Re: Petició de consell - Processament de correus "en massa"

2017-02-08 Thread Sisco Garcia

El 09/02/17 a les 02:00, Orestes Mas ha escrit:

Ei, no us hi escalfeu el cap. He trobat un complement per l'Icedove que
fa molt aproximadament el que busco.

Bon dia Orestes,

Pots dir-nos quin és per si podem aprofitar-lo la gent que sí que fem 
servir l'icedove?

Gràcies ;)

Passa que no uso habitualment l'Icedove i no ho havia vist. Perdó pel

Ara només em restarà processar els missatges "no estàndards":

- Sembla ser que alguns dispositius d'Apple envien els adjunts d'una
forma poc ortodoxa.

- Per què a la gent se li acut enviar les fotos dins d'un document word???


El 08/02/17 a les 23:20, Orestes Mas ha escrit:


A l'escola del nano volen fer un llibre amb fotos per final de primària.
A tal efecte s'ha demanat a totes les famílies que envïin correus amb
fotografies adjuntes a una bústia creada a tal efecte, la qual és
accessible via IMAP.

Com que són força correus, m'agradaria programar/utilitzar algun
procediment automàtic que anés recorrent la llista de correus rebuts i
desant els adjunts en carpetes diferents (amb el nom del remitent, per

Vosaltres com ho faríeu? Coneixeu alguna eina / procediment que pugui
fer això mateix, ja sigui directament o amb una mica de configuració prèvia?

En cas que no hi hagi més remei que programar-ho, què empraríeu? Scripts
de bash? Python (amb quines biblioteques)? Perl? Altres? Haig de dir que
amb el Python o el bash encara em veig en cor de posar-hi mà, però amb
la resta hauria de ser una solució bastant tancada perquè no en sé un
borrall i el temps que em portaria ficar-m'hi no compensa l'esforç de
processar els missatges a mà.

Gràcies de bestreta.


Sisco Garcia gpg 00CE95B1

Ací treballem amb GNU-LINUX UBUNTU en català.
Ubuntu Registered User #17544
Linux Registered User #456988
Membre de la Free Software Foundation #7289 

P Abans d'imprimir aquest correu pensa bé si és necessari fer-ho.

Once again: alt as my meta key

2017-02-08 Thread Bob Bernstein
When I boot my Jessie it brings me, as desired, to a bash 
command line prompt (no X at this stage of the game).

If I then launch the jed editor (or emacs -nw) from that prompt, 
pressing Alt-x on the keyboard, produces the M-x prompt where 
jed wants it.

I then can enter startx and arrive in my desired icewm 
X desktop, I can then launch an xterm and, in it, jed, or emacs. 
But only Esc-x on the keyboard produces the wanted M-x prompt 
these editors.

Somewhere, somehow X (xorg, to be more precise) has eaten my 
M-x. Can anyone help me get my Meta key -- Alt -- back?

"Natasha! First we shoot jet, then we go after moose and squirrel."

Re: Petició de consell - Processament de correus "en massa"

2017-02-08 Thread Aniol Martí
Bon dia,

No et responc a la pregunta directament perquè ara mateix no se m'acut com
Però personalment, si fos possible, miraria de fer un formulari web i
penjar les fotos allà, així ja quedarien guardades totes juntes i se'ls
podria donar el nom que es posi al formulari.


Enviat des del mòbil!

El dia 9 febr. 2017 12:15 a. m., "Orestes Mas"  va

> Benvolgudes,
> A l'escola del nano volen fer un llibre amb fotos per final de primària.
> A tal efecte s'ha demanat a totes les famílies que envïin correus amb
> fotografies adjuntes a una bústia creada a tal efecte, la qual és
> accessible via IMAP.
> Com que són força correus, m'agradaria programar/utilitzar algun
> procediment automàtic que anés recorrent la llista de correus rebuts i
> desant els adjunts en carpetes diferents (amb el nom del remitent, per
> exemple).
> Vosaltres com ho faríeu? Coneixeu alguna eina / procediment que pugui
> fer això mateix, ja sigui directament o amb una mica de configuració
> prèvia?
> En cas que no hi hagi més remei que programar-ho, què empraríeu? Scripts
> de bash? Python (amb quines biblioteques)? Perl? Altres? Haig de dir que
> amb el Python o el bash encara em veig en cor de posar-hi mà, però amb
> la resta hauria de ser una solució bastant tancada perquè no en sé un
> borrall i el temps que em portaria ficar-m'hi no compensa l'esforç de
> processar els missatges a mà.
> Gràcies de bestreta.
> Orestes.

Re: Montar HD externo

2017-02-08 Thread Ricardo Ramos
O HD é novo? Já usou ele alguma vez? Se usar ele no Windows ele abre

Se a resposta pra essas perguntas for "não", então formata o HD, aconselho
a usar o Gparted, criar uma nova tabela de partições e criar uma nova
partição NTFS.

Caso tenha alguns dados no HD, mente no Windows, faça o backup e depois
proceda a formatação. O filesystem reconhecido não é um NTFS, pode ter
alguma coisa de errado com ele, e outra, no HD principal do PC VC também te
esse filesystem, a máquina tem dual noite?

Pergunto porque nunca vi esse filesystem (Microsoft Basic data) antes.

A Qui, 9 de fev de 2017, 04:43, Rodolfo  escreveu:

> Pelo que vi, seu HD tem um tipo de filesystem chamado Microsoft Basic
> Data, ele é novo? Já formatou ele alguma vez? Talvez precise formatá-lo
> para NTFS, ou FAT, já verificou o manual do fabricante do mesmo?
> Aparentemente seu HD é esse /dev/sdb, porém esse tipo de filesystem eu
> nunca vi.
> Abraços.
> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 20:37, Anderson Gusmão 
> escreveu:
> Há! Meu HD tem um 1 TB sim.. =D
> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 21:36, Anderson Gusmão 
> escreveu:
> Aparece isso essa imagem em anexo...
> Será que existe a possibilidade do HD esta corrompido?
> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 21:32, Rodolfo  escreveu:
> Olá, consegui perceber na saída do fdisk -l um disco denominado /dev/sdb,
> seu HD externo tem 1 TB?
> Tente esse comando como root:
> # mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt
> Você pode substituir o /mnt por outro diretório, faça esse teste e depois
> tente acessar o caminho da montagem.
> Abraços.
> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 20:18, Anderson Gusmão 
> escreveu:
> Olá!
> Essas são as saídas dos comandos ...
> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 03:04, Rodolfo  escreveu:
> Espete o HD externo na porta USB, depois como root digite:
> # lsusb
> e também
> # fdisk -l
> e também
> # cat /etc/mtab
> e poste a saída desses comandos,
> Abraços.
> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 00:24, Anderson Gusmão 
> escreveu:
> Galera, estou com uma pequena dificuldade, tento montar o meu hd externo,
> porém não estou conseguindo pela linha de comando com mount e ntfs-3g e
> também tentei pelo gparted e nada até agora... Será que alguém tem alguma
> ideia de como posso proceder.
> Fico no aguardo e muito obrigado. Abraços
> --
> *Anderson Gusmão*
> Telefone: (81) 9630.8494
> E-mail:
> "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
> pensar."
> (Dom Hélder Câmara)
> --
> *Anderson Gusmão*
> Telefone: (81) 9630.8494
> E-mail:
> "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
> pensar."
> (Dom Hélder Câmara)
> --
> *Anderson Gusmão*
> Telefone: (81) 9630.8494
> E-mail:
> "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
> pensar."
> (Dom Hélder Câmara)
> --
> *Anderson Gusmão*
> Telefone: (81) 9630.8494
> E-mail:
> "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
> pensar."
> (Dom Hélder Câmara)
> --

Ricardo Ramos
+927 927 953 770
Técnico de Informática

Re: Keys management (SSH, GPG)

2017-02-08 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2017 08 Feb 18:22 -0600, wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a Debian 8.7 user.
> # SSH
> I would like to know if there is an efficient way to manage SSH keys?

There are probably better ways.  I pulled the ideas for the following
from the Web.

I put the following in ~/.bash_profile:


# ~/.bash_profile

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc

# Start keychain for sessionwide access
export SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/ssh-askpass-fullscreen
eval $(keychain --eval id_abcd id_defg id_hijk id_lmno id_pqrs)


The relevant packages I installed were:


If I log into a virtual console first then I am prompted for my
specified SSH keys before I get a Bash prompt.  Likewise, when I log
into Xfce (or any desktop from a graphical login manager) then a full
screen prompt appears for the passwords before the desktop loads.

As for GPG, I don't use an agent.


- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

Re: Montar HD externo

2017-02-08 Thread Rodolfo
Pelo que vi, seu HD tem um tipo de filesystem chamado Microsoft Basic Data,
ele é novo? Já formatou ele alguma vez? Talvez precise formatá-lo para
NTFS, ou FAT, já verificou o manual do fabricante do mesmo? Aparentemente
seu HD é esse /dev/sdb, porém esse tipo de filesystem eu nunca vi.


Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 20:37, Anderson Gusmão 

> Há! Meu HD tem um 1 TB sim.. =D
> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 21:36, Anderson Gusmão 
> escreveu:
>> Aparece isso essa imagem em anexo...
>> Será que existe a possibilidade do HD esta corrompido?
>> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 21:32, Rodolfo  escreveu:
>>> Olá, consegui perceber na saída do fdisk -l um disco denominado
>>> /dev/sdb, seu HD externo tem 1 TB?
>>> Tente esse comando como root:
>>> # mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt
>>> Você pode substituir o /mnt por outro diretório, faça esse teste e
>>> depois tente acessar o caminho da montagem.
>>> Abraços.
>>> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 20:18, Anderson Gusmão 
>>> escreveu:
 Essas são as saídas dos comandos ...

 Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 03:04, Rodolfo  escreveu:

> Espete o HD externo na porta USB, depois como root digite:
> # lsusb
> e também
> # fdisk -l
> e também
> # cat /etc/mtab
> e poste a saída desses comandos,
> Abraços.
> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 00:24, Anderson Gusmão <
>> escreveu:
>> Galera, estou com uma pequena dificuldade, tento montar o meu hd
>> externo, porém não estou conseguindo pela linha de comando com mount e
>> ntfs-3g e também tentei pelo gparted e nada até agora... Será que alguém
>> tem alguma ideia de como posso proceder.
>> Fico no aguardo e muito obrigado. Abraços
>> --
>> *Anderson Gusmão*
>> Telefone: (81) 9630.8494
>> E-mail:
>> "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
>> pensar."
>> (Dom Hélder Câmara)

 *Anderson Gusmão*
 Telefone: (81) 9630.8494

 "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
 (Dom Hélder Câmara)

>> --
>> *Anderson Gusmão*
>> Telefone: (81) 9630.8494
>> E-mail:
>> "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
>> pensar."
>> (Dom Hélder Câmara)
> --
> *Anderson Gusmão*
> Telefone: (81) 9630.8494
> E-mail:
> "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
> pensar."
> (Dom Hélder Câmara)

Re: determining subnet mask using ip but not using ifconfig in debian 9.0 (stretch)

2017-02-08 Thread Dan Hitt
Thanks Marc, so indeed it does (and i guess 'ip -4 addr' or 'ip -4 a'
would work fine for me).

(Aside from google, i did a search for 'mask' in the ip man page and
didn't see anything, but your command sure settles the issue.)


On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 7:23 PM, Marc Auslander  wrote:
> Dan Hitt  writes:
>> What is the preferred way to determine the subnet mask of your box
>> using /bin/ip on debian 9.0 (stretch)?
>> In the old days, this sort of information would come out of ifconfig,
>> but it looks like debian really wants to get away from ifconfig, and i
>> think use ip as a sort of replacement.
>> So i would like to do the same thing, using ip or whatever the debian
>> people think is the best practice.
>> I tried to search for this information using google, but not very skillfully.
>> TIA for any info.
>> dan
> On squeeze ip addr does it for me.

Re: determining subnet mask using ip but not using ifconfig in debian 9.0 (stretch)

2017-02-08 Thread Marc Auslander
Dan Hitt  writes:

> What is the preferred way to determine the subnet mask of your box
> using /bin/ip on debian 9.0 (stretch)?
> In the old days, this sort of information would come out of ifconfig,
> but it looks like debian really wants to get away from ifconfig, and i
> think use ip as a sort of replacement.
> So i would like to do the same thing, using ip or whatever the debian
> people think is the best practice.
> I tried to search for this information using google, but not very skillfully.
> TIA for any info.
> dan

On squeeze ip addr does it for me.

determining subnet mask using ip but not using ifconfig in debian 9.0 (stretch)

2017-02-08 Thread Dan Hitt
What is the preferred way to determine the subnet mask of your box
using /bin/ip on debian 9.0 (stretch)?

In the old days, this sort of information would come out of ifconfig,
but it looks like debian really wants to get away from ifconfig, and i
think use ip as a sort of replacement.

So i would like to do the same thing, using ip or whatever the debian
people think is the best practice.

I tried to search for this information using google, but not very skillfully.

TIA for any info.


Re: Debian-ML_Automatically spoof MAC address

2017-02-08 Thread commentsabout


Thank you for your answer.

On 2017-02-09 01:19, Pyroteus wrote:

-  give a try # tail

Do you mean "Tails"? Tails is not an option here.

- type on your browser : how to spoof his MAC address on linux

Yeah, I did that, didn't find any working solution so I came and asked 


I know how to spoof a mac address temporarily and permanently, that's 
not what I'm trying to do.

- Modern Linux distributions like Ubuntu typically use Network
Manager, which provides a graphical way to spoof a MAC address. For
example, on Ubuntu you’d click the network icon on the top panel,
click Edit Connections, select the network connection you want to
modify, and click Edit. On the Ethernet tab, you’d enter a new MAC
address under “Cloned MAC address” and save your changes.

Network Manager is broken when it comes to mac address spoofing, I'm too 
tired right too go and find the bugs back there are/were a series of bug 
about the fact that Network Manager won't honor mac address passed to it 
through the GUI or simply won't let the mac address being changed.

IIRC, the devs didn't see the point of fixing that behavior and that's 
why 90% of the articles you can find about "how to spoof the mac address 
via a GUI" discourage the use of network manager and the reason why it's 
not used in tails [1].


And while we are stuck in Prehistory with network manager on our 
desktops, iOS (a fucking mobile operating system) randomizes the mac 
address of the device even for scanning [2].



Re: HELP! Re: How to fix I/O errors?

2017-02-08 Thread rhkramer
On Wednesday, February 08, 2017 06:37:55 PM Marc Shapiro wrote:
> On 02/08/2017 03:06 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
> > On 02/08/2017 04:38 PM, Marc Shapiro wrote:
> > Careful there, I would not copy any of the /home/username/dot-files or
> > dot directories over, except like .mozilla and .thunderbird, so you
> > don't carry over some old and crufty setting that might have been
> > problematic. To spare you nightmares like this one, I use the /opt
> > directory on a separate partition for all of my personal data.
> > So, I use /opt/ric/Documents and in my brand-new /home/ric directory I
> > delete the newly created Documents directory and then link (ln -s
> > /opt/ric/Documents Documents) and do the same with the other familiar
> > home directories like Videos, Music, Downloads, everything except
> > Desktop. If something goes ape, systemk-wise, you can do a fresh
> > install of / (root) directory and leave /opt alone. I've done this
> > since the old Caldera days. Nary a burp in the barrel! Ric

Why not make your own top level directory, i.e. /ric (with Documents and 
such)--that's what I do.

> I don't usually go quite that far, but photos, videos, and virtual disks
> are all in /usr/local/  which I will also need to copy over.  

Same comment as above--why not make your own top level directory for that 
stuff.  (Reading the File Hierarchy Standard (FHS), I don't think that is quite 
the intent of /usr/local--and could make some things inconvenient at one time 
or another...)

> You say to
> avoid copying   except .mozilla and .thunderbird.  I have 117 such
> dot-files and dot-directories.  Are you saying only to leave .mozilla
> and .thunderbird and have everything else rebuild when it is next used.
> Admittedly, that will get rid of some cruft, but how should I determine
> if there are others that I should keep?
> I tried to format the new drive using st (Seagate Tools).  It said that
> it would remove all data, which is expected, but nothing was removed!
> It also took less than a minute.  Should I be using /dev/sda in the
> command line instead of /dev/sg0 (which is how st -l lists the drive?
> Marc
> Marc

Re: HELP! Re: How to fix I/O errors?

2017-02-08 Thread David Christensen

On 02/08/17 15:59, Marc Shapiro wrote:

So how do I lay down a low level format on [the new 1 TB] drive?

I would use the SeaTools bootable CD to fill the drive with zeroes:

On 02/03/17 23:13, David Christensen wrote:
> Sometimes you get lucky and the tool is a live CD:


Re: Petició de consell - Processament de correus "en massa"

2017-02-08 Thread Orestes Mas
Ei, no us hi escalfeu el cap. He trobat un complement per l'Icedove que
fa molt aproximadament el que busco.

Passa que no uso habitualment l'Icedove i no ho havia vist. Perdó pel

Ara només em restarà processar els missatges "no estàndards":

- Sembla ser que alguns dispositius d'Apple envien els adjunts d'una
forma poc ortodoxa.

- Per què a la gent se li acut enviar les fotos dins d'un document word???


El 08/02/17 a les 23:20, Orestes Mas ha escrit:
> Benvolgudes,
> A l'escola del nano volen fer un llibre amb fotos per final de primària.
> A tal efecte s'ha demanat a totes les famílies que envïin correus amb
> fotografies adjuntes a una bústia creada a tal efecte, la qual és
> accessible via IMAP.
> Com que són força correus, m'agradaria programar/utilitzar algun
> procediment automàtic que anés recorrent la llista de correus rebuts i
> desant els adjunts en carpetes diferents (amb el nom del remitent, per
> exemple).
> Vosaltres com ho faríeu? Coneixeu alguna eina / procediment que pugui
> fer això mateix, ja sigui directament o amb una mica de configuració prèvia?
> En cas que no hi hagi més remei que programar-ho, què empraríeu? Scripts
> de bash? Python (amb quines biblioteques)? Perl? Altres? Haig de dir que
> amb el Python o el bash encara em veig en cor de posar-hi mà, però amb
> la resta hauria de ser una solució bastant tancada perquè no en sé un
> borrall i el temps que em portaria ficar-m'hi no compensa l'esforç de
> processar els missatges a mà.
> Gràcies de bestreta.
> Orestes.

Re: Automatically spoof MAC address when interface is brought down

2017-02-08 Thread commentsabout


Thank you for you answer.

On 2017-02-08 16:38, Michael Lange wrote:

Does this help:

No :(

That is strange, the file already exists (it is a symbolic link):

ls -la /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   28 Feb  9  2015 macchanger -> 

cat /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/macchanger


So, even though the script is there, it does not seem to work.


PS. note that it might be a relic of a previous attempt at this, I try 
to achieve this behavior from now and then but I constantly fail and end 
up doing the work manually via the cli :(

Re: Keys management (SSH, GPG)

2017-02-08 Thread commentsabout

On 2017-02-08 16:20, wrote:

either connect to servers via ssh or to work with on remote servers.

[...] to work with _git_ [...]


Re: Skype

2017-02-08 Thread ken

On 02/07/2017 03:25 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Skype on Linux is terrible and crashes randomly, even after fixing the
Pulseaudio issue. No other software I've ever used on Linux causes as
many problems as Skype. Obviously this problem ultimately comes from
Microsoft, but nevertheless many of us need Skype for communications
with colleagues running a non-Linux OS since it is the overwhelming
market leader in VOIP; this is especially common in a business environment.

Skype needs to run on Linux with the same stability that it does on
Windows and MacOS, WITHOUT resorting to installing WINE, and preferably
without relying on WebRTC.

If you could develop a non-Skype Linux client with the ability to easily
communicate on the Skype platform --- something open source but which
has compatibility with Skype, coordinated with Microsoft --- that would
be ideal. But relying on Microsoft to develop good software for Linux
has proven to be a losing proposition and I'm sure is stifling the
adoption of Linux by a wider audience.

Having frequent connection drop-outs with Skype on different Linux and 
Android platforms, I switched over to Hangouts, a Google product.  It's 
better, buy still not as good as I'd like.  Now I'm trying to migrate 
over to Signal, a Whisper Systems product, but as with all of them, 
people on both ends need to use the same product and there aren't yet a 
lot of people using Signal.  More info about it at 

Bug report: after booting, if laptop lid is closed without login in, the computer doesn't go to sleep

2017-02-08 Thread commentsabout


I am a Debian 8.7 user (with Gnome 3.14.1).
On a Thinkpad X220.

I do not know where this bug would be best reported so I will let people 
with more knowledge than me about these sort of things fill a bug in the 
proper place.

# laptop lid closure not taken into account

When I start my computer and reach the login screen, if I close my 
laptop lid, the computer won't go to sleep mode *.

It goes actually beyond that.

If I login but don't open any application (such as the file explorer or 
firefox or whatever) and close the laptop lid, the computer won't go to 
sleep mode *.

* until I either login and open an application or just open an 
application depending on the case.

# cancelling a shutdown prevents the user from calling a shutdown again 
from the menu

This bug migh be related so I will leave it here as well.

If click on the top right menu on my desktop (the one withe the wifi 
indicator etc), click on the "power button" icon and then chose "cancel" 
in the dialog box, I can not shut the computer again via this menu until 
next reboot/logout-and-in, the only way to shut the computer down is to:

shutdown now

Hope this is helpful and will be reported to the right people/place.


Re: Automatically spoof MAC address when interface is brought down

2017-02-08 Thread Michael Lange

On Wed, 08 Feb 2017 16:26:35 -0800 wrote:

> Hello,
> I am a Debian 8.7 user.
> I use the default Network Manager.
> I would like to know if there is a way to automatically spoof the MAC 
> address of my wireless interface every time I bring down (and up)?
> I have a Thinkpad x210 and there is a physical switch for the wifi 
> interface. For the time being, every time I close my laptop lid and
> open it up again, I have to manually:
> > su
> > macchanger -a wlan0
> > exit
> Is there a way to automate this?

Does this help:



.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

I object to intellect without discipline;  I object to power without
constructive purpose.
-- Spock, "The Squire of Gothos", stardate 2124.5

Re: Montar HD externo

2017-02-08 Thread Rodolfo
Olá, consegui perceber na saída do fdisk -l um disco denominado /dev/sdb,
seu HD externo tem 1 TB?

Tente esse comando como root:

# mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt

Você pode substituir o /mnt por outro diretório, faça esse teste e depois
tente acessar o caminho da montagem.


Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 20:18, Anderson Gusmão 

> Olá!
> Essas são as saídas dos comandos ...
> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 03:04, Rodolfo  escreveu:
>> Espete o HD externo na porta USB, depois como root digite:
>> # lsusb
>> e também
>> # fdisk -l
>> e também
>> # cat /etc/mtab
>> e poste a saída desses comandos,
>> Abraços.
>> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 00:24, Anderson Gusmão 
>> escreveu:
>>> Galera, estou com uma pequena dificuldade, tento montar o meu hd
>>> externo, porém não estou conseguindo pela linha de comando com mount e
>>> ntfs-3g e também tentei pelo gparted e nada até agora... Será que alguém
>>> tem alguma ideia de como posso proceder.
>>> Fico no aguardo e muito obrigado. Abraços
>>> --
>>> *Anderson Gusmão*
>>> Telefone: (81) 9630.8494
>>> E-mail:
>>> "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
>>> pensar."
>>> (Dom Hélder Câmara)
> --
> *Anderson Gusmão*
> Telefone: (81) 9630.8494
> E-mail:
> "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de
> pensar."
> (Dom Hélder Câmara)

Automatically spoof MAC address when interface is brought down

2017-02-08 Thread commentsabout


I am a Debian 8.7 user.
I use the default Network Manager.

I would like to know if there is a way to automatically spoof the MAC 
address of my wireless interface every time I bring down (and up)?

I have a Thinkpad x210 and there is a physical switch for the wifi 
interface. For the time being, every time I close my laptop lid and open 
it up again, I have to manually:

macchanger -a wlan0

Is there a way to automate this?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Keys management (SSH, GPG)

2017-02-08 Thread commentsabout


I am a Debian 8.7 user.


I would like to know if there is an efficient way to manage SSH keys?

I have multiple SSH keys (rsa, ed25519) that I use all day long to 
either connect to servers via ssh or to work with on remote servers.

I would like to know if there it is possible to unlock my keys (being 
prompted once for their passwords) when the my session starts and keep 
them unlocked until the session is closed.

I have found information about ssh-agent and ssh-add but it doesn't 
provide the behavior that I would like to reach in the sense that I have 
to manually...

eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add /path/to/my-key1
ssh-add /path/to/my-key2
ssh-add /path/to/my-key3
ssh-add /path/to/my-key4

... every time I open/close my session (while I would like to just have 
to provide my passwords). Furthermore, it seems that my ed25519 keys do 
not remain cached for more than a couple of minutes (while the rsa4096 
ones remain without problem).


This list is probably not the right place to ask but I will give it a 

The question is quite the same for PGP/GPG. I use GPG/PGP extensively 
via Thunderbird and its Enigmail extension. There are known issues 
between Gnome Keyring and gpg-agent [1]. I would like to achieve what is 
described above for SSH, namely being prompted once per session for my 
GPG (whatever key) password and that's it.

I also extensively use the "pass" command-line tool (GPG based, password 
manager- awesome!) which prompts me for my password every now and then. 
A cached unlocked GPG key would be tremendously useful here too.


Thank you in advance for your help,

Re: HELP! Re: How to fix I/O errors?

2017-02-08 Thread Marc Shapiro

On 02/08/2017 03:37 PM, Marc Shapiro wrote:

On 02/08/2017 03:06 PM, Ric Moore wrote:

On 02/08/2017 04:38 PM, Marc Shapiro wrote:

On 02/08/2017 01:26 PM, Ric Moore wrote:

On 02/08/2017 02:37 AM, Marc Shapiro wrote:
How it went is not well.  I tested the new drive with SeagateTools 
it was fine.  Then I made a clonezilla live CD and booted from 
it.  It
stopped on the first read error with a message saying to restart 

the rescue option.  I did that.  After 5 hours it finished without
mentioning any errors.

I tried to boot to the old disk (since it was still wired that 
way).  I
got dropped int a maintenance shell with fs errors in /dev/sda4 
which is
the physical volume for all my LVM logical volumes -- /usr, /var, 

and /temp.  It says to run fsck manually.

I decided to try the new drive, so I changed the cables and 

Maintenance shell, again.

/ mounted clean

lvm started

/home fs has errors run fsck (at this point, I'm afraid to try it)

/var, /usr, and /tmp all say that the superblock can not be read, 
or is

invalid.  Try running

e2fsck -b 8193 
e2fsck -b 32768 

Which do I use?

How did trying to clone the disk nake such a mess of BOTH disks?

You cloned a mess, you got a perfect copy. I'd do a clean install to
the new drive, after formatting the entire drive. Once you boot into
that drive, mount the old drive. It should show up in 

Then copy the directories of personal stuff you want to keep to a new
location on the new drive. I use cp -raf 
 and everything, including sub-directories, file
ownership and file permissions are preserved. If a file is clunky, it
won't copy it and should proceed.

Next, if you are in your office, observe if the window is open. If
yes, throw the old drive out of it. :) Ric


As soon as I finished my last post (above) I realized that what you
suggest is exactly what I should have done in the first place. Why I
did not realize that earlier (and save myself a lot of headaches) I do
not know.  The system is now booting to the old drive, just as it did
before.  I think it just needed a good night's sleep.  I know that I 

My next steps are:

Format new drive

Install fresh on new drive

Mount and copy /home from old drive to new drive

Careful there, I would not copy any of the /home/username/dot-files 
or dot directories over, except like .mozilla and .thunderbird, so 
you don't carry over some old and crufty setting that might have been 
problematic. To spare you nightmares like this one, I use the /opt 
directory on a separate partition for all of my personal data.
So, I use /opt/ric/Documents and in my brand-new /home/ric directory 
I delete the newly created Documents directory and then link (ln -s 
/opt/ric/Documents Documents) and do the same with the other familiar 
home directories like Videos, Music, Downloads, everything except 
Desktop. If something goes ape, systemk-wise, you can do a fresh 
install of / (root) directory and leave /opt alone. I've done this 
since the old Caldera days. Nary a burp in the barrel! Ric

I don't usually go quite that far, but photos, videos, and virtual 
disks are all in /usr/local/  which I will also need to copy over.  
You say to avoid copying   except .mozilla and .thunderbird.  I have 
117 such dot-files and dot-directories.  Are you saying only to leave 
.mozilla and .thunderbird and have everything else rebuild when it is 
next used.  Admittedly, that will get rid of some cruft, but how 
should I determine if there are others that I should keep?

I tried to format the new drive using st (Seagate Tools).  It said 
that it would remove all data, which is expected, but nothing was 
removed!  It also took less than a minute.  Should I be using /dev/sda 
in the command line instead of /dev/sg0 (which is how st -l lists the 
I just tried this with 'st -i /dev/sda' (which should give drive info) 
and it does nothing, so that doesn't work.  So how do I lay down a low 
level format on this drive?



Re: HELP! Re: How to fix I/O errors?

2017-02-08 Thread Marc Shapiro

On 02/08/2017 03:06 PM, Ric Moore wrote:

On 02/08/2017 04:38 PM, Marc Shapiro wrote:

On 02/08/2017 01:26 PM, Ric Moore wrote:

On 02/08/2017 02:37 AM, Marc Shapiro wrote:

How it went is not well.  I tested the new drive with SeagateTools and
it was fine.  Then I made a clonezilla live CD and booted from it.  It
stopped on the first read error with a message saying to restart using
the rescue option.  I did that.  After 5 hours it finished without
mentioning any errors.

I tried to boot to the old disk (since it was still wired that 
way).  I
got dropped int a maintenance shell with fs errors in /dev/sda4 
which is
the physical volume for all my LVM logical volumes -- /usr, /var, 

and /temp.  It says to run fsck manually.

I decided to try the new drive, so I changed the cables and re-booted.

Maintenance shell, again.

/ mounted clean

lvm started

/home fs has errors run fsck (at this point, I'm afraid to try it)

/var, /usr, and /tmp all say that the superblock can not be read, 
or is

invalid.  Try running

e2fsck -b 8193 
e2fsck -b 32768 

Which do I use?

How did trying to clone the disk nake such a mess of BOTH disks?

You cloned a mess, you got a perfect copy. I'd do a clean install to
the new drive, after formatting the entire drive. Once you boot into
that drive, mount the old drive. It should show up in /media/
Then copy the directories of personal stuff you want to keep to a new
location on the new drive. I use cp -raf 
 and everything, including sub-directories, file
ownership and file permissions are preserved. If a file is clunky, it
won't copy it and should proceed.

Next, if you are in your office, observe if the window is open. If
yes, throw the old drive out of it. :) Ric


As soon as I finished my last post (above) I realized that what you
suggest is exactly what I should have done in the first place. Why I
did not realize that earlier (and save myself a lot of headaches) I do
not know.  The system is now booting to the old drive, just as it did
before.  I think it just needed a good night's sleep.  I know that I 

My next steps are:

Format new drive

Install fresh on new drive

Mount and copy /home from old drive to new drive

Careful there, I would not copy any of the /home/username/dot-files or 
dot directories over, except like .mozilla and .thunderbird, so you 
don't carry over some old and crufty setting that might have been 
problematic. To spare you nightmares like this one, I use the /opt 
directory on a separate partition for all of my personal data.
So, I use /opt/ric/Documents and in my brand-new /home/ric directory I 
delete the newly created Documents directory and then link (ln -s 
/opt/ric/Documents Documents) and do the same with the other familiar 
home directories like Videos, Music, Downloads, everything except 
Desktop. If something goes ape, systemk-wise, you can do a fresh 
install of / (root) directory and leave /opt alone. I've done this 
since the old Caldera days. Nary a burp in the barrel! Ric

I don't usually go quite that far, but photos, videos, and virtual disks 
are all in /usr/local/  which I will also need to copy over.  You say to 
avoid copying   except .mozilla and .thunderbird.  I have 117 such 
dot-files and dot-directories.  Are you saying only to leave .mozilla 
and .thunderbird and have everything else rebuild when it is next used.  
Admittedly, that will get rid of some cruft, but how should I determine 
if there are others that I should keep?

I tried to format the new drive using st (Seagate Tools).  It said that 
it would remove all data, which is expected, but nothing was removed!  
It also took less than a minute.  Should I be using /dev/sda in the 
command line instead of /dev/sg0 (which is how st -l lists the drive?



Re: Best way to set maximum number of open descriptors for a process

2017-02-08 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, Sven.

On 08/02/17 14:37, Sven Hartge wrote:

>> In this case, it seems that the service file for systemd is created
>> dynamically. Or I'm wrong?
>> root@conference:~# find / -name jitsi-videobridge.service
>> /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/system.slice/jitsi-videobridge.service
>> /run/systemd/generator.late/jitsi-videobridge.service
>> /run/systemd/generator.late/
>> /run/systemd/generator.late/
>> /run/systemd/generator.late/
>> /run/systemd/generator.late/

> You can also generate override files for dynamically generated units by
> creating /etc/systemd/system/jitsi-videobridge.service.d/configname.conf
> "configname" can be whatever you want.
> In this file you then put
> ,
> | [Service]
> | LimitNOFILE=65536
> `
> and do a "systemctl daemon-reload".
> If you now "systemctl cat jitsi-videobridge.service" you should get the
> output of the generated file and your appended override config.

Great! That worked! It seems that the only value specified in
LimitNOFILE applies to both the soft and hard limit.

Thank you very much for your reply.

Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Petició de consell - Processament de correus "en massa"

2017-02-08 Thread Orestes Mas

A l'escola del nano volen fer un llibre amb fotos per final de primària.
A tal efecte s'ha demanat a totes les famílies que envïin correus amb
fotografies adjuntes a una bústia creada a tal efecte, la qual és
accessible via IMAP.

Com que són força correus, m'agradaria programar/utilitzar algun
procediment automàtic que anés recorrent la llista de correus rebuts i
desant els adjunts en carpetes diferents (amb el nom del remitent, per

Vosaltres com ho faríeu? Coneixeu alguna eina / procediment que pugui
fer això mateix, ja sigui directament o amb una mica de configuració prèvia?

En cas que no hi hagi més remei que programar-ho, què empraríeu? Scripts
de bash? Python (amb quines biblioteques)? Perl? Altres? Haig de dir que
amb el Python o el bash encara em veig en cor de posar-hi mà, però amb
la resta hauria de ser una solució bastant tancada perquè no en sé un
borrall i el temps que em portaria ficar-m'hi no compensa l'esforç de
processar els missatges a mà.

Gràcies de bestreta.


Re: HELP! Re: How to fix I/O errors?

2017-02-08 Thread Ric Moore

On 02/08/2017 04:38 PM, Marc Shapiro wrote:

On 02/08/2017 01:26 PM, Ric Moore wrote:

On 02/08/2017 02:37 AM, Marc Shapiro wrote:

How it went is not well.  I tested the new drive with SeagateTools and
it was fine.  Then I made a clonezilla live CD and booted from it.  It
stopped on the first read error with a message saying to restart using
the rescue option.  I did that.  After 5 hours it finished without
mentioning any errors.

I tried to boot to the old disk (since it was still wired that way).  I
got dropped int a maintenance shell with fs errors in /dev/sda4 which is
the physical volume for all my LVM logical volumes -- /usr, /var, /home
and /temp.  It says to run fsck manually.

I decided to try the new drive, so I changed the cables and re-booted.

Maintenance shell, again.

/ mounted clean

lvm started

/home fs has errors run fsck (at this point, I'm afraid to try it)

/var, /usr, and /tmp all say that the superblock can not be read, or is
invalid.  Try running

e2fsck -b 8193 
e2fsck -b 32768 

Which do I use?

How did trying to clone the disk nake such a mess of BOTH disks?

You cloned a mess, you got a perfect copy. I'd do a clean install to
the new drive, after formatting the entire drive. Once you boot into
that drive, mount the old drive. It should show up in /media/
Then copy the directories of personal stuff you want to keep to a new
location on the new drive. I use cp -raf 
 and everything, including sub-directories, file
ownership and file permissions are preserved. If a file is clunky, it
won't copy it and should proceed.

Next, if you are in your office, observe if the window is open. If
yes, throw the old drive out of it. :) Ric


As soon as I finished my last post (above) I realized that what you
suggest is exactly what I should have done in the first place.  Why I
did not realize that earlier (and save myself a lot of headaches) I do
not know.  The system is now booting to the old drive, just as it did
before.  I think it just needed a good night's sleep.  I know that I did.

My next steps are:

Format new drive

Install fresh on new drive

Mount and copy /home from old drive to new drive

Careful there, I would not copy any of the /home/username/dot-files or 
dot directories over, except like .mozilla and .thunderbird, so you 
don't carry over some old and crufty setting that might have been 
problematic. To spare you nightmares like this one, I use the /opt 
directory on a separate partition for all of my personal data.
So, I use /opt/ric/Documents and in my brand-new /home/ric directory I 
delete the newly created Documents directory and then link (ln -s 
/opt/ric/Documents Documents) and do the same with the other familiar 
home directories like Videos, Music, Downloads, everything except 
Desktop. If something goes ape, systemk-wise, you can do a fresh install 
of / (root) directory and leave /opt alone. I've done this since the old 
Caldera days. Nary a burp in the barrel! Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: [(fwd): Debian/Stretch - network-manager_1.4.4-1 and libbluetooth3_5.43-1]

2017-02-08 Thread Ennio-Sr
* deloptes  [080217, 19:45]:
> Ennio-Sr wrote:
> > ...
> I don't see dependency between network-manager and bluetooth in jessie
No, the dependency is on 'libbluetooth3' for Stretch version of
network-manager (1.6.0-1). No dependencies are shown for previous

> Even if NetworkManager is removed, you can still configure network easily.

Mmh, I started to feel lost when the 'route -n' showed no connection and
'ifup eth0' said 'unknown device' or something like that. 
Then I found older version 1.4.4-1, which is probably Jesiie's.

Regards, Ennio

[Perche' usare Win$ozz (dico io) se ..."anche uno sciocco sa farlo.   \\?//
 Fa' qualche cosa di cui non sei capace!"  (diceva Henry Miller) ](°|°)
[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.  )=(
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say) ]

Re: how to override a conffile (not using dpkg-divert)?

2017-02-08 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 07 Feb 2017, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> says
> "Do not attempt to divert a conffile, as dpkg does not handle it well."
> So I wonder what would you suggest to override a conffile (e.g.
> /etc/ssh/sshd_conf and /etc/ssh/ssh_conf) from another package
> depending upon the "conffile owner"?

If this is a private package which you are using to enforce your local
configuration, just change the conffile in your postinst [possibly after
checking that the conffile hasn't been modified.]

If this is a package which you are planning on having anyone else use,
then you basically shouldn't be touching /etc/ssh/ssh_config or
/etc/ssh/sshd_config, because you're likely to break things horribly.

Don Armstrong

Overcast nights are beautiful; the sun, mostly set, a near full moon
partially risen, light pollution from the city, and the sky delicately
purpleorangegray, as if it were a livid bruise.

Re: Installatie Debian voor PPC op ibook G4

2017-02-08 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 05-02-17 om 18:54 schreef Mark Eijkman:
> Hallo,
> lk heb geprobeerd Debian Jessie voor PowerPC op een iBook G4 te
> installeren. Het installatieproces verliep probleemloos. Bij het booten
> krijg ik twee keer een foutmelding, en aan het eind een zwart scherm,
> dan even een cursor, en dan de melding (een OpenFirmware scherm?) dat er
> iets is misgegaan en ik moet uitloggen en opnieuw opstarten.
> De twee rode FAILED meldingen zijn beide: /failed to start load kernel
> module/, maar die vliegen zo snel voorbij dat ik niet precies weet wat
> er aan de hand is. Ik heb wel onder die meldingen zien staan dat ik
> /systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service/ moet bekijken. Dat is
> met veel moeite gelukt, want alt (option) F2 werkte maar af en toe. Met
> nano gekeken. Er staan twee regels in, die blijkbaar verwijzen naar niet
> meer bestaande modules. Maar het leek ook onbelangrijk:
> Ik heb beide
> regels verwijderd, maar dat hielp ook niet.
> Iemand een idee? Ik ben een absolute beginner in Debian, wel wat
> *buntu-ervaring, Xubuntu is mijn dagelijkse systeem.

Het klinkt als onbelangrijke foutmeldingen die weinig kwaad kunnen, maar
wellicht storend zijn omdat het er niet zo mooi uit ziet.

Misschien kun je vertellen welke modules niet willen laden?

Systemd haalt de modules hier vandaan:

Als ze nergens staan, dan helpt het heel misschien om de modules te
blacklisten. Ik doe dat door een .conf-bestandje te maken in
/etc/modprobe.d/ . Met een inhoud zoals dit:
# usb video displaylink
blacklist udlfb
Maar eigenlijk lijkt me dat het om modules moet gaan die in
bovengenoemde mappen staan.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Re: Chromium y Chrome Web Store - Error en instalación de extensiones [SOLUCIONADO]

2017-02-08 Thread Javier ArgentinaBBAR
Para corregir el comportamiento en todos los usuarios, la forma
elegante de volver a habilitarlo, es editando


y agregar la línea

export CHROMIUM_FLAGS="$CHROMIUM_FLAGS --enable-remote-extensions"


Re: Chromium y Chrome Web Store - Error en instalación de extensiones [SOLUCIONADO]

2017-02-08 Thread Javier ArgentinaBBAR
El día 8 de febrero de 2017, 10:43, Juanjo Benages  escribió:
> El 08/02/17 a las 00:16, Javier ArgentinaBBAR escribió:
>> El día 5 de febrero de 2017, 14:45, JavierDebian
>>  escribió:
>>> Estimados:
>>> Me he actualizado a "stretch" en estos días, y me ha surgido un problema
>>> con
>>> Chromium.
>>> El navegador en cuestión, me acepta la integración con la cuenta de
>>> Google,
>>> pero no me permite instalar ninguna extensión de  Chrome Web Store.
>>> Aparece un cartel que dice "Se ha producido un error. Instalación no
>>> habilitada".
>>> En el mismo sistema, con Chrome no tengo ese inconveniente.
>>> He intentado reinstalación de Chromium, eliminación de toda la
>>> configuración, utilizado otra cuenta con otro usuario, tando de Linux
>>> como
>>> de Google, buscado sobre la cuestión y no tengo suerte.
>>> Me niego a usar Chrome (excepto para Netflix :)
>>> ¿Alguna sugerencia?
>>> Muchas gracias.
>>> JAP
>> ¿Nadie tiene una idea? ;(
> Es un cambio que han hecho aposta. Se puede leer en el changelog de chromium
> "Better handling of browser extensions (closes: #841401).
> - Only support locally installed extensions by default.
> - Add new command line flag --enable-remote-extensions, which bypasses
> the new default, allowing remote extensions and automatic updating."
> El cambio ha fastidiado bastante chromium. Puedes ver todos los errores, por
> ejemplo:
> Añadiendo a tu fichero .profile la siguiente línea chromium debería
> funcionar cómo antes.
> CHROMIUM_FLAGS='--enable-remote-extensions'

Juanjo, muchas gracias.
Se solucionó añadiendo en ~/.profiles esa línea.
Pero para que sea válido para todos los usuarios del sistema,
modifiqué el archivo de arranque de Chromium en

Ahora que tengo la punta del ovillo, veo como hacer una solución más
permanente, que no se vea afectada por las nuevas versiones que se


Re: Installatie Debian voor PPC op ibook G4

2017-02-08 Thread Geert Stappers
On Sun, Feb 05, 2017 at 06:54:05PM +0100, Mark Eijkman wrote:
> Hallo,
> lk heb geprobeerd Debian Jessie voor PowerPC op een iBook G4 te
> installeren. Het installatieproces verliep probleemloos. Bij het
> booten krijg ik twee keer een foutmelding, en aan het eind een zwart
> scherm, dan even een cursor, en dan de melding (een OpenFirmware
> scherm?) dat er iets is misgegaan en ik moet uitloggen en opnieuw
> opstarten.
> De twee rode FAILED meldingen zijn beide: /failed to start load
> kernel module/, maar die vliegen zo snel voorbij dat ik niet precies
> weet wat er aan de hand is. Ik heb wel onder die meldingen zien
> staan dat ik /systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service/ moet
> bekijken. Dat is met veel moeite gelukt, want alt (option) F2 werkte
> maar af en toe. Met nano gekeken. Er staan twee regels in, die
> blijkbaar verwijzen naar niet meer bestaande modules. Maar het leek
> ook onbelangrijk:
> Ik heb
> beide regels verwijderd, maar dat hielp ook niet.
> Iemand een idee? Ik ben een absolute beginner in Debian, wel wat
> *buntu-ervaring, Xubuntu is mijn dagelijkse systeem.
> Bij voorbaat dank!
> Mark

Bericht nu pas gezien.
Maar ik begrijp het niet.
Mijn inschatting is dat er gemeldt wordt "Werkt, nog het laatste loodje".

Deze e-mail is om te vragen: "Heb je inderdaad een werkend system?"
Of is 'Failed to start Load Kernel Modules' toch "fataal"?

Dat om in te schatten welke prioriteit de vraag met krijgen.

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

Re: apt's cache, was Re: Debian/Stretch - network-manager ...

2017-02-08 Thread David Wright
On Wed 08 Feb 2017 at 16:18:15 (+0100), Michael Biebl wrote:
> Am 08.02.2017 um 15:38 schrieb David Wright:
> > If you're worried about losing your .deb files, just copy
> > them (as a user) or move them (as root) anywhere else,
> > depending on how much storage you have. Using any of the -i
> > -n -u options will avoid unnecessary overwriting.
> Older deb files can be retrieved via

True, but my reply was to someone worried about lacking Internet
access at home, who said:

>>> People in my Shoes
>>> don't have the luxury of just hopping into the car any ol' time of day
>>> or night and running down to the library or wherever to gain Internet
>>> access long enough to replenish whatever was zapped by any not well
>>> known default setting.

One has to bear in mind that apt asks a lot of questions with
(a) a default answer and (b) no clearing of the type-ahead buffer.
So there may be people who live one keystroke away from accidentally
clearing their cache at times.


Re: CUPS in stretch does NOT WORK - Ricoh printer SP112 SP112-su

2017-02-08 Thread Brian
On Sun 05 Feb 2017 at 00:39:00 +, Roba wrote:

> Thank you very much Gene,
> You are the first person to ever mention that "the line was removed" for
> security paranoia, not that I mistakenly removed it by mistake over the
> past few months of it running under jessie and not running under
> stretch.  This is what I wanted to find out, why did this happen.
> Now it DOES make sense.
> I arrest my case!

This is a case of the perfect memory versus the contents of cups'
postinst script. The "perfect memory" is accessible to only one
person; the postinst script is accessible to everyone. All the
somebodies (that could be the OP if he feels inclined to other than
speculation and ad hominem) could examine it and point out where it
replaces 'Listen localhost:631' with something else.

Not that it is important in the grand scheme of things, but having
a technical detail or two wouldn't break the bank.


Re: [(fwd): Debian/Stretch - network-manager_1.4.4-1 and libbluetooth3_5.43-1]

2017-02-08 Thread deloptes
Ennio-Sr wrote:

> Of course, the deletion of network-manager is announced when you remove
> libbluetooth3 but I think it should be stressed by a stronger axplicit
> warning, also considering that while removing bluetooth one would not
> expect that network-manager will vanish altogether and could not notice
> the weak 'Remv network-manager ...' amon others.

NetworkManager depends on bluetooth because it can configure network via
bluetooth devices such as mobile phone, where you can use the phone as a

I don't see dependency between network-manager and bluetooth in jessie

$ apt-cache show network-manager
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.17), libdbus-1-3 (>= 1.0.2), libdbus-glib-1-2 (>=
0.102), libgcrypt20 (>= 1.6.0), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.37.3), libgnutls-deb0-28
(>= 3.3.0), libgudev-1.0-0 (>= 165), libmm-glib0 (>= 1.0.0), libndp0 (>=
1.2), libnewt0.52, libnl-3-200 (>= 3.2.21), libnl-genl-3-200 (>= 3.2.21),
libnl-route-3-200 (>= 3.2.7), libnm-glib4 (>=, libnm-util2 (>=, libpolkit-gobject-1-0 (>= 0.101), libreadline6 (>= 6.0),
libsoup2.4-1 (>= 2.39.3), libsystemd0, libteamdctl0 (>= 1.9), libuuid1 (>=
2.16), init-system-helpers (>= 1.18~), lsb-base (>= 3.2-14), wpasupplicant
(>= 0.7.3-1), dbus (>= 1.1.2), udev, adduser, isc-dhcp-client (>=
4.1.1-P1-4), libpam-systemd, policykit-1

Even if NetworkManager is removed, you can still configure network easily.


Re: Skype

2017-02-08 Thread deloptes wrote:

> Next Tuesday (Feb 14) is "I Love Free Software day", a good chance to
> tell your favorite developer that yes, you appreciate her/his job and
> to send her/him virtual hugs ♥♥♥
> Go ahead :)

haha, thank you tomas

Re: [qubes-devel] Why gets unattended-upgrades installed after Debian jessie -> Debian stretch upgrade?

2017-02-08 Thread Chris Laprise

On 02/06/2017 09:25 PM, Unman wrote:

On Mon, Feb 06, 2017 at 01:19:00PM +, Patrick Schleizer wrote:

The unattended-upgrades was not installed on my Debian jessie system.
After upgrading to Debian stretch, the package unattended-upgrades got
installed. 'reverse-depends unattended-upgrades' [1] did not make me any
wiser. There must be a gap of my apt knowledge. Can anyone shed light on
this please?

Best regards,

* education-common
* python3-software-properties

* parl-desktop
* plinth

Packages without architectures listed are reverse-dependencies in:
amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, hurd-i386, i386, kfreebsd-amd64,
kfreebsd-i386, mips, mips64el, mipsel, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x

I remember a thread last year saying that unattended-upgrades should be
installed by default, and enabled. I guess that is what you're seeing
here Patrick.
This was on debian-devel - I thought it related to d-i but it may be
brought in as default package on dist-upgrade.

have a look here:

Unfortunately it clashes with template usage patterns... and probably 
not great for template-based VMs either.

Automatic updates would be better initiated from dom0, since the 
templates don't run on a regular basis and there are VM maintenance 
issues as well.


Re: HELP! Re: How to fix I/O errors?

2017-02-08 Thread David Christensen

On 02/07/17 23:37, Marc Shapiro wrote:
> How it went is not well.

> David Christensen wrote:
>> Run memtest86+ for 24+ hours to verify that you don't have a memory
>> problem.

Did you test the memory?  If not, test it now just to be sure.

>> Use SeaTools to wipe the new 1 TB drive and run the short and long
>> tests.  Stop if anything fails.

I tested the new drive with SeagateTools and it
was fine.

Please confirm that you wiped the 1 TB recovery drive.

Then I made a clonezilla live CD and booted from it.  It stopped
on the first read error with a message saying to restart using the rescue
option.  I did that.  After 5 hours it finished without mentioning any

I tried to boot to the old disk (since it was still wired that way).  I got
dropped int a maintenance shell with fs errors in /dev/sda4 which is the
physical volume for all my LVM logical volumes -- /usr, /var, /home and
/temp.  It says to run fsck manually.

I decided to try the new drive, so I changed the cables and re-booted.

Maintenance shell, again.

/ mounted clean

lvm started

/home fs has errors run fsck (at this point, I'm afraid to try it)

/var, /usr, and /tmp all say that the superblock can not be read, or is
invalid.  Try running

e2fsck -b 8193 
e2fsck -b 32768 

Which do I use?


How did trying to clone the disk nake such a mess of BOTH disks?

Don't blame Clonezilla.  Everything is decaying -- you, me, those hard 
drives, etc..  With that in mind, do the most precious operations first 
-- because in 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, 1 
decade, 1 century, whatever, the data will be inaccessible without 
extraordinary means.

Forget about booting off the failing 1 TB disk.  Disconnect it for now.

Forget about booting off the 1 TB recovery disk.  It should now contain 
whatever blocks Clonezilla was able to recover.  It is now in a state 
analogous to Swiss cheese.  Disconnect it for now.

Any help getting a working system again will be greatly appreciated.

On the computer you use for e-mail, start an administration log folder 
for the machine in question.  Start a log.txt file and take notes.  Cut 
and paste what you can.  Photograph screens and transcribe what you 
can't.  Collect important files.  Put it all into a version control system.

>> I'd do a fresh install on a 16+ GB SSD (USB flash drives also
>> work).

Install SSH when you build the new system drive.

Use ssh(1) to log in from your e-mail computer.  Consider using 
script(1) to capture your console sessions, and scp(1) to copy out the 
files.  Read fsck(8) and consider your moves carefully.  Reconnect the 1 
TB recovery disk and see what fsck can recover.


Re: Best way to set maximum number of open descriptors for a process

2017-02-08 Thread Sven Hartge
Daniel Bareiro  wrote:
> On 08/02/17 10:20, Greg Wooledge wrote:

>>> The process starts as a service, so it does not require a shell:

>>> I had thought that I could add something to the script that starts the
>>> process, but I'm not sure if it's the best idea from the point of view
>>> of maintainability because a package update could eliminate that change.

>> I believe the correct approach is to add one of the limit= directives
>> to the systemd unit.  See systemd.exec(5) for details.  Searching for
>> the word "limit" gets you to the correct section.

> Very interesting. Thanks for the reference! I see that in this case the
> directive to use is LimitNOFILE=. Although I did not find the
> syntax (for example, LimitNOFILE=soft:hard).

The documentation is in systemd.exec(5).

> In this case, it seems that the service file for systemd is created
> dynamically. Or I'm wrong?

> root@conference:~# find / -name jitsi-videobridge.service
> /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/system.slice/jitsi-videobridge.service
> /run/systemd/generator.late/jitsi-videobridge.service
> /run/systemd/generator.late/
> /run/systemd/generator.late/
> /run/systemd/generator.late/
> /run/systemd/generator.late/

> Thanks for your reply.

You can also generate override files for dynamically generated units by
creating /etc/systemd/system/jitsi-videobridge.service.d/configname.conf

"configname" can be whatever you want.

In this file you then put

| [Service]
| LimitNOFILE=65536

and do a "systemctl daemon-reload".

If you now "systemctl cat jitsi-videobridge.service" you should get the
output of the generated file and your appended override config.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Publicity: Stretch Freeze/Release Team meeting very soon

2017-02-08 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, Greg.

On 08/02/17 14:15, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 02:08:13PM -0300, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing the news. These days I was looking for information on
>> whether Stretch was already in full freeze since the scheduled date was
>> last Sunday. But I had not found anything about it. I even planned to
>> ask on this list to see if anyone knew anything :-)

Ah, great. Thanks for sharing the reference. I will consider the source
for future searches :-)

Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Publicity: Stretch Freeze/Release Team meeting very soon

2017-02-08 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 02:08:13PM -0300, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
> Thanks for sharing the news. These days I was looking for information on
> whether Stretch was already in full freeze since the scheduled date was
> last Sunday. But I had not found anything about it. I even planned to
> ask on this list to see if anyone knew anything :-)

Re: Publicity: Stretch Freeze/Release Team meeting very soon

2017-02-08 Thread Daniel Bareiro

On 08/02/17 13:46, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:

> Hi :)

Hi, Cindy.

> Not sure what the protocol is for forwarding emails so am jumping off
> the ledge here by covering the topic two ways. The email's public
> Debian-Publicity link/URL is immediately below and then the email is
> attached in full further down.
> Thought the attached email might be of interest because they're giving
> a wide open shout out looking for all interested parties. It was
> posted by Cédric Boutillier:
> It was of immediate interest for me because I just debootstrap'ed both
> Stretch and Jessie this week. Am in Jessie this second... no new
> updates needed for days AND/BUT... five minutes ago, a website
> complained that my browser is out of date = here's your sign. :)
> That's the end of my knowledge on the team meeting topic. Am sending
> this then will be logging out of poor ol' dilapidated Jessie to get
> used to cozying up to his/her younger sibling, the up and coming shiny
> new Stretch..
> Happy Debian'ing!

Thanks for sharing the news. These days I was looking for information on
whether Stretch was already in full freeze since the scheduled date was
last Sunday. But I had not found anything about it. I even planned to
ask on this list to see if anyone knew anything :-)

Do you believe that in the current state of Stretch, it is stable enough
to begin migrating from Jessie or recommend wait until the final
publication date?

Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Publicity: Stretch Freeze/Release Team meeting very soon

2017-02-08 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
Hi :)

Not sure what the protocol is for forwarding emails so am jumping off
the ledge here by covering the topic two ways. The email's public
Debian-Publicity link/URL is immediately below and then the email is
attached in full further down.

Thought the attached email might be of interest because they're giving
a wide open shout out looking for all interested parties. It was
posted by Cédric Boutillier:

It was of immediate interest for me because I just debootstrap'ed both
Stretch and Jessie this week. Am in Jessie this second... no new
updates needed for days AND/BUT... five minutes ago, a website
complained that my browser is out of date = here's your sign. :)

That's the end of my knowledge on the team meeting topic. Am sending
this then will be logging out of poor ol' dilapidated Jessie to get
used to cozying up to his/her younger sibling, the up and coming shiny
new Stretch..

Happy Debian'ing!

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* wandering off mumbling: Glad that's where 140MB+ of Libreoffice landed.. *


-- Forwarded message --
From: Cédric Boutillier 
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 12:00:21 +0100
Subject: Team meeting in the next 7 days

Dear team,

The hard freeze of Debian Stretch has now started. It is time to start
thinking about the coverave (sic) of the release of Stretch and communication
during the freeze.

We would like to invite all interested people to fill in very soon the
following poll to find a time slot to hold a team meeting before the end
of next week.

Times indicated are UTC.
The selection of time slots is a bit arbitrary. I hope we can find one
which could be convenient for most people. Feel free to add time slots
if you feel the need to.

If you always wanted to help the publicity team, but didn't
know how, here is a chance :)

Best wishes,



Description: PGP signature

Re: Best way to set maximum number of open descriptors for a process

2017-02-08 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, Greg.

On 08/02/17 10:20, Greg Wooledge wrote:

>> The process starts as a service, so it does not require a shell:

>> I had thought that I could add something to the script that starts the
>> process, but I'm not sure if it's the best idea from the point of view
>> of maintainability because a package update could eliminate that change.

> I believe the correct approach is to add one of the limit= directives
> to the systemd unit.  See systemd.exec(5) for details.  Searching for
> the word "limit" gets you to the correct section.

Very interesting. Thanks for the reference! I see that in this case the
directive to use is LimitNOFILE=. Although I did not find the
syntax (for example, LimitNOFILE=soft:hard).

In this case, it seems that the service file for systemd is created
dynamically. Or I'm wrong?

root@conference:~# find / -name jitsi-videobridge.service

Thanks for your reply.

Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: apt's cache, was Re: Debian/Stretch - network-manager ...

2017-02-08 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 08.02.2017 um 15:38 schrieb David Wright:
> If you're worried about losing your .deb files, just copy
> them (as a user) or move them (as root) anywhere else,
> depending on how much storage you have. Using any of the -i
> -n -u options will avoid unnecessary overwriting.

Older deb files can be retrieved via

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

apt's cache, was Re: Debian/Stretch - network-manager ...

2017-02-08 Thread David Wright
On Mon 06 Feb 2017 at 00:16:57 (-0500), Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
> Where are you seeing packages deleted from? I'm THRILLED you're
> instead having to go to /var/cache/apt/archives because that means
> maybe my horde of dotDebs is still safe from some default. Then again,
> first came to mind upon reading that message I saw. People in my Shoes
> don't have the luxury of just hopping into the car any ol' time of day
> or night and running down to the library or wherever to gain Internet
> access long enough to replenish whatever was zapped by any not well
> known default setting.
> Yeah, /var/cache/apt/archives is exactly where I thought things were
> going to start being deleted. In my case, that's a humongous directory
> specifically k/t the fear of being cut off if I don't have the right
> backup package to fix accidental breakage and/or deletions. I just
> (manually) thinned that directory out a little, i.e. several thousand
> files, but it would still be embarrassing to brandish publicly after
> its recent diet. *grin*

If you're worried about losing your .deb files, just copy
them (as a user) or move them (as root) anywhere else,
depending on how much storage you have. Using any of the -i
-n -u options will avoid unnecessary overwriting.


Issues with power management

2017-02-08 Thread solitone
Hi, I resend this message because in my previous attempt I mistakenly linked 
it to a completely unrelated thread. Sorry for the inconvenience.

as I told in thread "Monitor switched off after resume from hibernation", my 
MacBookPro 12,1 had problems with hibernation in stretch. If hibernation 
happened after the monitor had been switched off, the system would not turn 
the monitor on again after resume. Therefore I disabled hibernation.

With time, though, I noticed that even suspension doesn't work very well. 
Sometimes the laptop does not suspend, neither if I wait for the set 5 
minutes, nor if I close the lid. It basically remains active, cunsuming 

So today I tried to re-enable hibernation, and discovered that now it does not 
work at all. Perhaps it was a recent stretch update, but now hibernation can't 
be used at all. Previously it worked at least when the monitor was on. Now 
even when the monitor is on and I hibernate, when the system resumes I don't 
get a usable session. I just get an emtpy black screen with the white cursor 
on it, but nothing happens. I can't even switch to a virtual console with crtl

What do you suggest to do to investigate this issue? A functional power 
management is a must on a portable computer.


Re: Chromium y Chrome Web Store - Error en instalación de extensiones

2017-02-08 Thread Juanjo Benages

El 08/02/17 a las 00:16, Javier ArgentinaBBAR escribió:

El día 5 de febrero de 2017, 14:45, JavierDebian


Me he actualizado a "stretch" en estos días, y me ha surgido un problema con
El navegador en cuestión, me acepta la integración con la cuenta de Google,
pero no me permite instalar ninguna extensión de  Chrome Web Store.
Aparece un cartel que dice "Se ha producido un error. Instalación no

En el mismo sistema, con Chrome no tengo ese inconveniente.

He intentado reinstalación de Chromium, eliminación de toda la
configuración, utilizado otra cuenta con otro usuario, tando de Linux como
de Google, buscado sobre la cuestión y no tengo suerte.

Me niego a usar Chrome (excepto para Netflix :)

¿Alguna sugerencia?

Muchas gracias.


¿Nadie tiene una idea? ;(

Es un cambio que han hecho aposta. Se puede leer en el changelog de chromium
"Better handling of browser extensions (closes: #841401).
- Only support locally installed extensions by default.
- Add new command line flag --enable-remote-extensions, which 
bypasses the new default, allowing remote extensions and automatic 

El cambio ha fastidiado bastante chromium. Puedes ver todos los errores, 
por ejemplo:

Añadiendo a tu fichero .profile la siguiente línea chromium debería 
funcionar cómo antes.


Re: Depot Squeeze

2017-02-08 Thread David Martin
Merci pour vos réponses en tout cas.

Le 7 février 2017 à 11:17,  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Cela ne répond en rien à la question, puisqu'il s'agit de Squeeze, mais
> pour la culture générale,
> Debian gère en "Long Term Support" (LTS) les distributions Wheezy et
> Jessie. J'avais cru
> que Squeeze était concernée, d'où ma recherche.
> Quelques liens :
> -
> -
> -
> Randy11.
> --
> *De: *"David Martin" 
> *À: *" French" <
> *Envoyé: *Mercredi 1 Février 2017 09:51:51
> *Objet: *Depot Squeeze
> Bonjour,
> J'ai un problème au boulot, je ne peux pas passer en version Wheezy et
> j'ai make à installer sur une squeeze.
> Savez vous si il existe un dépot archive squeeze que je peux mettre dans
> mon source.list ?
> --
> david martin

david martin

Re: Skype

2017-02-08 Thread Ric Moore

On 02/08/2017 06:03 AM, Daniel Bareiro wrote:

I am currently testing Jitsi Meet [1] with Debian. Here [2] you can see
a server with Jitsi Meet open to the community for test the system.

Kind regards,


I'm giving this a whirl. Easy enough to install. Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: Best way to set maximum number of open descriptors for a process

2017-02-08 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 09:26:14AM -0300, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
> The process starts as a service, so it does not require a shell:

> I had thought that I could add something to the script that starts the
> process, but I'm not sure if it's the best idea from the point of view
> of maintainability because a package update could eliminate that change.

I believe the correct approach is to add one of the limit= directives
to the systemd unit.  See systemd.exec(5) for details.  Searching for
the word "limit" gets you to the correct section.

Re: Best way to set maximum number of open descriptors for a process

2017-02-08 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, Tomas.

On 08/02/17 08:42, wrote:

>> Maybe I could add something to the startup script, but maybe if the
>> Debian package is updated, these changes will be lost. What do you
>> suggest is the best way?

> Yes, if the process is being started via a shell, ulimit seems the
> way to go. In SysV init, either in the start script or perhaps in
> /etc/defaults (which is then picked up by the start script).
> Note that /etc is "taboo" for the distro[1], i.e. it will install
> something there, but in won't touch anything which wasn't installed
> by the distro, at least not without asking.
> Sure systemd has a way to do that, but for that I'll have to defer
> to the systemd experts.
> [1] at least for civilised distros, like Debian.

The process starts as a service, so it does not require a shell:

root@conference:~# systemctl status jitsi-videobridge
● jitsi-videobridge.service - LSB: Jitsi Videobridge
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/jitsi-videobridge)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-02-07 08:25:10 ART; 24h ago
  Process: 410 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/jitsi-videobridge start
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   CGroup: /system.slice/jitsi-videobridge.service
   └─434 java -Xmx3072m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
-Djava.library.path=/usr/share/jitsi-videobridge/lib/native/linux-64 -...

Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is
incomplete or unavailable.

I had thought that I could add something to the script that starts the
process, but I'm not sure if it's the best idea from the point of view
of maintainability because a package update could eliminate that change.

Another alternative might be to add something like this to /etc/rc.local:

PID_JVB=`ps -u jvb | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
prlimit --pid $PID_JVB --nofile=10240:10240

But perhaps there is another more elegant way to achieve this.

Thanks for your reply.

Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OFF] Filosofia e TI

2017-02-08 Thread P. J.
Muito bom =-D

Em 07/02/2017, Alexandre escreveu:
> Boa tarde;
>  Devo discordar de você colega. Veja a filosofia está presente no
> software livre (Discordando sinta-se livre para manifestar-se), o termo
> off foi bem aplicado, por não tratar-se de Debian mas de assunto
> arcabouço de T.I.C.
>  Eu acho curioso, o cara tem formação técnica e reclama que ganha
> pouco, aqui mesmo já teve casos de ofenderem o colega por postar vaga a
> pedido da empresa dele e determinadas pessoas(Que não vem ao caso quem
> são) se chatearem ou até me ofenderem-se com requisitos e valores
> monetários. Ora, eu entro no google tem lá como criar um servidor, subir
> o samba, compartilhar arquivos, me dizem que Linux é seguro e estável,
> logo pago o salário mínimo para o cidadão ler os tutoriais na internet e
> ou pesquisar (no google) como fazer outra coisa que precise, DNS, DHCP etc.
>  Quando abordamos temas que saem do "apertar parafuso" que fazem
> parte do espectro do profissional (Como tantos outros, postura,
> vestimenta, boas maneiras, modo de falar, de redigir um texto,
> apresentação, expressar-se como um todo) é mal visto?
>  Imagina se sou um empregador e leio isso, vou confirmar pago o
> salário mínimo mesmo pois esses cara não manjam nada de nada, só apertar
> parafusos, leia-se gado.
>  Nos dias de hoje acreditar que o conhecimento técnico é o
> importante(única e exclusivamente) e total desconhecimento do modo de
> vida da sociedade contemporânea.
>  Faça um teste, seu melhor professor da escola, faculdade era quem
> detinha o maior grau do saber? Um colega na sua profissão, mas bem
> remunerado é necessariamente o que sabe mais?
>  Toda vivência e experiência é bem vinda.
> --
> Sobre o tema:
>  O profissional de T.I.C. não vive de lógica e sim da lógica
> aplicada , o filósofo é quem demonstra saber filosófico e não o diplomado.
>  A filosofia é um meio de responder nossos questionamentos. Acima
> por exemplo citei o salário mínimo, seria justa tal remuneração? (Aqui
> entra a filosofia, o que é o justo?).
>  Infelizmente as universidades Brasileiras principalmente os cursos
> de humanas são celeiros de um modo de pensar que resultou em catástrofe
> em toda a história da humanidade. Como a maioria nunca vai fazer algo de
> produtivo para a sociedade(Salvar uma vida, construir algo, criar,
> inovar, empreender, etc), então podem continuar repetindo a asneira que
> ouviram, logo vai viver sustentando pelo governo, seja encontrando um
> canto para encostar, uma bolsa, ou virar professor e continuar o ciclo.
> Onde o diálogo é proibido e velado.
>  Mas o que isso tem a ver com filosofia na T.I.C.? A formação da
> maioria dos filósofos(Aborda apenas uma linha de pensamento ), não
> discutem os problemas reais da sociedades, ficam com ideias utópicos ou
> visões distorcidas, o modo de pensar filosófico é útil mas não pondo em
> prática tal saber torna-se inútil. Ninguém paga pelo que você sabe e sim
> pelo que faz ou quem ou quantos influencia com seu este saber.
> Abraços
> Em 07-02-2017 09:10, Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete DUTRA escreveu:
>> Le lun. 6 févr. 2017 à 14:08, Rodrigo Cunha
>>  a écrit :
>>> Guimarães, se tiver uma lista de TI que trate de filosofia me passe,
>>> não conheço nenhuma e ficarei grato se me indicar alguma.
>> Não tem que eu saiba, mas há listas menos focadas que esta.
>>> Enquanto não tenho outra lista, vai esse lista mesmo como [OFF]
>>> _termo apropriado;
>> Como já disse, fora de tópico, fora da lista; nada apropriado.
>>> Desta perspectiva a pergunta certa seria:
>>> Por que a filosofia, que trata da lógica não deve ser importante para
>>> quem depende de lógica para seu sustento?
>> Filistinismo por um lado, mas por outro a lógica é apenas uma
>> ferramenta da filosofia.  É perfeitamente possível aplicá-la sem
>> aplicar outros ramos igualmente importantes, e em muitas situações
>> pode ser bastante adequado.  Claro que há ramos imprescindíveis
>> sempre, como ética.
>> E, por ser fora de tópico, paro por aqui e peço que todos parem
>> também.

|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   Je vois tout

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] - Origado a todos... mas agora adeus.

2017-02-08 Thread Carlos Donizete Froes
Adeus para mim quando a pessoa morreu e nunca ira mais ver.
Prefiro dizer um ate logo quem sabe vc voltara nos visitar.Em 7 de fev de 2017 
21:27, セナ山本ロベルバル  escreveu:
> Foi um prazer aprender com os senhores, por todos estes anos...
> Mas estuo afogado em trolls e off-topics,.
> Aos que ficam boa luta!
> []s

Re: Best way to set maximum number of open descriptors for a process

2017-02-08 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 08:28:33AM -0300, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
> Hi!


> Maybe I could add something to the startup script, but maybe if the
> Debian package is updated, these changes will be lost. What do you
> suggest is the best way?

Yes, if the process is being started via a shell, ulimit seems the
way to go. In SysV init, either in the start script or perhaps in
/etc/defaults (which is then picked up by the start script).

Note that /etc is "taboo" for the distro[1], i.e. it will install
something there, but in won't touch anything which wasn't installed
by the distro, at least not without asking.

Sure systemd has a way to do that, but for that I'll have to defer
to the systemd experts.

[1] at least for civilised distros, like Debian.

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Best way to set maximum number of open descriptors for a process

2017-02-08 Thread Daniel Bareiro

I would like to set the maximum number of open descriptors for a
specific process in a way that is maintainable.

I've tried putting something like this in /etc/security/limits.d/:

jvbsoftnofile   10240
jvbhardnofile   10240

But this seems to only apply to processes with an active shell in the

root@conference:~# cat /etc/security/limits.d/jitsi-meet.conf
jvb softnofile  10240
jvb hardnofile  10240

root@conference:~# ps -u jvb | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'

root@conference:~# cat /proc/434/limits | grep open
Max open files4096 4096 files

root@conference:~# su - jvb
jvb@conference:~$ ulimit -n

Maybe I could add something to the startup script, but maybe if the
Debian package is updated, these changes will be lost. What do you
suggest is the best way?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Synaptic Error: Duplicates in sources.list

2017-02-08 Thread Frank

Op 08-02-17 om 12:03 schreef Klaus Jantzen:

I removed the two entries in the directory

Which directory? /var/lib/apt/lists? That won't help. You need to fix 
the source, i.e. duplicate lines in the sources.list file in /etc/apt/ 
or - possibly - duplicate files/entries in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.


Synaptic Error: Duplicates in sources.list

2017-02-08 Thread Klaus Jantzen

I am still running Wheezy.

When using Synaptic to upgrade Wheezy the following message is issued:

W:Duplicate sources.list entry ..
W:Duplicate sources.list entry ..

I removed the two entries in the directory but with the next start of
Synaptic the error appears again.

What do I have to do to remove these entries permanently?



Re: Skype

2017-02-08 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, deloptes.

On 08/02/17 03:36, deloptes wrote:

> If we are pragmatic it was a joke that skype was ported to linux, we'll need
> to find another way. I'm thinking of mere SIP phone or just dropping the
> desktop and using windows anyway. There was too much disappointment
> recently from the linux side.

I am currently testing Jitsi Meet [1] with Debian. Here [2] you can see
a server with Jitsi Meet open to the community for test the system.

Kind regards,


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Issues with power management

2017-02-08 Thread solitone

as I told in thread "Monitor switched off after resume from hibernation", my 
MacBookPro 12,1 had problems with hibernation in stretch. If hibernation 
happened after the monitor had been switched off, the system would not turn 
the monitor on again after resume. Therefore I disabled hibernation.

With time, though, I noticed that even suspension doesn't work very well. 
Sometimes the laptop does not suspend, neither if I wait for the set 5 
minutes, nor if I close the lid. It basically remains active, cunsuming 

So today I tried to re-enable hibernation, and discovered that now it does not 
work at all. Perhaps it was a recent stretch update, but now hibernation can't 
be used at all. Previously it worked at least when the monitor was on. Now 
even when the monitor is on and I hibernate, when the system resumes I don't 
get a usable session. I just get an emtpy black screen with the white cursor 
on it, but nothing happens. I can't even switch to a virtual console with crtl

What do you suggest to do to investigate this issue? A functional power 
management is a must on a portable computer.


Re: upgrade failed debian 8.7

2017-02-08 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sat, Feb 4, 2017, at 17:52, Sven Hartge wrote:
> Henrique de Moraes Holschuh  wrote:
> > On Sat, 04 Feb 2017, Mike Nunn wrote:
> >> /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-block/ORDER ignored: not 
> >> executable
> > Is /tmp mounted "noexec"?  Just Don't Do It[tm].  The system will break
> > in hideously crazy, suprising ways.  BTW, this is also valid for the
> > filesystem hosting whatever directory $TMPDIR (and $TEMP, $TMP...)
> > points to.
> The above output seems to be normal, I get the same on my system.

Argh.  Indeed, a boot hang could/would happen should you get exec
failures on the ORDER files that are *inside* the initramfs, i.e. if the
file reported as not being executable was something like this:


(and yes, it is /var/tmp and not /tmp as I said...  My recollection of
this very obscure issue was slightly corrupted by time :-( )

I failed to notice the path on the ORDER files it was reporting as not
being able to execute, I apologize for that.

  Henrique de Moraes Holschuh 

Re: Montar HD externo

2017-02-08 Thread Juscelino Cordeiro
Verifique as permissões do diretório /media e se esta o usuário esta  no grupo 

Enviado do meu iPhone

> Em 8 de fev de 2017, às 04:04, Rodolfo  escreveu:
> Espete o HD externo na porta USB, depois como root digite:
> # lsusb
> e também
> # fdisk -l
> e também
> # cat /etc/mtab
> e poste a saída desses comandos,
> Abraços.
> Em 8 de fevereiro de 2017 00:24, Anderson Gusmão  
> escreveu:
>> Galera, estou com uma pequena dificuldade, tento montar o meu hd externo, 
>> porém não estou conseguindo pela linha de comando com mount e ntfs-3g e 
>> também tentei pelo gparted e nada até agora... Será que alguém tem alguma 
>> ideia de como posso proceder. 
>> Fico no aguardo e muito obrigado. Abraços
>> -- 
>> Anderson Gusmão
>> Telefone: (81) 9630.8494
>> E-mail:
>> "A maneira de ajudar os outros é provar-lhes que eles são capazes de pensar."
>> (Dom Hélder Câmara)