[DX-CHAT] entities

2006-06-15 Thread nick cominos

Sounds like a case of sour grapes from the GMto bad.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

"War is Peace"
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[DX-CHAT] contest

2006-07-08 Thread nick cominos
It never ceases to amaze me that during a contest all ideas of bandwidth go 
out the window.  A DX station operating at 14000.500 will repeatedly attract 
US stations as though there is no band edge.  Unless you know exactly what 
the rise and fall times of your CW signal are, stay at least 375 Hz from the 
band edge.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Spotting DX (be a better spotter)

2006-07-21 Thread nick cominos
I find it very sad that you would have to explain some of the most simple 
rules regarding DXing.  And, the problem is with hams who feel as though 
they will have nothing to do with historical precedent.  These are 
relatively new hams, but not exclusively.  Example, use of QRL? on cw to 
check if the frequency is in use.  By the time that is sent a station has 
been interfered with.  Long ago, a simple ditdit dit was the cw term used to 
inquire if the frequency was in use.  Any attempt at presenting time tested 
and honored practices is met with disdain.  To many thin skinned hams on the 
air today.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Reisert AD1C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 12:35 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Spotting DX (be a better spotter)

You can help the DX community at large by putting out informative,
correct DX spots:

- Wait until you have the CORRECT CALL before trying to spot it!

- There is a difference between the number ZERO and the letter O.
 Make sure to use the correct one.  Same goes for the number ONE
 and the letter I.

- When a station is portable, use a slash:

 "AD1C portable 5" is written AD1C/5, not AD1C/P5

 (P5 is the prefix for North Korea!)

 "AD1C portable" is written AD1C/P

- Some logging programs recognize the word QSX in the spot.
 Here is a good example:

   dx 4O3T 14190 QSX 14235

 Note the word QSX and the frequency in KHz.
 Things like "QSX UP 5" generally don't work as well.

- If you are spotting an IOTA, use the word IOTA in the spot.
 Either format is OK:

   IOTA EU-171
   IOTA AS005

- If you are spotting a VUCC grid (VHF spots), the comment format is:

   [remote grid] > [your grid]

 Note how the ">" arrow points TOWARDS YOU.  It's best to put
 the other station's grid FIRST since some logging programs will
 stop at the first grid they find.

I hope this helps others.  If you want to add to the list, feel free.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us
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[DX-CHAT] Gary Stone

2006-07-21 Thread nick cominos
To much informationa simple spot is all that's necessary.  If you can 
hear em, chances are you can work them.  Most of us can figure out what 
antenna to use.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength" 

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2006-07-24 Thread nick cominos

Anyone rcvd cards yet?

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength"
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[DX-CHAT] dx chat

2006-07-25 Thread nick cominos
I see that our little DX Chat can become a bit political.  To bad.  Guess 
I'll start making funnies about the EU.  Wait, guess it's already been done 
by the signature at the bottom.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength" 

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2006-07-30 Thread nick cominos
After reading a variety of opinions I felt compelled to add to the mix. 
While I have never been on the operating end of a DXpedition, the mere idea 
of allowing the entire ham population to call indiscriminately is atrocious. 
I am a firm believer in controlling the pile up by a variety of means.  Call 
area is one that I find to be the most rewarding for both the DXpedition and 
those calling.  Simply spreading out the pile up and using enormous spectrum 
is not the answer.  The rest has been said in other threads here.   And, 
yes, I know most of the tricks to following the DX listening frequency as 
I've been an active DXer for 36 years.

The most disheartening part of this is the lack of discipline those 
listening on the xmit frequency display.  And, this really appears to be 
common place among most DXpeditions.  Wrong VFO, is the frequency in use, 
whistling, generally malicious interfering with the DX xmit frequency is a 
never ending problem and one that can't be solved.  It is a cultural problem 
within the amateur community and not exclusive to one continent or another. 
Those of you who understand won't require further explanation.

Then the height of impropriety, as is the case for KH8SI right now, is 
breaking the pace of the pile up to talk with another station at length. 
These matters should be handled on another preassigned frequency with a 
Pilot station.

To be sure there are those of us with tunnel vision where the almighty 
country total means the end all to some.  I have sympathy for the young 
amateur of today.  Gone are the days when simple equipment, simple antenna 
arrangements and some "stick to it" allowed a new ham to work plenty of DX 
and didn't require mega bucks.

Yes, (I'm sure the question is being asked), I am in the log with KH8SI.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength" 

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[DX-CHAT] Emailing: TimeTicker and the time tickers...

2006-08-09 Thread nick cominos

Urb, try this URL..
vy 73, Nick W9UM

The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
Shortcut to: http://www.timeticker.com/

Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent 
sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail 
security settings to determine how attachments are handled. 

TimeTicker and the time tickersurl
Description: Binary data

[DX-CHAT] distaste for America especially after 9/11

2006-08-24 Thread nick cominos
Re Charles Harpoles comments concerning LoTW don't bother me at all.  He is 
entitled to his opinion.

However, and I know this is no place for this, his comment about America 
having little standing in the rest of the world infuriates me.  The rest of 
the world can go to hell and would if not for America.  Rest of the world 
have a problem, call America.  Need money, call America.  Need resources, 
call America.  The world called on America three times to save it's butt and 
at enormous cost we did.

Guess my patriotism is showing, lets bring everyone home, close our borders 
to everyone, arm ourselves to the teeth and tell the rest of the world to go 
to hell.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength" 

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[DX-CHAT] Expansion

2006-10-13 Thread nick cominos
My comment years ago, when the NPRM first came out, was that the bottom 25 
kHz on 80, 40, 20 and 15M,  will be in jeopardy.  It won't be long when the 
last remaining privilege of attaining an Extra Class license will be gone.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength" 

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[DX-CHAT] exams

2006-12-24 Thread nick cominos
Remember the Federal Building in Chicago very well.  The FCC examiner was a 
slight guy with those round glasses that he could barely see through. 
Sending and receiving was required then.  My first sending test was with the 
FCC's bug which promptly fell apart as I started.

 The examiner then gave me a straight key for the sending exam.  You had to 
pass the sending exam before taking the written test, then the receiving 
exam.  Failing any part meant a thirty day wait before another attempt.

A day off from work was necessary and a train ride into Chicago was also 

The waiting room was the hallway outside the examining room.

 There was no better news than hearing the FCC proctor telling you that you 
had passed all phases of the exam.  The sending and receiving exams failed 
many a potential ham who didn't have the drive or persistence to stay with 
it.  Going from novice, General, Advanced then Extra was an expensive 
proposition in those days when a day off from work was in order.

I remember the huge hullabaloo when incentive licensing was introduced.  All 
the talk was how it would ruin ham radio and make a potential ham walk to 
some other hobby.  That sure didn't happen.

 There was a license called the "Conditional" for those people who lived 
more than 100 airline miles from an FCC office which gave the same privilege 
as the General class license.  It was administered at home.

Vy 73 to all,
de W9UM, Nick
"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength" 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] The New York Times

2006-12-29 Thread nick cominos
The New York TimesI couldn't agree morewhere there is no instant 
gratification for the current society, there is no effort, no discipline, no 
vy 73,
Nick W9UM

- Original Message - 
From: Barry
To: Ron Notarius W3WN
Cc: dx-chat List
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] The New York Times

CW will die a slow death, at least in the US.  The no-code license is a dead 
end.  It will be the rare no-coder that takes the time and effort to learn 
CW and stick with it long enough to become proficient for on the air use 
(i.e., 25-30 WPM.)  As we OFs get older and disappear, nobody will be taking 
our place on the CW bands.

When I was in Macedonia last year, at the High Speed Telegraphy 
Championship, I was amazed at all the young kids there from eastern EU. 
Some of them are CW ops only, and not real hams, but if CW survives 
anywhere, that's where it will be.
Barry, W2UP

Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
  Much better of an article than I expected.  Thanks for the tip!

  What I don't understand, though, is this:  Why is the dropping of the code 
element for testing automatically seen by so many as the imminent demise of 
our use of the code?  Yes, testing will no longer be required, and yes, the 
exclusive CW bands have shrunk, and I'm sure in time the number of CW 
operators MAY drop... but then again, it may not...

  About 2 months ago, when I was struggling with a temporary vertical 
(wouldn't load on 30, that's another story), a friend, a recent Extra, 
called on the phone.  Told him I was trying to work a particular DX station 
on 30; he tuned in and worked him in 2 calls, the stinker.  Anyway, when we 
got back to talking, I told him I'd heard both ends of the QSO, so it was 
good; Randy asked me what software I was using to decode the signals, and I 
told him it was the organic one between my ears.  He was totally astounded 
that I was able to copy "really fast" code in my head!  (It was about 25 wpm 
or so, but that too is another story!)

  We talked about this again at the club christmas party 2 weeks ago.  Randy 
stopped using the computer as a crutch; now that he knows it can be done, 
he's starting to do it.  And he's finding out that he enjoys operating code 
even more!

  So... there's hope.  So why all the doom and gloom?

  Yes, the FCC handed us a lemon.  Want to make lemonade out of it?  (Me? 
Nah, find me some tequilla and salt instead... )

-Original Message-
Of harris_ruben
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 8:44 AM
To: dx-chat List
Subject: [DX-CHAT] The New York Times

Well, we've made today's New York Times



Barry Kutner, W2UP
Newtown, PA 


2007-02-05 Thread nick cominos

Who is the stateside mgr for 4O3T?

Tks and vy 73,
Nick W9UM

"When the people fear the government it's called tyranny, when the 
government fears the people it's called freedom."
Thomas Paine 

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2007-02-25 Thread nick cominos
Tried using the PayPal form from their web site to donate some green but 
that link won't work.  Anyone know why?

vy 73, Nick W9UM

"When the people fear the government it's called tyranny, when the 
government fears the people it's called freedom."
Thomas Paine 

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2007-03-02 Thread nick cominos

Cards sent and returned for 4O3T in three weeks.
vy 73, Nick W9UM

"When the people fear the government it's called tyranny, when the 
government fears the people it's called freedom."
Thomas Paine 

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[DX-CHAT] Fw: cqsong

2007-05-05 Thread nick cominos

Subject: cq song

A good Ham friend sent this along to me.quite amusing but really fun 
to listen to..enjoy.
GL/DX vy 73, Nick W9UM..CQ CQ CQ


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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXing pioneers

2007-05-06 Thread nick cominos

the "Colvins and Vince ThompsonVT...

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXing pioneers

At 02:09 PM 5/6/2007, Gary Danaher wrote:
Anyone offer suggestions here for 'pioneers' following Don and 
before Martti and Chuck Brady?

I don't know how the chronology fits in, but Gus Browning and Danny 
Weil have to be in that category.

Mike, W5UC

"age & treachery will overcome youth & skill"

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[DX-CHAT] Jean Shepard

2007-05-31 Thread nick cominos

Jean was originally from Hammond, Indiana.

 He was a member of the local RC (Lake County Amateur Radio Club) (Lake 
County Indiana) and a really great guy to talk with.  He wrote "Christmas 
Story" now an annual movie and also "In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash."

I don't remember his W9 call unfortunately.

His obit appeared in the local papers but didn't mention his ham call.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

"When the people fear the government it's called tyranny, when the 
government fears the people it's called freedom."
Thomas Paine 

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2007-06-03 Thread nick cominos
Anyone getting the "Internal Server Error" when uploading to the site?  I've 
been getting this all weekend.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

"When the people fear the government it's called tyranny, when the 
government fears the people it's called freedom."
Thomas Paine 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Yearbook

2007-07-24 Thread nick cominos

Mine only contained the 160M DXCC listings

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Reisert AD1C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Yearbook

At 09:04 PM 7/23/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Since they removed the DXCC listings, including the Honor Roll List, it is 
nothing more than reading "How's DX" on steroids. I no longer look forward 
to receiving it. But keep in mind, DXCC did this in our best interest. I 
know they put the lists in the Aug or Sept QST, but it ain't the same.

They put the Honor Roll list (deadline: 3/31) into a late-Summer QST. But 
that's it.  It's not a complete DXCC listing, for which they "invented" 
the DXCC Yearbook to move all that stuff out of QST.

If that's all that's in this year's edition, it's going to be a real 

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us

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[DX-CHAT] privileged communications

2007-07-25 Thread nick cominos
There was a time when communications between amateurs could not be divulged 
to the public.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

The enemy does not understand the dichotomy of our society, but they should 
understand this; we will bandage our wounds, we will bury our dead; and then 
we will come for you . . . and we will destroy you and all you stand for.

Brian Shul, Air Force SR71 pilot 

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[DX-CHAT] Fw: A reminder, just a reminder

2007-08-11 Thread nick cominos

- Original Message - 
From: "nick cominos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 9:22 PM
Subject: none

The Amateur's Code
by Paul M. Segal, W9EEA (1928)

 The Radio Amateur is:
 CONSIDERATE never knowingly operating in such a way as to lessen the 
pleasure of others.

 LOYAL offering loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, 
local clubs and the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur 
Radio in the United States is represented nationally and internationally.

 PROGRESSIVE with knowledge abreast of science, a well built and 
efficient station, and operation beyond reproach.

 FRIENDLY with slow and patient operation when requested, friendly 
advice and counsel to the beginner, kindly assistance, co-operation and 
consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of the 
amateur spirit.

 BALANCED Radio is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed to 
family, job, school or community.

 PATRIOTIC with station and skill always ready for service to country 
and community

The enemy does not understand the dichotomy of our society, but they 
should understand this; we will bandage our wounds, we will bury our dead; 
and then we will come for you . . . and we will destroy you and all you 
stand for.

Brian Shul, Air Force SR71 pilot 

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2007-08-28 Thread nick cominos

Has anyone received cards yet?
vy 73,
Nick W9UM

The enemy does not understand the dichotomy of our society, but they should 
understand this; we will bandage our wounds, we will bury our dead; and then 
we will come for you . . . and we will destroy you and all you stand for.

Brian Shul, Air Force SR71 pilot 

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2007-08-28 Thread nick cominos

Tks to all for the info.looks like some are still on the way.
vy 73,
Nick W9UM

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2007-09-29 Thread nick cominos

Card arrived today...whew...and thank you.

Nick W9UM

Know the enemy and know yourself, in a hundred battles you will never be in 
peril.  If ignorant of both, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.
Sun Tzu 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: Real DX

2007-10-04 Thread nick cominos

I also had an SX 100 and what a thrill it was to hear Sputnik.
vy 73,
Nick W9UM

- Original Message - 
From: "John Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 2:48 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Re: Real DX

John AE5B wrote:

Fifty years ago this week, a fourteen year old shortwave listener tuned 
ancient Hallicrafters S40B to 20.005 Megacycles and was able to hear a 

scratchy beeb-beeb-bee from Sputnik I.

What is DX? To a 14 year old kid that was REAL DX.

To those of you that have been around awhile...hasn't it been fun?

Indeed it has.

At the same time, a brand new immigrant, living in the United States for 
three weeks, did the same thing with a Hallicrafters SX-100, on which he 
had spent virtually all his first paycheck. About a week earlier he had 
hand carried all 45 lbs of it from downtown Boston on the MTA to Everett, 
and then to his attic apartment in Malden, MA.

But I'll never forget my XYL, and our landlord and landlady sitting there 
with me listening to those beeps.

73, John, NT5C.

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[DX-CHAT] zk2cc 40M

2008-02-10 Thread nick cominos
One call w/one watt to a vhf antenna, worked great, ground mounted.  Never 
misses.  It's not April yet is it???

Nick W9UM

Know the enemy and know yourself, in a hundred battles you will never be in 
peril.  If ignorant of both, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.
Sun Tzu 

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[DX-CHAT] Goran

2008-03-06 Thread nick cominos

Interesting P.S. from Goran...H, wonder what those ** meant??
vy 73,
Nick W9UM

I'll tell you what war is all about;  you've got to kill people and when 
you've killed enough of them they stop fighting.
General Curtis LeMay 

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2008-03-08 Thread nick cominos

My original Clipperton prefix was FO0goes back many years.
vy 73,
Nick W9UM

Know the enemy and know yourself, in a hundred battles you will never be in 
peril.  If ignorant of both, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.
Sun Tzu 

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[DX-CHAT] Study material

2008-05-27 Thread nick cominos

It's called, "Know your subject matter."

Nick W9UM

Know the enemy and know yourself, in a hundred battles you will never be in 
peril.  If ignorant of both, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.
Sun Tzu 

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2006-02-11 Thread nick cominos
The on-line log doesn't seem to work for me.worked them on 15M both fone 
and CW but my call doesn't appear.  Does anyone know for sure if the calls 
are actually going in??

vy 73,
Nick W9UM 

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2006-02-11 Thread nick cominos
Just going through my 40M cards and came across this one.  Cfmd 7O1A of 
12/17/96 and can't remember if this one is any good.  I know 7O1YGF isn't.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM 

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2006-03-25 Thread nick cominos
The number of US stations that operate outside our bands and subbands, 
during any contest,  always amazes me.

 Apparently, there are those who do don't understand a thing about SSB or 
CW bandwidth.  Most hams consider single-sideband suppressed carrier to be 
about 3 kHz wide.  Which isn't necessarily true while on CW bandwidth 
depends on rise and fall times.  Your CW bandwidth can be as wide as 150 Hz 
and or 375 Hz depending on rise and fall times of 5 to 2 ms.

The SSB comment is only true if ones shape of the band limiting filter is 
sharp enough to attenuate the signal to -40 db at 3 kHz.

It's important to remember that your carrier and all of your sidebands must 
be confined within the amateur bands and subbands as applicable.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM

- Original Message - 
From: "john" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 3:27 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] KG44WW

...along with the US stations who are calling him on freq (which at the 
time, was well below the US phone section of the band!)

John K5MO

At 04:14 PM 3/25/2006, Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:

All I can say is... WFWL, and if this character is legit, he's going to 

some explaining to do after the contest!


-Original Message-
From: john [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 3:51 PM
To: Ron Notarius WN3VAW; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] KG44WW

Nope... KG44WW  down below the US SSB allocations I heard 'em too.

John K5MO

At 03:25 PM 3/25/2006, Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:
>That has to be a typo.  I'm sure DJ1CW meant KG4WW down in Guantanamo
>-Original Message-

>Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 3:01 PM
>To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
>Subject: [DX-CHAT] KG44WW
>Hi folks,
>Listening to KG44WW on 14118.6. What country is this?
>"Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm."- Ralph Waldo 

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

[DX-CHAT] HN-31 "Cantenna"

2006-04-04 Thread nick cominos
Jack is correct on the HN-31 duty cycle and power.  And, I've just 
discovered that the FULL warranty on my HN-31 "Cantenna" (90 days) expired 
on 10 June 1970.  Isn't that the way of things.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM 

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

[DX-CHAT] QSL quickly

2006-04-17 Thread nick cominos
also 9H1ZA Vlad.worked on 80M, 6Feb06, card sent on 8Feb06, card rcvd 
18Mar06.  That's a record turn around time in my books.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM 

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

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[DX-CHAT] Bernie

2006-04-18 Thread nick cominos

Bernie, not even a hint of a signal here in NW Indiana.
vy 73,
Nick W9UM
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2006-04-21 Thread nick cominos
Prop to 9 land this evening, and Bernie's signal, were magnificent.  Solid 
strength 9 even through the jamming.  Thank you Bernie, two more to go.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM 

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

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[DX-CHAT] Mail

2006-05-19 Thread nick cominos
I've been the subject of green stamp mail theft on a number of occasions. 
All from the European market.

To say that the US Postal system is to blame for whatever misfortune you 
befall in the QSL game is the same as me saying the entire world outside the 
US is a thief.

You can always bypass the US Postal system by using FedEx, or Airborne 
Express or UPS and/or a few others.

But if you are a DX station and you receive your mail tampered with, chances 
are that it was your own postal system.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM 

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

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