RE: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-03-01 Thread Jeremy Coulter

Ah Pooh.I am running NT as our Internet server, not Lynix.agh !!

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, March 01, 1999 09:17
 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
 Subject: RE: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

 You can get IB 4 for Linux for free and your Internet customers would
 probably love that!

 "Jeremy Coulter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 28/02/99 16:05:19

 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:(bcc: Peter Jones/LogisticsInformation
 Subject:  RE: [DUG]:  SQL Server or Interbase ??

 Thanks Nic.

 One further question, the interbase we get with Delphi (4), whats the deal
 with that ?
 How many lic. does it cover if at all ???

 I am thinking of doing some more stuff with out Internet server, i.e.
 better databases for client who are currently using access MDB's on it.
 I wanted to use MSSQL, but the $$ involved are CRAZY !!! so I have
 heard..(this is in an internet enviroment)

 Woudl I have the same hasseles with IB ??
 I only will have it installed on the server anyway, prob. not my local
 machine at all.

 Thanks, Jeremy Coulter.

  -Original Message-
  Behalf Of Nic Wise
  Sent: Sunday, February 28, 1999 16:32
  To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
  Subject: Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??
   Hi all.
  OK, I'm a little biased, but still. (so are most people who have
   I have only really had experience with SQL Server, how does Interbase
   stackup against
   SQL server ?
  Basically, except for a few points, it eats its lunch. Period.
   Is is reltivly similar ?
  Kinda. Both are RDBMS's with SQL interfaces - a lot of the themes
  are the same - SP's, Triggers etc. MSSQL has a nicer interface (UI),
  and more built in SP's, but its tied to NT (NOT a good thing if
  you need 100 people on the machine), and has a few fundermental
  flaws (no row level locking, the log file, having to manually resize
  data files (6.5), only one transaction per connection, only one active
  statement per connection (this is a biggie), 16 tables per select)
  Interbase has stuff all UI, but it doesn't need it (there is stuff all
  to configure), it runs on various flavours of Unix as well as NT/9x
  (and linux!!), and requires stuff all memory (64meg machine will run
  WELL, not on MSSQL). It has pre and post triggers (ie, fire before an
  not just after it!), and good SP language (not as good as PL/SQL, but
  way better than Transact/SQL), etc.
  Oh, and we sell it. :)
   Is it about the same in ease of use ?
  From a developer's POV using Delphi (different if you use VB or VC++),
  I think they are about the same. Technically, dont start with IB if you
  want to go back to MSSQL at a later date - it (MSSQL) will just
  frustrate you
   Is it easy to deploy ?
  MSSQL is a MISSION to delpoy, especially in a single user system (ala
  and not a load of fun as a server.
  Interbase is trivial to install and deploy. Just run the installer. Set
  if needed. Put your DB on the machine. Leave it alone.
  Embed, Deploy, Relax. I hate taglines, but this one is about right.
   Any info would helpful.
  If you need something specific, drop me a line ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I
  done a few comparisons for people of late (I've used MSSQL for about a
  at my previous job, from a dev. and admin point, and I have a MCP exam
  for it under my belt), and I can forward them to you if you want them
  New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-03-01 Thread Jeremy Coulter

At work, we us VB(agh puke puke !!!) and SQL Server 7 and I must admit, I
find it quite slow compared to SQL Server 6.5.and its not just
might be a configuration thing, but then is it ment to be "Smart" when it
decides how much mem. it uses etc.

I had a play with interbase last night, but I couldn't see how to create
table, and when I tried to connect to a database, it gave some sort of
error.its a shame it doesn't have a nicer interface, it would prob. make
people less scard of it, and less confusedBUT I intend to persevair with
it all the same..I get stuck in the Microsoft world at work, and based
on their last few releases, thats a BAD thing.

Thanks, Jeremy Coulter

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Max Renshaw-Fox
 Sent: Monday, March 01, 1999 22:47
 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
 Subject: RE: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

 The other thing you should consider, in an IB vs MS-SQL decision,
 is your need for
 transaction handling (read 2 phase commits).

 Because SQL-Server is based on Sybase DbLib (I think that's the
 right one) it can only
 handle 1 cursor per connection.

 This has 2 effects:

 1.  If you do 2 successive queries against a single TDatabase
 (single TSession) (eg
 "SELECT * FROM MyMillionRowTable" followed by "SELECT PrimaryKey
 FROM MyOtherTable WHERE
 PrimaryKey = :Value") then the BDE will Fetch All the rows in the
 1st query in an attempt
 to pretend you're still seeing both - like sending the apprentice
 out for a long weight.

 2.  Or.. you use multiple sessions and handle transactions
 explicitly. I spoke to the MS
 Program Manager at the last Tech-Ed about SQL-Server 7 and the
 model has not changed.
 Their answer - use MTS - which is fine, and Delphi will do it,
 but like using multiple
 sessions and handling it yourself - it's more work: read higher
 cost of development.

 Then again, as the Program Manager pointed out, you could use
 Access or VB to do the
 development (he had a his tongue firmly in his cheek at this point).


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, 1 March 1999 09:12
 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
 Subject: Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

 I would allmost totally agree with Nic on this one.

 We did an extensive comparision about a year ago between IB 5 and
 (beta) MS
 SQL 7.  In the end we chose IB cause we wanted to sleep at night.
 it took until IB 5.5  before Interbase delivered on it's promise.

 I still feel that MS SQL is better in a more general purpose or DSS/OLAP
 role than IB and it probably handles huge databases better.  Also MS's
 optimizer is better.  But for most small to medium size apps/db's - which
 is what NZ's users generally are - IB wins every time.

 Nic Wise [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 28/02/99 15:32:21

 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:(bcc: Peter Jones/LogisticsInformation
 Subject:  Re: [DUG]:  SQL Server or Interbase ??

  Hi all.

 OK, I'm a little biased, but still. (so are most people who have
  I have only really had experience with SQL Server, how does Interbase
  stackup against
  SQL server ?

 Basically, except for a few points, it eats its lunch. Period.

  Is is reltivly similar ?

 Kinda. Both are RDBMS's with SQL interfaces - a lot of the themes
 are the same - SP's, Triggers etc. MSSQL has a nicer interface (UI),
 and more built in SP's, but its tied to NT (NOT a good thing if
 you need 100 people on the machine), and has a few fundermental
 flaws (no row level locking, the log file, having to manually resize
 data files (6.5), only one transaction per connection, only one active
 statement per connection (this is a biggie), 16 tables per select)

 Interbase has stuff all UI, but it doesn't need it (there is stuff all
 to configure), it runs on various flavours of Unix as well as NT/9x
 (and linux!!), and requires stuff all memory (64meg machine will run
 WELL, not on MSSQL). It has pre and post triggers (ie, fire before an
 not just after it!), and good SP language (not as good as PL/SQL, but
 way better than Transact/SQL), etc.

 Oh, and we sell it. :)

  Is it about the same in ease of use ?

 From a developer's POV using Delphi (different if you use VB or VC++),
 I think they are about the same. Technically, dont start with IB if you
 want to go back to MSSQL at a later date - it (MSSQL) will just
 frustrate you


  Is it easy to deploy ?

 MSSQL is a MISSION to delpoy, especially in a single user system (ala
 and not a load of fun as a server.

 Interbase is trivial to install and deploy. Just run the installer. Set
 if needed. Put your DB on the machine. Leave it alone.


Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-03-01 Thread pjones

Why is it so persistently not happening with IB ? Year by year people
do not start raving about it ? Are they all blind ?


New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-03-01 Thread Max Renshaw-Fox

-Original Message-
Why is it so persistently not happening with IB ? Year by year people
just do not start raving about it ? Are they all blind ?


-Original Message-

I agree - but I also I think there are a few of "real" factors involved too.

The press writes about what people want to hear - economic reality.

IB is a mid-level player, it's an excellent "departmental" (in US terms)
database and makes an excellent embedded database (which is where their
strategy is focussed - they can get more bang for their marketing buck by
focussing on a technically aware market).

The reviews are generally about the "big" databases, MS has the dollars and
"share-of-mind" to breast beat their way into the articles - IB does not.

There has been a periodic ongoing debate on the Interbase list about exactly
this subject ever since I have been receiving it. Essentially the IB
response has been - we're throwing as much marketing $ at it as we can
afford, we're growing very rapidly with our current marketing $, and - we're
throwing as much new technology, speed, compliance etc at it as we can

FWIW I think they would do themselves a favour, by making life easy for
those evaluating it, by having a mature graphical administration tool. But -
I guess that as their market focus is on SQL-DB aware types - getting more
features into the back-end is a higher priority than a GUI tool.

Personally I've never had a problem making the case for IB - at the level
that I work (Corporate departmental / Mid-sized enterprise) by a)
quantifying the difference in DBA costs for IB vs Oracle, Informix et al and
b) pointing out the extra development cost of Delphi on SQL-Server. Only
once has speed been an issue - so I filled a table with 500,000 random
records and did a bunch of queries of the sort they wanted.

The only area that IB runs out of steam is at hundreds of concurrent users
with continuously high transaction rates - where the versioning engine,
which gives you a host of other real benefits, runs out of steam. So for 90%
of the NZ market it's the perfect back-end.


New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-02-28 Thread Nic Wise

 One further question, the interbase we get with Delphi (4), whats the deal
 with that ?
 How many lic. does it cover if at all ???

OK, first up, for a definitive on this, call Annie - 09 3600 231 or

AFAIK, The one with D4 C/S (and Pro?) is a development-only licence -
you can install it and develope against it, but you CAN'T install it on
a client's machine, and I think its a licence for 1 developer also - ie,
if you have 4 people, they need 4 copies of Delphi, and hence 4 licences
that come with it.

As I said, for a definitive, check with Annie. I KNOW its not a
deployment licence tho.

 I am thinking of doing some more stuff with out Internet server, i.e. adding
 better databases for client who are currently using access MDB's on it.
 I wanted to use MSSQL, but the $$ involved are CRAZY !!! so I have
 heard..(this is in an internet enviroment)

I dont know if the IB internet licence cost is much better, but its
fairly complex, and I dont think I understand it properly (either that
or it makes
no sense to me (ie, WHY do this?), which is more likely)

 Woudl I have the same hasseles with IB ??

Well, running it - it runs nice in an internet environment, tho.

 I only will have it installed on the server anyway, prob. not my local
 machine at all.

I dunno if access can talk to it, tho it comes with an ODBC driver, so
should be happy. ASP DEFINATLY will talk to it (VID also will, very
well) tho you need to do stuff like generators manually (VID has no
concept of them, as they are  not in MSSQL)

Hope that helps.

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-02-28 Thread Jeremy Coulter

thanks Nic.this gives me a better Idea.

Jeremy Coulter

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Nic Wise
 Sent: Sunday, February 28, 1999 23:09
 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
 Subject: Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??
  One further question, the interbase we get with Delphi (4), 
 whats the deal
  with that ?
  How many lic. does it cover if at all ???
 OK, first up, for a definitive on this, call Annie - 09 3600 231 or
 AFAIK, The one with D4 C/S (and Pro?) is a development-only licence -
 you can install it and develope against it, but you CAN'T install it on
 a client's machine, and I think its a licence for 1 developer also - ie,
 if you have 4 people, they need 4 copies of Delphi, and hence 4 licences
 that come with it.
 As I said, for a definitive, check with Annie. I KNOW its not a
 deployment licence tho.
  I am thinking of doing some more stuff with out Internet 
 server, i.e. adding
  better databases for client who are currently using access MDB's on it.
  I wanted to use MSSQL, but the $$ involved are CRAZY !!! so I have
  heard..(this is in an internet enviroment)
 I dont know if the IB internet licence cost is much better, but its
 fairly complex, and I dont think I understand it properly (either that
 or it makes
 no sense to me (ie, WHY do this?), which is more likely)
  Woudl I have the same hasseles with IB ??
 Well, running it - it runs nice in an internet environment, tho.
  I only will have it installed on the server anyway, prob. not my local
  machine at all.
 I dunno if access can talk to it, tho it comes with an ODBC driver, so
 should be happy. ASP DEFINATLY will talk to it (VID also will, very
 well) tho you need to do stuff like generators manually (VID has no
 concept of them, as they are  not in MSSQL)
 Hope that helps.
 New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-02-28 Thread pjones

I would allmost totally agree with Nic on this one.

We did an extensive comparision about a year ago between IB 5 and (beta) MS
SQL 7.  In the end we chose IB cause we wanted to sleep at night.  However,
it took until IB 5.5  before Interbase delivered on it's promise.

I still feel that MS SQL is better in a more general purpose or DSS/OLAP
role than IB and it probably handles huge databases better.  Also MS's
optimizer is better.  But for most small to medium size apps/db's - which
is what NZ's users generally are - IB wins every time.

Nic Wise [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 28/02/99 15:32:21

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:(bcc: Peter Jones/LogisticsInformation
Subject:  Re: [DUG]:  SQL Server or Interbase ??

 Hi all.

OK, I'm a little biased, but still. (so are most people who have

 I have only really had experience with SQL Server, how does Interbase
 stackup against
 SQL server ?

Basically, except for a few points, it eats its lunch. Period.

 Is is reltivly similar ?

Kinda. Both are RDBMS's with SQL interfaces - a lot of the themes
are the same - SP's, Triggers etc. MSSQL has a nicer interface (UI),
and more built in SP's, but its tied to NT (NOT a good thing if
you need 100 people on the machine), and has a few fundermental
flaws (no row level locking, the log file, having to manually resize
data files (6.5), only one transaction per connection, only one active
statement per connection (this is a biggie), 16 tables per select)

Interbase has stuff all UI, but it doesn't need it (there is stuff all
to configure), it runs on various flavours of Unix as well as NT/9x
(and linux!!), and requires stuff all memory (64meg machine will run
WELL, not on MSSQL). It has pre and post triggers (ie, fire before an
not just after it!), and good SP language (not as good as PL/SQL, but
way better than Transact/SQL), etc.

Oh, and we sell it. :)

 Is it about the same in ease of use ?

From a developer's POV using Delphi (different if you use VB or VC++),
I think they are about the same. Technically, dont start with IB if you
want to go back to MSSQL at a later date - it (MSSQL) will just
frustrate you


 Is it easy to deploy ?

MSSQL is a MISSION to delpoy, especially in a single user system (ala
and not a load of fun as a server.

Interbase is trivial to install and deploy. Just run the installer. Set
if needed. Put your DB on the machine. Leave it alone.

Embed, Deploy, Relax. I hate taglines, but this one is about right.

 Any info would helpful.

If you need something specific, drop me a line ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I
done a few comparisons for people of late (I've used MSSQL for about a
at my previous job, from a dev. and admin point, and I have a MCP exam
for it under my belt), and I can forward them to you if you want them

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-02-28 Thread pjones

You can get IB 4 for Linux for free and your Internet customers would
probably love that!

"Jeremy Coulter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 28/02/99 16:05:19

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:(bcc: Peter Jones/LogisticsInformation
Subject:  RE: [DUG]:  SQL Server or Interbase ??

Thanks Nic.

One further question, the interbase we get with Delphi (4), whats the deal
with that ?
How many lic. does it cover if at all ???

I am thinking of doing some more stuff with out Internet server, i.e.
better databases for client who are currently using access MDB's on it.
I wanted to use MSSQL, but the $$ involved are CRAZY !!! so I have
heard..(this is in an internet enviroment)

Woudl I have the same hasseles with IB ??
I only will have it installed on the server anyway, prob. not my local
machine at all.

Thanks, Jeremy Coulter.

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Nic Wise
 Sent: Sunday, February 28, 1999 16:32
 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
 Subject: Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

  Hi all.

 OK, I'm a little biased, but still. (so are most people who have
  I have only really had experience with SQL Server, how does Interbase
  stackup against
  SQL server ?

 Basically, except for a few points, it eats its lunch. Period.

  Is is reltivly similar ?

 Kinda. Both are RDBMS's with SQL interfaces - a lot of the themes
 are the same - SP's, Triggers etc. MSSQL has a nicer interface (UI),
 and more built in SP's, but its tied to NT (NOT a good thing if
 you need 100 people on the machine), and has a few fundermental
 flaws (no row level locking, the log file, having to manually resize
 data files (6.5), only one transaction per connection, only one active
 statement per connection (this is a biggie), 16 tables per select)

 Interbase has stuff all UI, but it doesn't need it (there is stuff all
 to configure), it runs on various flavours of Unix as well as NT/9x
 (and linux!!), and requires stuff all memory (64meg machine will run
 WELL, not on MSSQL). It has pre and post triggers (ie, fire before an
 not just after it!), and good SP language (not as good as PL/SQL, but
 way better than Transact/SQL), etc.

 Oh, and we sell it. :)

  Is it about the same in ease of use ?

 From a developer's POV using Delphi (different if you use VB or VC++),
 I think they are about the same. Technically, dont start with IB if you
 want to go back to MSSQL at a later date - it (MSSQL) will just
 frustrate you


  Is it easy to deploy ?

 MSSQL is a MISSION to delpoy, especially in a single user system (ala
 and not a load of fun as a server.

 Interbase is trivial to install and deploy. Just run the installer. Set
 if needed. Put your DB on the machine. Leave it alone.

 Embed, Deploy, Relax. I hate taglines, but this one is about right.

  Any info would helpful.

 If you need something specific, drop me a line ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I
 done a few comparisons for people of late (I've used MSSQL for about a
 at my previous job, from a dev. and admin point, and I have a MCP exam
 for it under my belt), and I can forward them to you if you want them

 New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-02-28 Thread pjones

Any multi-tier tecniques for conencting to IB are covered in the license.
You would still need to purchase licenses for every user even if you only
had 1 real connection to the IB server.

Peter Vroegop [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 28/02/99 19:34:45

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:(bcc: Peter Jones/LogisticsInformation
Subject:  Re: [DUG]:  SQL Server or Interbase ??

 I am thinking of doing some more stuff with out Internet server, i.e.
 better databases for client who are currently using access MDB's on it.
 I wanted to use MSSQL, but the $$ involved are CRAZY !!! so I have
 heard..(this is in an internet enviroment)

Don't know how relevant this is for you, but I've been playing around with
a multi-tier component set called "dbOvernet" (based on Francois Piette's
stuff) .
This appears to effectively allow you multi-user access over TCP/IP against
a SQL RDBMS. Anyway, that's my understanding of it. (rightly or wrongly..)

If you want to check it out, you can find their stuff on:

Peter Vroegop
New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-02-27 Thread Nic Wise

 Hi all.

OK, I'm a little biased, but still. (so are most people who have
 I have only really had experience with SQL Server, how does Interbase
 stackup against
 SQL server ?

Basically, except for a few points, it eats its lunch. Period.

 Is is reltivly similar ?

Kinda. Both are RDBMS's with SQL interfaces - a lot of the themes
are the same - SP's, Triggers etc. MSSQL has a nicer interface (UI),
and more built in SP's, but its tied to NT (NOT a good thing if
you need 100 people on the machine), and has a few fundermental
flaws (no row level locking, the log file, having to manually resize
data files (6.5), only one transaction per connection, only one active 
statement per connection (this is a biggie), 16 tables per select)

Interbase has stuff all UI, but it doesn't need it (there is stuff all
to configure), it runs on various flavours of Unix as well as NT/9x 
(and linux!!), and requires stuff all memory (64meg machine will run
WELL, not on MSSQL). It has pre and post triggers (ie, fire before an
not just after it!), and good SP language (not as good as PL/SQL, but
way better than Transact/SQL), etc.

Oh, and we sell it. :)

 Is it about the same in ease of use ?

From a developer's POV using Delphi (different if you use VB or VC++),
I think they are about the same. Technically, dont start with IB if you
want to go back to MSSQL at a later date - it (MSSQL) will just
frustrate you


 Is it easy to deploy ?

MSSQL is a MISSION to delpoy, especially in a single user system (ala
and not a load of fun as a server.

Interbase is trivial to install and deploy. Just run the installer. Set
if needed. Put your DB on the machine. Leave it alone.

Embed, Deploy, Relax. I hate taglines, but this one is about right.

 Any info would helpful.

If you need something specific, drop me a line ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I
done a few comparisons for people of late (I've used MSSQL for about a
at my previous job, from a dev. and admin point, and I have a MCP exam
for it under my belt), and I can forward them to you if you want them

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-02-27 Thread Jeremy Coulter

Thanks Nic.

One further question, the interbase we get with Delphi (4), whats the deal
with that ?
How many lic. does it cover if at all ???

I am thinking of doing some more stuff with out Internet server, i.e. adding
better databases for client who are currently using access MDB's on it.
I wanted to use MSSQL, but the $$ involved are CRAZY !!! so I have
heard..(this is in an internet enviroment)

Woudl I have the same hasseles with IB ??
I only will have it installed on the server anyway, prob. not my local
machine at all.

Thanks, Jeremy Coulter.

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Nic Wise
 Sent: Sunday, February 28, 1999 16:32
 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
 Subject: Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

  Hi all.

 OK, I'm a little biased, but still. (so are most people who have
  I have only really had experience with SQL Server, how does Interbase
  stackup against
  SQL server ?

 Basically, except for a few points, it eats its lunch. Period.

  Is is reltivly similar ?

 Kinda. Both are RDBMS's with SQL interfaces - a lot of the themes
 are the same - SP's, Triggers etc. MSSQL has a nicer interface (UI),
 and more built in SP's, but its tied to NT (NOT a good thing if
 you need 100 people on the machine), and has a few fundermental
 flaws (no row level locking, the log file, having to manually resize
 data files (6.5), only one transaction per connection, only one active
 statement per connection (this is a biggie), 16 tables per select)

 Interbase has stuff all UI, but it doesn't need it (there is stuff all
 to configure), it runs on various flavours of Unix as well as NT/9x
 (and linux!!), and requires stuff all memory (64meg machine will run
 WELL, not on MSSQL). It has pre and post triggers (ie, fire before an
 not just after it!), and good SP language (not as good as PL/SQL, but
 way better than Transact/SQL), etc.

 Oh, and we sell it. :)

  Is it about the same in ease of use ?

 From a developer's POV using Delphi (different if you use VB or VC++),
 I think they are about the same. Technically, dont start with IB if you
 want to go back to MSSQL at a later date - it (MSSQL) will just
 frustrate you


  Is it easy to deploy ?

 MSSQL is a MISSION to delpoy, especially in a single user system (ala
 and not a load of fun as a server.

 Interbase is trivial to install and deploy. Just run the installer. Set
 if needed. Put your DB on the machine. Leave it alone.

 Embed, Deploy, Relax. I hate taglines, but this one is about right.

  Any info would helpful.

 If you need something specific, drop me a line ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I
 done a few comparisons for people of late (I've used MSSQL for about a
 at my previous job, from a dev. and admin point, and I have a MCP exam
 for it under my belt), and I can forward them to you if you want them

 New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

1999-02-27 Thread Bernard Varaine

I agree with Nic 100%. Specially on the moving from IB to Ms SQL after... I did it 
last year a nd I still regret it...

Bernard Varaine

Digital Objects Ltd
PO Box 60510   Mobile: 025 2777-843
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-Original Message-
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, 28 February 1999 16:29
Subject: Re: [DUG]: SQL Server or Interbase ??

 Hi all.

OK, I'm a little biased, but still. (so are most people who have
 I have only really had experience with SQL Server, how does Interbase
 stackup against
 SQL server ?

Basically, except for a few points, it eats its lunch. Period.

 Is is reltivly similar ?

Kinda. Both are RDBMS's with SQL interfaces - a lot of the themes
are the same - SP's, Triggers etc. MSSQL has a nicer interface (UI),
and more built in SP's, but its tied to NT (NOT a good thing if
you need 100 people on the machine), and has a few fundermental
flaws (no row level locking, the log file, having to manually resize
data files (6.5), only one transaction per connection, only one active 
statement per connection (this is a biggie), 16 tables per select)

Interbase has stuff all UI, but it doesn't need it (there is stuff all
to configure), it runs on various flavours of Unix as well as NT/9x 
(and linux!!), and requires stuff all memory (64meg machine will run
WELL, not on MSSQL). It has pre and post triggers (ie, fire before an
not just after it!), and good SP language (not as good as PL/SQL, but
way better than Transact/SQL), etc.

Oh, and we sell it. :)

 Is it about the same in ease of use ?

From a developer's POV using Delphi (different if you use VB or VC++),
I think they are about the same. Technically, dont start with IB if you
want to go back to MSSQL at a later date - it (MSSQL) will just
frustrate you


 Is it easy to deploy ?

MSSQL is a MISSION to delpoy, especially in a single user system (ala
and not a load of fun as a server.

Interbase is trivial to install and deploy. Just run the installer. Set
if needed. Put your DB on the machine. Leave it alone.

Embed, Deploy, Relax. I hate taglines, but this one is about right.

 Any info would helpful.

If you need something specific, drop me a line ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I
done a few comparisons for people of late (I've used MSSQL for about a
at my previous job, from a dev. and admin point, and I have a MCP exam
for it under my belt), and I can forward them to you if you want them

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