Re: [DX-CHAT] Old QSK Cards

2008-02-21 Thread David Johnson
I'm not trying to beat you Frank because this is not exactly the same, but I am 
the QSL manager for a operation that took place in 1977 and I recently got a 
card from a guy that needed a contact conformation to add to his DX Challenge.  
I found his contact in the log and sent him a card.  I know what some of you 
are thinking, but he only sent his QSL and a SASE.
Dave - K4SSU
  - Original Message - 
  From: Frank Macklin 
  To: DX CHAT 
  Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 7:31 PM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Old QSK Cards

  I recently received through the bureau a card for a contact I had 23 years 
ago.  I know the Bureaus are notoriously slow but this must be a record.  Can 
anyone beat it?

  Frank   VK1ZL

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Re: [DX-CHAT] directional CQs

2008-02-21 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 07:12 PM 2/21/2008, you wrote:

>There are an awful
>lot of casual DXers, as I brought up in the eHam thread, who work
>full-time jobs and strong family obligations, who really only get 2
>or 3 hours a night between supper and bedtime to play radio.

I can't argue with that!

However, there are a lot of 'em in Europe too. (Wait screw 'em... we
wouldn't want to spoon feed anyone ;-) )

You say it tongue-in-cheek; I say it with mostly a straight fact. I'm 
very "survival-of-the-fittest" in regards to how I see Life, The 
Universe and Everything. Without straying off target too far, suffice 
to say I do, very much, believe that you deserve to get the results 
commensurate to the effort you put into any task, and the results 
should be by your own actions and knowledge of the world and the 
situation around you. This is one of the big things that draws me 
into DXing, to be honest.

Probably took me an hour or two total just dipping in and out of the
shack one call, two call, five call kind of stuff... and the
casual NA DXer will have all of that to look forward to this coming
Saturday and Sunday I'm sure!

Oh, for sure. Everyone who wants Ducie Island and has access to a 
radio and the desire to turn it on and call them will get a Q this 
weekend, almost guaranteed.

Do the casual NA DXers have an easy time on FORTY meters?  No,
probably not, but many if not all not all of my higher band contacts
on *Saturday* were completed after sunset in all of EU... mostly
shutting down those bands there.  I don't even think the EU's have
been able to hear VP6DX much on the higher bands... but your prop
charts may prove me right or wrong on that.

I'm looking at prop for OH, SP and EA.

OH doesn't have much at all above 20, and even there, just a few 
hours, period. 1400-1530 on 20, maybe the same on 17 with lower 
reliability and not much beyond that. Slight chance on 15 and nothing 
on 10 or 12 to speak of.

SP has even less short-path and about 2 hours long-path on 20, and 
not much else.

EA, on the other hand, has a very good shot on all bands, including 
10m, and not too much different on 15 and above than W1/W2/W3.

Grab a copy of W6EL Prop (freeware) and plug in VP6/D into Terminal A 
and a variety of others in Terminal B. It's an interesting way to 
compare. You can run batch comparisons, too, though I've never done that.

I think EU only on 40m all evening here makes it possible for the
casual EU DXer to wake up early and work VP6DX on a reliable band ...
something that the US casual DXer will still have a chance to in their
morning on 40m as well, I would suppose, though I haven't listened for
them at that time.

Yup, if your schedule (or in most cases, your family's schedule) 
allows you to be up hamming at Dawn - and up to about an hour and a 
half after dawn on 40, you should get them easily.

40m is a huge band for the EUs at the expense of NA guys, I won't deny
that.  However, I think VP6DX is just using the propagation there as
an opportunity to make up for the other bands!

OK. maybe I'll just go with the flow. I'll change my mind. Next time 
Glorioso, Tromelin, Heard, Amsterdam/St.Paul or Crozet come up, I'll 
get all huffity when I have to fight an EU wall louder than ANY wall 
the EU guys would have had to fight through for Ducie on 40. I'll bet 
you one nickel we won't have a clear shot on 40, ever.

"If it's a 3 week DXpedition to Bhutan (I missed the first one - 
here's hoping another one starts up soon), I'd be insulted to be spoon-fed"

Isn't a 3 week DXpedition to Bhutan spoon-feeding in its own right, 
as is VP6DX and any other DXpedition that isn't some dude with an 
IC-706 and a dipole?

Interesting point, actually. I missed out Marion Island a couple of 
years ago (couldn't hear them), but got Bouvet like that a few weeks 
back. Sure takes DXing to a more challenging level, that's for sure! 
I like bagging a few new ones like that, but honestly, I DO welcome 
the big operations, since I also compete for the DXCC challenge.

But to the issue at hand, all I really want from any big operation is 
"Anyone, Anywhere." Let the propagation do what it will, let the best 
stations and the best operators reap the rewards from their hard 
work, knowledge and expensive hardware. I'd have positively hated 
that concept as a n00b in 2001; I love it now that I'm a modest 
station, a journeyman's knowledge of propagation and technique and 
have a love of competition.

Anyone know of a table of # of hams per continent so we can normalize
the VP6DX stats table to reflect per capita QSOs?  Would be
interesting in discussing the original question.

All their stats on online. This, I think, is the one you're 
interested in. I don't know from statistical analysis, so have at it:

To me, how an operation chooses to handle the 40m CW band slot when 
there's a simultaneous opening to the United States and Europe tells 

Re: [DX-CHAT] numbers directional CQs

2008-02-21 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX
>If an operation decides to do anything other than general calls then
>by continent is fair -- just alternate regularly so one side doesn't
>feel like they're getting the short-end

I think the issue here is ops who *feel* they're getting the short end
vs. ops who *are* getting the short end.  I personally think VP6DX is
striking the perfect balance between EU and NA and it's reflected in
the stats.  They're giving a very fair shot to DXers in those two
areas based on their knowledge of propagation.

Go look at the stats page and tell me who's missing out on VP6DX QSOs.

Now the points you guys are making certainly extend to DX that isn't
quite as  good at knowing how to balance propagation vs. open calling
so maybe that's an issue, but I think VP6DX has it down cold.

Anyone know of a table of # of hams per continent so we can normalize
the VP6DX stats table to reflect per capita QSOs?  Would be
interesting in discussing the original question.

- - - -- - --

Peter, I'm with you on by-the-numbers.  There are lots of reasons but
I rarely hear it going really, really well.

And I understand that the waiting that probably makes people freak out
in by-the-numbers pileups could be totally unbearable if you spend
your precious 40m operating time listening to the big signal of VP6DX
going "EU EU EU" but that's different... but that's your decision to
make and I feel that there's plenty of precedent and plenty of
information on the internet for you to realize that until 0500 or 0600
or 0800 or so you're not going to get a shot.

NA DXer, do you really, really, really want a 40m QSO?  Don't sit
there fuming while they call EU, drink a half gallon of water or set
your alarm, go to bed, get up at 0900Z, work them in two calls and go
back to bed.

I've seen a fair number of comments on the cluster from people who are
just crouched over the radio in their presumably precious operating
time getting upset and tired because they're waiting there listening
while VP6DX works EU instead of working other DX, sleeping, or doing
something productive!

I made my 160m QSO last Friday morning pretty easy, just woke up a
half hour before sunrise or so.  It would have been kind of stupid for
me to stay up all night to do that.


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[DX-CHAT] Old QSK Cards

2008-02-21 Thread Frank Macklin
I recently received through the bureau a card for a contact I had 23 years ago. 
 I know the Bureaus are notoriously slow but this must be  a record.  Can 
anyone beat it?

Frank   VK1ZL

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Re: [DX-CHAT] directional CQs

2008-02-21 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
--- Peter Dougherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 40 and 80, however, are a different story. They're putting huge 
> numbers in the log, but look at 40m, especially. As of 2/21, 0040z, 
> they were at 9010 to Europe on 40 and 7486 to NA. Holding NA ops back 
> until 3am (east-coast time) *every* *single* *night* has kept those 
> numbers a lot lower than I think they should be.

I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

The last Ducie ops in 2002/2003, there were likely many more QSOs on the high
bands 10/15 than now.  That implies that NA *probably* had a better chance on
40 than Europe, given those sunspots.

So fast-forward to now.  They *should* try harder to work EU on the low bands:

- VP6 to EU is a more difficult path than VP6 to NA

- the low bands are going to be better to EU than
  they were 4-5 years ago.

As long as the demand is there, they should continue to work it!  I assume
they're not calling CQ without answers towards EU while others are waiting to

They should be there another week.  I'm sure everyone who needs it, and makes
some sort of reasonable effort, will work it.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

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Re: [DX-CHAT] numbers directional CQs

2008-02-21 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 06:58 PM 2/21/2008, Charles Harpole wrote:
That's why I think IF ANY DIRECTIONAL CQ ARE CALLED FOR, then those 
should be requested BY NUMBERS, then who ever is loudest will 
get in and the DX op does not have to guess what geo area is best 
now.  Of course, this method hurts weak sigs, so maybe a mix of 
general calls, directional calls, and calls by numbers

If an operation decides to do anything other than general calls then 
by continent is fair -- just alternate regularly so one side doesn't 
feel like they're getting the short-end. As to going by numbers, 
we've had that discussion a few times already. I know you like it, 
and as semi-rare DX, it's your choice to do so, but from *this* side 
of the pileup it's FAR easier when it's just wide open. It actively 
slows it down going by numbers. IMHO.



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Re: [DX-CHAT] directional CQs

2008-02-21 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX
>There are an awful
>lot of casual DXers, as I brought up in the eHam thread, who work
>full-time jobs and strong family obligations, who really only get 2
>or 3 hours a night between supper and bedtime to play radio.

I can't argue with that!

However, there are a lot of 'em in Europe too. (Wait screw 'em... we
wouldn't want to spoon feed anyone ;-) )

In a sense, a large part of the point of VP6DX and their major
antennas and top notch ops and intimate knowledge of propagation is to
make as many QSOs with casual DXers as possible.

I hit up 15m CW/SSB, 17m CW/SSB, 20m CW and I think 30m RTTY in a few
short calling sessions over the course of *last Saturday*  I heard 'em
on 12m.

Probably took me an hour or two total just dipping in and out of the
shack one call, two call, five call kind of stuff... and the
casual NA DXer will have all of that to look forward to this coming
Saturday and Sunday I'm sure!

Do the casual NA DXers have an easy time on FORTY meters?  No,
probably not, but many if not all not all of my higher band contacts
on *Saturday* were completed after sunset in all of EU... mostly
shutting down those bands there.  I don't even think the EU's have
been able to hear VP6DX much on the higher bands... but your prop
charts may prove me right or wrong on that.

I think EU only on 40m all evening here makes it possible for the
casual EU DXer to wake up early and work VP6DX on a reliable band ...
something that the US casual DXer will still have a chance to in their
morning on 40m as well, I would suppose, though I haven't listened for
them at that time.

I think the stats tell the story... they're concentrating on EU and
working about the same amount of EU and USA (and much less of
everything else, to get back to Charles's point!!!)

40m is a huge band for the EUs at the expense of NA guys, I won't deny
that.  However, I think VP6DX is just using the propagation there as
an opportunity to make up for the other bands!

"If it's a 3 week DXpedition to Bhutan (I missed the
first one - here's hoping another one starts up soon), I'd be
insulted to be spoon-fed"

Isn't a 3 week DXpedition to Bhutan spoon-feeding in its own right, as
is VP6DX and any other DXpedition that isn't some dude with an IC-706
and a dipole?


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[DX-CHAT] numbers directional CQs

2008-02-21 Thread Charles Harpole
That's why I think IF ANY DIRECTIONAL CQ ARE CALLED FOR, then those should be 
requested BY NUMBERS, then who ever is loudest will get in and the DX op 
does not have to guess what geo area is best now.  Of course, this method hurts 
weak sigs, so maybe a mix of general calls, directional calls, and calls by 
numbers???  73Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] directional CQs

2008-02-21 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 05:59 PM 2/21/2008, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

> I must admit the
>  hours-on-end of EU only on the low bands got very tiring very
>  quickly.

And yet they've made about a fifth of the QSOs with EU than they have
with NA on 160m and just 2/3 the number of QSOs with EU as they have
with NA on 80m.  Go figure.

I don't actually have a problem with 160. Well, truth be told, I 
don't have a problem with VP6DX at all...I think they're fantastic 
and will likely earn the Best DXpedition of 2008 distinction. But 
that said, topband is so quirky and with so fewer participants than 
80 and 40 that I'll never ever begrudge a difficult topband Q to 
anybody, anywhere, ever.

40 and 80, however, are a different story. They're putting huge 
numbers in the log, but look at 40m, especially. As of 2/21, 0040z, 
they were at 9010 to Europe on 40 and 7486 to NA. Holding NA ops back 
until 3am (east-coast time) *every* *single* *night* has kept those 
numbers a lot lower than I think they should be. 80's a lot harder 
path and NA, despite being hobbled, still has more Q's there than 
Europe -- 4557 EU versus 6461 from NA.

In the meantime, poor ZS's get stuck with a "whisper" and no one 
straining to hear them in particular.

No, but they get very good prop. from 80-12m according to W6EL and, 
if the piles were unregulated ("anybody, anywhere"), I'd bet a LOT 
more ZSs would get through than "by-continent." Remember, ZS has a 
shorter 40/80m window (roughly 0130 to 0600z) than Europe has, and 
has stronger propagation - thus they'd beat out EUs. But since there 
are a lot fewer ZS DXers overall than EU, the few minutes, total, to 
work all ZS DXers over the length of the operation would be negligible.

Besides, when Petrus goes QRV from ZS8 next month, they'll have 
*their* chip-shot to all possible bands from Marion over us OR Europe .

Peter, I'm sort of interested in seeing how this discussion plays out
on a reflector with some international participants ;-)  I don't know
if you saw but the original poster KA3NRX in the epic eHam thread
managed to snag himself an 80m QSO (with 100W + G5RV I do believe)...
despite the frequent and thorough EU EU EU EU.

Hey, it bugged me too, until I stayed up 2 nights in a row and banged 
'em out on both bands, both modes. XYL didn't appreciate it (ham 
shack is next door to the bedroom) but such is life. I've managed 19 
band-slots thus far and I'm hoping for #20 this weekend on topband 
SSB, if the DX ghods cooperate.

The way the QSO stats and my personal experiences watching people work
this one have played out, the only people in North America adversely
affected by VP6DX's incessant EU'ing are the terminally impatient and
those who are scared of being awake after dark.

With respect, I disagree with that generalization. There are an awful 
lot of casual DXers, as I brought up in the eHam thread, who work 
full-time jobs and strong family obligations, who really only get 2 
or 3 hours a night between supper and bedtime to play radio. Someone 
who works in the city and has to be out the door at 6am, getting home 
at 7pm (my wife's schedule - she works in Manhattan, I work from 
home) just can't get up at 3 or 4am and expect to be able to be 
functional at a high-paced job all day.

For single hams, or those whose schedules allow them the flexibility 
that I currently have, that's fine - you work 'em where and when they are.

I'm sure the UA4's and OH's SM's and LA's who get approximately 30
minutes of propagation to VP6DX

If that's their ONLY window (that short a time frame - be generous - 
1 hour, even) then a QRX for that region is absolutely fair and I 
don't think anybody would be b-tching about it. But six or more hours 
a night, EVERY NIGHT?

I'm sure the Africans who get even less propagation wouldn't
mind a standby for them... but if there are so few of them as to make
the rate *zero* on the average attempt, it's unlikely they're going to
get much window.

Actually, Africa generally has *better* propagation than Eastern 
Europe and the Middle East. They're both in the southern hemisphere 
thus will do a lot better. Check out W6EL Prop for various entities. 
I inputted C5, C9, ZS and CN.

You can continue to think that it should just be "strong vs. weak"

I will and I do. I'm always in favour of "let the best signal win," 
with the one caveat being that the DX will be QRV long enough that 
popguns and QRPers with attic-mounted moist pasta antennae will have 
their shot.

without an appreciation of how much stronger a fairly weak NA could be
in VP6 than a moderately strong EU but I think it's going to get you
some bad karma Re: some very needed SE Asian expedition that just
works JA's all day ;-)

More power to 'em. If there's a one-hour opening between XY and W2, 
*on* *any* *band*, then fine. I'll be glad to get a one-hour window 
with JA standing by -- or if they'll only be there for 3 or 4 days, 
again, fine. If it's a 3 week DXpedition to Bhuta

Re: [DX-CHAT] directional CQs

2008-02-21 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX
> I must admit the
>  hours-on-end of EU only on the low bands got very tiring very
>  quickly.

And yet they've made about a fifth of the QSOs with EU than they have
with NA on 160m and just 2/3 the number of QSOs with EU as they have
with NA on 80m.  Go figure.

In the meantime, poor ZS's get stuck with a "whisper" and no one
straining to hear them in particular.

VP6DX has too loud of a signal on 160m and 80m in the states to NOT
stand by for other areas.  Everyone with 30W radiated power and a
passing interest seems to be able to work them on 160 and 80, which is
awesome, but that's an awful lot of people compared to the usual crew
vying for TB and 80m QSOs.

Peter, I'm sort of interested in seeing how this discussion plays out
on a reflector with some international participants ;-)  I don't know
if you saw but the original poster KA3NRX in the epic eHam thread
managed to snag himself an 80m QSO (with 100W + G5RV I do believe)...
despite the frequent and thorough EU EU EU EU.

The way the QSO stats and my personal experiences watching people work
this one have played out, the only people in North America adversely
affected by VP6DX's incessant EU'ing are the terminally impatient and
those who are scared of being awake after dark.

And in reference to the original post, Charles,  I did witness VP6DX
on 160m calling for "EU/SA" at least... guess that was last night.
Not very often you get anyone calling for South America unless they're
an EU guy looking for better lowband DX than us stupid W3's ;-)

I'm sure the UA4's and OH's SM's and LA's who get approximately 30
minutes of propagation to VP6DX on 160m would love to stand by for the
first five hours of a nine to twelve hour mutual darkness with great
propagation listening to an excellent signal they're not supposed to
call.  I'm sure the Africans who get even less propagation wouldn't
mind a standby for them... but if there are so few of them as to make
the rate *zero* on the average attempt, it's unlikely they're going to
get much window.

I'm sure satisfied with my 11 band slots worked at quasi-convenient
hours with 100W from a 50x100 foot lot in the DC suburbs with no
tower... and no one was "spoonfeeding" me.

You can continue to think that it should just be "strong vs. weak"
without an appreciation of how much stronger a fairly weak NA could be
in VP6 than a moderately strong EU but I think it's going to get you
some bad karma Re: some very needed SE Asian expedition that just
works JA's all day ;-)

"I sincerely doubt we'll ever see six
hours-on-end, every day, of "NA only, EU-stand-by" when a DXpedition
starts up from some place where propagation to EU is better than it is to NA."

That would appear to be a different issue than your other objection,
that no one should be "spoon-fed"


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Re: [DX-CHAT] directional CQs

2008-02-21 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 04:23 PM 2/21/2008, Charles Harpole wrote:
Talking abt waiting out an "EU only" calling practice of 3 hrs from 

realize that there is NEVER a directional CQ for South East Asia.

DXpeditions rarely call for "Africa only,"  "VK ZL only," nor "South 
Asia only."

An "Asia only" call really means "JA" if such a call was ever made.

Yet another reason I'm vehemently against calling by areas, by 
numbers or any other kind of spoonfeeding in major DXpeditions. If 
they're going to be QRV for two or three weeks, take whoever you can 
hear loudest and let the loud guys make their Q's, then as the piles 
grow smaller, take the weaker and weaker stations until finally 
anybody who calls can get through.

I can see a BS7 or similar ultra-rare/short-duration operations going 
by continent/area to give everyone a shot at one QSO in the log, but 
for big international multi-station QRO operations that will be on 
for a while, I'm strictly against this kind of operation.

Of course, it's ultimately up to the organizers and operators on how 
they want to run their DXpedition--as it should and MUST be. My voice 
is just one from the thousands who try to work 'em everywhere. VP6DX 
has been an amazing DXpedition by all accounts but I must admit the 
hours-on-end of EU only on the low bands got very tiring very 
quickly. Dare I say it, I sincerely doubt we'll ever see six 
hours-on-end, every day, of "NA only, EU-stand-by" when a DXpedition 
starts up from some place where propagation to EU is better than it is to NA.



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[DX-CHAT] directional CQs

2008-02-21 Thread Charles Harpole
Talking abt waiting out an "EU only" calling practice of 3 hrs from VP6DX. 
realize that there is NEVER a directional CQ for South East Asia.
DXpeditions rarely call for "Africa only,"  "VK ZL only," nor "South Asia only."
An "Asia only" call really means "JA" if such a call was ever made.
de Thailand.   HS0ZCW
But there are many compensations otherwise.  73Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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[DX-CHAT] Harbach buys rights to Peter Dahl Co. name ...

2008-02-21 Thread W0WOI
 PW Dahl  Company GONE; Harbach buys rights to name... 

Peter Dahl Company has NOT been sold. It is NOT  moving across the border to 
Mexico. Gary no longer works for the them. The Peter  Dahl Company has stopped 
production, is closing their doors, and will become  part of Amateur Radio 

But the NAME lives on!

Jeff  Weinberg, W8CQ of _Harbach Electronics_ 
( , has purchased  the rights to the name, 
the original transformer and 
choke specifications and  designs, and the design equipment.

The transformers will be built by _MagCap  Engineering_ 
(  using the original PWD specs, and sold through 
Harbach  Electronics under 
the Peter Dahl name. The transformer and chokes will be FOB  Canton, MA and 
shipped directly to the customer from MagCap.

This is  great news for the Amateur Radio Community and a great way to 
memorialize the  Peter Dahl Company who's innovations and designs have brought 
much to our  hobby.

To nullify any further rumors or innuendos about the status or  future of the 
Peter W Dahl Company, let me share the following e-mail with you  (edited for 

  Original Message 
Subject: Re: Harbach Electronics and Peter  Dahl
From: "Jeff Weinberg W8CQ" < [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) >
Date: Wed,  February 20, 2008 2:30 pm
To: "Dino Darling"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Dino,
Yes, the deal is finally  completed. I have purchased all of the transformer 
designs and design  equipment from Peter Dahl. I am moving the equipment 
here to Ohio.  Once all of the computer design work has been updated and 
cataloged, I  will be selling Peter Dahl transformers and chokes.

I should be up  and running in a couple months.


MagCap will be  building the transformers according to the original Peter 
Dahl designs and  specs and will be sold by Harbach Electronics under the Peter 
W. Dahl  name.

Jeff Weinberg W8CQ
Harbach Electronics
468  County Road 620
Polk, OH 44866
(419) 945-2359
_http://www.harbachelectronics.com_ (  
I've heard great things about Jeff and his  company from people I know and 
respect. To me this is a great day in Amateur  Radio and I look forward to the 
future with Peter W Dahl firmly rooted in our  hobby!

God Bless Peter and his family as this chapter of their lives  closes, and 
long live the name of the fine man who has brought so much to our  hobby.

73 Peter and thank you Jeff!
Dino - K6RIX

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

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2008-02-21 Thread DavidW1GDQ
Any news on the boys?

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

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[DX-CHAT] VP6DX on 160 SSB

2008-02-21 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
VP6DX was on 160 SSB this morning (around 1230z).  By the time I got to K0RF's
place around 1330z, they were back on CW.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

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