2013-11-03 Thread Bill Hawkins

Solar activity heads for lowest low in four centuries
The sun's activity is in free fall, according to a leading space physicist. But 
don't expect a little ice age. "Solar activity is declining very fast at the 
moment," Mike Lockwood, professor of space environmental physics at Reading 
University, UK, told New Scientist. "We estimate faster than at any time in the 
last 9300 years."

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[DX-CHAT] Major DX?? or Not??

2013-08-07 Thread Bill Hawkins

Sun Will Flip Its Magnetic Field Soon

The sun is gearing up for a major solar flip, NASA says.In an event 
that occurs once every 11 years, the magnetic field of the sun will change its 
polarity in a matter of months, according new observations by NASA-supported 
observatories.  The flipping of the sun's magnetic field marks the peak of the 
star's 11-year solar cycle and the halfway point in the sun's "solar maximum" — 
the peak of its solar weather cycle.

"It looks like we're no more than three to four months away from a complete 
field reversal," Todd Hoeksema, the director of Stanford University's Wilcox 
Solar Observatory, said in a statement. "This change will have ripple effects 
throughout the solar system."As the field shifts, the "current sheet" — a 
surface that radiates billions of kilometers outward from the sun's equator — 
becomes very wavy, NASA officials said. Earth orbits the sun, dipping in and 
out of the waves of the current sheet. The transition from a wave to a dip can 
create stormy space weather around Earth, NASA officials said.

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[DX-CHAT] Re: LOTW cannot possibly catch up

2012-12-15 Thread Bill Jackson

Some random thoughts regarding LOTW.

The current number of registered users on LOTW is 54,228.  The total 
membership of the ARRL is now over 158,000, according to the ARRL.  You do 
not have to be a member of ARRL to register on LOTW and upload logs, so we 
can assume the actual number of registered LOTW users who are also ARRL 
members is less than the total number of registered LOTW users.  Even if all 
the registered users were ARRL members, this number would represent only a 
little more than third of the total membership of the ARRL.  LOTW competes 
for resources within the ARRL, both financial and otherwise, just like any 
other business.  There is presently no charge to register and upload logs to 
LOTW.  Yes, there is a charge to claim LOTW credits toward ARRL awards, but 
you can assume that only a portion of this income goes directly to support. 
LOTW, the rest goes towards the overhead of administering the DXCC program. 
As significant users of LOTW, would we be willing to pay more for the 
service if the service were to improve?

I have had an ongoing dialog with my Division Director, Cliff Ahrens, K0CA 
regarding the issues with LOTW starting back in November.  He has been very 
responsive and I believe some of the changes you have seen recently, such as 
actually being able to see the queue in real time is a result of his efforts 
on my and others behalf to bring more transparency to the problem.

I would suggest that if you are an ARRL member, you let your Division 
Director know your constructive thoughts to improve LOTW.

73 de Bill, K9RZ 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Vlad UA4WHX DXpeditions 2008 +

2012-06-27 Thread Bill Fikis
  Tony   Here  is a  list of  Vlad's   operations..,(  As  best  as I  can  
come up  with )

  3DA0VB  -  4 / 2006
  4W0VB   1 / 2012
  5R8VB3 / 2007
  5X1VB11 / 2005
  7Q7VB  1 / 2006
  9A8VB   6 / 2012
  9J2VB   7 / 2006
  9U0VB   5 / 2007
  9X0VB   6 / 2007
  A25VB   8 / 2006
  C91VB   3 / 2006
  D20VB  10 / 2006
  D60VB   2 / 2007
  E40VB   5 / 2012
  J20VB7 / 2005
   SU9VB  5 / 2011
  Z2/UA4WHX12 / 2005

 I  know  it  more  than  you  asked  for ,   other  readers  
may  be  interested

  ..Bill  /  w2ay   
  - Original Message - 
  From: w4...@comcast.net 
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 2:38 PM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Vlad UA4WHX DXpeditions 2008 +

  Looking for some help in finding DXpedition info on Vlad's operations for 
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and to date.  If possible I'd like to find the month and 
callsigns used during those years.  I've been able to find this info up through 
2007 but have had no luck in finding a collection of info for operations after 
  Appreciate any help, tips, suggestions, etc.
  73 and DX
  Tony, W4FOA

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Vlad UA4WHX DXpeditions 2008 +

2012-06-27 Thread Bill Fikis
  Tony,  Putting   the  list  together...  Will  e-mail  soon  ...Bill  /  w2ay


  - Original Message - 
  From: w4...@comcast.net 
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 2:38 PM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Vlad UA4WHX DXpeditions 2008 +

  Looking for some help in finding DXpedition info on Vlad's operations for 
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and to date.  If possible I'd like to find the month and 
callsigns used during those years.  I've been able to find this info up through 
2007 but have had no luck in finding a collection of info for operations after 
  Appreciate any help, tips, suggestions, etc.
  73 and DX
  Tony, W4FOA

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2012-03-06 Thread Bill Hawkins
He was on top of MY honor roll!

Bill W5EC

   Silent Key - Tribute to ZL1AMO, Ron Wright
It is with great sadness that I report the passing of the legendary
DXpeditioner ZL1AMO, Ron Wright.  He was 75.  Ron was admitted to
North Shore Hospital last week after he had a collapsed lung and was
in stable condition at the time.  He became a Silent Key earlier
Ron was a serious CW op and would visit the US
Novice bands late in his DXpeditions.  He had probably well over 100
DXpeditions throughout the Pacific including 3D2RW, 3D2RW/R, 5W1CW,
A35EA, C21/ZL1AMO, FW0BX, H44RW, T28RW, T28RW, T30BH, VR6HI, YJ0RW,
ZK1CQ (South), ZK1CQ, (North), ZK1MB (North), ZK2RW, ZK3RW, ZL7AMO,
ZL8AMO and ZL9AMO just to name a few!  Many of these locations he
visited multiple times between the late 70's and 2002

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[DX-CHAT] Solar eruption

2012-01-24 Thread Bill Hawkins
A=9, K=1: Guess I'll work on the yard today!

Here comes the sun: Solar eruption countdown

A powerful solar eruption is expected to blast a stream of charged particles 
past Earth on Tuesday, as the strongest radiation storm since 2005 rages on the 

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught an extreme ultraviolet flash from a 
huge eruption on the sun overnight (10:59 p.m. ET Sunday, or 0359 GMT Monday). 

The solar flare spewed from sunspot 1402. Several NASA satellites  observed the 
massive sun storm. 

A barrage of charged particles triggered by the outburst is expected to hit 
Earth at around 9 a.m. ET Tuesday, according to experts at the Space Weather 
Prediction Center, a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 

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[DX-CHAT] Solar Condidions?

2011-10-26 Thread Bill Hawkins
Yesterday 10m and 12m were basically dead here but I could not find anything 
indicating solar conditions that would cause it. Almost no EU stations and 
could barely hear TX7M! This morning I read that last night there was a 
spectacular Northern Lights display across Northern USA all the way down to 
Any correlation?
Bill W5EC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Up

2011-10-24 Thread Bill Hawkins
I think it's a combination of some not knowing what there are doing 
and others forgetting what they are doing.

But, every day I continue to be totally amazed, pleased & optimistic 
about the future of CW as I hear the huge number of high quality CW ops 
in the pileups and contests! They are not using CW programs.
Bill W5EC

  Do we think there are just an entire generation of DXers out there who 
  are using CW programs and can't actually copy CW???  I can't think 
  of any other explanation.  "Up" isn't hard to figure out.  Or do they 
  just not know how to use their radios?? 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Looking back at your first logs

2011-08-13 Thread Bill Hawkins

After being bitten by the DX bug as a novice and spending a year or so 
working my way to General class,
I was spending a lot of time on 10 & 15 meters looking for new ones with my 
60 watts and homemade 2 element
beam-bamboo poles wrapped in tin foil. One day someone called me and I had a 
hard time getting the call straight, it started with a 9!
It was 9S4CM in Saarland. I didn't know where it was but I knew it had to be 
good. I found out later that it was 5 days after
9S was deleted. It was good anyway. Card came soon after. Ahhh-1957! What 

Bill W5EC

You might want to check back 50 years ago you may have worked a good one 
without knowing it.

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[DX-CHAT] Flare

2011-08-11 Thread Bill Hawkins

Solar Flare Was the Biggest Seen In Years
It's been a busy few days on the surface of the sun. A handful of coronal mass 
ejections (CMEs) last week sparked concerns of power grid and communications 
disruptions. And then Tuesday at 3:48 a.m. EDT, our local star fired off an 
X6.9 solar flare more powerful than any seen in years.

Tuesday's solar outburst was definitely the strongest of the current sun cycle. 
It measured X6.9, a full three times stronger than the previous frontrunner of 
this cycle, an X2.2 measured back in February.

Lucky for us down here here on Earth, this flare wasn't facing us and therefore 
isn't expected to affect the planet in any serious way, though the potential is 
there (NASA warned that it could cause some radio communications blackouts, but 
likely nothing worse).

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Re: [DX-CHAT] A perspective on ZD7XF

2011-06-30 Thread William Beyer (WILD BILL)
Well, well said Roger/G3SXW...



  - Original Message - 
  From: ragnar otterstad 
  To: DX-EU ; dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:14 AM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] A perspective on ZD7XF

  Dato: Torsdag 30. juni 2011 15.09

  Hear, hear

  I might add that Nigel is on target to have more QSOs as a single op 
  in just over one week as I have in my entire 30 year-old log!

  We can all aspire to reach that level, but few achieve it.

  I am happy to work any dexpedition, regardless of their capabilities. 
  are trying their best, and that's good enough for me (and probably 
  than I could do!).

  Rob, G4LMW

  - Original Message - 
  From: "Roger Western" 
  Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 12:08 PM
  Subject: A perspective on ZD7XF

  The only problem is that DXers expect every DXpedition operator to be 
  good as Nigel. They don’t allow that he is not only highly committed 
  also has 40+ years of DXpeditioning experience under his belt. Not to 
  mention amazing ears. Is it realistic to expect every Rookie SP or OK 
or EA 
  DXpedition operator to equal Nigel’s skill? Of course not. Yet those 
  unskilled operators attract instant and strong criticism as soon as 
they get 
  on the bands, while they are simply trying their best. Of course, 
  pre-trip training and pile-up practice would help . . . but we all 
have to 
  start somewhere. Our community seems quite intolerant.

  I see an analogy here with the 5-Star team: they set the bar so high, 
  provide us all with 58 band-slots like falling off a log . . . and we 
  expect all DXpeditions to be as superbly effective.

  Enjoy working Nigel and 5-Star guys, but please be more tolerant of 
  with lesser skills.
  73 de Roger/G3SXW.

  From: Anthony Quest
  Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:3

  As I write, Nigel's website seems down.

  I've been listening to Nigel as time permits ever since
  he came on the air, watching the spots and reading your

  I have him in the log on 30 metres, and being currently
  antenna-challenged (as a Canadian visitor who had a nice
  set-up back home once said to me - "You worked me on THAT ?")
  I've not seriously tried on the other bands.

  But with no disrespect to those of you who could probably
  do the same thing, I'm amazed.

  On continuously with hardly a break to eat or sleep, steadily working
  through those revolting pile-ups, all areas, all bands, carefully 
  out every G station he could hear, even my own classic 339 signal,
  masterful management of the pile-ups. And even on my bit of
  wire, he could be heard comfortably, just as propagation has dropped
  and the other DXpeditions have called it a day for the summer.
  All in a relaxed way, giving us our names when he comes back to
  us as often as not.

  Since the bug bit again early this year I've worked or just heard
  most of the big DXpeditions, most of them with umpteen operators,
  and although you may not agree with me, some of them have been
  just plain awful by comparison.

  And when he gets back, he will QSL fast as well.

  Maybe we should give him some kind of presentation - election
  to the CDXC Hall of Fame, or something like that.
  Although as a modest guy, he probably wouldn't want it.

  With all the DQRM and insane operating around I've not been
  alone in thinking of just throwing in the towel and calling it a day.
  I'll stay around for a while, now.

  Tony G4UZN

  On 30/06/2011 10:05, mailto:Lauriemar%40aol.com wrote:
  > Nigel seems to do with very little sleep. In the last 28 hours, 
  > several intensive days on air, he's been spotted in the 06, 07, 08, 
  > 1100-0400 inclusive, 07, 08, and doubtless (because I can hear him) 
09 hours. Not  bad  for someone licensed even before me!
  > Laurie G3UML

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Re: [DX-CHAT] How do LOTW-only DXCC submissions fit into the processing schedule?

2011-03-19 Thread Bill Hawkins

I submitted my 12 meters DXCC application about a week ago. It was completed 
and credited in about 5 minutes.

Bill W5EC

I don't see my call listed in the "applications received" list at 

Do LOTW applications take as long as the mail applications?  How do they
fit into the processing backlog?

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[DX-CHAT] Is this a hand-wringing moment?

2010-09-20 Thread Bill Hawkins

Science just ran with a significant story that is getting lots of press: Say 
goodbye to sunspots 
Here's a prominent excerpt: 

  The last solar minimum should have ended last year, but something peculiar 
has been happening. Although solar minimums normally last about 16 months, the 
current one has stretched over 26 months-the longest in a century. One reason, 
according to a paper submitted to the International Astronomical Union 
Symposium No. 273, an online colloquium, is that the magnetic field strength of 
sunspots appears to be waning.

  . Scientists studying sunspots for the past 2 decades have concluded that the 
magnetic field that triggers their formation has been steadily declining. If 
the current trend continues, by 2016 the sun's face may become spotless and 
remain that way for decades-a phenomenon that in the 17th century coincided 
with a prolonged period of cooling on Earth.

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[DX-CHAT] What to do?

2010-08-30 Thread Bill Hawkins
Should I take my antennas down or put more up?
Bill W5EC

Massive solar storm to hit Earth in 2012 with 'force of 100m bombs'

Astronomers are predicting that a massive solar storm, much bigger in potential 
than the one that caused spectacular light shows on Earth earlier this month, 
is to strike our planet in 2012 with a force of 100 million hydrogen bombs.
Several US media outlets have reported that NASA was warning the massive flare 
this month was just a precursor to a massive solar storm building that had the 
potential to wipe out the entire planet's power grid.

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[DX-CHAT] Sunspots?

2010-06-07 Thread Bill Hawkins
As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather 
June 4, 2010: Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's 
new to human history. To make preparations, authorities in Washington DC are 
holding a meeting: The Space Weather Enterprise Forum at the National Press 
Club on June 8th. 

Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division, explains what it's all 

"The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect 
to see much higher levels of solar activity. At the same time, our 
technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar 
storms. The intersection of these two issues is what we're getting together to 

Read the story here--- 

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[DX-CHAT] Great Sun Photo

2010-04-22 Thread Bill Hawkins
This website shows a great photo of the sun from Nasa's Solar Dynamics 
Observatory and the "Sun Microscope".


It doesn't try to explain the photo but it does comment on "huge explosions and 
great looping prominences of gas".

Looks like sunspots and one big solar eruption!

Good times are acoming!
Bill W5EC

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[DX-CHAT] Unsubscribe

2010-04-13 Thread Bill Rinker
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Mosley Manuals

2009-07-11 Thread Bill
I think I have the manuals for both TA33 and TA33JR... Try the web site I 
gave you first.

I will check tomorrow and if so I will make you a copy and send to you if 
you don't get them here:

Give me your address.

Bill W4WX

Also they are here:
- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" 

To: "'DX Chat Reflector (DX Chat Reflector)'" 
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 8:31 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] Mosley Manuals

Thanks to all who've replied (direct or via the reflector); I've gotten a
wealth of information to dig through!

First, on further inspection, I think it's a TA-33 (or TA-33jr) not a TA-36.
The -36 is a six element yagi, this appears to be only a 3.  Of course, it's
arrived in many many pieces, so take that with a grain of salt.

Second, although I couldn't get into the main BAMA site for some odd reason
(and I use IE 7, not Firefox or Safari or one of the alternatives), there is
a "mirror" site.  That worked, and I got info on all of the antennas.

Right now, the antenna is going to wait awhile.  It's sat in a garage for
quite a few years, and will need quite a bit of TLC -- and new U-Bolts (some
are rusted) and other hardware.  These will need to be ordered.  I also have
to figure out which traps are which... they are color coded, but the color
has long since faded.

Sure wish I had that beam up in the air right now though... it's been tough
slugging in the IARU with my Butternut.  Trimming the vines off of it helped
though (those wild grape get aggressive!) but I have some radials that need
some work.  But that's another story.

Again, my thanks to all.  I knew I could count on you!

73, ron w3wn

-Original Message-
From: kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] On Behalf Of Ron Notarius
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 6:06 PM
To: DX Chat Reflector (DX Chat Reflector)
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Mosley Manuals

I was just given an old Mosley TA-36 beam (at least, it was described to me
as such, it might actually be a TA-33!)

However, unfortunately, no manual came with it. And even though it's listed
as available on the BAMA site, when I try to download it, the server asks me
for a user name & password (and it doesn't like the password associated with
the Anonymous login account), which I don't have, so that doesn't work.

Don't suppose anyone has a manual sitting around that I can beg or borrow a
copy of?

And does anyone know if Mosley is still around, and if so, are they still in
the amateur radio business?

73, ron w3wn

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Mosley Manuals

2009-07-11 Thread Bill
Go here and then click on "other"   Plenty of free Mosley manuals. The TA36 
and others are listed.

Bill W4WX

- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" 

To: "DX Chat Reflector (DX Chat Reflector)" 
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 6:05 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Mosley Manuals

I was just given an old Mosley TA-36 beam (at least, it was described to me
as such, it might actually be a TA-33!)

However, unfortunately, no manual came with it. And even though it's listed
as available on the BAMA site, when I try to download it, the server asks me
for a user name & password (and it doesn't like the password associated with
the Anonymous login account), which I don't have, so that doesn't work.

Don't suppose anyone has a manual sitting around that I can beg or borrow a
copy of?

And does anyone know if Mosley is still around, and if so, are they still in
the amateur radio business?

73, ron w3wn

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[DX-CHAT] Sunspot 1024

2009-07-05 Thread Bill Hawkins

Spaceweather.com report.
The most active sunspot of the year so far is emerging in the sun's 
southern hemisphere. Sunspot 1024 has at least a dozen individual dark cores 
and it is crackling with B-class solar flares. The magnetic polarity of 
sunspot 1024 identifies it as a member of new Solar Cycle 24. Its rapid 
emergence continues the recent (few-month) trend of intensifying new-cycle 
activity. This sunspot is the best offering yet from the young solar cycle. 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] ,Desecheo

2009-03-06 Thread Bill

Bunch of them running around in USA if you hire a illegal!

- Original Message - 
From: "ragnar otterstad" 

To: ; 
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 8:26 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] ,Desecheo

,WE need a hispanic ham to give us the correct pronounciation !!

73  rag  LA5HE

Alt i ett. Få Yahoo! Mail med adressekartotek, kalender og
notisblokk. http://no.mail.yahoo.com

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Desecheo

2009-03-05 Thread Bill
Kay Pee Five

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ernie Walls 
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 5:07 PM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Desecheo

  A question on Desecheo, site of the recent Dxpedition that we all spent some 
time chasing!


  Does anyone know the correct pronunciation of the place - there is quite a 
fundamental difference of opinion amongst a few amateurs at my club.


  My stab is DE  SESH  E  O - but this may be nothing like it should be.


  Any further input, please?



  Ernie Walls VK3FM




  Mobile 0418 301 483


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2008-10-30 Thread Bill Fikis
   Hello All,  This is off the subject of ham radio ...
 Can anyone let me know  the band of frequencies coming out of 
a satellite dish to the 
  box  in the house ??

 Bill / w2ay

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Re: [DX-CHAT] (no subject)

2008-08-14 Thread Bill Hawkins

Say what???
Bill W5EC

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 4:50 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] (no subject)

< <(a=c)> // (f=iso-8859-1)

 (3B7=1a)(96=20)(3DB=Wed Aug 13 22:42:55 2008)(AE=ISO-8859-1)(AF=1e)>
{1:^9F {(k^A0:c)(s=9)} 












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[DX-CHAT] MFJ-4724

2008-08-10 Thread Bill
Is anyone using the MFJ-4724 with the MFJ-4724RC?  If so please email me. I 
have couple questions.  Please reply direct to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bill W4WX
Please visit:  www.geocities.com/w4wx1

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[DX-CHAT] Solar cycle

2008-07-19 Thread Bill Hawkins

This week the Daily DX bulletin said we have reached a new low 10 cm Solar 
Flux level,
the previous low being reached on July 2, 1954 which was soon followed by 
the best
solar cycle ever recorded. I became a teenage Alabama novice in October 1954 
with no idea
what a sun spot was. I happily joined other new novices in making new 
friends all
over the SE USA on 80m and soon all over the USA on 40m with 15 watt ear 
splitting signals.
Those bands were wonderful!  I soon found that there were hams in other 
countries when
I was called one night by a strange sounding station. I began my DX career 
by chatting with CM2PX.
Dxing on 15m soon followed. Apparently as the solar cycle began it's upward 
the upper bands quickly came alive because I remember 15m being outstanding 
in 1955!
Soon a homemade 2 element beam  for 10m was fabbed using foil wrapped around 
fishing poles.

The Heath AT-1 could now reach almost anywhere at any time, day or night!

So, if you have been struggling with weak signals on closed bands trying to 
work DXCC,
get ready, be prepared and fasten your seat belts, because I think its going 
to be a wild ride.

Bill W5EC 338/356

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[DX-CHAT] Heathkit Tuner Model SA-2060

2008-07-09 Thread Bill Rinker
My Heathkit Antenna Tuner, Model SA-2060 which I purchased at a Hamfest in Ft. 
Wayne, IN, back in 1982 needs a new roller contact part #266-1048 (See 
attached).  The roller which glides along the roller inductor coils has a worn 
slot OD which results in opens at several locations along the inductor coils.

I need a replacement roller contact.

Anyone have one?  Please advise.  

Bill - NE9Z 

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2008-03-25 Thread Bill Fikis
Hello All...
   I recently  received an e-mail  from  DL4CW who informed me that He had 
received 3  of my
   cards  requesting  H7 / IV3IYH qsl.(  that I sent to the mgr-IK2ILH) in his  
sae. DL4CW told  me  there were no  stamps or  post marks on envelope...   The  
next  day ,  I  received  his  qsl  request for the H7/  in   my   sae. 
There  were  no   stamps  or  post marks on the envelope. 
   And   yesterday,   I  received an e-mail   from  Rich - W6RS   who  informed 
me  he  had  received   one  of  my  cards  requesting  H7/   qslin   his   
 There was a italian   stamp on  it   but   not   cancelled. 
I   hope   the   mgr's   kids  are  not  into  doing  his  mail  ...

..Bill / w2ay

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Re: [DX-CHAT] TX5C Clipperton

2008-03-17 Thread Bill
They are okay and on the way home.  You can hear them on 14243 as FO5A/MM.
Bill W4WX

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ernie Walls 
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 6:58 AM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] TX5C Clipperton

  Speaking of DXpeditions, or those just concluded, does anyone have any 
information on TX5C.


  Since they went off air the silence has been deafening - their website still 
says they are QRV, although they are obviously QR, there has been no log update 
since the second last day of operation, I have not seen a single word of 
information of them leaving the island safely, nowell... nothing!!





  Ernie Walls VK3FM




  Mobile 0418 301 483


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: Card Checkers

2008-03-16 Thread Bill
Best advantage is you will not lose your cards in the mail and you save the 
postage fees.
Bill W4WX
  - Original Message - 
  From: wmills 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 12:02 PM
  Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] Re: Card Checkers

  There is little difference in processing time when submitting via a DXCC 
field checker. In fact, it may take a little longer via a checker if the field 
checker doesn't submit the application quickly. At HQ, there is virtually no 
difference. The application goes into the queue along with all others, so is 
subject to the same backlog. Field-checked apps are more quickly entered into 
the system, but you wouldn't notice that difference.


  The cause of the current huge backlog is that management has not provided for 
(nearly) enough manpower to do the job. The current backlog appears to over 14 
weeks. This delay is IN HOUSE. When you include the time it takes to process 
mail in and out of HQ, plus the time it takes for the post between you or the 
checker and HQ and back, it is more like 17 weeks. It's a shame.


  73, Wayne, N7NG

  Jackson Hole, Wyoming



  Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 9:08 AM
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Re: Card Checkers


  One would think that submitting your QSL's through a field checker

  would give a faster turn-around. Can anyone verify this by personal 

  Dave Miller W1GDQ





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Re: [DX-CHAT] Cable X-perts out of busines ????

2008-03-01 Thread Bill
Hi Jim,
I just did a Google search for "low loss cable" and got 392,000 hits! Most 
popular, of course, will be the first few hits.
Try this one: radioworks.com/ccoax.html. 
Bill W4WX
  - Original Message - 
  From: James Nipper 
  To: Don ; dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 5:36 AM
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Cable X-perts out of busines 

  Tks for the comments Don.   I suppose the quality issue is moot, it appears 
they have gone out of business anyhow.

  73 de  Jim  K4PYT

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[DX-CHAT] Kosovo From the DXCC Blog

2008-02-19 Thread Bill Jackson
Kosova and Adding New Countries to DXCC

Feb 19, 2008 16:53 ET
Bill Moore, NC1L

Naturally there are many questions about the DXCC status of Kosova, and whether
or not it will be added to the DXCC list.

The DXCC rules, which were modified in 2000 to better handle inclusion to DXCC,
are clear on how additions can be made:

For inclusion in the DXCC List, conditions as set out below must be met.
Listing is not contingent upon whether operation has occurred or will occur,
but only upon the qualifications of the Entity.

Political Entities, Geographical Entities, Special Areas

#1, Political Entities is the category with which we are concerned with respect
to Kosova.

1. Political Entities:

Political Entities are those areas which are separated by reason of government
or political division. They generally contain an indigenous population which is
not predominantly composed of military or scientific personnel.

An Entity will be added to the DXCC List as a Political Entity if it meets one
or more of the following criteria:

a) The entity is a UN Member State.

b) The entity has been assigned a callsign prefix bloc by the ITU. (The
exceptions to this rule are international organizations, such as the UN and
ICAO. These Entities are classified under Special Areas, 3.a); and Ineligible
Areas, 4.b).) A provisional prefix bloc assignment may be made by the Secretary
General of ITU. Should such provisional assignments not be ratified later by
the full ITU, the Entity will be removed from the DXCC List.

c) The Entity contains a permanent population, is administered by a local
government, and is located at least 800 km from its parent. To satisfy the
"permanent population" and "administered by a local government" criteria of
this sub-section, an Entity must be listed on either (a) the U.S. Department of
State's list of "Dependencies and Areas of Special Sovereignty" as having a
local "Administrative Center," or (b) the United Nations list of
"Non-Self-Governing Territories."

New Entities satisfying one or more of the conditions above will be added to
the DXCC List by administrative action as of their "Event Date."

So, Kosovo will be added to the DXCC list if it becomes a member of the UN, or
(2), if it receives a prefix bloc from the ITU. The third condition does not
apply. The date upon which either (1) or (2) occurs will be the event date.

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[DX-CHAT] Yaesu MTU-160

2008-02-05 Thread Bill
Has anyone tried the Yaesu MTU-160 u-Tuning Preselector on 160 meters with the 
FT-2000?  If so how does it work?  Would you recommend it?  Please reply direct 
Bill W4WX
Please visit:  www.geocities.com/w4wx1

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2008-02-05 Thread Bill
Has anyone tried the Yaesu MTU-160 u-Tuning Preselector on 160 meters with the 
FT-2000?  If so how does it work?  Would you recommend it?  Please reply direct 
Bill W4WX
Please visit:  www.geocities.com/w4wx1

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[DX-CHAT] HG8K in 160M Test

2008-02-04 Thread Bill
Worked HG8K in 160M Test. Anyone have qsl route? Not in QRZ.COM.
Bill W4WX
Please visit:  www.geocities.com/w4wx1

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ Can of worms

2007-12-28 Thread Bill
Wouldn't it be what type of license FJ allowed, not OH ???
  - Original Message - 
  From: GERRY 
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 8:18 PM
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ Can of worms

  It's clear that OH2AM is a club call and therefore Class C.

call name address zip city class @sral.fi email 
OH0B OH0R OH2R OH0AM OH2AM OH-DX-Ring Ry PL 73 02381 ESPOO   C 


  It's clear that the CEPT regulations does not include class C in their OH 
allowed CEPT users.
  Appendix 2: http://www.ero.dk/doc98/Official/Word/TR6101E.DOC

  Gerry VE6LB
- Original Message - 
From: Zack Widup 
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 5:00 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] FJ Can of worms

On Fri, 28 Dec 2007, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

> A very interesting document.
> I noticed that one item appeared to be missing... when the first 
> surfaced, one of the "charges" was that of possibly illegal entry to FJ 
> a privately chartered boat, as I recall.  No mention of that in the 
> As a certain fictional television character used to say, "Fascinating."
> The charge over the alleged misuse of the club callsign for the DXpedition
> is probably the most serious complaint.  But as meticulous as Martti 
> is on planning his jaunts, I find it hard to believe that this detail was
> overlooked.  And, of course, nobody's perfect, so it may have been a true
> oversight on his part.

I wondered about that myself.  As you said, "Fascinating!"

> But... was a license issued, and if so, what call was on it?  If FJ/OH2AM
> was on the license -- does that make the operation invalid?  I'm sure 
> one of the things the DXAC and DXCC desk will get to iron out, a task I
> don't envy them.

I was under the impression that as a CEPT country, anyone from another 
CEPT country could just go there and operate.  I could just go and operate 
as FJ/W9SZ.  The main contention seems to be now about the callsign used 
after the "FJ/".

> Having said that... I've got to tell you, gang, that this is one of a 
> of disturbing precedents that we've seen over the last few years.  Sort 
of a
> DX'ing version of NIMBY.  Recall all the complaints from the HP hams over
> the H8A trip a few years back, for one (specifically over the actual call 
> the license)?  And there have been others along the same lines, which many
> of you know much more about than I ever will.
> I can't blame some of the resident FJ hams from feeling that their triumph
> got trumped, that their own plans to "inaugurate" the new entity in their
> own way got pulled out from under them.  Under similar circumstances, I
> might feel the same way.  But whatever happened (I ask rhetorically) to 
> sportsmanship?
> 73, ron w3wn

So where are they?  Why aren't they doing a similar operation when they 
know how much in demand the entity still is?

73, Zack W9SZ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season

2007-12-14 Thread Bill Hawkins

Charles, please do not try to impose your silly sense of "being offended" on 
People  in this country are tired of bowing and scraping to everyone who is 
"offended" at every stupid little thing.
If  you are offended by someone saying "Merry Christmas", move to someplace 
it isn't said.
If you have already done that, be happy and keep your offended nose out of 
my business.

Bill W5EC

At 05:19 PM 12/14/2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

To Western hams, mostly

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: [dx-list] Re: FR5DX

2007-10-31 Thread Bill Fikis

  Les,  Ron,  I  have   FR5dx  cfm'd   for  5  qso's  from  the  90's.
 Two  of  which  are  FR0FLO.

  I  guess I  was  lucky     Bill / w2ay

- Original Message - 
From: "Les Kalmus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cc: "DX Chat" 
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: [dx-list] Re: FR5DX

Exactly. I never got one from him for that call either.

Les W2LK

-Original Message-

From: "Ronald Loneker Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 31, 2007 5:44 AM
Cc: DX Chat 
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: [dx-list] Re: FR5DX

Wasn't this the same op who was FR0FLO back in the 1980'S??  If I
remember correctly, it was a black hole getting qsls then! //
It didn't tak me long to learn this... 73, Ron

Paul M Dunphy wrote:

At 09:22 PM 10/30/2007, you wrote:

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Derek Wills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oft-repeated advice is to send FR5 mail via France with no
> mention of Reunion Island on the envelope (for an example,
> see FR5DX's address on qrz.com - well, I didn't say it works
> every time!).



No mention of Reunion Island is key because mail to the above address
goes via France instead of via some African countries where the mail
is pilfered.  That is not Herik's fault but the fault of the person
who does not follow the published address exactly.  97430 is the
French Zip meaning mail is redirected (securely) to Reunion.  If you
use this address and include appropriate IRCs or GS, you should get a
card with no problems.

I got cards from Herik for both 80m and 160m using the above and he
also helped me get a card from FR7BP/T (now SK) for an old 10m QSO in
1980.  Herik is a good guy but don't blame him if you cannot follow
his QSL directions.

Whoever said Herik does not work CW is wrong.  I worked him on 160 CW
from both Colorado and NC.  He was quite active on 160 just a few
years ago.

73,  Bill


Many of us got QSLs from Herik after repeated attempts and trying
every trick in the book.  A few got it the first try.  We were well
aware of the "via France" issue.  There just were too many who didn't
get a response for it to be explained away by mail pilfering.  When
you mentioned "poor QSLer" in the 1990s, *everyone* rolled their eyes
and muttered FR5DX.  He had the worst reputation for returning cards I
can ever recall.

You were lucky to get the cards you did, and maybe because they
were 80 and 160 he treated them special.  I don't know.  All I do know
is that the top dog DXers of the day who knew all the QSLing tricks to
minimise pilfering, etc. each had their FR5DX horror stories.  I know,
because I was there and I remember it well.

73, Paul VE1DX

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Ronald Loneker Sr.- KA2BZS
#1DXCC Honor Roll - 9BDXCC
A-1 Op  - QCWA

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Real DX

2007-10-04 Thread Bill Hawkins

Fifty years ago the S40B was not ancient. Now I am ancient but I remember
as a teenager carefully tuning the SX-25 and finally hearing the weak beeps.
It was thrilling then and I still get nervous when I finally hear a NEW ONE.
What fun!
Bill W5EC

Fifty years ago this week, a fourteen year old shortwave listener tuned his

ancient Hallicrafters S40B to 20.005 Megacycles and was able to hear a weak,
scratchy beeb-beeb-bee from Sputnik I.

What is Dx? To a 14 year old kid that was REAL DX.

To those of you that have been around awhile...hasn't it been fun?

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Real DX

2007-10-04 Thread Bill
Yea, I remember... I was 17!! That was the same week Fats Domino was suing 

His Hound Dog pooped on Blue Berry Hill!!


- Original Message - 
From: "Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Real DX

Indeed it has John, and I too listened to Sputnik on my S40, but can't 
remember if it was an A or B.

I was 18 then, and am still enjoying it.

Mike, W5UC

At 12:33 PM 10/4/2007, J Dyer wrote:
Fifty years ago this week, a fourteen year old shortwave listener tuned 
ancient Hallicrafters S40B to 20.005 Megacycles and was able to hear a 

scratchy beeb-beeb-bee from Sputnik I.

What is Dx? To a 14 year old kid that was REAL DX.

To those of you that have been around awhile...hasn't it been fun?


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"age & treachery will overcome youth & skill"

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2007-09-29 Thread Bill

HI... still no card..  My last one.  In the log 3 times..  made donation..

Sure like to get my card submitted for 2007??  Like to see the #1 Honor Roll 
Plaque on the wall.

Bill W4WX

- Original Message - 
From: "nick cominos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 5:18 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] BS7

Card arrived today...whew...and thank you.

Nick W9UM

Know the enemy and know yourself, in a hundred battles you will never be 
in peril.  If ignorant of both, you are certain in every battle to be in 

Sun Tzu

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2007-08-28 Thread Bill-W2AY

 Received my  cards 2  weeks ago  Bill / w2ay

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2007-08-12 Thread Bill Jackson
Heard this afternoon as I was tuning past 14.178 that W2ONV is now SK.
No other details were given during the short time I listened, other
than he had
been quite ill for the last couple of months.

de Bill, K9RZ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H on LoTW

2007-08-05 Thread Bill Hawkins
Whew! My one and only BS7H qso was there!
It was my last one also. My 1st was in 1955.
After finishing up 12 meters, I think I might try 160M.
I don't have time to start over :-)
Bill W5EC

  Ok Guy & Gals
  You might want to take a look at your LoTW account. Another batch of QSO's 
were uploaded last night. This included mine. 

  This is my last one. My first DXCC counter was May, 1989 and the last was 
May, 2007. 18 years for Top of Honor Roll. What next, start over?

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[DX-CHAT] Wire Vee Beam

2007-07-24 Thread Bill Hawkins
A short  time ago I read about someone who made a wire vee beam (his antenna 
was down for repair)
to string up specifically for a new dx (maybe BS7H) and it worked 
fantastically. He got 'em.

I thought it was in CQ but I can't find the magazine.
Then I thought it might have been on the net, but I can't find it there.
Anyone remember it and where it was? Scan it for me?
Bill W5EC

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2007-07-06 Thread Bill Hawkins
After reading about CU2A, I downloaded HamCAP.
HamCAP uses VOACAP to run and I already had VOACAP on the computer.
HamCAP doesn't see this VOACAP and wants to download it again.
They both reside in Program Files but in  different folders.
How do I get HamCAP to recognize the VOACAP already here?
Bill W5EC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FREE logging program

2007-06-30 Thread Bill

Thanks guys!!

6 for N1MM
1 other..

Thanks for all the reply's.  I will check them out!!
Bill W4WX
- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Pescitelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] FREE logging program

There is a DXpedition version of WinTest available that is free...
This is the closest thing that you will ever get to the old CT under

All the major contest stations seem to be migrating to this.

Paul K4UJ

On 6/30/07, Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am looking for a good free logging program to use in contesting and
DXPeditions.  I am presently using Writelog.

Any suggestions?
Bill W4WX

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FREE logging program

2007-06-30 Thread Bill
I am looking for a good free logging program to use in contesting and 
DXPeditions.  I am presently using Writelog.

Any suggestions?
Bill W4WX

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Gitmo

2007-06-23 Thread Bill

Steve... You do what you think is right.
We have a user that continues to bash our country and president and you 
getting on me for cross posting.  This has been going on for a long time.
I hit the "reply to all" button and added the DX reflector.  I did not 
notice the "reply to all" included the DXreflector!

I also received some email agreeing with me.

From your web page:
"This list is for the discussion of DX related matters only. It is not a 
list for the general discussion of ham radio, there are other lists and 
usenet news groups for that purpose.

Adherence to these guidelines is mandatory! If you fail to follow the 
guidelines list below, you will immediately, and permanently, be removed for 
the list."

So why is Rag still on the list?

I enjoy the list and appreicate all the effort that goes into keeping it up. 
If the rules had been enforced prior to this I would not be typing to you.


Bill W4WX

- Original Message - 

Cc: "urb LeJeune" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "ron Notarius W3WN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Gitmo

I will take this advisement Bill, HOWEVER, I think that the
qusetion besg to be asked, why you felt that this must be
cross posted to the DX-NEWS in violation of our written

This conversation was going on the CHAT reflector,
where it is suppose not (not necessarily this thread) but
discussion and YOU decided that the NEWS reflector
should get involved.

I have 7 e-mails that are requesting YOU should be
removed for directly violating what should be posted on
the NEWS reflector.

Now what should I do?


On 23 Jun 2007 at 8:38, Bill wrote:

It is time to remove Rag from the NJDXA reflectors!  I for one do not what
to hear his crap anymore!  His total disrespect for MY President and MY
Country has hit it's limit!
I vote he be removed NOW!!! or I think you will loose some good
Bill W4WX

- Original Message - 
From: "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 7:27 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] Gitmo

Rag your last two posts went to the wrong reflector.  This is the DX Chat
reflector not the bash America reflector.  I think this is where you meant
for your comments to go - http://pol.moveon.org/keepmeposted/

If you have something to say about DX fine - if you have something to say
about politics take it somewhere else.

Bernie, W3UR

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Now more than ever - you need The Daily DX and The Weekly DX - to keep up
with the DX news from around the globe!

Editor of - The Daily DX <-- two free weeks 

  - The Weekly DX <-- free sample
  - How's DX


-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 04:18
To: Joe Subich, W4TV; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Gitmo

I can understand from your comments that you are unaware
what " the world " feels about the subject.
If one is trying to keep the moral high ground, nothing is
more counterproductive than not practicing what you preach.
It is an unfortunate fact that GWB has been a foreign policy
disaster for his country.
Abandoning Habeas Corpus was not a good move ! ( this week's
understatement  ! )

73  Rag  la5he

> Rag, that is doubtful. There are those for whom hating the
> is a hobby rather than a matter of principal.  Radical
> will have to be in control of western Europe before they
> figure it out, and then it will be too late. Sad.

As has been said before - those who fail to learn from
will be condemned to repeat it.

Those who refuse to actively oppose Radical Islam are just
like the
collaborators and the rest who failed to speak out against
and the "final solution" in the 1940's.  If the US had not
forward when it did, the National Socialist domination of
Europe would have extended from the Urals to the Atlantic
and the
Arctic to the Cape of Good Hope.


   ... Joe, W4TV

> It would most certainly improve USA's standing in the rest
> the world.
> 73  Rag la5he
> Rag, that is doubtful. There are those for whom hating the
> is a hobby rather than a matter of principal.  Radical
> will have to be in control of western Europe before they
> figure it out, and then it will be too late. Sad.
> 73,
> Mike, W5UC

Denne m

Re: [DX-CHAT] Find a call?

2007-05-22 Thread Bill Hawkins

It's good to have you guys around!
It was on both FCC and QRZ database.
I just could not find the right place.
It was W4WJB. Passed away 5/18/07.
Bill W5EC

Can someone tell me how I can find the call of a ham friend 
who died last week? Or can someone do a reverse search for me?
I think he retained his call although he didn't do much in the 
last several years except some remote stuff with repeaters. 
I can give you the name if you can help.

Bill W5EC

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[DX-CHAT] Find a call?

2007-05-22 Thread Bill Hawkins
Can someone tell me how I can find the call of a ham friend 
who died last week? Or can someone do a reverse search for me?
I think he retained his call although he didn't do much in the 
last several years except some remote stuff with repeaters. 
I can give you the name if you can help.

Bill W5EC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Those scaffolds

2007-05-12 Thread Bill Hawkins

Allowed or dis-allowed, after seeing the photos of this operation,
all I can say is "Absolutely amazing!"
I shudder to think what would have happened if a 3 foot wave had come by.
Bill W5EC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXing pioneers

2007-05-07 Thread Bill Hawkins

You guys are bringing back so many memories.
I want to go back through my old QSL cards again and cherish those days.
Bill W5EC

I will never forget the Colvin's

Gus Browning and Don Miller

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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H on any band-Trouble, trouble, trouble

2007-05-05 Thread Bill Hawkins

Let me tell you my sad story.Long but true.

After receiving my VU4 qsl, I was in pretty good shape.
Only one (1) to go---BS7.
Then all of a sudden I had three (3) to go!
Got two (2) of them. Now to get the cards.
Received the cards, 4O3T and KH8SI, and got them to ARRL in March.
News of an impending BS7 DxPed got me worrying about the antenna.
I have to clean it up and get 10 more feet of tower.
Got the beam down and started getting top section ready.
Late winter rain,wind, rain, wind, etc kept me off the tower.
Still plenty of time. It's only the first of April.
Have to make a pulley brace--still plenty of time.
Work is getting in my way!
Still have 2 more weeks, plenty of time.
Uh oh, Mom is feeling bad. She is 96.
Uh oh, Mom has to go to hospital. I must stay there quite a bit.
Uh oh, Mom unexpectedly passes away. Her funeral is on April 23.
We visit with friends and family until late Monday afternoon.
Maybe I can do a bit of antenna work tomorrow.
Uh oh. What's that pain in my side?
It's getting worse and I'm gonna throw up.
It's still getting worse. I hope it's not a kidney stone.
I can't stand it any more. Doc said meet him at hospital ER.
They can do anything they want--IF they stop the pain.
Cat scan confirms stone! Pain seems to be gone at 3 AM Tuesday.
My son and his wife stay with me all night.
She keeps nurses bringing pain meds.
Go home Tuesday mid-morning with filter. Drink plenty and watch.
Still plenty of time.
Tuesday noon the pain is coming back. Get the pain pills.
They're not working!
Bad afternoon. Bad night. Bad Wednesday. Fever has arrived by Thursday.
Pills still not working!
Doc says meet him at hospital for admission.
Time is shorter than I would like.
Wow! Liquid pain medicine in the vein works better than pills!
Tests show that the Doc has to go in and get the stone.
What does he mean "go in"? Uh Oh!!!
Surgery Friday. Is BS7 there yet? Rest Saturday and Sunday and go home
Monday in a hospital is like Monday everywhere. What are they waiting for?
Is BS7 operating?
Arrive home shortly after noon, April 30.Wife says sit so I sit.
Drink lots of fluid and watch.
Computer shows lots of BS7 activity.  I have to stretch my legs.
A walk to back yard shows a naked tower with beam on the ground next to it
Great weather, no rain, no wind--maybe tomorrow if I play my cards right.
My son says he can help tomorrow. My wife says she will help him!!! I'm out
of time.
They both understand the urgency. Thank You, Thank You!
Tuesday morning he set the beam on the mast and we pull it to the top.
Turn the radio on. Holy moley! BS7H is 589 on 20 meters.
Have to set the guys. I can hear them the entire time. No need to hurry.
They're loud!
Tuesday shortly after noon-let's go get them. uh oh, where did all those
stations come from?
Conditions go downhill. Not 589 anymore. Can't even hear them.
Maybe tonight or tomorrow.
Hmmm, nothing Tues night and Wed morning they are weak
and working JA and EU.
Hey, they are calling NA. 400,000 radios come to life.
No luck. More JA and U.
Same story Thursday and Friday. Keep seeing posts saying "easy, first call".
Yeah, right.
How many JAs are there? Friday afternoon I have to collect
some stuff for community garage sale my wife had committed to long ago.
Early Saturday bands are dead. Something about group photo.
How long can that take? Only 12 hours left!
Get stuff to garage sale around 7 AM and get setup.
I hope somebody is already planning another BS7 DxPedition.
Hope they can stay a month.
At 7:55 AM, my wife says "all is under control,
go home and see if you can get them".
Bless her heart!!!
Knocking over a couple of tables, I peeled out of the parking lot.
Five minutes later I hear them on 20m cw--599 calling NA!
I set up about 10 kHz higher and call, and call, and call, etc.
Thirty minutes later still no go. Did he call me? No, it was W5*c. Darn!
I listen around. Lots of folks calling. BS7H getting weaker. Gotta hurry.
There is another group up about 10 kHz more
and then I heard one give a signal report.
Could this be the freq? Back to split and BS7H says TU NA UP.
Quick call. Did he call me? Wait. Then a beautiful song played.
W5EC W5EC 599!
TU 599. If he only knew. It was #337!  The last one!
Thank you Liz (my wife) for sending me home!
Bill W5EC

I wanted to be a procrastinator when I grew up,
but I never got around to it.

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2007-03-15 Thread Bill Rinker

Jerry:  Well said.  Bill, NE9Z in Wyoming

- Original Message - 
From: "Jerry Keller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] The ARRL

Double BRAVO!!  The ARRL may not always be right about everything, but it 
has done more to promote and sustain ham radio than any other 
organization... certainly in this country and maybeworldwide as well.  The 
ARRL has been one of the first and foremost, and has been a model for the 
national amateur radio organizations of many other countries.  Everyone's 
entitled to an opinion, but I'm really, really tired of seeing the ARRL 
run down all the time. I have no doubt whatsoever that there would be no 

radio in this country without the ARRL.

73, Jerry K3BZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Ragnar Otterstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 6:35 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] The ARRL


73  Rag  LA5HE , ARRL life member

My point is that ARRL CHANGED, because the consensus of its members
changed. The ARRL is not "them", it's "us"! If you don't like the
positions taken by your board member, tell him or her, and be
prepared to stand for election next time to see if your views get

But despite its imperfections, ARRL represents amateur
radio worldwide (not just in the USA) better than any other
organization, including IARU.

I disagree here !

A particular point of criticism seems to be the DXCC branch, and the
way it deals with DXpeditions and potential new DXCC Entities. As a
member of the DX Advisory Committee, I'd agree that some of the
executive decisions appear on occasion to be arbitrary (7O1YGF, BS7H,

Remember, this is only a  game !!!

But for better or worse there are some key threads which
explain most of them: Take the long-term view; Support governments
and national amateur radio organizations; And above all try not to
risk the integrity of the #1 award in ham radio (memories of Romeo
still hurt!).

So, when you bash ARRL and especially DXCC, expect me to tune out folks.

73, John, NT5C.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DX who QSL or not

2007-03-02 Thread Bill
So what do you do Charlie when you received a QSL card from someone with a 
couple dollars in it?  You return one of your cards confirming the contact 
or do you accuse him of bribery?

- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Heger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DX who QSL or not

Sorry, we will have to disagree.  Dollars sent are not for purchase of a 
qsl card.  They are to cover return postage costs for the DX station, as 
well as to assist with the cost of having his cards printed.  This is well 
within what would be considered the "ham spirit".

73, Tim - N3XX

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Harpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DX who QSL or not

Not in my personal view.  If you wish to make a donation to them, so be 
it, but if you are sending your green stamps in the expectation of a 
return qsl, then you are PURCHASING a qsl, which has always been against 
the ham spirit, of course.

I think we can't have it both ways:  make donation freely and then expect 
a card for the "donation."

Charles Harpole

From: "Tim Heger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DX who QSL or not
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 06:19:58 -0500

- Original Message - From: "Charles Harpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 8:02 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] DX who QSL or not

I firmly believe that no one OWES me a card.

These guys make hundreds or thousands of contacts, then gladly accept the 
qsl cards that might be of benefit to them, along with all the free 
greenstamps.  They don't owe a return qsl?

73, Tim - N3XX

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2007-02-28 Thread Bill-W2AY
  The  callsign was  T77NM  ..Bill / w2ay

- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:37 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] T77NN QSL Rte

> Russ,
> Can find no listing for T77NN, not even on the T7 call book online.
> it be Tony T77C that you worked?
> 73, ron w3wn
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:04 PM
> To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
> Subject: [DX-CHAT] T77NN QSL Rte
> What is the QSL Rte for T77NN? Hane been listening for 30 min since my
> and have not heard him say. Tnx & 73 Russ W4UBC
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> http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
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> This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA
> http://njdxa.org
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> http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
> To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org
> This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA
> http://njdxa.org

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Re: [DX-CHAT] VU7RG and VU7LD cards

2007-02-15 Thread Bill
Received my Special VU7RG cards today.. Also got my VU7LD cards.  Great turn 
around times!!

Bill W4WX 

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2007-01-20 Thread Bill
VU7MY logs will be merged with VU7RG logs after the DXPedition is over. All 
info on their web site.

Bill W4WX
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sarath 
  To: mike giddings ; dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 11:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] VU7MY

  Hi Mike

  Even my contacts are missing in VU7MY But VU7RG is there... 
  Minicoy is bigger Island compare to other Islands. 

  R.Sarath Babu, VU3RSB 
  Personal: http://www.qsl.net/vu3rsb

  Hon.Member of Wellington Radio Club, U.S.A
  "Our Towering Times" correspondent from India

  Amateur Radio International Communications Coalition - India Liason Officer
  Member of Amsat - India

  - Original Message 
  From: mike giddings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: DX-Chat 
  Sent: Saturday, 20 January, 2007 1:38:40 AM
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] VU7MY

  Does anyone know if the on line log for VU7MY  Minicoy Island is working? I 
thought I had read somewhere that they have internet problems on the island and 
wouldn't be able to up-load logs but I see there is an on line log on the VU7RG 
page? I~ had a QSO with Bharathi yesterday but my call isn't in the data base 
yet so was wondering if they are using it.

  Mike Giddings G3XLB

  Finding fabulous fares is fun.
  Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and 
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2007-01-12 Thread Bill Hawkins

Does LU2ERA/Z   on  Laurie Island, South  Orkneys,  do CW?
Bill W5EC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Exams

2006-12-28 Thread Bill Hawkins

You all have brought back some fond memories.

Well, all this has brought memories flooding bach that were almost 
Back in 1955, when my novice license was about to expire, after almost one 
year of
an exciting new hobby and the discovery of the miracle of DXing, I gathered 
up a bit of money,
packed an overnight bag, went down to the post office and waited by the 
for the Greyhound bus. Here I was, a 17 year boy who had never been away 
the safety of home by himself, headed 200 miles away to Mobile, Alabama by 
How and why my parents allowed me to do something like this, I will never 
Anyway the bus finally got to the station in Mobile and I wandered around 
gawking at the huge buildings, looking for a hotel near the FCC office. I 
found the FCC office
and a nearby hotel and somehow got checked in. I spent the rest of the 
evening reviewing the
"License Manual"  and after a night rest headed to the FCC. I don't remember 
anything about
the written or code test, but I do remember that the examiner said "YOU 
PASSED!". I don't remember
how I got back home, maybe cloud 9, but 6 weeks later that coveted General 
class license arrived.

It's been a great ride ever since.
Bill W5EC 

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2006-12-27 Thread Bill Jackson

> Simple... Run off you QSOs three (3) per card and put 2 IRC's OR 1 USD per
> card.
> Bill

For those of you lucky enough to have more than ONE QSO!  Such a delema!

73 de Bill

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2006-12-27 Thread Bill
Simple... Run off you QSOs three (3) per card and put 2 IRC's OR 1 USD per 

- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Tom Wylie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "DX-CHAT" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 9:48 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] VU7LD

Best to ask Joe himself how to handle this.

-Original Message-
Of Tom Wylie
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 9:17 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] VU7LD

Am I reading the QSL info wrong?   There is no mention of Buro cards and
there only appears to be 3 QSOs per card?

"Kindly include a robust self addresssed envelope and enclose a MINIMUM
of 2 IRCs (NEW BLUE ONES ONLY) or 1 "green stamp" (U$D) per card and
help support the DXpedition. 3 QSO's can be confirmed per card.
Donations may be sent to Joe W3HNK and he will pass it on to us. Please
include your emails so we can thank you.

So if you work 9 band / mode slots you need 6 IRCs?I know you can
get QSL software with more than 3 QSOs per label

Seems to me it smacks a wee bit of buying your QSL card.


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2006-11-12 Thread Bill Hawkins

I haven't had a post in a week.
Anything wrong?
Bill W5EC

[DX-CHAT] ALE - Now I Know!

2006-10-14 Thread Bill Jackson
I was wondering what I was hearing in the dx-window on 3791.0 on USB.  The
digital QRM is already here!

73 de Bill

 ALE event may spark curiosity among the uninitiated (Oct 14, 2006) -- A
growing number of amateurs using Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) has
prompted HFLINK -- the international ALE organization -- to sponsor a new
International Amateur Radio event called ALE On The Air Week (AOTAW) October
13-23. Appropriately equipped radio amateurs around the world are invited to
participate in this event, which gives operators the chance to exercise ALE
transceivers, antennas, software, systems and operating procedures. ALE
enables hams to directly call each other using their call signs in the same
manner as a telephone number. The use of ALE does produce a distinctive
on-air sound, however, and many may puzzle about what they're hearing. Some
describe it as an odd turkey-gobble sound.
Link to this story

Re: [DX-CHAT] Yaesu FT-2000

2006-10-07 Thread Bill Jackson
> We shouldn't assume that improved receiver performance comes
> automatically along with all the extra features. For example,
> although the FT-1000MP is my primary workhorse rig, I have always
> been disappointed that its raw sensitivity on a totally quiet band
> (10M long path for example) is not as good as my old Kenwood TS-940S,
> which will be back on live standby when the sunspots eventually
> return.


Do you have the INRAD Front End Mod installed?  This really seemed to liven
up my FT-1000MP, especially on 10 meters.  It is only $55 and can be easily
installed and removed.  See http://www.qth.com/inrad.  I live out in the
country and have very little problem with environmental noise.  With the mod
installed, I can easily hear a difference in the level of white noise when
the antenna is connected.  So,  in theory, I should be able to hear anything
that is at or above the environmental background noise level.

73 de Bill

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2006-09-29 Thread Bill Hawkins

I see postings for W4PL.
Is this a commemorative call honoring the old W4PL, Ben 
I remember working traffic with Ben on RN5 
eons ago.
He always as there, had a great signal and one of, 

if not the best fist I ever heard in the days before 
electronic keyers. 
Bill W5EC 

[DX-CHAT] HELL from KG4 land.

2006-09-27 Thread Bill


  I just got back from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where I was operating as 
  KG4DX.  This was a short three day trip.  
  I operated HELL for a short period making three contacts.  Could 
  this be the first HELL contacts made from GTMO?
  Bill W4WX/KG4DX

[DX-CHAT] Otto Degner - W5YU, SK

2006-08-27 Thread Bill Jackson
I was suprised and saddened to learn this morning while chasing some dx on
75m that Otto, W5YU became a Silent Key the first week of July.  Otto was
one of regulars of the 75 meter dx-window most winter mornings for the
better part of my 35+ years as a ham.  Although we never had a chance to
meet in person, he was one of the nicest persons I ever met on the air.  His
big signal from Farmington, NM will be missed.

>From the top band reflector archive:

  Subject:  Topband: W5YU SK
  From:  Jon Zaimes AA1K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date:  Wed, 05 Jul 2006 13:15:08 -0400

 From the Daily DX:

  Silent Keys

Monday 75 meter icon W5YU, Otto John Degner, passed away.  Otto had an
impressive 305 countries on 80 meters and 364 countries on SSB
confirmed at the DXCC Desk.  He was 87 years old.  Friends around the
world remember Otto as a gentleman and a diplomat.  KF7E, Jim, said
Otto "is now where the bands are always open, the QRN is never a
bother, and The Deserving are coming up the hill to see him."


Otto was also a regular on 160m chasing DX over the years. In the '80s and
we often worked him and  Bob ZL2BT (SK) as they kept nightly skeds on SSB at
sunset. Otto had a rhombic on 100ft poles on his ranch QTH in NM (he also
had a
more urban QTH). One of his other hobbies was square-dance calling.

Rest in peace Otto.

73/Jon AA1K

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXpedition support

2006-08-23 Thread Bill Jackson
Isn't that what organizations like the NCDXF are for, to evaluate the
worthiness of a particular dxpedtiion and provide some financial assistance?

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Re: [DX-CHAT] UTC offset

2006-08-09 Thread Bill Brelsford
On Wed Aug 09 2006 at 05:14 PM -0400, Urb LeJeune wrote:
> Does anyone know of a source, preferably computer readable that gives
> UTC offset from local time for DXCC countries or something close?

My DXCC country list has it .. available as a colon-delimited file
from http://www.arrl.org/files/infoserv/tech/dxcck2di.txt or, in
several formats, from http://www.codxc.org (click on "K2DI's DXCC

I need to update it to reflect the recent changes..

Bill Brelsford, K2DI
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Airmail Envelopes?

2006-07-31 Thread Bill

Post Office will give you free "PAR 
AVION AIRMAIL" stickers..If you want to spend money W4MPY, The QSL Man, 
 has very nice ones!!

  - Original Message - 
  To: Garth 
  Cc: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 9:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Airmail 
  Garth -A number of years ago I went the route of having 
  an rubber stamp made with "PAR AVION  AIRMAIL" on the stamp.  I use 
  a red ink pad and use standard 3 5/8" x 6.5" envelopes.In the long 
  run...It's cheaper unless you need lightweight 
  envelopes.73,Jay/AF2CAt 07:04 PM 7/31/2006 -0500, 
  you wrote:
know a good source of Airmail Envelopes? Wal-Mart and the big-box office 
supply stores no longer carry them. Thanks,Garth, 


2006-07-26 Thread Bill Hawkins

Propagation is unpredictable!
Everything says 10 meters is dead but he is coming 
Alabama like gangbusters.
They must have a great location.
Bill W5EC


2006-07-04 Thread Bill Hawkins

Just curious if anyone has received a card from 

Bill W5EC

Re: [DX-CHAT] Desecheo I. answers

2006-06-29 Thread Bill

Yes, we know!  Ask the NY Times!

- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Peter Dougherty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Scott Manthe" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Charles Harpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 

Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Desecheo I. answers

Whoa!  Until some solid information comes forth that the KP1-KP5 project 
had a connection with the last KP5 trip, let's NOT drag them into this!

All we know is that someone, an amateur, complained.

We do NOT know who it is.

We do NOT know where she or he actually lives.

We do NOT know their connection, if any, to the congress-gonif.

We do NOT know whether or not they are an active amateur.

We do NOT know if they are an active DX'er... or anything else besides the 
propensity to kvetch.

And most importantly, we do NOT know if they have ANYTHING to do with the 
KP1-5 project.  For all we know, if that project ever merits some success, 
this schmuck will complain about them too!

Enough poor souls are going to get dragged through the mud as it is. 
Let's not add the innocent until and unless we KNOW that innocent they 


From: Peter Dougherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu Jun 29 08:45:16 CDT 2006
To: Scott Manthe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Charles Harpole 

Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Desecheo I. answers

At 09:22 AM 06/29/2006, Scott Manthe wrote:

Like it or not, our politics drive our actions. And unfortunately, I
didn't bring politics in to this, Rep. Rahall did and  whoever
complained to him did.

A short Google of Nick Rahall reveals he is a Congressman from West
Virginia. The Desecho Island ops said that someone from West
Virginia complained to their congressman. Does anyone besides me see
a connection? Does anyone else think this is one of the "real"
issues here? If there was no jealous, complaining ham, there would
be no mention of ham radio in the report.

I suppose that someone with a lot of time on their hands could
ascertain the ZIP codes contained in the WV 3rd congressional
district, do a Buckmaster or similar search and see if any known
DXers with ties to the KP1-KP5 project come up



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2006-06-18 Thread Bill

Here is my reply from the USPS 
concerning IRC's...
Sir: The following is from the International Mail Manual: 372 
(Gary) - 06/17/2006 12:25 PMBilly, Thank you for visiting our 
website.  I understand you are requesting information on the International 
Reply Coupon?  That means one has until December 31, 2006 to 
exchange the item as it expires and is no good after that date.  One cannot 
exchange the item on January 1, 2006.  If I can be of assistance to 
you in the future, please don't hesitate to write back.  Thank you for 
using the United States Postal Service. Gary


2006-04-23 Thread Bill Hawkins

Bernie was struggling yesterday trying to work the mob scene on SSB
with poor results, but he kept trying.
I couldn't stand to listen any more so I went to CW where  VU4AN / VU3RYC
was knocking them off at a rate of 4 or 5 per minute!
Did Bernie forget his key or did he just feel sorry for the appliance 

Bill W5EC

I think he went to 20 meter RTTY.  He was working NA, but the pileup was 
immense, and I believe some of your continent-men were calling despite the 
pleas for North America only. The combination of the two did NOT result in 
a high rate for Bernie, but he tried.  I think he went to 20 SSB shortly 

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2006-04-10 Thread Bill Hawkins

Is anyone scheduled to operate from VU4 with amplifier 
and yagi 
or will it be all barefoot and wires? I hate 
Bill W5EC

Re: [DX-CHAT] Just thought you'd like to know

2006-04-04 Thread Bill Barr

Sure it will happen again in 2106, 3006, etc.!  Maybe not in our life time!

Bill N4NX
- Original Message - 
To: ; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Steve Adell" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 4:00 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Just thought you'd like to know

Thought you might like to know this--right up there with Y2K

On Wednesday of this week, at two minutes and three seconds after
1:00 in  the morning, the time and date will be

01:02:03 04/05/06.

That won't ever happen again.
You may now return to your normal stuff.***From the files and piles
of funny stuff of Smilin' STeve

Just a remember, a day without laughter is like.Silence

Condoms should be used on every conceivable occasion.

outgoing mail scanned with Norton's NAV2005

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Working yourself on DXPeditions

2006-04-03 Thread Bill

Here is a answer I sent to someone 
that email me:

  - Original Message
  Why... I think it is very 
  wrong.  It is true you can get on the Honor Roll and never work a station 
  yourself.  Do you think this is right? However, it is legal.  The 
  only thing you need to do is designate a control operator to operate your 
  station and it is legal.  This has to be documented.  The control 
  operator is limited to his/her privileges.
  It is okay for the FCC rules, but 
  the DXCC rules should be changed.  The DXCC awards is a personal thing... 
  The DXCC awards states:  
  This certifies that Bill Gallier, W4WX has had two 
  way communicationsetc...   It don't say This certifies anyone 
  from this location has workedetc
  Bill - 
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 8:37 
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Working yourself on 
  What are your thoughts of you 
  working yourself on DXPeditions.  I have been told that you can have 
  someone come to your house and work you while you are on a DXPedition using 
  your call and you will get DXCC credit.  Wow, you can get DXCC and never 
  work a station yourself?  Let someone else use your station and call and 
  do it for you! Would a "DXCC for Hire Person" be in 
  How does this sound? HH4/W4WX de 
  W4WX 59 over.  According to the rules this is legal.  
  See rule #10 of the DXCC rules on 
  the ARRL web site.
  Bill W4WX

[DX-CHAT] Working yourself on DXPeditions

2006-04-03 Thread Bill

What are your thoughts of you 
working yourself on DXPeditions.  I have been told that you can have 
someone come to your house and work you while you are on a DXPedition using your 
call and you will get DXCC credit.  Wow, you can get DXCC and never work a 
station yourself?  Let someone else use your station and call and do it for 
you! Would a "DXCC for Hire Person" be in order?
How does this sound? HH4/W4WX de 
W4WX 59 over.  According to the rules this is legal.  

See rule #10 of the DXCC rules on 
the ARRL web site.
Bill W4WX

  - Original Message - 
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 7:23 
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Gitmo
  Hi folks,
  Previously I said I would update the list when I learned something about 
  Gitmo operations. The "official" word, as has been mentioned by other list 
  members, is that Gitmo is not listed in appendix 1 of part 97 as an area 
  regulated by the FCC. The US Navy is the regulatory authority, and as such is 
  the only entity to define what is "proper" operation from Gitmo.
  73, Duane, 
  WV2B"Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm."- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Re: [DX-CHAT] Question

2006-03-19 Thread Bill Hawkins

And how about CW DX going back to 14001-14002?
Bill W5EC

Why not go back to what we had back in the " good old days ", when the 

DX transmitted down around 14115-14125

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Re: [DX-CHAT] KP5 Documents

2006-03-16 Thread Bill Jackson
I am not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV...but it seems to me the burden
of proof in our legal system falls to the accuser, along the lines of
"you're innocent until proven guilty."  Everyone against the ARRL decision
to accept P5 and now KP5 goes to great length to cite chapter and verse from
the DXCC rules, but offers not a shred of hard evidence that the proper
documentation was not submitted or there was some kind of conspiracy going
on at the DXCC office.

Everyone knows that our government (and many others) functions with multiple
layers of bureaucracy and the majority of the decisions in running the
government day to day are made by normal human beings working a 9-5 job just
like you and me.   How many times have you made a decision and have had it
overturned by your boss?  Why wouldn't the same apply to someone working for
the government?  Maybe the permit shouldn't have been issued, but it
apparently was.  Does that really mean the operators didn't have permission
per the DXCC criteria to land and operate?  Just because permission was
revoked at one point doesn't mean it was an "illegal" operation while they
were there.  If it was, prove it with hard facts!

To those of you who have way too much time on your hands and appear to be
lacking for something constructive in your life, I suggest you fill your
need to stir the pot by chasing some freebanders off of 10m.  Or better yet,
get on the bands and work some DX!

de Bill, K9RZ

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[DX-CHAT] Sun's next 11-year cycle could be 50 pct stronger

2006-03-07 Thread Bill Hawkins

Here's an interesting prediction in today's headlines.
We can only hope.  I remember 1959!
Bill W5EC


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[DX-CHAT] PSK-31 on DXPeditions

2006-03-04 Thread Bill

PSK-31 takes up too much 
time.  I am sure most people on DXPeditions want to make as many 
contacts as they can.  Isn't  that the reason they go?   I 
know this is true for me.  I go on 2-3 DXPeditions a year.  I just 
got back from Ascension Island as ZD8WX and I tried few times to do some 
PSK-31.It seems that the majority of PSK-31 operators think it is 
necessary to send the DX station their "brag" micros..  It should be 
know by now that we are not interested in the type of computer, MB of RAM, 
your radio set up, name of your printer stand, XYL's time of the month, 
etc.  This takes up lots of time and I am sure that most DXPeditioners 
are not interested in this information.  All I want to see is a report 
and maybe your name.I recommended everyone that does PSK-31 make up some 
extra short DXPedition type micros.  One that says:DX 
Station de your call 599 BILL K (ZD8WX DE W4WX 599 BILL K)Not:  
DX Station de your call YOUR REPORT TODAY IS 599-599-599-599. MY NAME IS 
short!  I have had replies, even before the station knew I was coping 
him at all, come back with a micro with over 20 lines  Leave out 
all the fancy stuff like, >>>>>>>, **, (((, 
"end of transmission", time, date, Hell, we know the time and 
date..I even sent a CQ like this and still get the "brag" stuff in a 
try PSK-31 again on the 21st thru 31st from Haiti.  Keep it short. If 
not I will QSY to another mode.I have my ZD8WX cards so send your QSWL 
request direct to W4WX.Bill W4WX- Original 
Message - From: "John P Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 11:12 PMSubject: [dx-list] 
PSK??> Why do a lot of DXpeditions have RTTY capability but never 
seem to> have PSK along?  It would seem a good idea since one of 
PSK's claims> to fame is its ability to "get through" under less than 
ideal> conditions.>> Just Curious,> John 

Re: [DX-CHAT] C6 - suffix or prefix?

2006-03-01 Thread Bill
The Bahamas requires you to use yourcall/C6A. This is stated on your license 
once issued.  I just looked at my license. Been there few times.

Will send you picture of my license if you like.

Bill W4WX


- Original Message - 
From: "Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 12:53 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] C6 - suffix or prefix?

Hi, just wondering. When I operate from C6 in just over a week, I'll be 
doing so with a reciprocal Bahamian license based on my US call; should I 
be signing C6/W2IRT or W2IRT/C6?


- Peter


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Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] Xpedition Recommendations

2006-02-19 Thread Bill

What is a "xpedition"? 

BTW, don't bother to send me a QSL 
Bill W4WX
PS   .  .I 
know..  this goes to DX Chat..

  - Original Message - 
  To: dx-news@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:28 
  Subject: [DX-NEWS] Xpedition 
  I would like to make the following 2 xpedition 
  Number One:
  All National and International Amateur Radio Regulatory 
  authorities immediately ban the use of the words UP & LID during any 
  Amateur Radio transmissions. Those 2 words need to be given the classification 
  of the ultimate in profanity.
  Number Two:
  The ARRL immediately no longer should consider any 
  xpeditions for DXCC or any other credit. I have been at this for roughly 50 
  years and this 3YØX xpedition has topped them all for BØZØ and MØRØN 
  activities. It gets worse and worse with every xpedition. It is no longer a 
  handful of guys trying to disrupt, it is a dozen(or more) per band. I've heard 
  comments, and combinations of profane comments, I don't remember hearing even 
   when I was in the Army. The guys who are doing this are not in a vacuum, 
  we are not doing any policing, but instead good/nice guys are being 'sucked' 
  into the fray.
  This xpedition also helped amplify some of the problems. Yes 
  they did a 'bang-up' job, and yes they did it under horrible, grueling, 
   conditions. But, they also added to the 'on-the-air' problems by wasting 
  hours upon hours on 160, 80, & 40 trying to work Europe after 0700Z 
  when all of Europe is in bright sunlight. My special all-time favorite is the 
  expedition trying to work CW during the ARRL CW contest.
  c.c. N1DG 3YØX Pilot
  N7MALBULLHEAD CITY, AZhttp://www.ctaz.com/~suzyq/N7mal.htmhttp://geocities.com/n7mal/Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.It's 
  already tomorrow in 

Re: [DX-CHAT] proper greetings

2006-01-03 Thread Bill Hawkins

Rag, you should have said "below" average.
Bill W5EC

You are above average on sensitivity to other people's situation. 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] KP5 QRT Saturday a.m.

2005-12-17 Thread Bill

Hi Osten,
That is not fair!! I am listing to them call Europe as I type!!

Bill W4WX

- Original Message - 
From: "Osten B Magnusson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: ; "Jim Reisert AD1C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] KP5 QRT Saturday a.m.


It was easier before packet, clusters etc. as not everyone
was calling at he same time - the clusters have destroyed
DX-ing, and AK1A got into CQ DX Hall of Fame for
"inventing" it...
Now, if all Americans just were to learn in school  that there
is a continent called Europe also! The KP5-operators don't know it yet!


- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Reisert AD1C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] KP5 QRT Saturday a.m.

At 11:37 PM 12/16/2005, Kurt W. Zimmerman W2MW wrote:

Just an FYI... I'm not impressed with the CW operation especially on 30m.
Spots were poor on the cluster and there was no idea where he was 

I sensed from quite a number of CW operators on the cluster their same
frustration spending way too much time trying to find out where to 

Whatever happened to good old fashioned listening?

Kurt, I'm not trying to single you out, but we should not need to have 
every QSO spotted so we know the listening frequency!

How did we ever work DX *before* packet?

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us

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[DX-CHAT] Pathfinder- RW1QM Search Engine

2005-12-17 Thread Bill Jackson
For those of you who use Pathfiner from DXLABS, you may want to avoid using
the RW1QM seach option for looking up callsigns.  When you access this
particular option,  the site attempts to load some virus laden html files on
to your computer.  Since I am using up to date virus detection software, the
"attack" was unsuccessful, but plan to avoid the RW1QM option in the future.

73 de Bill

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Re: [DX-CHAT] KP5 QRT Saturday a.m.

2005-12-17 Thread Bill
This is the first time I have ever heard of "poor spots".   This is 
unbelievable!!! These guys taking their time, money, etc and staying up for 
hours without sleep in a tent at 120 degrees and you complaining about the 
quality of the THEIR operation...   You should be ashamed of yourself...

I, and many others, worked them on 30 meters yesterday.  It took me about 15 

Have you ever tried golf?  Sounds like you need a change.

Bill W4WX

- Original Message - 
From: "Kurt W. Zimmerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 11:37 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-NEWS] KP5 QRT Saturday a.m.

Just an FYI... I'm not impressed with the CW operation especially on 30m.
Spots were poor on the cluster and there was no idea where he was 

I sensed from quite a number of CW operators on the cluster their same
frustration spending way too much time trying to find out where to 

Future reference why not give some indication, from time to time, where 

are listing.

I spend 3 hours, call me foolish... and I still don't know if I'm in the 

for 30m.  I thought I heard him reply to me...

Is it me just getting old and cranky?

Kurt - W2MW

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2005-12-16 Thread Bill

Hi Bill,
Tough on the DX end at times.  Been there few times.   What can you do? 
Call QRZ S-1 signals only?

I bet you Rag has worked KP5 many times before and should not even be 

Have fun...  Merry Christmas..

Bill W4WX

I work the ones I hear...
- Original Message - 
From: "wm.richards2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "'Bill'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 5:19 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-NEWS] N3KS/KP5

Earlier K3LP was saying that his IC706 had max scale on signals on 15m.
That was why he spread everyone out 21300 to 21350.
Tough at the other end when everyone is 40 and 50 over. Not many rigs can
find holes for less powerful stations.
DX is what it is.
73 all, and Merry Christmas

-Original Message-

Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 2:36 PM
To: Ragnar Otterstad; DX-NEWS
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] N3KS/KP5

Rag, I think you would complain if you were hung with a new rope!
Bill W4WX

- Original Message - 
From: "Ragnar Otterstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "DX-NEWS" 
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 12:34 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-NEWS] N3KS/KP5

N3KS/KP5 on 14190, 5 to 20 up.

Sounds like they have quite a following.
Sure am glad I can sit this one out.

de Paul, W8AEF

20 close early here so it was frustrating to listen to them working local
stns 59 +
while we still had propagation.

At 1730 UTC 20 and 30 are dead and 40 almost now.

I guess the opr is DX-inexperienced.

73  Rag LA5HE

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2005-12-16 Thread Bill
Thanks Bob!!  I will enjoy the beer and I will not complain if it isn't a 
Miller Lite!!

Bill W4WX

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Coomler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] N3KS/KP5

ROTFLMAO!  Ain't it the truth?  We've never met, but a
beer is yours when we do.  ;-)


--- Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rag, I think you would complain if you were hung
with a new rope!
Bill W4WX

- Original Message - 
From: "Ragnar Otterstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "DX-NEWS" 
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 12:34 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-NEWS] N3KS/KP5

> N3KS/KP5 on 14190, 5 to 20 up.
> Sounds like they have quite a following.
> Sure am glad I can sit this one out.
> de Paul, W8AEF
> 20 close early here so it was frustrating to
listen to them working local
> stns 59 +
> while we still had propagation.
> At 1730 UTC 20 and 30 are dead and 40 almost now.
> I guess the opr is DX-inexperienced.
> 73  Rag LA5HE
> -


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THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX
Please visit our website:
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Need help

2005-12-14 Thread Bill Hawkins

Hey all,
I posted this message last Thursday, Dec 8.
Several of you guys answered it.
The problem has been solved and the messages have been deleted.
I don't know how it got reposted because I did not do it.
Please ignore.
Bill W5EC
P.S. If you want to know how it was solved, contact me privately.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 4:33 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Need help

I have a computer problem I can not solve and I know there are a lot of 
computer experts here.

I am using XP Home and Outlook Express
Tuesday morning I was checking my mail when my power went off. I had no 
UPS. I do now.

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[DX-CHAT] Part needed

2005-12-14 Thread Bill

for DAIWA CNW-418/218 Tuner 
Where can I find a part for my tuner. I need 
the "Tuner Switch". I have looked everywhere on the web. This is a discontinued 
tuner. If you have a non-working tuner for parts let me know.  Any help 
will be greatly appreciated!  
Please reply direct to me:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2005-10-01 Thread Bill Hawkins

Is this expdition supposed to be a "micro-lite" dxpedition?

As most of you know, when you wash your car, it will rain!
The other morning I complained about weak or non-existent signals from 
K7C--I needed them on WARC bands.

Maybe my wire vertical on WARC didn't help.
But that afternoon they popped out of the noise on 30m and soon I had them 

and the next afternoon the same thing happened on 17m. Nothing yet on 12m.
Within 5 minutes of qso, I had 2 green boxes. Amazing!
Treachery or old age
Bill W5EC 

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2005-09-28 Thread Bill Hawkins

Is this expdition supposed to be a "micro-lite" dxpedition?
The signal is nonexistant or too far in the noise to copy--all freqs.
Maybe conditions will change.
Bill W5EC

I worked them yesterday at 20:31z on 20 cw and this morning at 12:18z on
30 cw. I heard my call clearly both times but neither qso is showing up

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2005-09-26 Thread Bill
I would think you would not call, on a band you have confirmed, on the first 
day.  Is it possible someone that needs Kure did not get through since you 
were calling?

Bill W4WX

- Original Message - 
From: "Zack Widup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "LA5HE Ragnar Otterstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] K7C

One of my pet peeves is DX operations that don't observe propagation.  I
called K7C a bit this morning on 40 CW at 1300Z and they were working
mostly JA's.  At that time they only had a short amount of time left for
propagation to USA and another several hours to JA.  Best utilization of
propagation time would be to work NA/SA until they lose propagation and
then switch to working JA.

I didn't particularly need the QSO (I have KH7K confirmed on 40 from an
earlier operation) and was just calling for fun but this is something I
have observed with several Pacific DX operations in then past.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, LA5HE Ragnar Otterstad wrote:

Does somebody know why they are working only Pacific Rim stns, even 

the few hours there is an opening to Europe ?
Listened on 40 and 20 this morning - no QRZ EU at any time !!

Lots of frustrated people around in my neck of the woods !  hi



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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

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2005-09-02 Thread Bill Hawkins

Sorry to hear of the passing of Dick Bird, G4ZU.
My first decent beam, around 1963, was a homemade G4ZU Minibeam I made from
aluminum pieces salvaged from a government scrap yard.
I used it for at least 10 years. It was great!
He will be missed.
Bill W5EC

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