Re: [Elecraft] Re: K1 - Why Not?

2005-11-09 Thread Larry Phipps
Well, the selfish answer is that you should write code, which would benefit all of us ;-) But considering the season, I think we should all give you the gift of time to relax and build a K1. 73, Larry N8LP Simon Brown (HB9DRV) wrote: The replies are flooding in (mainly private mail), so f

Re: [Elecraft] Competition coming for Elecraft?

2005-11-02 Thread Larry Phipps
100Mb ethernet has more than enough BW and low latency... uncompressed PCM at voice quality is easily done... existing ethernet interfaces exist with built-in processors, lots of memory, multiple serial data ports and a web server, all in a package that looks like an ethernet PCB connector.

Re: [Elecraft] Competition coming for Elecraft?

2005-11-02 Thread Larry Phipps
You can do this with an embedded serial device server using any radio with a serial port... but of course you are limited to the supported commands/data on that port. If you have access to QST, see my article in the October edition... or go to the "Remote Control of Networked Station Equipmen

Re: [Elecraft] Competition coming for Elecraft?

2005-11-01 Thread Larry Phipps
Good point, Jim. The main reason I got a K2 wasn't for the thrill of building, it was for the serviceability. I don't see the Sienna being easy to repair or modify. Of course, the price would take it out of contention anyway ;-) Larry N8LP James T. "Jim" Rogers, W4ATK wrote: At $

Re: [Elecraft] RE:K2Comm

2005-10-30 Thread Larry Phipps
Hi Jim. I downloaded the program and played with it. I also looked at the source code (and made one change, as I use ports higher than 4 for my rigs). What are you looking for as far as contributions? In particular, I was thinking of changing the tuning buttons, and the color and layout of the

Re: [Elecraft] Re: micro Ham CW Keyer

2005-10-28 Thread Larry Phipps
If you are using it just for cw keying, the K2 has a built-in keyer that works similarly, and it can be controlled from a number of programs like TRX-Manager. Larry N8LP Hank Kohl K8DD wrote: Robert C. Abell wrote: Hi Andy, Where does one buy the micro Ham CW Keyer? Is it a kit? I'm i

Re: [Elecraft] Hand Held PC Ham Programs

2005-10-25 Thread Larry Phipps
Look at the CTR-Remote link in the software section of the Elecraft website. If your iPAQ runs Pocket PC software, it looks like what you need. And it looks pretty spiffy too. Larry N8LP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi everybody! Does any one know of a rig control program that will run on m

Re: [Elecraft] New project kit

2005-10-22 Thread Larry Phipps
Based on some of the questions I have been getting off-list, I have made some changes to the webpage for my new kit, including return loss graphs for the dummy loads. See and click on the LP-200 link for the updated page. 73, Larry N8LP JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD wrote: Ver

[Elecraft] New project kit

2005-10-21 Thread Larry Phipps
I have developed a new project kit that should be of interest to Elecrafters. It is an inexpensive, accurate digital dummy load/wattmeter. It is patterned after the concept of the mini modules in that it is board based with no cabinet, although it does come with an aluminum base plate to avoi

Re: [Elecraft] FD results

2005-10-15 Thread Larry Phipps
Wow, that's really impressive Milt. Good show! Larry N8LP Milt, N5IA wrote: K7EAR, the Eastern Arizona Amateur Radio Society, Inc. (EAARS), is proud to announce that the results of the ARRL 2005 Field Day as posted on the ARRL members only web page shows the following: K7EAR, as a solar

Re: [Elecraft] POW Receiver

2005-10-12 Thread Larry Phipps
To show how much things have changed, I was in the rifle club in high school in the 60's, and it was in a suburban school... not the country !!! Larry N8LP Margaret Leber wrote: Fred Jensen wrote: 2. "Razor blades" and "campus" don't sound like they belong in the same sentence. Any su

Re: [Elecraft] Oscilloscope

2005-10-02 Thread Larry Phipps
A good scope is a handy thing to have, but you don't need one to build a K2. Look for a used Tektronix scope if you get one. 100mHz or more, dual trace, delayed sweep. A 465 /475 series is small and portable... or a 7000 series mainframe with plugins gives you more flexibility, is easier to m

Re: [Elecraft] Edmund Laport's Radio Antenna Engineering

2005-09-29 Thread Larry Phipps
I posted this to TowerTalk yesterday. I received my copy yesterday in the mail and I was very impressed with the quality... it's just like having the original book, even though it is printed from a scanned pdf. The pdf is also available for free at LuLu and elsewhere. Larry N8LP John D'Au

Re: [Elecraft] Rework Eliminators

2005-09-08 Thread Larry Phipps
Well stated, Mitch. As one of the other contributors and pre-orderers, I can state unequivocally that these guys poured hundreds of hours into the details of this product, with very professional results. Larry N8LP Mitch Easton wrote: Elegance. Excellence. Usefulness. These three qualitie

Re: [Elecraft] OT Free Registration code for Opera

2005-08-31 Thread Larry Phipps
Firefox is a good, secure, free browser. Larry N8LP Thom R LaCosta wrote: On Wed, 31 Aug 2005, Stan Rife wrote: Just went there Tom, and the give away is over. Sorry...after I posted it I realized they were using GMT+1and I was thinking GMTsorry for the mistake. Thom ___

Re: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread Larry Phipps
If you plan on future options, I would look at the un-modules from Gary, KI4GGX. They plug in in place of the future modules, and make it easy to plugin the new modules as you build them instead of having to unsolder and remove parts from

Re: [Elecraft] Sad day for amateur radio

2005-07-20 Thread Larry Phipps
I guess I should have read it more completely. Yes, I guess it's just another case of deregulation, and I suppose we don't need the government telling us to like cw ;-) BTW, I too have that pretty blue piece of wallpaper on my wall, although I did need it way back when ;-) 73, Larry N8LP

[Elecraft] Sad day for amateur radio

2005-07-20 Thread Larry Phipps

Re: [Elecraft] SMT - Was Re: Wayne on KNBx

2005-07-19 Thread Larry Phipps
Even though I have used SMT parts in my personal projects Craig, I agree with most of what you have said, and avoid them in projects aimed at kit builders. I will take exception, however, with your last statement. We are well past the point where every variety of IC is available in both SMT a

Re: [Elecraft] Which wattmeter do I believe?

2005-07-17 Thread Larry Phipps
I assume you are using the DL-1 as the load for all three tests, in which case I would have to go with the DL-1 plus DMM. The impedance error should be less than 5%, and the voltage measurement error less than that. Larry N8LP John Pfeifer wrote: Just finished building KX-1 #1207 with 30m

Re: [Elecraft] K2/100 Assembly

2005-07-13 Thread Larry Phipps
Frank, you might want to look at Gary, KI4GGX's "unpcb"s. They are dummy boards that replace all the optional boards and include the parts that would normally go on the main board. The idea being that you don't have to rework the main board to uninstall parts when adding an option in the futu

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft transveters and freq. counter/signal generator

2005-07-06 Thread Larry Phipps
A perfect example of the kind of semi kits I was referring to in my earlier post. Also check out, and N2PKs projects at Many of these offer full or partial kits, but you can wind up with some very useful test gear that beats the pant

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft transveters and freq. counter/signal generator

2005-07-05 Thread Larry Phipps
If you want to start gathering test equipment Matt, you should start watching eBay and other used equipment sources to get an idea what's out there and what it goes for. I'm a big believer in buying used gear of 10-20 year old vintage from Hewlett Packard and Tektronix in particular. I have an

Re: [Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 15, Issue 1

2005-07-05 Thread Larry Phipps
Try skype ( or NetMeeting. These are not nearly as good as a direct connection, but they work OK for SSB and a number of people are using them. Larry N8LP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Elecrafters, I recently posted a tongue-in-cheek note about using the K2 by remote compute

Re: [Elecraft] Accurate QRP Wattmeters?

2005-07-03 Thread Larry Phipps
Jay, the Tek 492 will do the job IF you have an accurate way of calibrating it and IF you know exactly the attenuation at all frequencies of interest of the attenuator you will be using. I'm not familiar with the '492... I have a 7L13, and on the 2dB scale the divisions are .4dB.. which are p

Re: [Elecraft] Our Un-Module Header PCB Kit Product Launching

2005-06-21 Thread Larry Phipps
I've been following your progress Gary, and am signed up for a set. I think it's something all Elecrafters should look at... especially at the price. Larry N8LP Gary Hvizdak wrote: After a brief email exchange with N0SS it became apparent that most on the Reflector are unaware of what Ke

Re: [Elecraft] S meter software

2005-06-15 Thread Larry Phipps
Give him a jungle. Greg is a good guy and I'm sure would welcome the query. He is the guy who spearheaded the N2PK VNA kits and wrote the control software for it. Larry N8LP Tom Bosscher wrote: Any body on the forum ever look at this software S-meter? :

Re: [Elecraft] OT: Calibrated Signal Generator

2005-06-15 Thread Larry Phipps
Check back in Jan 2004 QEX. There was a construction article on a nifty little calibrator that you can build cheaply that would work perfectly. It was written by K3NHI. It used a CMOS clock, battery and a few other parts, and only requires a DVM to calibrate. Larry N8LP Howard W. Ashcraft wr

Re: [Elecraft] Use of Abbreviations (OT?)

2005-06-13 Thread Larry Phipps
Hi Dan, didn't know you were an Elecrafter ;-) I think Q signals are OK on phone. If the uninitiated don't know what they mean, they'll either learn it or remain in the dark. Let's challenge them to learn the codes... it won't hurt them, and maybe eventually they will become curious about cw (o

Re: [Elecraft] KPA 100 Power Calibration SWR Question

2005-06-08 Thread Larry Phipps
It's possible that those indications are accurate and related, but not necessarily so. Most wattmeters show total forward (including reflected) power, so if the reflected power goes up as the incident power goes down, the total remains the same. If your external wattmeter shows actual delivered

Re: [Elecraft] Anything News at Dayton from Elecraft??]

2005-05-23 Thread Larry Phipps
Thanks for the feedback Dave. In its current config it would be ill-suited for portable use. I am thinking about maybe adding an option so that the external coupler can be eliminated for those who would prefer an internal one with a rating of around 200W. It would require making the rear pane

Re: [Elecraft] Anything News at Dayton from Elecraft??

2005-05-23 Thread Larry Phipps
It has been brought to my attention off-list that the name e-meter is used widely in the Scientology community, so for safety I think I will henceforth refer to my project as the E-100. Doh! I will make the changes on my website and on the front panel of the Elecraft style case when it is fi

Re: [Elecraft] Anything News at Dayton from Elecraft??

2005-05-22 Thread Larry Phipps
Yes, it can be controlled by computer and I supply Windows freeware to do so. The SWR alarm beeps now, and I could add the other features. I think I like cw better than voice, and I like the idea of a variable pitch tone for tuning. Variable tone and cw output would be very easy to add even to

Re: [Elecraft] Anything News at Dayton from Elecraft??

2005-05-22 Thread Larry Phipps
Thanks for the input Eric. You may be right on a couple of counts. I am only a QRPer in the field, and tend to be more more a "100-watter" at home. Since I had 90dB of dynamic range to play with, I decided to use it all, thus the 2500W top end (I also picked 2500W because it represents 2dB of

Re: [Elecraft] Anything News at Dayton from Elecraft??

2005-05-22 Thread Larry Phipps
I want to thank all Elecrafters who stopped by the SteppIR booth to see my prototype E-meter wide dynamic range digital wattmeter kit. Thanks especially to Eric who offered words of encouragement... a real gentleman. I was surprised I didn't see more QRPers though, since the E-meter is an ou

Re: [Elecraft] RE: Can Elecraft take over the global HF ham radio business ?

2005-05-19 Thread Larry Phipps
I totally agree with your last statement. I sell a couple of small kits, and also offer them assembled. Even though the hardest one takes less than 8 hours to build, a third of all orders are for assembled. Larry N8LP Bill Coleman wrote: As to the title of this thread -- I don't think tha

[Elecraft] for interested Dayton attendees

2005-05-12 Thread Larry Phipps
I will be demo'ing my E-Meter digital wide dynamic range power/SWR meter at the SteppIR booth at Dayton this year. The E-Meter will be of interest to Elecrafters bcause it provides accurate power readings from 10mw to 2500W, and accurate SWR readings from 50mw to 2500W. The demo will include


2005-05-05 Thread Larry Phipps
Try the DDS daughtercard then, it may be more available because it is newer. Larry N8LP Bruce Bowman wrote: re: IQ-VFO... unfortunately announced they are sold out of the kits and won't be getting more. Bruce NM5B You might want to look at the IQ-VFO or DDS daughtercard from


2005-05-05 Thread Larry Phipps
You might want to look at the IQ-VFO or DDS daughtercard from AmQRP, Larry N8LP Chris Page wrote: Has anyone built an external VFO for the K2, please? I took the plunge last Sunday and sold my UK main station transceiver, a Ten-Tec Omni VI, and have replaced it wit

Re: [Elecraft] RE: Can Elecraft take over the global HF ham radiobusiness ?

2005-04-30 Thread Larry Phipps
My perspective is probably in a minority here, but here goes. I didn't buy a K2 because I like building kits. I do a lot of building and experimenting, and I want to use my time and skills to create new things, not assemble kits. I bought my used K2 on ebay because I can work on it. I have do

Re: [Elecraft] Re: Favorite K2 Remote Program? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

2005-04-29 Thread Larry Phipps
For a number of reasons, not legal since I was unaware of any limitations, I have always used ISDN for my remote base operations. Total privacy and security (you have to not only know the phone numbers, but the passwords as well). Much better sound quality (good enough fr PSK). Redundancy.

Re: [Elecraft] Favorite K2 Remote Program?

2005-04-28 Thread Larry Phipps
I should point out that TRX is very well supported by the author, and he allows OLE linking of third party software and hardware. I have some freeware apps on my website that support TRX for use with rotators, SteppIRs, remote relays, etc. Larry N8LP [EMAIL P

Re: [Elecraft] Favorite K2 Remote Program?

2005-04-28 Thread Larry Phipps
Another good choice is Hamscope. It's still free I think, and it links to TRX-Manager thru OLE, so you can use one common rig controller and log. Another well integrated package is the DXLab suite. It is free, and extremely well supported, but not in the league of TRX for remote control. As

Re: [Elecraft] Favorite K2 Remote Program?

2005-04-27 Thread Larry Phipps
The best commercial product for remote control IMHO is TRX-Manager, especially for Kenwood TS480/2000 and K2. You might want to try the free 30 day trial. But if remote control is not important, there are several good freebies to try, including HRD. Larry N8LP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Now

Re: [Elecraft] (OT) Baking PC boards in the toaster oven...

2005-04-26 Thread Larry Phipps
All that is undoubtedly true... but if you still want to try it, I would think you would get better results with a convection kind of toaster oven. Larry N8LP Henry Gardiner wrote: SMT soldering was designed to obtain high volume and high quality solder joints with great uniformity so tha

Re: [Elecraft] RE: Delta-4 switches

2005-04-21 Thread Larry Phipps
I would put a balun or choke at the feedpoint of the HexBeam for starters... sounds like rf on the shield might be causing problems. Larry N8LP Stuart Rohre wrote: I looked at the HEX BEAM web site to see if anything special about the feed. Sounds like it is a simple 50 ohm coax connecti

Re: [Elecraft] SMD-based kits

2005-04-20 Thread Larry Phipps
n our toaster oven, but solder isn't one of them. Yet...are you serious or is "toaster oven" a slang word for some expensive SMD assembly equipment? Eric KE6US -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Phipps I have no problem with

Re: [Elecraft] Antenna Measurements

2005-04-20 Thread Larry Phipps
Looks good Bob. Are you planning a two-port version where the DDS output and bridge/coupler input are brought out to BNCs for doing transmission measurements like measuring filters, etc.? Larry N8LP Bob - W5BIG wrote: During the past two years I've been developing a vector impedance mete

Re: [Elecraft] SMD-based kits

2005-04-20 Thread Larry Phipps
Don't knock tubes. My first kit was a Harmon Kardon stereo amplifier with lots of tubes and no PC baord. It was great fun. I also built Dynakits and Heathkits with tubes. There's nothing like the smell and glow of vacuum tubes to warm your heart. Now I build lots of gear with SMD parts, and

Re: [Elecraft] Now that we know

2005-04-17 Thread Larry Phipps
You guys bring up memories. I think I was a bit behind you. My first experience at school was with an IBM 360 at the Univ. of Mich., running a proprietary language known as MAD (Michigan Algorith Decoder), plus the usual COBOL/SNOBOL/Fortran, etc. I remember punch cards and batch output (wha

Re: [Elecraft] Spectrum Analyzers, VNAs, antenna analyzers etc

2005-04-16 Thread Larry Phipps
Good post, Rob. I second what you said. You will find the N2PK a valuable piece of gear. Software-wise, look at Greg Ordy's Cialog software which also works with the AEA CIA-HF. As such, it limits the resolution of some functions to that which is supported by CIA... the VNA libraries are avai

Re: [Elecraft] More K2 Mojo.

2005-04-15 Thread Larry Phipps
LP Stan Rife wrote: Is this a spot?? Stan Rife W5EWA Houston, TX K2 S/N 4216 -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Phipps Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 6:08 PM Cc: Subject: [Elecraft] More K2 Mojo.

[Elecraft] More K2 Mojo.

2005-04-15 Thread Larry Phipps
Just worked a special events station in Maine... W1T... commemorating the sinking of the Titanic. He is on 14256. I had just finished a change on my HB minibeam and was tuning around A/B'ing signals with my sloper, and came across him. There was a huge pileup, and for kicks I called him. Nabb

Re: [Elecraft] K2 power meter/wattmeter question

2005-04-14 Thread Larry Phipps
Mike, I wouldn't put much stock in any wattmeter, including Bird, at 10% of full scale. Larry N8LP Mike Monger wrote: Hi Fellow Elecrafters, How accurate have you found the internal power meter/wattmeter to be on the K2??? I ask this because there is a large difference between what I

Re: [Elecraft] Antenna Analyzers

2005-04-14 Thread Larry Phipps
In addition to my professional bench gear, I have an MFJ, Autek and AEA CIA Analyst. I use all but the Autek and AEA regularly and find they each have a purpose. When I want a to do a quick check of resistance, reactance, SWR or return loss on the bench I grab the AEA... especially if I want

Re: Fwd: [Elecraft] Potential Elecraft Kit

2005-04-14 Thread Larry Phipps
The problem with it is that the resolution for the FFT function is quite limited, just 4096 "bands" so you need to use a narrow bandwidth to get good resolution... and the dynamic range is only 50 dB. I would rather have a Tek TDS-1000/2000 series sampling scope and a used spectrum analyzer.

Re: [Elecraft] Potential Elecraft Kit

2005-04-14 Thread Larry Phipps
ssage- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Larry Phipps Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:07 AM Cc: Elecraft List Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Potential Elecraft Kit This looks like a nice little analyzer. I have used the AD8302 and it does a decent job within its 60 dB

Re: [Elecraft] Potential Elecraft Kit

2005-04-13 Thread Larry Phipps
it's awesome. Larry N8LP Stewart Baker wrote: On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 12:06:59 -0400, Larry Phipps wrote: Note that it is a one port device, however, so it can't measure DUT input vs. output parameters such as gain and phase and other parameters between input and output.

Re: [Elecraft] Potential Elecraft Kit

2005-04-13 Thread Larry Phipps
port device, however, so it can't measure DUT input vs. output parameters such as gain and phase and other parameters between input and output. Larry N8LP Stewart Baker wrote: On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 09:28:56 -0400, Larry Phipps wrote: They may get another one going, but it was a lot of

Re: [Elecraft] about this K2 mojo

2005-04-13 Thread Larry Phipps
They definitely multiply Chris. I think you could probably break any pileup ;-) Larry N8LP Chris wrote: I'm wondering about this K2 mojo that I keep reading about. Went into the shack last night about 23:30 UTC, turned on the K2, selected 20m, tuning rate to 1kHz and had a quick tune up a

Re: [Elecraft] Potential Elecraft Kit

2005-04-13 Thread Larry Phipps
r Network Analyzer. So far, I think it is a better design and is cheaper. Bob N4HY Larry Phipps wrote: TAPR has a nice VNA project going, it was featured in a July/August QEX. They are also going to offer it assembled I think thru Te

Re: [Elecraft] Potential Elecraft Kit

2005-04-13 Thread Larry Phipps
TAPR has a nice VNA project going, it was featured in a July/August QEX. They are also going to offer it assembled I think thru Ten-Tec. It does a lot more than an antenna analyzer to boot, but requires a computer so is not portable. It does all the complex impedance measurement

Re: [Elecraft] Potential Elecraft Kit

2005-04-12 Thread Larry Phipps
There are a couple sources for boards for the W7ZOI spectrum analyzer project that ran in QST some years back. Also, for about $500-700 on eBay you can get a used HP or Tek SA that will blow the doors off an inexpensive kit version. If you do a lot of RF design work, it's a must. The two most u

Re: [Elecraft] OT: math question

2005-03-30 Thread Larry Phipps
For convenience, Mini-Circuits has a nice printable conversion table at Larry N8LP Tom Hammond wrote: At 12:01 PM 3/30/05, you wrote: How would one calculate the amplifier gain (in dB) required to go from one power level to another? For exampl

Re: [Elecraft] The K2 can compete with the big boys.

2005-03-12 Thread Larry Phipps
That's $4000 in 1978 dollars... probably less than a K2 in today's dollars. I wish I still had my TR7... in retrospect, it was probably my favorite rig ever, and that includes a lot of rigs from Collins, ICOM, Kenwood, TenTec, etc. It was also one of the few I've had (besides the K2) that you c

Re: [Elecraft] k2 and sb-200

2005-03-08 Thread Larry Phipps
Make sure the keying circuit is for positive voltage. Some of the keying circuits I've seen for K2 are designed for negative voltage keying... the SB-200 is positive I believe. Larry N8LP Stan Rife wrote: Dwight, I am going to use my SB-200 with the Elecraft. I have purchased an it

Re: [Elecraft] MMIC's the easy way.

2005-03-07 Thread Larry Phipps
I have been real happy with the Gali series from Mini-Circuits... they are strong, quiet and super easy to use. I have used them in several critical applications with great success... much beter than the oder MAR series. They cost a couple bucks each, and are in a SOT-23 case. Larry N8LP [E

Re: [Elecraft] Receivers.

2005-03-07 Thread Larry Phipps
I agree, and eventually RF/IF DSP will be commonplace... but you will need a magnifying glass to see the chips, since all the good new stuff is micro-miniature ;-) Larry Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy wrote: Great will be the day when a DSP unit running at VHF, with a high IP3in etc, and low n

Re: [Elecraft] Roger Daltry

2005-03-06 Thread Larry Phipps
I don't know, but he sang "Ain't Got No Home". Larry N8LP ron wrote: Hey! Clarence "Frogman" Henry! Isn't that the guy that sang the 60's song, "But I do"?? Ron wb1hga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I was stopped in my tracks momentarily when I was told I sounded like Roger Daltry! Is this

Re: [Elecraft] Tight Skirts

2005-03-05 Thread Larry Phipps
You fared better than I did Tim. I had a '76 Europa Twin Cam, the black JPS job with gold pinstripes. Eventually sold it for lack of garage space... my wife was happy, my son hated me ;-) I loved scaring people by taking corners at speeds they thought were impossible. Still married after 28 ye

Re: [Elecraft] RF-clipper to K2

2005-03-04 Thread Larry Phipps
That looks perfect Benny, no matter where you mount it. Larry N8LP Benny Aumala wrote: In stead of modifying the well-designed interior of K2, the clipper can be external. Look at where a small print is inside the microphone itself. Having access to + voltage, mic can have

Re: [Elecraft] Speech processing

2005-03-04 Thread Larry Phipps
This is one for Eric to weigh in on, but with proper in/out routing between transmit and receive, I wonder if it wouldn be possible to come up with an algorithm to make the KDSP2 work as an rf clipper/filter in transmit with baseband audio output? Of course, the settling time between T/R might

Re: [Elecraft] Speech processing

2005-03-04 Thread Larry Phipps
Yes, that's the one I had and was referring to... it worked great. I knew it was Com-something ;-) Sounds like there are already a couple of knockoffs out there. Larry N8LP David J Windisch wrote: Hi, all concerned: I have an old Comdel in-mic-line r-f clipper, which uses fewer than 100

Re: [Elecraft] XTAL AND DSP simply is the best design

2005-03-04 Thread Larry Phipps
I remember I had one of the first of those external rf clipper processors about 20 years ago... it was called Com-something. They used an "if" of about 50 kHz, with LC filters... it worked amazingly well and was sought after by DXers and contesters. Larry N8LP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You

Re: [Elecraft] Tight Skirts...

2005-03-03 Thread Larry Phipps
without signal degradation. This is how I run my K2 and I hear no difference with strong off frequency signal blow-by between it and the other $3K+ rigs we have in the lab. :-) 73, Eric WA6HHQ Larry Phipps wrote: Sounds like the age old debate in the hifi world about the "sweet" so

Re: [Elecraft] Tight Skirts...

2005-03-03 Thread Larry Phipps
rigs we have in the lab. :-) 73, Eric WA6HHQ Larry Phipps wrote: Sounds like the age old debate in the hifi world about the "sweet" sound of tube amplifiers vs. the "hard" sound of clearly superior modern solid state amps. Preferences aside about slopes and shape facto

Re: [Elecraft] Tight Skirts...

2005-03-03 Thread Larry Phipps
Sounds like the age old debate in the hifi world about the "sweet" sound of tube amplifiers vs. the "hard" sound of clearly superior modern solid state amps. Preferences aside about slopes and shape factors... I'd like to have MUCH better ultimate rejection... and a true rf clipper would be a

Re: [Elecraft] Update: K2 # 0771

2005-02-27 Thread Larry Phipps
Due to the huge number of projects I'm in the middle of, I decided I don't have time to build a kit, so I bought a used K2, serial # 568. It already has some updates, and it will cost me about $100 to add the remaining updates and mods I think are important. That's amazing. The first thing I

Re: [Elecraft] Auto Tuner Wish List

2005-02-10 Thread Larry Phipps
There is acompany out of Germany that has made such a device for years... it's very well built, but very expensive. Larry N8LP Ben Hofmann KB1AHR wrote: John W2XS, I have been wondering about a balanced L network auto tuner for some time now. No one is making one that I know of at this tim

Re: [Elecraft] SO2R setup

2005-02-02 Thread Larry Phipps
N1MM logger has a nice SO2R implementation for 2 radios. It supports 7800, Orion and K2 via Kenwood protocol. It's also free if you want to try it. Larry N8LP Neal Campbell and Sarah Ferrell wrote: Its an obvious direction that 2 K2s (KK4?) would be a great, desktop-friendly SO2R setup. Any

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Receiver

2005-01-31 Thread Larry Phipps
As I think more about it Geoff, I would need a pair of mixers in order to get the tuning right-side up again. A first conversion to, say 45 MHz... and a second back to 28 MHz. Injection would be from a xtal osc for the first conversion and a VCO running in the 46-73 MHz range. High side injec

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Receiver

2005-01-31 Thread Larry Phipps
Thanks for the comments Geoff. As I think it through more, I will have to weigh the compromises, but I think a workable design can be done. I will work up a test board using my HP sig gen for injection, a Mini-Circuits DBM and some Coilcraft 7-pole filters I have on hand for the mixer and prese

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Receiver

2005-01-30 Thread Larry Phipps
It was correctly pointed out to me off-list that my example of a 7 MHz "IF" would tax the input filters in order to get the best image rejection. I used that example since it was the first band that starts at "000". The filtering requirement could be relaxed considerably by using a 28 MHz "IF

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Receiver

2005-01-30 Thread Larry Phipps
I would love to see an actual K-RCV with low distortion synchronous AM detector. In the meantime, here's a concept I have been toying with building. The R-388, like most Collins gear, uses front-end converters to shift a whole band segment so that the rest of the receiver becomes a tuneable

Re: [Elecraft] Puffing to keep up with the Nanofarads...

2004-12-17 Thread Larry Phipps
Yes, this does seem logical... I have a kit of precision resistors that's at least 15 years old that is marked in that way... so it's not new. I know there have been recent attempts to standardize on a new system for parts... put forth by CCIR or IEEE or someone. I guess I can deal with chan

Re: [Elecraft] Puffing to keep up with the Nanofarads...

2004-12-16 Thread Larry Phipps
I agree with all that, although I remember referring to GHz as gc (as in 2.1 gee-cee for 2.1 GHz). My profs only knew Hertz as a radio pioneer... not a term... and my textbooks as well (still have them). Larry N8LP Fred Jensen wrote: Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I think I remember

Re: [Elecraft] Puffing to keep up with the Nanofarads...

2004-12-16 Thread Larry Phipps
Guilty on the age charge! I also remember uufd... and what's this newfangled Hz thing? Hi Hi. Larry N8LP Ron D'Eau Claire wrote: Larry, N8LP wrote: Oops... it was pointed out to me off-list that the required cap is 4.7 "nf"... not the 4.7 "pf" I misread it as. I would expect 4.7 nf more c

Re: [Elecraft] AW: Need SMD capacitor for Moskita kit

2004-12-16 Thread Larry Phipps
Oops... it was pointed out to me off-list that the required cap is 4.7 "nf"... not the 4.7 "pf" I misread it as. I would expect 4.7 nf more commonly to be written as .0047 uf, but maybe it's an international thing. If this is indeed the case, then a gimmick will obviously not work, as they a

Re: [Elecraft] AW: Need SMD capacitor for Moskita kit

2004-12-16 Thread Larry Phipps
You could make a temporary gimmick cap by soldering a short length of small gauge insulated wire to each pad, and then twisting the wires together a few turns. Larry N8LP Peter Zenker wrote: Jess, You may use any small 4.7 nF cap instead of the SMD if you solder it with short legs. I wou

Re: FW: [Elecraft] Freebie CAD program

2004-12-15 Thread Larry Phipps
I second ExpressPCB. I have done several projects with them, including two that I am marketing... the end results are very professional and the cost is competitive. Larry N8LP Dan Barker wrote: Old link. sri om. try: -Original Message- Try http://www.exp

Re: [Elecraft] Re: Things to sort kit parts into

2004-12-03 Thread Larry Phipps
I got some conductive foam for shipping of parts from these guys... They have a couple choices in the $13-14 range for a sheet 2' x 3' x 1/4" Not free, but at least it's a source. Larry N8LP Carl, n5wn wrote: A good material

Re: [Elecraft] Circuit Simulation Software

2004-11-17 Thread Larry Phipps
LTSpice is a freeware Spice program from Linear Technology that is quite good and easy to use... and the price is right. Larry N8LP Howard W. Ashcraft wrote: I am looking for software (preferably Linux, open source) to model electronic circuitry. My primary interest is educational. I wan

Re: [Elecraft] Happy Veterans Day

2004-11-11 Thread Larry Phipps
And a humble THANK YOU from us civilians who benefited greatly from your service. Larry N8LP W2BJ wrote: Happy Veterans Day to all vets on the list! 73/72, Barry, W3BJ LTC, US Army (Ret.) ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to:

Re: [Elecraft] Newbie K2 questions

2004-10-29 Thread Larry Phipps
It's nice to see some fellow ex-broadcast types on here. I worked in TV broadcast and later owned a post-production house. I think I've used or owned just about every AMPEX product ever made dating back to the model 350 audio tape deck, every VTR from the VR-1000 forward except the AVR-3 and VP

Re: [Elecraft] QRP Pwr/VSWR meter

2004-10-23 Thread Larry Phipps
Check out my E-Meter at I am getting very close to offering a kit version of it. A comprehensive article will also be published in QEX in the near future if want to homebrew your own. They accepted my manuscript a few weeks ago, but haven't given me the publicatio

Re: [Elecraft] Remote K2

2004-10-11 Thread Larry Phipps
Yes Jack, you're right... obviously some kind of encoding is required. I guess you could invent you own, maybe using fsk, but tcp/ip is there and it works. I think he may be saying he wants to avoid an internet connection. I had excellent results using ISDN... high quality audio, low latency, t

Re: [Elecraft] Remote K2

2004-10-11 Thread Larry Phipps
John, the only way to do what you want and have the control software at home is to use a serial device server. There is info on this on my website as Richard mentioned. Serial device servers can either be hardware devices or software run on a remote computer. I use the hardware approach. I got

Re: [Elecraft] Parts for compact loop antenna - toroid help

2004-10-06 Thread Larry Phipps
I haven't built a loop like this, but here is some general info about ferrite vs. powdered iron... If the toroid will be used only as a transformer and not as a coil, then you can use either ferrite or powdered iron. For low-band only work you could use FT-50-43 or -61. For all bands, I would

Re: [Elecraft] Rotor control programs...

2004-09-26 Thread Larry Phipps
Try my LP-Rotor freeware program at It works with Hy-Gain DCU-1, and Rotorcard and Rotor-EZ from Idiom Press. It works standalone, and it also can accept DDE commands from TRX-Manager. There is a help file on the website that you can read through before downloading

Re: [Elecraft] K2/100 power-out change

2004-09-22 Thread Larry Phipps
Interestingly, my TS850S does this too... it's a well known bug in the TS850. The Kenwood problem is in the ALC circuitry, new rigs don't do this... it develops over time. I'm not familiar with the K2 circuit, but it sounds like it could be a decoupling problem. Larry N8LP - Original Me

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