[FYI] Mac-gaming enters new era

2002-04-17 Thread Shane Anderson
You are subscribed to the Mac EvangeList - MACWORLD EXCLUSIVE: Mac-gaming enters new era By Jonny Evans UK technology firm Coderus has announced its innovative games-development solution, MacDX. MacDX could usher-in a new wave of Mac software-development ­ it br

[News] Apple Reports Second Quarter Profit of 40 Million

2002-04-17 Thread Shane Anderson
You are subscribed to the Mac EvangeList - Apple Reports Second Quarter Profit of $40 Million CUPERTINO, Calif., April 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Apple® (Nasdaq: AAPL - news) today announced financial results for its fiscal 2002 second quarter ended March 30, 200

[Ammo] Another Big MS Browser Hole Found

2002-04-17 Thread Shane Anderson
You are subscribed to the Mac EvangeList - ---Sponsorship Message-- On 4.17.02 MacOS X will never be the same. 4D Version 6.8 for MacOS X. More info ->http://www.4D.com/macevangel

[iWriters] Adam Robinson - Planning and Designing an Interface

2002-04-17 Thread Shane Anderson
You are subscribed to the Mac EvangeList - By Adam Robinson In today's programming education materials, common practice is the classic "Hello World" application, in which the phrase "Hello World" (hence the name) is displayed somehow in a simple application. While

[Coursey] Can a Windows guy learn to love the Mac? You bet!

2002-04-17 Thread Shane Anderson
You are subscribed to the Mac EvangeList - Can a Windows guy learn to love the Mac? You bet! David Coursey, Executive Editor, AnchorDesk Thursday, April 18, 2002 "Can a Windows-dependent technology columnist live happily as a Mac user? That's the question I am abou