Re: Primitive Awareness and Symmetry

2012-04-09 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 1:18 AM, meekerdb  wrote:

>> A zombie brain component is a component that replicates the function
>> of the tissue it replaces but does not replicate its contribution to
>> consciousness, such as it may be. The visual cortex is necessary for
>> visual perception since if we remove it we eliminate vision. A zombie
>> visual cortex replicates the I/O behaviour at the cut interface of the
>> removed tissue but does not contribute to consciousness. If whole
>> zombies are possible then it should be possible to make such a
>> component. If you say the brain as a whole would have normal
>> consciousness even though the component didn't
> This is where I find your argument confusing.  Consider an atom in the
> brain.  Can you replace it with a zombie atom?  It doesen't matter, so long
> as it acts like a normal atom it will contribute to consciousness.  The
> brain as a whole will have normal consciousness even though the atom
> doesn't.  But the consciousness never depended on the atom *having*
> consciousness - only on the atom *contributing* to consciousness (by having
> the same functional behavior).

Yes, I agree with you; I don't believe it is possible to make a
zombie. If it were possible then we would either need components that
lack or don't contribute to intrinsic consciousness (if consciousness
is an intrinsic property of matter or if consciousness is added via an
immaterial soul) or components that lack or don't contribute to the
functional organisation that gives rise to consciousness while
possessing the functional organisation that gives rise to intelligent
behaviour. It's an argument against zombies and against the
substrate-dependence of consciousness.

>> you could modify the
>> thought experiment to replace all of the brain except for one neuron.
>> In that case the replaced brain would be a full blown zombie,
> No.  I can replace all the atoms with zombie atoms and the brain is still a
> normal conscious brain.
>> but
>> adding the single biological neuron would suddenly restore full
>> consciousness. This is absurd, but it should be possible if zombies
>> are possible.
> I agree with your conclusion, but your argument seems to imply that since
> zombies are impossible, zombie components are impossible and so quarks must
> have an element of consciousness.  It invites the fallacy of slipping from
> 'contributes to consciousness' to 'has consciousness'.

No, I don't think quarks are either conscious or zombies. I think
consciousness arises necessarily from intelligent behaviour.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: what is mechanism?

2012-04-09 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 09 Apr 2012, at 16:35, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 08.04.2012 21:32 Bruno Marchal said the following:


This is well illustrated in this (one hour) BBC broadcast, featuring
Marcus de Sautoy (who wrote a nice book on the "music of the  

(thanks to the salvianaut linking to this in a salvia forum)

Despite being mathematicians, de Sautoy still believes he is flesh  

bones, and that consciousness is neuronal activity. His reasoning are
valid, but uses implicitly both mechanism and the aristotelian
conception of reality. That can't work (cf UDA).


I believe that now I understand what physicalism is. What would you  
recommend to read about mechanism? Something like this SEP paper  
about physicalism

Yes, it is a good description of physicalism. For mechanism such type  
of media are not aware of the UDA argument, so you have to understand  
it by yourself, by reading my papers, or this list. New idea or result  
take time to be accepted, especially when they cross different  
disciplinaries. I can give you many titles of books and papers---or  
you can find them in the references in my thesis, or papers. But  
mechanism is defended mostly by materialist and they use the mechanist  
assumption mainly to burry the mind-body problem. The subject is hot,  
and authoritative-argument are frequent.

On the contrary,  I use computationalism only to *formulate* the mind- 
body problem, and the UD Argument shows that mechanism (digital  
mechanism, aka computationalism) is incompatible with physicalism. In  
fact mechanism provides the conceptual explanation of how the laws of  
physics have to be generated, if comp is true, but not as applying to  
some "reality", but as connecting in some way the many minds of  
numbers (aka digital "machine" in the mathematical sense of Church  
Turing Post).

I have just sent UDA step 0 to the FOAR list, so you can still climb  
on the wagon. Except that it is not easy to link to it (how can Google- 
group be so hard to use?). UDA step 0 is the definition of (digital)  
mechanism. If you google directly on UDA step 0, you will find the  
introduction to mechanism I did for an entheogen forum.

Gosh, the new Google group presentation is even worst.
And if I click for Google+, everything is in Dutch ...  ... I  
miss so much the old Escribe, where each individual posts get a link.  
That was simple and efficacious.

I hate to advertize my work, but then, if it is flawless, it is in  
advance of what you can find in the dictionaries and media. I reduce  
the mind-body problem to an problem of justifying the number's belief  
in a physical reality, without postulating it. I guess you have the  
link to the sane paper:

If you search motivation for mechanism and computationalism, you can  
find tuns of paper on that issues, in library and on the net.  
Mechanism is already discussed by the Chinese and the Indians since  
many thousand of years, and Diderot's definition of rationalism is  
just mechanism. It is often opposed to superstition or belief in  
actual divine intervention. Anderson's selected paper on "Minds and  
Machines" was not bad. It contains the paper by Putnam on  
functionalism, which is often another name for computationalism. I  
make a distinction, though, by making explicit that computationalism  
is defined by the existence of a substitution level, and I explain  
that the choice of the level does not change the conceptual "reversal"  

Usually, neuro-philosophers assume some high, neuronal, levels, but  
the consequences I explain can be derived from any levels (even sub- 
quantum level). Yet, the choice of the level can influence the shape  
of the physical laws, so that we can indirectly measure our  
substitution level by comparing the physics "observed" with the  
indirect consequences of comp on the physical laws, or simply with the  
physics derived from comp (but this asks for progress in that  

Perhaps the book closer to comp, as I understand it, is the book  
"Mind's I" edited by Hofstadter and Dennett. They missed the reversal,  
but present good introductory thought experience going in the correct  
direction with many valid points.

As for movie, they mix everything up, for they presume that  
consciousness starts at the self level.

I agree. It is my main critics.

This is why I like Gray's book where he distinguish between three  
different conscious processes.

1) Reconstruction of the external world.

... that he seems to assume.

From what you said, I think Gray is still physicalist. But as I  
insist, this forces him to postulate some non comp hypothesis, which  
nobody has ever done, except for the  theories based explicitly on  
fairy tales.
To be fair, some people try to develop a notion of analogical

Re: deism and Newton

2012-04-09 Thread meekerdb

On 4/9/2012 7:28 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 08.04.2012 19:55 meekerdb said the following:

On 4/8/2012 5:20 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


I believe that we should consider Newton in his historical context. As
far as I have understood, because of not quite right empirical values
(masses, etc.) and/or because of low level of mathematics that was
available at his time, his use of his laws did not agree with

Right. There was no "clash between the facts and Newton's law of
gravitation used without additional assumptions." There was a clash
between Newton's calculations of the consequences of his laws and the
actual consequences.

It depends on how you define fact. Imagine that at Newton's time the ideal scientific 
standards would have been accepted. 

I don't know what you mean by 'ideal scientific standards'.

Then his idea and his paper have been just rejected. "Okay, your idea is nice but you 
have to work on it some more to make it scientific." Don't you agree?

No.  The scientists then were not fools.  They were well aware that observational data has 
errors in it.  They could recognize that accounting for the gravitational influence of one 
planet on another was mathematically intractable, so even if the theory were exactly right 
the approximations necessary to get solutions would not be exact (the same problem with 
string theory).

This is Feyerabend's point, that the Newton laws have been just ad hoc hypotheses, 
nothing more. 

That's a silly remark.  Newton's insight was that things fell down on the surface of the 
Earth and if the same for extended out indefinitely it would pull down on the Moon too.  
But if the Moon was moving fast enough it wouldn't fall to the Earth it would fall around 
the Earth in an orbit.

You cannot say that they come from observations, as they have contradicted to the 
observations at that time.

Newton was influenced by the observation that orbits were ellipses (approximately) and his 
1/r^2 law produced ellipses.

The most interesting that "Who cares?". The Newton laws have been accepted by the 
scientific community long time before they have been brought in agreement with 

But they were never 'brought into agreement' by your 'ideal' standards.  The advance of 
the perihelion of Mercury was never explained until Einstein, although people tried 
postulating an unobserved planet to account for it.

"But this meant that Newton's theory gave correct results only when used in an ad hoc 
way. It did not reveal a feature of universe. Did scientists give up? No. The theory was 
plausible, it had astonishing successes so it retained despite the fact that, taken 
literally, it led to absurdities. Besides, many scientists were interested in 
predictions only and did not care about a metaphysical notion like 'reality'."

So, to state that a theory is driven by the facts is actually wrong. 

No one has stated that.  Theory is tested by the facts.

In the historical context, the facts are actually driven by a theory.

All observations depend on some theory, but not necessarily on the theory being 

It happens the same way nowadays. Take for a example the superstring theory. It is has 
not been driven by facts in any way. Or this notion that information is equivalent to 
the thermodynamic entropy. It has nothing to do with facts at all.

Still trying to ride that horse?  It's your loss if you can't see the 

Hence his use of God.

This also raises a question about mathematics that bothers me. If we
assume that mathematics (for example Newton's laws written as
equations) is the result of neuron spikes, then to me this whole story
seems like a wonder. For example, try to think about the history of
Newton's laws according to the quote from

(the references are in pdf)

"Materialists believe that mathematical objects exist only materially,
in our brains.[3] Mathematical objects are believed to correspond to
physical states of our brain and, as such, should ultimately be
explicable by neuroscience in terms of biochemical laws. Stanislas
Dehaene suggests that human brains come equipped at birth with an
innate, wired-in ability for mathematics.[4] He postulates that,
through evolution, the smallest integers (1, 2, 3 . . .) became
hard-wired into the human nervous system, along with a crude ability
to add and subtract. A similar position is defended by George Lakoff
and Rafael Nunez, who seek to explain mathematics as a system of
metaphors that ultimately derive from neural processes.[5] Penelope
Maddy conjectures that our nervous system contains higher order
assemblies that correspond to thoughts of particular sets.[6] She
posits that our beliefs about sets and other mathematical entities
come, not from Platonic ideal forms, but, rather, from certain
physical events, such as the development of pathways in neural
systems. Such evolutionary explanations seek t

Re: Primitive Awareness and Symmetry

2012-04-09 Thread meekerdb

On 4/9/2012 6:20 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 4:10 AM, meekerdb  wrote:

On 4/8/2012 6:04 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 6:30 AM, meekerdbwrote:

But is it an empirical question?  What would it mean for "neuroscience to
find zombies"?  We have some idea what it would mean to find a soul: some
seemingly purposeful sequence of brain processes begin without any
cause.  But I'm not sure what test you would perform on a zombie to find
that it was not conscious.  I think if we had a very detailed
of the human brain we might be able to study and intelligent robot or a
zombie android at the same level and say something like, "This zombie
probably experiences numbers differently than people."  But if it truly
acted exactly like a human, we wouldn't be able to say what the
was.  Of course humans don't all act the same, some have synesthesia for
example.  So we might be able to say this zombie sees numbers with colors
but this would show up in the zombies actions too.

It's not an empirical question since no experiment can prove that it
isn't a zombie. However, I think that the question can be approached
analytically. If zombies were possible then zombie brain components
would be possible. If zombie brain components were possible then it
would be possible to make a being that is a partial zombie;

That doesn't follow.  It assmes that zombieness is an attribute of
components rather than of their functional organization.  There can
obviously be zombie (unconscious) components (e.g. quarks and electrons)
which when properly assembled produce conscious beings. So the inference
doesn't go the other way; the existence of zombie components doesn't imply
you can make a zombie, partial or otherwise.

A zombie brain component is a component that replicates the function
of the tissue it replaces but does not replicate its contribution to
consciousness, such as it may be. The visual cortex is necessary for
visual perception since if we remove it we eliminate vision. A zombie
visual cortex replicates the I/O behaviour at the cut interface of the
removed tissue but does not contribute to consciousness. If whole
zombies are possible then it should be possible to make such a
component. If you say the brain as a whole would have normal
consciousness even though the component didn't

This is where I find your argument confusing.  Consider an atom in the brain.  Can you 
replace it with a zombie atom?  It doesen't matter, so long as it acts like a normal atom 
it will contribute to consciousness.  The brain as a whole will have normal consciousness 
even though the atom doesn't.  But the consciousness never depended on the atom *having* 
consciousness - only on the atom *contributing* to consciousness (by having the same 
functional behavior).

you could modify the
thought experiment to replace all of the brain except for one neuron.
In that case the replaced brain would be a full blown zombie,

No.  I can replace all the atoms with zombie atoms and the brain is still a normal 
conscious brain.

adding the single biological neuron would suddenly restore full
consciousness. This is absurd, but it should be possible if zombies
are possible.

I agree with your conclusion, but your argument seems to imply that since zombies are 
impossible, zombie components are impossible and so quarks must have an element of 
consciousness.  It invites the fallacy of slipping from 'contributes to consciousness' to 
'has consciousness'.


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Re: what is mechanism?

2012-04-09 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

On 08.04.2012 21:32 Bruno Marchal said the following:


This is well illustrated in this (one hour) BBC broadcast, featuring
Marcus de Sautoy (who wrote a nice book on the "music of the primes").
(thanks to the salvianaut linking to this in a salvia forum)

Despite being mathematicians, de Sautoy still believes he is flesh and
bones, and that consciousness is neuronal activity. His reasoning are
valid, but uses implicitly both mechanism and the aristotelian
conception of reality. That can't work (cf UDA).


I believe that now I understand what physicalism is. What would you 
recommend to read about mechanism? Something like this SEP paper about 

As for movie, they mix everything up, for they presume that 
consciousness starts at the self level. This is why I like Gray's book 
where he distinguish between three different conscious processes.

1) Reconstruction of the external world.
2) Feelings.
3) Cognitive conscious experiences.

The third points adds nothing to the first two, hence he ignores it in 
his book.


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Re: deism and Newton

2012-04-09 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

On 08.04.2012 19:55 meekerdb said the following:

On 4/8/2012 5:20 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


I believe that we should consider Newton in his historical context. As
far as I have understood, because of not quite right empirical values
(masses, etc.) and/or because of low level of mathematics that was
available at his time, his use of his laws did not agree with

Right. There was no "clash between the facts and Newton's law of
gravitation used without additional assumptions." There was a clash
between Newton's calculations of the consequences of his laws and the
actual consequences.

It depends on how you define fact. Imagine that at Newton's time the 
ideal scientific standards would have been accepted. Then his idea and 
his paper have been just rejected. "Okay, your idea is nice but you have 
to work on it some more to make it scientific." Don't you agree?

This is Feyerabend's point, that the Newton laws have been just ad hoc 
hypotheses, nothing more. You cannot say that they come from 
observations, as they have contradicted to the observations at that time.

The most interesting that "Who cares?". The Newton laws have been 
accepted by the scientific community long time before they have been 
brought in agreement with observations.

"But this meant that Newton's theory gave correct results only when used 
in an ad hoc way. It did not reveal a feature of universe. Did 
scientists give up? No. The theory was plausible, it had astonishing 
successes so it retained despite the fact that, taken literally, it led 
to absurdities. Besides, many scientists were interested in predictions 
only and did not care about a metaphysical notion like 'reality'."

So, to state that a theory is driven by the facts is actually wrong. In 
the historical context, the facts are actually driven by a theory.

It happens the same way nowadays. Take for a example the superstring 
theory. It is has not been driven by facts in any way. Or this notion 
that information is equivalent to the thermodynamic entropy. It has 
nothing to do with facts at all.

Hence his use of God.

This also raises a question about mathematics that bothers me. If we
assume that mathematics (for example Newton's laws written as
equations) is the result of neuron spikes, then to me this whole story
seems like a wonder. For example, try to think about the history of
Newton's laws according to the quote from

(the references are in pdf)

"Materialists believe that mathematical objects exist only materially,
in our brains.[3] Mathematical objects are believed to correspond to
physical states of our brain and, as such, should ultimately be
explicable by neuroscience in terms of biochemical laws. Stanislas
Dehaene suggests that human brains come equipped at birth with an
innate, wired-in ability for mathematics.[4] He postulates that,
through evolution, the smallest integers (1, 2, 3 . . .) became
hard-wired into the human nervous system, along with a crude ability
to add and subtract. A similar position is defended by George Lakoff
and Rafael Nunez, who seek to explain mathematics as a system of
metaphors that ultimately derive from neural processes.[5] Penelope
Maddy conjectures that our nervous system contains higher order
assemblies that correspond to thoughts of particular sets.[6] She
posits that our beliefs about sets and other mathematical entities
come, not from Platonic ideal forms, but, rather, from certain
physical events, such as the development of pathways in neural
systems. Such evolutionary explanations seek to derive all our
mathematical thoughts from purely physical connections between neurons."

The same view expounded by W. S. Cooper's book "The Origin of Reason"
which I have recommended.


I see some problems along this way.

Let us consider the story with Newton laws in this context. Laplace was 
able to create a new mathematical theory that did not exist at Newton's 
time. What does it mean? That there was a gene mutation for time being 
between Newton and Laplace? Or that Nature has made natural neural 
networks in abundance already at ancient times and Newton just failed to 
employ full capabilities of his brain?

Also let us take my experiment with two mathematicians, I have made now 
a nice picture to this end, see slide 26

The theory above means that Pi exist only when mathematicians' brains 
are running. Yet, it seems that a mathematical theory due to inexorable 
laws describes the experiment correctly even at the state when 
mathematicians are dead.


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Re: Primitive Awareness and Symmetry

2012-04-09 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 4:10 AM, meekerdb  wrote:
> On 4/8/2012 6:04 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 6:30 AM, meekerdb  wrote:
>>> But is it an empirical question?  What would it mean for "neuroscience to
>>> find zombies"?  We have some idea what it would mean to find a soul: some
>>> seemingly purposeful sequence of brain processes begin without any
>>> physical
>>> cause.  But I'm not sure what test you would perform on a zombie to find
>>> that it was not conscious.  I think if we had a very detailed
>>> understanding
>>> of the human brain we might be able to study and intelligent robot or a
>>> zombie android at the same level and say something like, "This zombie
>>> probably experiences numbers differently than people."  But if it truly
>>> acted exactly like a human, we wouldn't be able to say what the
>>> difference
>>> was.  Of course humans don't all act the same, some have synesthesia for
>>> example.  So we might be able to say this zombie sees numbers with colors
>>> -
>>> but this would show up in the zombies actions too.
>> It's not an empirical question since no experiment can prove that it
>> isn't a zombie. However, I think that the question can be approached
>> analytically. If zombies were possible then zombie brain components
>> would be possible. If zombie brain components were possible then it
>> would be possible to make a being that is a partial zombie;
> That doesn't follow.  It assmes that zombieness is an attribute of
> components rather than of their functional organization.  There can
> obviously be zombie (unconscious) components (e.g. quarks and electrons)
> which when properly assembled produce conscious beings. So the inference
> doesn't go the other way; the existence of zombie components doesn't imply
> you can make a zombie, partial or otherwise.

A zombie brain component is a component that replicates the function
of the tissue it replaces but does not replicate its contribution to
consciousness, such as it may be. The visual cortex is necessary for
visual perception since if we remove it we eliminate vision. A zombie
visual cortex replicates the I/O behaviour at the cut interface of the
removed tissue but does not contribute to consciousness. If whole
zombies are possible then it should be possible to make such a
component. If you say the brain as a whole would have normal
consciousness even though the component didn't you could modify the
thought experiment to replace all of the brain except for one neuron.
In that case the replaced brain would be a full blown zombie, but
adding the single biological neuron would suddenly restore full
consciousness. This is absurd, but it should be possible if zombies
are possible.

>>  for
>> example, that was blind but behaved normally and did not realise it
>> was blind.
> There are people like.  But they are not partial zombie's.  You say "blind
> but behaved normally" implying they behaved just as if sighted - but that's
> impossible.

I agree it's impossible and that's why I think functionalism is right
and zombies impossible.

>> If partial zombies are possible then we could be partial
>> zombies.
> Because we 'behave normally' without being able to see the polarization of
> light?  We don't behave as if we can see it.

I'm not sure what you mean here. A zombie behaves as if it perceives
everything a conscious being does and nothing a conscious being
doesn't, while not actually having any perceptions at all.

Stathis Papaioannou

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God as an Atheist.

2012-04-09 Thread
   If your God is dead, try mine.
God as an Atheist.
  God as a Scientist : Ten Scientific Commandments.
 Can a Rational Individual believe in God ?
In other words:
Can God be atheist, governed by scientific laws?
Of course
Because if God exists, He/She/It would necessarily
to work in an Absolute Reference Frame and had set of
physical and mathematical laws to create everything
in the Universe.
If we find and understand this Absolute God’s House then
is possible step by step to find and understand God’s Physics
Laws, which Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Maxwell, Planck,
Einstein and many others scientists discovered.
Has God known the formula: E=Mc^2 ?
If God has known the formula why HE / SHE /IT
didn't write it in His Bible?
The people created a God.
No one knows what the external characteristics
of this God are, a God who made himself known
with the name " I am who I am ".
Is it enough for us in the XXIc ?
Why wasn’t the formula E=Mc^2 written in the Bible?
===. .
Each religion uses a system of symbols
(images, metaphors, ancient myths and legends ,
beautiful stories) to explain its truth.
But Bernard Shaw wisely remarked :
“ There is only one religion,
although there are a hundred versions of it.”
It means that the source of all religion is one.
And I try to prove this idea with the formulas and laws of
physics. I don’t invent new formulas. I use simple formulas
which ,maybe, every man knows from school.
Is it possible? Is it enough?
Yes. Because the evolution goes from simple to the complex.
So, in the beginning we can use simple formulas and laws.
For this purpose I explain what the first law of Universe is,
and second law is and ...etc.
Step by step I create a logical system of the Universe.
= . .
How can God be Scientist?
Fundamental Theory of Existence: Ten Scientific Commandments.
1 The infinite Vacuum T=0K, E= ∞ ,p= 0, t=∞ .
2 The particle: C/D = pi, R/N= k, E = Mc^2 = kc^2, h = 0, c=0, i^2=
3 The spins: h =E/t , h =kb, h* = h/2pi
4 The photon, the inertia: h=1, c=1
5 The electron: e^2 = h*ca, E = h*f , c>1 electromagnetic field
6 The gravitation, the star, the time and space: h*f = kTlogW
7 The Proton:  (p)
The Evolution of interaction between Electron and Proton
a) electromagnetic
b) nuclear
c) biological
The Laws
a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy/mass
b) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
c) The Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
The test.
Every theory must be tested logically ( theoretical ) and practically
a) Theory of brain: Dualism of Consciousness.
b) Practice : Parapsychology. Meditation.
Best wishes
Israel Sadovnik Socratus
"God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light."
It means:
The secret of God and Existence is hidden
  in the ‘ Theory of Vacuum and Light Quanta ‘.
I want to know how God created this world
I am not interested in this or that phenomenon,
in the spectrum of this or that element
I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details
  / Einstein /

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Re: Review of Consciousness: Creeping up on the Hard Problem

2012-04-09 Thread
  Source of Consciousness.
Will Physics explain Consciousness?
Does consciousness begin on big bang  level?
Does consciousness begin on the quarks level?
In our earthly world there is only one fundamental
 particle -  electron.
Does an electron have consciousness ?
At first glance this seems to be a rather senseless questions.
 But  . . . . .
Energy is electromagnetic waves (em).
In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t em waves without Electron
It means the source of these em waves must be an Electron
The electron and the em waves they are physical reality
Can evolution of life begin on electron’s level?
We say: Molecular biology & molecular evolution,
Cosmology & cosmic evolution.
If Universe evolve can electron evolve too ?
Does evolution of life begin on electron level ?
Origin of life is a result of physical laws that govern Universe
Electron takes important part in this work
Why does the simplest particle - electron have six ( 6 )  formulas:
E=h*f,   e = +ah*c,   e = -ah*c,   +E=Mc^2,   -E=Mc^2,  E= ∞ ?
Nobody knows
Why does electron obey five ( 5) Laws ?
a) Law of conservation and transformation energy/ mass
b) Maxwell’s equations
c) Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
d) Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
e) Fermi-Dirac statistics
Nobody knows.
Quote by Heinrich Hertz on Maxwell's equations:

"One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulae
have an independent existence and an intelligence of their own,
that they are wiser than we are, wiser even than their discoverers,
that we get more out of them than was originally put into them."
Ladies and Gentlemen !
Friends !
The banal Electron is not as simple as we think and, maybe,
he is wiser than we are.
Once again: Brain and Electron.
Human brain works on two levels:
consciousness and subconsciousness. The neurons of brain
create these two levels. So, that it means consciousness and
 subconsciousness  from physical point of view ( interaction
between billions and billions neurons ). It can only mean
that the state of neurons  in these two situations is different.
How can we understand these different states of neurons?
How does the brain generate consciousness?
We can understand this situation only on the quantum level,
only using Quantum theory. But there isn’t QT without
Quantum of Light and Electron. So, what is interaction between
 Quantum of Light, Electron and brain ?   Nobody knows.
Therefore I say:
 we must understand not only the brain but electron too.
And when we understand  the Electron
we will know the Ultimate Nature of Reality.
According to Pauli Exclusion Principle
only one single electron can be in the atom.
If the atom contains more than one electron
(for example - two), this atom represents " Siamese twins".
Save us, the Great God, of having such atoms, such cells.
And therefore the human brain has only one Electron.
Each of us has an Electron, but we do not know it.
As the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ says:
Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form.
They do not know My transcendental nature and
 My supreme dominion over all that be.
 / Chapter  9. Text 11./
Where is the root of consciousness?
At what step does consciousness begin?
The consciousness begins on electron’s level.
An electron (quantum of light) has its own initial consciousness.
 This consciousness is not rigid, but can develop.
 The development of consciousness goes
 “from vague wish up to a clear thought”  / Veda./
== .
Best wishes
Israel  Sadovnik  Socratus
 Robert Milliken, who measured a charge of electron,
in his  Nobel speech ( 1923  ) told,  that he knew nothing
about the “last essence of electron”.
Does DNA Know Geometry ?
The verse: The world of electron.

But maybe these electrons are World,
where there are five continents:
the art,
and the memory of forty centuries.
/ Valery Brusov./

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Re: Two Mathematicians in a Bunker and Existence of Pi

2012-04-09 Thread
Where does the information come from?
 / Quantum Theory as Quantum Information /
Does information begin on the quarks level?
No. Quark cannot leave an atom.
Maybe does proton have quant of information?
No. Single proton has no quant of information.
Because information can be transfered only by
electromagnetic fields. And we don’t have a theory
about protono-magnetic fields.
In our earthly world there is only one fundamental
 particle -  electron who can transfer information.
Can an electron be quant of information?
Maybe at first glance this seems to be a rather senseless questions.
 But  . . . . .
Energy is electromagnetic waves (em).
In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t em waves without Electron
It means the source of these em waves must be an Electron
The electron and the em waves they are physical reality
1900, 1905
Planck and Einstein found the energy of electron: E=h*f.
Sommerfeld found the formula of electron : e^2=ah*c,
 it means: e = +ah*c  and  e = -ah*c.
Dirac found two more formulas of electron’s energy:
  +E=Mc^2  and  -E=Mc^2.
According to QED in interaction with vacuum electron’s
energy is infinite: E= ∞
Why does the simplest particle - electron have six ( 6 ) formulas ?
Why does electron obey five ( 5) Laws ?
a) Law of conservation and transformation energy/ mass
b) Maxwell’s equations
c) Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
d) Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
e) Fermi-Dirac statistics
What is an electron ?
Now nobody knows
 In the internet we can read hundreds theories about electron
All of them are problematical
We can read hundreds books about philosophy of physics.
But how can we trust them if we don’t know what is electron ?
Quote by Heinrich Hertz on Maxwell's equations:

"One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulae
have an independent existence and an intelligence of their own,
that they are wiser than we are, wiser even than their discoverers,
that we get more out of them than was originally put into them."
Ladies and Gentlemen !
Friends !
Electron is not as simple as we think and, maybe, he is wiser than we
We know, there is no information transfer
without energy transfer. More correct: there is no quant
information transfer without quant energy transfer.
And the electron has the least  electric charge.
It means it has some quant of the least information.
What can electron do with this information?
Let us look the Mendeleev / Moseley periodic table.
We can see  that electron interacts with proton
and creates atom of hydrogen.
 This is simplest design, which  was created by electron.
And we can see how this information grows and reaches
high informational level. And the most complex design,
 which was created by electron is the Man.
The Man is alive essence. Animals, birds, fish are alive essences.
And an atom? And atom is also alive design.
The free atom of hydrogen can live about 1000 seconds.
And someone a long time ago has already said, that if to give
suffices time to atom of hydrogen, he would turn into Man.
Maybe it is better not to search about "dark, virtual particles "
but to understand what the electron is,
because even now nobody knows what electron is.
In my opinion the Electron is quant of information.
 Was I mistaken?No !
 Because according to Pauli Exclusion Principle
only one single electron can be in the atom.
This electron reanimates the atom.
This electron manages  the atom.
If the atom contains more than one electron
(for example - two), this atom represents " Siamese twins".
Save us, the Great God, of having such atoms, such children!
Each of us has an Electron, but we do not know it.
Many years ago man has accustomed some wild
animals (wolf, horse, cat, bull , etc.)
and has made them domestic ones.
But the man understands badly the four-footed friends.
In 1897 J. J. Thomson discovered new particle - electron.
Gradually man has accustomed electron to work for him.
But the man does not understand what an electron is.
By my peasant logic at first it is better to understand
the closest and simplest particle photon /electron and
then to study the  far away space and another particles.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik.  Socratus.
 Robert Milliken, who measured a charge of electron,
in his  Nobel speech ( 1923  ) told,  that he knew nothing
about the “last essence of electron”.
The verse: The world of electron.

But maybe these electrons are World,
where there are five continents:
the art,
and the memory of forty centuries.
/ Valery Brusov./

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