Re: Assembly tomorrow

2006-08-05 חוט Dotan Mazor
שלום לכולם, וסליחה שנייה,

הפעם, אני שולח את ההודעה שלי בפורמט טקסטואלי, שכן ככל הנראה רק חלק
מהנרשמים מקבלים את ההודעות שלי כראוי.

עמותת "המקור" היא מוסד חשוב. להשקפתי, קידומם של נושאים כמו אידיאולוגיה
אינו צריך להיות על ידי חברות מסחריות, אלא על ידי עמותות כמו זו. אי-לכך:

אני, דותן מזור ת.ז. 038424636, מרח' זלמן שניאור 19 ברמת-השרון, מבקש
להיות חבר בעמותת "מקור - העמותה הישראלית למקור פתוח ותוכנה חופשית".
מטרות העמותה ותקנונה ידועים לי. אם אתקבל כחבר בעמותה, אני מתחייב לקיים
את הוראות התקנון ואת החלטות האסיפה הכללית של העמותה.

כבר הגשתי בקשה להתקבל כחבר בעבר, ונאמר לי בעל-פה כי התקבלתי, אך טרם
קיבלתי על כך כל אישור רשמי ולכן אני מגיש בקשה זו. פעילויותיי לקידום
מטרות העמותה הן: עזרה לאירגון כנס אוגוסט פינגווין 5 (הנוכחי), פרסום
מדריכים למשתמשים חדשים בלינוקס ותוכנות קוד פתוח באתר האינטרנט שלי
ובאתרים ווטסאפ והפינגווין, סידור ועריכת ערכים בויקיפדיה העברית והעולמית.
פרטים נוספים על אודותיי ניתן למצוא באתר הבית שלי:

החלטה על קבלתי כחבר לעמותה דורשת רק את הסכמת הועד, אשר יכולה להתקבל
באמצעים אלקטרוניים באופן מיידי. אעדיף אם חברי הועד יעשו זאת אחרי צאת
השבת, אך אני מפרסם בקשתי זו עכשיו כדי שתהיה מונחת לפניהם.

באם תתקבל בקשתי להתקבל לחבר העמותה, אגיש באופן מיידי בקשה להיבחר לועד
העמותה, ואנסה לתרום כמיטב יכולתי באם אבחר לועד.

העמותה היא גוף חשוב מכדי ליפול עקב כשלים ביורוקרטיים, ואני קורא לכל מי
שהנושא מספיק חשוב לו, לעשות מעשה.


דותן מזור

Dotan Mazor

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Re: Personal Beef (was: Re: Assembly tomorrow)

2006-08-05 חוט E L
Hey,I think the lack of intrest in the topics that will go on the meeting shows more than anything the tiredness of people.In general this is a pretty bad time for originizing a meeting, people are in miluim, some people are far away from home, and some just doesn't 
want to get to ta right now and leave their families far away.Anyhow since I won't be able to attend the meeting tomorrow, I will like to go to yadid state if possible in order not to ruin the majority needed.
ElyOn 8/5/06, Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What we need now are people who come up and say "I nominate myself", notthose explaining why they don't. We already have enough of those...But sadly, your explanations are based on false assumptions:
On Sat, Aug 05, 2006, Omer Zak wrote about "Personal Beef (was: Re: Assembly tomorrow)":> However, I was concerned about accessibility i.e. being able to FULLY> participate in board discussions.  My cash flow situation also did not
This board, as well as the previous board, held almost 100% of theirdeliberations online, using email and IRC, and hardly ever held any phonecalls or physical meetings (I think the number of physical meetings was
exactly zero). Your hearing problem would not have mattered one iota when itcomes to board discussions.

Re: Assembly tomorrow

2006-08-05 חוט Dotan Mazor

שלום לכולם, וסליחה,

ככל הנראה, החתימה האלקטרונית שיבשה
את הקידוד במכתב הקודם שלי. היא עשתה זאת גם לעותק בתיבת הדואר היוצא, כך
שאנסה לנסח אותו שנית, מהזיכרון.

עמותת "המקור" היא מוסד חשוב.
להשקפתי, קידומם של נושאים כמו אידיאולוגיה אינו צריך להיות על ידי חברות
מסחריות, אלא על ידי עמותות כמו זו. אי-לכך:

אני, דותן מזור ת.ז. 038424636,
מרח' זלמן שניאור 19 ברמת-השרון, מבקש להיות חבר בעמותת "מקור - העמותה
הישראלית למקור פתוח ותוכנה חופשית". מטרות העמותה ותקנונה ידועים לי. אם
אתקבל כחבר בעמותה, אני מתחייב לקיים את הוראות התקנון ואת החלטות האסיפה
הכללית של העמותה.

כבר הגשתי בקשה להתקבל כחבר בעבר,
ונאמר לי בעל-פה כי התקבלתי, אך טרם קיבלתי על כך כל אישור רשמי ולכן אני
מגיש בקשה זו. פעילויותיי לקידום מטרות העמותה הן: עזרה לאירגון כנס
אוגוסט פינגווין 5 (הנוכחי), פרסום מדריכים למשתמשים חדשים בלינוקס
ותוכנות קוד פתוח באתר האינטרנט שלי ובאתרים ווטסאפ והפינגווין, סידור
ועריכת ערכים בויקיפדיה העברית והעולמית. פרטים נוספים על אודותיי ניתן
למצוא באתר הבית שלי:

החלטה על קבלתי כחבר לעמותה דורשת
רק את הסכמת הועד, אשר יכולה להתקבל באמצעים אלקטרוניים באופן מיידי.
אעדיף אם חברי הועד יעשו זאת אחרי צאת השבת, אך אני מפרסם בקשתי זו עכשיו
כדי שתהיה מונחת לפניהם.

באם תתקבל בקשתי להתקבל לחבר
העמותה, אגיש באופן מיידי בקשה להיבחר לועד העמותה, ואנסה לתרום כמיטב
יכולתי באם אבחר לועד.

העמותה היא גוף חשוב מכדי ליפול עקב
כשלים ביורוקרטיים, ואני קורא לכל מי שהנושא מספיק חשוב לו, לעשות מעשה.

דותן מזור

Nadav Har'El wrote:


I have spent the last two weeks or so away from home, a sort of "refugee".
My first-class "refugee camp" did have Internet access, but not Hebrew
support, so I was unable to read most of the traffic on this mailing list.

When I came back to Haifa and read all the messages I missed, I was really
surprised that there was no discussion about the assembly, which supposedly
is TOMORROW, August 6th. Is this assembly still on? I don't see it mentioned
in the Hamakor website. And most importantly, how come nobody (as far as I
saw) nominated themselves for board and just one person (as far as I saw)
nominated himself for comptroller?

All the people who complained, and still complain, that the Amuta's board
aren't doing enough, well, listen to this: You may be right. However, the
fact that members do not bother to nominate themselves is NOT the board's
fault - each of us (the memebers) are to blaim for not doing anything.
People who care enough to actually do something themselves (and not just
complain on a mailing list) can actually nominate themselves for board, and
make a real difference in the Amuta. *YOU*, as a board memeber, can have
almost full control on the directions that the Amuta will take over the
next year.

If there are not enough (>3) candidates for board on these elections, I don't
know what will happen. It might very well lead to the immediate dissolution
of the Amuta. Is this really what we want to happen? Do we really have no
use for the Amuta any more??

So, any candidates?



Dotan Mazor

Re: Assembly tomorrow

2006-08-05 חוט Dotan Mazor

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Nadav Har'El wrote:

> Hi,
> I have spent the last two weeks or so away from home, a sort of
> My first-class "refugee camp" did have Internet access, but not
> support, so I was unable to read most of the traffic on this
mailing list.
> When I came back to Haifa and read all the messages I missed, I
was really
> surprised that there was no discussion about the assembly, which
> is TOMORROW, August 6th. Is this assembly still on? I don't see it
> in the Hamakor website. And most importantly, how come nobody (as
far as I
> saw) nominated themselves for board and just one person (as far as
I saw)
> nominated himself for comptroller?
> All the people who complained, and still complain, that the
Amuta's board
> aren't doing enough, well, listen to this: You may be right.
However, the
> fact that members do not bother to nominate themselves is NOT the
> fault - each of us (the memebers) are to blaim for not doing
> People who care enough to actually do something themselves (and
not just
> complain on a mailing list) can actually nominate themselves for
board, and
> make a real difference in the Amuta. *YOU*, as a board memeber,
can have
> almost full control on the directions that the Amuta will take
over the
> next year.
> If there are not enough (>3) candidates for board on these
elections, I don't
> know what will happen. It might very well lead to the immediate
> of the Amuta. Is this really what we want to happen? Do we really
have no
> use for the Amuta any more??
> So, any candidates?
> Nadav.

- -- 
Dotan Mazor

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Assembly tomorrow

2006-08-05 חוט Nadav Vinik

I read this mailing list but I also don't have any clue who are the
candidates to the board.

Can someone concentrate the information somewhere?

can you concentrate
2006/8/5, Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I have spent the last two weeks or so away from home, a sort of "refugee".
My first-class "refugee camp" did have Internet access, but not Hebrew
support, so I was unable to read most of the traffic on this mailing list.

When I came back to Haifa and read all the messages I missed, I was really
surprised that there was no discussion about the assembly, which supposedly
is TOMORROW, August 6th. Is this assembly still on? I don't see it mentioned
in the Hamakor website. And most importantly, how come nobody (as far as I
saw) nominated themselves for board and just one person (as far as I saw)
nominated himself for comptroller?

All the people who complained, and still complain, that the Amuta's board
aren't doing enough, well, listen to this: You may be right. However, the
fact that members do not bother to nominate themselves is NOT the board's
fault - each of us (the memebers) are to blaim for not doing anything.
People who care enough to actually do something themselves (and not just
complain on a mailing list) can actually nominate themselves for board, and
make a real difference in the Amuta. *YOU*, as a board memeber, can have
almost full control on the directions that the Amuta will take over the
next year.

If there are not enough (>3) candidates for board on these elections, I don't
know what will happen. It might very well lead to the immediate dissolution
of the Amuta. Is this really what we want to happen? Do we really have no
use for the Amuta any more??

So, any candidates?


Nadav Har'El| Saturday, Aug 5 2006, 11 Av 5766
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Computers are like air conditioners. Both   |stop working if you open windows.

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To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Personal Beef (was: Re: Assembly tomorrow)

2006-08-05 חוט Nadav Har'El
What we need now are people who come up and say "I nominate myself", not
those explaining why they don't. We already have enough of those...

But sadly, your explanations are based on false assumptions:

On Sat, Aug 05, 2006, Omer Zak wrote about "Personal Beef (was: Re: Assembly 
> However, I was concerned about accessibility i.e. being able to FULLY
> participate in board discussions.  My cash flow situation also did not

This board, as well as the previous board, held almost 100% of their
deliberations online, using email and IRC, and hardly ever held any phone
calls or physical meetings (I think the number of physical meetings was
exactly zero). Your hearing problem would not have mattered one iota when it
comes to board discussions.

> Few weeks ago there were heated arguments about accessibility of a movie
> to be produced from AP5, and I saw that several people won't support

Omer, you obviously disagree with the board's decisions in this matter.
Now is not the time to rehash whether they made a correct or wrong decision -
now is the time to stand up and say "I would have made a better decision"
and to nominate yourself for board.
As a board member (if the two others agree with you, of course) you would
have had the power to make decisions, not just suggestions, regarding that
movie that troubled you.

> [To be fair, I must note that I got also supporting E-mail; however it
> came from very few persons.]

Anyone nominating themselves for board should be prepared: some of your
decisions are not going to supported by 100% of the people. Since people
don't tend to send mails saying "I agree with you", but somehow love to
send mails saying "you're stupid, you should have done THIS instead",
you're going to get a lot of nasty mail. Unfortunately the outgoing board
got so much of that it became really disgusting. It seems that as the Amuta
grows, dealing with "professional complainers" appears to come with the job
of board member :(

Nadav Har'El| Saturday, Aug 5 2006, 11 Av 5766
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Those who beat their swords into   |plowshares will plow for those who don't.

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Re: Personal Beef

2006-08-05 חוט Shachar Shemesh

הי עומר,

אני אנסה
לענות מהר, לפני שהדיון הופך למלחמה. היו לנו מספיק מאלו.

Omer Zak

  Another activity to which I did not volunteer due to concerns about
accessibility (to committee discussions and in access to information)
was leading the AP5 effort (an activity, which Shlomi Fish eventually
took upon himself, and then I joined to help him).

בלי לנסות להלחם עם ההחלטה שלך, יש דברים שאפשר לעשות בפורום
של שלושה אנשים שקשה יותר לעשות בפורום של עשרות או מאות. בהחלט ייתכן
שההחלטה הזו התבססה על הנחות שגויות.

Few weeks ago there were heated arguments about accessibility of a movie
to be produced from AP5, and I saw that several people won't support
accessibility and making the effort to fully include hearing-impaired

זאת בהחלט דרך אחת לנסח את זה. דרך אחרת זה לטעון שאופי
הדיון, שנבע מצורת ההתנסחות של כל המעורבים בו, לא אפשר דיון
ענייני. אני גם אזכיר לך שלא היה מדובר ביוזמה של מארגני הכנס, אלא בתרומה
של בן אדם יחיד. כאשר היה צורך בהתחשבות רשמית, קיבלת את כל מה שביקשת
בגבולות האפשר. אם אתה מתחרט לגבי הזמן שביקשת לגבי ההקלטה של ההרצאות,
אנא צור קשר ברשימה הרלוונטית ונדבר על זה מחדש.


Personal Beef (was: Re: Assembly tomorrow)

2006-08-05 חוט Omer Zak
On Sat, 2006-08-05 at 11:13 +0300, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> People who care enough to actually do something themselves (and not just
> complain on a mailing list) can actually nominate themselves for board, and
> make a real difference in the Amuta. *YOU*, as a board memeber, can have
> almost full control on the directions that the Amuta will take over the
> next year.

Here it is the time to raise my personal beef.

During the last year, I was considering several times taking more active
part in directing Hamakor.  At the time there were several arguments in
this mailing list about future directions of Hamakor, and I participated
and wrote my opinions.

However, I was concerned about accessibility i.e. being able to FULLY
participate in board discussions.  My cash flow situation also did not
permit me to fully finance the accessibility provisions needed by me (a
notetaker or interpreter to accompany me to meetings).

Another activity to which I did not volunteer due to concerns about
accessibility (to committee discussions and in access to information)
was leading the AP5 effort (an activity, which Shlomi Fish eventually
took upon himself, and then I joined to help him).

Few weeks ago there were heated arguments about accessibility of a movie
to be produced from AP5, and I saw that several people won't support
accessibility and making the effort to fully include hearing-impaired
people, if it could hurt them in a non-trivial way; and that they would
not accommodate my request for more effort toward including me in
certain activities, even if I put in more effort to volunteer to benefit
the entire community.
[To be fair, I must note that I got also supporting E-mail; however it
came from very few persons.]

This caused me to feel like 2nd class citizen in the community.
Accordingly, I decided to be 2nd class citizen all the way.

So, I reduced my involvement in the community and in AP5 organization to
the minimum required to meet my obligations to other people with
disabilities.  Among other things, I am now yadid rather than a voting
member and I do not plan to come to the Assembly.

 --- Omer
Perrin's Principle of Inclusion:
The strength of any system is directly proportional to the
power of the tools it provides for the general public.
My own blog is at

My opinions, as expressed in this E-mail message, are mine alone.
They do not represent the official policy of any organization with which
I may be affiliated in any way.

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Assembly tomorrow

2006-08-05 חוט Nadav Har'El

I have spent the last two weeks or so away from home, a sort of "refugee".
My first-class "refugee camp" did have Internet access, but not Hebrew
support, so I was unable to read most of the traffic on this mailing list.

When I came back to Haifa and read all the messages I missed, I was really
surprised that there was no discussion about the assembly, which supposedly
is TOMORROW, August 6th. Is this assembly still on? I don't see it mentioned
in the Hamakor website. And most importantly, how come nobody (as far as I
saw) nominated themselves for board and just one person (as far as I saw)
nominated himself for comptroller?

All the people who complained, and still complain, that the Amuta's board
aren't doing enough, well, listen to this: You may be right. However, the
fact that members do not bother to nominate themselves is NOT the board's
fault - each of us (the memebers) are to blaim for not doing anything.
People who care enough to actually do something themselves (and not just
complain on a mailing list) can actually nominate themselves for board, and
make a real difference in the Amuta. *YOU*, as a board memeber, can have
almost full control on the directions that the Amuta will take over the
next year.

If there are not enough (>3) candidates for board on these elections, I don't
know what will happen. It might very well lead to the immediate dissolution
of the Amuta. Is this really what we want to happen? Do we really have no
use for the Amuta any more??

So, any candidates?


Nadav Har'El| Saturday, Aug 5 2006, 11 Av 5766
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Computers are like air conditioners. Both   |stop working if you open windows.

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]