Re: videos de

2010-04-20 Thread Ernest Adrogué
19/04/10 @ 20:30 (+0200), thus spake
 Jo tampoc els podia veure, el problema era que l'Adblock bloquejava el video
 (imagino que per la publicitat de l'inici dels videos). El desactivo quan
 vull veure videos o l' emissió en directe i em funciona. No sé, potser no és
 el teu problema.

Era això, desactivant l'Adblock funciona.
Gràcies :)


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Re: Problème de chargement de module broadcom

2010-04-20 Thread deb

On 04/18/2010 03:39 PM, Stéphane Fortrie wrote:

Bonjour la liste,
En faisant : 'modprobe -r tg3 ; modprobe broadcom ; modprobe tg3' cela

Pour automatiser cela, j'ai créé un fichier 'broadcom.conf' dans
/etc/modprobe.d/ qui contient :

Tu peux utiliser modconf pour ça.

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ltsp pb clavier

2010-04-20 Thread pmenier

Bonjour la liste

Un petit problème avec ltsp: je configure une machine qui me servira de 
serveur de machines virtuelles (vmware) destinées à de la formation et 
qui assurera également le support ltsp.

Le but de la manoeuvre est de booter des stations diskless via PXE sur 
ce serveur, clients qui se connecteront directement avec rdesktop sur 
les machines XP qui tourneront sur vmware (machines XP que je 
reinitialiserai à chaque fin de session de formation).

J'ai donc installé ltsp-server-standalone (puis vmware mais ça c'est HS)

Les clients diskless se connectent impec sur le serveur ltsp et si je 
lance un rdesktop depuis le client pour attaquer un XP tournant sur le 
serveur vmware tout va bien.

J'ai ensuite modifié le fichier /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf en ajoutant 
la ligne suivante:

SCREEN_02 = rdesktop -f ip-d'un-xp

et ça fonctionne au poil, à savoir que je ne vois même pas le bureau 
s'afficher et que la connexion rdesktop s'initialise tout irait pour 
le mieux SI je ne perdais pas le clavier lors de cette manip !!

En effet, la souris reste bien active mais impossible de taper quoi que 
ce soit au clavier lorsque j'ai la fenetre de connexion rdesktop (alors 
qu'en le demarrant depuis le bureau ça roule...)

Si quelqu'un a une idée

ps: si cela n'est pas sufisamment clair, j'ai laissé une video ici:

Merci d'avance.

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Re: Problème de chargement de module broadcom

2010-04-20 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Stéphane Fortrie a écrit :
 Ce que je ne comprend pas c'est pourquoi cela fonctionne manuellement 
 (je fais simplement modprobe tg3 avec mon fichier de configuration 
 broadcom.conf dans /etc/modprobe.d/) mais pas lors du boot de la machine...

Comme déjà suggéré, il se peut que le module tg3 soit chargé dans
l'initramfs, donc avant que les fichiers de configuration dans /etc/
soient pris en compte.

 Existe-t-il un moyen de savoir a quel moment les modules sont chargés 
 lors du boot ?

- Avec de bons yeux, et à condition que les modules produisent des
messages lors de leur chargement, en lisant les messages de la console
au démarrage. Si un module est chargé avant le message INIT: indiquant
le démarrage du processus init, alors il est chargé dans l'initramfs.
Démarrer en mode single user pour interrompre le chargement avant le
runlevel 2 peut aider.

- Indirectement, si lsmod (qui affiche les modules dans l'ordre inverse
de leur chargement, donc le plus récent en premier) montre qu'un module
a été chargé avant le module du système de fichiers racine (ext3 par
exemple) lui-même forcément chargé dans l'initramfs pour pouvoir monter
la racine, alors il a été chargé dans l'initramfs.

- En listant le contenu de l'initramfs :
$ gunzip -c /boot/initrd.imd-$(uname -r) | cpio --list | grep module
Si le module s'y trouve, il a de grandes chances d'être chargé lors de
son exécution.

- En ouvrant un mini-shell à la fin de l'exécution de l'initramfs en
éditant la ligne de commande du chargeur du noyau pour ajouter
break=init, et soit remonter dans l'affichage pour regarder les
messages, soit afficher les modules chargés. Si lsmod n'est pas
disponible, afficher le contenu de /proc/modules. Si /proc n'est pas
monté, le monter (mount -t proc proc /proc).

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Re: Postfix, dovecot et LDAP

2010-04-20 Thread Marc

Juste une petite astuce qui peut peut-être t'aider :
C'est d'activer le log_level à debug dans slapd dans /etc/ldap/slapd.conf :

loglevel   256

Ca permet souvent de voir ce qui cloche au niveau des requêtes LDAP,
 si et seulement si la connexion s'établit avec le LDAP..


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Re: [HS] Mini-cluster pour calcul intensif

2010-04-20 Thread Vincent Danjean
On 16/04/2010 17:19, giggzounet wrote:
 intéressant! j'ai aussi vu que certain ont l'hyper
 évidemment ça a l'air vachement intéressant. en gros je pourrais avoir
 avec 4 proc jusqu'à 32 threads (4*8*2) :) mais bon je ne sais pas si le
 chassis supporte ces processeurs.

Je réagis juste sur ce point : attention à l'hyper-threading. Ça te fait
effectivement des threads en plus MAIS (sauf applications bien
particulières) ça ne double pas tes performances : en effet, les deux
hyperthread par coeur se partagent un grand nombre des ressources
du coeur (unités de calcul, cache, ...)
D'autre part, le partage des ressources entre ces deux hyperthreads
est fait par le matériel lui-même donc le logiciel sera incapable
de diriger l'ordonnancement sur ces deux hyperthreads. Suivant les
applis, c'est important ou pas.
J'ai vu beaucoup de plate-formes de calcul hautes-performances où
l'hyperthreading est désactivé.

Enfin, de manière plus générale (et comme déjà évoqué dans cette
discussion), dans les plate-forme multi coeur, un point TRÈS important
et souvent négligé en première approche est la bande passante vers
la mémoire. Je suis incapable de te faire un résumé de ce qui existe
actuellement sur le marché mais c'est un point très important pour
ta plate-forme (plus que la vitesse des processeurs à mon avis)


Vincent Danjean   GPG key ID 0x9D025E87
GPG key fingerprint: FC95 08A6 854D DB48 4B9A  8A94 0BF7 7867 9D02 5E87
Unofficial packages:
APT repo:  deb unstable main

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Re: squid et squidguard

2010-04-20 Thread Papinux
Le Mon, 19 Apr 2010 20:48:01 +0200, a écrit :

 Je recherche une doc/un livre  récent, simple et pratique sur l'installation 
 squid et squidguard : Theorie, pratique et exemples. ne m'a rien apporté. 
 Je ne m'en sors pas avec les différents sites traitant du sujet.
 squid ne supportent  pas les exemples de conf proposés.
 Le module de webmin est pour moi particulièrement obscur.
 Quant à squidguard le module de webmin ne m'a permis de réussir que
 l'installation des blacklists.
 Une idée ?
je n'ai pas d'idée, en fait si: j'ai renoncé définitivement à
SquidGard avec lequel j'ai toujours eu des soucis de configuration.
De plus la mise à jour des listes noires oblige à chaque fois à
relancer la conversion en fichiers db (ça peut prendre un peu de
Je me demande même s'il est encore maintenu?

J'ai opté pour Dansguardian (dng) qui gère parfaitement les blacklists
(j'ai un script qui met à jour toutes les semaines) et s'intègre
parfaitement avec squid. Mais Dansguardian peut encore faire plus
(filtrage selon l'âge, création de groupes, analyse du contenu des
pages, etc).

Pour te dire: mes enfants le trouve trop efficace car ils râlent
souvent pour un site bloqué (il suffit de le rajouter dans les
whitelist pour les calmer!).

Évidemment, je ne réponds pas à ta question mais Dng,
en ce qui me concerne, à mes besoins.

Pour Squid, la version utilisée est très importante: pour info
j'utilise la 2.7 (et il y a beaucoup de différence entre cette
version et la version en cours, la 3.x, au niveau de la conf) de Lenny
(c'est aussi la version que j'utilise sous FreeBSD et OpenBSD).

Pour la doc, il suffit de lire les guides correspondant à ta
version et disponibles ici

Si tu as besoins d'autres renseignements, n'hésites pas. j'ai une doc
en cours de fignolage pour Lenny+Squid+dng (et d'autres petites
choses), si cela t'intéresse, fais moi signe et je te l'envoie.



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Re: Problème de chargement de module broadcom !!! RÉSOLU !!!

2010-04-20 Thread Stéphane Fortrie

C'était bien ça, le module était dans l'initramfs.

J'ai ajouté blacklist tg3 dans /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

puis j'ai regénéré l'initramfs et ça marche !

Merci à tous pour votre aide.


Stéphane Fortrie a écrit, le 19.04.2010 23:11 :
manuk7 a écrit, le 19.04.2010 17:55 :

Une idée au passage pour éviter ça:
blacklist tg3
dans /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
et charger dans l'ordre dans /etc/modules


Merci pour l'idée mais ça ne marche pas. [...]


alors la même idée ...

si, comme le suggérait Pascal, le module tg3
est dans le initramfs,
il vous faut, je crois, regénérer le initramfs
pour que le fichier blacklist soit pris en compte...
(il s'appelle ici (lenny à jour) /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist)



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Re: Consejos o mejor forma de actualizar de etch a lenny

2010-04-20 Thread Luis Felipe Tabera
On Martes Abril 20 2010, Juan Manuel Acuña Barrera wrote:
 Buenas compañeros:
 Tengo un servidor en producción trabajando hacer cerca de dos años, con
  etch. Ahora me toca ya actualizarlo a lenny, y quisiera saber si tienen
  alguna recomendación en particular para hacer la actualización.
 Antes que nada, quiero aclarar que se cual es el proceso básico (cambiar en
  las repos donde dice etch a lenny, luego apt-get update y luego apt-get
  dist-upgrade). Me preocupa un poco el tema por que en este servidor tengo
  unas bases de datos que están en producción, y no quiero quedarme con el
  sistema roto :S  Lo que quiero es saber si ustedes toman alguna precaución
  adicional al momento de hacer este proceso o directamente lo hacen así
  como va.
 Muchas gracias de antemano.
 Juan Manuel.

Como te han dicho, haz un respaldo de todos tus datos importantes y, si 
puedes, haz pruebas en un server clonado para hacer pruebas de actualización y 
asegurarte de que no tengas problemas cuando hagas la actualización en el 
server en producción. 

Y léete las release notes

donde dan bastantes consejos para la actualización. Por ejemplo para 
actualizar la distro recomiendan (una vez cambiadas las fuentes)

Hacer un aptitude update
actualizar el aptitude (o apt-get)
#aptitude install aptitude
Hacer una actualización no destructiva
#aptitude safe-upgrade
Hacer la actualización destructiva
#aptitude dist-upgrade

Y como anticiparse a problemas, la actualización del núcleo, el lilo (si lo 
usas) etc.

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Re: Consejos o mejor forma de actualizar de etch a lenny

2010-04-20 Thread Antonio
El 20/04/10 01:09, Juan Manuel Acuña Barrera escribió:
 Buenas compañeros:

 Tengo un servidor en producción trabajando hacer cerca de dos años, con etch. 
 Ahora me toca ya actualizarlo a lenny, y quisiera saber si tienen alguna 
 recomendación en particular para hacer la actualización.

 Antes que nada, quiero aclarar que se cual es el proceso básico (cambiar en 
 las repos donde dice etch a lenny, luego apt-get update y luego apt-get 
 dist-upgrade). Me preocupa un poco el tema por que en este servidor tengo 
 unas bases de datos que están en producción, y no quiero quedarme con el 
 sistema roto :S  Lo que quiero es saber si ustedes toman alguna precaución 
 adicional al momento de hacer este proceso o directamente lo hacen así como 

 Muchas gracias de antemano.

 Juan Manuel.

Existe una guía de actualización, al menos cuando salio lenny yo la
seguí para hacer la migración y todo me funciono sin problemas, no
recuerdo el enlace pero busca en y seguro que la encuentras.

Un saludo.

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Re: Consejos o mejor forma de actualizar de etch a lenny

2010-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 09:51:23 +0200, Antonio escribió:

 El 20/04/10 01:09, Juan Manuel Acuña Barrera escribió:

 Tengo un servidor en producción trabajando hacer cerca de dos años, con
 etch. Ahora me toca ya actualizarlo a lenny, y quisiera saber si tienen
 alguna recomendación en particular para hacer la actualización.


 Existe una guía de actualización, al menos cuando salio lenny yo la
 seguí para hacer la migración y todo me funciono sin problemas, no
 recuerdo el enlace pero busca en y seguro que la encuentras.

Qué buena documentación existe en Debian. Y en español :-)

Capítulo 4. Actualizaciones desde versiones anteriores

Por aquí incluyen otros tips:

Howto Upgrade Debian 4 Etch to Debian 5.0 Lenny



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Re: ¿Cuál es el archivo donde se muestran los modulos de la tarjeta de sonido?

2010-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:42:23 -0400, Galileo Galilei escribió:

 El lun, 19-04-2010 a las 18:16 +0200, AngelD escribió:


  Si nuestro ordenador es un Acer Aspire, le tenemos que pasar el
 parámetro 'acer-aspire', añadiendo a '/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf'
 (por ejemplo), la linea:
  options snd-hda-intel model=acer-aspire
  Un reinicio, y ..

 Con cat /proc/asound/modules me sale: 0 snd_via82xx


 Entonces ¿¿¿cómo sería la línea que tendría que agregar a

Pon la salida de aplay -l



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Re: ¿Cuál es el archivo donde se muestran los modulos de la tarjeta de sonido?

2010-04-20 Thread Galileo Galilei
El mar, 20-04-2010 a las 11:54 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:42:23 -0400, Galileo Galilei escribió:
  El lun, 19-04-2010 a las 18:16 +0200, AngelD escribió:
 Si nuestro ordenador es un Acer Aspire, le tenemos que pasar el
  parámetro 'acer-aspire', añadiendo a '/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf'
  (por ejemplo), la linea:
   options snd-hda-intel model=acer-aspire
 Un reinicio, y ..
  Con cat /proc/asound/modules me sale: 0 snd_via82xx
  Entonces ¿¿¿cómo sería la línea que tendría que agregar a
 Pon la salida de aplay -l

Con aplay -l
me sale esto:

 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: V8237 [VIA 8237], device 0: VIA 8237 [VIA 8237]
  Subdevices: 4/4
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
  Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
  Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
  Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
card 0: V8237 [VIA 8237], device 1: VIA 8237 [VIA 8237]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

#Comento que mi tarjeta via es integrada, alberga en si misma las
#tarjetas de video, sonido.

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(OT) Una pruebita de Nuevo

2010-04-20 Thread Yuniesky Machado


 * Yuniesky Machado Rojas   *
 * Administrador de Redes   *
 * Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Viandas Tropicales
*GNU/Linux User #481684 (

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Re: ¿Cuál es el archivo donde se muestran los modulos de la tarjeta de sonido?

2010-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:42:48 -0400, Galileo Galilei escribió:

 El mar, 20-04-2010 a las 11:54 +, Camaleón escribió:

 Pon la salida de aplay -l
 Con aplay -l
 me sale esto:
  List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices  card 0: V8237 [VIA 8237],
 device 0: VIA 8237 [VIA 8237]

Vale, pues ahora tienes que buscar qué modelos corresponden a ese 
chipset. Ejecuta:

zless /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/ALSA-Configuration.txt.gz

Y busca la sección (debe estar por el final): 

Module snd-via82xx

Te listará todos los modelos que admite tu tarjeta. Vete probando uno por 
uno, reiniciando el equipo tras cada cambio.

Por ejemplo, yo tengo estos:

mpu_port- 0x300,0x310,0x320,0x330, otherwise obtain BIOS setup
  [VIA686A/686B only]
joystick- Enable joystick (default off) [VIA686A/686B only]
ac97_clock  - AC'97 codec clock base (default 48000Hz)
dxs_support - support DXS channels,
  0 = auto (default), 1 = enable, 2 = disable,
  3 = 48k only, 4 = no VRA, 5 = enable any sample
  rate and different sample rates on different
  [VIA8233/C, 8235, 8237 only]
ac97_quirk  - AC'97 workaround for strange hardware
  See AC97 Quirk Option section below.

Así que editas el archivo /ect/modprobe.d/alsa-base y añades al final:

options snd-via82xx model=ac97_clock

Guardas y reinicias. Si no funciona, prueba con otro:

options snd-via82xx model=dxs_support




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Re: ¿Cuál es el archivo donde se muestra n los modulos de la tarjeta de sonido?

2010-04-20 Thread fernandojoseGmail
Camaleón wrote:
 El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:42:48 -0400, Galileo Galilei escribió:
 El mar, 20-04-2010 a las 11:54 +, Camaleón escribió:
 Pon la salida de aplay -l

 Con aplay -l
 me sale esto:

Perdón si ya lo habéis hecho, no estaba siguiendo el hilo y no tengo los
mensajes anteriores, pero alsa normalmente se configura con
un simple alsaconf como root.


  List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices  card 0: V8237 [VIA 8237],
 device 0: VIA 8237 [VIA 8237]
 Vale, pues ahora tienes que buscar qué modelos corresponden a ese 
 chipset. Ejecuta:
 zless /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/ALSA-Configuration.txt.gz
 Y busca la sección (debe estar por el final): 
 Module snd-via82xx
 Te listará todos los modelos que admite tu tarjeta. Vete probando uno por 
 uno, reiniciando el equipo tras cada cambio.
 Por ejemplo, yo tengo estos:
 mpu_port- 0x300,0x310,0x320,0x330, otherwise obtain BIOS setup
   [VIA686A/686B only]
 joystick- Enable joystick (default off) [VIA686A/686B only]
 ac97_clock  - AC'97 codec clock base (default 48000Hz)
 dxs_support - support DXS channels,
   0 = auto (default), 1 = enable, 2 = disable,
   3 = 48k only, 4 = no VRA, 5 = enable any sample
   rate and different sample rates on different
   [VIA8233/C, 8235, 8237 only]
 ac97_quirk  - AC'97 workaround for strange hardware
   See AC97 Quirk Option section below.
 Así que editas el archivo /ect/modprobe.d/alsa-base y añades al final:
 options snd-via82xx model=ac97_clock
 Guardas y reinicias. Si no funciona, prueba con otro:
 options snd-via82xx model=dxs_support


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

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Re: ¿Cuál es el archivo donde se muestran los modulos de la tarjeta de sonido?

2010-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 17:18:11 +0200, fernandojoseGmail escribió:

 Camaleón wrote:
 El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:42:48 -0400, Galileo Galilei escribió:
 El mar, 20-04-2010 a las 11:54 +, Camaleón escribió:
 Pon la salida de aplay -l

 Con aplay -l
 me sale esto:

 Perdón si ya lo habéis hecho, no estaba siguiendo el hilo y no tengo los
 mensajes anteriores, 

Puedes consultar el archivo de la lista:

 pero alsa normalmente se configura con un simple
 alsaconf como root.

No sé si eso ya lo habrá intentando :-?



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Modulo FXO. Tarjeta Digium. Ayuda

2010-04-20 Thread EMNI Yoan García Cáceres
Hola, tengo un servidor asterisk actualmente en servicio, con una
tarjeta digium de 24 FXO. Hace un tiempo se me dañaron varios de estos
troncos incluso el módulo completo se daño, debido a un sobrevoltaje o
pico en la línea, Alguien sabe como reparar estos módulos FXO 
Espero ayuda...

[OT] Re: Modulo FXO. Tarjeta Digium. Ayuda

2010-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:24:23 -0500, EMNI Yoan García Cáceres escribió:

 Hola, tengo un servidor asterisk actualmente en servicio, con una
 tarjeta digium de 24 FXO. Hace un tiempo se me dañaron varios de estos
 troncos incluso el módulo completo se daño, debido a un sobrevoltaje o
 pico en la línea, Alguien sabe como reparar estos módulos FXO 
 Espero ayuda...

Ostras... ¿ya has contactado con el fabricante? Esas tarjetas son caras y 
muy sensibles a tormentas eléctricas y/o picos de tensión. ¿No tenéis un 
SAI con toma de tierra protegiendo al equipo? Los terminales telefónicos 
también deberían estar protegidos.



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Re: ¿Cuál es el archivo donde se muestran los modulos de la tarjeta de sonido?

2010-04-20 Thread Galileo Galilei
El mar, 20-04-2010 a las 17:18 +0200, fernandojoseGmail escribió:
 Camaleón wrote:
  El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:42:48 -0400, Galileo Galilei escribió:
  El mar, 20-04-2010 a las 11:54 +, Camaleón escribió:
  Pon la salida de aplay -l
  Con aplay -l
  me sale esto:
 Perdón si ya lo habéis hecho, no estaba siguiendo el hilo y no tengo los
 mensajes anteriores, pero alsa normalmente se configura con
 un simple alsaconf como root.

Gracias a todos por el apoyo.
Con alsaconf como root me sale no se encontró la orden
y con la otra forma cada vez que añado una línea quedo sin sonido además
de sin micrófono. Quito la línea y entonces recupero el sonido pero no
el micrófono...Entonces por el momento la solución será que puedo vivir
sin micrófono y mantener mi salud mental en buen estado jejeje.

   List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices  card 0: V8237 [VIA 8237],
  device 0: VIA 8237 [VIA 8237]
  Vale, pues ahora tienes que buscar qué modelos corresponden a ese 
  chipset. Ejecuta:
  zless /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/ALSA-Configuration.txt.gz
  Y busca la sección (debe estar por el final): 
  Module snd-via82xx
  Te listará todos los modelos que admite tu tarjeta. Vete probando uno por 
  uno, reiniciando el equipo tras cada cambio.
  Por ejemplo, yo tengo estos:
  mpu_port- 0x300,0x310,0x320,0x330, otherwise obtain BIOS setup
[VIA686A/686B only]
  joystick- Enable joystick (default off) [VIA686A/686B only]
  ac97_clock  - AC'97 codec clock base (default 48000Hz)
  dxs_support - support DXS channels,
0 = auto (default), 1 = enable, 2 = disable,
3 = 48k only, 4 = no VRA, 5 = enable any sample
rate and different sample rates on different
[VIA8233/C, 8235, 8237 only]
  ac97_quirk  - AC'97 workaround for strange hardware
See AC97 Quirk Option section below.
  Así que editas el archivo /ect/modprobe.d/alsa-base y añades al final:
  options snd-via82xx model=ac97_clock
  Guardas y reinicias. Si no funciona, prueba con otro:
  options snd-via82xx model=dxs_support
Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

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Re: ¿Cuál es el archivo donde se muestran los modulos de la tarjeta de sonido?

2010-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:52:02 -0400, Galileo Galilei escribió:

 El mar, 20-04-2010 a las 17:18 +0200, fernandojoseGmail escribió:

 Perdón si ya lo habéis hecho, no estaba siguiendo el hilo y no tengo
 los mensajes anteriores, pero alsa normalmente se configura con un
 simple alsaconf como root.
 Gracias a todos por el apoyo.
 Con alsaconf como root me sale no se encontró la orden y con la otra
 forma cada vez que añado una línea quedo sin sonido además de sin
 micrófono. Quito la línea y entonces recupero el sonido pero no el
 micrófono...Entonces por el momento la solución será que puedo vivir sin
 micrófono y mantener mi salud mental en buen estado jejeje.

También puedes informar del fallo manteniendo tu buen estado de salud 
mental y ayudando a que arreglen el problema y no les pase a otros :-)



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Re: ¿Cuál es el archivo donde se muestran los modulos de la tarjeta de sonido?

2010-04-20 Thread Julio
El mar, 20-04-2010 a las 11:52 -0400, Galileo Galilei escribió:
 Con alsaconf como root me sale no se encontró la orden
 y con la otra forma cada vez que añado una línea quedo sin sonido
 de sin micrófono.

Quizás no está intalado,

# apt-get install alsa-utils

Un saludo


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

[OT] recomendació n antivirus para HAVP

2010-04-20 Thread Luis Miguel R.
Buenas peña, 
Estoy seguro que muchos usareís HAVP con algún antivirus (normalmente
ClamAV) para bloquear amenazas web, mi opinión es que ClamAV es
un excelente AV para pasarelas de correo, pero tiene una tasa de detección 
de amenazas web bastate baja.

Alguna recomendación de un AV para detectar amenazas web?, doy por hecho
que tendrá que ser de pago.

Usais alguna otra solución para proteger los terminales con windows de
los problemas de la web? 

Un saludo.

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Re: ¿Cuál es el archivo donde se muestran los modulos de la tarjeta de sonido?

2010-04-20 Thread AngelD
El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 17:18:11 +0200
fernandojoseGmail escribió:

 Perdón si ya lo habéis hecho, no estaba siguiendo el hilo y no tengo
 los mensajes anteriores, pero alsa normalmente se configura con
 un simple alsaconf como root.

Al parecer [1]alsaconf no va a existir en futuras versiones
porque el único uso válido del mismo es configurar tarjetas de sonido
ISA. En este caso, no creo que suponga ningún beneficio, ya que la
tarjeta funciona, pero no funcionan correctamente alguna de sus


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Re: [OT] recomendación antivirus para HAVP

2010-04-20 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
 Original Message 
From: Luis Miguel R.
Sent: Tue, Apr 20, 2010, 13:45 PM
Subject: [OT] recomendación antivirus para HAVP

Buenas peña,
Estoy seguro que muchos usareís HAVP con algún antivirus (normalmente
ClamAV) para bloquear amenazas web, mi opinión es que ClamAV es
un excelente AV para pasarelas de correo, pero tiene una tasa de detección
de amenazas web bastate baja.

Alguna recomendación de un AV para detectar amenazas web?, doy por hecho
que tendrá que ser de pago.

Usais alguna otra solución para proteger los terminales con windows de
los problemas de la web?

Yo uso dansguardian + clamav sin ningún problema, no entiendo a qué te refieres 
con tasa de detección
de amenazas web bastate baja


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Re: ¿Cuál es el archivo donde se muestran los modulos de la tarjeta de sonido?

2010-04-20 Thread Javier San Roman
El Martes, 20 de Abril de 2010, fernandojoseGmail escribió:
 Camaleón wrote:
  El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:42:48 -0400, Galileo Galilei escribió:
  El mar, 20-04-2010 a las 11:54 +, Camaleón escribió:
  Pon la salida de aplay -l
  Con aplay -l
  me sale esto:
 Perdón si ya lo habéis hecho, no estaba siguiendo el hilo y no tengo los
 mensajes anteriores, pero alsa normalmente se configura con
 un simple alsaconf como root.

Ha dicho que está en Squeeze y en Squeeze no hay alsaconf.

Usuario Linux: #156817
Debian Squeeze/Sid - Kernel 2.6.32

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Re: Consejos o mejor forma de actualizar de etch a lenny

2010-04-20 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/4/20 Juan Manuel Acuña Barrera
 Buenas compañeros:

 Tengo un servidor en producción trabajando hacer cerca de dos años, con etch. 
 Ahora me toca ya actualizarlo a lenny, y quisiera saber si tienen alguna 
 recomendación en particular para hacer la actualización.

 Antes que nada, quiero aclarar que se cual es el proceso básico (cambiar en 
 las repos donde dice etch a lenny, luego apt-get update y luego apt-get 
 dist-upgrade). Me preocupa un poco el tema por que en este servidor tengo 
 unas bases de datos que están en producción, y no quiero quedarme con el 
 sistema roto :S  Lo que quiero es saber si ustedes toman alguna precaución 
 adicional al momento de hacer este proceso o directamente lo hacen así como 

 Muchas gracias de antemano.

Nosé si podria ser buena idea hacer una actualización previa de los
servicios más importantes supongo que en tu caso serán el apache y el
mysql. Con actualización previa me refiero a poner lenny en los
sources.list, hacer un apt-get update, y un apt-get upgrade install
del apache2 y luego del mysql. Así puedes identificar si hay problemas
en esos servicios y actuar con más margen que con una actualización
completa. Repito que NO SE SI ES UNA BUENA RECOMENDACIÓN, porque no sé
como puede influir con las dependencias, aunque yo lo he hecho en
varias ocasiones y la verdad esque me ha ido muy bién :)


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RE: [OT] Re: Modulo FXO. Tarjeta Digium. Ayuda

2010-04-20 Thread EMNI Yoan García Cáceres
Si ya cambiamos las protecciones y nos ha dado resultado, pero antes de eso
ya se nos dañaron algunos módulos

-Mensaje original-
De: Camaleón [] 
Enviado el: Martes, 20 de Abril de 2010 10:39 a.m.
Asunto: [OT] Re: Modulo FXO. Tarjeta Digium. Ayuda

El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:24:23 -0500, EMNI Yoan García Cáceres escribió:

 Hola, tengo un servidor asterisk actualmente en servicio, con una
 tarjeta digium de 24 FXO. Hace un tiempo se me dañaron varios de estos
 troncos incluso el módulo completo se daño, debido a un sobrevoltaje o
 pico en la línea, Alguien sabe como reparar estos módulos FXO 
 Espero ayuda...

Ostras... ¿ya has contactado con el fabricante? Esas tarjetas son caras y 
muy sensibles a tormentas eléctricas y/o picos de tensión. ¿No tenéis un 
SAI con toma de tierra protegiendo al equipo? Los terminales telefónicos 
también deberían estar protegidos.



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RE: [OT] Re: Modulo FXO. Tarjeta Digium. Ayuda

2010-04-20 Thread Edwin Quijada

NO creo que puedas repararlo. Te tocara comprarlos , creo que cuestan 90USD 
cada uno. 

*-Edwin Quijada 
*-Developer DataBase 
*-JQ Microsistemas 
*-Soporte PostgreSQL

 Subject: RE: [OT] Re: Modulo FXO. Tarjeta Digium. Ayuda
 Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:45:14 -0500
 Si ya cambiamos las protecciones y nos ha dado resultado, pero antes de eso
 ya se nos dañaron algunos módulos
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Camaleón [] 
 Enviado el: Martes, 20 de Abril de 2010 10:39 a.m.
 Asunto: [OT] Re: Modulo FXO. Tarjeta Digium. Ayuda
 El Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:24:23 -0500, EMNI Yoan García Cáceres escribió:
  Hola, tengo un servidor asterisk actualmente en servicio, con una
  tarjeta digium de 24 FXO. Hace un tiempo se me dañaron varios de estos
  troncos incluso el módulo completo se daño, debido a un sobrevoltaje o
  pico en la línea, Alguien sabe como reparar estos módulos FXO 
  Espero ayuda...
 Ostras... ¿ya has contactado con el fabricante? Esas tarjetas son caras y 
 muy sensibles a tormentas eléctricas y/o picos de tensión. ¿No tenéis un 
 SAI con toma de tierra protegiendo al equipo? Los terminales telefónicos 
 también deberían estar protegidos.
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Identificar Trackpad

2010-04-20 Thread carlos albornoz
Hola lista.

tengo una duda respecto al modelo del trackpad de mi laptop, este es un
acer aspire 4320-2278, estuve leyendo el manual y buscando información
respecto al dispositivo pero no encuentro nada, la idea es saber si es

¿Alguien tiene alguna idea de como saber si el trackpad es de estas


Carlos Albornoz C.
Staff []
Linux User #360502
Fono: 97864420

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Re: Identificar Trackpad

2010-04-20 Thread d . sastre . medina
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 03:42:36PM -0400, carlos albornoz wrote:
 Hola lista.
 tengo una duda respecto al modelo del trackpad de mi laptop, este es un
 acer aspire 4320-2278, estuve leyendo el manual y buscando información
 respecto al dispositivo pero no encuentro nada, la idea es saber si es
 ¿Alguien tiene alguna idea de como saber si el trackpad es de estas


¿Has probado hwinfo, a ver cuánta información te da?

Quizá puedas localizar el modelo de trackpad o touchpad que tiene tu

$ sudo hwinfo --mouse

8: PS/2 00.0: 10500 PS/2 Mouse
  [Created at input.183]
  Unique ID: AH6Q.U5GX9Ignjc0
  Hardware Class: mouse
  Model: PS/2 ALPS GlidePoint
  Vendor: 0x0002
  Device: 0x0001 PS/2 ALPS GlidePoint


Huella de clave primaria: 0FDA C36F F110 54F4 D42B  D0EB 617D 396C 448B 31EB

Description: PGP signature

Re: Identificar Trackpad

2010-04-20 Thread carlos albornoz
 On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 03:42:36PM -0400, carlos albornoz wrote:
 Hola lista.

 tengo una duda respecto al modelo del trackpad de mi laptop, este es un
 acer aspire 4320-2278, estuve leyendo el manual y buscando información
 respecto al dispositivo pero no encuentro nada, la idea es saber si es

 ¿Alguien tiene alguna idea de como saber si el trackpad es de estas



 ¿Has probado hwinfo, a ver cuánta información te da?

 Quizá puedas localizar el modelo de trackpad o touchpad que tiene tu

 $ sudo hwinfo --mouse

 8: PS/2 00.0: 10500 PS/2 Mouse
  [Created at input.183]
  Unique ID: AH6Q.U5GX9Ignjc0
  Hardware Class: mouse
  Model: PS/2 ALPS GlidePoint
  Vendor: 0x0002
  Device: 0x0001 PS/2 ALPS GlidePoint


 Huella de clave primaria: 0FDA C36F F110 54F4 D42B  D0EB 617D 396C 448B 31EB

Ufff se me había olvidado probar con hwinfo...

Efectivamente me mostró toda la información respecto al trackpad,
así que ahora encuentro información de como activar al multitouch.


Carlos Albornoz C.
Staff []
Linux User #360502
Fono: 97864420

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2010-04-20 Thread islanis
hola amigos con el wine no me quiere pinchar , dejeme probar mas tarde, 
me hablaron de un plugin del eclipse que se llama Azzurri que me dijeron 
que sirve para eso pero no puedo acceder a el alguien me lo puede enviar 
a mi correo es que se que es peque , pero no puedo acceder a el , 
gracias de antemano a todos chicos.

Angel Claudio Alvarez escribió:

El dom, 18-04-2010 a las 20:30 -0400, islanis escribió:
hola amigos, en materia en una asignatura que me estan dando en la 
universidad, esta Bases de Datos y me han dado el instalador del Erwin 
pero es un .exe es decir para windows,, lo que quiero de favor es saber 
si existe alguna version para linux o algun programa parecido que sirva 
para usar sus mismas caracteristicas en Gnu/Linux, o por lo menos me 
sirva para plantear entidades y que los volque en una base de datos, 
gracias a todos

Instalalo con wine
Yo en su momento instale la version 7 y funcionaba correctamente



Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas




Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Consejos o mejor forma de actualizar de etch a lenny

2010-04-20 Thread Juan Manuel Acuña Barrera

El 20/04/2010, a las 12:28, Marc Aymerich escribió:

 2010/4/20 Juan Manuel Acuña Barrera
 Buenas compañeros:
 Tengo un servidor en producción trabajando hacer cerca de dos años, con 
 etch. Ahora me toca ya actualizarlo a lenny, y quisiera saber si tienen 
 alguna recomendación en particular para hacer la actualización.
 Antes que nada, quiero aclarar que se cual es el proceso básico (cambiar en 
 las repos donde dice etch a lenny, luego apt-get update y luego apt-get 
 dist-upgrade). Me preocupa un poco el tema por que en este servidor tengo 
 unas bases de datos que están en producción, y no quiero quedarme con el 
 sistema roto :S  Lo que quiero es saber si ustedes toman alguna precaución 
 adicional al momento de hacer este proceso o directamente lo hacen así como 
 Muchas gracias de antemano.
 Nosé si podria ser buena idea hacer una actualización previa de los
 servicios más importantes supongo que en tu caso serán el apache y el
 mysql. Con actualización previa me refiero a poner lenny en los
 sources.list, hacer un apt-get update, y un apt-get upgrade install
 del apache2 y luego del mysql. Así puedes identificar si hay problemas
 en esos servicios y actuar con más margen que con una actualización
 completa. Repito que NO SE SI ES UNA BUENA RECOMENDACIÓN, porque no sé
 como puede influir con las dependencias, aunque yo lo he hecho en
 varias ocasiones y la verdad esque me ha ido muy bién :)
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Bueno, nunca he actualizado así, solamente por partes. Veré si puedo clonar el 
servidor y hacer pruebas en la copia. 

Estoy muy agradecido con todos los que han aportado.


Juan Manuel.

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Las X inicia y el teclado ni el mouse responde

2010-04-20 Thread Marcel Rodolfo Sanchez Gongora
Hola lista, hace 4 meses que no actualizaba el sistema y hoy cuando lo hice, 
como era de esperar en squeeze, se actualizaron varios paquetes, entre ellos 
casi todos los relacionados con el xorg. Luego cuando reinicie el sistema me 
encuentro con que se queda conjelado al inicial las X pues no responde ni el 
teclado ni el mouse, los controladores para estos dispositivos estan 
correctamente actualizados tambien y he estado leyendo en la tarde y veo que 
parece un bugs de algun paquete relacionado con el xorg. Estoy buscando aun en 
internet pero si a alguien le dio este problema con el xorg q existe 
actualmente en testing le agradeceria mucho los comentarios.

gracias por su tiempo

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Re: Las X inicia y el teclado ni el mouse responde

2010-04-20 Thread Javier San Roman
El Miércoles, 21 de Abril de 2010, Marcel Rodolfo Sanchez Gongora escribió:
 Hola lista, hace 4 meses que no actualizaba el sistema y hoy cuando lo
  hice, como era de esperar en squeeze, se actualizaron varios paquetes,
  entre ellos casi todos los relacionados con el xorg. Luego cuando reinicie
  el sistema me encuentro con que se queda conjelado al inicial las X pues
  no responde ni el teclado ni el mouse, los controladores para estos
  dispositivos estan correctamente actualizados tambien y he estado leyendo
  en la tarde y veo que parece un bugs de algun paquete relacionado con el
  xorg. Estoy buscando aun en internet pero si a alguien le dio este
  problema con el xorg q existe actualmente en testing le agradeceria mucho
  los comentarios.
 gracias por su tiempo
Prueba a poner esto en el xorg:

Section ServerFlags
Option AllowEmptyInput false

Usuario Linux: #156817
Debian Squeeze/Sid - Kernel 2.6.32

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Re: Las X inicia y el teclado ni el mouse responde

2010-04-20 Thread Javier San Roman
El Miércoles, 21 de Abril de 2010, Marcel Rodolfo Sanchez Gongora escribió:
 Hola lista, hace 4 meses que no actualizaba el sistema y hoy cuando lo
  hice, como era de esperar en squeeze, se actualizaron varios paquetes,
  entre ellos casi todos los relacionados con el xorg. Luego cuando reinicie
  el sistema me encuentro con que se queda conjelado al inicial las X pues
  no responde ni el teclado ni el mouse, los controladores para estos
  dispositivos estan correctamente actualizados tambien y he estado leyendo
  en la tarde y veo que parece un bugs de algun paquete relacionado con el
  xorg. Estoy buscando aun en internet pero si a alguien le dio este
  problema con el xorg q existe actualmente en testing le agradeceria mucho
  los comentarios.
 gracias por su tiempo
Falta algo al final. Éste es el correcto:

Section ServerFlags
Option AllowEmptyInput false

Usuario Linux: #156817
Debian Squeeze/Sid - Kernel 2.6.32

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proxy transparente (squid 3) y SSL

2010-04-20 Thread William Alexander Brito Viñas

1- Debian Leny + Squid 3.0 (transparente, puerto 3128) redirigido todo el 
trafico del puerto 80 al 3128
2- Cantidad de usuarios navegando a traves del proxy: desconocida. 

1- Tener los logs de squid completos para su analisis.
2- Utilizar ACL para potencialmente controlar el acceso.

1- Páginas HTTPS (puerto 443).  

1- Bajar y compilar squid con soporte para SSL y redirigir con iptables el 
trafico del 443 hacia el 3128.
Duda: Antes de hacerlo, en una busqueda encuentro con que existen infinidad 
de paginas donde manifiestan que no es posible utilizar un proxy transparente 
en conexiones SSL. 
por ejemplo, es una de estas paginas. ¿Esto significaría que compilar squid no 
me resolvería nada? Aclaro que estoy tratando de evitar esta solucion en la 
medida de lo posible.

2- Renunciar a proxy transparente y redirigir todo el trafico saliente --dport 
80 hacia un web server con una sola pagina en la que indique a los usuarios 
como configurar opera, firefox, ie8o lo que sea para que usen el proxy.
Duda: los usuarios que tengan configurada su pagina de inicio por ejemplo 
al login de yahoo no veran esa página, ademas algunos de estos usuarios 
(generalmente los que se conectan via wireless a la red)  despues se conectan a 
otras redes (las de sus casas, etc) si ya es un problema explicarles como se 
configura un navegador para que use un proxy este otro inconveniente es serio 
ya que en esas otras locaciones, comumente no solo ellos son usarios del equipo.

3- Enmascarar el trafico del puerto 443 hacia afuera.
Duda: Esto es lo que hago ahora y como tal no satisface ninguno de los dos 

¿Qué otra alternativa de solucion se le puede dar esta situacion que por lo 
demas no debe ser muy fuera de lo común y que satisfaga ambos objetivos? 

A todos GRACIAS MUCHAS por su tiempo.

Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger

Re: proxy transparente (squid 3) y SSL

2010-04-20 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina
William Alexander Brito Viñas wrote:
 1- Bajar y compilar squid con soporte para SSL y redirigir con iptables el
 trafico del 443 hacia el 3128.
 Duda: Antes de hacerlo, en una busqueda encuentro con que existen
 infinidad de paginas donde manifiestan que no es posible utilizar un
 proxy transparente en conexiones SSL. por ejemplo,
 es una de estas paginas. ¿Esto significaría que compilar squid no me
 resolvería nada? Aclaro que estoy tratando de evitar esta solucion en
 la medida de lo posible.
Esa información es vieja, hoy en dia  squid sí funciona como https proxy
cache, tienes que generar certificados en el propio servidor.

 2- Renunciar a proxy transparente y redirigir todo el trafico saliente
 --dport 80 hacia un web server con una sola pagina en la que indique a los
 usuarios como configurar opera, firefox, ie8o lo que sea para que usen
 el proxy.
No, hacer eso es cualquier cosa menos efectivo.

 3- Enmascarar el trafico del puerto 443 hacia afuera.
 Duda: Esto es lo que hago ahora y como tal no satisface ninguno de los
 dos objetivos.
Ya lo estas haciendo, porque ahora estas haciendo nat hacia afuera en el
puerto 443, cualquier usuario puede poner un ssh externo escuchando en el
puerto 443 y túnel mediante navegar de incógnito (lo puedes descubrir
mediante las consultas dns).

 ¿Qué otra alternativa de solucion se le puede dar esta situacion que por
 lo demas no debe ser muy fuera de lo común y que satisfaga ambos
No la hay, si los usuarios especifican en sus browsers que usen tu
proxy:3128 para todos los protocolos (ftp, http, https) podrán navegar sin
problemas porque squid hace un bypass en el tráfico https.

El paquete squid en Debian no esta compilado con soporte ssl, asi que te
bajas el source con apt-get source squid y lo compilas y empiezas a

La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros.

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Re: conectar sem fio

2010-04-20 Thread Renato S. Yamane

Em 18-04-2010 15:06, Rogerio Luz Coelho escreveu:

Em 18 de abril de 2010 14:11, Carlos  escreveu:

ola pessoal, uma das minhas placas d rede esta conectada num receptor sem
fio (WET11), e recebemos sinal sem fio com autenticação por aquelas chaves
wpa, como configurar o squeeze para conectar no provedor?

Poste os resultados de:
# lsusb
# lspci
# uname -a
# ifconfig

Isso é o começo ... ;)

Para que isso?
Clique com o botão direito sobre o gerenciador de rede que está 
localizado próximo ao relógio e escolha Gerenciar conexões.

Clique em Adicionar conexão e siga os passos.


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Re: Networkmanager

2010-04-20 Thread Renato S. Yamane

Em 19-04-2010 22:22, Still escreveu:

Recentemente instalei o Networkmanager e o knetworkmanager no
notebook para controlar as redes que utilizo (casa, trabalho, etc.).

O knetworkmanager está obsoleto no Debian Squeeze.
Ele foi substituido pelo network-manager-kde

Tem certeza que você está utilizando uma versão atualizada?
# aptitude update
# aptitude safe-upgrade

Porém, o que é muito fácil de utilizar no Ubuntu do netbook, está se
tornando um transtorno no notebook.

Acho melhor procurar maiores informações em uma lista de Ubuntu.


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Re: alterar Versão do cliente MySQL: 5.0.51a

2010-04-20 Thread Luciano Marques
Recomendo que vc desinstale o mysql 5.1.xx e instale a versão 5.0.xx. Se não
conseguir via repositórios, baixe o pacote binário dos mirrors do mysql,
talvez essa opção seja até mais prática.

Em 19 de abril de 2010 17:59, Eduardo Pizorno escreveu:

 Boa noite pessoal da lista, estou as voltas com um pequeno problema em
 uma instalação de um lamp, instalei tudo corretamente como manda o
 figurino via aptitude em meu debian, porém quando entro no phpmyadmin
 recebo esse alerta:

 Sua versão 5.0.51a da biblioteca MySQL do PHP difere da versão 5.1.45
 do seu servidor MySQL. Isso pode causar um comportamento estranho.

 Alguma dica de resolver essa problema.

 Eduardo Pizorno.

 Nunca diga às pessoas como fazer as coisas. Diga-lhes o que deve ser
 feito e elas surpreenderão você com sua engenhosidade.
 George Patton (1885-1945)

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Luciano Marques
Goiânia - GO

Re: Lirc + Receptor USBserial

2010-04-20 Thread Frederico Martins
Mais uma dúvida ,

Eu devo tratar o receptor como somente USB ou tenho que levar em conta que
está sendo convertido USB/Serial ?


Frederico Martins P Junior

fazer o /dev/cdrom permanente

2010-04-20 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior


tenho um drive de CD USB externo dell. Quando conecto o drive ele cria o 
dispositivo /dev/sr0, mas não cria o /dev/cdrom. O problema é que muitas 
coisas não funcionam adequadamente sem o link /dev/cdrom - /dev/sr0. Eu 
até criei o link, mas ele é apagado na reinicialização.

Como faço para ter este link permanente?


19ª lei - O que for melhor para você é melhor para seu orientador.

20ª lei - O que for melhor para seu orientador é melhor para você.

  --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.

 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

|  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 |
| | LinuxUser#: 205366

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Re: fazer o /dev/cdrom permanente

2010-04-20 Thread China
Em 20 de abril de 2010 12:48, Ronaldo Reis Junior escreveu:

 tenho um drive de CD USB externo dell. Quando conecto o drive ele cria o
 dispositivo /dev/sr0, mas não cria o /dev/cdrom. O problema é que muitas
 coisas não funcionam adequadamente sem o link /dev/cdrom - /dev/sr0. Eu até
 criei o link, mas ele é apagado na reinicialização.

 Como faço para ter este link permanente?

Você leu ou /etc/udev/rules.d/README ??


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Re: fazer o /dev/cdrom permanente

2010-04-20 Thread Allan Carvalho
Você não consegue alterar esse comportamento no /etc/fstab?

Allan Carvalho

Em 20 de abril de 2010 12:48, Ronaldo Reis Junior escreveu:

 tenho um drive de CD USB externo dell. Quando conecto o drive ele cria o
 dispositivo /dev/sr0, mas não cria o /dev/cdrom. O problema é que muitas
 coisas não funcionam adequadamente sem o link /dev/cdrom - /dev/sr0. Eu até
 criei o link, mas ele é apagado na reinicialização.

 Como faço para ter este link permanente?


 19ª lei - O que for melhor para você é melhor para seu orientador.

 20ª lei - O que for melhor para seu orientador é melhor para você.

      --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.

  Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

 |  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
 | : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
 | `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
 |   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 |
 | | LinuxUser#: 205366

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Re: conectar sem fio

2010-04-20 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato
2010/4/20 Renato S. Yamane
 Em 18-04-2010 15:06, Rogerio Luz Coelho escreveu:

 Em 18 de abril de 2010 14:11, Carlos

 ola pessoal, uma das minhas placas d rede esta conectada num receptor sem
 fio (WET11), e recebemos sinal sem fio com autenticação por aquelas
 wpa, como configurar o squeeze para conectar no provedor?

 Poste os resultados de:
 # lsusb
 # lspci
 # uname -a
 # ifconfig

 Isso é o começo ... ;)

 Para que isso?
 Clique com o botão direito sobre o gerenciador de rede que está localizado
 próximo ao relógio e escolha Gerenciar conexões.
 Clique em Adicionar conexão e siga os passos.

WET11 e uma bridge 802.11b para ethernet. Reparem que eu disse
Oitocentos e dois ponto onze be.
E pela rápida pesquisa que fiz, não suportar WPA.
Recomendo ao Carlos adquirir um Access Point moderno com função de cliente.
Ou utilizar uma placa de rede sem fio (suportado pelo kernel da versão
do debian).
A PCI mais comum, facilmente encontrada, usa o chipset da realtek, e
ruimzinha, mas funciona no Linux, adquira também uma antena de maior
ganho, e se for o caso, direcional. A antena (se já não tem) vale
também para o Access Point.

Espera ai.
Carlos, antes de mudar para o Squeeze, essa conexão estava funcionando?
Se sim, o problema deve ser outro.
Como, a placa de rede não reconhecida ou não configurada.
Se fez alguma troca de hardware (placa de rede, ou todo o computador),
entre em contato com o responsável por essa rede.

Paulino Kenji Sato

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Re: fazer o /dev/cdrom permanente

2010-04-20 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior
Sim, eu li o /usr/share/doc/udev/README.gz e o README.debian, mas 
infelizmente não consegui entender o que fazer e onde fazer. O problema 
é que o /dev/sr0 só é criado quando plugo meu drive USB no computador.

Até tentei colocar no arquivo /etc/rc.local

ln -s /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom

mas não funcionou, talvez por não existir o /dev/sr0 pois o drive não 
está conectado. Entender e editar os arquivos de configuração do UDEV é 
muito complicado.

Alguem tem mais alguma dica?


Em 20-04-2010 12:58, China escreveu:

Em 20 de abril de 2010 12:48, Ronaldo Reis  escreveu:


tenho um drive de CD USB externo dell. Quando conecto o drive ele cria o
dispositivo /dev/sr0, mas não cria o /dev/cdrom. O problema é que muitas
coisas não funcionam adequadamente sem o link /dev/cdrom -  /dev/sr0. Eu até
criei o link, mas ele é apagado na reinicialização.

Como faço para ter este link permanente?

Você leu ou /etc/udev/rules.d/README ??



8ª lei - Colete seus dados hoje como se você soubesse que seu equipamento
 vai quebrar amanhã.

  --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.

 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

|  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 |
| | LinuxUser#: 205366

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Re: fazer o /dev/cdrom permanente

2010-04-20 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato
2010/4/20 Ronaldo Reis Junior

 tenho um drive de CD USB externo dell. Quando conecto o drive ele cria o
 dispositivo /dev/sr0, mas não cria o /dev/cdrom. O problema é que muitas
 coisas não funcionam adequadamente sem o link /dev/cdrom - /dev/sr0. Eu até
 criei o link, mas ele é apagado na reinicialização.

 Como faço para ter este link permanente?

Experimente apagar o arquivo (ou inspecionar o seu conteúdo)
Com o cd usb desconectado.
E em seguida, conecte o cd.
E veja e o arquivo e recriado.
Se o arquivo não existir, temo um problema. Udev não esta rodando o
/lib/udev/write_cd_rules e ou o
O udev eo resposavel por gerar esses links. Uma possibilidade eo udev
não estar reconhecendo o drive como sendo uma unidade de cdrom. Não
possuo aqui algo similar para verificar o que ocorre.

Paulino Kenji Sato

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2010-04-20 Thread Caio Abreu Ferreira

Estou tentando instalar o software rtorrent via código fonte no
gnu/linux debian stable. Para isso fiz o seguinte:

01 - su
02 - cd /tmp
03 - wget
04 - wget
05 - cd /usr/local/src
06 - tar xzvf /tmp/libtorrent-0.12.6.tar.gz
07 - tar xzvf /tmp/rtorrent-0.8.6.tar.gz
08 - cd /usr/local/src/libtorrent
09 - ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libtorrent
10 - make
11 - make install
12 - vi /etc/
13 - acrecentar a linha /usr/local/libtorrent/lib
14 - ldconfig

Até aqui nenhum problema.

15 - cd /usr/local/src/rtorrent-0.8.6
16 - ./
17 - ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/rtorrent

A partir deste ponto já ocorreu problema.

checking for libtorrent... configure: error: Package requirements (libtorrent
= 0.12.6) were not met:

No package 'libtorrent' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables libtorrent_CFLAGS
and libtorrent_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

Executei o comando configure com os seguinte parâmetros:

18 - ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/rtorrent

Aparentemente deu certo, pois apareceu a seguinte mensagem:

checking for libtorrent... yes

Mas quando executo o comand make aparecem várias mensagens de erro.

Alguém por acaso instalou o rtorrent via código fonte?



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Re: rtorrent

2010-04-20 Thread Ricardo Esdra

Caio Abreu Ferreira escreveu:


Estou tentando instalar o software rtorrent via código fonte no
gnu/linux debian stable. Para isso fiz o seguinte:

01 - su
02 - cd /tmp
03 - wget
04 - wget
05 - cd /usr/local/src
06 - tar xzvf /tmp/libtorrent-0.12.6.tar.gz
07 - tar xzvf /tmp/rtorrent-0.8.6.tar.gz
08 - cd /usr/local/src/libtorrent
09 - ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libtorrent
10 - make
11 - make install
12 - vi /etc/
13 - acrecentar a linha /usr/local/libtorrent/lib
14 - ldconfig

Até aqui nenhum problema.

15 - cd /usr/local/src/rtorrent-0.8.6

a versão 0.7.9-2.2 não serve?
ela está no stable

16 - ./
17 - ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/rtorrent

A partir deste ponto já ocorreu problema.

checking for libtorrent... configure: error: Package requirements (libtorrent

= 0.12.6) were not met:

No package 'libtorrent' found
libtorrent10  é uma das libs relacionadas a libtorrent que está nos 
repositórios do stable

e sua versão é 0.11.9-1.1

tem que ser está versão que você está tentando?

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables libtorrent_CFLAGS
and libtorrent_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

Executei o comando configure com os seguinte parâmetros:

18 - ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/rtorrent

Aparentemente deu certo, pois apareceu a seguinte mensagem:

checking for libtorrent... yes

Mas quando executo o comand make aparecem várias mensagens de erro.

Alguém por acaso instalou o rtorrent via código fonte?



#  Ricardo Esdra #
#  linux user n° 446011  #

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Re: Increasing number of conflicts

2010-04-20 Thread Jimmy Johnson

Mark Allums wrote:

I noticed OP's post contained g++.  My Sid is also trying to uninstall 
g++.  Without me posting about 8k worth of useless diagnostics, would 
you happen to know the reason why?

I'm not seeing the problem, currently my unstable/testing system is 
fully up-to-date and nothing is trying to remove g++, I do use Synaptic 
to check my system for packages that are no longer available and I use 
both testing and unstable repos, I have several computers here with 
several installs of both unstable and Squeeze, on the Squeeze systems 
I'm only using the Squeeze repos.

Anyways, you may want to use Synaptic to see if you have any obsolete 
packages and clean them out before you run 'aptitude full-upgrade'.

Jimmy Johnson

Bakersfield, CA. U.S.A.
Registered Linux User #380263
K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid)

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Re: Increasing number of conflicts

2010-04-20 Thread Jimmy Johnson

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

When I do 'aptitude full-upgrade' I get 1 broken package:

The following packages are BROKEN:

and 1 package with unmet dependencies:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  python-twisted-conch: Depends: python-twisted-core (= 10.0.0-3) but 
10.0.0-2 is to be installed.

and for the rest:

802 packages upgraded, 248 newly installed, 81 to remove and 0 not 

when I do 'apt-get dist-upgrade' I get 2 packages kept back:

The following packages have been kept back:
  grub python-twisted python-twisted-conch

and for the rest:

836 upgraded, 249 newly installed, 16 to remove and 3 not upgraded.

I don't have python-twisted-conch installed, I don't need it, but on a 
test install it installed with no problem, the same goes for grub, at 
the moment I have no dependency problems at all.

If I was you I would start by finding out why python-twisted-core is not 
getting upgraded to the latest version that's in the repos and so on, 
with a little investigating I'm sure you will find what has broken your 
system, it may help to use Synaptic to look at the packages.

Jimmy Johnson

Bakersfield, CA. U.S.A.
Registered Linux User #380263
K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid)

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Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Johannes Wiedersich
Hash: SHA1

Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
 Why would an
 honest soul ever allow information to be read, but not printed?
 To maintain honesty? An honest soul (i.e. me, here) has to send some
 data to some dishonest person.

The problem is: either you give data to some dishonest person or you
don't give that data to some dishonest person. Tertium non datur.

 Even with acroread it is possible to print screenshots of the documents.
 Might be a pain to reconstruct a multipage document, but not impossible.
 I know, and we all know this. But this needs some determination, because
 it needs some time. And when such problems arise, one often thinks (or
 should, at least, think) `Do I really need to copy this using that
 painful way, to bypass some limitation which is actually imposed to me
 by an honest person?' This is another aspect of security. There are the
 technical means, and all the infringements which can be done. But,
 sometimes, `le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle.'

FWIW, if you'd like to rely on such a scheme for security by obstacles,
you'd have to use something else than pdf. pdf's scheme is broken.
That's all.

The reason that it is broken for pdfs is that the specifications for pdf
are freely available, and thus alternative pdf readers have been
developed. Your scheme would require closed specifications and closed
software to work. This list, however, is all about free software.

- --

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- - Galileo Galilei, physicist and astronomer (1564-1642)
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Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Johannes Wiedersich
Hash: SHA1

Merciadri Luca wrote:
 John Hasler wrote:
 What do you mean by real protection?  If they possess a copy that they
 can read they can print it.  It should be obvious that there is nothing
 you can do to stop them.
 Not so obvious, simply because if they are using some software that is
 license-limited, and if they are `beginners' in the field, they might
 simply never find any way to deal with your document in another fashion
 than the one you only wanted them to work in.

Yeah, and 'beginners' bank robbers can be mislead by not writing bank
above the door of banks.

- --

In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the
humble reasoning of a single individual.
- - Galileo Galilei, physicist and astronomer (1564-1642)
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Re: Increasing number of conflicts

2010-04-20 Thread Jimmy Johnson

B. Alexander wrote:
I've got an issue with a sid box that I have been maintaining for a 
while. This is my workstation, and I have noticed a growing number of 
broken packages, unmet dependencies and conflicts. I have been using 
safe-upgrade for months now, hoping that it would work itself out over 
time. However, this hasn't happened. So what can I do to fix the 
problems without losing functionality? Below is the result of aptitude 
full-upgrade (forgive the cut-and-paste):

I'm using KDE and it's fully up-to-date with no broken packages, your 
problem seems to be that you are holding obsolete/orphan packages, you 
may want to use Synaptic to look at your system and do some 
investigating as to why dependence are not being met.

Jimmy Johnson

Bakersfield, CA. U.S.A.
Registered Linux User #380263
K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid)

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Re: [SOLVED] Debian-multimedia breaks mplayer .mov playback on Lenny?

2010-04-20 Thread Clive McBarton
Hash: SHA1

Alan Ianson wrote:
 Clive McBarton wrote:
 It would help a lot if the key of d-m (package
 debian-multimedia-keyring) was in the debian repos, not just the d-m

 All the stuff at debian-multimedia can't be included in debian for
 various reasons, mostly freedom I think, so you won't find it in debian
 at all. It's made for debian but it isn't debian.

John Hasler wrote:
 Most of it is Free Software but encumbered by actively-enforced
 patents.  d-mm.o has a non-free section for non-free stuff.

The debian-multimedia-keyring is not restricted by patents or any other
licence issues. I understand why the other d-m packages are not in
debian, but the keyring (and just the keyring) should be in debian. It
will not affect anyone who does not include d-m in their sources.list,
and provides peace-of-mind for those who do, plus protection against MITM.

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[OT] Enforcing policies (was: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?)

2010-04-20 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 22:56:05 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Camaleón writes:
 IANAL, but you can always take the legal path and require that the
 person you are giving the documents first signs a contract to prevent
 sharing, extracting or printing data. I know this can sound a bit
 strict measure but is a very usual method in many companies to prevent
 data leakage, depending upon the importance of the material they share
 with another partners.

 Yes. But what happens if they do not sign? 

If they do not agree with the terms, then they cannot access the doc.

 Do you then have any proof
 that you did not ask/blackmail them to prevent them from signing? 

In any kind of contract, both parts have to agree the terms. No 
agreement, no contract.

 generally, how can you prove that if they did not sign, it is because of
 their personal opinion? 

All of us hold our personal opinions and nobody can force any user to 
sign any contrat they don't agree. But then the relation between two 
parts stops there. As I don't know what are all of your specific 
situation details, I'm also unaware if this kind of agreement is out of 
place or just fits well within your environment.

 That is some part of the problem. Note that next
 year, I will make people sign. I think that in a  18 yr. world with
 engineering students, students should be more responsible about their

In open source world, it is not so uncommom to make people who wants to 
participate in some aspects of sensitive developing (i.e. fsf) to sign 
and agree with their terms, regardless the age of the developers (if they 
are young, they parents have to agree). That is the only way to protect 
(free) the code.

 You can enforce a PDF to use DRM *and* activation measures. I have
 found some e-books that I was not able to open with Linux boxes and
 forced the user reading it on screen just under windows machines with
 Acrobat Reader

 More info here:

 What you have to ask your boss if this is worth for it as you are
 imposing many limitations to the person you are lending the document
 and also, you need a server (and a license of Adobe Content Server)
 to host the files and manage the DRM licences and restrictions :-/

 Thanks. I read it, but this is quite commercial, isn't it?

Quite? Full, I'd say :-)

But is you who seeks for a comercial solution. Only proprietary tools 
(Adobe Reader?) enforce the use of the kind of policies you are looking 

Inside open source world is a bit difficult to find programs or tools 
that make what you are looking for, that is, preventing users to make 
their own :-)



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Re: [OT] Enforcing policies

2010-04-20 Thread Sjoerd Hardeman
 That is some part of the problem. Note that next
 year, I will make people sign. I think that in a  18 yr. world with
 engineering students, students should be more responsible about their
 In open source world, it is not so uncommom to make people who wants to 
 participate in some aspects of sensitive developing (i.e. fsf) to sign 
 and agree with their terms, regardless the age of the developers (if they 
 are young, they parents have to agree). That is the only way to protect 
 (free) the code.

Signing a contract is not even necessary. Just start the text with:
This document is the intellectual property of Merciadri Luca. It is
provided for review only. Any form of sharing or redistributing is now
allowed. In the case of unauthorized use will be prosecuted. If you do
not agree with these terms, please close the document and delete the file.
In that case, by reading and okaying you'll probably be just as safe as
signed contracts. Especially since your copyright is implicit: you have
to explicitly waive your copyright to allow others to share your document.
Of course, faxing signatures and contracts around might make a more
serious impression.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Chris Davies
Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
 Even with acroread it is possible to print screenshots of the documents.
 Might be a pain to reconstruct a multipage document, but not impossible.

Been there, done that. An absolute pain.

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Re: [SOLVED] Debian-multimedia breaks mplayer .mov playback on Lenny?

2010-04-20 Thread B. Alexander
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Clive McBarton clivemcbar...@web.dewrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Liam O'Toole wrote:
  Adding breaks a couple of things. Including vlc.
  don't know why they don't fix their repository.
  I'm curious if many people use debian-multimedia. Is it trustworthy?
  I have been using debian-multimedia with Debian stable for years without
  any problems. It is a vauluable and reliable service,

 Valuable yes, since it provides useful video processing apps. I'm using
 it also since recently. It probably is reliable, although for me it did
  break vlc the moment I started using it.

  and is provided by a well-known Debian developer.

 Good to know.

 How come there is no link anywhere on pointing to Anything to establish a chain of trust. As it is,
 I looked and looked but didn't find. Even when searching for
 multimedia on, it does not mention at
 all. Not even when searching for debian-multimedia. Every new debian
 user trying to verify the credibilitiy of would
 have given up at this point for sure.

I believe that the reason is, or was at the time, that some of the software
was considered dodgy, in a gray area of legality in some jurisdictions.
Something like VLC or mplayer that had DVDCSS, at the time when d-m was
born, could have suffered the crushing weight of the legal arms of the RIAA
and MPAA, or whoever, and honestly, Debian couldn't or wouldn't risk having
that in the distro proper, so Christian built d-m. At least thats how I
understood the story at the time...

 With the information that Marillat is a Debian developer (and the
 precise spelling of his name) I was actually able to go to the
 developer's page on debian org, find him, and see a link to d-m. So in a
 very roundabout way, d-m is actually endorsed by But how
 would anybody find out about this in a reasonable amount of time?
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Re: [SOLVED] Debian-multimedia breaks mplayer .mov playback on Lenny?

2010-04-20 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby
 Clive McBarton :
 I also have been using debian-multimedia for LAME mp3 and am very
 thankful for its existence.

Yes, it's useful for that. Though if it's just lame, it's probably
simpler to compile the source than to add a repo.

- apt-get one by one the -dev packages
- compiling

would be simpler than
- adding one line to sources.list
- apt-get installing the software you want

I dont think so.

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Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 11:17:12PM +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Russ Allbery wrote:

Ummm, unless I'm missing something I don't see *any* post by Russ in
this thread. 

Ahh! I see from your original post you *also* posted to
debian-devel. Normally, the only reason to cross-post is 
for announcements.


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Re: [SOLVED] Debian-multimedia breaks mplayer .mov playback on Lenny?

2010-04-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 12:00:11AM +0200, Clive McBarton wrote:
 I understand that point of view. But it is a point of view that will
 make people stay away from d-m (and pretty much all other repos for that

So? If there is a problem with another repo infecting your system, the
best advice will be don't use it. Of course, you are free to ignore this
advice and try to fix it yourself.


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Re: USB device attached via RS232 adaptor

2010-04-20 Thread Brad Rogers
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 17:02:25 -0500
Mark Allums wrote:

Hello Mark,

 That ought actually to work, if a computer were plugged into the USB 
 side.  Then you would have a very slow transfer cable.

Yes, but AIUI, the computer's on the RS232 side.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent

Just stop and take a second
U  Ur Hand - P!nk

Description: PGP signature

Re: Increasing number of conflicts

2010-04-20 Thread B. Alexander
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 2:48 AM, Jimmy Johnson field.engin...@gmail.comwrote:

 B. Alexander wrote:

 I've got an issue with a sid box that I have been maintaining for a while.
 This is my workstation, and I have noticed a growing number of broken
 packages, unmet dependencies and conflicts. I have been using safe-upgrade
 for months now, hoping that it would work itself out over time. However,
 this hasn't happened. So what can I do to fix the problems without losing
 functionality? Below is the result of aptitude full-upgrade (forgive the
 SNIP Thanks,

 I'm using KDE and it's fully up-to-date with no broken packages, your
 problem seems to be that you are holding obsolete/orphan packages, you may
 want to use Synaptic to look at your system and do some investigating as to
 why dependence are not being met.

This was sage advice, Jimmy. I had never used Synaptic much before, but the
local or obsleted tab in conjunction with searching dpkg -l is a boon.

In my case, it appears the root of the problems are caused by bitrot. I
probably need to come up with some method of rebuilding my sid boxes every
so often. Prior to this, my rebuilds were done in 2000 and 2007...Maybe if I
am going to run sid, I need to plan for an annual rebuild of the system...At
least the workstations...


Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 2010-04-19 16:17, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 The problem is that Windows is a jailed, restricted, dumbed-down
 environment operated by so many clueless users.

 It's almost certain that there is the occasional Windows user (and
 with a user base approaching 10^9, occasional is still a very large
 absolute figure!) who have the motivation and mental clarity to Google
 break pdf encryption.

 So, you need to ask yourself:
 (a) Does this colleague run Linux?
Nice question. He does not.
 (b) If so, will he read it with Acroread?
 (c) Will he be be motivated enough and clever[0] enough to
 Google break pdf encryption?
Motivated enough, sure. He would have better put all this motivation
into the work we had to do in group. Clever, not sure.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

You can't kill two birds with one stone.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 Merciadri Luca dijo [Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 05:32:51PM +0200]:

 Thing is, PDF is a printing-oriented format. It is a close descendent
 of PostScript, a full-fledged programming language, but geared towards
 printers. The main point that makes PDF a more convenient format is
 that Acrobat made a big campaign to distribute its PDF reader program.
As you say.
 As you quote, others have told you the PDF-provided security is
 fake. It is just a flag flipped to tell the reader program to pretty
 please make life miserable for the user.
Yes, but it is often sufficient to prevent _beginners_ from hacking the
whole stuff.
 What do you want to achieve with this _real_ protection you say?
See my other messages. I am/was encountering a special situation.
 Whatever can be displayed on screen can be captured (i.e. with the
 common PrtScr keybinding in many environments). If you want to
 distribute material and make it hellish to your users to print it,
 copy from it or use it in any useful way, why don't you send the
 document as a .jpg file?
With such files (.jpg ones) they can print it directly, can't they?

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

When making your choices in life, do not forget to live. (Samuel Johnson)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 Russ Allbery dijo [Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 02:14:21PM -0700]:

 The reasons not to want a document printed are quite easy to
 understand, but the mechanism is flawed.
 Given the setting you
 mention, you can just slap a red banner stating Confidential, do not
 print. If it is on a corporate setting, just state it as a policy -
 and if somebody fails to comply with the policy, there should be
That is not for an enterprise stuff (at least if you do not consider the
universities as enterprises), but I slapped such a banner (here, this is
only a simple watermark). But there are also different ways to remove a
 Of course, somebody interested in printing the file will do it. Either
 by his own means or, like my users, by mailing the techie the
 document asking him to unprotect it. Or by sticking it on a USB key
 and taking it off-site to a location they can freely tinker with.
Sure. But one hopes the measures to be deterrent! That is one of the
only thing we can rely on with a given amount of certitude.
 As I said on my previous mail: If you don't want it to be printed,
 distribute in a way that makes it hard to be useful when
Sure, but how? (For the next time, if any.) They need(ed) to read it,
and it must be sufficiently `high-res.'
  Don't you trust somebody with social security numbers and
 salary information? Don't give it to them.
No choice. I am not the supervisor of the course.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [SOLVED] Debian-multimedia breaks mplayer .mov playback on Lenny?

2010-04-20 Thread John Hasler
Clive McBarton writes:
 The debian-multimedia-keyring is not restricted by patents or any
 other licence issues. I understand why the other d-m packages are not
 in debian, but the keyring (and just the keyring) should be in debian.

Debian-multimedia is not part of Debian,
John Hasler

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Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
Jay Berkenbilt wrote:
 Merciadri Luca wrote:


 The PDF specification itself recommends using external encryption in
 this case.  From section 7.6.1 of the PDF specification:

   NOTE: Conforming writers have two choices if the encryption methods
   and syntax provided by PDF are not sufficient for their needs: they
   can provide an alternate security handler or they can encrypt whole
   PDF documents themselves, not making use of PDF security.

 It is very easy to defeat PDF security in any file that has a blank user
 password since it is just up to the application to enforce security.
Yes, but if you ask for some non-void password, you need to send the
password by some way to the receivers. Once they have the password, they
can do pretty much they want. So, why would you use a password?
 I've written a detailed explanation of this which I can dig up and send
 you if you're interested.
Sure. I am very interested in it.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.
(Abraham Lincoln)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
 Merciadri Luca wrote:
  Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
  Why would an
  honest soul ever allow information to be read, but not printed?

  To maintain honesty? An honest soul (i.e. me, here) has to send some
  data to some dishonest person.

 The problem is: either you give data to some dishonest person or you
 don't give that data to some dishonest person. Tertium non datur.
Yes, but there are some nuances. Let's take my example: how would you
have done this? You need to transmit the document, but the receivers are
sufficiently dishonest to print it and to claim they are the authors.

  Even with acroread it is possible to print screenshots of the
  Might be a pain to reconstruct a multipage document, but not

  I know, and we all know this. But this needs some determination, because
  it needs some time. And when such problems arise, one often thinks (or
  should, at least, think) `Do I really need to copy this using that
  painful way, to bypass some limitation which is actually imposed to me
  by an honest person?' This is another aspect of security. There are the
  technical means, and all the infringements which can be done. But,
  sometimes, `le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle.'

 FWIW, if you'd like to rely on such a scheme for security by obstacles,
 you'd have to use something else than pdf. pdf's scheme is broken.
 That's all.
And what do you advice?

 The reason that it is broken for pdfs is that the specifications for pdf
 are freely available, and thus alternative pdf readers have been
 developed. Your scheme would require closed specifications and closed
 software to work. This list, however, is all about free software.
Yes, but if I had to use closed specs. with closed softwares, I would
have to pay, and what about paying for your own rights??

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: crypt question/server hotel

2010-04-20 Thread Γιώργος Πάλλας

Osamu Aoki wrote:


On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 10:49:20AM +0200, Jozsi Vadkan wrote:

I want to put my server in a server hotel.

But: I don't trust my server hotel owner.

What can I do?

I am no expert on this issue but this is my common sense.

Do not use such untrusted servers for the sensitive data.

You can put measures to remote break-in etc.  But whoever have local
hysical access can get tou your data on the system.

(I do not quite understand what kind of server arrangement ...
virtualized or rack moiunted dedicated server... either way, it is the
same thing.)

I can crypt my partition/hdd's that contains the data. Ok.
But: then my operating system will not be encrypted. Not Ok.

Well, once booted, and if they have some kind of hardware access before
you boot into your system, you are doomed.  Because they can have
backdoor access.


If I crypt my operating system too, then when a reboot comes,
I have to type a password to decrypt. But my server will be at 
a server hotel I can't directly use a keyboard [no service cpu]. 

All these methods protect against casual break-in but if system is run
under some super-server like xen etc., your security measure stopps
What can I do [on technical side] to ensure a little more security 
to my server [e.g: crypt my partition/slice/whatever, that has the 
operating system, but without the type password problem]

If they have monitoring system pre-installed, ... even with this
protection is no good.


Thank you for any tips/help.

Keep sensitive data where you have full trust. The remote untrusted
servers are good for web gateway only.  But even for that, you should
have some trust to them.



you may be interested in this:

   Unlocking a LUKS encrypted root partition via ssh

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread godo

With such files (.jpg ones) they can print it directly, can't they?

They can but if you make lousy quality .jpg maybe they can't.
Try 70 dpi and not use some ordinary font. If they print they get messy 
text hard for scanning.
But whatever you do they can always sent .pdf to somebody and if they 
can read anybody else can.
There is no protection, just legal consequences and sometimes you can't 
proof anything.

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 02:27:39PM +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
  Merciadri Luca wrote:
   Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
   Why would an
   honest soul ever allow information to be read, but not printed?
   To maintain honesty? An honest soul (i.e. me, here) has to send some
   data to some dishonest person.
  The problem is: either you give data to some dishonest person or you
  don't give that data to some dishonest person. Tertium non datur.
 Yes, but there are some nuances. Let's take my example: how would you
 have done this? You need to transmit the document, but the receivers are
 sufficiently dishonest to print it and to claim they are the authors.

To be honest that is not a question for debian-user. Maybe you should
ask a lawyer.

P.S. Please trim your posts.


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Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
godo wrote:

 They can but if you make lousy quality .jpg maybe they can't.
 Try 70 dpi and not use some ordinary font. If they print they get
 messy text hard for scanning.
But if I had tried such a quality, they would not have been able to read
it! But nice proposition.
 But whatever you do they can always sent .pdf to somebody and if they
 can read anybody else can.
 There is no protection, just legal consequences and sometimes you
 can't proof anything.
As you say. That is the biggest problem in this kind of stuff.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. (Aristotle)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
Salvo Tomaselli wrote:
 On Tuesday 20 April 2010 12:16:26 Vincent Lefevre wrote:

 In my opinion, the more safety checks there are, the more stupid the users 
 Without safety they have to be awake and careful to what they are doing.
Objectively and theoretically, yes. But, theoretically, many things work
better than practically. That is the same scheme (but at another scale)
as countries where the State/Nation does not ensure security: in these
countries, you need to use self-defense to protect you, actually from
the whole system. And? Does it make you more stupid if you have safety
checks? I don't think so. Same here: if you need to do something which
is potentially risky (because the document you send to other persons
might be hacked by them), but necessary (the document needs to be send,
because it was asked by a superior authority), you need to defend
yourself from others.

I think that this discussion does not enter in the scope of Debian
Users' list anymore. We shall then stop here to avoid too much O-T
messages to be sent to the mailing list. Thanks everybody.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

If you want a thing done right, do it yourself.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Epiphany browser continues to get worse and worse

2010-04-20 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 20 April 2010 03:21:52 Ron Johnson wrote:
 Why do women buy new clothes every year when their existing clothes
 are completely functional?

A lot of us don't.  And I don't fix things that aren't broken either.


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Re: Epiphany browser continues to get worse and worse

2010-04-20 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2010-04-20 08:24, Lisi wrote:

On Tuesday 20 April 2010 03:21:52 Ron Johnson wrote:

Why do women buy new clothes every year when their existing clothes
are completely functional?

A lot of us don't.  And I don't fix things that aren't broken either.

(I _knew_ I'd get an email or two like this...)

Neither do *all* geeks consistently and constantly buy new kit.

HOWEVER... since enough women and geeks *do* do what I suggest, they 
 fuel two thriving multi-multi-billion dollar industries.

So, it's patently obvious that these two generalizations fit the 
populations to which they were applied.

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2010-04-20 06:58, Merciadri Luca wrote:

So, you need to ask yourself:
(a) Does this colleague run Linux?

Nice question. He does not.

In that case, he should be using Acroread, which means you have 
little to fear.

(b) If so, will he read it with Acroread?


(c) Will he be be motivated enough and clever[0] enough to
Google break pdf encryption?

Motivated enough, sure. He would have better put all this motivation
into the work we had to do in group. Clever, not sure.

Seems pretty typical to me...

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: Cannot Connect to Debian BTS

2010-04-20 Thread David Baron
On Sunday 18 April 2010 21:13:18 David Baron wrote:
 On Sunday 18 April 2010 15:58:19 Aioanei Rares wrote:
  On 04/18/2010 03:32 PM, David Baron wrote:
   Neither normal reportbug or the reportbug-ng can connect to debian
   bts right now.
   Is there something wrong there?
   Some recent Sid upgrade zapped access?
   Cannot really keep system up-to-date without access to debian bts.
   If I attempt to access a bug report in a browser by :, for example,
   this will also fail. The bug is there. I filed it.
   So what could be preventing me from accessing BTS?
  Works here as well.
 Could there be some internal URL that a firewall or internet site filter
 might be balking at that could then disable the search results?

This problem HAS been reported elsewhere and with similar response, i.e. 
works OK here!'

Apparently this is geographic, maybe a  timeout due to routing.

So what can be done?

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Re: USB device attached via RS232 adaptor

2010-04-20 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2010-04-20 03:07, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 17:02:25 -0500
Mark Allums wrote:

Hello Mark,

That ought actually to work, if a computer were plugged into the USB 
side.  Then you would have a very slow transfer cable.

Yes, but AIUI, the computer's on the RS232 side.

That's what OP wrote, but it makes no sense.

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Merciadri Luca dijo [Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 02:00:13PM +0200]:
  As you quote, others have told you the PDF-provided security is
  fake. It is just a flag flipped to tell the reader program to pretty
  please make life miserable for the user.

 Yes, but it is often sufficient to prevent _beginners_ from hacking the
 whole stuff.

Yet, you say in your previous reply they would be able to remove the
watermark from the document. That is clearly more complicated.

  Whatever can be displayed on screen can be captured (i.e. with the
  common PrtScr keybinding in many environments). If you want to
  distribute material and make it hellish to your users to print it,
  copy from it or use it in any useful way, why don't you send the
  document as a .jpg file?

 With such files (.jpg ones) they can print it directly, can't they?

If you distribute an image file in such a fashion it can be read on
screen but lacks enough resolution to be good for printing, fewer
people will print it. Of course, depends on what you want to achieve,
on the nature of the document.

Gunnar Wolf • • (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244

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Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 2010-04-20 06:58, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 In that case, he should be using Acroread, which means you have little
 to fear.


 Seems pretty typical to me...
It might be pretty typical, but when considered at another scale than
`my scale' (i.e. the comparison with the other groups I had to do in the
past); I do not have the habit of dealing with such persons.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

It is possible to be born an aristocrat without ever becoming a
gentleman. (Nicholas Ridley)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Plagiarism (was Re: PDF is blocked for ...)

2010-04-20 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2010-04-20 07:27, Merciadri Luca wrote:

Yes, but there are some nuances. Let's take my example: how would you
have done this? You need to transmit the document, but the receivers are
sufficiently dishonest to print it and to claim they are the authors.

Haven't Academicians had this problem for centuries?  How have the 
rest of them solved it in the past 30 years?

In addition to a watermark, in both the header and footer I'd write 
something like:

Original research of Merciadri Luca, University of Blah, 15-Apr-2010

If I were paranoid, I'd then print multiple copies and file them 
with your adviser, the Office of Academic Responsibility, get it 
stamped/dated by a Notary Public[0], etc, etc.


Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: PDF is blocked for printing, etc. OK for acroread (it behaves as expected), but KPDF allows me to print it, even if it is protected! Why?

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 Merciadri Luca dijo [Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 02:00:13PM +0200]:

 Yet, you say in your previous reply they would be able to remove the
 watermark from the document. That is clearly more complicated.
Sure, but I think that PDFs are composed `in layers,' aren't they? If
`layers' were not merged together, it might still be possible to remove
the watermark.

 If you distribute an image file in such a fashion it can be read on
 screen but lacks enough resolution to be good for printing, fewer
 people will print it. Of course, depends on what you want to achieve,
 on the nature of the document.
I will think about it later. This is not in my character to think about
stuff I could do to prevent other from harming, globally, but one
apparently needs to trust nobody. That is sad to resort to technical
means for problems which could be fixed at `human scale.'

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Epiphany browser continues to get worse and worse

2010-04-20 Thread Stephen Powell
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 09:39:27 -0400 (EDT), Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 2010-04-20 08:24, Lisi wrote:
 On Tuesday 20 April 2010 03:21:52 Ron Johnson wrote:
 Why do women buy new clothes every year when their existing clothes
 are completely functional?
 A lot of us don't.  And I don't fix things that aren't broken either.
 (I _knew_ I'd get an email or two like this...)
 Neither do *all* geeks consistently and constantly buy new kit.

 HOWEVER... since enough women and geeks *do* do what I suggest, they 
  fuel two thriving multi-multi-billion dollar industries.

 So, it's patently obvious that these two generalizations fit the 
 populations to which they were applied.

No doubt you will claim that the exception proves the rule,
and you may be right.  But I am definitely a geek.  I got a new laptop
for my birthday a few days ago.  My wife, sons, siblings, inlaws,
etc. all chipped in for it because I was too cheap to buy one for
myself.  The only reason that I asked for one for my birthday was
because my old laptop, which was new in 1998, has a hard drive (4G) which
I have almost outgrown.  By the time I install a full-blown Linux desktop
environment on it, there's not much room left for user files.  Otherwise,
I would have been content to continue running my 12-year-old 266 MHz
Pentium II with 416M of RAM, 2M of video RAM, and no 3D graphics acceleration.

On the other end of the spectrum, Epiphany's motto seems to be,
If it ain't broke, fix it 'till it is!

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Plagiarism (was Re: PDF is blocked for ...)

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 2010-04-20 07:27, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Haven't Academicians had this problem for centuries?  How have the
 rest of them solved it in the past 30 years?
Sure. I don't know precisely.

 In addition to a watermark, in both the header and footer I'd write
 something like:
 Original research of Merciadri Luca, University of Blah, 15-Apr-2010
One can still chop off header and footers. That is fairly easy.

 If I were paranoid, I'd then print multiple copies and file them with
 your adviser, the Office of Academic Responsibility, get it
 stamped/dated by a Notary Public[0], etc, etc.


Nice idea. I will think about these solutions for the next time, if any.

To come back to the main topic, I am
* happy to see that Debian's tools (like any other free tools) let the
user choose (or at least oblige him to follow the `free' path) about
what he can do with a protected document;
* (still, but about something else now) questioning: are there any
(free, naturally) packages/programs which can take watermarks out of
documents, and which can deliberately (i.e. it is one of their main
features) unprotect a PDF document? I ask this because this would follow
the `Free' philosophy, but by litteraly encasing one's liberty. I don't
even want names, I just want to know if it exists in Debian's repos.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

First deserve, then desire.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Plagiarism (was Re: PDF is blocked for ...)

2010-04-20 Thread Stephen Powell
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:13:01 -0400 (EDT), Merciadri Luca wrote:
 One can still chop off header and footers. That is fairly easy.

I haven't been following this thread.  I just took a look at it today,
primarily because there's been so much activity on it.  So it's quite
possible that I'm repeating sentiments that have been expressed by
others already.  If so, please excuse the repetition.

Basically, there is no foolproof protection against plagiarism.
Any lock that can be invented by a mortal man can probably be
picked eventually.  If anyone but you sees it, even once, your
work is unprotected.  Who knows, he might have a photographic
memory.  Some people do.  But then again, if no-one sees it but you,
what's the point?  Protection against plagiarism basically comes
down to the honor system.  And not everyone is honorable.

But remember this, if it's any consolation.  Plagiarism is the
sincerest form of flattery.

That's my two cents worth.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Continuous wifi errors

2010-04-20 Thread Curt Howland
Hash: SHA1

Dear Debianistas,

I get the following messages continuously, via dmesg:

[10438.440147] wlan0: switched to long barker preamble 
[10453.293891] wlan0: switched to short barker preamble 
[10741.016287] wlan0: switched to long barker preamble 
[10755.142445] wlan0: switched to short barker preamble 
[11337.978637] wlan0: switched to long barker preamble 
[11353.674135] wlan0: switched to short barker preamble 
[11576.083088] wlan0: switched to long barker preamble 

This happened with D-Link, Netgear and Linksys access points, so I 
don't even know where to start. It very much interferes with network 
speed due to what looks like constant renegotiation. And yes, it gets 
worse with heavier traffic.



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Re: Increasing number of conflicts

2010-04-20 Thread Monique Y. Mudama
On Tue, Apr 20 at  7:31, B. Alexander penned:
In my case, it appears the root of the problems are caused by
bitrot. I probably need to come up with some method of rebuilding
my sid boxes every so often. Prior to this, my rebuilds were done
in 2000 and 2007...Maybe if I am going to run sid, I need to plan
for an annual rebuild of the system...At least the

I've been running sid on a headless box since 2002 or thereabouts,
with config files copied from an even older RedHat box.  No wipes /
rebuilds / etc.  There may have been a few panicked moments along the
way, but I think almost all of them were hardware related.  I may be
extraordinarily lucky, and I do think that the GUI packages add a lot
more complexity, or maybe simply a lot more packages and thus
opportunities for dependency problems.

If by bitrot you mean that files are corrupted, I'd take a look at
my storage devices and filesystem settings.

If by bitrot you mean that config files and such are becoming
increasingly dated ... I do fight that all the time, or rather I keep
telling aptitude to keep my modified files, promise myself that I'll
eventually take a look at the differences, and almost never do.

I don't know if it matters that I almost always use the curses
interface to aptitude; I usually get the updates, then let them sit
for a few days to give the bug reports a chance to roll in.  Anything
that shows up in apt-listbugs gets put on hold, or when time allows,
investigated and permitted.  Anything that seems like an unnecessary
removal or generally smells wrong gets put on hold as well.
Periodically I check out what's on hold to see if the dependencies
are fixed yet.

It's worked for me so far ... YMMV etc.


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2010-04-20 Thread Wes Garland
Hi, List!

I have a few simple questions for you:

1 - I there a better place to get help with dash
2 - Is there way to detect that a script is running as dash, instead of a
shell like Solaris' /bin/sh
3 - Corollary to #2, can I expect dash-as-sh to by a hard link or a sym
link?   (I would think not, but don't know Debian's policy here)
4 - Reason for #2, is there a way to list all functions declared in a script
with dash?  Under Solaris' shell, bash, or the korn shell I can use
typeset -- I've searched POSIX and don't see a way that doesn't involve
parsing the script.


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102

Re: Plagiarism (was Re: PDF is blocked for ...)

2010-04-20 Thread Merciadri Luca
Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:13:01 -0400 (EDT), Merciadri Luca wrote:

 I haven't been following this thread.  I just took a look at it today,
 primarily because there's been so much activity on it.  So it's quite
 possible that I'm repeating sentiments that have been expressed by
 others already.  If so, please excuse the repetition.

 Basically, there is no foolproof protection against plagiarism.
 Any lock that can be invented by a mortal man can probably be
 picked eventually.  If anyone but you sees it, even once, your
 work is unprotected.  Who knows, he might have a photographic
 memory.  Some people do.  But then again, if no-one sees it but you,
 what's the point?  Protection against plagiarism basically comes
 down to the honor system.  And not everyone is honorable.
I agree with you.
 But remember this, if it's any consolation.  Plagiarism is the
 sincerest form of flattery.
Paradoxally. But nice for the morale.

Thanks for your answers. This gives me a practical point of view about
what can, and cannot be done with such problems, and their CS counterparts.

Merciadri Luca
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Re: dash-as-bin-sh

2010-04-20 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Tuesday 20 April 2010 09:57:14 Wes Garland wrote:
 1 - I there a better place to get help with dash

Not that I know of.  However, dash is fairly plain when it comes to POSIX-
compliant shells.  It handles the stuff POSIX requires it to plus the local 
keyword (which Debian requires of it) and that is about it.

 2 - Is there way to detect that a script is running as dash, instead of a
 shell like Solaris' /bin/sh

Not portably.  It might be possible by parsing ($SHELL -V -c 'exit 123') or 
($SHELL --version -c 'exit 123').

 3 - Corollary to #2, can I expect dash-as-sh to by a hard link or a sym
 link?   (I would think not, but don't know Debian's policy here)

I think it is via symlink.  I don't think it uses the alternatives system.

 4 - Reason for #2, is there a way to list all functions declared in a
  script with dash?  Under Solaris' shell, bash, or the korn shell I can use
  typeset -- I've searched POSIX and don't see a way that doesn't involve
  parsing the script.

Sorry, I don't even see a good way to tell if a function with a particular 
name is defined, but less list all the functions in the current shell 

Bash is still an essential package last I checked.  You might simply use 
/bin/bash and whatever bash-isms you like.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

How to trick my Debian in thinking that a package is not installed

2010-04-20 Thread T o n g


How can I trick my Debian into thinking that a package is not installed?

I am talking about the *standalone* durep package. I don't like the new 
0.9 version but rather prefer the old 0.8 version. However, even I've put 
it on hold in dpkg/aptitude, from time to time if I do a 'aptitude safe-
upgrade', this durep package somehow get upgraded as well. 

So now I think the easiest way for me to fix the problem once and for all 
is to hide the fact to my Debian that the durep package is ever installed.

Please comment.

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: How to trick my Debian in thinking that a package is not installed

2010-04-20 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2010-04-20 10:22, T o n g wrote:


How can I trick my Debian into thinking that a package is not installed?

I am talking about the *standalone* durep package. I don't like the new 
0.9 version but rather prefer the old 0.8 version. However, even I've put 
it on hold in dpkg/aptitude, from time to time if I do a 'aptitude safe-
upgrade', this durep package somehow get upgraded as well. 

So now I think the easiest way for me to fix the problem once and for all 
is to hide the fact to my Debian that the durep package is ever installed.

apt-get users pin packages at a certain version.  I don't know if 
aptitude does that behind the scenes.

$ cat /etc/apt/preferences
Package: icedove
Pin: version 2.0*
Pin-Priority: 1001

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: USB device attached via RS232 adaptor

2010-04-20 Thread Mark Allums

On 4/20/2010 3:07 AM, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 17:02:25 -0500
Mark  wrote:

Hello Mark,

That ought actually to work, if a computer were plugged into the USB
side.  Then you would have a very slow transfer cable.

Yes, but AIUI, the computer's on the RS232 side.

Well, I meant a computer on both sides, but it matters not a whit.  I 
should probably not post (even to make a joke) if I can't actually be 
helpful, it wastes everyone's time.



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Re: dash-as-bin-sh

2010-04-20 Thread Wes Garland
Hi, Boyd!

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

 Not portably.  It might be possible by parsing ($SHELL -V -c 'exit 123') or
 ($SHELL --version -c 'exit 123').

Say, that's a clever approach, thanks for suggesting it.

Sorry, I don't even see a good way to tell if a function with a particular
 name is defined, but less list all the functions in the current shell

Can you clarify?  Listing all the functions in the current shell environment
solves my issue perfectly.. But less is just a pager, no?  Oh, wait, did you
mean much less list?   In which case, we're in the same boat, but I'm
hoping there is a solution I'm not aware of (even though my hopes are dim :)

 Bash is still an essential package last I checked.  You might simply use
 /bin/bash and whatever bash-isms you like.

That would work pretty much everywhere except bone-stock Solaris, where I
have no possibility of recovery -- /bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file
or directory.  At least if I use /bin/sh as my interpreter, I can always at
the very least output an error message.

I suppose my other alternative is roughly  [ -x /bin/bash ]  /bin/bash $0
$*  exit $?, and assume that everywhere-but-solaris has /bin/bash. Hmm.
If debian keeps bash around as a default package, even when dash-is-bin-sh,
then I guess I'm in fairly safe territory in that regard.


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102

Re: Webkit2 (was Re: Epiphany browser continues to get worse and worse)

2010-04-20 Thread Mark Allums

On 4/19/2010 11:24 PM, Mark Allums wrote:

On 4/19/2010 10:20 PM, Ron Johnson wrote:

On 2010-04-19 21:47, Mark Allums wrote:

Webkit 2.0 is imminent. Perhaps they are considering moving to it.
According to various sources, it is the bee's knees.

Beyond crude process separation, what are it's benefits over v1?

I don't know. I read the blurb (Slashdot) but was too disinterested to
read the article. Saw similar blurbs in about six other places.
*Somebody's* excited.


(It must be good, it's 2.0!)

Let me amend:  I forget.  I knew the answer to your question when I read 
it in the blurb, but I'm no longer young, and the reasons for 2.0 have 
escaped me.


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How does work?

2010-04-20 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Does anyone knows what technologies are involved behind
I'm interested in snapshot file systems and I'm looking for nice 
solutions running on Debian. An example which looks perfect is the Plan9 
fossil/venti solution (


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