Re: Colaboracion en la traduccion de Debian

1999-11-20 Thread Antonio Castro
On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:

   Hola a todos!
   Si estas ya harto de quejarte de lo poco traducido al espanol
 que esta Debian, es el momento de hacer algo. En el Foro sobre Debian
 del ultimo congreso de Hispalinux estuvimos hablando sobre este tema,
 y habia bastante gente interesada en colaborar. Este mensaje es solo
 para avisar a los que no estuvieron en el Foro, pero estan interesados 
 en colaborar. Para empezar, podemos darle un repaso al Web, y luego
 podemos continuar con al documentación y la espanolizacion de los
 mensajes de algunos programas.
   Si estas interesado en colaborar, puedes hacer lo siguiente:

Yo no tengo nivel de ingles para ello. Yo soy de los que necesitan
las traducciones que los demás hacen. Nunca me cansaré de agradecer 
el esfuerzo de las personas que hacen tan ingrato, pero tan necesario
trabajo. Solo quería decir que en mi humilde opinión el documento de 
mayor prioridad en cuanto a su traducción debería ser el manual de 
instalación. No se si para la Potato cambian muchas cosas pero el
número de personas directamente beneficiadas por esa traducción sería
en mi opinión el más importante. Ultimamente se ha debatido en la lista
Debian sobre las facilidades a los novatos. Al menos alguno de ellos
ha tenido el valor de decir que se sienten un poco olvidados. 
Seguramente hay muchos más que no dicen nada, asi que por eso me he
permitido este comentario. 

Nuevamente gracias a todos los traductores.


Antonio Castro

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))


1999-11-20 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Con el paquete 'kbd' viene una cantidad ingente de información y
documentación sobre DVORAK (/usr/doc/kbd/dvorak/. Incluso podeis ver
un GIF de la disposición de teclado del susodicho.

Para los curiosos aquí se puede ver una aproximación:

  { }
  P Y F G C R L ? +
A O E U I D H T N S _
 : Q J K X B M W V Z

  [ ]
   ' , . p y f g c r l / =
a o e u i d h t n s -
 ; q j k x b m w v z

Como os podeis fijar no existen por ningún lado las letras 'DVORAK'.
Imagino que como DVORAK es un apellido checoslovaco, el nombre viene
del inventor de esta configuración.

Por cierto que hasta hay una norma ANSI sobre DVORAK.

Lo que pasa es que pensad primero que para adquirir velocidad en un
teclado DVORAK hay que aprenderselo de memoria. Y eso ya va a suponer
un montón de esfuerzo. Eso me recuerda a algunos que trabajan en
empresas francesas y les obligan a usar el AZERTY. A lo mejor no
merece la pena el cambio. 

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

11/19   (11/19/1863) Gettysburg Address delivered. 
11/19   (11/19/1921) Roy Campanella, baseball hall-of-famer. 

Bash Fuera

1999-11-20 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos

Bueno, vengo q contaros una idea descabellada que se me ha ocurrido.
Quería eliminar 'bash' de mi sistema. (La verdad sería de los pocos
sistemas Linux sin Bash instalado).

En plan usuario no me preocupa absolutamente nada, porque llevo
usando 4 años el 'zsh' (más opciones, menos memoria).

Lo que me preocupa es que 'Bash' es la shell del sistema y todos los
scripts de arranque la usan. Y no me apetecería nada rearancar el
equipo y que no me cargara.

Según las dependencias sólo el 'bug' depende de 'bash'. Por tanto en
teoría puedo sacar todo del sistema.

En vez de 'bash' metería en mi sistema el 'ash' que cumple con todos
los requesitos de un buen '/bin/sh', siendo más pequeño y más seguro.

¿Alguien tiene experiencia en el tema y me puede decir que esto no me
va a dar problemas?

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

11/20   Duane Allman is born in Nashville, Tennessee, 1946
11/20   Joe Walsh is born in Cleveland, 1947
11/20   (11/20/1877) First recorded human speech (Mary Had a Little Lamb, 
11/20   (11/20/1889) Edwin Powell Hubble, astronomer. 

Re: AMD K7 y compatibilidad en Linux

1999-11-20 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 18 de noviembre de 1999 a la(s) 10:14:20 -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello 

El problema aquí es que (por lo visto) el LBA está limitado a 1024/255/63
lo cual es bastante preocupante, pues (no había caído en cuenta) esto
limita las capacidades de los discos duros a 8.4GB (para calcular la
capacidad del disco usa esto: Cilindros*Cabezas*Sectores*512)

 Cierto. Yo tengo un disco de 10 Gb y lo particioné con el fdisk
 de  Linux, pero  dejando una  particioncita de  uindonz para  jugar
 luego con el partition  magic 4. El caso es que  el PM no arrancaba
 porque decía que  había un error en el particionado.  Vamos, que el
 uindonz sólo me ve los 8 Gb que la BIOS le dice que hay.

 Ahora que  hay un GNU Parted  (como el PM pero  para Linux), me
 cargaré la partición del diablo ese y aprovecharé los 10 Gb  :^).


 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.13Linux Registered User #87069

Re: Cambio entre ttys

1999-11-20 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 18 de noviembre de 1999 a la(s) 15:47:03 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Para cambiar desde un xserver a cualquier tty no hay que pulsar CTRL+ALT+F4

 Sí, pero yo estaba acostumbrado a usar consola, donde sólo hace
 falta Alt. Por eso tuve que cambiar lo del ice.

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.13Linux Registered User #87069

Re: Necesito info sobre... (Parte II)

1999-11-20 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 19 de noviembre de 1999 a la(s) 23:36:28 +0100, Jesus Rodrigo 

De todas formas, eso del MDA... No sé, me parece un intruso (hace
funciones del MTA (repartir correo) y del MDA (tratarlo).

 Lo puedes usar  sin que sendmail sepa nada de  él. Creo que con
 la presencia de un ~/.procmailrc ya llega. Lo pones a tu gusto y lo
 organizas como tú quieres.


 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.13Linux Registered User #87069

Nueva ACTUALIZACION de mi web, nuevos paquetes para Slink

1999-11-20 Thread Paco Brufal

Aprovechando que CTV ha subido la cuota de disco a 15 megas, he
aprovechado y he subido un MONTON de paquetes más para Debian Slink (pero
son versiones para Potato). Os pongo aqui la página para que veais la lista


 Software para GNU/Linux Debian

  Estos paquetes para GNU/Linux Debian NO SON OFICIALES, es decir, no 
forman parte de
 ninguna distribución. Estos paquetes son específicos para la distrbución 
Debian Slink
(glibc 2), pero las versiones corresponden a la distribución Debian Potato 
(glibc 2.1).
  Estos paquetes están creados a partir de los fuentes de Potato, 
compilados en Slink,
excepto alguno especial, que ni siquiera se encuentra en Potato.
  En conclusión: NO me responsabilizo de los daños (de todo tipo) que pueda 
causar la
instalación o utilización de estos programas, yo los he instalado/usado y 
no me han dado
   ninguna clase de problema.

 Nota: En Netscape, pulsa SHIFT+link para llevarte el archivo.

   Window Manager
 * afterstep_1.6.10-1_i386.deb
 * apt_0.3.11_i386.deb
 * menu_2.1.2-1_i386.deb
 * autoconf_2.13-7_all.deb
 * automake_1.4-2_all.deb
 * debhelper_2.0.18_all.deb
 * glade_0.5.1-1_i386.deb GLADE con soporte para GNOME.
 * glade_0.5.1-1_i386.deb GLADE sin soporte para GNOME.
 * libaudiofile-dev_0.1.7-2_i386.deb
 * libglib1.2-dev_1.2.5-1_i386.deb (*)
 * libgtk1.2-dev_1.2.5-1_i386.deb (*)
 * libxml-dev_1.7.3-1_i386.deb
 * gmc_4.5.37-2_i386.deb Gestor de Archivos para GNOME. Incluye Midnight 
Commander en
   modo texto.
 * mc_4.5.37-2_i386.deb Midnight Commander.
 * libaudiofile0_0.1.7-2_i386.deb
 * libglib1.2_1.2.5-1_i386.deb (*)
 * libgtk1.2_1.2.5-1_i386.deb (*)
 * libmime-base64-perl_2.11-2_i386.deb
 * liburi-perl_1.03-2_all.deb
 * libxml1_1.7.3-1_i386.deb
 * sp_1.3.3-1.2.1-9_i386.deb James Clark's SGML parsing tools.
 * manpages-es_1.24a-1_all.deb Páginas de manual en castellano.
 * manpages-es-extra_0.8a-1_all.deb Páginas extra de manual en castellano.
 * gnu-standards_2.13-7_all.deb
 * mpg123_0.59q-2_i386.deb Mpg123 con optimización para procesadores AMD K6.
 * ppp_2.3.10-2_i386.deb
 * ppp-pam_2.3.10-2_i386.deb
 * gnome-bin_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * gnome-dev-doc_1.0.50-0.2_all.deb
 * gnome-faq_1.0.50-0.2_all.deb
 * gnome-libs-data_1.0.50-0.2_all.deb
 * libart-dev_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libart2_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libgnome-dev_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libgnome32_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libgnomesupport0_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libgnomeui32_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libgnorba-dev_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libgnorba27_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libgnorbagtk0_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libgtkxmhtml-dev_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libgtkxmhtml1_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libzvt-dev_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * libzvt2_1.0.50-0.2_i386.deb
 * liborbit-dev_0.5.0-0.1_i386.deb
 * liborbit0_0.5.0-0.1_i386.deb
 * orbit_0.5.0-0.1_i386.deb
 * imlib-base_1.9.7-2_all.deb
 * imlib-dev_1.9.7-2_i386.deb
 * imlib-progs_1.9.7-2_i386.deb
 * imlib1_1.9.7-2_i386.deb
 * gdk-imlib1_1.9.7-2_i386.deb
 * gdk-imlib-dev_1.9.7-2_i386.deb
   (*) NOTA: Para instalar esta versión es necesario instalar antes el paquete 
de desarrollo
   (dev) y después el paquete con las librerias.
   Página realizada por Paco Brufal, (c) 1999

Si encontrais algún error, no dudeis en decirmelo :)

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...The Mixer. Cixx. 1996
--- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Nueva ACTUALIZACION de mi web, nuevos paquetes para Slink (otia!)

1999-11-20 Thread Paco Brufal

X' Se me olvidaba poner el link O:

Ale, a disfrutar :P

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Loud As Fuck (54321 Mix). Dj Sim. 1996
--- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: Necesito info sobre... (Parte II)

1999-11-20 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El vie, 19 de nov de 1999, a las 11:36:28 +0100,  Jesus Rodrigo  va y dice:

 Pero hablaba del MDA en general, además de procmail, hay más
 (deliver). Ya sé +o- de qué va el procmail y con mi MUA me sobra (hace
 eso y más). :P
 Dije gestiona el spool por algo...

ahhh O:)

 De todas formas, eso del MDA... No sé, me parece un intruso (hace
 funciones del MTA (repartir correo) y del MDA (tratarlo).

si eso es cierto, de todas formas su fuerte es el MDA ;)

tambien algunos MTA como smail o exim pueden tratar correo sin embargo su
punto fuerte no es ese :P

y tb hay algunos que hacen de todo, al menos por lo que dicen los emacseros O:)

 Por cierto, el spam es mejor tratarlo en el sendmail (el acces
 db). Con el procmail ya es tarde (lo tienes ya en tu disco, *creo*).

Depende de donde tengas el .procmailrc 

En mi caso subo por ftp un .procmailrc al sitio de donde bajo el correo y ni
me entero del spam, también contesto a determinados mails con un attach (200Ks)
y esa parte la tengo en el procmailrc del ISP. El que tengo en mi maquina se 
sobre todo de repartir correo pero para el spam, etc.. el otro :-) 

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/201.9

... !Me llamo mulo, y hablando no podrás salvar tu culo! - Pulp Fiction

Re: Debian, instalacion, mantenimiento de paquetes. Sugerencias.

1999-11-20 Thread Andres Herrera

On Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 12:43:44PM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:
Yo veo perfecto que exista una Debian y una SuSE tan distintas.

Sasto. Hoy en dia la gente empieza por una distribucion facil, pero acaba
llegando a Debian tal como es ahora mismo. En cambio, tal y como es Debian hoy
en dia, son muy pocos los que dejan Debian para irse a una distribucion facil.

Nunca va a existir nada perfecto: hay que especializarse. Si Linux sigue
progresando como hasta ahora, hay usuarios para todo tipo de distribuciones, e
iran evolucionando los propios usuarios como ya lo hacemos hoy en dia.

   QQ   | N.66054
  Q  Q  | POWERED BY Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.13| Andres Herrera
  QQ Q!! Yo EXIJO drivers para Linux !!| Miembro del Grupo LIMA
 QQ   Q|

Description: PGP signature

Re: ¿Me atacan?

1999-11-20 Thread Juan Leseduarte
On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 07:52:52PM +0100, Juanmi Mora wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 08:40:04PM +0100, Juan Leseduarte wrote:
Nov 15 22:24:47 beta tcplogd: port 3717 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:24:48 beta tcplogd: port 3591 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:24:56 beta tcplogd: port 3782 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:25:02 beta tcplogd: port 3843 connection attempt from ...
 A mí si que me han intentado entrar... y por desconocimiento casi lo 
 al menos eso creo :-?
 Por lo visto, estuvo haciendo rlogins, rcd, finger, etc. Al final, parece
 que hizo un telnet :-(
 Atención todos los que vais al ierrecé es una caja de bombas!!!
Bueno, yo hace mucho que no me conecto al irc, esto me pasó al hacer ftp a, y puedo asegurar que es el mismo sitio desde donde me
$ host   CNAME   CNAME A


This message was sent by Mutt under Linux

Re: Mail och ljud

1999-11-20 Thread peter karlsson
Karl B Werf:

 2) Det här är egentligen inte ett problem men jag funderade på om det
 finns något mail-program till både Linux och w98 som dessutom har samma
 format på sina filer i bägge os:en så att man kan ha samma mail vilket
 os man än har igång för tillfället. 

Pine ska mig veterligen klara av att bolla mellan filerna under Windows och
Linux, även om jag har för mig att standardformaten det sparar i är olika.

peter -

Re: E-Mail em rede (1/2 problema resolvido)

1999-11-20 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
veja a edição 42 e 43 do linuxgazette. Tem um artigo que explica como
fazer isto no exim. Eu uso em casa e funciona beleza

Segui as instruções da página recomendada, usei os exemplos do  
Offline-mailing How-To, Mail-HowTo, os arquivos de exemplo e nada!

Ai então resolvi dar outra lida na manual pages do fetchmail e 
fuçar em mais algumas outras opções e consegui resolver o 
problema usando a opção fetchall (-a) junto ao fetchmail.

Achei que estava ficando burro no Linux! ;-) Parece brincadeira 
mais o servidor pop3 do provedor não aceitava nenhum outro método 
a não ser que fosse junto com esta opção para pegar as mensagens! 
Já vale como experiência.

Só falta agora um bom servidor pop3 para comunicação com o Netscape 
e os Rwindows da rede com o servidor de mensagens da rede. Qual 
servidor pop3 vocês me recomendariam?

Desde já agradeço!

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse e Vote!

Re: sem assunto

1999-11-20 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
 Ai então resolvi dar outra lida na manual pages do fetchmail e 
 fuçar em mais algumas outras opções e consegui resolver o 
 problema usando a opção fetchall (-a) junto ao fetchmail.

Hmm... Isso significa que as mensagens no servidor pop3 estavam marcadas
como lidas. Alguém acessou o inbox via IMAP ou telnet no provedor? ou usando
pop mesmo, mas com leave message at server ?

 Achei que estava ficando burro no Linux! ;-) Parece brincadeira 
 mais o servidor pop3 do provedor não aceitava nenhum outro método 
 a não ser que fosse junto com esta opção para pegar as mensagens! 
 Já vale como experiência.

Verifique se o servidor pop3 do seu provedor presta. Tem uma opção do
fetchmail que irá te informar a versão do dito cujo (-v acho). O
fetchmailconf (ou seja lá como chama aquele script :-) ) vai te informar se
o servidor pop3 tem algum problema se você usá-lo para autodetecção. Use-o,
nem que seja para dar um sair sem salvar a configuração, é uma boa

Você pode descobrir que vai ter que reclamar com o provedor... (boa sorte se
for o caso :-) ).

Um aviso: Se você não quiser se arrepender da existência com panes no
multi-drop do fetchmail, arrume com o provedor para ele colocar um header
(Delivered-to: é o recomendado) que contém o envelope sender (o RCPT TO:
duma sessão SMTP). Ou isso, ou você vai ter um monte de email empilhada no
inbox do postmaster ;-)

Já conhecendo o suporte técnico da maior parte dos provedores, diz pra eles
que é pra controle de spam, e já manda o patch pra configuração de seja lá
qual MTA eles usarem. É só procurar na rede.

Alguns MTA (Postfix por exemplo -- recomendo, mas é beta) acrescentam
Return-path: e Delivered-To: já de fábrica... quem dera o Sendmail fizesse
isso. A maior parte dos provedores deixar habilitado o negócio sem nem
sequer notar ^_-

Quer uma prova? Testa mail para [EMAIL PROTECTED], onde [EMAIL PROTECTED] é
seu email, e extension é algum texto...  MUITO útil.

 Só falta agora um bom servidor pop3 para comunicação com o Netscape 
 e os Rwindows da rede com o servidor de mensagens da rede. Qual 
 servidor pop3 vocês me recomendariam?

Qualcomm qpopper é o que vejo recomendando por aí:

(-- do: fetchmail FAQ):
S1. How can I use fetchmail with qpopper?

   Qualcomm's qpopper is probably the best-of-breed among POP3 servers,
   and is very widely deployed. Nevertheless, it has some problems which

O fetchmailconf(?) recomenda usar o 3.algo beta, devido a um problema no

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh 

Re: E-Mail em rede (1/2 problema resolvido)

1999-11-20 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Desculpe, a mensagem anterior veio sem assunto.

Henrique M Holschuh escreveu:
 Ai então resolvi dar outra lida na manual pages do fetchmail 
 e fuçar em mais algumas outras opções e consegui resolver o 
 problema usando a opção fetchall (-a) junto ao fetchmail.

Hmm... Isso significa que as mensagens no servidor pop3 estavam 
marcadas como lidas. Alguém acessou o inbox via IMAP ou telnet no 
provedor? ou usando pop mesmo, mas com leave message at server ?

Não, isso que era mais estranho, eu enviei várias vezes mensagens 
de meu endereço eletrônico e tentei acessar através de uma única 
tentativa, dando o mesmo erro. Isto não ocorria nas estações 

Verifique se o servidor pop3 do seu provedor presta. Tem uma opção do
fetchmail que irá te informar a versão do dito cujo (-v acho). O
fetchmailconf (ou seja lá como chama aquele script :-) ) vai te 
informar se o servidor pop3 tem algum problema se você usá-lo para 
autodetecção. Use-o, nem que seja para dar um sair sem salvar a 
configuração, é uma boa idéia...

Não é meu provedor. Tenho certeza que usa NT por causa do cabeçalho 
das mensagens (acho que o pop é NTmail ou Exchange alguma coisa 
assim, eu tenho que dar uma olhada nas mensagens da rede para ter 

Você pode descobrir que vai ter que reclamar com o provedor... (boa 
sorte se for o caso :-) ).

Um aviso: Se você não quiser se arrepender da existência com panes no
multi-drop do fetchmail, arrume com o provedor para ele colocar um 
header (Delivered-to: é o recomendado) que contém o envelope sender 
(o RCPT TO: duma sessão SMTP). Ou isso, ou você vai ter um monte de 
email empilhada no inbox do postmaster ;-)

He he!

Já conhecendo o suporte técnico da maior parte dos provedores, diz pra 
eles que é pra controle de spam, e já manda o patch pra configuração de 
seja lá qual MTA eles usarem. É só procurar na rede.

Alguns MTA (Postfix por exemplo -- recomendo, mas é beta) acrescentam
Return-path: e Delivered-To: já de fábrica... quem dera o Sendmail 
fizesse isso. A maior parte dos provedores deixar habilitado o negócio 
sem nem sequer notar ^_-

Quer uma prova? Testa mail para [EMAIL PROTECTED], onde 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] é seu email, e extension é algum texto...MUITO útil.

Legal Henrique! valeu pelas dicas. Me animei mais pelo assunto, vou 
dar uma estudada mais profunda no sistema de controle de mensagens.
Interessante é que não encontrei nada sobre isto nos How-tos.

 Só falta agora um bom servidor pop3 para comunicação com o Netscape 
 e os Rwindows da rede com o servidor de mensagens da rede. Qual 
 servidor pop3 vocês me recomendariam?

Qualcomm qpopper é o que vejo recomendando por aí:

Vou baixar hoje mesmo e começar os testes! :-)


MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse e Vote!

Re: Freezing a package on Debian installation

1999-11-20 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 20 Nov, Bart Szyszka wrote about Freezing a package on Debian 
 I'm having trouble finding a command that would allow me to
 specify to not allow Debian to upgrade a specific package or
 to install it if it doesn't exist. I thought it might be at apt-get
 -h or dpkg -h, but I didn't find anything there. Debian gets messed
 up on my end before I get a chance to install the packages for
 the man command (why isn't it included in the base installation
 of Debian?!?) so I don't have that yet.

The only interactive way to hold back a package is in dselect with the
'=' key.  You can also edit /var/lib/dpkg/status and change the Status:
line of the package you want to hold back from:

Status: install ok installed


Status: hold ok installed

The man-db package is not installed because it is too big to include on
the base system.  This topic has been discussed before on many of the
debian-* lists, check the archives.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Subject: Can Debian users install the new Corel packages?

1999-11-20 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I am interested in trying out some of the new Corel
apps like the file
manager. Is it possible to get hold of individual
apps from the new
ditribution without downloading the whole iso file? I
assume I would be
legally permitted to use individual components like
this . . 

As corel's packages are glibc2.0 based they should
work well in slink.  I downloaded the cd and installed
wxftp from the .deb using dpkg -i.  WXFTP is a real
nice graphical front end to ftp, though I don't think
it is free, it might make the contrib section.  I have
used the windows version and I like it because it has
a progress meter.  Anyway I had no problems installing
it from the corel distro.

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

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Re: eth0: promiscuous

1999-11-20 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 What does eth0: Setting promiscuous mode mean? And where to find
 information about?

During normal operation, all ethernet traffic on the local ethernet
segment is seen by everyone on the segment.  By default ethernet card
discards any data packets (called frames) that aren't meant for it, based
on the MAC address it was told to use and the MAC addresses in the header
of each frame.  When it gets a frame meant for it, it raises a hardware
interrupt, at which time the operating system performs whatever it needs
to do to get the information from the ethernet card.

When in promiscuous mode, the ethernet card raises an interrupt at _every_
data packet that comes across the wire, and lets the operating system
decide what to do with it.  Very useful for stuff like packet sniffers.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: instalation

1999-11-20 Thread Ben Collins
On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 08:58:42PM +0100, luis wrote:
 hello everybody:
 i am installing debian in the following box: amd athlon 550 mhz, 13.6
 gb hd, 128 mb ram
 when i give enter to the rescue floppy (at installation) the process
 stops at:
 md driver 0.36.3 MAX_HD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
 it seems to me that the machine hangs when looking for some SCCI card
 how can i proceed with the instalation ?

Believe it or not, it will continue after about 15 minutes. I'm not sure
of the problem, but I've seen it once or twice myself.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: login script

1999-11-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 02:05:56PM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 after fixing my keyboard settings with xkeycaps, it told me to modify my
 login script to contain a line like
 xmodemap~ ... etc
 Where is my login script? I already learned to vi a text file (from
 windows to unix-linux there is a lot to learn!!!), but first I need to
 find the script. Please help. Thanks

You have to create one. Create a file called .xsession in your $HOME
directory. Minimally, it will need to look similar to the following.

xmodmap [your arguments here]
xterm# start with an xterm opened
exec fvwm # change this to your favorite windowmanager

Make this file executable: $ chmod +x $HOME/.xsession

Restart X. You may or may not need to make a symlink to ~/.xsession if
you are starting X from the command line rather than from xdm. I think,
debian has it setup so this isn't necessary, but if your script isn't
being executed, try: $ ln -s .xsession .xinitrc .

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Mgetty not connecting at 56 Kbs

1999-11-20 Thread iehrenwald

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

   I'm building an ISP and I have 56 Kbs modem's and configured mgetty but
 I cant connect with my clients above 31200 kbs.
   What can be wrong?

Right.  You cannot do 56k - 56k using modems.  You have to have
USR/3Com's specialized hardware rack modem setup in order to do 56k to
your customers.  Unless you invest in one of these, you will only connect
at 33600 maximum.

--Ian Ehrenwald

Re: Forcing Netscape to use MTA

1999-11-20 Thread Matthew W. Roberts
Hi Dave,

Sorry it took so long to get back to you.

Netscape says this:

The mail server responded:

relaying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] prohibited by Administrator

Please check the message recipients and try again.

This has to be a Netscape thing, though, because Mutt works just fine.
I have also set the exim configuration file to accept localhost.
My guess is that Netscape expects SMTP type response from my system
but is not getting it, so it aborts.  I'm wondering if it is possible
to get Netscape to use MTA `protocols' instead.

Now, as you can probably tell, I'm not a mail guru so the above may
not make any sense.  Really, the issue is that Mutt works just fine
and as expected, but Netscape has problems.



Matthew Roberts

Structural Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas AM University

You know that feeling when you're leaning back on a stool and
it starts to tip over?  Well, that's how I feel all the time.
   -- Steven Wright

On Nov 05, 1999 at 05:44:33PM, Dave Baker wrote:
 On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Matthew W. Roberts wrote:
  My slink box is using a dial up connection with exim.  When I enter
  localhost as the outgoing server, Netscape complains.  I've configured
  exim as a `satellite' system -- is this the problem?  Is there any
  way to force Netscape to use exim configured this way?
 What is the complaint?  (error message text, etc)
 Could be that exim hasn't been told to relay for localhost?
| oOOooO   /  
  --|oOobodoO/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --| ooOoOo   /
|   II   / The wise man tells you where you have fallen
|   II /  and where you may fall - Invaluable secrets.

kerneld won't go away!

1999-11-20 Thread Stuart Ballard
Why is it that, even after religiously running update-rc.d -f kerneld
remove and /etc/init.d/kerneld stop, kerneld keeps coming back every
time the modutils package is upgraded?

I get a warning that I almost certainly shouldn't be running it, and
then it starts it back up and installs it back into rc.d.

How do I make kerneld go away?


PS does *anyone* know what's up with mozilla? Will debian ever get M11?

Re: Can't make menuconfig

1999-11-20 Thread Martin Fluch

On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Kent West wrote:

 I can make config and make xconfig but I can not make menuconfig.
 When I try, I get the following:
 westk03:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
 rm -f include/asm
 ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)


 In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
 dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
 make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
 westk03:/usr/src/linux# exit
 Can anyone suggest a fix? Thanks!

apt-get install libncurses4-dev


- -- 
Where do you want to go today? - As far from Redmond as possible!

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


RE: eth0: promiscuous

1999-11-20 Thread gsublett

On 20-Nov-99 Alberto Maurizi wrote:
   What does eth0: Setting promiscuous mode mean?
   And where to find information about?

Basically if the interface is set to promiscuous mode, the interface listens
to all packets on the network instead of only those addressed to it.  It
is normally used for trouble shooting - some sniffer and tcpip monitoring
utilities will put the interface into this mode. This mode can be set/reset
with ifconfig. Try man ifconfig.

Re: Can't make menuconfig

1999-11-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
You need the ncurses package installed. I believe you need
libncurses4-dev (in potato) or ncurses-dev (in slink).
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Can't make menuconfig

1999-11-20 Thread Remco van 't Veer
From Packages.gz:

  Package: kernel-source-2.0.36
  Suggests: ncurses-dev, tk-dev

My apt says:

  Package ncurses-dev is a virtual package provided by:
libncurses4-dev 4.2-3

So you should install libncurses4-dev.


On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 14:17, Kent West wrote:

 I can make config and make xconfig but I can not make menuconfig.
 When I try, I get the following:
 westk03:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
 rm -f include/asm
 ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
 make -C scripts/lxdialog all
 make[1]: Entering directory
 gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE 
 -DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
 In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
 dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
 make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
 westk03:/usr/src/linux# exit
 Can anyone suggest a fix? Thanks!

arrangements social detonator confidential IRT SARIN Northold Delta Force
PLO explosion SDI coup FNLC CNT-FAI Noriega grenade cartel XTC Khaddafi

Re: Can't make menuconfig

1999-11-20 Thread Ribamar FS

Menuconfig require ncurses!

Kent West escreveu:
 I can make config and make xconfig but I can not make menuconfig.
 When I try, I get the following:
 westk03:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
 rm -f include/asm
 ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
 make -C scripts/lxdialog all
 make[1]: Entering directory
 gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE
 -DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
 In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
 dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
 make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
 westk03:/usr/src/linux# exit
 Can anyone suggest a fix? Thanks!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ribamar FS  UIN 11.899.871
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Vamos catalogar o Linux no Brasil?:

Re: recommend mp3 encoder

1999-11-20 Thread Remco van 't Veer

I am sure BladeEnc can do it.


On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 15:55, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 Hi all:
 I'm looking for the highest compression quality possible. I don't care
 about speed (nor about interface) at all. Is there anything compareable
 to Fraunhoffer encoder under win32 for Linux?
 I'll be encoding wavs into 256 KBps mp3's.
 Thanks for any input.
 Arcady Genkin
 'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
 loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

Marxist samizdat Kennedy KFOR NORAD CIA FNLC Peking DES explosion
arrangements Kropotkin social domestic disruption SEAL Team 6 Desi Bouterse

Re: Can't make menuconfig

1999-11-20 Thread Dave Baker
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Kent West wrote:

 I can make config and make xconfig but I can not make menuconfig.
 When I try, I get the following:

I'm going to make the connection and presume you're trying to compile the
kernel.  It'd normally help if you say which kernel you're compiling since
that could possibly make a difference; also which version of debian you're
using ...

 dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory

this is the key to the error you're getting.  you need to install the
curses development package.  On my potato I find this file in the
libncurses4-dev package.

normally I've fire up console-apt (or dselect/whatever) and search through
for everything with 'curses' in the name to see if anything comes up that
I think I need as well.

if not, then:  apt-get install libncurses4 libncurses4-dev

it's possible that the first one will report as already being installed.


   | oOOooO   /  
 --|oOobodoO/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --| ooOoOo   /
   |   II   / The wise man tells you where you have fallen
   |   II /  and where you may fall - Invaluable secrets.

Re: problem with slink -- potato

1999-11-20 Thread Ron Farrer
Joost Witteveen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Did you try --force-overwrite ?

Thanks, that fixed that probem. Now:

Setting up xonix (1.4-13) ...
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/sbin/suidregister line 92.
suidregister: bartw: no such user
dpkg: error processing xonix (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Setting up elm-me+ (2.4pl25ME+65-1) ...
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/sbin/suidregister line 92.
suidregister: jgoerzen: no such user
dpkg: error processing elm-me+ (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Setting up synaesthesia (2.0-1) ...
suidregister: /usr/bin/synaesthesia not found
dpkg: error processing synaesthesia (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1



= Ronald Burnett Farrer =
- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
-; -

inst 2

1999-11-20 Thread luis
hello everybody

i have changed the kernel compressed image to a 2.2.13 in the rescue
disk, but obviously the kernel can not mount any root fs, because i am
trying to install debian

using an athlon processor, trying to install debian

how can i make a rescue disk with a 2.2.13 kernel?

or more generally, how can i install debian for athlon?


Re: Can't make menuconfig

1999-11-20 Thread Bob Nielsen
Install libncurses4-dev

On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 02:17:26PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
 I can make config and make xconfig but I can not make menuconfig.
 When I try, I get the following:
 westk03:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
 rm -f include/asm
 ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
 make -C scripts/lxdialog all
 make[1]: Entering directory
 gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE 
 -DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
 In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
 dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
 make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
 westk03:/usr/src/linux# exit
 Can anyone suggest a fix? Thanks!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Can't make menuconfig

1999-11-20 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 20 Nov, Kent West wrote about Can't make menuconfig
 I can make config and make xconfig but I can not make menuconfig.
 When I try, I get the following:
 westk03:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
 rm -f include/asm
 ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
 make -C scripts/lxdialog all
 make[1]: Entering directory
 gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE 
 -DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
 In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
 dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory

 make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
 westk03:/usr/src/linux# exit
 Can anyone suggest a fix? Thanks!

apt-get install libncurses4-dev

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: Can't make menuconfig

1999-11-20 Thread Frank Copeland
Kent West wrote:
I can make config and make xconfig but I can not make menuconfig.
When I try, I get the following:

westk03:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE 
-DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
westk03:/usr/src/linux# exit

Can anyone suggest a fix? Thanks!

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -S curses.h
libncurses4-dev: /usr/include/curses.h
libncurses4-dev: /usr/include/ncurses.h

Try installing the libncurses4-dev package.

Home Page: URL: 
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Keep it in Usenet. E-mail replies and 'courtesy' copies are not welcome.
If you're selling, I ain't buying. 


1999-11-20 Thread GECOS

Rick Knebel

RE: kerneld won't go away!

1999-11-20 Thread Brendon Baumgartner
I added a line noauto in /etc/modules file

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Stuart Ballard
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 1999 1:57 PM
Subject: kerneld won't go away!

Why is it that, even after religiously running update-rc.d -f kerneld
remove and /etc/init.d/kerneld stop, kerneld keeps coming back every
time the modutils package is upgraded?

I get a warning that I almost certainly shouldn't be running it, and
then it starts it back up and installs it back into rc.d.

How do I make kerneld go away?


PS does *anyone* know what's up with mozilla? Will debian ever get M11?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


1999-11-20 Thread GECOS

Rick Knebel

Re: kerneld won't go away!

1999-11-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 09:57:20PM +, Stuart Ballard wrote:
 Why is it that, even after religiously running update-rc.d -f kerneld
 remove and /etc/init.d/kerneld stop, kerneld keeps coming back every
 time the modutils package is upgraded?
Leave at least one kill link behind.
So... 'update-rc.d -f kerneld remove', 
then 'update-rc.d kerneld stop 12 6 .'

update-rc.d figures if you don't have any links then when the package is
updated, all default links should be created.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Netatalk works/doesn't work

1999-11-20 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
I'm using netatalk on three machines on my LAN: my workstation
(PII/350, Realtek 8139), the server/gateway (PII/400, Realtek 8139)
and the printer server (486DX50, 3Com 509). All are running current
potato and 2.2.13.

There appears to be a problem with atalkd on bootup on the two PII

Starting Appletalk Daemons (this will take a while):socket: Invalid argument
socket: Invalid argument
atalkd: can't get interfaces, exiting.
atalkd afpd papd.

This causes the Mac on the network to fail to see the server in
Chooser (typing the IP address works okay). Bizarrely, the 486
doesn't have this problem, boots up cleanly and is seen in

What could be causing this problem? I don't even understand the
error message, nevermind how to fix it.

alisdair mcdiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[funny how everything i swore i wouldn't change, is different now]

user edit

1999-11-20 Thread GECOS
I know how to add and selete users but how do you edit an existing user?


Rick Knebel


1999-11-20 Thread GECOS
I am trying to filter my mail with procmail.
I gues in debian you need a forward file.
Every time I try to use the .forward file all my mail disappears.

I will attach jmy .forward file with this message.
It is called rick right now since I do not want it to work.

Rick Knebel
|IFS=' '  exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #rknebel

Re: Subject: Can Debian users install the new Corel packages?

1999-11-20 Thread Joey Hess
Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 As corel's packages are glibc2.0 based they should
 work well in slink.  I downloaded the cd and installed
 wxftp from the .deb using dpkg -i.  WXFTP is a real
 nice graphical front end to ftp, though I don't think
 it is free, it might make the contrib section.

You mean like this?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] locate wxftp | grep /slink/ 

It's been in debian for years, the version in corel is the exact same
version in slink.

I would reccommend _against_ installing corel-kde on a debian system. It may
well work on a slink system, but it is known to break upgrades to potato.

see shy jo

Re: mixviews or mix?

1999-11-20 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, Ian Stirling wrote:

 : Nathan E Norman wrote:
 :  The jernel sources have the kernel headers.  Debian used to have (and
 :  still has, I presume) a kernel-headers package for those who don't wish
 :  to download 16MB of source.
 : OK Nathan.  I altered the 'Makefile' to point to
 : the kernel headers, that's how I compiled the Creative
 : source code. Some of the the required header files for
 : compiling 'mix' are not there though.

Which ones?

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

lic-0.71-3 segfault

1999-11-20 Thread
Licq segfaults on startup when I try and
register.  I've removed .licq, purged and
reinstalled licq and licq-plugin-qt2,
tried copying over parts and all of the
old .licq.

The register window starts to come up,
then it segfaults.

This problem seems to be my own as I
haven't seen other complaints about this
version.  I should know by now to save
an older working version.

Any ideas appreciated.  (any other
decent icq debs?)

--== Sent via ==--
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Re: Mgetty not connecting at 56 Kbs

1999-11-20 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 : On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 : Hi,
 : I'm building an ISP and I have 56 Kbs modem's and configured mgetty but
 :  I cant connect with my clients above 31200 kbs.
 : What can be wrong?
 : Right.  You cannot do 56k - 56k using modems.  You have to have
 : USR/3Com's specialized hardware rack modem setup in order to do 56k to
 : your customers.  Unless you invest in one of these, you will only connect
 : at 33600 maximum.

Naturally you can invest in ANY manufacturer's digital modem equipment
and do 56k; USR doesn't have a monopoly.  We use Nortel's RAC-8000, I
don't recommend that product however :)

Has anyone recommendations for or against other equipment?

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: recommend mp3 encoder

1999-11-20 Thread Nathan E Norman
On 20 Nov 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 : Hi all:
 : I'm looking for the highest compression quality possible. I don't care
 : about speed (nor about interface) at all. Is there anything compareable
 : to Fraunhoffer encoder under win32 for Linux?
 : I'll be encoding wavs into 256 KBps mp3's.

BladeENC is what I use ... currently at

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Can't make menuconfig

1999-11-20 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Ribamar FS wrote:

 : Hello!
 : Menuconfig require ncurses!

More to the point, it requires libncurses4-dev

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Forcing Netscape to use MTA

1999-11-20 Thread Brian May
 Matthew == Matthew W Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Matthew This has to be a Netscape thing, though, because Mutt
Matthew works just fine.  I have also set the exim configuration
Matthew file to accept localhost. 

I will assume you mean here that you have configured exim to relay
mail coming from localhost. Otherwise, please do so...

Matthew My guess is that Netscape
Matthew expects SMTP type response from my system but is not
Matthew getting it, so it aborts.  I'm wondering if it is
Matthew possible to get Netscape to use MTA `protocols' instead.

Sorry, I missed the start of this thread, so I might have missed

What hostname do you have netscape try to connect to?

If you use localhost port 25, then I agree, you do have a Netscape

If, on the other hand, you have configured netscape to connect
to hostname port 25 (where hostname!=localhost), then you
will need to configure exim to accept connections from hostname, as
well as localhost.

Remember TCP considers localhost and hostname to be two completely
different addresses, even if they do happen to correspond to the same

Matthew Now, as you can probably tell, I'm not a mail guru so the
Matthew above may not make any sense.  Really, the issue is that
Matthew Mutt works just fine and as expected, but Netscape has
Matthew problems.

I think non-broken programs should send mail via /usr/sbin/sendmail,
in which case, mail relaying isn't required. Obviously, Netscape
doesn't fit this category ;-).

Probably mutt does the correct thing, hence doesn't have any problems.

Gnumeric fonts missing

1999-11-20 Thread John Stevenson
Hello all,

I have come across a problem with gnumeric, when I run it I get the following 

~$ gnumeric
Gnumeric failed to find a suitable default font.
Please verify your gnome-print installation and that your fontmap file
(typically located in /usr/local/share/fonts/fontmap) is not empty or
near empty.
If you still have no luck, please file a proper bug report (see including the following extra items:
1. Values of LC_ALL and LANG environment variables.
2. Your fontmap file, see above.
Thanks -- the Gnumeric Team

I have checked the path to the fonts and it does not exist.  Am I missing a 
??  I havent over-ridden any dependancies and I usually select things that are

Any suggestions to fix this problem ???


Re: Truetype font sizes and Netscape

1999-11-20 Thread Curt Daugaard
Try the remedies outlined at this site:

It puts many things right, including your problem with Netscape.

Hope it helps.

Curt Daugaard

On Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 03:24:49PM -0500, Charles Gates wrote:
 I installed xfstt without problems, but I can't figure out how to get
 Netscape to change the font size on a font and remember that size for
 the next time Netscape is run.  I like the ttfs but the point size is
 simply too small.  Any suggestions? TIA
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ipchains and DNS problem

1999-11-20 Thread fairfax
I have ipchains working, but my workstations cannot get out to the internet 
because of a DNS problem.  (When I try to ping any host from the workstations I 
get the message Host not found.)

I have kernel 2.2.12, running IP MASQ and ipchains.

/etc/init.d/network on the server looks like this:
ifconfig lo
route add -net netmask dev lo

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up
route add -net dev eth0

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

ifchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
on the workstation:
ifconfig lo
route add -net netmask dev lo

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up
route add -net dev eth0

route add default gw
resolv.conf on both machines just has two lines, one for each of the 
nameservers my ISP uses.

Issuing the command
# ipmasq -d
from the server gives the following output:
/sbin/ipchains -P input DENY
/sbin/ipchains -P output DENY
/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
/sbin/ipchains -F input
/sbin/ipchains -F output
/sbin/ipchains -F forward
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i lo
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -s
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ppp0 -d
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j DENY -i ppp0 -s -l
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -i ppp0 -s
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i lo
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -d
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i ppp0 -s
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j DENY -i ppp0 -d -l
I can ping anything from the server, but not from the workstations.

What am I doing wrong?

Steven C. Martin

Re: /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda4 with ZIP disks

1999-11-20 Thread John Miskinis


It appears there are at least a couple different models of the
ZIP drive for the parallel port.  The one I have now does not
work with the PPA support, but works fine with the IMM package.
I always have to use /dev/sda4 to access it.

I recently tried to build a small debian linux system on a ZIP
disk, but gave up.

For what it's worth, I believe the newer models have the same
interface as the ZIP Plus drive, and both must use IMM.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda4 with ZIP disks

1999-11-20 Thread Andresito del Hierro
Hallo John!

thanks!  Yes I know that, I my self have acces here in the uni to 2
diferent versions of the Zip Drive, the question goes to the zip
disks. I found some that are formated from factory and read only at
/dev/sda1 and others with the normal /dev/sda4. About the ZIP-linux is
easy; read carefully the HOWTO and you will get it going.  Ahh but the
HOWTO talks on an old version of LINUX and well there are some tiny
differences (ei. the imm and ppa) but the escence is the same.

keep at it
PS UPS I am not suscribed to the list... 
On Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 04:14:37PM -0800, John Miskinis wrote:
 It appears there are at least a couple different models of the
 ZIP drive for the parallel port.  The one I have now does not
 work with the PPA support, but works fine with the IMM package.
 I always have to use /dev/sda4 to access it.
 I recently tried to build a small debian linux system on a ZIP
 disk, but gave up.
 For what it's worth, I believe the newer models have the same
 interface as the ZIP Plus drive, and both must use IMM.
 Get Your Private, Free Email at
---end quoted text---

Re: screen capture

1999-11-20 Thread Riku Saikkonen
Russell Coker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Is there a Debianised program to capture the contents of a window to a BMP or
jpg file?  If so what package should I install?

The programs xwd, gimp, display (from ImageMagick), and quite a few
others can do this.

If there is none, is it possible to get output from gnuplot in a saved form
other than Postscript?

Yes, easily. The set terminal command in Gnuplot displays a list of
supported output formats. For a Web page image, you could use PNG or
PBM and perhaps convert it to GIF or whatever. You can do image format
conversion using, for example, gimp, convert (from ImageMagick), or
the tools in the netpbm package.


Re: xemacs text-mode and gpm mouse issues

1999-11-20 Thread Brian May
 Ian == Ian Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Brian == Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Brian This has the following problems: - it is impossible to see
Brian what text I have highlighted until I release the mouse
Brian button.

Ian This is unfortunately impossible without modifications to
Ian x?emacs.  There was noise from xemacs team about fixing this
Ian (in xemacs) but I don't know what became of it.  Myself I use
Ian GNU Emacs.

I guessed as much. For now, I wont use that feature, but try to
learn the keystrokes instead. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't
a problem with my setup.

Brian - more importantly, it means I can't copy and paste between
Brian console windows, as everything goes to/from xemacs private
Brian buffer.

Brian - I have tried combinations like shift+mouse which would
Brian work in an xterm, but not here :-(

Ian I am not sure how xemacs handles the gpm input.  GNU Emacs
Ian does it through a subprocess and an associated Elisp module
Ian (t-mouse.el).  If this is the case for xemacs too, the right
Ian Alt key (AltGr) should work.

Yes, it does. Thanks for that bit of information. Having it the right
TAB key seems a little bit inconvenient though, as I use the mouse
with my right hand...

Ian It is also possible, though, that xemacs already has this
Ian functionality compiled in; that was another thing I remember
Ian hearing from xemacs people.  In that case xemacs itself fully
Ian controls which mouse events it grabs, and you'd have to deal
Ian with this as with an xemacs bug.

I doubt xemacs would have it compiled it, otherwise, it would
need to know the configuration for my mouse.

Brian Is it possible to use normal cutpaste with xemacs? If
Brian not, then perhaps this is a bug in gpm for not allowing it?
Brian Is it possible to disable mouse support in xemacs on a
Brian console?  If so how?

Ian Similar answer as above.  If it's done with t-mouse, disable
Ian it in your .xemacs or site-lisp/default.el, wherever it is.
Ian If it's compiled in, it's probably a command line option or
Ian it can't be disabled at all.

I didn't see a command line parameter.  I haven't seen any documentation
either, but will keep looking.

Re: X-Windows keyboard control

1999-11-20 Thread Brian May
 wir95cgu == wir95cgu  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

wir95cgu In X, Meta is bound to the windows key (between Ctrl
wir95cgu and Alt). If your keyboard doesn't have one, perhaps
wir95cgu changing your XkbModel from pc104 to pc102 in
wir95cgu /etc/X11/XF86Config would help (I have not tested that,
wir95cgu though).

In /etc/X11/XF86Config (on another computer), I see:

# To set the LeftAlt to Meta, RightAlt key to ModeShift,
# RightCtl key to Compose, and ScrollLock key to ModeLock:

LeftAlt Meta
#ScrollLock  ModeLock

Not tested yet, but I would be *very* surprised if this doesn't fix
my problem.

Anyone know what the bottom three options do?

Re: xemacs text-mode and gpm mouse issues

1999-11-20 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 19 Nov, Salman Ahmed wrote about Re: xemacs text-mode and gpm mouse 
 IZ == Ian Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 IZ Ian, who was upstream gpm maintainer for a while.
 Can someone explain to me what/who upstream and downstream maintainers
 are ? I've never quite figured out upstream/downstream relative to
 who or what!!

Upstream are the actual authors of the code.  As an example Eric
Raymond is the upstream maintainer of fetchmail.  The downstream
or Debian maintainer is the Debian developer who packages it up and
makes sure that it works well with the Debian distribution, in this case
for fetchmail that is Paul Haggart.  The downstream maintainer is the
first line of contact for the user.  The downstream maintainer evaluates
the bug reports that are sent to the Debian bug tracking system and
tries to find a fix for it.  If they can fix it and it is a local Debian
problem then they fix it with the next package release.  If they can fix
it and it is an upstream problem then they forward the fix upstream to
the software author for possible inclusion in the main source tree.
Each distribution generally works like this.  Thus there are many
downstream maintainers all sending filtered bug reports back to the
upstream maintainer.  This saves the upstream author from having to
deal with large numbers of bugs reports that may not be directly
related tot the actual sorce code.

My $.02, 

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: Bash can't find, PS1 and HISTSIZE

1999-11-20 Thread Shaul Karl
 I have freshly installed Slink and put the following lines in my
 ~.bashrc :
 case $TERM in
  PS1 =\[\033]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: \w\007\]\w\$ 

Isn't the white space character before the = sign cause bash to interpret PS1 
as a command ?

  PS1 =\w\$ 
 I get the following error when I open an xterm,
 bash: PS1: command not found
 bash: HISTSIZE: command not found
 I don't understand this.  Both commands worked in my last Slink system. 
 I checked the list archives and didn't find anything.  Anyone know how
 to fix this?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-11-20 Thread Angela Doles
server says my password is wrong.

List 'linux-il' closed to public posts

1999-11-20 Thread Listar Mailing List Manager
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Re: A Question about Deb. 2.2

1999-11-20 Thread Shaul Karl
If you are considering downloading then you might simply download unstable.
Although it is not officially ready for release, many Debian users use it 

I know that you don't tell release date of Debian 2.2, but I'd like 
know is it coming in next too months? I don't want to download ver. 2.1 and 
findout after a week that ver. 2.2 has been released.Antti 
---End Message---

Re: WDM troubles

1999-11-20 Thread Ethan Benson

On 19/11/99 Christian Dysthe wrote:

I am trying to make WDM work on my Debian (potato) box. After having
installed it I am not longer able to log in even though I know I type in
the correct passwords. WDM shakes it's head as if the passwords are
wrong. They aren't. It doesn't matter which account I am trying to log
into. Same result.

you might want to check that /etc/pam.d/wdm exists and is in proper 
order, i have found a couple packages forgetting to include a pam 
file which will often lead to authentication with them failling. 
(not always unless you change pam.d/other to deny access (which the 
developers should do so they notice when they have a pam bug...))

I am using wdm and it works fine.  (except for not loading the environment)

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: ipchains and REDIRECT

1999-11-20 Thread Chris Schleifer
I just had to do the same thing as you and had no problems. I am using a
2.2 kernel w/ ipchains and had to forward port 80.

The IP Masquerade HOWTO was really helpful to me
( Chapter 6
explains exactly how to do port forwarding with 2.2 kernels

To summarize what the howto says about port forwarding, it looks like
the commands to setup port forwarding have changed from 2.0 to 2.2 which
is probably your problem. You don't want to use the REDIRECT rule for
ipchains anymore, but a new tool called ipmasqadm to set up port

It looks like the command you would need is something like:
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 207.158.172.XXX 2401 -R 2401

I am just going off what I read just now in the howto and I really
haven't looked at the details of your message so this may not be the
only thing you need to do. I would definitely check out the howto for
yourself as it's a pretty good one.

Chris Schleifer

P.S. This uses IPPORTFW which I have compiled into the kernel and you
have as a module, this may make a difference.

Jonathan Lupa wrote:
 Hi all,
 Ever since moving to the 2.2 kernels and switching to ipchains, I have
 not been able to get redirection working right, and I'm hoping someone
 can spot what I am doing wrong..
 I have a gateway computer called sith, and two computers sitting
 behind it named rankor and fig. The ppp0 line is [207.158.172.XXX],
 and my goal is to expose the cvs server running on rankor to the world
 through port forwarding. (rankor ==
 sith's firewall rules script looks like this:
 export IPCHAINS=/sbin/ipchains
 if [ -x $IPCHAINS ]; then
   # Flush current ruleset and apply our default policies
   $IPCHAINS -F input
   $IPCHAINS -F output
   $IPCHAINS -F forward
   # We start out promiscuous... probably should fix this
   $IPCHAINS -P output ACCEP
   $IPCHAINS -P forward REJECT
   # Setup masquerade - all traffic from gets masq-forwarded.
   $IPCHAINS -A forward -p all -s -j MASQ
   # Stop those evil hackers from seeing telnet passwords
   $IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -d 207.158.172.XXX/32 telnet -j REJECT
   # I don't use NFS, you can be damned well sure I don't use this!
   $IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -d 207.158.172.XXX/32 portmapper -j REJECT
   $IPCHAINS -A input -p udp -d 207.158.172.XXX/32 portmapper -j REJECT
   $IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -d 207.158.172.XXX/32 nntp -j REJECT
 # Punch port 2401 to Rankor's cvs pserver...
 # $IPCHAINS -A input -b -p tcp -s 207.158.172.XXX/32 2401 -d
 # 2401 -j REDIRECT
 # $IPCHAINS -A input -b -p udp -s 207.158.172.XXX/32 2401 -d
 # 2401 -j REDIRECT
   $IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -s 2401 -d 2401 -j 
   $IPCHAINS -A input -p udp -s 2401 -d 2401 -j 
 I've tried both the commented out version, and the live redirectcs,
 and neither seems to work.  When I run a program on sith's 2401 port,
 it actually gets the hit (so it is falling through to the default
 input rule).
 Here is the networking portions my kernel (2.2.12) .config file, in case I 
 missed something
 Thanks in advance for any help and/or pointers on firewalling better.
 I searched the archive before posting, but for some reason the cgi_bin
 script isn't working right and I can't access the articles which look
 like they are apologies if this is just another boring
 rehash. =)
 GPG public key available from
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Re: X-Windows keyboard control

1999-11-20 Thread Brian May
 Brian == Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 wir95cgu == wir95cgu  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
wir95cgu In X, Meta is bound to the windows key (between Ctrl
wir95cgu and Alt). If your keyboard doesn't have one, perhaps
wir95cgu changing your XkbModel from pc104 to pc102 in
wir95cgu /etc/X11/XF86Config would help (I have not tested that,
wir95cgu though).

I personally don't know of any keyboard for an Intel based computer
that has a Meta key - do they exist?

Changing XkbModem from pc101 (seems to be the default) to pc102
didn't help :-(.

Brian In /etc/X11/XF86Config (on another computer), I see:

Brian # To set the LeftAlt to Meta, RightAlt key to ModeShift, #
Brian RightCtl key to Compose, and ScrollLock key to ModeLock:

Brian LeftAlt Meta RightAlt ModeShift # RightCtl Compose #
Brian ScrollLock ModeLock

Brian Not tested yet, but I would be *very* surprised if this
Brian doesn't fix my problem.

I was wrong. None of the options do anything - at least no difference
that I could detect - perhaps these are now obsolete. These
options *are* documented in man XF86Config, so I would expect
them to work... In fact, according to the man page Meta is already
the default setting. Does Debian somehow override this?

However, enabling XkbDisable fixed the problem.

So, its my guess I would have to play around with XkbOptions, for
a proper fix.

However, I don't know what the format should be for this option.
man XF86Config isn't very helpful either :-(. Any suggestions?

ps - I use Debian Slink.

Re: Gnumeric

1999-11-20 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I run apt-get install phyton and it says: there are many, which package you 
Well, which do I want? Have no idea.

Rainer Weikusat wrote:

 Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  When I try to run gnumeric, it says
  Unable to open module file:/usr/lib/gnumeric/plugins/libpython.s0:
  undefined symbol:_Py_NoneStruct
  Whats wrong?

 Did you install phyton?

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Re: Xfree-changing default

1999-11-20 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Worked great. Thanks

Brian Servis wrote:

 *- On 19 Nov, Antonio Rodriguez wrote about Xfree-changing default
  How do I change my default starting of Xserver to 32 from 8 or so? I
  have several modes avalable, but if I try from the command prompt:
  startx -- -bpp 32 it says: Xserver already running. Can't, or something
  So, what should I do to swithch to 32?

 First you need to stop the currently running X server.  Do you have xdm
 installed?  By default it starts on boot up in Debian.  To stop xdm you
 can run '/etc/init.d/xdm stop'.

 If you have xdm installed you can edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers and add
 the -bpp 32 to the line at the end of the file.  There should be
 examples in the file. Something like:

 :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt7 -bpp 32

 Brian Servis
 Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you
 Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

file of manage

1999-11-20 Thread HU-LIAO


I am a new user of Debian. For keeping the system run 
better or solving some problems occured, could anyone tell me what kinds of 
filesto manage the system and where there are, or where I could find this 
kind information or books?


Daniel Hu

Re: ipchains and REDIRECT

1999-11-20 Thread Chris Schleifer
Well now I'm confused I just looked a little more into this and it looks
like you should be able to use the REDIRECT rule as long as you said yes
to transparent proxy in the kernel config (according to the kernel help
and man ipchains).
Anyway I guess the best suggestion I can give after all is to take a
look at the IP Masquerading and Ipchains HOWTOs.

Chris Schleifer

Chris Schleifer wrote:
 I just had to do the same thing as you and had no problems. I am using a
 2.2 kernel w/ ipchains and had to forward port 80.
 The IP Masquerade HOWTO was really helpful to me
 ( Chapter 6
 explains exactly how to do port forwarding with 2.2 kernels
 To summarize what the howto says about port forwarding, it looks like
 the commands to setup port forwarding have changed from 2.0 to 2.2 which
 is probably your problem. You don't want to use the REDIRECT rule for
 ipchains anymore, but a new tool called ipmasqadm to set up port
 It looks like the command you would need is something like:
 /usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 207.158.172.XXX 2401 -R 2401
 I am just going off what I read just now in the howto and I really
 haven't looked at the details of your message so this may not be the
 only thing you need to do. I would definitely check out the howto for
 yourself as it's a pretty good one.
 Chris Schleifer
 P.S. This uses IPPORTFW which I have compiled into the kernel and you
 have as a module, this may make a difference.
 Jonathan Lupa wrote:
  Hi all,
  Ever since moving to the 2.2 kernels and switching to ipchains, I have
  not been able to get redirection working right, and I'm hoping someone
  can spot what I am doing wrong..
  I have a gateway computer called sith, and two computers sitting
  behind it named rankor and fig. The ppp0 line is [207.158.172.XXX],
  and my goal is to expose the cvs server running on rankor to the world
  through port forwarding. (rankor ==
  sith's firewall rules script looks like this:
  export IPCHAINS=/sbin/ipchains
  if [ -x $IPCHAINS ]; then
# Flush current ruleset and apply our default policies
$IPCHAINS -F input
$IPCHAINS -F output
$IPCHAINS -F forward
# We start out promiscuous... probably should fix this
# Setup masquerade - all traffic from gets masq-forwarded.
$IPCHAINS -A forward -p all -s -j MASQ
# Stop those evil hackers from seeing telnet passwords
$IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -d 207.158.172.XXX/32 telnet -j REJECT
# I don't use NFS, you can be damned well sure I don't use this!
$IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -d 207.158.172.XXX/32 portmapper -j REJECT
$IPCHAINS -A input -p udp -d 207.158.172.XXX/32 portmapper -j REJECT
$IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -d 207.158.172.XXX/32 nntp -j REJECT
  # Punch port 2401 to Rankor's cvs pserver...
  # $IPCHAINS -A input -b -p tcp -s 207.158.172.XXX/32 2401 -d
  # 2401 -j REDIRECT
  # $IPCHAINS -A input -b -p udp -s 207.158.172.XXX/32 2401 -d
  # 2401 -j REDIRECT
$IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -s 2401 -d 2401 -j 
$IPCHAINS -A input -p udp -s 2401 -d 2401 -j 
  I've tried both the commented out version, and the live redirectcs,
  and neither seems to work.  When I run a program on sith's 2401 port,
  it actually gets the hit (so it is falling through to the default
  input rule).
  Here is the networking portions my kernel (2.2.12) .config file, in case I 
  missed something
  Thanks in advance for any help and/or pointers on firewalling better.
  I searched the archive before posting, but for some reason the cgi_bin
  script isn't working right and I can't access the articles which look
  like they are apologies if this is just another boring
  rehash. =)

Re: ipchains and REDIRECT

1999-11-20 Thread Chris Schleifer
Aargh, I'm really sorry to reply to myself twice. But I promise I'm done
now ;-).

I found the post linked to below on which explains it all.
Basically REDIRECT is only for forwarding between ports on the _local_
machine. You need ipmasqadm to forward to another machine.

The post:

Chris Schleifer

bootdisk problem

1999-11-20 Thread N. Thomas

Trying to install Debian 2.1 on a friend's Dell Optiflex 486-66.

I was booting off the bootdisk and when the initial message and the boot:
prompt comes up, I hit enter, and it loads the root.bin, prints 4 periods,
and then hangs, like this:

   loading root.bin

I tried all the boot images, resc-1440, resc-1440-safe, resc-1440-tecra,
resc-1440-safetecra, and they all have this problem.

To be sure it wasn't the hardware, I tried booting off a RedHat 6 bootdisk,
and that worked fine.

If it is a hardware conflict, what switches could I pass to the boot disk to
fix this?

Anybody know what could be wrong?


N. Thomas

Re: xemacs text-mode and gpm mouse issues

1999-11-20 Thread John Hasler
Brian Servis writes:
 Upstream are the actual authors of the code. 

Not always.  Sometimes the author is further upstream yet.  That's why we
say upstream maintainer rather than just author.  Think of the software
as a stream originating with the author(s) and flowing from maintainer to
maintainer until it reaches the sea of users.  Bug reports and fixes are
passed upstream against the current (and sometimes it feels that way) until
they reach the author.  New releases, hopefully incorporating the bug
fixes, flow back down.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: file of manage

1999-11-20 Thread ktb
 HU-LIAO wrote:
 I am a new user of  Debian. For keeping the system run better or
 solving some problems occured, could anyone tell me what kinds of
 files to manage the system and where there are, or where I could find
 this kind information or books?

I would suggest looking at there you will find
specific documentation regarding Debian.  There is also a link to Debian
books.  The question you are asking is pretty broad.  I would suggest
picking a specific task or problem and asking about that.  Your future
question may have already been answered so it is good to search the
Mailing List Archives.  There is a lot of good info there.

Re: howto run a process which respawn after death.

1999-11-20 Thread lists
On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 06:49:12PM +0100, Roland Mas wrote:
 Felipe Alvarez Harnecker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Is there a tool for start a proccess and after it dies the process
  respawn ? Just like init does but from the command line.
 $ while true ; do process ; done
 $ (while true ; do process ; done) 
 should do the trick.

Be careful you don't try this with a process that automatically forks
itself into the background! Unless you're _trying_ to cause trouble on
your machine that is...

  finger for GPG public key.
  16 Nov 1999 - new key generated, please stop using the old.

Description: PGP signature

Re: ipchains and REDIRECT

1999-11-20 Thread Jonathan Lupa
On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 02:57:08AM +, Chris Schleifer wrote:
 I found the post linked to below on which explains it all.
 Basically REDIRECT is only for forwarding between ports on the _local_
 machine. You need ipmasqadm to forward to another machine.

Yes, this was it. Problem solved. Thanks a million!

My dummy defence is that I moved to 2.2 and switched to ipchains
September 11th, and the 2.2 section on port forwarding in the howto
didn't get in there until late October.

At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! =)

Bottom line:  When converting your ipfwadm/ipportfw rules to ipchains,
even though the documentation suggests vaguely that ipchains does port
forwarding, it only does it on the firewall box itself.  To
portforward across the masqueraded network, you must compile in the
extra support in the kernel and use the ipmasqadm portfw program.

Thanks again!

GPG public key available from

Description: PGP signature

DPMS problem solved

1999-11-20 Thread John Dalbec
The problem where clicking on a tile in xhexagons would cause DPMS to shut off
the monitor was fixed when I upgraded XFree86 to (from netgod).
Thanks for your help.

Re: dselect vs apt

1999-11-20 Thread lists
On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 11:28:25AM +0100, Urban Gabor wrote:
 Though it might be a lamer question, I would like to know the major
 differences between dselect and apt. I do not upgrade my boxes via ftp, I
 allways (more or less :-)) ) wait till the new release is assembled in CD
 images. Why would I switch to apt?

apt is the latest method for updating a Debian system over the net.

dselect is a front-end for managing packages, and can use apt as the
back-end for downloading and managing the actual installation (i highly
recommend this).

apt-get is a command-line interface to apt, rather than the curses-dased
dselect. Some people despise dselect, but just about everyone likes

capt is an ncurses-based front-end to apt. i personally prefer dselect.

gnome-apt is an X-based front-end to apt. i've never tried it,
personally i like a textmode front-end better because it doesn't require
messing around to get an app run by root to show up on an X display
running as my user.

You would switch to apt if you want to download packages from the
internet, instead of or in addition to using your CDs. i'd recommend you
at least get the slink security updates (i don't know the URL offhand,
anyone feel like posting it?), and update to r3 if your CDs aren't there

  finger for GPG public key.
  16 Nov 1999 - new key generated, please stop using the old.

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to install pine on slink from source

1999-11-20 Thread lists
On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 03:39:10PM -0800, aphro wrote:
 On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Brian Servis wrote:
 servis Wouldn't it be better to use the pine*-src and pine*-diff Debian
 servis packages? I believe that these create the necessary patches to fit it 
 servis a Debian system and then builds a local pine*.deb.  I haven't done 
 servis but this is what most of the *-src package that Debian distributes do.
 servis That way it is all under Debian package managment.
 maybe..last i checked slink was only at pine 3.96 im using 4.20 ..i
 suppose i could substitue 3.96  for 4.20 .. i also  like/use the updated
 IMAP/IPOP3D servers in the newer pine packages.

Someone posted to the list recently that they packaged 4.20 and put them on
a website somewhere. If you want to be legally correct about it, get the
sources (orig.tar, diff, dsc) instead of the binary packages and compile
yourself. Check the archives for the address.

Personally, i found some of the changes from 4.10-4.20 annoying enough
that i finally changed to mutt and gpg *cheer* ... Do you get the
problem in 4.20 where it refuses to premanently set messages to non-new
unless you explicitly use the * command to do so?

  finger for GPG public key.
  16 Nov 1999 - new key generated, please stop using the old.

Description: PGP signature

Re: What's gone in Corel Linux

1999-11-20 Thread lists
On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 10:21:09PM -0500, Bart Szyszka wrote:
  from what i saw in beta 2 it was a VERY stripped version of slink. 
 Well apparently Corel made some major changes in the final because
 according to this page:
 , Corel Linux is based on Debian 2.2.

Actually, Debian 2.2 doesn't exist at the moment; potato has no version
number as of yet. According to
it's _likely_ but not _certain_ that potato will be release 2.2, but it
could easily be something different. (e.g. 3.0?)

  finger for GPG public key.
  16 Nov 1999 - new key generated, please stop using the old.

Description: PGP signature

xconsole problem

1999-11-20 Thread Chia-Sheng Chang
Hi, all,
I run xdm on my computer but every time I login, xconsole always
responses can not open console. How to solve this?? 


Chia-Sheng Chang
Institute of Communications Engineering
College of Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan 10617

Re: Truetype font sizes and Netscape

1999-11-20 Thread Charles Gates
jack wrote:
 In my case, I did it in this way:
 cp /.netscape/preferences.js
 change == monotype-times new roman-140-scale-prop-iso-8859-1 (netscape
 automatically change it to -0-, when it exits)
 write a short script for start netscape
 cp ~/.netscape/ ~/.netscape/preferences.js
 let me if it works for you too.

Thanks! Changing the preferences.js and setting up the script worked for
me as well.  I tried using the -dpi and --res switches to the Xserver
and the xfstt without success. I wish netscape would remember the user's
choices in a more general fashion, but at least this works.

Re: Fw: Well, Corel is out

1999-11-20 Thread aphro
On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, Bart Szyszka wrote:

bart  try it can open isos 
bart Too bad it crashes a minute after I get it to start doing something.
bart It looks like I'll just need to burn Corel on a CD, although I wish
bart there would be some way for me to open ISOs in case I might
bart need to do that in the future.

odd ..winimage hasnt crashed for me..but i havent tried the corel iso
..its prob not just a compadible iso ..ive used winimage tons of times to
read/extract files from mode 1 isos ..mode 2 is another story though.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
10:15pm up 92 days, 9:50, 1 user, load average: 1.17, 1.51, 1.67

Re: ipchains and DNS problem

1999-11-20 Thread aphro

i never got DNS to masq right under 2.2 my solution was to run a DNS on
the box doing the masq and point the clients to it


On Fri, 19 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

fairfa I have ipchains working, but my workstations cannot get out to the 
internet because of a DNS problem.  (When I try to ping any host from the 
workstations I get the message Host not found.)
fairfa I have kernel 2.2.12, running IP MASQ and ipchains.
fairfa /etc/init.d/network on the server looks like this:
fairfa --
fairfa ifconfig lo
fairfa route add -net netmask dev lo
fairfa ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast 
fairfa route add -net dev eth0
fairfa echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
fairfa ifchains -P forward DENY
fairfa ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
fairfa --
fairfa on the workstation:
fairfa --
fairfa ifconfig lo
fairfa route add -net netmask dev lo
fairfa ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up
fairfa route add -net dev eth0
fairfa route add default gw
fairfa --
fairfa resolv.conf on both machines just has two lines, one for each of the 
nameservers my ISP uses.
fairfa Issuing the command
fairfa # ipmasq -d
fairfa from the server gives the following output:
fairfa --
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -P input DENY
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -P output DENY
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -F input
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -F output
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -F forward
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i lo
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -s
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ppp0 -d
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -A input -j DENY -i ppp0 -s -l
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -i ppp0 -s
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i lo
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -d
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i ppp0 -s
fairfa /sbin/ipchains -A output -j DENY -i ppp0 -d -l
fairfa --
fairfa I can ping anything from the server, but not from the workstations.
fairfa What am I doing wrong?
fairfa Steven C. Martin
fairfa -- 
fairfa Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
10:15pm up 92 days, 9:50, 1 user, load average: 1.17, 1.51, 1.67

Re: Dual-ethernet

1999-11-20 Thread Onno

At 12:10 PM 11/19/99 +1030, John Pearson wrote:

On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 03:25:00PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote


 I'm wondering whether it's possible to load ne.o module for a dual
 ethernet machine. Can it be done? I have tried to load the same module
 twice (with different iobase's), but it wouldn't work. Do I have to
 recompile the kernel for including the support for NE2K in it?

Yes and No, respectively.

Instead of using something like
 # modprobe ne io=0x300 irq=10
to install the module, use something like
 # modprobe ne io=0x300,0x220 irq=10,11

This is necessary even with drivers that normally autprobe, as they
stop looking once they've found the first card.

Just modprobe works fine, ifconfig can find them both (2x 3c905b).



Re: Thanks! Re: secure pop3 via ssh

1999-11-20 Thread Onno

Please share your findings.



At 08:08 AM 11/19/99 -0200, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:


Thanks you all!
I've enough material to study.
I think I'll be able to do this soon.

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

sh: /dev/tty: Device not configured

1999-11-20 Thread Phillip Deackes
I am running the latest vesion of unstable (as of Friday 20 November)
and for some time have been getting the following messages appearing in
my mailbox

sh: /dev/tty: Device not configured
sh: /dev/tty: Device not configured
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Term/ line 284.

The last line is reteated a few times. Any idea how I can sort out the
problem? How do I 'configure' /dev/tty?

Many thanks.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

Can Debian users install the new Corel packages?

1999-11-20 Thread Phillip Deackes
I am interested in trying out some of the new Corel apps like the file
manager. Is it possible to get hold of individual apps from the new
ditribution without downloading the whole iso file? I assume I would be
legally permitted to use individual components like this . . 


Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

Re: ipchains and DNS problem

1999-11-20 Thread Onno

Your sever must be the DNS for the LAN.

Just setup a forwarding/caching DNS on your server,
it come's out of the box when you install BIND.



At 06:05 PM 11/19/99 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have ipchains working, but my workstations cannot get out to the 
internet because of a DNS problem.  (When I try to ping any host from the 
workstations I get the message Host not found.)

I have kernel 2.2.12, running IP MASQ and ipchains.

/etc/init.d/network on the server looks like this:
ifconfig lo
route add -net netmask dev lo

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up
route add -net dev eth0

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

ifchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
on the workstation:
ifconfig lo
route add -net netmask dev lo

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up
route add -net dev eth0

route add default gw
resolv.conf on both machines just has two lines, one for each of the 
nameservers my ISP uses.

Issuing the command
# ipmasq -d
from the server gives the following output:
/sbin/ipchains -P input DENY
/sbin/ipchains -P output DENY
/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
/sbin/ipchains -F input
/sbin/ipchains -F output
/sbin/ipchains -F forward
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i lo
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -s
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ppp0 -d
/sbin/ipchains -A input -j DENY -i ppp0 -s -l
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -i ppp0 -s
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i lo
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i eth0 -d
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i ppp0 -s
/sbin/ipchains -A output -j DENY -i ppp0 -d -l
I can ping anything from the server, but not from the workstations.

What am I doing wrong?

Steven C. Martin

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: What's gone in Corel Linux

1999-11-20 Thread Leszek Gerwatowski
On Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 11:30:28PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 10:21:09PM -0500, Bart Szyszka wrote:
   from what i saw in beta 2 it was a VERY stripped version of slink. 
  Well apparently Corel made some major changes in the final because
  according to this page:
  , Corel Linux is based on Debian 2.2.
 Actually, Debian 2.2 doesn't exist at the moment; potato has no version
 number as of yet. According to
 it's _likely_ but not _certain_ that potato will be release 2.2, but it
 could easily be something different. (e.g. 3.0?)

Yes - Debian 2.2 kernel dosn't exist. But Corel Linux is based on Debian
2.2. kernel (It's writen on Corel WWW. What it means?) not on Debian 2.2.

o--o  ___
|Leszek Gerwatowski|_/_|_\
o--o   (o\__/o)=)
Don't fix it if it isn't broken

Re: What's gone in Corel Linux

1999-11-20 Thread Onno

Don't fix it if it isn't broken

I hope you know what the implications of
this can be...



Re: xconsole problem

1999-11-20 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 20 Nov, Chia-Sheng Chang wrote about xconsole problem
 Hi, all,
   I run xdm on my computer but every time I login, xconsole always
 responses can not open console. How to solve this?? 

% ls -l /dev/xconsole 
   0 prw-r-1 root adm 0 Nov 20 08:30 /dev/xconsole|

I fixed it by adding my user to the adm group. I don't know the
reasononing behind having xconsole as group adm though.  It is the
only device in /dev with that group ownership.  Remember that passwords
and other private info can be put on the logs so don't make it world

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: apsfilter vs. magikfilter and hp printer

1999-11-20 Thread Carl Greco

 I have a Deskjet 660c and have been very happy with magicfilter and
 gs-aladdin.(which includes the hpdj patch)(see the man page for gs-hpdj
 when you install gs-aladdin.)  The hpdj driver doesn't support your
 printer specifically but you should be able to get almost all of the
 features since the printer uses PCL-3. Don't know about 2-sided printing
 though.  More info on the hpdj driver can be found at

Where did you find the magicfilter for hpdj?  I am using magicfilter
(1.2-28) on slink, but this version of magicfilter does not include a
pre-defined filter for hpdj.  Are you using a later version of
magicfilter with a pre-defined filter (or filters) for hpdj or did
you created your own?  If you developed your own hpdj filter(s) can
we get a copy?

Carl Greco

OSS from 4Front Tech problems

1999-11-20 Thread John Foster
I have sound working fine as the root user, but it is screwed as any
other. I am using commercial OSS as I have NEVER been able to get any of
the other stuff to work. I presented this problem to the tech folks at
4Front and their answer was to change the permissions on /dev/dsp by
using the command  chmod a+rw /dev/dsp* this did not make any
difference. just for the sake of being thorough I also tried changing
every other sound related device to the same and even tried doing chmod
a+rwx /dev/dsp* and all the others. It still only works as root. I'm
puzzled. I am using kernel 2.2.13 on a slink pure stable system (not the
same one as before Brian :-)) I use Gnome session loaded at boot into
the icewm-gnome window manager. If I start soundon as root it will carry
over to the cdplayer and mixers that run in X and the mixer in gnome but
the Gnome cdplayer still doesn't connect (I think that's another
Sorry to be so long about this but to me any sound system should be
ubiquitous! Any suggestions are appreciated.
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: apsfilter vs. magikfilter and hp printer

1999-11-20 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 20 Nov, Carl Greco wrote about Re: apsfilter vs. magikfilter and hp 
 I have a Deskjet 660c and have been very happy with magicfilter and
 gs-aladdin.(which includes the hpdj patch)(see the man page for gs-hpdj
 when you install gs-aladdin.)  The hpdj driver doesn't support your
 printer specifically but you should be able to get almost all of the
 features since the printer uses PCL-3. Don't know about 2-sided printing
 though.  More info on the hpdj driver can be found at
 Where did you find the magicfilter for hpdj?  I am using magicfilter
 (1.2-28) on slink, but this version of magicfilter does not include a
 pre-defined filter for hpdj.  Are you using a later version of
 magicfilter with a pre-defined filter (or filters) for hpdj or did
 you created your own?  If you developed your own hpdj filter(s) can
 we get a copy?

I had to modify the setup for one of the other Deskjet drivers that is
built into the Magicfilter setup.  Others have expressed interest in my
personal setup so I have put my files at You will of course
have to modify them to fit your needs.  Hope this helps.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: X-Windows keyboard control

1999-11-20 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I personally don't know of any keyboard for an Intel based computer
 that has a Meta key - do they exist?

The keyboards for NCD terminals have PS/2 connectors and I´ve found
on the Net that someone has it working on a normal PC. They have
actual Meta keys. This keyboard is quite nice, the Sun Type5 layout
(plus some unlabeled keys over the cursor keys). Unfortunately, it
costs over DEM 200,-.

And before anyone screams out: I know that the normal Sun keyboard
connectors *look* like PS/2 ones, but *are not* (and have a totally
different protocol[1]). This NCD keyboard is a real PS/2. 


[1]  But I´ve found a little PCB with a Motorola controller that
 converts it into a protocol suitable for a PC. Pretty weird. :-)

Cannot create ksymoops*.ksyms?

1999-11-20 Thread David J. Kanter
Everything was fine until yesterday. GIMP crashed my X-session, so I had to
kill the X-server with contrl+alt+backspace. Now when I reboot I get many
errors that /var/log/ksymoops/foo.ksyms cannot be created.

What can I do to fix this? It's giving me errors for modules like ppp, slhc,
unix.o, etc.

David J. Kanter

Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
and coincidences.
  -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

ethernet card irq

1999-11-20 Thread paul . walton
I`ve been trying to communicate with a Win95 machine via thin ethernet but 
can`t seem to ping from or to either machine. Noticeably if I try to ping from 
the win95 box I can see the network card lights working as it attempts to 
connect, but from Linux no lights appear at all. The card (at1700BT plus)is 
detected at boot time but on checking dmesg I saw the following:

eth0: transmit timed out with status 8180, IRQ conflict?
eth0: timeout registers: 8180 8182 0106 e85a d920  8080 4000.

Also the value for eth0 doesn`t seem to change in  cat /proc/interrupts as I 
believe it should after I attempt to ping (?)
Should I try to change the irq of the card (from 5 to 11 maybe?) and if so what 
would be the best way to do this? Also are there any other ways to check if my 
network card is working properly? Simple answers please,I`m fairly new to 
Debian and know very little about networking.

Many Thanks


Paul Walton * Powered by * 
Cambridge* Debian GNU Linux *   
U.K.   * *

Description: PGP signature


1999-11-20 Thread Jon Hughes

I've been gettign errors with the following a lot,
when i installed netscape, wine, and now Mesa stuff.  

ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/X11R6/lib/Xaw3d (No
such file or directory), skipping
ldconfig: warning: /usr/lib/ is not a

is this serious, or something i shouldn't bother with?

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