Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-16 Thread Colin Hales

Hi Quentin,

> "What is the kind of universe we must live in if the electromagnetic field
> structure of the brain delivers qualia?"
> A. It is NOT the universe depicted by the qualia (atoma, molecules,
> cells...). It is the universe whose innate capacity to deliver qualia is
> taken advantage of when configureed like it appears when we use qualia
> themselves to explore itcortical brain matter. (NOTE: Please do not
> make the mistake that sensors - peripheral affect -  are equivalent to
> qualia.)

I will only react to this...

and I will deposit a large collection of weirdness for you to ponder

Q. What is cortical brain matter ?
Let us call our first candidate consistent with all the fatcs a monism
made of MON_STUFF. We must give ourselves the latitude to consider various
candidates.  For the purposes it does not matter what it is. I will try
and answer your questions by bringing in properties. So cortical brain
matter is made of a collection of MON_STUFF. Not atoms. Atoms are
organised MON_STUFF. Quarks are organised MON_STUFF. The MON_STUFF I
choose, that seems to deliver everything I need and is the simplest
possible choice:  is 'the fluctuation'.

Q. Does it exists by itself?
No. It is nested MON_STUFF all the way down. It is intrinsically dynamic
and fleeting. Anything made of MON_STUFF is persistent organisational
structure within a massive collection of fleeting change. Exactly like the
shapes in the water coming out of a garden hose. There is a critical
minimum collection of it, from which all subsequent structure is derived.
That minimum is created like collections of turbulent water molecules
breaks off and self-sustains a eddy/vortex once a critical threshold is
reached. Ultimately there is no need to prescribe an ultimate minimum
'atom-ish' minimal size MON_STUFF fluctuation to predict qualia. Someone
else's problem. I don't need to solve that. The fluctuation model
works...that's all I need to progress.

Q. if so, what is it composed of (matter ?) ?
Well it's not, so I don't have to fall into this logical hole.

Q. what is matter ?
Hierarchically organised persistent but intrinsically dynamic (continually
refreshed) structures of MON_STUFF

Q. what is brain?
I think we already did this.

Q why cortical brain matter generates qualia ?
There is one single simple fundamental principle at the heart of it: "At
all scales and all locations, when you 'be'  any MON_STUFF the 'view of
the rest of the universe' is delivered innately as 'NOT_ME'". Call it the
COLIN principle of universal subjectivity" I don;t the
fluctuation This is a simple as it gets.

Q why it must be so ?
With the fundamental principle that perspective view at all scales
literally is the source of qualia, the whole reasoning changes from one of
WHY to one of WHERE/WHENwhich is what you ask. It is question of
visability. It is 'like' 'NOT_ELECTRON' to be a collection of MON_STUFF
behaving electronly. That is not 'about' being an electron. It IS an
electron. Not only that, there is a blizzard of the little blighters with
no collective 'story' to tell. Their collective summated scene is ZERO.

Q Is qualia a dependance of cortical brain matter or the inverse ?
If I get you correctly it's 'INVERSE'.

Q. is qualia responsible of what looks like cortical brain matter?
It's not 'responsible' in that it doesn't 'cause brain matter'. Qualia
present a visual scene -  a representation. In the scene we see brain

Q or is it cortical brain matter that makes feel
qualia which in turns ask question about cortical brain matter ?
No. Cortical brain material is an appearance of MON_STUFF created by
special MON_STUFF doing the 'appearance dance'. When it does that dance
... (the cortical grey matter membrane dance)... it creates an appearance
of atoms, molcules, cells, tissue because these are persistent nested
structures of MON_STUFF doing the atom dance, the molecule dance, the cell
dance. etc..etc.

As weird and hard to assimilate as it soundsIt all comes down to the
two simplest possible basic premises:

1) A universe consisting of a massive number of one generic elemental
process, the fluctuation.

2) A universe in which the perspective view from the point of view of
'being' ME, an elemental fluctuation, is 'NOT ME' (the rest of the

The ecitable cell dance is the only dance that has it's own story
independent of the underlying MON_STUFF organisational layers. That is the
only place where the net exertions of MON_STUFF have nothing to do with
any other dance. That is the organisational level where the visibility
finally manifests to non-zero...why neural soma are fat - it's all about
signal to noise ratio.

weirdness time over. Gotta go.

Colin Hales

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Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-16 Thread Brent Meeker

Colin Hales wrote:
> Hi,
>> All I can say is that I don't understand your distinction. You have
> introduced a new term "necessary primitive" - what on earth is that? But
> I'll let this pass, it probably isn't important.
> Oh no you don't!! It matters. Bigtime...
> Take away the necessary primitive: no 'qualititative novelty'
> Take away the water molecules: No lake.
> Take away the bricks, no building
> Take away the atoms: no molecules
> Take away the cells: no human
> Take away the humans: no humanity
> Take away the planets: no solar system
> Take away the X: No emergent Y
> Take away the QUALE: No qualia
> Magical emergence is when but claim Y exists but you can't
> identify an X. Such as:
> Take away the X: No qualia
> but thenyou claim qualia result from 'information complexity' or
> 'computation' or 'function' and you fail to say what X can be. Nobody can.
> You can't use an object derived using the contents of
> consciousness(observation) to explain why there are any contents of
> consciousness(observation) at all. It is illogical. (see the wigner quote
> below). I find the general failure to recognise this brute reality very
> exasperating.

Prepare to be exasperated then.  I see no contradiction in explaining the 
existence of observation by using a theory derived from observation.  This is 
what we do.  There is no logical inference from observations to our theory of 
observation - it could have come to us in a dream or a revelation or a random 
quantum fluctuation.  If the theory then passes the usual scientific tests, we 
can say it provides an explanation of observation.  Of course there are other 
senses of "explanation".  One might be to explain how you know that such a 
thing as observation exists.  I'd say just like I know about anything else - I 
observe it.

Brent Meeker

>> So this means that in a computer abstraction.
>>> d(KNOWLEDGE(t))
>>> ---  is already part of KNOWLEDGE(t)
>>>   dt
>> No its not. dK/dt is generated by the interaction of the rules with the
> environment.
> No. No. No. There is the old assumption thing again.
> How, exactly, are you assuming that the agent 'interacts' with the
> environment? This is the world external to the agent, yes?. Do not say
> "through sensory measurement", because that will not do. There are an
> infinite number of universes that could give rise to the same sensory
> measurements. We are elctromagnetic objects. Basic EM theory. 

EM is linear.  You can't even make subluminal matter from EM, much less atoms 
and people.

> mathematical theorems. The solutions are not unique for an isolated
> system.
> Circularity.Circularity.Circularity.
> There is _no interaction with the environment_ except for that provided by
> the qualia as an 'as-if' proxy for the environment. The origins of an
> ability to access the distal external world in support of such a proxy is
> mysterious but moot. It can and does happen, and that ability must come
> about because we live in the kind of universe that supports that
> possibility. The mysteriousness of it is OUR problem.
>> Evolutionary algorithms are highly effective
>> information pumps, pumping information from the environment into the
> genome, or whatever representation you're using to store the solutions.
> But then we're not talking about merely being 'highly effective'
> in a target problem domain, are we? We are talking about proving
> consciousness in a machine. I agree - evolutionary algoritms are great
> things... they are just irrelevant to this discussion.
> My scientific claim is that the electromagnetic field structure
>>> literally the third person view of qualia.
 Eh? Electromagnetic field of what? The brain? If so, do you think
> that
>>> chemical potentiation plays no role at all in qualia?
>>> Chemical potentiation IS electric field.
>> Bollocks. A hydrogen molecule and an oxygen atom held 1m apart have
> chemical potential, but there is precious little electric field
> I am talking about the membrane and you are talking atoms so I guess we
> missed somehow...anywayThe only 'potentiation' that really matters in
> my model is that which looks like an 'action potential' longitudinally 
> traversing dendrite/soma/axon membrane as a whole.
> Notwithstanding this
> The chemical potentiation at the atomic level is entirely an EM phenomenon
> mediated by QM boundaries (virtual photons in support of the shell
> structure, also EM). It is a sustained 'well/energy minimaum' in the EM
> field structureYou think there is such a 'thing' as potential? There
> is no such thing - there is something we describe as 'EM field'. Nothing
> else. Within that metaphor is yet another even more specious metaphor:
> Potential is an (as yet unrealised) propensity of the field at a
> particular place to do work on a charge if it were put i

Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-16 Thread Colin Hales


> All I can say is that I don't understand your distinction. You have
introduced a new term "necessary primitive" - what on earth is that? But
I'll let this pass, it probably isn't important.

Oh no you don't!! It matters. Bigtime...

Take away the necessary primitive: no 'qualititative novelty'
Take away the water molecules: No lake.
Take away the bricks, no building
Take away the atoms: no molecules
Take away the cells: no human
Take away the humans: no humanity
Take away the planets: no solar system
Take away the X: No emergent Y
Take away the QUALE: No qualia

Magical emergence is when but claim Y exists but you can't
identify an X. Such as:

Take away the X: No qualia

but thenyou claim qualia result from 'information complexity' or
'computation' or 'function' and you fail to say what X can be. Nobody can.

You can't use an object derived using the contents of
consciousness(observation) to explain why there are any contents of
consciousness(observation) at all. It is illogical. (see the wigner quote
below). I find the general failure to recognise this brute reality very


> So this means that in a computer abstraction.
>> d(KNOWLEDGE(t))
>> ---  is already part of KNOWLEDGE(t)
>>   dt

> No its not. dK/dt is generated by the interaction of the rules with the

No. No. No. There is the old assumption thing again.

How, exactly, are you assuming that the agent 'interacts' with the
environment? This is the world external to the agent, yes?. Do not say
"through sensory measurement", because that will not do. There are an
infinite number of universes that could give rise to the same sensory
measurements. We are elctromagnetic objects. Basic EM theory. Proven
mathematical theorems. The solutions are not unique for an isolated


There is _no interaction with the environment_ except for that provided by
the qualia as an 'as-if' proxy for the environment. The origins of an
ability to access the distal external world in support of such a proxy is
mysterious but moot. It can and does happen, and that ability must come
about because we live in the kind of universe that supports that
possibility. The mysteriousness of it is OUR problem.

> Evolutionary algorithms are highly effective
> information pumps, pumping information from the environment into the
genome, or whatever representation you're using to store the solutions.

But then we're not talking about merely being 'highly effective'
in a target problem domain, are we? We are talking about proving
consciousness in a machine. I agree - evolutionary algoritms are great
things... they are just irrelevant to this discussion.

>> >> My scientific claim is that the electromagnetic field structure
>> literally the third person view of qualia.
>> > Eh? Electromagnetic field of what? The brain? If so, do you think
>> chemical potentiation plays no role at all in qualia?
>> Chemical potentiation IS electric field.

> Bollocks. A hydrogen molecule and an oxygen atom held 1m apart have
chemical potential, but there is precious little electric field

I am talking about the membrane and you are talking atoms so I guess we
missed somehow...anywayThe only 'potentiation' that really matters in
my model is that which looks like an 'action potential' longitudinally 
traversing dendrite/soma/axon membrane as a whole.

Notwithstanding this

The chemical potentiation at the atomic level is entirely an EM phenomenon
mediated by QM boundaries (virtual photons in support of the shell
structure, also EM). It is a sustained 'well/energy minimaum' in the EM
field structureYou think there is such a 'thing' as potential? There
is no such thing - there is something we describe as 'EM field'. Nothing
else. Within that metaphor is yet another even more specious metaphor:
Potential is an (as yet unrealised) propensity of the field at a
particular place to do work on a charge if it were put it there. You can
place that charge in it and get a number out of an electrophysiological
probe... and 'realise' the work (modify the fields) itself- but there's no
'thing' that 'is' the potential.

Not only that: The fields are HUGE > 10^11 volts/meter. Indeed the
entrapment of protons in the nucleus requires the strong nuclear force to
overcome truly stupendous repulsive fields. I know beause I am quite
literally doing tests in molecular dynamics simulations of the E-M field
at the single charge level. The fields are massive and change at
staggeringly huge rates, especially at the atomic level. HoweverTheir
net level in the vicinity of 20Angstroms away falls off dramatically. But
this is not the vicinity of any 'chemical reaction'.

And again I say : there is nothing else there but charge and its fields.

When you put your hand on a table the reason it doesn't pass through it
even though table and hand are mostly space because elect

Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-16 Thread Russell Standish

On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 10:02:28AM +1000, Colin Hales wrote:
> Hi,
> I am going to have to be a bit targetted in my responses I am a TAD
> whelmed at the moment.
> >> 4) Belief in 'magical emergence'  qualitative novelty of a kind
> utterly unrelated to the componentry.
> > The latter clause refers to "emergence" (without the "magical"
> > qualifier), and it is impossible IMHO to have creativity without
> emergence.
> The distinction between 'magical emergence' and 'emergence' is quite
> obviously intended by me. A lake is not apparent in the chemical formula
> for water. I would defy anyone to quote any example of real-world
> 'emergence' that does not ultimately rely on a necessary primitive.
> 'Magical emergence' is when you claim 'qualitative novelty' without having
> any idea (you can't point at it) of the necessary primitive, or by
> defining an arbitrary one that is actually a notional construct (such as
> 'information'), rather than anything real.

All I can say is that I don't understand your distinction. You have
introduced a new term "necessary primitive" - what on earth is that?

But I'll let this pass, it probably isn't important.

> Ok. Here's where we find the big assumption. Feedback? HOW? who's
> rules? Your rules. This is the real circularity which underpins
> computationalism. It's the circularity that my real physical qualia model
> cuts and kills. Mathematically:
> * You have knowledge KNOWLEDGE(t) of 'out there'
> * You want more knowledge of 'out there' so
> * KNOWLEDGE(t+1) is more than KNOWLEDGE(t)
> * in computationalism who defines the necessary route to this?...
>  d(KNOWLEDGE(t))
>  --- = something you know = YOU DO.
> dt
> So this means that in a computer abstraction.
> ---  is already part of KNOWLEDGE(t)
>   dt

No its not. dK/dt is generated by the interaction of the rules with
the environment. Evolutionary algorithms are highly effective
information pumps, pumping information from the environment into the
genome, or whatever representation you're using to store the solutions.

> >> My scientific claim is that the electromagnetic field structure
> literally the third person view of qualia.
> > Eh? Electromagnetic field of what? The brain? If so, do you think that
> chemical potentiation plays no role at all in qualia?
> Chemical potentiation IS electric field. 

Bollocks. A hydrogen molecule and an oxygen atom held 1m apart have
chemical potential, but there is precious little electric field
between them. Furthermore, the chemical potential is independent on
the separation, unlike the electric field.

> There's no such thing as
> 'mechanical' there's no such thing as 'chemical'. These are all metaphors
> in certain contexts for what is and charge (yes...and mass
> associated with certain charge carriers). Where did you get this weird
> idea that a metaphor can make qualia?

Why do you think space and charge are not metaphors also? I would not
be so sure on this matter.

> The electric field across the membrane of cells (astrocytes and neurons)
> entire structure! It does not have to go anywhere. It just has to 'be'.
> You 'be' it to get what it delivers. Less than 50% of the signalling in
> the brain is synaptic, anyway! The dominant cortical process is actually
> an astrocyte syncytium. (look it up!). I would be very silly to ignore the
> single biggest, most dominant process of the brain that is so far
> completely correlated in every way with favour of any other
> cause.

You're obviously suggesting single neurons have qualia. Forgive me for
being a little sceptical of this suggestion...


A/Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)

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Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-16 Thread Quentin Anciaux

On Sunday 17 June 2007 02:02:28 Colin Hales wrote:
> "What is the kind of universe we must live in if the electromagnetic field
> structure of the brain delivers qualia?"
> A. It is NOT the universe depicted by the qualia (atoma, molecules,
> cells...). It is the universe whose innate capacity to deliver qualia is
> taken advantage of when configureed like it appears when we use qualia
> themselves to explore itcortical brain matter. (NOTE: Please do not
> make the mistake that sensors - peripheral affect -  are equivalent to
> qualia.)

I will only react to this...

What is cortical brain matter ? does it exists by itself ? if so, what is it 
composed of ? (matter ?) what is matter ? what is brain ? why cortical brain 
matter generates qualia ? why it must be so ? is qualia a dependance of 
cortical brain matter or the inverse ? is qualia responsible of what looks 
like cortical brain matter or is it cortical brain matter that makes feel 
qualia which in turns ask question about cortical brain matter ?


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Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-16 Thread Colin Hales

I am going to have to be a bit targetted in my responses I am a TAD
whelmed at the moment.

>> 4) Belief in 'magical emergence'  qualitative novelty of a kind
utterly unrelated to the componentry.

> The latter clause refers to "emergence" (without the "magical"
> qualifier), and it is impossible IMHO to have creativity without

The distinction between 'magical emergence' and 'emergence' is quite
obviously intended by me. A lake is not apparent in the chemical formula
for water. I would defy anyone to quote any example of real-world
'emergence' that does not ultimately rely on a necessary primitive.
'Magical emergence' is when you claim 'qualitative novelty' without having
any idea (you can't point at it) of the necessary primitive, or by
defining an arbitrary one that is actually a notional construct (such as
'information'), rather than anything real.

>> The system (a) automatically prescibes certain trajectories and

> Yes.

>> (b) assumes that the theroem space [and] natural world are the same
and equivalently accessed.

> No - but the system will adjust its model according to feedback. That is
the very nature of any learning algorithm, of which EP is just   one example.

Ok. Here's where we find the big assumption. Feedback? HOW? who's
rules? Your rules. This is the real circularity which underpins
computationalism. It's the circularity that my real physical qualia model
cuts and kills. Mathematically:

* You have knowledge KNOWLEDGE(t) of 'out there'
* You want more knowledge of 'out there' so
* KNOWLEDGE(t+1) is more than KNOWLEDGE(t)
* in computationalism who defines the necessary route to this?...

 --- = something you know = YOU DO.

So this means that in a computer abstraction.

---  is already part of KNOWLEDGE(t)

You can label it 'evolutionary' or 'adaptive' or whatever...ultimately the
rules are YOUR rules and come from your previously derived KNOWLEDGE(t) of
'out there', not intrinsically grounded directly in 'out there'. Who
decided what you don't know? YOU DID. What is it based on? YOUR current
knowledge of it, not what is literally/really there. Ungroundedness is the
fatal flaw in the computationalist model. Intrinsic grounding in the
external world is what qualia are for. It means that


(a) built into the brain hardware (plasticity chemistry, out of your
cognitive control)
(b) partly grounded in matter literally/directly constructed in
representation of the external world, reflecting the external world so
that NOVELTY - true novelty in the OUTSIDE WORLD - is apparent.

In this way your current knowledge minimally impacts


In other words, at the fundamental physics level:


in a human brain is NOT part of KNOWLEDGE(t). Qualia are the brain's
solution to the symbolic grounding problem.

> Not at all. In Evolutionary Programming, very little is known about the
ultimate solution the algorithm comes up with.

Yes but that is irrelevantthe programmer said HOW it will get cigarsee the above

>> My scientific claim is that the electromagnetic field structure
literally the third person view of qualia.

> Eh? Electromagnetic field of what? The brain? If so, do you think that
chemical potentiation plays no role at all in qualia?

Chemical potentiation IS electric field. There's no such thing as
'mechanical' there's no such thing as 'chemical'. These are all metaphors
in certain contexts for what is and charge (yes...and mass
associated with certain charge carriers). Where did you get this weird
idea that a metaphor can make qualia?

The electric field across the membrane of cells (astrocytes and neurons)
entire structure! It does not have to go anywhere. It just has to 'be'.
You 'be' it to get what it delivers. Less than 50% of the signalling in
the brain is synaptic, anyway! The dominant cortical process is actually
an astrocyte syncytium. (look it up!). I would be very silly to ignore the
single biggest, most dominant process of the brain that is so far
completely correlated in every way with favour of any other

Once again I'd like to get you to ask yourself the killer question:

"What is the kind of universe we must live in if the electromagnetic field
structure of the brain delivers qualia?"

A. It is NOT the universe depicted by the qualia (atoma, molecules,
cells...). It is the universe whose innate capacity to deliver qualia is
taken advantage of when configureed like it appears when we use qualia
themselves to explore itcortical brain matter. (NOTE: Please do not
make the mistake that sensors - peripheral a

Re: Consciousness and Consistency

2007-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 12-juin-07, à 21:33, Tom Caylor a écrit :

> Is not "Dt?" equal to "the search for truth"?

"Dt?" could *hopefully* be *part*  of "the search for truth". Unsound 
machines can be consistent yet false (in the usual arithmetical sense).

> But the weakness of
> simple consistency is the unanswered question, "What is truth?"


> Truth
> is not found simply through consistency when we reject the truth that
> is all around.

You are right.

>>> Comp seems like a lot of work.
>> Yes indeed. Two times more work than materialist are used to think. We
>> have to isolate a "theory of mind" AND then, it remains to test the
>> physical laws forced by that theory of mind, as the UDA and the
>> arithmetical UDA justifies (or should justify).
>> But the scientific attitude always asks for "lot of works",as I just
>> said above.
> Perhaps you should use a different word than "scientific" for your
> *good* "attitude" of open-mindedness, modesty and humility, searching
> for truth, since the word "scientific" tends to be still connected
> with the pre-Godelian reductionism.

Or post-platonian reductionism. I think I use the term "scientist" in 
the usual sense already well described by Plato and later by Descartes 
(and many other in the east).
That science leads to pseudo-science is in the nature of science. (like 
standing up leds to fall). I think we should'nt change the terms when 
other misuse them. Science = doubt, and faith. pseudo-science = 
authoritative argument (of any kind).

> I would not put up a dichotomy
> between this attitude and a belief in God.

Ok with a belief in God?

> But perhaps your use of
> the word "scientific" is based on your conviction to use the word as
> you think it "should" (assuming comp? ;) be used, rather like your use
> of the word "theology".
> Actually I'm starting to think that you
> really aren't that far off in your use of the word "theology" for the
> search for truth.

We can come back on this, but my Saturday students arrive,  ... see you 


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