Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-03-09 Thread Bruno Marchal
Hi Stephen,

It seems to me that COMP is more general that computationalism since it
seems to include certain unfalsifiable postulations that are independent of
computationalism per say, AR, to be specific.

A can be unfalsifiable, and B can be unfalsifiable, but this does not entail
that A & B  is unfalsifiable. Take A = "god exists", and B = "God does not
exist" as an exemple. I don't know if AR per se is unfalsifiable, but I do show
that comp is falsifiable. But you don't have begin to criticize the proof ...

My own difficulties with
Bruno's thesis hinges on this postulation. I see it as an avoidance of a
fundamental difficulty in Foundation research, how to account for the 1st
person experience of time if one assumes that Existence in itself is

I would like to stay modest, but this is well explained once you realise
that the simplest thaetetus definition of knowledge, where
(I know p) = (p  and (I prove p))

leads directly toward an antisymmetric form of branching time modal theory,
(S4Grz), very akin to Brouwer's theory of time/consciousness.

This is somewhere else that I trip over and fall in my thinking of your
work, Bruno. Is this "no mechanism can compute the output of any
self-duplication" a classical version of the "no-cloning" theorem?

Not so directly, but yes I do think those are related. (But it's a little
out of the scope we are presently discussing).

Does my comment above about how to bridge this gap of emulating a brain
and emulating the entire universe? If it does it would seem to dramatically
increase the computational power requirements of the emulating computation
on top of the exponential slowdown.
One technical question I have about this is: if we assume that the
emulated universe is finite, what would be the equation showing the required
computational power of the emulator given an estimate of the total
algorithmic and/or information content of the universe?

The main idea on which most agrees in this list is that the information
content of the "everything" (or the multiverse, or UD*, ) is zero.

Additionally, what are we to make of results such as the Kochen-Specker
theorem that show that given any quantum mechanical system that has more
than two independent degrees of freedom can not be completely represented in
terms of  Boolean algebra?

You should say "can not be completely represented with a logical morphisme in
a boolean algebra. But that does not entail that some other representation will
not work. This is obvious: the theory "quantum mechanics" *is* a boolean 
the hilbert spaces are classical mathematical object, etc. Or better, take the
Goldblatt theorem (which plays a so prominent role in my thesis). It says that
(where B is some modal logic):

Quantum Logic proves a formula A   iff
the classical modal theory B proves  []<>A.
It's like the theorem of Grzegorczyk which says that Intuitionistic Logic
proves  a formula A
iff the classical modal theory S4Grz proves []p.
The transformation A =>  []<>A  is just not a morphism in the
Kochen & Specker sense.
The "physical reality" I extract from comp cannot itself be embedded in a
boolean algebra, apparently (I have not yet a totally clean proof of that
statement, but let us say that only a high logical conspiracy would make
boolean the "arithmetical quantum logic").

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-03-09 Thread Bruno Marchal
Hi Russell,

At 11:50 09/03/04 +1100, Russell Standish wrote:

Yes, in your thesis you often talk about survival under replacement of
a digital brain (cerveau digital). Digital simply means "operates with
1s and 0s". Since any analogue value can be represented arbitrarily
accurately by a digital signal, this doesn't seem much of a stretch.

Except that the processing is also digitalized, making things
a little less trivial.

In your chapter 1, you refer to a "machine universelle digitale, c'est
a dire un ordinateur". The English word computer, which is the literal
translation of ordinateur, can refer to an analogue computer, which is
merely a device for performing computations - it needn't even be
Turing complete.

Not really. Ordinateur means really (in french) "*universal* computer".
If not universal we say "calculateur" (and that one can be analog indeed).

The fact that you used the word "universelle"
previous does imply Turing completeness, but not that it is equivalent
to a Turing machine. After all, I might be concerned if there was some
noncomputable part of the brain that was not captured by a Turing
machine, but could be built into a digital machine of some kind (eg by
accurate copying of the physical layout of the brain).

In that case you would be simulable by a computer at *some* level.
COMP asks only that, mainly.

Now I noticed you used the word "indexical". What does this mean? (I
tend to skip over terms I don't understand, in the hope that I
understand the gist of the argument).

Indexical is an adjective which applies to word like "me", "now", "here" ...
I did use "indexical" in "Conscience et Mecanisme", but I don't use it
any more. It is implicit in the "Yes Doctor" part of comp where it is supposed
that it is *you* who says "yes" to the doctor.

Anyway, the upshot of this was that I assumed that COMP was in fact
more general that computationalism. In fact I believe the first half
of your thesis (chapters 1-4) indeed still hold for this more general
interpretation of COMP (namely the necessity for subjective
indeterminism etc).

Yes. The comp hyp can be weakened. I have not try to prove the most
general theorem.

True computationalism is perhaps only required for
the later sections where you invoke Thaetus's (is that the correct
translation of Theetete?) theories  of knowledge (connaissance). For
here, you need Goedel's theorem, which is applicable in the case of
Turing machines.

I don't think so. What *is* true is that when I interview the universal
machine (through the logic G and G*) I do choose "computationalist
universal machine". Such machine believes in the use of classical logic
in arithmetic, etc.
BTW Goedel theorems apply to a lot more than simple digital machine,
in particular it applies to machine with oracle(s).

I agree one can simulate the Schroedinger equation of QM (albeit with
irrelevant exponential slowdown). However, mapping this back to your
"YD" postulate, this involves the doctor swapping the entire universe,
not just your brain. Perhaps you mean that one of the options the
doctor has is to upload you into a well crafted digital simulation (by
a Turing machine even) of you and your complete environment (a la

This is why in the new version of the argument including those I send
to the list sometimes ago I explicitely add the "NEURO" hypothesis
(the hypothesis that the brain is in the skull), but then I explicitly
show how the NEURO hyp. is eliminated once the Universal Dovetetailer
is introduced. After all the DU will generates the many state of my brain
whatever it is, if one accept just the fact that we are Turing-emulable.

Reminds me of the option Arthur Dent was presented with by the
pandimensional beings (aka mice) when they wanted to mince his brain
to extract the question for which the answer was '42'.

(And this reminds me that string theorists seems to succeed toward getting a
reversible theory of black hole. See the nice "economist" summary.
There is a link to an abstract from Mathur's paper with outline of the paper.)
Best Regards,


Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-03-08 Thread Stephen Paul King
Dear Russell and Bruno,


- Original Message - 
From: "Russell Standish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bruno Marchal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 02:20:54PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >How does COMP entail that I am a machine? I don't follow that step at
> But comp *is* the assumption that I am a machine, even a digital machine.
> My last formulation of it, easy to remember is that comp = YD + CT + RA
> YD = Yes doctor,  it means you accept a artificial digital brain.
> (and CT is Church thesis, and RA is some amount of arithmetical realism).
> In "conscience et mecanisme" comp is called MEC-DIG-IND, DIG is for
> digital, and IND is for indexical. It really is the doctrine that I am a
> digital machine, or that I can be emulated by a digital machine.
Yes, in your thesis you often talk about survival under replacement of
a digital brain (cerveau digital). Digital simply means "operates with
1s and 0s". Since any analogue value can be represented arbitrarily
accurately by a digital signal, this doesn't seem much of a stretch.

In your chapter 1, you refer to a "machine universelle digitale, c'est
a dire un ordinateur". The English word computer, which is the literal
translation of ordinateur, can refer to an analogue computer, which is
merely a device for performing computations - it needn't even be
Turing complete. The fact that you used the word "universelle"
previous does imply Turing completeness, but not that it is equivalent
to a Turing machine. After all, I might be concerned if there was some
noncomputable part of the brain that was not captured by a Turing
machine, but could be built into a digital machine of some kind (eg by
accurate copying of the physical layout of the brain).


I think that the key here is something like a 1st person version of a
Turing Test: If you can not tell a difference between one's world of
experience while in a "meat machine" - brain - and a digital machine then it
is not a difference. Substantivalists will try to dispute this but that is a
debate for another day.
This would seem to require only that there sufficient expressiveness
within the digital machine's n-ary representation to encode all of the
fullness of all 1st person experiences that whatever kind of "machine" -
meat or silicon or whatever - could have.

Now I noticed you used the word "indexical". What does this mean? (I
tend to skip over terms I don't understand, in the hope that I
understand the gist of the argument).

Anyway, the upshot of this was that I assumed that COMP was in fact
more general that computationalism. In fact I believe the first half
of your thesis (chapters 1-4) indeed still hold for this more general
interpretation of COMP (namely the necessity for subjective
indeterminism etc). True computationalism is perhaps only required for
the later sections where you invoke Thaetus's (is that the correct
translation of Theetete?) theories  of knowledge (connaissance). For
here, you need Goedel's theorem, which is applicable in the case of
Turing machines.


It seems to me that COMP is more general that computationalism since it
seems to include certain unfalsifiable postulations that are independent of
computationalism per say, AR, to be specific. My own difficulties with
Bruno's thesis hinges on this postulation. I see it as an avoidance of a
fundamental difficulty in Foundation research, how to account for the 1st
person experience of time if one assumes that Existence in itself is

> >> Computationnalism is really the "modern" digital version of "Mechanism"
> >> a philosophy guessed by early Hindouist, Plato, ... accepted for
> >> by
> >> Descartes, for humans by La Mettrie, Hobbes, etc. With Church
> >> thesis mechanism can  leads to pretty mind/matter theories.
> >>
> >[RS]
> >If one accepts mechanisms that go beyond the Turing machine, then
> >computationalism is a stricter assumption than mere mechanism (which I
> >basically interpret as "anti-vitalism").
> >
> >I would counter that a Geiger counter hooked up to a radioactive
> >source is a "mechanism", yet the output cannot be computed by a Turing
> >machine. (Of course some people, such as Schmidhuber would disagree
> >with that too, but that's another story).
> [BM]
> But no mechanism can compute the output of any self-duplication.
> With Everett formulation of QM, a Geiger counter is emulable by a turing
> machine, and the QM indeterminacy is just a f

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-03-08 Thread Russell Standish
On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 02:20:54PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >How does COMP entail that I am a machine? I don't follow that step at all.
> But comp *is* the assumption that I am a machine, even a digital machine.
> My last formulation of it, easy to remember is that comp = YD + CT + RA
> YD = Yes doctor,  it means you accept a artificial digital brain.
> (and CT is Church thesis, and RA is some amount of arithmetical realism).
> In "conscience et mecanisme" comp is called MEC-DIG-IND, DIG is for
> digital, and IND is for indexical. It really is the doctrine that I am a 
> digital
> machine, or that I can be emulated by a digital machine.

Yes, in your thesis you often talk about survival under replacement of
a digital brain (cerveau digital). Digital simply means "operates with
1s and 0s". Since any analogue value can be represented arbitrarily
accurately by a digital signal, this doesn't seem much of a stretch.

In your chapter 1, you refer to a "machine universelle digitale, c'est
a dire un ordinateur". The English word computer, which is the literal
translation of ordinateur, can refer to an analogue computer, which is
merely a device for performing computations - it needn't even be
Turing complete. The fact that you used the word "universelle"
previous does imply Turing completeness, but not that it is equivalent
to a Turing machine. After all, I might be concerned if there was some
noncomputable part of the brain that was not captured by a Turing
machine, but could be built into a digital machine of some kind (eg by
accurate copying of the physical layout of the brain).

Now I noticed you used the word "indexical". What does this mean? (I
tend to skip over terms I don't understand, in the hope that I
understand the gist of the argument).

Anyway, the upshot of this was that I assumed that COMP was in fact
more general that computationalism. In fact I believe the first half
of your thesis (chapters 1-4) indeed still hold for this more general
interpretation of COMP (namely the necessity for subjective
indeterminism etc). True computationalism is perhaps only required for
the later sections where you invoke Thaetus's (is that the correct
translation of Theetete?) theories  of knowledge (connaissance). For
here, you need Goedel's theorem, which is applicable in the case of
Turing machines.

> >> Computationnalism is really the "modern" digital version of "Mechanism"
> >> a philosophy guessed by early Hindouist, Plato, ... accepted for animals 
> >by
> >> Descartes, for humans by La Mettrie, Hobbes, etc. With Church
> >> thesis mechanism can  leads to pretty mind/matter theories.
> >>
> >
> >If one accepts mechanisms that go beyond the Turing machine, then
> >computationalism is a stricter assumption than mere mechanism (which I
> >basically interpret as "anti-vitalism").
> >
> >I would counter that a Geiger counter hooked up to a radioactive
> >source is a "mechanism", yet the output cannot be computed by a Turing
> >machine. (Of course some people, such as Schmidhuber would disagree
> >with that too, but that's another story).
> But no mechanism can compute the output of any self-duplication.
> With Everett formulation of QM, a Geiger counter is emulable by a turing
> machine, and the QM indeterminacy is just a first person comp indeterminacy.
> You cannot emulate with a turing machine the *first person* knowledge
> he/she gets from looking at the Geiger counts, but no machine can
> predict the first person knowledge of a Washington/Moscow self-duplication
> either.
> Bruno

I agree one can simulate the Schroedinger equation of QM (albeit with
irrelevant exponential slowdown). However, mapping this back to your
"YD" postulate, this involves the doctor swapping the entire universe,
not just your brain. Perhaps you mean that one of the options the
doctor has is to upload you into a well crafted digital simulation (by
a Turing machine even) of you and your complete environment (a la

Reminds me of the option Arthur Dent was presented with by the
pandimensional beings (aka mice) when they wanted to mince his brain
to extract the question for which the answer was '42'.


A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-03-05 Thread Bruno Marchal
At 09:08 03/03/04 +1100, Russell Standish wrote:
On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 12:28:04PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >
> >RS As I understand it, COMP refers to the conjunction of:
> >
> >1) Arithmetic realism
> >2) Church-Turing thesis
> >3) Survivability of consciousness under duplication
> BM...and annihilation of the "original" (if not it could be trivial). I 
> that's what you intended to mean.

and I add, digital "duplication". (that's why Church thesis has to be 
called for)

How does COMP entail that I am a machine? I don't follow that step at all.

But comp *is* the assumption that I am a machine, even a digital machine.
My last formulation of it, easy to remember is that comp = YD + CT + RA
YD = Yes doctor,  it means you accept a artificial digital brain.
(and CT is Church thesis, and RA is some amount of arithmetical realism).
In "conscience et mecanisme" comp is called MEC-DIG-IND, DIG is for
digital, and IND is for indexical. It really is the doctrine that I am a 
machine, or that I can be emulated by a digital machine.

> Computationnalism is really the "modern" digital version of "Mechanism"
> a philosophy guessed by early Hindouist, Plato, ... accepted for animals by
> Descartes, for humans by La Mettrie, Hobbes, etc. With Church
> thesis mechanism can  leads to pretty mind/matter theories.
If one accepts mechanisms that go beyond the Turing machine, then
computationalism is a stricter assumption than mere mechanism (which I
basically interpret as "anti-vitalism").
I would counter that a Geiger counter hooked up to a radioactive
source is a "mechanism", yet the output cannot be computed by a Turing
machine. (Of course some people, such as Schmidhuber would disagree
with that too, but that's another story).
But no mechanism can compute the output of any self-duplication.
With Everett formulation of QM, a Geiger counter is emulable by a turing
machine, and the QM indeterminacy is just a first person comp indeterminacy.
You cannot emulate with a turing machine the *first person* knowledge
he/she gets from looking at the Geiger counts, but no machine can
predict the first person knowledge of a Washington/Moscow self-duplication

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-03-02 Thread Russell Standish
On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 12:28:04PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >
> >As I understand it, COMP refers to the conjunction of:
> >
> >1) Arithmetic realism
> >2) Church-Turing thesis
> >3) Survivability of consciousness under duplication
> ...and annihilation of the "original" (if not it could be trivial). I guess
> that's what you intended to mean.
> >Computationalism (as I understand it) is the strong AI principle -
> >that a program running on a Turing machine (or equivalent) is
> >sufficient to generate consciousness. A stronger version might be that
> >all conscious processes can be represented by a program. I can see how
> >3) follows from this stronger version - but I don't see how
> >computationalism follows from COMP.
> Well, that's really a question of vocabulary. I prefer to say Strong AI
> for ... the strong AI thesis. I guess also you intended to say that COMP
> does not follow from the Strong AI thesis, because the fact that machines
> can think does not entail that we are machine (machine can think does not
> entail that *only* machines can think). But COMP entails the strong AI 
> thesis,
> because if I am a machine then machines can think. (accepting the
> perhaps foolish idea that *I* can think :)

How does COMP entail that I am a machine? I don't follow that step at all.

> Computationnalism is really the "modern" digital version of "Mechanism"
> a philosophy guessed by early Hindouist, Plato, ... accepted for animals by
> Descartes, for humans by La Mettrie, Hobbes, etc. With Church
> thesis mechanism can  leads to pretty mind/matter theories.

If one accepts mechanisms that go beyond the Turing machine, then
computationalism is a stricter assumption than mere mechanism (which I
basically interpret as "anti-vitalism").

I would counter that a Geiger counter hooked up to a radioactive
source is a "mechanism", yet the output cannot be computed by a Turing
machine. (Of course some people, such as Schmidhuber would disagree
with that too, but that's another story).

> Bruno


A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-03-02 Thread Stephen Paul King
Dear Bruno,
- Original Message - 
From: "Bruno Marchal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

> At 09:14 02/03/04 +1100, Russell Standish wrote:

> >As I understand it, COMP refers to the conjunction of:
> >
> >1) Arithmetic realism
> >2) Church-Turing thesis
> >3) Survivability of consciousness under duplication
> [BM]
> ...and annihilation of the "original" (if not it could be trivial). I
> that's what you intended to mean.

What about 3') Survivability of consciouness under quantum


Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-03-02 Thread Bruno Marchal
At 09:14 02/03/04 +1100, Russell Standish wrote:

On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 03:00:30PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> comp assumes only that the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... "lives" in
> Platonia. 3-person time apparantly does not appear. 1-person time
> appears through the S4Grz logic.
Fair enough - I realised it was a consequence of your mind model.

OK. I should come back later on the relation between time,
consciousness, Brouwer intuitionist logic and the modal logic S4Grz.

> >In terms of the above assumptions, 1) is a consequence of
> >computationalism, which I take is a basis of your theory (although
> >I've never understood how computationalism follows from COMP).
> ?   Wait a bit. COMP refers to  computationalism. I don't understand.
As I understand it, COMP refers to the conjunction of:

1) Arithmetic realism
2) Church-Turing thesis
3) Survivability of consciousness under duplication

...and annihilation of the "original" (if not it could be trivial). I guess
that's what you intended to mean.

Computationalism (as I understand it) is the strong AI principle -
that a program running on a Turing machine (or equivalent) is
sufficient to generate consciousness. A stronger version might be that
all conscious processes can be represented by a program. I can see how
3) follows from this stronger version - but I don't see how
computationalism follows from COMP.

Well, that's really a question of vocabulary. I prefer to say Strong AI
for ... the strong AI thesis. I guess also you intended to say that COMP
does not follow from the Strong AI thesis, because the fact that machines
can think does not entail that we are machine (machine can think does not
entail that *only* machines can think). But COMP entails the strong AI thesis,
because if I am a machine then machines can think. (accepting the
perhaps foolish idea that *I* can think :)
Computationnalism is really the "modern" digital version of "Mechanism"
a philosophy guessed by early Hindouist, Plato, ... accepted for animals by
Descartes, for humans by La Mettrie, Hobbes, etc. With Church
thesis mechanism can  leads to pretty mind/matter theories.

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-03-01 Thread Russell Standish
On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 03:00:30PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> comp assumes only that the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... "lives" in
> Platonia. 3-person time apparantly does not appear. 1-person time
> appears through the S4Grz logic.

Fair enough - I realised it was a consequence of your mind model. 

> >In terms of the above assumptions, 1) is a consequence of
> >computationalism, which I take is a basis of your theory (although
> >I've never understood how computationalism follows from COMP).
> ?   Wait a bit. COMP refers to  computationalism. I don't understand.

As I understand it, COMP refers to the conjunction of:

1) Arithmetic realism 
2) Church-Turing thesis
3) Survivability of consciousness under duplication

Computationalism (as I understand it) is the strong AI principle -
that a program running on a Turing machine (or equivalent) is
sufficient to generate consciousness. A stronger version might be that
all conscious processes can be represented by a program. I can see how
3) follows from this stronger version - but I don't see how
computationalism follows from COMP.

A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-03-01 Thread Bruno Marchal
At 10:33 28/02/04 +1100, Russell Standish wrote:
I deliberately leave vague what is in the theory of the mind, but
simply assume a small number of things about consciousness:
1) That there is a linear dimension called (psycholgical) time, in which the
conscious mind find itself embedded
2) The observations are a form of a projection from the set of subsets of
possibilities onto the same set. We identify a QM "state" with a
subset of possibilities.
3) The Kolmogorov probability axioms
4) The anthropic principle
5) Sets of observers are measurable
Also I assume the existance of the set of all descriptions (which I
call the Schmidhuber ensemble, but perhaps more accurately should be
called the Schmidhuber I ensemble to distance it from later work of
his). This is roughly equivalent to your Arithmetic Realism, but
probably not identical. It is the form I prefer philosophically.
(I think this is the exhaustive set of assumptions - but I'm willing
to have other identified)
I only treat continuous time in Occams razor (hence the differential
equation) however I do reference the theory of timescales which would
provide a way of extending this to other types of time (discrete,
rationals etc). In any case, contact with standard QM is only achieved
for continuous time.
The justification for assuming time is that one needs time in order to
appreciate differences - and differences are the foundation of
information - so in order to know anything at all, one needs to
appreciate differences hence the need for a time dimension.
Note - computationalism requires time in order to compute mind -
therefore the assumption of time is actually a weaker assumption than

comp assumes only that the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... "lives" in
Platonia. 3-person time apparantly does not appear. 1-person time
appears through the S4Grz logic.

In terms of the above assumptions, 1) is a consequence of
computationalism, which I take is a basis of your theory (although
I've never understood how computationalism follows from COMP).

?   Wait a bit. COMP refers to  computationalism. I don't understand.

2) corresponds to your 1-3 distinction. Indeed I refer to your work as
justification for assuming the projection postulate.

That is not clear for me.

3) Causes some people problems - however I notes that some others
start from the Kolmogorov probability axioms also.

No problem at all with Kolmogorov proba axioms.

4) I know the Anthropic principle causes you problems - indeed I can
only remark that it is an empirical fact of our world, and leave it as
a mystery to be solved later on.

No problem with the so called Weak Anthropic Principle. Although
obviously I prefer a Turing-Universal-Machine--thropic principle ...

5) Measurability of observers. This is the part that was buried in the
derivation of linearity of QM, that caused you (and me too) some
difficulty in understanding what is going on. I spoke to Stephen King
on the phone yesterday, and this was one point he stumbled on
also. Perhaps this is another "mystery" like the AP, but appears
necessary to get the right answer (ie QM !)
Of course a more detailed theory of the mind should give a more
detailed description of physics. For example - we still don't know
where 3+1 spacetime comes from, or why everything appears to be close
to Newtonian dynamics.
Stephen King is cooking up some more ideas in this line which seems

Thanks for your clarification,


Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-02-27 Thread Russell Standish
I deliberately leave vague what is in the theory of the mind, but
simply assume a small number of things about consciousness:

1) That there is a linear dimension called (psycholgical) time, in which the
conscious mind find itself embedded 
2) The observations are a form of a projection from the set of subsets of
possibilities onto the same set. We identify a QM "state" with a
subset of possibilities.
3) The Kolmogorov probability axioms
4) The anthropic principle
5) Sets of observers are measurable

Also I assume the existance of the set of all descriptions (which I
call the Schmidhuber ensemble, but perhaps more accurately should be
called the Schmidhuber I ensemble to distance it from later work of
his). This is roughly equivalent to your Arithmetic Realism, but
probably not identical. It is the form I prefer philosophically.

(I think this is the exhaustive set of assumptions - but I'm willing
to have other identified)

I only treat continuous time in Occams razor (hence the differential
equation) however I do reference the theory of timescales which would
provide a way of extending this to other types of time (discrete,
rationals etc). In any case, contact with standard QM is only achieved
for continuous time.

The justification for assuming time is that one needs time in order to
appreciate differences - and differences are the foundation of
information - so in order to know anything at all, one needs to
appreciate differences hence the need for a time dimension.

Note - computationalism requires time in order to compute mind -
therefore the assumption of time is actually a weaker assumption than

In terms of the above assumptions, 1) is a consequence of
computationalism, which I take is a basis of your theory (although
I've never understood how computationalism follows from COMP).

2) corresponds to your 1-3 distinction. Indeed I refer to your work as
justification for assuming the projection postulate.

3) Causes some people problems - however I notes that some others
start from the Kolmogorov probability axioms also.

4) I know the Anthropic principle causes you problems - indeed I can
only remark that it is an empirical fact of our world, and leave it as
a mystery to be solved later on.

5) Measurability of observers. This is the part that was buried in the
derivation of linearity of QM, that caused you (and me too) some
difficulty in understanding what is going on. I spoke to Stephen King
on the phone yesterday, and this was one point he stumbled on
also. Perhaps this is another "mystery" like the AP, but appears
necessary to get the right answer (ie QM !)

Of course a more detailed theory of the mind should give a more
detailed description of physics. For example - we still don't know
where 3+1 spacetime comes from, or why everything appears to be close
to Newtonian dynamics.

Stephen King is cooking up some more ideas in this line which seems


On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 02:55:33PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> At 09:19 25/02/04 +1100, Russell Standish wrote:
> >I think that "psychological time" fits the bill. The observer needs a
> >a temporal dimension in which to appreciate differences between
> >states.
> OK. That move makes coherent your attempt to derive physics,
> and makes it even compatible with the sort of approach I advocate,
> but then: would you agree that you should define or at least
> explain what is the "psychological time". More generally:
> What is your psychology or your theory of mind? This is (imo)
> unclear in your Occam Paper (or I miss something).
> I find that assuming time, and the applicability of differential
> equation (especially with respect to a psychological time)
> is quite huge.
> Bruno
> >"Physical time" presupposes a physics, which I haven't done in
> >"Occam".
> >
> >It is obviously a little more structured than an ordering. A space
> >dimension is insufficient for an observer to appreciate differences,
> >isn't it?
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 02:11:07PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Russell,
> >>
> >> Let me try to be a little more specific. You say in your Occam paper
> >> at
> >>
> >> "The first assumption to be made is that observers will find themselves
> >> embedded in a temporal dimension. A Turing machine requires time to
> >> separate the sequence of states it occupies as it performs a computation.
> >> Universal Turing machines are models of how humans compute things, so 
> >it is
> >> possible that all conscious observers are capable of universal 
> >computation.
> >> Yet for our present purposes, it is not necessary to assume observers are
> >> capable of universal computation, merely that observers are embedded in
> >> time. "
> >>
> >> Are you meaning physical time,  psychological time, or just a (linear)
> >> or

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-02-27 Thread Bruno Marchal
At 09:19 25/02/04 +1100, Russell Standish wrote:
I think that "psychological time" fits the bill. The observer needs a
a temporal dimension in which to appreciate differences between
OK. That move makes coherent your attempt to derive physics,
and makes it even compatible with the sort of approach I advocate,
but then: would you agree that you should define or at least
explain what is the "psychological time". More generally:
What is your psychology or your theory of mind? This is (imo)
unclear in your Occam Paper (or I miss something).
I find that assuming time, and the applicability of differential
equation (especially with respect to a psychological time)
is quite huge.

"Physical time" presupposes a physics, which I haven't done in
It is obviously a little more structured than an ordering. A space
dimension is insufficient for an observer to appreciate differences,
isn't it?

On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 02:11:07PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Hi Russell,
> Let me try to be a little more specific. You say in your Occam paper
> at
> "The first assumption to be made is that observers will find themselves
> embedded in a temporal dimension. A Turing machine requires time to
> separate the sequence of states it occupies as it performs a computation.
> Universal Turing machines are models of how humans compute things, so 
it is
> possible that all conscious observers are capable of universal 
> Yet for our present purposes, it is not necessary to assume observers are
> capable of universal computation, merely that observers are embedded in
> time. "
> Are you meaning physical time,  psychological time, or just a (linear)
> order? I am just
> trying to have a better understanding.

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-02-25 Thread Russell Standish
On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 12:08:43AM -0500, Stephen Paul King wrote:
> Dear Russel,
> Could we associate this "psychological time" with the orderings that
> obtain when considering successive measurements of various measurements of
> non-commutative canonically conjugate  (QM) states?

The word "successive" implies a time dimension already. I'm not sure
what you are proposing here.

> Also, re your Occam's razor paper, have you considered the necessity of
> a principle that applies between observers, more than that involved with the
> Anthropic principle? Something along the lines of: the allowable
> communications between observers is restrained to only those that are
> mutually consistent. We see hints of this in EPR situations. ;-)

No I haven't considered this second requirement. It would be
interesting to note whether it is a derivative concept (can be derived
from the standard QM principles say), or whether it needs to be added
in as a fundamental requirement (in which case comes the question of


> Kindest regards,
> Stephen
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Russell Standish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Bruno Marchal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "Russell Standish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 5:19 PM
> Subject: Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"
> I think that "psychological time" fits the bill. The observer needs a
> a temporal dimension in which to appreciate differences between
> states.
> "Physical time" presupposes a physics, which I haven't done in
> "Occam".
> It is obviously a little more structured than an ordering. A space
> dimension is insufficient for an observer to appreciate differences,
> isn't it?
>  Cheers
> snip


A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-02-24 Thread Stephen Paul King
Dear Russel,

Could we associate this "psychological time" with the orderings that
obtain when considering successive measurements of various measurements of
non-commutative canonically conjugate  (QM) states?
Also, re your Occam's razor paper, have you considered the necessity of
a principle that applies between observers, more than that involved with the
Anthropic principle? Something along the lines of: the allowable
communications between observers is restrained to only those that are
mutually consistent. We see hints of this in EPR situations. ;-)

Kindest regards,


- Original Message - 
From: "Russell Standish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bruno Marchal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Russell Standish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

I think that "psychological time" fits the bill. The observer needs a
a temporal dimension in which to appreciate differences between

"Physical time" presupposes a physics, which I haven't done in

It is obviously a little more structured than an ordering. A space
dimension is insufficient for an observer to appreciate differences,
isn't it?



Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-02-24 Thread Russell Standish
I think that "psychological time" fits the bill. The observer needs a
a temporal dimension in which to appreciate differences between

"Physical time" presupposes a physics, which I haven't done in

It is obviously a little more structured than an ordering. A space
dimension is insufficient for an observer to appreciate differences,
isn't it?


On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 02:11:07PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Hi Russell,
> Let me try to be a little more specific. You say in your Occam paper
> at
> "The first assumption to be made is that observers will find themselves 
> embedded in a temporal dimension. A Turing machine requires time to 
> separate the sequence of states it occupies as it performs a computation. 
> Universal Turing machines are models of how humans compute things, so it is 
> possible that all conscious observers are capable of universal computation. 
> Yet for our present purposes, it is not necessary to assume observers are 
> capable of universal computation, merely that observers are embedded in 
> time. "
> Are you meaning physical time,  psychological time, or just a (linear) 
> order? I am just
> trying to have a better understanding.
> Bruno
> At 18:00 23/02/04 +1100, Russell Standish wrote:
> >Comments interspersed.
> >
> >On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 07:15:45AM -0500, Kory Heath wrote:
> >>
> >> I understand this perspective, but for what it's worth, I'm profoundly 
> >out
> >> of sympathy with it. In my view, computation universality is the real 
> >key -
> >> life and consciousness are going to pop up in any universe that's
> >> computation universal, as long as the universe is big enough and/or it
> >> lasts long enough. (And there's always enough time and space in the
> >> Mathiverse!)
> >
> >Computational universality is not sufficient for open-ended evolution
> >of life. In fact we don't what is sufficient, as evidenced by it being
> >an open problem (see Bedau et al., Artificial Life 6, 363.)
> >
> >I also suspect that it is not necessary for the evolution of SASes,
> >but this is obvious a debatable point.


A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-02-24 Thread Bruno Marchal
Hi Russell,

Let me try to be a little more specific. You say in your Occam paper
"The first assumption to be made is that observers will find themselves 
embedded in a temporal dimension. A Turing machine requires time to 
separate the sequence of states it occupies as it performs a computation. 
Universal Turing machines are models of how humans compute things, so it is 
possible that all conscious observers are capable of universal computation. 
Yet for our present purposes, it is not necessary to assume observers are 
capable of universal computation, merely that observers are embedded in time. "

Are you meaning physical time,  psychological time, or just a (linear) 
order? I am just
trying to have a better understanding.


At 18:00 23/02/04 +1100, Russell Standish wrote:
Comments interspersed.

On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 07:15:45AM -0500, Kory Heath wrote:
> I understand this perspective, but for what it's worth, I'm profoundly out
> of sympathy with it. In my view, computation universality is the real 
key -
> life and consciousness are going to pop up in any universe that's
> computation universal, as long as the universe is big enough and/or it
> lasts long enough. (And there's always enough time and space in the
> Mathiverse!)

Computational universality is not sufficient for open-ended evolution
of life. In fact we don't what is sufficient, as evidenced by it being
an open problem (see Bedau et al., Artificial Life 6, 363.)
I also suspect that it is not necessary for the evolution of SASes,
but this is obvious a debatable point.

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-02-23 Thread Bruno Marchal
At 18:00 23/02/04 +1100, Russell Standish wrote:
Comments interspersed.

On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 07:15:45AM -0500, Kory Heath wrote:
> I understand this perspective, but for what it's worth, I'm profoundly out
> of sympathy with it. In my view, computation universality is the real 
key -
> life and consciousness are going to pop up in any universe that's
> computation universal, as long as the universe is big enough and/or it
> lasts long enough. (And there's always enough time and space in the
> Mathiverse!)

Computational universality is not sufficient for open-ended evolution
of life. In fact we don't what is sufficient, as evidenced by it being
an open problem (see Bedau et al., Artificial Life 6, 363.)

How do you know then that comp universality is not sufficient?
(Giving that comp universality entails the non existence of a complete
theory of comp-universality; I mean computer science is provably
not completely unifiable; there is no general theory for non stopping
machines or non stopping comp processes).
Are you thinking about something specific which is lacking in
comp universality?

I also suspect that it is not necessary for the evolution of SASes,
but this is obvious a debatable point.

Are you saying that "comp" is entirely irrelevant to explain
the origin of life, the origin of the universe(s) ?

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-02-22 Thread Russell Standish
Comments interspersed.

On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 07:15:45AM -0500, Kory Heath wrote:
> I understand this perspective, but for what it's worth, I'm profoundly out 
> of sympathy with it. In my view, computation universality is the real key - 
> life and consciousness are going to pop up in any universe that's 
> computation universal, as long as the universe is big enough and/or it 
> lasts long enough. (And there's always enough time and space in the 
> Mathiverse!) 

Computational universality is not sufficient for open-ended evolution
of life. In fact we don't what is sufficient, as evidenced by it being
an open problem (see Bedau et al., Artificial Life 6, 363.)

I also suspect that it is not necessary for the evolution of SASes,
but this is obvious a debatable point.

> (countably?) infinite. So why would I be more likely to find myself in one 
> of those universes rather than the other?
> -- Kory

The issue of where physics comes from is addressed in my paper "Why
Occams Razor". Dynamics on complex-valued hilbert spaces is the most
likely observed universe. I have just had another discussion with
Stephen King re why we should observe 3+1 spacetime. I am somewhat
unconvinced like you by the arguments put forward in Tegmark's paper
(which aren't due to him at all), but at present its the best we
have. There should be an anthropic reason why 3+1 spacetime is
necessary, or even the most likely dimensionality seen by observers.


A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-19 Thread Saibal Mitra
I don't think there are many intelligent beings per cubic Plank length in
our universe at all! In fact, string theorists don't know how to get to the
standard model from their favorite theory, yet they still believe in it.
Simple deterministic models could certainly explain our laws of physics, as
't Hooft explains in these articles:

Determinism beneath Quantum Mechanics:

Quantum Mechanics and Determinism:

How Does God Play Dice? (Pre-)Determinism at the Planck Scale:

- Original Message -
From: Kory Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

> At 1/17/04, Hal Finney wrote:
> >But let me ask if you agree that considering Conway's 2D
> >Life world with simply-specified initial conditions as in your example,
> >that conscious life would be extraordinarily rare?
> I certainly agree that it would be "extraordinarily rare", in the sense
> that the size of the lattice would need to be very big, and the number of
> clock-ticks required would need to be very large. But "big" and "large"
> such relative terms! Clearly, our own universe is very, very big. The
> question is, how can we sensibly determine whether life is more likely in
> our universe or in Conway's Life universe?
> I don't believe we have anywhere near enough data to answer this question,
> but I don't think it's unanswerable in principle. Fredkin actually
> that our universe is a 3+1D cellular automata, and if anyone ever found
> such a description of our physics (or some other fundamentally
> computational description), then we could directly compare it with
> Life, determining for each one how big the lattice needs to be, and how
> many clock-ticks are required, for life to appear with (say) 90%
> probability. (Of course, this determination might be difficult even when
> know the rules of the CAs. But we can try.)
> One thing that you'd have to take into account is the complexity of the
> rules you're comparing, including the number of states allowed per cell.
> Not only are the rules to Conway's Life extremely simple, but the cells
> binary. All things being equal, I would expect that an increase in the
> complexity of the rules and the number of cell-states allowed would
> decrease the necessary lattice-size and/or number of clock-ticks required
> for SASs to grow out of a pseudo-random initial state. I mention this to
> point out a problem with our intuitions about our universe vs. Conway's
> Life: the description of our universe is almost certainly more complex
> the description of Conway's Life with a simple initial state. If Fredkin
> actually succeeds in finding a 3+1D CA which describes our universe, it
> will almost certainly require more than 2 cell-states, and its rules will
> certainly be more complex than those of the Life universe. We have to take
> this difference into account when trying to compare the two universes, but
> we have nowhere near enough data to quantify the difference currently. We
> really don't know what size of space in the Life universe is equivalent to
> (say) a solar system in this universe.
> In a way, this is all beside the point, since I have no problem believing
> that one CA can evolve SASs much more easily than some other CA whose
> and initial state are exactly as complex. (In fact, this must be true,
> since for any CA that supports life at all, there's an equally complex one
> that isn't even computation universal.) I have no problem believing that
> the Life universe is, in some objective sense, not very conducive to SASs.
> Perhaps it's less conducive to SASs than our own universe, although I'm
> convinced. What I have a problem believing is that CAs as a class are
> somehow less conducive to observers than quantum-physical models as a
> class. In fact, I think it's substantially more likely that there are
> relatively simple CA models (and other computational models) that are much
> more conducive to SASs than either Conway's Life universe or our own.
> Models in which, for instance, neural-net structures arise much more
> naturally from the basic physics of the system than they do in our
> universe, or the Life universe.
> >In many ways, our universe seems tailor made for creating observers.
> I understand this perspective, but for what it's worth, I'm profoundly out
> of sympathy with it. In my view, computation universality is the real
key -
> life and consciousness ar

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-18 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sat, Jan 17, 2004 at 11:05:18PM -0800, Hal Finney wrote:

> Yes, I see that that is true.  I think it points to a problem with some
> of the simple conceptualizations of measure, about which I will say
> more below.But let me ask if you agree that considering Conway's 2D
> Life world with simply-specified initial conditions as in your example,
> that conscious life would be extraordinarily rare?

Life is an universal CA (it is possible to implement Life in Life e.g.), 
but not all universal CAs are suitably structure to
support emergence of life from a random pattern.

Biggest problem is translation, Life doesn't support translation of large
blocks, so you have to implement storage/copy, it doesn't have noniteractive
particles natively, it doesn't conserve noise naturally (you get increasingly
rare splotches of noise of gliders colliding with stationary/evolving

You could implement a more suitable CA (or any other machine) in Life, but it
couldn't emerge naturally (it would have a huge cell unit size), and it's not
obvious it could eventually overgrow the entire substrate, once emerged
(there might be tricks with perimeter guards, etc., but the whole point is
that Life is pretty hostile to emergence of life.
> I want to say, vastly more rare than in our universe, but of course we
> don't know how rare life actually is in our universe, so that may be a

It would be nice if we could find several independently emerged life
nucleation points in our solar system (difficult, given the high rates of
crosscontamination through impact ejecta).

If we don't find them, the emergence of local life is of course causally
linked to us, so it's still biased by the anthropic principle. We need other
data points, maybe from nearby systems.

> hard claim to justify.  But the point is that our universe has stable
> structures; it has atoms of dozens of different varieties, which can form
> uncountable millions of stable molecules.  It has mechanisms to generate
> varieties of these different molecules and collect them together in
> environments where they can react in interesting ways.  We don't have a
> full picture of how life and consciousness evolved, but looking around,
> it doesn't seem like it should have been THAT hard, which is where the
> Fermi paradox comes from.  In many ways, our universe seems tailor made

There's not much of a paradox, if you look at Fermi from anthropic principle
angle. And we absolutely can't say how probable emergence of an advanced
culture is (given the above).  We have been leading unusually sheltered
lifes, and there's nothing particularly obvious about us coming into being
scant few 100 megayears before the curtain falls on life in the local

> for creating observers.
> In contrast, in the Life world there are no equivalents to atoms or
> molecules, no chemical reactions.  It's too chaotic; there's not enough

Life's about patterns, not atoms or reactions. I agree that Life is sterile,
however, and there are no obvious tweaks in how make it work better.

However, most digital physics people seem to think the unit cell is at Planck
scale, or below, and I have absolutely no idea how a Plack scale life would
look like on macroscale, considering how much volume one has, and how many
iterations occur there.

I never figured out how to get rid of grid assymetries shining through to
macroscale, and how to generate rule tables with conservation laws intact,
but then there are perfectly spherical sound waves, and wave interferece in
stupid lattice gas automata, of all things.

That's pretty surprising, so perhaps it doesn't make sense to rule out too
much yet.

> structure.  Replicators and life seem to require a balance between
> chaos and stasis, and Life is far too dynamic.  It just looks to me
> like it would be almost impossible for replicators to arise naturally.
> Almost impossible, but not absolutely impossible, so if you tried enough
> initial conditions as you suggest, it would happen.  I won't belabor
> this argument unless you disagree about the ease with which life might
> arise in a Life universe, and consciousness evolve.

I'd rather amazed to see large assemblies capable of translation in Life
universe, already.
> that those are too parochial.  But as I recall he had a number of broad
> arguments that would apply even to a Life-like universe.
> This was the motivation for the idea I proposed a few days ago, that
> for applying anthropic reasoning, a universe should get a "bonus" if
> it had a high density of observers, rather than merely a high absolute

I'm not sure how that follows, using anthropic principle and relativistic
pioneer expansion wavefront (which directly follows from Darwin, and
current knowledge of propulsion methods) the Fermi paradoxon completely 

> number of them.  It's too easy to create universes with low-density
> observers, as your example of Life suggests.  But just as the existence
> of a counting progr

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-18 Thread Kory Heath
At 1/17/04, Hal Finney wrote:
But let me ask if you agree that considering Conway's 2D
Life world with simply-specified initial conditions as in your example,
that conscious life would be extraordinarily rare?
I certainly agree that it would be "extraordinarily rare", in the sense 
that the size of the lattice would need to be very big, and the number of 
clock-ticks required would need to be very large. But "big" and "large" are 
such relative terms! Clearly, our own universe is very, very big. The 
question is, how can we sensibly determine whether life is more likely in 
our universe or in Conway's Life universe?

I don't believe we have anywhere near enough data to answer this question, 
but I don't think it's unanswerable in principle. Fredkin actually believes 
that our universe is a 3+1D cellular automata, and if anyone ever found 
such a description of our physics (or some other fundamentally 
computational description), then we could directly compare it with Conway's 
Life, determining for each one how big the lattice needs to be, and how 
many clock-ticks are required, for life to appear with (say) 90% 
probability. (Of course, this determination might be difficult even when we 
know the rules of the CAs. But we can try.)

One thing that you'd have to take into account is the complexity of the 
rules you're comparing, including the number of states allowed per cell. 
Not only are the rules to Conway's Life extremely simple, but the cells are 
binary. All things being equal, I would expect that an increase in the 
complexity of the rules and the number of cell-states allowed would 
decrease the necessary lattice-size and/or number of clock-ticks required 
for SASs to grow out of a pseudo-random initial state. I mention this to 
point out a problem with our intuitions about our universe vs. Conway's 
Life: the description of our universe is almost certainly more complex than 
the description of Conway's Life with a simple initial state. If Fredkin 
actually succeeds in finding a 3+1D CA which describes our universe, it 
will almost certainly require more than 2 cell-states, and its rules will 
certainly be more complex than those of the Life universe. We have to take 
this difference into account when trying to compare the two universes, but 
we have nowhere near enough data to quantify the difference currently. We 
really don't know what size of space in the Life universe is equivalent to 
(say) a solar system in this universe.

In a way, this is all beside the point, since I have no problem believing 
that one CA can evolve SASs much more easily than some other CA whose rules 
and initial state are exactly as complex. (In fact, this must be true, 
since for any CA that supports life at all, there's an equally complex one 
that isn't even computation universal.) I have no problem believing that 
the Life universe is, in some objective sense, not very conducive to SASs. 
Perhaps it's less conducive to SASs than our own universe, although I'm not 
convinced. What I have a problem believing is that CAs as a class are 
somehow less conducive to observers than quantum-physical models as a 
class. In fact, I think it's substantially more likely that there are 
relatively simple CA models (and other computational models) that are much 
more conducive to SASs than either Conway's Life universe or our own. 
Models in which, for instance, neural-net structures arise much more 
naturally from the basic physics of the system than they do in our 
universe, or the Life universe.

In many ways, our universe seems tailor made for creating observers.
I understand this perspective, but for what it's worth, I'm profoundly out 
of sympathy with it. In my view, computation universality is the real key - 
life and consciousness are going to pop up in any universe that's 
computation universal, as long as the universe is big enough and/or it 
lasts long enough. (And there's always enough time and space in the 
Mathiverse!) When I think about the insane, teetering, jerry-rigged 
contraptions that we call life in this universe - when I think about the 
tortured complexity that matter has to twist itself into just to give us 
single-celled replicators - and when I think about the insane reaches of 
space we see around us (even if we end up finding life in practically every 
solar system, there's a crazy amount of space even between planets, not to 
mention stars) - I find it easy to believe that our universe is just one of 
those countless universes out there in Mathspace which isn't especially 
conducive to life at all, but is simply computation universal, so life pops 
up eventually.

Because of the above conclusions, the problem of measure is a serious one 
for me. I don't have a clue why I would be more likely to find myself in a 
universe like this one instead of some CA universe. Regarding your 
suggestion that we might judge universes not only by the complexity of 
their rules and initial states, but also by the com

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-18 Thread Hal Finney
Kory Heath, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, writes:
> It is very likely that even Conway's Life universe has this feature. Its 
> rules are absurdly simple, and we know that it can contain self-replicating 
> structures, which would be capable of mutation, and therefore evolution. We 
> can specify very simple initial conditions from which self-replicating 
> structures would be overwhelmingly likely to appear, as long as the lattice 
> is big enough. (The binary digits of many easily-computable real numbers 
> would work.)

Yes, I see that that is true.  I think it points to a problem with some
of the simple conceptualizations of measure, about which I will say
more below.But let me ask if you agree that considering Conway's 2D
Life world with simply-specified initial conditions as in your example,
that conscious life would be extraordinarily rare?

I want to say, vastly more rare than in our universe, but of course we
don't know how rare life actually is in our universe, so that may be a
hard claim to justify.  But the point is that our universe has stable
structures; it has atoms of dozens of different varieties, which can form
uncountable millions of stable molecules.  It has mechanisms to generate
varieties of these different molecules and collect them together in
environments where they can react in interesting ways.  We don't have a
full picture of how life and consciousness evolved, but looking around,
it doesn't seem like it should have been THAT hard, which is where the
Fermi paradox comes from.  In many ways, our universe seems tailor made
for creating observers.

In contrast, in the Life world there are no equivalents to atoms or
molecules, no chemical reactions.  It's too chaotic; there's not enough
structure.  Replicators and life seem to require a balance between
chaos and stasis, and Life is far too dynamic.  It just looks to me
like it would be almost impossible for replicators to arise naturally.
Almost impossible, but not absolutely impossible, so if you tried enough
initial conditions as you suggest, it would happen.  I won't belabor
this argument unless you disagree about the ease with which life might
arise in a Life universe, and consciousness evolve.

And the main point is that these are exactly the kinds of considerations
which Tegmark discusses.  Issues of stability of the building blocks
of life, of providing the right amounts and kinds of interactions.
These physics-like considerations are precisely the correct issues to
consider in looking at how easily observers will arise, and that is
Tegmark's point.

I haven't read Tegmark's paper in detail recently, and to the extent
that his arguments are based on string theory or QM then I would agree
that those are too parochial.  But as I recall he had a number of broad
arguments that would apply even to a Life-like universe.

Now I'll get back to the question above about measure.  There are
universes, as in your example, where life is intrinsically unlikely,
but if you make the universe large enough, and provide all possible
initial conditions for finite-sized regions, then in all that vastness,
somewhere life will exist.

The problem is, this is not too different from separately implementing
alternate, smaller versions of that universe, with different initial
conditions for each, so that all possible initial conditions are tried
in some universe.  A small fraction of those universes will have life.
To specify just one of the life-containing universes will typically
take a lot of information, while specifying all of the universes takes
less information.

This is analogous to the even broader picture of the "universal
dovetailer (UD)" program, the program that runs all programs (on all
initial conditions).  It's a very small program, yet it creates all
possible universes.  Even universes with incredibly complex laws of
physics and initial conditions are created by this extremely small
UD program.  Does this mean that all universes have the same measure,
and it is large, since this small program creates them?

The answer has to be no.  It's not enough to find a small program which
generates a desired structure, somewhere in the vastness that it creates.
Otherwise all integers would have the same complexity because they are
all created by a simple counting program.

Wei Dai once suggested a heuristic that the measure of a structure ought
to have two components: the size of the program that creates it; and the
size of a program which locates it in the output of the first program.
By this argument, you could have a big program which output just the
structure in question, which was then located by a trivial one; or you
could have a small program which output the structure among a vastness,
which then required a big program to locate it.  Either way, the
structure has a large measure.

This was the motivation for the idea I proposed a few days ago, that
for applying anthropic reasoning, a universe should get a "bonus" if
it had a high density of observ

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-17 Thread Kory Heath
At 1/17/04, Eric Hawthorne wrote:
Well here's the thing: The onus on you is to produce a "physical theory" 
that describes some subset of the computations of a 4D CA and which can 
explain (or posit or hypothesize if you will) properties of  observers (in 
that kind of world), and properties of the space that they observe, which 
would be self-consistent and descriptive of "interesting, constrained, 
lifelike behaviour and interaction with environment and sentient 
representation of environment aspects" etc.
I'm not sure I really understand what you're asking for here. I'm applying 
the very same concepts of "lifelike" and "sentient" that I apply to 
configurations of matter here in our own universe. These concepts certainly 
have to do with the things you mention - perception of surrounding 
environment, information processing, the building of internal 
representations, action within the environment, etc. All of these concepts 
are essentially computational, and are highly general. They should be 
applicable to substructures in any computation-universal system.

If you're asking how we would be able to recognize SASs (or even just 
lifelike substructures) in a 4D cellular automata, there's clearly no 
simple answer to that question. We can imagine running a giant computer 
implementation of a 4D world, with lots of software tools at our disposal. 
Obviously, we could examine the state of any bit in the lattice, and we 
could also build higher-level pattern-matching tools that would help us to 
recognize higher-level structures (like gliders, and perhaps larger 
molecule-like structures). To recognize lifelike substructures in the 
lattice, we would bring everything we know about computation, 
self-replication, information processing, etc., to bear on the subject. We 
already have some conception of what a self-replicating structure in 
Conway's Life universe would look like. I don't see any reason why we 
couldn't recognize such things if they arose naturally in some 4D CA that 
we were studying.

I have no doubt that the problem would be difficult. I am also fully aware 
that we have no precise "definition" which infallibly distinguishes all 
"living" sub-structures from "non-living" ones. This is true for any 
universe, including our own. We know that elephants are intelligent, but do 
we really have a clear picture of what kind of sentience they possess? The 
science-fiction author Stanislaw Lem suggests that alien intelligences in 
our own universe might be as big as galaxies, and might look to us simply 
like clouds of cosmic dust.

My guess is that that physical theory (and that subset of computations or 
computed states) would end up being proven to
be essentially equivalent to the physical theory of  OUR universe.
We may be starting a game of what Dennett calls "burden tennis", but it 
seems to me that the burden is entirely upon you to support such an 
extraordinary claim. Are you suggesting that, for any CA we discover that 
contains SASs, if we analyze how those SASs gain information about their 
environment and how they affect it, if we analyze how their environment 
must seem *to them*, we will find that it looks essentially like our own 
quantum-physical, relativistic universe? I find that highly implausible, to 
put it mildly.

Maybe you're simply arguing that our definitions of "life" and "sentience" 
are so tied to our particular physics that we simply wouldn't find SASs 
when we explore CA worlds. (Or, we'd only find them in those CA that manage 
to behave very much like our own universe, with QM and GR and all the 
rest.) Again, I find that highly implausible. I think our standard (fuzzy) 
conceptions of life and sentience are substantially more "substrate 
neutral" than that.

You can't just say "there could be life and sentience in this (arbitrarily 
weird) set of constraints" and then not bother to
define what you mean by life and sentience. They aren't self-explanatory 
concepts. Our definitions of them only apply
within universes that behave at least roughly as ours does.
As I've said, my definitions of life and sentience are essentially 
computational, and they're the same ones I apply to groups of molecules in 
our own local universe. I think these definitions are applicable within any 
universes that are computation-universal.

Of course, it should be obvious that my position rests on underlying 
positions about the possibility of computational models of life, 
consciousness, etc. If you don't believe, for instance, that hard-AI is 
possible, even in principle, then obviously you won't accept my 
conclusions, at least when it comes to intelligent SASs. But in that case, 
we're really talking past each other, and we need to back up - way up. (And 
frankly, I'm not interested in backing up that far.)

-- Kory

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-17 Thread CMR
> My guess is that that physical theory (and that subset of computations
> or computed states) would end up being proven to
> be essentially equivalent to the physical theory of  OUR universe. In
> other words, I believe in parochialism, because
> I believe everywhere else is a devilish, chaotic place

Perhaps, but hydro-thermal vents are rather devilish locales relative to our
raher narrow comfort zones.

> You can't just say "there could be life and sentience in this
> (arbitrarily weird) set of constraints" and then not bother to
> define what you mean by life and sentience. They aren't self-explanatory
> concepts. Our definitions of them only apply
> within universes that behave at least roughly as ours does.

Fair enough. How about, say, if a given universe can harbour phenomena that
meet at least this criteria:

"Life is the result of the non random replication of randomly varying
replicators" (Dawkins)

Then the possibility of emergent sentience can be entertained, IMHO.


Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-17 Thread CMR
> I agree that this is what Tegmark is trying to say.  If we look at it
> in terms of measure, there are (broadly speaking) two ways for creatures
> to exist: artificial or natural.  By artificial I mean that there could
> be some incredibly complex combination of laws and initial conditions
> built into the simulated universe so that the creature's existence was in
> effect pre-ordained.  (If we ever build a simulation containing conscious
> entities, our first attempts will almost certainly be of this type,
> where we have carefully crafted the program to create consciousness.)
> By natural I mean that we could have simple laws of physics and initial

I agree that the "consciousness" (assuming our definitions of same
correspond) would likely result from "complex combination of laws and
initial conditions built into the simulated universe", but I submit that it
is just as likely to be an incidental emergent phenom of an everymore
complex interconnected distributed computational network as the result of
any planned process.

Would we even recognize such an "entity", or it us? Possibly, but Wolfram
alludes to the challenges of percieving the intelligence of "beings" whose
ecology operates on spacial and/or temporal scales foreign to our sensory

>Of course, there's always a risk in such arguments that we may be falling
>victim to parochialism, thinking that our own way of life is the only
>one possible.  It may be that there are some possible life forms that
>exist in a very different mode than we have imagined, in a universe with
>different dimensionality, or perhaps one where dimensionality doesn't
>even make sense.  But I think overall Tegmark does a good job in avoiding
>at least the most obvious flaws of parochialism and anthropomorphism.

Indeed. The constraints to, and requirements for, terrestrial life have had
to be revised and extended of late, given thermophiles and the like. Though
they obviously share our dimensional requisites, they do serve to highlight
the risk of prematurely pronouncing the "facts of life".


Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-17 Thread Eric Hawthorne

Kory Heath wrote:

Tegmark goes into some detail on the
problems with other than 3+1 dimensional space.

Once again, I don't see how these problems apply to 4D CA. His 
arguments are extremely physics-centric ones having to do with what 
happens when you tweak quantum-mechanical or string-theory models of 
our particular universe.

Well here's the thing: The onus on you is to produce a "physical theory" 
that describes some subset of the computations of a 4D CA
and which can explain (or posit or hypothesize if you will) properties 
of  observers (in that kind of world), and properties of the space
that they observe, which would be self-consistent and descriptive of 
"interesting, constrained, lifelike behaviour and interaction
with environment and sentient representation of environment aspects" etc.

My guess is that that physical theory (and that subset of computations 
or computed states) would end up being proven to
be essentially equivalent to the physical theory of  OUR universe. In 
other words, I believe in parochialism, because
I believe everywhere else is a devilish, chaotic place.

You can't just say "there could be life and sentience in this 
(arbitrarily weird) set of constraints" and then not bother to
define what you mean by life and sentience. They aren't self-explanatory 
concepts. Our definitions of them only apply
within universes that behave at least roughly as ours does.

You'll have to come up with the generalized criteria for generalized N-D 
SAS's (what would constitute one)
before saying "they could exist."


Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-17 Thread Kory Heath
At 1/17/04, Hal Finney wrote:
By natural I mean that we could have simple laws of physics and initial
conditions in which the creatures evolve over a long period of time,
as we have seen in our universe.
It is very likely that even Conway's Life universe has this feature. Its 
rules are absurdly simple, and we know that it can contain self-replicating 
structures, which would be capable of mutation, and therefore evolution. We 
can specify very simple initial conditions from which self-replicating 
structures would be overwhelmingly likely to appear, as long as the lattice 
is big enough. (The binary digits of many easily-computable real numbers 
would work.) Moving from this 2D world, in which each cell can be pictured 
as a square with 4 orthogonal neighbors, we can consider 3D CA in which 
each cell is a cube with 6 orthogonal neighbors. There are rule sets and 
initial conditions for this lattice structure that are just as simple as 
Conway's life, which can similarly contain evolving self-replicating 
structures. We can go further and envision a 4D CA in which each cell is a 
hypercube with 8 orthogonal neighbors. Without a doubt, there are absurdly 
simple rulesets for this lattice structure which are computation universal, 
support stable structures like gliders, and support self-replicating 
structures which would grow and evolve.

Universes of the natural type would seem likely to have higher measure,
because they are inherently simpler to specify.
If that's true, then the CA universes described above should have very high 
measure, because they are extremely simple to specify.

Tegmark goes into some detail on the
problems with other than 3+1 dimensional space.
Once again, I don't see how these problems apply to 4D CA. His arguments 
are extremely physics-centric ones having to do with what happens when you 
tweak quantum-mechanical or string-theory models of our particular universe.

-- Kory

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-17 Thread Kory Heath
At 1/17/04, Eric Hawthorne wrote:
1. All cellular automata which are computationally universal are reducible 
to each other, by the definition of universality, so it doesn't matter 
which D the automaton program itself is. The subject matter that they can 
represent and compute is equivalent.
That's correct on one level, but what we're really interested in is the 
dimensionality of space that SASs within the computation would perceive 
their world as having. For instance, we know that there is a very simple 1D 
CA that's computation universal (Wolfram's rule 110), so we know that we 
can implement any higher-dimensional cellular automata in rule 110. 
However, if we implement in rule 110 some 3D CA which contains SASs, these 
SASs would go right on moving around in their 3D world and perceiving their 
space as 3D. In an important sense, it would be incorrect to say that those 
SASs live in a 1D world, even though ultimately their "substrate" is 1D. 
This is really just another example of the familiar concept of "substrate 

So at the least the 2D or 4 or 5D sentient creatures would be frustrated
(remember, they are SUBSTRUCTURES, they're not computing the space itself, 
part of the space and perceiving and acting on other parts of it).
But what possible reason do we have for believing that 4D or 5D cellular 
automata (or, to be more careful, cellular automata which would be 
perceived as 4D or 5D by the SASs within them) are somehow hostile to the 
existence of SASs? The arguments in Tegmark's paper about how universes 
with more than 3 spacial dimensions can't support stable structures like 
atoms simply don't apply to 4D cellular automata. Those arguments are very 
specific, applying only to quantum-physical and string-theory models.

-- Kory

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-17 Thread Hal Finney
Eric Hawthorne writes:
> 2. SAS's which are part of a 3+1 space may not have higher measure than 
> SAS's in other spaces, but perhaps the SAS's
> in the other spaces wouldn't have "a decent way to make a living". In 
> other words, maybe they'd have a hard time
> perceiving the things in their space, existing coherently "physically" 
> in it, being able to "incrementally impact and survival-optimize"
> their surroundings in the space etc.
> In other words they'd be inhabiting (and trying to perceive and act on)
> or of UNRULY, untameable hyperbolic  physical laws and functions.

I agree that this is what Tegmark is trying to say.  If we look at it
in terms of measure, there are (broadly speaking) two ways for creatures
to exist: artificial or natural.  By artificial I mean that there could
be some incredibly complex combination of laws and initial conditions
built into the simulated universe so that the creature's existence was in
effect pre-ordained.  (If we ever build a simulation containing conscious
entities, our first attempts will almost certainly be of this type,
where we have carefully crafted the program to create consciousness.)
By natural I mean that we could have simple laws of physics and initial
conditions in which the creatures evolve over a long period of time,
as we have seen in our universe.

Universes of the natural type would seem likely to have higher measure,
because they are inherently simpler to specify.  It is in those universes
where Tegmark's physics-based arguments come into play.  For creatures
to evolve, to become complex, to optimize for survival, things like
dimensionality are very relevant.  Tegmark goes into some detail on the
problems with other than 3+1 dimensional space.

Of course, there's always a risk in such arguments that we may be falling
victim to parochialism, thinking that our own way of life is the only
one possible.  It may be that there are some possible life forms that
exist in a very different mode than we have imagined, in a universe with
different dimensionality, or perhaps one where dimensionality doesn't
even make sense.  But I think overall Tegmark does a good job in avoiding
at least the most obvious flaws of parochialism and anthropomorphism.

Hal Finney

Re: Tegmark is too "physics-centric"

2004-01-17 Thread Eric Hawthorne

Kory Heath wrote:

I greatly enjoyed Tegmark's "Is 'the theory of everything' merely the 
ultimate ensemble theory?", and there are parts of it that I agree 
with wholeheartedly (for instance, his arguments against the idea that 
the AUH is "wasteful"). However, whenever he talks about the 
testability of the AUH, his views seem unjustifiably physics-centric 
to me.

For instance, he seems impressed by the fact that versions of our 
physics with more than 3 dimensions are insufficiently stable to 
support atoms (and presumably, therefore, self-aware substructures), 
and those with less than 3 dimensions are insufficiently complex to 
support SASs. These are interesting facts, but I fail to see their 
importance when you consider the entire ensemble of possible 
mathematical structures. For instance, consider the infinitely many 
cellular automata that exist in the Mathiverse. We know of very simple 
1D, 2D, and 3D cellular automata that are computation universal, and 
therefore (I believe) capable of containing SASs. Undoubtedly there an 
infinite number of 4D cellular automata that are computation universal 
and contain SASs that perceive their surroundings as 4D. Ditto for CA 
with dimensions higher than 4.

Perhaps it's true that within the ensemble of all quantum-physical 
universes in Mathspace, only those with 3+1 dimensionality contain 
SASs. But what possible reason do we have for believing that these 
SASs (or the observer-moments of those SASs) have a greater measure 
than those in the ensemble of all cellular automata?

1. All cellular automata which are computationally universal are 
reducible to each other, by the definition of universality, so it doesn't
matter which D the automaton program itself is. The subject matter that 
they can represent and compute is equivalent.

2. SAS's which are part of a 3+1 space may not have higher measure than 
SAS's in other spaces, but perhaps the SAS's
in the other spaces wouldn't have "a decent way to make a living". In 
other words, maybe they'd have a hard time
perceiving the things in their space, existing coherently "physically" 
in it, being able to "incrementally impact and survival-optimize"
their surroundings in the space etc.
In other words they'd be inhabiting (and trying to perceive and act on)
or of UNRULY, untameable hyperbolic  physical laws and functions.

So at the least the 2D or 4 or 5D sentient creatures would be frustrated
(remember, they are SUBSTRUCTURES, they're not computing the space 
itself, they're
part of the space and perceiving and acting on other parts of it).

At worst, their own "physical" existence in the flat or unruly space 
would be impossible to define coherently, so
they couldn't BE anything that we would recognize as a perceiving-acting 
lifeform. Maybe there's still room for some
other ultra-weird form of self-contemplative (4Dimensional navel-gazing) 
Ent-lifeform thingy, but I don't think so.
I, like Tegmark, believe that the constraints for life, and sentient 
life in particular, are are EXTREMELY ONEROUS.
There are so many constraints, I believe, that it is possible but only 
just so, and so expected to be extremely rare even
in a very large universe (note, the universe may be infinite but the 
event horizon of intercommunicable beings or parts
of beings and their environment is not (at any given time, for a 
finite-lifetime creature). Each "liveable part" of the universe
is constrained to that subspace reachable by lightspeed interaction.
Within each interreachable event horizon, i.e. each observable universe, 
life and sentience should be rare because of the
need to satisfy a very large number of constraints simultaneously to get 
life and sentience and to retain them.
