EV digest 2384

2002-10-24 Thread Electric Vehicle Discussion List

EV Digest 2384

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: Epiphany on Range Issue
by Victor Tikhonov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) RE: Epiphany on Range Issue
by "Rod Hower" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) OT: might build support for energy-efficient cars
by "George Tylinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) RE: Epiphany on Range Issue
by "Chris Tromley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  5) Re: Range definition (was: RE: Epiphany on Range Issue)
by Victor Tikhonov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  6) Re: Epiphany on Range Issue
by Victor Tikhonov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) Re: A plan
by "David Roden (Akron OH USA)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) Actual Individual EV mileage
by "Adams, Lynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  9) Re: Attention to Detail: was 'What are the odds?'
 10) Re: Epiphany on Range Issue
by "Ralph Merwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 11) RE: Epiphany on Range Issue
by "Mark Dodrill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) RE: Attention to Detail: was 'What are the odds?'
by David Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 13) RE: Epiphany on Range Issue
by Edward Ang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 14) Re: Rudman reg madness
by "Lawrence Rhodes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 15) Re: Attention to Detail: was 'What are the odds?'
by "Lawrence Rhodes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 16) Re: Attention to Detail: was 'What are the odds?'
by John Wayland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 17) Re: Epiphany on Range Issue
by "Glenn Crosby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 18) RE: Ceramic heating element efficiency
by "George Tylinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 19) RE: Meaningful Flags  was:OT-huffington article
by "George Tylinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 20) RE: Ceramic heater voltage
by "George Tylinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 21) RE: A plan - expertise and suchlike
by "Walker, Lesley R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 22) RE: A plan - rust
by "Walker, Lesley R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 23) RE: A plan
by "Walker, Lesley R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 24) brushes for electrak drive motor
 25) Re: Ceramic heater voltage
by Jim Coate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Begin Message ---
Andre Blanchard wrote:
> So what is needed is the equivalent of a charging cradle for the car.  Just
> park the car some place close and a robot comes out of the wall, or drops
> from the ceiling and plugs the car in.  That kind of tech is built into kids
> toys now days, it just needs to be refined some.

Do you have a robot pulling the phone out of your pocket and sticking
in the cradle? May be in the morning its metal arm grabs your neck,
sticks the phone back in the pocket and synthesized voice reminds you
"Don't ever forget it again..."

Seriously, you only can use what's currently available and push the
envelope. It is more convenient not to recharge the phone ever, but
this ain't gonna happen in near future, so you and I put up with
having to pop it into the charger ourselves and live with this
huge inconvenience. The same with the car - live with its limitations,
or don't own one.

> That would make electric
> more convenient then a gas car.  Too get people to change you need to give
> them an alternative that is better then what they are currently using.

Or gradually quit making/outlaw what they are currently using or,
just STOP SUBSIDIZING IT, so we don't have to wait to use up resources.

People is shortsighted, but understand money talk very well. Today.

It is doable, but painful and requires sacrifices (for the goodness 
cause) of those who have power. While greed rules, unlikely it will


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P.S.  I think EAA started taking data from members on annual EV mileage.
Any figures available yet?



Georgia power has logged 5 million miles on there EV alone.


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Excerpt from above link:
The thought occurred to me after the startling announcement that the
administration was taking precious time off from an actual, necessary
war -- the one on terrorism -- to sue the state of California for daring
to require that carmakers put more energy-efficient models on the
road... It's not just a fantasy. Last week, talking to my friend Scott
Burns, co-creator of the "Got Milk?" campaign, I was delighted to hear
that he already had two ad scripts ready to go. The first one feels like
an old Slim Fast commercial. Instead of "I lost 50 pounds in two weeks"
the ad cuts to different people in their SUVs: "I gassed 40,000 Kurds,"
"I helped hijack an airplane," "I helped blow up a nightclub," and then
in unison: "We did it all by driving to work in our SUVs."

Culture jamming at it's finest... Or at

EV digest 2383

2002-10-24 Thread Electric Vehicle Discussion List

EV Digest 2383

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: For jeep fans (was: Re: Electric Jeep?)
by Peter VanDerWal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) Re: Epiphany on Range Issue, Comments
by "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) Re: For jeep fans (was: Re: Electric Jeep?)
by Seth Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) Re: What are the odds? an Stuff
by "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  5) Re: Rudman reg madness
by "John G. Lussmyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  6) Re: Epiphany on Range Issue
by Adam Kuehn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) RE: Epiphany on Range Issue
by "Chris Tromley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) Re: A plan
  9) RE: Epiphany on Range Issue
 10) RE: Epiphany on Range Issue
by Adam Kuehn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 11) Attention to Detail: was 'What are the odds?'
by John Wayland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) EVTV/
by "1sclunn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 13) RE: Epiphany on Range Issue
by "Adams, Lynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 14) Range definition (was: RE: Epiphany on Range Issue)
by "Chris Tromley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 15) Re: AC Vs DC ratings...
by "1sclunn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 16) Re: Attention to Detail: was 'What are the odds?'
 17) Re: Epiphany on Range Issue
by "1sclunn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 18) Re: Epiphany on Range Issue
by Alan Batie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 19) RE: Free Tech Paper - "Battery Essentials"
by "Bill Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Begin Message ---
0-60 in 13 seconds for a 3 ton vehicle is impressive.  Actually the 
whole vehicle is pretty impressive.

It's considerably bigger (wider) than a  Grand Cherokee which weighs in 
at over 2 tons.  That means they squeezed in two AC drive systems AND 
9kwh worth of NiMH batteries AND a methanol reformer AND the fuel cells, 
and only added less than 1300 lbs to the weight.

It might take 45 minutes to get the fuel cels up to full operation, but 
I'll bet you can drive around on battery power while you're waiting.

Cliff Rassweiler wrote:


Thanks for posting this. 0-60 Mph in about 13 seconds. I hope we will be
able to beat that!.

Other entertaining parts. Range around 120 miles. Start-up time 45 minutes.
Weight almost 3 tons.

This fuel cell vehicle has a little way to go before 'market acceptence'.



- Original Message -
From: "Victor Tikhonov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 8:57 PM
Subject: For jeep fans (was: Re: Electric Jeep?)

Jeep fans,

You can download an article about Jeep Commander Built by
Daimler-Chrysler. This one is FC vehicle, and power train
consists of two Siemens 1PV5134WS20 motors and integrated
Simovert inverters - exactly the same motors and similar
inverters I supplied to Cliff Rassweiler for his electric Imp
project (ProEv.com). Arrangement is the same too - Commander has
both front and rear drive shafts driven by own AC motor,
so 2 motors and 2 inverters on board.

I wonder how the two will compare. Cliff's Subaru Impenza
conversion should definitely outperform this heavy beast
on the oval track...

Subaru specs: http://www.proev.com/P1Spec.htm
Jeep Commander article: http://www.metricmind.com/misc/jeep_hev.pdf

Enjoy all,


Vince wrote:

David wrote:

I've thought a CJ/Wrangler with a fiberglass body could make for a
neat conversion.

Do you mean a fiberglass Jeep body or an alternative fiberglass body ? I

have an interest in converting a 4WD like a Jeep or

Sidekick/Tracker, but the soft tops leak like a sieve and are difficult

to heat and I don't like the hardtop versions. The only fiberglass

bodies I've seen still use some sort of soft top.


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   Hi Andre an' All;

Had to comment on this one.
- Original Message -
From: Andre Blanchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 7:52 AM
Subject: RE: Epiphany on Range Issue

> So what is needed is the equivalent of a charging cradle for the car.
> park the car some place close and a robot comes out of the wall, or drops
> from the ceiling and plugs the car in.

  Easier, yet; You drive the car to a "Charging Deck" for lack of a
better term. That a piece of plywood with wheel guuides and stops so when
you roll on, the wheels and carbody are in a fixed location EVery time. A
pressure switch turns on the charger, which is mounted on here, too. Tried
and true third rail shoe principles can be used here. Contacts on the deck
contact the points under the car that are arranged to match the ones on the

It works! Had a setup like that on one of my very early EV's in "Nam.
Was really convenient to drive into a spot, park it and walk away. Of
coursethe plywood "Deck" could be moved around, to anywhere there was a plug
to plug it in. I have found t

EV digest 2382

2002-10-24 Thread Electric Vehicle Discussion List

EV Digest 2382

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: Epiphany on Range Issue
by Victor Tikhonov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) Ceramic heater voltage
by Jim Coate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) Re: For Sale at any Price?...NOT!
by Jim Coate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) A plan
by "Walker, Lesley R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  5) Re: Meaningful Flags was:OT-huffington article
by Sharkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  6) Re: Possible donor FS lists
by "1sclunn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) Jill Stein campaign seeks EVers in MA
by Jim Coate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) Re: Rudman reg madness
by "Joe Smalley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  9) Re: EVessel (Was Re: Ceramic heating element efficiency - Infrared? Electric 
sailing an' Stuff.)
by "1sclunn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 10) Battery search
by Pete Hatton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 11) Re: What are the odds?
by "Lawrence Rhodes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) Re: Ceramic heater voltage
 13) WOT: Re: Meaningful Flags was:OT-huffington article
by "David Roden (Akron OH USA)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 14) Re: Battery search
by "David Roden (Akron OH USA)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 15) Re: WOT: Re: Meaningful Flags was:OT-huffington article
by Lock Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 16) RE: Epiphany on Range Issue
by "Andre Blanchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 17) RE: A plan
by "Chris Tromley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 18) Re: For jeep fans (was: Re: Electric Jeep?)
by "Cliff Rassweiler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 19) RE: A plan
by "David Roden (Akron OH USA)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Begin Message ---
Electro Automotive wrote:
> I had a sudden insight (if you'll pardon the pun) on the resistance we
> commonly get from the general public about an EV's range.  A lot of the
> time, they don't really mean, "How many miles can I drive before I have to
> recharge?"  They mean "How many DAYS can I drive before I have to recharge?"

Just tell them an EV, as rechargeable appliance, is no different 
from a cell phone. This people have no problem popping their
phones in the charging cradle *every* night and forget about it.
So what's the issue? (not question to you, suggested question to


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With all this talk about heaters (and the first snow flakes of the
season), it's time I get my heater hooked back up.  How far can the
voltage be pushed? The ceramic heater in my truck was installed by the
previous owner, from an EV supplier so presumably the "good stuff" (but
not Randy's "great stuff :-). It was run on 120v pack before (and seemed
a little wimpy). Now I have a 176 volt pack.

Can I push the heater that far? Will it just self-limit the temperature,
or go up in a puff of smoke? My only other choice would be to use a 240
volt unit (or two 120's in series), but that then goes pretty far the
other way with major under voltage.

Last winter was very mild and I just used the warm jacket method, but
probably won't be that lucky this year.

Jim Coate
1992 Chevy S10
1970's Elec-Trak

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1sclunn wrote:
> I would like to see all EV's in the album for sale.  I know
> that somebody who puts 500 to 1000 hours into there EV doesn't
> want to sell it for the price of the parts but by putting the
> price that they would be happy with say 40k or what ever, they
> will help other people trying to sell there EV's.

Is my "baby" for sale? No. Except yes, it is. Someday. So maybe I should
start listing it now? After the first year or so I decided I really did
like EVs and I hoped that I'd just drive it into the ground and by then
I could buy a factory EV truck. Silly me. EVs are hard to wear out, and
(big) factories aren't going to make any.

All this spells another conversion. This time going "upscale" (regen =
AC, advanced/sealed batteries, etc). I could keep reworking this truck,
but it seems like sooner or later I'd be better off starting over,
especially since I could then get features like an extended cab.

So, perhaps it would be good to list it as 'for sale' - "everything has
a price" as they say. Most would likely laugh at the price, but if a
surprise nibble comes along, I sell it, get an ICE beater for a few
months, and use the proceeds to go to work on the new conversion? What
reflects on EVs the best? And what gets me into the next EV the most
economically? A fascinating thread with no answers.

Jim Coate
1992 Chevy S10
1970's Elec-Trak

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So I've got this 1987 Nissan Bluebird that I've been driving for years,
but it's getting on a bit - got some rust, done 270,000km (~170,00 miles).
It also (of course) uses too much gas.

So I'm looking to buy a "new" car for driving around in, and perhaps
eventually converting.  The one I'm looking at seriously