Re: Change in mailing list configuration

2024-01-12 Thread Daniel Morissette

I second Jeroen's thoughts and suggestion.


On 2024-01-12 08:05, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Hi Sandro and others,
My suggestion would be to re-instate the old configuration and first 
propose and discuss a possible update. Such discussion and eventual 
update should be announced first before it is applied. The Discuss 
mailing list, as other lists, has always worked well for me too. The 
header [OSGeo-Discuss] is used by many of us to filter email and keep 
things manageable. That can't just be modified on an important list as 
Discuss without broader consent IMHO.

My 2 cents. Cheers,

 On Fri, 12 Jan 2024 11:14:49 +0100 *Sandro Santilli * 
wrote ---

On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 09:35:30AM +0100, Christian Willmes wrote:
 > As far as I understood it, the mailing list will continue to work
as is in
 > the future? And discourse is only a mirror or an additional
interface for
 > those who prefer to communicate via this app?

This change has nothing to do with Discourse but with the ability of
people to see the email address of the people who post and to verify
they are reall who they claim to be.

The discussion happened in this ticket:


Daniel Morissette
Mapgears Inc
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Projects] Heads up about an LDAP issue we are having

2021-10-01 Thread Daniel Morissette via Discuss
Hi Regina,

I don't know if you found the solution yet, but since we have faced this
issue as well with some of our systems at Mapgears and other members of
this list may face it as well I thought I would share the solution that
we found, which is essentially to install a new certificate chain file on
the server to help the problematic SSL clients to find the right

Here are the steps to fix a Linux/Apache server:

1- Download the intermediate certificate:

   cd /etc/letsencrypt/
   wget -O ca.crt

2- Edit the Apache SSL config to add the following line :

   SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/ca.crt

I hope that will help others facing the same issue.

(And I apologize for the noise for those who do not care about web
server configs)


On 2021-09-30 20:07, Regina Obe wrote:
> An intermediary certificate for LetsEncrypt expired today.
> This has caused validation issues with older systems that are not verifying
> the new way.  One of these is sadly our beloved
> So if you try to log into you will get a server error.
> I'm still in the middle of troubleshooting and trying to fix.
> Thanks for your patience,
> Regina
> ___
> Projects mailing list

Daniel Morissette
Mapgears Inc
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Changes (and proposed changes) regarding the Code of Conduct

2018-12-10 Thread Daniel Morissette
le is always covered by it. We can't rely anymore on just common 
sense and good faith.

Once the new board is settled, I am going to propose to change the 
current CoC for another like the Contributor Covenant[2]. As it is a 
CoC shared by many communities, this has the advantage of receiving 
the upgrades and experience from other communities. As you can see, it 
fixes some of the bugs from our CoC, like the assuming good intent and 
good faith[3] part that made the current CoC useless on most cases. I 
will propose to add some foreword to adapt to specifities for our 
community, but in my opinion, the latest version of the Contributor 
Covenant is easy to read, simple, and cover most of what we need. My 
hope is that this new CoC can be adapted to all OSGeo Projects and 
Events that don't already have a CoC, so we have full OSGeo universe 
covered by default.

I hope this actions will prove useful in the medium term and we don't 
have to see more members leaving the community. We should remember to 
be empathic and kind. We are all seeking the same goals and we should 
encourage cooperation, not hinder each other. I know that developer 
communities are very used to these bad behaviours, but I'm confident 
we can grow better.

Have a nice day!


Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
Mapgears Inc
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] regarding Standards on the beta website

2017-08-23 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 2017-08-23 5:32 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) wrote:

On Aug 23, 2017, at 3:52 PM, Jody Garnett <>> wrote:

Ideally I would like to see projects that are certified by OGC place 
the correct logos on these pages.

I guess that’s where I’m going with this, GeoMoose has not gone through 
the process of certifing it’s OGC standards.  They have a very specific 
process to do this too, and based on that I’m saying that GeoMoose for 
one, would not be 100% compliant, as an example.  Some pieces could be 

So we just say we can use those standards and have support for some of 
them vs having (100%) OGC compliance.

To reuse OGC terminology, this is what OGC calls "implementing" vs 
"compliant, conformant or certified":

Daniel Morissette
Mapgears Inc
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Planning code sprint in Daytona Beach, FL (please vote on dates if interested)

2016-11-11 Thread Daniel Morissette

(I apologize in advance for the cross-posting.)

We are considering holding the annual "C Tribe" Code Sprint in Daytona 
Beach, FL and are currently considering two dates.

If you are interested in attending, then please confirm your interest 
and the dates that work for you in this Doodle. We will keep the doodle 
open until early next week:

You can find out more about the plan as it evolves in the wiki:

and follow the full discussion on the "tosprint" list:

* Note that the "C Tribe Sprint" is labelled this way only for 
historical reasons since and is really open to all "tribes". The goal is 
cross-project collaboration and all OSGeo projects are invited.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Election 2016] Nominations reminder and campaign proposal

2016-09-16 Thread Daniel Morissette
FWIW, as a "non-interested party" which is interested in the candidates 
visions, I would support the addition of a week of campaining before the 

And I like Nikos' suggestion of starting it with every candidate 
answering the question

 "What should the community expect from my board membership?"


On 2016-09-16 3:45 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:

On 16 September 2016 at 08:29, María Arias de Reyna


I think campaining a week is a good idea. But as an interested party,
maybe it is better to let others decide :)

On the contrary, as an interested party I was expecting candidates opinion :-)

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201 - Location Intelligence Made Easy
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Election 2016] Board Nomination for Michael Smith

2016-09-08 Thread Daniel Morissette
I second Mike's nomination. Mike has done a great job taking over the 
Treasurer duties as well as representing OSGeo at various events, and we 
are very fortunate that he is willing to stand for re-election and 
continue to serve.


On 2016-09-08 2:41 PM, Jorge Sanz wrote:

Forwarding Michael Smith nomination to the board of directors by Stephan Meißl.

CRO 2016

-- Forwarded message --
From: Stephan Meißl 
Date: 7 September 2016 at 10:52
Subject: Nomination of Michael Smith as board member
To: OSGeo CRO 
Cc: Michael Smith 

Hash: SHA1

Hi there,

I'd like to nominate Michael Smith from the US as board member.

Mike works as Physical Scientist with the Remote Sensing GIS Center of
Expertise at the Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory of the US
Army Corps of Engineers. He has been a long time power user, supporter,
and contributor of MapServer, GDAL/OGR, and other OSGeo projects. He is
a member of the MapServer as well as the PDAL PSC. He is a FOSS4G
regular and hasn't missed a single one since the 2003 MapServer Users
Meeting as far as I know. Mike is the present OSGeo treasurer and has
already served on the board for the last couple of years. I believe he
is really doing a great job representing OSGeo and he is a perfect
candidate to continue serving on the board. See his user page for more


Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)

Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201 - Location Intelligence Made Easy
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Help on patent infringement claim

2016-04-08 Thread Daniel Morissette

Good morning Andrea,

Not off-topic at all if you ask me.

I didn't look up the patents that you referred to, but FYI there is a 
Wiki page where we document prior art and other facts related to 
webmapping patent claims:

Hopefully you find some info in there that can help you, and I'd invite 
you to update the page with whatever relevant info that you find 
relating to those other patents.



On 2016-04-08 9:09 AM, andrea antonello wrote:

Dear all,
this might be slightly off-topic (I think not).

In a couple of companies a few years ago we developed a fleet tracking
software all based on open source software.
The mobile android part is basically a customization of geopaparazzi,
the server side base on the usual open webmapping stuff (bare with me on
this oversemplification).

The project had some internal issues and we never really came to an
official release, even if the website went online to be used for
commercial purposes.

A few weeks ago we were contacted by one of those "innovating" companies
that do nothing else than buying patents and search project from which
they can gather money.

Needless to say that our project has been targeted.

HydroloGIS, our company, is part of the Open Invention Network, so we
first asked them for support. It is obvious that a small company as ours
gets scared quickly from a letter claiming patent infringement and
possible litigations.

We are now trying to document the (very superficial) claims we got (like
having a map - Openstreetmap - visualized on a device), as OIN suggested
us to. One more thing we have been asked, is to gather as many articles,
scientific or not, that deal with what the patent claims and that might
be dated before the patent's date (patent has been filed in 09/2000 and
granted in 11/2007).

I know it is a long shot, but maybe some of you have already had to do
with this and might be able to help, send some references.
For reference the patents are:
US 6754580 B1
EP 1218697 B1

Basically it is a system to track vehicles made up of a client (mobile
device) and a server application.
If you have papers, articles, anything related to that at hand, please
let me know.

Thanks for any help,

Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201 - Location Intelligence Made Easy
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] how did the Paris code sprint go

2016-03-08 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 2016-03-08 8:37 AM, Jonathan Moules wrote:

Looking at the participant list, that Paris code-sprint entailed at
least 10 transatlantic flights and probably at least that many
short-haul (pan-Europe) flights too (which have higher emissions
profiles per passenger mile). I don't doubt a lot of useful work was
done, but was the quantity and quality of the work so much superior to
the normal-work-from-home/office option that it was worth the
considerable extra pollution that the sprint generated?

This is obviously not something that can be easily quantified (although
I'm sure a few PhD's are trying), but I believe it should be considered
when these sorts of events are sponsored. Otherwise you can easily end
up with a Tragedy of the Commons situation.
A quick search doesn't find any sort of
ethical/green/social-responsibility policy on OSGeo's pages...

Um... very good point. On that note, I wonder if we should consider 
canceling the international FOSS4G which has an even worse impact since 
we're talking of hundreds of useless flights only to get people to watch 
a couple of conferences and share their latest project news.

Conferences and meetings could be streamed and delivered using hangouts 
after all. Why did we not think of that before?

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201 - Location Intelligence Made Easy
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4GNA - Someone is watching you :-o

2015-12-16 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 2015-12-16 10:00 AM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

On 2015/12/16 18:37, Pat Tressel wrote:

MailChimp is a very popular product. If you have a provable accusation
against them -- that they were acting **independently of the account
administrator** to alter lists, then that would be significant. As Rob
has stated, MailChimp did not do something by itself. The list was
aggregated from previous lists and events in which people participated.

I have also received a similar unsolicited mail. I would like to know
who has authorized
the aggregation and usage of email address from "previous lists and
events in which
people participated". I think every event has a privacy policy and
e-mail address provided
are only to be used for communicating about the specific event and not
for aggregating for
future use.

For the record, the use of such mailing services for FOSS4G promotion is 
not new. Even FOSS4G 2015 (Seoul) used MailChimp in a very similar way, 
I still have some of their mails in my archives, and I'm sure other past 
events did as well but I didn't bother digging any further.

How can you realistically expect to do outreach to new people if you 
only announce your event on osgeo-discuss?

This anti-anything-locationtech-does drama is becoming boring, please 
let's get over it.

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201 - Location Intelligence Made Easy
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo/LocationTech relationship

2015-11-13 Thread Daniel Morissette
OSGeo vs LocationTech debate aside, I would like to point out that there 
are lots of people who make the choice of non-reciprocal licenses over 
reciprocal ones, and it is not by "fear" or because they misunderstand 
the way FOSS licenses work, it for other reasons that I don't ask 
pro-freedom people to agree with.

I for one have been making a living around FOSS for 20 years, and have 
contributed thousands of lines of codes myself and through people that I 
hired to work on various open source projects, and have my own reasons 
why I think that non-reciprocal is better. It is not because of fear or 
misunderstanding, it is for my own reasons and I do not force anyone to 
agree with me. The only thing that matters is that in the end some open 
source projects were better thanks to our contributions.

It would be great if we could all be more respectful of the position of 
other community members and avoid suggesting that they are wrong in 
their choices just because they view things from a different angle.

Thank you all, and let's hope we can see more positive discussions 
around here


P.S. I also don't think that OSGeo, LocationTech or any other org can 
claim ownership of the "value of a community" of individuals, but I 
won't step into this debate since that is just a waste of time and energy.

On 2015-11-13 10:50 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Comments inline:

For me this is a major outrage, but I understand that OSGeo is focused
on open software, not on free software. (Remember: free includes open,
open doesn't include free).

As mentioned in my other email I am pragmatic, focused on what my
customers want, or what the community I am working with is comfortable
with. I find that GPL is loosing its teeth with all the server/cloud
software in the mix, but have not found a rush of projects switching to
AGPL ... yet.

So I would understand collaborations between LocationTech and OSGeo,
where open is the key and not freedom. And we have found a big
difference between both organizations: we are more open and more free.

I should point out that OSGeo has a "any OSI approved license" policy
and is decidedly not pro GPL. For that you want another foundation.

Maybe they still believe that they cannot do bussiness over GPL
derived licenses. And as wrong as they are, if their main focus is on
bussiness, it is understandable they are afraid of freedom.

I think the "business" or "commercial friendly" terms are a problem
here, the point of these licenses is not restricted to making money.
Much of the software we do at Boundless is released under a GPL license
- and I consider Boundless as a successful company. By the same token
some software we work with (GeoTools, GeoGig) is released under a more
permissive license - simply because we want to reach a larger audience.

(So look to the intensions of those releasing the software - you are
working with people and organizations after all).

I want to be very clear here - as a member of the incubation committee:
OSGeo is to be inclusive of all projects,

I would hate to give the impression we were favouring GPL software. Not
in the lest because GeoTools is LGPL for the very sensible reason that
it was the most "business friendly" license at the time.

So yeah, please dial it back a notch. You will find that Apache (another
excellent foundation does not support GPL), I could go on but it is a
tired refrain...

Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201 - Location Intelligence Made Easy
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Women in Open Source award

2015-10-26 Thread Daniel Morissette

FYI, I just came across this new Women in Open Source award by RedHat:

The nomination period ends November 30, 2015. Winners will be announced 
at the Red Hat Summit in June 2016, held in San Francisco, where they 
will be recognized and invited to speak, as well as receive a $2,500 
stipend. Winners are chosen by public vote.

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201 - Location Intelligence Made Easy
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo sponsors ?

2015-10-14 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 2015-10-14 11:34 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Thanks Daniel.  Also, you likely saw in your inbox this morning that
Mike/Treasurer was asking questions about how to manage the sponsors;
please if you have time can you answer him about that?  I think he's
trying to understand who is a current sponsor and who is not, and
looking for those records.  I hope we can inform the new OSGeo Board of
this tomorrow.

For the record, I have replied to this email off-list to Mike/Jeff with 
all the details and I believe they will discuss this with the new board 
to update/correct the sponsorship situation.

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201 - Location Intelligence Made Easy
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo sponsors ?

2015-10-14 Thread Daniel Morissette
Okay, this whole thread did not make sense to me until I digged further 
in the Google search link that was in the first email.

I think the page in question is this one:

It is safe to say that it should be removed today since Autodesk are no 
longer sponsors. It is probably not linked from anywhere on the website anyway.


On 2015-10-14 10:37 AM, Sandro Santilli wrote:

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:28:36AM -0300, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Again I am trying to read your tone in your e-mail.  I believe you
are now not questioning the accuracy of the list of sponsors on but I believe
you are now questioning that we/OSGeo can accept funds from private
companies (am I correct in reading your message?).

No, you're misreading it.
I'm very happy with OSGeo accepting funds from private companies.
Even proprietary software vendors.
But I'm not happy with OSGeo website containing advertisement
of proprietary software solutions.

Btw, at the time in which I wrote the mail, the sponsors page
was *empty*. Now it is not empty anymore, and I don't see AutoDesk
among the list of sponsors. Is the page correct now ?
I'm not sure this works, but the MD5 sum of the page I'm looking
at now is 786126e032bf302cd0900a8b58e228fc  sponsors.html

Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201 - Location Intelligence Made Easy
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Where do YOU want to go for FOSS4G NA 2016

2015-07-14 Thread Daniel Morissette

Hi Andrew,

For the vote to be really meaningful and it would help if someone could 
write a few words about the pros and cons of each option, including 
venue type, accommodation costs (price range), transportation options, 
potential dates and whatever makes each option outstanding.

Short of that, someone like me who is not familiar with both cities will 
either end up having to do a good amount of research, or resort to 
flipping a coin.

My 0.02$


On 2015-07-13 3:18 PM, Andrew Ross wrote:

Dear Everyone,

You may recall we recently designed and implemented a new governance
model for FOSS4G NA
Thank you once again to the large team of people who participated in that.

Over the past weeks, we bootstrapped the model for FOSS4G NA 2016. We
have created a RFP for venues to host the conference and received a
great response. With much effort we were able to find two especially
great options for the conference. They are the DoubleTree in downtown
*Philadelphia*, and the convention center in downtown *Raleigh*.

We'd like to ask you where you'd like to go. Please take a moment to
complete this short survey here:

Thank you!


Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201 - Location Intelligence Made Easy
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New incubation procedure

2015-03-05 Thread Daniel Morissette
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Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Preparation of ideas pages for GSoC 2015 (deadline: 18th February!)

2015-02-18 Thread Daniel Morissette

And FYI, an ideas page for MapServer has been created at


On 2015-02-18 9:15 AM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Hi Margherita,

Where are the OSGeo GSoC pages for 2015? In past years, they used to be
in the wiki, and that's where projects used to go to link their ideas
page, but I can't find any page for GSoC 2015 in the wiki. Has this
information moved to somewhere else?

See the set of "Google Summer of Code 2014 *" pages listed at

What is the plan for this year to collect the ideas?



On 2015-02-11 10:24 AM, Margherita Di Leo wrote:

Dear All,

*GSoC 2015* was officially announced earlier this year. The applications
for mentoring organizations are now open and this year Hamish Bowman and
myself will be applying for OSGeo's participation.
The application deadline for mentoring organizations is the 20th of
February, and right after that, Google will proceed examining the
organizations. The showcase for evaluating the applications are the
*GSoC ideas pages* [1], and for this reason, they need to be in perfect
shape. This means that OSGeo teams are required to set up and shape
their pages this week, coordinating their teams through their dev
mailing lists. The pages will then linked to the main GSoC 2015 ideas
page on the wiki.
Please bear in mind that there is no guarantee whatsoever of the
acceptance by Google based on the success of previous years, but they
will judge the organizations only on the basis of ideas pages for 2015.
Please forward this email to your project leaders and past GSoC mentors,
and start listing ideas right away!
Please cc soc list with your doubts and questions.


Best regards,

Dr. Margherita DI LEO
Scientific / technical project officer

European Commission - DG JRC
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)
Via Fermi, 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA) - Italy - TP 261
Tel. +39 0332 78 3600

Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may
not in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of
the European Commission.

Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Preparation of ideas pages for GSoC 2015 (deadline: 18th February!)

2015-02-18 Thread Daniel Morissette

Hi Margherita,

Where are the OSGeo GSoC pages for 2015? In past years, they used to be 
in the wiki, and that's where projects used to go to link their ideas 
page, but I can't find any page for GSoC 2015 in the wiki. Has this 
information moved to somewhere else?

See the set of "Google Summer of Code 2014 *" pages listed at

What is the plan for this year to collect the ideas?



On 2015-02-11 10:24 AM, Margherita Di Leo wrote:

Dear All,

*GSoC 2015* was officially announced earlier this year. The applications
for mentoring organizations are now open and this year Hamish Bowman and
myself will be applying for OSGeo's participation.
The application deadline for mentoring organizations is the 20th of
February, and right after that, Google will proceed examining the
organizations. The showcase for evaluating the applications are the
*GSoC ideas pages* [1], and for this reason, they need to be in perfect
shape. This means that OSGeo teams are required to set up and shape
their pages this week, coordinating their teams through their dev
mailing lists. The pages will then linked to the main GSoC 2015 ideas
page on the wiki.
Please bear in mind that there is no guarantee whatsoever of the
acceptance by Google based on the success of previous years, but they
will judge the organizations only on the basis of ideas pages for 2015.
Please forward this email to your project leaders and past GSoC mentors,
and start listing ideas right away!
Please cc soc list with your doubts and questions.


Best regards,

Dr. Margherita DI LEO
Scientific / technical project officer

European Commission - DG JRC
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)
Via Fermi, 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA) - Italy - TP 261
Tel. +39 0332 78 3600

Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may
not in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of
the European Commission.

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Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Short codes for locations

2014-10-29 Thread Daniel Morissette

This sounds very much like the Natural Area Coding (NAC) system:

Interesting idea in theory, but in practice this has been around for 
over a decade and hasn't really taken off, quite likely because an 
alphanumerical code is not of much more use than pure geographic 

Or maybe it's like the case of "rasters in a database" [1] and this 
concept just needs a strong champion to sell us the idea and convince 
the world that we need it?



On 14-10-29 3:53 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Hi Doug,
An interesting and potentially useful concept.
It sounds like you are proposing a spatial standard. Have you approached
the Open Geospatial Consortium about getting the standard endorsed?

With regards to any code which you wish to produce and open source, I
suggest considering bringing it under the umbrella of the Open Source
Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).
Details about OSGeo incubation here:

On 30/10/2014 1:08 am, Doug Rinckes wrote:

I'm an engineer at Google, and I have just open sourced a geo project
we've been working on for a while.

I used to work on our maps, detecting missing road networks and in my
spare time mapping roads in Papua New Guinea, Central and West Africa
from the satellite imagery. But without street names or addresses, a
road network isn't all that useful. People can't use it for
directions, because they can't express where they want directions to.
After talking with colleagues from around the world, I discovered
that's it actually very common for streets to be unnamed.

We thought that we should provide short codes that could be used like
addresses, to give the location of homes, businesses, anything. If we
made them usable from smartphones, we can make addresses for anywhere
available to anyone with a smartphone pretty much immediately.

We had some specific requirements, including that these address codes
should work offline, they shouldn't spell words or include easily
confused characters. We wanted to be able to look at two codes and
tell if they are near each other, and estimate the direction and even
the distance. The codes should not be generated by a single provider,
because what do you do when they disappear? Finally, it had to be open

Open sourcing the project was important. We wanted to allow everyone
to evaluate it so that we don't go implementing something that turns
out to not be useful. If it does turn out to be useful, everyone
(including other mapping providers) should be able to implement it and
use the codes freely.

I'm pre-announcing this to a couple of geo lists today, and I'll be
sticking around for comments and questions. The following links
provide more information:

Github project:
Demonstration website: <>
Discussion list:!forum/open-location-code



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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,,  F +61 2 9009 5099

Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Hacking OSGeo

2014-09-15 Thread Daniel Morissette
lear is: what location teach do
differently with respect to osgeo? does it somehow overlap with
incubation or not? What are the distinctive features?

Personally I wonder why some of the most eminent person of osgeo (like
you) decided to work into location teach? Don't misunderstood me, I'm
not judging nor criticizing,  I'd just like to understand opportunities
or aspect or services not found in osgeo and that experts and leaders
found there.

Sorry in advance for my eventual  ignorance, but I think this would help
people better understand the discussion and the future of osgeo.


Il 14-set-2014 17:05 "Daniel Morissette">> ha scritto:

FWIW I'm happy to hear that there was such a face to face
discussion. I believe that open communication on the issues will be
the best way to address the fears and find ways to move forward in
the best interest of the overall worldwide community of people,
businesses, institutions, etc who have a common interest in seeing
free and open source geospatial software strive.

Keep in mind that we all come to this model of software development
for different reasons (business, academic, philosophical, hobby,
etc.), but in the end we're all working towards a similar objective,
so there is no fear to be had, just different means of reaching a
common objective, and since the result of everybody's actions is
better free/open source software, everybody will benefit in the end.

Not sure if I was able to relay my thoughts properly... maybe I need
a bit more sleep.

Cheers all


On 14-09-14 10:25 AM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:


as long as I understand it: "some members of the community" are
of LocationTech "taking over" whatever (FOSS4G conference, OSGeo
projects and community). This can be based on real action, taken on
either site, unofficial statement, misunderstandings or personal

Yesterday, we had short (about 2hours) face 2 face discussion with
Andrew here in PDX (me, Vasile, Jeff and Gerald) and I personally
believe, that it is not in interest of LocationTech to "crush" OSGeo
or FOSS4G conference. It was clearly stated, that LocationTech would
like to contribute to FOSS4G and make it to better conference,
regarding (again) "some remarks" of "some members of the community"
(including myself), that the way, FOSS4G is organised, does not
necessary meet some of the community aspects, we would like to
I would like to note, that the discussion was very open on both
still calm and productive.

"To contribute" of course means "to work" and LocationTech is
but volunteer driven organisation. It has been stated, that
next year will be organised primarily by LocationTech, but OSGeo
be represented clearly and (so to say) loudly.

This could be one of the firsts steps towards closer cooperation
between LocationTech and OSGeo.

Everybody is aware, that on some points, LocationTech is not that
good, as OSGeo currently is. OSGeo is certainly failing in other
things. Looking for ways, how to strengthen common strengths and
weaken our weaknesses should have "non-zero-sum" effect.

We, as OSGeo shall later evaluate, whether the price for helping us
LocationTech with conferences (regardless if on regional or global
level), was too hight or quite ok. In case of disagreement, we shall
try to find solution for the next time.

In the worst case, we find out, that cooperation is not possible and
    everybody can go it's way than.

I hope, you get my point(s) and that I did not misinterpreted
anything, what was said.

Thank you


Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list <>

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Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Hacking OSGeo

2014-09-14 Thread Daniel Morissette
FWIW I'm happy to hear that there was such a face to face discussion. I 
believe that open communication on the issues will be the best way to 
address the fears and find ways to move forward in the best interest of 
the overall worldwide community of people, businesses, institutions, etc 
who have a common interest in seeing free and open source geospatial 
software strive.

Keep in mind that we all come to this model of software development for 
different reasons (business, academic, philosophical, hobby, etc.), but 
in the end we're all working towards a similar objective, so there is no 
fear to be had, just different means of reaching a common objective, and 
since the result of everybody's actions is better free/open source 
software, everybody will benefit in the end.

Not sure if I was able to relay my thoughts properly... maybe I need a 
bit more sleep.

Cheers all


On 14-09-14 10:25 AM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:


as long as I understand it: "some members of the community" are scared
of LocationTech "taking over" whatever (FOSS4G conference, OSGeo
projects and community). This can be based on real action, taken on
either site, unofficial statement, misunderstandings or personal

Yesterday, we had short (about 2hours) face 2 face discussion with
Andrew here in PDX (me, Vasile, Jeff and Gerald) and I personally
believe, that it is not in interest of LocationTech to "crush" OSGeo
or FOSS4G conference. It was clearly stated, that LocationTech would
like to contribute to FOSS4G and make it to better conference,
regarding (again) "some remarks" of "some members of the community"
(including myself), that the way, FOSS4G is organised, does not
necessary meet some of the community aspects, we would like to stress.
I would like to note, that the discussion was very open on both sides,
still calm and productive.

"To contribute" of course means "to work" and LocationTech is anything
but volunteer driven organisation. It has been stated, that FOSS4G-NA
next year will be organised primarily by LocationTech, but OSGeo willl
be represented clearly and (so to say) loudly.

This could be one of the firsts steps towards closer cooperation
between LocationTech and OSGeo.

Everybody is aware, that on some points, LocationTech is not that
good, as OSGeo currently is. OSGeo is certainly failing in other
things. Looking for ways, how to strengthen common strengths and
weaken our weaknesses should have "non-zero-sum" effect.

We, as OSGeo shall later evaluate, whether the price for helping us
LocationTech with conferences (regardless if on regional or global
level), was too hight or quite ok. In case of disagreement, we shall
try to find solution for the next time.

In the worst case, we find out, that cooperation is not possible and
everybody can go it's way than.

I hope, you get my point(s) and that I did not misinterpreted
anything, what was said.

Thank you


Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] Open Source Users Charter

2014-07-15 Thread Daniel Morissette

Hi Steven,

I see no problem with putting a "How to be a good OSGeo Citizen" in the 
wiki, that could be a great way to evolve the document by drawing from 
ideas of multiple people on this topic.

The reason for the "I'm not sure" in my previous email was mostly that I 
feel that getting consensus in the community about making this a formal 
statement of OSGeo could be complicated because there may be differing 
views when we get on that kind of topics (encouraging return from users 
vs letting the code be fully free of any expectations).

So my point was simply that I do agree with you on trying to encourage 
users to return something for the long term viability of the software 
they use, and short of getting consensus in the community to publish the 
"perfect" statement which could be tough, if more articles like yours 
are spread around then the message may be even stronger than a formal 
statement from OSGeo and require less efforts.


On 14-07-15 3:50 AM, Steven Feldman wrote:


If we get to a version that the community broadly supports can it go on
the OSGeo wiki? I thought anyone could (just about) could post on the
wiki and others can amend or even delete.

Does the appearance of something on the wiki mean that it is official
OSGeo policy? If so what is the process for making such policy, a board

I hope that my post gets enough feedback to indicate whether there is
community interest in the idea

On 14 Jul 2014, at 22:59,
<> wrote:

*From:*Daniel Morissette>>
*Subject:**Re: [Board] [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Users Charter*
*Date:*14 July 2014 20:50:31 BST
*To:* <>

I like your article too. Not sure if/how we could make this an
official OSGeo statement, but I'm definitely a big +1 on seeing more
blog articles like this!


Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] Open Source Users Charter

2014-07-14 Thread Daniel Morissette
I like your article too. Not sure if/how we could make this an official 
OSGeo statement, but I'm definitely a big +1 on seeing more blog 
articles like this!


On 14-07-14 9:50 AM, Even Rouault wrote:


I'm very supportive of your thoughts and think it could be adopted as an
official OSGeo statement. Well done.

If I can make a suggestion, perhaps the Donate picture should show banknotes
rather than coins ;-)


A couple of months back I asked whether their was any contribution guidance
that we offered to organisations using OSGeo software. Apart from Jody’s
reply there wasn’t any response. I think we are missing an opportunity to
encourage and help user organisations to contribute time and/or funding to
OSGeo and it’s projects, so I have written this blog post
which sets out some thoughts on "Good practice for organisations using
OSGeo software”. Hopefully it will prompt some discussion. I have posted
on my blog as I didn’t feel that I should post something as speculative as
this on the wiki without community endorsement, whenever people want we
can move a version to the wiki. Feel free to comment on this mail thread
or on the blog. 
Steven Feldman

On 5 May 2014, at 04:57, Jody Garnett  wrote:

You may like to at what Arnulf has been doing towards certification.
Endorsing is a trickery game indeed.

For GeoServer we simply list organizations, noting what kind of work each
is known for ( but not offering an endorsement).

On Sunday, May 4, 2014, Steven Feldman  wrote:
Thanks Jody

I would like to have a document or web link to point at as the start of a
conversation with an organisation. It can’t be mandatory but we might
want to consider community endorsement of organisations which adopt the
charter or 'social contract'

I’ll start a wiki page with a few thoughts and open it up for others to
contribute their views __

On 2 May 2014, at 12:14, Jody Garnett  wrote:

I think you are leaning towards the "social contract" associated with
being part of a community.

For organisations that do not wish to participate, that is fine.
Participation is one way of minimising the risks associated with the
use of open source software, as long as they are making that decision
with a decent understanding that is fine.

The way I figure it they will get burned a few times before taking
interesting in participation :) But yeah if you are talking to managers
speak in terms of risk and change control, not community/participation
- know your audience.

I think I had a rant about the social contact last year, it produced one
more tester of GeoServer - making the process of issuing release
candidates suspect.

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Voting process (Re: OSGeo Membership and/or upcoming elections)

2014-05-16 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 14-05-16 9:16 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:

Opina would allow secret voting (with personalized links for every
member from an invitation mail automatically sent by the system). The
only problem is our way of voting with "I have 5 votes that can use all
with the same candidate", but that can be skipped easily.

Oh, very good point about the 5 votes. I don't know if other systems 
such as SympliVoting would support that either. That will have to be 
investigated I guess, or the process changed.

If Opina does the trick and allows secure voting then I'm all for it.

Yes, that was my impression also. SurveyMonkey is 25$/month or so and a
well known solution, very similar to Opina.

What I saw of SurveyMonkey required some post-processing and did expose 
the individual votes, so unless there are some new features I'm not 
aware of I would prefer to pay a few more dollars for a system that is 
geared for secure voting.

Once again, if Opina does it then great.

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Php map framework

2014-05-16 Thread Daniel Morissette

Another one that comes to mind is GeoMoose:

My opinion is that the last thing the world needs is another "PHP 
framework for "... it seems that there are 
already some for everything one can imagine, they may just be a bit hard 
to find sometimes.


On 14-05-16 3:58 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:


Looking at
there are 2 PHP applications in there: Mapbender and Cartaro.

On 05/16/2014 10:28 AM, Uggla Henrik wrote:

I've just started to write a php framework to make it easier to setup
web maps/applications (using Openlayers, Leaflet, or whatever) on a
server. Does anyone know if there is something similar already out there?

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Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Voting process (Re: OSGeo Membership and/or upcoming elections)

2014-05-16 Thread Daniel Morissette

Hi Jorge,

I Google'd for online voting services and had a look at the first hit:

For our 181 members, it would cost 200$UDS for a single election or 
334USD for a yearly plan (up to 10 elections per year).

The benefits are that it seems very simple, includes reporting, and 
secure in that it solves the problem of keeping the individual votes secret.

I'm sure there must be others, so we could shop a bit, but for that 
price, I don't think that's worth spending time tweaking a survey 
software to fit our needs or even trying to host our own.

My 0.02$


On 14-05-16 6:29 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:

2014-05-07 14:20 GMT+02:00 Jeff McKenna>>:

Also note that I've already planned to discuss elections at the next
Board meeting next week
( likely
woke up the Seven-borg :)


Hi all,

Yesterday we had the board meeting (logs[1], minutes this evening) and I
volunteered for the CRO role this year, with the kind help of Jeff
McKenna, Cameron Shorter and likely our secretary Jachym Cepicky.

I would try to go on the automated votes process[2] as with 181 charter
members, manual e-mail voting seems so time consuming. With the limited
resources (mostly time) I'm afraid developing our own voting system is
not so convenient and I would prefer to use a service or install
something that is already working.

I know the guys after Opina[3], a JEE survey software that could be used
as a voting system, or just use their on-demand service that is free and
seems to work fine[4]. We could import the charter members list (as CSV)
and send a personalized link, so members can vote on the system on the
allowed dates.

What do you think? Any other ideas or experiences on how to gather
almost 200 people votes fulfilling our requirements?



Jorge Sanz

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Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Google Summer of Code: 23 accepted students for 2014

2014-04-21 Thread Daniel Morissette

Congratulations to all students, have a great summer of code!

And thanks a lot to Anne, Hamish and Dustan for managing the program on 
behalf of OSGeo.


On 14-04-21 3:13 PM, Anne Ghisla wrote:

Hello all, and sorry for cross posting,

let us warmly welcome the 23 accepted students and their mentors for
this round of GSoC!

We received over 60 proposals from a variety of geospatial projects -
choosing wich ones to accept has been a difficult task, and we apologise
for not being able to take all the outstanding ones.

We accepted the following students (in software's alphabetical order):
* Cartaro: Naveen Panwar
* GDAL/OGR: Varun Saraf and Mikhail Gusev
* GeoNode: Vikas Mishra
* GRASS GIS: Vaclav Petras, Matej Krejci and Anna Petrasova
* gvSIG: Manuel Madrid and Oscar Martinez
* istSOS: Priska Pietra
* MapServer: Jessica Lapointe
* Neo4j: William Lyon
* Opticks: Roberta Ravanelli
* OpenStreetMap: Lukasz Gurdek
* OSSIM: Martina Di Rita
* Orfeo Toolbox (OTB): Martina Porfiri
* PostGIS: Mohit Kumar
* pgRouting: Manikanta Kondeti and Mukul Priya
* pyWPS: Anna Homolka
* Software packaging: Jerome Villeneuve Larouche
* QGIS: Nishith Maheshwari
* uDig/GeoTools: Silvia Franceschi

This list includes OSGeo projects (official and incubating) and
like-minded projects - let GSoC be a "gathering of tribes", an occasion
to improve communication among all geospatial open source initiatives.

See the full list of OSGeo accepted proposals here:

We wish all students and mentors a great summer!

Anne, Hamish and Dustan
OSGeo GSoC Admins

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Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: [SAC] Upgrade Planning 2014 - Project Feedback

2014-04-21 Thread Daniel Morissette

Already added to the wiki page.

Let's keep bouncing ideas, and if anyone is aware of another foundation 
doing something really clever to support its sysadmin needs then please 
share any info you have.


On 14-04-21 2:11 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

Please add the idea of paid SAC time to the wiki page.

I did contemplate this after the last board meeting where it was
mentioned. A few ideas,
* Stipend for up to a set limit of hours per month,
** Hours maybe approved by the committee before working
* Earning points towards things like Foss4g discounts
* Out-sourcing some tasks (we need a good list of reputable people to
use - this was tried on Drupal upgrades for the main site and has thus
far failed)
* Special sponsor role if a sponsor volunteers person time instead of $?

I too am curious about what other foundation's due short of just hiring

This also came up recently, apparently the OGC is relying on us to keep
standards examples online and running all the time. If we're going to
play that role, seems like a line of funding to pursue.


On 04/21/2014 11:02 AM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Hardware is important, but let's not forget that system administrator
time is at least as important to keep an infrastructure running smoothly.

Can we find ways to avoid relying solely on volunteer time to support
the infrastructure? What about including funded sysadmin time in our new

Not that the SAC (System Administration Committee) team is not doing a
good job (quite the contrary, kudos to you all), but I think that
relying solely on volunteer time for some things is not fair to the SAC
team and is a high risk for OSGeo (risk of exhausting the volunteers).
Contributors to open source projects can in general find clients to fund
their time, but contributions to SAC are not something that anyone's
client are going to pay for, so I think it something that OSGeo should
help support directly.

That being said, I'll be first to admit that mixing money and people in
a non-profit organization is always complicated. So, short of
outsourcing everything, how can we handle funded sysadmin time in a fair
way vs volunteer contributions? Are there good examples to follow in
other non-profit orgs? (These are open questions to everyone, I don't
have the answers)


On 14-04-18 7:50 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

Calling all Project Steering Committees, SAC is looking at the future of
OSGeo hosted services. Please chime in with your wants and needs for the
next 3-5 years. We want to maximize services while being efficient about
effort (pooling sys admin time amongst projects).

More details below.

OSGeo Sys Admin Committee Chair

 Original Message 
Subject: [SAC] Upgrade Planning 2014
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 15:25:41 -0700
From: Alex Mandel 
Reply-To:, System Administration Committee
To: System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo

In light of our recent hardware woes, the ending of osgeo1, and the age
of current machines (3-4yrs) I think it's time to start planning what to
do next.

We do have budget, and the board is interested in ideas and additional
funding is not out of the question.

  From my perspective, I think we need:
1. To survey PSC of all projects to assess what services we should
offer. Do we need buildbots, sphinx builds, mail service, issue
tracking, various CMS/wiki, mirrors, bandwidth for downloads? Now that
everyone is love with Github (any word on what the next hot host will
be), are there things we should retire?

2. Look at other hosting options besides physical machines in one place.
Renting space like QGIS or OSM, racking machines elsewhere, getting
OSGeo-ICA labs to mirror. If we do mirror look at GeoCDN and MirrorBrain
for geo-ip redirection balancing.

3. Look at new hardware that better meets the needs. RAID is nice but
not always the right answer to needs as we discovered recently. We also
didn't buy specific to Ganeti/Cloud style setups where hotcopy failover
works best with multiple identical machines, and lots of smaller disks
with single disks per VM keeps i/o from competing (RAID is handled in
mirror mode via DRBD over the network between nodes).

Anyone want to tackle making a short survey for Projects to describe
their needs and wishes?

All ideas welcome, we'll pool it all into proposal and a wiki page
before deciding on anything.

Sac mailing list

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: [SAC] Upgrade Planning 2014 - Project Feedback

2014-04-21 Thread Daniel Morissette
Hardware is important, but let's not forget that system administrator 
time is at least as important to keep an infrastructure running smoothly.

Can we find ways to avoid relying solely on volunteer time to support 
the infrastructure? What about including funded sysadmin time in our new 

Not that the SAC (System Administration Committee) team is not doing a 
good job (quite the contrary, kudos to you all), but I think that 
relying solely on volunteer time for some things is not fair to the SAC 
team and is a high risk for OSGeo (risk of exhausting the volunteers). 
Contributors to open source projects can in general find clients to fund 
their time, but contributions to SAC are not something that anyone's 
client are going to pay for, so I think it something that OSGeo should 
help support directly.

That being said, I'll be first to admit that mixing money and people in 
a non-profit organization is always complicated. So, short of 
outsourcing everything, how can we handle funded sysadmin time in a fair 
way vs volunteer contributions? Are there good examples to follow in 
other non-profit orgs? (These are open questions to everyone, I don't 
have the answers)


On 14-04-18 7:50 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

Calling all Project Steering Committees, SAC is looking at the future of
OSGeo hosted services. Please chime in with your wants and needs for the
next 3-5 years. We want to maximize services while being efficient about
effort (pooling sys admin time amongst projects).

More details below.

OSGeo Sys Admin Committee Chair

 Original Message 
Subject: [SAC] Upgrade Planning 2014
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 15:25:41 -0700
From: Alex Mandel 
Reply-To:, System Administration Committee
To: System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo 

In light of our recent hardware woes, the ending of osgeo1, and the age
of current machines (3-4yrs) I think it's time to start planning what to
do next.

We do have budget, and the board is interested in ideas and additional
funding is not out of the question.

 From my perspective, I think we need:
1. To survey PSC of all projects to assess what services we should
offer. Do we need buildbots, sphinx builds, mail service, issue
tracking, various CMS/wiki, mirrors, bandwidth for downloads? Now that
everyone is love with Github (any word on what the next hot host will
be), are there things we should retire?

2. Look at other hosting options besides physical machines in one place.
Renting space like QGIS or OSM, racking machines elsewhere, getting
OSGeo-ICA labs to mirror. If we do mirror look at GeoCDN and MirrorBrain
for geo-ip redirection balancing.

3. Look at new hardware that better meets the needs. RAID is nice but
not always the right answer to needs as we discovered recently. We also
didn't buy specific to Ganeti/Cloud style setups where hotcopy failover
works best with multiple identical machines, and lots of smaller disks
with single disks per VM keeps i/o from competing (RAID is handled in
mirror mode via DRBD over the network between nodes).

Anyone want to tackle making a short survey for Projects to describe
their needs and wishes?

All ideas welcome, we'll pool it all into proposal and a wiki page
before deciding on anything.

Sac mailing list

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Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Heartbleed vulnerability in OSGeo4W

2014-04-11 Thread Daniel Morissette

Users of OSGeo4W,

FYI the version of OpenSSL that was packaged in OSGeo4W was vulnerable 
to the Heartbleed bug ( It has been upgraded, 
and the following ticket documents a few alternatives to upgrade your 

AFAIK this is mostly important if your OSGeo4W installation has HTTPS 
access open to the internet.

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] [OSGeo-Conf] 2015 North American conference

2014-04-08 Thread Daniel Morissette
ake for more opportunities.
  * Profit sharing with significant participating groups is doable.
We're glad to help figure out a fair and amicable solution.
  * Ensuring each group are well served is a priority of course. We
think this combined event might attract people who might not
otherwise come to any of them. But we'll have to try and see.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Is this a good idea? Interested?

Kind regards,


Board mailing list

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FW: [Geomoose-users] (State of Minnesota) Governor's Commendation

2013-11-20 Thread Daniel Morissette

Congratulations to the whole GeoMoose team!

I always find it interesting to read about the origins of a project or 
piece of software, and this one was no exception. May I suggest that you 
add a copy or ref to the history on your website if it's not already 
present? Or even link to it from the "See also" section at the end of ?

I guess this is also an invitation to other projects to help populate 
the Open Source GIS History page at



On 13-11-19 5:24 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) wrote:

All (reposting, entirely on purpose),

If you ever wondered about the what, where and why GeoMoose came into
being, you can now read about it.  Go to the link below and click on the
“Complete nomination” link.  This is a very good write up about the
origins and its current perceived effectiveness by users.  Oh, and
GeoMoose won an Award too!!


[] *On Behalf Of *Dan Little
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 19, 2013 2:00 PM
*To:* GeoMOOSE Users List
*Subject:* [Geomoose-users] Governor's Commendation

This may have been posted to the list already, but GeoMOOSE has been
awarded a Governor's Commendation by the Governor of Minnesota.  If you
don't think this is a big deal, please check out the link and subsequent
application (18 pages!). Just to get the application written required a
lot of dedication.

Read about it here:

I wish to send a heartfelt thanks to everyone who worked on this
proposal.  Those of you who have taken the time to write down your
thoughts on GeoMOOSE, its development, its past, and its future, really
took me by surprise.  Writing software and working on these projects can
be very fulfilling on their technical merits alone.  Writing the
software and getting presented with cases where it has mattered and
helped pushes it far past fulfilling; it makes it feel rewarding.
Seeing 18 pages come together from some of the very over worked,
unappreciated, and usually under paid professionals I've grown to know
in this community is nothing short of humbling.

Thank you everyone. Very much. Let's keep up the good work. :-)

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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] packaging mailing list

2013-10-31 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 13-10-31 3:19 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:


I am also in favor of making this a generic list.

Generic works for me as well.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo upcoming events list needs love

2013-10-30 Thread Daniel Morissette

Dear OSGeo Community (CC:,

The OSGeo upcoming events list badly needs love, it is essentially empty:

It would be great if we collectively could adopt a more proactive 
approach to keeping this list up to date.

For now, here are a few events I could think of, could please add them to the list:

- FOSS4G 2014, Portland, Sept 8-13, 2014,

- Vienna Code Sprint, March 24-28 2014,

- LocationTech Tour, Nov. 4 to 14, 2013,

- FOSS4G-Europe, summer 2014??,

- FOSSGIS 2014, March 19-21, 2014,

Other event organizers and community members, please forward your 
OSGeo-related events info to

Thanks to all

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] packaging mailing list

2013-10-29 Thread Daniel Morissette

"Are we sure...?"

The only things certain in life are death and taxes.  ;-)

More seriously, there is probably enough *nix specific stuff to be 
discussed to make it worthwhile, but it could as well be simply called 
"packaging" and open to all platform packagers, however we may find that 
*nix packagers will get bored of windows issues and vice-versa. All this 
to say that either name works for me.


On 13-10-28 12:49 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

Are we sure there's enough "Linux" specific packaging dicsussions to not
make it a more generic list that covers issues that apply to osgeo4w,
*BSD, OS X, mobile platforms (not mention Cygwin, Macports, homebrew,

Ubuntu and Debian already have lists specific to them. Or is this the
RPM world trying to collaborate?


On 10/22/2013 06:02 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:

Hi Daniel,

+1 on the "linux-packaging" name.


On 10/21/2013 08:19 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Hi Angelos,

I like the idea. If the goal is to focus on Linux packaging, then
perhaps the list should be named "linux-packaging", to leave room for
other lists for other platforms if/when needed (e.g. windows-packaging).

FYI, once you are ready you should create a SAC ticket to have the
list created, using the "System Admin" component at


On 13-10-18 11:40 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:

Hi all,

There have been some IRC discussions between Fedora-GIS and openSUSE Geo
maintainers to join forces (as possible) regarding the packaging of
geospatial applications.

We feel that such packaging projects (DebianGIS, UbuntuGIS, ELGIS,
Fedora-GIS, App:Geo, Arch AUR etc)  could at least share patches,
workarounds, ideas, maybe even some code (especially when being on a
common RPM or DEB format).

Then we thought: What if there was a common mailing list that all
GNU/Linux packagers could join and discuss? And who would be better to
host such a list than OSGeo?

So this is the proposal: Lets create an OSGeo "packaging" mailing list
and lets work together. At first we can announce new packages being
created for every distro out there. Then perhaps we can share some
tickets etc.

We *know* that every distro has its own ways of doing things and we are
not proposing merging, but collaborating as much as possible...



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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] packaging mailing list

2013-10-21 Thread Daniel Morissette

Hi Angelos,

I like the idea. If the goal is to focus on Linux packaging, then 
perhaps the list should be named "linux-packaging", to leave room for 
other lists for other platforms if/when needed (e.g. windows-packaging).

FYI, once you are ready you should create a SAC ticket to have the list 
created, using the "System Admin" component at


On 13-10-18 11:40 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:

Hi all,

There have been some IRC discussions between Fedora-GIS and openSUSE Geo
maintainers to join forces (as possible) regarding the packaging of
geospatial applications.

We feel that such packaging projects (DebianGIS, UbuntuGIS, ELGIS,
Fedora-GIS, App:Geo, Arch AUR etc)  could at least share patches,
workarounds, ideas, maybe even some code (especially when being on a
common RPM or DEB format).

Then we thought: What if there was a common mailing list that all
GNU/Linux packagers could join and discuss? And who would be better to
host such a list than OSGeo?

So this is the proposal: Lets create an OSGeo "packaging" mailing list
and lets work together. At first we can announce new packages being
created for every distro out there. Then perhaps we can share some
tickets etc.

We *know* that every distro has its own ways of doing things and we are
not proposing merging, but collaborating as much as possible...



Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Defining a GIO position (or attmepting to . . .)

2013-10-16 Thread Daniel Morissette

Maybe take it from a different angle?

- Open Source software facilitates interoperability


- Open Source software breaks vendor lock-in

Vendor lock-in is a tactic used to protect a vendor's licensing revenue 
stream by ensuring that customers cannot easily switch to another suite 
of software, and interoperability through open standards and truly open 
APIs is the best cure I can think of against that. Open Source software 
excels at interoperability because the "vendor lock-in gene" is 
generally absent from the DNA of its developers.


P.S. I see that Arnie Shore beat me by sending something along the same 
lines a few seconds ago, but I thought I'd hit send anyway

On 13-10-16 10:50 AM, María Arias de Reyna wrote:

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)

Hi all,

I wonder if I could get some feedback on the following statement, I’m
looking for the other side of the argument (I know it’s hard to put yourself
there  :c).

“Open Source software enforces standards”

Now this might be better worded, and it seems straight forward enough here.
I’m trying to define a GIO position such that it doesn’t reference anything
commercial, but will still cover those commercial packages at the same time.
I’m basically thinking about going the route of data standards both for
archiving as well as distribution.

So, what would you anticipate the other side of the argument (Our Human
Resources section in this case) to reply to the above statement, as if they
wanted to include some specific commercial application in the assigned
duties, for example.  In the end I’m trying to get out of a long winded
statement about why an open approach is better than a commercial one and the
standards piece seem to be the best topic to base the discussion on.

In my experience (maybe because I don't discuss this with people who
know much about the subject so they have very basic opinions), they
usually come with:

  * Standars aren't the better format to work with
  * Propietary standards can be more efficient because they are
optimized for the propietary software
  * We already have the information on the propietary format and don't
want to migrate

And, of course:
  * Our propietary solution also works with standards (this is very
tricky to fight against)

Good luck!



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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] UK Interoperability Assessment Plugfest

2013-09-27 Thread Daniel Morissette

I agree that it would be great if OSGeo would participate.

The best would be to have a champion, ideally based in UK, to coordinate 
OSGeo's involvement and be the liaison between the organizers and the 
rest of the OSGeo community. Any volunteer?


On 13-09-26 9:17 AM, Arnulf Christl wrote:

I very much support this activity and believe that it would be quite
beneficial to participate. Ordnance Survey is a powerful multiplier in
the UK geospatial business due to its position as the main data
provider to the public. There is a license program in place called
PSMA (Public Sector Mapping Agreement) entitling all public sector
broad access to OS data. Not Bene - this is a lot more than what is
published through the Open Data program licensed under the Open
Government License. I think it is important to understand what data is
available and also what can be done with the service offering of
Ordnance Survey. The plugfest will additionally allow you to
interoperate with other software you typically encounter in the area.


PS: I am not working for or paid by Ordnance Survey or OGC and nobody
made me say ony of this, it is just my own little gut feeling.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Peter Cotroneo


I'm leading a joint Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and Ordnance Survyey 
interoperability plugfest to test OGC standards in the UK geospatial community. 
 So far, there has been a lot of interest from commercial vendors in the UK, 
and I would very much like that the open source community be represented at the 
plugfest as well.

The plugfest will be held at Ordnance Survey headquarters in Southampton, UK.  
There will be two sprints, one on the 17th of October and the other on the 9th 
of December.  There will also be a results presentation on the 10th of December.

The following link gives more information about the plugfest, including a call 
for participation document.

The deadline to participate is the 2nd of October.  I hope that OSGeo can join 



Peter Cotroneo CGeog (GIS) FRGS
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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] RE : Re: OSGEO4W future

2013-09-25 Thread Daniel Morissette
695. Registered in England and Wales.
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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] RE : Re: OSGEO4W future

2013-09-23 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 13-09-23 11:08 AM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:

Hi Daniel,
I see two possibilities here:
* osgeo4w is an official foundation project, and as such it does not
need to apply for incubation (it would be circular reasoning); in this
case the PSC should be appointed by the foundation, or
* it is an independent project, thus following the usual procedure; in
this case, better not to use the osgeo4w name and logo, and let the
devs self organize.

Hi Paolo,

Even the founding projects of OSGeo (MapServer, GRASS, MapGuide, etc.) 
did go through incubation, so I think OSGeo4W should go through the same 
path. Since it is already handled by people who know "the OSGeo way" it 
will simply be faster and mostly a matter of running it agains the 
checklist. If its incubation can be completed in a few weeks then that's 
just better.


Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] RE : Re: OSGEO4W future

2013-09-22 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 13-09-22 3:44 AM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:

Hi all.
I agree with Tamas: we first have an issue with governance; once this is
solved, we can deal with tech issues.
Anyone a suggestion to move forward? To me, the first candidates that
come to mind are Frank, Tamas, and Juergen: anyone else?
Board, could this be a special OSGeo committee?

Personally I'd treat OSGeo4W as a software project, with a PSC, 
committers, etc. We should do the same with OSGeo-Live actually, take it 
out of the Marketing committee and treat it as a sofware project which 
is what it si really is.

Then projects (OSGeo4W and OSGeo-Live) can apply for incubation when 
they are resdy, etc.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Software Freedom Day - Today Saturday September 21, 2013

2013-09-20 Thread Daniel Morissette

Hi Everyone,

I just found out that Today Saturday September 21, 2013 is Software Freedom Day 
around the world.

More info at

Nice timing with our closing day at FOSS4G. BTW, their events map even uses 
OSM, OpenLayers, and Mapnik.

Daniel Morissette

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo accepts 22 students for Google Summer of Code 2013

2013-05-28 Thread Daniel Morissette
Yup, Thanks a lot to Anne, Hamish and Dustan for managing the program 
for us and going through the whole list of proposals over the last 
couple of weeks, making sense of all of them and discussing/asking the 
right questions to establish the viability of each project proposal. 
People may not realize it but this is a huge task and really not that easy.

And thanks to all mentors for their support of the projects, and finally 
I wish a warm welcome and an exciting and rewarding summer of code to 
all students!


On 13-05-28 1:29 AM, Massimiliano Cannata wrote:

Thanks to Anne for The great work.
Compliments to all accepted students.
Thanks to OSGeo for hosting friend projects.

Happy and productive summer to all the projects.


Il giorno 27/mag/2013 21:05, "Anne Ghisla">> ha scritto:

Hello all,

let us warmly welcome the 22 accepted students for this round of GSoC!

We received over 30 proposals from a variety of geospatial projects,
and we accepted proposals from (in alphabetical order): GEOS, GRASS GIS,
gvSIG, istSOS, MapServer, Opticks, OSGeo4W, OpenStreetMap, OSSIM,
software packaging, pgRouting, QGIS and uDig/GeoTools.

The list includes OSGeo projects (official and incubating) and
like-minded projects such as OSM, pgRouting, uDig and istSOS - let GSoC
be a "gathering of tribes", an occasion to improve communication among
all geospatial open source initiatives.

See the full list of OSGeo students here:

We wish all students and mentors a great summer!

Anne, Hamish and Dustan
OSGeo GSoC Admins

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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] A Little Help With the 2012 Annual Report: gvSIG and MapServer

2013-05-13 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 13-05-13 7:38 PM, Landon Blake wrote:

...  I need to know if the MapServer team has plans to finalize
there report on the wiki. It is currently marked as preliminary.

Hi Landon,

I just updated the MapServer report. It is good to go now.

Thanks again for your work on the Journal.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Treasurer update: 2013 budget, accounting and 501c3 status

2013-05-08 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 13-05-08 10:40 AM, Landon Blake wrote:

Thanks for the hard work on our books Daniel!


And thanks to you Landon for your hard work on the Journal, another 
important piece of the OSGeo puzzle!  :-)

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Treasurer update: 2013 budget, accounting and 501c3 status

2013-05-07 Thread Daniel Morissette

OSGeo Members,

This email is to give you a few quick updates on OSGeo's finance front:

1- 2013 budget

The 2013 budget has been adopted at the 2013-04-11 board meeting. It is 
available in the wiki at

2- Outsourcing of book keeping and accounting

Since the early days of OSGeo, all book keeping and accounting was done 
by our Executive Director, and then in 2011 I took over those tasks as 
treasurer. However accounting is better done by a real accountant and 
having a volunteer treasurer handling those tasks is not sustainable in 
the long run, especially when the treasurer is likely to change from 
year to year. For this reason we are looking into options to outsource 
the book keeping and accounting tasks to an accountant knowledgeable 
about nonprofits to help keep our books straight, produce regular 
financial statements, and mostly insure continuity between treasurers 
from year to year. We may have found a skilled and affordable resource 
to handle this for us. One of the first tasks for this resource would be 
to review and cleanup the books from past years as needed and then 
produce formal financial statements for fiscal years 2011 and 2012 that 
we can then share with our members. More info about this in the not too 
distant future I hope.

3- Non-profit status with the IRS (a.k.a. 501c3 status)

Our nonprofit status in the US is not resolved yet. We had an exchange 
with the IRS agent responsible for our case a few weeks ago and provided 
some missing information. I expect that we will hear back from them soon 
with a decision on our status. More info about our recent exchanges with 
the IRS is available at,_September_2012

That's it for now

Daniel (OSGeo Treasurer)
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the "GeoServices REST API" became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Daniel Morissette
I am also of the opinion that "single-vendor standards" such as KML and 
this GeoServices REST API are turning OGC into a rubber-stamping 
organization and this is not what the geospatial community needs. Don't 
get me wrong, it is good to see these openly published, but the 
publication should be by their owners (Google and ESRI in those case) 
and not be rubber-stamped by OGC.

What the geospatial community needs is an organization that provides 
direction around a consistent set of standards that guarantee 
interoperability between interchangeable software components.

The suite of WxS services built over the last 10-15 years is somewhat on 
the way of achieving this, even if some pieces still do not interoperate 
as smoothly as we wish. Is OGC trying to tell the world that it no 
longer believes in WxS?

OGC and its members need to decide whether they want the OGC logo to be 
perceived as the "guarantee of interoperability", or just as a 
rubber-stamping organization with a large portfolio of inconsistent 

Whether your source is open or closed is out of the question here, so I 
am not sure that a statement from OSGeo matters unless it is to point at 
this obvious slippery slope in which OGC is falling (a movement which 
started with KML a few years ago).


On 13-05-06 3:41 AM, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Having read this thread I support what has been said by Adrian, Bruce and 
others. If anything, acceptance of a set of standards that basically replicates 
what W*S standards already do will confuse customers. Maybe that is exactly 
what esri hopes to achieve, it definitely doesn't help our (the geospatial 
community) business. And as Bruce states, it will have serious impact on the 
OGC credibility. As OSGeo I can imagine that we then decide to start our own 
standardization process and build a standards brand around OSGeo products. Not 
a nice perspective, let's hope OGC won't go down that route.

On 6 mei 2013, at 01:08, bruce.bannerman.osgeo 


My personal opinion is that if this proposal was accepted, it would be a bad 
move for OGC.

Remember that OGC is a community and its Technical Committee membership are the 
people who vote on the acceptance of Standards. The TC comprises many different 

I do understand that OGC are trying to be inclusive in their processes and to 
try and cater for alternative approaches to a problem, much the same as OSGeo 
does in supporting multiple projects that essentially handle similar use cases 
(e.g. GeoServer, MapServer and Degree).

I have also personally witnessed ESRI's commitment to helping to further the 
development of Open Spatial Standards through their work on OGC Working Groups 
and at OGC Technical Committee meetings.

ESRI also have made a valid point in their response to the 'NO' vote for the 
GeoServices REST API that the OGC has already allowed alternate approaches with 
the acceptance of netCDF as a data format and KML as a combined 
data/presentation format.

With the GeoServices REST API, I think that the approach proposed:

- is very divisive for the OGC community.
- essentially appears to propose an alternate way for working with spatial 
services that does not utilise or build on the W*S suite of services that have 
been developed through robust community processes for in excess of a decade.
- does not provide REST bindings to the W*S suite of standards that have been 
widely implemented in a range of software.
- will result in confusion within the user community that are trying to utilise 
'OGC' services.

If this approach were to be adopted, I believe that OGC will go too far down 
the alternate solution approach and will risk losing its public acceptance as 
one of the key leaders of open spatial standards.

I'm interested in hearing other OSGeo members opinions as to how this proposal 
would affect their projects.

Would you consider implementing the GeoServices REST API within your projects?

If you did, would you maintain support for both it and traditional W*S services?


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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Anymore Contributions for the OSGeo Journal Volume 12?

2013-04-11 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 13-04-11 8:27 AM, José Pedro Santos wrote:

Hi Landon,

I already send a email asking about your interest in the report from the
Portuguese Chapter but since I didn't get any reply I think OSGEO is not


Please go ahead and submit a report for the Portuguese chapter. No need 
to wait for a confirmation since it is obvious that we/OSGEO/the 
community want to hear about the activities of all chapters and software 
projects. The reason why Landon did not respond is probably because this 
is not even a question, we want them all.

Reminder to all chapters and software projects: please take a few 
minutes to submit your 2012 report. As an OSGeo project or chapter, your 
are expected to provide that report every year (the chair should lead 
that effort). Well, I'm not sure if that's written in plain text 
anywhere, but it is clearly expected that being the chair of an OSGeo 
body implies that you should report to the foundation and its community 
on a regular basis.

Please see the list of reports here:

and the template and guidelines for preparing a report:

Thanks to all

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Free Developer Slots at FOSS4G events: [was RE: FW: [Board] OSGeo Board Priorities]

2013-03-04 Thread Daniel Morissette
   > effective in promoting free and open source geospatial software.
> On the other hand, I still have problems with annual FOSS4G, which has a 
cost that
> scares away many top developers. IMHO (sorry to insist, I raised this 
point earlier)
> the meeting should be free for developers (committers to OSGeo projects), 
and more
> expensive for businessman. The net cash flow should be from business to 
> promotion, not drawing from our precious developers.
> All the best.
> ___
> Board mailing list
> <>


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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4GNA - Presentations on OSGeo?

2013-02-18 Thread Daniel Morissette

Hi Frank,

Great idea. I am happy to contribute (as member of the board) if you 
need me.


On 13-02-16 2:33 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:


Is anyone proposing to do a presentation about OSGeo?  I'd like to
do one talking fairly broadly about the organization and then focusing
in on recent organizational developments.  But I don't really want to do
it on my own.  Ideally I'd like one or two other folks heavily involved
in OSGeo to co-present.  Anyone already submitting to this effect?  Care
to partner?

PS. Of course I'm only thinking about this now because I thought I was down
to my last 30 minutes before the deadline, but I see they have extended it
by roughly a week, so there is a bit of time to work out a plan.

Best regards,

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Sol Katz Award Nomination procedure (was Nomination for Venkatesh Raghavan)

2012-09-18 Thread Daniel Morissette
While I am all for openness in general, I share Howard's concerns in 
this specific case and think we should continue with private nominations.


On 12-09-18 11:15 AM, Howard Butler wrote:

On Sep 18, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Richard Greenwood  

I agree that this is the first year that nominations have been
publicly discussed and it is a departure from previous years. I
followed Jeff's lead when I nominated Chris.

But hey, we're an open community, I think it's even in the name
somewhere. And spreading a little recognition around to hard working
members of our community surely doesn't hurt.

I disagree. The history of the award has been a cloistered deliberation of 
private nominations. The award is not a political exercise, or at least it 
hasn't been to this point, and public nominations tip things toward the 
lobbying direction. Every open source contributor wouldn't mind an award in the 
field of excellence, and every contributor deserves a pat on the back or two.

Open nominations opens up a more than few cans of worms:

- I won't say some stuff about a person in a public nomination that I would in 
a private one. First off, I don't want to embarrass them, as some people are 
embarrassed by public fawning.

- Not every activity and action needs to be billboarded. If you look at the 
list of past winners, a common trait they all share is they all have kept their 
heads down and done a lot for the community as whole without regard to 

- I might not want everyone to know who I'm nominating.

- Are we voting on the award? Lobbying the committee? What does a public 
nomination achieve other than to provide a (biased) public attaboy? There are 
plenty of opportunities for those that do not have to be conflated with a 
nomination process.

The award is selected by an exclusive group of individuals, and this act makes 
it an exclusive award. The Oscar or Peabody or Pulitzer of open source GIS is 
much more interesting than the People's Choice. Let's keep it that way.

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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Countdown to OSGeoLive 6.0 - final call for testing

2012-08-14 Thread Daniel Morissette


Is there a way that one can report "success" in testing the OSGeoLive? 
Do you have a checklist somewhere? For instance, we tested the MapServer 
stuff successfully with the last beta a few days ago but found no way to 
report that anywhere.


On 12-08-13 7:31 PM, Hamish wrote:

Hi everyone,

as we're winding down from a particularly busy beta series for
our next big release, I realize that we never really put out a
general call for testing (partly I suppose because Angelos
Tzotsos has been doing such a good job of it!).  But now we need
more eyeballs. So consider this to be that call for testing:

Please help test! The hour is late, & we have just a few days to
go before it goes to the printers and any bugs in your favourite
software get set in plastic. In particular, burning to bootable
DVDs, installing to bootable USB drives (see the included
instructions on the disc or online), and installing to VMs, is
only lightly tested so far.

here's Cameron's post about our schedule for the next few days:

please report and view known bugs here; please be sure to set
the trac component as "LiveDVD":

ISO downloads for testing are available now from Angelos & Alex:

On 08/12/2012, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:

Hi all,

The final beta of OSGeoLive 6.0 is out for testing:

Status of the project can be found here:

We only have one major issue open, regarding Ushahidi at this point.

[n.b. mysql db auth problem, which we think is now fixed]

Alex Mandel wrote:

North American copy available as usual:

the nightly (hourly) development doc build can be previewed here:

and a way big thanks to all, it's been perhaps our toughest dev
cycle yet, having to restart with a new live-ISO boot method in
the last couple of weeks & dealing with all the fallout from that,
but we seem to have something quite special and better in our
hands now.

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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] CORRECTION -- Re: Board Elections 2012

2012-08-03 Thread Daniel Morissette
This is very different from changing rules. Cameron's nomination was 
sent and received in time on the public list and following the rules, 
but a mistake was made by the CRO and quickly spotted and corrected in 
the wiki page within an hour of the vote being launched.

My 0.02$ is that it's not changing rules, it's fixing a human mistake.


On 12-08-03 8:42 AM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

On 2012/08/03 21:25, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Cameron Shorter's name was inadvertently omitted from the nomination

Such omissions cannot be reported now after the election process have
On one had the board says that election rules cannot be changed after the
election process has started and on the other hand request acceptance
of some "inadvertent omissions".

I strongly feel that we go ahead with the election with the candidates
listed in
the present nominee list.

I will be happy if Cameron Shorter's nomination is brought up in the
next board


Arnulf and I are both(!) traveling today and can't quickly update the
wiki - if some kind soul would do that for us, we would appreciate it.

If you have already voted and wish to change your selections, feel
free to do so.

Thank you for your understanding  and cooperation!

.mpg&  Arnulf, CRO's

On Aug 3, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Arnulf Christl  wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Dear Charter Members,
we are approaching the end of the 2012 elections [0]. The Board
nomination period has ended and all nominees listed on [1] have
confirmed that they are happy to stand for election.

Please take your time to read through the nomination, the acceptance
and thoughts from each candidate and then proceed to vote for 5
different candidates by adding them one per line to an email to be
sent to

Voting closes at 23:59 (your timezone) 12-August-2012!

Please caefully follow the instructions given on the Wiki [2] in order
to be able to submit a valid email and MAKE SURE TO SEND IT TO ONLY. Otherwise your vote may become public or just
disappear somewhere. You will receive a confirmation of your
successful vote. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24h of
submitting your mail please contact

Thank your for taking on this responsibility,
Your CROs
(Arnulf Christl&  Michael Gerlek)


- -- President, OSGeo
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] CORRECTION -- Re: Board Elections 2012

2012-08-03 Thread Daniel Morissette

Coincidently I just sent another email a few minutes ago asking about this.

I see that Yves Jacolin just added Cameron to the wiki page. Thank you Yves!


On 12-08-03 8:25 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Cameron Shorter's name was inadvertently omitted from the nomination page.

Arnulf and I are both(!) traveling today and can't quickly update the wiki - if 
some kind soul would do that for us, we would appreciate it.

If you have already voted and wish to change your selections, feel free to do 

Thank you for your understanding  and cooperation!

.mpg & Arnulf, CRO's

On Aug 3, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Arnulf Christl  wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Dear Charter Members,
we are approaching the end of the 2012 elections [0]. The Board
nomination period has ended and all nominees listed on [1] have
confirmed that they are happy to stand for election.

Please take your time to read through the nomination, the acceptance
and thoughts from each candidate and then proceed to vote for 5
different candidates by adding them one per line to an email to be
sent to

Voting closes at 23:59 (your timezone) 12-August-2012!

Please caefully follow the instructions given on the Wiki [2] in order
to be able to submit a valid email and MAKE SURE TO SEND IT TO ONLY. Otherwise your vote may become public or just
disappear somewhere. You will receive a confirmation of your
successful vote. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24h of
submitting your mail please contact

Thank your for taking on this responsibility,
Your CROs
(Arnulf Christl & Michael Gerlek)


- --
President, OSGeo
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Boad of Director Nomination: Daniel Morissette

2012-07-26 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you very much Arnulf for such a nice nomination. It would be hard 
for me to not accept after reading it.  :)

I'd be happy to serve on the board for another term, presumably to 
continue the job started as treasurer in the last year (or to help 
transition it to someone else if there is a taker), and also and most 
importantly to continue to help bridge the gap between the local 
chapters communities and "OSGeo Global". The growing number of local 
chapters and local events shows how important they are to help spread 
the OSGeo vision to local and non-English speaking communities.

I am very happy to see a few nominees from outside North America 
already... please keep them coming as I think this is a great sign and 
can only help make OSGeo even more international. Some 
continents/regions are not represented yet in the list of nominees. It 
would be awesome of we had at least one candidate from each 


On 12-07-25 1:18 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:

Dear OSGeo Community, Charter Members,
I want to nominate Daniel Morissette for the OSGeo board of directors.

I have been working with Daniel for many years and he is one of the most
trustworthy and consistently productive people I know. He has always
proven to be highly sensitive to community related aspects and has an
international outlook, combined with very good English skills. This
makes him a good mediator between different regions and cultures, a
regularly upcoming issue in our community. This would already make him
an invaluable member of the board of directors. But this is not enough,
on top of this he also tends to the irksome job of treasurer and has
toiled through many down-to-earth tasks that an organization of our size
requires to get done. He is also an integral part of the Franco-Canadian
local community and a relentless contributor to the MapServer project.

It would be silly to not squeeze some more out of him if he so friendly
asks for it.

Thank you,

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] Fwd: Board elections Voting

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 12-07-25 9:08 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:

Thanks for the link steko. For this election I suggest we stick with
what we have though, probably a little late to introduce this. But I
will add the whole elections topic to the next board meeting so that
we don't wake up late for the next elections again...

I am with Arnulf on this: let's stick with what we have and revisit in 
time before the next election.

The current election schedule was proposed on June 14 [1] and 
discussed/edited for about a week until it was finally approved on June 
21 [2], so there was time for members to comment if they wanted to (and 
some did if you look in the archives). I don't care one way or the other 
personally for the voting, but I do know that it's not possile to make 
everyone happy and I'm sure that for every charter member requesting a 
change we can find one that would find it inappropriate to change the 
rules in the middle of an election.



Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Nomination: Thomas Bonfort

2012-06-28 Thread Daniel Morissette

I'd like to second Thomas' nomination.

Thomas is another one of those individuals that we're so used to seeing 
around OSGeo projects, conferences and code sprints that we just assumed 
that he was already charter members.

As Steve wrote, he is a very constructive team player, so much that many 
of the performance gains made in recent FOSS4G benchmarking exercises in 
both MapServer and Mapnik can be tracked down to the great 
"coopetition"[1] spirit that Thomas (for MapServer) and Dane Springmeyer 
(for Mapnik) put into the benchmarking game, effectively exchanging 
hints and tricks to help boost the performance of each other's 
(competing) software. That's open source at its best.


[1] Coopetition = Cooperative competition

On 12-06-28 1:25 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:


I would like to nominate Thomas Bonfort for OSGeo Charter Member.

Thomas has been a long time active supporter of the Open Source GIS
movement. He developed mod_geocache which has since been merged with
mapserver as mapcache, he is an active developer of mapserver and
recently taken on the responsibility for the latest mapserver release in
the works.

Thomas has presented in various FOSS4G conferences and is constructive
and a great team player. I think Thomas would make an excellent OSGeo
Charter Member.

Best regards,
   -Stephen Woodbridge
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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Nomination: Michael Smith

2012-06-28 Thread Daniel Morissette
I second Michael's nomination, and was quite surprised when I found out 
that he was not a charter member yet. Mike and the team he works with 
have been long time users and active supporters of MapServer, GDAL/OGR 
and several other OSGeo projects since long before the creation of OSGeo.

Actually, we're so used to seeing him around and actively involved that 
we just assumed that he was already a charter member when he is not. 
(That's probably the case of a few other individuals)


On 12-06-28 8:48 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have the honor to nominate Michael Smith for OSGeo Charter membership.

Mike is with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Remote Sensing GIS Center,
and has been a longtime supporter of FOSS.  Most recently he is working
very hard with Howard Butler to develop an Open Source point cloud
translation library, PDAL[1].  Mike is also very active in the
MapServer[2] community, as one of its most vocal power users, and in
2011 he was named to the MapServer Project Steering Committee[3].

I also had the pleasure of giving a MapServer workshop with Mike at
FOSS4G 2011 in Denver; many attendees said that it was a wonderful
workshop, and I attribute that to Mike's thorough knowledge of MapServer
and its recent changes.

Mike is often one of the first to sign up for Code Sprints, and register
for FOSS4G events, which to me says everything about his passion for
this community.  He may not prefer to be giving fancy presentations and
taking the glory, but scratch the surface of many OSGeo communities and
you'll find Mike supporting it in every way he can.

I feel that Mike Smith would be an excellent representative of OSGeo.



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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] What is the point in formalising OSGeo Local Chapters?

2012-01-26 Thread Daniel Morissette
Please also note that you do not need a legal entity to qualify as a 
local chapter, so being an OSGeo local chapter can be very lightweight 
contrary to what was suggested in the thread. Several OSGeo local 
chapters are only virtual groups with a small steering committee, 
mailing list, website and in some cases ad-hoc face to face meetings.


On 12-01-26 2:32 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

The magic of cross posting…

This conversation started as a discussion on a different topic -> is
there any interest in having a conference, unconference or code sprint
in the Aust-NZ region :-)

As for the benefits of a local chapter; it may in fact being limited to
running a regional conference (with the NA group as an example of a
local chapter being formed for this purpose). The prospect of reporting
in the Annual meeting or OSGeo newsletter is another benefit of a local
chapter - however I tend to promote direct involvement in OSGeo projects
and committees as an alternative.

Jody Garnett

On Wednesday, 25 January 2012 at 7:30 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

OSGeo Discuss,

In Australia/New Zealand we have been discussing whether we should
legally "formalise" the Aust-NZ OSGeo chapter, and come to the
conclusion that we gain little, and loose a lot by becoming legal.
Email discussion here:


On 3/01/2012 1:12 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Where did we get to on this Aust-NZ local chapter stuff? As I recall
we still need to register as a non profit; have a meeting with
minuets, and set up a back account.

On 5/01/2012 11:06 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

The benefit would be an OSGeo local chapter; right now we have not
"formed" as I understand it and are still listed as under
construction on the OSGeo wiki.

On 6/01/2012 6:51 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Right, so osgeo aust-nz would change from unofficial to official in
the eyes of osgeo. I see very little benefit from that. I don't think
we will attract any more osgeo converts from such a title. (If we
need an official title, we can always call upon the greater OSGeo

However, I do see a large drain on volunteer time. As soon as we
require money to run, we need to worry about chasing people or
organisations for membership fees, which is an unpleasant task which
sucks up lots of valuable volunteer times.

On 6/01/2012 7:58 AM, mapbutcher wrote:

In this modern age of 'meetups' do such chapters have a place? What
does a chapter actually provide?

The organic development of groups across the country in the past year
has evidenced a growing interest and adoption of open source. It has
not required a chapter to support this growth. There are adequate
means of communication to support cross pollination between these
groups IMO. We even managed to organize a [international foss4g]
conference without a chapter if my memory serves me correctly

On 6/01/2012 8:49 AM, Bruce Bannerman wrote:

I see greater benefit from a ‘virtual’ community, particularly
considering the broad geographic region the we cover.

We don’t necessarily need an ‘entity’ as the ‘go to’ body for the
Local Chapter. The mailing list and Wiki could perhaps suffice.

As I see it we have a reasonably robust community as it is (if rather
quiet at present).

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [Board] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] 2011 Charter Member Election Results

2011-11-30 Thread Daniel Morissette
Hi Venka,

68 of our 104 charter member members voted: 65%. I find that a bit low, but 
bought that maybe I should have worked harder to send more reminders during the 

We should definitely retire members who did not vote for 3 consecutive years. 
We already have a policy to that effect and I believe our secretary (Michael 
Gerlek) was planning to do that after the election.


On 2011-11-30, at 1:19 AM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

> Daniel and All,
> Thanks for you hard work as CRO, Daniel.
> Could you also let us know what was the
> percentage of voting.
> My congratulations to all the new Charter Members
> and many thanks for all nominees for their
> participation.
> May be time to find out charter members who have abstained
> for Charter Member elections over the last two elections
> and consider a retirement policy for Charter Members.
> Best
> Venka
> On 2011/11/30 14:17, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> OSGeo Community,
>> I am ready to announce the results of the 2011 Charter Member Election.
>> • Note that we had a tie for the 20th slot, so I decided to welcome 21 new 
>> charter members for this year instead of 20 since that still fits within the 
>> limits of 20% new charter members set by the board at the 2011-09-17 board 
>> meeting (i.e. 20% of 104 = 20.8)
>> • The new charter members for 2011 are (in alphabetical order):
>>  • Bob Basques
>>  • Brian Case
>>  • Eric Lemoine
>>  • Even Rouault
>>  • G.Hanumantha Rao
>>  • Gabriel Roldán
>>  • Jachym Cepicky
>>  • Lluís Vicens
>>  • Luca Delucchi
>>  • Maning Sambale
>>  • Margherita Di Leo
>>  • Martin Daly
>>  • Martin Landa
>>  • Massimo Di Stefano
>>  • Nicolas Bozon
>>  • Sanghee Shin
>>  • Stephen Woodbridge
>>  • Suchith Anand
>>  • Tim Sutton
>>  • Xianfeng Song
>>  • Yoicihi Kayama
>> Those results are published in the wiki at 
>> I will leave it up to our board secretary to update the official members 
>> database and we the official list on the website should also be updated soon 
>> (
>> A warm welcome to our new charter members, and thank you to all candidates 
>> who didn't make it… it was a matter of only a few votes, so maybe next year?
>> Daniel Morissette (OSGeo CRO, 2011)
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Board mailing list

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] 2011 Charter Member Election Results

2011-11-29 Thread Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Community,

I am ready to announce the results of the 2011 Charter Member Election. 

• Note that we had a tie for the 20th slot, so I decided to welcome 21 new 
charter members for this year instead of 20 since that still fits within the 
limits of 20% new charter members set by the board at the 2011-09-17 board 
meeting (i.e. 20% of 104 = 20.8)

• The new charter members for 2011 are (in alphabetical order):
• Bob Basques
• Brian Case
• Eric Lemoine
• Even Rouault
• G.Hanumantha Rao
• Gabriel Roldán
• Jachym Cepicky
• Lluís Vicens
• Luca Delucchi
• Maning Sambale
• Margherita Di Leo
• Martin Daly
• Martin Landa
• Massimo Di Stefano
• Nicolas Bozon
• Sanghee Shin
• Stephen Woodbridge
• Suchith Anand
• Tim Sutton
• Xianfeng Song
• Yoicihi Kayama

Those results are published in the wiki at

I will leave it up to our board secretary to update the official members 
database and we the official list on the website should also be updated soon 

A warm welcome to our new charter members, and thank you to all candidates who 
didn't make it… it was a matter of only a few votes, so maybe next year?

Daniel Morissette (OSGeo CRO, 2011)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Friendly Reminder: Charter Member Election Vote - 2 days left

2011-11-27 Thread Daniel Morissette
We received the votes from 62 charter members so far, and 42 members 
have not voted yet.

It is still November 27 in some timezones for another 6 or 7 hours, so 
this means that if you have not voted yet, you have a few hours left to 
send your votes.


On 11-11-25 02:50 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

OSGeo Charter Members,

This is a friendly reminder that you only have two days left to vote for
the 2011 OSGeo Charter Member Election. The voting period ends in 2
days, at the end of the day on Sunday Nov 27, 2011.

If you are a charter member and didn't vote yet, then please do so ASAP.
A copy of the initial announcement follows...


Dear OSGeo Charter Member,

The voting period for the 2011 OSGeo Charter Member Election has begun.
This year there are 34 great candidates for only 20 slots so you will
have some tough choices to make.

The official list of nominees and descriptions for each one is available
online here:

(the list is in the order that the nominations were received)

Please take some time to review the full list and then send your votes

* Only Charter Members are eligible to vote!
* Please email with a list of names 20 lines long (one
vote per new member slot).
* You can vote for 20 different people, or the same person 20 times, or
any balance in between.
* Ballots that do not respect those rules risk being rejected
* Voting closes at 23:59 (your timezone) on Sunday November 27, 2011
* Here is the list of nominees in plain text (to copy/paste from for
your votes), in the same order that they appear in the official list:

Kwangwoo Nam
Minpa Lee
Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
Suchith Anand
Brian Case
Sanghee Shin
Luca Delucchi
Vincent Picavet
Eric Lemoine
Yoicihi Kayama
Xianfeng Song
Dirk Frigne
Martin Daly
Maning Sambale
Fernando Quadro
Tim Sutton
Margherita Di Leo
Nicolas Bozon
Massimo Di Stefano
Evans Ikua
Even Rouault
Luiz Motta
George Silva
Robert Anderson
Edmar Moretti
G.Hanumantha Rao
Jachym Cepicky
Stephen Woodbridge
Gabriel Roldán
Martin Landa
Lluís Vicens
Eli Adam
Franz-Josef Behr
Bob Basques

IMPORTANT: There are 104 charter members voting for 20 candidates, so
this means 2080 votes to compile. Please follow the requested format
when you cast your votes to make it as easy as possible to automate the
compilation process.

* Once again: one vote per line, up to 20 lines, emailed to *

Thank you!

Daniel Morissette (OSGeo CRO, 2011)
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Friendly Reminder: Charter Member Election Vote - 2 days left

2011-11-25 Thread Daniel Morissette

OSGeo Charter Members,

This is a friendly reminder that you only have two days left to vote for 
the 2011 OSGeo Charter Member Election. The voting period ends in 2 
days, at the end of the day on Sunday Nov 27, 2011.

If you are a charter member and didn't vote yet, then please do so ASAP. 
A copy of the initial announcement follows...


Dear OSGeo Charter Member,

The voting period for the 2011 OSGeo Charter Member Election has begun. 
This year there are 34 great candidates for only 20 slots so you will 
have some tough choices to make.

The official list of nominees and descriptions for each one is available 
online here:

(the list is in the order that the nominations were received)

Please take some time to review the full list and then send your votes 

* Only Charter Members are eligible to vote!
* Please email with a list of names 20 lines long (one 
vote per new member slot).
* You can vote for 20 different people, or the same person 20 times, or 
any balance in between.

* Ballots that do not respect those rules risk being rejected
* Voting closes at 23:59 (your timezone) on Sunday November 27, 2011
* Here is the list of nominees in plain text (to copy/paste from for 
your votes), in the same order that they appear in the official list:

Kwangwoo Nam
Minpa Lee
Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
Suchith Anand
Brian Case
Sanghee Shin
Luca Delucchi
Vincent Picavet
Eric Lemoine
Yoicihi Kayama
Xianfeng Song
Dirk Frigne
Martin Daly
Maning Sambale
Fernando Quadro
Tim Sutton
Margherita Di Leo
Nicolas Bozon
Massimo Di Stefano
Evans Ikua
Even Rouault
Luiz Motta
George Silva
Robert Anderson
Edmar Moretti
G.Hanumantha Rao
Jachym Cepicky
Stephen Woodbridge
Gabriel Roldán
Martin Landa
Lluís Vicens
Eli Adam
Franz-Josef Behr
Bob Basques

IMPORTANT: There are 104 charter members voting for 20 candidates, so 
this means 2080 votes to compile. Please follow the requested format 
when you cast your votes to make it as easy as possible to automate the 
compilation process.

* Once again: one vote per line, up to 20 lines, emailed to *

Thank you!

Daniel Morissette (OSGeo CRO, 2011)
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] RE : Distracting discussions of discussing [was:] What is North America?

2011-11-24 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 11-11-24 04:50 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

But to answer your question.. the aim is to run a conference, first round in 
the USA.  Other than working alongside other chapters (and obviously inviting 
them to partner on the event) there is no proposed formal connection between 
them - except of course being under the OSGeo banner together :)

I am of the opinion that the NA Chapter should have a closer 
relationship to the other local chapters in this territory, but I do not 
have the time to explain and argue those points.

I write this as an active member of the Quebec local Chapter that falls 
in this territory and personally I'm disappointed that the local 
chapters were never ping'd for their opinion or interest in being 
involved other than some notes sent through this list. I thought of a NA 
chapter as well before and discussed the idea with several people in the 
last years but it was a different concept: I am of the opinion that a NA 
chapter would be stronger with support from all the local chapters in 
the territory.

Oh, did I just say that I didn't have time for this? Sorry, I shut up...

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter nominees -- please speak up!

2011-11-21 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 11-11-21 01:14 PM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

You could post to the official nomination wiki page 
( or to this discuss 
list (which always is good to generate some discussion on these sorts of 
issues), or perhaps both.

I have set the wiki page above read-only at the end of the nomination 
period last week since it is the "official" list of nominees and I 
wanted to make sure it remained unchanged.

For this reason I would encourage nominees to send their little speech 
on this list.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Election - Time to vote!

2011-11-18 Thread Daniel Morissette
Below is a copy of the vote invitatioon that has been sent directly to 
all charter members, in case some of you do not get it directly for one 
reason or another.

Please do not reply with your votes via the discuss list: make sure you 
follow the instructions below and send your votes to the address


Dear OSGeo Charter Member,

The voting period for the 2011 OSGeo Charter Member Election has begun. 
This year there are 34 great candidates for only 20 slots so you will 
have some tough choices to make.

The official list of nominees and descriptions for each one is available 
online here:

(the list is in the order that the nominations were received)

Please take some time to review the full list and then send your votes 

* Only Charter Members are eligible to vote!
* Please email with a list of names 20 lines long (one 
vote per new member slot).
* You can vote for 20 different people, or the same person 20 times, or 
any balance in between.

* Ballots that do not respect those rules risk being rejected
* Voting closes at 23:59 (your timezone) on Sunday November 27, 2011
* Here is the list of nominees in plain text (to copy/paste from for 
your votes), in the same order that they appear in the official list:

Kwangwoo Nam
Minpa Lee
Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
Suchith Anand
Brian Case
Sanghee Shin
Luca Delucchi
Vincent Picavet
Eric Lemoine
Yoicihi Kayama
Xianfeng Song
Dirk Frigne
Martin Daly
Maning Sambale
Fernando Quadro
Tim Sutton
Margherita Di Leo
Nicolas Bozon
Massimo Di Stefano
Evans Ikua
Even Rouault
Luiz Motta
George Silva
Robert Anderson
Edmar Moretti
G.Hanumantha Rao
Jachym Cepicky
Stephen Woodbridge
Gabriel Roldán
Martin Landa
Lluís Vicens
Eli Adam
Franz-Josef Behr
Bob Basques

IMPORTANT: There are 104 charter members voting for 20 candidates, so 
this means 2080 votes to compile. Please follow the requested format 
when you cast your votes to make it as easy as possible to automate the 
compilation process.

* Once again: one vote per line, up to 20 lines, emailed to *

Thank you!

Daniel Morissette (OSGeo CRO, 2011)
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Board] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board of Directors meeting minutes

2011-11-18 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 11-11-18 07:53 AM, Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) wrote:

all of this has already been done and the conference committee voted 9
to 7 for Beijing in the third go. So now it is "too late" to change
anything. The board vote was the last chance to stop it but it passed
with just one -1.

Now that we have decided to go for China it is not anymore a question of
"if" but "how". I am absolutely pushing FOSS4G Beijing now and hope that
all in OSGeo will do the same. And we will have yet another great event
in a great location - I am sure of that - becasue so far we have always
managed to bend things so that they fit us well.

But thanks for your comment that none of this has caught your attention
up to now. Knowing that you are more than average attentive for this
type of issues shows that the need for broader communication is even
bigger than expected.

FWIW, I just wanted to add that I agree with Arnulf on all points:

1- It's too late to change the decision (we are going to Beijing)
2- We need as a group to do all that we can to help make Beijing a 
success (and it *will* be a success)

3- Bart's intervention confirms the need for broader communication

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter member election: nomination period has ended, vote will start tomorrow

2011-11-18 Thread Daniel Morissette

OSGeo Community,

Just a quick note to let you know that the nomination period for the 
2011 OSGeo Charter Member Election has ended at the end of the day 
yesterday, and the voting will start tomorrow (another email will follow 
later about the vote).

In the meantime, charter members are invited to start reviewing the 
nominations which are listed at:

This is the official list. If any nomination is missing from this list 
then please let me know ASAP.

Daniel Morissette OSGeo CRO, 2011)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] GeoCoworking

2011-11-17 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 11-11-17 02:29 AM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Curious how many folks on the list may use a local coworking space.
I assume in some centers there is potential for geogeeks to meet at
certain coworking areas to collaborate - but just curious since I sure
don't have one nearby :)

We (Mapgears) have used some space at 
( in Quebec City recently and really liked 
it. We have our permanent offices in Chicoutimi, but co-working spaces 
like this is ideal for when we need to setup work sessions / sprints 
with people/partners from other cities. is still fairly new and not very well known yet, so 
hopefully this little plug will help make it better known for people who 
need co-working space in Quebec City.

For Montreal,  I've been at the Notman House ( for a 
WhereCamp not long ago. It's not exactly promoted as a co-working 
facility, but more of a home for internet/mobile/web startups (i.e. 
small teams) and it also offers free meeting space for community events 
such as the WhereCamp I've been to.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Last Call for Charter Member Nominations

2011-11-16 Thread Daniel Morissette

OSGeo Community,

This is a friendly reminder that there is only one day left to the 
nomination period for the 2011 OSGeo Charter Member Election, it closes 
at the end of the day (today) Thursday Nov 17.

More details on the nomination process at


Daniel Morissette (OSGeo CRO, 2011)
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member nomination: Martin Landa

2011-11-16 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 11-11-16 09:36 PM, Helena Mitasova wrote:

I would like to express my support for Martin's nomination.


...  so he would be great to have on
the conference and education committees.

Nothing against Martin's nomination, but I wanted to point out the fact 
that it is not a requirement to be a charter member to participate on 
any of OSGeo's committees AFAIK.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter member nominations

2011-11-11 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 11-11-10 12:01 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Note to all those who submitted charter member nominations in the last
two days: you are not being ignored, please keep the nominations coming,
I will process them all (and register them in the official list in the
wiki) by the end of the week.

Hi everyone,

I have processed all nominations that I received so far. If I counted 
correctly we have 25.

If you have submitted a nomination since the beginning of the nomination 
period and don't see it in the list at then please let 
me know as that would mean that I did not receive it.

Please keep them coming, the nomination period is open for another week, 
until Nov 17.


Daniel Morissette (OSGeo CRO, 2011)
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter member nominations

2011-11-10 Thread Daniel Morissette
Note to all those who submitted charter member nominations in the last 
two days: you are not being ignored, please keep the nominations coming, 
I will process them all (and register them in the official list in the 
wiki) by the end of the week.


Daniel Morissette (OSGeo CRO, 2011)
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Vote for Vincent Picavet (France) as Chapter Member for 2011

2011-11-08 Thread Daniel Morissette

Forwarding to discuss on behalf of Christophe...

 Original Message 
Subject:Vote for Vincent Picavet (France) as Chapter Member for 2011
Date:   Tue, 08 Nov 2011 15:29:33 +0100

I'm pleased to invite you to vote for Vincent Picavet (France) to become
a Chapter Member for 2011.
Vincent has been involved in OSGeo francophone local chapter since its
creation. He is currently the chapter's treasurer. GIS expert, he
contributes to PostGIS and spread the word on OpenSource GIS in various
conferences. He founded Oslandia in 2009 with Olivier Courtin, to
provide services around OpenSource GIS, especially PostGIS and OGC
webservices. Vincent organized the first francophone QGIS
meeting in Paris in late 2011, gathering more than 100 people.

Christophe TUFFERY

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: Charter member election

2011-11-07 Thread Daniel Morissette

OSGeo Community,

This is a reminder that the nomination period is open for the 2011 
charter member election.

All the details at

A few notes and points worth mention:

1- Please forward this announcement to all local chapter lists, and 
consider nominating active members of your local chapter / community. As 
Arnulf wrote earlier today: "we need nominations from all around the 
globe because OSGeo aims at being the *global* voice for Open Source 
Geospatial and therefore must also have global representation in it's 
charter membership."

2- Please mail your nominations to, and CC the discuss 
list. Adding nominations to the wiki directly or sending only to the 
discuss list is not sufficient and risks your nomination being missed or 

3- Please don't wait and send your nominations right away!

Daniel (OSGeo CRO, 2011)
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo 2011 Charter Membership Elections

2011-11-03 Thread Daniel Morissette

OSGeo Community,

It is time to once again nominate new OSGeo charter members. We need you 
to pick out the folks you think would bring energy and interest to the 
OSGeo mission and bring their names forward!

Only OSGeo members can vote for OSGeo directors, and only OSGeo members 
can *be* OSGeo directors, so membership is a necessary gateway to more 
official involvement in the organization.

The process for Member selection is outlined here:

This year we are adding 20 new charter members and the deadline for 
nominations is November 17, 2010.

Please confirm with the nominated person first and send your nominations 
to cro at, outlining the name and contact e-mail of your 
nominee(s) and and paragraph describing why you are recommending this 
person as a Charter Member.

Please also feel free to cc: the nomination to the OSGeo discussion list 
- discuss at - so the community can be nudged along and 
have a sense of what is going on.

The new Member election will be held in the succeeding week and close on 
November 27. The results will be announced two days after that.


Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer, 2011

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Report from the OSGeo Board meeting

2011-09-21 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 11-09-21 09:29 AM, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:

Agree about the first and the second above, but disagree about the third (in a 
minor way). Yes, fundraising is something that requires a dedicated person or 
persona, which, unfortunately and ironically requires funds. Although, there 
are models for getting around that (in a minute on that). However, please don't 
lump outreach there. Outreach is what we all do on a daily basis --

- Every time someone responds to a desperate new or (ahem) returning user's 
email as to why MapServer is returning a broken image or why OpenLayers is not 
working via a proxy, that is outreach.

- The hours that Alex and Karsten and others (including, in a very small way, 
myself) stand at the OSGeo booth talking to visitors, that is outreach.

- The countless presentations that I have given all over the world in the past 
3 years, mostly as a Creative Commons Fellow, but also talking about OSGeo and 
free and open source geospatial, that is outreach.

- Using pretty much nothing but OSGeo tools for my current largish-money 
project and converting all my colleagues in academic to appreciating the 
benefits of OSGeo tools is outreach.

Outreach is a fundamentally volunteer and community effort, not requiring a dedicated 
sales/advertising budget or agency. This is a significant part of the "open" in 

Hi Puneet,

You've got a very good point about what outreach is and I fully agree 
with you. This is one of the parts of OSGeo that actually goes very very 
well. Thanks to all community members for their work on that front!

I believe that what Michael was alluding to as outreach (perhaps 
incorrectly) and requiring another set of skills is outreach to larger 
public and private organizations who have an interest in seeing OSGeo 
flourish but just don't know it yet... so those people are unlikely to 
meet you at the booth or listen to one of your talks.

Reaching those people requires some marketing work upfront to polish the 
OSGeo image and message and make it more widely heard, and then one has 
to wear a suit and knock on their door, discuss their needs and 
demonstrate how OSGeo can help them... and then walk back with their 
commitment to support the mission of OSGeo, in the form of public 
statements combined with $$$. (Did I just describe a sales job?)

In my opinion this type of outreach (or whatever we call it) is not well 
addressed by our community and this is an area where we need new blood 
to help. This was one of the drivers behind the decision to terminate 
the ED position.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Report from the OSGeo Board meeting

2011-09-21 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Frank, Arnulf and Michael for your answers to the questions so 
far. What you wrote matches my thinking as well so you save me from 
having to write another long answer.

I might just add that as the new treasurer, my plan is to bring the 
finance committee back to life, try to get a better handle on finances, 
starting with a budget to be drafted by the committee, and to outsource 
all the paperwork (book keeping, accounting, taxes, etc) to specialized 
professionals who are much better and efficient at this than us. I do 
that already for my own business so I am confident that this will be a 
better solution for OSGeo as well.


On 11-09-21 03:59 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Arnulf and Frank have already spoken up, and I think they've captured the
sentiment of Sunday's board decision well.

To emphasize three points, if I may:

* Our foundation has been financially backed by a small set of donors and
the FOSS4G conference.  We have lost ground on former source, and the latter
source has proven to be extremely volatile.  From a business standpoint,
this is not a sustainable path. The ED has been the single largest financial
cost to the foundation, and so given our current funding model, the cost for
the functions performed wasn't justified.

* I wrote recently that there three kinds of functions needed here:
administrative (bookkeeping, answering mail, etc), tactical (project
management, sys admin), and strategic (fundraising, outreach).  The first
can be done by a mixture of outsourcing and volunteers, and we're already
taking steps for that.  The second is done already by very competent
volunteers.  The third requires a very specific set of skills we will likely
hire or contract out for; in the near term, the board and other non-board
volunteers will shoulder this (as they have been doing for years, though
often unacknowledged).  This will be an evolving process, of course, and the
discussion with the community is now underway.

* There is considerable difficulty in discussing personnel matters with the
community.  Some board members have discussed these matters with other
individuals privately, both proactively and reactively, to consider the
foundation's positions and options.  However, those were private
discussions: the board cannot discuss personnel issues on a public mailing
list.  I'm sure you all can appreciate that.

Thanks -


Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Travel Hints

2011-09-09 Thread Daniel Morissette
We collected and started sharing a bit of info that could be useful for 
people traveling to Denver for FOSS4G:

At the moment the most interesting info is about cell phone roaming 
options and affordable prepaid SIM cards in the US (now I know I got 
your attention!).

Please go ahead and share any hints you may have on other travel related 

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board Election 2011 - Time to vote

2011-08-12 Thread Daniel Morissette


Your votes were received and you got responses from myself 
(confirmation) and a follow up email from Tyler asking for your full 
contact info to update his database. (Could the messages have been 
caught in your spam folder?)

Sending this reply to the discuss list in the hope that you receive it.


On 11-08-12 10:23 AM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

All the new and wonderful ways to vote are fine.
I prefer the old way and have already sent my
votes by e-mail to I sent my votes
twice and am still to receive any acknowledgments
for my vote.

New ways of voting need to be decided much in advance
to avoid people like me (who are on the road) to wonder
if their votes by e-mail to will be
counted or not.


On 2011/08/11 23:20, Daniel Morissette wrote:

On 11-08-11 10:10 AM, Yves Jacolin wrote:


Le jeudi 11 août 2011 16:06:14, Daniel Morissette a écrit :

IMPORTANT: If you did not receive the personal email with voting
instructions then please contact us at so that we can
out the situation ASAP.

Check your spam folder before ;) This email was on my spam folder.

Good point. Look for email subject "Please vote for OSGeo Board
Election 2011" and coming from

And if in doubt after submitting the form about the information that
you submitted, no worries, you can click the personal link again at a
later time (before the voting closes) to see/review your choices and
contact information.

P.S. I will be on vacation starting tomorrow, and Tyler Mitchell will
take on the CRO job during my absence.

bonne vacance !


Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board Election 2011 - Time to vote

2011-08-11 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 11-08-11 10:10 AM, Yves Jacolin wrote:


Le jeudi 11 août 2011 16:06:14, Daniel Morissette a écrit :

IMPORTANT: If you did not receive the personal email with voting
instructions then please contact us at so that we can sort
out the situation ASAP.

Check your spam folder before ;) This email was on my spam folder.

Good point. Look for email subject "Please vote for OSGeo Board Election 
2011" and coming from

And if in doubt after submitting the form about the information that you 
submitted, no worries, you can click the personal link again at a later 
time (before the voting closes) to see/review your choices and contact 

P.S. I will be on vacation starting tomorrow, and Tyler Mitchell will
take on the CRO job during my absence.

bonne vacance !


Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board Election 2011 - Time to vote

2011-08-11 Thread Daniel Morissette

OSGeo Charter Members,

The voting period for the OSGeo 2011 Board Election [1] is now open, and 
voting will close at 23:59 (your time zone) on Sunday August 21, 2011. 
To help make this process as easy as possible, we are using a very 
simple online form to collect your votes.  The site also allows us to 
enforce the vote limit, and at the same time to update the contact 
information that we have for our charter members. Note that you still 
have the opportunity to vote via email the old fashioned way if you 
prefer, please see instructions below.

All charter members should have received a personal email with voting 
instructions a few hours ago, including your personal link to submit 
your votes online. (Email subject "Please vote for OSGeo Board Election 
2011" and coming from

IMPORTANT: If you did not receive the personal email with voting 
instructions then please contact us at so that we can sort 
out the situation ASAP.

Here is some additional information about the vote (also included in the 
personal email):

The 2011 nominee list is available online at:

Important Notes:

* Only Charter Members are eligible to vote
* Choose from Board Member Nominations 2011 list [2]
* You have two options for voting: completing the survey form or 
emailing your votes (to with a list of names up to 5 lines 
long - one vote per board slot)
* You can cast up to 5 votes, for 5 different people. Multiple, emailed, 
votes for one person will be counted as one vote.

* Voting closes at 23:59 (your timezone) 21-August-2011
* Results will be posted at Board Election 2011 Results [3]
* Contact with questions


Thank you for your participation!

P.S. I will be on vacation starting tomorrow, and Tyler Mitchell will 
take on the CRO job during my absence.

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board Election 2011 - Nominations closed, voting to start on Thursday

2011-08-08 Thread Daniel Morissette

OSGeo Members,

The nomination period for the OSGeo Board Election 2011 has ended a few 
hours ago, and we have an impressive list of 12 candidates:

* Peter Batty
* Charlie Schweik
* Eduardo Kanegae
* Jo Cook
* Jeff McKenna *
* Michael Gerlek
* Thierry Badard
* Mark Lucas
* Andrew Ross
* Regina Obe
* David Bitner
* Gérald Fenoy

Voting will start only on Thursday August 11. Another email will be sent 
with voting instructions at that time.

In the next couple of days you are invited to make your mind by 
reviewing the nomination texts at and keeping an 
eye on the statements from each candidate on this list.

The candidates are encouraged to add their own speech / statement to the 
wiki page after their nomination text (as some have done already).

Please also feel free to launch a debate on this list if there are 
questions that you'd like to see answered by the candidates.

Best Regards

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: 2 days left for board election nominations

2011-08-05 Thread Daniel Morissette

OSGeo Members,

Thank you all for the impressive line up of candidates for the OSGeo 
Board Election 2011 so far. It is great to see the interest and the 
tough choices that will have to be made.

This is a reminder that you still have 2 days left to submit 
nominations, until 23:59 (your time zone) on Sunday August 7th .

Please submit your nominations consisting of name and a paragraph 
describing why you think this person would make a good Board member, to, and CC the OSGeo Discuss list so the community can be 
nudged along and have a sense of what is going on. Please ensure that 
your nominee is actually willing to serve, prior to nominating them.

More details on the election process at:

A note to all nominees: start thinking of a little speech... on Monday 
you will be invited to write up a few lines (on this list and to be 
appended to your nomination text) to let other members know how you plan 
to contribute to the board and to OSGeo, and why charter members should 
vote for you.

Have a great weekend

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Board Nomination - Gérald Fenoy

2011-08-05 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Jeff. Nomination added to

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

On 11-08-05 04:50 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

I am pleased to nominate Gérald Fenoy for the OSGeo Board of Directors.
Many of you will recognize Gérald in his ZOO-Project t-shirts at past
FOSS4G events. He is a passionate person, and he gives his heart and
soul to every project that he works on.

Gérald was the initial contributor to the ZOO-Project
( Open Source project, a popular WPS
platform. Living in southern France, he is also active in several other
local Open Source projects including PostGIS (he is the maintainer of
the website

Gérald is also a long-time MapServer user, and leverages MapServer
( in each and every project that he delivers.
Throughout the years he has submitted several patches directly to the
MapServer source code.

A frequent traveler, Gérald is also very active in OSGeo communities all
around the world, including OSGeo-Senegal (Africa), OSGeo-Japan,
OSGeo-Vietnam, and OSGeo-China.

Gérald frequently funds many OSGeo developers to add enhancements to
their software for his projects (which often include committed
enhancements to the GDAL and MapServer projects). He is a very active
businessman for his company GeoLabs ( and he is very
willing to help Open Source projects grow.

Most importantly, Gérald is very accessible, and lives in IRC chat as
the "djay" username. He is always quick to respond (and you can always
know that his cigarette is hanging from his lips as he thinks of a
response to your challenging question). Another important point is that
he is very professional, always listening to feedback no matter if it is
positive or negative, and then making appropriate changes.

I feel that Gérald will be a great addition to the OSGeo Board of
Directors. He brings a wealth of experience from the private sector that
is always useful on any Board of Directors. In my recent talks with him
he is very honored that I am nominating him for this position. It is my
honor to do this for him.

-- Jeff McKenna

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Board Nomination: David Bitner

2011-08-05 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Perry. Nomination added to

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

On 11-08-05 02:30 PM, Perry Nacionales wrote:

David has been an active part of the Open Source Geospatial community
for many years since helping to plan the 2005 MapServer Users meeting
and helping to start the Twin Cities Mapserver Users Group (Now Twin
Cities, MN OSGeo local chapter). David has been an active user and has
helped to support the MapServer, PostGIS, OpenLayers, and GeoExt
projects. David brings additional Board experience through serving on
the Board of Directors of the Sahana Software Foundation which supports
software (much of which leverages OSGeo software) used in emergency
management and response.

-Perry Nacionales <>

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board Nomination -- Regina Obe

2011-08-05 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you David. Nomination added to

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

On 11-08-05 10:29 AM, David William Bitner wrote:

I nominate Regina Obe for the OSGeo Board of Directors. Regina is a
member of the PostGIS steering Committee and has been an OSGeo Charter
Member since 2009. Regina has a particular strength that is very rare in
the Open Source world and that is her dedication to making open source
software and programming accessible to the often non-technical savvy GIS
user. Regina (along with her husband Leo) have maintained the BostonGIS
blog and the Postgres Online Journal for many years providing quick and
understandable tutorials, guides, and cheat sheets for various projects
with a particular focus on PostgreSQL/PostGIS, much of this has
culminated in the recent publication of /Postgis in Action./ While
Regina has a very strong technical background, I believe that Regina
could help drive a focus on the usability and accessibility of OSGeo



David William Bitner

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Nomination

2011-08-05 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Rafael. Nomination text updated at

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

On 11-08-05 08:46 AM, Rafael Medeiros Sperb wrote:

I woul like to nominate Eduardo Patto Kanegae for the board for he is a
power F4G user and advocate in Brazil since 2001. He had contributed
with brazilian users with forum replies, weblog articles, MapServer/GIS
trainings ( author of 'Introdução ao MapServer' MS4W package at,
translations and documentations such as ShapeLib Tools User Guide as
well. Hi is currently preparing his new site/blog at
<>. He would be a plus in the board, representing
South American inspirations e expectations regarding F4G.

Rafael Medeiros Sperb, Dr.

*Laboratório de Computação Aplicada*

Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas da Terra e do Mar

Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI

Rua Uruguai, 458, bloco 20, sala 215

Itajaí, SC - Brasil

CEP 88302-202

(47) 3341-7960

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Board Nomination - Andrew Ross

2011-08-05 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Dave. Nomination added to

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

On 11-08-04 11:02 PM, Dave McIlhagga wrote:

I would like to nominate Andrew Ross for a position on the OSGeo Board.

Andrew brings a balanced mix of valuable technical and business skills
which make him a great choice to become an OSGeo board member. His
experience spans private, public, and academic organizations. He has
been involved with OSGeo for five years, and has been a charter member
of OSGeo for the past 3 years. In this time he has demonstrated
considerable commitment to OSGeo, its projects, and organizations in the
OSGeo ecosystem.

This list represents some of Andrew's experience and qualifications and
experience relevant to his nomination:

- Founder of FOSSLC ( - a non-profit organization
dedicated to education and business development with open source
- Director of Ecosystems at the Eclipse Foundation
- Ingres' Director of Engineering (& Geospatial Technology)
- The development team at Ingres under his leadership contributed to
OSGeo projects including GEOS, GDAL/OGR, Proj.4, and others.
- He arranged considerable financial support for OSGeo from Ingres, both
direct (cash & code contributions) and indirect (contracting people to
make contributions to OSGeo projects).
- Project founder, committer/architect for the open source video
recording & streaming suite called Freeseer
- Organized multiple OSGeo related events including Geocamp 2008,
Summercamp 2009, and a number of bootcamps.
- Organized teams to record videos for past OSGeo events including
FOSS4G2009, Rendez-Vous OSGeo Quebec, and more.
- Mentor for dozens of programming interns as part of the Google Summer
of Code, Talent First Network, UCOSP, and other student programs.
- Teaching Programming using open source technologies at Carleton
University since 2006
- 7 years experience as an architect and software developer at Nortel
creating carrier grade products and services based on open source code
- Very active member of the Ottawa OSGeo Chapter

In addition to his considerable personal experience, Andrew's work with
the Eclipse Foundation, FOSSLC, and other organizations provides access
to an enormous amount of experience, specialized skills, and a wealth of
contacts. His addition to the board would create even more opportunities
for technology sharing/development and valuable business development.


Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Nominating Mark Lucas

2011-08-05 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Tyler. Nomination added to

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

On 11-08-04 05:43 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

I nominate Mark Lucas for the OSGeo Board of Directors.  With over 25 years 
experience in the geospatial and remote sensing fields, he has lots to offer, 
especially his enthusiasm for OSGeo and helping teams work together.  He works 
as Principal Scientist for where OSSIM and open 
source geospatial are an increasingly important component.

Mark is no stranger to both OSGeo and the Board, having helped found OSGeo at 
the first meeting and serving a term as a Director early in the life of the 
organisation.  He oversees the OSSIM project and actively helps integrate open 
source within government.  His  perspective on gov't systems and open source 
adoption is the clearest pictures we can get.  He has been crucial in writing 
reports and recommendations that have led to further adoption of open source 
within the U.S. defense and intelligence sector.  His involvement in the 
geospatial business sphere provides good insight into where the industry is 
heading and how OSGeo can help encourage further uptake of our projects.  I've 
spent enjoyable hours brainstorming with and working alongside Mark and think 
he is an excellent fit to help for another term on the Board.  He also works 
with the Open Source Software Institute and more.  I'm sure his skills at  
coordinating the launch of Titan rockets will help propel OSGeo f

orward too!

His profile on includes many telling recommendations, including 
Gary's encouraging comment about his previous term:

"Mark showed a capacity for collaboration and creating an environment for it with 
the founding of OSGeo that was crucial to getting the foundation running. He was one of 
the most active people involved, and without his positive energy we would not have 
accomplished as much as a team in creating that groundbreaking organization."

His nomination from 2006 holds true today:

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Nominating Thierry Badard

2011-08-05 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Tyler. Nomination added to

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

On 11-08-04 05:31 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

I nominate Thierry Badard to serve on the OSGeo Board of Directors.

His involvement in OSGeo to date shows an encouraging commitment to advancing 
OSGeo's mission on many fronts.  While primarily focused on the academic side 
through Laval University, he is also active with the OSGeo Francophone chapter 
and with several software projects (most notable GeoKettle).

The combination of his global outlook, educational experience and, lately, with 
business exposure through his work with Spatialytics gives him a powerful 
perspective on bringing many groups of people together.  I've met Thierry 
several times and had encouraging discussions about how to grow the 
organisation and continue supporting people and projects that are connecting 
through OSGeo.  He also worked for IGN France, so has some inside understanding 
of a national mapping agency, which I believe, is an increasingly important 
part of OSGeo's user base.

More from his Linkedin Profile:

Dr. Thierry Badard is professor in geoinformatics at the Department of geomatics 
sciences of Laval University in Quebec City (Canada). He heads the GeoSOA research 
group and is a full time researcher of the Centre for Research in Geomatics (CRG). 
Former member of the steering committee of the CRG, he is also a regular researcher 
of the GEOIDE Network of Centres of Excellence in geomatics. He has more than 15 
years of experience and he has been involved and has led national and international 
R&D projects of importance. His research interest deals with geospatial (Web) 
Services Oriented Architectures (SOA), location-based and context-aware web 
services and apps, geospatial Business Intelligence (GeoBI) and geo-analytical 
tools and the design of intelligent mobile applications for better decision 
support. He acts as a chair, editor and reviewer for numerous international 
journals and scientific conferences and has already an important record of 
scientific contributions. Dr. Th

ierry Badard is also actively involved in the geospatial free and open source 
community. He is developer, administrator and project coordinator of the 
GeoKettle (, GeoMondrian 
(, SOLAPLayers ( and 
GeOxygene (, open source projects. He is 
an OSGeo charter member and acts as a member of the OSGeo conference committee 
and a reviewer for the OSGeo Journal. Till last year, he was in charge of the 
free software commission in the OSGeo Francophone local chapter. He is a 
founding co-chairs the OSGeo Quebec local chapter and a founding co-chair of 
the ICA (International Cartographic Association) commission on open source 
geospatial technologies ( He has also 
recently co-founded Spatialytics, a new company specialised in open source 
GeoBI where he acts as CTO. For further details, please visit and http://

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Nomination for Michael Gerlek to OSGeo Board 2011

2011-08-05 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Aaron. Nomination added to

Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

On 11-08-04 05:18 PM, Aaron Racicot wrote:

I would like to take this opportunity to nominate Michael Gerlek for the
OSGeo Board.  Michael (known to many as MPG) has been an active member
of the OSGeo community from the very first planning meetings in 2006.
He has been a Charter member of OSGeo since 2006 and has actively
participated in many functions of OSGeo including leading the Visibility
committee.  Michael also co-founded CUGOS, the regional OSGeo chapter in
the Pacific Northwest.  He is actively involved in many open source GIS
projects, and now dedicates himself to full time consulting work in the
open source GIS space through his company Flaxen Geo Consulting.  He has
a long history in participating with the OGC and could bring unique
experience in that arena to the board.  Most importantly his
participation in the OSGeo board would bring great industry insight,
leadership experience, and a true dedication to furthering the OSGeo
mission.  I strongly encourage the OSGeo community to consider Michael
as a valuable addition to the board and the OSGeo family.

Thanks for your consideration.


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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Nomination for OSGeo Board of Directors: Jeff McKenna

2011-08-04 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Mike. Nomination added to


On 11-08-04 03:17 PM, Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH wrote:

I would like to nominate Jeff McKeena to the OSGeo Board of Directors. Jeff has 
been an OSGeo Board member, a founding member of OSGeo, OSGeo Conference 
Committee chair, MapServer PSC member, FOSS4g Workshop Committee member and 
founding co-chair of the OSGeo Ottawa chapter. Jeff is very active in the 
MapServer, GDAL, FOSS4G, and OSGeo communities. He is responsible for running 
the ever popular WMS Benchmarking effort. Jeff is a tireless advocate for open 
source, open collaboration and is a big (ha!) welcoming presences in the OSGeo 
community for many first-timers. Jeff is responsible for the very popular MS4W 
Mapserver distribution, which is a mainstay for windows users of MapServer. 
Jeff is a graduate of the prestigious COGS ( and is the 
president of Gateway Geomatics. He has worked extensively with many 
international OSGeo chapters over the years. And he is a damn nice guy.


Michael Smith
Remote Sensing/GIS Center
US Army Corps of Engineers

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Jo Cook nomination for OSGeo BD

2011-08-04 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Saber. Added to

You didn't CC the OSGeo discuss list, so I CC'd it on this reply.


On 11-08-04 11:07 AM, Saber Razmjooei wrote:

I would like to nominate Jo Cook for the OSGeo Board of Directors. She
is very committed to Free and Open Source Software. Her contribution
to OSGeo:UK chapter has been immense. She, with help of others has
managed to raise awareness about open source GIS in UK, where no one was
willing to talk about it!


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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Nomination for OSGeo Board of Directors: Jo Cook

2011-08-04 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Antony. Jo's nomination has been added to

On 11-08-04 11:16 AM, Antony Scott wrote:

I would like to nominate Jo Cook to the OSGeo Board of Directors. Jo has
been the OSGeo representative in the UK for a number of years, both
formally and in practical terms as our public face, organiser, and
advocate. She has ensured that OSGeo has steadily increased in strength
over the past three years, with a growing mailing list, and visibility
at major conferences and events, including leading well-attended
workshops at the OS GIS UK conferences and elsewhere. Jo has also
ensured an effective online presence for OSGeo through the OSGeo UK
pages of the website, including the recent addition of a number of case
studies to the site in a standardised OSGeo format, and through her blog
and Twitter feed. On a personal level, speaking as someone who first
started working in GIS three years ago, Jo has given me significant
support and encouragement in the open source field. I am sure that Jo
would be able to bring great strengths and energy to the board.

Antony Scott
*Senior Associate (GIS)
Sustain Ltd*

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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Nomination

2011-08-04 Thread Daniel Morissette

Hi Rafael,

Thank you for this nomination. Could you please also provide a paragraph 
describing why you think Eduardo would make a good Board member?

I also notice that your nomination did not make it to the OSGeo Discuss 
list because it was sent from a different address from the one you used 
to subscribe to the list. I am CC'ing the list on this reply now.


On 11-08-03 04:10 PM, Rafael Medeiros Sperb wrote:

I woul like to nominate Eduardo Patto Kanegae for the board.

Rafael Medeiros Sperb, Dr.

*Laboratório de Computação Aplicada*

Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas da Terra e do Mar

Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI

Rua Uruguai, 458, bloco 20, sala 215

Itajaí, SC - Brasil

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(47) 3341-7960

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board nomination for Charlie Schweik

2011-08-03 Thread Daniel Morissette
Thank you Ned. Charlie's nomination has been added to

On 11-08-03 03:17 PM, Ned Horning wrote:

I nominate Charlie Schweik for a position on the OSGeo Board. Charlie
Schweik is chair of the OSGEO education committee and an effective
advocate for the use of open source geospatial software in academia. He
is an Associate Professor with a joint appointment shared between the
Department of Natural Resources Conservation and the Center for Public
Policy and Administration at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
He is also the Associate Director of the National Center for Digital
Government, and an affiliated researcher with the Science, Technology,
and Society Initiative at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

His research focuses on environmental management and policy,
public-sector information technology, and the intersection of those
domains. His recent peer-reviewed publications focus on free and open
source software and the social frameworks and institutions that drive
their development and use.
With his colleague Robert English, he has just completed a 5-year
National Science Foundation funded study on open source collaboration
resulting in a book manuscript entitled “Successful Internet
Collaboration: A Study of Open Source Software Commons” (forthcoming,
June 2012, MIT Press). One chapter in this book analyzes OSGeo as a case
study (thanks to interviews with OSGeo members a few years ago).
Charlie has regularly taught an Introduction to Spatial Technologies
course to undergraduate students using OSGeo-related technologies. He
also just completed teaching a course to high school teachers using QGIS.

It was through Charlie's hard work and persistence that OSGeo first
created a web-based educational content inventory system. He is now
trying to work with other OSGeo affiliated academics (especially Suchith
Anand at the University of Nottingham) to build a network of
OSGeo-affiliated academic institutions and move OSGeo education toward a
new derivative work system. He is particularly interested in focusing
some of this effort on how local governments might move toward or become
interested in open source geospatial technologies and believes it is
critical for OSGeo to promote affiliated projects more in the government

Charlie's formal training and experience as a computer programmer with
academic interests in studying the open source movement and promoting
the use of open source geospatial tools makes him well qualified to be a
board member of OSGEO.

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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: OSGeo Board Election Nominations

2011-08-03 Thread Daniel Morissette

On 11-08-03 02:02 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

Is a full list of who's served before and when available?

Very good question. I had to dig a little bit, but eventually found that links to election results 
for some years, and the URLs for the rest of the years can easily be 

I will update the page now 
with the links to all previous years.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board nomination for Peter Batty

2011-08-03 Thread Daniel Morissette

Thank you Tyler. Peter's nomination has been added to


On 11-08-03 12:11 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

I nominate Peter Batty for a position on the OSGeo Board.  I've worked closely 
with Peter in a variety of situations - his focus and experience would serve 
OSGeo well as a director.  As Chair of the FOSS4G 2011 event he has shown a 
willingness to stick his neck out for FOSS4G and OSGeo - taking on the 
challenge of balancing the demands of the community at large and running a 
large event.  He is well connected but has his feet on the ground, with many 
ideas for how to get things done, e.g. raising sponsorship, next steps for 
growth, etc.  I've appreciated the insights he's shared at open source speaking 
tracks that I've been part of, he presents OSGeo very well.  He's no stranger 
to the boardroom table and I hope we can put that experience to work for OSGeo.

More from Peter's bio page: or his 

I have worked in the geospatial industry for 25 years. I am currently a 
co-founder and VP of geospatial technology at Ubisense, where I am leading the 
development of a product called Ubisense myWorld, which is focused on simple to 
use mapping for utilities and telcos, and makes use of several open source 
geospatial products including PostGIS, MapFish and OpenLayers. Previously I 
have been CTO of two of the top three (closed source) geospatial software 
companies (and two of the world's top 200 software companies) Intergraph, and 
Smallworld (now part of GE). I am chair of the FOSS4G 2011 conference in Denver.

I have contributed to several industry open data standards including the Open 
Geospatial Consortium in its formative years, and IEC TC57 Working Group 14 
(for exchange of electric utility data). I am an active participant in and 
advocate for OpenStreetMap. I was a member of the Board of GITA (the Geospatial 
Information and Technology Association) for 5 years, from 2004 through 2008, 
and am again in 2011. I have been a member of the GeoWorld magazine Editorial 
Advisory Board since 1996, have published many articles and spoken at many 
conferences around the world, and write a blog called geothought.

I'm an active advocate for open source geospatial software. I speak regularly 
about open source at conferences. I have helped organize local events for 
FRUGOS, the Front Range Users of Geospatial Open Source, in Colorado. I was an 
organizer of the WhereCamp5280 event in Denver in 2009 and 
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: OSGeo Board Election Nominations

2011-08-02 Thread Daniel Morissette

OSGeo Members,

This is a reminder that you have 5 days left (until 23:59 on August 7) 
to submit nominations for the 2011 OSGeo Board of Director Election. 
There are 5 seats up for election this year.

Please get in touch with your candidates and submit their nomination as 
soon as possible, consisting of name and a paragraph describing why you 
think this person would make a good Board member, to, and 
CC the OSGeo Discuss list so the community can be nudged along and have 
a sense of what is going on. Please ensure that your nominee is actually 
willing to serve, prior to nominating them.

More information about the whole process is available here:


Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

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