Re: Can't make inout work.

2019-03-18 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 17/03/2019 18:34, Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Saturday, 16 March 2019 at 14:57:35 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
This code fails to compile if you change `auto s2` to `const s2`--in other 
words, it has the same problem as the original example.

Maybe there's not much need for qualifiers anyway.

This is what I meant as well.

Re: Block statements and memory management

2019-03-16 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 16/03/2019 11:19, Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Saturday, 16 March 2019 at 03:47:43 UTC, Murilo wrote:

Does anyone know if when I create a variable inside a scope as in
{int a = 10;}
it disappears complete from the memory when the scope finishes? Or does it 
remain in some part of the memory? I am thinking of using scopes to make 
optimized programs that consume less memory.

In general, you want variables to have no larger scope than needed, so in large 
functions reducing the scope may be useful. When it comes to efficiency however, 
doing that is neither necessary nor sufficient for the compiler to re-use 
registers / stack space. I looked at the assembly output of DMD for this:

void func(int a);

void main()
     int a = 2;
     int b = 3;
Without optimizations (the -O flag), it stores a and b on different places in 
the stack.
With optimizations, the values of a and b (2 and 3) are simply loaded in the EDI 
register before the call.

Removing the braces doesn't change anything about that.
The compiler does live variable analysis [1] as well as data-flow analysis [2] 
to figure out that it's only needed to load the values 2 and 3 just before the 
function call. This is just a trivial example, but the same applies to larger 

In any case, for better memory efficiency I'd consider looking at reducing 
dynamic allocations such as new or malloc. Memory on the stack is basically free 
compared to that, so even if adding lots of braces to your code reduces stack 
memory, chances are it's a low leverage point.


Just to add a bit on what has been said:
* Register allocation (see wikipedia) is a well-researched area.
* By coding that way, you force the compiler to optimise *a certain way* which 
may prevent it to perform other, more relevant optimisations.
* You cannot beat the knowledge in that domain, it is simply too big and 
complex, just be confident.


Re: Can't make inout work.

2019-03-16 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

PS: the chapter of Ali Çehreli's book on func args is great:

Re: Can't make inout work.

2019-03-16 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 16/03/2019 04:49, Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Friday, 15 March 2019 at 23:57:15 UTC, aliak wrote:

Anyone knows how to make this work?

You need an explicit `inout` on the return value of `make`:

auto ref make(T)(inout auto ref T value) {
     return inout(S!T)(value);

I think (but may be wrong) that you don't need inout here, since a plain 'ref' 
will (and does) work. This is accepted by me (I added vars to make the code 
clearer to myself):

struct S(T) {
T value = T.init;

auto ref make(T)(ref T value) {
return S!T(value);

auto ref f(T)(ref S!T s) {
return make(s.value);

void main() {
class C {}
C c ;
auto s1 = S!C(c) ;
auto s2 = make!C(c) ;
auto s3 = f!C(s2) ;

Re: local class instance (at module-level)

2019-03-14 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 15/03/2019 00:45, ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On 14.03.19 20:43, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

class C {
 uint i ;
 this (uint i) {
 this.i = i ;

 this (uint i) shared {
 this.i = i ;

 this (uint i) immutable {
 this.i = i ;

__gshared c0 = new C(0);
shared c1 = new shared C(1);
immutable c2 = new immutable C(2);

You only need one of the constructors depending on if you want a __gshared, 
shared or immutable variable.

If you make it `pure`, you can use the same constructor in all cases:

class C {
     uint i ;
     this (uint i) pure {
     this.i = i ;

__gshared c0 = new C(0);
shared c1 = new shared C(1);
immutable c2 = new immutable C(2);

all right, thank you!

Re: bug in doc?

2019-03-14 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 14/03/2019 15:52, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 03:22:52PM +0100, spir via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

immutable long[string] aa = [
   "foo": 5,
   "bar": 10,
   "baz": 2000

==> Error: non-constant expression `["foo":5L, "bar":10L, "baz":2000L]`

Also: I don't understand the error message:
* What is non-constant in the *expression*?
* And why should it be constant at all?
(Removing "immutable" does not help...)


It's a well-known limitation.  The workaround is:

immutable long[string] aa;
static this() {
aa = [
"foo" : 5,

All right! No language has to be perfect... (I'm joking). But the doc (the 
language ref for the matter) should definitely say what you just explained 
above, shouldn't they? I actually think clearly stating limitations is a +++. 
(Like an industry company that does not make perfect product but has great 
client support.)


Re: local class instance (at module-level)

2019-03-14 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 14/03/2019 12:16, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 12:05:22PM +0100, spir via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

I desperately try to declare/define/initialise a simple class instance
at module-level. This is a special (conceptually static and immutable)
instance used as a "marker", that just should exist and be accessible
by methods of this class and/or other classes defined in the same
module. (Thus I don't care if TLS.) I use it as a remplacement for
null, to avoid semantic confusion and unhelpful segfaults in case of

Does this work?

class C { ... }
immutable C c0;
static this() {
c0 = new C(...);


Oh yes, that was it ! Thank you very much.

bug in doc?

2019-03-14 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

immutable long[string] aa = [
  "foo": 5,
  "bar": 10,
  "baz": 2000

==> Error: non-constant expression `["foo":5L, "bar":10L, "baz":2000L]`

Also: I don't understand the error message:
* What is non-constant in the *expression*?
* And why should it be constant at all?
(Removing "immutable" does not help...)


local class instance (at module-level)

2019-03-14 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn
I desperately try to declare/define/initialise a simple class instance at 
module-level. This is a special (conceptually static and immutable) instance 
used as a "marker", that just should exist and be accessible by methods of this 
class and/or other classes defined in the same module. (Thus I don't care if 
TLS.) I use it as a remplacement for null, to avoid semantic confusion and 
unhelpful segfaults in case of bug.

I have tried a number of options and never manage to do it, including:
* [C/auto/static immutable c0] = new C(0) ;
* C c0 ; c0.i = 0 ;
* defining a static this()
* more...

The most confusing error is:
Error: variable `_base.c0` is a thread-local class and cannot have a static 
initializer. Use `static this()` to initialize instead.

I also could not find any information --for a while, repeatedly, since I can go 
on developing in the meantime, using null instead. I'm bluffed and confused, 
since there is nothing weird in that, is there? (the compiler can just allocate 
it in static mem and take the address)

Reduced test case:
class C {
uint i ;
this (uint i) {
this.i = i ;

// error
auto c0 = new C(0) ;

void main () {
// ok
auto c0 = new C(0) ;

I would enjoy an explanation (or a pointer to) in addition to a solution.

Thank you,

PS: I take the opportnity to ask if I can count on the compiler to intern 
literal strings (which my code may use in several places, including loops), esp. 
"", or should I declare and use (for instance):

static immutable s0 = "" ;

Re: Why does D language do not support BigDecimal type?

2019-03-12 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/03/2019 10:31, Boqsc via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
Please attach quick working examples for every sentence you write or it's just a 
waste of time. People want to see the results and direct actions first before 
anything else, it's more efficient communication. We are in the subforum of 
Dlang learn, after all.

Do not write "For Example".

Then you may help people helping you by giving examples of your own use cases, 

I'm interested in writing a simple game prototype and I imagine that I would 
like to include some item parts in decimal. (100.00) To keep everything simple I 
would like to make my code as clean and simple as possible.

From this single example, you don't need "fractal" (decimal or binary) numbers 
at all, just plain ints. Look up "fixed point arithmetics" on wikipedia, the 
article is rather good. It's easy and clean in comparison, at least if you only 
need simple operations. (That's how, by the way, monetary/financial software is 
or at least used to be implemented.)


Re: Distinguish float and integer types from string

2019-03-10 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 09/03/2019 19:11, Jacob Shtokolov via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

The thing is that in PHP, for example, I would do

The thing is php needs to be able to "lexify" raw input data at runtime, while 
in D this is done at compile-time. The ompiler has the lexer to do that.

But I agree that, for user input, it would be cool to have such a feature 
available. However, this would quickly become complex because of (the reciprocal 
of) localisation, or even personalisation. Eg I like to write decimals like:



Re: this is null

2019-03-10 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 09/03/2019 21:10, ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Saturday, 9 March 2019 at 20:04:53 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

You can end up with a null `this` reference if you dereference a null pointer 
to a struct and then call a method on the result. For example:

I can but my reference is not null before calling. Take a look at the line of 
code [0]. There is a check before the line. [0]

There is a typo in this instruction:

T* ptr = this.list.getFisrtFreeOrAdd(memViewLen).getPtr!T();
(may this explain your null? the compiler should complain)


Re: 2 class issues -- PS

2019-03-07 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

from [] :

abstract Attribute

An abstract member function must be overridden by a derived class. Only virtual 
member functions may be declared abstract; non-virtual member functions and 
free-standing functions cannot be declared abstract.

Classes become abstract if any of its virtual member functions are declared 
abstract or if they are defined within an abstract attribute. Note that an 
abstract class may also contain non-virtual member functions.

Classes defined within an abstract attribute or with abstract member functions 
cannot be instantiated directly. They can only be instantiated as a base class 
of another, non-abstract, class.

Member functions declared as abstract can still have function bodies. This is so 
that even though they must be overridden, they can still provide ‘base class 
functionality’, e.g. through in a derived class. Note that the class 
is still abstract and cannot be instantiated directly.


Is there thus another way to enforce overriding of given methods? I wish to 
instantiate superclasses for special instances, as shown in previous mail. It is 
not a big deal (I can live without this enforcement, and my clients as well 
since if they wish to implement their own subclasses, they will have to 
override) but I still wish to know that for further cases.

Thank you,

2 class issues

2019-03-07 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn


First, I am not very experimented with the combination of static lang (alloc & 
typing) and OO (class-based). I'm implementing a library for lexical analysis 
(lexing), with 2 minor issues:

-1- How to enforce that subclasses implement given methods without using 
"abstract", which seems to make the whole class abstract? (no info found in doc, 
actually, the page on classes [1] does not seem to even mention abstract classes)

-2- How to have "constant" (predefined) class instances at the module-level? The 
compiler requires a "static this ()". What does this actually mean (for a 
constructor)? What are the consequences, for either my code or client code? (The 
doc on the topic [2] is rather obscure for me, and I could not find better 

I'm also bluffed by "Static constructors have empty parameter lists." Does this 
mean I should manually fill the fields? (not a big deal, but why???) This may give:

// Predefined pseudo-pattern "End-of-Text":
auto EoT = new Pattern() ;   // ??? = "EoT" ;

// Unique lexeme "end-of-text":
auto eot = new Lexeme() ;   // ???
eot.patname = "EoT" ;
eot.slice = null ;
eot.index = uint.max ;
Then, why have a constructor at all? This would also prevent me from making 
classes immutable, while conceptually all are immutable... (no reason for a 
pattern or a lexeme to change)

Thank you,


Re: Beginner ?. Why does D suggest to learn java

2014-10-17 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 17/10/14 07:38, maarten van damme via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

While d can be complex, there's nothing preventing you from starting out
simple and not using all features at first.
I don't understand why it's not suitable for a beginner if you use this

For some reasons, in my view: A beginner has to learn programming in addition to 
a first lang. A beginner has to learn a first lang in addition to programming. 
We learn languages by understanding valid, meaningful input, ie here reading 
code. All static langs introduce tons of complication only due to their 
staticity. D is rather big  complex, in the field of static langs. Most code 
will use more than a theoretical minimal set of features. And this minimal set 
is far more in size, difficulty, complication than in langs partly designed  for 
ease of learning (Lua, Python, Scheme...). Even plain C is far more difficult 
than say, Lua.


Re: Beginner ?. Why does D suggest to learn java

2014-10-17 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 17/10/14 03:05, ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Fri, 17 Oct 2014 00:52:14 +
MachineCode via Digitalmars-d-learn

I don't understand. If at least it were C but java? why not D

C is *awful* as beginner's language. never ever let people start with
C if you don't hate 'em.

as for D... current version of D can be used, but with some
precautions. we now have excellent book by Ali. (it's great, really! i
believe that it must be featured on the front page!) but java
has alot more books and tutorials.

not that D is bad for beginners, it's just has a smaller userbase. and
all that things with classes are reference types and structs are not,
empty array is not empty array but is empty array and so on D may be
confusing a little. it's good to have some CS background to understood
that things.

What you say here applies, I guess, to many other points. I applaud Ali for 
writing a tutorial like his but... Check it (just the first pages is enough) for 
literally the dozens of notions one must know and master for being able to 
understand, not only the features of D introduced, but even the tutorial itself. 
If I am not a programmer, and one who knows other static langs, and better of 
the mainstream procedural paradigm, if not D itself, then I do not understand 
more than few isolated words here and there. We are blind to the huge pile of 
concepts we know, I guess, because we know them, thus take them for granted...


Re: String created from buffer has wrong length and strip() result is incorrect

2014-10-17 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 17/10/14 09:29, thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 06:29:24 UTC, Lucas Burson wrote:

   // This is where things breaks
  ubyte[] buff = new ubyte[16];
  buff[0..ATA_STR.length] = cast(ubyte[])(ATA_STR);

  // read the string back from the buffer, stripping whitespace
  string stringFromBuffer = strip(cast(string)(buff[0..16]));
  // this shows strip() doesn't remove all whitespace
  writefln(StrFromBuff is '%s'; length %d, stringFromBuffer,

  // !! FAILS. stringFromBuffer is length 15, not 3.
  assert(stringFromBuffer.length == strip(ATA_STR).length);

Unlike C, strings in D are not zero-terminated by default, they are just arrays,
i.e. a pair of pointer and size. You create an array of 16 bytes and cast it to
string, now you have a 16-chars string. You fill first few chars with data from
ATA_STR but the rest 10 bytes of the array are still part of the string, not
initialized with data, so having zeroes. Since this tail of zeroes is not
whitespace (tabs or spaces etc.) 'strip' doesn't remove it.

Side-note: since your string has those zeroes at the end, strip only removes the 
space at start (thus, final size=15), instead of at both ends.


Re: How to check i

2014-10-16 Thread spir via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 16/10/14 20:46, Uranuz via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

I have some string *str* of unicode characters. The question is how to check if
I have valid unicode code point starting at code unit *index*?

You cannot do that without decoding. Cheking whether utf-x is valid and decoding 
are the very same process. IIRC, D has a validation func which is more or less 
just an alias for the decoding func ;-). Moreover, you also need to distinguish 
word-character code points from others (punctuation, spacing, etc) which 
requires unicode code points (Unicode the consortium provide tables for such tasks).

Thus, I would recommand you to just abandon the illusion of working at the level 
of code units for such tasks, and simply operate on strings of code points. (Why 
do you think D has them builtin?)
