 0.3.18 and libc6 2.0 7. i've tried to

installing debs

2000-05-09 Thread Chris Mason
I want to install apache/PHP3/mysql. I've done it by compiling the source files on another machine, but I like the .deb packages method, however, I don't know how to install apache with options from a .deb. In other words, how do I specify mod-php, mod_mysql, etc? Chris Mason Box 340, The Valley,

Re: installing debs

2000-05-09 Thread Steve Zinck
On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 10:25:43PM -0400, Chris Mason wrote: I want to install apache/PHP3/mysql. I've done it by compiling the source files on another machine, but I like the .deb packages method, however, I don't know how to install apache with options from a .deb. In other words, how do I

Re: installing debs

2000-05-09 Thread Brian May
Steve == Steve Zinck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Steve On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 10:25:43PM -0400, Chris Mason Steve wrote: I want to install apache/PHP3/mysql. I've done it by compiling the source files on another machine, but I like the .deb packages method, however, I don't

Re: entering non-ASCII characters in xemacs

2000-05-09 Thread Christopher Mosley
On 9 May 2000, Brian May wrote: Ok, I would have thought this would be easy, but how. eg how do I enter latan characters with accents, such as ?, ?, etc, with a standard US type keyboard? Cutting and pasting from netscape works fine, but not quite what I had in mind ;-). I get the

how to talk to MySQL using PERL

2000-05-09 Thread Sibuyas
hi ! i was just wondering what package do i need so that PERL can talk to MySQL thanks, Sib - A world of Information. The journey begins here. At Home. Internet Cebu's web based mail.

lp1 or lp0

2000-05-09 Thread maths
hello everybody now i use two diffrent kernel. i find the old one look my print as lp1, and the new one look it as lp0. when use lpr it fellow the file /etc/printcap to invoke lp1, so, under the new kernel it refuse to print. any suggestion? many thanks!

Re: lp1 or lp0

2000-05-09 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 02:00:15PM +0800, maths wrote hello everybody now i use two diffrent kernel. i find the old one look my print as lp1, and the new one look it as lp0. when use lpr it fellow the file /etc/printcap to invoke lp1, so, under the new kernel it refuse to print.

dist-upgrade killed X and pcmcia-cs

2000-05-09 Thread Jordan Howarth
Hi all, Running potato with kernel 2.2.12 on a NEC Versa note with neomagic video card. After moving from slink to potato about 6 months ago, I installed the new kernel and pcmcia-cs from source rather than dpkg. Since then I haven't upgraded anything (finishing Ph.D.). The other day I decided

Re: how to talk to MySQL using PERL

2000-05-09 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 04:37:19PM +, Sibuyas wrote hi ! i was just wondering what package do i need so that PERL can talk to MySQL You probably want the package libdbd-mysql-perl. Install that, and then check out $ man 3pm DBI and $ man 3pm DBD::mysql and maybe also $ man 3pm Mysql

Re: MySQL vs user www-data

2000-05-09 Thread w trillich
hey, thanks for your replies and patience. i appreciate your help! Christian Hammers wrote: select * from [mysql.]user ; shows that www-data does have select/insert/update/delete permissions; besides 'user' only the 'db' table contains records (for the test set, i see). ... i output


2000-05-09 Thread Andrew McRobert
hi all ... I've notice the last couple of times I've used dselect that when I go to install a package it tells me that it wants to upgrade the entire base system etc. (MB's MByte's) I can't seem to reset the status of all packages to 'hold' - (I guess). I've been cheating by using apt-get,

Re: napster won't work after new 2.2.15 kernel

2000-05-09 Thread Corey Popelier
I had gnapster completely break on me as well (kept saying fatal error when connecting to server). I fixed it by completely purging all trace of it and installing it again. Cheers, Corey Popelier Work Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Mon, 8 May 2000, jerry

Re: MySQL vs user www-data -- AHA!

2000-05-09 Thread w trillich
apparently i wasn't connecting via localhost--it was using the /etc/hosts name of the computer ('server' in this case) instead! mysql -u www-data -p will Enter password: ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'will' mysql -u [EMAIL PROTECTED] -p will Enter password: ERROR

Re: Anybody running Wordperfect 8 on potato?

2000-05-09 Thread Johann Spies
On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 05:51:35PM -0400, Jonathan Markevich wrote: Have you tried installing xpm4g? I have it working here... I see I have it installed already. Johann -- J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082 898 1528

error on reboot after using apt-get dist-upgrade

2000-05-09 Thread 50191914
Hello, after I use apt-get for a dist-upgrade and also install some package in the potato frozen driectory,the following things occur when reboot: Starting NFS common utitlites : statd locked rpc.statd forget to set AF_INET in udp sendmsg.Exit! RPC:sendmsg returned

Re: error on reboot after using apt-get dist-upgrade

2000-05-09 Thread 50191914
On Tue, 9 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, after I use apt-get for a dist-upgrade and also install some package in the potato frozen driectory,the following things occur when reboot: Starting NFS common utitlites : statd locked rpc.statd forget to


2000-05-09 Thread Marcin Jakubowski
Hello I have Debian Slink in my network. It is set up as a Primary Domain Controler i Samba. Two other Debian (slink i potaro) log in to PDC fine. Problem is with win. Win 95 and 98 log in the domain but I am unable to get user list for setting accest to shares (disk). Undrer NT

Re: How to optimize for speedy calcs?

2000-05-09 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 10:12:16AM -0500, Brendel, Rob wrote: Hi - I've recently installed Debian 2.1 on my desktop machine (Pentium Pro 200, 64 MB RAM, 64 MB swap), dual-booting with WinNT. I made the switch to use Scilab under Linux for the easy linking to Fortran object files. (Showing

Re: How to optimize for speedy calcs?

2000-05-09 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 10:12:16AM -0500, Brendel, Rob wrote: One problem: My Scilab code runs about half as fast in Linux as it does in WinNT. This is for identical Scilab-only code (no linking) on the identical machine. How can I speed things up? In both OS's I installed binaries for

Re: upgrade broken

2000-05-09 Thread David Wright
Quoting Chris Mason ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): I am using CorelLinux 1.0 and I tried using dselect to upgrade to unstable. After all the packages were downloaded, and install started, there were a lot fo errors somehting like such and such is not owned by root. I rebooted and not I get a login

Unidentified subject!

2000-05-09 Thread Mario Ganter

printing using lpr

2000-05-09 Thread gijs
hi, there's a problem i can't seem to figure out, yet my comprehension of how linux works is not very extensive but I do know my ways in it. There is just one thing i haven't quite figured out yet: printing. For as far as I know everything is configured correctly; kernel (2.2.13) supports the

[OT] For William Ono

2000-05-09 Thread Maurizio Boriani
Hi to all and excuse me for this OT message, Hi William, becouse I'm not sure my e-mail will arrive you I send this mail to lists to say you I've reply to your mails. So tell me if you've receive the last I send you. Gree to all and excuse me enymore -- Maurizio Boriani General

Re: Procmail question-

2000-05-09 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Mon, 8 May 2000, brian moore wrote: true. procmail ain't ideal for this, but it's the best tool around without loading perl on every MIME'd mail. how do you put this in a exim.conf file? do you use it as your .procmailrc or a system-wide one? thanks, :0 * 5 {

SOLVED: pcmcia - network]

2000-05-09 Thread Robert Fendt
hi guys, solved my problem with the pcmcia-based network. only had to edit /etc/pcmcia/network.opts and enter there my ip-adress, subnar mask, network adress etc, and everything worked out fine! thanx gary ;) rob Get your own

kernel: compiler error in function gen_rtx_combine

2000-05-09 Thread Philip Lehman
I'm trying to recompile a 2.2.14 kernel. Compiling fails with the following error msg: gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -DCPU=486 -c -o namei.o namei.c ../../gcc/combine.c:9305:

How to forward by default in exim

2000-05-09 Thread Paul McHale
I recently received the domain from another company. Occasionally, exim reports that I have mail bound for someone at for which I have no local account. Is there a way to forward all such mail to their new domain? Regards, Paul McHale -- Paul McHale Work:

Unknown error message in exim

2000-05-09 Thread Paul McHale
Hi, Has anyone ever seen an error message like this in exim: 1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: host []: 522 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User over hourly mail quota

Re: Unknown error message in exim

2000-05-09 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 08:05:04AM -0400, Paul McHale wrote: Has anyone ever seen an error message like this in exim: 1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: host []:

Re: napster won't work after new 2.2.15 kernel

2000-05-09 Thread Andrew George
I think Napster had a problem a few days ago I was getting fatal errors I tried Knapster and had the same problem about 3 days ago it started working again Andrew On Tue, 09 May 2000, Corey Popelier wrote: I had gnapster completely break on me as well (kept saying fatal error when

Linux as a proxy client?

2000-05-09 Thread Jonathan Markevich
I'm getting really tired of Freewwweb, they're quite inept at managing a SMTP server. I thought of trying a Windows-based free ISP, by using an old 486 and configuring IT as a Win-based proxy. It's not clear, however, how I should point things like exim through a proxy? Is it possible? I know

Re: Exim filter for attachments ?

2000-05-09 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Mon, 8 May 2000, [iso-8859-2] Jaros³aw Tabor wrote: Hello! Hi, Does someone know, how to create filter which can fail or freeze messages with '*.exe', '*.vbs' ? I think you have seen the msgs about procmail filtering today. Well, I just played with exim system filter option

Re: Exim filter for attachments ?

2000-05-09 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Mon, 8 May 2000, [iso-8859-2] Jaros³aw Tabor wrote: Hello! Hi, I forgot to say: I use the message_filter = path/to/filter-file option in /etc/exim.conf in the MAIN CONFIGURATION SETTINGS. Also, I'm using frozen, exim 3.12-1 []s, Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a

Re: entering non-ASCII characters in xemacs21

2000-05-09 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ok, I would have thought this would be easy, but how. eg how do I enter latan characters with accents, such as é, ö, etc, with a standard US type keyboard? Do `M-x iso-accents-mode' to use key combinations for lots of foreign characters. Have a look at

1 IP address, 4 websites to host?

2000-05-09 Thread Tom Warfield
Okay i have 1 IP address and want to run 4 different domains. Running apache...what is this called? and can it be done? If so, how do i do it? Thanks, Tom W.

RE: 1 IP address, 4 websites to host?

2000-05-09 Thread Dominic Blythe
it's called VIRTUAL DOMAINS and the documentation that comes with apache tells you about it, also the config file, httpd.conf, has some stuff about it (i think). -Original Message- From: Tom Warfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 09 May 2000 15:56 To:

Re: 1 IP address, 4 websites to host?

2000-05-09 Thread Dan Brosemer
Actually, it's NameVirtualHost that you want. The relevant lines in httpd.conf are like this: NameVirtualHost 'ip address' VirtualHost 'ip address' ServerName '' DocumentRoot /var/www/ /VirtualHost VirtualHost 'ip address' Servername '' DocumentRoot

RE: 1 IP address, 4 websites to host?

2000-05-09 Thread Dominic Blythe
I take it that 'ip address' is the same in every case it appears here? -Original Message- From: Dan Brosemer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 09 May 2000 16:13 To: Dominic Blythe Cc: Tom Warfield; Subject: Re: 1 IP address, 4 websites to host?

Re: 1 IP address, 4 websites to host?

2000-05-09 Thread Dan Brosemer
On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 04:14:07PM +0100, Dominic Blythe wrote: I take it that 'ip address' is the same in every case it appears here? That is correct. -Dan -- Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master. pgpjVL0W1tJWi.pgp Description:

Re: entering non-ASCII characters in xemacs21

2000-05-09 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
On 05/09/00, Brian May addressed entering non-ASCII characters in xemacs21: Ok, I would have thought this would be easy, but how. eg how do I enter latan characters with accents, such as é, ö, etc, with a standard US type keyboard? I don't know about XEmacs, but in GNU Emacs 20, you can use

Re: installing debs

2000-05-09 Thread Steve Zinck
On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 01:37:21PM +1000, Brian May wrote: Steve == Steve Zinck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Steve On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 10:25:43PM -0400, Chris Mason Steve wrote: I want to install apache/PHP3/mysql. I've done it by compiling the source files on another

Re: entering non-ASCII characters in xemacs21

2000-05-09 Thread Richard Klinda
Hoi Brian! Brian Ok, I would have thought this would be easy, but how. eg how Brian do I enter latan characters with accents, such as é, ö, etc, Brian with a standard US type keyboard? Try iso-accents-mode. (M-x iso-accents-mode) Then you can type 'a - á, o - ö etc... Brian I get the


2000-05-09 Thread Richard Klinda
Hoi Daniel! Daniel Can anyone recommend an ICQ app? I heard KICQ lacks a lot of Daniel feature and won't let you create new accounts. AFAIK the best graphical icq programs are kxicq and gnomeicu (which is in main/net). -- ...sutongi tti olleh /You will never amount to

Linux on VAIO PCG-N505X

2000-05-09 Thread Martin Oldfield
I happily run potato on my Sony VAIO PCG-N505X, but there are a couple of niggles I'd like to fix: 1. Suspending the laptop does bad things to the interrupt handling on the modem. I've tried a couple of different PCMCIA modem cards, but whilst they work fine before an apm suspend, when I

ipchains question

2000-05-09 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
I'd like to set up ipchains so that no on can connect to my dialup computer at all except for identd (for IRC). I read the Firewall and IPCHAINS howtos, as well as the ipchains man page, and it looks like the following lines should do what i want: ipchains -P input DENY ipchains -I input -p all

Re: ipchains question

2000-05-09 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
What am i doing wrong? you need a complementary input rule for every output rule, because connections are bi-directional. -- Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please! -- Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Serial programming question

2000-05-09 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all ! I'm trying to make my first progam, that will read series of bytes from serial port. But I have problems opening port. I makeing something like this: fd=open(/dev/ttyS0, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY) if(fd0) {printf(Error opening port\n) ; exit(0)} printf(Port opend ( %s )\n, ttyname(fd));

CD-R package

2000-05-09 Thread Daniel Burrows
I have an AOPEN CDRW9624 IDE drive and I was wondering if there is a Debian package that would work with this with the minimal of configuration. Thanks very much. Daniel.


2000-05-09 Thread Daniel Burrows
When I download KICQ and attempt to install it, it fails at the make point saying - nothing to be done. Is there a parameter I should be passing in make? Thanks.

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