Dealing with inter-org links vs #+include

2023-04-28 Thread Brett Viren

I want what may be two conflicting things:

- Produce a monolithic HTML export of an main org file that #+include:'s
  other org files.

- Have links in the other org files that are valid both when the
  monolith is exported to HTML and when visiting the individual org
  files in Emacs.

Below is a simple test.  The "" includes "" and "".
The "" has two types of links.  The link:

  [[A][A by headline only]]

is valid in the HTML export of "" but it is not valid for Emacs
visiting (C-c C-o gives "No match - create this as a new
heading?").  And then vice versa for the link:

  [[*A][A by file with headline]]

I can follow that link in Emacs but it renders to an  with
"a.html#MissingReference".  And export fails outright if I do not

  #+options: broken-links:t

Is there a way I can have my cake and eat it too?  That is, how can I
make a link between "sub" org files that can be followed by Emacs and
also that produces a valid HTML link when the is exported?


$ ls *.org

$ for n in *.org
  echo "=== $n ==="
  cat $n
=== ===
* A

This is A.
=== ===
* B

This is B.  Links:
- [[*A][A by file with headline]].
- [[A][A by headline only]].
=== ===
#+title: Main
#+options: broken-links:t

* Main

This is main.

* Includes


* Links

- A :: [[]]

- B :: [[]]

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Re: [O] Org agenda

2018-01-06 Thread Brett Viren
"M. P."  writes:

> I create a TODO and save the file but I can’t see the todo when I
> select todo view in agenda? What am I doing wrong?

Maybe your file is not in the org-agenda-files list.  If so, a quick
check is to visit the file and do "C-c [" (org-agenda-file-to-front).
Then, recheck your agenda todo view.


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Re: [O] why prepend "file://" to abs paths in html output?

2017-07-10 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> So, basically, upon exporting the following document to HTML:
>   #+html_link_root: /tmp/
>   [[/tmp/unicorn.jpg]]
> the link becomes

Is this saying "subtract the value of 'html_link_root' from the Org link
to make its URL"?

If so, I think this would not be general enough to help some cases.  For
example, with Nikola+orgmode and with Nikola's "pretty URLs" option the
relative location between either the Org source or its generated HTML
and an image that they both link will differ.

Some details:

Nikola source wants this layout:


The Org source generates to HTML which will be found at this URL path:


So, right now, either the Org link to the image must be written to be
invalid (for Org):


Or, some mechanism needs to turn the valid Org link:


into either:




I guess I could use html_link_root set to "/path/to/my/nikola" but then
my Org source loses portability.

I think better would be able to explicitly state the desired URL path
for the HTML  like:

  #+html_url_path: /mysiteroot/images/unicorn.jpg


PS: imo, in this example, I think the real solution is to make Nikola
allow for keeping org+img source together and to output org+img+html all
together in one web directory.

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Re: [O] Overriding org-html-headline or other export functions?

2017-05-29 Thread Brett Viren
Brett Viren  writes:

> Or, maybe you suggest I do direct "surgery" on the TEXT argument that
> gets passed in to the filter and insert the "..." that way?  I guess it
> could work to find the end of the "" opening tag and then insert
> my "..." part.  I'll try this approach.

Okay, this works but relies on searching through the HTML to find the
end of "" tag.  This feels like it will be error prone but so far
it seems to work when processing my manual.

In case it might help others, here is my filter:

My Elisp is bad, so maybe this is not done well

And, for completeness there is now also the export-as-html,
export-to-html and publish-to-html functions copied from ox-html and
tweaked for this custom backend.

Thanks for the nudges and help!  


Re: [O] Overriding org-html-headline or other export functions?

2017-05-29 Thread Brett Viren
Marcin Borkowski  writes:

> It's been a while since I did that, but AFAIR deriving a new, slightly
> midified backend may be exactly what you want, since you seem to need to
> modify just one of the exporter functions.

Right, by my concern is I'm copy-pasting a large function just to change
basically one line.

I understand that instead of simply stepping on org-* function namespace
with my copy, I can rename my copy and make a derived exporter with my
modified function registered as a filter.  But that doesn't get away
from now having a chunk of code that is at risk of diverging away as
Org's original develops further.


Re: [O] Overriding org-html-headline or other export functions?

2017-05-29 Thread Brett Viren
"Charles C. Berry"  writes:

> You do have that wrong.  This is exactly what export filters and
> derived backends are for.  In fact, you can use both.  For an example,
> see
> You will want to change `latex' to `html' in the
>   `(org-export-define-derived-backend ...)'
> call and delete all filters except for `:filter-headline'.  And revise
> `ox-mrkup-filter-headline' accordingly.

Thanks for checking me on this, but I still don't see it.

If I understand, a derived HTML backend with my own filter-headline
would let me add my own extra HTML *outside* the "...",
"...", etc, HTML that is generated by the base
org-html-headline filter.  But for the output I want I need to add my
extra HTML *inside* the contents of the "..." tags.  And I
don't see an export filter for this "..." part.

Or, maybe you suggest I do direct "surgery" on the TEXT argument that
gets passed in to the filter and insert the "..." that way?  I guess it
could work to find the end of the "" opening tag and then insert
my "..." part.  I'll try this approach.


[O] Overriding org-html-headline or other export functions?

2017-05-29 Thread Brett Viren

I am writing a manual in Org which gets exported/published to HTML and
styled with org-html-themes.  I want the HTML to include a little icon
next to each headline which is a direct link to the headline itself.
Basically, I want to rip off what GitHub does when it renders Org.

First, is there some way to achieve this headline link without
explicitly adding it in the Org text or diving into Org Elisp?

I couldn't find one so I took the latter route by copying out the whole
of org-html-headline into the Emacs init Elisp file I used for
publishing and fiddle with it until I got more or less what I wanted.
Here are the lines tweaked:

Here is an example of the result:

Is this copy+hack the proper way to tweak the exporting in this case?
In particular, I worry about my copy of org-html-headline diverging from
the real.

I read about export filters and extending an existing back-end, but I
think these do not apply, but maybe I have that wrong.

Thanks for any suggestions!


Re: [O] git and orgmode: teaching git a bit of orgmode syntax

2017-01-24 Thread Brett Viren
Karl Voit  writes:

> -* NEXT test with DAVdroid
> +* Lesestoff [1/26]:2read:
> -:CREATED:  [2016-05-08 Sun 12:51]
> +:CREATED: [2012-04-17 Tue 10:39]
> +:ARCHIVE:  %s_archive::* Lesestoff
> +:CATEGORY: reading
>  :END:

Without seeing before/after versions it's not clear that this diff is
somehow wrong.

Depending on the editing one does to a given file, a diff may seem "non
local" with some chunks appearing to undo something and others redoing
it.  This happens when parts of the file get rearranged.  For example,
do either of your headlines appear elsewhere in your diff with their
"+/-" signs reversed?


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Re: [O] XML dump of org file?

2016-09-22 Thread Brett Viren
Aaron Ecay  writes:

> Have a look at the org-element library,

Just to add, there are circular dependencies in this data structure due
to ":parent" and potentially some of the ":structure" elements.  They
obviously need to be broken to avoid infinite loops.

Here my hackish attempt to deal with this in order to dump org-element
to JSON:

See org-json-straigten-tree for how I nullified these elements.


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Re: [O] Open Peer-Review Reproducible Publication with Org and GRASS

2016-06-03 Thread Brett Viren
Thanks for your example.

A few ideas:

- When you begin developing your paper, or sometime before submission,
  make a break from your personal ~/.emacs.d/ environment and begin
  processing the .org in an explicitly configured Emacs session.  Submit
  the needed, minimal, paper-specific Emacs setup as part of the
  supplementary material.

- Bundle the document building into a shell script which calls Emacs so
  that you can assure that personal ~/.emacs.d/ is excluded and only the
  paper-specific Emacs setup is used.  It also helps users to rebuild
  the paper, especially if they may not yet be Emacs aficionados.

- Instead of multi-GB VM image, provide a few kB Dockerfile which can be
  used to build a Linux container with base OS and all required
  applications needed to run the Babel code blocks.

- The Dockerfile could go so far as to create a user account, get the
  supplementary material from a repository or the publisher's web page,
  unpack and run the shell script which calls Emacs to build the
  document.  If you go this far then in principle just this Dockerfile
  is enough to reproduce the paper - but this will rely on some binaries
  to remain available (Docker base OS images and OS packages).

The reliance on long-term availability of the Docker base OS image and
binary packages is problematic for long term automated reproducibility.
However, even after those bits disappear from the 'net the Dockerfile
serves as a concise and explicit recipe for future humans to follow.


Ken Mankoff  writes:

> Hi Org and GRASS lists,
> I just wanted to let these two lists know that I've just posted a
> paper written in Org and using GRASS (text-mode) and Python for the
> analysis. My goal was to create not just an open access publication,
> but a fully reproducible publication. This is an early announcement,
> and the paper may not pass peer review.
> The Supplemental Material is the Org file with all the code to
> generate the document, beginning with downloading the 3rd party data
> that is input to our analysis, the GRASS code to perform the analysis,
> and the Python code to regenerate the figures.
> I don't think I did a great job on the reproducible part because I
> have a highly customized .emacs, etc. All the information necessary to
> replicate the work should be in the Supplemental Material, but it
> might not be easy to do so. Anyway, I think it is a step in the right
> direction.
> To make it easier to reproduce... including my seems
> overkill. Including a Virtual Machine that contains everything,
> including my ~/.emacs.d/ and all the software and data seems like the
> right thing to do, but journals don't want to host a 20 GB VM with the
> publication.
> Thanks to people on these two lists who have developed the software and 
> helped me use it.

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Re: [O] Clocking work time vs. office time

2016-04-29 Thread Brett Viren
Marcin Borkowski  writes:

> On 2016-04-29, at 11:21, Michael Welle  wrote:
>> Marcin Borkowski  writes:
>> I assume that you use a laptop or some other portable device? In that
>> case you can grep the IP address (which might change when you change
>> workplaces) and timestamps from the log files (or create a script that
>> logs the IP address changes to an ORG file) and then somehow (coughcough)
>> integrate that into your report. 
> That's actually an interesting (and not standard) idea.  Even moreso
> because I'm writing a RescueTime-like time-tracking tool for Emacs,
> working (unlike Org's clocking) without manual intervention - recording
> the state of computer (i.e., current idle time, active X window, active
> Emacs buffer name and mode) at regular (or not) intervals and making
> reports.  I did not include any network-related info, but this would be
> easy to add.  Thanks, I'll definitely think about it!

Along similar lines, how about running a process on a computer near
where you dwell at work which watches for your mobile phone's bluetooth
ID.  Recording when your phone enters/exits its range will sample the
time you are physically present.  If you roam around at work you will
need to remember to visit the BT range at the start and at the end of
your day in order to get a full measure.  And, you'll need to process
the samples to pull out the earliest/latest times to calculate the time
present.  This post-processing can emit Org text or whatever format you

Looking at what bluetooth stuff is available on Ubuntu, "bluemon" seems
perfect for the heavy lifting.  Your OS may vary.

There are also Android apps that do this kind of locating directly using
GPS/WiFi location and uploading the results to google drive or similar.
However, I've never managed to find one which I can make work reliably.


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Re: [O] Best way to create blog for company web site with Orgmode

2016-03-09 Thread Brett Viren
Rainer Hansen  writes:

> Sometimes I should read more carefully what I write. I want to use a
> static web site generator! So Wordpress is no option for me.

Ah, okay! That makes more sense.  One day I will also learn to read what
I write.  :)

> Of course I could use Bootstrap with an Org-based static site
> generator. However, I my thinking is that I need to do a lot of
> customizations to use it as a blogging engine. Perhaps I am wrong. I
> would be happy if someone on the mailing-list has done it and can show
> that it is quite straight forward to do.

Yes, this desire to have the HTML match the CSS (without touching the
CSS) is one thing that drove me to rolling my own generator.  I didn't
want to muck with Org HTML export to make that match happen.

In the end, I found that most of what I wanted from Bootstrap relates to
what I think of as "outer" HTML - the banner, nav bar, menus, table of
contents, etc.  It ends up mattering less to me for the "inner" HTML of
the actual blog post or page payload content.  

If ever I do need to, I'm prepared develop some code to do some
rewriting of Org HTML during the generation.

> Yes, easy is relative. What I mean is that I can set it up in less than
> 4 hours through configuration. I want to be able to reuse the visual
> theme implemented in CSS for the rest of the web site in the time limit
> mentioned before.

When my system has some more polish then maybe your 4 hour limit can be
satisfied.  Right now, being my only customer, it may not pass your
definition of "easy".  But, you are welcome to take a look and try.

> Could you please provide some links? I am especially interested in
> tutorials on setting them up.

I don't guarantee that it will live up to its name but here is my

It's mostly Python based and uses Jinja2 templates.  Emacs is used to
generate a JSON dump of the org-element tree, to produce the HTML body
text and to make a PDF.

I don't have many examples in the source but I do inside my actual Org
content area.  Some things to look at include the main config file:

an example template:

and, maybe look at how I call "joy" to rebuild the site.  I use "waf" to
do that and its control file is:

I only have this working on my laptop now so I can't show you the
results at the moment.  


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Re: [O] Best way to create blog for company web site with Orgmode

2016-03-09 Thread Brett Viren
Rainer Hansen  writes:

> I wonder what is the best way to create a blog for a company website
> with Orgmode. I do not want to use a static web site generator. The
> design of the web site is relying on Bootstrap and customs CSS.

Just curious, why does wanting to use Bootstrap rule out an Org-based
static site generator for you?

I'm slowly developing just such a beast.  It Works For Me(TM) but is
still a bit raw for others unless they can deal with some Python
hacking and spotty documentation.

> It should be easy to setup and to maintain for me?

I think maybe you can better define what you mean by "easy"?  

In the end, developing my own generator was easier than trying to adapt
existing ones.  There are a lot of great ones out there, especially if
you expand to allow Markdown ones (either native authoring or using
Org's Markdown export), but none do exactly what I wanted.


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Re: [O] Code block returning code results formatted as another type of code block?

2016-02-04 Thread Brett Viren
"Charles C. Berry"  writes:

> Try `:wrap src json':

Works perfectly, thanks.  I had missed this in the manual, but it was
there for me all along!


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[O] Code block returning code results formatted as another type of code block?

2016-02-03 Thread Brett Viren

I have some shell command line program that spits out JSON.  I want Org
execute that command from a source block (of type "sh") and have the
result displayed as another source block of type "json".  I can almost
get all that working except the resulting block is also of type "sh":

I have:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :exports both :format json :results value code 
echo '{"foo":"bar", "baz":"quax"}'

{"foo":"bar", "baz":"quax"}

But, instead, I want the result:

#+BEGIN_SRC json
{"foo":"bar", "baz":"quax"}

Is there some arg to the initial source block which I'm missing?

I guessed with that ":format json" arg.  With or without it makes no


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Re: [O] Exporting a subtree

2015-11-20 Thread Brett Viren
Peter Davis  writes:

> For the first time, I'm trying to export just a single subtree of my overall 
> document, by typing
> C-c C-e C-s H O
> However, I get this error:
> apply: Wrong type argument: listp, #("Details, November 2015" 0 22 (:parent 
> (#0)))

FWIW, I had this problem on my home machine about a week ago or so.  I
messed around with different versions of org and org-plus-contrib
installed from package-list-packages and eventually got it to go away.
Sorry I don't recall the specifics.  But I just wanted to say it's not
just you.

Right now, on my work system your test succeeds:

Org-mode version 8.2.10 (8.2.10-41-g42228a-elpa @ 


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Re: [O] Bug: message after org-clock-in [8.2.10 (8.2.10-34-gc41bbc-elpa @ /home/torys/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20150223/)]

2015-03-07 Thread Brett Viren (Tory S. Anderson) writes:

> I'd love to. Unfortunately, search engines were unable to give me
> decisive answer on what an ECM is.

Heh.  I guessed what it meant, but not what it stood for, and found:

Some users call this an "ECM", a French acronym that means a
"minimal complete example".


Re: [O] Executing org shell blocks on remote machine over ssh

2014-11-18 Thread Brett Viren
David Bjergaard  writes:

> I know this is working "against the grain" of the literate programming
> paradigm where the document and the source code are coupled, and
> tangling the document produces a program that can be executed.  I'm just
> wondering if its possible.  If not that's fine.  Really I'm just trying
> to save myself a copy-paste (and the associated issues with it getting
> recorded in my .bash_history).

I usually come at it from the "reproducible research" angle which maybe
is more relaxed than literate programming.  In any case, I find it hard
to capture all the info needed to reproduce something and so I settle
for capturing as much as easily achievable - that is when I try at all
as capturing it in an RR org doc greatly increases the time I need to do

Many of the software stacks I use also take significant time to
configure the end-user environment.  10 seconds is not unheard of and it
can be minutes if the stack lives on slow network disk.

I think the approach I suggested of caching the environment should work
for you.  Unfortunately, I do not know of a trivial, general way to do
this.  The "env" program comes close but does not spit out a format that
is immediately consumable by the shell.  In particular, spaces in
variable values confound it.  It also lacks the "export" keyword.  And,
in any case is only close to sh syntax.  Any exported functions also
have to be handled properly

In your shoes, I'd probably write a small Python script that dumps the
"os.environ" dictionary holding the environment of the caller into a
form suitable for consumption by your shell.  You can call this dumper
in a shell code block at the top of your org file and source the result
as the first line in each subsequent shell code block.

A starting point would be something like the following, but this does
not properly handle and sh functions defined.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
for k,v in os.environ.items():
print 'export %s="%s"' % (k,v)

Good luck!

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Re: [O] Executing org shell blocks on remote machine over ssh

2014-11-18 Thread Brett Viren
David Bjergaard  writes:

> I use org mode as a lab notebook.  I write org-src blocks to keep track
> of tasks I do at the command line, and then I copy paste them into the
> terminal.  I would really like to hit "C-c C-c" on the source block and
> have it executed on the remote machine.  I know that you can specify
> the remote machine according to [1], however the software I use requires
> a fairly complicated setup to get going.  

Is it just complicated, or is it also prohibitively long-running?

If just the former, you could maybe bundle the setup into some shell
script and source it in each of your sh source blocks.  Eg:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :dir /ssh:lycastus:/home/bviren
  echo $HOSTNAME
  ls -l
  echo "---"
  echo "---"
  source ./
  echo $FOO

: /home/bviren
: lycastus
: -rw-rw-r-- 1 bviren bviren 16 Nov 18 10:27
: ---
: export FOO=bar
: ---
: bar

If the setup is purely environmental, and it takes a long time to
perform, maybe you could do the set up once and then cache the resulting
environment using the output of "env".


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Re: [O] org-mode for knowledge management

2014-10-13 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Louis,

Louis  writes:

> I've been using org-mode for a variety of purposes for a few years. I
> find that it suffers from the same problem that other such tools
> do. The problem is me. I can't remember week to week how I may have
> classified some scrap of information. Did I drop it into
> notes/ or was it procedures/

I hear you.  My strategy so far has been: just write org content and an
ideal lookup solution will eventually be found (via threads like this

This weekend I took a first step and *finally* got agenda-based
searching to work.  For better or worse, my setup intentionally spreads
org content over a few areas:

For a few explicit, "global" files (eg,

For daily, private notes:

For a wiki-like blog / knowledge bank:

By default, my attempts with org agenda search was not finding files in
these areas.  Particularly the latter two were difficult for me to
figure out how to tell org about.  The final solution was to walk these
directories at initialization time and add all .org files found to
org-agenda-text-search-extra-files.  Here is the most concise way to do
that which I found after various searches:

(require 'find-lisp)
 org-agenda-files (list "~/org")
  (find-lisp-find-files "~/org-pub/topics/" "\\.org$")
  (find-lisp-find-files "~/org/web/notes/" "\\.org$"))

If anyone knows better ways to do this, I'm all ears.  I'm particularly
wondering how long-running org sessions will handle newly created topics
or notes in this setup.


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Re: [O] Fwd: Cooperating with oneself using the cloud?

2014-09-25 Thread Brett Viren
"Monroe, Will"  writes:

> Thanks so much for your reply, Tim.  git-annex does seem like a
> possibility for syncing org-mode files but it appears that there's a
> lot to consider when setting it up.

This thread prompted me last weekend to try git-annex via its
"assistant".  It was pretty painless to set up hosts where I could run a
local web browser.  I was also able to easily set up a remote annex on a
headless git/SSH server via the web app.

I followed this:


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Re: [O] Emacs server and org-protocol

2014-09-17 Thread Brett Viren
Alexis  writes:

> If i may ask, which email front-end were you using? (Gnus, perhaps?) i
> used to use notmuch.el, and currently use mu4e, and basically don't have
> this issue 

My GNUS + IMAP subprocess + Maildir used to lead to long wait times when
updating for new mail ("g" in Groups).  Things have now vastly improved
since moving my Maildirs to a SSD.


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Re: [O] Unit conversions and symbolic mathematics with Babel

2014-09-03 Thread Brett Viren
Hi, (H. Dieter Wilhelm) writes:

>   But what is missing is to assign variables within a source block
> #+BEGIN_SRC calc :var L1 = "5 mm" 
> L2 := cvun( L1, m)
>   Unfortunately this is not working.  Do you have an idea how to
>   implement this?
> - Are you using (better) alternatives?

I like Python and in Python I like Pint for units.

Below is an example org document that should "run" and shows a couple
ways to use snippets of Pint code to do unit conversion.  Not shown but
Pint Quantity objects support arithmetic so are useful for carrying
units through some calculation.

For assigning to variables - presumably for use in later blocks - maybe
you can investigate using the :session header argument to source blocks.

Have fun,

One way to install Pint is:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results silent
  pip install --user pint

Here is an example:

#+name: uconv
#+header: :var val="10m" :var unit="inch" 
#+BEGIN_SRC python
  import pint
  units = pint.UnitRegistry()
  return units.Quantity(val).to(unit)

#+RESULTS: uconv
: 393.700787402 inch

Now call =uconv= do to some other conversion:

#+call: uconv("2.54cm","inch")

: 1.0 inch

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Re: [O] Possible to use src block to generate org headlines for export?

2014-07-24 Thread Brett Viren
Matt Lundin  writes:

> That sounds interesting. I look forward to hearing more!

It's not yet usable for anything real but I'm keeping the work here:


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Possible to use src block to generate org headlines for export?

2014-07-23 Thread Brett Viren
Matt Lundin  writes:

> Brett Viren  writes:
>> Maybe it would be more convenient to add the "meta-ness" you want as
>> part of a new exporter process?  
> To change the "meta" wrappers for code block results, we would have to
> modify org babel (ob-core.el). 

Just to be clear (hopefully) I actually meant something different.  I
was suggesting to *not* use org babel to produce your extra headlines.
Rather, have whatever logic produces them reside in some new exporter.

I'm may be making incorrect guesses as to what you are actually going
for with these extra headlines.  You mentioning this is for a blog made
me think they are some kind of "standard augmentation" for every blog
post or something.  If not then I'm probably barking up the wrong tree.
But if so, putting them into an exporter seems apt.

This is an approach I'm taking in a JSON+HTML exporter (analogous to the
latex+pdf one) that I'm working on.  For example, I'd like to have a
"tag cloud" generated from tags on org headlines.  This tag cloud won't
explicitly exist on the org side.  Rather it will be implicitly produced
and updated by some (Python) code that runs as part of the JSON->HTML
stage of the exporter.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Possible to use src block to generate org headlines for export?

2014-07-23 Thread Brett Viren
Matt Lundin  writes:

> Let's hope the real blog (when I get around to publishing it) is more
> interesting than the example above. ;)

Maybe it would be more convenient to add the "meta-ness" you want as
part of a new exporter process?  


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Re: [O] org-redisplay-inline-images and export to HTML

2014-07-22 Thread Brett Viren
Nick Dokos  writes:

> I think you'd be better off with the tip that Rick Frankel posted in
> the same thread:
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook
> (lambda () (org-display-inline-images nil t)))

Thanks Nick (and Rick).  I changed this to use the "re" version:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook
  (lambda () (org-redisplay-inline-images)))

and it works great!  


Description: PGP signature

[O] org-redisplay-inline-images and export to HTML

2014-07-21 Thread Brett Viren
Someone recently posted a tip to add

  :post (org-redisplay-inline-images)

to a SRC block which generates an image in order to freshen the Emacs
buffer with the regenerated image each time the block is executed.  It
works *almost* fine but I have two problems which I hope someone can
help with.

1) Priming-the-pump

I'm using a document containing a GraphViz graph and running "dot" on it:

#+BEGIN_SRC dot :cmd dot :cmdline -Tpng :file foo.png :exports results :post 
  digraph "foo" {
params -> builders;
builders -> objects;
objects -> file;

I do "C-c C-c" in the block and the buffer does not display any result.
I see the messages:

No images to display inline
executing Dot code block...
Wrote /tmp/babel-11819Iqr/ob-input-11819Lrv
org-babel-ref-resolve: Reference 'No images to display inline' not found in 
this buffer

If I do "C-c hh" to export to HTML I see:

org-babel-exp processing...
No images to display inline [2 times]
executing Dot code block...
Wrote /tmp/babel-11819Iqr/ob-input-11819kTR
org-babel-ref-resolve: Reference 'No images to display inline' not found in 
this buffer

And I get no HTML file produced.

If I now take out the :post and do "C-c C-c" I get this appearing just
after the SRC block as expected:


If I now add back the ":post" and do "C-c C-c" again I get the inlined
image.  I can now edit the SRC block and repeat the "C-c C-c" and I am
pleased to see the figure refresh each time.  It's great!  But, it needs
this "pump priming".

2) Post-priming, still no HTML export

After this "priming the pump" is done the second problem is that still a
"C-c hh" does not produce an exported HTML file.  Similar messages:

org-babel-exp processing...
No images to display inline
Inline image display turned off
No images to display inline
executing Dot code block...
Wrote /tmp/babel-11819Iqr/ob-input-11819zYx
org-babel-ref-resolve: Reference 'No images to display inline' not found in 
this buffer

Finally, if I remove the :post but leave the "#+RESULTS:" I can do 
a successful "C-c hh".  

So, the upshot is I have to keep adding and removing the :post to make
things work in different contexts.  This is obviously not so smooth.

Is there some way to both have my cake an eat it too?


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Indentation messed up after example block

2014-07-07 Thread Brett Viren

Alexander Baier  writes:

> On 2014-07-06 20:03 York Zhao wrote:
>> * Example at level one
>> Indentation is wrong.
> The asterisk followed by a space followed by text in your example block
> is recognized by org as a headline. So org thinks everything under that
> headline is the body of the headline.

I hit this very problem recently and first assumed it must be a bug.
But, since it's documented[1] I guess it's a "feature".  Although one I
don't immediately see a use for.

I hit this when capturing some logging info which happened to have a
line starting with a triple-*.  Trying to manually find such offending
lines in a large EXAMPLE block is too tedious to contemplate.  A better
way, which is implied by that footnote, is to use Org Src buffers when
entering the content of EXAMPLE blocks in the first place.  I do like:


Where  is me pasting or typing whatever is the content of the
EXAMPLE block.

This will not only indent the entire block with a couple of spaces but
will "escape" the problematic headline asterisk with the "special
syntax" comma.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] PDF output from Org

2014-06-30 Thread Brett Viren

David Masterson  writes:

> How do I control the page margins that Org uses in its Latex/PDF output?

I also just started a new doc today and wanted reduce the margins.
Normally I set all the various margin-related distances which I can
never seem to remember and have to go search for.  This time the search
turned up a nice one-liner:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{fullpage}

I might even be able to remember this one next time.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Reverse lookup from pdf to org?

2014-03-27 Thread Brett Viren
Rainer M Krug  writes:

> Brett Viren  writes:
>>   file:///path/to/foo.tex.orglink?line=42

> But jumping to the .org file would be the aim - right?

Yes, right.  Maybe a better example is:


which might get interpreted as "go to line 42 in ./".

This example is also a relative link which would be less brittle as long
as and foo.pdf are kept together in the same directory.

>> Chance of success: 10%
> I guess higher?

I like your optimism!


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Reverse lookup from pdf to org?

2014-03-25 Thread Brett Viren
Nick Dokos  writes:

> One more (half-)possibility is as follows: produce the tex file and
> compile it not with pdflatex, but with plain latex, producing a DVI
> file. Passing the -src option to the latex invocation inserts "source
> specials" into the DVI file that some DVI viewers (in particular, xdvi)
> can interpret to jump back from the DVI view to the (approximate)
> corresponding location in the tex file:
>   latex --shell-escape -src foo.tex
>   xdvi foo.dvi

Okay, here is a crazy idea.  Maybe one can use hyperref and place \url{}
and/or \href{}{} macros in the org file.  These will turn into clickable
links in the final PDF.  In them place URLs that look like:


And then use .mailcap (or whatever MIME config that xpdf/evince/etc
honors) to map the .orglink extension to a script that parses the URL
(does that full URL get passed?) and invokes emacs to open foo.tex at
line 42?

If that much can be made to work (big if!) I see one problem in that the
/path/to will break if the source is moved.

Chance of success: 10%


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Reverse lookup from pdf to org?

2014-03-25 Thread Brett Viren
Rainer M Krug  writes:

> Therefore I export the document to pdf, and look for errors there. Now I
> have to find the corresponding section in the org file - possible, but
> tedious.

Not quite what you have in mind and maybe only a half-measure but when I
produce draft latex documents I like to turn on this package:


It prints the symbol used for labels, references and citations in light
gray in the PDF output.  I can then search for these in the tex to find
the corresponding region.  To the extent they are set in your .org
source you might do similar.

A little screen cap is attached to show an example output.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Finer-grained control of published files

2014-03-13 Thread Brett Viren
Bastien  writes:

> Please test the attached patch against the tip of the master branch
> and let me know if it works: it checks against a .oxignore file, one
> regexp on each line.  If you find it useful, I'll commit this for
> the next version.

I had some unrelated trouble with the head of master so I applied your
patch to the 8.2.5h tag.  It applied cleanly with a little fuzz.

It seems to work great! I played with various ways to ignore and
couldn't make it fail.  

One thing, and I know it's going back on what I asked originally, but I
wonder if file globs would be the more natural pattern matching here
than regexp?  

Either way, this will really help publishing from my messy source


Description: PGP signature

[O] Finer-grained control of published files

2014-03-09 Thread Brett Viren

I'm trying to set up org-publish and am looking for more fine-grained
control over what files get published than what (I think) I can get from
configuring org-publish-project-alist.  I've played with the
publishing-function of org-publish-attachment and :exclude/:include and
:base-extension regexps.

What I'm finding is that I want to control what type of files get
published on almost a per-directory basis and different directories may
have mutually conflicting file patterns to include/exclude.  Creating a
new org-publish-project-alist entry for each is tedious.

What I hope for is something equivalent to git's .gitignore
functionality where I can place, say, .orgignore files full of regexp
patterns anywhere in my org source tree and have org-publish honor them.

Is there anything in this direction?


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Graph not hierarchical?

2014-02-18 Thread Brett Viren
Lawrence Bottorff  writes:

> being able to organize and
> extract based on your stuff being stored graph-aware would be nice,
> IMHO. 

I'm by no means an expert on this but I know org-element-parse-buffer
returns a data structure which is a directed-graph.

Note, each node has a :parent reference which makes the data structure
circular.  Traversing it must take this feature into account.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] terminal emulators

2014-02-11 Thread Brett Viren
Gregor Zattler  writes:

> Hi Achim,
> * Achim Gratz  [10. Feb. 2014]:
>> You cannot enter C-: in some terminals because it would require
>> simultaneous processing of shift and control (these terminals ignore
>> shift while control is pressed).
> this is true for xterm, rxvt-unicode, gnome-terminal, konsole and
> the linux console.

This terminal "feature" surprised me so I checked a few terminals I have

xterm on Debian (278-4) does pass the C-:.  Testing with C-c C-: after
starting "emacs -nw -q" in that xterm I get the expected:

  C-c C-: is undefined

But, I confirm that mate-terminal (1.6.1-1.1+7.wheezy) and rxvt
(1:2.6.4-14) strip off the Ctrl.  There the test produces:

  C-c : is undefined

I note that mate-terminal does process Ctrl+Shift as some of its
shortcuts use this combo.  So, it's "actively" stripping the Ctrl away.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] most robust linking practices?

2014-01-17 Thread Brett Viren
Hi John,

John Kitchin  writes:

> The files are all on a unix file system served over nfs, so everyone
> has the same / root. the users (students) have read access to my
> files.
> I am working towards creating "packages" of notes in org-mode (they
> might even be installed as emacs packages) for the courses that I
> teach. Having relative paths within a package certainly makes sense. I
> would like to link to notes in other packages too, as the courses are
> related, and build on each other. but I won't know in advance where
> those get installed. It sounds like those packages will have to have
> some variables configured to make that work out.

How about defining a slew of links in org-link-abbrev-list.  Say, one
for each set of class notes.

Maybe you'd maintain two copies of such a list, one that assumes your
shared file system is being used and one that assumes some layout
convention in the user's home directory.  Your users could pick the best
one or use them as a starting point for their own customization.

The fact that the link definitions may contain inline lisp functions may
help to organize this.

I guess you would need some way to update your reader/user's copy of the
list as it evolves.  Immediately, I don't have any ideas about that.

I've started to use this approach a little.  So far, just to reference
some common external links.  Here's my setup:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
;; Custom external links
(defun bv-link-resolve-github (tag)
  (replace-regexp-in-string ":" "/blob/master/" tag))

(setq org-link-abbrev-alist
("ghsite" . "";)
("ghfile" . "")
("dbtrac" . "";)


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] working on cloud

2014-01-09 Thread Brett Viren
David Belohrad  writes:

> 1) privacy: you're basically giving your data to somebody else. In case
>of emacs init there is no danger. In case of your org data, which
>might contain sensitive information you want to encrypt it, what
>complicates matter when switching between two win/lin machines

An alternative to consider is btsync.  It will provide you similar
functionality as Dropbox but removes reliance on a central server which
is outside your control.  All storage endpoints are peers.  Peers are
authorized by a shared key so only your machines, or maybe your friends
get access - it's not an anonymous p2p system despite the "bt" in its
name.  You can also allow read-only access.  Even with no "well known"
server involved I've yet to find a case where peers can not be located
behind firewalls or NAT'ed routers.

Of course, btsync brings it's own issues.  The main one for me is that
it's not Free Software (it is a free-of-charge binary) but then the
server side of Dropbox is even more restricted.  I guess let your own
conscience be the guide here.

Personally, I go the git/github route for .emacs files and a private git
repo for org files.  I would like to not have the (explicit)
commit/push/pull steps for org files and so have been testing btsync.
Ideally there would be some way to marry the benefits of both, but I've
yet to come up with one.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Parsing Org-mode in Python

2014-01-09 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Daniel,

Daniel Clemente  writes:

>   Are there already Python parsers for it?

Parsing generic JSON is fairly trivial in Python.

  import json
  data = json.dumps(open('file.json').read())

The resulting "data" is then a bunch of Python lists and/or dicts
matching whatever structure was output from org and is in the .json
file.  The schema in these three contexts are (will be) identical.

At this point, Pythonistas can do what they want with "data".  Although,
as I mentioned, I'd like to put another layer on this "raw" data
structure which expresses/enforces the org schema as understood by the
org-exporter.  If I can figure out how to dump a representation of this
schema from org I'll express it as a set of generated
collections.namedtuple instances.  We'll see.

>   Should ox-json's output be as raw as possible (e.g. what your code
> produces now) or transformed to simpler JSON?
>   (I think both formats should coexist).

I suppose there may be a usefulness to "winnow down" the structure.  One
thing I'm thinking about here is the narrowing done to support the "blog
From anywhere" feature of Karl's lazyblorg mentioned in this thread.

That can be done either on the emacs side or Python side (or both, in
principle).  However, my intention is to do as little modification of
the org document structure on the emacs-side in order to preserve
details that may possibly be interesting on the Python-side in the
future.  Also, I'm still learning LISP but know Python fairly well so
would rather do as much processing as possible on the Python side. :)

So far the only thing I see that needs to be stripped is the :parent
property (and the :structure, which really should be resolved as a copy
instead of being stripped) which cause the emacs-side data structure to
become a Circular Object and thus break the emacs JSON dumper.  

I just noticed that Python's JSON dumper can do this kind of stripping
implicitly and in general.  It might be nice if someone were to add such
a feature to the emacs JSON dumper but I don't plan to try this.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Parsing Org-mode in Python

2014-01-08 Thread Brett Viren
François Pinard  writes:

> Brett Viren  writes:
> This yields:
> ,
> | Not Found
> | 
> | The requested URL /gmane.emacs.orgmode/79838 was not found on this server.
> `

Huh, maybe a transient failure?  It's there for me right now.  Here is
the same message from GNU's archive:

In any case, here is the salient chunk:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
  (require 'json)
  (let* ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer 'object nil)))
(org-element-map tree (append org-element-all-elements
org-element-all-objects '(plain-text))
  (lambda (x) 
(if (org-element-property :parent x)
(org-element-put-property x :parent "none"))
(if (org-element-property :structure x)
(org-element-put-property x :structure "none"))
 (json-encode tree) 
  nil "foo.dat"))

This test is meant to run from inside an org-mode buffer which itself
provides the fodder for the test.  But, it shows the steps that I'll
need to integrate into some new org export mechanism.  The important
part is nulling out the :parent and :structure (and maybe others?)
properties in order to break their circular references.  The heavy
lifting is all in org-element-parse-buffer and json-encode.

>> At the end of the day one will have a DOM-style data structure
>> representing the initial org document.
> Keep me (us!) posted! :-)


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Parsing Org-mode in Python

2014-01-07 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Karl,

Karl Voit  writes:

> Hi!
> * Daniel Clemente  wrote:
>>> I dream of having a general Python parser for Org mode files, knowing
>>> every bit about the current syntax for Org files, surrounded by enough
>>> Python machinery to make it useful.
> Oh, this would be great since there are way more Python-coders out
> there as ELISP coders.

I agree.

I'm also (slowly) working toward some Python-based org processing.  My
strategy is to produce an intermediate file in JSON format which is
designed to capture the full org document structure.  I am calling this
a "shunt" export as it is meant to do as little interpretation of the
document as possible.

If this is interesting to you and you haven't already seen it please
check the thread from December were I got a lot of help to output this
JSON via the new org export mechanism (I'm a LISP newbie).  Here is the
concluding post with a working example:

Besides any eventual Python-side development, one remaining gap in my
plan is how to produce some kind of schema description using the org
exporter machinery.  I want to have this description generated
automatically so that any future changes to the org format can be
accommodated with some level of automation.

So, my current thinking is to find a way to exploit org export machinery
to generate this schema (call it a "meta-shunt" export?).  If I can find
that I'll output it as another JSON file.  Then, on the Python-side, I
will read this schema file in and generate instances of
collections.namedtuple.  Finally a reader of the JSON org document will
be developed to produce objects of these namedtuple classes.

At the end of the day one will have a DOM-style data structure
representing the initial org document.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] email -> TODO items?

2014-01-06 Thread Brett Viren
Peter Davis  writes:

> I use half a dozen email clients, including mutt, which lets me easily
> pipe a message to a script.

The need to support multiple clients may rule out my suggestion but
capturing a TODO or a note while visiting a GNUS message and thus
preserving the link back to the article that spawned my task/idea is
fantastically useful.

In your pipe scheme maybe there is some way you can preserve this link


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Org mode and "shunt" exporters?

2013-12-13 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte  writes:

> This should work in a recent Emacs.
> (require 'json)
> (defun org-as-json-to-file (&optional path)
>   "Export the current Org-mode buffer as JSON to the supplied PATH."
>   (interactive "Fwrite to file: ")
>   (let ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer)))
> (org-element-map tree
> (append org-element-all-objects org-element-all-elements)
>   (lambda (el) (org-element-put-property el :parent nil)))
> (with-temp-file path
>   (insert (json-encode tree)

Thanks.  With this, Nicolas's and all the other input I've got something
working now.  There was still one small issue I found with this last
round.  The :structure property also causes an error inside json.el

  json-encode-key: Bad JSON object key: 105

But, for now, nulling :structure in the same way as :parent let's me
chain org->JSON->Python!  The first elisp code block in the test doc
below works.

Thanks for all the patient help from everyone.  I've learned a lot.


#+TITLE: The Title.
Blah blah blah.
* A heading.
This uses
 - foo
 - bar
 - baz
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
  (require 'json)
  (let* ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer 'object nil)))
(org-element-map tree (append org-element-all-elements
org-element-all-objects '(plain-text))
  (lambda (x) 
(if (org-element-property :parent x)
(org-element-put-property x :parent "none"))
(if (org-element-property :structure x)
(org-element-put-property x :structure "none"))
;; (if (eq (org-element-type x) 'plain-text)
;; (org-element-set-contents x (substring-no-properties 
;;  (org-element-contents x
 (json-encode tree) 
 ;(prin1-to-string tree)
  nil "foo.dat"))


* From Eric Schultz
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
  (require 'json)
  (defun org-as-json-to-file (&optional path)
"Export the current Org-mode buffer as JSON to the supplied PATH."
(interactive "Fwrite to file: ")
(let ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer)))
  (org-element-map tree
  (append org-element-all-objects org-element-all-elements)
(lambda (el) (org-element-put-property el :parent "none")))
  (with-temp-file path
(insert (json-encode tree)
  (org-as-json-to-file "eric.txt")

* Try some hand written data
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
  (require 'json)
  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect "foo.dat")
(let ((tree (read (current-buffer
  (prin1-to-string (json-encode tree


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Org mode and "shunt" exporters?

2013-12-13 Thread Brett Viren
Matt Price  writes:

> I am pretty ignorant and may have missed a referene o this in the
> thread, but this (very outdated) code is on the emacswiki:

Thanks.  My searches didn't find this.  It looks like this is parsing
the org buffer directly and only to the level of headings.  Ultimately I
want to emit JSON to get at the full detailed document structure so this
probably isn't in the direction I want to go.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Org mode and "shunt" exporters?

2013-12-13 Thread Brett Viren

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> You can walk the tree, e.g. with `org-element-map', and remove
> all :parent references if you don't need them.

I figured out how to follow this advice.  I can even make valid JSON
From the filtered parse tree by handing it to Edward O'Conner's
json.el (link in example below).

However this method only works for a very simple org document.  I'm
successfully filtering out the :parent properties of (most of) the
elements but as soon as my document produces a plain text element like:

  #("Text" 0 4 (:parent #1))

then two problems occcur:

First, I'm simply failing to see how to set this :parent property to nil
like I do with the others.  

Second, json.el throws a "Bad JSON Object" error.  I tried assuming that
the problem was it doesn't know what to do with this substring form.
Naively, I tried to follow some other recent advice in another thread
about using substring-no-properties to strip out the meta data from the
plain text elements.  But this apparently is a net no-op as I suspect
that the org-element-set-contents then puts them right back.

I feel like I'm pretty close.  Any more advice?


#+TITLE: The Title.

Blah blah blah.

* A heading.

This uses

 - foo
 - bar
 - baz

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
  (require 'json)
  (let* ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer 'object nil)))
(org-element-map tree org-element-all-elements 
  (lambda (x) 
(if (org-element-property :parent x)
(org-element-put-property x :parent nil))
;; (if (eq (org-element-type x) 'plain-text)
;; (org-element-set-contents x (substring-no-properties 
;;  (org-element-contents x
 ;(json-encode tree) 
 (prin1-to-string tree)
  nil "foo.txt"))


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Org mode and "shunt" exporters?

2013-12-12 Thread Brett Viren
Hi John,

John Kitchin  writes:

> that sounds like an interesting approach. xml seems like what you
> really want, since looking at the parsetree there is a lot of
> information (e.g. attributes, properties, etc...) that would be tricky
> to generate a fully representative json scheme. 

I see from your other thread that you are looking in to this idea of
dumping to JSON.  That's great!  If you want a tester of your JSON
exporter I'd be very happy to give it a try.  If it means I can abandon
my own stumbling around, that would make me even happier.

But, I am still slowly messing with this myself.  I plan to next follow
Nicolas's suggestion of simply removing the :parent parameter to get
over the hurdle that the circular object caused me.  I think if the
overall structure of the parse tree is preserved in the JSON then
parentage can be restored when it is read back.

I've also thought a bit about schema issues.  Regardless of how an "org
schema" might be represented, it would be best if it could be generated
From org instead of hand crafted.  This would need a kind of a "meta
export" feature.  I've not yet checked to see if there is some facility
in org to exploit to do this.  Maybe someone knows?

In the past I've expressed schema descriptions for JSON data in JSON
itself.  Internet searches now show this is not a novel approach so I
think there is some fruit to be found pursuing this direction.  Or, I
may just be trying too hard to avoid XML

> This page suggests at the bottom you could export to texinfo, and
> convert that to docbook:
> * (1) DocBook export, available in previous Org-mode versions, has not
>   currently been ported to the new exporter, however the new
>   ox-texinfo backend can generate DocBook format. Once file.texi is
>   created via ox-texinfo, simply execute: 
> makeinfo --docbook file.texi

Thanks.  I did try this but makeinfo failed on the texinfo file that was
produced.  I didn't pursue it enough to figure out why or if I was doing
something wrong.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Org mode and "shunt" exporters?

2013-12-09 Thread Brett Viren
Eric Schulte  writes:

> You can use `org-element-parse-buffer' to convert an Emacs Buffer to a
> structured Emacs Lisp object.  At that point you can use existing tools
> for converting lisp to JSON or YAML.  I've used cl-json for Common Lisp,
> I would imagine something similar exists for Emacs Lisp.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I pursued that a bit this weekend.  The
resulting data structure is a Circular Object[1] due to the ":parent"
references.  It seems dealing with this kind of data structure is
somewhat uncommon (or my search-fu lacking), although I do find a recent
reference to it on this mailing list[2].  I also found a "cust-print"[3]
feature from Emacs 19 which has since been removed.  It shows a way to
deal with Circular Objects.  So far it has strongly taxed my poor elisp
skills but I plan to pursue this direction a bit more.

I did try throwing a JSON parser/generator[4] at the output of
org-element-parse-buffer but this failed due to exceeding emacs's
recursion limits.  I think this must be from the ":parent" references
getting recursed on forever.


[1] one must (setq print-circle t) to avoid emacs reader errors




Description: PGP signature

[O] Org mode and "shunt" exporters?

2013-12-05 Thread Brett Viren
Has anyone written any new-style exporter which will produce a common
markup/data language format like JSON or YAML?  I'm looking for
something that fully preserves the original org document structure and
does no semantic interpretation along the way.

What I really want is to parse arbitrary org files in Python.  I've
looked at the entries at worg's "org-tool" node which do this but they
seem out of date or make assumptions about what org elements exist or
their URLs are not loading (NEO).  If any of that's a misrepresentation
please correct me.

In any case, using org's own exporter to produce JSON or YAML and then
relying on these format's Python modules for parsing seems like the best
way to go to let me author in org and process in Python.

I'm not very good with elisp (which is why I want to get org data into
Python) but I guess I can have a go at making such a "shunt" exporter.
Before I try, I just wanted to check if someone had this wheel already


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Re: [O] Capture templates with "function" type

2013-11-06 Thread Brett Viren
Bastien  writes:

> Capture templates using `function' should now return back to the
> correct window location.  Thanks for raising this,

Thanks so much for putting time in it!


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Capture templates with "function" type

2013-11-05 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Bastien,

Bastien  writes:

> You may try this (not tested myself):
> (defun bv-daily-log-file ()
>   (save-window-excursion
> (find-file (concat "~/org/web/notes/" 
>  (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d") ".org"))
> (goto-char (point-max))
> (newline 2)))
> The trick is to use `save-window-excursion'.

Thanks for the pointer but it looks like this macro runs afoul of the
capture process somehow.  I redefined my function as you have above and
did C-xC-e to reload it and then initiated a capture from a window
showing my GNUS summary.  It fails with:

byte-code: Capture abort: (buffer-read-only #)

I then tried another capture staring from a read-write buffer.  The
capture succeeds but the captured text is inserted into this starting
buffer instead of the one found by the bv-daily-log-file function.

The Elisp manual mentions that save-selected-window is sometimes a
better alternative but that gives the same behavior.  

Do you maybe have further ideas I could try?  


Description: PGP signature

[O] Capture templates with "function" type

2013-10-26 Thread Brett Viren

I'm trying to set up a capture template of type "function" in order to
produce a daily log file named after today's date.

It mostly works.  However, after doing the C-cC-c to close the capture
buffer the window is left holding the daily log file which the capture
just updated instead of going back to whatever buffer I was in when I
initiated the capture.  This returning-to-previous-buffer behavior is
what I see when I use the file+headline capture type.

Can someone say how I might get this behavior for the "function" capture
type as well?  Here is my setup:

(defun bv-daily-log-file ()
  (find-file (concat "~/org/web/notes/" 
  (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d") ".org"))
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (newline 2)
(setq org-capture-templates 
   ("n" "Note" entry
(function bv-daily-log-file)
"\* %U %^{title}\n  %a\n\n%?"
:empty-lines 1)


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[O] Export org to dot for an organization chart?

2013-10-18 Thread Brett Viren

I'd like to produce an organization chart using org.  What I want to do

 - enter an organization role as a section heading
 - have the heading hierarchy map to the organization hierarchy
 - enter optional section properties to specify:
   - the name of the individual who might fill the role
   - color and line types for drawing "the box" for the role
   - a URL associated with the role
 - section text providing a brief description of the role
 - render this into some "nice looking" graphic

The end result I'm going for is a clickable image on a web page made by
rendering the organization chart such that clicking on a box sends the
browser to the role-specific URL and the "alt" text for that link gives
the section text.

Is there already something along these lines?  Some searches turned up

My thinking is that if there was an "org-export-as-dot" then it would be
close to what I want.

I found org-export-as-freemind which is in the right direction but I
think lacks some of what I want and I'd like to avoid using a GUI in the

Thanks for any ideas on this.  If there is nothing like this yet, maybe
I can use it as an excuse to learn org's new export system.


PS: rough example org file might look like:

* Boss
:Actor: Bob Bigbooty
:NodeColor: blue

The boss dictates.

** Middle Manager 
:NodeColor: red

The middle manager spectates.

*** Flunky
:Actor: Sam Small

While the flunky gets stuff done.

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Re: [O] Amazing demonstration by John Kitchin

2013-09-27 Thread Brett Viren
John Kitchin  writes:

> Here is part of how I use org-mode to publish to my blog:

Thank you very much for typing this up!  I now have some weekend
entertainment to try and replicate it for myself.


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Re: [O] Amazing demonstration by John Kitchin

2013-09-27 Thread Brett Viren
John, I finally got a chance to watch your really nice SciPy talk last

I've been trying to incorporate Reproducible Research methods with org
into my own work.  I strive to do more and what you are doing looks to
provide a wealth of examples.  I hope more researchers follow this

One thing I've yet to get a good handle on is publishing org content in
an automated (and beautiful) way.  I was very taken with your
pages and would like to try to set up something similar for myself.

Do you have a write-up or other guidance on this that I might follow?
I've started to go through your related github repositories to figure
out what you do but if something more guided exists it would help.


Carsten Dominik  writes:

> Hi,
> I don't know if this has been linked to before on this mailing
> list.  At SciPy 2013, John Kitchin has made an amazing
> demonstration of Org-mode as a tool for reproducible research.
> Really amazing to watch.
> - Carsten

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Re: [O] Org mode issue tracker

2013-09-26 Thread Brett Viren

Suvayu Ali  writes:

>   * TODO Subject  :emacs_ver:org_ver:org_module:
> Emacs version ends up as a tag:
> * TODO  .   :24.3:

Or, if I add an Org version:

 * TODO  .   :24.3:8.0.3:

These bare numbers seem a bit too anonymous to me.  I think it's
unlikely that Org will reach versions in the 20's anytime soon so
collision won't happen for a while but eventually (hackers willing!) it

So, I suggest simply qualifying the versions like:

  * TODO  .  :emacs_24.3:org_8.0.3:

I can also see a desire to list other software and their versions that
might be implicated in the bug being reported.  Listing their bare
versions as tags is, I think, obviously no good.  They could just
include this info in an ad-hoc manner in the body of their report, but
maybe it would be good to define a property to explicitly list them
following the same _ pattern of the tags.

  * TODO  .  :emacs_24.3:org_8.0.3:
:IMPLICATED_SOFTWARE: texlive_2012.20120611-5 beamer_3.10-2

BTW, I think an issue tracker in Org is very interesting.  I look
forward to seeing how it evolves.


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Re: [O] asynchronous code evaluation

2013-09-04 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Johannes,

Johannes Rainer  writes:

> well, I'm using emacs/org for my data analyses in R. I thus combine
> documentation (i.e. the conclusions drawn from e.g. plots created in
> R) and the R code to perform the analysis in my org file. Since I'm
> analysing high throughput data some tasks to handle the data are quite
> time consuming.

A variation on Allen's Makefile approach, I structure my (Python) code
to be idempotent.  The "real" code never (re)runs unless its output
either doesn't exist or is older than the input.  Normally when org runs
the code's higher level interface it's essentially a no-op and very
fast.  If something does change it's usually because I'm doing
development and will be running the code outside of org enough that it's
reached its "no-op state" before I go back into emacs to refresh/edit
the org document.  Also, I keep things synchronous to avoid having to
multiple, competing processes running at once.

What I want is to take this approach and generalize into a more formal
workflow system.  One which handles caching files and in-memory objects
in a versioned store to provide data provenance and idempotent running
in a general sense.  There's already been some work on this ("bein",
"pyutilib workflow" and "sumatra" to name some Python oriented ones) but
so far nothing that "just fits".  I'm in the middle of trying my hand at
something better, but it's not yet usable.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] org-export-current-backend variable and org-mode 8

2013-07-31 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Christophe,

Christophe Rhodes  writes:

> In org-mode 7, I was able to use the (documented) variable
> org-export-current-backend to test what the current backend is, allowing
> me to dynamically produce and include images of different formats
> depending on whether I was exporting to latex (tikz) or html (png).
> In org-mode 8, I cannot find this variable, or any documented variable
> of a similar nature.  What is the recommended way for dispatching at the
> emacs-lisp level when exporting a document on the export backend?

I don't know if this is exactly what you are asking for but I hit on the
following a few weeks ago.  It defines an elisp macro inside the org
file and then calls it later in the header of a code block to switch the
output file names based on which backend (if any) is in effect.  I hope
it helps.

If you have a better way to do these kind of output switches, I'd like
to know.

* COMMENT setup

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
  (defmacro by-backend (&rest body)
`(case (if (boundp 'backend) backend nil) ,@body))
* A graph

#+header: :file (by-backend (html "graph.png") (latex "graph.pdf") (t 
#+header: :export results
#+begin_src dot
digraph Name {
tail -> head;


Description: PGP signature

[O] Interpreter/shell prompts when exporting code blocks?

2013-07-26 Thread Brett Viren
Hi organistas.

I'd like to have my executable code blocks get exported to HTML/LaTeX
with some prompt prefixed to each line of code but still let the blocks
themselves remain executable in their given language.  Is there already
a nice way to do this?

For example, if there was something like a "prompt" header to specify
what should get prefixed on export then something like...

#+prompt: $ 
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results none :exports code
mkdir mymod
touch mymod/

#+prompt: >>> :indent ...
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results none :exports code
import mymod
def myfun():

...would export something resembling:

$ mkdir mymod
$ touch mymod/

>>> import mymod
>>> def myfun():
... mymod.something()

For HTML export, some stylesheet magic which allows any cut-and-paste to
ignore the prefixed prompt would be icing on an already tasty cake.


Description: PGP signature

[O] Switch for exported file types when evaluating code blocks

2013-07-17 Thread Brett Viren

I'm hitting on an old theme in a new way here.  

I want graphics files which are exported by evaluated code blocks to be
generated in a format best suited to their intended use.  For HTML I
want either PNG or SVG.  For LaTeX/PDF I almost always want PDF.  For
inline viewing in emacs I want either PNG or SVG.

To that end I went a'googling and found this idea:

It doesn't work with my copies[1] of emacs and org-mode but I was able
to adapt it.  I suck at elisp so this is probably more an accomplishment
to me than it appears to most of you!

In any case, here is a short org document based on the one I found above
in worg which shows what I ended up with:

* COMMENT setup
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
  (defmacro by-backend (&rest body)
`(case (if (boundp 'backend) backend nil) ,@body))

* A graph
#+header: :file (by-backend (html "graph.png") (latex "graph.pdf") (t 
#+header: :export results
#+begin_src dot
digraph Name {
tail -> head;

I think the real learning experience for me was that I could put lisp
directly in a header like this!  Now, I just gotta learn elisp

Also, I'd certainly be interested to hear of any better ways to
accomplish this.


[1] The versions I'm using are

 - Org-mode version 8.0.3 (8.0.3-elpa @ 

 - GNU Emacs 24.1.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10) of 2012-07-20 on 
murphy, modified by Debian

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] advice needed: how do you guys sync org files between devices?

2013-07-02 Thread Brett Viren
Alan Schmitt  writes:

> Well, what would be there? If there is (and there may be) an external
> tool that knows how to merge org files (it can be a 3-way merge, if it
> makes things simpler), I could try to devise the magical incantation to
> use it.

It is not org-specific, but meld [1] is a Free and capable GUI merge
tool.  It can be used directly or can be invoked by git to resolve merge


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Re: [O] RFQ - new contribution - org-screenshot.el

2013-05-17 Thread Brett Viren
Max Mikhanosha  writes:

> Just committed a potential fix, can you see if it works? Commit
> 0d68eef0372b6b57359a49cb5e35b67c651c5ee2

Works great!  


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Re: [O] RFQ - new contribution - org-screenshot.el

2013-05-17 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Max, 

Max Mikhanosha  writes:

> I have committed org-screenshot to master

This sounds like a great idea.  And just to prove that no good deed goes
unpunished, here is a bug report:

In an org-mode file I run "M-x org-screenshot-take", scrot runs and I
can either click on a window or draw a selection box.  

However, lifting the mouse button leads to:

  error in process sentinel: Symbol's value as variable is void: return [2 

An actual PNG is produced in the expected images/ subdir and also I
confirm that running "/usr/bin/scrot -s /path/to/file.png" by hand works
returning a 0 error code.

My org is:

  Org-mode version 8.0.3 (8.0.3-elpa @ /home/bviren/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20130514/)

Running in:

  GNU Emacs 24.1.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10) of 2012-07-20 on 
murphy, modified by Debian

I copied the org-screenshot.el you just pushed from git's contrib/ to my
load path and added a "(require 'org-screenshot)" just after my
"(require 'org)".  The same behavior also occurs with the original copy
you posted to this mailing list.

A quick Google search just left me confused (I'm not great with elisp).
Is there anything I can do to debug this further?


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Re: [O] Nested list with percent-complete in multiple states?

2013-04-11 Thread Brett Viren
Bastien  writes:

> Check boxes have only three state: empty, checked, undecided.
> If you need more states, I suggest using a property.
> Then the column view can be used to display a summary
> of the "sum" of all properties in the subtree.

Thanks for the pointer, Bastien.  This looks like a fine way to do

I've been able to "capture" the columnview into another .org file and
then export that to an HTML file.  Is there a way to automate these
three steps?

Notes on what I did so far follow.

In a "":

* Document status
 :COLUMNS: %25ITEM(Section) %25Responsible %3Received{X} %3Converted{X} 
%3Editing{X} %3Frozen{X}
 :Responsible_ALL: Person1 Person2 Person3
 :Received_ALL: "[ ]" "[X]"
 :Converted_ALL: "[ ]" "[X]"
 :Editing_ALL: "[ ]" "[X]"
 :Frozen_ALL: "[ ]" "[X]"
 :ID:   document-status

** Section 1
*** Subsection 1.1
 :Responsible: Person1
 :Received: [X]
 :Converted: [ ]

Etc for other sections.  Hints:

 - only need to add properties in sub (or subsub, etc) sections where
   they are strictly needed.  Parents inherit from children

 - don't actually edit :PROPERTIES: by hand instead do C-c C-x C-c to
   turn on columns and "e" in a cell to edit it with values from the
   list of possible ones in the *_ALL and/or do C-c C-c to toggle values

I shall look into adding numerical values to get %-done type columns.

Then for presentation.  As per

To make presentation with just this tree of info make another file
"" with:

* Status
#+BEGIN: columnview :vlines t :hlines 1 :id "document-status"

Go to "BEGIN" and hit C-c C-c and a table will be inserted.  Then a
normal export to HTML can be done.   


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[O] Nested list with percent-complete in multiple states?

2013-04-11 Thread Brett Viren

I'm helping to edit a large document with section contributions from
many people.  Any given section may come in some bizarre format (ie,
.doc) which I convert to LaTeX, leave open a time for subsequent edits
and finally freeze the section.

I'd like to track this state using org-mode.

So far I've been using a nested checklist like:

* Document Sections [0/4]
  - [-] Chapter 1 [0/3]
- [ ] section 1 (person A)
- [ ] section 2 (person B)
- [ ] section 2 (person C)
  - [-] Chapter 2 [1/1]
- [X] section 1 (Person D)

This is okay for binary state, but is there any to have more states
represented and get a summary of the percent of each chapter/section in
that state?

For example, I'd like something like:

* Document Sections (received:[1/4] converted:[1/4] frozen:[1/4] missing [1/4])
  - [-] Chapter 1 (received:[2/3] converted:[1/3] frozen:[0/3] missing [1/3])
- [ ] section 1 (person A)
- [R] section 2 (person B)
- [C] section 2 (person C)
  - [-] Chapter 2 (received:[1/1] converted:[1/1] frozen:[1/1] missing [0/1])
- [F] section 1 (Person D)

Is there anything which gets me in this direction?


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Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-07 Thread Brett Viren
Rasmus  writes:

>> Orgmode: your life, in plain text.
> I like the idea of a catch phrase (your life, in plain text) and
> perhaps a more detailed paragraph belows, potentially with links.

This phrase is also what first comes to my mind when I try to explain
org-mode to others.

However, it is clear there are many apt description-blurbs.  How about
having a database along the lines of "what people are saying about
org-mode" that is initially seeded with what has come up in this thread
and then have each refresh of the main org page select and present a new
one?  I'm sure there are lots of issues and details with this idea so I
just toss it out there.


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Re: [O] Embed images in formats best suited for HTML and LaTeX export and inline viewing

2012-08-01 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Bastien,

Bastien  writes:

> Brett Viren  writes:
>> Can they have newlines?
> I don't think so -- did you try?

Now, there is an idea!  I had not tried, but yes, the are accepted and a
"multiline" macro can be defined using '\n' characters like:

#+MACRO: mimg #+HTML:  $3\n#+LATEX: 

I can now call this macro with a single line like:

{{{mimg(fig-overview,dataflow,Overview of the data flow.)}}}

and both HTML and LaTeX/PDF export produces correct output.  I give up
the "fig:" style prefix for the label, but that is a small detail.

So, I'm satisfied now.  Thanks for the nudge!


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Embed images in formats best suited for HTML and LaTeX export and inline viewing

2012-07-31 Thread Brett Viren

I'm back wanting to specify per-export image formats again.

I learned about macros in org-mode and I have found a half-solution:

#+MACRO: himg #+HTML:  $3
#+MACRO: limg #+LATEX: 

I then call each macro explicitly:

{{{limg(fig:overview,dataflow,Overview of the data flow.)}}}
{{{himg(fig-overview,dataflow,Overview of the data flow.)}}}

It works but has a few warts:

0) It totally subverts org-mode's figure markup.

1) So far I think I must use two macro calls thus annoyingly repeating
data.  Can macros be nested?  Can they have newlines?

2) I prefer "fig:label" type labels in LaTeX but the HTML export
apparently forms the link translating ":" to "-".  So, this must be
taken into account when the macros are called.

Any other ideas?


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Re: [O] How to integrate org-mode in a MS Windows-/Office-based environment?

2012-07-13 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Martin,

M  writes:

> One example of helpful integration: if I send or get an e-mail which I want
> to follow-up on later, I want to track that in org-mode and I want to have a
> way to quickly find the original message in Outlook again (to reply or
> forward it or whatever), which can be done with hyperlinks.

You can simplify making links to your email messages by creating a
custom link abbreviation assuming there is some uniquely identifying
chunk of the URL to use as a key.

Here are examples using google search and maps:

;; in .emacs
(setq org-link-abbrev-alist
("google"   . "";)
("gmap" . "";)

Example org markup:

[[google:org-mode][org-mode on google]]


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Re: [O] Multiple images per figure with LaTeX export

2012-06-18 Thread Brett Viren
Hi Suvayu,

suvayu ali  writes:

> Glad to see another HEP researcher using org-mode. :)


> Sadly my solution is a big bad hack:
>   #+begin_latex
> \begin{figure}
> \centering
> \begin{tabular}{c}
> \includegraphics[]{plots/file1.eps} \\
> \includegraphics[]{plots/file2.eps}
> \end{tabular}
> \caption[Caption in LOI]{Long caption}
> \label{fig:somelabel}
> \end{figure}
>   #+end_latex

Okay, thanks!  I didn't think about just putting it directly in LaTeX.
This will works just fine for my purposes.


Description: PGP signature

[O] Multiple images per figure with LaTeX export

2012-06-18 Thread Brett Viren
I'm using GNU emacs 23.2+1-7 and org-mode 6.27a-1 on Debian.

I want to put two images in one figure for LaTeX/PDF export but can't
find a way.  Googling has not born fruit.  I have tried a few naive
things like:

#+caption: Caption.
#+label: fig:figure


#+caption: Caption.
#+label: fig:figure

but the resulting export has either two figures with identical captions,
each holding one of the images or the first image in a figure and the
second image inserted bare.  I've also tried to put each image in the
cell of a table but that leads to an "undefined control sequence" error.

How can this be done?


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Re: [O] python/babel inline images

2012-06-05 Thread Brett Viren
henry atting  writes:

> I do not succeed in generating an inline image as a result of a
> python code block. The code itself works, C-c C-c generates the
> according picture, but only in my home directory. The code block:

Could you not just follow the block with a hand-written link to the
output file?  Then, when it becomes available toggle "C-c C-x C-v" (once
or twice) or "M-x org-display-inline-images" once.

Maybe also rewrite the Python to place the output SVG in a directory
associated with your ORG file so that link can be relative.  I simply
use an env. var. to locate where my plots should output.

I'm an org-newbie so maybe there are better ways.


Description: PGP signature

[O] Embed images in formats best suited for HTML and LaTeX export and inline viewing

2012-05-30 Thread Brett Viren

How can I tell org-mode to use different file formats for an image for
different purposes?

What I really want is a scalable format to embed "line art" type images
(plots) into org-mode documents so that they can display inline and in
both HTML and LaTeX exports.  SVG seems good for the first two but LaTeX
doesn't accept it.  Likewise, LaTeX wants PDF but inline and HTML export
do not.

Anyway to eat my cake?


Description: PGP signature