Re: xmms and sound

2001-01-07 Thread Michael Smith
Are you running esound?  Try running it with esd as root.  Second, make xmms 
use another plugin, try oss.

Olivier Billet wrote:

 Hi all,

 i'm trying to make xmms make sound...
 so here's the problem:
 i'm able to hear sound from cdcd, from gcd or from wmcdplay for example 
 (so i can play cd's), BUT i can't hear anything from xmms !

 what's wrong ? (ok, i think it's the output plugin -- i do not have any in /lib -- but how do i do to work around ?)

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: System security question

2001-01-05 Thread Michael Smith
I don't like sunrpc hanging out at all exposed to the world.  I get probed
regularly on it.  Block it out with /etc/hosts.deny the following way:

I usually install ipchains on my box and then block out the ports I don't want
exposed with:
ipchains -F #remove all the rules, the default is alot of things that allow you
to still operate the box from afar
ipchains -A input -p TCP -s -d $portnumber -j REJECT
#portnumber for sunrpc is 111, printer is 515.  Use nmap to see what ports are

Unfortunately, most security is just knowing what stuff does, so there's no
substitute for being a good sysad.  Look around.  I usually check something I
don't know what it is with a web search for exploit linux processname to see
what's been reported on it.

Martin Bishop wrote:


 Netstat shows the following services on my home machine:

 Active Internet connections (servers and established)
 Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State
 tcp0  0 *:printer   *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:dict  *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:sunrpc*:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:auth  *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:smtp  *:* LISTEN

Organizing Linux users is like herding cats,
only harder.

Re: OT - Virus?

2001-01-03 Thread Michael Smith
I second this.  I mean, come on, if you can read the script, you can tell at
least a little of what it does, and it doesn't sound too good.  I guess this is
one of the voluntary email viruses--you have to run it.

Tell the guy who sent it to you that he has to do a better job of social
engineering next time, and then don't talk to him any more.

Ethan Benson wrote:

 if i haven't made myself clear i believe your `detector' *IS* the
 trojan.  never ever run unknown/untrusted binaries for which you do
 not have the source. *especially* as root.

Organizing Linux users is like herding cats,
only harder.

Re: Choppy sound - Woody, 2.4.0-test11 kernel, xmms esd

2000-12-22 Thread Michael Smith
FWIW, Usually when the sound skips like that, there's a problem with the dma or
irq setup on the board itself when you loaded the module.  That's the angle that
I would take.

It's a shame that a family can be torn apart
by something as simple as wild dogs.

Re: Banner server avoidence

2000-12-18 Thread Michael Smith
Sure, /etc/hosts.  Add something like the following:

Alternatively, you could block out ads using ipchains:
ipchains -A input -s -d -j REJECT

Or, you could use junkbuster to filter the traffic.


Lee Elliott wrote:

 What happens with this particular package is that there's a local file
 linking IP addreses to urls, that is checked before looking for it on
 the net, rather like a local DNS.  By linking ad/banner server urls to,
 say the local IP, the look-up fails and is abandoned with the
 result that you don't download anything from these servers i.e adverts
 etc :-)

It's a shame that a family can be torn apart
by something as simple as wild dogs.

Re: ssh as root

2000-12-13 Thread Michael Smith
You can't connect to another box with ssh using the root account.  It's a
security feature.  The default is to use your current username, which would be
root in this instance.  A way to get around this is with the -l option and then
su on the remote box.
So, #ssh -l user_name_to_login_as remotehost
I don't use scp directly, but I use sftp, and it supports the -l option also.


 I'm curious if this is a bug or a config option or am i smoking crack. I
 have 2 identical (more or less) potato systems, and wanted to scp a tar
 file to the other machine. the command was:

 # scp /tmp/filename.tar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp

 I get
 ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
 lost connection

 when i exit back out of the su, it connects fine. since i am not logging
 in as root i don't understand why it would(if it is) drop the
 connection. i checked the sshd_config and it looked ok ..i don't have
 identd running on either host, maybe SSH is telling the remote system what
 user i am? somehow i would think that would be bad if it was.

 or maybe my crackpipe needs cleaning ..

 any ideas??



 5:55pm up 88 days, 3:13, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

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It's a shame that a family can be torn apart
by something as simple as wild dogs.

Re: Debian Apache package

2000-12-12 Thread Michael Smith
What about the ScriptAlias option in httpd.conf, or am I missing the point?  I
believe you can put it in a virtual host, so that it looks like the following:

VirtualHost www.virtualhost1.tld
DocumentRoot /home/virtualhost1/html
ScriptAlias /home/virtualhost1/cgi-bin

Eirik Dentz wrote:

 I want to set up some basic virtual hosts inside my /home directory like


 I want to give each virtualhost its own cgi-bin.  Based upon my
 understanding of suexec, its doc root would have to be set to /home in order
 for the cgi scripts to function properly.  And that the doc root
 configuration for suexec must be set when it is compiled along with apache.

 The Debian apache package puts the cgi-bin in this directory:

 I figure that the suexec doc root is probably set to this directory and that
 if I were to create cgi-bin directories inside my virtualhost directories
 the scripts within them would break.

 Now I should probably mention that I have compiled apache from source before
 on a Red hat web server for my employer.  And I did it for the same reason
 (to change suexec's doc root)
 So I've been considering grabbing the source for apache and recompiling it
 on my debian system with the same layout, except for the aforementioned

 Before I do that and possibly break my system, does anyone have any advice
 or suggestions?  Or perhaps there is a very good reason why the apache .deb
 is set up this way that I'm totally missing?

 I'm also new to the debian mailing lists and wondered if it would be
 appropriate to send this sort of question to the package maintainer.

 Thanks in advance.


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's a shame that a family can be torn apart
by something as simple as wild dogs.

Re: Secured FTP?

2000-12-01 Thread Michael Smith
Use sftp--it's just a nice ftp frontend for scp that acts like a regular ftp
client.  I use it just about every day to put stuff on my webserver.

Peczoli Zoltan wrote:


 Thanks, maybe it's just me but I don't see how to reach my goals using

 1. security (both passwords and data) - scp ok.
 2. separate authentication (file transfer users have nothing to do with
system users)
 3. home jail (users cannot explore the file system but their own homes)
 (4. M$ non-operating systems should have client program)

 scp does the first one but what's with the three remaining ones?
 i was advised to user sftp, but the case is just like with scp.

  You can use scp, secure copy, included with openssh.  It has the same syntax
  as rsh, but traffic is entrypted.




 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!' --dump() on slashdot

Re: Port 12345?

2000-11-28 Thread Michael Smith
Try ippl.  It logs connection attempts.  logcheck is a tool that scans your log
files every hour and mails you the results.  It's noisy to start with, but you
can add events to your logcheck.ignore file to cut down on the false alarms for
routine traffic.

Willy Lee wrote:

 How can I tell when I am being portscanned?  Is there an appropriate
 selection of Debian packages for this?

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: Port 12345?

2000-11-27 Thread Michael Smith
Ganabus back door
Netbus back door
Netbus Picture back door.

Check it out:

Svante Signell wrote:

 Anyone knows what port 12345TCP is used for and which OSes are
 vulnerable? (my guess is w9x) I'm getting portscanned every now and
 the on this specific port. Other (known) ports are 31337UDP Back Orifice,
 20034 NetBus Pro etc. but which one is corresponding to 12345?

 Ports being attacked the last year (some more than once):
 1TCP: tcpmux
 79TCP: finger
 119TCP: nntp
 143TCP: imap2
 161UDP: snmp
 1524TCP: ingreslock
 12345TCP: ??
 20034TCP: Netbus Pro
 31337UDP: Back Orifice

 Note: I am on a dial-up connection. For you with fixed network access,
 how often do this happen, a few times a day?

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!' --dump() on slashdot

Re: How to set up ISA SCSI card.

2000-11-27 Thread Michael Smith

I have an AVA1505, which is similar.  What you do is set the jumpers.  The
module you should use is the aha152x module.  The problem with both of these
cards is that they don't have on-board BIOS's and therefore do not auto-probe
when the module is installed, so you have to set up the module manually.  Try
modprobe -a aha152x aha152x=ioport,irq,scsiidofcard,parity,reconnect  For my
card, the append line was 0x340,11,7,1,1.  The IRQ and IOPORT are required, the
others are extra.

Good Luck

Terry Hancock wrote:

 Briefly, does anyone know how to set up a jumpered
 ISA SCSI card properly?  I have the I/O and IRQ
 settings on the card, but don't know where to put
 the information.

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: setting gateway IP from command line

2000-11-22 Thread Michael Smith
Check out route.  The command should be something like route add default gw 
IPaddressofgateway (this is off the top of my head, so might not be 100% 

You can see the current route by route or route -n to see it without the 
machine names resolved.  Once you have that, edit /etc/network/interfaces to 
something like this:
iface eth0 inet static
broadcast XXX.XXX.XXX.255

...and then do ifdown -a ; ifup -a to restart the interfaces.


 I'm sure this is a very basic question but I have zero experience with 
 debian.  I work at a computer shop and we installed debian on a pair of new 
 machines for a customer.  He needs to assign an IP and gateway to one of them 
 and could not figure out how to do it so he brought the machines back to us 
 and begged.  We are basically a windows only house.  I'm the only linux user 
 and all of my experience is with mandrake and slackware.  I've always used X 
 in both and there is no X on this machine.

 I just need the command name and I can do it from there.

 Thanks all!

 Jesus saves,
 Allah forgives,
 Chuthulu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!' --dump() on slashdot

Re: VALinux box - NT4 - Debian emergency!

2000-11-17 Thread Michael Smith
I put disks in and out of boxen all the time.  The trick is to label everything.
That way, you don't erase the good stuff.  Otherwise, have fun.

Robert Guthrie wrote:

 On Friday 17 November 2000 04:57, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:

  A small complication as that we need to practise installing NT4 onto the
  new server as we have a completely new IT support department who don't
 Blasphemy!  ;-)

  much experience in this area. I'd like to get the VALinux box, possibly
  take out the hard drive/s and put in a temporary hd, install NT4, then put
  back the Linux hard disks and reinstall lilo.
  I'm very inexperienced with lilo, mbrs etc. I'd be grateful for any
  comments on the feasibility and likely problems of the procedure I've
  outline above.
 I'm not going to try and tutuor you on MBR  such (there are several good
 howtos available on the web and with any standard debian installation about
 dual-booting (search for windows, NT, etc...), which go into detail about how
 OS's boot.

 As for what you had in mind, sure, just pull out the drive(s), put in a new
 one, practice the dark rituals you need to, and then replace the temporary
 drive with the original(s).  Nothing else has to be done if you didn't change
 the BIOS settings (the boot manager is located on the drive).  NOTE:  as with
 any OS, if you have multiple drives, they should all be re-instlalled in
 exactly the same way they were when you took them out, or your system won't

 Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you
 will hear the voice of Satan?

 That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

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I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!' --dump() on slashdot

Re: Workstation and IP-Masquerading

2000-11-12 Thread Michael Smith
I just set up a masquerade box at work in about 1.5 hours (from scratch) with
Debian.  Just make your box with two nics, configure one nic for your outside
connection, configure the other for, and then install the ipmasq
package.  One of the questions the package asks you is if you want to start
masquerading.  Say yes.  You might have to tweak the ipchains a little after 
but the minimum install works right out of the box.  For the other boxes, give 
ip's in the 192.168.0.XXX range, and tell them that is their 
gateway.  It
was so easy, I was surprised.

BTW, this is what I like about debian--all the default configurations are just 
you want them to be.


Robert Kasunic wrote:


 I have two PC's at home and would like to share my internet connection
 (DSL) between them. As I don't want a third computer here running all the time
 I was thinking to enable IP-Masquerading on one of them and build a
 firewall on it as well. It will be running Samba too. Nevertheless I'd like to
 continue using these PC's as Workstations.

 Does that seem to be a useful approach? I would really appreciate any
 opions or suggestions you might have. TIA.


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Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: servers running debian

2000-11-12 Thread Michael Smith
I have, under my wing:
2 dual-cpu rackmount servers
2 firewalls
4 workstations
2 home PC's
--all running Debian

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: adaptec 1505 / potato

2000-11-08 Thread Michael Smith
Since the AVA1505 does not have an on-board bios, you have to tell the module 
it's at.  Give the options at load time with modprobe -a aha152x
aha152x=0x340,11,7(ioport,irq,scsihostid)  or using modconf, give the options 
prompted.  Put an append statement in lilo when you've figured it out.  You are 
this card just for a scanner, right?  It's not too overly sophistocated.


Dominique Rousset wrote:

 I'm trying to configure an adaptec AVA1505 adaptec ISA
 SCSI card on a potato system.

 1) default aha152x.o module included with 2.2.17-ide deb was generating
 unresolved symbols
 2) after kernel compilation I've no more errors but a resource busy message.

 For the moment IRQ and IO adresses configured for the module are consistent
 with the jumpers on the board.
 /proc/interrupts doesn't report IRQ 11 as used and /proc/ioports doesn't 
 Ox340 as used.

 Maybe the solution is within bios setup but I dont'understand anything to PnP
 or IRQ managing within the bios setup.

 Any clue ?


 | Dominique Rousset| Tel: +33 (0)5 59 92 31 71|
 | Imagerie Géophysique UMR 5831| Fax: +33 (0)5 59 92 31 86|
 | Univ. Pau et des Pays de l'Adour | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 |   BP 1115 - F-64013 Pau Cedex - France  |

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I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!' --dump() on slashdot

Re: swisswatch

2000-11-01 Thread Michael Smith
Install it, go to an xterm and run it with swisswatch.  It makes a
cute watch, reminiscent of the clocks at european train stations.  If
you check the man page, it tells you how to configure it from the
command line.

John-Mark wrote:

 does any one know what swiss watch is or doeshow to use it once

I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!' --dump() on slashdot

Re: ssh is refusing connections

2000-10-30 Thread Michael Smith
Did you by chance reinstall ssh on the machine you're connecting from or do 
anything to change its key?  If
something happenned to that box's key, then the box you're trying to connect to 
sees that that box has a
different key and denies you from the get-go.  It's for anti-IP-spoofing.  Try 
ssh-ing from the server to your
portable.  If the key has changed, you will get an error message.  Find out 
where ssh holds its key database
(can't remember right off the top of my head) and kill off the entry for that 
machine.  It should work then.



 On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 09:21:34PM +0100, Andre Berger wrote:
  Aaron Brashears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I've been running my server for 89 days now, on potato for the whole
   time. It's been quite stable and happy for a while now. However,
   without an update to either the server or my portable machine, ssh
   began refusing connections all of a sudden. 'Garrison' is the
   machine's local name, as listed in my /etc/hosts. Here's what's
   $ ssh garrison
   secure connection to garrison refused
   Earlier in the day, this worked fine. I then ssh'd over to a friend's
   server, and can ssh from there to my server.
   Any help or ideas?
 I had the same problem recently too, and it disapeared by installing a new 
 sshd on my machine (1.2.3  2.x.x).

 Hope this helps


 Best Regards / Venlig Hilsen
 Rasmus Toftdahl Olesen

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I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!' --dump() on slashdot


2000-10-26 Thread Michael Smith
Try aide

Chris Mason wrote:

 I'm looking for recommendations for an Intrusion Detection system for my
 firewall. Preferably a debian package  but not restricted to.

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: 3com problem

2000-10-09 Thread Michael Smith
The 3c59x module is built into the kernel, just configure your network and it 
work.  You do not have to load any modules.  There should be a multiple-line 
when the box starts up and the NIC is identified.  This system works so slick 
that I
have 2 3c905's that I slap into a box just to simplify my life.  Then I switch 
to a different card if I want to.

Do the basic stuff--partition the hd, select keyboard, initialize hd 
partitions, and
then configure networking (yes, this is a little bit out of order.)  After 
that, get
the kernel and modules via ftp, then the base system via ftp. I have a T-1 
right here
in my office, and this has got to be the best system around.


Piotr Chudykowski wrote:

 I'm trying to install the base system via ftp, but I can't
 because the drivers in the potato release doesn't have
 support for my NIC (3Com 905).  What can I do - please

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I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!' --dump() on slashdot.

Re: 3com problem

2000-10-09 Thread Michael Smith
Which kernel prebuilt are you using? idepci has 3C95x support built in, or at 
least it works right off the boot disk
with no problems.  I don't need the kernel disk at all--just grab the kernel 
and modules right off the network.


I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!' --dump() on slashdot

Re: replacement for ftp using ssh/scp?

2000-10-09 Thread Michael Smith
sftp--it's basically a front-end to scp.  It's pretty good.  GFTP supposedly 
can use
it as a plugin, but for some reason it hangs on me when the first file is done.

Michael A. Miller wrote:

 Is there anything available that looks and acts like ftp, but
 will let me connect to hosts through ssh/scp?


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I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!' --dump() on slashdot

Re: missing

2000-10-04 Thread Michael Smith
I ftp'ed from a working box, stuck it in the right place on the 
machine, and
then did an upgrade.  It's ugly, but effective, since there's an upgrade that
overwrites the borrowed version completely.

Thomas Halahan wrote:


 I have had very similar problems.  I upgraded to libc6
 libc6_2.1.94-1, which caused certain programs (apache, gnome-apt) to
 not locale  So I upgraded my libdb2 and this didn't help.
  As encouraged I upgraded to libc6_2.1.94-3 but I could not becuase
 it required which was missing.  So I downdraded libc6 and
 my ldconfig dissapeard.  I'm now in trouble - as I can't re-install
 ldso (the package with ldconfig).

 How did you reinstall ldconfig?


 On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, Pollywog wrote:
  On 30-Sep-2000 P.J.Walsh wrote:
   dpkg is choking on some upgrades, showing missing... dpkg
   -S doesn't help.  To what does it belong?
  It belongs to the libdb package but the problem is with libc6.
  I had to revert to the previous versions of libc6, libc6-dev, and locales.
  The new libc6 packages are buggy.  Your ldconfig is probably missing after 
  libc6 upgrade.  Mine just disappeared.
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Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: missing

2000-09-30 Thread Michael Smith
Ihad the same problem a couple of days ago--the hard party was that the library 
missing, so I couldn't upgrade to a working version.  It tried to preconfigure, 
then perl tanked with the same error message that you got.  What I did was ftp 
another machine, grab /usr/lib/, and move it to the right place on the
broken box.  Then I immediately did an upgrade and the problem fixed itself 
with the
upgrade (the package in question got upgraded, overwriting the bad version.

I think we need a bumper sticker that says Use Unstable Debian--live by the 
seat of
your pants.

P.J.Walsh wrote:

 dpkg is choking on some upgrades, showing missing... dpkg
 -S doesn't help.  To what does it belong?

 Patrick Walsh
 Edmonton AB CA

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Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

problem with sftp in Gftp

2000-09-27 Thread Michael Smith
I'm having problems using sftp and gftp.  I can download one file, and
then the system behaves like sftp doesn't send back a signal that it's
done, so gftp says that the transfer is at 100%, but still in progress.
I'm using woody (development debian) openssh 2.2.0p1, sftp 0.9.5, and
gftp2.0.7b(the most current debian packages).  It's one of the coolest
systems that I use at work, and almost stuns my wee little brain with
its potential, I just don't know which program is at fault.  Has anybody
else had similar effects?

BTW, sftp works great from the command line, so that functions.  I have
ideas that it might just be somewhere with how the three talk to each

Just something to chew on for awhile

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: I'm afraid I've been cracked.

2000-09-27 Thread Michael Smith
Try using aide--it checks your filesystem (checksums, inodes, timestamps, lots 
to make sure that nothing's been tampered, and mails you a daily report.  It's good stuff, 
on machines that are just sitting around with minimal input from you.  It 
does all of what you did to check your system integrity, only on a larger scale.


Steve Juranich wrote:

 On 28 Sep 2000, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:

  bash$ man debsums
  bash$ dpkg --search `which top`
  procps: /usr/bin/top
  bash$ debsums -s procps
  Any output could be a problem.  Of course this assumes that the listed
  md5sums have not been tampered with.  They are in /var/lib/dpkg/info.

 Okay, after poking around a good deal, here's the diagnosis:

 1) Log files look okay, but that doesn't count for much.
 2) md5sums for all of those things like top, ls, etc all check out.
 3) No packages have .md5sums files in /var/lib/dpkg/info with modification
dates any later than my original istallation (which was Sunday). Are
script kiddies smart enough to modify this?

 If anybody did crack my box, it's not readily apparent that they did
 anything harmful.  Nevertheless, the only open ports I'm going to have from
 here on out is ssh, and that will be configured to accept connections ONLY
 from my box in my office.

 Thanks for the help.  Any further suggestions are very welcome, since I'm
 still very new to all of this security stuff.

 Stephen W. Juranich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Electrical Engineering
 University of Washington

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Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: sawfish doesn't work

2000-09-26 Thread Michael Smith
I think the default sweetpill theme for sawfish is missing from the sources.  
means that you have no raise-lower buttons or even frames on the windows.  Try 
sawfish and then running the configuration tool.  Change the appearance to 
or anything else, and then close out all your current windows.  The new ones 
be OK.  I've been installing about 5 workstations this week, and that's what I 
had to
do with all of them.


Andrew D Dixon wrote:

 I upgraded again and sawfish still doesn't work.
 Any suggestions?


 Mark Gordon wrote:

   Hi Everybody,
   I'm running Debian Potato and I just decided to try out Helix-Gnome.
   Everything was working great untill today when sawfish died on me.  I
   did two things today that may have cause the problem.  I updated and
   upgraded my system:
   apt-get update
   apt-get upgrade
  Yup, that would do it.  ;-) Our Debian Potato sawfish was broken for a
  while late last week.  It should be fixed now (apt-get update  apt-get
  upgrade again, of course).
  -Mark Gordon

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Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: Can gpm and X live in peace?

2000-09-26 Thread Michael Smith
Sure, just set up x to use /dev/gpmdata as the mouse device, and X will use gpm 
run the mouse.  There's no conflict that way.  It's also a little bit easier
sometimes to configure the mouse in X if you've already got a working gpm.

Steve Juranich wrote:

 I was able to trace down a problem with my mouse (it was dead) back to gpm.
 It seems that gpm was being a bully and wouldn't let X play with the mouse.
 To solve the problem, I just killed gpm.

 I don't use gpm all that much, so I doubt that I'll even miss it.  However,
 it seems that both of them should be able to use the mouse at the same time.

 Could somebody plaase tell me how I can run gpm and X run at the same time?


 Stephen W. Juranich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Electrical Engineering
 University of Washington

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Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: ESS1868

2000-09-20 Thread Michael Smith
Try sndconfig--it's pretty easy to do any sound card.  I put my boss's 1688(?) 
on it
with little to no effort.

Re: ESS1868

2000-09-20 Thread Michael Smith
Lehel Bernadt wrote:

 I have an ESS1868 too, and it's working.
 I don't use isapnp, since I'm using the default card
 My sb options are the following:
 esstype=1868 io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=-1
 To check these, just run the config program of the card from DOS.
 What looks strange to me is dma 1,3. Why two 8-bit dma channels ?

I think the extra DMA is for the midi sequencer (mpu401?)

Re: deb packages not offered: lame xcdplay?

2000-09-18 Thread Michael Smith
There was an intent to package (ITP) lame awhile ago--check out the debian 
list archives.

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

 dear all,

 there are a few packages i like to have, like lame and xcdplay.  can't find
 any deb pkgs, though.

 i have no problem compiling a tarball, but i'd rather keep my dpkg database
 as complete as possible.

 does anyone know of a site that offers packages of these softwares or is
 compiling a tarball the only way to go?


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Re: Netscape helper application configuration

2000-09-15 Thread Michael Smith
Try staroffice with the %f (I think this passes the filename, but I might be 
way off
in left field.  Try also %s or %u)  Also check out mswordview, this is what it's
designed for.


Stephen A. Witt wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out how to get Netscape to open up an application to
 view a Word document. I've edited the Applications category within the
 Navigator preferences to start StarOffice when a Word document is
 selected. StarOffice does start up, but it doesn't open the Word document.
 So, I'm thinking that I need to somehow provide the name of the file as a
 parameter to StarOffice when it is executed. This does in fact work if I
 execute StarOffice from the shell. Other than the obvious don't read any
 Word documents, because the authors must be lower forms of life, , does
 anyone have a clue as to how I can proceed with this?


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Re: where's sshd?

2000-09-15 Thread Michael Smith

will trillich wrote:

 apt-get hasn't helped me get up-and-running with sshd at all...

 /etc/apt/sources.list ==
 deb potato/updates main contrib non-free
 deb stable main contrib non-free
 deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free

 no such package, nowhere, nohow. not even mentioned on

 in all my search engine travails i've not found any debian-specific
 'port's -- only RPM. and the one i got (2.1.1p4-2) wasn't complete:
 it referred to a 'functions' shell script that's not there (also
 in a non-debian /etc/rc.d/init.d directory structure)...

 what's the debian way of getting sshd running?


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Re: Install of Applixware 5.0

2000-09-14 Thread Michael Smith
I had to use mount -t iso9660 -o exec /dev/cdrom /cdrom
The shell script won't execute because the cd filesystem is mounted noexec, 
all the executables on the cd inoperable, so you have to give it the option to 
these executable.  It's somewhere in the applix install instructions, but in 


b.j. halfkann wrote:

  Has anyone else installed applix 5.0 from CD ??

 login as root
 start X
 open Xshell

 mount -r -t iso9600 /dev/[cdrom] /mnt/cdrom
 cd /mnt/cdrom

 ...that's all



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Re: network printer problems

2000-09-14 Thread Michael Smith
Sometimes, printers give the code that they are off-line (ran out of ink, 
physically took it off line), or the I'm OK and ready to do your bidding, 
signal doesn't get recieved, so lpd thinks that the printer isn't working.  You
should be able to see this with lpc status, and a quick way to fix it is with 
lpc up

Nick Cook wrote:

 I recently had a sudden ain't going to print problem (although not on a
 network), and I got around it by dropping into root and going to lpc.
 Then I issued the abort command, followed by start all. When I exited
 lpc, everything was back to normal.

 YMMV, though. I don't know why it happend (and yes, it fixed itself as
 mysteriously as it began...)

 - Nick

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Re: Firewall Box

2000-09-13 Thread Michael Smith
Check out the debian firewall list.  It will tell all.

Matt Kopishke wrote:

 Hi, I need to implement a firewall at work.  It will be for the most part
 a pretty simple set up.  I am going to set one of our Linux Boxes between
 the Router and the Switch.  The Box has 3 NICs, one for the router side,
 one for the switch, and one for a backup cable connection.  We have a
 block of IPs, and we will need to get to machines behind the firewall from
 the out side so I don't want to use ipmasq.  What I plan on doing is just
 using ipchains to shutoff any unused ports, and strip the box of any
 questionable software (ie ssh instead of telnet).  Has any one tried such a
 set up?  And if they have could you pass on any pointers or things to
 watch out for?  I also see there are a few packages out there to aid
 setup, how well do they work?



  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  || A long time ago, in a state far, far away... |
  Web Guru, Perl jocky,  | OKLAHOMA!|
  Linux bum, etc...  |   |
  --Debian GNU/Linux--   |  |

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Re: Another Poll

2000-09-07 Thread Michael Smith
Here's a better url:

And to think I thought nobody ever used slackware.  Oh, well.

Brooks R. Robinson wrote:

 There is yet another Linux version poll at!  Debian 
 sitting at 7%!  Vote early and Vote often!


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Re: any luck with ES1869 sound card?

2000-09-06 Thread Michael Smith
You have to recompile the kernel with sound enabled as a module (if you're 
using idepci
kernel--the full-blown version might have it in already) and use the sb 
module.  A list of the modules I have working says :

Use sndconfig to set it up--it's pretty easy, just pick a card and tell it what 
(irq, ioport, dma).  After that, all the users you want to have access to sound 
you have
to add to the audio group.

Peter Fedichev wrote:


 have anyone ever managed to get sound working with ES1869 sound card? I've 
 been using
 RedHat and gave up with it. Since recently I installed Debian 2.2 and got the 
 problem again. Do any of you know the way out or maybe there is a place 
 somewhere to
 read about configuring a sound card in more details.

 Thanks in advance

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Re: Help setting up my scanner??

2000-09-06 Thread Michael Smith
There is a seperate section in the kernel configuration for generic scsi 
You have to have that enabled for the scanner to work.  After that, the device 
you should use is /dev/sg0 (1st scsi generic device).

Daly Gutierrez wrote:

 Hello all,

 I have an HP Scanjet 5p (SCSI) scanner hooked up to my Buslogic 958
 (Mylex) SCSI card.  The Hardware-HOW-TO states that both devices are
 Linux compatible... and they appear to be, to some extent.  I have
 installed the SANE package and its documentation also says that the HP
 Scanjet 5p is supported.

 During boot-up, Linux properly detects my Buslogic SCSI card and the two
 devices connected to it:  my 2.1 GB SCSI hard drive and my scanner!  For
 that reason, I believe that SCSI support has been pre-compiled in the
 kernel (I may be wrong).  Anyway, when I type scanimage -L to list the
 devices, there are NO devices shown.  I've also tried find-scanner and
 I get a message like needing generic SCSI support.  Do I not have this

 Any help would be appreciated !!

 -- Daly

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Re: DHCP client setup for @Home

2000-09-06 Thread Michael Smith
Oh, no, dhcpd is the server software.  That won't work at all, unless you are on
contract with @home to provide this service:^)  In fact, you might be handing 
addresses to @home customers who wonder why it doesn't work.

What they don't tell you about @home is that they use static ip addresses, they 
make you get it with dhcp.  If you have the information, you can just set it up
normally and not dink around with all this dhcp junk.  I think it's supposed to 
it easier on tech support if they tell you all the addresses through dhcp.  
I've been
running two boxen for about 4 months without a problem--all using static IP.  
If you
have the work order that they gave you with the other goodies, you can look on 
it and
it will have all the info you need, or if you have another working setup, you 
look to see what the settings are.  Then set up a normal network with
/etc/network/interfaces and resolv.conf.

Sven Burgener wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 06, 2000 at 11:30:13AM -0500, Phil Brutsche wrote:
  dhclient (that's the name of the executable in the dhcp-client package) is
  the best (imo) dhcp client for unix-type systems.  That would explain why
  NetBSD, OpenBSD, and FreeBSD use dhclient in their bootup sequence when
  you select automatic interface configuration (or something like that).

 How about dhcpcd?

 Package: dhcpcd
 Priority: optional
 Section: net
 Installed-Size: 102
 Maintainer: Dennis Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Architecture: i386
 Version: 1:1.3.17pl2-8
 Replaces: dhcpcd-sv
 Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.2)
 Conflicts: dhcpcd-sv
 Filename: dists/stable/main/binary-i386/net/dhcpcd_1.3.17pl2-8.deb
 Size: 37178
 MD5sum: c843acf777bf739206ccfca1769de412
 Description: DHCP client for automatically configuring IPv4 networking
  This package contains both the 0.70 and 1.3.x version of dhcpcd and
  should work with any Linux kernel.

 Thing is, I am having trouble with getting my cable connection working.

 I can use dhcpcd eth0 to get connected. I get an IP address, my
 default route gets set, and my /etc/resolv.conf is changed.
 So far so good, all *seems* well.

 Now, what I can do is ping the default gateway, but not the DHCP server.
 Also, I cannot resolve DNS names.

 Can anyone judge to say what *could* be the problem? Thing is exactly
 the same situation occurs under WinDos. (Them stupid support folks first
 told me to use WinDos instead of Linux - they don't support Linux!)

 Anyway, I am waiting for the cable company to respond / fix the problems.
 My guess is that their network is somewhat fsck'ed.

  You weren't doing anything wrong.  pump simply doesn't work very well.

 Has anyone ever had any problems when using dhcpcd instead of dhclient?
 I never tried dhclient.

 The program required me to install Windows 95 or better ...
 ... so I installed Linux.

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Re: DHCP client setup for @Home

2000-09-06 Thread Michael Smith
Yeah, there's that, but from all the inquiring I have done, that address is 
pretty much
unchanging.  The problem I've found with @home, at least in Eugene, OR, is that 
they use
alot of mystique to describe what they do, like it's magic or something, when 
all they
really do is pass packets and run DNS and mail servers, maybe occassionally 
probe you on
port 119 to see if you're running a news server.  Trust us, it's faster is 
about all
the tech data you get around here.  Maybe they aren't used to talking to people 
actually do networking for a living.  Oh, well, that's life.

John Reinke wrote:

 Also, just
 because DHCP is used, doesn't mean that the IP address assigned to a MAC
 address WILL change, just don't assume it will never change, or things
 might be very broken when they do.

myodbc on remote machines?

2000-09-06 Thread Michael Smith
Hi all,

I'm having a problem connecting to a remote machine through myodbc and
unixodbc.  For some reason, It tries to use a socket on the local
machine instead of the remote one.  Is there something I'm just stupid
about here? The frustrating part is that I can connect throught the
mysql client with mysql -u username -p -h dbserver.

Here's my odbc.ini entry:

Trace  = Off
#Tracefile= stderr
Driver   = /usr/lib/
DSN  = dsnname
HOST = dbserver
SERVER   = dbserver
PORT = 3306

Here's my error message, and how the myodbc connect goes through the
command-line sql monitor isql:

#isql dnsname -v
[unixODBC][TCX][MyODBC]Can't connect to local MySQL server through
socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)
[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect

Re: secure ftp

2000-09-05 Thread Michael Smith
If you're working on a workstation with X, GFTP (the recent version) can use 
sftp for
secure, guix ftp.  Just make a connection with ssh to get the key, and then 
the ssh protocol in GFTP.

brian moore wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 05:41:46PM -0700, Tal Danzig wrote:
  On Mon, 4 Sep 2000 17:24:23 -0700, brian moore said:
  : On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 01:18:08PM -0700, Tal Danzig wrote:
  :   Hi all,
  :   If you have ssh2 installed there is sftp2.
  :  If you have openssh installed, there is 'sftp', even available as a deb
  :  of the same name.
  That's good to know.
  So is openssh the equivalent of ssh2? And more importantly is it backwards
  compatible with the older version of ssh?

 Openssh currently supports both ssh1.5 and ssh2 protocols.  So, yes,
 you can use it in place of ssh-nonfree and/or ssh2 (hence the name
 change with potato -- 'ssh' refers to openssh).  The sftp2 that
 works with ssh2 is proprietary, as I recall.  It only works with ssh2,
 which has that evil non-free license, so I've never looked seriously at

 Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
   Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
   Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
   Netscum, Bane of Elves.

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Re: Potato or Woody

2000-09-01 Thread Michael Smith
Woody is the development version
Potato is the stable version, also called version 2.2.

If you're looking for stability and reliability for a production machine
(high-availability webserver), go for potato.  If you want the bleeding edge, 
for woody.  Or, if you're completely insane, like me, you can use custom sources
(like the helixcode stuff) as an addition to woody.

Christopher W. Aiken wrote:

 Sorry if this is a repeat, I lost my phone connection
 just I mailed this off.

 I'm obviously a Debian newbie, although I've been using
 Linux and FreeBSD for several years as a home workstation.

 I see all of the code names Potato  Woody mentioned in
 a lot of the discussions.  Who is newer, Potato or Woody?
 How do I know which version that I just got in the mail?

 My official CD's indicate that I have Ver. 2.2_r0
 uname -a displays:
  Linux Debian 2.2.17 #1 Sun Jun 25 09:24:41 EST 2000 i686 unknown

 Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
 chris at cwaiken dot com,
 Preferred O/S: FreeBSD 4.0

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Re: Is the 3COM 3C509B PCI (PCI PCI PCI __not__ ISA) supported?

2000-08-30 Thread Michael Smith
The 3c59x module is built right into the stock kernel (at least for potato).  
You don't even have to load a module.  As long as it is recognized, it should 
work.  I just did an
install yesterday on one, and I skipped all the configure modules stuff--just 
configured the network and I was off.  Check ifconfig and cat 
/proc/interrupts to see it it's
installed.  Other than that, it's a sweet card.  I dinked around for a whole 
day with a realtek and finally just swapped it for a 3c905b and life has been 
sweet ever since.


Ray Percival wrote:

 I just use the Vortex module. I know the numbers are not right but it works 
 very well vor me 3C9XXX is the model number I think will have to check when I 
 get home to make sure.

 -- Original Message --
 From: Chris Majewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 11:15:04 -0700 (PDT)

 I bought a 3c509b PCI thinking this would be the easiest and most
 reliable thing to get working.. bullshit.
 /proc/pci says:
   Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
 Ethernet controller: 3Com 3C905B 100bTX (rev 48).
   Medium devsel.  IRQ 5.  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=10.Max 
   I/O at 0xe800 [0xe801].
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe900 [0xe900].
 but compiling the 3c509 driver into the kernel (2.2.17) does nothing,
 and compiling it as a module yields
 init_module: device or resource busy
 for every possible irq setting, which is incidentally the same error
 message I get if I try, just for fun, to insert a driver module for a
 nonexistent device. In English: I can't get the 3c509 driver to recognize
 my 3c509b PCI.
 Is there another driver, or should I get a different card?
 (Please don't send me mail telling me how well
 your isapnp 3c509 works; mine does too.)
 thanks for any suggestions, chris
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Re: how to diagnose ethernet card?

2000-08-30 Thread Michael Smith
tcpdump tells you the raw tcp messages, and is great for troubleshooting.

Also, ping your net address

ifconfig might be what you are looking for if you want to see if the interface 
setup and running.

Chris Majewski wrote:

 Given that my network is down, how can I check if my NIC works?
 In particular, if el3diag gives a successful-looking message and
 no errors, can I assume the NIC is OK? (My cable modem connection is
 foobar and I would like to at least trust my hardware)

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Re: cable connection stopped working

2000-08-30 Thread Michael Smith
BTW, I've hooked up several boxen to @home, and sometimes the modem needs to 
turned off.  That's my big troubleshooting step if I can't ping the outside.

Re: It's a small world....

2000-08-25 Thread Michael Smith
Actually, I think we were talking about a celebrity death match between Steve 
and Dr. Laura.  Don't ask how we got there.

Anyway, glad to meet ya', Brian.


Seth Cohn wrote:

 Tonight at the Eugene Linux user group meeting, not only were the regulars
 there, like myself and Mike Smith, but I had the pleasant experience of
 meeting Brian Moore, whom I had no idea was local.  We had some laughs and
 all agreed once again that arguing with Steve Lamb was pointless...
 Pretty funny when you get together in person, and all you can do is talk
 about the time you spent in cyberspace and not even realize that a
 person in front of you IS the person from cyberspace.

 obDebian: all of our local power users are switching slowly to Debian
 all of the talk about the power of apt-get slowly sways them.

 obCool:  our user group webmaster is hacking around with 404 errors.
 check out any NON-existent page on
 like  and enjoy the fun.

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Re: Is it just me or.......

2000-08-25 Thread Michael Smith
I've got tons...about 450 since 1700 yesterday.  I just culled them all.

Christopher W. Aiken wrote:

 Is it just me or has every message posted to this Debain
 list been posted 3-4 times today?  I've had 150+ emails
 and they were just duplicates of previous postings over
 and over !!

 Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
 chris at cwaiken dot com,
 Preferred O/S: FreeBSD 4.0

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.debs for LeoCAD

2000-08-25 Thread Michael Smith
Hi all

Pat Mahone put up some .deb's for LeoCAD at  They're compiled for the
helix version of GTK+, so they might work if you force them.  Failing
that, there's always the source code.

LeoCAD is a cool CAD program for legos.  The homepage is at  There are a couple of low-traffic mailing
lists, too.

I talked to Leonardo, and he said that he's doing more development in
Linux nowadays, but he doesn't think that he has too many Linux users.
I remember about 6 months ago, somebody mentioned LeoCAD, and I just
didn't have the time to check it out.  Well, it's all good now.

Happy building!


Re: slow modem response

2000-08-24 Thread Michael Smith
The problem is, the software is looking for the wrong interrupt.  That's why 
the response is so slow.

Look in /proc/pci for something that sounds like a modem.  There should be 
something that tells you what the irq is.  use setserial to change the irq 
setting that the software is looking for setserial -v /dev/ttyS0?? irq ?? or 
something to that effect (this is off the top of my head.  Read the man page).  
With setserial, you can change
alot of serial port settings, so it's a great tool.  Once you get that running, 
start looking for a place to have setserial run on boot-up.  Then you should be 

About 3 years ago, I first started Linux when I was living in Germany, and it 
took about 6 months for me to figure out how to do this because I didn't have 
anybody that I could ask, and how can you find help online if you can't dial 


Debian Mail wrote:

 Hello Debian Users,
 D Ghost here. I am trying to get advice on a slow modem I have here.
 My modem is a best data 56k modem that said 'linux compatable' on the box 
 at any rate, I have it on ttyS3 and when I send commands to it (i.e- minicom) 
 it has a very slow response. I can send it ATZ string and the modem seems to 
 take 10 seconds or more to receive the string. Needless to say any dialup 
 script I use will basically time out. Not sure if this is some type of serial 
 problem between the modem and pc.

 Advice much aprriciated!

 D Ghost

 'space ghost on neptune!'

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Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Re: mysql-server?

2000-08-24 Thread Michael Smith
Purge the package and reinstall it.  The install script creates a database in
/var/lib/mysql[d] and a socket and pid file in /var/run/mysql[d].  If these 
exist, then it can't create them and you get an error message.  When you purge 
package, it cleans out these directories.  I had a problem with this before and 
took me some experimentation to figure out how to get it to work.  If I cleaned 
the directories manually, I got another error.  When you install mysql-server, 
asks if you want to purge the directory on removal of the package.  Say yes and 
remove the package.  It should work now.  I think you can do the same thing with
dpkg --purge mysql-server.  If that still doesn't work, just give me your IP 
root password ;^)


Robert L. Harris wrote:

 Running woody, a friend is trying to install mysql-server:

 jughthreead:/var/cache/apt/archives# apt-get install mysql-server
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Sorry, mysql-server is already the newest version
 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
 1 packages not fully installed or removed.
 Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
 Setting up mysql-server (3.23.21-3) ...
 dpkg: error processing mysql-server (--configure):
  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


 Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :
 Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability
   at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
 \_   that important!
   These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
  perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

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Re: Netscape startup hangs

2000-08-24 Thread Michael Smith
Fire up netscape, go to editpreferences.  Select navigator.  There should be an
option Browser Starts With:  Set that to Blank Page.  You might have to 
netscape for it to take effect, but you have to restart it anyway (you can go
filenewbrowserwindow) to see if it worked.

Jonathan Markevich wrote:

 I'm trying to convert a spare old 486 into a freesco box (with diald), but the
 problem is; I would like to be able to launch Netscape to administer the
 thing (or read offline HTML pages) *without* dialing.  Right now it hangs
 for a few minutes before it gives up and lets me use it.

 When I have this pointing directly to my modem, it's not a problem, it
 realizes there's no interface for it to use, so it lets me work with it
 offline, but when I enable a gateway through my NIC -- sigh.

 How can I prevent it from trying to hit (  Or something
 like that?) the Internet until I'm good and ready?

 P.S. there is NO startup page set.

 Thanks in advance.

 Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 == It's VIRUSES, not VIRII!  See ==

 How you look depends on where you go.

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Re: Linux Mail Client (was: Re: Web browsers for Linux (was: Re: Netscape Bus Error))

2000-08-21 Thread Michael Smith
If you have dialup access with many users with different pop accounts (like my 
once), you can grab everybody's mail as soon as anyone connects with ppp.  That 
nobody has to dial in to check mail--it's already grabbed.

Also, you can grab pop mail from multiple servers if you're like the typical 
guy and
have 5+ mail addresses.


Steve Lamb wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Wednesday, August 16, 2000, 6:30:22 PM, John wrote:
  i do appreciate that the fetchmail approach is more elegant.. but it is more
  daunting too.

 Hate to tell you but fetchmail is not more elegant.  In fact, I find it
 quite archaic.  I don't know about you, but there is something about pulling 2
 accounts worth of mail, dumping them into a single local account and then have
 to filter it all out /and/ have to tell the mail client to use x account in y
 situation but not z that is quite inelegant.

 - --
  Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
  ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

 Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re: Shockwave Plugin

2000-08-21 Thread Michael Smith
There's an install script in nonfree.  It tells you to go to an url and 
download the
plugin.  Then tell the config script where the file is downloaded and it 

Dale L . Morris wrote:

 Is there a debian package for the shockwave plugin? If not, how's the
 best way to install it on my system?
 I've had a little success using alien -i [package name.rpm] to install
 rpm packages but using the same for tar.gz packages doesn't seem to
 work. I'll be reading the manual for alien, but in the meantime, is
 there an easy, sound way to install the shockwave plugin? Or just
 download it to /usr/local unzip and untar and ./configure/make/make

 Make voyages, attempt them, there's nothing else.
  --Tennessee Williams

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Re: Shockwave Plugin

2000-08-21 Thread Michael Smith
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list to add non-free and contrib.

Find a line that says something like this:

deb stable main (actually, any big debian 
mirror will work)

and change it so it goes like this:

deb stable main contrib non-free

Basically, you're adding non-free and contrib to your sources.  Then just 
apt-get update apt-get
install shockwave.  Now that I think about it, I think shockwave is in the 
contrib section because
it doesn't have the binary in it.  The only way that this will not work is if I 
pulled it from a
different source, because I have a very eclectic list of sources that I got 
from a friend.

Dale L . Morris wrote:

 I don't know where the non-free package list is, if I go to
 debian/packages it doesn't list a non-free grouping. I have seen it
 before, but don't know where it's at..
 I apologize for this duh.. type question, but it's a duh.. kind of

 On Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 11:45:29AM -0700 50, Michael Smith [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED] wrote:

  There's an install script in nonfree.  It tells you to go to an url and 
  download the
  plugin.  Then tell the config script where the file is downloaded and it 
  Dale L . Morris wrote:
   Is there a debian package for the shockwave plugin? If not, how's the
   best way to install it on my system?
   I've had a little success using alien -i [package name.rpm] to install
   rpm packages but using the same for tar.gz packages doesn't seem to
   work. I'll be reading the manual for alien, but in the meantime, is
   there an easy, sound way to install the shockwave plugin? Or just
   download it to /usr/local unzip and untar and ./configure/make/make
   Make voyages, attempt them, there's nothing else.


 Make voyages, attempt them, there's nothing else.
  --Tennessee Williams