Re: D Language Foundation October 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

2023-12-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 11 December 2023 at 08:24:55 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
On Sunday, 10 December 2023 at 22:59:06 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 
Or you could use grep with `--output-ll` as noted by Johan although this will be with that `workaroundIssue1356` applied.

Thanks for highlighting this, as I must have forgotten. I 
should be able to create a CI job that checks this as part of 
the release. This will give us the confidence that we need.

I should note that regex will need some updating for the most 
recent LLVMs that have opaque pointers enabled:

`ptr byval\(%[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*\) align`

Re: D Language Foundation October 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

2023-12-11 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 11 December 2023 at 08:24:55 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
On Sunday, 10 December 2023 at 22:59:06 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 
Always happy to help if you're interested in looking into 
using dcompute.

Thank you, I'll let you know!

And please do get in touch with Bruce Carneal if you want some 
tips and insight with the practical and applied side of dcompute 
(also with auto-vectorisation) as he has used it a lot more than 
I have.

Or you could use grep with `--output-ll` as noted by Johan although this will be with that `workaroundIssue1356` applied.

Thanks for highlighting this, as I must have forgotten. I 
should be able to create a CI job that checks this as part of 
the release. This will give us the confidence that we need.

-- Bastiaan.

Cheers, I look forward to some large speed increase reports.

Re: D Language Foundation October 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

2023-12-10 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 10 December 2023 at 16:08:45 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
On Sunday, 10 December 2023 at 15:31:55 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:

It will be interesting to hear how dcompute will fare in your 
situation, due to it being D code it should be an incremental 
improvement once you're ready to move to D fully.

Yes, dcompute could mean another leap forward. There are so 
many great things to look forward to.

-- Bastiaan.

Always happy to help if you're interested in looking into using 
dcompute. I can't remember if we've talked about it before, but 
if you were wanting to use it you'd need OpenCL 2.x (explicitly 
the 2.x version series, or make sure the 3.x implementation 
supports SPIRV) running on that 20 logical core box (or if it has 
GPUs attached to it, CUDA (any version should do) for NVidia GPUs 
or OpenCL 2.x (as above) on any other GPUs).

With regards to the stack corruption there is which has been there for some time. It would be fairly simple to issue a diagnostic there (although getting source location from there might be a bit tricky) for when there is both a `byval` and an alignment specified.

Or you could use grep with `--output-ll` as noted by Johan although this will be with that `workaroundIssue1356` applied.

Re: DLF September 2023 Planning Update

2023-11-14 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 08:18:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

## Editions
We had agreed in [the September monthly 
meeting]( the week before that we need to define what editions will look like before we start deciding which features should go in any given edition.


My goal with this session was to establish the first point on 
the timeline: a deadline for the editions proposal. I also 
thought it would be a good opportunity for all of us to clarify 
what editions are (there were some different ideas about that) 
and discuss aspects of the concept we need to consider.

Here are some points that came out of the discussion.

* Editions are essentially feature sets. Each edition can 
add/remove/deprecate features.
* Editions are entirely opt-in and only affect the source you 
explicitly apply them to, i.e., they are not transitive to 

(see note below about packages)

* Editions will most likely be implemented via an attribute on 
the module declaration. We haven't discussed any details about 
that, but for now, just imagine something like `@edition(2024) 
module foo;`.

There are an awful lot of `version`s set by things that should be 
part of editions, but exactly how this is supposed to be 
implemented can be hashed out later.

They should also be ideally settable via a (say) an attribute, on 
the module declaration of a package and have that apply to the 
whole package. That way we limit a whole lot of redundant 

* Features cannot be opted into individually. When you apply an 
edition to a module, you get the whole thing.

Well that's DoA then. Why bother to implement feature sets if you 
can't select them?
This is a particular problem from incompatible sets of features, 
which D has a not insignificant amount of ( betterC, basically 
all of the -preview flags), including things that affect 
safety/codegen like `-boundscheck`, `-check`, `-checkaction`, 

Selectable features would solve the problem of "a dependancy uses 
an option I don't want to enable"

Implementing default combinations of features (editions) on top 
of selectable features would be reasonable.

* The default edition, meaning the code you have now, should 
compile forever.

I hope you mean "we will keep around old editions as (potentially 
command line) selectable options and we can update the default to 
be the current"

* We should have a tool that automates as much as possible the 
migration of modules to new editions
* DMD-as-a-library is a critical component for that tool and 
other tools in the ecosystem. We need to put a priority on 
working out all the implementation issues Razvan has raised.
* Given that much of the D community uses code-d, we need to 
bring Jan Jurzitza into any discussions about DMD-as-a-library.

Yes, yes, yes.

Re: A New Era for the D Community

2023-05-03 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 3 May 2023 at 11:13:34 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Yes, there have been improvements over the past few years. The 
quarterly DLF meetings with industry representatives, initially 
proposed by Nicholas Wilson, have been productive.

From memory that was merely an AGM at DConf, but sure, I'll take 
credit for that (despite knowing next to nothing about 

Re: D Language Foundation March 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-04-13 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 11 April 2023 at 21:53:50 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

__Resolving disagreements__

Well that's disappointing. I guess DMD will just continue to 
bleed contributors whenever Walter decides to do something that 
the entire contributor base that is a very bad idea.

Re: OpenBSD DMD package

2021-10-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 11 October 2021 at 15:07:59 UTC, Brian wrote:

Hi all --

I am in the process of getting a DMD package shipped in the 
OpenBSD package repository.
If you are an OpenBSD user, please test and report back (on the 
OpenBSD mailing list, please) how it went for you. The more 
users test, the faster I can commit the package :)


Cool, do you know anything about setting up OpenBSD CI pipelines 
for DMD/druntime/phobos so we don't break that accidentally?

Dcompute on OpenGL / HLSL compute

2021-09-08 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
I'm happy to announce that I've managed to generate OpenGL 
compute shaders from the OpenCL compilation pipeline. Through the 
use of the means that 
we can generate GLSL, HLSL and MSL source

The setup and compilation steps is very janky at the moment but 
does produce legit looking GLSL/HLSL. I say looks, because I lack 
the means to run it at the moment. This will hopefully become 
less janky in the future.

To produce a compute shader source you will need:
ldc built with as with the 
regular means of producing OpenCL SPIR-V, with applied to convert the 
OpenCL SPIR-V to OpenGL compute SPIR-V and to convert the 
resulting GL compute SPIR-V to HLSL/MSL if desired.

The full compilation steps are then (I did say it was janky):
ldc2 --mdcompute-targets=ocl-200 -m32 ./kernel.d other_files.d 

llvm-spirv -r kernels_ocl200_32.spv
llvm-dis kernels_ocl200_32.bc
clspv -x=ir kernels_ocl200_32.ll
# and optionally
spirv-cross --hlsl a.spv --output a.hlsl

32-bit mode for ldc is required because only 32-bit OpenCL SPIR-V 
can be converted into OpenGL compute SPIR-V. If `-m32` doesn't 
work the you may have to supply an equivalent `-mtriple`

Re: DIP 1027---String Interpolation---Format Assessment

2020-02-27 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 27 February 2020 at 09:45:06 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 

On 27/02/2020 01:20, Walter Bright wrote:

On 2/26/2020 3:13 AM, Petar Kirov [ZombineDev] wrote:
In all other languages with string interpolation that I'm 
familiar with, `a` is not passed to the `i` parameter.

All rely on a garbage collected string being generated as an 
intermediate variable.

The string buffer could also be stack allocated or manually 
managed with malloc/free by the string interpolation type.

Don't forget LDC does GC to stack optimisations. There ought to 
be no need to do anything manually if you care about perf.

Re: Symmetry Autumn of Code 2019

2019-07-01 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 1 July 2019 at 09:24:31 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The D Language Foundation is partnering with Symmetry 
Investments for the second Symmetry Autumn of Code. I've 
written up a blog post about it [1] and updated the SAoC page 
[2] with the new details.

Potential mentors, please be sure to contact me or announce 
your availability in the forums. We want to increase the odds 
that each applicant has a mentor lined up when they submit 
their application. Mentors are also getting paid this time 

I haven't shared this on reddit yet. I plan to do so later this 
week, so please refrain from sharing on /r/programming just yet.




Please see also for 
the dlang/projects tracker and meta issue for all things related 
to SAoC projects.

dflat - v0.1

2019-06-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
After getting waylaid by jet lag, family, health, and debugging, 
I'm happy to finally announce v0.1 of dflat, a wrapping 
application/library for .net dlls (e.g C#) to generate the 
boilerplate needed to drive the CoreCLR (cross platform .Net 

This release features:

* cross platform support by using Mono.Cecil
* the ability to call instance methods on classes
* simplified API - no need to use classes with auto-implement

The code is still very early (and liable to break) but it should 
be useable:

public class Class1
int a;
public Class1(int aa) { a = aa; }
public void foo() { a = 42; }
public override string ToString() { return a.ToString(); }

auto a = Class1.make(314);
a.toString().fromStringz.writeln; // 314;
a.toString().fromStringz.writeln; // 42
a.unpin(); // Objects created with make need their c# GC 
references unpinned manually to avoid leaking


It probably easiest to build it with `dub test -- 
/path/tocsharpcompiler/ /path/to/cecil/bin/ 
/path/to/derelict-util/source [dmd|ldc2...]`, until I figure out 
how to teach dub to compile c# and generate the deps.json and 

Please don't hesitate to file bug reports or feature requests!

This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments. 
(best to use master though)

Re: Beta 2.087.0

2019-06-16 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 16 June 2019 at 22:47:57 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
Glad to announce the first beta for the 2.087.0 release, ♥ to 
the 66 contributors.

As usual please report any bugs at


Quite a few duplicate contributors:

Aurelien Fredouelle
Aurélien Fredouelle

Ben Merritt
Benjamin L. Merritt

Martin Kinkelin


Re: DIP 1013--The Deprecation Process--Formal Assessment

2019-06-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 June 2019 at 11:40:27 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Wednesday, June 12, 2019 2:47:23 AM MDT Nicholas Wilson via 
Digitalmars- d-announce wrote:

On Monday, 10 June 2019 at 13:49:27 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> DIP 1013, "The Deprecation Process", has been accepted.
> ...

So what is the "version" in @@@DEPRECATED_[version]@@@ 
supposed to be? That still seems to be ambiguous.

How is it ambiguous? It says right in the same sentence that 
@@@DEPRECATED_[version]@@@ is mentioned.

- Jonathan M Davis

Wow. Note to self, don't read post and sleep all at the same time.

Re: DIP 1013--The Deprecation Process--Formal Assessment

2019-06-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 10 June 2019 at 13:49:27 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

DIP 1013, "The Deprecation Process", has been accepted.

So what is the "version" in @@@DEPRECATED_[version]@@@ supposed 
to be? That still seems to be ambiguous.

Re: Variant Graph Support to BioD

2019-05-28 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 28 May 2019 at 09:41:18 UTC, Njagi Mwaniki wrote:

Hello I’m Njagi Mwaniki,

I am part of the 2019  Google Summer of Code under the Open 
Bioinformatics Foundation with a project aimed to add variation 
graph support to BioD under mentors George Githinji and Pjotr 

Awsome! can you supply some links please?

Re: Phobos is now compiled with -preview=dip1000

2019-05-15 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 16 May 2019 at 01:05:53 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Gah, so apparently .hashOf is a gigantic overload set of *21* 
different overloads, so this is not really "truly" reduced. =-O

Anybody up for figuring out which overload(s) is/are getting 

static if (hasCallableToHash!(typeof(val))){ ... } // false
static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "toHash") && 
is(typeof(T.toHash) == function)) { ... } // false

else static if (T.tupleof.length == 0) { ... } // false
else static if ((is(T == struct) && !canBitwiseHash!T) || 
T.tupleof.length == 1)//true

static foreach (i, F; typeof(val.tupleof))
static if (__traits(isStaticArray, F)) { ... } // 
else static if (is(F == struct) || is(F == union)) { 
... } // false

// Nothing special happening.
static if (i == 0 && !isChained)
size_t h = hashOf(val.tupleof[i]);
h = hashOf(val.tupleof[i], h);

Betcha the problem is that -preview=dip1000 causes one of the 
overloads to fail to compile, thus shuffling to a different 
overload that isn't @safe.  I hate SFINAE.

My money's on access to a private member through .tupleof.

Re: Phobos is now compiled with -preview=dip1000

2019-05-15 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 15 May 2019 at 06:49:02 UTC, Dukc wrote:
For me, the forum claims that your posting time is "from the 
future". Does that mean that is has somehow leaked a draft and 
this shouldn't show yet?

No, it is merged. As to why from the future, probably timezones.

Re: bool (was DConf 2019 AGM Livestream)

2019-05-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 12 May 2019 at 14:50:33 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 5/12/19 1:34 PM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
However in this case the community consensus is that the chain 
of reasoning you have used to arrive at your decision is wrong.

It's a simple enough matter to be understood, and reasonable to 
assume Walter is not missing any important facts or details. 
Poking holes in his explanations is, I confess, attractive, but 
ultimately are about debate skills rather than technical. I do 
agree that the way explanations on DIP decisions go could and 
should be improved a lot.

Then let me rephrase my complaints as a question (to you, Walter 
and the community):

At what level of egregiousness of the degree to which the 
unanimous community consensus believes both your decision and 
chain of reasoning are fundamentally wrong, do we, the community, 
decide to reject your position completely and implement the 
community consensus?

Re: bool (was DConf 2019 AGM Livestream)

2019-05-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 12 May 2019 at 10:58:49 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Rejected D Improvement Proposals on small matters that D 
language's leader thinks strongly about should allow everybody 
to move on to larger, better things.

We are unable to, and should not be required to, provide 
argumentation when making a decision on a DIP that will be to 
the satisfaction of everybody involved.

No no no, no. No.

You have rejected the DIP to the annoyance of the community, That 
is fine. You have a decision making process.

However in this case the community consensus is that the chain of 
reasoning you have used to arrive at your decision is wrong.

Of course, pressure does exist on making the right decision and 
on framing it properly;

Indeed, you should be making the right decisions _ for the right 
reasons_. I note that this is uncorrelated with wether or not we 
want the feature, c.f. refcounting before we had copy 
constructors (wanted it but couldn't have it because memory 
safety reasons) and opPostMove (didn't want to have to have it 
but e.g. couldn't interface with GCC's std::string).

otherwise, one poor decision after another, we end up with a 
bad language that people will not want to use.

Yes, but for the completely opposite reason. If the community 
believe the reasoning you provide for the decision you have made 
is wrong then we will end up with a language we not as satisfied 

[Because reasons] that all is wasted time.

There's a bunch of big rocks to move.

Jut because we have a bunch of other large problems does not mean 
that we shouldn't be fixing other problems in the language that 
you happen to disagree with.

Re: DDeps 1.1.1

2019-04-27 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 27 April 2019 at 16:16:02 UTC, lempiji wrote:
Recently, I created a tool to create a module dependency graph 
for the D language.

The tool can compare two versions and visualize the 
differences. I think it's useful for source reviews.

Try it if you are interested.
Some screenshots are included in the README.

- DUB:
- GitHub:

Very nice!

Does this respect versions? E.g. to separate unit tests importing 
everything else, from library code being relatively modular.

This will be useful for modularising DMD.

Re: New and Unofficial OpenCV binding for D programming language

2019-04-06 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 5 April 2019 at 15:52:42 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
Until we have copy ctors, D can't have structures with internal 
pointers, as they can be moved... that's something similar in 
C++ string, if I remember well, and that was the blocker that 
leaded to the copy ctors DIP...

That lead to the acceptance of DIP1014 (opPostMove) not 1018. Its 
a move problem not a copy problem.

Re: DIP 1018--The Copy Constructor--Formal Assessment

2019-03-17 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 17 March 2019 at 13:17:07 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

We're considering how to balance the different perspectives
on how the DIP process should work, but if any changes do come, 
please don't expect them before DConf.

Indeed thats (part of) what the AGM is for. Please turn up and 
have your say.

Hope to see you all there!

Re: DIP 1000--Scoped Pointers--Superseded

2019-03-11 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 11 March 2019 at 22:57:33 UTC, Olivier FAURE wrote:

On Thursday, 7 March 2019 at 14:24:29 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

The implementation supersedes the DIP.

I think the question a lot of people have in mind is "Is there 
any plan to formally organize a discussion about the future of 
scoped pointers?"

More specifically, are you planning a new DIP discussing the 
semantics of scope and return scope, ideally one that would 
take into account previous feedback, address concerns that 
DIP-1000 had originally inspired, and include an analysis of 
the pros and cons of -dip1000's implementation, as reported by 
its current users?

Less formally, what I mean is that a lot of people had concerns 
at the time DIP-1000 was discussed; many of these concerns 
(including mine) weren't really addressed, and Walter's 
reaction gave the impression that he didn't understand them, 
and as a result, considered them unimportant, which led to a 
lot of frustration (including, if I remember correctly, Dicebot 
stepping down as DIP manager) and a general break in 
communication between Walter and the community.

So, considering how important scoped pointers are to the 
language (betterC, webasm, video games, C++ interop, competing 
with Rust), I think (and I realize this is a lot to ask) that 
this is an area where Walter needs to bite the bullet and make 
a sustained effort to interact with the community and address 
DIP-1000's problems, whether by starting another DIP or through 
some other mean.

If nothing else, we should probably have a "Who here uses 
-dip1000, and does it work for you?" thread.

There will be a section of the Dlang foundation meeting at Dconf 
about this. I'm not very happy about the state of documentation 
and specification of DIP1000 and even less happy about the way it 
has been handled, both initially and the subsequent updates.

Anyway there will be plenty of high bandwidth time to discuss 
this then.

Re: DIP 1018--The Copy Constructor--Formal Review

2019-02-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 26 February 2019 at 02:51:54 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 2/25/19 7:23 PM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
I've said before that that comparison is weak and not 
particularly useful, irrespective of  its intention.

That you've said it before does not make it any more correct.

You're right that is does't change the facts, thats why it is an 
opinion. The resemblance, if any, it bears to the processes you 
describe is completely beside the actual point: namely that it is 
not _useful_.

There are differences, too, of which the public discussions in 
this forum is the main one.

Yes, thats why I think the journal submission metaphor is not apt.

This is in danger of getting abused; open discussions around 
DIPs in this forum give the false impression that DIP authors 
have the authority to demand any extent of explanation and 
justification of a decision.

Quoting myself from above:
On the contrary, if we believe your reasoning to be unsound or 
(irrespective of who is at fault) then clarification and 
resolution are the only appropriate courses of action.

If you believe that constitutes abuse, I really don't know what 
to say.

We do not have the capacity to do that, and it would not be 
anymore appropriate than journal reviewers being required to 
provide detailed feedback to submitters' satisfaction.

I sincerely hope you don't lack the capacity, else why are you 
reviewing it in the first place? Time or bandwidth, sure, thats 
what DConf Foundation meeting is for (among many other things).

This whole notion of a meeting whereby Walter is grilled by a 
committee on why exactly he rejected DIP 1016 is Kafkaesque.

Indeed, that would serve no purpose. What I want from such a 
meeting is:
1) an outline of requested changes that accurately reflects the 
sentiments of the DIP. I am fully aware the DIP underspecified 
and omitted some key aspects and that there were some ambiguities 
present. You have provided some in that link, thank you. Although 
I note that some of the advice is outdated/wrong. All this back 
and forth cements my growing suspicion that the forum is not an 
appropriate place for such discussions, it severely lacks 
bandwidth and reciprocal latency.

2) changes to the DIP process, i.e. what to do in the event of 
DIP breaking behaviour/ambiguities discovered post final review, 
so that these misunderstandings do not happen again.

You can count on me to massage the bureaucracy out of the 
process if that's the bottleneck.

Good, but this one is stuck until DConf, the forum (as a place of 
communication) lacks the bandwidth for this.

The most significant bit is to focus on working together toward 
making the proposal better, as opposed to focusing on 
negotiating acceptance.

YES! Thats what we've been trying to do! How ever, we can't do 
that if the criticisms do not reflect reality (lowering to 
statements, which was given as an example in the DIP and wrongly 
characterised in the formal assessment) and the ones that are 
legitimate criticisms are scattered about the forum. Hence why we 
want the official reasons for rejection at the bottom of the DIP 
to be updated to reflect that.

But whether the DIP keeps the number or gets another one, if 
the revised document is a 95% cut and paste of the existing 
one, the review is liable to be a 95% cut and paste of the 
existing one.

You, of all people, should know that a proposal is not a linear 
function of its text.

I _sincerely_ hope that your reviews aren't.

Re: DIP 1018--The Copy Constructor--Formal Review

2019-02-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 26 February 2019 at 00:23:19 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 
On Monday, 25 February 2019 at 16:00:54 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

* etc. etc. etc.

That is a good start, though I suspect that the list is not 
complete given the last item.

Oh, it keeps going.

Re: DIP 1018--The Copy Constructor--Formal Review

2019-02-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 25 February 2019 at 20:23:58 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 2/25/19 3:23 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2019-02-25 20:24, Mike Parker wrote:

 From the process document:

“the DIP Manager or the Language Maintainers may allow for 
exceptions which waive requirements or responsibilities at 
their discretion.”

Having it documented doesn't make it less flawed.

Jacob, are there amends you need to make to the DIP?

This whole reply chain sounds more like the problems lie with the 
DIP process not this DIP, but  I'll let Jacob answer that.

Re: DIP 1018--The Copy Constructor--Formal Review

2019-02-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 25 February 2019 at 16:00:54 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 2/25/19 1:06 AM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
On Monday, 25 February 2019 at 02:56:13 UTC, Walter Bright 
Your DIP, and nobody else is going to do it, so it falls to 

It will be reviewed at Dconf, please make sure you have an 
_accurate_ summary of your criticisms of the DIP ready for 

This seems to be a misunderstanding of protocol. A negative 
review is simply a signal that the submission has not been 
strong enough. As such, the submission, not the review, needs 
to be improved.

I'm not suggesting that the DIP is perfect, nor that it was 
without ambiguities and misunderstandings, nor that is 
can't/doesn't need to be improved.
What _is_ important is that the time spent on improving it 
covered that areas that actually need improvement, and given the 
misunderstandings on all sides, a useful starting point is the 
set of problems the reviewers have identified crosschecked by the 
authors. That is not an unreasonable request.

There are similarities and differences between our DIP process 
and paper submission reviews at conferences and journals 
everywhere; one key similarity is that the submitters are on 
hook for providing convincing submissions, whereas reviewers 
are not required to defend their reviews. It's an asymmetric 
relationship that occasionally frustrates, but it is as such 
for good reason and it works.

I've said before that that comparison is weak and not 
particularly useful, irrespective of  its intention.

It is not a matter of misunderstanding 1-2 sentences, but a 
problem of precision in specification that needs to be 
approached with due care.

I believe it is both, which is the basis for the opinion that 
resubmission is not the appropriate course of action to make best 
use of everyone's time.

* Description of the typechecking process, with examples of 
code that passes and code that fails;

* A clarification that lowering proceeds not against all 
expressions, but only against rvalues;

* Several places in text in which it is explained that rvalues 
resulted from implicit conversions are not eligible;

* etc. etc. etc.

That is a good start, though I suspect that the list is not 
complete given the last item.

It is not desirable to demand reviewers to do more work on the 
review or to defend it.

On the contrary, if we believe your reasoning to be unsound or 
misguided (irrespective of who is at fault) then clarification 
and resolution are the only appropriate courses of action.

Acceptance by bullying is unlikely to create good results.

I agree, but that has not happened here.

The target of work is squarely the proposal itself.

Our understanding after Manu asked for action items was that he 
would be up for the work in short order.

The keyword here is "short". By suggesting that the action 
required is to rewrite, the order is most definitely not short. 
Time is a valuable resource, and a new DIP from scratch through 
the DIP process takes a lot of it.

Re: DIP 1018--The Copy Constructor--Formal Review

2019-02-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 25 February 2019 at 02:56:13 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Your DIP, and nobody else is going to do it, so it falls to me.

It will be reviewed at Dconf, please make sure you have an 
_accurate_ summary of your criticisms of the DIP ready for then.

BTW, everyone should expect the DIP process to be brutal.

No! It should be thorough, that is a critical distinction.

It has to be, we're long past the stage where we can allow 
misshapen stuff to get into the language. Nobody was very kind 
with my bottom type DIP :-)

Perhaps because you responded to _precisely none_ of the feedback 
and wasted everybody's time?

You should read the dismissal of mine and Andrei's "static if" 
proposal for C++! (Ironically, it was later adopted after 
someone else redid it, after removing one of its keystone 

I have, it is hysterical in all senses to the word. I don't see 
how that relates to any of this.

Re: DIP 1018--The Copy Constructor--Formal Review

2019-02-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 24 February 2019 at 21:22:33 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 2/24/2019 1:02 PM, Manu wrote:

I mean like, my DIP was almost violently rejected,

I thought it was clear what was needed to be done with it, and 
I thought you were going to rewrite it. Was I mistaken?

Absolutely no, no. Yes!

"What needs to be done" is scattered throughout forum discussions 
filled with incorrect assumptions, most of which were resolved 
needing little change, absolutely nothing that justifies a 
rewrite over minor amendments (the text will be 95% the same, the 
sentiment will be 100% the same), neither I nor Manu plan to 
rewrite it. Note that none of that is reflected in the official 
review, most (if not all) of which is wrong (and you should 
update it!).

What is _actually_ going to happen is this will be an item on the 
agenda for the Foundation meeting at dconf: you will clarify the 
problems you have with the DIP; those problems will be discussed, 
evaluated and acted upon; and the DIP process will be amended to 
avoid the root cause of those problems.

Re: FakeD

2019-02-19 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 19 February 2019 at 10:38:22 UTC, Robert Schadek 
FakeD [2,3] is a fake data generator with support for 

It is based on faker.js [1].
See [4] for a list of available methods.

void main() {
import std.stdio;
import faked;

auto f = new Faker(/*random seed */ 1337);


// localized to german
f = new Faker_de(/*random seed */ 1338);





Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-02-08 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 8 February 2019 at 16:00:58 UTC, bitwise wrote:

On Monday, 4 February 2019 at 20:08:39 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Monday, 4 February 2019 at 18:35:37 UTC, bitwise wrote:


It's actually fine to leave the `return` there 
unconditionally--you're allowed to return an expression of 
type `void` from a function.


Even better ;)

No one else seems particularly excited about the rewrite though 
- what am I missing?

I suppose a lambda cost significantly more, but I don't think 
the lambda should make it through the optimizer for this case 

Immediately called lamdas are always inlined.

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-30 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 31 January 2019 at 02:10:05 UTC, Manu wrote:

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 1:05 PM Andrei Alexandrescu via
fun(my_short); // implicit type conversions (ie, short->int 

Oh I see.

fun(short(10)); // implicit type conversions (ie, short->int 

I did not intend for this DIP to apply to anything other than 
I can totally see how that's not clear. `my_short` should be an 

of some form, like the rest.
Is that the only such line?

I think so.

Presumably my_short is a variable of type short. Is that 

It is not. It should be an rvalue like everything else. Perhaps 
it's an enum... but I should write `short(10)`, that would be 

It would.

* DIP 1016 proposes a hole in the language one could drive a 
truck through.

I still can't see a truck-sized hole.

* The problem goes undetected in community review.

I don't know how I could have influenced this outcome.

* Its own author seems to not have an understanding of what 
the DIP proposes.

More classy comments. I can't get enough of the way you 
belittle people.

I made a 1-word error, where I should have written `short(10)` 
to be clear.
1-word error feels amendment-worthy, and not a call for "let's 

over from scratch".

You should just PR it back to review with that fix and a note 
about how it lowers to statements (incl. an example of 
lambdification for if/while/for/switch statements (see 

Re: DIP 1016 should use expression lowering, not statement lowering

2019-01-30 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 31 January 2019 at 02:29:47 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
I came up with this idea based on tempCString, but it doesn't 

So I don't get why it doesn't work. But if that was fixed, 
could be a potential workaround without requiring a DIP.

Thats nice! But it doesn't fix the problem that in generic code 
you don't know without checking if you need to do that. Also the 
template bloat.

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-30 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 18:29:37 UTC, Manu wrote:
On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 9:20 AM Neia Neutuladh via 
The result of a CastExpression is an rvalue. An implicit cast 
is a compiler-inserted CastExpression. Therefore all lvalues 
with a potential implicit cast are rvalues.

But there's no existing language rule that attempts to perform 
an implicit cast where an lvalue is supplied to a ref arg...?
Why is the cast being attempted? 'p' is an lvalue, and whatever 
that does should remain exactly as is (ie, emits a compile 

We could perhaps allow this for `const` args, but that feels 
like separate follow-up work to me, and substantially lesser 
value. This DIP doesn't want to change anything about lvalues.

It appears to say it does:

fun(my_short); // implicit type conversions (ie, short->int 

You should clarify that ;)

Re: DIP 1016 should use expression lowering, not statement lowering

2019-01-29 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 29 January 2019 at 11:52:40 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

While writing this example:

int[] a = cast(int[]) alloc.allocate(100 * int.sizeof);
if (alloc.reallocate(a, 200 * int.sizeof))
assert(a.length == 200);


int[] a = cast(int[]) alloc.allocate(100 * int.sizeof);
void[] __temp0 = a;
if (alloc.reallocate(__temp0, 200 * int.sizeof)
assert(a.length == 200);

I noticed a problem - the lowering as informally described in 
DIP 1016 makes it difficult to figure how function calls 
present in control statements like if, while, etc. should 
behave. Where should the temporary go? An expression-based 
lowering clarifies everything. A statement-based lowering would 
need to work on a case basis for all statements involving 

On the contrary, an expression lowering cannot inject temporary 
declarations and is impossible.

The correct lowering in the case for `if` & friends follows the 
form of C++ initialiser conditions(?) i.e:

 if (auto val = expr(); val) { ... },

 or the slightly more ugly valid D:

 if ((){return expr(); }()) { ... }

this lambdification will work for just about anything: if, while, 

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-29 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 29 January 2019 at 08:35:11 UTC, Manu wrote:
4. "Under DIP 1016, a call with any T[] will silently "succeed" 
converting the slice to void[]"  <--  Do you mean "... with any 
T[]  rvalue ..."? What would be the aim of that call? Can you 
suggest a particularly sinister construction?

I _think_ what is meant is:

void[] allocate(size_t size);
bool reallocate(ref void[] b, size_t s);
void deallocate(ref void[]);

T[] arr = allocate(42);
arr.reallocate(8192); // reallocates a temporary as T[] is cast 
to void

arr.deallocate(); // double free

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 25 January 2019 at 12:03:36 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

On Friday, 25 January 2019 at 11:56:58 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It should never have gotten this far without giving a precise 
explanation of how exception safety is achieved when faced 
with multiple parameters.

The pot calling the kettle black. DIP1000? DIP1017?

Or DIP1008:

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 25 January 2019 at 11:56:58 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It should never have gotten this far without giving a precise 
explanation of how exception safety is achieved when faced with 
multiple parameters.

The pot calling the kettle black. DIP1000? DIP1017?

Again, all that requires is a minor revision. It is not DIP 

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 25 January 2019 at 07:33:02 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

No, it is not rejected in principle.


Finding serious errors in it on the eve of approval is 

and is not  auspicious for being in a hurry to approve it.

Praytell, what serious errors? Also you should heed your own 
advice DIP1017 and send it back to draft.

Rvalue references are not a simple problem (although they 
appear to be).

Please, do enlighten us..

The statement thing is a "do what I meant, not what I wrote" 

_You_ removed the semicolons. The DIP applying to statements was 
at worst implied by their use, and frankly quite obvious, how 
else could they transcend multiple expressions?

You're leaving him to design where the temporaries go, where 
the gates go, and ensure everything is properly exception safe.

You could have at least had the decency to notify Manu. As noted 
elsewhere this problem is nowhere even close to DIP breaking, and 
I'm certain he could have resolved that.

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 25 January 2019 at 07:02:47 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 1/24/2019 4:21 PM, Elie Morisse wrote:
I didn't see that coming and I'm deeply frustrated and 
disappointed by this review and rejection.

On the contrary. It is good to find conceptual errors before 
implementing it.

You mean the conceptual errors you made when reviewing it? Like:

That the conflation of pass by reference to avoid copying and 
mutation is not only deliberate but also mitigated by @disable.

That the DIP applies to statements, not expressions.

That the construction order issue is trivially fixable, by 
specifying the same behaviour as the non ref case modulo ref.

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 25 January 2019 at 00:31:50 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:
On Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 23:43:21 UTC, Walter Bright 
It's no problem if you want to rework the existing text, just 
submit it as a new DIP.

And wait for another 180+ days for a fix? Come on dude, can you 
understand the frustration being display here?

This will be discussed at DConf at the DLF meeting, which is only 
75ish days, along with all other DIPs that are not yet 
implemented, under review (incl. draft) or recently rejected and 
a whole host of other topics, so that we can finally get some 
process direction and vision happening.

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 23:59:30 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 1/24/2019 1:03 PM, kinke wrote:
(bool __gate = false;) , ((A __pfx = a();)) , ((B __pfy = 
b();)) , __gate = true , f(__pfx, __pfy);

There must be an individual gate for each of __pfx and pfy. 
With the rewrite above, if b() throws then _pfx won't be 

(All this rigamarole is part of why exception handling isn't 
free, even in the happy case.)

Indeed, and thats why it should be have exactly the same as if 
there were no `ref` involved, except for the not copying stuff. 
Behaving and differently is, a) wrong and, b) going to cause a 
lot of confusion.

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 21:03:29 UTC, kinke wrote:
Describing this stuff in detail (rewritten expression?!), isn't 
trivial and requires knowledge about how calls and 
construction/destruction of argument expressions works.

E.g., the f() call in the code above is lowered to (-vcg-ast):

(bool __gate = false;) , ((A __pfx = a();)) , ((B __pfy = 
b();)) , __gate = true , f(__pfx, __pfy);

Here, (only seemingly unused) temporary `__gate` is used to 
control the destruction of temporaries with dtors (here just 
the `__pfx` arg, as `__pfy` is a special case [no potentially 
throwing later argument expressions...]) at the caller side 
(false => destruct; true => skip destruction, as it has been 
moved successfully to the callee, which destructed it). The 
dtor expressions of these temporaries (e.g., `__gate || 
__pfx.~this()` for `__pfx`) aren't visible with `-vg-ast`.

With this DIP, *all* rvalues passed by ref must be lowered to 
temporaries. In case they require destruction, the only 
difference wrt. the by-value case is that they are *always* 
destructed by the caller (after the call, or if an exception is 
thrown while they are in scope), i.e., their destruction isn't 
controlled by `__gate`.

Exactly, doing something that could result in a different outcome 
would be a disaster.

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 09:49:14 UTC, Manu wrote:
On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 1:25 AM Nicholas Wilson via We 
discussed and concluded that one mechanism to mitigate this 
was already readily available, and it's just that 'out' gains a 
greater sense of identity (which is actually a positive 
side-effect if

you ask me!).
You have a stronger motivation to use 'out' appropriately, 
because it

can issue compile errors if you accidentally supply an rvalue.

True I forgot about that.

That doesn't address the specific `atomicIncrement` case here, 
but now

we're in VERY niche territory; we analysed a lot of cases, and
concluded that such cases were relatively few, and other 
choices exist

to mitigate those cases.
There are cases that want to do mutation to rvalues (like in 
functions), and then most cases can use 'out' instead. 
Remaining cases
are quite hard to find, and in this particular case, I'd 
suggest that
`atomicIncrement`, a very low-level implementation-detail 

should just receive a pointer.


Oh well, I'll add this to the long list of things to make sure is 
covered at dconf by the foundation.

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 07:18:58 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Walter and Andrei have declined to accept DIP 1016, "ref T 
accepts r-values", on the grounds that it has two fundamental 
flaws that would open holes in the language. They are not 
opposed to the feature in principle and suggested that a 
proposal that closes those holes and covers all the bases will 
have a higher chance of getting accepted.

You can read a summary of the Formal Assessment at the bottom 
of the document:

[Reasons]. As such, they suggest that a new DIP be drafted from 
scratch, and that a stronger proposal would have a better 
chance of acceptance.

Given the simplicity of the fixes for the problems identified I 
really don't think thats the best way forward. One round of forum 
review + formal reassessment ought to be enough.

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 07:18:58 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Walter and Andrei have declined to accept DIP 1016, "ref T 
accepts r-values", on the grounds that it has two fundamental 
flaws that would open holes in the language. They are not 
opposed to the feature in principle and suggested that a 
proposal that closes those holes and covers all the bases will 
have a higher chance of getting accepted.

You can read a summary of the Formal Assessment at the bottom 
of the document:

void atomicIncrement(ref shared long x);

Raises a good point, not covered by @disable where the intent is 
to modify it and modifying a temporary is wrong. `out ref` 

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 07:18:58 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Walter and Andrei have declined to accept DIP 1016, "ref T 
accepts r-values", on the grounds that it has two fundamental 
flaws that would open holes in the language. They are not 
opposed to the feature in principle and suggested that a 
proposal that closes those holes and covers all the bases will 
have a higher chance of getting accepted.

You can read a summary of the Formal Assessment at the bottom 
of the document:

The second problem is the use of := (which the DIP Author 
defines as representing "the initial construction, and not a 
copy operation as would be expected if this code were written 
with an = expression"). This approach shows its deficiencies in 
the multiple arguments case; if the first constructor throws an 
exception, all remaining values will be destroyed in the void 
state as they never have the chance to become initialized.

Although not specified by the DIP, I think this could be easily 
remedied by saying that the order of construction is the same as 
if the temporaries were not bound to ref, i.e.

struct A {~this();} struct B{ ~this();}
A a();
B b();

void f(A a, B b);
void g(ref A a, ref B b);

f(a(),b());  //(1)
g(a(),b()); //(2)

and a() or b() may throw (and are pure), that (1) and (2) exhibit 
the same exception/destructor semantics.

Which is what I would expect to happen under no given 
specification (although specifying it is a good idea!). To put it 
another way, they should be constructed in place in the order 
they are used, and given they are a temporary, they can only be 
used once.

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 07:18:58 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Walter and Andrei have declined to accept DIP 1016, "ref T 
accepts r-values", on the grounds that it has two fundamental 
flaws that would open holes in the language. They are not 
opposed to the feature in principle and suggested that a 
proposal that closes those holes and covers all the bases will 
have a higher chance of getting accepted.

You can read a summary of the Formal Assessment at the bottom 
of the document:

 T __temp0 = void;
 fun(__temp0 := 10);
The first problem the Language Maintainers identified with this 
approach is that the rewrite is from an expression to a 
statement, rendering it invalid.
The expression should be rewritten as an expression to clarify 
how it behaves in larger expressions.

But it does, or at least gives an example of:

The statement the expression is part of is "enscoped" and the 
temporaries live in the scope of that statement.

Re: My Meeting C++ Keynote video is now available

2019-01-15 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 16 January 2019 at 05:32:51 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 1/15/2019 10:39 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Perhaps we shouldn't support user defined types or functions 
either ;)

You deliberately wrote that, and I'm confident you'd never try 
to pass that off as good work.

With macros, however, programmers are convinced they are 
creating models of clarity. I've seen programmers truly believe:

#define BEGIN {
#define END }

improves their C code. Fortunately, that was ridiculed out of 
existence in the 1980s, but the more subtle abuses persist with 
their ardent defenders. I used to use a lot of macros in my C 
code, and a few years back made an effort to remove them all 
from the dmd source code. The result was very satisfactory.

I've seen entire code bases abandoned because of macros after 
the original developer left.

I'm pretty sure Jacob is talking about a completely different 
type of macro (i.e. not textual substitution), AST macros.
I'd be interested to see how close we could get if we allowed 
mixin template to contain expression as well as declarations 
(obviously these could only be instantiated in function 
contexts). Anyway something to play around with at DConf.

Re: The New Fundraising Campaign

2019-01-07 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 7 January 2019 at 13:35:31 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
[string mixins make] it hard to debug (esp. if the codegen 
isn't your own code) - (4) any compile errors are by necessity 

because there isn't a concrete file and line number to refer to;
to get to the locus of the problem further effort is required 
to extract the generated code string (after figuring out which 
string is the relevant one!) and then dereference the line 

This is no longer (as) true, try using -mixin=filename. It was 
made exactly

for this sort of thing.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 25 December 2018 at 18:54:25 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Simply repeating over and over again that you're not 
"convinced" is not an argument, nor do your own personal 
reasons above argue for one format over another.

I don't mean to stoke the flames on this anymore, but I do: I've 
been to past conferences and now that I'm not a poor student 
anymore I'd pay to go to them. I happen to still have plenty of 
free time so watching pre-recorded talks, while not a problem for 
me a) does not apply to everyone and b) loses interactivity.

I asked for a rationale above and got none from Mike and a very 
weak, confused one from Walter. It's fairly obvious that there 
was never any real deliberation on the DConf format, and that 
you guys have dug in and decided to cut off your nose to spite 
your face.

I can't speak for other but the rationale or deliberation of not 
doing what you have suggested is the it has worked well in the 
past, and I see no reason for that to cease to be the case.

Fine with me, your loss.

On the contrary, I think it will (continue to be) a massive 

I see, so you're arguing that DConf shouldn't be doing 
in-person talks because it's larger than most D meetups? Don't 
answer that, scale as a reason makes no sense and there's no 
way you can make it.

You have that backwards again, As Iain said, watching one 
pre-recorded talk takes an hour, which I'm sure many enthusiasts 
will be able and wiling to spend, scale that up to 20 and they 
may not be able to even if they are willing.

To do something very different from a "traditional" conference 
would be a significant risk when what we have works well.

I see no "risk" whatsoever in change when the status quo is 
dying, and what you're already doing isn't having much impact.

and that comes down to an apparently fundament disagreement that 
the status quo is not good enough, In our experience the current 
format work very well. I hope you agree that a major change to 
the way things are done will likely have a major impact on the 
quality of the conference: if you think it is bad enough that 
changing it can only improve it then you would, rightly, come to 
the conclusion that the expected value (in the statistical sense) 
of changing the format is positive. However, if you think that 
the change may cause the quality to degrade then the expected 
value of the change of format drops significantly...

As noted previously your opinions would carry more weight if 
you had actually attended a past DConf.

Heh, this is the dumbest possible argument anyone can put forth 
and you guys repeatedly make it: "I have no arguments so 
'Magic! You had to be there!'"

...and the change becomes much more risky. The argument of "your 
opinions would carry more weight if  you had actually attended a 
past DConf" stems from the fact that we have experienced the 
conference as a positive well worthwhile to attend event and we 
see the potential for this to get worse in the face of change.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 25 December 2018 at 05:01:43 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Monday, 24 December 2018 at 22:22:08 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
The 0.1% of the community that attend seem to like it, the vast 
majority don't, or at least don't care.

You think we have 200k users? More to the point you neglect the 
benefit of development and progress is shared by all users.

I, for one, will not be donating to the foundation as long as 
they continue to waste money this way, just as others have 
said they won't donate as long as it doesn't put out a Vision 
document anymore or otherwise communicate what it's doing 
with their money.

I agree this does need to happen, the foundation will be having a 
another meeting in Feb to set the vision, which I hope will be a 
little more planned and productive than the last one.

Nobody is asking for your money for this conference (unless 
you want to attend), and if you feel this way, that's totally 
your choice.

I'm not talking about the registration fee, I'm talking about 
contributing anything to the foundation, which Walter indicates 
above covers some of the expenses for DConf.

Some additional transparency would help, Mike?

I like the results that come from the conferences, I've
been to all of them since 2013, on my dime for 3, and with 
assistance for 3. I felt it was 100% worth it for all.

Yet you cannot give a single reason _why_ you felt it was worth 
it, or why my suggestions wouldn't make it better.

I'll give my reasons:
I got a job out of it.
I got useful insight into various bits of the compiler.
I got connections for collaboration with stuff that I'm 

If you're making a bad decision, it _should_ be questioned.

Indeed, but none of us think DConf is a bad idea or that the 
format doesn't work for us.

Almost nothing that has been decided so far would stop most of 
my three suggestions from still being implemented.

You haven't managed to convince us that that would be an 

As for how they feel about it, I don't care. The reason most 
projects and companies fail is because the decision-making 
process stops being about putting out a good product but about 
"feelings" and various people "saving face," especially when 
higher up the hierarchy, ie politics. And don't make up some 
nonsense that I'm saying that it's okay if everybody starts 
cursing each other out like Linus did: we're talking about 
_questioning a decision_. That is the whole point of having a 

The day this community starts being more about saving face is 
the day I leave it, as that's the beginning of the end, and I 
don't want to be around for that end.

I totally agree, but again, you haven't convinced us that it is 
an improvement.

Not at all, the whole reason I'm willing to debate is that 
other worthwhile perspectives may be out there. I think the 
evidence and arguments strongly favor the suggestions I'm 
putting forward, but I'm perfectly willing to consider other 

That is the same stance they should have, but don't appear to. 
My problem with this "debate" is that nobody was able to defend 
the current DConf format at all.

That reasoning is backwards: in our experience DConf, as done in 
the past, works, and it works well. The onus is on you to 
convince us that it would work better the way you describe.

Consider some of Walter's silly arguments above: at one point 
he says he wants "successful instantiations of your theories," 
implying that these are all things I'm just talking about and 
nobody's doing them, though it's not clear which aspects he 
thinks that of since I've presented evidence for much of it.

But at another point, he says that other D meetups are already 
doing something I suggest (I pointed out that he's wrong about 
that one, but let's assume he believes it), so there's no 
reason for DConf to do it. First of all, 95+% of D meetups 
appear to follow the DConf format of having a single speaker 
lecture to a room, so why isn't that an argument against doing 
that yet again at DConf?

What works at one scale doesn't necessarily work at another. To 
do something very different from a "traditional" conference would 
be a significant risk when what we have works well. As noted 
previously your opinions would carry more weight if you had 
actually attended a past DConf.

Secondly and more importantly, he's speaking out of both sides 
of his mouth: do you want to do something that nobody else's 
doing or that somebody has done? You can't argue _both_ that 
you don't want to do what others are doing and what nobody else 
is doing. And why wouldn't the former apply much more to the 
outdated DConf format?

I don't knowhow many times we have to say it: we do not feel the 
conference format is outdated.

It's not just because of this, this is merely the final straw. 
I have felt that the talks were mostly not worth my time at the 
last couple Dconfs, that is the main reason.

I see a lot of bait-and-s

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-23 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 10:59:32 UTC, Joakim wrote:
You say that like some superior technology exists to replace 
the conference.

It does, read the first link I gave in my first post above.

You mean the one that says "I don’t know how to fix conferences"?

Yes, DConf may benefit from tutorials, workshops, BoFs, 
whatever, but the value it brings to the community is very 

It may bring some value, but that's not the question: the 
question is whether we could get more value out of the 
alternatives, particularly at a cheaper cost? The fact that you 
and others keep avoiding this question suggests you know the 

That really depends on the objective function you mean by "more 
"social networks, Slack groups, podcasts, and YouTube" are all 
well and good but they cannot compare (as in apples to oranges) 
to high-bandwidth low latency personal communication with all the 
people that have an interest (business, technical, whatever)  and 
technical expertise in the subject at hand.

Hardly. IME there are two kinds of conferences (or maybe they 
form a spectrum, whatever) academic and industrial. Academic 
is going nowhere, research needs presenting, organisation of 
collaboration needs to happen.

Research conferences are irrelevant. I don't pay attention to 
them and the fact that the Haskell link Atila gave above says 
their conferences are for presenting research is one big reason 
why almost nobody uses that PL in industry.

I concede that I find PL theory useless, but not all academic 
conferences are PL theory, and I don't think that the potential 
scope for more academic talks of DConf is limited to PL theory. 
Novel applications of D in anything from physics to 
bioinformatics to optimisations based on immutability to DSELs 
enabled by D's meta programming are all possible in an academic 

Industrial, there is project coordination, employment 
prospectus, business opportunities, why do you think companies 
sponsor conferences? They get their moneys worth out of it.

Clearly not in the iOS community, and according to a commenter 
in my second link above, the Javascript community in his 
country, as the number of tech conferences is going down a lot. 
It is my impression that this is true across the board for 
pretty much every tech community, but I presented that iOS link 
because he actually tallies the evidence.

I don't doubt those numbers and perhaps the other forms of 
communication do lessen the need for multiple conferences per 
year, but there is a large difference from many to one compared 
to one to zero, in person communication cannot be easily replaced.

Industrial sponsorship is definitely real, take a look at the 
side column of which I went to 
and talked to the authors of for potentially targeting 
OpenMP and other parallel runtimes with dcompute, talked to the 
people developing the SPIR-V target of LLVM, the list goes on. 
I'm going to EuroLLVM (Brussels) to continue those conversations, 
followed straight away by ACCU (Bristol) to give a talk about 
meta programming with D in the context of developing and using 
DCompute. Then a few weeks later I'll be going to DConf for many 
reasons but principally to coordinate development, deal with the 
gripes that have accumulated. I'll probably return home via 
Boston for IWOCL (OpenCL).

Perhaps you as an individual believe that they are not cost 
effective for you, fine.

As I keep repeating, this is not about me. I'm pointing out 
trends for _most_ devs,

DConf has been growing in size every year it has been held, as 
have IWOCL and the LLVM conferences. I'm sure some topics for 
some conferences are declining, it may well even be an industry 
wide trend, but I'd bet good money that the new equilibrium will 
have conferences as a staple.

my own preferences are irrelevant.

I certainly hope not.

But consider that the foundation reimburses speakers and I 
personally would be very interested to hear what you have been 
doing with Andoird/ARM and I'm sure many others would as well, 
the question becomes: is it worth your time?

I don't understand what's so special about "speakers" that it 
couldn't simply reimburse non-speakers that the foundation 
wants at one of the decentralized locations instead. It seems 
like the talk is a made-up excuse to pay for some members of 
the core team to come, when the real reason is to collaborate 
with them. Why not dispense with that subterfuge?

The talks together with the topic of the conference are what draw 
people to the conference and make it economically viable. It is a 
perfectly rational decision. If I was running a conference trying 
to turn a profit I'd probably get more applications for the 
available speaker slots => better quality speakers => more 
attendees => $$$.

DCompute would not exist were it not for that reimbursement, as a 
poor student that made the differe

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-23 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 08:08:59 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 06:54:26 UTC, Russel Winder 
Others have cited Rust and Go. I shall cite Python, Ruby, 
Groovy, Java, Kotlin, Clojure, Haskell, all of which have 
thriving programming language oriented conferences all over 
the world. Then there are the Linux conferences, GStreamer 
conferences, conference all about specific technologies rather 
than programming languages. And of course there is ACCU. There 
is much more evidence that the more or less traditional 
conference format serves a purpose for people, and are 
remaining very successful. Many of these conferences make good 
profits, so are commercially viable.

That's all well and good, but none of this addresses the key 
points of whether there are less tech conferences being done 
and whether they make sense in this day and age. There are 
still people riding in horse and carriage, that doesn't mean 
it's still a good idea. :)

You say that like some superior technology exists to replace the 
conference.  Yes, DConf may benefit from tutorials, workshops, 
BoFs, whatever, but the value it brings to the community is very 

Thus I reject the fundamental premise of your position that 
the conference format is dying off. It isn't. The proof is 

Yes, the proof is there: the conference is dying.

Hardly. IME there are two kinds of conferences (or maybe they 
form a spectrum, whatever) academic and industrial. Academic is 
going nowhere, research needs presenting, organisation of 
collaboration needs to happen. Industrial, there is project 
coordination, employment prospectus, business opportunities, why 
do you think companies sponsor conferences? They get their moneys 
worth out of it.

Perhaps you as an individual believe that they are not cost 
effective for you, fine. But consider that the foundation 
reimburses speakers and I personally would be very interested to 
hear what you have been doing with Andoird/ARM and I'm sure many 
others would as well, the question becomes: is it worth your time?

Re: Blog post: What D got wrong

2018-12-11 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 11 December 2018 at 10:45:39 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

A few things that have annoyed me about writing D lately:


I like the eponymous templates idea, though it might get 
confusing with doubly nested eponymous templates and with mixin 
templates injecting constructors ( 

We really do need to figure out what to do with @property

Returning a reference

Wow, thats f*ck'n stupid!

Variables can’t be ref

not _quite true, foreach variables can be.

Re: Interview with Liran Zvibel of WekaIO

2018-12-05 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 08:02:21 UTC, M.M. wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 14:21:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Joakim interviewed Liran for the D Blog about their file 
system, Matrix, and their use of D. Thanks to Joakim for 
putting it together, and to Liran for taking the time to 



Interesting read. I am new to dlang, and after reading the 
post, I asked myself: the company liked the language, but 
tweaked the compiler. Could the company now switch to one of 
the official compilers? If not, why?

LDC _is_ an official compiler, they just use a slightly modified 
version of LDC (with LTO & PGO'd against their codebase). I

Re: The New Fundraising Campaign

2018-12-04 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 10:20:10 UTC, Martin Tschierschke 
p.s. And still: Please put the campaign logo/button beside the 
general donation logo/button


You could do a PR to You've probably got a better Idea of what to do for that than I do (also I can't approve my own PRs)

Re: D compilation is too slow and I am forking the compiler

2018-11-28 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 28 November 2018 at 12:48:46 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
I think that there are different strategies - decent appeal to 
a broad market and having a very high appeal to a small market 
(but there has better be something good about your potential 
customer base ie 'D, if you find VBA too difficult' is probably 
not a good strategy!).  And you probably don't get to pick 
which situation you are in, and then one had better realise it 
and play the game you're in.  The particular kind of market 
will shape what works - in my business you approach a retail 
client base differently from regular institutional investors 
and then the worlds' largest pools of money involved something 
else again.

D isn't really marketed and it's definitely not sold.  That's 
an implicit strategy in itself.

But one doesn't decide to have no strategy (at least if they any 
common sense!), one simply has no strategy. Unfortunately I think 
D falls into the latter, certainly not more than "Build it and 
they will come", irrespective of it effectiveness.

Actually no less than 3 programmer friends came to (I'm the 
weirdo-using-D and people are _always_ in disbelief and invent 
all sorts of reasons not to try) saying they saw an article on 
D on HN, with "D compilation is slow", and on further 
examination they didn't read or at best the first paragraph. 
But they did remember the title. They may rationally think 
their opinion of D hasn't changed: aren't we highly capable 

I hope so!

It doesn't matter what most people think.  It matters what 
people who are on the fence or using D already a bit think.  Or 
people who have a lot of problems to which D is in part a 
solution only they didn't know about or think of D yet.

Then we should try to subtly (for some value of subtlety) make 
ourselves noticed.

Re: D compilation is too slow and I am forking the compiler

2018-11-21 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at 11:58:25 UTC, Vladimir 
Panteleev wrote:
Have we tried disabling -unittest for modules that aren't on 
the compiler's command line yet (or, in case of -i, not 

Not that I know of, thats a great idea!

Maybe this hack could be developed further into a more generic 
"compiler server" idea.

Wasn't that Robert's Masters thesis (Dconf 2013(?) presentation)? 

Re: D compilation is too slow and I am forking the compiler

2018-11-21 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at 08:07:52 UTC, Vladimir 
Panteleev wrote:

This is #2 on HN at the moment.

Re: D compilation is too slow and I am forking the compiler

2018-11-21 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at 08:07:52 UTC, Vladimir 
Panteleev wrote:

You gave me a fright there with the title there for a moment. 
Awesome stuff though. Not sure how easy it will be to upstream 
considering this needs to not wreck Windows and needs to work 
with LDC/GDC (at least we have inlining in the backend).

Re: Profiling DMD's Compilation Time with dmdprof

2018-11-18 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 18 November 2018 at 04:38:57 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
Damn, you're right. Actually i didn't try your stuff at all and 
instead used callgrind intuitively. Bad advice was here: 
Also along the thread there was discussion about building DMD 
and one saying that DMD had not been profiled for ages.

My bad.

Re: DIP 1015--Deprecation of Implicit Conversion of Int. & Char. Literals to bool--Formal Assement

2018-11-13 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 14 November 2018 at 06:56:12 UTC, aliak wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 November 2018 at 09:17:51 UTC, Walter Bright 


Ok, thanks!


Bummer. At least if this enum : int case is fixed that doesn't 
seem like it's hard to work out in my head at least - but I 
guess I'm missing some edge case maybe, but I can't figure it 

Pus, it seems to work as "expected" with alias this. So I kinda 
wonder what reasons there could be to not make it work as 
expected for other scenarios.

struct B {
enum A : int { a }
alias b = A.a;
alias b this;

void f(short) {}
void f(int) {}

f(B()); // does what anyone would expect

Hahaha! That is hilarious! for the curious

Re: DIP 1015--Deprecation of Implicit Conversion of Int. & Char. Literals to bool--Formal Assement

2018-11-13 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 14 November 2018 at 04:33:23 UTC, Isaac S. wrote:
On Wednesday, 14 November 2018 at 04:27:05 UTC, Walter Bright 
There have been various attempts over the years to "fix" 
various things in the D matching system by adding "just one 
more" match level. I've rejected all of them, because things 
that look simple and obvious with trivial examples tend to 
sink in a swamp with the dirty reality of the rather vast 
number of types and conversions that D supports. This happens 
in C++, and what people tend to do is just throw up their 
hands and hackishly add in more overloads until they get the 
result they want.

The thing is, this isn't a new match level. Rather than the 
enum implicitly casting to its literal (I'm hoping I'm using 
the correct word here) I'm proposing it implicitly cast to its 
typed literal (Instead of A.a implicitly converting to 0, it 
converts to int(0)). This would mean it would match the int 
since its a direct match.

The water is already somewhat murky here, the magic enums 
`__c_long` & friends already do some of this, but array of them 
don't (which I'm going to fix in as its needed to make 
__c_wchar_t actually useful). Extending this to all enums would 
probably do the trick.

enum implicitly casting to its literal

memory type is what the compiler calls it.

Re: DIP 1015--Deprecation of Implicit Conversion of Int. & Char. Literals to bool--Formal Assement

2018-11-13 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 14 November 2018 at 04:24:20 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
Given how strong the negative response is to this and how 
incomprenhensible a number of us find the reasoning behind how 
bool functions in some scenarios, Walter probably does need to 
sit back and think about this, but using words like asinine is 
pretty much always uncalled for in a professional discussion. I 
can very much understand Isaac's frustration, but making 
statements like that really is the sort of thing that comes 
across as attacking the poster and is going to tend to result 
in folks not listening to your arguments anymore, even if 
they're well-reasoned and logical. It's already hard enough to 
convince people when your arguments are solid without getting 
anything into the mix that could come across as insulting.

- Jonathan M Davis

asinine, adjective: extremely stupid or foolish. Is there some 
additional connotation I am missing on this living 
(comparatively) in the middle of nowhere? (Genuine question.)

Re: DIP 1015--Deprecation of Implicit Conversion of Int. & Char. Literals to bool--Formal Assement

2018-11-13 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 14 November 2018 at 03:02:48 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 11/13/2018 3:50 PM, Isaac S. wrote:

is asinine and ignorant.

Some friendly advice - nobody is going to pay serious attention 
to articles that sum up with such unprofessional statements. 
Continuing the practice will just result in the moderators 
removing them.

I read the first adjective as a statement of opinion about your 
reasoning for rejection and the second about the way you have 
dismissed the opinions of others, neither of which are uncalled 
for and certainly not unprofessional.

You would do well to think about that before you post further.

Re: DIP 1015--Deprecation of Implicit Conversion of Int. & Char. Literals to bool--Formal Assement

2018-11-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 12 November 2018 at 10:05:09 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
I was hoping that this DIP was convincing enough, and its 
failure is certainly disappointing.


Re: The New Fundraising Campaign

2018-11-11 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 11 November 2018 at 11:29:03 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
On Saturday, 10 November 2018 at 16:09:12 UTC, Mike Parker 
I've just published a new blog post describing our new 
fundraising campaign. TL;DR: We want to pay a Pull Request 
Manager to thin out the pull request queues and coordinate 
between relevant parties on newer pull requests so they don't 
go stale. We've launched a three-month campaign, and Nicholas 
Wilson has agreed to do the work.

We have high hopes that this will help reduce frustration for 
current and future contributors. And we will be grateful for 
your support in making it happen.

Please read the blog post for more details:

For the impatient:

This is really great news. Will all dlang repositories 
monitored? Or more specific, does this also includes the dub 
repository? The pull request list is really hot here.

Kind regards

My current focus is DMD > druntime > phobos >
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of experience with the dub 
codebase (or access right for that matter) though I agree it 
could really benefit.

Looks like I've got some source-diving to do.

Re: Release D 2.083.0

2018-11-01 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 2 November 2018 at 00:12:29 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.083.0, ♥ to the 51 contributors.

This release comes with betterC support in dub, new 
CppRuntime_* version identifiers, an isZeroInit trait, and an 
exported environment variable DUB_PACKAGE_VERSION during dub 
build steps.

- -Martin

I got mentioned twice in contributors list.

Re: Wed Oct 17 - Avoiding Code Smells by Walter Bright

2018-10-30 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 31 October 2018 at 05:00:12 UTC, myCodeDontSmell 
I did find it confusing however, that you discuss leaky 
abstractions, and putting your public interface at the 
beginning of your code (and all the other crap below it)... but 
then, in D, once your write your abstraction, say a class, with 
it's public interface, all the code below it can do whatever it 
likes to that class, making it a leaky abstraction.

That's sure sound like code smell to me.

i.e. A class (perhaps one of the most important abstractions in 
programming) within a module, is *always* a leaky abstraction 
(within the module), because of the way the code further down 
can just ignore the interface. In fact, there is no way at all 
to ensure code below the class uses that interface.

So I can't help but see contradictions everywhere, in D.

That is by design, because in D the unit of abstraction is the 
module, not the class.
Running into such problems is a sign that your module is too 
large, and should become a package.

Re: BindBC -- The successor to Derelict

2018-10-30 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 30 October 2018 at 12:35:15 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Thanks! Yes, I'll port all of those over. I implemented most of 
bindbc-al the other day. I plan to sit down and finish it up 
later this week. Be forewarned though, my plans too frequently 
have a mind of their own.

Mike could you add those of us who are members of derelict to 
BindBC? I'll take a look at porting CUDA and OpenCL over to 


Re: Beta 2.082.0

2018-10-17 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at 15:18:43 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 
On Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at 12:14:55 UTC, Martin Nowak 
Glad to announce the first beta for the 2.083.0 release, ♥ to 
the 48 contributors for this release.


CppRuntime_* version identifiers -

When is this different from the corresponding CRuntime version?

CppRuntime is per compiler, CRuntime is per system.

An example: on linux linking with Clang's C++ lib, the CppRuntime 
is CppRuntime_Clang and the CRuntime is CRuntime_Glibc.

Re: Wed Oct 7 - Avoiding Code Smells by Walter Bright

2018-10-15 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 15 October 2018 at 21:23:13 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

I'm giving a presentation at:

See you there!

Where'd you get your time machine from? I want one!

Re: Release D 2.082.1

2018-10-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 11 October 2018 at 23:02:19 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.082.1.

This point release fixes a few issues over 2.082.1


Anyway, thanks for the release!

Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-10-08 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 8 October 2018 at 10:27:47 UTC, RazvanN wrote:
Both the DIP and the implementation still lack a -dip10xx 

After discussing with Walter and Andrei we came to the 
conclusion that a flag is not necessary in this case.

Please elaborate on the reasoning.

Immediately after the DIP is accepted, the postblit will be 

Its not about the deprecation process, its about the transitional 
process, i.e what to do when there is both a postblit and a copy 
constructor are defined. Whatever the default is, if there is no 
way to control it, it is impossible to transition smoothly.

Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-10-08 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 8 October 2018 at 10:14:51 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 October 2018 at 09:26:34 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

Hi all,

I just pushed another version of the DIP in which the major 
modifications among otthers are removing implicit and use copy 
constructor calls in all situations where a copy is made. For 
more details, please visit [1] and if you have the time, 
please offer some feedback,

Thank you,


I've made all the changes in the code that the DIP includes[1] 
and the tests seem to be all green. I still need to add more 
tests; if you have any tests that you want to make sure the 
implementation takes into account please post them.



Both the DIP and the implementation still lack a -dip10xx switch.

Re: Aedi dependency injection framework 1.0.0

2018-10-07 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 7 October 2018 at 10:14:08 UTC, Alexandru Ermicioi 

Hi Dlang community,

I'm announcing version 1.0.0 of Aedi dependency injection 



Re: Aurora DirectX Bindings 12.1

2018-10-05 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 6 October 2018 at 00:02:36 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
So for now I definitely think the package route is a better 


But if you do end up using these bindings on DCompute please 
let me know! I've made sure that all the Shader interfaces 
exist, but if you find anything missing I will gladly except 

Will do. It really depends on a) what happens at the LLVM Dev 
meeting in a week and a half and b) what Blizzard want out of it, 
both if it happens at all, and how much, if any (i.e. anything 
more than codegen), of the API will need to be usable from D.

Re: Aurora DirectX Bindings 12.1

2018-10-03 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 4 October 2018 at 04:03:27 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 04/10/2018 2:06 PM, Adam Wilson wrote:
The Aurora DirectX bindings have been updated to support 
Windows 10 1809. Also the D2D Effect Authoring SDK has been 


Please send PR's if you find any bugs!

It would be nice to get DirectX bindings into druntime. Just 
need 9/10 (some are floating about) after these mature a bit.

I don't think thats wise, nor is it ever like to happen. Druntime 
is D's runtime, the only reason there are bindings to the C and 
and C++ standard library is because of their ubiquity. This is 
much better suited to a dub package.

Side note, its possible that I might end up adding a DX12 backend 
to LDC/DCompute (which I'm going to have to rename if I do) based 
on even more 
likely if MS (Hi Adam) upstream it to LLVM.

2018-09-26 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 26 September 2018 at 22:57:47 UTC, Ali Çehreli 

Link at Meetup:


Ah rats, this one is two weeks too early and the next one is a 
week too late for me to go to while I'm in town for a conference.

Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-09-25 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 25 September 2018 at 12:33:30 UTC, RazvanN wrote:
After discussing with Walter and Andrei we have decided that we 
are going to drop @implicit for now as it may cause bugs (as 
Jonathan has highlighted) and consider constructors that have 
the form this(ref $q1 S rhs) $q2 as copy constructors. I will 
update the DIP with more information.

Also, regarding the cohabitation between postblit and copy 
constructor: in order to make the transition smoother, whenever 
a postblit and a copy constructor are found togheter in a 
struct, the former is used and the latter is ignored (even if 
it is a field postblit). Once the postblit is going to be 
deprecated we can do the opposite and use the copy constructor 
and ignore the postblit.

If @implicit is going to be introduced then that is going to be 
a DIP on its own.


I still think a -dip10xx flag to control which to prefer is worth 
doing, since

a) it won't be hard to do and will make the transition smoother 
still , and

b) IIRC the motivating factor for this is memory safety. Delaying 
memory safety while waiting for a deprecation period to expire ( 
O(years) ) for code that wants to remain backwards compatible 
with older compiler versions is not something we should be 

In the deprecation period if no flag is given prefer postblit to 
copy if both are defined, if flag is given prefer copy over 


Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-09-24 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 24 September 2018 at 23:22:13 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
@implicit on copy constructors is outright bad. It would just 
be a source of bugs. Every time that someone forgets to use it 
(which plenty of programmers will forget, just like they forget 
to use @safe, pure, nothrow, etc.), they're going to have a bug 
in their program. However, unlike, with attributes like @safe 
or pure, they're not going to get a compiler error in their 
program; they're going to get a logic error. They may or may 
not find that bug quickly, but the compiler isn't going to 
point it out to them.

I think this is the most important reason. In C++, where 
everything is implicit by default (which is bad) and (I think) 
you are encouraged to use explicit where possible, you should 
never use it for the copy constructor because the compiler always 
calls it implicitly for you and is the whole point of having:

Foo a; Foo b = a;

do something useful. Putting explicit on the copy ctor means that 
no longer works, one can then only use it with

Foo a; Foo b(a);

Having `Foo a; Foo b = a;` do something completely different by 
the addition or removal of one attribute is a serious problem 
just waiting to happen.

Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-09-22 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 23 September 2018 at 01:08:50 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Saturday, September 22, 2018 6:13:25 PM MDT Adam D. Ruppe 
via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:


Yeah, the problem has to do with how much you have to mark up 
your code. Whether you have @foo @bar @baz or foo bar baz is 
pretty irrelevant. And keywords eat up identifiers, so they're 
actually worse.

In addition, most of the complaints about @implicit have to do 
with the fact that it doesn't even add anything. It's annoying 
that we have @nogc, @safe, pure, etc. but at least each of 
those adds something. @implicit is just there because of the 
fear of breaking a theoretical piece of code that's going to be 
extremely rare if it exists at all and in most cases would 
continue to work just fine even if it did exist.

- Jonathan M Davis

It appears that @implicit has been removed from the 
implementation [1], but not yet from the DIP.

Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-09-18 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 19 September 2018 at 00:05:15 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 10:58:39 AM MDT aliak via 
Digitalmars-d- announce wrote:
This will break compilation of current code that has an 
explicit copy constructor, and the fix is simply to add the 
attribute @implicit.

In that case, why not just use a transitional compiler switch? 
Why force everyone to mark their copy constructors with 
@implicit forever? The whole point of adding the attribute was 
to avoid breaking existing code.

- Jonathan M Davis

Apparently because extending copy constructors are intended to be 
extended to types other than typeof(this), which would also be 
implicit, and then @implicit is to make sure that you actually 
want this(ref SomethingElse){ ... } to be implicitly called when

A a;
B b;
b = a;

which I think is a bad idea, not the least of which is because 
thats what opAssign is for.


Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-09-17 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 17 September 2018 at 23:14:28 UTC, tide wrote:
From what I've read, the copy constructor can be used with 
different types:

struct B

struct A
@implicit this(ref B b)

B foo();

A a;
a = foo(); // ok because of @implicit
a = A(foo()); // ok without @implicit

That's why it exists, otherwise I wouldn't want two types to be 
implicitly convertible unless i explicitly tell it to be 

This DIP does not allow this, but apparently it is on the 

 it will be easier to extend the feature to copy construct 
from any type to any type

Is this a thing we are even considering?


I don't agree with it.


Re: D kernel for Jupyter notebook

2018-09-15 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 15 September 2018 at 08:12:37 UTC, Peter Alexander 
On Sunday, 19 August 2018 at 23:49:21 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 

On Sunday, 19 August 2018 at 20:33:45 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:


Note that the D repl will only work on platforms where drepl 
works i.e. platform with shared library support. It will 
_build_ on OSX due to but it won't work.

The drepl README on github says it works for OSX. Is that not 

"Works on any OS with full shared library support by DMD 
(currently linux, OSX, and FreeBSD)."


^F rt_loadLibrary

Not found.

As a result it fails to link. Probably not hard to fix, though.

Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-09-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 September 2018 at 23:55:05 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 
The bog-standard way of dealing with avoidable breakage with 
DIPs is a -dip-10xx flag. In this case, if set, would prefer to 
call copy constructors over blit + postblit.

Also adding @implicit is a backwards incompatible change to a 
codebase that wants to use it as it will cause it to fail on 
older compilers.  Even if one does :

static if (__VERSION__ < 2085) // or whenever it gets 

 enum implicit;
all over the place,

It is illegal to declare a copy constructor for a struct that 
has a postblit defined and vice versa:

Hmm, I suppose one could
 static if (__VERSION__ < 2085)
 // use a postblit
// use a copy ctor.

Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-09-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 September 2018 at 23:36:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Wednesday, September 12, 2018 5:17:44 PM MDT Nicholas Wilson 
via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
it seems that even if we were to want to have @implicit as an 
opposite of C++'s explicit it would _always_ be present on 
copy-constructors which means that @implicit for copy 
constructors should itself be implicit.

Oh, yes. The whole reason it's there is the fear that not 
requiring it would break code that currently declares a 
constructor that would be a copy constructor if we didn't 
require @implicit. So, if the DIP is accepted, you _could_ 
declare a constructor that should be a copy constructor but 
isn't, because it wasn't marked with @implicit (just like you 
can right now). If code breakage were not a concern, then 
there's pretty much no way that @implicit would be part of the 
DIP. Personally, I don't think that the risk of breakage is 
high enough for it to be worth requiring an attribute for what 
should be the normal behavior (especially when such a 
constructor almost certainly was intended to act like a copy 
constructor, albeit an explicit one), but Andrei doesn't agree.

The bog-standard way of dealing with avoidable breakage with DIPs 
is a -dip-10xx flag. In this case, if set, would prefer to call 
copy constructors over blit + postblit.

Also adding @implicit is a backwards incompatible change to a 
codebase that wants to use it as it will cause it to fail on 
older compilers.  Even if one does :

static if (__VERSION__ < 2085) // or whenever it gets implemented
 enum implicit;
all over the place,

It is illegal to declare a copy constructor for a struct that 
has a postblit defined and vice versa:

Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-09-12 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 12 September 2018 at 22:11:20 UTC, Manu wrote:
On Wed, 12 Sep 2018 at 04:40, Dejan Lekic via 

On Tuesday, 11 September 2018 at 15:22:55 UTC, rikki 
cattermole wrote:

> Here is a question (that I don't think has been asked) why 
> not

> @copy?
> @copy this(ref Foo other) { }
> It can be read as copy constructor, which would be excellent 
> for helping people learn what it is doing (spec lookup).

> Also can we really not come up with an alternative bit of 
> code than the tupleof to copying wholesale? E.g. 
> super(other);

I could not agree more. @implicit can mean many things, while 
@copy is much more specific... For what is worth I vote for 
@copy ! :)

@implicit may be attributed to any constructor allowing it to 
be invoked implicitly. It's the inverse of C++'s `explicit` 
keyword. As such, @implicit is overwhelmingly useful in its own 

This will address my single biggest usability complaint of D as 
compared to C++. @implicit is super awesome, and we must 
embrace it.

I have no idea why you would want to declare a copy-constructor 
as explicit

it seems that even if we were to want to have @implicit as an 
opposite of C++'s explicit it would _always_ be present on 
copy-constructors which means that @implicit for copy 
constructors should itself be implicit.

From what I understand of explicit in C++, if we were to have 
@implicit construction it would be used for things like

struct Foo
@implicit this(int) {}

void useFoo(Foo f) { ... }

void main()
useFoo(0); // Fine, implicitly construct auto tmp = Foo(0); 


If at some point in the future we decide that we do want to add 
@implicit construction, then we can make the copy constructor 
always @implicit. Until that point I see no need for this, 
because it is replacing postblit which is always called 

@\all please remember to leave feedback on the actual draft 
review on the DIP PR.

Re: DIP Draft Reviews

2018-09-06 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 17:44:28 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
Of course, what further complicates things here is that the 
author is Walter, and ultimately, it's Walter and Andrei who 
make the decision on their own. And if Walter doesn't respond 
to any of the feedback or address it in the DIP, it all comes 
across as if the DIP itself is just a formality. The fact that 
he wrote a DIP and presented it for feedback is definitely 
better than him simply implementing it, since it does give him 
the chance to get feedback on the plan and improve upon it, but 
if he then doesn't change anything or even respond to any of 
the review comments, then it makes it seem kind of pointless 
that he bothered with a DIP. At that point, it just serves as 
documentation of his intentions.

This is all in stark contrast to the case where someone other 
than Walter or Andrei wrote the DIP, and the author doesn't 
bother to even respond to the feedback let alone incorporate 
it, since they then at least still have to get the DIP past 
Walter and Andrei, and if the DIP has not taken any of the 
feedback into account, then presumably, it stands a much worse 
chance of making it through. On the other hand, if the DIP 
comes from Walter or Andrei, they only have the other person to 
convince, and that makes it at least seem like there's a decent 
chance that it's just going to be rubber-stamped when the DIP 
author doesn't even respond to feedback.

I think that it's great for Walter and Andrei to need to put 
big changes through the DIP process just like the rest of us 
do, but given that they're the only ones deciding what's 
accepted, it makes the whole thing rather weird when a DIP 
comes from them.

- Jonathan M Davis

If Walter had tried to implement this w/o a DIP, that would have 
been among the first reviews received, so it is good that he's 
has done it as a DIP. But not using it for improving the design 
is almost as bad.

I view this DIP like DIP1000 but worse: at least with DIP1000 
there was clear motivation, and despite any breakage and poor 
documentation of continued changes due to unforeseen 
requirements, it solves a real problem and has bought real value. 
It could have been handled much better, but is a net positive IMO.

DIP1017 OTOH has flawed/unsubstantiated motivation, will break 
lots of code, and solves a problem that is already solved by 
GDC/LDC where the only benefit other that documentation is faster 
code and could be solved in the same way as GDC/LDC with none of 
the breakage and complications.
Any marginal benefits in speed of compiled code for DMD _only_ 
(which is not why one uses DMD) comes at the cost of:
opportunity cost of development/review and ongoing implementation 

unknown but probably very large code breakages;
slower compile times for all three compilers;
increased complexity in the type system and for new users;
and all the other reasons listed in the draft and community 

IMO, a very much net negative

I now understand why Mihails left over DIP1000...

Re: DIP Draft Reviews

2018-09-06 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 10:49:55 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I always ask DIP authors about unaddressed feedback before 
moving from one stage to the other, and I did so with DIP 1017 
when moving out of Draft Review. It's entirely up to the author 
whether or not to address it and there is no requirement for 
DIP authors to respond to any feedback. I would prefer it if 
they did, especially in the Post-Community stage and later as 
it helps me with my review summaries, but 1017 is not the first 
DIP where feedback went unaddressed and I'm sure it won't be 
the last.

I can understand not requiring authors to respond to all the 
feedback, but not requiring them to respond to _any_ is just 
wasting everyone's time, since _all_ of the previous points will 
be bought up again and the next stage will be a repeat of the 

Re: DIP Draft Reviews

2018-09-06 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 09:41:39 UTC, Dukc wrote:
I disagree. Reviews are mainly for giving feedback, not for 
deciding the fate of the DIP -that's what the formal assesment 
is for.

For the draft review yes, but the points against the DIP were 
raised in draft and it proceeded to community review unchanged 
without any correspondence on the part of the author, except to 
state that a reason to extend the DIP to extern(C++) function 
wouldn't work.

IMO, it's enough that the author reads the review and addresses 
the points in the DIP before the next phase.

I  agree, but see previous point.

And not every point has to be blindly addressed,

No, but I expect a fraction greater then zero to be addressed.

the reviewers may be just as  wrong as the author.

Yes but the reviewers outnumber the author by a lot, and in 
aggregate are less likely to be. That's why there are multiple 

The reviews are still mentioned in the DIPs so they can be 
considered in the formal assesment, addressed by the author or 
not. And of course it's always better if the author 
interactively participates at the review, but it should not be 
required IMO.

Put it this way: DIP1017 should not go to formal without change, 
as it did from draft to community (which I don't think should 
have happened without at least some acknowledgement or refutation 
of the points raised in draft).

Re: DIP Draft Reviews

2018-09-06 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 05:25:11 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I've got three DIPs in the Post-Community stage right now [2]. 
DIP 1015 will move to Final Review before yours if its author 
is ready when I am, then yours will go before 1017.

I'm a bit worried about 1017 going in to final, given the large, 
unresolved criticisms in both draft and community review rounds. 
IMO the DIP author should at least participate in the community 
review if they expect their DIP to have _any_ chance of success.

Re: DIP Draft Reviews

2018-09-06 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 03:19:33 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I'm not going to start another Community Review until I get 
some space in the latter end of the queue. But soon I'll be 
asking for Draft Review feedback on the next candidate. Right 
now that's likely to be 'Named arguments lite', but it be 

Did you a word? Anyway good to know that things are still moving 

Re: DIP Draft Reviews

2018-09-05 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 20 August 2018 at 14:54:24 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I'm getting ready to start prepping one of the DIPs in the PR 
queue for community review. It proposes adding an `in` operator 
for arrays. I haven't gone through it in detail yet, so I 
invite anyone with time on their hands to provide feedback on 
the Draft so we can more speedily get in shape to kick off the 
big-league reviews.

While you're at it, feel free to poke around and leave some 
feedback on other drafts in the queue.

 pull/101 was closed.  What's happening now?

Re: D kernel for Jupyter notebook

2018-08-19 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 19 August 2018 at 20:33:45 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
Proof of concept works, but it requires some further 
development to be useful to do work in.

It uses D repl currently - this was written for a console 
interface and probably you will encounter difficulties running 
it in a notebook environment.  I guess one would like to treat 
all functions defined in a single notebook as part of the same 
session and to execute immediate statements as part of a main 
specific to that cell.

The kernel is a bit flakey - takes time to come on line and you 
might need to reconnect to it sometimes.

To Do:

1.Add HTML and markdown table output to display arrays of 
structs or of dicts in a useful manner

2.Integrate with mir and other numeric libraries
3.Integrate with charting
4.Consider adding to Dlang tour and when stable
5.Integrate with dpp
6.Integrate with dub

1 and 3 should be quite simple.  One wouldn't want to write a 
large program in Jupyter, but it's helpful for exploratory data 
analysis and programming where the code that does the work is 
already in D.

Note that the D repl will only work on platforms where drepl 
works i.e. platform with shared library support. It will _build_ 
on OSX due to but it won't work.

Re: autowrap v0.0.1 - Automatically wrap existing D code for use in Python and Excel

2018-08-09 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 6 August 2018 at 00:47:12 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:


The echo interpreter now works, and the dmd one is there. I've 
got no idea if it works because I'm on OSX (yay no shared library 
support) if someone wants to test it that would be great.

Re: autowrap v0.0.1 - Automatically wrap existing D code for use in Python and Excel

2018-08-05 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 August 2018 at 20:01:22 UTC, Nikos wrote:
Thank you very much for your feedback. Unfortunately, none of 
the above worked.
By the way, the reason I'm trying all this is to create a 
Jupyter notebook. I've already made a simple version of it some 
time ago 
( Since 
you are also working on a D kernel, maybe we could work 


There are 5 main objects:

Channel, an abstraction over raw ZMQ sockets.
Interpreter, abstracted for debugging and also other kernels (I 
work for Laeeth and they have an internal language they wan't to 
use from this.)
Kernel, does the higher level network logic and calls the 
Message and Wire message are high and low level representation of 
the packet layout.

I'm currently trying to figure out why the message signing is 
bjorked (I swear it did use to work!), the IOPub channel fails 
intermittently (the worst kind) and the Shell/Control fails all 
of the time.

Any effort pointing out where I done something stupid is much 
appreciated (and I do mean something stupid, the last major 
hurdle was trying to figure out why the packets were going 
nowhere: turns out I was missing the routing prefix).

Are you on slack?

Re: Dpp on

2018-08-05 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 August 2018 at 22:43:42 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
One benefit of D is as a better glue language that integrates 
well with other languages and ecosystems.  Many people who know 
a bit about D have no idea that interop can work so easily or 

So it might be worth mentioning this benefit as one link from 
main page and then linking from that to new page that mentions 
and has runnable examples (using HAR) for:

Python (via autowrap:python and pyd)
C (via dpp)
C++ (extern(C++) for now)
R (via embedr)
Julia (via C interface, including julia.h via dpp)
Lua (if LuaD stable enough)

with just screenshot for:
Excel (via autowrap excel / excel-d)
C# via Binderoo
Jupyter via pydmagic

and just link for web assembly.
Obviously a lot of work, but if you think a good idea we could 
work away at over time.

"Here's something I prepared earlier."

This is currently to house [1] to try to show Walter why is a good idea. 
Unfortunately he remains unconvinced so I think I'm going to have 
to do it as a DIP [3].



Re: autowrap v0.0.1 - Automatically wrap existing D code for use in Python and Excel

2018-07-31 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 29 July 2018 at 18:14:31 UTC, Nikos wrote:

But when I try to export the whole dmdEngine


   auto engine(char[] txt) {
   return interpreter(dmdEngine());

Can you export an instance of `interpreter(dmdEngine())`?


__gshared auto dmdi = interpreter(dmdEngine());

export ref dmd()
return dmdi;

or if that doesn't work, proxy it

__gshared auto dmdi = interpreter(dmdEngine());

struct Dmd
mixin Proxy!dmdi;
export auto dmd()
Dmd d;
return d;

That is pretty much required if you want to maintain state across.

Also I'm working on a D kernel for Jupyter notebook which should 
be done soon.

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