[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread salyavin808
I see you are reduced to your usual nitpicking in order to mask the fact  you 
have no argument.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 BTW, it's Feser, not Fess. I corrected you once on this already. It's not 
really such a difficult name to spell. 
 And I notice from the Ed Fess blog

[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread salyavin808

 Is that it? No argument whatsoever? But then you didn't have one going in to 
the discussion so why would you have one at the end. Business as usual.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 (snip all kinds of nonsense)

 You do realize this is a metaphysical, not a scientific, statement, do you not?

 So the only way it isn't in conflict with science is because it isn't 
measurable. And if it isn't measurable it isn't real.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Three Categories of Meditation

2014-04-15 Thread LEnglish5
Thanks, I'll give you all the due consideration you are due, dude. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I think Lawson, you need to get a little beyond MMY's *Yoga-lite for 
modernity* and start studying Yoga per se, I think you'll understand even MMY 
better IMO. MMY never taught TM in the context of Yoga, except marginally and 
most of what he taught he never bothered to reconcile with contemporary 
understandings of classical Yoga.
 The Self IS BLISS, in Yoga it's called the Ananda-Maya-Kosha, or bliss 
covering, it IS the jiva that has yet to be  expanded into the ONE, or God 
immanent in all creation; beyond that is Brahman, and the Unity of the two is 
what I believe MMY called Brahm, or the conjoining of Silence and Dynamism.

 If you haven't experienced Bliss you haven't even transcended to experience 
your own soul, much less God's, or Brahman! Ha


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yes, but even so, that break between thoughts can still be there. The ultimate 
meditation is when you have no thoughts, no mantra for the entire period and 
never leave the PC again. 

 Plenty of people have self-during-meditation at all times in meditation 
practices. That's no big deal. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 M said on my Age of Enlightenmnet course that no mantra , no thoughts 
transcending was just in the *beginning days* of meditation. That as one 
developes, one would experience a combination of silence or stillness 
underlying thoughts and mantra indicating the developement of CC, transcendence 
and activity(mental) at the same time. Transendental awareness can be 
experienced as *flat* or with that bubbling laughter like bliss
 On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:30 PM, wgm4u  wrote:

 People who think they are transcending to pure consciousness during TM are 
merely parroting the TM movement jargon! No mantra, no thoughts? Pure 
Consciousness?? doubtful! like MMY used to say in the beginning 7 steps, 
"you know it's a house, not a tree", that typifies most people's 
experience, it's just a distant glimpse, if you're lucky, which is good, but 
not pure Sat-Chit-Ananda.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Depends on the individual, Billy.  We have folks here who claim they never got 
a buzz off performing the puja.  It makes me wonder if they even got a "buzz" 
off doing TM.  Maybe they were just there for the party.
 I certainly got a buzz off the puja and also some good meditations with TM. 
But I also had kundalini rise the first time I tried to meditate from 
instructions in a book some 3 years prior to learning TM.
 Bliss consciousness is shakti and very nice.  Thick and creamy is the best 
kind.  Comes in the tantra bottle. ;-) 
 On 04/15/2014 10:04 AM, wgm4u wrote:

 All that would all be true IF TM'ers actually *transcended to pure 
consciousness* which most don't, IMHO. Pure consciousness is a state of pure 
**bliss** consciousness;  no thought, no mantra and no bliss?,  equals NO pure 
consciousness! Most transcend a little and that's good, but let's not over 
exaggerate here, like MMY did over and over again!
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 Back to the basics:




[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Are you drunk?? 

 What the fuck makes you imagine I think the laws of physics are inadequate 
compared to theism? I don't know what that could even mean.

 Sober up and stop talking gibberish.

 Bawwy brings out the big and devastating club which he thinks passes for his 
intellect. When all else fails drop the "f" bomb and stomp off, maiming small 
children on the way out. Judy, this is all Bawwy's got. He's a simpleton and a 
bully and his sole interest in life is to do whatever he can to make himself 
feel better and smarter and more worldly than anyone else. In reality he is a 
common thug.

 Oh, even worse, that was Sal who said this. What is happening? Is Bawwy 
catching? Sal, you need to take your temperature and get into bed. I think 
you've caught something vicious - you sound just like Bawwy.

 Who is this Bawwy?

 Good question. I can't figure it out, can you?

  And why would you care? 

 On some level I don't and on another level I "care" in the same way I care 
that some idiot is intent on walking in front of a train or insists on making a 
fool of themselves in public

 Judy just likes arguing. Are you so blind to what she's like, did you not read 
the rest of this exchange? 

 Now that is funny. And Bawwy isn't just the most repetitive, uninteresting 
boor? I mean, honestly, even in England they have these kinds of dweebs, I've 
seen them so you can't pretend that you don't know better. Judy can be 
unrelenting but Bawwy is a waste of space.

 Maybe it's because you've never had an opinion contrary to hers that you don't 
know what a pointless exercise it is talking to her about anything when she 
falls back on tricks like this. 

 No, I just don't care to tangle with her and we happen to agree on quite a 
bit. There are subjects that she talks about I am either ignorant about or have 
no interest in so I shut up about them. It is up to you if you want to engage 
with her. She can appreciate a good point with the best of them but she isn't 
afraid to tell it like she sees it. I don't always agree but in most cases 
don't need to pick any fights. Bottom line: the woman terrifies me.

 I'm hardly the first person to try and try again but this is how it always 
ends. It's surreal. She doesn't like explaining herself, just huffing and 
puffing about how stupid everyone else is. read back through the years, go on. 
Check some of the jyotish conversations in particular. Hilarious. she just 
likes arguing. Go figure.

 I think she likes a good discussion and she can carry one with the best of 
them. Actually, if you go back and see some of her interactions with Bob P 
and/or Robin you will see some pretty interesting and very intelligent 
investigations. If you know where and how to mine her intelligence it usually 
produces gold.


 And as if I don't think before I write somethingduh. Like I haven't 
thought about how theism affects the current paradigm of western thought. 
Honestly.. as if.

 Frankly, I think you're one smart and interesting guy who has seen a good 
schwack of life and who has worked a lot of it through to arrive at a place 
where you seem fairly comfortable in your own skin. I would like to have a real 
face to face conversation with you and have a vigorous stroll around London.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up. 

 We're waiting.



[FairfieldLife] TMers Produce Negative Energy

2014-04-15 Thread jr_esq
If MMY's technology is valid, that means the flying sutra produces negative 
energy.  Thus, levitation or negative gravity occurs.  This technology could 
lead to building a warp drive. Is that correct? 


[FairfieldLife] Studying the minions, was Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/15/2014 4:55 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

You do realize this is a metaphysical, not a scientific, statement, do 
you not?

So the only way it isn't in conflict with science is because it isn't 
measurable. And if it isn't measurable it isn't real.

Apparently the doesn't realize that all propositions are 
self-contradictory, therefore not real, in the absolute sense. The 
central technique is to show by prasanga that any positive assertion or 
view regarding phenomena must be regarded as merely conventional. "It is 
not necessary for the proponent and opponent to use the same kind of 
valid cognition to establish a common subject; indeed it is possible to 
change the view of an opponent through an reductio argument."


This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Three Categories of Meditation

2014-04-15 Thread wgm4u
I think Lawson, you need to get a little beyond MMY's *Yoga-lite for modernity* 
and start studying Yoga per se, I think you'll understand even MMY better IMO. 
MMY never taught TM in the context of Yoga, except marginally and most of what 
he taught he never bothered to reconcile with contemporary understandings of 
classical Yoga.
 The Self IS BLISS, in Yoga it's called the Ananda-Maya-Kosha, or bliss 
covering, it IS the jiva that has yet to be  expanded into the ONE, or God 
immanent in all creation; beyond that is Brahman, and the Unity of the two is 
what I believe MMY called Brahm, or the conjoining of Silence and Dynamism.

 If you haven't experienced Bliss you haven't even transcended to experience 
your own soul, much less God's, or Brahman! Ha


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yes, but even so, that break between thoughts can still be there. The ultimate 
meditation is when you have no thoughts, no mantra for the entire period and 
never leave the PC again. 

 Plenty of people have self-during-meditation at all times in meditation 
practices. That's no big deal. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 M said on my Age of Enlightenmnet course that no mantra , no thoughts 
transcending was just in the *beginning days* of meditation. That as one 
developes, one would experience a combination of silence or stillness 
underlying thoughts and mantra indicating the developement of CC, transcendence 
and activity(mental) at the same time. Transendental awareness can be 
experienced as *flat* or with that bubbling laughter like bliss
 On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:30 PM, wgm4u  wrote:

 People who think they are transcending to pure consciousness during TM are 
merely parroting the TM movement jargon! No mantra, no thoughts? Pure 
Consciousness?? doubtful! like MMY used to say in the beginning 7 steps, 
"you know it's a house, not a tree", that typifies most people's 
experience, it's just a distant glimpse, if you're lucky, which is good, but 
not pure Sat-Chit-Ananda.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Depends on the individual, Billy.  We have folks here who claim they never got 
a buzz off performing the puja.  It makes me wonder if they even got a "buzz" 
off doing TM.  Maybe they were just there for the party.
 I certainly got a buzz off the puja and also some good meditations with TM. 
But I also had kundalini rise the first time I tried to meditate from 
instructions in a book some 3 years prior to learning TM.
 Bliss consciousness is shakti and very nice.  Thick and creamy is the best 
kind.  Comes in the tantra bottle. ;-) 
 On 04/15/2014 10:04 AM, wgm4u wrote:

 All that would all be true IF TM'ers actually *transcended to pure 
consciousness* which most don't, IMHO. Pure consciousness is a state of pure 
**bliss** consciousness;  no thought, no mantra and no bliss?,  equals NO pure 
consciousness! Most transcend a little and that's good, but let's not over 
exaggerate here, like MMY did over and over again!
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 Back to the basics:




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Three Categories of Meditation

2014-04-15 Thread wgm4u

 With all due respect I think M was just describing what most TM'ers 
experience, not the actual state of Self Realization which is a *reflection* of 
PC on the level of the individual soul or jiva. If it were merely *flat* what 
good would it be, God is 'flat', really? come on! "Everybody's inner Being is 
pure happiness", he said that too!, when he wasn't spinning and promoting TM 
and Vedic Science (neo-Hinduism).

 Self Realization (MMY's CC) expands into God Realization and that expands into 
Unity. In this case I am defining PC as the transcendental Brahman or the 
Absolute. MMY says in the Gita, "..contact with Brahman brings bliss", 
paraphrased. Self Realization (way before Unity) is the first contact of the 
soul with God and certainly not even transcendental unless you describe 
anything beyond thinking to be transcendental, and even then it would be called 
the *ananda-maya-kosha* or the bliss covering of the soul, still maya, and 
still relative. MMY never described these states adequately, IMO.

 You can't experience pure transcendental consciousness at least until you have 
realized Self Realization FIRST! and you certainly can't skip it to PC or the 
Absolute Brahman. Even Jesus said you can't come to the Father (Brahman or Pure 
transcendental consciousness) except through me (the formless Christ/Krishna 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 M said on my Age of Enlightenmnet course that no mantra , no thoughts 
transcending was just in the *beginning days* of meditation. That as one 
developes, one would experience a combination of silence or stillness 
underlying thoughts and mantra indicating the developement of CC, transcendence 
and activity(mental) at the same time. Transendental awareness can be 
experienced as *flat* or with that bubbling laughter like bliss
 On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:30 PM, wgm4u  wrote:

 People who think they are transcending to pure consciousness during TM are 
merely parroting the TM movement jargon! No mantra, no thoughts? Pure 
Consciousness?? doubtful! like MMY used to say in the beginning 7 steps, 
"you know it's a house, not a tree", that typifies most people's 
experience, it's just a distant glimpse, if you're lucky, which is good, but 
not pure Sat-Chit-Ananda.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Depends on the individual, Billy.  We have folks here who claim they never got 
a buzz off performing the puja.  It makes me wonder if they even got a "buzz" 
off doing TM.  Maybe they were just there for the party.
 I certainly got a buzz off the puja and also some good meditations with TM. 
But I also had kundalini rise the first time I tried to meditate from 
instructions in a book some 3 years prior to learning TM.
 Bliss consciousness is shakti and very nice.  Thick and creamy is the best 
kind.  Comes in the tantra bottle. ;-) 
 On 04/15/2014 10:04 AM, wgm4u wrote:

 All that would all be true IF TM'ers actually *transcended to pure 
consciousness* which most don't, IMHO. Pure consciousness is a state of pure 
**bliss** consciousness;  no thought, no mantra and no bliss?,  equals NO pure 
consciousness! Most transcend a little and that's good, but let's not over 
exaggerate here, like MMY did over and over again!
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 Back to the basics:




[FairfieldLife] Apocalypse, Man

2014-04-15 Thread Bhairitu
Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 1):

Ruppert committed suicide after his Sunday evening podcast.  Podcast here:

"Collapse" a documentary with Ruppert:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Three Categories of Meditation

2014-04-15 Thread LEnglish5
Yes, but even so, that break between thoughts can still be there. The ultimate 
meditation is when you have no thoughts, no mantra for the entire period and 
never leave the PC again. 

 Plenty of people have self-during-meditation at all times in meditation 
practices. That's no big deal. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 M said on my Age of Enlightenmnet course that no mantra , no thoughts 
transcending was just in the *beginning days* of meditation. That as one 
developes, one would experience a combination of silence or stillness 
underlying thoughts and mantra indicating the developement of CC, transcendence 
and activity(mental) at the same time. Transendental awareness can be 
experienced as *flat* or with that bubbling laughter like bliss
 On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:30 PM, wgm4u  wrote:

 People who think they are transcending to pure consciousness during TM are 
merely parroting the TM movement jargon! No mantra, no thoughts? Pure 
Consciousness?? doubtful! like MMY used to say in the beginning 7 steps, 
"you know it's a house, not a tree", that typifies most people's 
experience, it's just a distant glimpse, if you're lucky, which is good, but 
not pure Sat-Chit-Ananda.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Depends on the individual, Billy.  We have folks here who claim they never got 
a buzz off performing the puja.  It makes me wonder if they even got a "buzz" 
off doing TM.  Maybe they were just there for the party.
 I certainly got a buzz off the puja and also some good meditations with TM. 
But I also had kundalini rise the first time I tried to meditate from 
instructions in a book some 3 years prior to learning TM.
 Bliss consciousness is shakti and very nice.  Thick and creamy is the best 
kind.  Comes in the tantra bottle. ;-) 
 On 04/15/2014 10:04 AM, wgm4u wrote:

 All that would all be true IF TM'ers actually *transcended to pure 
consciousness* which most don't, IMHO. Pure consciousness is a state of pure 
**bliss** consciousness;  no thought, no mantra and no bliss?,  equals NO pure 
consciousness! Most transcend a little and that's good, but let's not over 
exaggerate here, like MMY did over and over again!
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 Back to the basics:




[FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 16-Apr-14 00:15:08 UTC

2014-04-15 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 04/12/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/19/14 00:00:00
418 messages as of (UTC) 04/15/14 22:09:08

 57 authfriend
 53 Richard J. Williams 
 41 nablusoss1008 
 35 salyavin808 
 33 Bhairitu 
 32 dhamiltony2k5
 30 Share Long 
 23 TurquoiseBee 
 23 Michael Jackson 
 17 Pundit Sir 
 14 awoelflebater
  9 emilymaenot
  9 LEnglish5
  7 anartaxius
  6 Mike Dixon 
  4 steve.sundur
  4 srijau
  4 cardemaister
  3 jr_esq
  3 j_alexander_stanley
  3 Rick Archer 
  2 wgm4u 
  2 Duveyoung 
  2 Dick Mays 
  1 Turquoise 
  1 Toby Walker 
Posters: 26
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread authfriend
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell

 I do believe you've quoted this from the FFL home page approvingly a number of 
times here. Doesn't really seem to describe your attitude toward theism, I'm 

 I would suggest that neither Salyavin nor myself have any interest whatsoever 
in "defeating theism." We just like to laugh at those dumb enough to believe in 

 It REALLY DOESN'T MATTER whether you call it "a being" or "Being Itself," it's 
still a dumbfuck idea. And those who believe in it aren't worth wasting one's 
time on. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread authfriend
BTW, it's Feser, not Fess. I corrected you once on this already. It's not 
really such a difficult name to spell. 
 And I notice from the Ed Fess blog

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Three Categories of Meditation

2014-04-15 Thread Mike Dixon
M said on my Age of Enlightenmnet course that no mantra , no thoughts 
transcending was just in the *beginning days* of meditation. That as one 
developes, one would experience a combination of silence or stillness 
underlying thoughts and mantra indicating the developement of CC, transcendence 
and activity(mental) at the same time. Transendental awareness can be 
experienced as *flat* or with that bubbling laughter like bliss
On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:30 PM, wgm4u  wrote:

People who think they are transcending to pure consciousness during TM are 
merely parroting the TM movement jargon! No mantra, no thoughts? Pure 
Consciousness?? doubtful! like MMY used to say in the beginning 7 steps, 
"you know it's a house, not a tree", that typifies most people's 
experience, it's just a distant glimpse, if you're lucky, which is good, but 
not pure Sat-Chit-Ananda.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Depends on the individual, Billy.  We
have folks here who claim they never got a buzz off performing the
puja.  It makes me wonder if they even got a "buzz" off doing TM. 
Maybe they were just there for the party.

I certainly got a buzz off the puja and also some good meditations
with TM. But I also had kundalini rise the first time I tried to
meditate from instructions in a book some 3 years prior to
learning TM.

Bliss consciousness is shakti and very nice.  Thick and creamy is
the best kind.  Comes in the tantra bottle. ;-) 

On 04/15/2014 10:04 AM, wgm4u wrote:
>All that would all be true IF
TM'ers actually *transcended to pure consciousness* which
most don't, IMHO. Pure consciousness is a state of pure
**bliss** consciousness;  no thought, no mantra and no
bliss?,  equals NO pure consciousness! Most transcend a
little and that's good, but let's not over exaggerate
here, like MMY did over and over again!
>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
>Back to the basics:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread authfriend
(snip all kinds of nonsense)

 You do realize this is a metaphysical, not a scientific, statement, do you not?

 So the only way it isn't in conflict with science is because it isn't 
measurable. And if it isn't measurable it isn't real.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 P.S.: Either you just made up what you attributed to me in a malicious attempt 
to make me look stupid,

 Yup, malicious that's me. You made yourself look stupid - not to mention 
exceptionally irritating - with your refusal to explain what you mean. See also 
our oft repeated jyotish discussion.

 And I notice from the Ed Fess blog that he uses the same lame argument about 
having to have read all types to know that you can discount them. Nonsense. If 
I was to say you have to have ridden every type of bicycle before you can say 
you don't like cycling what would you say? It's the concept dear.


  or your thinking has been going off in the wrong direction, at least where 
classical theism is concerned.

 Depends which version of classical theism you are talking about, there appear 
to be hundreds but I've no doubt they can all be adapted to avoid having to 
provide any actual evidence beyond the "I want it to be like this" variety.

 I repeat my usual position that applies to all theism. It's unnecessary so why 
bother? That's a fab encapsulation by the way, not as elegant as Xeno but it 
sure is succinct.


 There is no conflict whatsoever between classical theism and science, 
including the laws of physics 

 You may have found a version that doesn't but I can assure you that any god 
that has these qualities.

 Transcendence Omnipotence Omniscience Omnipresence Absolute Benevolence 
but doesn't, or never has, interfered with his creation is missing a trick. 
The funny thing about the universe is that it looks exactly as one would if it 
wasn't made by a god with these classical theistic qualities. Odd that.

 But please don't write back with another "but you don't understand, my god is 
different..." it's the concept. I'm sure Ed Fess can wriggle his way round it 
with some other version but I really don't care. I convert for evidence. And 
necessity would count as a form of evidence. And there is no necessity, as well 
as the other major evidential problems. And like that we have a much better 

 So really, why bother? Unless you want to. and if you want to, fine.



 Here's how science works. Someone has a model of how they think the world 
works - an old one is that the earth is the centre of the universe and 
everything else revolves round it. Looks good from a position standing on the 
Earth's surface but if you measure the way planets move you find you have a 
really complex set of mathematical calculations to make so you can make 
predictions about where they will be in the future.

 Sometime later someone thought that maybe the Earth isn't the centre of the 
universe and that everything went round the sun. Voila! all of a sudden things 
made more sense, and the universe had become simpler to explain. Simplicity in 
explanations is good.

 That's been going on for centuries, new measurements reveal that an old model 
of the universe is inadequate so a new one has to be drawn up. That process 
will continue until someone puts down their electron microscope and says that's 
it. Finished. Until that glorious day (if it ever happens) anyone with an idea 
that improves upon an old one has to provide a superior explanation to the one 
they are replacing. This will get accepted as the new paradigm. Simples.

 I ask myself what contribution the many versions of classical theism (or any 
sort - they are much of a muchness to me) is actually making that improves on 
what we have. Seems like not much, but as it concerns a prime mover it would 
have to be fundamental wouldn't it? It also seems to me that classical theism 
would be one of the early models that got superceded. If it was real it would 
be kind of hard for an accurate model to function without it I would have 
thought. But it determinedly refuses to be measurable except as something 
people want to be true. 

 So the only way it isn't in conflict with science is because it isn't 
measurable. And if it isn't measurable it isn't real.

 It's the concept, it's wrong. 



[FairfieldLife] Howard Stern and Jerry Seinfeld discussing TM in a roadside cafe. It feels pretty unrehearsed.

2014-04-15 Thread LEnglish5

 If feels like David Lynch or one of his people just asked them to set there 
and discuss TM as though it were a casual conversation. Of course, given 
David's ability to work with VCR cameras, it may have been a completely 
contrived, multi-take scene.


[FairfieldLife] Re: If the siddhis were real, here's a typical day in the life of a MSAE kid.

2014-04-15 Thread LEnglish5
I am exceedingly certain that the TM-Sidhis ARE real, at least with respect to 
how they are supposed to affect the state of consciousness of the person who 
does them. 

 Now, obviously, I can't prove that the floating stage of Yogic Flying is real, 
nor can I prove that TM + TM-Sidhis is beneficial to anyone, let alone everyone 
who practices them, but the EEG results of long-term practice of TM + TM-SIdhis 
look to be obviously different than simply doing TM for the same amount of time.

 So... if you trust that the EEG changes are in the direction of some state 
that is of value, then doing TM + TM-sidhis regularly is of value.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 http://imgur.com/gallery/eQ5NM http://imgur.com/gallery/eQ5NM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread authfriend
Xeno's fine in this post. I'll just respond to Barry, because what he says 
requires correction. (What else is new?)

 This reply is also specifically for Anartaxius, and is *not* to be used as a 
springboard for Judy Stein to use it as an opportunity to reply to him while 
still pretending to keep her word about never replying to Anartaxius until he 
apologizes for some imagined past affront. :-) 

 It wasn't "imagined." He accused me of being dishonest. I told him he'd need 
to withdraw that charge (I don't believe I said he had to apologize) if we were 
to continue the discussions we'd been having. I never said I would never reply 
to him again.

That said -- and directed solely to Anartaxius -- well said. It's nice to see 
that *someone* here can actually express their thoughts about theism and 
post-theism, and in their own words. without relying on the Cliff Notes version 
of thinkers they probably have never even read.

 Wrong again, toots. No Cliff notes versions, and I most certainly have read 
the thinkers.

I agree with many of his words, and don't have much to say about the few I 
disagree with, for the simple reason that Anartaxius merely states what he 
believes, as opposed to trying to make other people believe it. That's the crux 
of the issue IMO.

 Then why do you attack me, when I've never tried to make anyone believe 
anything? Liar. Nor have I tried to get you to argue about your beliefs. That 
would be foolish, because you don't have the intellect to do so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: "anartax...@yahoo.com" 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 9:32 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

This reply is specifically for Judy, not Turq or Salyavin. Alas she cannot 
honestly reply, as it would break her word. That is not saying she is 
dishonest, please note. We all have honesty glitches, part of the human 
This reply is also specifically for Anartaxius, and is *not* to be used as a 
springboard for Judy Stein to use it as an opportunity to reply to him while 
still pretending to keep her word about never replying to Anartaxius until he 
apologizes for some imagined past affront. :-) 

That said -- and directed solely to Anartaxius -- well said. It's nice to see 
that *someone* here can actually express their thoughts about theism and 
post-theism, and in their own words. without relying on the Cliff Notes version 
of thinkers they probably have never even read. 

I agree with many of his words, and don't have much to say about the few I 
disagree with, for the simple reason that Anartaxius merely states what he 
believes, as opposed to trying to make other people believe it. That's the crux 
of the issue IMO. I have many close friends who are believers in God. My 
favorite singer-songwriter Bruce Cockburn is a strong believer in God. I love 
him because we share a love of Wonder, even though we express it in different 
ways. Me, I don't believe in any real concept of God. If I did, I would have to 
consider Him/Her/It a psychopathic thug. But I get along with my believer 
friends, and we have wonderful times and conversations together because no one 
is trying to *sell* anything to anyone else. 

It isn't what one believes. *Whatever* one believes is OK in my book, as long 
as they don't try to sell it to me or try to force me into arguing about it 
when I don't feel in the least like arguing, especially about something as 
meaningless as beliefs. The minute someone *does* attempt to force that, they 
have IMO crossed a line, and have become nothing more than a potential subject 
of laughter and ridicule. 

My friends never cross that line; that is why they remain my friends, and 
admirable. Those who cross that line will never earn anything but my derision 
and my laughter, in this lifetime or any other. 

Generally I am not interested in Theism. I'm a post-Theist, the theist part 
being early childhood conditioning, which fortunately was neither intense nor 
carried out with any verve, thus my mind escaped.

I do not care for the word God, primarily because it has so many variable and 
cultural connotations, which make it 'slippery' as vehicle for explanation.

If one thinks dualistically about reality, then there is always more than one 
being, for example, me and the world, or me and God. As long as there is any 
sense of separation, then being is divided. Those whose consciousness is 
embodied cannot think any other way. The theistic argument that God is not a 
being but just being I do not have an argument with. I think currently that 
being = consciousness = God, the latter in that most abstract sense. But most 
people do not use the word that way. When God is being in this way, you are the 
same, as Jesus said 'not made out of flesh and blood but out of God'. But most 
people are not going to get that idea of being if you use the word God because 
it will pull in all sorts of cultural and individualised conditioning which in 
the mind creates 'a being', not abstract non-thing being.

The so-called spiritual path is basically just the process of retraining the 
mind and larger experience to de-localise and de-centralise the appreciation of 
consciousness. Consciousness makes experience possible, you never experience 
consciousness, it is what makes experience possible, it is what experiences. In 
older language it is 'the light of life' which is saying the same thing 
isomorphically transformed. Consciousness unlocalised and decentred is equally 
everywhere, the very things of experience. It is equally at every point along 
the data path of perception, it makes the data points 'visible'. You do not 
look for it in the human head. What you find there are sensors and an 
interpretive processor, the mind. Consciousness makes the sensors and the 
interpretive processing experience-able. All you will find in the head is 
machinery. You do not have consciousness, it has 'you', what you think you are. 

Being is eternal but not in the sense of time. Everything has being like this, 
the most obvious thing in the world, everything is this being. It is trivial 
and so in one's face it is never seen or understood. As Vashitha said, all this 
talk about creation and who created the world is for the purpose of writing and 
expounding scriptures, but it is not true. But the human mind, thinking, works 
sequentially, and so it sees things as a process with beginnings, middles, and 
endings. The Big Bang Theory is an example of t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Three Categories of Meditation

2014-04-15 Thread wgm4u

 People who think they are transcending to pure consciousness during TM are 
merely parroting the TM movement jargon! No mantra, no thoughts? Pure 
Consciousness?? doubtful! like MMY used to say in the beginning 7 steps, 
"you know it's a house, not a tree", that typifies most people's 
experience, it's just a distant glimpse, if you're lucky, which is good, but 
not pure Sat-Chit-Ananda.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Depends on the individual, Billy.  We have folks here who claim they never got 
a buzz off performing the puja.  It makes me wonder if they even got a "buzz" 
off doing TM.  Maybe they were just there for the party.
 I certainly got a buzz off the puja and also some good meditations with TM. 
But I also had kundalini rise the first time I tried to meditate from 
instructions in a book some 3 years prior to learning TM.
 Bliss consciousness is shakti and very nice.  Thick and creamy is the best 
kind.  Comes in the tantra bottle. ;-) 
 On 04/15/2014 10:04 AM, wgm4u wrote:

 All that would all be true IF TM'ers actually *transcended to pure 
consciousness* which most don't, IMHO. Pure consciousness is a state of pure 
**bliss** consciousness;  no thought, no mantra and no bliss?,  equals NO pure 
consciousness! Most transcend a little and that's good, but let's not over 
exaggerate here, like MMY did over and over again!
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 Back to the basics:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread authfriend
P.S.: Either you just made up what you attributed to me in a malicious attempt 
to make me look stupid, or your thinking has been going off in the wrong 
direction, at least where classical theism is concerned. There is no conflict 
whatsoever between classical theism and science, including the laws of physics 
(as I pointed out to Xeno).


 And as if I don't think before I write somethingduh. Like I haven't 
thought about how theism affects the current paradigm of western thought. 
Honestly.. as if.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up. 

 We're waiting.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Ringo Starr Signed Drumhead from his David Lynch Foundation 'Lifetime of Peace and Love' Tribute Concert

2014-04-15 Thread nablusoss1008
Carde should bid, I play the flute :-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 How much did you bid?  :-D 
 On 04/15/2014 12:02 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread salyavin808

 Just keep it up, whatever you say is true. The world waits with baited breath.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Just a reminder; here's what he said: 

 "Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up."


 Jeez, talk about a pointless exercise!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What "tricks"?? That was your trick, buster, not mine. Came straight out of 
left field. You have a deeply dishonest habit of putting words in my mouth and 
then berating me for things I never said.

 What you attributed to me makes no sense. It would be like saying meteorology 
is inadequate compared to being a Red Sox fan.


 Maybe it's because you've never had an opinion contrary to hers that you don't 
know what a pointless exercise it is talking to her about anything when she 
falls back on tricks like this. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread Share Long
beautiful, deep clarity, thank you, Xeno

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 2:33 PM, "anartax...@yahoo.com" 
This reply is specifically for Judy, not Turq or Salyavin. Alas she cannot 
honestly reply, as it would break her word. That is not saying she is 
dishonest, please note. We all have honesty glitches, part of the human 

Generally I am not interested in Theism. I'm a post-Theist, the theist part 
being early childhood conditioning, which fortunately was neither intense nor 
carried out with any verve, thus my mind escaped.

I do not care for the word God, primarily because it has so many variable and 
cultural connotations, which make it 'slippery' as vehicle for explanation.

If one thinks dualistically about reality, then there is always more than one 
being, for example, me and the world, or me and God. As long as there is any 
sense of separation, then being is divided. Those whose consciousness is 
embodied cannot think any other way. The theistic argument that God is not a 
being but just being I do not have an argument with. I think currently that 
being = consciousness = God, the latter in that most abstract sense. But most 
people do not use the word that way. When God is being in this way, you are the 
same, as Jesus said 'not made out of flesh and blood but out of God'. But most 
people are not going to get that idea of being if you use the word God because 
it will pull in all sorts of cultural and individualised conditioning which in 
the mind creates 'a being', not abstract non-thing being.

The so-called spiritual path is basically just the process of retraining the 
mind and larger experience to de-localise and de-centralise the appreciation of 
consciousness. Consciousness makes experience possible, you never experience 
consciousness, it is what makes experience possible, it is what experiences. In 
older language it is 'the light of life' which is saying the same thing 
isomorphically transformed. Consciousness unlocalised and decentred is equally 
everywhere, the very things of experience. It is equally at every point along 
the data path of perception, it makes the data points 'visible'. You do not 
look for it in the human head. What you find there are sensors and an 
interpretive processor, the mind. Consciousness makes the sensors and the 
interpretive processing experience-able. All you will find in the head is 
machinery. You do not have consciousness, it has 'you', what you think you are. 

Being is eternal but not in the sense of time. Everything has being like this, 
the most obvious thing in the world, everything is this being. It is trivial 
and so in one's face it is never seen or understood. As Vashitha said, all this 
talk about creation and who created the world is for the purpose of writing and 
expounding scriptures, but it is not true. But the human mind, thinking, works 
sequentially, and so it sees things as a process with beginnings, middles, and 
endings. The Big Bang Theory is an example of this, and that is a great 
practical way to look at the universe, but if you want fulfilment there has to 
be the experience of everything, mind, body, environment, as all the same 
being, everything collectively together, the 'uncarved block' as the Taoists 
say. Unity. Not you in unity, just unity. No 'you' is required. Delocalisatin 
and decentralisation of consciousness transforms the appreciation of the 
concept of 'self', and it does not matter
 if you capitalise 'self' or not. It is just a story, a narrative with the tag 
'self' attached to it. You do not have a relationship with being, for it is 
just what you are, once the 'you' gets dropped off the map as a convenient 

To find out if this is real or not, there is no evidence except the experience. 
There is no proof, no argument can show this. When people talk about it in one 
way or another, if what they say has a resonance with you, then it sets up a 
spark inside, and then the search to find out if that particular manner of 
expression is somehow real begins. No guarantee of success. If it does not 
resonate, it will appear as total nonsense, because it is not like something, 
not like anything, so an argument will never convince.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Yet another atheist wannabe who simply cannot lower himself to reading enough 
philosophy to realize the incoherence of one of his fundamental premises, or 
that the purported evidentiary problems of theism as confronted by science that 
he blabs on about so pompously are in fact nonexistent.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Hell if I know what a divinity is. I just copied the definition of 'numinous' 
from the Google search results for 'define:numinous'. I was discussing the 
nature of informed belief, that is belief based on evidence rather than simply 
an idea one has in the mind. I was not discussing anything about atheism. 
Without evidence, there is no case to be made, so arguments

[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread anartaxius
This reply is specifically for Judy, not Turq or Salyavin. Alas she cannot 
honestly reply, as it would break her word. That is not saying she is 
dishonest, please note. We all have honesty glitches, part of the human 

 Generally I am not interested in Theism. I'm a post-Theist, the theist part 
being early childhood conditioning, which fortunately was neither intense nor 
carried out with any verve, thus my mind escaped. 

 I do not care for the word God, primarily because it has so many variable and 
cultural connotations, which make it 'slippery' as vehicle for explanation.

 If one thinks dualistically about reality, then there is always more than one 
being, for example, me and the world, or me and God. As long as there is any 
sense of separation, then being is divided. Those whose consciousness is 
embodied cannot think any other way. The theistic argument that God is not a 
being but just being I do not have an argument with. I think currently that 
being = consciousness = God, the latter in that most abstract sense. But most 
people do not use the word that way. When God is being in this way, you are the 
same, as Jesus said 'not made out of flesh and blood but out of God'. But most 
people are not going to get that idea of being if you use the word God because 
it will pull in all sorts of cultural and individualised conditioning which in 
the mind creates 'a being', not abstract non-thing being.

 The so-called spiritual path is basically just the process of retraining the 
mind and larger experience to de-localise and de-centralise the appreciation of 
consciousness. Consciousness makes experience possible, you never experience 
consciousness, it is what makes experience possible, it is what experiences. In 
older language it is 'the light of life' which is saying the same thing 
isomorphically transformed. Consciousness unlocalised and decentred is equally 
everywhere, the very things of experience. It is equally at every point along 
the data path of perception, it makes the data points 'visible'. You do not 
look for it in the human head. What you find there are sensors and an 
interpretive processor, the mind. Consciousness makes the sensors and the 
interpretive processing experience-able. All you will find in the head is 
machinery. You do not have consciousness, it has 'you', what you think you are. 

 Being is eternal but not in the sense of time. Everything has being like this, 
the most obvious thing in the world, everything is this being. It is trivial 
and so in one's face it is never seen or understood. As Vashitha said, all this 
talk about creation and who created the world is for the purpose of writing and 
expounding scriptures, but it is not true. But the human mind, thinking, works 
sequentially, and so it sees things as a process with beginnings, middles, and 
endings. The Big Bang Theory is an example of this, and that is a great 
practical way to look at the universe, but if you want fulfilment there has to 
be the experience of everything, mind, body, environment, as all the same 
being, everything collectively together, the 'uncarved block' as the Taoists 
say. Unity. Not you in unity, just unity. No 'you' is required. Delocalisatin 
and decentralisation of consciousness transforms the appreciation of the 
concept of 'self', and it does not matter if you capitalise 'self' or not. It 
is just a story, a narrative with the tag 'self' attached to it. You do not 
have a relationship with being, for it is just what you are, once the 'you' 
gets dropped off the map as a convenient fiction.

 To find out if this is real or not, there is no evidence except the 
experience. There is no proof, no argument can show this. When people talk 
about it in one way or another, if what they say has a resonance with you, then 
it sets up a spark inside, and then the search to find out if that particular 
manner of expression is somehow real begins. No guarantee of success. If it 
does not resonate, it will appear as total nonsense, because it is not like 
something, not like anything, so an argument will never convince.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yet another atheist wannabe who simply cannot lower himself to reading enough 
philosophy to realize the incoherence of one of his fundamental premises, or 
that the purported evidentiary problems of theism as confronted by science that 
he blabs on about so pompously are in fact nonexistent. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Hell if I know what a divinity is. I just copied the definition of 'numinous' 
from the Google search results for 'define:numinous'. I was discussing the 
nature of informed belief, that is belief based on evidence rather than simply 
an idea one has in the mind. I was not discussing anything about atheism. 
Without evidence, there is no case to be made, so arguments for and against are 
empty. One can argue that Sherlock Holmes smoked a Meerschaum pipe, but the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ringo Starr Signed Drumhead from his David Lynch Foundation 'Lifetime of Peace and Love' Tribute Concert

2014-04-15 Thread Bhairitu

How much did you bid? :-D

On 04/15/2014 12:02 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-15 Thread Bhairitu

On 04/15/2014 11:33 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 4/15/2014 11:51 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> So, I wonder why the U.S. economy didn't collapse yesterday? You 

>> really scared. Go figure.
> Why did you think the US economy was going to collapse yesterday?
Because Russia and China announced decoupling trade from dollar, the
subject of this post?

But when did I say it would happen yesterday.  After all the fascists 
would first want their money from taxes being sent in today. :-D

> What would I be afraid of anyway?
Losing my life savings and going broke, then slowly starve to death.

If that happens to me it is going to happen to a lot of Americans. We 
will band together.

> You're the one who always sounds scared. :-D
You NOT scared? Maybe you don't have anything to lose. Go figure.

So you are scared then.  Go figure. :-D

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread authfriend
Just a reminder; here's what he said: 

 "Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up."


 Jeez, talk about a pointless exercise!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What "tricks"?? That was your trick, buster, not mine. Came straight out of 
left field. You have a deeply dishonest habit of putting words in my mouth and 
then berating me for things I never said.

 What you attributed to me makes no sense. It would be like saying meteorology 
is inadequate compared to being a Red Sox fan.


 Maybe it's because you've never had an opinion contrary to hers that you don't 
know what a pointless exercise it is talking to her about anything when she 
falls back on tricks like this. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread authfriend
What "tricks"?? That was your trick, buster, not mine. Came straight out of 
left field. You have a deeply dishonest habit of putting words in my mouth and 
then berating me for things I never said.

 What you attributed to me makes no sense. It would be like saying meteorology 
is inadequate compared to being a Red Sox fan.


 Maybe it's because you've never had an opinion contrary to hers that you don't 
know what a pointless exercise it is talking to her about anything when she 
falls back on tricks like this. 

[FairfieldLife] Ringo Starr Signed Drumhead from his David Lynch Foundation 'Lifetime of Peace and Love' Tribute Concert

2014-04-15 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Are you drunk?? 

 What the fuck makes you imagine I think the laws of physics are inadequate 
compared to theism? I don't know what that could even mean.

 Sober up and stop talking gibberish.

 Bawwy brings out the big and devastating club which he thinks passes for his 
intellect. When all else fails drop the "f" bomb and stomp off, maiming small 
children on the way out. Judy, this is all Bawwy's got. He's a simpleton and a 
bully and his sole interest in life is to do whatever he can to make himself 
feel better and smarter and more worldly than anyone else. In reality he is a 
common thug.

 Oh, even worse, that was Sal who said this. What is happening? Is Bawwy 
catching? Sal, you need to take your temperature and get into bed. I think 
you've caught something vicious - you sound just like Bawwy.

 Who is this Bawwy? And why would you care? Judy just likes arguing. Are you so 
blind to what she's like, did you not read the rest of this exchange? 

 Maybe it's because you've never had an opinion contrary to hers that you don't 
know what a pointless exercise it is talking to her about anything when she 
falls back on tricks like this. I'm hardly the first person to try and try 
again but this is how it always ends. It's surreal. She doesn't like explaining 
herself, just huffing and puffing about how stupid everyone else is. read back 
through the years, go on. Check some of the jyotish conversations in 
particular. Hilarious. she just likes arguing. Go figure.


 And as if I don't think before I write somethingduh. Like I haven't 
thought about how theism affects the current paradigm of western thought. 
Honestly.. as if.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up. 

 We're waiting.



[FairfieldLife] If the siddhis were real, here's a typical day in the life of a MSAE kid.

2014-04-15 Thread Duveyoung
http://imgur.com/gallery/eQ5NM http://imgur.com/gallery/eQ5NM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/15/2014 11:51 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> So, I wonder why the U.S. economy didn't collapse yesterday? You sounded
>> really scared. Go figure.
> Why did you think the US  economy was going to collapse yesterday? 
Because Russia and China announced decoupling trade from dollar, the 
subject of this post?

> What would I be afraid of anyway? 
Losing my life savings and going broke, then slowly starve to death.

> You're the one who always sounds scared. :-D
You NOT scared? Maybe you don't have anything to lose. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: We Went There

2014-04-15 Thread Pundit Sir
> Richard, between this botanical gardens site and the river, it sounds
> like the center of SA is pretty lush and green. More and more, I can't
> see why you and Rita would want to move away.
It's just getting started. We had the San Antonio Livestock & Rodeo, then
the *SXSW Music and Film Festival in Austin, followed by the *Final Four at
the AT&T Center. Now it's time for *Fiesta in San Antonio; Battle of
Flowers Parade; the Cornyation; and then last but not least, The Blues
Heritage Series in Travis Park, and then *NIOSA.





On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Share Long  wrote:

> Richard, between this botanical gardens site and the river, it sounds like
> the center of SA is pretty lush and green. More and more, I can't see why
> you and Rita would want to move away.
>   On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 9:05 AM, Pundit Sir 
> wrote:
>  Thanks, Share. The SABOT is on 38 acres of land in the middle of town
> and includes not only green houses but also native landscape gardening and
> preserves. I got to see the place on several occasions when I installed the
> EPOP* in the gift shop. We've been back to visit with friends. We
> especially like the preserve with the log cabins.
> http://www.sabot.org/
> [image: Inline image 1]
> [image: Inline image 2]
> [image: Inline image 3]
> [image: Inline image 4]
> * An EPOP is a "point-of-purchase" or computer-based checkout. One of the
> first systems was IBM's 3653/3663 which was a mainframe with peer-to-peer
> LAN networking for up multiple terminals. These days a POS or point-of-sale
> computer systems consists of local storage of data on a PC running Windows
> software.
> Read more:
> http://pos-systems-review.toptenreviews.com/
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Share Long  wrote:
>  Beautiful pictures, Richard, thanks for posting...
>   On Monday, April 14, 2014 8:49 PM, Pundit Sir 
> wrote:
>  Today we went to this place: The San Antonio Botanical Garden
> http://www.sabot.org/
> [image: Inline image 2]
> [image: Inline image 1]
> [image: Inline image 3]
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
> They also have hats at Sheplers.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 7:09 AM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
> Yesterday we went to this place to look at boots and stuff:
> [image: Inline image 1]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/15/2014 7:31 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
But thanks for admitting that you can't even make an argument for 
"Being Itself," much less any other form of the dumbfuck God idea.  :-)

Just speaking for myself, I'd be more inclined to believe a dumbfuck God 
idea than to believe Fredy Lenz could levitate. I will concede that it 
is possible that you saw The Zen Master Rama levitate hundreds of times, 
but that wouldn't pass as evidence for The Amazing Randi. You're going 
to have to do more than BS in order to win a religious debate on FFL, 
Barry. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Three Categories of Meditation

2014-04-15 Thread Bhairitu
Depends on the individual, Billy.  We have folks here who claim they 
never got a buzz off performing the puja.  It makes me wonder if they 
even got a "buzz" off doing TM. Maybe they were just there for the party.

I certainly got a buzz off the puja and also some good meditations with 
TM. But I also had kundalini rise the first time I tried to meditate 
from instructions in a book some 3 years prior to learning TM.

Bliss consciousness is shakti and very nice.  Thick and creamy is the 
best kind.  Comes in the tantra bottle. ;-)

On 04/15/2014 10:04 AM, wgm4u wrote:

All that would all be true IF TM'ers actually *transcended to pure 
consciousness* which most don't, IMHO. Pure consciousness is a state 
of pure **bliss** consciousness;  no thought, no mantra and no bliss?, 
 equals NO pure consciousness! Most transcend a little and that's 
good, but let's not over exaggerate here, like MMY did over and over 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Back to the basics:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Three Categories of Meditation

2014-04-15 Thread nablusoss1008

 Of course they do. The duration of transcending increases with time and 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 All that would all be true IF TM'ers actually *transcended to pure 
consciousness* which most don't, IMHO. Pure consciousness is a state of pure 
**bliss** consciousness;  no thought, no mantra and no bliss?,  equals NO pure 
consciousness! Most transcend a little and that's good, but let's not over 
exaggerate here, like MMY did over and over again!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Back to the basics:

[FairfieldLife] Latest news on Heartland Co-op

2014-04-15 Thread Rick Archer
KMCD News has the best summary of the City Council meeting last night to
discuss the Heartland Co-op:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Three Categories of Meditation

2014-04-15 Thread wgm4u

 All that would all be true IF TM'ers actually *transcended to pure 
consciousness* which most don't, IMHO. Pure consciousness is a state of pure 
**bliss** consciousness;  no thought, no mantra and no bliss?,  equals NO pure 
consciousness! Most transcend a little and that's good, but let's not over 
exaggerate here, like MMY did over and over again!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Back to the basics:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Eclipse

2014-04-15 Thread Bhairitu

You could send Buck to Munich. :-D

On 04/15/2014 07:54 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:

I would confess to having been Buck naked, except I'm quite certain 
that Buck was born with clothes on and has never once taken them off. 
Petra admonishes me about the bad juju of looking at eclipses, but I 
love seeing cool astronomical phenomena. Last year, I grooved on 
seeing four of Jupiter's moons through binoculars, and right now, Mars 
is spectacular.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Hopefully while doing this you were chanting the name of God after 
purifying yourself, followed by bathing yourself while wearing the 
clothes you were wearing and making donations according to your means. :-)

*From:* "j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com" 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Tuesday, April 15, 2014 4:27 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Eclipse

I woke up a few minutes after totality to take a geezer pee, and I 
looked out the window to see it. It was a gorgeous sight.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-15 Thread Bhairitu

On 04/15/2014 09:21 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 4/13/2014 9:40 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> On 04/13/2014 06:59 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>> On 4/13/2014 8:48 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>>> The usual symbol for eyes rolling which Yahoo doesn't recognize and
>>> they use another set which doesn't work via email :(
>> >
>> Every family has one weird relative. If you don't know who it is,
>> it's probably you.
> And you're not weird? I guess we can all agree on that. :-D
So, I wonder why the U.S. economy didn't collapse yesterday? You sounded
really scared. Go figure.

You're definitely, definitely weird.  Why did you think the US economy 
was going to collapse yesterday?  What would I be afraid of anyway?  
You're the one who always sounds scared. :-D

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/13/2014 9:40 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> On 04/13/2014 06:59 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>> On 4/13/2014 8:48 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>>> The usual symbol for eyes rolling which Yahoo doesn't recognize and 
>>> they use another set which doesn't work via email :(
>> >
>> Every family has one weird relative. If you don't know who it is, 
>> it's probably you.
> And you're not weird?  I guess we can all agree on that. :-D 
So, I wonder why the U.S. economy didn't collapse yesterday? You sounded 
really scared. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[FairfieldLife] One for the believers

2014-04-15 Thread TurquoiseBee
Creationist Cosmos:

If They Made A Creationist Version Of 'Cosmos' - Digg

   If They Made A Creationist Version Of 'Cosmos' - Digg
"We are all made of star stuff. Except for women, who were made from the rib of 
a man."  
View on digg.com Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Eclipse

2014-04-15 Thread Bhairitu
The real reason to meditate and practice siddhis during an eclipse is 
they become much more powerful.  Maybe they should have held flying 
sessions at the dome during the eclipse and people might float. :-D

On 04/15/2014 04:25 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

Hindu Superstition that is TM Gospel through the ignorance of 
believing Marshy was an infallible god:


Why should we follow the rituals during and after the eclipse and how 
should they be followed?

How to remain pure during the eclipse?
Why should we take a bath after an eclipse?

Back to Main

Q.1 Why should we follow the rituals during and after the eclipse and 
how should they be followed?
A. There are two types of eclipses: solar and lunar eclipses. When an 
eclipse occurs, only certain regions of the world are affected. The 
rule for following the eclipse ritual is as follows: if the eclipse 
affects the region that you are living in, then you should follow the 
rituals as prescribed by the scriptures. However, if the eclipse does 
not affect your region, then you should not follow the rituals laid 
out for the eclipse.

In the Shikshãpatri, Bhagwan Swaminarayan says:

At the time of a solar or lunar eclipse, instantly stop all activities 
and chant the name of God in a purified state. After the eclipse, 
householders should bathe with the clothes they are wearing and then 
make donations according to their means. (Shik 86/87)

The Hindu scriptures, the Purãns (written by Ved Vyãs), narrate the 
story of how the eclipse came into existence:

After the churning of the ocean by the devas (gods) and daityas 
(demons), amrut - immortalizing the nectar - was produced. It so 
happened that the demons got the nectar first, but the devas created 
an apsarã (a beautiful celestial woman) called Mohini. She tricked the 
demons and took the nectar away from them. Once the devas received the 
amrut, they asked God to distribute the amrut to all the gods equally. 
While God was serving everyone amrut, a demon, named Rãhu, through 
yogic powers transformed himself into a deva and sat in line to 
receive amrut and thus become immortal. He sat between the Sun-god and 
the Moon-god. They both recognized the demon in the form of a deva. 
When God unknowlingly served amrut to Rãhu, both the sun and the moon 
revealed that it was a demon. So God beheaded Rãhu instantly with his 
sudarshan chakra. But by the time God beheaded Rãhu he had drunk the 
amrut. The amrut had reached Rãhu’s throat, making his head immortal.
Rãhu’s head thus became a planet. Since the Sun-god and the Moon-god 
told God about Rãhu, Rãhu was deeply disappointed and nursed a hatred 
for them. Therefore it is believed that during certain times of the 
year Rãhu holds the sun and the moon by his mouth (grahan), hence the 
existence of the solar and lunar eclipses.

The Shikshãpatri states that one should instantly stop all activities 
and chant the name of God at the time of an eclipse. The reason for 
doing so is to chant and pray to God for the release of the sun or the 
moon from the grasp of Rãhu.

Be it a solar or lunar eclipse, the rules to follow before, during and 
after the eclipse are as follows:

Before the eclipse:

One should not eat 12 hours before the solar eclipse begins. One can 
drink water.
One should not eat 9 hours before the lunar eclipse begins. One can 
drink water.
In addition, one should not offer meals to God during this pre-eclipse 
period. However, one is allowed to perform arti, pray and sing 
devotional songs during this period.
There may be times when the solar eclipse occurs before sunrise. 
Therefore one may see the eclipse only after the sun has risen. In 
this case, one should not eat after sunset the previous night.

During the eclipse:

While the eclipse is taking place one should sit in one place, chant 
the name of God and sing devotional songs.
One should observe a waterless fast while the actual eclipse is in 

After the eclipse:

One should take a bath with one’s clothes on immediately after the 

It is best to take a bath in cold water after the eclipse is over.
The Satsangijivan, written by Shatãnand Muni, states that after one 
purifies oneself, one should offer donations according to one’s 
income. If donations are offered with love and devotion, one will 
receive appropriate returns as stated in the scriptures. It is in the 
joy of the Sun and/or Moon-god being released from the clutches of 
Rãhu that the devotees offer donations. Since sadhus have no money, 
they rejoice by performing puja.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/15/2014 10:38 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
And Ann can't tell the difference between a post in which Judy is 
replying to Salyavin and Anartaxius and one in which she's addressing 
me. It seems that *someone* in this scenario might be drunk after all. :-)

Drunk, or just nerdy, to try to use Yahoo Neo to carry on a religious 
debate. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 And Ann can't tell the difference between a post in which Judy is replying to 
Salyavin and Anartaxius and one in which she's addressing me. It seems that 
*someone* in this scenario might be drunk after all. :-)

 From: "awoelflebater@..." 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 3:40 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous
   ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 Are you drunk?? 

 What the fuck makes you imagine I think the laws of physics are inadequate 
compared to theism? I don't know what that could even mean.

 Sober up and stop talking gibberish.

 Bawwy brings out the big and devastating club which he thinks passes for his 
intellect. When all else fails drop the "f" bomb and stomp off, maiming small 
children on the way out. Judy, this is all Bawwy's got. He's a simpleton and a 
bully and his sole interest in life is to do whatever he can to make himself 
feel better and smarter and more worldly than anyone else. In reality he is a 
common thug.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up. 

 We're waiting.


[FairfieldLife] Three Categories of Meditation

2014-04-15 Thread nablusoss1008
Back to the basics:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 And Ann can't tell the difference between a post in which Judy is replying to 
Salyavin and Anartaxius and one in which she's addressing me. It seems that 
*someone* in this scenario might be drunk after all. :-)

 It all changes nothing, you're still an ignorant bully who can't tell an enema 
from a slurpee or the truth from a bag of nuts. The scary part is your lack of 
sophistication seems to be catching. I wonder why there are so few contributors 
left here? Got any ideas in that coconut shell that passes for a head of yours?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Eclipse

2014-04-15 Thread Mike Dixon
I wished I had read this before last night, I woke up with a severe *moon burn* 
On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 4:25 AM, Michael Jackson  
Hindu Superstition that is TM Gospel through the ignorance of believing Marshy 
was an infallible god:


Why should we follow the rituals during and after the eclipse and how should 
they be followed?
How to remain pure during the eclipse?
Why should we take a bath after an eclipse?

Back to Main

Q.1 Why should we follow the rituals during and after the eclipse and how 
should they be followed?
A. There are two types of eclipses: solar and lunar eclipses. When an eclipse 
occurs, only certain regions of the world are affected. The rule for following 
the eclipse ritual is as follows: if the eclipse affects the region that you 
are living in, then you should follow the rituals as prescribed by the 
scriptures. However, if the eclipse does not affect your region, then you 
should not follow the rituals laid out for the eclipse.

In the Shikshãpatri, Bhagwan Swaminarayan says:

At the time of a solar or lunar eclipse, instantly stop all activities and 
chant the name of God in a purified state. After the eclipse, householders 
should bathe with the clothes they are wearing and then make donations 
according to their means. (Shik 86/87)

The Hindu scriptures, the Purãns (written by Ved Vyãs), narrate the story of 
how the eclipse came into existence:

After the churning of the ocean by the devas (gods) and daityas (demons), amrut 
- immortalizing the nectar - was produced. It so happened that the demons got 
the nectar first, but the devas created an apsarã (a beautiful celestial woman) 
called Mohini. She tricked the demons and took the nectar away from them. Once 
the devas received the amrut, they asked God to distribute the amrut to all the 
gods equally. While God was serving everyone amrut, a demon, named Rãhu, 
through yogic powers transformed himself into a deva and sat in line to receive 
amrut and thus become immortal. He sat between the Sun-god and the Moon-god. 
They both recognized the demon in the form of a deva. When God unknowlingly 
served amrut to Rãhu, both the sun and the moon revealed that it was a demon. 
So God beheaded Rãhu instantly with his sudarshan chakra. But by the time God 
beheaded Rãhu he had drunk the amrut. The amrut had reached Rãhu’s throat, 
making his head immortal.
Rãhu’s head thus became a planet. Since the Sun-god and the Moon-god told God 
about Rãhu, Rãhu was deeply disappointed and nursed a hatred for them. 
Therefore it is believed that during certain times of the year Rãhu holds the 
sun and the moon by his mouth (grahan), hence the existence of the solar and 
lunar eclipses.

The Shikshãpatri states that one should instantly stop all activities and chant 
the name of God at the time of an eclipse. The reason for doing so is to chant 
and pray to God for the release of the sun or the moon from the grasp of Rãhu.

Be it a solar or lunar eclipse, the rules to follow before, during and after 
the eclipse are as follows:

Before the eclipse:

One should not eat 12 hours before the solar eclipse begins. One can drink 
One should not eat 9 hours before the lunar eclipse begins. One can drink water.
In addition, one should not offer meals to God during this pre-eclipse period. 
However, one is allowed to perform arti, pray and sing devotional songs during 
this period.
There may be times when the solar eclipse occurs before sunrise. Therefore one 
may see the eclipse only after the sun has risen. In this case, one should not 
eat after sunset the previous night.

During the eclipse:

While the eclipse is taking place one should sit in one place, chant the name 
of God and sing devotional songs.
One should observe a waterless fast while the actual eclipse is in progress.

After the eclipse:

One should take a bath with one’s clothes on immediately after the eclipse.
It is best to take a bath in cold water after the eclipse is over.
The Satsangijivan, written by Shatãnand Muni, states that after one purifies 
oneself, one should offer donations according to one’s income. If donations are 
offered with love and devotion, one will receive appropriate returns as stated 
in the scriptures. It is in the joy of the Sun and/or Moon-god being released 
from the clutches of Rãhu that the devotees offer donations. Since sadhus have 
no money, they rejoice by performing puja.

[FairfieldLife] Veda, Vedic Cities.. . ..Living the Golden Age!

2014-04-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Although the content of the Vedas focuses mainly on the celebration of 
 nowadays we witness a proliferation of texts and discourses which put 
references to the Vedas into play 
 in the most diverse areas.
 The attribution of the term “Vedic” is now used to legitimate all sorts of 
 and practices. Thus, we hear of “Vedic architecture”, “Vedic astrology”, “Vedic
 ecology”, “Vedic mathematics”, “Ayur-Veda” (Vedic medicine), “Vedic
 socialism and communism”, and even “Vedic management”. The visibility of
 these phenomena increased with recent attempts by Hindu nationalists, when
 they were in power, to introduce these new fields into school and university
 systems, both in India and abroad. This political operation raised significant
 ideological issues and led to a huge controversy about the legitimacy of these
 different fields.
Despite their visibility, both in India and Anglo-Saxon countries, and despite

 the controversies that they generated, these discourses and practices have 
 received only marginal attention from the social sciences, and have moreover 
 never been the topic of a study where they are considered jointly.

 This international conference aims to bridge this gap by bringing together

 ethnologists who have observed the birth and dissemination of these
 phenomena in their field studies.

 The participation of historians and Sanskrit
 scholars will help us to put the historical dimension of these events into
 perspective, while specialists of other cultural arenas, who face similar
 phenomena of appeal to texts, will shed light on the regional specificity of
 these observed social facts.

 During the conference, the primary task will be to understand the scope of
 these phenomena, by examining the social identity of the actors involved:
 which groups or individuals contribute to the production of these new forms of
 knowledge? To whom are they addressed? Who are the intermediaries
 involved in the propagation of these ideas? Which groups contest the
 legitimacy of these discourses? In particular, we shall attempt to understand
 how these groups organize themselves institutionally (sects, associations,
 university); their political, religious and associative networks; as well as 
 relationship with figures in the Hindu nationalist movement. The sociological
 investigation of these figures shall necessarily take into consideration the 
 of Indian diaspora and its transnational networks.

 Central to our investigation is a focus on the content of these “new” forms of
 knowledge, and the legitimation strategies that go along with them. Although it
 takes particular forms in the modern world, referencing the Vedas is actually
 an ancient way to affirm the validity of knowledge . How are contemporary
 ways of referring to the Vedas as a legitimating authority different from 
 ways? In what ways does the attribution “Vedic” help to legitimate particular
 ways of knowing?

 This will lead us to question the role of textual authority in
 contemporary Hinduism and its uses as a way of forging new religious 
 identities. If modern science as epistemological authority was amply used by 
 Hindu reformers during colonial times to prove the universal value of 
 Hinduism, how are the “Vedic” and the “scientific” articulated in contemporary 
 discourses and practices?
 Participants will also be asked to investigate
 whether the attribution “Vedic” is always used in a “Hindu” context or whether 
it can be a purely commercial term used to sell the “exotic” and the “ancient”
 within India— as in the case of the Vedic City under construction by the Shri
 Infratech group in Greater Noida.

 Similarly, the conference will deal with the economy that is generated as these

 ideas spread. Besides the ideological dimension, commercial concerns seem
 to be at the heart of these new phenomena.
 “The attribution “Vedic” has
 important commercial implications that should be attentively examined. The
 Vedas are nowadays sold as a commercial item, in the form of printed texts,
 recorded mantras (CD, DVD), or as a packaged tourist destination (Vedic
 schools, Vedic meditations centres). “Vedic” forms of knowledge are also
 extensively commercialized: countless services (consultations, courses,
 stages) and products (Vedic horoscopes, Vedic remedies, Vedic ritual items,
 etc.) are sold through the web. Participants will then be asked to explore the
 social networks, the marketing strategies and the material supports used in
 this “Vedic economy”.
 A Lifestyle inspired by the Golden age of the Indian Civilization. 
Chandragupta Maurya ! Ashoka ! Reminiscent of the Golden Age is now a realty. 
Vedic City will be an Epic beginning to a new life.
 An Epic beginning to a new life, today we invite you to become a part of that 
mystical grandeur in a Vedic City near you.
 Om Sh





[FairfieldLife] Prajna Ginty: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 04/15/2014

2014-04-15 Thread Rick Archer

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published 04/15/2014

226. Prajna Ginty 


Apr 14, 2014 10:51 am | Rick

Prajna’s passion for helping others comes from a profound respect and 
understanding of the human condition and how we suffer. I listen and function 
to inspire you to see through unnecessary layers of conditioning that veil your 
authentic expression.  I … Continue reading  


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Yup and pitiable they don't have the experiential reference neither that they 
have to ask for some mental argument that 'absolutely shows' the divinity. With 
no spiritual chops in this mentation round and round of these guys is like they 
can't see the forest for the trees or the forest for the trees. Where is the 
divinity in nature? They ought to come meditate some more and then they'd 
experience it and know it. The best answer is inside the experience of it. 
Jeesus,  Transcendentalism 101.
 -Buck in the Dome


 authfriend writes:
 Yet another atheist wannabe who simply cannot lower himself to reading enough 
philosophy to realize the incoherence of one of his fundamental premises, or 
that the purported evidentiary problems of theism as confronted by science that 
he blabs on about so pompously are in fact nonexistent.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Hell if I know what a divinity is. I just copied the definition of 'numinous' 
from the Google search results for 'define:numinous'. I was discussing the 
nature of informed belief, that is belief based on evidence rather than simply 
an idea one has in the mind. I was not discussing anything about atheism. 
Without evidence, there is no case to be made, so arguments for and against are 
empty. One can argue that Sherlock Holmes smoked a Meerschaum pipe, but the 
evidence in the illustrations of the stories as originally published indicate 
he did not, but Sherlock Holmes never existed in reality as a real person, so 
what one is really arguing about here is not about Sherlock Holmes and his 
pipe, but the content of the text and illustrations in the stories about a 
fictional character called 'Sherlock Holmes'. So the argument concerning Mr 
Holmes is not about a reality but an illusion purporting to be a reality, the 
actual reality in this case being printed text and illustrations in The Strand 
Magazine (1891–1950, United Kingdom). 

 The definition of 'divinity' (noun) from the same Google source is 'the state 
or quality of being divine', and 'a divinity' would then be 'something that has 
the state or quality of being divine', which seems to imply there could be more 
than one something that has those characteristics. A saint might be considered 
divine. Zeus could be considered divine and therefore a divinity. So could 
Apollo, or Jehovah. Maybe I could be divine. Maybe you could be divine, though 
there seems to be a preponderance of opinion here that would not likely be the 
case. It is not incoherent to say 'I just believe in one less divinity than you 
do'. That is just a statement, a proposition. Some people believe in many 
divinities, some in just one, some in none. A proposition by itself is not an 
argument, just a statement that may or may not have truth value, which cannot 
be affirmed or denied on the basis of the proposition itself. Coherence depends 
on how a particular proposition aligns logically with other propositions, and 
aligns with what the proposition(s) point to, if in fact they point to 
something outside themselves, for if they do not, it is an empty argument, much 
ado about nothing.

 In mentioning enlightenment, that particular discipline investigates 
subjectively the nature of sensory experience and its relationship to thought, 
and the interpretation by thought of the nature of experience, whether in fact 
thought can represent 'truth' or is simply a distortion of 'truth', or even 
whether there really is anything or state that could be thought of as 'truth', 
that is, whether the word 'truth' has any meaningful correlate that is real.

 A friend of mine was recently sued for delinquent payment of rent. This was 
not true, as my friend brought evidence of the fact to court, but the person 
bringing the suit came to court without any evidence whatsoever, but managed to 
convince the court — the judge and the person suing being white and my friend, 
black, to a 90 day stay, so that evidence could be brought — the argument: 'I 
did not think (the defendant) would show up'. The case was thrown out by a 
higher judge on the basis that no evidence was brought, and the lower judge 
showed prejudice in not dismissing the case.

 This is the situation between non-believers and believers of the religious 
kind, there are arguments but evidence is unconvincing or absent in spite of 
the sophistication of the pleading or polemic of the claims being made.

 Science takes a practical tack in such instances, no evidence, no case. This 
gets rid of the nutters, so one can focus on actual stuff, but occasionally 
there are examples of the baby being thrown out with the bath water, but in 
time the mistake may be rectified. 

 'Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that 
may never be questioned.' — source unknown

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Exactly what is "a divinity"? 

 This is where atheists, especially those with pretensions to scientific

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Blood Moon is A Comin'

2014-04-15 Thread Mike Dixon
Better yet, did anybody in Fairfield stay in doors, take *holy baths* and 
meditate or is that just for solar eclipses? If you had watched Hagee's sermon 
on the Blood Moons, you would know he never forecast and end to the world or 
apocalypse. What he does suggest is that change is coming to both Israel and 
the world in general,quite possibly the war prophesied by Ezekiel in which 
Russia orchestrates an invasion  of Israel by surrounding Arab nations and Iran 
and only a small portion of the invading armies survive. He sites Jewish 
scholar's belief that lunar eclipses are signs of change of events for Israel, 
judgment, so to speak, which usually begins negative then turns out positive. 
The significance of this tetrad is that these four *blood moons* occur on high 
holy days for Israel, two years in a row , Passover and Feast of Tabernacles. 
In between, is a solar eclipse which these same scholars say is of importance 
to the *nations* , as a judgment
 upon the world. This solar eclipse is supposed to happen on the day in the 
Jewish calendar that coincides with the day Pharaoh was judged. I believe it 
was either the day his son died, before the exodus or the day he died in the  
Yam Suf. Anyway, the next two years or so could be very interesting to watch in 
the middle east with Israel feeling more isolated,unable to trust American 
leadership,Putin on the move and Iran continuing on with their nuclear 
On Monday, April 14, 2014 1:05 PM, "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com" 
Let's have a heyday and proclaim the end of the world is nigh and watch all 
those superstitious types dive for their bunkers. Are there any bunkers in FF?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Eclipse

2014-04-15 Thread j_alexander_stanley
I would confess to having been Buck naked, except I'm quite certain that Buck 
was born with clothes on and has never once taken them off. Petra admonishes me 
about the bad juju of looking at eclipses, but I love seeing cool astronomical 
phenomena. Last year, I grooved on seeing four of Jupiter's moons through 
binoculars, and right now, Mars is spectacular.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Hopefully while doing this you were chanting the name of God after purifying 
yourself, followed by bathing yourself while wearing the clothes you were 
wearing and making donations according to your means. :-)


 From: "j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 4:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Eclipse
   I woke up a few minutes after totality to take a geezer pee, and I looked 
out the window to see it. It was a gorgeous sight.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Eclipse

2014-04-15 Thread TurquoiseBee
Hopefully while doing this you were chanting the name of God after purifying 
yourself, followed by bathing yourself while wearing the clothes you were 
wearing and making donations according to your means. :-)

 From: "j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Eclipse

I woke up a few minutes after totality to take a geezer pee, and I looked out 
the window to see it. It was a gorgeous sight.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-15 Thread Share Long
Lawson, given the cost to buy and maintain, I don't see an MEG in MUM's future 
any time soon. Anyway, if we wait, I bet the military will come up with 
something better!

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:31 AM, "lengli...@cox.net"  
IN some ways,MEG is teh klukiest looking of them all. It's super-conducting 
magnets next the  scalp (like EEG but with magnets instead of electrodes).

The crazy looking thing on top is the liquid-nitrogen refrigerator that keeps 
the magnets cold. Machines like that are super expensive, but can detect tiny 
magnetic fluctuations of the brain that last about 1/1000 of a second. In some 
ways they're more accurate than EEG, but they can only deal with magnetic 
fields towards the surface of the brain, so you can't even get a fuzzy idea of 
what is going on further in, like you can sorta get with the electric currents 
that EEG detects.

I'd love to see MUM get one, but the initial cost is about $3 million, plus 
another $100K/year upkeep, at least, and you need a specialized magnetically 
shielded room + extremely stable power source. In other words, you'd need to 
spend as much as the entire MUM Student Center cost to install one.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

thanks for the info, Lawson. I've never heard of MEG before. And I admit, all 
these machines seem kind of clunky but if they help us see the brain better, 

How best can the knower know itself?

On Monday, April 14, 2014 4:13 AM, "LEnglish5@..."  wrote:

Ny money is on sophisticated analysis of high resolution EEG and MEG. fMRI is 
pretty low-resolution, time-wise, and the interesting stuff can happen in way 
under a second, which is the ilmitation of all the popular direct brain imaging 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Thanks, Lawson. I think it'll be so much fun when we can see all these abstract 
states, such as absolute faith, right there in the fMRI.

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 4:07 PM, "LEnglish5@..."  wrote:


IF you have absolute faith in samadhi, that is, if your samadhi is unshakable, 
regardless of circumstances, then the ability to float might manifest.

And placebo might be related to that in some way as there are overlaps in which 
brain circuits are activated during placebo effects and during the practice of 
the TM-Sidhis..

There are also overlaps in the brain circuits that activate during pure 
consciousness and during mind-wandering, so placebo being related to siddhis 
practice is like saying that pure consciousness is related to  mind wandering.

Or something.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Lawson, thanks for the additional definitions of shraddha. Could you say more 
about your last two sentences? I'm missing your main point somehow.

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 5:12 AM, "LEnglish5@..."  wrote:

"If you had the faith of a mustard seed, you could move mountains."

shraddhaa is translated as "Faith" which can mean trust, or belief without 
proof. The Hebrew word translated as "faith" means something along the lines of 
"strong [in God]" and the Greed word means something like "intuitive knowledge."

"Grok" in the original sense of the Martian word for "drink" seems to contain a 
bit of the same feel.

In the
context of the siddhis, how about "absolute stability" of samadhi?

The placebo effect might be related to that, in the same way that 
mind-wandering is related to pure consciousness.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

They might be called to be based on placebo, because, IMU, faith (shraddhaa) is 
sine qua non of  samaadhi.

As an analogy, I'll try to explain in English, how I seem to recall to have 
learned to bike (at about 7 years of age).    
It might have been the very first time I ever tried to ride a bike. It was a 
women's bike,
the one of the mother of a friend
of mine. I just started to ride and kept on, believing,
that a couple of other boys were keeping the bike upright. As a stopped, I 
they were about 30 yards behind me! So I learned to bike because I, falsely,
believed  I couldn't fall (because I believed the other boys were running behind
me keeping the bike upright)! 

So, in a sense my belief was the placebo that instantaneosly
helped me to learn to ride a bike??


Placebo effect and the brain
Functional imaging upon placebo analgesia shows that it links to the 
activation, and increased functional correlation between this activation, in 
the anterior cingulate, prefrontal, orbitofrontal and insular cortices, nucleus 
accumbens, amygdala, the brainstem periaqueductal gray matter,[84][85][86] and 
the spinal cord.[87][88][89][90]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Eclipse

2014-04-15 Thread j_alexander_stanley
I woke up a few minutes after totality to take a geezer pee, and I looked out 
the window to see it. It was a gorgeous sight.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: We Went There

2014-04-15 Thread Share Long
Richard, between this botanical gardens site and the river, it sounds like the 
center of SA is pretty lush and green. More and more, I can't see why you and 
Rita would want to move away.

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 9:05 AM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
Thanks, Share. The SABOT is on 38 acres of land in the middle of town and 
includes not only green houses but also native landscape gardening and 
preserves. I got to see the place on several occasions when I installed the 
EPOP* in the gift shop. We've been back to visit with friends. We especially 
like the preserve with the log cabins.


* An EPOP is a "point-of-purchase" or computer-based checkout. One of the first 
systems was IBM's 3653/3663 which was a mainframe with peer-to-peer LAN 
networking for up multiple terminals. These days a POS or point-of-sale 
computer systems consists of local storage of data on a PC running Windows 

Read more:


On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Share Long  wrote:

>Beautiful pictures, Richard, thanks for posting...
>On Monday, April 14, 2014 8:49 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
>Today we went to this place: The San Antonio Botanical Garden
>On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
>They also have hats at Sheplers.
>>On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 7:09 AM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
>>Yesterday we went to this place to look at boots and stuff:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Eclipse

2014-04-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/15/2014 6:25 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Hindu Superstition that is TM Gospel through the ignorance of 
> believing Marshy was an infallible god:
Even if it makes you like like a bigot, never pass up an opportunity to 
express your prejudice if it will help you win a religious debate.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/15/2014 8:42 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
What is happening? Is Bawwy catching? Sal, you need to take your 
temperature and get into bed. I think you've caught something vicious 
- you sound just like Bawwy.

You are not the first person on this discussion group to point out that 
most of the religious debates with Barry turn out this way in the end - 
Barry stomping off when he runs out of ammunition. It took a long time 
for this thread to turn to crap. These informants need to understand a 
few things around here - we don't take kindly to bullies trying to take 
over. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: We Went There

2014-04-15 Thread Pundit Sir
Thanks, Share. The SABOT is on 38 acres of land in the middle of town and
includes not only green houses but also native landscape gardening and
preserves. I got to see the place on several occasions when I installed the
EPOP* in the gift shop. We've been back to visit with friends. We
especially like the preserve with the log cabins.


[image: Inline image 1]

[image: Inline image 2]

[image: Inline image 3]

[image: Inline image 4]

* An EPOP is a "point-of-purchase" or computer-based checkout. One of the
first systems was IBM's 3653/3663 which was a mainframe with peer-to-peer
LAN networking for up multiple terminals. These days a POS or point-of-sale
computer systems consists of local storage of data on a PC running Windows

Read more:


On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Share Long  wrote:

> Beautiful pictures, Richard, thanks for posting...
>   On Monday, April 14, 2014 8:49 PM, Pundit Sir 
> wrote:
>  Today we went to this place: The San Antonio Botanical Garden
> http://www.sabot.org/
> [image: Inline image 2]
> [image: Inline image 1]
> [image: Inline image 3]
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
> They also have hats at Sheplers.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 7:09 AM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
> Yesterday we went to this place to look at boots and stuff:
> [image: Inline image 1]

[FairfieldLife] Post Of The Day

2014-04-15 Thread nablusoss1008
Our resident Buddhist explore more avenues in his never-ending anal focus:
 "Judy, go take an enema" 
 - The Turq

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread TurquoiseBee
And Ann can't tell the difference between a post in which Judy is replying to 
Salyavin and Anartaxius and one in which she's addressing me. It seems that 
*someone* in this scenario might be drunk after all. :-)

 From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 3:40 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Are you drunk??

What the fuck makes you imagine I think the laws of physics are inadequate 
compared to theism? I don't know what that could even mean.

Sober up and stop talking gibberish.

Bawwy brings out the big and devastating club which he thinks passes for his 
intellect. When all else fails drop the "f" bomb and stomp off, maiming small 
children on the way out. Judy, this is all Bawwy's got. He's a simpleton and a 
bully and his sole interest in life is to do whatever he can to make himself 
feel better and smarter and more worldly than anyone else. In reality he is a 
common thug.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up.

We're waiting.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Are you drunk?? 

 What the fuck makes you imagine I think the laws of physics are inadequate 
compared to theism? I don't know what that could even mean.

 Sober up and stop talking gibberish.

 Bawwy brings out the big and devastating club which he thinks passes for his 
intellect. When all else fails drop the "f" bomb and stomp off, maiming small 
children on the way out. Judy, this is all Bawwy's got. He's a simpleton and a 
bully and his sole interest in life is to do whatever he can to make himself 
feel better and smarter and more worldly than anyone else. In reality he is a 
common thug.

 Oh, even worse, that was Sal who said this. What is happening? Is Bawwy 
catching? Sal, you need to take your temperature and get into bed. I think 
you've caught something vicious - you sound just like Bawwy.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up. 

 We're waiting.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Are you drunk?? 

 What the fuck makes you imagine I think the laws of physics are inadequate 
compared to theism? I don't know what that could even mean.

 Sober up and stop talking gibberish.

 Bawwy brings out the big and devastating club which he thinks passes for his 
intellect. When all else fails drop the "f" bomb and stomp off, maiming small 
children on the way out. Judy, this is all Bawwy's got. He's a simpleton and a 
bully and his sole interest in life is to do whatever he can to make himself 
feel better and smarter and more worldly than anyone else. In reality he is a 
common thug.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up. 

 We're waiting.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread TurquoiseBee
Judy, go take an enema. You seriously need one. 

I would suggest that neither Salyavin nor myself have any interest whatsoever 
in "defeating theism." We just like to laugh at those dumb enough to believe in 

It REALLY DOESN'T MATTER whether you call it "a being" or "Being Itself," it's 
still a dumbfuck idea. And those who believe in it aren't worth wasting one's 
time on. 

But thanks for admitting that you can't even make an argument for "Being 
Itself," much less any other form of the dumbfuck God idea.  :-)

 From: "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

Yo, Oopsie Boy, starting out on the blooper trail pretty early this 
morning, ain'cha? Remember, the lurking reporters are watching.

You dimwit, you can't disbelieve in an idea, dumbfuck or otherwise, when you 
don't know what the idea is.

You aren't going to get it from Salyavin, that's for sure. Laws of physics 
inadequate compared to theism?? He made that up. It has nothing to do with 
anything I've ever said or suggested. It makes no sense whatsoever.

Furthermore, I don't give a shit whether you or Salyavin or Xeno believe the 
actual idea or not. That's never been what this discussion has been about (and 
you, Barry, aren't intellectually capable of following it anyway, even if you 

As for explaining it, it's kinda like demanding that Salyavin explain quantum 
mechanics in an FFL post. It's simply too complex.

But I've already stated the core of the argument any number of times. It's that 
what classical theists call God is not a being but Being Itself. That shouldn't 
be difficult for anyone who ever listened to Maharishi's teaching to grasp as a 
starting point.

All I want is for the atheists here to stop embarrassing themselves by beating 
straw men to death. As I told Salyavin, you haven't got a prayer of defeating 
theism unless you address its strongest argument. And if you don't know what 
the strongest argument is, you've lost before you start.

By the way, everything you've said in your post, as usual, is false. Anyone who 
wants specifics, just ask.

Oh, and Barry, any time you want to know what I believe, I'm happy to tell you. 
No need for you to guess and make yourself look even stpider.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

This is the same number she's tried to run any number of times before: "I won't 
discuss this weighty matter with you unless you do your homework and read all 
the ideas I (supposedly) have read about this (idiotic) concept first." 

It's "intellectual McCarthyism." Sorta like "I have in my hand a list of all of 
the Communists in the State Department," she claims "I have in my mind a list 
of all of the arguments of classical theism that prove you're an idiot and I'm 
smarter than you." The trick of this tactic, of course, is to never reveal the 
list. :-)

She's done it with astrology/Jyotish and with other dumbfuck ideas, always 
trying to put the onus on the person she's trying to convince of the validity 
of the dumbfuck

NEWS FLASH TO JUDY: We don't believe in the dumbfuck idea. We're pretty 
convinced that the dumbfuck idea is SO dumb that we don't care to invest any 
time in reading treatises about the dumbfuck idea written by so-called experts 
or "philosophers." If you want to argue for the dumbfuck idea you're 
championing, you've got to EXPLAIN IT YOURSELF.

Which, of course, is the reason she doesn't ever explain. She can't. She's 
never been a teacher, and doesn't have either the thinking or the writing 
skills to adequately explain her
position to someone who doesn't already share it. She has that lazy TM mindset 
in which one can only explain dumbfuck ideas to people who have already been 
conditioned to believe them. So she runs this number over and over and over 
again, to try to make those who don't buy the dumbfuck idea in the first place 
look STOOOPID for not having read volumes of purple prose defending the 
dumbfuck idea. 

Salyavin nails it.
Until Judy can make her *own* case for the dumbfuck idea she wishes to promote, 
no one needs to pay any attention to it whatsoever.

But she'll never do that, because then she'd have to reveal that she actually 
*believes* in the dumbfuck idea, and thus she'd lose her "Get Out Of Jail Free" 
card, the one that allows her to pretend she's only arguing on principle, not 
because she's a
fanatical believer in the dumbfuck idea.  :-)

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:45 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up.

We're waiting.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread authfriend
Tell you what, I'll take a stab at it after you've made a post here giving a 
complete explanation of quantum mechanics. 

 As I pointed out to Barry just now, I've already given you the core principle 
of the argument--many times, in fact: Classical theists hold that what they 
call God is not a being but Being Itself. What's too complicated to explain in 
an FFL post is why, and what the ramifications are. (I can tell you, though, 
that none of it has anything whatsoever to do with the laws of physics being 
inadequate compared to theism. I'd love to know how you came up with that 
howler. Certainly not from anything I've ever said.)

 And BTW, I don't believe I've ever called you stupid. Just ignorant, and happy 
to stay that way. And, I might add, incurious.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


Yep, we've seen it all before. 

 Come on Judy, the ball is in your court. We want an explanation and not more 
of this "you're stupid for not having read what I don't understand either but 
someone else told me is good" argument which does you no credit whatsoever and 
actually makes you look rather ridiculous.

 But I'm guessing you don't care about that as your prime motivation is being 
able to sneer down your high and mighty nose at people. Given your 
unwillingness to even try and articulate what you claim to understand, it must 
be a rather hollow victory.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread authfriend
Yo, Oopsie Boy, starting out on the blooper trail pretty early this 
morning, ain'cha? Remember, the lurking reporters are watching. 

 You dimwit, you can't disbelieve in an idea, dumbfuck or otherwise, when you 
don't know what the idea is.

 You aren't going to get it from Salyavin, that's for sure. Laws of physics 
inadequate compared to theism?? He made that up. It has nothing to do with 
anything I've ever said or suggested. It makes no sense whatsoever.

 Furthermore, I don't give a shit whether you or Salyavin or Xeno believe the 
actual idea or not. That's never been what this discussion has been about (and 
you, Barry, aren't intellectually capable of following it anyway, even if you 

 As for explaining it, it's kinda like demanding that Salyavin explain quantum 
mechanics in an FFL post. It's simply too complex.

 But I've already stated the core of the argument any number of times. It's 
that what classical theists call God is not a being but Being Itself. That 
shouldn't be difficult for anyone who ever listened to Maharishi's teaching to 
grasp as a starting point.

 All I want is for the atheists here to stop embarrassing themselves by beating 
straw men to death. As I told Salyavin, you haven't got a prayer of defeating 
theism unless you address its strongest argument. And if you don't know what 
the strongest argument is, you've lost before you start.

 By the way, everything you've said in your post, as usual, is false. Anyone 
who wants specifics, just ask.

 Oh, and Barry, any time you want to know what I believe, I'm happy to tell 
you. No need for you to guess and make yourself look even stpider.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This is the same number she's tried to run any number of times before: "I 
won't discuss this weighty matter with you unless you do your homework and read 
all the ideas I (supposedly) have read about this (idiotic) concept first." 

It's "intellectual McCarthyism." Sorta like "I have in my hand a list of all of 
the Communists in the State Department," she claims "I have in my mind a list 
of all of the arguments of classical theism that prove you're an idiot and I'm 
smarter than you." The trick of this tactic, of course, is to never reveal the 
list. :-)

She's done it with astrology/Jyotish and with other dumbfuck ideas, always 
trying to put the onus on the person she's trying to convince of the validity 
of the dumbfuck idea. 

NEWS FLASH TO JUDY: We don't believe in the dumbfuck idea. We're pretty 
convinced that the dumbfuck idea is SO dumb that we don't care to invest any 
time in reading treatises about the dumbfuck idea written by so-called experts 
or "philosophers." If you want to argue for the dumbfuck idea you're 
championing, you've got to EXPLAIN IT YOURSELF.

 Which, of course, is the reason she doesn't ever explain. She can't. She's 
never been a teacher, and doesn't have either the thinking or the writing 
skills to adequately explain her position to someone who doesn't already share 
it. She has that lazy TM mindset in which one can only explain dumbfuck ideas 
to people who have already been conditioned to believe them. So she runs this 
number over and over and over again, to try to make those who don't buy the 
dumbfuck idea in the first place look STOOOPID for not having read volumes of 
purple prose defending the dumbfuck idea. 


 Salyavin nails it. Until Judy can make her *own* case for the dumbfuck idea 
she wishes to promote, no one needs to pay any attention to it whatsoever.

 But she'll never do that, because then she'd have to reveal that she actually 
*believes* in the dumbfuck idea, and thus she'd lose her "Get Out Of Jail Free" 
card, the one that allows her to pretend she's only arguing on principle, not 
because she's a fanatical believer in the dumbfuck idea.  :-)


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:45 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous
   Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism 
or shut the fuck up.

 We're waiting.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-15 Thread authfriend
Are you drunk?? 

 What the fuck makes you imagine I think the laws of physics are inadequate 
compared to theism? I don't know what that could even mean.

 Sober up and stop talking gibberish.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Either tell us where the laws of physics are inadequate compared to theism or 
shut the fuck up. 

 We're waiting.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yet another atheist wannabe who simply cannot lower himself to reading enough 
philosophy to realize the incoherence of one of his fundamental premises, or 
that the purported evidentiary problems of theism as confronted by science that 
he blabs on about so pompously are in fact nonexistent. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Hell if I know what a divinity is. I just copied the definition of 'numinous' 
from the Google search results for 'define:numinous'. I was discussing the 
nature of informed belief, that is belief based on evidence rather than simply 
an idea one has in the mind. I was not discussing anything about atheism. 
Without evidence, there is no case to be made, so arguments for and against are 
empty. One can argue that Sherlock Holmes smoked a Meerschaum pipe, but the 
evidence in the illustrations of the stories as originally published indicate 
he did not, but Sherlock Holmes never existed in reality as a real person, so 
what one is really arguing about here is not about Sherlock Holmes and his 
pipe, but the content of the text and illustrations in the stories about a 
fictional character called 'Sherlock Holmes'. So the argument concerning Mr 
Holmes is not about a reality but an illusion purporting to be a reality, the 
actual reality in this case being printed text and illustrations in The Strand 
Magazine (1891–1950, United Kingdom). 

 The definition of 'divinity' (noun) from the same Google source is 'the state 
or quality of being divine', and 'a divinity' would then be 'something that has 
the state or quality of being divine', which seems to imply there could be more 
than one something that has those characteristics. A saint might be considered 
divine. Zeus could be considered divine and therefore a divinity. So could 
Apollo, or Jehovah. Maybe I could be divine. Maybe you could be divine, though 
there seems to be a preponderance of opinion here that would not likely be the 
case. It is not incoherent to say 'I just believe in one less divinity than you 
do'. That is just a statement, a proposition. Some people believe in many 
divinities, some in just one, some in none. A proposition by itself is not an 
argument, just a statement that may or may not have truth value, which cannot 
be affirmed or denied on the basis of the proposition itself. Coherence depends 
on how a particular proposition aligns logically with other propositions, and 
aligns with what the proposition(s) point to, if in fact they point to 
something outside themselves, for if they do not, it is an empty argument, much 
ado about nothing.

 In mentioning enlightenment, that particular discipline investigates 
subjectively the nature of sensory experience and its relationship to thought, 
and the interpretation by thought of the nature of experience, whether in fact 
thought can represent 'truth' or is simply a distortion of 'truth', or even 
whether there really is anything or state that could be thought of as 'truth', 
that is, whether the word 'truth' has any meaningful correlate that is real.

 A friend of mine was recently sued for delinquent payment of rent. This was 
not true, as my friend brought evidence of the fact to court, but the person 
bringing the suit came to court without any evidence whatsoever, but managed to 
convince the court — the judge and the person suing being white and my friend, 
black, to a 90 day stay, so that evidence could be brought — the argument: 'I 
did not think (the defendant) would show up'. The case was thrown out by a 
higher judge on the basis that no evidence was brought, and the lower judge 
showed prejudice in not dismissing the case.

 This is the situation between non-believers and believers of the religious 
kind, there are arguments but evidence is unconvincing or absent in spite of 
the sophistication of the pleading or polemic of the claims being made.

 Science takes a practical tack in such instances, no evidence, no case. This 
gets rid of the nutters, so one can focus on actual stuff, but occasionally 
there are examples of the baby being thrown out with the bath water, but in 
time the mistake may be rectified. 

 'Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that 
may never be questioned.' — source unknown

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Exactly what is "a divinity"? 

 This is where atheists, especially those with pretensions to scientific 
understanding but who are deficient in philosophy, tend to get all tangled up 
and become incoherent, saying things like

[FairfieldLife] Eclipse

2014-04-15 Thread Michael Jackson
Hindu Superstition that is TM Gospel through the ignorance of believing Marshy 
was an infallible god:


Why should we follow the rituals during and after the eclipse and how 
should they be followed?
How to remain pure during the eclipse?
Why should we take a bath after an eclipse?

Back to Main

Q.1 Why should we follow the rituals during and after the eclipse and how 
should they be followed?
A. There are two types of eclipses: solar and lunar eclipses. When an eclipse 
occurs, only certain regions of the world are affected. The rule for following 
the eclipse ritual is as follows: if the eclipse affects the region that you 
are living in, then you should follow the rituals as prescribed by the 
scriptures. However, if the eclipse does not affect your region, then you 
should not follow the rituals laid out for the eclipse.

In the Shikshãpatri, Bhagwan Swaminarayan says:

At the time of a solar or lunar eclipse, instantly stop all activities and 
chant the name of God in a purified state. After the eclipse, householders 
should bathe with the clothes they are wearing and then make donations 
according to their means. (Shik 86/87)

The Hindu scriptures, the Purãns (written by Ved Vyãs), narrate the story of 
how the eclipse came into existence:

After the churning of the ocean by the devas (gods) and daityas (demons), amrut 
- immortalizing the nectar - was produced. It so happened that the demons got 
the nectar first, but the devas created an apsarã (a beautiful celestial woman) 
called Mohini. She tricked the demons and took the nectar away from them. Once 
the devas received the amrut, they asked God to distribute the amrut to all the 
gods equally. While God was serving everyone amrut, a demon, named Rãhu, 
through yogic powers transformed himself into a deva and sat in line to receive 
amrut and thus become immortal. He sat between the Sun-god and the Moon-god. 
They both recognized the demon in the form of a deva. When God unknowlingly 
served amrut to Rãhu, both the sun and the moon revealed that it was a demon. 
So God beheaded Rãhu instantly with his sudarshan chakra. But by the time God 
beheaded Rãhu he had drunk the amrut. The amrut had reached Rãhu’s throat, 
making his head immortal.
 Rãhu’s head thus became a planet. Since the Sun-god and the Moon-god told God 
about Rãhu, Rãhu was deeply disappointed and nursed a hatred for them. 
Therefore it is believed that during certain times of the year Rãhu holds the 
sun and the moon by his mouth (grahan), hence the existence of the solar and 
lunar eclipses.

The Shikshãpatri states that one should instantly stop all activities and chant 
the name of God at the time of an eclipse. The reason for doing so is to chant 
and pray to God for the release of the sun or the moon from the grasp of Rãhu.

Be it a solar or lunar eclipse, the rules to follow before, during and after 
the eclipse are as follows:

Before the eclipse:

One should not eat 12 hours before the solar eclipse begins. One can drink 
One should not eat 9 hours before the lunar eclipse begins. One can drink 
In addition, one should not offer meals to God during this pre-eclipse 
period. However, one is allowed to perform arti, pray and sing devotional songs 
during this period.
There may be times when the solar eclipse occurs before sunrise. Therefore 
one may see the eclipse only after the sun has risen. In this case, one should 
not eat after sunset the previous night.

During the eclipse:

While the eclipse is taking place one should sit in one place, chant the 
name of God and sing devotional songs.
One should observe a waterless fast while the actual eclipse is in progress.

After the eclipse:

One should take a bath with one’s clothes on immediately after the eclipse.
It is best to take a bath in cold water after the eclipse is over.
The Satsangijivan, written by Shatãnand Muni, states that after one 
purifies oneself, one should offer donations according to one’s income. If 
donations are offered with love and devotion, one will receive appropriate 
returns as stated in the scriptures. It is in the joy of the Sun and/or 
Moon-god being released from the clutches of Rãhu that the devotees offer 
donations. Since sadhus have no money, they rejoice by performing puja.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For TMers Only

2014-04-15 Thread nablusoss1008
The comment was not a critique of MMY, quite the contrary. He was making the 
point that SSRS claim the knowledge is his own while Maharishi always gave 
credit to Guru Dev for the knowledge. 
 The "Swami" behind the blog who posts critigues in all directions in Indian 
society looks like quite a fellow. I particulary enjoyed the pictures of him 
relaxing on a houseboat in Kerala with his girlfriend.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 4/14/2014 5:42 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 "i never like him he not a good person i think" - manish"
 I like the bluntness of this fellow. Often the gut feeling gives more than 
enough information to determine who is a real teacher.

 It is quite refreshing to read these critical comments about MMY and SSRS - in 
contrast to the boring posts on this list. Why do you suppose the informants 
keep holding back on FFL? This swami has this really figured out - why fly in 
the lotus seat when you can keep your feet on the ground? Go figure.
 "I just and only want to recommend everyone to stand with both feet on the 
ground of this earth. Why do you want to fly? god gave this job to the birds, 
let them fly around while you use your legs! work on peace in your own heart 
and you will do a much better contribution to world peace than by jumping in 
the Lotus seat, waiting to actually levitate someday." - Swami Balendu
 Shree Bindu Ashram:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :

 MMY and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the first pundit boy



 "well said, as SRi Sri Ravi shankar never said who is his Guru but many people 
from our movment they know Maharishi Mahesh yogi is his Guru. and he is using 
all his knowledge tell to people by him. he is using all the world of maharishi 
ji like his holliness maharishi mahesh mahesh yogi and now he is writing by him 
self his hollines sri sri ravi shankar maharishi never said it is his knowledge 
he always said it is from his master Gurudev but he is telling to people it is 
from him. i never like him he not a good person i think" - manish



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