cracker une .rar

2014-11-17 Thread zulian


J'ai acheté un livre technique pour ma voiture.
Le site m'envoit le code pour telecharger le fichier.
Je récupére le fichier.

Oh, surprise !  il s'agit d'un fichier .rar  necessitant un mot de passe  !!

Voic les essais.

Une idée ?

fred@fred:~/Downloads$ unrar x PRIORA.rar
UNRAR 5.00 beta 8 freeware  Copyright (c) 1993-2013 Alexander Roshal
Enter password (will not be echoed) for PRIORA.rar: 

Tentative de crack en simple user :
fred@fred:~/Downloads$ rarcrack PRIORA.rar –type .rar
RarCrack! 0.2 by David Zoltan Kedves (
ERROR: The specified file (.rar) is not exists or 
   you don't have a right permissions!

Tentative de crack en root :
root@fred:/home/fred/Downloads# rarcrack PRIORA.rar –type rar
RarCrack! 0.2 by David Zoltan Kedves (
ERROR: The specified file (rar) is not exists or 
   you don't have a right permissions!

Frédéric ZULIAN

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Re: cracker une .rar

2014-11-17 Thread andre_debian
On Monday 17 November 2014 17:04:45 zulian wrote:
 J'ai acheté un livre technique pour ma voiture.
 Le site m'envoit le code pour telecharger le fichier.
 Je récupére le fichier.
 Oh, surprise !  il s'agit d'un fichier .rar  necessitant un mot de passe 
 Voic les essais.
 Une idée ?
 fred@fred:~/Downloads$ unrar x PRIORA.rar
 UNRAR 5.00 beta 8 freeware  Copyright (c) 1993-2013 Alexander Roshal
 Enter password (will not be echoed) for PRIORA.rar:
 Tentative de crack en simple user :
 fred@fred:~/Downloads$ rarcrack PRIORA.rar –type .rar
 RarCrack! 0.2 by David Zoltan Kedves (
 ERROR: The specified file (.rar) is not exists or
you don't have a right permissions!
 Tentative de crack en root :
 root@fred:/home/fred/Downloads# rarcrack PRIORA.rar –type rar
 RarCrack! 0.2 by David Zoltan Kedves (
 ERROR: The specified file (rar) is not exists or
you don't have a right permissions!
 Frédéric ZULIAN

Appeler le vendeur du site...

veuillez me donner le mot de passe, car j'ai payé ce livre

C'est un fichier qui a été compressé avec mot de passe.

As tu envoyé un chèque, virement ou par carte de crédit ?
si chèque ou virement, ils attendent de le recevoir,
pour t'envoyer le MdP.


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Re: cracker une .rar

2014-11-17 Thread honeyshell
Vérifier aussi dans la boite à SPAM si leur message n'y ait pas!

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Re: cracker une .rar

2014-11-17 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le lundi 17 novembre 2014 à 17:04, zulian a écrit :
 Tentative de crack en simple user :
 fred@fred:~/Downloads$ rarcrack PRIORA.rar –type .rar
 RarCrack! 0.2 by David Zoltan Kedves (
 ERROR: The specified file (.rar) is not exists or 
you don't have a right permissions!

Es-tu bien sûr que le nom du fichier est correctement situé dans ta commande ?
Apparemment il ne trouve pas le fichier… J'imagine qu'il est pourtant présent
dans le dossier…

Je n'ai pas rarcrack d'installé. Que dit le début du manuel (synopsis) ?

Sinon tu peux aussi essayer de le permuter :
rarcrack --type .rar PRIORA.rar

Ou même sans spécifier de type :
rarcrack PRIORA.rar


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Re: cracker une .rar

2014-11-17 Thread andre_debian
On Monday 17 November 2014 17:04:24 you wrote:
  Appeler le vendeur du site...
  veuillez me donner le mot de passe, car j'ai payé ce livre

 Ben oui, mais ils ne répondent pas aux mails et ils sont localisés aux USA :
Ont-il un tél ?

  As tu envoyé un chèque, virement ou par carte de crédit ?
  si chèque ou virement, ils attendent de le recevoir,
  pour t'envoyer le MdP.

 Payé par CB. Ils m'ont envoyé le mot de passe pour télécharger le fichier.
 Ce que j ai fait.  Mais je n'arrive pas à récupérer le mot de passe pour le

Donc le MdP t'a bien été envoyé mais il est illisible
et la société ne répond pas.

Quelle est le problème pour ne pas pouvoir récupérer le MdP ?

Humm... sinon, il doit exister des crackers de mot de passe
pour fichiers .rar...


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Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

2014-11-17 Thread andre_debian
On Monday 17 November 2014 00:02:14 FGK wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 11:16:31PM +0100, wrote:
  Je vais donc résumer :
  copyright, droit d'auteur, ce n'est sans doute pas tout à fait la
  même chose.
 On les oppose même très souvent.

  Les lois les régissant semblent être différentes selon les pays.
 C'est cela. Surtout que, et comment déjà dit, essayer d'expliquer la GPL et
 des contrats anglo-saxons en utilisant des termes de droit français se
 révèle assez difficile, voir carrément incorect, puisque les notions étant
 définies autrement. Ça peut aider à la compréhension, mais du point de vue
 du raisonnement juridique ça ne tient pas beaucoup. Je connais un ou deux
 juristes qui crieraient au scandale parce que j'ai utilisé droit
 extrapatrimonial/droits moraux dans la même phrase que Copyright. Il
 faut normalement utiliser les mots anglais qui ont leur propre définition.

  La GPL - GNU aux USA serait une extension du copyright.
 D'une certaine manière oui. En réalité on parle de régime d'exception (en
 tout cas en droit français). Un régime consiste, grosso modo, en toutes les
 règles qui régissent une situation donnée ainsi que ses effets (juridiques
 s'entend). La but de la GNU GPL vis-à-vis du Copyright est de dire : voilà
 ce que fait le Copyright mais nous, par exception à ses termes, on va dire
 que vous avez le droit de faire ça et ça. Ce mécanisme juridique est opéré
 dans le point 2. Basic Permissions de la GNU GPL.[1]

  La proposition de .NET Microsoft d'orienter certains logiciels
  vers l'opensource, pourrait être légale sans contredire la GPL.

 Si je peux me permettre il faut bien faire la différence entre licence et
 CLA. Techiquement, ce que propose .NET Fondation est de l'open source. Elle
 utilise la licence Expat pour cela (faussement nommée MIT par tout un
 chacun). C'est une licence open source mais bien plus permissive que la
 GPL. Ici nous parlons du code diffusé par .NET Fondation. Et c'est donc à
 ne pas confondre avec le code *soumis par un contributeur à .NET Fondation*
 qui lui est régit par la CLA.

 Pour réexpliquer plus clairement. Le développeur signe la CLA et soumet son
 code. Dès soumission du code, celui-ci appartient totalement à la
 fondation. Elle décide alors de faire un choix. Soit de diffuser ce qui est
 maintenant *son* code en l'intégrant au projet sous licence MIT. Pour le
 développeur c'est transparent puisqu'il escomptait justement que son code
 soit sous cette licence. Soit de ne pas diffuser son code sur ce projet et
 sur cette licence mais d'en faire autre chose (et là on peut imaginer tout
 ce qu'on veut). Le truc abérrant j'en conviens, c'est que si le code n'est
 pas effectivement intégré au projet, légalement, du fait de la signature de
 la CLA, le code appartenant dorénavant à .NET Fondation, le développeur n'a
 pas le droit de le réutiliser comme il veut. Il peut le faire bien sûr,
 mais dans ce cas, s'il vient à l'idée de la fondation de l'attaquer, il y a
 de très forte chance qu'elle gagne. En pratique, globalement, il y a peu de
 chances que ça arrive. Je vois mal Microsoft attaquer un développeur
 indépendant sous prétexte qu'il a réutiliser trois lignes de code
 préalablement soumis à .NET Fondation. Par contre, imaginons que ce
 développeur ait une idée lumineuse, une fonction nouvelle, que sais-je.
 S'il venait à réutiliser cette idée dans un autre projet et que celui-ci
 fasse vraiment concurrence à Microsoft, la Fondation aurait un moyen légal

 Il faut donc bien séparer la licence sous laquelle .NET Fondation diffuse
 son code (licence open source) et le régime contractuel qui régit les
 relations entre le développeur contributeur et la fondation. Dans ce second
 cas, la bonne comparaison à faire est d'opposer la CLA de la FSF (et non la
 GPL) à la CLA de .NET Fondation.

 Pour en terminer là, le but de ma première intervention était simplement de
 mettre en lumière ce que _permet_ cette CLA. Son application pratique par
 la .NET Fondation étant tout autre chose. Il est hors de question pour moi,
 je le répète, de jeter la pierre. Il existe des tas de développeurs pour
 lesquels cette situation ne présente aucun problème, à commencer par ceux
 qui ont l'habitude que leur code appartiennent totalement à la boîte pour
 laquelle il travaille. Par contre, ça en gène d'autres, et s'ils signent
 sans savoir, une belle déconfiture est à prévoir.

  Par contre, point de vue éthique GPL pure, oui c'est inacceptable.
 Voir l'avant-dernier paragraphe ci-dessus.

  Je confirme que microsoft participe au salon sus-cité,
  sans vergogne en s'auto-proclamant Microsoft, c'est aussi l'opensource
  !, ce qui lui vaut (heureusement) quelques défilés vengeurs de la part
  d'associations dont l'April devant leur stand (quand même !).
 Haha j'imagine l'ambiance avec les regards en chiens de faïence. Ça doit
 être assez fun/épique.

 Le problème est d'une part que ça 

Ma Debian va très mal !!

2014-11-17 Thread MERLIN Philippe
Depuis le mois de juin de cette année j'ai des problèmes avec ma debian Sid 
Amd64. Tous ces problèmes viennent de la migration vers systemd .
Si certains problèmes ont été corrigés, services ne se lancant pas au boot, ou 
arrêt de Samba prenant 5 minutes, d'autre problème entrave le fonctionnement 
actuel de ma Debian en effet l'arrêt de l'ordinateur prend  plus de 3 minutes 
ce qui est exagéré et insupportable  et cerise sur le gâteau  comme je  me 
sers de Kde celui ci pour arrêter celui ci envoies un halt qui ne coupe plus 
électriquement ce même ordinateur, je suis obligé d'attendre  le message 
reboot system halted  pour manuellement couper électriquement l'ordinateur.
(pour ce pb de non coupure électrique j'ai généré un rapport de bug #761647 
qui n'a pas eu beaucoup de succès ce que je ne comprends pas, surtout ils le 
suffiraient de modifier leur halt en halt -p ou poweroff)
Autre anomalie introduite par systemd, il est programmé tous les 28 montages 
un fsck du disque linux, cela fonctionne toujours sauf que maintenant aucune 
trace n'apparaît plus à l'écran ce qui est très génant surtout que cette 
opération dure plus de 5 minutes.
J'ai  lu dans les Dernières nouvelles du projet Debian que Jessie était  
gelé, j'espère que ces problèmes causés par systemd seront résolus car 
actuellement je ne conseillerai pas à quelqu'un de migrer sur les dernières 
version Debian.
Philippe Merlin

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Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

2014-11-17 Thread D. Barbier
Le 14 novembre 2014 21:57, FGK a écrit :
 Oui, mais vous avez vu que le tout est distribué sous licence MIT. Et
 avez-vous remarqué la licence notamment en terme de contribution au Projet ?
 Tout est ici :


 Qu'est-ce que l'on comprend à la lecture ? Comme le rappelait gasche[2], que
 la fondation .NET demande lors de la soumission de Code d'accepter la fameuse
 Contributor License Agreement.


 Dedans, il est bien indiqué que parmi les pull
 resquest (les Soumissions de Code au Projet (voir les définitions dans la CLA
 pour chaque mot)) les productions originales sont grandement favorisées --- et
 non du Code d'une tierce partie, d'un autre projet, donc déjà sous une autre
 licence, celui-ci, s'il était malgré tout soumis allant vers une autre
 procédure pour acceptation, mal définie, et dont les détails restent (à
 dessein ?) flous.


 De plus le Code soumis devient la propriété de .NET
 Fondation et de ses partenaires commerciaux (voir les points 4.2. et 4.3.)

Bah non, le 4.3 dit au contraire que les droits non explicitement
mentionnés ne sont pas concernés, et le 4.1 qu'on donne le droit à la
fondation d'en faire l'usage qu'elle veut, mais ce n'est pas un
copyright assignment. Il y a eu des débats très chauds concernant les
copyright assignment (cf Canonical par exemple), mais là il ne s'agit
pas de ça, ce CLA ne me semble pas différer (mais JNSPJ) de ceux qu'on
trouve chez Google, Apache ou Canonical (nouvelle version)

 --- ils en font ce qu'ils veulent, soit ils décident de le passer sous la
 licence du Projet, soit non et ils l'utilisent en closed source (en disant ah
 désolé, mais non en fait on accepte pas ce Code au développeur ?), ou encore
 les deux, mais en en faisant une distribution de binaire modifié par leur soin



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Re: Ma Debian va très mal !!

2014-11-17 Thread maderios
On 11/17/2014 06:29 PM, MERLIN Philippe wrote:
 Depuis le mois de juin de cette année j'ai des problèmes avec ma debian Sid 
 Amd64. Tous ces problèmes viennent de la migration vers systemd .
 Si certains problèmes ont été corrigés, services ne se lancant pas au boot
La migration n'a pas été automatique, il faut mettre les mains dans le
Chez moi, sid amd64,  tout fonctionne presque bien
COMMANDES DE BASE (en root évidemment), exemples à adapter selon les
services à démarrer

systemctl enable cups #Rendre effectif le service
systemctl start cups  #démarrer le service
systemctl daemon-reload   #parfois indispensable

systemctl status unit
systemctl reload unit

systemctl list-units
systemctl list-units --all
 systemctl list-unit-files #affiche tous les  unit files installés
systemctl list-unit-files

systemctl reboot
systemctl poweroff

systemd-analyze  #durée démarrage services
journalctl -b -u systemd-udev-settle #voir ce qui bloque au boot

#Pour ce qui est des unités bloquées :
systemd-analyze critical-chain


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Re: Ma Debian va très mal !!

2014-11-17 Thread MERLIN Philippe
Le lundi 17 novembre 2014, 19:01:35 maderios a écrit :
 On 11/17/2014 06:29 PM, MERLIN Philippe wrote:
  Depuis le mois de juin de cette année j'ai des problèmes avec ma debian
  Amd64. Tous ces problèmes viennent de la migration vers systemd .
  Si certains problèmes ont été corrigés, services ne se lancant pas au boot
 La migration n'a pas été automatique, il faut mettre les mains dans le
 Chez moi, sid amd64,  tout fonctionne presque bien
 COMMANDES DE BASE (en root évidemment), exemples à adapter selon les
 services à démarrer
 systemctl enable cups #Rendre effectif le service
 systemctl start cups  #démarrer le service
 systemctl daemon-reload   #parfois indispensable
 systemctl status unit
 systemctl reload unit
 systemctl list-units
 systemctl list-units --all
  systemctl list-unit-files #affiche tous les  unit files installés
 systemctl list-unit-files
 systemctl reboot
 systemctl poweroff
 systemd-analyze  #durée démarrage services
 journalctl -b -u systemd-udev-settle #voir ce qui bloque au boot
 #Pour ce qui est des unités bloquées :
 systemd-analyze critical-chain
Merci, en effet j'ai mis les mains dans le cambouis avec  des systemctl ...
pour essayer de faire avancer le schmilblik mais maintenant je ne sais pas 
ou chercher, les problèmes évoqués au début non démarrage de service et 
blocage Samba sont résolus, par contre le temps d'arrêt de plus de 3 minutes 
là je sèche. Pour la coupure électrique j'ai je pense la solution mais c'est à 
Kde de faire cette modif  et je ne sais pas comment contacter un responsable 
Kde pour qu'ils essayent cette petite correction halt halt -p ou 
halt ---poweroff
les systemctl poweroff marche très bien il arrête électriquement mon ordi.
Philippe Merlin

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Re: Ma Debian va très mal !!

2014-11-17 Thread maderios
On 11/17/2014 06:29 PM, MERLIN Philippe wrote:

Pas de messages personnels. Merci de poster sur la liste.

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Re: DKIM Re: Ma Debian va très mal !!

2014-11-17 Thread MERLIN Philippe
Le lundi 17 novembre 2014, 20:07:38 maderios a écrit :
 On 11/17/2014 06:29 PM, MERLIN Philippe wrote:
 Pas de messages personnels. Merci de poster sur la liste.
je ne comprends pas ton message, j'ai posté ma précédente réponse sur la 
Philippe Merlin

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Re: Ma Debian va très mal !!

2014-11-17 Thread Pascal Obry
Le lundi 17 novembre 2014 à 19:01 +0100, maderios a écrit : 
 On 11/17/2014 06:29 PM, MERLIN Philippe wrote:
  Depuis le mois de juin de cette année j'ai des problèmes avec ma debian Sid 
  Amd64. Tous ces problèmes viennent de la migration vers systemd .
  Si certains problèmes ont été corrigés, services ne se lancant pas au boot
 La migration n'a pas été automatique, il faut mettre les mains dans le
 Chez moi, sid amd64,  tout fonctionne presque bien
 COMMANDES DE BASE (en root évidemment), exemples à adapter selon les
 services à démarrer

Je suis en Debian/Sid, je n'ai rien touché manuellement et n'ai aucun
problème sur 2 machines différents Dell 4800 et un HP. Parfois il faut
éviter de toucher à tout surtout si l'on ne maîtrise pas ce que l'on

  Pascal Obry /  Magny Les Hameaux (78)

  The best way to travel is by means of imagination

  gpg --keyserver --recv-key F949BD3B

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

2014-11-17 Thread FGK

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 06:34:19PM +0100, D. Barbier wrote:
  De plus le Code soumis devient la propriété de .NET Fondation et de ses
  partenaires commerciaux (voir les points 4.2. et 4.3.)
 Bah non, le 4.3 dit au contraire que les droits non explicitement
 mentionnés ne sont pas concernés, et le 4.1 qu'on donne le droit à la
 fondation d'en faire l'usage qu'elle veut, mais ce n'est pas un
 copyright assignment.

Merci de l'avoir relevé. C'est une erreur de frappe de ma part. Il fallait
lire voir les points 4.1 et 4.2.

Effectivement, le point 4.3 parle des droits non explicitement mentionnés.
Quels ont été justement les droits explicitement mentionnés ? Ceux dont il est
fait référence aux points 4.1 et 4.2 à savoir :

1) le contributeur accorde à .NET Fondation et ses partenaires tous les droits
(perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable) concernant
son travail pour en faire ce qu'il veut (reproduce, prepare derivative works
of, publicly display, publicly perform, and distribute the Submission and such
derivative works, and to sublicense any or all of the foregoing rights to
third parties).

2) le contributeur accorde de la même manière tous ses droits sur les brevets.

Il n'est rien dit d'autre.

Le point 4.3 quant à lui est intéressant car il parle justement d'autres
droits réservés. En l'espèce, nous sommes dans de la soumission de code. Par
les points 4.1 et 4.2 le code a été donné pleinement, avec tous les droits
afférents, à .NET Fondation. Alors que reste-il ? Pourquoi dès lors en
rajouter ? Le texte dit qu'aucune licence ou droits additionnels ne saurait
être accordé par voie de conséquence, par l'épuisement, estoppel ou autre
(traduction personnelle). Cette partie n'est pas tant pour le contributeur que
pour .NET Fondation. C'est une préparation pour l'avenir quant à son
utilisation du code, ses transformations, sa vente, etc. Ainsi aucune des deux
parties, sous entendu le contributeur, ne peut se prévaloir d'accords ou
d'effets particuliers suite à la diffusion du code.

Par exemple, en ce qui concerne la voie de conséquence : ça n'est pas parce
que .NET Fondation va inclure le code dans son projet sous la licence MIT
(Expat) en laissant le nom du contributeur que celui-ci a un droit de regard
sur le code publié. Il ne pourrait donc pas en demander le retrait pour une
raison x ou y en se prévalant d'en être l'auteur initial. La licence MIT
(Expat) permet normalement de rendre du code non libre, de le retirer, par
exemple. En gros, le contributeur se refuserait à dire devant un juge : c'est
mon code, il est publié sous mon nom par .NET Fondation (quoique cela reste à
voir s'ils vont intégrer le nom des contributeurs), la licence Expat me permet
de retirer mon code et de le rendre non-libre, alors faîtes-le. Dans ce cas,
la fondation opposerait au contributeur la clause 4.3 du contrat qu'il a
signé. Ça va de paire aussi avec l'estoppel en substance est un principe
indiquant que nul ne peut se contredire au détriment d'autrui. On pourrait
prendre un exemple comme cela pour chaque cas. Et surtout notons le ou
autre, qui laisse une ouverture totale.

 Il y a eu des débats très chauds concernant les copyright assignment (cf
 Canonical par exemple), mais là il ne s'agit pas de ça, ce CLA ne me semble
 pas différer (mais JNSPJ) de ceux qu'on trouve chez Google, Apache ou
 Canonical (nouvelle version).

Pour Apache et Canonical, très brièvement.

Pour Apache, et je cite, « this license is for your protection as a
Contributor as well as the protection of the Foundation and its users; it does
not change your rights to use your own Contributions for any other purpose. »
Je traduis la fin pour la forme : cela ne change pas vos droits quant à votre
utilisation de vos contributions à d'autres fins.

Pour Canonical, et je cite, « you retain ownership of the Copyright in Your
Contribution and have the same rights tu use or license the Contribution which
You would have had without entering into the Agreement ». Je ne traduis pas,
la signification est semblable à celle d'Apache.

Dans ces deux contrats, il est clairement explicité que le contributeur
conserve ses droits sur sa contribution ; et même les deux contrats commencent
par ça. Il accorde simplement des droits d'utilisation (qui sont larges je te
l'accorde) aux projets mais sans rien enlever au contributeur quant à sa
capacité à faire ce qu'il veut de son code (surtout concernant son code
soumis, non publié).

On ne trouve rien de ce genre dans la CLA de .NET Fondation. Le contributeur
accorde tous ses droits à la fondation. Point. Conséquence, le code appartient
à .NET Fondation et plus au contributeur. Aussi, et au vue de cela, je suis en
parfait désaccord avec toi. Ces contrats diffèrent de manière très 

Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

2014-11-17 Thread FGK
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 01:34:21AM +0100, Haricophile wrote:
 Le Mon, 17 Nov 2014 00:02:14 +0100,
 FGK a écrit :
  Pour en terminer là, le but de ma première intervention était
  simplement de mettre en lumière ce que _permet_ cette CLA. Son
  application pratique par la .NET Fondation étant tout autre chose. Il
  est hors de question pour moi, je le répète, de jeter la pierre. Il
  existe des tas de développeurs pour lesquels cette situation ne
  présente aucun problème, à commencer par ceux qui ont l'habitude que
  leur code appartiennent totalement à la boîte pour laquelle il
  travaille. Par contre, ça en gène d'autres, et s'ils signent sans
  savoir, une belle déconfiture est à prévoir.
 C'est là où RMS fait la distinction entre Opensource et Libre, ce qui
 n'est pas compris par tout le monde. 
 Il y a des gens qui veulent simplement pouvoir bosser avec le
 code sans trop comprendre que le libre a des implications concrètes qui
 vont plus loin que la pure doctrine ou la philosophie. 
 Il y a d'ailleurs aussi ceux qui veulent avoir de l'open-source pas
 libre, ceci semble en être une assez bonne illustration.

Je pense même que c'est plus large que cela. Nous avons une vraie différence
entre ce que propose la FSF, Canonical ou Apache comme en donne l'exemple
D. Barbier. Chez eux le but est de se protéger, d'éviter les problèmes quand
le code a été soumis, intégré au projet (donc a demandé de nombreuses heures
de travail) et au cas où le contributeur souhaiterait retirer son code à la
dernière minute, mettant donc un bronx pas possible dans le travail déjà
effectué. Je reprend ici l'exemple de de l'affaire Jambunathan K quand ce
dernier a voulu faire retirer ox-html.el et ox-odt.el d'org-mode alors que
tout était en place pour publication. Pour de grands projets une demande comme
celle de Jambunathan K compromettait la bonne avancée du projet Emacs ---
blocant plusieurs jours le travail de tout le monde et demandant un effort
conséquent pour tout corriger. Je ne pense pas que les CLAs proposées par ces
trois-là soient forcément quelque chose de mal, même s'il faut prendre garde
aux selling exceptions ainsi que l'expose Stallman en 2010[1].

Pour .NET Fondation et sa CLA, je crois que l'on sort carrément du champs du
logiciel libre et open source. Il en irait de même pour Google.

 Dans un registre différent, j'ai vu avec intérêt la question
 qu'a posé un journaliste à Bill Gates, en pleine tournée humanitaire en
 Afrique en présence des enfants aidés par sa fondation, concernant le
 travail des enfants dans les filières de fabrication des ordinateurs et
 téléphones. [snip (15 lines)]

Je me souviens d'avoir vu un documentaire très intéressant sur le principe des
fondations étasuniennes il y a quelques temps. Les journalistes mettaient en
avant justement leur utilisation peu scrupuleuse comme tu l'expliques. Je ne
me souviens plus du nom du documentaire par contre, dommage...


-:%*- FGK -*%:- -:%*-

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Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

2014-11-17 Thread FGK
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 05:38:52PM +0100, wrote:
 C'est important, afin de ne pas laisser les journaleux faire des
 déclarations tonitruantes à effets d'annonces achetez mon journal, 
 du genre : Microsoft migre vers les Logiciels Libres et l'Opensource,
 sous entendu la paix est signée entre les deux  communautés.
 Comme cela s'était passé il y a quelques années avec l'accord
 entre Linux-Suse et Microsoft, le Figaro titrait :
 La paix enfin signée entre Microsoft et Linux
 (Benh voyons... !)

Boh, je suis pas sûr que les contributeurs du libre et de l'open source soient
forcément dupes quant aux annonces de Microsoft. Ne serait-ce que pour
d'autres entreprises, il y a eu un grand changement si on pense par exemple à
Google. On peut faire toutes les critiques que l'on veut, les communautés sont
réactives. Même à propos de logiciel fer-de-lance Mozilla, il y a pas mal
d'accusations (je pense à l'annonce récente vous êtes libres où il y a eu
pas mal de lulz en mettant en avant les relations avec Google). Idem, mais à
l'inverse, pour des services comme github, service fermé mais utilisant des
logiciels libres. Les communautés gardent un sens critique. Je ne sais plus où
j'ai lu que github hébergeait bien plus de code libre que gitlab qui lui a pas
mal de logiciel à source fermée (je n'ai jamais vérifié l'information, je ne
sais pas si c'est vrai).

Par contre, effectivement, en ce qui concerne les annonces grand public, là...


-:%*- FGK -*%:- -:%*-

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Re: DKIM Re: Ma Debian va très mal !!

2014-11-17 Thread maderios
On 11/17/2014 08:29 PM, MERLIN Philippe wrote:
 Le lundi 17 novembre 2014, 20:07:38 maderios a écrit :
 On 11/17/2014 06:29 PM, MERLIN Philippe wrote:

 Pas de messages personnels. Merci de poster sur la liste.
 je ne comprends pas ton message, j'ai posté ma précédente réponse sur la 
Désolé, erreur de ma part. C'est un autre interlocuteur qui m'a adressé
un message perso.


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Re: cracker une .rar

2014-11-17 Thread FAUTRERO Pascal

Il est très difficile (pour ne pas dire impossible) de pouvoir cracker
des mots de passe d'archives vu qu'il est quasiment tout le temps
nécessaire d'avoir recours à la force brute. (c'est exceptionnel qu'une
archive dispose d'un mot de passe issu d'un dictionnaire quelconque). Et à
partir d'un mot de passe de 9 caractères, c'est mission impossible...que
dire d'un mot de passe comme
(ce qui est monnaie courante)

Donc, je confirme ce que disent les collègues, il faut que le mot de passe
soit donné sinon, l'archive est bonne pour la poubelle.


Le 17 novembre 2014 17:27, a écrit :

 On Monday 17 November 2014 17:04:24 you wrote:
   Appeler le vendeur du site...
   veuillez me donner le mot de passe, car j'ai payé ce livre
  Ben oui, mais ils ne répondent pas aux mails et ils sont localisés aux
 USA :
 Ont-il un tél ?

   As tu envoyé un chèque, virement ou par carte de crédit ?
   si chèque ou virement, ils attendent de le recevoir,
   pour t'envoyer le MdP.
  Payé par CB. Ils m'ont envoyé le mot de passe pour télécharger le
  Ce que j ai fait.  Mais je n'arrive pas à récupérer le mot de passe pour

 Donc le MdP t'a bien été envoyé mais il est illisible
 et la société ne répond pas.

 Quelle est le problème pour ne pas pouvoir récupérer le MdP ?

 Humm... sinon, il doit exister des crackers de mot de passe
 pour fichiers .rar...


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Re: cracker une .rar

2014-11-17 Thread andre_debian
On Monday 17 November 2014 21:59:29 you wrote:
 Il est très difficile (pour ne pas dire impossible) de pouvoir cracker
 des mots de passe d'archives vu qu'il est quasiment tout le temps
 nécessaire d'avoir recours à la force brute. (c'est exceptionnel qu'une
 archive dispose d'un mot de passe issu d'un dictionnaire quelconque). Et à
 partir d'un mot de passe de 9 caractères, c'est mission impossible...que
 dire d'un mot de passe comme (ce qui est monnaie
 Donc, je confirme ce que disent les collègues, il faut que le mot de passe
 soit donné sinon, l'archive est bonne pour la poubelle.

Merci de ne pas répondre en double mail.

Pauvre Frédéric, si il ne peut recevoir le mot de passe du fichier .rar.

À moins que le paiement se soit absenté on ne sait ou,
expliquant pourquoi les américains ne répondent pas à ses mails.


 Le 17 novembre 2014 17:27, a écrit :
  On Monday 17 November 2014 17:04:24 you wrote:
Appeler le vendeur du site...
veuillez me donner le mot de passe, car j'ai payé ce livre
   Ben oui, mais ils ne répondent pas aux mails et ils sont localisés aux
  USA :
  Ont-il un tél ?

As tu envoyé un chèque, virement ou par carte de crédit ?
si chèque ou virement, ils attendent de le recevoir,
pour t'envoyer le MdP.
   Payé par CB. Ils m'ont envoyé le mot de passe pour télécharger le

   Ce que j ai fait.  Mais je n'arrive pas à récupérer le mot de passe
   pour le fichier.

  Donc le MdP t'a bien été envoyé mais il est illisible
  et la société ne répond pas.
  Quelle est le problème pour ne pas pouvoir récupérer le MdP ?
  Humm... sinon, il doit exister des crackers de mot de passe
  pour fichiers .rar...

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Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

2014-11-17 Thread FGK
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 09:22:29PM +0100, FGK wrote:
 Par exemple, en ce qui concerne la voie de conséquence : ça n'est pas parce
 que .NET Fondation va inclure le code dans son projet sous la licence MIT
 (Expat) en laissant le nom du contributeur que celui-ci a un droit de regard
 sur le code publié. Il ne pourrait donc pas en demander le retrait pour une
 raison x ou y en se prévalant d'en être l'auteur initial. La licence MIT
 (Expat) permet normalement de rendre du code non libre, de le retirer, par
 exemple. En gros, le contributeur se refuserait à dire devant un juge : c'est
 mon code, il est publié sous mon nom par .NET Fondation (quoique cela reste à
 voir s'ils vont intégrer le nom des contributeurs), la licence Expat me permet
 de retirer mon code et de le rendre non-libre, alors faîtes-le. Dans ce cas,
 la fondation opposerait au contributeur la clause 4.3 du contrat qu'il a
 signé. Ça va de paire aussi avec l'estoppel en substance est un principe
 indiquant que nul ne peut se contredire au détriment d'autrui. On pourrait
 prendre un exemple comme cela pour chaque cas. Et surtout notons le ou
 autre, qui laisse une ouverture totale.

Mon exemple est mauvais ; mais l'idée générale y est...


-:%*- FGK -*%:- -:%*-

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Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

2014-11-17 Thread andre_debian
On Monday 17 November 2014 21:47:09 FGK wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 05:38:52PM +0100, wrote:
  C'est important, afin de ne pas laisser les journaleux faire des
  déclarations tonitruantes à effets d'annonces achetez mon journal,
  du genre : Microsoft migre vers les Logiciels Libres et l'Opensource,
  sous entendu la paix est signée entre les deux  communautés.
  Comme cela s'était passé il y a quelques années avec l'accord
  entre Linux-Suse et Microsoft, le Figaro titrait :
  La paix enfin signée entre Microsoft et Linux
  (Benh voyons... !)

 Boh, je suis pas sûr que les contributeurs du libre et de l'open source
 soient forcément dupes quant aux annonces de Microsoft. Ne serait-ce que
 pour d'autres entreprises, il y a eu un grand changement si on pense par
 exemple à Google. On peut faire toutes les critiques que l'on veut, les
 communautés sont réactives. Même à propos de logiciel fer-de-lance Mozilla,
 il y a pas mal d'accusations (je pense à l'annonce récente vous êtes
 libres où il y a eu pas mal de lulz en mettant en avant les relations avec
 Google). Idem, mais à l'inverse, pour des services comme github, service
 fermé mais utilisant des logiciels libres. Les communautés gardent un sens
 critique. Je ne sais plus où j'ai lu que github hébergeait bien plus de
 code libre que gitlab qui lui a pas mal de logiciel à source fermée (je
 n'ai jamais vérifié l'information, je ne sais pas si c'est vrai).

 Par contre, effectivement, en ce qui concerne les annonces grand public,

Les passionnés du logiciel libre et opensource n'en seront pas dupes, oui,

Le grand public utilisateur de Windows et ses pompes y verront (naïvement)
un virage positif de la firme de Redmond, sans doute le plan escompté
par Microsoft pour rebondir.

La firme a perdu la bataille du mobile, Androïd est majoritaire,
elle voit la part de marché de ses logiciels dont professionnels
se rétrécir, la crise faisant préférer l'opensource,
(c'est quand même moins cher et ça marche). 
Il faut donc faire quelque chose dans ce sens...
tout en gardant la main mise sur les codes source.


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Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

2014-11-17 Thread D. Barbier
Le 17 novembre 2014 20:22, FGK a écrit :
 En ce qui concerne le CLA de Google par contre, a priori je te rejoindrai.
 Mais je ne l'ai lu qu'en diagonale. À première vue, il n'est pas dit que le
 contributeur conserve ses droits sur son code tandis qu'ils les accordent bien
 à Google.

Si si, au 1er paragraphe. Mais ce texte vient en préambule, je suis
étonné que ça ait une quelconque valeur. C'est aussi marqué (pour
Google et Apache) que le CLA protège le contributeur ; or je ne vois
pas en quoi abandonner une partie de ses droits permet de se protéger.

 Pour finir avec ce message déjà trop long, je me permet de faire une remarque
 concernant ton intervention ce sont des CLAs, ils ne différent en rien. Je
 préfère voir cela comme une question : ce sont tous des CLAs, en quoi
 diffèrent-ils ?

Oui, tu as bien sûr raison, ce que je voulais dire, c'est qu'on est
passé d'une politique de copyright assignment il y a quelques années à
une politique de license agreement, qui me semble beaucoup plus
équilibrée (dans son ensemble, il faut évidemment regarder au cas par
cas), et le CLA de .NET me semblait suivre la même voie. Tu dis qu'en
pratique,  le CLA est un copyright assignment :
 Conséquence, le code appartient à .NET Fondation et plus au contributeur

Je ne suis pas d'accord, mais bon, en le relisant, la section 8 me
semble hautement problématique, je n'ai donc pas envie de le défendre.
En tant que non-juriste, je ne comprends pas les implications de cette
section, et n'aurais aucune envie de signer ce CLA. Idem pour celui de
Canonical, au passage (section 6.1). Ah zut, je l'ai signé ;-)

D'accord pour dire que tous les CLA ne se valent pas ; ceux d'Apache
et de Google me semblent les moins mauvais, ils sont courts et sont
compréhensibles par des non-initiés. Mais les communautés sont
toujours réticentes à s'engager dans cette voie, Arduino est en train
de l'apprendre à ses dépens par exemple!topic/developers/9dirF2aXhAE


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Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

2014-11-17 Thread chris21 . roux
L'histoire se répète:
Microsoft voyant qu'il ne peut pas vaincre Linux essaie de l'infiltrer grâce à 
des sociétés secrètes pour le pervertir et le contrôler,
tout comme en son temps l'empire romain a voulu pervertir le christianisme en 
en faisant une religion d'état gouvernée secrètement par une élite romaine 
ce qui a produit toutes les horreurs qu'ont fait subir les catholiques au monde 
entier et qui a discrédité le christianisme au yeux du plus grand nombre.
De même, Microsoft veut prendre le contrôle de Linux, notamment avec des 
sociétés amies (même si elles paraissent être concurrentes) afin de contrôler 
le monde du logiciel.
Cela fait maintenant longtemps que Microsoft possède sa propre distribution 
Linux (une société qu'elle contrôle en est le développeur).
Microsoft cherche à s'imposer toujours plus. Ils ont compris que Windows 
n'avait aucune chance alors ils noyautent Linux.
Nous sommes attaqués de toutes parts, par des gens qui se disent partisans des 
logiciels libres mais qui sont secrètement affiliés à Microsoft ou à d'autres 
sociétés du monde du logiciel ou du hardware,
dont le seul objectif est de priver le monde entier de liberté pour imposer un 
nouvel ordre mondial.
Ce nouvel ordre mondial est toujours le même, il n'a pas changé depuis l'empire 
romain. Et pour brouiller les pistes, cet empire du crime essaie de vous faire 
croire que ce nouvel ordre mondial est fomenté par les juifs.
Ce racisme évident est la pour vous détourner du véritable ennemi, un ordre 
maçonique créé par l'empire romain, en premier lieu pour contrôler l'église 
Aujourd'hui, cet ordre maçonnique romain catholique est là pour prendre le 
contrôle de votre ordinateur et imposer au monde entier le règne de 
l'esclavage, comme les empereurs romains l'ont toujours décidé.
L'objectif de cette société secrète est de faire de nous leurs esclaves.
Microsoft fait croire à tous qu'il est sur le déclin; ce n'est qu'une ruse; 
Microsoft est en train de prendre le contrôle de Linux, via des sociétés qui 
ont connu un succès financier fulgurant durant les années récentes (vous savez 
bien de qui je parle).

- Mail original -
De: D. Barbier
À: mailing liste debian française
Envoyé: Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 23:11:44
Objet: Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

Le 17 novembre 2014 20:22, FGK a écrit :
 En ce qui concerne le CLA de Google par contre, a priori je te rejoindrai.
 Mais je ne l'ai lu qu'en diagonale. À première vue, il n'est pas dit que le
 contributeur conserve ses droits sur son code tandis qu'ils les accordent bien
 à Google.

Si si, au 1er paragraphe. Mais ce texte vient en préambule, je suis
étonné que ça ait une quelconque valeur. C'est aussi marqué (pour
Google et Apache) que le CLA protège le contributeur ; or je ne vois
pas en quoi abandonner une partie de ses droits permet de se protéger.

 Pour finir avec ce message déjà trop long, je me permet de faire une remarque
 concernant ton intervention ce sont des CLAs, ils ne différent en rien. Je
 préfère voir cela comme une question : ce sont tous des CLAs, en quoi
 diffèrent-ils ?

Oui, tu as bien sûr raison, ce que je voulais dire, c'est qu'on est
passé d'une politique de copyright assignment il y a quelques années à
une politique de license agreement, qui me semble beaucoup plus
équilibrée (dans son ensemble, il faut évidemment regarder au cas par
cas), et le CLA de .NET me semblait suivre la même voie. Tu dis qu'en
pratique,  le CLA est un copyright assignment :
 Conséquence, le code appartient à .NET Fondation et plus au contributeur

Je ne suis pas d'accord, mais bon, en le relisant, la section 8 me
semble hautement problématique, je n'ai donc pas envie de le défendre.
En tant que non-juriste, je ne comprends pas les implications de cette
section, et n'aurais aucune envie de signer ce CLA. Idem pour celui de
Canonical, au passage (section 6.1). Ah zut, je l'ai signé ;-)

D'accord pour dire que tous les CLA ne se valent pas ; ceux d'Apache
et de Google me semblent les moins mauvais, ils sont courts et sont
compréhensibles par des non-initiés. Mais les communautés sont
toujours réticentes à s'engager dans cette voie, Arduino est en train
de l'apprendre à ses dépens par exemple!topic/developers/9dirF2aXhAE


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Re: Ma Debian va très mal !!

2014-11-17 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 06:29:50PM +0100, MERLIN Philippe a écrit :

 Depuis le mois de juin de cette année j'ai des problèmes avec ma debian Sid 


 J'ai  lu dans les Dernières nouvelles du projet Debian que Jessie était  
 gelé, j'espère que ces problèmes causés par systemd seront résolus car 
 actuellement je ne conseillerai pas à quelqu'un de migrer sur les dernières 
 version Debian.

Bonjour Philippe,

migrer de Wheezy à Jessie, ce n'est pas la même chose que de mettre à jour Sid
de temps à autres.  Dans le premier cas il y a énormément de travail fait pour
s'assurer que la migration se passe bien, et dans le deuxième non seulement il
n'y a aucune garantie, mais aussi il y a une grosse mise en garde que des
choses peuvent casser.


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japon

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Re: [HS] Microsoft s'ouvre t-elle à l'opensource ?

2014-11-17 Thread FGK
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 10:11:44PM +, D. Barbier wrote:
 Le 17 novembre 2014 20:22, FGK a écrit :

  En ce qui concerne le CLA de Google par contre, a priori je te rejoindrai.
  Mais je ne l'ai lu qu'en diagonale. À première vue, il n'est pas dit que
  le contributeur conserve ses droits sur son code tandis qu'ils les
  accordent bien à Google.
 Si si, au 1er paragraphe.

Haha, ah merci. J'avais lu tout ça plus qu'en diagonale au final... Dans ce
cas, je rangerais les CLAs d'Apache, Google, Canonical et FSF dans le même sac
(avec peut-être des variations au sein de ce sac, à voir) ; et mettrais celle
de .NET Fondation à part.

 Mais ce texte vient en préambule, je suis étonné que ça ait une quelconque

Dans un contrat tout ce qui est écrit à une valeur. Tu peux mettre des touts
petits caractères en bas de la page, dire que c'est un préambule, une
adjonction, qu'importe, ça fait partie du contrat, donc c'est opposable.

 C'est aussi marqué (pour Google et Apache) que le CLA protège le
 contributeur ; or je ne vois pas en quoi abandonner une partie de ses droits
 permet de se protéger.

Là tu soulèves un lièvre. Le but des CLAs dans le monde du logiciel libre et
open source est clairement de protéger le projet, mais avec quelques
variations. Si on reprend à nouveau l'exemple de Jambunathan K (décidemment
j'aime vraiment cet exemple) qui souhaite retirer tout son travail juste avant
la publication, mais après que tout le travail d'intégration a été fait, la
CLA ne va pas dans son sens.

L'idée de la FSF ici est de dire : ok, vous avez envoyer une contribution au
projet dans le but qu'elle soit rendue publique et libre/open source.
Maintenant, juridiquement, le code vous appartenant totalement jusqu'à
publication vous pouvez en demander le retrait. Sauf que voyez-vous, cher
contributeur adoré, ça nous fouterait dans une panade pas possible, non
seulement nous mais aussi tous les autres contributeurs. Donc on vous demande
de signer ça de sorte que votre code soit libre et utilisable par nous dès que
vous le soumettez. On ne vous demande pas d'abandonner vos droits mais
simplement de nous permettre de l'utiliser pour le projet.

Il n'y a donc pas, techniquement, d'abandon de droits. Seulement de donner des
droits à quelqu'un d'autre. La formulation à ce propos de Canonical est tout à
fait intéressante je trouve. Si on reprend le point 2.1 (a) il est dit que
vous gardez vos droits comme si vous n'aviez jamais signer cet accord.

Donc oui, je pense qu'il est très clair effectivement que le but des CLAs
n'est pas tant de protéger le contributeur individuel mais bien le projet.
Mais il était peut-être nécessaire de rassurer le contributeur d'emblée en lui
expliquant qu'il n'a rien à craindre. Après, on peut considérer aussi que le
contributeur sachant exactement ce qu'il advient de sa contribution, ça le
protège aussi.

Ensuite, les CLAs, dans l'absolu, je trouve ça légitime d'une certaine
façon. Je m'explique. Normalement le contributeur veut que son code soit
intégré au projet sous sa licence. Aucun besoin de CLA (comme ça a été le cas
durant de nombreuses années). Mais comme il est arrivé des cas particuliers,
il a fallut trouver une manière de combler cette insécurité pour le projet et
aussi pour les autres contributeurs. Si une personne soumet une fonction
importante, que tout le monde se met à travailler sur cette base et que cette
personne, six mois plus tard, juste avant la publication, décide (et peut)
retirer son travail au dernier moment, ça va causer du tord à beaucoup de
monde. Donc en pratique ça n'est pas forcément que pour protéger le travail et
les intérêts du projet mais aussi de tous les autres contributeurs. Pour le
dire autrement, rendre le code libre (dans les meilleures CLAs) et
réutilisable dès la soumission, avant la publication officielle, c'est faire
primer l'intérêt général sur l'intérêt particulier.

Évidemment, il faut bien lire le contrat et le comprendre (surtout dans ses
effets) et voir si, en tant que contributeur, le compromis demandé par le
projet est acceptable ou non. Mais, ça, c'est l'affaire de chacun.

  Conséquence, le code appartient à .NET Fondation et plus au contributeur
 Je ne suis pas d'accord, mais bon

Étant donné que la CLA de .NET Fondation ne prévoit à aucun moment que le
contributeur garde l'un quelconque de ses droits tandis qu'il les transfère à
la Fondation, c'est pourtant la conclusion qui me paraît logique.

 , en le relisant, la section 8 me semble hautement problématique, je n'ai
 donc pas envie de le défendre.  En tant que non-juriste, je ne comprends pas
 les implications de cette section, et n'aurais aucune envie de signer ce
 CLA. Idem pour celui de Canonical, au passage (section 6.1).

Oui effectivement ces sections peuvent être problématiques, surtout en
pratique. Il est d'usage d'expliciter dans certains contrats le tribunal
compétent, histoire d'éviter des problèmes de territorialité, et quand ça
n'est pas spécifiquement 

Laporan Akhir DebConf14

2014-11-17 Thread Zaki Akhmad

Laporan akhir DebConf14 sudah bisa dibaca di:

Semoga bermanfaat,

Zaki Akhmad

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Re: Error en consola Debian Wheezy

2014-11-17 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 14 de noviembre de 2014, 17:17, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 13 Nov 2014 21:08:57 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Buenas, tengo un servidor en casa con memorias ECC, y me devuelve esto a
 veces en la propia consola a través de syslog:

 kernel:EDAC i5400 MC0: Non-Fatal misc error (Branch=0 Err=0x1200

 Al menos dice que no es un error fatal...

 He googleado un poco y aconsejan hacer test de memoria con memtest para
 ver qué modulo pudiera estar mal.

 Alguien ha recibido este error alguna vez?

 Tengo algunas estaciones de trabajo y servidores con memorias ECC pero
 nunca he visto ese error en el dmesg en los equipos.

 Es buena idea pasar el test de memoria aunque lleve su tiempo. Ante
 cualquier indicio de que pueda estar fallando un módulo de memoria y si
 ves que esos errores se van incrementando con el paso del tiempo,
 reemplaza el módulo en cuanto puedas.

 Te puede resultar interesante la documentación del kernel sobre ese



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Gracias por la ayuda. Hice un test de memoria y efectivamente uno de
los módulos fallo.

Los he quitado, los he limpiado, los he vuelto a conectar y de momento
2 días funcionando y sin ningún error...Como aparte de escupirlo en la
terminal en la que estás conectado, también lo manda a syslog, le
echaré un ojo.

Muchas gracias.

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(SOLUCIONADO) Re: Prerotate no funciona como debería

2014-11-17 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 14 de noviembre de 2014, 9:46, ZorroPlateado escribió:

 El 13/11/2014, a las 11:52, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Buenas, quiero que en el rotado de logs, antes de rotar, ejecuto
 awstats(por ejemplo) en búsqueda del primer fichero no rotado, ejemplo
 access.log.1 , con la opción de delaycompress.

rotate 365
create 0664 www-data adm
   /usr/share/doc/awstats/examples/ now
  /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart  /dev/null 21 || true


 El problema es que cuando awstats busca el fichero
 /var/log/remote/access.log.1 dice que no lo encuentra...Creo que lo
 rota logrotate a través del cron daily, antes de que awstats pueda
 leer y escanear el logs para generar la estadísticas...

 Si ejecuto a mano el comando para generar estadísticas de todos los dominios:

 /usr/share/doc/awstats/examples/ now

 Funciona sin problemas, por eso achaco el problema al rotado de log de

 Alguna idea de que estoy haciendo mal?

 Gracias de antemano.


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 Casi seguro que lo que te pasa es que awstas guarda la referencia del ionode
 y no del fichero, de modo que hay que hacer un truncate diferente del fichero.

 A mi me pasa lo mismo con openvpn, aquí te pego y fíjate en copytruncate :

 rotate 15

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Bien pensado lo de que awstats se fije en el inodo, aunque si lo miras
desde el punto de vista de aplicación eso sería fatal... Se usa mucho
awstats en el típico prerotate, y él debería de mirar el nombre del
fichero, no en el inodo donde se encuentra ese fichero...

Es más, lanzando logrotate -f  funcionaba bien, no se quejaba de
que no existía...

Al final lo he puesto en el postrotate(aquí también cambia el fichero
de inodo y no se queja, funciona bien), porque el log está
constantemente escribiéndose sin parar y no voy analizar el log que
está en producción ej: ssl_access.log ya que no para de escribirse,
tenemos muchos vhost...Con la opción de delaycompress, ataco al ej_
ssl_access.log.1 (ya rotado, puesto que es postrotate) y listo.

Gracias no obstante.

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Re: Ver estadísticas de tráfico apache por url

2014-11-17 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 30 de octubre de 2014, 15:18, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 29 Oct 2014 19:53:24 +0100, Maykel Franco Hernández Mo2o escribió:


 El 29/10/2014 19:37, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 29 Oct 2014 19:22:36 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

  Buenas tardes, me preguntaba si existe alguna forma de monitorizar
  las visitas, el trafico y estadísticas ya no solo por vhost de
  apache, que se puede, sino por url ...

 Mejor si explicas eso de por url.

 Me refiero dependiendo si entras a o
 si entras a refleje las estadísticas,
 a parte del dominio.

 No lo pillo. Todos los programas de análisis de logs (hasta el más
 básico) registrarán dos entradas/accesos que serán contabilizados: una a
 test1.html y otra a test2.html

  Conozco awstats y webalizer pero creo que para este caso se quedan

 Precisamente acabo de desactivar uno de esos servicios de análisis
 exhaustivos de un servidor, a mí me vale con el Analog, me encanta ese
 programita :-)

 Um el analog tiene para estadísticas por dirección url diferentes dentro
 del mismo dominio?


 Es que no sé a qué te refieres con eso, pero tienes ejemplos de informes
 de los programitas más comunes:



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Gracias, de momento me quedo con awstats, funciona bien para lo que
necesito aunque el procesado de logs a veces tarde, evidentemente.

Me mire el analog, pero tiene la web caída y no me dio buena sensación...

Y con el logformat me volví loco, yo necesito el logformat
vhost_combined, que es como guardo los logs, y con awstats me quedo
algo así:

LogFormat = %virtualname %other %host %other %logname %time1
%methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot

Pero con analog la verdad no supe como hacerlo. Analog también tiene
que procesar logs?

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Re: Redis vs Memcached vs couchbase

2014-11-17 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 27 de octubre de 2014, 0:28, Maykel Franco escribió:
 Buenas, estoy mirando la manera de tener un sistema replicado y
 distribuido con escalabilidad para guardar las sesiones que crean las

 Couchbase usa el mismo mecanimos que memcached, de echo en lo que he
 leído por lo visto algunos son los mismos desarrolladores.

 Memcached en este sentido no me vale, puesto que necesito que esté
 replicado en más instancias.

 Entonces me queda couchbase o redis. Una de las cuestiones que tengo
 es si hace falta cambiar las aplicaciones de backend echas para poder
 usar redis.

 No lo tengo claro.

 Couchbase tiene muy buena pinta.

 Alguien ha probado estos sistemas, me ayudaría en la decisión de usar
 uno u otro.


Al final probé couchbase , me interesaba que fuera distribuído, la
verdad es que funciona muy bien.

Me quedo con él, es prácticamente calcado a memcached.


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Re: Backups con lvm snapshot en caliente - tamaño necesario

2014-11-17 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 17 de octubre de 2014, 17:42, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 17 Oct 2014 13:04:31 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 2014-10-16 20:14 GMT+02:00 Camaleón
 El Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:32:01 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Aprovecho este hilo para preguntar si alguien sabe como se traduce la
 variable Free PE , es decir, cuanto espacio realmente en MB te quedan
 disponibles en un Volumen Group de LVM. En este caso 12799

   --- Physical volume ---
   PV Name   /dev/sdc1 VG Name   test PV Size
 450.00 GiB / not usable 3.00 MiB Allocatable   yes
   PE Size   4.00 MiB Total PE  115199 Free PE
  12799 Allocated PE  102400 PV UUID


 ¿Has probado con pvs?

 Te lo comento por esto:

 How can I find out the free space on an LVM PV in human readable format?

 Perfecto Camaleón...Justo lo que necesitaba...

 Por cierto ese valor que aparece ahí, qué son bloques, sectores?

 No tengo ni idea :-?

 En el manual dice que es el número -cifra de cantidad, entiendo- de
 extents (no sé cómo se traduce ese término al español) físicas
 disponibles (o libres) pero supongo que esa cifra en bruto al
 administrador no le dice mucho salvo que quiera realizar operaciones
 con el volumen (mover datos, etc...) de manera precisa.

 Otro comando (vgdisplay) te muestra el número de extents y al lado su



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Con pvs, lvs y vgs tengo más que suficiente.

Muchas gracias, no conocía estos comandos que la verdad son super-útils.


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(SOLUCIONADO) Re: Backups con lvm snapshot en caliente - tamaño necesario

2014-11-17 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 17 de noviembre de 2014, 12:33, Maykel Franco escribió:
 El día 17 de octubre de 2014, 17:42, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 17 Oct 2014 13:04:31 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 2014-10-16 20:14 GMT+02:00 Camaleón
 El Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:32:01 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Aprovecho este hilo para preguntar si alguien sabe como se traduce la
 variable Free PE , es decir, cuanto espacio realmente en MB te quedan
 disponibles en un Volumen Group de LVM. En este caso 12799

   --- Physical volume ---
   PV Name   /dev/sdc1 VG Name   test PV Size
 450.00 GiB / not usable 3.00 MiB Allocatable   yes
   PE Size   4.00 MiB Total PE  115199 Free PE
  12799 Allocated PE  102400 PV UUID


 ¿Has probado con pvs?

 Te lo comento por esto:

 How can I find out the free space on an LVM PV in human readable format?

 Perfecto Camaleón...Justo lo que necesitaba...

 Por cierto ese valor que aparece ahí, qué son bloques, sectores?

 No tengo ni idea :-?

 En el manual dice que es el número -cifra de cantidad, entiendo- de
 extents (no sé cómo se traduce ese término al español) físicas
 disponibles (o libres) pero supongo que esa cifra en bruto al
 administrador no le dice mucho salvo que quiera realizar operaciones
 con el volumen (mover datos, etc...) de manera precisa.

 Otro comando (vgdisplay) te muestra el número de extents y al lado su



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 Con pvs, lvs y vgs tengo más que suficiente.

 Muchas gracias, no conocía estos comandos que la verdad son super-útils.


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Problema con filtros rsyslog en debian

2014-11-17 Thread Maykel Franco
Buenas, tengo un servidor de logs centralizado, y quiero poner un
filtro para que, dependiendo del virtualname (subdominio vhost apache)
del que llegue, lo escriba en un log o en otro.

Tengo 5 nodos web, los cuales envían los logs por las facility en remoto:

facility  -- access.log

facility -- ssl_access.log

Y configurando rsyslog, lo mando en remoto al servidor de logs, por
ejemplo @@ @@

Actualmente tengo esta configuración en el servidor de logs:

$template MsgFormat,%msg:2:$%\n


En el cual me ayudasteis, sobre todo Camaleón, para quitar el
timestamp de rsyslog que añade al log. Esto me funciona bien.

El problema viene al generar estadísticas, porque por cada subdominio
se tiene que recorrer todo el log, ya que están todos los subdominios
en el mismo log, y quiero separarlos y filtrarlo en el servidor de
logs, ej: -- /var/log/ -- /var/log/ -- /var/log/

Editando rsyslog, lo dejo así:

$template MsgFormat,%msg:2:$%\n


if $syslogfacility-text == 'local1' and $msg startswith
'' and  $programname == 'httpd' then


Con esto, no me crea ni si quiera el log /var/log/ .

No sé que estoy haciendo mal...Puede ser que el template de MsgFormat
se aplique tarde, al estar al final de la linea (el de timestamp) y el
principio de la linea sea la que incluye rsyslog el timestamp y por
eso no puede leer el de virtualname?

O puede ser la versión de rsyslog, que la tengo un poquito anticuada?

Gracias de antemano.


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ssh de solaris a debian

2014-11-17 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
me pasa algo raro, tengo esta instalación de OpenIndiana (que deriva de
opensolaris) e intenté entrar a mi computadora (debian testing, y, como
todos los lunes (me da flojera actualizar mas seguido), recién actualizada)
# ssh
no common kex alg: client
'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', server '

Hasta ahora solo encontré cosas como esta:
pero se refiere a cuando el error lo da un server ssh con solaris;yo puedo
entrar a los server que tengo con distintas versiones de FreeBSD, oracle
'algo' (creo que el 5.1) e incluso un ubuntu 14 lts, pero no puedo entrar
esta debian, por eso sospecho que el problema lo tiene mi sshd.
Para mas información:
no es de vida o muerte, el cliente ssh se conecta bien con solaris (o sea
hacer una conexión debian-solaris anda bien, lo que no anda es
debian-solaris), en realidad quería sacar un archivo de mi computadora con
el mc y ahí me enteré. Es mas, había entrado desde mi computadora a ese
server por ssh y no quería cerrar sesión o abrir otra consola

Re: ssh de solaris a debian

2014-11-17 Thread Ricardo Eureka!
Manda la salida de
# ssh -vv

El 17 de noviembre de 2014, 9:53, Gonzalo Rivero

 me pasa algo raro, tengo esta instalación de OpenIndiana (que deriva de
 opensolaris) e intenté entrar a mi computadora (debian testing, y, como
 todos los lunes (me da flojera actualizar mas seguido), recién actualizada)
 # ssh
 no common kex alg: client
 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', server '

 Hasta ahora solo encontré cosas como esta:
 pero se refiere a cuando el error lo da un server ssh con solaris;yo puedo
 entrar a los server que tengo con distintas versiones de FreeBSD, oracle
 'algo' (creo que el 5.1) e incluso un ubuntu 14 lts, pero no puedo entrar
 esta debian, por eso sospecho que el problema lo tiene mi sshd.
 Para mas información:
 no es de vida o muerte, el cliente ssh se conecta bien con solaris (o sea
 hacer una conexión debian-solaris anda bien, lo que no anda es
 debian-solaris), en realidad quería sacar un archivo de mi computadora con
 el mc y ahí me enteré. Es mas, había entrado desde mi computadora a ese
 server por ssh y no quería cerrar sesión o abrir otra consola

Re: Ver estadísticas de tráfico apache por url

2014-11-17 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 17 Nov 2014 12:28:33 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 30 de octubre de 2014, 15:18, Camaleón


  Conozco awstats y webalizer pero creo que para este caso se quedan

 Precisamente acabo de desactivar uno de esos servicios de análisis
 exhaustivos de un servidor, a mí me vale con el Analog, me encanta
 ese programita :-)

 Um el analog tiene para estadísticas por dirección url diferentes
 dentro del mismo dominio?


 Es que no sé a qué te refieres con eso, pero tienes ejemplos de
 informes de los programitas más comunes:

 Gracias, de momento me quedo con awstats, funciona bien para lo que
 necesito aunque el procesado de logs a veces tarde, evidentemente.
 Me mire el analog, pero tiene la web caída y no me dio buena

No sé por qué no han redireccionado la antigua página a la nueva:

 Y con el logformat me volví loco, yo necesito el logformat
 vhost_combined, que es como guardo los logs, y con awstats me quedo algo
 LogFormat = %virtualname %other %host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl
 %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot
 Pero con analog la verdad no supe como hacerlo. Analog también tiene que
 procesar logs?

Sí, claro :-)

La documentación de Analog es excepcional (sencilla y al punto), si 
quieres echarle un vistazo al apartado donde hablan de la configuración 
del archivo de registro lo tienes por aquí:



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Re: ssh de solaris a debian

2014-11-17 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 17 Nov 2014 09:53:06 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:


Ese html...

 me pasa algo raro, tengo esta instalación de OpenIndiana (que deriva de
 opensolaris) e intenté entrar a mi computadora (debian testing, y, como
 todos los lunes (me da flojera actualizar mas seguido), recién
 # ssh 
 no common kex alg: client 
 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', server 
 Hasta ahora solo encontré cosas como esta:
 pero se refiere a cuando el error lo da un server ssh con solaris;yo
 puedo entrar a los server que tengo con distintas versiones de FreeBSD,
 oracle 'algo' (creo que el 5.1) e incluso un ubuntu 14 lts, pero no
 puedo entrar esta debian, por eso sospecho que el problema lo tiene mi


Pues a mí me parece acertado lo que sugieren ya que apuntan a un problema 
con la pareja de claves cliente/servidor y dado que no defines user/pass 
para conectar, entiendo que hay claves de por medio. 

Yo probaría lo que sugieren y además revisaría el archivo de 
configuración del servidor ssh para comrpobar que todo esté correcto.



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Re: Ver estadísticas de tráfico apache por url

2014-11-17 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 17 de noviembre de 2014, 15:33, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 17 Nov 2014 12:28:33 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 30 de octubre de 2014, 15:18, Camaleón


  Conozco awstats y webalizer pero creo que para este caso se quedan

 Precisamente acabo de desactivar uno de esos servicios de análisis
 exhaustivos de un servidor, a mí me vale con el Analog, me encanta
 ese programita :-)

 Um el analog tiene para estadísticas por dirección url diferentes
 dentro del mismo dominio?


 Es que no sé a qué te refieres con eso, pero tienes ejemplos de
 informes de los programitas más comunes:

 Gracias, de momento me quedo con awstats, funciona bien para lo que
 necesito aunque el procesado de logs a veces tarde, evidentemente.

 Me mire el analog, pero tiene la web caída y no me dio buena

 No sé por qué no han redireccionado la antigua página a la nueva:

 Y con el logformat me volví loco, yo necesito el logformat
 vhost_combined, que es como guardo los logs, y con awstats me quedo algo

 LogFormat = %virtualname %other %host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl
 %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot

 Pero con analog la verdad no supe como hacerlo. Analog también tiene que
 procesar logs?

 Sí, claro :-)

 La documentación de Analog es excepcional (sencilla y al punto), si
 quieres echarle un vistazo al apartado donde hablan de la configuración
 del archivo de registro lo tienes por aquí:



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Gracias por contestar.

Por lo que veo, el LogFormat de apache es compatible y el mismo para analog?

LogFormat %h %l %u %t %v \%r\ %s %b myformat
CustomLog /var/log/apache/access.log myformat

then your analog.cfg should contain

APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t %v \%r\ %s %b)
LOGFILE /var/log/apache/access.log

Buena documentación. Voy a ver un poquito, porque vengo de awstatas
que hay que procesar logs y alomejor este es diferente.


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Re: Problema con filtros rsyslog en debian

2014-11-17 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 17 Nov 2014 12:58:35 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Buenas, tengo un servidor de logs centralizado, y quiero poner un filtro
 para que, dependiendo del virtualname (subdominio vhost apache) del que
 llegue, lo escriba en un log o en otro.


 El problema viene al generar estadísticas, porque por cada subdominio se
 tiene que recorrer todo el log, ya que están todos los subdominios en el
 mismo log, y quiero separarlos y filtrarlo en el servidor de logs, ej:


Maykel, ¿no sería más sencillo y eficiente separar los registros de los 
subdominios en origen? Es decir, configurar Apache para que genere un
registro por dada subdominio ( y cada 
tipo (sub1.example.org_access.log/sub1.example.org_secure.log/
sub1.example.org_error.log) por separado.

 Editando rsyslog, lo dejo así:
 $template MsgFormat,%msg:2:$%\n
 if $syslogfacility-text == 'local1' and $msg startswith
 '' and  $programname == 'httpd' then
 Con esto, no me crea ni si quiera el log /var/log/ .
 No sé que estoy haciendo mal...Puede ser que el template de MsgFormat se
 aplique tarde, al estar al final de la linea (el de timestamp) y el
 principio de la linea sea la que incluye rsyslog el timestamp y por eso
 no puede leer el de virtualname?
 O puede ser la versión de rsyslog, que la tengo un poquito anticuada?

En la documentación de rsyslog¹ (no sé qué versión estás usando) dice que 
para que funcione ese comparador la línea tiene que empezar con espacio, 
algo que me parece has eliminado expresamente:

Note: when processing syslog messages, please note that $msg usually 
starts with a space. The reason for this is RFC3164. Please read the 
detail description of what that means to you. In short, you need to make 
sure that you include the first space if you use startswith, otherwise 
you will not get matches. 




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Re: Ver estadísticas de tráfico apache por url

2014-11-17 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 17 Nov 2014 15:52:32 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 17 de noviembre de 2014, 15:33, Camaleón


 Y con el logformat me volví loco, yo necesito el logformat
 vhost_combined, que es como guardo los logs, y con awstats me quedo
 algo así:

 LogFormat = %virtualname %other %host %other %logname %time1
 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot

 Pero con analog la verdad no supe como hacerlo. Analog también tiene
 que procesar logs?

 Sí, claro :-)

 La documentación de Analog es excepcional (sencilla y al punto), si
 quieres echarle un vistazo al apartado donde hablan de la configuración
 del archivo de registro lo tienes por aquí:

 Por lo que veo, el LogFormat de apache es compatible y el mismo para

Yo uso directamente el mismo archivo access.log que genera Apache para 
que lo procese Analog, no he tenido que hacer ningún cambio.
 LogFormat %h %l %u %t %v \%r\ %s %b myformat CustomLog
 /var/log/apache/access.log myformat
 then your analog.cfg should contain
 APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t %v \%r\ %s %b)
 LOGFILE /var/log/apache/access.log
 Buena documentación. Voy a ver un poquito, porque vengo de awstatas que
 hay que procesar logs y alomejor este es diferente.

Sólo te diré una cosa, el Awstats tardé días en configurarlo. Farragoso a 
más no poder, no me gustaba nada aunque me servía también para analizar 
los registros del servidor de correo (Postfix). En cambio, al Analog lo 
puse en marcha en horas aunque también es verdad que no genera tantas 
barritas, banderitas ni geos-no-sé-qués pero para lo que lo necesito me 
basta y sobra :-)



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Re: ssh de solaris a debian

2014-11-17 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El lun, 17-11-2014 a las 09:55 -0300, Ricardo Eureka! escribió: 
 Manda la salida de
 # ssh -vv
solaris a debian (el sentido en que no anda)
# ssh -vv grivero@
Sun_SSH_1.5, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090818f
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Rhosts Authentication disabled, originating port will not be
debug1: ssh_connect: needpriv 0
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: Connection established.
debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/identity type -1
debug2: key_type_from_name: unknown key type '-BEGIN'
debug2: key_type_from_name: unknown key type '-END'
debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa type 1
debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_dsa type -1
debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version
OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-3
debug1: match: OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-3 pat OpenSSH*
debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-Sun_SSH_1.5
debug1: use_engine is 'yes'
debug1: pkcs11 engine initialized, now setting it as default for RSA,
DSA, and symmetric ciphers
debug1: pkcs11 engine initialization complete
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: none,zlib
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: none,zlib
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: es-AR
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: es-AR
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: first_kex_follows 0 
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: reserved 0 
debug1: Failed to acquire GSS-API credentials for any mechanisms (No
credentials were supplied, or the credentials were unavailable or

debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: none,zlib
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: none,zlib
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: es-AR
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: es-AR
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: first_kex_follows 0 
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: reserved 0 
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:,,,,,,,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:,,,,,,,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: none,
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: none,
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: 
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: 
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: first_kex_follows 0 
debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: reserved 0 
debug2: mac_setup: found hmac-sha1
debug1: kex: server-client aes128-ctr hmac-sha1 none
debug2: mac_setup: found hmac-sha1
debug1: kex: client-server aes128-ctr hmac-sha1 none
no common kex alg: client
'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', server
debug1: Calling cleanup 0x807a08c(0x0)

debian a solaris (el sentido que si anda):
grivero@gonz:~$ ssh -vv
OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-3, OpenSSL 1.0.1j 15 Oct 2014
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *
debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0
debug1: Connecting to [] 

Error al actualizar Iceweasel

2014-11-17 Thread Marco Da Silva
Saludos Lista!

Estoy intentando aplicar la actualización del iceweasel y la misma no culmina 
exitosamente, a continuación (también intente con full-upgrade)

root@server:# aptitude clean
root@server:# aptitude autoclean
Freed 0 B of disk space
root@server:# aptitude update
Hit wheezy/updates Release.gpg
Hit wheezy/updates Release
Hit wheezy Release.gpg
Hit wheezy-updates Release.gpg
Hit wheezy Release
Hit wheezy/updates/main Sources
Hit wheezy-updates Release
Hit wheezy/updates/main amd64 Packages
Hit wheezy/main Sources
Hit wheezy/updates/main Translation-en
Hit wheezy/main amd64 Packages
Hit wheezy/main Translation-en
Hit wheezy-updates/main Sources
Hit wheezy-updates/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex
Hit wheezy-updates/main Translation-en/DiffIndex

root@server:# aptitude safe-upgrade
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 32.3 MB of archives. After unpacking 538 kB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] Y
Get: 1 wheezy/updates/main iceweasel amd64 
31.2.0esr-3~deb7u1 [32.3 MB]
14% [1 iceweasel 4,597 kB/32.3 MB 14%]                                          
   134 kB/s 3min 27s16% [1 iceweasel 5,315 kB/32.3 MB 16%]                      
                       206 kB/s 2min 11s17% [1 iceweasel 5,544 kB/32.3 MB 17%]  
                                            206 kB/s 2min 9s25% [1 iceweasel 
7,995 kB/32.3 MB 25%]                                                           
                                                                 81.4 kB/s 4min 
59sFetched 32.3 MB in 3min 53s (139 kB/s)
dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma error: compressed 
data is corrupt
dpkg-deb: error: subprocess decompress returned error exit status 2
Reading changelogs... Done
(Reading database ... 101010 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace iceweasel 31.2.0esr-2~deb7u1 (using 
.../iceweasel_31.2.0esr-3~deb7u1_amd64.deb) ...
Leaving 'diversion of /usr/bin/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox.real by iceweasel'
Unpacking replacement iceweasel ...
dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma error: compressed 
data is corrupt
dpkg-deb: error: subprocess decompress returned error exit status 2
dpkg: error processing 
/var/cache/apt/archives/iceweasel_31.2.0esr-3~deb7u1_amd64.deb (--unpack):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
Processing triggers for mime-support ...
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ...
Processing triggers for gnome-menus ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ...
Processing triggers for menu ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:

Agradezco  de antemanos sus comentarios y si requieren algún dato adicional 
favor notificar.

Marco A. Da Silva A.
Caracas, Venezuela


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: ssh de solaris a debian

2014-11-17 Thread Ricardo Eureka!

Revisa los logs de ssh tanto en el Debian como en el Solaris, a ver que
pistas o errores te da.

2014-11-17 16:43 GMT-03:00 Ricardo Eureka!


 Limpio un poco e intercalo mis respuestas:

 El 17 de noviembre de 2014, 13:37, Gonzalo Rivero

 El lun, 17-11-2014 a las 09:55 -0300, Ricardo Eureka! escribió:
  Manda la salida de
  # ssh -vv
 solaris a debian (el sentido en que no anda)
 # ssh -vv grivero@

 Asumo que el usuario grivero existe y tiene una contraseña o llave en el

 debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version
 OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-3
 debug1: match: OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-3 pat OpenSSH*
 debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
 debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-Sun_SSH_1.5
 debug1: use_engine is 'yes'
 debug1: pkcs11 engine initialized, now setting it as default for RSA,
 DSA, and symmetric ciphers
 debug1: pkcs11 engine initialization complete

 debug1: Failed to acquire GSS-API credentials for any mechanisms (No
 credentials were supplied, or the credentials were unavailable or

 Si estas usando intercambio de llaves, revisa los permisos de archivos y
 directorios en el Solaris.

 Si no estas usando llaves, verifica que el Solaris tenga habilitada la
 opcion de acceder con password y revisa las compatibilidades de versiones
 de ambos ssh.

 Ahi tenes varias puntas para investigar.

Re: ssh de solaris a debian

2014-11-17 Thread Ricardo Eureka!

Limpio un poco e intercalo mis respuestas:

El 17 de noviembre de 2014, 13:37, Gonzalo Rivero

 El lun, 17-11-2014 a las 09:55 -0300, Ricardo Eureka! escribió:
  Manda la salida de
  # ssh -vv
 solaris a debian (el sentido en que no anda)
 # ssh -vv grivero@

Asumo que el usuario grivero existe y tiene una contraseña o llave en el

 debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version
 OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-3
 debug1: match: OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-3 pat OpenSSH*
 debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
 debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-Sun_SSH_1.5
 debug1: use_engine is 'yes'
 debug1: pkcs11 engine initialized, now setting it as default for RSA,
 DSA, and symmetric ciphers
 debug1: pkcs11 engine initialization complete

 debug1: Failed to acquire GSS-API credentials for any mechanisms (No
 credentials were supplied, or the credentials were unavailable or

Si estas usando intercambio de llaves, revisa los permisos de archivos y
directorios en el Solaris.

Si no estas usando llaves, verifica que el Solaris tenga habilitada la
opcion de acceder con password y revisa las compatibilidades de versiones
de ambos ssh.

Ahi tenes varias puntas para investigar.

Re: Error al actualizar Iceweasel

2014-11-17 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El lun, 17-11-2014 a las 14:11 -0400, Marco Da Silva escribió: 
 Saludos Lista!
 Estoy intentando aplicar la actualización del iceweasel y la misma no culmina 
 exitosamente, a continuación (también intente con full-upgrade)
 root@server:# aptitude clean
 root@server:# aptitude autoclean
 Freed 0 B of disk space
 root@server:# aptitude update
 Hit wheezy/updates Release.gpg
 Hit wheezy/updates Release
 Hit wheezy Release.gpg
 Hit wheezy-updates Release.gpg
 Hit wheezy Release
 Hit wheezy/updates/main Sources
 Hit wheezy-updates Release
 Hit wheezy/updates/main amd64 Packages
 Hit wheezy/main Sources
 Hit wheezy/updates/main Translation-en
 Hit wheezy/main amd64 Packages
 Hit wheezy/main Translation-en
 Hit wheezy-updates/main Sources
 Hit wheezy-updates/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex
 Hit wheezy-updates/main Translation-en/DiffIndex
 root@server:# aptitude safe-upgrade
 The following packages will be upgraded:
 1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 32.3 MB of archives. After unpacking 538 kB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] Y
 Get: 1 wheezy/updates/main iceweasel amd64 
 31.2.0esr-3~deb7u1 [32.3 MB]
 14% [1 iceweasel 4,597 kB/32.3 MB 14%]
134 kB/s 3min 27s16% [1 iceweasel 5,315 kB/32.3 MB 16%]
206 kB/s 2min 11s17% [1 iceweasel 5,544 
 kB/32.3 MB 17%]   
206 kB/s 2min 
 9s25% [1 iceweasel 7,995 kB/32.3 MB 25%]  
 81.4 kB/s 4min 59sFetched 32.3 MB in 3min 53s (139 kB/s)
 dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma error: compressed 
 data is corrupt
 dpkg-deb: error: subprocess decompress returned error exit status 2
 Reading changelogs... Done
 (Reading database ... 101010 files and directories currently installed.)
 Preparing to replace iceweasel 31.2.0esr-2~deb7u1 (using 
 .../iceweasel_31.2.0esr-3~deb7u1_amd64.deb) ...
 Leaving 'diversion of /usr/bin/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox.real by iceweasel'
 Unpacking replacement iceweasel ...
 dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma error: compressed 
 data is corrupt
 dpkg-deb: error: subprocess decompress returned error exit status 2
 dpkg: error processing 
 /var/cache/apt/archives/iceweasel_31.2.0esr-3~deb7u1_amd64.deb (--unpack):
  subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
 Processing triggers for mime-support ...
 Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ...
 Processing triggers for gnome-menus ...
 Processing triggers for man-db ...
 Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ...
 Processing triggers for menu ...
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
 Agradezco  de antemanos sus comentarios y si requieren algún dato adicional 
 favor notificar.
aparentemente falló la descarga. Probá borrando

e intentando de nuevo 
 Marco A. Da Silva A.
 Caracas, Venezuela

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Bajar version anterior de un paquete

2014-11-17 Thread Pablo
2014-11-16 15:18 GMT-03:00 Camaleón

 El Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:04:40 +0100, Eduardo Rios escribió:

  El 16/11/14 a las 18:26, Camaleón escribió:


  Eduardo, ¿qué te dice la pestaña Versión en cada uno de esos
  paquetes? Eso es lo importante.
  Solo me aparece la versión 0.142-6 como (testing).
  ¿No debería salir también la anterior?

 No, porque para esos paquetes no tienes configurado ningún repositorio
 adicional que te proporcione otra versión (ni inferior ni superior), sólo
 el de testing y el de seguridad.


  Me parece que te estás liando. La opción de Forzar versión sólo
  aparece cuando tienes varias opciones/versiones posibles, así que
  seguramente lo que te haya pasado es que en estable tenías habilitado
  el repositorio de testing de ahí que pudieras elegir entre dos
  versiones de un mismo paquete. Ahora en testing sólo tendrás el repo de
  testing de ahí que no te permita bajar la versión ;-)
  Pues creo que tienes razón... Pensándolo más detenidamente, creo que me
  salían varias versiones porque tenía el repositorio backports...


  Si hubiera tenido solo el repositorio stable, cada paquete que se
  hubiera actualizado, sería el nuevo estable, y tampoco hubiera podido
  elegir otra versión anterior, ¿verdad?

 Sólo podrías seleccionar una versión anterior en los paquetes que hayan
 recibido alguna actualización de seguridad, como por ejemplo la imagen
 del kernel (linux-image-*), ahí sí que tendrías dos o más versiones
 disponibles en la pestaña de Versiones.



 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Gente, muchisimas gracias por el dato. Me voy a proner a probarlo.


Re: Error al actualizar Iceweasel

2014-11-17 Thread Eduardo Rios

El 17/11/14 a las 19:11, Marco Da Silva escribió:

Saludos Lista!

Estoy intentando aplicar la actualización del iceweasel y la misma no culmina 
exitosamente, a continuación (también intente con full-upgrade)

root@server:# aptitude clean
root@server:# aptitude autoclean
Freed 0 B of disk space
root@server:# aptitude update
Hit wheezy/updates Release.gpg
Hit wheezy/updates Release
Hit wheezy Release.gpg
Hit wheezy-updates Release.gpg
Hit wheezy Release
Hit wheezy/updates/main Sources
Hit wheezy-updates Release
Hit wheezy/updates/main amd64 Packages
Hit wheezy/main Sources
Hit wheezy/updates/main Translation-en
Hit wheezy/main amd64 Packages
Hit wheezy/main Translation-en
Hit wheezy-updates/main Sources
Hit wheezy-updates/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex
Hit wheezy-updates/main Translation-en/DiffIndex

root@server:# aptitude safe-upgrade
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 32.3 MB of archives. After unpacking 538 kB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] Y
Get: 1 wheezy/updates/main iceweasel amd64 
31.2.0esr-3~deb7u1 [32.3 MB]
14% [1 iceweasel 4,597 kB/32.3 MB 14%]  

   134 kB/s 3min 27s16% [1 iceweasel 5,315 kB/32.3 MB 16%]  

   206 kB/s 2min 11s17% [1 iceweasel 5,544 kB/32.3 MB 17%]  

206 kB/s 2min 9s25% [1 iceweasel 
7,995 kB/32.3 MB 25%]   
 81.4 kB/s 4min 
59sFetched 32.3 MB in 3min 53s (139 kB/s)
dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma error: compressed 
data is corrupt
dpkg-deb: error: subprocess decompress returned error exit status 2
Reading changelogs... Done
(Reading database ... 101010 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace iceweasel 31.2.0esr-2~deb7u1 (using 
.../iceweasel_31.2.0esr-3~deb7u1_amd64.deb) ...
Leaving 'diversion of /usr/bin/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox.real by iceweasel'
Unpacking replacement iceweasel ...
dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma error: compressed 
data is corrupt
dpkg-deb: error: subprocess decompress returned error exit status 2
dpkg: error processing 
/var/cache/apt/archives/iceweasel_31.2.0esr-3~deb7u1_amd64.deb (--unpack):
  subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
Processing triggers for mime-support ...
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ...
Processing triggers for gnome-menus ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ...
Processing triggers for menu ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:

Agradezco  de antemanos sus comentarios y si requieren algún dato adicional 
favor notificar.

Si esto es tal cual te ha sucedido y no has omitido información, yo veo 
que el paquete iceweasel no se te ha descargado completamente, tan sólo 
el 14%, por eso te da error la instalación.

Repite el proceso a ver si se descarga el 100%.


Registered user #558467
has 2 linux machines

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: ssh de solaris a debian

2014-11-17 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El lun, 17-11-2014 a las 16:43 -0300, Ricardo Eureka! escribió: 
 Limpio un poco e intercalo mis respuestas:
 El 17 de noviembre de 2014, 13:37, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
 El lun, 17-11-2014 a las 09:55 -0300, Ricardo Eureka!
  Manda la salida de
  # ssh -vv
 solaris a debian (el sentido en que no anda)
 # ssh -vv grivero@ 
 Asumo que el usuario grivero existe y tiene una contraseña o llave en
 el solaris.
 debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version
 OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-3
 debug1: match: OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-3 pat OpenSSH*
 debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
 debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-Sun_SSH_1.5
 debug1: use_engine is 'yes'
 debug1: pkcs11 engine initialized, now setting it as default
 for RSA,
 DSA, and symmetric ciphers
 debug1: pkcs11 engine initialization complete
 debug1: Failed to acquire GSS-API credentials for any
 mechanisms (No
 credentials were supplied, or the credentials were unavailable
 Si estas usando intercambio de llaves, revisa los permisos de archivos
 y directorios en el Solaris.
 Si no estas usando llaves, verifica que el Solaris tenga habilitada la
 opcion de acceder con password y revisa las compatibilidades de
 versiones de ambos ssh.
 Ahi tenes varias puntas para investigar.

gracias. Mañana que vuelva al trabajo sigo investigando 

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Error al actualizar Iceweasel

2014-11-17 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 17 Nov 2014 20:46:40 +0100, Eduardo Rios escribió:

 El 17/11/14 a las 19:11, Marco Da Silva escribió:
 Saludos Lista!

 Estoy intentando aplicar la actualización del iceweasel y la misma no
 culmina exitosamente, a continuación (también intente con full-upgrade)


 root@server:# aptitude safe-upgrade The following packages will be
 1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 32.3 MB of archives. After unpacking 538 kB will be used.


 4min 59sFetched 32.3 MB in 3min 53s (139 kB/s)

 dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma error:
 compressed data is corrupt dpkg-deb: error: subprocess decompress
 returned error exit status 2 Reading changelogs... Done (Reading


 Si esto es tal cual te ha sucedido y no has omitido información, yo veo
 que el paquete iceweasel no se te ha descargado completamente, tan sólo
 el 14%, por eso te da error la instalación.
 Repite el proceso a ver si se descarga el 100%.

No ha omitido información y parece que el archivo se ha descargado al 
completo (el formato del correo impide verlo correctamente) por lo que 
entiendo que el archivo se debe de haber corrompido en tránsito. 



To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Error al actualizar Iceweasel

2014-11-17 Thread Manolo Díaz
El lunes, 17 nov 2014 a las 21:51 horas (UTC+1),
Camaleón escribió:

El Mon, 17 Nov 2014 20:46:40 +0100, Eduardo Rios escribió:

 El 17/11/14 a las 19:11, Marco Da Silva escribió:
 Saludos Lista!

 Estoy intentando aplicar la actualización del iceweasel y la misma no
 culmina exitosamente, a continuación (también intente con full-upgrade)


 root@server:# aptitude safe-upgrade The following packages will be
 1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 32.3 MB of archives. After unpacking 538 kB will be used.


 4min 59sFetched 32.3 MB in 3min 53s (139 kB/s)

 dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma error:
 compressed data is corrupt dpkg-deb: error: subprocess decompress
 returned error exit status 2 Reading changelogs... Done (Reading


 Si esto es tal cual te ha sucedido y no has omitido información, yo veo
 que el paquete iceweasel no se te ha descargado completamente, tan sólo
 el 14%, por eso te da error la instalación.
 Repite el proceso a ver si se descarga el 100%.

No ha omitido información y parece que el archivo se ha descargado al 
completo (el formato del correo impide verlo correctamente) por lo que 
entiendo que el archivo se debe de haber corrompido en tránsito. 

Por lo que he leído del correo original creo que ha hecho más de un
intento de descarga tras limpiar (aptitude clean). Yo no descartaría
problemas en otro lado, como en el ordenador o en el estado de algún


Manolo Díaz

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Error al actualizar Iceweasel

2014-11-17 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 02:11:53PM -0400, Marco Da Silva wrote:
 dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma error: compressed 
 data is corrupt
 dpkg-deb: error: subprocess decompress returned error exit status 2
 dpkg: error processing 
 /var/cache/apt/archives/iceweasel_31.2.0esr-3~deb7u1_amd64.deb (--unpack):
  subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2

Puede que tengas problemas de hardware:

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: [01/05] Embedded with systemd: systemd and SIL

2014-11-17 Thread Jeremiah Foster
On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 7:52 PM, Robert wrote:

 By choosing packages carefully, it is possible to use linux in
 applications that need to meet SIL1 or SIL2 criteria [1].

No. At least this is my understanding of the situation today. SIL, or
System Integrity Level, is something that needs to be certified by a third
party and I don't believe that has ever been done for Debian. It is usually
done for proprietary RTOSes like QNX.

 I personally
 don't have any applications that need to meet SIL2, but it is possible
 to meet SIL1 by taking a normal installation and removing a bunch of
 stuff (initramfs, udev and inetd amongst others) until the system is
 deterministic enough (see the methodology in [2]). /sbin/init functions
 OK with a few static devices in/dev

It is not enough. You need to demonstrate that you meet the SIL level you
claim through certification.

 Given the tight udev/systemd marriage and the undeterministic nature of
 socket activation, I suspect that systemd will never be suitable for
 SIL applications.

 Are there any other debian embedded developers that need to meet SIL
 criteria? How are you planning to manage the fact that there are very
 few non-systemd distros left, or do we have to resign ourselves to a
 life of OpenEmbedded and buildroot?

The two issues are orthogonal. Init processes don't really need to meet the
SIL level since they're mostly a part of userland. OpenEmbedded is almost
certainly not used by the current SIL certified OSes out there. There is
however a project at OSADL which is planning to take a kernel and a very
small userland, essentially Debian's net install as defined by
debbootstrap. This work is being done in OSADL with the support of numerous
companies since industries like the automotive industry find the current
crop of SIL certified operating systems too inflexible to do many of the
things they'd like to do on modern silicon. Look at the SIL2LinuxMP project
for more:




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Jeremiah C. Foster

Pelagicore AB
Ekelundsgatan 4, 6tr, SE-411 18
Gothenburg, Sweden
M: +46 (0)73 093 0506

Re: [04/05] Embedded with systemd: systemd and kernel upgrades

2014-11-17 Thread Darac Marjal
On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 08:52:37PM +0200, Robert wrote:
 This was recently posted on #systemd-devel:
 To make this clear, we expect that systemd and kernels are updated in
 lockstep. We explicitly do not support really old kernels with really
 new systemd. So far we had the focus to support up to 2y old kernels
 (which means 3.4 right now), but even that should be taken with a grain
 of salt, as we already made clear that soon after kdbus is merged into
 the kernel we'll probably make a hard requirement on it from the systemd
 This is a very onerous requirement in the embedded world. There are many
 embedded platforms sold today that only have 2.6.X BSPs. While I agree
 that the BSP from vendors should be better (and it is getting better
 thanks to devicetree), it seems that we are doomed to run ancient
 userspace to match our ancient kernels.
 This change will probably hit me the hardest and for me it really cuts
 into what linux means. It used to be that I could run the same userspace
 on my tiny embedded device, my desktop or on the server --- the only
 difference being the kernel.
 It seems like the only solution here is to abandon debian and fall back
 to OpenEmbedded or buildroot.

Not necessarily. If debian supports your embedded architecture, then
you'll get the right thing. Now there's a number of avenues that Debian
could take:
 * Backport the necessary features in the newer kernel to the older
   kernel (the bigger the change, though, the harder this will be as it
   will only be Debian supporting it, rather than the upstream kernel
 * Disconnect the 'lockstep' connection. I don't know the details, but
   it might be that, in practice, there is some wiggle room and the
   kernel and userspace could be, say, the same minor version but
   different patch levels.
 * Special-case the architecture. At the moment, for example, systemd is
   the default init with a Linux kernel; for the kfreebsd port cgroups
   are unavailable so systemd doesn't work. So kfreebsd is special-cased
   not to include systemd. If necessary, similar could be done for your

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Re: systemd - so much energy wasted in quarreling

2014-11-17 Thread Eduard Bloch
* st [Tue, Nov 11 2014, 02:01:46AM]:
 Hans wrote:
 And at the beginning things never work perfect
 That's why they shouldn't make it into Stable as defaults,
 now should they?

We shouldn't and we are not. Because it's not the beginning, systemd
already has multiple years of history behind.

I am wick of people whining about problems that systemd allegedly has but
that turn out to be a bug in something else when you dig deeper, or are
actually solved long ago. Sometimes this solutions are badly documented,
even so much that it hits my nerve, but apart from that systemd is
mature enough for inclusion as primary init system.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Embedded with systemd

2014-11-17 Thread Jeremiah Foster
 Embedded with systemd: systemd and kernel upgrades

 This was recently posted on #systemd-devel:

 To make this clear, we expect that systemd and kernels are updated in
 lockstep. We explicitly do not support really old kernels with really
 new systemd. So far we had the focus to support up to 2y old kernels
 (which means 3.4 right now), but even that should be taken with a grain
 of salt, as we already made clear that soon after kdbus is merged into
 the kernel we'll probably make a hard requirement on it from the systemd

 This is a very onerous requirement in the embedded world. There are many
 embedded platforms sold today that only have 2.6.X BSPs.

But I highly doubt those devices have modern userlands.

 While I agree
 that the BSP from vendors should be better (and it is getting better
 thanks to devicetree), it seems that we are doomed to run ancient
 userspace to match our ancient kernels.

 This change will probably hit me the hardest and for me it really cuts
 into what linux means. It used to be that I could run the same userspace
 on my tiny embedded device, my desktop or on the server --- the only
 difference being the kernel.

I find it unlikely that you'd be able to run Jessie on your desktop and
Jessie on your device, at least, not without a little bit of work. I think
that work shouldn't be that hard actually, depending on what you've got for
embedded hardware (you haven't been very specific yet.) Things like the
Beagle Board run Debian out-of-the box, so depending on your hardware,
things might be pretty easy.

 It seems like the only solution here is to abandon debian and fall back
 to OpenEmbedded or buildroot.

OE, yocto, buildroot, etc. are always options. But iwith OE once you've
built your image, you're on your ow, the vendor won't help you without a
support contract and many of the userlands are maintained by large
companies that will ignore you. With debian, you have a large community of
support, including those working in Linaro. The big shadow hanging over
embedded is not OE, but Android, which many embedded developers see as
winning against GNU/Linux. This will mean a much more proprietary, or
restricted, userland.



 Embedded with systemd: systemd and realtime

 Given the existence of
 it seems that realtime and systemd is problematic. Has anyone tried the
 workarounds mentioned with a PREEMPT_RT kernel? How did it go?

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Jeremiah C. Foster

Pelagicore AB
Ekelundsgatan 4, 6tr, SE-411 18
Gothenburg, Sweden
M: +46 (0)73 093 0506

Re: Valuing non-code contributions -- was Re: systemd - so much energy wasted in quarreling

2014-11-17 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 01:13:05PM -0500, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 11/15/2014 08:51 AM, Curt wrote:
 On 2014-11-15, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
 Why can't you wrap your lines while you're at it?
 Can't you set your mail client to wrap them for you ?
 Sure, and I can killfile the troll, correct the spelling and grammatical
 errors of the slothful and the ignorant, convert html to text, ignore
 spam and advertising, translate foreign languages, decipher cryptic
 codes, tolerate test messages and subscription or unsubscription
 requests, ignore the obscene, abide the rabid, suffer the rant, bear the
 ad hominem, and blow whatever's left out my ass.
 You'd be left w3ith a period and a semi-colon. :) Ric

Excuse me, but some people think anatomy jokes are distasteful.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Valuing non-code contributions -- was Re: systemd - so much energy wasted in quarreling

2014-11-17 Thread Tanstaafl
On 11/17/2014 6:10 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:
 Excuse me, but some people think anatomy jokes are distasteful.

Some people think sex should only be for procreation...

PC police get sooo tiring...

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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Slavko [Sat, Nov 08 2014, 04:13:12PM]:
  Why don't the anti-systemd people do what they've been threatening the
  whole time and fuck off to another distro or to FreeBSD?
 This is exact example why i stopped all my contribution to Debian, and
 i will not start it again, despite if i stay with Debian in future or
 not! I orphan my packages in near future.
 If the community consider people which have another opinion as bad, it
 is time do not contribute to it more. And whole debate is about one
 idea: If you don't like systemd, you are stupid.

That's not my impression. It's more like: if you don't like systemd,
don't use it. If you don't like it that much that you want to rant
against it, make sure your arguments have some proof/backup.

Since systemd hatters usually fail on the second task, the rhetorical
arsenal is chosen accordingly (ad-hominem, trolling, misquoting, ...).


Description: Digital signature

Re: engineering management practices and systemd (Re: Installing an Alternative Init?)

2014-11-17 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 10:14:17PM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 8:51 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  On Vi, 14 nov 14, 22:53:36, Joel Rees wrote:
  If you can't deal with it, snip it?
  I don't think it brings anything useful to a discussion on -user. That's
  much more suitable for some init-systemd-devel list.
 Re-read the wall of text you deleted, then think again about this suggestion.

Or even the off-topic list, if anyone is interested.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: engineering management practices and systemd (Re: Installing an Alternative Init?)

2014-11-17 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 12:00:52PM -0500, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 11/15/2014 08:35 PM, Ludovic Meyer wrote:
 At the same time, most debian users likely do not really care about 
 plan and systemd. It was widely published everywhere in March and yet, no 
 one would have cared if this
 mattered ?
 I installed systemd to Jessie as soon as it was announced. No problems so
 far. I'm happy. :) Ric

Me too. A slight glitch at the start, but easily fixed. Everything
running smooth as!

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-17 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 12:29:45PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
 OdyX writes:
  ...please stop.  Seriously.
 Please stop ranting about the ranting.  Seriously.  It's just as
 distracting and irritating as the rants themselves.  Just filter the
 rant threads and those who post them.  I'd filter all subjects
 containing the string [Ss]ystemd but there may be things about it that
 I need to see. 

Exactly! and there's the trouble. Separating the 'wheat from the chaff' is
the issue we'll probably be facing when Jessie is actually released. :(

A repeat performance is going to get boring very quickly.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Gian Uberto Lauri
Eduard Bloch writes:

 That's not my impression. It's more like: if you don't like systemd,
  don't use it.

If I am left free of doing it, there is no problem, Debian does not
force me to use any desktop environment at all, and that pleases me
much, so if I am left free to use an older, tested and reliable init
system there is no problem at all.

  If you don't like it that much that you want to rant
  against it, make sure your arguments have some proof/backup.

Systemd is responsible  of too many things, does too  many things, and
this is not a good design choice.

There were other poor design choices, it seems that Debian maintainers
have fixed some of them (i.e. renaming network devices), other seems
to be still there (binary logs...).

But I have no time or will to investigate the subject anymore. When
Debian stable will use systemd in a default installation/dist-upgrade
i will brace for impact and then consider what to do. Quickly, since
my work depends on it :).

  Since systemd hatters usually fail on the second task, the rhetorical
  arsenal is chosen accordingly (ad-hominem, trolling, misquoting, ...).


Using the second word of the arsenal may make its user elegible of
being the one on the other end of the telephone in this strip:

 /\   ___Ubuntu: ancient
/___/\_|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_   African word
  //--\| | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamicomeaning I can
\/ coltivatore diretto di software   not install
 già sistemista a tempo (altrui) perso...Debian

Warning: gnome-config-daemon considered more dangerous than GOTO

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Re: init scripts [was: If Not Systemd, then What?]

2014-11-17 Thread Marty

On 11/17/2014 01:13 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Du, 16 nov 14, 13:22:54, Marty wrote:

On 11/16/2014 11:50 AM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

In the later case, one just has to read:
to get very, very scared

Each one a bug as per Debian policy (sysvinit support). Looks like we have
our work cut out for us.

Would you please be so kind to point out which bullet point contradicts
which Policy section?

Kind regards,

Don't they all by definition? Did I miss something?

I suspect the workaround in all cases is sysvinit-core, but the warning 
still applies to anyone who runs the default configuration.

For the record, since you omitted my smiley, I don't assume these are 
not already well known, or that I am planning to file bug reports. :)

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Re: [01/05] Embedded with systemd: systemd and SIL

2014-11-17 Thread Jean-Christian de Rivaz

Le 16. 11. 14 19:52, Robert a écrit :

By choosing packages carefully, it is possible to use linux in
applications that need to meet SIL1 or SIL2 criteria [1]. I personally
don't have any applications that need to meet SIL2, but it is possible
to meet SIL1 by taking a normal installation and removing a bunch of
stuff (initramfs, udev and inetd amongst others) until the system is
deterministic enough (see the methodology in [2]). /sbin/init functions
OK with a few static devices in/dev

Given the tight udev/systemd marriage and the undeterministic nature of
socket activation, I suspect that systemd will never be suitable for
SIL applications.

Why did you think that localhost sockets activation is not deterministic ?
When local process use localhost sockets, there is no transmission media 

risk of packet loss, alteration, random latency, or reordering.

AFAIK, dbus is designed to never loss a message under normal workload. 

kdbus will probably be even better on that matter.


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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Martin Read

On 17/11/14 12:25, Gian Uberto Lauri wrote:

There were other poor design choices, it seems that Debian maintainers
have fixed some of them (i.e. renaming network devices), other seems
to be still there (binary logs...).

A default Debian jessie configuration has persistent text logs in 
/var/log written by rsyslog, and *volatile* binary logs in 
/run/log/journal written by systemd-journald. Removing the binary logs 
completely disables functionality of the systemd suite which an 
administrator familiar with systemd would expect to be present by default.

Administrators of systemd-based systems who wish to turn off the binary 
log can, of course, simply add the line


to the [Journal] section of /etc/systemd/journald.conf, at which point 
systemd-journald will simply forward all log entries directly to rsyslog 
without writing them to a binary file.

If installing, or upgrading to, jessie resulted in a configuration with 
*only* binary logs, and this was not the obvious foreseeable result and 
intent of a deliberate administrator action taken during the 
installation/upgrade procedure, then that is probably what we call a 
*bug*, and is the sort of thing that is why Debian has a testing branch.

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Re: dm-crypt/LUKS performance

2014-11-17 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sun, 16 Nov 2014, David Fuchs wrote:
 I am setting up a system with an Intel octo-core Avoton, which has AES-NI
 support. After doing some crude benchmarking tests with dd, I am surprised
 about the huge performance penalty that full-disk encryption apparently has
 on read/write throughput.

You need to use a recent kernel that can run dm-crypt in parallel (and it
needs to be compiled with that option enabled as well.  I don't know if
Debian's 3.16 is compiled like that).  That information is missing from your

 The system will be used as a home file server, and the results with drive
 encryption are still acceptable - but I'm still curious if they are to be
 expected, or if there is an obvious culprit for the performance hit. Is it
 possible that I'm not using the hardware AES?

Check in /proc/crypto whether aes-asm is listed, and whether it has a higher
priority than aes-generic.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: Embedded with systemd

2014-11-17 Thread Paul H
On 17/11/14 21:14, Jeremiah Foster wrote:
 This is a very onerous requirement in the embedded world. There are many
 embedded platforms sold today that only have 2.6.X BSPs.
 But I highly doubt those devices have modern userlands.

Which is why we (emdebian users) have ditched the job of maintaining the 
hardware vendor's half-hearted OpenEmbedded build and switched to simply using 
Debian multistrap  friends in the first place, right? :-)

 This change will probably hit me the hardest and for me it really cuts
 into what linux means. It used to be that I could run the same userspace
 on my tiny embedded device, my desktop or on the server --- the only
 difference being the kernel.

I too posted on this topic recently. A lot of boards, from not-so-obscure 
vendors, not to mention silicon for that matter is still being sold and 
included into new systems today which can barely run kernel 3.4 let alone 3.7.

I (also) don't think systemd is a wrong choice for Debian, so please don't 
misread any perceived frustrations of mine as being anti-systemd. I think the 
reality is that those of us stuck supporting systems trapped on old kernels are 
going to suffer for a number of years until these devices are (very slowly!) 
retired and replaced with solutions containing SoCs from vendors who have 
finally figured out a sustainable business model that somehow includes proper 
ongoing kernel support.

My plan is that if I find myself depending on packages which no longer work 
under sysvinit-core, I'll rebuild those packages for myself as needed (and 
share the results, if that's helpful): I have to do this already now anyway, 
for example to use build options which make more sense for a given target, or 
to make my own -nox (headless) versions of stuff that would otherwise drag in 
200MiB+ of GTK/Qt dependencies.

 I find it unlikely that you'd be able to run Jessie on your desktop and
 Jessie on your device, at least, not without a little bit of work. I think

That's exactly what I do (and I assume other emdebian users too). Even if it 
took me a week or two to get my build scripts going, and a bit
more to tie it all into my CI and release management infrastructure it's still 
far more enjoyable, less error-prone and a lot less effort than
pushing a pile of rotting bitbake recipes uphill. xapt and dpkg-cross tools are 
truly fantastic (not to mention the rest of debian, like
debhelper). Especially for those of us maintaining packages which need to run 
in a bunch of different environments (not just embedded).

 Embedded with systemd: systemd and realtime

 Given the existence of
 it seems that realtime and systemd is problematic. Has anyone tried the
 workarounds mentioned with a PREEMPT_RT kernel? How did it go?

It is my intention to make the |ControlGroup=cpu:/| approach work; I have been 
maintaining a systemd rootfs for one of my targets but haven't quite found the 
time to investigate this fully.



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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2014 17 Nov 06:01 -0600, Eduard Bloch wrote:
 Since systemd hatters usually fail on the second task, the rhetorical
 arsenal is chosen accordingly (ad-hominem, trolling, misquoting, ...).

Here is the crux of the problem in these discussions and that is the use
of haters as an ad hominem as part of the shaming language directed at
those with concerns.  It matters not who started it, but when one of the
primary developers of systemd also engages in using this language to
describe those who do have legitimate concerns, the discussion descends
quickly into a non-productive direction especially when others follow
his lead as being somehow acceptable.

Personally, I do not hate systemd.  While I have some concerns, I have
been monitoring these threads for any technical tidbits and I've been
using it to gain familiarity with what it offers and how to work with
it.  Unlike others, I do not have systems that are in an enterprise
situation as mine are simply home desktops so my paycheck will not be
impacted by the adoption of it.  Despite that, I will not minimize or
dismiss the concerns of others.

- Nate


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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Web site conformance and various browsers

2014-11-17 Thread songbird
  sometimes i have issues with a website and i cannot
tell if it is a problem with the browser or a problem
with the website.  obviously i am not a website 
developer so this sort of issue isn't clear where i
need to poke at things more...

  are there any tools available which help sort that
out (like one that says This page conforms to 
standards X and Y, but violates a for this part) etc.?

  most the time i use Iceweasel (most current versions
available in testing, sid or experimental) or Midori.
Midori seems to do better and I'm not sure why as i
thought that it used the same basic infrastructure as

  any web developers who struggle with this and if I'm
missing something obvious (like use a different browser
like Opera or ...)?



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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Gian Uberto Lauri
Martin Read writes:
  Administrators of systemd-based systems who wish to turn off the binary 
  log can, of course, simply add the line

Happy to hear that Debian configuration is now sane.

 /\   ___Ubuntu: ancient
/___/\_|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_   African word
  //--\| | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamicomeaning I can
\/ coltivatore diretto di software   not install
 già sistemista a tempo (altrui) perso...Debian

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Strange problem with samba share, maybe dns related

2014-11-17 Thread Cyril Alberts


today I realized a strange bug (maybe there is a reason for it but I 
dont know):

All our employees have a directory/folder at our (wheezy-lts) server, 
which is for interchange. Everybody gets a folder with his name where 
anybody can put things in. It is connected to Windows Clients by the 
letter Z:\. I generated a huge sum of pdfs which I want to share at 
the server. As I looked for them from a windows-client, I could hardly 
see anything in this folder despite I know that there are many folders 
with pdfs in its subdirectories. They are all recursive chmodded 777 and 
owner is me as samba user (me:me). Now there are people able to see, 
browse and use this documents, but not me as a windows user.
The strangest thing: If I take the IP instead of the NAME of the server 
- it works!

How is it possible, that a folder called via name is empty and via ip it 
is not?

Z:\pdf- empty folder

\\SERVER\fileserver\Mitarbeiter\me\pdf\- empty folder

\\\\fileserver\Mitarbeiter\me\pdf\   - 2308 Elements

ls -l gives drwxrwxrwx per subfolder and owner is me:me

Is this a DNS-based problem or whats going on here?

I cant explain it, please help!


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systemd for administrators, printable version.

2014-11-17 Thread Erwan David
Is there a printable/epub/pdf version of systemd for administrators ?

20+ HTML pages is very difficult to read, just becaus it requires mouse 

Even one only HTML page would be better.

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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread The Wanderer
On 11/17/2014 at 08:21 AM, Martin Read wrote:

 On 17/11/14 12:25, Gian Uberto Lauri wrote:
 There were other poor design choices, it seems that Debian
 maintainers have fixed some of them (i.e. renaming network
 devices), other seems to be still there (binary logs...).
 A default Debian jessie configuration has persistent text logs in
 /var/log written by rsyslog, and *volatile* binary logs in
 /run/log/journal written by systemd-journald. Removing the binary
 logs completely disables functionality of the systemd suite which an
 administrator familiar with systemd would expect to be present by

This is news to me, and mildly disturbing.

I recall having previously seen it stated, repeatedly, that Debian by
default does not store binary logs at all even when running under
systemd - that they exist only in memory, and that the actual log data
is stored only in text-log-file format via forwarding to rsyslog.

(Even this is still mildly concerning to some people, on the grounds
that it still places journald and its binary formats in a place between
source of data being logged and text-format log file where
previously there was nothing, but it's still probably a reasonable
compromise for most purposes.)

 Administrators of systemd-based systems who wish to turn off the
 binary log can, of course, simply add the line
 to the [Journal] section of /etc/systemd/journald.conf, at which
 point systemd-journald will simply forward all log entries directly
 to rsyslog without writing them to a binary file.

This appears to be exactly what I recall seeing stated - repeatedly,
including by trustworthy Debian developers - as how Debian already
behaves in its default systemd configuration. If that is not the case,
then there is even less reason for people who object to binary logs to
be comfortable with the new situation, even mitigated by being able to
turn this behavior on with the option you describe.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Ansgar Burchardt
On 11/17/2014 03:54 PM, The Wanderer wrote:
 On 11/17/2014 at 08:21 AM, Martin Read wrote:
 A default Debian jessie configuration has persistent text logs in
 /var/log written by rsyslog, and *volatile* binary logs in
 /run/log/journal written by systemd-journald. Removing the binary
 logs completely disables functionality of the systemd suite which an
 administrator familiar with systemd would expect to be present by
 This is news to me, and mildly disturbing.
 I recall having previously seen it stated, repeatedly, that Debian by
 default does not store binary logs at all even when running under
 systemd - that they exist only in memory, and that the actual log data
 is stored only in text-log-file format via forwarding to rsyslog.

That's exactly what the word volatile means: /run is a in-memory
filesystem, thus all files there only exist in memory.

For the default configuration in Debian this means that all log messages
are stored persistently in /var/log by rsyslog, and some recent log
messages are *also* kept in a volatile in-memory file by journald.


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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Christian Seiler

Am 2014-11-17 15:54, schrieb The Wanderer:

On 11/17/2014 at 08:21 AM, Martin Read wrote:

On 17/11/14 12:25, Gian Uberto Lauri wrote:

There were other poor design choices, it seems that Debian
maintainers have fixed some of them (i.e. renaming network
devices), other seems to be still there (binary logs...).

A default Debian jessie configuration has persistent text logs in
/var/log written by rsyslog, and *volatile* binary logs in
/run/log/journal written by systemd-journald. Removing the binary
logs completely disables functionality of the systemd suite which an
administrator familiar with systemd would expect to be present by

This is news to me, and mildly disturbing.

I recall having previously seen it stated, repeatedly, that Debian by
default does not store binary logs at all even when running under
systemd - that they exist only in memory, and that the actual log 

is stored only in text-log-file format via forwarding to rsyslog.

Note: /run is a tmpfs, i.e. it's stored in memory.

Administrators of systemd-based systems who wish to turn off the
binary log can, of course, simply add the line


to the [Journal] section of /etc/systemd/journald.conf, at which
point systemd-journald will simply forward all log entries directly
to rsyslog without writing them to a binary file.

This appears to be exactly what I recall seeing stated - repeatedly,
including by trustworthy Debian developers - as how Debian already
behaves in its default systemd configuration. If that is not the 
then there is even less reason for people who object to binary logs 
be comfortable with the new situation, even mitigated by being able 

turn this behavior on with the option you describe.

Note that 'systemctl status' won't include the last log lines of a 

service if journal has Storage=none set. That is an very, very useful
feature to have, which is why I guess the maintainers of systemd have 

activated by default.

What does not happen is that any binary logfile is stored on your hard
drive (well, maybe in swap space, but not in your filesystem), and on
next boot they will be completely reset again.

The only real difference between the default (use /run as storage) and
Storage=none is that you save a bit of RAM. Btw. you can configure how
much the journal will take, see journald.conf(5).


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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread The Wanderer
On 11/17/2014 at 10:06 AM, Christian Seiler wrote:

 Am 2014-11-17 15:54, schrieb The Wanderer:
 On 11/17/2014 at 08:21 AM, Martin Read wrote:

 A default Debian jessie configuration has persistent text logs
 in /var/log written by rsyslog, and *volatile* binary logs in 
 /run/log/journal written by systemd-journald. Removing the
 binary logs completely disables functionality of the systemd
 suite which an administrator familiar with systemd would expect
 to be present by default.
 This is news to me, and mildly disturbing.
 I recall having previously seen it stated, repeatedly, that Debian
 by default does not store binary logs at all even when running
 under systemd - that they exist only in memory, and that the actual
 log data is stored only in text-log-file format via forwarding to
 Note: /run is a tmpfs, i.e. it's stored in memory.

That probably explains the seeming conflict between the statements, but
there's still a difference between data being kept in memory and
written to a file which is stored in memory.

Part of what I found reassuring about the statements that Debian's
default systemd configuration stores the journal's binary logs only in
memory was the idea that it would not be (needing to) write the log data
separately to the binary format, or possibly even do some of the related
processing; it could just use the binary format in-memory (i.e. in its
own process space), and output only in the traditional text form.

If it actually does write the binary format to file, even in a tmpfs or
the like, then that eliminates a lot of what I found reassuring about
those reassurances.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Installing an Alternative Init?

2014-11-17 Thread Reco

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 03:48:34PM +0100, Ludovic Meyer wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 09:41:23PM -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:
  As much as I dislike systemd, I'm not sure that it's a vendor
  conspiracy to control the Linux ecosystem.  Yes, redhat pays
  Lennart Poettering's salary (among others).  But... I'm hard pressed
  to see how turning a collection of free distros into functional
  equivalent's of redhat, or increasing the resources applied to free
  distros, is really to their benefit.  If anything, it would seem to
  dilute the competitive advantage of paid RHEL.
  Personally, I think it's more a matter of one, prima donna
  developer, who has the advantage of a salary, who has a vision and
  design philosophy that he's promoting in a very aggressive and
  single minded way.  And he's very overt about it.  (Somebody posted
  an email from Poettering last week saying, roughly, 'first we're
  going to get kdbus into the kernel, then we're going to make udev
  depend on it, and then everyone will have to eat systemd to get
  udev.'  As I recall, the message closed with 'gentoo, be warned.')
  I figure this is more a case of redhat management not wanting to
  tick off valued prima donna, and maybe seeing what he's doing as a
  contribution to the open source community (to date, redhat has been
  pretty good about contributing to the community in lots of different
  ways).  Still,  if I were in their shoes, I'd be trying to reign the
  guys in. 
 Why would the management of a external company care about what 
 happen in Debian ? 

Because Debian is upstream for several critical RHEL parts, such as
shadow (passwd, useradd and friends). And, curiously enough, systemd's
goal is to replace those parts (see Revisiting How We Put Together Linux
Systems at ).
Apparently, management doesn't like to be left out of control :)

And of course, another distribution = testing a product for free.

 People keep wanting the project to be free of corporate influence, but 
 it seems that some wouldn't be against having a bit of corporate influence if 
 influence was in the way they want..
  Given that RHEL's main selling points are enterprise
  capabilities, quality control, and (for the government market)
  security accreditation and lots of support, I'd much rather see
  diversity and weak code spread across competing distributions.
 Canonical was criticized for keeping their code for their ( mir, unity ),
 and Redhat would be criticized for not keeping the code only for them. 

No. RedHat is criticized for pushing their code to everyone and their
dog. And it started way before systemd (dbus, hal and pulseaudio to
name a few). At least Canonical keeps their 'innovations' to themselves
last time.

 I guess there is no good way for a company to make free software that
 change something in the core of existing ecosystem.

Take a look at IBM, Oracle and Novell, you may reconsider your statement.


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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Christian Seiler

Am 2014-11-17 16:15, schrieb The Wanderer:

Part of what I found reassuring about the statements that Debian's
default systemd configuration stores the journal's binary logs only 
memory was the idea that it would not be (needing to) write the log 
separately to the binary format, or possibly even do some of the 
processing; it could just use the binary format in-memory (i.e. in 

own process space), and output only in the traditional text form.

There is one reason to actually keep them in memory: so that consumers
(like 'systemctl status') can access the most recent log messages and 

some processing with that. Otherwise, there is no need to store this
data and you can just set Storage=none anyway.

Accessing the current journal works by reading in journal files in /run
(and /var if it exists) and processing them (there is a shared library
for doing so).

If journald only keeps stuff in its own process space, for other
processes to access them there would need to be some kind of IPC
mechanism for other processes to ask journald to get some logs, that
would involve quite a bit of complexity, a large additional codepath in
both journald and all the clients and thus a large surface for 

bugs. With storing them in the same type of files in /run, the codepath
is the same, there is more testing for that codepath and the interface
is a lot easier: access control is just file permissions, scheduling is
done by the kernel, etc.

The alternative you propose is the thing that would be worrisome to me,
i.e. having a completely different, probably less-tested, way of
accessing this stuff, where journald itself (which forwards ALL 

to syslog when using systemd) takes on an additional burden. That seems
to be a far worse idea to me, complexity-wise.

And if you say you don't want the features that access the stored logs,
then you can set Storage=none, because then you simply don't need it at 


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udev memory problem when trying to plug a disk with corrupted partition table

2014-11-17 Thread berenger . morel


I think most of my problem's description is in title, but here are some 
more informations.

I have a hard disk on which I tried a... quite unusual... procedure to 
install another OS. My try in this procedure [1] did not went well at 
all, but it's not the subject of this mail.
Now, fact is that the hard-disk partition table is no longer correct, 
and when I plug it (it is an USB HD) into a Debian system, it makes udev 
eating all my memory, and more.
The only way for me to have a chance to work with that drive plugged is 
to disable swap, because when the system swaps, all CPU is used to 
access hard-drive, and also to do:
_ echo 80  /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio #honestly, I'm a newbie in 
kernel stuff, but I think I should use 95% here, that would be more 
effective, considering that I think I'll use such configuration on all 
my systems, since most of my tools does not need more than few hundred 
_ echo 2  /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory #so, softwares which tries to 
take too much ram will know it or crash. Udev is crashing, I guess.

I think that udev crashes, instead of simply acknowledging that it 
can't handle the partitions of the device, because if I then try other 
operations involving it, they does not work.
Also, I have noticed on more recent systems (testing and backported 
kernel) that I can't even access the device with fdisk after all udev 
processes died. On current stable kernel, I can (which gave me the hope 
to be able to use that disk anew, someday).

The symptoms I were able to see, through various means, like reading 
what is printed on TTY1 when I plug it, or using fdisk on the computer 
which did not made the hardware disappear when udev crashed, is that a 
very huge list of partitions is detected, I suspect an infinite loop.

So, does anyone know how to make udev stopping gracefully to detect the 
full list of partitions, and restrict itself to real hardware? Also, I 
should probably report that bug, but how could I find more informations 
to provide, since I strongly doubt that it can be reproduced, and so 
fixed, without the correct partition table?

Fun facts:
_ my BIOS... erm, no, not a BIOS, just a crappy UEFI, is not able to 
boot when that disk is plugged. I never felt good with that UEFI things, 
now I think I have some interesting reason. I'll try that on a old 
computer, just to see if real BIOSes are able to handle damaged logic, 
but *correct hardware*.
_ windows XP is simply not able to see the disk, but it does not dies 
or eat all RAM. Well, that's a pretty damaged installation of XP anyway, 
so not really relevant. And this OS is obsolete anyway.

1: for the curious ones, here is what I tried:
create a virtualbox machine
add it a vmdk which were linked to /dev/sdb (yes, sdb, not sdb1, or 
sdb2: the whole extern disk)

booting the VM on a netBSD's iso
having a very bad feeling when seeing that the extended partition was 
recognized as unknown filesystem

feeling lucky and continuing
seeing that, finally, I was not lucky :)

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Re: Web site conformance and various browsers

2014-11-17 Thread Diogene Laerce

On 11/17/2014 02:45 PM, songbird wrote:
   sometimes i have issues with a website and i cannot
 tell if it is a problem with the browser or a problem
 with the website.  obviously i am not a website 
 developer so this sort of issue isn't clear where i
 need to poke at things more...

   are there any tools available which help sort that
 out (like one that says This page conforms to 
 standards X and Y, but violates a for this part) etc.?

   most the time i use Iceweasel (most current versions
 available in testing, sid or experimental) or Midori.
 Midori seems to do better and I'm not sure why as i
 thought that it used the same basic infrastructure as

   any web developers who struggle with this and if I'm
 missing something obvious (like use a different browser
 like Opera or ...)?

I think you're looking for this :

or this for more inquiries:

Best regards,

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

  Diogene Laerce

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Web site conformance and various browsers

2014-11-17 Thread golinux

On Mon, 11/17/14, songbird wrote:

 Subject: Web site conformance and various browsers
 Date: Monday, November 17, 2014, 7:45 AM

  sometimes i have issues with a website and i cannot
tell if it is a problem with the browser or a problem
with the website.  obviously i am not a website
developer so this sort of issue isn't clear where i
need to poke at things more...

  are there any tools available which help sort that
out (like one that says This page conforms to
standards X and Y, but violates a for this part) etc.?

  most the time i use Iceweasel (most current versions
available in testing, sid or experimental) or Midori.
Midori seems to do better and I'm not sure why as i
thought that it used the same basic infrastructure as

  any web developers who struggle with this and if I'm
missing something obvious (like use a different browser
like Opera or ...)?




If the page is compliant with standards there 
shouldn't be a problem with proper display.  Could also be an addon or 
about:config setting set by you causing problems.

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apt-get update GPG error: Internal error: Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!

2014-11-17 Thread iain

Hello all

  I am seeing a rather strange error. I have a wheezy VM which I am 
trying to update, but I get the above error on the main source and also 
on security source:

W: GPG error: wheezy/updates Release: 
Internal error: Good signature, but could not determine key 
W: GPG error: wheezy Release: Internal error: 
Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!

Attempting to re-install gnupg and also debian-archive-keyring make no 
difference. Trying a new mirror also makes no difference. Same error.

Anyone seen this before, or perhaps knows more about GPG than me to help 
me in the right direction?

Other VM's update no questions asked



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Re: Web site conformance and various browsers

2014-11-17 Thread berenger . morel

Le 17.11.2014 14:45, songbird a écrit :

sometimes i have issues with a website and i cannot
tell if it is a problem with the browser or a problem
with the website.  obviously i am not a website
developer so this sort of issue isn't clear where i
need to poke at things more...

  are there any tools available which help sort that
out (like one that says This page conforms to
standards X and Y, but violates a for this part) etc.?

  most the time i use Iceweasel (most current versions
available in testing, sid or experimental) or Midori.
Midori seems to do better and I'm not sure why as i
thought that it used the same basic infrastructure as

  any web developers who struggle with this and if I'm
missing something obvious (like use a different browser
like Opera or ...)?



The problem with website compatibility can come from lot of problems:
_ I'm not sure that HTML5 is fully supported by all upstream engines 
(see below)
_ it will depends on a browser's configuration, especially about 
JavaScript (JS) because a huge quantity of websites are... hum... just 
bloated with that kind of crap. So, plug-ins like adware, or 
configuration which disables JS can avoid having the same behavior.  You 
can have the same kind of problems with cookies (accepting only a site's 
cookies avoid things like hotmail to work, and I've seen other ones).
_ sites will often voluntarily try to behave differently depending on 
the browser, in a good start intent, but hell is made of such good 

_ sites will sometimes employ specific things of a browser.

About the last point, if it is made correctly, it might not be detected 
by stuff like w3c's validator.

Otherwise, just for your information:

The problem is not the browser, but the rendering engine behind it.
Firefox/iceweasel is based on gecko (and AFAIK it's the only gecko 
user), while midori, chrome, and a ton of other ones are based on webkit 
(to be really more accurate, chrome is based on blink, a fork of webkit. 
Hopefully this fork might help to not see a new kind of IE era, but I'm 
pessimistic on that, without real reasons).
Even recent opera (starting to version = 13) versions are based on 
webkit, so we can currently see more or less 3 major competitors:

_ IE
_ webkit/blink (I have no idea about how much blink differs from 
webkit, but seriously, if there is only safari using webkit, webkit will 
just die)

_ gecko

PS: when I think about how crappy all of this is, and that I remember 
that many people said me that websites runs in the same way everywhere, 
I just laugh. I try to remember it everyday, since there is a rumor 
which says that laughing 5min per day is good for health, hehe

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Re: qemu-kvm problem - libvirtd won't start

2014-11-17 Thread Gary Dale

On 16/11/14 09:31 PM, Joel Roth wrote:

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 08:52:30PM -0500, Gary Dale wrote:

On 16/11/14 06:39 PM, Joel Roth wrote:

Did you try starting the VMs directly using the qemu command?

Don't have qemu installed. virsh reports:

Maybe there is some connection (c.f. Subject:)
qemu isn't listed as a dependency of qemu-kvm and isn't installed when 
qemu-kvm is installed. I understand that qemu 1.3 supersedes qemu-kvm 
but Wheezy only has 1.1.2, so qemu-kvm is still preferred.

I've got it running now, but still have a problem. Virt-manager is not 
seeing my virtualmachine.xml files when it connects to the server. I 
can create new virtual machines importing the existing images but then 
windows thinks it's on different hardware and wants to revalidate. I 
tried copying the existing .xml file over the new one but that didn't 
fix the problem.

Any ideas?

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Re: systemd for administrators, printable version.

2014-11-17 Thread Brian
On Mon 17 Nov 2014 at 15:29:21 +0100, Erwan David wrote:

 Is there a printable/epub/pdf version of systemd for administrators ?
 20+ HTML pages is very difficult to read, just becaus it requires mouse 
 Even one only HTML page would be better.

DIY. Save the pages to file, 1.pdf, 2.pdf etc, from the browser. Then

   gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=SFA.pdf 1.pdf 2.pdf 

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Re: apt-get update GPG error: Internal error: Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!

2014-11-17 Thread Ansgar Burchardt

On 11/17/2014 05:26 PM, wrote:
   I am seeing a rather strange error. I have a wheezy VM which I am
 trying to update, but I get the above error on the main source and also
 on security source:
 W: GPG error: wheezy/updates Release:
 Internal error: Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!
 W: GPG error: wheezy Release: Internal error:
 Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!

What does

  apt-get -o Debug::Acquire::gpgv=1 update



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Re: apt-get update GPG error: Internal error: Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!

2014-11-17 Thread iain

On 2014-11-17 17:02, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:


On 11/17/2014 05:26 PM, wrote:

  I am seeing a rather strange error. I have a wheezy VM which I am
trying to update, but I get the above error on the main source and 

on security source:

W: GPG error: wheezy/updates Release:
Internal error: Good signature, but could not determine key 

W: GPG error: wheezy Release: Internal error:
Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!

What does

  apt-get -o Debug::Acquire::gpgv=1 update



Get:1 wheezy Release.gpg [1,655 B]
Hit wheezy Release
100% [Release gpgv 168 kB] [Waiting for headers]inside VerifyGetSigners
gpgv path: /usr/bin/gpgv
Keyring file: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg
Keyring path: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
Preparing to exec: /usr/bin/gpgv /usr/bin/gpgv --ignore-time-conflict 
--status-fd 3 --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-squeeze-stable.gpg --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-wheezy-stable.gpg --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-wheezy-automatic.gpg --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-jessie-stable.gpg --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-squeeze-automatic.gpg --keyring 

gpgv exited
Ign wheezy Release
Ign wheezy/main Sources/DiffIndex
Get:2 wheezy/updates Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign wheezy/non-free Sources/DiffIndex
Hit wheezy/updates Release
99% [Waiting for headers]inside VerifyGetSigners
Ign wheezy/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
99% [Release gpgv 102 kB] [Waiting for headers]gpgv path: /usr/bin/gpgv
Keyring file: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg
Keyring path: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
Preparing to exec: /usr/bin/gpgv /usr/bin/gpgv --ignore-time-conflict 
--status-fd 3 --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-squeeze-stable.gpg --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-wheezy-stable.gpg --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-wheezy-automatic.gpg --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-jessie-stable.gpg --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-squeeze-automatic.gpg --keyring 

gpgv exited
Ign wheezy/updates Release
Ign wheezy/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign wheezy/non-free i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign wheezy/updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
Ign wheezy/contrib i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign wheezy/updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
Hit wheezy/contrib Translation-en
Ign wheezy/updates/non-free Sources/DiffIndex
Hit wheezy/main Translation-en
Ign wheezy/updates/main i386 

Hit wheezy/non-free Translation-en
Hit wheezy/main Sources
Ign wheezy/updates/contrib i386 

Hit wheezy/non-free Sources
Ign wheezy/updates/non-free i386 

Hit wheezy/contrib Sources
Hit wheezy/main i386 Packages
Hit wheezy/non-free i386 Packages
Hit wheezy/updates/contrib Translation-en
Hit wheezy/contrib i386 Packages
Hit wheezy/updates/main Translation-en
Hit wheezy/updates/non-free Translation-en
Hit wheezy/updates/main Sources
Ign wheezy/contrib Translation-en_GB
Hit wheezy/updates/contrib Sources
Ign wheezy/main Translation-en_GB
Ign wheezy/non-free Translation-en_GB
Hit wheezy/updates/non-free Sources
Hit wheezy/updates/main i386 Packages
Hit wheezy/updates/contrib i386 Packages
Hit wheezy/updates/non-free i386 Packages
Ign wheezy/updates/contrib Translation-en_GB
Ign wheezy/updates/main Translation-en_GB
Ign wheezy/updates/non-free Translation-en_GB
Fetched 2,491 B in 4s (539 B/s)
Reading package lists... Done
W: GPG error: wheezy Release: Internal error: 
Good signature, but could not determine key 

Re: udev memory problem when trying to plug a disk with corrupted partition table

2014-11-17 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Mon, 17 Nov 2014, wrote:
 Now, fact is that the hard-disk partition table is no longer
 correct, and when I plug it (it is an USB HD) into a Debian system,
 it makes udev eating all my memory, and more.

Please image the partition table so that someone can reproduce the issue and
fix it... looks like an useful test case :-)

 I think that udev crashes, instead of simply acknowledging that it

It is likely triggering a bug somewhere in the load of stuff we run when a
disk is hotplugged to create the links in /dev/by-uuid, etc.

I.e. maybe the bug is not in udev itself.

 So, does anyone know how to make udev stopping gracefully to detect
 the full list of partitions, and restrict itself to real hardware?

The kernel itself parses the partition table.  Did it output any error

 Also, I should probably report that bug, but how could I find more
 informations to provide, since I strongly doubt that it can be
 reproduced, and so fixed, without the correct partition table?

Indeed.  Either preserve enough of that partition table to be able to
reproduce the bug, or give up on it ever being found at the moment you
decide to clean up the disk to be able to use it :-(

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: dm-crypt/LUKS performance

2014-11-17 Thread Tixy
On Sun, 2014-11-16 at 18:56 -0800, David Christensen wrote:
 That SSD appears to have hardware encryption.  So, why dm-crypt?

So you can copy/backup/move disks and partitions without worrying about
whether you can get access to the result in the future? Because you
don't want to trust or rely on whatever black box lives inside the disk?

I'm not the OP, but that's the reason I use Linux software encryption
rather than that built into the SSD.


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Re: apt-get update GPG error: Internal error: Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!

2014-11-17 Thread iain

On 2014-11-17 17:05, wrote:

On 2014-11-17 17:02, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:


On 11/17/2014 05:26 PM, wrote:

  I am seeing a rather strange error. I have a wheezy VM which I am
trying to update, but I get the above error on the main source and 

on security source:

W: GPG error: wheezy/updates Release:
Internal error: Good signature, but could not determine key 

W: GPG error: wheezy Release: Internal error:
Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!


 Digging further into the logs, it seems that gnupg was segfaulting:
Thanks for your help. Reboot (of the VM) has solved this issue.



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Re: udev memory problem when trying to plug a disk with corrupted partition table

2014-11-17 Thread berenger . morel

Le 17.11.2014 17:55, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh a écrit :

On Mon, 17 Nov 2014, wrote:

Now, fact is that the hard-disk partition table is no longer
correct, and when I plug it (it is an USB HD) into a Debian system,
it makes udev eating all my memory, and more.

Please image the partition table so that someone can reproduce the 
issue and

fix it... looks like an useful test case :-)

I think that udev crashes, instead of simply acknowledging that it

It is likely triggering a bug somewhere in the load of stuff we run 
when a

disk is hotplugged to create the links in /dev/by-uuid, etc.

I.e. maybe the bug is not in udev itself.

So, does anyone know how to make udev stopping gracefully to detect
the full list of partitions, and restrict itself to real hardware?

The kernel itself parses the partition table.  Did it output any 


Also, I should probably report that bug, but how could I find more
informations to provide, since I strongly doubt that it can be
reproduced, and so fixed, without the correct partition table?

Indeed.  Either preserve enough of that partition table to be able to
reproduce the bug, or give up on it ever being found at the moment 

decide to clean up the disk to be able to use it :-(

I've already built an image of the disk, but it's a 500GB disk. I doubt 
you'll want to download it hehe.
So, what part of that disk should I extract, which could be usable and 
sharable? Partition table, of course, which is probably at disk's 
beginning, but how long might it be?

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Re: Web site conformance and various browsers

2014-11-17 Thread songbird wrote:
 PS: when I think about how crappy all of this is, and that I remember 
 that many people said me that websites runs in the same way everywhere, 
 I just laugh. I try to remember it everyday, since there is a rumor 
 which says that laughing 5min per day is good for health, hehe

  :)  thanks!  and thanks to everyone else too.


  i've avoided this question for a while so far,
for good reasons and i can see they still apply.

  i'll send a note to the problem website support
desk and see if any thing will happen.  since i
do have free time here or there i'll also volunteer 
to help them test newer versions.


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Re: Installing an Alternative Init?

2014-11-17 Thread Ludovic Meyer
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 06:29:24PM +0300, Reco wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 03:48:34PM +0100, Ludovic Meyer wrote:
  On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 09:41:23PM -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:
   As much as I dislike systemd, I'm not sure that it's a vendor
   conspiracy to control the Linux ecosystem.  Yes, redhat pays
   Lennart Poettering's salary (among others).  But... I'm hard pressed
   to see how turning a collection of free distros into functional
   equivalent's of redhat, or increasing the resources applied to free
   distros, is really to their benefit.  If anything, it would seem to
   dilute the competitive advantage of paid RHEL.
   Personally, I think it's more a matter of one, prima donna
   developer, who has the advantage of a salary, who has a vision and
   design philosophy that he's promoting in a very aggressive and
   single minded way.  And he's very overt about it.  (Somebody posted
   an email from Poettering last week saying, roughly, 'first we're
   going to get kdbus into the kernel, then we're going to make udev
   depend on it, and then everyone will have to eat systemd to get
   udev.'  As I recall, the message closed with 'gentoo, be warned.')
   I figure this is more a case of redhat management not wanting to
   tick off valued prima donna, and maybe seeing what he's doing as a
   contribution to the open source community (to date, redhat has been
   pretty good about contributing to the community in lots of different
   ways).  Still,  if I were in their shoes, I'd be trying to reign the
   guys in. 
  Why would the management of a external company care about what 
  happen in Debian ? 
 Because Debian is upstream for several critical RHEL parts, such as
 shadow (passwd, useradd and friends).

1 ( ie shadow-utils ) is not several.
And by having a critical look at your affirmation, RH is paying a lot 
of upstreams contributors for several critical Debian part :
- glibc
- gcc
- util-linux-ng
- kernel
- udevd

to name a few. I could name a few non critical stuff, from gnome, openjdk.
So I am not sure that your point is valid. Given the size of Redhat, 
I also suspect that having someone working on shadow-utils wouldn't be a 
problem. Judging by 
SEC fillings, public information, there is around 6900 people. 1 more coder is
not a stretch at all.

 And, curiously enough, systemd's
 goal is to replace those parts (see Revisiting How We Put Together Linux
 Systems at ).
 Apparently, management doesn't like to be left out of control :)

This is free software, there is no way to be left out of control.

That's the whole point of the movement, provided you can code of course.
A lot of people seems to totally forget that point.

 And of course, another distribution = testing a product for free.

I wonder how, since Debian is lagging so much behind that even 
RHEL 7 is released with systemd. I wonder even why they
still have jobs posting for QA people if all is needed is to have users of
others distributions.

  People keep wanting the project to be free of corporate influence, but 
  it seems that some wouldn't be against having a bit of corporate influence 
  if the
  influence was in the way they want..
   Given that RHEL's main selling points are enterprise
   capabilities, quality control, and (for the government market)
   security accreditation and lots of support, I'd much rather see
   diversity and weak code spread across competing distributions.
  Canonical was criticized for keeping their code for their ( mir, unity ),
  and Redhat would be criticized for not keeping the code only for them. 
 No. RedHat is criticized for pushing their code to everyone and their

People keep saying that, but none show no conclusive proof. Just stating
it doesn't make it true. And it doesn't resist simple inquiry such as:

if they wanted to push it everywhere, why would it be non portable to 
BSD ? 

We go back to criticize everything that happen, that's getting old.
And kinda poisonous, looking at the people leaving TC or Debian or 

 And it started way before systemd (dbus, hal and pulseaudio to
 name a few). At least Canonical keeps their 'innovations' to themselves
 last time.

So you agree with me. 
If you share, you are criticized, if you don't, you are criticized.
  I guess there is no good way for a company to make free software that
  change something in the core of existing ecosystem.
 Take a look at IBM, Oracle and Novell, you may reconsider your statement.

I fail to see what did they tried to change in the core ecosystem exactly.

Oracle is attacked by everyone for the stewardship leading to forks on mysql
and openoffice, among others. They even alienated their own community on 

Novell was criticized for providing Mono, and providing software written in mono
for gnome ( thus changing part of the core of Gnome ), and was criticized for 
trying to get Microsoft working on interoperability. 


no C-h i m emacs ??

2014-11-17 Thread Harry Putnam
[NOTE: Originally miss-posted on ...]

| From: Harry Putnam
| Subject: no C-h i m emacs ??
| Newsgroups:
| To:
| Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 13:29:46 -0500 (2 minutes, 9 seconds ago)
| Message-ID: 87egt14r51@reader.local.lan

With emacs24-lucid installed, I can find no info files for emacs-24

/usr/share/info   IXNEY for emacs

/usr/local/share/ IXNEY for info

So with all this installed:

aps emacs|grep ^i   
i   emacs-goodies-el- Miscellaneous add-ons for Emacs   
i A emacs24-bin-common  - GNU Emacs editor's shared, architecture de
i A emacs24-common  - GNU Emacs editor's shared, architecture in
i   emacs24-el  - GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files
i   emacs24-lucid   - GNU Emacs editor (with Lucid GUI support) 
i A emacsen-common  - Common facilities for all emacsen  

I still have no emacs-info files.

Checking them all with dpkg -L shows no main info/emacs installed.

/usr/share/info/dir has no entry for emacs other than:

* Emacs FAQ: (emacs-24/efaq).   Frequently Asked Questions about Emacs.
* Emacs-Goodies-el: (emacs-goodies-el).
* Emacs FAQ: (emacs-24/efaq).   Frequently Asked Questions about Emacs.
* Emacs-w3m: (emacs-w3m).   An Emacs interface to w3m
* Emacs-w3m-ja: (emacs-w3m-ja). An Emacs interface to w3m (Japanese)

So apparently I'm missing something here.

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Re: udev memory problem when trying to plug a disk with corrupted partition table

2014-11-17 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Mon, 17 Nov 2014, wrote:
 So, what part of that disk should I extract, which could be usable
 and sharable? Partition table, of course, which is probably at
 disk's beginning, but how long might it be?

That depends.  What kind of partition table?

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: Joey Hess is out?

2014-11-17 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Nate Bargmann [Mon, Nov 17 2014, 07:46:48AM]:
  Since systemd hatters usually fail on the second task, the rhetorical
  arsenal is chosen accordingly (ad-hominem, trolling, misquoting, ...).
 Here is the crux of the problem in these discussions and that is the use
 of haters as an ad hominem as part of the shaming language directed at
 those with concerns.  It matters not who started it, but when one of the

There is no offensive of discriminatory meaning implied; you have read
my definition and that's how I apply it. Not more, not less.

 primary developers of systemd also engages in using this language to
 describe those who do have legitimate concerns, the discussion descends
 quickly into a non-productive direction especially when others follow
 his lead as being somehow acceptable.

If the final outcome is simply pidgeonholing into those with us vs.
those against us then I agree. But for somebody not participating in
this stupid holly wars about systemd this argument sounds somehow


taner alpha welche distro hast du eigentlich???
-- gefragt im Channel

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Re: engineering management practices and systemd (Re: Installing an Alternative Init?)

2014-11-17 Thread Ludovic Meyer
On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 08:29:28PM -0500, Marty wrote:
 On 11/16/2014 03:32 PM, Ludovic Meyer wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 01:05:08PM -0500, Marty wrote:
 My point is that in a modular design nothing should be so entrenched
 as to be irreplaceable. Absence of an alternate should not normally
 indicate impossibility of an alternate, but some discussions I've
 read about logind, udev and dbus are enough to raise serious
 The problem is that, without any action, the difference between nothing
 can be replaced and it can be replaced is purely theorical.
 The problem is very real, but there seems to be no agreement about
 solutions, which by itself is evidence of a problem.

There is not even anyone keeping a list of the solution or even the 
problem. Even the basis are not done.

If you truly want to iterate on a solution, you should
start doing it and document it.

   Now you
 can discuss for years in theory,
 In fact, people have been discussing this problem for years.

And how did it change anything ? It didn't. So what make you think that 
yet another year is gonna result in something ?

I do not want to be too critical, but that's the exact problem that the troll
in the Hobbit face, by discussing endless on how to cook the dwarfs, they 
get petrified.

And maybe the time to test and get something wrong, as itcan hardly be slower 
than discussing. The whole agile methodology.
   if this doesn't result in any practical
 outcome, you have just stresstested the mailling lists software.
 Until there's a rough consensus and a clear way forward, I don't
 think many people will commit to specific solutions. There are also
 unknowns like kdbus, to further complicate the matter.

Talk is cheap, as Linus said.
You seems to be in favor of design by comitee, but this doesn't seems to work
for now.

 People who just say, write your own, it's all FOSS are missing the
 point, I think. Debian is not one guy working in his mom's basement.
 It's one of the world's largest software projects. When Debian is
 stumped, because its best developers and upstreams are caught in the
 entanglement hairball, and see no clear way out, the it's clear case
 of *Houston we have a problem.*
 That's a interesting point, because with all those brillant minds,
 a vast majority do not even seems to care about this
 entanglement hairball. Maybe it is time to admit you do not
 know the whole details and accept that if developpers do not care,
 then they are maybe right in doing so ?
 Especially since you have been unable to give any technical reasons
 to why you do not want it, and how you would proceed.
 For you, I would start by explaining the Unix Philosophy and how it
 is a critical aspect of Debian's design:

That's not a technical reason.

 Then I would proceed to explain how various aspects of systemd
 conflict with this, causing said hairball. Finally, I would explain
 (to the best of my ability) how the entanglement issue precludes a
 quick resolution, and the delay does not indicate lack of interest.

And how would that be a technical reason ? If you disagree with the philosophy,
that's not a technical problem. That's just a opinion. Show a real technical 
not here is the design decided 20 years ago and that was ignored by several 
components. heck, even in 1989, people wrote the unix hater handbook to
explain how the philosophy is wrong. For example, the example of cat not being
following this design anymore. No one throw a fuse over it, despites being
here, documented and visible by all since more than 20 years.
And I know Debian has popularized the idea of release when it is ready, but 
also the exact definition of vaporware. And people do not even have a estimation
of the work. Not knowing what solution to choose do not preclude from saying 
the time one of them would take. In fact, it would even help to choose.
 In fact, a quick google check would even give you the required
 knowledge of why it is better to link :
 You can compare the code with link to systemd library vs cut and
 paste in every source code. As a exercise, you can
 surely add use dlopen() and see which one is simpler and easier to maintain
 in the long term.
 Then it will be your turn to explain why it is better to cut and paste or
 link statically the library, or why it is better to have to patch every 
 to use dlopen().
 Not sure how we went from entanglement issues to PID tracking, but
 granting your point, it still doesn't explain how we arrive at kdb,
 console and qcodes in PID 1. :)

Because the blog post say how and why stuff requires to be linked with systemd. 
As you didn't
explain what you mean by hairballs ( ie, what requires exactly you are speaking 
about )
it is hard to explain it. I am sure that if you were precise, it can be 
explained or 

Re: systemd for administrators, printable version.

2014-11-17 Thread Erwan David
Le 17/11/2014 17:39, Brian a écrit :
 On Mon 17 Nov 2014 at 15:29:21 +0100, Erwan David wrote:

 Is there a printable/epub/pdf version of systemd for administrators ?

 20+ HTML pages is very difficult to read, just becaus it requires mouse 

 Even one only HTML page would be better.
 DIY. Save the pages to file, 1.pdf, 2.pdf etc, from the browser. Then

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=SFA.pdf 1.pdf 2.pdf 

Which would (in addition to being tedious) do an ugly job because of web
pages decorations and the fact that a webpage does not map well on a pdf

And no need to be so contemptuous, I know such a solution exists, with
a very poor result.

It is strage how any question about systemd documentation inevitably
leads to such despise.

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Re: no C-h i m emacs ??

2014-11-17 Thread Don Armstrong
On Mon, 17 Nov 2014, Harry Putnam wrote:
 With emacs24-lucid installed, I can find no info files for emacs-24

They're in the emacs24-common-non-dfsg package, which is in non-free.

Don Armstrong

Maybe I did steal your heart
and I am such a perfect criminal
that you never noticed
 -- a softer world #481

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Re: systemd for administrators, printable version.

2014-11-17 Thread Curt
On 2014-11-17, Erwan David wrote:

 Which would (in addition to being tedious) do an ugly job because of web
 pages decorations and the fact that a webpage does not map well on a pdf

In iceweasal printing to file turns out a nice-looking pdf in my

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