Actualització d'alguns paquets de testing en estable...

2011-11-28 Thread Joan
Hola, Tinc un debian estable, del que també tinc les fonts de testing i inestable, posades amb prioritat inferior. M'agradaria actualitzar un paquet, amule i iceweasel, però el primer te entre les dependències libxgtk??? i quan li dono a actualitzar a aquest, em marca, el synaptic, de

Re: Actualització d'alguns paquets de testing en estable...

2011-11-28 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
No se com actua el synaptic. Però si fas servir el aptitude pots seleccionar quina acciò hi ha que realitzar segons dependències. El barrejar paquets de distintes distribucions te aquests problemes. El Gnome per lo que s'ha comentat a la llista ha sofert bastants canvis i les llibreries gtk son

Re: Actualització d'alguns paquets de testing en estable...

2011-11-28 Thread Joan
de fet l'iceweasel no te dependències rares... el problema el tinc amb l'amule... I l'amule el voldria actualitzar perquè em dona un error i se'm menja tota la memòria, petantl'amule i deixant l'ordinador sense ram... Joan Al 28/11/11 17:45, En/na tictacbum ha escrit: per a iceweasel pots

Re: Actualització d'alguns paquets de testing en estable...

2011-11-28 Thread Eloi Notario
A Dilluns, 28 de novembre de 2011 13:16:25, Joan va escriure: Hola, Tinc un debian estable, del que també tinc les fonts de testing i inestable, posades amb prioritat inferior. M'agradaria actualitzar un paquet, amule i iceweasel, però el primer te entre les dependències libxgtk??? i quan

Re: Monter un serveur (de streaming) multimedia.

2011-11-28 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 11:14:29PM +0100, kaliderus wrote: Qu'est ce qu'il y aurait comme solution toute packagée pour mettre à disposition des films (équivalent de gallery2, avec des vignettes mais pour les vidéos) ? Je ne sais pas si c'est packagé pour Debian, mais les gens que je connais

Re: Gnome 3 : bienvenu en enfer

2011-11-28 Thread Anthony Bourguignon
Le samedi 26 novembre 2011 à 15:51 +0100, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit : Le Sat, 26 Nov 2011 14:05:50 +0100 Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit: Pour enregistrer sous…, il met les dossiers récemment utilisés, pas les fichiers. Ah oui exact. Le problème c'est que je ne

Re: Monter un serveur (de streaming) multimedia.

2011-11-28 Thread Jean-Claude AYGALENQ
Je ne sais pas si ça répond à tes besoins mais il y a ça : Je m'étais intéressé au truc car j'avais eu une demande puis c'est tombé aux oubliettes. Je n'ai donc pas mis en oeuvre, ni testé. Donc ça m'intéresse

Re: Gnome 3 : bienvenu en enfer

2011-11-28 Thread Julien
Le samedi 26 novembre 2011 à 14:05 +0100, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit : j'ai quand même l'impression que ça a un rapport avec le fait de passer à Gnome 3 ... As tu le meme problème avec un autre WM ? -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Re: Gnome 3 : bienvenu en enfer

2011-11-28 Thread Erwan David
On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 09:21:13AM CET, Anthony Bourguignon said: Le samedi 26 novembre 2011 à 15:51 +0100, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit : Le Sat, 26 Nov 2011 14:05:50 +0100 Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit: Pour enregistrer sous…, il

Re: Gnome 3 : bienvenu en enfer

2011-11-28 Thread Anthony Bourguignon
Le lundi 28 novembre 2011 à 10:24 +0100, Erwan David a écrit : C'est pas non plus c'est comme ça et fermez la, non ? Non mais dans ce cas, il y a les listes du projet gnome, ou le bug tracker. Venir sans cesse sur la ML debian en exprimant son mécontentement ne changera rien, clairement. C'est

Re: Re: Gnome 3 : bienvenu en enfer

2011-11-28 Thread gaetan.perrier
Salut, Au début on m'a reproché de ne pas avoir utilisé Gnome 3 et de troller. Maintenant que j'ai utilisé Gnome 3, démontré qu'il posait des problèmes, on me reproche d'utiliser Gnome 3 et de troller. Faudrait savoir ce vous voulez. Soyez cohérent svp ... Au passage le postulat de base de

Re: Gnome 3 : bienvenu en enfer

2011-11-28 Thread txo
Le Mon, 28 Nov 2011 09:21:13 +0100 Anthony Bourguignon nous susurrait : Non mais clairement, il faut que tu arrêtes là. Gnome 3 ne te convient pas, pour toi il est plein de bugs, on a compris, ça va. Je te conseille soit d'aller sous Windows 7 (qui te tente

Re: Gnome 3 : bienvenu en enfer

2011-11-28 Thread Julien
Le lundi 28 novembre 2011 à 11:30 +0100, txo a écrit : Gnome 3 tu l'aimes ou tu quittes debian. Ça me rappelle quelque chose... ou tu package mate pour debian -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question : Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un

Re: Iptables, scans et logs

2011-11-28 Thread Vinc Teteve
Mes excuses d'avoir autant abrégé mes réponses, et m'être emmêlé les pinceaux... Je reprends donc : Malgré une lecture en anglais de ce site (je comprends un minimum syndical la langue de Shakespeare), une traduction de, une demande de vérification d'un ami (anglophone

Re: Un marronnier : revues Linux (y compris en anglais)

2011-11-28 Thread Frédéric Boiteux
Le sam. 26 nov. 2011 12:03:46 CET, David BERCOT a écrit : Bonjour, Je sais que c'est un sujet qui a déjà été abordé à de nombreuses reprises, mais bon, tout évolue ;-) Donc, connaissez-vous des revues spécialisées sur Linux qui valent le déplacement ? Honnêtement, en

Re: Re: Gnome 3 : bienvenu en enfer

2011-11-28 Thread jour
Le lundi 28 novembre 2011 à 11:04 +0100, a écrit : Salut, Au début on m'a reproché de ne pas avoir utilisé Gnome 3 et de troller. Maintenant que j'ai utilisé Gnome 3, démontré qu'il posait des problèmes, on me reproche d'utiliser Gnome 3 et de troller. Faudrait

Re: Gnome 3 : bienvenu en enfer

2011-11-28 Thread Frédéric Massot
Le 28/11/2011 19:25, jour a écrit : [...] Je ne crois pas que personne ait posé le postulat selon lequel gnome 3 est actuellement pleinement intuitif, cohérent et efficace, mais plutôt qu'il s'agit d'un changement salutaire qui permettra, à moyen terme, d'avoir un environnement plus intuitif,

Re: Gnome 3 : bienvenu en enfer

2011-11-28 Thread txo
Le Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:25:28 +0100 jour nous susurrait : salutaire... . SALUTAIRE, adjectif A. − Qui aide à conserver ou à rétablir un bon état physique ou moral, qui est nécessaire à garder un bon équilibre Ça doit pas être ça. C. − Qui est propre à assurer le

[OT] Cracow mobi.

2011-11-28 Thread kzubik
Witam. Kolejna i bardzo ciekawa impreza bedzie. Ja jendak na niej nie bede. Witryna pod Miejsce. Politechnika Krakowska. ul. Warszawska 24. Kraków. Centrum konferencyjne PK Kotłownia. Termin. Od 9 do 10 grudnia 2011. Agenda. 9 grudnia. Kotłownia. 9.00 - 10.00

Re: Una de bash y diff recursivo

2011-11-28 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Marc Aymerich escribió: No se si me he perdido algo pero creo que no lo estas enfocando de la mejor manera. ¿Que te parece así? DIR_A_SINCRONIZAR= INTERVALO_EN_DIAS=1 DIR_DESTINO= find $DIR_A_SINCRONIZAR -mtime -$INTERVALO_EN_DIAS|while read

Re: aplicacion para examenes

2011-11-28 Thread Alexander Villalba
El dom, 27-11-2011 a las 09:33 -0430, Alexander Villalba escribió: Estoy completamente deacuerdo con lo que has dicho. Hace falta más moderación. Aunque en comparación con lo que me ha tocado vivir aquí eso no es nada. no se porque la gente no se adapta, no es como si yo... si fueran como

Duda sobre actualización del kernel amd64 en repositorios

2011-11-28 Thread SM Baby Siabef
Hola a todos. Actualizando el ordenador mío portátil antiguo (que estaba originariamente en testing) con kernel i386, observé que entre las actualizaciones entraba el kernel 3.1.0-1 que instaló aptitude sin problemas. Luego gnome shell se lo cargó todo y no pudo arrancar siquiera y blabla, cosas

Re: Duda sobre actualización del kernel amd64 en repositorios

2011-11-28 Thread Juan Serra Costa
En Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:24:24 +0100, SM Baby Siabef escribió: Hola a todos. Actualizando el ordenador mío portátil antiguo (que estaba originariamente en testing) con kernel i386, observé que entre las actualizaciones entraba el kernel 3.1.0-1 que instaló aptitude sin

Re: Duda sobre actualización del kernel amd64 en repositorios

2011-11-28 Thread Juan Serra Costa
En Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:24:24 +0100, SM Baby Siabef escribió: Hola a todos. Actualizando el ordenador mío portátil antiguo (que estaba originariamente en testing) con kernel i386, observé que entre las actualizaciones entraba el kernel 3.1.0-1 que instaló aptitude sin

Programa de traduccion

2011-11-28 Thread Manel Bazalo
Hola a todos, Alguien ha utilizado algún programa para traducir textos en Debian? Ya se que existe el traductor de Google, pero busco algo para tenerlo instalado. Alguna recomendación? Gracias. Saludos. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject

Error al arrancar ocfs2

2011-11-28 Thread Sergio Villalba
Hola a tod@s, al arrancar el servicio ocfs2 en el segundo servidor Debian 6 me lanza este error: #/etc/init.d/ocfs2 restart Stopping Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2) OK Starting Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2) mount.ocfs2: Unable to access cluster service while trying to join the group

Re: Error al arrancar ocfs2

2011-11-28 Thread Juan Antonio
El 28/11/11 13:49, Sergio Villalba escribió: Hola a tod@s, al arrancar el servicio ocfs2 en el segundo servidor Debian 6 me lanza este error: #/etc/init.d/ocfs2 restart Stopping Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2) OK Starting Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2) mount.ocfs2: Unable to access

Re: Generar un módulo del kernel (fat)

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 20:16:18 +0100, fernando sainz escribió: El día 27 de noviembre de 2011 19:42, Camaleón escribió: Hola, Ayer descargué, compilé e instalé el kernel 3.2.0-rc3 descargado desde Todo fue bien pero se me olvidó compilar el módulo para el

Re: Generar un módulo del kernel (fat)

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 22:08:45 +0100, Juan Antonio escribió: El 27/11/11 19:42, Camaleón escribió: Hola, Ayer descargué, compilé e instalé el kernel 3.2.0-rc3 descargado desde Todo fue bien pero se me olvidó compilar el módulo para el sistema de archivos fat O:-) Lo

Re: Fallo en el kernel 2.6.38

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:54:04 +0100, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió: El driver que se instaló fue el que trae el sistema yo no le toqué nada. Ya, pero tienes un kernel que no es que le va a su versión de Debian. De hecho, estaba pensando... ¿qué haces con un kernel de los backports si tienes

Re: Actualizacion a debian squeeze y entorno grafico

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 15:30:30 -0600, rantis cares escribió: Al actualizar a debian ezqueeze (escuis) y al creer que ya funcionaba todo resulta que el me sale el problema del entorno gráfico. ¿Qué problema? Hijo, danos más datos, que escribir en esta lista es gratis :-) En algún momento creí

Re: Programa de traduccion

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:18:47 +0100, Manel Bazalo escribió: Alguien ha utilizado algún programa para traducir textos en Debian? Ya se que existe el traductor de Google, pero busco algo para tenerlo instalado. Alguna recomendación? Este tema es súper-recurrente :-P

Re: Duda sobre actualización del kernel amd64 en repositorios

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:24:24 +0100, SM Baby Siabef escribió: Actualizando el ordenador mío portátil antiguo (que estaba originariamente en testing) con kernel i386, observé que entre las actualizaciones entraba el kernel 3.1.0-1 que instaló aptitude sin problemas. Luego gnome shell se lo

Re: Programa de traduccion

2011-11-28 Thread Manel Bazalo
El 28/11/2011, a las 15:25, Camaleón escribió: El Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:18:47 +0100, Manel Bazalo escribió: Alguien ha utilizado algún programa para traducir textos en Debian? Ya se que existe el traductor de Google, pero busco algo para tenerlo instalado. Alguna

Re: Fallo en el kernel 2.6.38

2011-11-28 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El día 28 de noviembre de 2011 15:11, Camaleón escribió: El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:54:04 +0100, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió: El driver que se instaló fue el que trae el sistema yo no le toqué nada. Ya, pero tienes un kernel que no es que le va a su versión de Debian. De hecho,

Re: Generar un módulo del kernel (fat)

2011-11-28 Thread fernando sainz
El día 28 de noviembre de 2011 15:02, Camaleón escribió: El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 22:08:45 +0100, Juan Antonio escribió: El 27/11/11 19:42, Camaleón escribió: Hola, Ayer descargué, compilé e instalé el kernel 3.2.0-rc3 descargado desde Todo fue bien pero se

Re: Fallo en el kernel 2.6.38

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:13:34 +0100, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió: El día 28 de noviembre de 2011 15:11, Camaleón escribió: El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:54:04 +0100, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió: El driver que se instaló fue el que trae el sistema yo no le toqué nada. Ya, pero

Re: Generar un módulo del kernel (fat)

2011-11-28 Thread Ferran Donadie
* Camaleón [2011-11-28 14:02:40 +]: El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 22:08:45 +0100, Juan Antonio escribió: El 27/11/11 19:42, Camaleón escribió: Hola, Ayer descargué, compilé e instalé el kernel 3.2.0-rc3 descargado desde Todo fue bien pero se me

(Solucionado) Re: Generar un módulo del kernel (fat)

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:23:24 +0100, fernando sainz escribió: El día 28 de noviembre de 2011 15:02, Camaleón escribió: (...) Sólo vuelve a hacer un menuconfig y habilita el soporte de vfat y ejecuta make Si la anterior compilación es reciente unicamente debería recompilar

Re: Instalar FPC = 2.5.1

2011-11-28 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - From: Felix Perez To: lista-debian Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2011 10:58 AM Subject: Re: Instalar FPC = 2.5.1 Creo que podrías hacerlo, pero para usarlo con lazarus creo que no, hasra ahora lo que

RE: Hacer imagen de disco de equipo en producción.

2011-11-28 Thread Ramses II
Camaleón, buenas tardes, -Mensaje original- De: Camaleón [] Enviado el: sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011 13:38 Para: Asunto: Re: Hacer imagen de disco de equipo en producción. El Fri, 25 Nov 2011 18:57:01 +0100, Ramses

Re: Fallo en el kernel 2.6.38

2011-11-28 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El día 28 de noviembre de 2011 16:23, Camaleón escribió: El Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:13:34 +0100, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió: El día 28 de noviembre de 2011 15:11, Camaleón escribió: El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:54:04 +0100, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió: El driver

Duda sobre actualización del kernel amd64 en repositorios (SOLUCIONADO)

2011-11-28 Thread SM Baby Siabef
El lun, 28-11-2011 a las 14:31 +, Camaleón escribió: El Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:24:24 +0100, SM Baby Siabef escribió: Actualizando el ordenador mío portátil antiguo (que estaba originariamente en testing) con kernel i386, observé que entre las actualizaciones entraba el kernel 3.1.0-1 que

Re: Actualizacion a debian squeeze y entorno grafico

2011-11-28 Thread Marcos Delgado
El día 28 de noviembre de 2011 08:16, Camaleón escribió: El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 15:30:30 -0600, rantis cares escribió: Al actualizar a debian ezqueeze (escuis) y al creer que ya funcionaba todo resulta que el me sale el problema del entorno gráfico. ¿Qué problema? Hijo, danos

Re: aplicacion para examenes

2011-11-28 Thread linux
El día 26 de noviembre de 2011 11:20, Ricardo Mendoza escribió: Saludos, necesito hacer unos examenes online y off-line, ¿saben de algun programa que sirva para este proposito?, gracias Para online creo que lo mejor seria chamilo, sirve para armar cursos online y gestionar

Re: Repositorios para knoppix

2011-11-28 Thread Pedro Palma Bustos
-- * Pedro S. Palma Bustos* * Fijo 56 2 4544463 T Cel 82228437*


2011-11-28 Thread rantis cares
Listeros: Espero que se encuentren bien. Fijense que al probar un disco de instalacion de una distro linux, arranque mi maquina y comenzo la instalacion (en realidad no queria instalar, solo probar que funcionaba dicho disco). Resulta que ya no pude arrancar mi sistema en dicha maquina, a cada

Re: Actualizacion a debian squeeze y entorno grafico

2011-11-28 Thread rantis cares
El 28/11/11, Marcos Delgado escribió: El día 28 de noviembre de 2011 08:16, Camaleón escribió: El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 15:30:30 -0600, rantis cares escribió: Al actualizar a debian ezqueeze (escuis) y al creer que ya funcionaba todo resulta que el me sale el

Re: Actualizacion a debian squeeze y entorno grafico RESUELTO

2011-11-28 Thread rantis cares
Listeros: Se me olvido poner que esto esta RESUELTO... INSTALAR DE CERO... jejeje... -- Al juntarme dia tras dia con los Listeros, mi capacidad intelectual crece en proporcion inversa a la ignorancia generada. Gracias Linuxeros -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

OFF-TOPIC - Check Nagios (NTP)

2011-11-28 Thread Bruno Ambrosio
Pessoal, Gostaria da ajuda de vocês referente a um problema que estou tendo em um servidor, referente a monitoração do Nagios no NTP. O servidor esta sincronizando o horário perfeitamente com os NTP Servers que possuo aqui na empresa, mas quando tento realizar um check do

Re: Tradução - Abstract

2011-11-28 Thread Ronald Alves Vieira
This conclusion of course work aims to propose a checklist of best practices for configuring firewalls, in order tohelp anyone involved with setting up firewalls, perform a reliable and secure setting. In this monograph isaddressed issues involving the firewall since its history to its

Apt Sources.list

2011-11-28 Thread Livia Santos
Oi pessoal, Uma dúvida: estava usando o host da Unicamp para as atualizações do sistema (, porém costuma ficar fora do ar. Qual host vocês recomendam para as atualizações? Obrigada! -- []s Lívia Silva Santos

Re: Apt Sources.list

2011-11-28 Thread Allan Carvalho Em 28 de novembro de 2011 10:08, Livia Santos escreveu: Oi pessoal, Uma dúvida: estava usando o host da Unicamp para as atualizações do sistema (, porém costuma ficar fora do ar. Qual host vocês recomendam

Re: Apt Sources.list

2011-11-28 Thread Anderson Bertling
Bom dia use cara esse site ele gera um source.list de uma olhada Em 28-11-2011 10:10, Allan Carvalho escreveu: Em 28 de novembro de 2011 10:08, Livia Santos escreveu: Oi pessoal, Uma dúvida: estava usando

Re: Apt Sources.list

2011-11-28 Thread Livia Santos
Oi pessoal, Obrigada a todos! Troquei pelo @Anderson, muito boa a dica do link :D []s Lívia. 2011/11/28 P. J. Olá Livia, Em 28 de novembro de 2011 10:08, Livia Santos escreveu: Oi pessoal, Uma dúvida: estava usando o

Re: Tradução - Abstract

2011-11-28 Thread pedro almeida
Obrigado a ajuda de todos. Em 28 de novembro de 2011 09:11, Ronald Alves Vieira escreveu: ** This conclusion of course work aims to propose a checklist of best practices for configuring firewalls, in order tohelp anyone involved with setting up firewalls,

Virtualização com Xen

2011-11-28 Thread Rafael Henrique da Silva Correia
Galera boa tarde, Não entendo patavinas de XEN nem de KVM... queria subir um dos dois para testar e colocar em produção. Porém estou com uma dúvida. Estou lendo: E aqui neste tutorial ele cita Para-virtualização e HVM.. pelo pouco que eu sei entendo

Re: OFF-TOPIC - Check Nagios (NTP)

2011-11-28 Thread Rafael Henrique da Silva Correia
A porta 123 está aberta no servidor NTP?? $ cat /etc/services | grep ntp | grep 123 ntp 123/tcp ntp 123/udp # Network Time Protocol # netstat -naptu | grep 123 Em 28 de novembro de 2011 09:10, Bruno Ambrosio escreveu: Pessoal, ** **

Re: Virtualização com Xen

2011-11-28 Thread P. J.
Oi, Recomendo ler a documentação dos respectivos projetos, pois existem inúmeros tipos de virtualização. Sobre HVM e paravirtualização eu acho que o XEN tem suporte para esses dois tipos de virtualização... de uma olhada no site xen-br é muito legal a documentação Para o KVM, se sua máquina for

Re: Virtualização com Xen

2011-11-28 Thread Gustavo Soares [SLot]
Mais um pra lista xen-br :) Rafael, olhe a lista[1] e o wiki[2] do xen-br que você começará bem. [1] [2] Em 28-11-2011 16:03, Rafael Henrique da Silva Correia escreveu: Galera boa

Re: Virtualização com Xen

2011-11-28 Thread Rafael Henrique da Silva Correia
Obrigado galera!! Vou dar uma pesquisada :D Em 28 de novembro de 2011 16:20, Gustavo Soares [SLot] slot...@gmail.comescreveu: Mais um pra lista xen-br :) Rafael, olhe a lista[1] e o wiki[2] do xen-br que você começará bem. [1] [2]

Re: pidgim e empathy

2011-11-28 Thread Marlon Nunes
Boa noite. eu uso pidgin para acessar msn, icq e googletalk. até aqui não encontrei nenhum problema. tem certeza que vc configurou o serviço googletalk corretamente? e quanto aos outro protocolos? vc consegue usar sem problemas? uso o pidgin 2.10.0 debian wheezy x86_64. Em seg 28 nov 2011, às

Re: gksu: Couldn't set environment variable...

2011-11-28 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Bob: Uhm... What? But he did! You must have missed that he said he wanted to run them from gksu. If you are not familiar with it that is the entire purpose of gksu. From the gksu man page: gksu is a frontend to su and gksudo is a frontend to sudo.

Re: Getty is spawning to early

2011-11-28 Thread Tim Heckman
Bob Proulx wrote: Do you have the bug number handy? I would be interested in reading through it. Certainly: - Debian Bug #609851 - incorrect variables used to set hostname in dhclient-script - I haven't noticed any behavior

Re: Booting into DOS

2011-11-28 Thread Joe
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:06:29 -0500 Ethan Rosenberg wrote: Dear list - My hard drive has Linux and DOS partitions. If I try to boot into DOS from the start-up screen I receive the messages: no argument specified adn no such partition. How do i fix this. Good

Re: Some shell query

2011-11-28 Thread kuLa
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 28/11/11 04:53, Kousik Maiti wrote: Hi LIst, hi I have a text file like this 34 RADIO 2 RADWIN 1 RAGE 1 RAIL 1 RAU 3 RAU2 2 RE 2 RECEIVERS 13 RECEPTION 1 RECORDING 1 RECTIFIER 4 REF 3 REFURBISHED 4 REPEATER I want to sort this

inconsistency in results using Ctrl+F in libreoffice across 2 Debian boxes

2011-11-28 Thread AG
Hey all I have two machines, both running Debian stable (squeeze) and on both I jettisoned in favor of LibreOffice. On one machine (box A) in Writer or in Calc I can use the keyboard commands Ctrl+F or Ctrl+Alt+F to find and find and replace respectively. On Box B however,

Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-28 Thread AG
On 27/11/11 11:04, Cam Hutchison wrote: I have tried GNOME 3. I have tried it with fallback mode. I've now tried xfce, kde and my own hacked together xsession with gnome components. I don't like any of it. What I like is the setup I had. I had GNOME 2 set up just the way I wanted it, and there

udev ruled.d

2011-11-28 Thread Richard
Hi For ages on bootup there has been the message about udev rules being replaced by device attributes, Has this happened in Wheezy, as a rule I've entered is getting disliked. -- Best wishes / 73 Richard Bown e-mail: or nil carborundum a

Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-28 Thread Richard
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 09:03:40 + AG wrote: On 27/11/11 11:04, Cam Hutchison wrote: I have tried GNOME 3. I have tried it with fallback mode. I've now tried xfce, kde and my own hacked together xsession with gnome components. I don't like any of it.

Re: Xfce steals keyboard shortcuts?

2011-11-28 Thread Lorenzo Sutton
Hi, On 27/11/11 16:48, Paul Isambert wrote: Thank you Roman. Removing Alt-F2 in the shortcut settings did give me some Alt-shortcuts back, but Ctrl-shortcuts still won't work, even when I remove everything in the settings. Any idea? I also came across this trying to use Inkscape. The CTRL +

Re: Booting into DOS

2011-11-28 Thread Brian
On Sun 27 Nov 2011 at 23:06:29 -0500, Ethan Rosenberg wrote: My hard drive has Linux and DOS partitions. If I try to boot into DOS from the start-up screen I receive the messages: no argument specified adn no such partition. How do i fix this. Please post the contents of

Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-28 Thread AG
On 28/11/11 10:52, Richard wrote: On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 09:03:40 + wrote: On 27/11/11 11:04, Cam Hutchison wrote: I have tried GNOME 3. I have tried it with fallback mode. I've now tried xfce, kde and my own hacked together xsession with gnome components.

Fwd: installer fails to configure DHCP

2011-11-28 Thread Francesco Pietra
-- Forwarded message -- From: Francesco Pietra Date: Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 11:46 AM Subject: Re: installer fails to configure DHCP To: Vasileios Karaklioumis The router works fine with the computer I was referring to and with all other

Re: Upgrading from Lenny to Squeeze

2011-11-28 Thread Stephen Powell
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 00:21:53 -0500 (EST), Marc Shapiro wrote: On 11/27/11 15:10, Stephen Powell wrote: Since your permanent root file system is not a logical volume, chances are there is no LVM stuff in your initial RAM file system. Therefore, it is trying to access the SUSPEND/RESUME device

Re: Xfce steals keyboard shortcuts?

2011-11-28 Thread Paul Isambert
Le 28/11/2011 12:08, Lorenzo Sutton a écrit : Hi, On 27/11/11 16:48, Paul Isambert wrote: Thank you Roman. Removing Alt-F2 in the shortcut settings did give me some Alt-shortcuts back, but Ctrl-shortcuts still won't work, even when I remove everything in the settings. Any idea? I also came

Re: SATA disc spindown

2011-11-28 Thread Ramon Hofer
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 16:55:06 +0100, Lou wrote: Please check the wdc link [1] I gave you again, WD20EARS is on the list. The wiki article can't keep up all the time with newer green series coming out. Ups, my fault. Thank you very much! -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Upload php high Cpu

2011-11-28 Thread Olivier BATARD
Hi, I have an issue with the tool openupload, which is a php tool to upload files My apache server is on a wheezy, which is hosted on a vserver (fs reiserfs) inside a squeeze, which is also hosted on vmware esx which has on core and 2 go of ram. Each times I

Re: Full Disk Encryption

2011-11-28 Thread Virgo Pärna
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 00:59:34 -0500, Rick Thomas wrote: Unless you are concerned about growing swap at some later date, you should leave swap out of the LVM and encrypt it separately -- with a *random* key. I think, that this would not work, if one wants to use

Re: Full Disk Encryption

2011-11-28 Thread J. Bakshi
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:15:59 + (UTC) Virgo Pärna wrote: On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 00:59:34 -0500, Rick Thomas wrote: Unless you are concerned about growing swap at some later date, you should leave swap out of the LVM and encrypt it separately -- with

Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 10:29:10 -0900, Greg Madden wrote: On Sunday 27 November 2011 8:29:19 am Camaleón wrote: On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 11:04:24 +, Cam Hutchison wrote: I have tried GNOME 3. I have tried it with fallback mode. I've now tried xfce, kde and my own hacked together xsession with

Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-28 Thread Cybe R. Wizard
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 10:52:52 + Richard wrote: I was unhappy with Gnome 3 at start, but after giving it a chance I've grown to like it. for instance, ALT Tab to move between desktop is a nice feature, its less hand movement than grabbing the mouse to click on

XFCE - Desktop Problems

2011-11-28 Thread Ethan Rosenberg
Dear list - I just upgraded my sid distribution. Now - I can't -- 1] move, maximize or minimize windows. 2] close open windows so I can see the desktop. 3] see the window list. HELP, ASAP Thanks. Ethan Rosenberg Debian 6.0.1a squeeze(sid) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Re: Nautilus 3.2.1 and file associations

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 19:58:37 +, Walter Hurry wrote: On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 17:22:51 +, Camaleón wrote: On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 09:43:15 +, Alan Chandler wrote: On 26/11/11 21:18, Camaleón wrote: Anyway, try this:

Re: why does mplayer sound bad and flashplugin-nonfree sound good?

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 09:18:37 +0800, jidanni wrote: C == Camaleón writes: C What happens when ypu open the file with another media player? It sounds great! OK I filed Wow, that was a fast bug report! :-) Maybe Mplayer has

Re: gksu: Couldn't set environment variable...

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 14:05:10 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote: Thank You for Your time and answer, Camaleón: For a new user it works too, but for the old one - all work except these two. I have searched through dir.s and files that were created for the new user (its home dir. was empty and did remove

Re: Graphics corruption with Radeon X1270 (RS690M)

2011-11-28 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 02:50:52 -0500, Carl wrote in message On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 02:01:15AM +0100, Arnt Karlsen wrote: 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' and pick or verify you have picked all your relevant UTF-8 locales, you may want to toss out your

Re: why does mplayer sound bad and flashplugin-nonfree sound good?

2011-11-28 Thread Javier Barroso
On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:46 PM, Camaleón wrote: On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 09:18:37 +0800, jidanni wrote: C == Camaleón writes: C What happens when ypu open the file with another media player? It sounds great! OK I filed

Re: XFCE - Desktop Problems

2011-11-28 Thread Lorenzo Sutton
Hi, On 28/11/11 15:42, Ethan Rosenberg wrote: Dear list - I just upgraded my sid distribution. Now - I can't -- 1] move, maximize or minimize windows. 2] close open windows so I can see the desktop. Try to run xfwm4 command (ALT + F2 and then type it in) Also make sure this starts when you

Re: Passwordless root shell is offered when boot problem occurs.

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:47:59 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote: Once mount error occurs while OS booting, I get root shell - w/o even asking for password... You mean Busybox? :-? How I can change the behavior (to ask for password before granting root shell)? If you refer to busybox, AFAIK is not a

GStreamer or PulseAudio causing stuttering playback

2011-11-28 Thread Shaun
Hi all, When streaming using the AirPlay protocol to my AirPort Express using the pulseaudio-module-raop I get quite stuttered playback. This happens playing an mp3 in RhythmBox or Banshee. Both of these applications use GStreamer. The system itself doesn't appear to be under any noticeable

Re: no connections tab in network admin

2011-11-28 Thread Christofer C. Bell
On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 5:04 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote: Hi Folks, My son runs Debian (Squeeze) on a relatively ancient Gateway Laptop - and all was copacetic until he did a recent apt-get update/upgrade/autoremove. Suddenly: - wireless isn't working - the

(need help) Test 000-978: Power Systems with POWER7 and IBM i Sales Skills - v1

2011-11-28 Thread Oussama Benrhouma
*Hi,* *I need answers to the questions below please:* * * *1) A Power 720 Customer with IBM i 6.1 and 8 disk units has limited time to load and apply RTFs. Which capability will minimize the preparation and installation time?* A) Load the RTFs directly from a tape image while applying

Re: (need help) Test 000-978: Power Systems with POWER7 and IBM i Sales Skills - v1

2011-11-28 Thread Cybe R. Wizard
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:29:58 +0100 Oussama Benrhouma wrote: *Hi,* *I need answers to the questions below please:* The answer, IIANM, is to study and then you'll be able to do your own homework. Does the Debian user list typically get 'do my homework'


2011-11-28 Thread Martin Feuersänger
Hi list, a while ago we played a bit with XDMCP at the local LUG gathering here in Frankfurt, Germany. One machine was running KDE 4.6.5 (sid) and the other Gnome 3 (squeeze). We managed to get a Chooser on each machine from the respective other machine by issuing X :1 -broadcast -indirect IP

Re: Password Management ?

2011-11-28 Thread Chris Brennan
On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 6:56 PM, Stephen Allen wrote: LastPass is online and KeePass is offline. Honestly, I would trust KeePass over LastPass. shrug I don't understand your response here? Is there a point to your shrugging at the difference between LastPass

Re: Passwordless root shell is offered when boot problem occurs.

2011-11-28 Thread Arno Schuring
Sthu Deus ( on 2011-11-28 13:47 +0700): Once mount error occurs while OS booting, I get root shell - w/o even asking for password... How I can change the behavior (to ask for password before granting root shell)? Do you get a message 'root account locked, starting shell?'

upnp client on wheezy

2011-11-28 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis
Hi, Anyone got upnp share browsing working on wheezy? I can't find coherence plugin for totem on wheezy and upnp discovery on vlc only shows media but cannot browse its shared files. -- Regards, Umarzuki Mochlis

Re: inconsistency in results using Ctrl+F in libreoffice across 2 Debian boxes

2011-11-28 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 08:58:06 +, AG wrote: I have two machines, both running Debian stable (squeeze) and on both I jettisoned in favor of LibreOffice. On one machine (box A) in Writer or in Calc I can use the keyboard commands Ctrl+F or Ctrl+Alt+F to find and find and

Re: Full Disk Encryption

2011-11-28 Thread Rick Thomas
On Nov 28, 2011, at 8:48 AM, J. Bakshi wrote: On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:15:59 + (UTC) Virgo Pärna wrote: On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 00:59:34 -0500, Rick Thomas wrote: Unless you are concerned about growing swap at some later date, you should leave swap out

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