RE: Fixing the VCL (LONG) (was Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day)

1999-03-11 Thread Ian Farquharson

He, he :-) I thought I'd add a couple of my thoughts on the grid.

Max wrote a view-only grid from scratch (ie no VCL Grid code) and then I
inherited from that to make a grid into which you can drop any control. Yes,
any control can be dropped into a cell. (The control must inherit from
TWinControl, although I could even have handled TControl with a bit more

Because of our clean design for keyboard handling (through CM_CHILDKEY) we
can use keys to move around the grid _without_ having to patch the control.
No special messages are needed (unlike the ControlGrid in the VCL), all that
is required is for the control to properly implement CM_CHILDKEY.

If the control in a cell has DataSource and DataField properties then the
grid sets them up for you. At design time the first row of the grid shows
the cell editors which you can click on and set properties as per normal
Delphi Form designer.

So whats my point? Just that Delphi could stand some improvement and this
improvement is achievable! If we could do it at Profax then Inprise can
certainly do it. Maybe they should have hired us (hey thats not a silly idea

BTW: I did not read earlier messages in this thread :)

Over the last three months I have talked to quite a few development
companies around Auckland and I have seen two attitudes: if they are still
using Delphi then they will stick with it come hell or high water, if they
are not using Delphi then it is because Delphi does not a offer enough of an
advantage over the Microsoft tools to go "outside" the norm. Often they have
dabbled with Delphi but judged it only slightly better than VB. Hey, can you
blame them when all the VCL controls (edit, listbox, combo) are just the
standard Windows controls and the RAD database stuff (data-aware controls)
is a copy of VB/Access (bound controls)!

I find it amusing that Access/VB programmers often don't use the bound
controls for real work, just like Delphi programmers dump data-aware when
using SQL.

PS: I no longer work at Profax, the cost of developing all those nifty new
controls and other VCL replacements was too high. I am now doing C++
contracting :-)

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Max Nilson
 Sent: Thursday, 11 March 1999 17:24
 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
 Subject: Fixing the VCL (LONG) (was Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day)

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day

1999-03-11 Thread Rohit Gupta

On 11 Mar 99 at 16:09, Max Renshaw-Fox wrote:

 No offence intended.

None was taken.  :-)


CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
PH(649) 489-2280 
FX(649) 489-2290

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day

1999-03-10 Thread Rohit Gupta

On 10 Mar 99 at 10:23, Max Renshaw-Fox wrote:

 I guess I should take up the challenge... (OK I'm feeling combative today)

Oops, did I hit a raw nerve.  :-)  Well, I certainly dont feel 

As you know, I made no comment on the developers using Delphi, just 
its VCL.

First, the kind of applications we write places different demands on 
the language and OS.  Ever since Turbo Pascal 3, I have used the 
language to its utmost and BP7 has still not run out of steam.  
Even D4 has not got there yet.

Your view (or indeed anyones) of their code and facilites is coloured 
by your own experience.  My (and people such as Paul Lowman, Max 
Neilsen and Paul Heinz) maybe far greater in that respect.  For 
instance we have in the past written our own multi-tasking kernel for 
CPM, MSDOS, TurboPascal, Microsoft Basic etc.  When I look at various 
bits of this professional VCL, parts of it are a joke (for eg the 
multi-threading, we had better facilities 15 years ago).  OTOH, 
certainly there are portions that are great.

My users demand more from my windows system than they had in my dos
system.  I cant give it to them using standard components.  Heck, I
cant even do it with all the libs out there.  And others (including
the few named above) have gone to great pain in duplicating and
fixing most of VCL).  They didnt do it for fun.



CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
PH(649) 489-2280 
FX(649) 489-2290

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day

1999-03-10 Thread Max Renshaw-Fox

Hi Rohit,

Apologies if I sounded abrupt: I was trying to not be personal - but to
point out that adequacy for any individual's needs is not a test of the
VCL's competence.

The point I was making, yes I'm feeling more tolerant today, is that
"childish" is not a good description for the VCL. Inadequate for your
purpose, frustrating etc - I can't disagree with that, nor argue with your,
or anyone else's, competence.

The point I was making was that the VCL does what it was intended to do,
which is clearly less than some people want (which is why Max et al have had
to "fix" it) - but still what was intended and, arguably, what the majority
of Delphi users need. That may make it a commercial solution, rather than a
technically pure one - but not a childish one.

Nor was I questioning your competence - the fact that you, and your clients,
set a high standard is not in question. But neither does that mean that the
VCL is childish, and hence inadequate for the vast majority of us mere

I understood that what you were saying was something like "I get frustrated
when the VCL doesn't do what I want" - but I reacted to the emotionally
charged connotation behind "childish".

No offence intended.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Rohit Gupta
Sent: Friday, 12 March 1999 02:48
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: RE: Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day

On 10 Mar 99 at 10:23, Max Renshaw-Fox wrote:

 I guess I should take up the challenge... (OK I'm feeling combative today)

Oops, did I hit a raw nerve.  :-)  Well, I certainly dont feel

As you know, I made no comment on the developers using Delphi, just
its VCL.

First, the kind of applications we write places different demands on
the language and OS.  Ever since Turbo Pascal 3, I have used the
language to its utmost and BP7 has still not run out of steam.
Even D4 has not got there yet.

Your view (or indeed anyones) of their code and facilites is coloured
by your own experience.  My (and people such as Paul Lowman, Max
Neilsen and Paul Heinz) maybe far greater in that respect.  For
instance we have in the past written our own multi-tasking kernel for
CPM, MSDOS, TurboPascal, Microsoft Basic etc.  When I look at various
bits of this professional VCL, parts of it are a joke (for eg the
multi-threading, we had better facilities 15 years ago).  OTOH,
certainly there are portions that are great.

My users demand more from my windows system than they had in my dos
system.  I cant give it to them using standard components.  Heck, I
cant even do it with all the libs out there.  And others (including
the few named above) have gone to great pain in duplicating and
fixing most of VCL).  They didnt do it for fun.



CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
PH(649) 489-2280
FX(649) 489-2290

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fixing the VCL (LONG) (was Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day)

1999-03-10 Thread Max Nilson

Rohit Gupta said:

 Your view (or indeed anyones) of their code and facilites is coloured
 by your own experience.  My (and people such as Paul Lowman, Max
 Neilsen and Paul Heinz) maybe far greater in that respect.
   FYI: its Nilson, and I thought that being invoked I should reply.

 My users demand more from my windows system than they had in my dos
 system.  I cant give it to them using standard components.  Heck, I
 cant even do it with all the libs out there.  And others (including
 the few named above) have gone to great pain in duplicating and
 fixing most of VCL).  They didnt do it for fun.

and Max Renshaw-Fox replied:

 The point I was making was that the VCL does what it was intended to do,
 which is clearly less than some people want (which is why Max et al have
 had to "fix" it) - but still what was intended and, arguably, what the
 majority of Delphi users need. That may make it a commercial solution,
 rather than a technically pure one - but not a childish one.

We (That is Paul, Ian and myself) have replaced large chunks of the VCL, and
the reasons behind doing this fall into two four categories. As far as I'm
aware anyone who starts trying to build complex business solution in Delphi
is going to strike problems in these areas, so I'll talk a little about each
in turn:

Problem 1: Microsoft common controls.

All of the basic editing controls (TEdit, TComboBox, TCheckBox etc) are all
just object wrapper about the original (and we're talking Windows 3 or
earlier here!) Microsoft windows. Once you start working these hard and
asking them to perform stuff that they were never designed to do, then you
hit problems. Big problems are in the ares of subclassing, adding extra UI
components and embedability into grids.

The VCL wrappers do a good job, but if you want more from your controls then
you need top replace these completely. And by this I don't mean using
InfoPower, because all of their controls are just more wrappers over the VCL
wrapper over the MS windows controls. If you read their code and then start
trying to extend the controls even further things break in really exiting
areas 8-(

So the Profax team wrote an entire set of replacements for all of the common
editing controls, and they use no Microsoft control at all. Now the controls
do what we want and can be extended rapidly and easily in any direction that
is needed.

Problem 2: Data-awareness issues.

After three years of working with data-aware controls I have still not
really decided if the design is correct or not. Danny Thorpe (Senior
Engineer, Delphi RD) in the borland.public.delphi.vcl.components.writing
wrote yesterday:

 One thing I've been wanting to tackle since the day the interface syntax
 was sussed out (pre-D3) is reworking the nature of "data awareness".
 If a TEdit implements an IDataAware interface, then it can be bound to
 database fields.  The interface could even be implemented by satelite
 helper classes that "attach" themselves to the TEdit instance, so that
 TEdit itself has no knowledge of the database stuff.

So I'm not alone in wanting a better way of building data-awareness into
controls. So unless your prepared to go completely non data-aware, something
that would quickly drive me insane, or force me to essentially duplicate the
entire data-aware mechanism, you must use the TDataLink and TFieldDataLink
interfaces provided.

The main problem with the existing interfaces are those of navigation
between controls and cleanly handling invalid data entry situations. If you
have ever tried to build a idiot proof interface using the existing
data-aware controls you quickly start to hit nasty problems in these
transition areas. The biggest transition problem is that all of the
data-aware stuff fires in the DoExit code, which itself is inside the
WM_SETFOCUS processing, where you have some severe restrictions on what you
can and cannot do.

So the Profax teams controls have to jump through some burning hoops to make
sure that weird errors don't occur and confuse the users.

Problem 3 Keyboard handling.

The standard Windows keyboard handling is broken in one major way. That is
that the WM_KEYDOWN event is first prepatched furiously because of the
stupid Windows design, and then sent to the active window which must handle
anything thrown at it.  I see this a lot on the Delphi news groups, people
furiously using TForm.KeyPreview in an attempt to handle keypress before
controls eat them, and to do the VK_RETURN is a VK_TAB thing.

Ian Farquharson realised that the CM_CHILDKEY behaviour that the VCL adds to
the entire grubby keyboard handling process was exactly what we should be
utilising instead. From Delphi 3 onwards Delphi sends a CM_CHILDKEY to the
focused windows, and that window can either process the key or pass it up to
its parent. That control can then process the key or pass to its parent and
so on. 

RE: Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day

1999-03-09 Thread Patrick Dunford


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, 9 March 1999 14:49
 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
 Subject: RE: Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day
 I think the answer to my original question is 'No', it can't be done.
 What's the point of having edit masks if they can't cope with a simple
 currency value?

IMO the edit mask component is a crock, roll your own.

Patrick Dunford, Christchurch, NZ
Version: PGPfreeware 6.0.2i


New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day

1999-03-09 Thread Max Renshaw-Fox

I guess I should take up the challenge... (OK I'm feeling combative today)

Does that imply that those of us who can produce complex applications, that
involve significant data validation and implement complex business rules,
using "original Borland components" are "childishly deficient" as well?

I've found that, in the very rare cases where data-aware components can't be
used and the likes of the string grid's "OnSetEditText" can't be used,
straight-forward extensions to the original components are entirely
satisfactory. After-all, in the best-of-all-possible-worlds data-types will
do all data validation.

OK sometimes you have to use creative SQL statements (I've currently got a
bunch of UNION'd SELECT statements to get the data in the form I want for a
TDBChart - yes performance is OK) but that's part of the creativity required
for any good problem-solving.

I'm not saying you should develop the way I do; just that it _IS_ possible
to get sophisticated data-validation with the included stuff. If you don't
like them because of style - that's OK too but be aware that that's your
style of development and nothing to do with the VCL or it's capabilities.

Or to put it another way: the engineers who created Delphi and the VCL have
a great deal more technical depth that most of us. Attending Icon (was
BorCon) and listening to their answers to some of the more searching
questions is evidence enough of that. So I think you'll find that the VCL
has been crafted the way it is on purpose, not by accidental omission.

The more I understand the VCL, and therefore the more I feel competent to
pass judgement, the less likely I am to characterise it as "Childish".


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Rohit Gupta
Sent: Wednesday, 10 March 1999 03:10
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: Re: Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day


I use almost no original Borland components as they all appear to
be childishly deficient.  But most grids have a on the fly created
editbox called InPlaceEditor.  I tried it with stringgrid but it
doesnt work.  It works in other grids though.  You might have to
examine the VCL source.

On  9 Mar 99 at 12:25, Aaron Scott-Boddendijk wrote:

 You can do a character by character analysis by trapping
 keypress/keydown.  I do case conversion, capitalising start of words
 and filtering out undesired characters that way.

 How do you get the position in the char buffer that the key is being
 inserted into... IE if a client cursors (or clicks) in the middle of a
 and inserts a lower case letter... you can't process the whole string
 to recapitalise because it resets the cursor pos... comments?


CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
PH(649) 489-2280
FX(649) 489-2290

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day

1999-03-08 Thread Rohit Gupta

You can do a character by character analysis by trapping 
keypress/keydown.  I do case conversion, capitalising start of words 
and filtering out undesired characters that way.

On  5 Mar 99 at 16:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's a string grid so that's no good.


CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
PH(649) 489-2280 
FX(649) 489-2290

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day

1999-03-08 Thread Aaron Scott-Boddendijk

You can do a character by character analysis by trapping 
keypress/keydown.  I do case conversion, capitalising start of words 
and filtering out undesired characters that way.

How do you get the position in the char buffer that the key is being
inserted into... IE if a client cursors (or clicks) in the middle of a string
and inserts a lower case letter... you can't process the whole string
to recapitalise because it resets the cursor pos... comments?

Aaron Scott-Boddendijk
Jump Productions
(07) 838-3371 Voice
(07) 838-3372 Fax

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day

1999-03-04 Thread Rohit Gupta

Well, first, for precisely that reason, I use Orpheus for some user 
input.  Its a pity that Borland did not retain the excelelnt masking 
ability in turbo vision.

Anyway, one way to fix it if it is a tfloatfield is to check the 
currency property. in the object inspector.

On  3 Mar 99 at 16:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The standard edit mask should do this but I've never figured it out.  How
 do I specify an edit mask for a $ value?  If I use '###0.00' then the user
 can enter '12   .45' (with space)
 Please dont tell me to use a 3rd party control cause I cant.


CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
PH(649) 489-2280 
FX(649) 489-2290

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Dumb question of the day

1999-03-04 Thread pjones

It's a string grid so that's no good.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rohit Gupta) on 05/03/99 23:01:13

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:(bcc: Peter Jones/LogisticsInformation
Subject:  Re: [DUG]:  Dumb question of the day

Well, first, for precisely that reason, I use Orpheus for some user
input.  Its a pity that Borland did not retain the excelelnt masking
ability in turbo vision.

Anyway, one way to fix it if it is a tfloatfield is to check the
currency property. in the object inspector.

On  3 Mar 99 at 16:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The standard edit mask should do this but I've never figured it out.  How
 do I specify an edit mask for a $ value?  If I use '###0.00' then the
 can enter '12   .45' (with space)

 Please dont tell me to use a 3rd party control cause I cant.


CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
PH(649) 489-2280
FX(649) 489-2290

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]