Re: [DX-CHAT] Monkeys

2007-05-02 Thread Gerry

I think everyone knows this.they simply don't do this.

Gerry VE6LB
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 7:21 PM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Monkeys

  DXing 101:

  If the DX is transmitting- Don't transmit!

  If the DX answers a call, and its not yours- Don't transmit!

  If the DX answers a call, and you don't think it was yours- Don't transmit!

  If the DX is in contact with another station, and that station is 
transmitting- Don't transmit!

  If you've called the DX, but the pileup is continuing on, and you don't know 
if he has answered someone- Don't transmit! He most likely came back to a call, 
but the pileup buried the contact.

  If you can't hear the DX station well enough to know if it is you he called- 
Don't transmit!

  If you have called on the same split frequency for more than 10 minutes, face 
the fact he either is not listening there or can't hear you there. Use your 
split function to listen for the station the DX is working and call where he is 
listening, or where you think he will listen next.

  If you've worked the DX station, go celebrate, or find him on another band. 
Don't listen to the DX frequency and yell UP! UP! everytime someone accidently 
transmits there.

  Don't respond to the Europeans or other wannabe DX stations calling cq near 
the DX frequency. They are just trying to see if they can get a rise out of 
you, and your transmissions will likely do as much if not more to disrupt the 
DX frequency.

  Do not give a signal report with your call unless the DX has responded to 
your call. Doing so will not make the DX hear you better or convince him to 
work you.

  There are probably a lot more you can think of. Of course, those signed up 
for this list know these things. The question is- how to educate all those who 


  Duane, WV2B

  "The reward of a thing well done is to have done it."- 
  Ralph Waldo Emerson

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[DX-CHAT] Monkeys

2007-05-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DXing 101:
If the DX is transmitting- Don't transmit!
If the DX answers a call, and its not yours- Don't transmit!
If the DX answers a call, and you don't think it was yours- Don't transmit!
If the DX is in contact with another station, and that station is transmitting- 
Don't transmit!
If you've called the DX, but the pileup is continuing on, and you don't know if 
he has answered someone- Don't transmit! He most likely came back to a call, 
but the pileup buried the contact.
If you can't hear the DX station well enough to know if it is you he called- 
Don't transmit!
If you have called on the same split frequency for more than 10 minutes, face 
the fact he either is not listening there or can't hear you there. Use your 
split function to listen for the station the DX is working and call where he is 
listening, or where you think he will listen next.
If you've worked the DX station, go celebrate, or find him on another band. 
Don't listen to the DX frequency and yell UP! UP! everytime someone accidently 
transmits there.
Don't respond to the Europeans or other wannabe DX stations calling cq near the 
DX frequency. They are just trying to see if they can get a rise out of you, 
and your transmissions will likely do as much if not more to disrupt the DX 
Do not give a signal report with your call unless the DX has responded to your 
call. Doing so will not make the DX hear you better or convince him to work you.
There are probably a lot more you can think of. Of course, those signed up for 
this list know these things. The question is- how to educate all those who 
Duane, WV2B

"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it."- 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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2007-05-02 Thread DAVE WHITE
I think that half the problem here is just plain bad operating, and not 
listening to what's going on.  This afternoon I had a good listen to BS7H's 
pileup on 17m ssb (once I'd worked them of course).  As BS7H called specific 
stations many times, the Italians (and others, but mainly Italians) just kept 
calling, and calling and calling.  It's infuriating to hear the DX call for 
"the SM6 only, the SM6 O-N-L-Y, all others stand by" and ten thousand Italians 
still keep calling regardless. That just makes each QSO take about 5 minutes, 
or seemingly so.
  They say that if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of 
typewriters they'll recreate the works of Shakespeare.  Well I might just be 
able to tell you where to find the infinite number of monkeys.
  Dave G0OIL

Ron Notarius W3WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Let us not also forget that, sad to say, there are those amongst the licensed 
multitude who... shall we say don't have all of their ducks in a row? All of 
their marbles? A few bricks shy of a load? 

They either don't (or can't) know better; or due to some twisted logic that 
exists only in the grey matter between their own ears, know what they're doing 
and are in some sick manner enjoying it.

Their license class (if any) or time licensed (if any) is irrelevant. No amount 
of training will prevent the mentally ill or mentally diminished from 
completing their tasks at hand.

Fighting back in kind is not an option, as it only creates further chaos; 
sometimes I believe one of these rogues starts something up and manages to get 
one frequency cop at the throat of another, and then steps back and enjoys the 
fight. No one "wins" -- the frequency cops beat each other up, the DX and those 
calling them get frustrated, and the sick twisted being that started it all has 
a moment of "glory" before the need to do it again descends upon them.

Name calling and finger pointing won't work. "Policing" the frequency won't 
work and often has the oppposite effect of what is intended.

Ignore them. As hard as it is. If they have no audience, if they realize 
finally that their efforts are for naught as they're not gumming up the works, 
they'll go off elsewhere and do something else.

Don't give these cretins what they want and crave. 


From: Peter Dougherty 
Date: 2007/05/02 Wed AM 10:09:23 CDT
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: BS7H

At 11:23 AM 05/02/2007, John Warren wrote:
>Larry K4WLS wrote:
>>If you wanted a "Give Away Extra", now you got it !!! ENJOY all
>>the Lids, CB'ers, and QRM you invited in !! I got BS-7H back in
>>'95 with a H.B. Vertical and 90W. Just for fun, bet I can do it again.
>There's no reason to believe that the BS7H QRM is due to the 
>newcomers into our hobby. Doubt that most of them know who BS7H is! 
>Much more likely to come from frustrated, impatient 20wpm OTs who 
>are near the top of Honor Roll.

Nope, I disagree with both of these. I'm not talking about frequency 
cops here, they're a different breed.

I think many of the real problem-children here are more likely 
General- and Advanced-Class(less) ops who wander cluelessly through 
the hobby. This type of op likely has 20+ year old un-maintained 
equipment, coax that's more green than copper and white inside, a 
lossy trapped tribander on a rusty old 30 foot tall TV tower and who 
knows where to find his buddies and not much else. Because his 
station is crap or his ears aren't working, he'll come up and start 
calling on top of the DX, not hearing anything, just keep at it. Or 
the other type who looks at his cluster connection, sees a spot for 
something he doesn't quite understand and just starts throwing his call in.

This last type is the kind of ham I knew a lot of when I was new to 
the hobby. This bunch gets excited when they have 20m SSB QSOs with 
Bulgaria, Latvia and the Czech republic (no offence to OMs from those 
FB countries intended) and ecstatic when they work a couple of JA, 
VKs and ZLs in a day. The concept of what BS7H really is is lost on 
them and they just blunder into the pile not understanding the 
dynamics involved, how to call, etc. They are NOT really DXers, 
they're wannabees or don't-wannabees.

Think of the guys you see at hamfests in coveralls or other 
ill-fitting clothes and callsign-hats, wandering around with moths in 
their wallets and between their ears. This type will criticize or go 
against anything that they can't understand or can't afford. They'll 
put down contesters and DXers with big stations because they can't 
afford to do it themselves, or don't want to take the time to learn. 
I think we all know a bunch of guys who fit this description to one 
degree or another.



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2007-05-02 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
Let us not also forget that, sad to say, there are those amongst the licensed 
multitude who... shall we say don't have all of their ducks in a row?  All of 
their marbles?  A few bricks shy of a load? 

They either don't (or can't) know better; or due to some twisted logic that 
exists only in the grey matter between their own ears, know what they're doing 
and are in some sick manner enjoying it.

Their license class (if any) or time licensed (if any) is irrelevant.  No 
amount of training will prevent the mentally ill or mentally diminished from 
completing their tasks at hand.

Fighting back in kind is not an option, as it only creates further chaos; 
sometimes I believe one of these rogues starts something up and manages to get 
one frequency cop at the throat of another, and then steps back and enjoys the 
fight.  No one "wins" -- the frequency cops beat each other up, the DX and 
those calling them get frustrated, and the sick twisted being that started it 
all has a moment of "glory" before the need to do it again descends upon them.

Name calling and finger pointing won't work.  "Policing" the frequency won't 
work and often has the oppposite effect of what is intended.

Ignore them.  As hard as it is.  If they have no audience, if they realize 
finally that their efforts are for naught as they're not gumming up the works, 
they'll go off elsewhere and do something else.

Don't give these cretins what they want and crave.  


From: Peter Dougherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2007/05/02 Wed AM 10:09:23 CDT
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: BS7H

At 11:23 AM 05/02/2007, John Warren wrote:
>Larry K4WLS wrote:
>>If you wanted a "Give Away Extra", now you got it !!!   ENJOY all
>>the Lids, CB'ers, and QRM you invited in !!  I got BS-7H back in
>>'95 with a H.B. Vertical and 90W. Just for fun, bet I can do it again.
>There's no reason to believe that the BS7H QRM is due to the 
>newcomers into our hobby. Doubt that most of them know who BS7H is! 
>Much more likely to come from frustrated, impatient 20wpm OTs who 
>are near the top of Honor Roll.

Nope, I disagree with both of these. I'm not talking about frequency 
cops here, they're a different breed.

I think many of the real problem-children here are more likely 
General- and Advanced-Class(less) ops who wander cluelessly through 
the hobby. This type of op likely has 20+ year old un-maintained 
equipment, coax that's more green than copper and white inside, a 
lossy trapped tribander on a rusty old 30 foot tall TV tower and who 
knows where to find his buddies and not much else. Because his 
station is crap or his ears aren't working, he'll come up and start 
calling on top of the DX, not hearing anything, just keep at it. Or 
the other type who looks at his cluster connection, sees a spot for 
something he doesn't quite understand and just starts throwing his call in.

This last type is the kind of ham I knew a lot of when I was new to 
the hobby. This bunch gets excited when they have 20m SSB QSOs with 
Bulgaria, Latvia and the Czech republic (no offence to OMs from those 
FB countries intended) and ecstatic when they work a couple of JA, 
VKs and ZLs in a day. The concept of what BS7H really is is lost on 
them and they just blunder into the pile not understanding the 
dynamics involved, how to call, etc. They are NOT really DXers, 
they're wannabees or don't-wannabees.

Think of the guys you see at hamfests in coveralls or other 
ill-fitting clothes and callsign-hats, wandering around with moths in 
their wallets and between their ears. This type will criticize or go 
against anything that they can't understand or can't afford. They'll 
put down contesters and DXers with big stations because they can't 
afford to do it themselves, or don't want to take the time to learn. 
I think we all know a bunch of guys who fit this description to one 
degree or another.



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Re: [DX-CHAT] tuning or memories?

2007-05-02 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
--- harris_ruben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The BS7H spots on 20 fone seem to indicate that this morning's op was 
> just punching memory freqs and doing little tuning. Of course, that's 
> his option.

Yes it is.

When he started working North America (between 1045 and 1100), he was listening
ONLY on two frequencies, 14200 and 14205 (and announced as such).  Then
listening between those freqs, then 200-210 and then up to 220 then up to 230.

Of course, if the rate is good (a good rate on phone is 300-400/hour), it
doesn't matter where he listens, as long as enough callers can find that
frequency.  Too many or two few callers and the rate goes down.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

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[DX-CHAT] tuning or memories?

2007-05-02 Thread harris_ruben
The BS7H spots on 20 fone seem to indicate that this morning's op was 
just punching memory freqs and doing little tuning. Of course, that's 
his option.

Give or take a couple of Hz, 200, 210, 220 and 227 seemed to gather 
almost all of the spots, as did three more freqs well outside the 
announced listening area.

Of course, most contacts aren't spotted, so the sample is not 
particularly large, but... it IS curious.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: BS7H

2007-05-02 Thread Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH)
Let me throw another item in the mix.  The guys out on the rocks are 
doing a great job.  I wouldn't have the courage or physical stamina 
to do it. However, the huge splits that they are running is tearing 
up the bands, and I would venture to guess that some of the hecklers 
are those who have had their QSO's trampled by the large splits, and 
are pissed. They have a point.  At the same time, i realize that the 
guys on the rocks are dealing with monstrous volumes of callers, and 
have no other way to thin them out. It's a no win situation.

Mike, W5UC

At 10:23 AM 5/2/2007, John Warren wrote:

Larry K4WLS wrote:

If you wanted a "Give Away Extra", now you got it !!!   ENJOY all
the Lids, CB'ers, and QRM you invited in !!  I got BS-7H back in
'95 with a H.B. Vertical and 90W. Just for fun, bet I can do it again.


There's no reason to believe that the BS7H QRM is due to the 
newcomers into our hobby. Doubt that most of them know who BS7H is! 
Much more likely to come from frustrated, impatient 20wpm OTs who 
are near the top of Honor Roll.

John, NT5C.

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"age & treachery will overcome youth & skill" 

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2007-05-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Copied from the ARRL's "Contest rate Sheet"
While everybody is engaged chasing Scarborough Reef in that
super-long contest called a DXpedition, I think it's time for yet
another of Doctor Beldar's lyrical loquaciousnesses...

By John Lennon, but retuned by Doctor Beldar

Imagine there's no jammers
It's easy if you try
No lids to QRM us
Only signals from the sky
Imagine all DXers
Making Q's today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do.
Nothing to QSL for
And no card checkers, too.
Imagine all DXers
Ragchewing in peace...

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for separation
Or charts and maps and plans
Imagine all DXers
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll work them
And DX will be as one

73, Ward N0AX

73, Duane, WV2B

"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it."- 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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2007-05-02 Thread Joe Hetrick

On May 2, 2007, at 9:02 AM, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

"ENJOY all
the Lids, CB'ers, and QRM you invited in !!"

Yes, because every ill-behaved person jamming the pileup is obviously
a recently minted U.S. Extra Class amateur.

Agreed.  Don't lump all us new guys in the same category.  It's not  
fair to anybody, and it shows your ignorance.  Everybody needs  
elmering and the people that forget how they got their start, don't  
do anyone any service.

I spend about 99% of my time CW, and I love it.I wouldn't have  
had the ability or the gumption to stick with it had I not had  
literally hundreds of slow QSO's with elmers willing to slow down and  
put up with my pleas for QRS and AGN PSE, SRI.

I agree that a pileup isn't the best place to do some elmering, but,  
as with everything else; it's the few ill-behaved ones that seem like  
the majority.

Unless they're using a keyboard (and given the mistakes I hear, they  
aren't) the guys calling "UR A LID" at 30wpm aren't freshly minted  

I personally don't think it's either... I think it's jammers who like
jamming, which we've had for a long time, and a few people who are
frantically searching a vast swath of 20m hoping to find the sweet
spot to get through and forget to switch VFO's before they transmit...
they're lids, maybe, but forgivable ones.

I haven't been DX'ing long, but, long enough to agree with you on  
this point.

I think it's important to remember that there are some people, as  
with every collection of people, that you get along with and whom are  
reasonable.  There are people eager to learn and willing to listen.

There are also people willing to sit and gripe and there are those  
willing to teach.  I'm certainly glad I was fortunate enough to be a  
slow-coder, with an easy test and a question pool printed in a book  
that had lots and lots of hams willing to sit down and play with me  
and show me how to get better and understand more.  The learning  
process continues, and their patience is amazing.

Without them I wouldn't be intentionally QRM'ing anyone, I'd probably  
not be hamming at all.  Look at all the fun I would have missed, and  
the skills I wouldn't have acquired.


Joe Hetrick
perl -e 'print pack 

Your Excuse is: Lusers learning curve appears to be fractal

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: BS7H

2007-05-02 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 11:23 AM 05/02/2007, John Warren wrote:

Larry K4WLS wrote:

If you wanted a "Give Away Extra", now you got it !!!   ENJOY all
the Lids, CB'ers, and QRM you invited in !!  I got BS-7H back in
'95 with a H.B. Vertical and 90W. Just for fun, bet I can do it again.


There's no reason to believe that the BS7H QRM is due to the 
newcomers into our hobby. Doubt that most of them know who BS7H is! 
Much more likely to come from frustrated, impatient 20wpm OTs who 
are near the top of Honor Roll.

Nope, I disagree with both of these. I'm not talking about frequency 
cops here, they're a different breed.

I think many of the real problem-children here are more likely 
General- and Advanced-Class(less) ops who wander cluelessly through 
the hobby. This type of op likely has 20+ year old un-maintained 
equipment, coax that's more green than copper and white inside, a 
lossy trapped tribander on a rusty old 30 foot tall TV tower and who 
knows where to find his buddies and not much else. Because his 
station is crap or his ears aren't working, he'll come up and start 
calling on top of the DX, not hearing anything, just keep at it. Or 
the other type who looks at his cluster connection, sees a spot for 
something he doesn't quite understand and just starts throwing his call in.

This last type is the kind of ham I knew a lot of when I was new to 
the hobby. This bunch gets excited when they have 20m SSB QSOs with 
Bulgaria, Latvia and the Czech republic (no offence to OMs from those 
FB countries intended) and ecstatic when they work a couple of JA, 
VKs and ZLs in a day. The concept of what BS7H really is is lost on 
them and they just blunder into the pile not understanding the 
dynamics involved, how to call, etc. They are NOT really DXers, 
they're wannabees or don't-wannabees.

Think of the guys you see at hamfests in coveralls or other 
ill-fitting clothes and callsign-hats, wandering around with moths in 
their wallets and between their ears. This type will criticize or go 
against anything that they can't understand or can't afford. They'll 
put down contesters and DXers with big stations because they can't 
afford to do it themselves, or don't want to take the time to learn. 
I think we all know a bunch of guys who fit this description to one 
degree or another.



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2007-05-02 Thread John Warren

Larry K4WLS wrote:

If you wanted a "Give Away Extra", now you got it !!!   ENJOY all
the Lids, CB'ers, and QRM you invited in !!  I got BS-7H back in
'95 with a H.B. Vertical and 90W. Just for fun, bet I can do it again.


There's no reason to believe that the BS7H QRM is due to the 
newcomers into our hobby. Doubt that most of them know who BS7H is! 
Much more likely to come from frustrated, impatient 20wpm OTs who are 
near the top of Honor Roll.

John, NT5C.

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2007-05-02 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX

"Carfull what you wish, because you just might regret it"

Care to hazard a guess why there are jammers and lids all over the CW
operation too?


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2007-05-02 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX

"ENJOY all
the Lids, CB'ers, and QRM you invited in !!"

Yes, because every ill-behaved person jamming the pileup is obviously
a recently minted U.S. Extra Class amateur.

Maybe we should look at the motive... who has more reason to jam  a pileup?

A brand new Extra all excited about DXing and who's seen the
impressive and bizarre spectacle that was BS7H in '95 and just has to
make sure they get this one...


Someone who already has them in the log and doesn't want someone else
catching up to their total?

- - - - - -

I personally don't think it's either... I think it's jammers who like
jamming, which we've had for a long time, and a few people who are
frantically searching a vast swath of 20m hoping to find the sweet
spot to get through and forget to switch VFO's before they transmit...
they're lids, maybe, but forgivable ones.


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2007-05-02 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX

A 5 Element Yagi Up 90',
and a Linear Amp

Would really help on this one.  I can hear them near DC on 20m and 30m
with a 25 foot high delta loop and a big vertical respectively, but
not much chance of working them.

I'm hoping to put up a  BS7H-special antenna tonight, vertical beam
right on them.

Hope the K=0 holds out and I hope condx on the rocks hold out as
well... good luck to all.


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2007-05-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think I have too agree with K4WLS.

Not for nothing, but I think respect for learning the hobbie, and proper
radio edicit cy went away with giving away the higher class privialge's.

So Much for working - BS7H

Most use the excuse whinning "Look at 80meters". No excuse! It's only a
portion of 75meters, and always was, and kept there. Doesn't give the right
to say there are exception's, but realisticly, and maturely we know there's
exception's to the rule in anything. Even then most proper radio
procedure's are followed even though you may not be wanted there.

Now you have op.'s that don't know how to use their rigs, want it just to
do local talking and only with their friends, and on call frequency's no
less. They do it on VHF/UHF even when they've been told about gentalmen
band plan agreement. That's on the east coast, and I guess it's because the
impolite east coast attitude. Yes! I said it.

The FCC gave away these privialge's trashing, the hobbie's intellectual,
respectable, R.F. interest in mind, and purity of the hobbie.

"Carfull what you wish, because you just might regret it"

GL working BS7H

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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2007-05-02 Thread J. Allen Call
Whatever happened to good old operating procedures.  You cannot work the
guy if you are talking at the same time.
You need to listen and learn what his operating procedures are. I have
worked many DX stations with 100 watts and
a dipole.  I have heard many a station contact the DX station and give
them a 59 and then turn around and ask them
to repeat his call sign, or what was my signal report, etc.  I have spent
many hours in trying to work the elusive DX
and patience and perseverance have paid off.  I have worked them all. 
Don't have a 5 el or the best XCVR made
or used DX cluster spots.  It's all about timing.


A good lesson for all you guys that depend on the following to get you a
new one:

DX Cluster Spots, The Best XCVR Made, A 5 Element Yagi Up 90',
and a Linear Amp

This One Requires:

A Knowledge of Propagation
Lady Luck

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2007-05-02 Thread Larry, K4WLS
A good lesson for all you guys that depend on the following to get you a
new one:

DX Cluster Spots, The Best XCVR Made, A 5 Element Yagi Up 90',
and a Linear Amp

This One Requires:

A Knowledge of Propagation
Lady Luck

If you wanted a "Give Away Extra", now you got it !!!   ENJOY all
the Lids, CB'ers, and QRM you invited in !!  I got BS-7H back in
'95 with a H.B. Vertical and 90W. Just for fun, bet I can do it again.
:-)   Larry,   K4WLS

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