Re: Lobian Machine

2005-12-29 Thread rmiller

At 10:33 PM 12/29/2005, George Levy wrote:

Bruno Marchal wrote:

Godel's result, known as Godel's second incompleteness theorem,  is 
that no consistent machine can prove its own consistency:

IF M is consistent then M cannot prove its consistency


After I read your email, we had a gathering of family and friends, 
and my head being full of the subject of this post. I wanted to test 
the idea of Godel's second incompleteness theorem on the average 
people just to see how they would respond. I found the right place 
in the discussion to insert the paraphrase:

If I am sane, it is impossible to know for sure that I am sane.

This povoked some hilarity, especially with my kids (young adults) 
who probably view me as some kind of nutty professor. While this 
statement is mathematically true, it was not considered serious by 
the people I was talking with. I guess that the average human has no 
doubt about his own sanity.(But my kids had some doubts about mine) 
One way to prove that you are crazy is to assert that you are sane. 
This means that the average human is crazy! :-)


Hm. . .

Godel was discussing sharply defined mathematical constructs, 
specifically, proof of N requires knowledge of non-N. As I'm sure you 
know, sanity is a *legal*, rather than a mathematical term.  While 
this sort of logical fuzziness is probably in keeping with these 
times, I doubt if it really applies to Godel's theorem.


Re: Lobian Machine

2005-12-29 Thread Kim Jones


The average human IS crazy according to comp. The smiley at the end  
of your sentence is unwarranted! This is a fairly undeniable  
ramification of what Bruno is telling us. If we *are* machines, why  
do we go about the place denying it? Those who have understood that  
computation precedes the laws of physics are the only ones who are  
sane (but of course I cannot prove that, being a consistent machine!)

In my view this is where ART has a role in what we are discussing  
here. Perhaps artists (composers, painters, poets etc.) are the ones  
who know intuitively that we are all mad (because we don't know what  
we are) and who then exploit our insanity in a creative manner to  
remind us of this unconsciously.

As Salvador Dali once said "The only difference between me and a  
madman is that I am not mad".

But he could not prove that either.


Kim Jones

On 30/12/2005, at 3:33 PM, George Levy wrote:

Bruno Marchal wrote:

Godel's result, known as Godel's second incompleteness theorem,   
is that no consistent machine can prove its own consistency:

IF M is consistent then M cannot prove its consistency


After I read your email, we had a gathering of family and friends,  
and my head being full of the subject of this post. I wanted to  
test the idea of Godel's second incompleteness theorem on the  
average people just to see how they would respond. I found the  
right place in the discussion to insert the paraphrase:

If I am sane, it is impossible to know for sure that I am sane.

This povoked some hilarity, especially with my kids (young adults)  
who probably view me as some kind of nutty professor. While this  
statement is mathematically true, it was not considered serious by  
the people I was talking with. I guess that the average human has  
no doubt about his own sanity.(But my kids had some doubts about  
mine) One way to prove that you are crazy is to assert that you are  
sane. This means that the average human is crazy! :-)


Re: Lobian Machine

2005-12-29 Thread George Levy

Bruno Marchal wrote:

Godel's result, known as Godel's second incompleteness theorem,  is 
that no consistent machine can prove its own consistency:

IF M is consistent then M cannot prove its consistency


After I read your email, we had a gathering of family and friends, and 
my head being full of the subject of this post. I wanted to test the 
idea of Godel's second incompleteness theorem on the average people just 
to see how they would respond. I found the right place in the discussion 
to insert the paraphrase:

If I am sane, it is impossible to know for sure that I am sane.

This povoked some hilarity, especially with my kids (young adults) who 
probably view me as some kind of nutty professor. While this statement 
is mathematically true, it was not considered serious by the people I 
was talking with. I guess that the average human has no doubt about his 
own sanity.(But my kids had some doubts about mine) One way to prove 
that you are crazy is to assert that you are sane. This means that the 
average human is crazy! :-)


Re: Paper+Exercises+Naming Issue

2005-12-29 Thread John M
Thanks, Bruno,

your brief added last par is of great help. I would
NEVER mix provability and probability, I am not
Spanish (b=v?) and think in semantical rather than
formal meanings. I wish I knew what is a "modal logic"
(G and G*) and am a bit perplexed of your (??) logic
defining G* as beeing 'something or not'. (Like: "F"
is =,<, or >, of "B")- Then again "true" may not
exist, indeed. (1st pers?)
Similarly it does not help me, if I get a lot of other
'names' for something I don't know what it is to begin
with. I like WORDS. 
(I also like word-puzzles, but only solvable ones in
my domains).
I glanced over the Stanford blurb and found exciting
titles. When clicked, they overpoured me with
equational lettering and I had no idea about their
meaning. Even if I had a vocabulary of those letters,
it is practically (humanly) impossible to "read" a
and follow those equations by looking up every letter
for the meaning and content (with, of course clicking
after all the  connotations galore). Besides it is
full of signs I cannot even read out and have nothing
similar on my keyboard (maybe they are in some hidden
modes as are the French accents).
As a comparison: here is a description of a statement
from my old profession about something I did:
"when mixing the DVB and St in a DBP catalysed 1:3
it exotherms and has to be temp-controled. At
reaction-startup I added the DEB and then dispersed
the mix in an aqueous medium with PVA stabilizer. The
beads were then WV-boiled off and filtered.
They showed a controllable macroporous structure with
large sp. surface internally for adsorptive sites.
Then came the transform by polymeranalogous reactions
to introduce polar or ionic sites." 

And so on. It made perfect sense in my profession.
(Never mind)
No modal or out of modal logic, no 'ABC... with signs'
How does the "provability" (no b) jibe with Poppers
scientific 'unprovability'? Is falsifiability =

Bruno, I like what you SAY, I like YOUR logic, not
somebody else's. I don't want to 'give up' on you
because of a system so strange to me. I am 'fishing'
for word-hooks in your writings. In 1940 I took
philosophy (to major chemistry) and sociology. I
should have taken logic instead of the Br. of
Of course it would have been of little use now, 65
years later.
With friendship


--- Bruno Marchal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi John,
> To search informations on the net on G and G*, it is
> easier to search 
> on "logic of provability".
> G is also called KW, KW4, L, GL, PRL in other papers
> or book.
> G* is also called G', PRL^omega, GLS
> The Stanford entry is rather good:
> In brief words G is a modal logic which describes
> what a classical 
> theory or machine can prove about its own
> provability abilities. And G* 
> is a modal logic which describes what is true
> (provable or not by the 
> machine) about its own provability abilities.
> Don't confuse "provability" with "probability".
> Careful when typing 
> because the "b" and the "v" are close on the
> keyboard!
> Bruno
> Le 29-déc.-05, à 00:48, John M a écrit :
> > Bruno, could you include some BRIEF words for the
> > profanum vulgus about that ominous  "G - G*" magic
> as
> > well? I searched Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, but
> could
> > not find any reasonable hint.
> >  You and other savants on the list apply this
> magic
> > many times always. Am I the only one who missed
> that
> > in grammar school?
> >
> > John
> >>
> >
> >

Re: Paper+Exercises+Naming Issue

2005-12-29 Thread Bruno Marchal

Hi John,

To search informations on the net on G and G*, it is easier to search 
on "logic of provability".

G is also called KW, KW4, L, GL, PRL in other papers or book.
G* is also called G', PRL^omega, GLS

The Stanford entry is rather good:

In brief words G is a modal logic which describes what a classical 
theory or machine can prove about its own provability abilities. And G* 
is a modal logic which describes what is true (provable or not by the 
machine) about its own provability abilities.

Don't confuse "provability" with "probability". Careful when typing 
because the "b" and the "v" are close on the keyboard!


Le 29-déc.-05, à 00:48, John M a écrit :

Bruno, could you include some BRIEF words for the
profanum vulgus about that ominous  "G - G*" magic as
well? I searched Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, but could
not find any reasonable hint.
 You and other savants on the list apply this magic
many times always. Am I the only one who missed that
in grammar school?


Re: Paper+Exercises+Naming Issue

2005-12-29 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 27-déc.-05, à 05:43, George Levy a écrit :

Naming this field is difficult. This is why I made several suggestions 
none of which I thought were excellent.

I think it is difficult because there is a conflict between pedagogy 
and diplomacy there.

Bruno Marchal wrote:

I don't think it is a question of vocabulary,

It is only a question of vocabulary if you intend to communicate with 
other people. And this is where the difficulty lies. If you make the 
name too esoteric they will not even understand what the field is 

OK. But is not "theology" less esoteric than psychomechanics. Everyone 
knows what theology is all about: immortalilty/mortality issues, soul's 
fate in possible consciousness states, where do we come from, 
cosmogony, etc.
"Scientific" theology is of course 100% agnostic on all this; yet it 
can provide theories and with comp (or weaker) even testable or 
partially testable theories (indeed with comp, physics is an integral 
part of theology: physics is given somehow by the mathematical 
structure describing the border of the intrinsic ignorance of machines.

and actually I am not sure we are not in, well *perfect* perhaps not, 
but at least in an a larger matching area than you think.
Perhaps, like so many, you have not yet really understand the impact 
of the discovery by Turing and its relation with Godel's theorem.
When I talk on Platonia, it is really "Platonia" updated by Godel's 
and Lob's theorem. I hope you are open to the idea I could perhaps 
progress in my way of communicating that. It really concerns machines 
and even many non-machines. I think about abandoning comp for ind, 
where ind is for indexical, given that G and G* applies to almost 
anything self-referentially correct.
I knew this for long, the comp hyp just makes the reasoning and the 
verification easier.

I can already say that I disagree the word "quantum" should be in it. 
The name should not issue what will or should be derived by the 

I do not fully understand the full ramification of how indexical 
relates to this field.

Indexical is used in philosophy to designate term like "now", "here", 
"modern", "I", "this" etc. Their meaning change with the situation of 
their uses. For example "I" means Bruno for me and George for you. 
"here and now" means Brussels and 10h54 am, here and now, but the time 
I finish the sentence it already means something else (Brussels and 
10h55 am). The approach I follow is based on the logic of 
self-reference. "Bp" is really an indexical: it means "I prove p" where 
"I" is put for a third person self-reference by the machine M, and 
strictly speaking the meaning of "I" is different for each machine (but 
by Godel Lob, still obeys similar laws of the  self-referentially 
correct machine).

However, I think that to use Indexical now is like Heisenberg using 
Entanglement instead of Quantum. Nobody would have understood what he 
was talking about. It was hard enough already to understand Quantum.

All right, but "quantum" still does not work for this field because it 
would give the wrong impression that the quantum hyp. is assumed, where 
the UDA shows it must be derived.
the comp hyp is neutral about which type of machine we would be. It 
could be a quantum one or not. All what matters is that the machine 
should be Turing emulable (or weaker: some Turing oracle can be assumed 
without changing the self-reference logics G and G*).

BTW, COMP is not very good, because you have to explain what it is.

Well, that is the name of the hypothesis. The point is to have some 
short acronym to put results in short formula like: COMP -> REVERSAL. 
But we were discussing the name of the entire field. What *is* G* \ G  
from a machine point of view? It is the self-referential truth which we 
cannot prove, but which can be hope or fear or just bet upon, like Dt, 
DDt, ...

At first glance it appears to be the Mechanist Philosophy and this is 
what I originally thought.

Yes. Comp is the DIGITAL or numerical or computational mechanist 
hypothesis. The mechanist philosophy is logically weaker due to the 
(mathematical at least) existence of non Turing-emulable analogue 
machine. The UDA, as it is now, does not work on such analogue machine. 
Of course comp is a natural modern sister of the mechanist philosophy.

I think the best approach is to use a compound expression to bridge 
the gap between different fields. (i.e., Quantum electro-chromo 
dynamics, electro-magnetism, physical chemistry)

There is nothing surprising that quantum physics could be derived 
from quantum psycho mechanics.

Of course it is surprising...not to you or me or others on the list 
because we have been talking about it for so long... but to the 
average scientist in the street... or the university. And these are 
the people you intend to communicate with.

I don't follow what you say. Quantum mechanics assumes the quantum hyp 
, and som